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CUA Learning and Teaching Staff Respond to the Global Pandemic
Teaching and learning staff across the CUA were in an ideal position to minimise the impact the pandemic had on our students’ learning experience thanks to the iNOTE/DigitalEd Project and the work being done to build our digital teaching and learning capabilities across all eight campuses. Dr Carina Ginty leads out on the project.
In response to the global pandemic, we invested considerable resources in developing rapid response digital intervention initiatives, to support the learning, teaching and assessment transition, for staff and students. This was made possible due to several projects, including the development of the DigitalEd.ie knowledge platform.
Carina collaborates with all academic departments and professional services, on the development of digital education opportunities and the establishment of the CUA knowledge platform: DigitalEd.ie Reflecting on the work done to date, Carina says: “The scale of what was achieved in all CUA campuses in Galway, Mayo, Sligo and Donegal, and its alignment to digital transformation strategic objectives, has the potential for transfer of learnings to other higher education institutes in Ireland and internationally”. The iNOTE project and DigitalEd.ie knowledge platform will continue to play a big part in the CUA’s digital transformation journey. To find out more click on this link: www.digitaled.ie
Figure 1: The DigitalEd.ie Development Journey

DigitalEd.ie Accomplishments 2020-2021
300+ Ask Me Anything (AMA) Clinics delivered to academic staff covering digital learning and teaching skills.
150+ webinars/workshops delivered online on digital teaching and learning development strategies.
5,000+ staff registrations for online DigitalEd webinars across Galway, Mayo, Sligo and Donegal.
160+ teaching and learning office video demonstration resources produced.
45+ Learning, Teaching and Assessment resources/special guides developed. 90+ staff completed an accredited Level 9 postgraduate learning pathway in Technology Enhanced Learning or Digital T&L and 24 graduates became Digital Academic Champions, providing one-to-one and small group mentoring sessions across all CUA campuses.
10 specialist student remote learning support resources and services established.
7,000+ visits to the DigitalEd.ie knowledge platform. The platform was widely promoted on social media during the COVID-19 emergency. As a result additional higher education institutions have accessed the platform for support and guidance.
Figure 2: DigitalEd.ie Knowledge Platform

Figure 3: Developing Digtal Capabilties

Extraordinary goodwill was demonstrated by everyone involved in teaching, learning and supporting and leading functional areas in the CUA.
Much was learned for the future in our digital transformation development journey.
To learn more about the digital transformation journey in higher education, check out case studies by Dr Carina Ginty, available at the links below.
Ginty, C. (2021), An Institute Wide Response: Building Digital Teaching and Learning Capabilities During a Global Pandemic. Case study available at this link. Ginty, C, (2021), Building Digital Teaching and Learning Capabilities in GMIT with digitaled.ie Knowledge Platform. Case study available at this link.