1 minute read
COVID-19 Is a glO
a glObal Issue.
COVID-19 Is a glO
More importantly,
COVID-19 Is a glO
to keep rumors and misinformation from spreading. Health professionals and the WHO recommend using the term COVID-19 for the coronavirus pandemic. We should not blame a certain race of people or ethnic group for the COVID-19 pandemic.
COVID-19 Is a glO

Mama Elephant, I want to get the COVID-19 vaccine. How much

Ellie, the vaccine is free, even with no insurance!
That's great! But we are undocumented. Can we still get the vaccine?
Yes! You don't have to be a US citizen to get the vaccine and no one will ask us about if we are undocumented when we get our vaccine.
Wait! I'm scared that ICE or CBP will be at the vaccine clinic. And is it
I understand your fears. But no, ICE and CBP will not be there and our personal information will only be used by public health workers.
Ok, yay! I'm ready to get vaccinated now!
Stay Connected
by taking breaks from media. You can go on socially-distanced walks with friends
Stay connected with your friends and family via phone and video call.