Hello readers,
Welcome to The City Times November/December edition.
There are lots of Christmas adverts this month, including the fantastic panto at Chelmsford Theatres which you can see on our front page!
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I have to start with not only a brand new Rolling Stones album (which I am loving) but we also have a brand new Beatles song which again I am loving - interestingly, Paul McCartney is on both. So, some new stuff for the tribute and covers acts to cover!
What about these storms we are having? I remember when we would say that bad weather is on the way, but now we have to name them - why? We are English and not American! Anyway, side from all that, the weather has not been very good. The kids are now back for the last half of term before that time of year (yes Christmas). It’s funny, I was talking to someone of a similar age to me the other day and we both said how time just seems to fly by now - is it just us or do you find the same?
I’m not sure what it is like where you live, but I noticed some changes here in Chelmsford; we have some businesses going and some new ones appearing - let’s hope the new ones get supported and succeed and the that those who are struggling can survive, as I know how tough things are at present. But I, like others, are hoping to see some light at the end of the tunnel.
A good friend of mine has just received a beautiful rescue dog from Turkey. she is great and seems to be settling in very well. If you are thinking of getting a pet do consider a rescue pet. as there are so many from around the world.
It’s time to announce who I have booked so far for Chelmsford next year: We had to postpone Rhino’s Revenge (of Status Quo) due to illness. All is now well and the gig is going ahead on Thursday 30th November - be quick if you want to come along as it is almost soldout! Details are in the advert. We recently had The Track Dogs from Spain play Hot Box, and they were just brilliant. We have also had Jack Lukeman playing at Hot Box for us. Meanwhile, back at the Social Club, we have just had had The Korgis, Albert Lee, Terry Reid, Imagine The Beatles and Wille Edwards playing. I have to say, all were absolutely superb and we are hoping to rebook them all again (if we have enough space in the year that is).
You can see in the advert who we have still to come for this year as well as a couple for next year. So far, l have booked two acts at Hot Box: The first is on Saturday 20th January with Malcolm Bruce, the son of the late great Jack Bruce of Cream. I think Malcolm is as talented as his father and is a multi-instrumentalist. He plays all types of music and he is even writing an opera! I am thrilled that Malcolm’s daughter Maya Sage is carrying on the family tradition and will be opening the show for him. She also has a new album coming out. The next act is an old favourite of Chelmsford, who last played here at the Army and Navy. We have him back - John Otway with his Big Band on Saturday 27th April! I would highly recommend both of these shows and do book early as space is limited there.
Now for Chelmsford Social Club: We kick off 2024 on Friday 9th February with the legend that is Jim Cregan, he of Family, Cockney Rebel and 20 years with Rod Stewart. Cregan’s band is amazing. We have our very own Richard Townend opening the evening. The next Friday on 16th February, we are pleased to welcome back Nine Below Zero who I am sure you all know. Opening the night will be a great blues act, The Zac Schulze Gang.
On Friday 8th March we welcome back John Verity and Del Bromham playing together and having a lot of fun. Another welcome return (with a new singer) on Friday 15th March is Led Into Zeppelin. Next up on Friday 22nd March we have Cold Flame who will do two sets - one of their own original music, and a second set playing the music of Jethro Tull. They are so good at this that they have actually played alongside members of Jethro Tull themselves.
We take a break for Easter and then return on Friday 5th April with the Trembling Wilburys returning to entertain us again for the night. On Friday 12th April we have Jah Wobble - yes, he of PIL along with with John Lydon. This is going to be great! Friday 19th April we have Skylines, who play the music of Camel - and Splink who play originals which they describe as ‘No Rules Music’, which I think is also a bit of little modern prog.
To close April we have the instrumental band, Held By Trees - this band pay homage to Talk Talk and of course to Mark Hollis who was from Canvey Island. The band includes guys who have played with Talk Talk and Mark Hollis. The band consists of guitarist Robbie McIntosh, percussionist Martin Ditcham, pianist Laurence Pendrous and flautist Andy Panayi and are led by founder and composer David Joseph. They are joined by Robbie’s drummer Paul Beavis. Opening the night we have Calum Ingram with his cello - he will also be playing with Held By Trees too.
We then move into May. On Friday 10th May we have Supernatural who pay homage to Peter Green, with members of the band who played with Peter as well. Friday 17th May its Steemy Dan - if you like Steely Dan, you will love these guys. Friday 24th May sees The Jam Project return, and on Friday 31st May we have two tributes. We were so impressed we had to book them: The UK Bee Gees and Elton John (solo) and on on Friday 7th June ZZ Toppd - I just had to book them; come along and you will see why.
On Friday 19th July, both Noasis and The Next Agenda return. Then its our summer break and we are back on Friday 6th September with The Overtures playing the best from the 60s and 70s. On Friday 27th September, Martin Turner (ex-Wishbone Ash) is also back to play.
Then towards the end of the year on Friday 29th November 2024 The Rollin Clones are back. Friday 6th December sees a band I have seen a couple of times, Merry Hell, who are folk rock and just amazing. We close our 2024 year on Friday 13th December with the return of Imagine The Beatles. So just a few gaps to fill with some pencilled in, and others we are waiting to hear from - but we are excited to say the least.
There is a Christmas jazz event happening this year at the Social Club with three shows over two days on Friday 22nd December at 8pm and Saturday 23rd December at 3pm and then again at 8pm. The cost is £20 inclusive, and doors open 30 minutes before showtime. The event is with Larry Berkovitz and Zak Barrett along with Domonic Copestick, Adam Mader, Robert Rickenberg, Andy Frost and Rowan Ward. This is going to be fantastic with some of the top jazz musicians playing here for you. Book this show via www.wegottickets. com/xmasjazz.
If you have anything you think that could be of interest to our readers for either City Times or Moulsham Times, then please let us know by emailing editorial@itsyourmedia.co.uk - it may be an event or a topic of interest. Or have you done anything unusual or are you planning something? If so, we want to know about it. If you know of someone who may wish to advertise with us, then please ask them to contact ads@itsyourmedia.co.uk and we can send over full details.
You can get tickets for all our shows in Chelmsford from Intense Records, Hopsters and Chelmsford 4Good - please pay cash in person when you buy. Tickets are also available online from www. wegottickets.com/BlackFrogPresents, or via our ticket hotline at no extra charge - call or text 07508 496 411 and you can then pay the advance price on entry to the show rather than the walk-up price. For all Black Frog Presents gig updates and information, go www. linktr.ee/BlackFrogPresents, or scan the QR code in the poster in this magazine.
It would be fantastic if you could also share our magazines The City Times and Moulsham Times for us. We continue to publish both magazines online as well at www.thecitytimes.co.uk and www. moulshamtimes.com.
By Lauren Capp
This is Halloween, everyone make a scene! October is and always been my favourite month. Even more so this year as I got married!
As you may have guessed we love Halloween, and what comes at Halloween? Pumpkins!
The taste of a pumpkin can often be very bland, so I tend to add flavours to it to enhance it. Also I like to add other squashes such as butternut squash when making pumpkin soup to get a more rich flavour.
You can also eat the whole pumpkin - except the stalk - which a lot of people do not know. You can roast the seeds which go lovely on salads, you can add the stringy orange insides (I can’t actually find out what the name for this is!) to soups and stews to thicken.
You can eat the skin of squashes, but it doesn’t have a great taste so I would personally remove this. However if roasting there is no need, to as you can just eat around it.
Roasted pumpkin can be a great addition to lots of meals, you can add sweet flavours by adding spices like nutmeg, cinnamon, allspice and vanilla, or sweet ingredients like chocolate, maple, honey, cranberries or brown sugar. Create savory dishes by pairing pumpkin with spices like chilli, cajun, cayenne or pepper. This can then be added to curry’s or salads, or eaten on its own.
My recipe This month has to be my pumpkin soup. I first made this recipe when I worked in a pub and during Halloween, we would serve it. It went down so well and have been making it every year since.
Halloween Pumpkin Soup Ingredients: Olive oil.
2 onions, chopped. 1kg of pumpkin and butternut squash, peeled and cut into cubes. 700ml stock.
150 double cream.
• Heat your olive oil in a large pan then gently cook the onions for 5 minutes until soft but not coloured.
• Add 1kg pumpkin or squash, cut into chunks, to the pan, then carry on cooking for 8-10 minutes, stirring occasionally until it starts to soften and turn golden.
• Pour 700ml vegetable or chicken stock into the pan and season with salt and pepper. Bring to the boil, then simmer for 10 minutes until the squash is very soft.
• Pour 150ml double cream into the pan, bring back to the boil, then purée with a hand blender or food processor.
The soup can now be frozen for up to 2 months. I like to toast some of the pumpkin seeds to go on top.
By the time this article gets published, you may not be able to get pumpkins anymore, but you can use a mixture for squashes for an excellent soup.
My picture I’ve chosen to share this month is the table decoration from my wedding last week, as it’s much more picturesque then pumpkin soup! :)
Over the winter months you’re more likely to pick up any number of coughs and colds, especially if you have school-age children. That’s why now is the perfect time to boost your immunity. Read on for five easy ways to ward off the seasonal ills:
Sleep and immunity are closely linked, so if you’re not getting a good night’s sleep then you’ll be much more susceptible to picking up any bug going around. Make sure your sleep environment is cool (65 degrees F/18 degrees C is ideal). Block out any residual light, turn off digital devices at least an hour before bedtime and do something immediately before sleep that switches your body into a more relaxed mode, whether that’s reading a book or listening to a short meditation.
The key to immunity is making sure your gut is healthy. Fermented foods such as yogurt, kefir, kimchi and sauerkraut are rich in beneficial bacteria called probiotics, which populate your digestive tract. If you’re not already eating these foods, they’re so easy to incorporate into your daily meals. Yogurt and kefir can be
eaten for breakfast with a handful of fresh berries and a sprinkling of nuts and seeds, while kimchi and sauerkraut can be added to soups and hotpots or simply eaten as an accompaniment to a mixed salad.
3) Exercise (But Not Too Much!)
While continued, intense exercise can actually supress your immune system, moderate exercise can give it a much-needed boost. Think brisk walks in the sunshine, a simple cycle ride - or if the weather is truly horrendous, head to your local leisure centre for a few lengths of the pool. As an added bonus, exercise of this nature will lift your mood, reduce inflammation in the body and will help your immune cells regenerate regularly.
4) Boost Vitamin C Levels
Increasing the amount of vitamin C in your diet may not necessarily stop you from catching coughs and colds, but it should decrease their duration. Most people automatically think of citrus fruits such as oranges, lemons and limes with regards to this vital vitamin, but there are many other foods that are just as good, if not better. These include chilli peppers, bell peppers, blackcurrants, parsley, kale, kiwis and broccoli.
5) Eat More Whole Plant Foods
Fruits, nuts, seeds, vegetables and legumes are all packed full of nutrients and antioxidants that will help your body fight back against harmful pathogens. In addition, the fibre found in plant foods will feed your gut microbiome, which not only improves your immunity but also prevents harmful pathogens entering your body via your digestive tract.
Wishing you a happy and healthy month ahead! If you’d like advice on any aspect of your health, please contact me through my website at www.demelzaraynernutrition.co.uk.
November is a time when the garden starts to prepare for winter, but there are still tasks to be done. Here are ten for you to do:
• Clearing Debris: Remove fallen leaves, dead plants and any other debris to prevent diseases and pests from overwintering.
• Composting: Turn your attention to composting. Use fallen leaves, kitchen scraps and other organic matter to create nutrient-rich compost for next year.
• Planting Bulbs: November is the perfect time to plant springflowering bulbs like daffodils and tulips. Get them in the ground before the first frost.
Here’s a guide using specific named winter-flowering bulbs to create interest in your UK garden:
• Snowdrops (Galanthus nivalis): Choose a shaded or partially shaded area for snowdrops. They do well under deciduous trees or along the edges of garden beds.
Design Tip: Plant snowdrops in natural drifts for a carpet of white flowers. Their simple elegance can create a serene and enchanting atmosphere.
• Winter Aconite (Eranthis hyemalis): Winter aconites thrive in welldrained soil and can tolerate both partial shade and full sun.
Design Tip: Combine winter aconites with snowdrops for a dynamic display of yellow and white. Their low-growing habit makes them ideal for the front of borders.
• Crocus ‘Ruby Giant’: Plant these deep purple crocuses in welldrained soil in full sun or partial shade.
Design Tip: Create a striking contrast by planting Crocus ‘Ruby Giant’ in clusters among lighter coloured bulbs. The bold colour adds drama to your winter garden
• Iris reticulata ‘Harmony’: These small irises prefer well-drained
soil and can be planted in rock gardens or at the front of borders.
Design Tip: Plant Iris reticulata ‘Harmony’ in groups along pathways or near entrances where their vibrant blue blooms can be easily admired.
• Winter Heath (Erica carnea): While not a bulb, winter heath is a winter-flowering perennial that adds colour to your garden. Plant it in acidic and well-drained soil.
Design Tip: Pair the pink or white blooms of winter heath with early-flowering bulbs like snowdrops for a textured and colourful winter display.
Remember to consider the bloom times, colours, and height of these plants when planning your garden. Mixing different varieties strategically can create a visually appealing and dynamic winter landscape. Plant in groups, combine contrasting colours, and experiment with arrangements to make the most of these named winter-flowering bulbs in your garden.
Trim back perennial plants that have died back. Also, prune roses and any other shrubs that are at risk of wind damage during winter storms.
If you have any tender plants in your garden, like certain perennials or young shrubs, consider protecting them with a layer of mulch or horticultural fleece.
Here’s a guide tailored to specific named plants:
• Dahlias: Lifting Tubers: Dahlias are sensitive to frost. Lift the tubers after the first frost, let them dry for a few days, and store them in a cool, dry place over winter.
• Fuchsias: Fuchsias are often grown in containers. Move potted fuchsias indoors to a cool, frost-free location. Water sparingly during the winter months.
• Oleanders: If you have oleanders in containers, move them to a sheltered spot, preferably against a south-facing wall. Wrap the containers with bubble wrap or horticultural fleece for insulation.
• Canna Lilies: Lift canna lily rhizomes after the first frost. Allow them to dry, remove excess soil, and store them in a cool, frostfree place. Replant in spring.
• Banana Plants (eg, Musa Basjoo): Banana plants can be mulched heavily around the base. In colder regions, consider wrapping the stems with horticultural fleece or burlap to protect against frost.
• Lawn Care: Give your lawn some attention by raking up leaves, aerating the soil, and applying an autumn lawn feed to keep it healthy throughout winter.
• Clean and Oil Tools: As you wind down for winter, clean and oil your garden tools. This prevents rust and ensures they’ll be in good shape for spring.
• Winter Containers: If you have containers, consider planting some winter interest plants like heathers or ornamental cabbages to add colour during the colder months.
• Bird Feeding: Set up bird feeders and provide food for our feathered friends. This helps them through the winter months when natural food sources may be scarce.
• Check Garden Structures: Inspect and repair any garden structures, such as fences, trellises, or supports. Winter storms can be tough on these, so a little maintenance now can save you trouble later.
That should keep you busy and your garden happy through November!
Regards for now.
Tom Cole
When Mr and Mrs N bought their property nine years ago, they knew that they wouldn’t want to keep the existing kitchen but decided to live with it for a while as they learned the pros and cons of the existing layout.
Although the kitchen layout worked for them, the furniture had seen better days and was in need of a refresh, Mrs N also wanted to reignite her passion for cooking and had her eye on some innovative appliances from NEFF that she wanted to upgrade to, which included a pyrolytic oven and venting hob. She was keen to make better use of the space available to give her more storage and include some clever solutions to make kitchen life more pleasant, the kitchen needed to work within the existing open plan space and be suitable for their older children and family gatherings. Mr and Mrs N really wanted to include as large an island as possible in the room, but didn’t want this to impact the flow of the kitchen. Mrs N is a keen user of Pinterest and had gathered many great ideas from the platform. This helped her realise that she really wanted German furniture in 3 different colours to fulfil the look she was aiming for.
After researching on the internet, they narrowed their choice to two Essex-based companies with great customer feedback and access to quality German manufactures. Visiting both showrooms, they invited the respective designers out to listen to their recommendations. They were particularly impressed with Regal Kitchens designer’s listening skills; all ideas and wishes were incorporated into the design. He suggested moving the large American style fridge-freezer from the entrance view to a more discreet place, and it was also recommended that extra height wall units were used to give more storage space on either side of the kitchen as well as including some clever storage solutions to make access to larger cupboards simpler. A combination of three different colours can be difficult to make work outside of anything but the largest kitchens, however with the right
design and a daring client it can be pulled off. Changing the existing bulky extractor for the more modern venting hob really creates a more open, spacious area, and the new oven and combi mean that catering for family and friends is a breeze. The exposed brickwork creates yet another texture to add warmth and richness to the ambience of the room.
Mr N said. “Regal Kitchens certainly live up to their values - client focused, sincere and genuine from start to finish. Any issues were addressed promptly and communication was fantastic, they truly care. A huge thank you to John and his wonderful team, we are extremely grateful to you all, we are so so happy with our new kitchen. We have and will continue to recommend Regal to others.”
Mrs N added, “Regal Kitchens really listened to all of our ideas with sincerity and gave advice when we needed it. Everyone we have dealt with at Regal came across as very professional but with a real family-feel, which instilled trust from the outset. We never felt any pressure to make decisions, which was why they were the company for us - and we couldn’t be more pleased with the end result.”
While a fertility journey may begin with hope and the deep desire to nurture a new human being, it has no certain course to follow and no definitive timeline. If you have set out on a fertility journey, maybe it was a journey you always knew you wanted or maybe it was something you previously thought wasn’t for you? It may be a journey you are sharing or one you’ve chosen to take on your own? Whatever your journey, you may be one of the increasing numbers of people facing fertility challenges.
Maybe since early on, you have been aware you may face the prospect of a more clinical journey,depending on your circumstances.
You may be aware of potential difficulties caused by a medical condition. You may be aware of your age (women over 36 years) as a factor affecting fertility. If any of these is the case, you are advised to seek help early.
It may be that you have not successfully conceived and the monthly disappointment is giving way to doubts and distress about whether you’ll ever have the chance to be a parent. Around 1 in 7 couples have difficulty conceiving. If you have been trying to conceive for a year or more with no success, it is time to seek help. Even if you view your fertility as a a very private matter, you do not have to be alone and your GP can check for common causes of fertility problems.
Fertility problems affect both men and women. Common lifestyle risk factors are smoking, alcohol, and exposure to some pesticides, solvents and heavy metals. Stress is also known to be a factor affecting fertility. If you are setting out on your journey and want to give yourself the best chances of a successful conception, it may be time to review your lifestyle and your risk factors, so you can make some changes.
Everyone knows that food choices affect general health but did you know that your food choices also affect your fertility health? Both men and women can support their fertility by prioritising their wellbeing in the months before trying to conceive with beneficial food choices. The few months prior to conception are critical
As the weather gets colder and wetter, why not come to Chelmsford Library where you’ll find a warm and welcoming place to spend some time? There are books, computers with printing and scanning facilities, photocopying, free Wi-Fi, and more!
Community Tea Time
Monday to Saturday 10am - 4pm until Friday 15th December. Come and buy a range of Christmas goods including cards, advent calendars, Christmas wrapping paper as well as gifts and decorations - and support over 250 national and local charities at the same time!
If you enjoy a cuppa and a friendly chat, then come along to our Community Tea Time. These are held every Wednesday 10.3011.30am. Everyone is welcome to just drop in for a hot drink and biscuits.
Children’s Activities
Baby and Toddler Rhymetimes and New Parents’ Rhymetimes take place through the week - see our website for days and times.
Block Builders Construction Club: Every Saturday 2 - 3.30pm. Pens and Puzzles: Every Sunday 11am - 12.30pm.
Sunday Storytime: First Sunday of the month, 11-12 noon.
Creative Writing Group: Fourth Saturday of the month, 11 - 12 noon. Book your place on our website.
stages of development for the sperm and ova (eggs). While ova are present since birth, a man produces sperm from puberty. Sperm are produced in 3 to 4 months, while the final stage of development and maturation of the ova take about 4 months. Hormones have a vital role in fertility. One of the main causes of women’s fertility difficulties is Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), a complex condition of hormonal imbalance. Food choices support hormonal balance and help in the management of PCOS.
Scientific studies have found benefits of Mediterranean ancestry for fertility. For these benefits, you can follow the key principles of a traditional Mediterranean diet. Cook meals from scratch and avoid too many convenience meals or takeaways. Eat plenty of vegetables daily, choosing vegetables of different colours and especially leafy greens (a source of folate). Add garlic, extra virgin olive oil, spices and herbs to your meals. Eat whole grains, nuts and seeds. Include plant protein (such as lentils or chick peas) and fish (especially oily fish) regularly. Eat poultry or meat occasionally. Avoid frequent processed foods high in sugar and fat (such as biscuits).
While fundamental food and lifestyle choices are beneficial for everyone, a focus on individual physiology and biochemistry with clinical testing informs more personalised recommendations. A personalised programme, delivered with access to support and regular check in reviews, helps you to optimise your fertility health.
On Monday 27th November, the Fertility Network UK will be hosting a free online Q and A session with Jane Hickey and Regan Heatley to answer your questions. Join the free session to find out how you can support your fertility.
Jane Hickey is the co-creator of Preconception Nutrition programmes with Regan Heatley. As BANT registered Nutritional Therapists, they help men and women to improve their fertility, with individual and workplace programmes. If you would like to find out how Jane or Regan can help you with a programme, visit preconceptionnutrition. com and book a free fertility review.
Work Club
This takes place every Thursday morning by appointment; just give us a call or email chelmsford.library@essex.gov. uk to book your slot if you need any help with job searching, job applications, CV writing, etc.
Christmas is coming, so keep an eye on our website and/or social media for festive activities in the library!
For more information and details of all our events and services, including dates and times and how to book your place, just visit our website at libraries.essex.gov.uk. You can also follow us on Facebook or Twitter or by subscribing to our newsletter - all details on our website.
An event is being held in London on Sunday 26th November to celebrate Her Holiness Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, who was born in 1923 exactly one hundred years ago.
Shri Mataji’s advent brought about the next step in human evolution by enabling people to attain their self-realisation en masse. The experience of self-realisation integrates the emotional, mental, physical and spiritual aspects of our personality and helps the positive qualities, such as peace, joy and forgiveness within each of us to blossom.
We experience a state of mental silence known as thoughtless awareness as we become connected to the all-pervading universal power that surrounds us. It is a verifiable experience that can be felt on our central nervous system. It is the experience of true meditation, otherwise known as yoga (Sanskrit for union).
Millions of people worldwide have experienced a tremendous positive transformation in their lives as a result of Shri Mataji’s gift to humanity, and we invite you too to try this experience for yourself on Sunday 26th November at 3pm in Porchester Hall, London.
This event is free of charge as Shri Mataji always insisted that the experience of self-realisation is the birthright of every human being.
We look forward to seeing you there.
Please register for the event at: www.sahajayoga.org.uk/100years.
Experience your Selfrealisation
DOORS OPEN 2:30PM FREE ADMISSION SUNDAY 26 NOVEMBER, 3–5PM www.sahajayoga.org.uk/100years
The Proposed Army and Navy Sustainable Transport Package also includes walking, cycling, bus, and Park and Ride improvements to encourage safer, greener and healthier travel.
Plans to transform a vital gateway in Chelmsford have taken a huge step forward after Essex County Council was conditionally awarded £69 million of government funding.
The proposed Army and Navy Sustainable Transport Package includes a hamburger roundabout (a new roundabout with a road through the centre of it) at the Army and Navy junction in Chelmsford.
It also includes bus priority measures and walking and cycling improvements at the junction itself and on the approaches to and from the roundabout.
The package will also see a 350-space expansion of Sandon Park and Ride and a 500-space expansion of Chelmer Valley Park and Ride.
Having worked closely with partners and the local community to develop the proposed package of improvements, Essex County Council submitted an outline business case for the project in October 2022. The £81 million project will also be part-funded by Essex County Council and Chelmsford City Council. It can now move forward after the Department for Transport approved the outline business case and agreed to contribute £68.75million of Major Road Network (MRN) funding, subject to certain conditions.
The funding is dependent on planning consent and other processes, as well as a full business case.
Work continued in developing the proposals further, while the funding bid was being considered and planning applications are due to be submitted before the end of the year.
Councillor Lesley Wagland OBE, Essex County Council’s Deputy to the Leader with principal accountabilities on Major Infrastructure Projects and Freeports, said: “A huge amount of hard work has gone into getting to this stage and we are absolutely delighted to have now been conditionally awarded the funding needed to deliver this truly transformational project.
“The Army and Navy Sustainable Transport Package will deliver enormous benefits; improving journey times, reducing delays and supporting economic growth in the area.
“The redesign of the Army and Navy junction, alongside bus, walking and cycling, and park and ride improvements, will ensure we provide a long-term and sustainable solution at this vital gateway.
“We also need to provide better options for people to travel, especially for shorter journeys where we want walking or cycling to be the natural choice. This project will do just that, helping encourage people to travel in and around the city in safer, greener and healthier ways.”
Vicky Ford MP, Member of Parliament for Chelmsford, said: “This is phenomenally good news for Chelmsford. A new junction at the Army and Navy will make a huge difference to reducing traffic jams and boosting our economy. I am over the moon.
“It will take time to deliver, but we can now go full steam ahead to get planning approval, finalise engineering designs and then appoint contractors.”
Councillor Stephen Robinson, Leader of Chelmsford City Council, said: “The City Council is pleased that the Department for Transport has taken this next step for the Army and Navy project. The City Council believes that it is vital that the project addresses traffic issues and sustainable transport connections (including cycle paths) across Chelmsford, not just at this major junction.”
Based on the current programme, construction is scheduled to start in spring 2025 and be completed in 2028. This will be subject to planning approval and acquiring the required land.
Construction will be carefully sequenced to minimise disruption, with early expansion of Sandon Park and Ride to meet the anticipated increase in demand during works at the Army and Navy junction and provide an alternative means of travel into the city centre.
For more information about the Army and Navy Sustainable Transport Package and to sign up for the project e-newsletter, please visit www. essex.gov.uk/armyandnavy.
Chelmsford Cathedral will ring out to the sounds of a very special Christmas Carol Service on Tuesday, December 12th. Blesma, the Limbless Veterans, will hold its annual service with readings, carols, choir performances in an hour-long event followed by mulled wine and mince pies. Veterans and staff from the charity, whose headquarters are in Chelmsford, will be attending and there is a chance to meet them and learn how it supports injured veterans and their families for life.
Blesma member Simon Bell, a former RAF medic who suffered 26 years of extreme pain following a motorcycle accident, will give one of the readings: “I’m honoured, excited and a little nervous,” said Simon, 58, from Watton, Norfolk. “I had to abandon my military career because it was discovered I had dyslexia and, at the time, that was a no-go for the RAF.” Simon, who worked as a fabricator-welder after being medically discharged, became a Christian in 1998 and has performed missionary work around the world. “I’m delighted to have been chosen to give the reading and this service will bring the community and Blesma together so that people can realise the great work the charity does.”
The doors open at 7pm and the service, featuring performances by soprano Naomi Kilby and the Essex Police Community Choir, starts at 7.30pm. “We’re delighted to be holding our carol service once again at the magnificent Chelmsford Cathedral and look forward to bringing together a local community of injured veterans, members of the public and Blesma ambassadors for a festive evening of Christmas readings and carols,” said Anna Scalera, Blesma’s Head of Fundraising.
Tickets are free but booking via the Blesma website or emailing fundraising@blesma.org is required as space is limited.
Friday 17th
Chelmsford Social Club - Black Frog Presents: Voodoo Room
Chelmsford Theatres - Think Floyd
Chelmsford Theatres - Peter Doherty: Stranger in My Own Skin
O’Connors - 3s a Crowd
Saturday 18th
Acanteen - The Dolly Rockers
Althorne Christmas Bazaar - Althore Hall Farm
The Black Bull - Shakey’s Sessions: Risen Ashes + Osmium Guillotine + The Viral Breakdowns
Chelmsford Theatres - Marti Pellow: Pellow Talk, The Lost Chapter
Hatfield Peverel Village Hall - The Post Floyd Dream Hot Box - All Day Fundraiser
The Norton - D’Ukes
RAFA Club (Hall Street) - Coffee morning (10am to 1pm)
Wickham Bishops Village Hall (CM8 3JZ) - Wickham Bishops Jazz Club (6.30 for 7.30pm) Chris Walker’s Pedigree Jazz Band
Sunday 19th
Alehouse - Quiz Night
Chelmsford Theatre - Just William’s Christmas Capers
High Street Chelmsford - Christmas Light Switch On Hylands House - Open Day
Hot Box - Rockaoke Night
O’Connors - Karaoke
Monday 20th
Black Rabbit (Maldon) - Serenity of the Sea Paint Party
Chelmer Village pilates classes - carolinesdanceandpilates.co.uk)
Hot Box - Chelmsford Chess Club night
Sandon School (Sports Hall 2) - Scottish Country Dancing (7.309.30pm - all abilities welcome - www.sandonscotdance.org.uk)
Tuesday 21st
Hot Box - Open Mic Night
Old Park Meadow - Yoga (book by texting 07711 947 199 or visit bookwhen.com/beckysallows)
Widford Village Hall (turn left at Chandlers) - country dancing (barn dance - 7.50pm - £2 - 01245 475 660)
Woolpack - Quiz
Wednesday 22nd
Black Rabbit (Maldon) - Karaoke
Hot Box - Control Voltage: Electronic Music Open Mic
O’Connors - Open Mic
Old Park Meadow - Gardening Club and coffee morning
Rettendon Lodge (Battlesbridge) - Belvedere Jazz & Music Supper Club: Pete Long & Louise Cookman Qnt (7.45pm - to book call 07850 607 075)
RSPB Old Hall Marshes - Wildlife Walk
Thursday 23rd
Black Rabbit (Maldon) - Quiz night
Hot Box - Groovy Psycho + The Lucettas Old Park Meadow - Yoga (to book, text 07711 947 199 or visit bookwhen.com/beckysallows)
Reds Bar & Kitchen - Music Bingo
The Rising Sun - Quiz Night
Friday 24th
Chelmsford Social Club - Black Frog Presents: The Small Fakers + The Veras
Hot Box - Giuseppe Morena Saves the Hot Box
HQ Assembley Hall, Sandford Road - Essex Police Musical Society Quiz Night
O’Connors - Lisa Clark
RAFA Club (Hall Street) - Chair yoga
Saturday 25th
Hot Box - We Are Fossils + Armoured Man
Mayland Outdoor Christmas Market - Imperial Avenue
O’Connors - Karaoke
Regal Kitchens - New Showroom: A Masterchef Event
The Woolpack - Oink!
Sunday 26th
Chelmsford City Racecourse - Christmas Gift Fair (in aid of Helen Rollason Cancer Charity)
Sunday 26th (continued...)
Galleywood Heritage Centre - Christmas Market
High Chelmer - Christmas with New City Voices
Hot Box - Uber Jam
The Mighty Oak Tap Room - Dan Fraser
O’Connors - Karaoke
Monday 27th
Chelmer Village pilates classes - carolinesdanceandpilates.co.uk)
Sandon School (Sports Hall 2) - Scottish Country Dancing (7.309.30pm - all abilities welcome - www.sandonscotdance.org.uk)
Star and Garter - One Tree Hillbillies
Tuesday 28th
The Muddy Duck (Fullbridge) - Music Bingo
Old Park Meadow - Yoga (to book text 07711 947 199 or visit bookwhen.com/beckysallows)
Widford Village Hall (turn left at Chandlers) - country dancing (barn dance, £2 - 7.50pm - 01245 475 660)
Woolpack - Quiz
Wednesday 29th
Black Rabbit (Maldon) - Karaoke
Chelmsford Golf Club - InterAct fundraising Quiz Night
O’Connors - Open Mic
Old Court Theatre - The Vicar of Dibley
Old Park Meadow - Gardening Club and coffee morning
Old Park Meadow - Meditation (to book call 07906 653 666)
Rettendon Lodge (Battlesbridge) - Belvedere Jazz & Music Supper
Club: Ray Gelato & The Giants (7.45pm - to book 07850 607 075)
Thursday 30th
Black Rabbit (Maldon) - Quiz Night
Golden Fleece - Quiz Night
Hot Box - Rhino’s Revenge (Status Quo)
Maldon High Street - Maldon Christmas Fayre 2023
Old Court Theatre - The Vicar of Dibley
Old Park Meadow - Yoga (to book text 07711 947199 or visit bookwhen.com/beckysallows)
The Rising Sun - Quiz night
Friday 1st
Chelmsford Social Club - Black Frog Presents: Connor Selby + Rockstock
Chelmsford Theatres - Jack and the Beanstalk
Hot Box - Tin Gun + Agency-V + Psykelktric
Old Court Theatre - The Vicar of Dibley
RAFA Club (Hall Street) - Chair yoga
Saturday 2nd
The Black Bull - Shakey’s Sessions All Dayer
Chelmsford Cathedral - Christmas Market
Chelmsford Theatres - Jack and the Beanstalk
Chelmsford Theatres - Andre Rieu’s White Christmas
Hatfield Peverel VIllage Hall - Queenage
Old Court Theatre - The Vicar of Dibley
RAFA Club (Hall Street) - Coffee morning (10am to 1pm)
William De Ferrers School - Live wrestling
Sunday 3rd
Alehouse - Quiz Night
Chelmsford Theatres - Jack and the Beanstalk
Chelmsford Theatres - Andre Rieu’s White Christmas
Hot Box - Snakes Don’t Belong in Alaska + Black Tempest
O’Connors - Karaoke
Old Court Theatre - The Vicar of Dibley
Star & Garter - Jam session
18 the Green (Writtle) - Writtle Art Group Autumn Exhibition
Monday 4th
Chelmer Village pilates classes - carolinesdanceandpilates.co.uk)
Chelmsford Cathedral - Biskerteers Choir
Chelmsford Theatres - Jack and the Beanstalk
Chelmsford Theatres - Andre Rieu’s White Christmas
Hot Box - Chelmsford Chess Club night
Old Court Theatre - The Vicar of Dibley
Woolpack - Open mic
Monday 4th (continued...)
Sandon School (Sports Hall 2) - Scottish Country Dancing (7.309.30pm - all abilities welcome - www.sandonscotdance.org.uk)
Tuesday 5th
Chelmsford Cathedral - Mencap Christmas Concert
Chelmsford Theatres - Jack and the Beanstalk
Chelmsford Theatres - Andre Rieu’s White Christmas
Hot Box - The Hot Box Big Music Quiz
The Lion Inn - Chelmsford Comedy Club Christmas Party
Old Court Theatre - The Vicar of Dibley Old Park Meadow - Yoga (to book text 07711 947 199 or visit bookwhen.com/beckysallows)
Woolpack - Quiz
Wednesday 6th
Black Rabbit (Maldon) - Karaoke
Chelmsford Theatres - Jack and the Beanstalk
Chelmsford Theatres - Andre Rieu’s White Christmas
Friends Meeting House (Rainsford Road) CRAG Retirement Group (monthly meeting 9.30am - first visit free)
Hot Box - General Knowledge Quiz
The Lion Inn - Chelmsford Comedy Club
O’Connors - Open mic
Old Court Theatre - The Vicar of Dibley Old Park Meadow - Gardening Club and coffee morning
Thursday 7th
Black Rabbit (Maldon) - Quiz Night
Chelmsford Theatres - Jack and the Beanstalk Chelmsford Film Club (at Chelmsford Theatre Studio) PAMFIR (7pmwww.chelmsford-filmclub.co.uk)
Golden Fleece - Quiz Night
Hot Box - Tim Edey & Clive Carroll
Old Court Theatre - The Vicar of Dibley Old Park Meadow - Yoga (to book text 07711 947 199 or visit bookwhen.com/beckysallows)
The Rising Sun - Quiz night
Friday 8th
Chelmsford Social Club - Black Frog Presents: Totally Blondie
Chelmsford Theatres - Jack and the Beanstalk Hot Box - HotHaus Drag presents: The Christmas Show
Old Court Theatre - The Vicar of Dibley RAFA Club (Hall Street) - Chair yoga
Saturday 9th
Chelmsford Theatres - Jack and the Beanstalk Hatfield Peverel Village Hall - The ELO Encounter Hot Box - Bee Arnold
Old Court Theatre - The Vicar of Dibley RAFA Club (Hall Street) - Coffee morning (10am to 1pm)
Sunday 10th
Chelmsford Theatres - Jack and the Beanstalk Creaksea Place - Christmas Market
Hot Box - Jazz Sunday with Zak Barrett and friends
O’Connors - Karaoke
Monday 11th
Chelmer Village pilates classes - carolinesdanceandpilates.co.uk)
Chelmsford Theatres - Jack and the Beanstalk Hot Box - Chelmsford Chess Club
Sandon School (Sports Hall 2) - Scottish Country Dancing (7.309.30pm - all abilities welcome - www.sandonscotdance.org.uk)
Tuesday 12th
Hot Box - Open Mic
Central Baptist Church (Victoria Road South) - ECC Retirement (Fellowship monthly meeting, 2-4pm, new members welcome)
Chelmsford Theatres - Jack and the Beanstalk Old Park Meadow - Yoga (to book text 07711 947 199 or visit bookwhen.com/beckysallows)
Widford Village Hall (turn left at Chandlers) - country dancing (barn dance, £2 - 7.50pm - 01245 475 660)
Woolpack - Quiz
Wednesday 13th
Black Rabbit (Maldon) - Karaoke
Chelmsford Theatres - Jack and the Beanstalk Hot Box - Big Music Quiz
Wednesday 13th (continued...)
O’Connors - Open Mic
Old Park Meadow - Gardening Club and coffee morning
Old Park Meadow - Meditation (to book call 07906 653 666)
Trinity Methodist Church - National Trust - Charlie Haylock, Eccentric Look at East Anglia (7pm)
Thursday 14th
Black Rabbit (Maldon) - Quiz night
Chelmsford Theatres - Jack and the Beanstalk
Golden Fleece - Quiz Night
Hot Box - Wood Burnt Red + Three Rivers band
Old Park Meadow - Yoga (to book text 07711 947 199 or visit bookwhen.com/beckysallows)
The Rising Sun - Quiz night
Friday 15th
Chelmsford Theatres - Jack and the Beanstalk
Chelmsford Theatres - The Night Before Christmas
Hot Box - Eddie Piller + David Arscott + Ian Wright
Saturday 16th
Chelmsford Theatres - Jack and the Beanstalk
Chelmsford Theatres - The Night Before Christmas
Hot Box - Chiddy Bang
RAFA Club (Hall Street) - Coffee morning (10am to 1pm)
St Michael’s Church (Galleywood) - Chelmsford Singers’ Christmas concert (chelmsfordsingers.co.uk)
The UB - Paul & Piper’s Christmas Cracker
Wickham Bishops Village Hall (CM8 3JZ) - Wickham Bishops Jazz Club (6.30 for 7.30pm) - Allen Beechey WB New Orleans Allstars (email: wickhambishopsjazzclub@gmail.com, 07548 775 777)
Sunday 17th
Hylands House - Open Day
Hot Box - Rockaoke Night
O’Connors - Karaoke
Villlage Hall (Burnham-on-Crouch) - Alternative Market
On Sunday 1st October the Mayor and her Consort joined local city and parish councillors who attended a service at St Michael and All Angels Church in Galleywood to celebrate the 150th birthday of the consecration of the church. Rev David Cattle, Vicar of Galleywood, led the service with the Rt Revd Dr Guli Francis-Dehqani, Bishop of Chelmsford. After the service, the congregation walked to the nearby copse which has recently been cleared and a large cross constructed from felled wood, which was blessed and serves as a focal point for the church in Galleywood.
The Deputy Mayor was invited to open Thingamajig Memory Café for those with dementia and their carers at The Church of The Holy Spirit, Forest Drive, Chelmsford. It was wonderful to speak with the very passionate chairperson Glenys, the volunteers, supporters, carers and their loved ones.
St Augustine of Canterbury Church in North Springfield celebrated its 40th anniversary, where pupils from Bishops and New Hall schools sang beautifully with the church choirs. The service involved the ministry of Methodist, URC, Catholic and Anglican. The Deputy Mayor was invited to join the celebrations and cut the anniversary cake after the service.
The Mayor and Deputy Mayor attended the Annual Meeting of The Rural Community Council of Essex (RCCE) which is an independent charity helping people and communities throughout rural Essex build a sustainable future. They heard about progress in providing rural affordable and community-led housing, as well as watching presentations by Essex Wellbeing Service and United in Kind, where volunteers are helping to tackle the problem of loneliness and social isolation.
The Deputy Lord Lieutenant Wing Commander Glenn Mayes unveiled a plaque in Broomfield Court Gardens at Broomfield Hospital to commemorate Broomfield Airfield. The Deputy Mayor was pleased to join him, members and veterans of the armed forces, and hospital staff in celebrating the memory of those who had been based there. After the unveiling, Lt Col Ed Rankin, Garrison Commander Colchester and David Walker Chief Medical Officer NHS signed the Armed Forces Charter to reinforce the commitment of the Mid and South Essex NHS Foundation Trust as armed forces friendly.
The Chelmsford Sight Centre sets up shop in Chelmsford Library on the first Friday of every month between 10am-1pm to support the visually impaired and their carers by providing practical help, emotional support and advice. The Mayor and Deputy Mayor went along to the Friday session to speak to staff, volunteers and clients. They heard at first hand the positive impact this service had by helping to maintain safety and independence.
The Mayor and Deputy visited Cherry Wood Grange Care Home in Chelmsford to see a display of artwork painted by residents who have been attending weekly lessons with their teacher, Jenny. Sue Smith, the home’s manager, was proud to show them the excellent standard of paintings displayed in the lounge. Both the Mayor and Deputy were very impressed by the artwork, which has been expertly painted, and spoke to residents about the benefits of this creative art.
The Mayor and Consort attended the Essex and Suffolk Joint Twinning Congress and AGM at Galleywood Heritage Centre with Mark Dunk, Chair and Co-ordinator. Guest Speaker, Deputy Lieutenant of Essex, Dave Monk spoke about his career with the BBC and discovering his family history and heritage on his father’s side only recently which culminated in trips to France and Canada to be reunited with relatives. The Mayor was happy to speak about her success in twinning Baddow
Hall Junior with The Schillerscule in Germany and how they have regular online team meeting with pupils who choose their own topics for discussion.
Trinity Methodist and Drama held a spectacular Night at the Movies with the addition of George Clooney (in cardboard form, unfortunately) amongst the Oscar-related props. The Mayor and Consort enjoyed a lively and varied concert, narrated throughout, which included songs from Oliver, Les Misérables and My Fair Lady, which the company will be performing in May 2024. Their next concert will be with Chelmsford Male Voice Choir on Friday 15th December at Trinity Methodist Church. Thanks to Musical Director, Gerald Hindes and Producer, Helen Wilson for a lovely evening.
The Mayor and her Consort joined The Lord Lieutenant of Essex, Jennifer Tolhurst as well as Deputy Lieutenants, Crown Court judges, Mayors and Chairs from across Essex in attending the Annual High Sheriff’s Justice Service at Chelmsford Cathedral on Sunday. High Sheriff Charles Bishop hosted this traditional service which was instituted in 1974 to acknowledge the importance of the work of the courts in the life of our county.
The Jack Petchey Foundation held its lively Annual Achievement Awards for Chelmsford and Maldon Schools and Clubs at Chelmsford Theatre on Tuesday evening. The Mayor was delighted to present the awards which celebrate all the inspirational young people and leaders who make a wholehearted, unselfish and dedicated contribution to their club, school or community. Each award comes with a grant of £300 for their school or club. The motto of Sir Jack Petchey is, ‘If you think you can, you can!’ To apply for a grant visit: www. jackpetcheyfoundation.org.uk.
The Deputy Mayor spent time today at Reed in Partnership Careers Fair. A pleasant morning enjoyed chatting to those looking for work as well as Reed staff, Essex businesses including the Co-op, Prospero, A2B and Total Security all looking to recruit staff.
St Mary’s Church, Great Baddow, kindly donated a commemorative tree in honour of the King’s coronation to Baddow Hall Junior school. The Mayor attended the event at the school where she works with Rev Canon Tim Ball, local city and parish councillors, members of the Church, school staff, pupil councillors and members of the Green Team. The event included prayers of commemoration and the planting of the tree for pupils to enjoy in generations to come.
Action for Family Carers held their AGM and invited the Deputy Mayor to join the High Sheriff of Essex and other council Mayors and Chairs for the meeting. We were delighted to hear the views of two young carers and how AFFC helps them and their families.
The Mayor was pleased to attend the Annual Meeting of the Chelmsford Association of Voluntary Care Groups at the Community Station in Gloucester Avenue on Wednesday evening. The association has been in existence for 46 years and supports 10 local groups, whose volunteers act as good neighbours in supporting those in need by taking them to medical appointments, making home visits and responding to other requests as needed.
The Mayor thanked Chair, Tony Liversedge and asked him to pass on her grateful thanks to all 190 volunteers across the Chelmsford district for their kindness and continuing commitment to their communities.
The Children’s Society (TCS) held their Risk in the Community Young People’s Voice Conference and invited the Deputy Mayor to join them for the day. This was planned and hosted by young people who spoke eloquently about The Children’s Society services that continue to help them. Other speakers included Nerys Anthony (TCS), Ben Hughes and Clare Burrell (Essex County Council) and The 2 Johns (esafetytraining. org) both qualified police trainers who (with a prior warning) spoke frankly about online child sexual exploitation. The conference was very
informative and lots of professionals used the opportunity to network during the breaks.
The 276 (City of Chelmsford) Air Cadets invited the Mayor to their parade evening with special guest Regional Commandant of Central and East Region, Group Captain Boreham who formally opened their new headquarters in Springfield Road. The Mayor was delighted to appoint Cadet Sgt Walledge as the first City of Chelmsford Mayor’s Cadet for her mayoral year, and presented her with a unique badge to mark this historic appointment. Sgt Walledge will be an excellent ambassador for the Air Cadets when she escorts the Mayor during Civic events.
Simply Hair in Great Baddow held a fundraising evening for Emma, their client who sadly and suddenly passed away, leaving a young baby. The Mayor and Deputy were happy to support this event hosted by owners Laura and Holly raising more than £1,100 which will go to the trust fund set up for Emma’s daughter.
The Mayor and her Consort, Joe Mascot officially opened a new sensory garden at Essex Dance Theatre and congratulated pupil Bea, who had received a Jack Petchey Award and a grant of £300 which was used to fund the garden. Principal Debbie Holme thanked Abercorn Nursery for donating plants to the garden project.
The Mayor’s Charity Quiz Night, held in Great Baddow, was a great success with over £520 being raised for Chelmsford YMCA.
The Mayor attended Harlow’s Civic Service with Lord Lieutenant Jennifer Tolhurst and other Mayors and Chairs of Essex. Chair of Harlow Council, Cllr Andrew Johnson spoke poignantly about the theme of the service, Unity in the Community, with music by St Paul’s Indian Choir.
Anglia Ruskin University hosted the 2nd Annual Science Festival from 18th-24th October with free events including talks, exhibitions, workshops and a range of activities for all ages. The Mayor and Deputy Mayor were invited to attend the launch of the festival at Chelmsford Cathedral where they heard a rousing performance of Holst’s The Planets by Britten Sinfonia with projected visuals on a large screen to enhance the experience. The festival included two family science days.
Chelmsford Beekeepers held their Annual Honey Show and Competition at Margaretting Village Hall where the Mayor and Deputy Mayor watched the process for judging honey using a lightbox to highlight any impurities, and they sampled the delicious local honey. The Mayor helped to judge the beeswax candle and photography competition before presenting the certificates and cups to the winners. Chelmsford Beekeepers, in partnership with Chelmsford City Council, collect swarms, maintain the beehive in Chelmsford Museum and run beekeeping courses in the garden on the Hylands Estate.
The Mayor attended a Service at All Saints’ Church in Springfield to start the Ministry of Revd Sally Croft with the Bishop of Chelmsford, The Rt Revd Dr Guli Francis-Dehqani, and the Archdeacon of Southend, The Venerable Mike Power. The Mayor welcomed Revd Croft to her Ministry on behalf of the City of Chelmsford and wished her joy and happiness in her role as Rector at All Saints.
Staff and customers at Waterhouse Business Centre invited the Mayor of Chelmsford to visit them. The chief executive Lorraine Lee, centre manager Sharon Dodson and deputy centre manager Jeannene Murray-Brown showed the Mayor around the business centre and introduced her to Mark Tweed and his team from Cyberjammies as well as a new customer Syndi Hall from Power Cheer.
The Mayor and her Consort were invited to attend the Margaretting Primary School Harvest Festival. They really enjoyed the performance by the children and joined in with the harvest hymn Paintbox Harvest donations were passed on to Chelmsford Foodbank.
Chelmsford Hindu Society held their Durga Puja Festival at the weekend, which pays homage to the Hindu Goddess Durga and is celebrated all over the world. The Meeting House was transformed with flowers, colourful decorations, lights and bejewelled statues. The mayoral party were delighted to join Cllr Smita Rajesh and other friends from the society for the ceremonial worship of Goddess Durga and celebrations.
Sankalpo Chelmsford held their annual Durga Puja multi-cultural celebration which was full of colour, music, joy and celebration. The Mayor and Deputy were made very welcome at hearing about the great educational and community work Sankalpo have been doing and were enthralled with the dancing, singing and fashion show performances before enjoying some traditional food.
The Mayor and Consort were invited to join Sameeksha UK to formally inaugurate their UK tug of war competition which comprised of teams coming from as far away as Ireland and Cardiff. Sameeksha is a progressive cultural forum to promote social commitment and education to members of the migrated Indian community.
The Mayor and her consort joined in the celebrations with the Chelmsford girls during the International Ice Hockey Federation (IIHF) World Girls Hockey Weekend and handed out the game awards. It was great afternoon seeing just how skilled and enthusiastic everyone was.
The Mayor and her Consort visited the Land of the Dead Halloween and Pumpkin Festival in Writtle. With plenty of pumpkins on offer there was also Koko’s big top circus performances, under cover seating, street food, fairground rides, and plenty of spooky surprises. The atmosphere changes as the sun goes down and the attractions light up.
The Mayor completed the Out of Space Trail around Chelmsford finding all the planets and the huge intergalactic astronauts and spaceship in the High Chelmer and Chelmsford Cathedral.
The Mayor and her Consort attended The Low Vision Exhibition in Broomfield Village Hall which brings together suppliers of equipment and vital services for local blind and partially sighted people. Exhibitors included Sight & Sound Technology, Essex Fire & Rescue Service, Essex Police Anti-Fraud Unit, Guide Dogs UK, Vision Aid Technologies, Chelmsford Talking Newspaper and Hearing Help Essex. This was all held during the regular coffee morning which enables people living with sight kids, their families and carers to meet and chat about coping with sight loss. Support 4 Sight organised this event and has been offering support and services to vision impaired residents across mid and west Essex for almost 30 years.
The Deputy Mayor had the pleasure of hosting the children and volunteers from the Community Support Centre in the mayor’s parlour. Cllr Deakin spoke about the mayoral robes, chains and mace which were on display as well as the Royal Seal, presented to the council in 2012 when Chelmsford became a city. The group also looked at the display cabinets enroute to the council chamber.
Essex Police invited the Mayor and her Consort to spend time at the Contact Centre speaking to the call handlers who are the first point of contact for 999 emergencies. They spoke to Inspector Stuart Rawlings and Thomas Moffat, Staff Officer to Chief Superintendent Stuart Hooper, QPM and staff about the challenges of the role and how they look after their own mental health whilst dealing with such extreme situations. They are a great team who support each other - the Mayor thanked them for the vital service they provide for residents of Chelmsford.
The Hylands Estate has played a significant part in Chelmsford’s history throughout the last 130 years and of course well before that. Arthur Prior had bought the estate in 1858 for £43,000. He had been born in Hertfordshire in 1816 and was a partner in Truman Breweries. Prior had several rooms in the house redecorated, and in the 1880s he approached Great Eastern Railway about the construction of a railway siding specifically for the use of the estate. When built, this ran parallel to the main Chelmsford to London line. He ‘used to bring his guests from London in a railway carriage which was then shunted on to the siding and then his guests would disembark to waiting carriages and horses to the house’.
Pryor periodically extended the estate by buying up nearby properties and farms, including Widford Hall. Game was strictly preserved on the estate, because Prior was a keen hunter until illness forced him to give up. In 1884 for example, the Weekly News reported, ‘Mr Arthur Prior had been entertaining a distinguished party of guests during which some of the well stocked preserves were shot over, six guns in two days bagging over 800 head of game’.
Prior was generous in allowing the estate to be used for fêtes and other occasions. The Mechanics’ Institute fête was regularly held there. In 1890, Prior threw open Hylands for three nights entertainment when up to 1,000 attended. During 1892 the grounds were again opened to the public. Prior regularly held dinners for his tenants. During the years of the agricultural depression, he commonly gave significant rent reductions, and pauper children from the local Chelmsford Union workhouse enjoyed annual afternoons out in the grounds from the 1860s. One wonders what the children thought when they enjoyed strawberries and games in front of the main house before going back to their daily diet of gruel and bread!
Prior’s wife Elizabeth died in 1894, after which he was an invalid. On his death in September 1904 his body was carried from Hylands to Widford Church in one of the estate’s farm wagons. His son, also named Arthur Prior, decided not to live at Hylands and rented out the estate for a few years. The next owner, Sir Daniel Fulthorpe Gooch, came from Beccles in Suffolk and was closely associated with the Great Western Railway. He was the grandson of his namesake Sir Daniel Gooch, who designed over 60 classes of steam locomotive and was responsible for laying the first ever transatlantic cable.
Gooch employed Frederic Chancellor to prepare plans and carry out improvements to Hylands House. A new arched side-entrance was built and an oak secondary staircase. The banqueting room was renovated including a wall panel by Wenley and Son. Like Prior, Gooch bought several neighbouring farms. At the time, between 16 and 20 gardeners were employed on the estate. For the coronation fête in June 1911 there were 700 guests, who were mainly Widford parishioners and estate tenants.
On the 24th June 1912 there occurred a wedding at Hylands which made both the national and international papers. Dorothy Taylor from New York married Claude Graham White, the well-known aviator. It became known as the first ‘air wedding’, because White arrived by plane and there was a great gathering of the finest air pilots. The marriage was short lived!
By this time the Hylands’ stables were being used to house the new ‘horseless carriages’, mainly Rolls Royces and Daimlers. A Crompton dynamo provided the electricity for the house and telephone poles were soon erected across the park. Gooch’s staff included a butler, a housekeeper, a cook, a ladies maid, an odd man and a hall boy. There were also three chauffeurs, a coalman, a groom and a number of gamekeepers and gardeners as well as an engineer.
Gooch was a notable sportsman and accompanied Shackleton on his trip to the South Pole. He went as a last minute substitute on the Endurance because of his expertise with dogs. Unfortunately, one of Gooch’s legs became infected and he had to return home. The leg had to be amputated and he was fitted with an artificial one.
Stephen Norris
Lady Gooch played a leading role in organising the hospital at Hyland’s House during the First War. King George inspected the Territorials on the estate in 1915, as did Lord Kitchener later the same year. After the war, the estate was briefly put up for sale when Gooch moved to Hampshire, but it was soon withdrawn. Lady Gooch died in 1921 and Daniel Gooch followed five years later.
After being bought by a syndicate of local gentlemen led by David Hodge of Widford Hall, the estate was then bought for £17,000 by the Hanbury family from Chigwell. John Hanbury died soon afterwards, but his widow continued to live at the house. A group of herons moved onto trees at Hylands when their trees at Boreham were felled. Mrs Hanbury allowed voluntary organisations such as the Red Cross to hold rallies on the estate. Before the Second War, the house was considered as a possible home for Writtle’s agricultural college, and during the war the estate was used as a home for prisoners of war and the recently formed SAS. During their stay, Major Paddy Blair Mayne succeeded in driving a jeep up the main staircase which woke up a startled Mrs Hanbury! The vehicle had to be dismantled to get it down the stairs...
H Fairbank was a gardener at Hylands before the First War, where he went as an apprentice, having undergone a period of training at the Essex Institute of Agriculture, which was then based at the Technical School in Chelmsford with classes at Rainsford End. His main practical experience was obtained at Hylands. The garden had two main sections, with a large walled garden to be found close to the London to Chelmsford Road. This enclosed a number of glass houses, including vineries, peach houses, various plant houses and a pine pit. Auxiliary buildings included a fruit store, a mushroom house and a potting shed. The glass houses were demolished after the war.
The other section was the pleasure gardens around the house. These also had glass houses, including a large palm house or conservatory, a tropical house, a cool house for display purposes and several carnation houses. There were a number of ‘bothies’ on the estate for single gardeners. The garden workers included the head gardener, two foremen, one for each section, five inside gardeners, three kitchen gardeners and four on the pleasure grounds, plus four youths of which Fairbank was one. Hylands’ head gardener had a bungalow on the grounds, but most of the others had a fair journey to work, including Fairbank who rode his bike from Rainsford End. His wages were just six shillings a week, while the experienced gardeners averaged 14 shillings a week. There was a free joint of meat at Christmas, and Fairbank was occasionally allowed to ‘beat’ for the hunting parties. One of his regular jobs was to mow the lawn with a pony drawing the mower. “We used to put shoes on the pony’s feet so that the lawn was not marked by their footsteps.” There was a daily display of flowers in the house.
Maurice Abbott worked at Hylands as a gardener later after the war. Wages had increased substantially; he was paid 32 shillings and 6 pence. Workers were though, dismissed arbitrarily, and the presents at Christmas depended on the number of years of service. Abbott remembered tramps on their way to the workhouse constantly calling at the front lodge to get a cup of tea or ‘tuppence’, for a meal. The ‘roadster’ would leave stones outside to show the lodge was a ‘soft touch’.
Abbott left Hylands when Mrs Hanbury had a clear out of staff. He was summoned and told, ‘I want you out of my house by Saturday’. Abbott and his family by now had a house on the estate. ‘But madam I’ve worked for you for six years and I’ve a child of five’. ‘I don’t care where you go but I want you out of your house’. Abbott, luckily for his family, t Bob Cannon and his wife Trudy met on a bus travelling from Chelmsford to Hylands. They couldn’t marry until after they had left the estate. Bob was a pleasure gardener and Trudy looked after the nursery. The owner was generous at Christmas, but there were no contracts of employment. Cannon left after Mrs Hanbury had given all her outside staff three months notice. ‘I suspect that she had lost some money on the Stock Exchange’.
At M. Lucking & Sons, we’re proud to have been serving communities of Chelmsford and the surrounding areas for over 360 years. As an independent, family-owned business we have all the regional knowledge and years of experience to make sure everything runs smoothly. We also work in partnership with Golden Charter so you have a simple way to plan ahead with a pre-paid funeral plan. Contact us today for more information and our friendly staff will be happy to help.
I’ve been writing for quite a few months now about foundational yoga poses without even talking about the foundation of yoga itself and what that really means to me. We often think of yoga as a physical practice, because this is what we see people doing in yoga studios and in the media.
I, like most people, started my yoga journey focusing on the physical practice (the Asanas or poses, which are described as the third limb of yoga). To improve my practice, I started introducing the fourth limb, the Pranayama, control of my breath, just as I would have done if I was looking to improve my running. It took time to master my Pranayama and when I did it slowed me down, and made me think about what I was doing - and more importantly, why I was doing yoga. This is when I started to introduce the Yamas and Niyama’s the first and second limbs of yoga. Ultimately this is what transformed my yoga, from just a physical practice, into a Mindful Yoga Practice.
Yoga is made up of 8 equally important parts, called limbs, that work together in union. Or as I like consider them, in balance or harmony with one another. The first 5 limbs are how we as individuals interact with the world around us. The Yamas, Niyama’s, are about our moral and ethical conduct and self-discipline. The Asanas, Pranayama, Pratyahara are about our physical well-being, control of our breath and our five senses. The last three limbs are the Dharana, Dhyana and Samadhi and are about looking inward to the mind, developing concentration, meditation and ultimately enlightenment.
In previous articles I have written about the Asanas and talked about controlling the breath, the Pranayama the third and fourth limbs working together, but today, I’m going to talk about the first limb of yoga, the Yamas.
The Yamas are universal morality; they are 5 observances or guidelines of things that we should try not to do to help us to live in a right and proper way within society, through our words, our actions, and even our thoughts. We all know we shouldn’t do these things to other people, but all too often, we don’t apply them to ourselves.
Ahimsa… (A-himsa): Non-Harming: A translates as NON and Himsa as Harming. For me, this means going through life, doing the least amount of harm to all sentient beings by word, thought and deed. For example, not telling yourself you’re stupid when you forget something, or dumb when you don’t know the answer.
Practice tip: try being more accepting and forgiving of other peopleand yourself.
Satya… (Sut-ya): Truthfulness: That’s easy right? But how often do we tell a white lie, to protect somebody else’s or even our own feelings. A quote that resonated with me was: ‘When you want to help people, you tell them the truth. When you want to help yourself tell them what they want to hear’. So, ask yourself, what is it you want to do? For me, this is about seeing things as they really are, not how we would like them to be.
Asteya… (Ash-Taya): Non-Stealing: We in the west tend to think of stealing, as taking someone else’s property, instead think of it as ‘Take nothing, that is not freely given’. Taking advantage of someone else’s ideas, generosity, or time. However, Asteya applies just as much to you for example, not trying your best is stealing your opportunity to experience your best.
Brahacharya… (Bram-A-Char-rya): This translates as moderating the senses or chastity. Obviously, this means making good life choices, not eating or drinking to excess. But also, it’s about not allowing
ourselves to be distracted by the stuff that is going on around us, by the things we see, or hear, or the thoughts that pop up in our heads.
Aparaigraha… (A-par-I-gra-ha): Non-Possessiveness: A = Non, Pari = Things and Graha = To grasp. There’s a yogic maxim which says, ‘All things of the world are yours to use, but not to own’. In essence Aparaigraha is not just about jealousy or greed, it’s about excessively trying to gain, and hold on to things like money, possessions and not being too attached to the result.
Practice tip: Try not to worry about the outcome of our efforts, instead focus on each moment, on what you are saying, doing and how your moving, rather than focusing on the result.
For those of you who would like to know more of the benefits of the yamas and how they apply in practice, you join me at my studio using this free pass code, HPYFREECLASS. My gift to you.
We are the proud and official NHS charity providing support to all Mid & South Essex NHS Foundation Trust Hospitals. These include Broomfield, Basildon and Southend Hospitals, as well as our smaller community-based sites. With your help we are able to improve the hospital environment with extra comforts, provide state-ofthe-art equipment, fund groundbreaking research and support the development and training of hospital staff.
There are many ways you can help support your local hospital including: a one-off donation, organising a charity event, leaving a gift in your will or taking part in one of our charity events or challenges.
Interested in Applying for a Charity Running Place? With our partner, Run for Charity, we are able to offer a wide range of charity
places for a whole host of exciting events including the Santa in the City London 5k, the Colchester Zoo 10k Stampede and the London Landmarks Half Marathon. Whatever you choose to do, we’d love to hear from you!
We‘ll support you and get you on the right track to reaching your goals and raising funds for a cause close to your heart.
Christmas Donations
Every Christmas, our team and colleagues are blown away by the generosity of our community. With deliveries of patient gifts, its clear to see you‘re all an extremely generous lot!
We kindly ask:
• Please arrange a time with us first to deliver your presents. (contact details below).
• Please do not deliver directly to the ward and leave presents unwrapped.
• All gifts must be packaged and unused.
• Gifts can be delivered between Monday 4th December and Wednesday 20th December.
Your donations make a huge difference to our patients - Thank you!
mse.charity@nhs.net 01702 385 337 www.msehospitalscharity.co.uk
Foster carer and trainer for veterans’ service dogs
We train up rescue dogs so that they can make a profound difference to veterans who are suffering from PTSD. We need safe, loving foster homes where our rescue dogs can settle into life and begin their training, before being matched to the right veterans.
Macmillan Volunteer Buddy
Our Macmillan Buddy service provides a lifeline for people with cancer, offering them weekly support from someone who understands what they’re going through.
We need Buddies to support people by phone and in person; some experience of having lived with cancer would be beneficial.
Support young adults with disabilities
The Independence Project needs volunteers to help young adults with additional needs to enjoy gardening, dancing, and socialising!
Help us plan community events
We are a group based in Writtle looking for people to join our
association to help plan events for the local community.
Reception and Shopmobility assistant
We are in urgent need of volunteers who would like to help with daily admin tasks. Helping in the office booking members in and out and handling payments. You will also be preparing scooters for Shopmobility members by maneuvering them from storage for collection. You will need to be friendly with a cheerful personality, non-judgmental and patient.
Winter donation appeal
Chelmsford CVS is working together with the Salvation Army and The Ideas Hub to make sure some of our most vulnerable residents don’t suffer outside this winter.
Coats will be distributed to our city’s homeless, refugees and asylumseekers, elderly, women in refuge, and children and families who are struggling.
If you have a spare warm coat in a clean and good condition, then please consider donating it to: Chelmsford CVS, Burgess Well House, Coval Lane, Chelmsford, CM1 1FW.
01245 3518 88 info@chelmsfordcvs.org.uk
We are taking a break from Presenter Profiles this month to celebrate our success at the 2023 Community Radio Awards, where 15 year old Friday Drive at 5 presenter Daisy Barker gained Silver in the Young Person under 25 Category. Daisy has been part of Chelmsford Community Radio for nearly 4 years and has worked her way through this category, previously being shortlisted and then gaining Bronze last year. She also won Gold in this year’s Young Audio Awards (Age 12-15). Way to go Daisy!
Our pantomime, Frankenstein, won Gold in this year’s Awards. We have been producing radio pantomimes for four years and each year they get better and better. The scripts are written and produced by Jared Bates and Michelle Durant.
The cast consists of a mix of our presenters and local performers and the storylines
all have local elements included. We broadcast them on Christmas Day, after the 3pm Royal Speech.
This year’s pantomime, Treasure Island, is about to be recorded and we look forward to sharing the work with you once more. Do keep an eye on our social media (search ‘@chelmsfordcr’) for updates on all of our shows, presenters, guests and some sneaky behind the scenes pics too!
Chelmsford Cathedral Christmas Market
On Saturday 2nd December Chelmsford Cathedral’s famous Christmas Market will feature dozens of Christmas and craft stalls; morning coffees and hot lunches; a succession of choirs and Father Christmas in his grotto. All in the Cathedral and churchyard admission free.
• Go for a walk.
• Have a bath.
• Read a book.
• Go for coffee with a friend.
In our recent weekend craft retreat, we made an Advent calendar with a difference. December can be so busy and crazy with so many things to juggle that a well-being Advent calendar is exactly what we need. It took a bit of time to make from scratch but everyone stuck at it because, each pocket contains a particular activity such as:
• Watch a Christmas film.
Other activities include decorate the house and the Christmas tree, wrapping presents and cooking your favourite recipes.
And crafting, of course! There is no other stress relief than creating something colourful with bits of papers, or wool or fabric and any other medium. The great thing is that you can combine the joys of crafting with Christmas presents making - it also works for birthday presents!
I love making presents because they can be tailored to what my relatives, family and friends like. I am currently reacquainting myself
with the pleasures of crochet, and I am making a small Christmas blanket as a present for my niece. I am seeing her at the beginning of December so there’s a slight pressure of time to take into account, but it should be finished before then. I know she will love the colours, the use of the blanket and the fact that it is handmade for her. Can’t wait to see her!
Are you into crafts? Would you like to be? Have you always wanted to try out something new?
A group of us regularly meet up once a month at Highwood Village Hall near Chelmsford. It’s a friendly group and you would be most welcome. Why don’t you come and join us for some fun on one of the following dates? Or all of them!
11th November 2023; 16th December 2023; 27th January 2024; 10th February 2024; 23rd March 2024
You can book your place with or without a project from the website. Check it out for more details: www.scrap-circle.co.uk.
Coming to The Art Place in Meadows Shopping Centre is a lot more than shopping, it is an experience for which many people walk in for repeatedly. Whether is to be inspired, for well-being and to seek likeminded people, we have it all. We are excited to introduce our new community exhibition, Where Is Home? which explores the different meanings of HOME from our multicultural and diverse community.
Where is home for you? Maybe you feel like you have more than one home? Your childhood home and your home now? What would you say?
Aytac Uzmen, one of our artists expressed this idea quoting: “To anyone who knows the answer already, it’s a strange question. It is like asking where is air? an almost meaningless question until one loses it (air), then it becomes a vitally important one.”
There are many definitions in the dictionary for home from ‘the place you live at’ to ‘someone’s or something’s place of origin’, or ‘the place where a person feels they belong’. Home can also be a feeling, a person or a memory. For a large number of our volunteers and community, the idea of home becomes more complex and we hope this exhibition serves as a starting point to explore and share our connected cultures and voices to create a home within our community.
The planning for this exhibition started months ago, but it cannot be more relevant especially in light of what is happening around the world. United Nations’ statistics from May 22nd quote that ‘100 million people were forcibly displaced worldwide represents 1% of the global population. The number includes refugees and asylum seekers as well as the 53.2 million people displaced inside their borders by conflict’. Closer to our doors, new research from Shelter shows at least 271,000 people are recorded as homeless in England, including 123,000 children. Where Is Home? is an opportunity to explore the complexity of this idea and in the process foster conversation and awareness.
Where is Home? is an interactive exhibition where you are encouraged to add your comments and pin on a map where ‘home’ is for you. It also includes beautiful paintings by local artists and a series of amazing workshops are planned alongside the exhibition such as making clay houses. All information on social media or on Ideas Hub Chelmsford website under ‘what’s on’.
On Saturday 23rd December we will host an international food sharing at our Global Citizen of Chelmsford social, which runs on the 4th Saturday of the month between 2 and 5pm at The Art Place. The exhibition dates are 1st November to 31st December.
If you wish to attend our socials or our lovely workshops (watercolour, jewellery making etc), please visit our ‘what’s on’ section on www. ideashubchelmsford.org. If you want to be involved, or want more information, please email: edithmiller@ideashubchelmsford.org.
Before the Christmas decorations come out of the loft or garage it’s a great time to clear the clutter. Especially if you are expecting family and friends for the festive season. Don’t leave it until the last minute to get your house in order otherwise you might run out of time. Other priorities will emerge as Christmas day nears. If your space feels cluttered, a bit messy or busy it’s time for a good clear out.
Entrance Hall: Any clutter that is not being used or needed, put away. Tidy up shoes and coats, thin out the ones you won’t wear over Christmas.
Kitchen: Take a look at your work surfaces, ensure you have space for prepping food and drinks on the day. Polish the glassware ready. Get out the crockery that only gets used at Christmas and give it a wash.
Food cupboards: Check if any items are out of date and make a space for Christmas goodies. Organise and freshen up the fridge and freezer. Write a list of any food items that you might need for the festive season. Remember, herbs and spices don’t keep for ever.
Lounge: Store toys in boxes. Recycle magazines and books that are no longer needed. Have a dust and hoover behind furniture incase you need to rearrange the seating for extra guests. Think about where the Christmas tree is going to stand.
Decorations: Get the decs out ready, check the lights for the tree still work. Are the decorations looking good? Or do you need to update them.
Dining Area: Whether it’s in the kitchen or a separate dining room, you might need to think about your table. If you are adding an extra area for guests you can always cover with a table cloth if it doesn’t match, the chairs can be mixed up if they are not a set, fold up chairs can be got out at the last minute and put away when not needed. Make a list of items required for the table, candles, place mats, crackers, decoration for the center.
Guest Bedroom: If any family or friends are staying over, check you have bedding, pillows, sheets, etc, are all fresh and ready to use. If it’s a separate room for guests, make it inviting. Give the room a dust, have a space for clothes to hang, maybe a basket for towels etc.
Kids’ Bedrooms: Make space for any new toys. Recycle or give to charity toys and books that are still ok to use but haven’t been used for a longtime or grown out of. Otherwise it’s going to be a big job for the new year.
Finally, don’t stress. If you can delegate any of the jobs to helpers, it will take the pressure off. Get the kids involved, have a sort out ready for Santa coming.
Pop into my new design office in Maldon (17 Kings Head Centre) if you need some advice on how to elevate your home.
Our services include interior design, colour consultation, decluttering, and styling. Book your free consultation: 07979 66 3339. Or email: info@ saltmarshinteriors.co.uk.
By now, regular readers will have heard of Brentwood Writers’ Circle and some of the projects that our members have been working on through 2023. As the business of writing in all its forms is usually of a solitary nature, members say they enjoy meeting other writers every month to share in their successes (and maybe disappointments) but somehow, listening to our speakers and learning what other scribes are doing, helps their confidence.
Some new members are dipping their toes into the writing industry. Others have enjoyed seeing their work published in articles, journals and novels over many years. Our BWC has been popular across Essex since 1941 and our archives are testament to the work of many wellknown writers and poets.
One thing is sure. Help, advice and inspiration are offered to all members and we are pleased to assist rookie writers with some of the strange and difficult publishing aspects of the writing industr y - if we can.
One member who is renowned for her fascinating books, is Amanda J Thomas, an author, linguist and historian with a particular interest in social and medical history. Her books include The Nonconformist Revolution, Cholera - The Victorian Plague, The Lambeth Cholera Outbreak of 1848-1849 - and she is just starting work on a new book about the life of Isaac Newell (1853-1907), a teacher from the Medway Towns who took football to Argentina. His educational ethos was to have a profound and lasting effect on the evolution of
the modern game. Amanda’s interest began with the writing of a series of articles on Newell which were subsequently used for the 2022 exhibition at Rochester’s Guildhall Museum entitled, Isaac Newell: More than a Name
Amanda is also a regular broadcaster. Her work includes: London 2000 Years Revealed (Channel 5; 2019), A House Through Time (BBC2; 2018), Who Do You Think You Are? (Wall to Wall Media/ BBC1; 2017, 2012-2013), The Flying Archaeologist (BBC4; 2012).
In 2011 Amanda was commissioned by Lambeth Council to write a heritage plaque dedicated to the victims of the 1848-9 cholera epidemic and erected on London’s South Bank.
To find out more and learn about this friendly team of writers, do check out our website at, www.brentwoodwriterscircle.com.
Who was the shortest serving prime minister in British parliamentry history?
What would you do with a bivouac?
Who was Maid of Orleans?
What exactly is Drambuie?
An oxeye is what kind of flower?
What is the fountain in Rome called?
What word can be a difficult question and female model?
What is a wild sour fruit?
In the USA what is the FBI?
Who is Simon, the singer in Duran Duran?
What is the hall where martial arts are practiced called?
Which is the voracious freshwater fish?
What is the term for self-worth?
What is a peridot?
What does IPA stand for in the beer world?
Where or what is an Escrow?
How many months of the year have 31 days?
In which year were parking meters introduced in the UK?
How many stars are there on the American flag?
What is the name of the shipyard that built the Titanic?
In the world of sport, what is IRL?
Where do the monks in a monastry have their meals?
What is the old name for tungsten?
Who is the Moon Goddess?
In The Weather Girl’s hit, what was it raining?
What is a defamatory statement called?
How many panels are there on a standard fullsized football?
Which is the only species of big cat that cannot roar?
In Only Fools and Horses, what was Boycie’s middle name?
Relative to it’s size, what is the world’s strongest animal?
In which country is Mount Vesuvius?
In which year was the first chocolate bar made and sold?
What shape are a beehive’s honeycomb cells?
Which is the only bird that can fly backwards?
What type of animal is an oryx?
What is the name of the site on the River
Thames where the Magna Carta was signed?
What do you need if you are esurient?
How many minutes are there in one and three quarter hours?
What are Anne Hegerty’s 2 nicknames?
Which motorway crosses the Severn Bridge?
Old Park Meadow and their volunteer gardening club were recently invited to take a tour of the Essex & Herts Air Ambulance Trust base in North Weald, after their successful plant and book sale raised £868.30 for the charity.
On the day, the team and volunteers learnt all about how the Essex & Herts Air Ambulance operates and were given a tour of the helicopters by the pilots. Delyse Jackaman (manager of Old Park Meadow) said, “The trust is totally dependent on donations, so we are proud to be able to raise money for such an important charity.”
Old Park Meadow hosts their gardening club every Wednesday between 9am - 12pm which is open to anyone that would like to come along. Also on a Wednesday is their Coffee Morning which is held between 10am - 12pm for the local community.
To find out more about Old Park Meadow and the services they offer, please visit oldparkmeadow.co.uk or call 01245 806 332.
The Rucksack Project is back and calling upon the community of Chelmsford for their continued support in making a difference this winter. Initiated in 2015 by Cool to Be Kind, the project has been a testament to community spirit, receiving a tremendous response with hundreds of rucksacks filled with warmth-giving items donated by organisations and individuals alike, aimed at supporting the homeless during the cold months.
The initiative has been profoundly impactful, receiving comments such as, ‘I can’t believe so many people want to help us’ from recipients of the rucksacks.
This year, The Rucksack Project is seeking the generosity of the community once more. The process is simple:
1. Donate a rucksack with two straps.
2. Fill it with warm clothes and a sleeping bag.
These items can be those no longer needed at home or sourced from a charity shop. Detailed information regarding the specific items required is available on www.c2bk.co.uk. Rucksacks can be dropped off on Sundays between 11.30am and 12.30pm at Chelmsford Quaker Meeting House, Rainsford Road, Chelmsford, CM1 2QL.
Let’s come together once again to offer warmth and support to those who need it most this winter.
Facebook: cooltobekindchelmsford
22nd November - 21:00: Looking south, the waning gibbous Moon is ‘south’ of Neptune. (Ideally, a telescope, is needed, or at least binoculars. Neptune is definitely not a naked eye object). Still looking at the Moon, look ‘ten-o’clock’ and you will see Jupiter.
6th December: Neptune appears stationary in the sky, prior to it returning to its prograde motion (as opposed to retrograde motion).
13th December: Geminids Meteor Shower is at maximum.
17th December: The waxing crescent Moon is ‘south’ of Saturn.
22nd December: Winter Solstice. The shortest day and the longest night of the year.
22th December: Ursids Meteor Shower is at maximum. As with all meteor showers, the advice is the same. A deck chair or sun lounger, some very warm clothing, a warm hat and moon-boots.
Christmas Is Coming Up!
Recommended telescopes and binoculars: Sky-Watcher Skyhawk -1145P. This is a go-to telescope. At £189, this sounds like
Photo: Ingrid Hockauf
Backnang? Perhaps for you this word is not much more than a bizarre-looking name on a signpost. If you read carefully, you will see that Backnang is one of Chelmsford’s twinned cities. But where exactly is this Backnang? And what does twinning really mean?
For starters, Backnang is pronounced ‘bahk-nahng’. Located in the southwestern German state of Baden-Württemberg, we have 38,000 inhabitants, and we are an important commercial centre for many surrounding towns and villages. Backnang is not only the last stop on the city rail line that goes directly into the state capitol, Stuttgart, but it is also the gateway to the rural regions of the Swabian National Forest.
We have a bustling downtown, complete with the meandering Murr River, quaint cross-timbered houses and a wealth of cafés
remarkably good value for a beginner’s telescope. Bresser 10×50 Corvette binoculars, at £174. Pricey, but considering they are great all-rounders, for bird watching and nature as well as stargazing, they should last a lifetime and they are waterproof. I would recommend a tripod with binoculars when viewing. Planets and stars are a very long way away, and your arms get tired quickly in the cold. The Bresser binoculars have a tripod bush which enables them to attach to a tripod. Do I get paid for these recommendations? No, I don’t!
New Moon: On 12th December and 11th January there will be a new Moon. This means the skies will be extra dark which is a great opportunity to see planets, galaxies and deep space objects.
Please email me with any questions.
Mark Willis presents The Retro Chart Show every Monday at 10am till 12pm on Chelmsford Community Radio, 104.4 FM online, and on apps: search ‘CCR 104.4’.
www.chelmsfordcommunityradio.com mark.willis@chelmsfordcommunityradio.com
selling strong coffee and delicious German baked goods. Like Chelmsford, our industry - once based in leather making - now turns its sights skywards to satellites and space. In fact, a shared focus on telecommunication initially brought us together in 1984 when industry leaders and town councillors took the first steps towards establishing a twinning partnership.
Conceived in the wake of the Second World War, twinning is an act of reconciliation which encourages friendship and peaceful cooperation where once bitter enmity existed. In this spirit, twinning animates citizens of different cultures to engage with one another in fruitful ways. Backnang’s recent Art’s Festival in which Chelmsford artists and musicians played a major role, is the latest creative expression of this noble endeavor.
Another example of such collaboration is our annual booth at the upcoming Cathedral Christmas Market. Anyone interested in learning more about Backnang, Germany, or twinning, is welcome to drop by. The skies may connect us, but we would love to meet you right here on earth.
Liz Truss
Go camping, it is a tent
Joan of Arc
A whisky-based liqueur Large daisy
La Fontana di Trevi
Crab apple Federal Bureau of Investigation
Le Bon A dojo Piranha Ego
Pale green gemstone Indian Pale Ale
A fund held in trust Seven 1958
Fifty Harland and Wolff, Belfast
International Rugby League Refectory Wolfram Luna Men Slander 32 Cheetah Aubrey The Dung beetle
Italy 1847
Hexagonal Hummingbirds
Antelope Runnymede
Food - you are hungry 105 minutes ‘Frosty Knickers’ and ‘The Governess’ M48