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Digital Ed Conference, May 2021
DigitalEd Conference attracts over 700 attendees
In May of this year, over 700 colleagues from across the CUA participated in this 4-day programme. The conference covered a wide range of digital teaching and learning initiatives, established since commencing the iNOTE project in GMIT, IT Sligo and LYIT. Presenters included staff from all three CUA institutes. Keynote addresses exploring hot topics such as teaching and learning experiences during the pandemic and the digital transformation journey in Higher Education, included:
Making Social Connections:
The importance of empathy, storytelling and re(building) confidence Sue Beckingham, Sheffield Hallam University
Pivot and the Pandemic:
Professional learning during the time of Covid-19 Dr Orna Farrell, Dublin City University
Learning in a Time of Solitude:
What have we really learned from a year of living and learning during the global pandemic? Sheila MacNeill, Independent Consultant and Open Educator
Online Teaching Experience in MTU followed by a Digital Blitz with GMIT’s Digital Champions
Dr Tom Farrelly, MTU and EdTech Gasta
How does OpenEd fit into DigitalEd?
Dr Catherine Cronin, National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education
Building Digital Teaching and Learning Capabilities in the CUA with DigitalEd.ie Knowledge Platform
Dr Carina Ginty, GMIT Head of Teaching and Learning Office & Project Lead DigitalEd.ie
The CUA DigitalEd Conference was a unique opportunity for academic and professional services colleagues from across 8 campuses, to collaborate and share in an online learning space.
A suite of digital illustrations summarising the keynote and digital blitz messages is available to view here. The full DigitalEd Week Programme can be accessed here.

Figure 1: Digital Illustration: Learning in a time of solitude - what have we really learned from a year of living and learning during a global pandemic? Sheila MacNeill, Independent Consultant, Open Educator, Writer, Artist.

The second annual CUA DigitalEd Conference week will be held in May 2022. It will be open to the wider Higher Education sector and will showcase the CUA’s recent digital transformation outputs from the iNOTE project (2019-2022). The conference will offer a variety of teaching and learning workshops, information sessions and international keynote speeches. For further information please contact Jessica Duffy (pictured here), Teaching and Learning Project Co-ordinator at GMIT T&L Office at TLO@gmit.ie