InductionAcademic T: +353 (0)71 93 05222 F: +353 (0)71 91 60475 E:

CarVisitorPark ClarionRoad A H EB K L F 8 G M B C D Main Reception, Administration & Yeats EngineeringEngineeringBusinessBusinessScienceLibraryandCanteen&SocialSciences&SocialSciences&Design&Design Innovation Centre Student Centre AppliedYAADAYAADA ClarionKnocknareaTechnologyArena8 Legend A B C D E F K L G H M P 8 Bike Shelter Car PaidBuschargeElectricpointStopParkingP€ P€ P€ ArenaKnocknarea Campus Map
Our last few years have been challenging, due to the COVID-19 global pandemic, but we hope and expect that the coming academic year (2022/2023) will see a much more normal academic experience for everyone.
Ar dtús– ba mhaith liom fáilte mór a chur romhaibh go dtí an Ollscoil!
Starting any new role may seem challenging at times. But we are committed to supporting you, whatever your role might be. As you settle into the rhythm of working in our technological university, I urge you to keep focus on our core mission, which is about providing our learners with a transformative university experience, resulting in engaged citizens and employable graduates. As a new technological university, regional engagement will also be a huge part of our mission, and all staff, including academic, technical, administrative, management and research staff, have a key role to play in supporting these endeavours.
During the next year we will be working on the development of a new Strategic Development Plan, and consulting staff and stakeholders on values, vision and mission for ATU. Notwithstanding this activity, we have a proud tradition collectively of being very studentfocused, and deeply committed to the quality of our teaching, learning and research.
We are also committed to equality, and last year all three partners achieved the Athena SWAN bronze award, demonstrating our commitment to identifying and addressing barriers to gender
Dr. Orla Fylnn

New Colleagues, a Cháirde!
It’s my great pleasure to welcome you to our ATU community and to wish you an enjoyable and rewarding career with us.
Finally, I look forward to meeting many of you in person and virtually over the coming months, and wish you every success and happiness with us in Atlantic Technological University.
Is mise Orla Ní Fhloinn, Uachtarán anseo in Ollscoil Teicneolaíochta an Atlantaigh.
As you may already know, in April 2021 Atlantic Technological University was established following the merger of the former institutes of Technology in Galway-Mayo, Sligo and Letterkenny. We are a new University, and we are at an exciting phase of our development. We have over 23,000 student enrolments, making us one of the largest universities in Ireland, and we have over 2,200 staff contributing to the delivery of programmes of study across eight campuses in the beautiful west and northwest region of Ireland, as well as a wide range of online programmes.
equality across our organisation. In ATU we also have a very vibrant LGBTQ + Allies Staff Network – the AURA Network, which is very significant for staff and student inclusion.
Go raibh maith agaibh!
• Semester 1 exam Boards – End of January
Lecturers should connect to the Eduroam WiFi network. This network uses your single sign on details for logging in (
• Programme meetings
Wi-Fi in the College
You will already have received your email and login details (single sign on) from HR and you will use this login for your PC, Office 365 & Moodle. All email addresses at ATU Sligo are formatted as:
Your Head of Department or Programme Coordinator will help you locate this. The Module Descriptor will provide you with:
• Repeat Exam Boards – September
The first and most important piece of information you will need is Module Descriptor from the Approved Programme Schedule on Module Manager -
• Learning outcomes
Once signed in you can then automatically use Eduroam at nearly all national and international 3rd level Institutes.
Dates/times and locations for all Exam Boards will be issued by the Administrative Manager.
As a lecturer, you will find that most of your communication, at least initially, will be with your Head of Department, Programme Coordinator and Faculty Administrator.
Further information can be found at ATU Sligo Academic Calendar.
On arrival on your first day, you will be met by your Direct Line Manager. They will give you an overview of both the University & the Department /Faculty, organise your seating and computer needs and go through your timetable and modules.
The main reception is located in the main foyer as you enter the University. All phone calls and post go through there. To dial an outside line from your desk press 9. If you need to dial an International number this must go through reception – dial 0 and give the receptionist the number and they will connect you. All international numbers called are logged.

For information on IT Policies & Guidelines click here.
If you require any special software/hardware your Direct line supervisor will put in a request with IT services.
As a member of the teaching team you will be invited to attend various meetings throughout the Academic year such as:
• Learner effort required (both direct contact and other)
• Semester 2 Exam Boards – End of May
The academic year is divided into two equal parts with 12 teaching weeks each, called Semesters. The modules delivered within that Semester are examined at the end of that period and new or follow on modules are delivered in the next Semester. For the 21/22 academic year Semesters in ATU Sligo will run as follows:
• Faculty meetings
• Module assessment strategy (including allocation of marks within module and details of continuous assessment
Semester Breakdown
• Exam Boards
Exam Boards
First things first
• Module Level and Stage
• January 23rd 2023 - May 5th 2023
• September 19th 2022 - December 23rd 2022
Teaching and Learning Strategy
You need to familiarise yourself with this document and understand how your module, and your module learning outcomes and assessment strategy, fit into and align to the programme, to the programme learning outcomes and teaching and learning strategy.
Academic Induction Programme
Each week you have the option of attending the live online lunch time session, you can also watch the recording of each session, or you can complete a combination of both –attend and/or watch the recording. On successful completion of all 6 sessions (regardless of format) you will be asked to complete a Feedback Form – once this is successfully submitted you will attain a Digital Badge in Academic Induction. This digital badge can be linked to your CORE HR for professional development (CPD) purposes.
• Add Panopto Block
The Staff Portal is like a one stop shop for most of your
An Online Induction programme for academics new to ATU Sligo or new to teaching takes place each semester. The programme, hosted on Teams, and facilitated by Colin Birney (lecturer) comprises one hour per week (1pm – 2pm) for a 6-week duration. To register your interest in the programme please contact Louise Feerick at providing your full name, start date, faculty and department.

• Timetables: Staff & Students Week 3:
The Teaching & Learning Centre department aims to support staff across the University to build greater capacity to design their curriculum and teaching practices to ensure a good student experience and robust academic standards. The Teaching & Learning Centre is committed through the delivery of workshops, seminars and digital badge attainment in providing an effective Institutional approach to teaching, learning and assessment through a Universal Design for Learning (ULD) lens. It is our aim to support staff with engagement in their teaching and learning from the outset of module/programme development and in their teaching role.
Teaching & Learning
• Introduction
Teaching & Learning Centre (Sligo)
Dr Niamh Plunkett,

• Edit Moodle Page
• Microsoft Teams
There is also an icon on your desktop to access it. The portal is a site where you have access to all staff resources, IT helpdesk, Estates helpdesk, Moodle, Core, Policies & Regulations, Timetables, Academic Calendar and much more.
• IT Services
Staff Portal
• Module Manager
• Marks & Standards
Week 1:
• Overview of topics Week 2:
• Exam Board Meetings
Head of Teaching & Learning (Sligo)

Week 4:
What will you learn on the programme?
• Panopto Recordings
• Core Portal
• Continuous Assessment Week 6:
• One Drive
• Self Service Banner
• Lecture Plans
• Exam Scripts & Project Correction Claims
• Project Book Week 5:
The Teaching & Learning Centre also established Centres to support students with their learning, progression and success. These include Maths Support, Engineering Support and Academic Writing. The Academic Writing Centre also provides excellent support and resources to staff undertaking PG /PhD study, so we welcome you to avail of support on offer throughout the year.
• Online library
– Aoife Murray & John O’Callaghan
– Digital badge but you can also add units to your own Moodle page for students to work through. COL will help you to do this.
We will also discuss some of the digital badges & courses run by the Teaching & Learning Centre & COL including the Universal Design for Learning Digital Badge and the Post Graduate Certificate in Teaching, Learning & Assessment (Level 9) which you might be interested in undertaking in the future.
Face2Face Post Induction Workshop
For your students – please familiarise yourself with academic supports and don’t forget to direct students to the Student Support Centres especially as you get closer to assessment period. All Centres are available on Moodle under ‘my courses’. Here students can avail of online resources & recorded tutorials or make 1:1 appointments with a tutor. Maths Support Centre – Fionn Downes Tutor:
Towards the end of each semester we will host an on-campus Face2Face session with new academics or anyone interested to attend. This workshop aims to provide new academics with the opportunity to meet each other. Following on from the Academic Induction Programme we aim to expand on the content and through group discussion, to consider strategies to support any challenges you may have.

For all academic staff the Teaching & Learning Centre Moodle Page provides a range of supports & resources for anyone with a teaching & learning role in the University. Please take some time to browse through this Moodle page.
Student Academic Support Centres:
– Various Tutors
Programme – for any student for whom English is not a first language - students can enrol anytime to avail of online self-directed programme with live webinars (also recorded) weekly.
• Getting Started with Miro
• Moodle Groups and Groupings
• Moodle Assignments
• Turnitin
COL – Centre for Online Learning have a host of resources, support and training to prepare you for teaching remotely and online so please click on their link to view all they have to offer and book any training requirements you need now and throughout the year. Just login to Moodle and click on the COL tile. The instructional design team provides training to lecturers across the following topics: To book a training session please

• Online Supports for Students
• Introduction to Ally
• Breakout Rooms in MS Teams
• Panopto
• Moodle Gradebook
• Online Delivery (MS Team or Adobe connect)

• How to Revamp your Moodle Page with Tiles format

• Assignment Feedback
• Moodle Quizzes
• Moodle Basics
Sligo has partnered with LinkedIn Learning to provide you with free access to 16,000+ courses over a range of subjects to support your learning. You can access on-demand learning on any device at any time 24/7. Stop when you need to and pick up where you have left off. LinkedIn Learning will keep a record of your learning and you can add it to your own LinkedIn profile. Have you activated your ATU Sligo LinkedIn Learning Account –Click below for further information:

Key People to Know
DEPARTMENT Name/ Contact PRESIDENT Orla Flynn VP FINANCE & CORPORATE SERVICES Elizabeth McCabe VP EQUALITY, DIVERSITY & INCLUSION AND ONLINE DEVELOPMENT Jacqueline McCormack VP RESEARCH, INNOVATION & ENGAGEMENT Chris O’Malley VP STUDENT EXPERIENCE, TEACHING & LEARNING Michele Glacken VP ACADEMIC AFFAIRS & REGISTRAR Billy Bennet HEAD OF TEACHING & LEARNING Niamh Plunkett HEAD OF FACULTY OF SCIENCE Jeremy Bird LIFE SCIENCE Neville McClenghan ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE Frances Lucy HEALTH & NUTRITION SCIENCES Thomas Smyth ADMINISTRATIVE MANAGER Deirdre Collery - Ext 5342 FACULTY OF BUSINESS & SOCIAL SCIENCES Breda McTaggart BUSINESS Valerie McTaggart SOCIAL SCIENCES Brenda Feeney MARKETING, TOURISM & SPORT Tomas O’Flaherty ADMINISTRATIVE MANAGER Amanda Harrison – Ext 5252 FACULTY OF ENGINEERING & DESIGN Úna Parsons MECHATRONIC ENGINEERING David Mulligan COMPUTING & ELECTRONIC ENG John Kelleher CIVIL ENG & CONSTRUCTION Trevor McSharry MANUFACTURING ENGINEERING Xavier Velay ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY Padraig McGarry YEATS ACADEMY OF ARTS, DESIGN & ARCHITECTURE Emmet O Doherty ADMINISTRATIVE MANAGER Annica Rasmark – Ext 5495 IT SUPPORT Via staff portal ESTATES Via staff portal PAYROLL EXAMINATIONS SECURITY Ext 888 FIRST AID EMERGENCY 333 or 071 9155333 RECEPTION Ext 0 The full ATU Sligo Organisational Chart can be viewed here and a full staff phone list is available on the Staff Portal For further information on the Faculties please check out their webpages Faculty of Business & Social Sciences | Faculty of Science Faculty of Engineering & Design
LinkedIn Learning

• At all times, exercise personal security precautions
• Moodle provides assessment tools such as access quizzes
• Moodle enables communication between lecturers and students

• Report all accidents, incidents and near misses immediately.
• IT Services are currently responsible for Supporting Technical Issues in Moodle to Staff and Students
The Yeats Library
• All lecturers & students can access it
• Observe the speed signs in the car park which are a maximum of 15 kph and be mindful of the presence of pedestrians
• Park in the approved spaces only and do not block emergency exits
• Where indicated, wear the mandatory Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) in laboratories, workshops etc. Students must purchase their own PPE and are responsible to ensure that it is fit for purpose.
• Ensure an Accident or Incident report form is completed to enable a thorough investigation be undertaken to prevent similar occurrences in the future
For more information and updates go to the Yeats Library website.
• Students can download assignments and upload solutions. Solutions can be verified using Turnitin
The Yeats Library is situated centrally on campus, just off the main concourse. It holds a stock of over 50,000 books in print. Access is also provided to a further 100000+ electronic books as well as a wide range of journals, electronic databases, films, maps, official publications and other resources.
Health & Safety
• Moodle enables lecturers to provide learning material (pdf, video, lecturer recordings, web links etc.) to students to access in their own time
Click here to view the Health & Safety webpage where you will find more information and links to H&S training courses.
• Moodle is ATU Sligo’s current Learning Management System, LMS
In the light of the Covid-19 pandemic, the Library’s online information resources such as ebooks and ejournals are increasingly important. The Library provides an online helpdesk and chat facility. There is Pre-booked Study and “Click and Collect” borrowing from the Yeats Library building on campus and it is hoped the pandemic situation will improve and these services will continue. Postal Loans allow borrowing of print items from off campus
• Smoking is prohibited in all indoor places and in designated Tobacco Free Zones which are located outside the main exits and entrances on Campus
• You must obey the instructions given by staff
Off campus social events such as the Christmas and Summer parties along with restaurant visits and barbecues also prove popular.
• Please ensure you are familiar with all of the emergency exits
Campus events which include coffee mornings and end of term lunches are always popular and a great way to meet people through the college.
18 ATU SLIGO ACADEMIC INDUCTION 2022 2023 ATU SLIGO ACADEMIC INDUCTION 2022 2023 19 J MAPEMERGENCY A A B A A A F J A A L M A P A A HMANORHAMILTONROADN16 ASH LANE ENTRANCE CLARIONENTRANCEROAD PARKCARVISITOR ROADCLARION AdministrationReception,Main LibraryYeats& BuildingMunnMac&Science SciencesSocial&Business SciencesSocial&Business Design&Engineering Design&Engineering CentreInnovation CentreServicesStudent CentreMedical& CentreAcademic DesignCreative DesignCreative TechnologyApplied ArenaKnocknarea PointsAssemblyFire A G www.locationmaps.com40847310800Tel:LtdMapsLocationbyPublished DeskMainoppositeLibrary CorridorScienceHealth CandBbetweencorridorFloorGround EateryWBOpposite ReceptionMainCentreInnovation CentreMedicalOutside LBlocktoCorridorEntrance AEDPortable-ArenaKnocknarea WorkshopsMBlockOutside WorkshopsFBlockOutside SuiteManagementEngineeringOutside BankBeside LabFoundationtheOutside EntranceKBlock tooutRoute PointAssembly PointAssembly Number Fir e assem b l y poin t Fir e assem b y poin t 1 Fir e assem b l y poin t 2 Fir e assem b l y poin t 3 Fir e assem b l y poin t 4 Fir e assem b y poin 5 Fir b y poin 6 poin 7 Fir b poin 8 56 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 ReceptionMaininArenaKnocknarea CafeWB BlockGintoFfromcorridorFloorSecond liftthebesideReceptionPointsAidFirst&AED 1 2 3 4 ECNARTNEDAORNOTLIMAHRONAM 17 16 4 8 7 6 5 10 L 3 13 1 9 11 12 P M G F E K H A B C D 2 14 15 18
The Social Club at ATU Sligo has over 200 members and organises a range of events and activities throughout the year.
The committee are happy to take any suggestions on board and organise events that members are interested in. The cost is €2 per week deducted monthly from salary.
Evacuation Procedure
Currently activities are on hold with COVID-19 restrictions, but we hope to be up and running at full speed shortly. If you have any queries, please email Keith McManus –
Activities fall into a few categories:
Social Club
• In the event of a Continuous Alarm you must evacuate the building by the nearest fire exit to one of the designated Fire Assembly points located in the Campus Car parks
• You must not re-enter a building until you are told to do so by a member of staff
Sports and leisure activities include cycling, walking, visits to Sligo Races, Zip It, IceSkating, Off-Road Driving, trips to provincial rugby games. Anything goes!
Arts and Cultural activities include theatre, music and pantomimes. Recent events have included trips to the Bord Gais for Mama Mia and Les Miserables along with local events such as Hawks Well theatre trips and Sligo Live Music events.
AIB Bank is ATU Sligo’s on-campus Bank. The branch office and ATM are located opposite the Canteen in the Science Block.
External Bicycle Lockers
Visitors Carpark / Pay on exit adjacent to student centre block H 50c per hour (or part thereof) or €3.50 for full day.
There are four car parks on campus providing spaces for 950 vehicles, with visitor, pay parking, pay and display and free parking.
The campus cycling facilities are available for both staff and students who cycle to campus. These facilities comprise of the following:
Unisex Shower/Changing Facility Room H0023
• 17:00 and machines close at 17:00.
• Tickets cannot carry over to the following day.
There are a very limited number of free spaces adjacent to Building L at the St Columba’s complex.
• Open time is 07:00 and tariff applies 09:00
• Ticket will not permit multiple entries/exits.
• Notes Accepted: €5, €10, €15, €20 and €50.
For more details go to ATU Sligo wheel clamping & appeal process
Cycling Facilities
Car Parking
• Ticket must be inserted at the exit barrier within fifteen minutes of payment or it will time-out and the barrier will not lift.
There are sixty lockers provided to store and air clothing and personal belongings pursuant to the activity of cycling and are not intended for general use. 30 lockers are operated with €1 coins and the other 30 are operated with €2 coins. A coin must be inserted in order to secure the locker and enable the key to be removed. The coin is refunded when the key is replaced, and locker opened.
A comprehensive catering service is offered across the campus serving breakfast, lunches and beverages throughout the day and it is the policy of the University to focus on increasing the healthy offerings at each location.
External Bicycle Shelters
• Pay machines are located throughout the car park.
Designated parking is provided throughout all carparks for people with limited mobility.
Internal Lockers Room H0023
• Coins Accepted: 10C, 20C, 50C, €1 and €2.
• Tariff applies Monday – Friday, 09.00 – 16.00.
Please be aware that clamping is in operation. The Clamping Policy applies during all opening hours of the University and during academic holidays whilst staff, students or others are using the buildings. A fee of €50 is charged to release the clamp and a €200 charge is applied if the clamp is tampered with. You should contact Security at ext. 888 to get the clamp released.
• Credit / Debit Cards Accepted.
Mobility Parking
Free parking is available in the main car park in front of reception Block A, and the carpark between the Apprentice Building Block F and Knocknarea Arena Block.
This room is located on the lower ground floor of the Student Centre (Block H). The room comprises of five shower stalls, sixty heated and ventilated lockers, hair dryers, hand wash facility and mirrors.
• Coins Accepted: 10C, 20C, 50C,€1 and €2.
Opening hours vary for each location but generally services are available during term time from: Monday to Thursday: 8:30am to 8:00pm / Friday: 8:30am to 4.30pm We also operate vending in certain areas across campus for convenience.
Bolt, the European mobility champion launched its first electric bikes on the Atlantic Technological University Sligo campus as it seeks to encourage students to cycle and reconsider the use of private vehicles when commuting to college.
There are five external bicycle lockers located at Blocks D, H, L and P. These are for use by people with high value bikes to allow them to lock the bike in a separate enclosure. The lockers will be available on a first come first serve basis and can be obtained by contacting the Estates Office in room A1020. It is envisaged that the users use their own padlock.
€1.00 for 1st hour (or part thereof), €2.00 for 2 hours or €2.50 for full day.
Lockers are permitted for use for one day only. More details on cycling facility procedures are available at:
• The Pay machine is located in the Student Centre Block H.
These shelters at Blocks B, D, E, G, H, L and P provide a means to lock bikes in a secure manner by locking the bicycle wheel and frame to a secure rail.
The launch at ATU Sligo forms part of the wider e-bike launch in Sligo, which took place July 2022, and is in preparation for the return of students to campus for the upcoming academic year. Two parking stations have been established on the ATU campus, with an additional two stations to be provided before the academic year commences in September.
Tariffs apply in the following car parks;
Clarion Road Pay and Display Car Park
Bus Service has an official stop on campus near the Main Canteen and a weekly ticket is available. Local Link services from a wider radius in Co Sligo and surrounding counties also use this stop.
ATU Sligo has made significant investments in sporting and recreational facilities which has resulted in state-of-the-art amenities that we see on campus. With access available seven days a week, keeping active has never been so easy.
Healthy Campus
At the centre of our facilities is this impressive multi-purpose sports hall that can be easily divided into two independent sections in effect providing two sports halls which can be used for a wide variety of sports including basketball, badminton, 5-a-side, volleyball, circuit training and many more.
The opening hours are as follows: Monday to Thursday 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m., Friday 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., Saturday and Sunday 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., closed on bank holidays.
Multi-Activity Studio
The University has built all-weather international standard, eight lane tartan surface, floodlit, running track with throwing and jumping facilities. This is a state-of-the-art facility offering excellent training and competition conditions.
We have a 3G astro turf pitch which is fully floodlit, and FIFA approved. We also have three floodlit grass pitches – a championship standard pitch for GAA and Rugby, a FAI certified Soccer pitch and a high-quality training pitch.
Athletics Track
For more information, please visit
Sport and Recreation Facilities
An outdoor Gym is located along the campus walking trail, Sli na Sláinte.
Public Transport
This state-of-the-art facility newly refurbished in April 2022 is available to staff during the academic year. The equipment includes a full range of high quality aerobic and resistance equipment, including free weights. The Knocknarea Arena qualified fitness team can provide individual training programmes.
This versatile facility provides for a variety of uses including spinning, aerobic/yoga classes, martial arts and small group functions to name a few.
The Healthy Campus Initiative aspires to create within ATU Sligo an environment and culture that enhances the health, well-being and sustainability of all members of it’s community and enables them to achieve their full potential. Through this a balanced lifestyle will be valued, and good physical and emotional health will be promoted while everyone will be encouraged and supported to take responsibility for their health and wellbeing.
Knocknarea Arena
The Knocknarea Arena management and staff look forward to meeting you and making your visit an enjoyable experience. For more information, phone 071 9155211, email or log onto
ATU Sligo campus is served by a variety of bus companies that provide a daily service for those who live convenient to Sligo and a weekly service for those who travel home at

Playing Fields
Please keep an eye for all updates and news from Knocknarea Arena on Facebook and Instagram.
St Joseph’s Ballytivnan Road 071 9142422 -8.46923154.281234, SundaySaturday 11:00;19:30 12:30;
Islamic Prayer Service
Presbyterian Church Presbyterian Church Church St 071 08691623370752137 -8.47589954.269530, Sunday Morning11:30 Worship
SligoBaptistBaptist Church Cartron Village, Sligo, F91 XE42 087 7199253 -8.47638554.282328, TuesdaySunday 11:00 – 12:30 20:00 – 22:00
Sligo City Church (Pentecostal) Sligo City Church Mercy ChapelCollege,Hill 086 2434047 -8.46907954.267850, Sunday Morning11:00 Worship Student19:30 Life Group

Institute Procedures, Policies & Guidelines AcademicHR Affairs, Registrar & Exams Administration Overview Staff PlacesAcademicEstatesITCovidLinkedinMoodlePortalLearningInformationHelpdeskHelpdeskCalendarofWorship in
Sligo General Hospital The Mall -8.46204154.274299, Friday Friday13:30pmPrayer
TREM Church Unit 9, Village,CartronSligo 086 2552343 071 9173465 -8.47638554.282328, TuesdaySunday 18:0011:00
Calry Church The Mall 071 9146513 -8.46708354.272644, Sunday Morning11:00 Worship
St Anne’s Cranmore Road 071 9145028 -8.46674054.269392, SundaySaturday 10:00;18:30 13:00; 18:30
St John’s Cathedral John St 071 9162263 -8.47748754.270299, Sunday Morning10:30 Worship
Methodist Church Methodist Church Wine St 071 9142346 -8.47782054.272300, Sunday Morning10:15 Service
Important Links Sligo
Dominican Friary High St 071 9142700 -8.47339754.269240, SundaySaturday 09:30;19:30 11:00; 12:15
Church of Ireland
Seventh Day Adventist Church
Seventh Day Adventist Church 087 1120238 -8.47589954.269530, Saturday 11:00
Redeemed Christian Church (Pentecostal)
Catholic Churches
Redeemed Christian Church Presbyterian Hall, Church St 087 6839778 -8.47589954.269530, Sunday 14:00 - 16:00 19:00 - 20:30
The Redeemed Evangelical Mission (TREM) Church
St Mary’s Cathedral Temple St 071 9162670 -8.47872554.269778, SundaySaturday 08:30,19:30 10:30, 12:00, 19:00