Moulsham Times October 2015

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Issue Number 34 - October 2015


MT Welcome Dear readers,

Welcome to the October edition of the Moulsham Times. A busy summer of events is now coming to an end; there have been some outstanding events this year and fingers crossed for more next year. A couple left to go - Blues in the City is this weekend and soon we have the city council Cultural Events Team’s Halloween events (see page 7). Remember to change your clocks at the end of the month! Regards, Nick & Paul

it’s your media Ltd Editorial Paul Mclean 07595 949701

Advertising Nick Garner 07970 206682

Disclaimer: It’s Your Media publish the Moulsham Times. The opinion expressed in each article is the opinion of its author and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of It’s Your Media Ltd. No part may be reproduced without the prior written permission of It’s Your Media Ltd. Reg Co No. 09154871. Printed by Imagery UK.

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Dan’s Update: I’m Home - You Can Follow Me at: There was a chill in the air and the skies were blue as I started riding out of Moscow. It was August and the city was still quiet, in a week or so when everyone is back from their holidays the city would be busy again. I set my sat nav for the Russian/Latvian border and headed west for the first time on my travels. I was heading home. After a few miles getting out of Moscow city centre, my sat nav indicated ‘right turn in 325 miles’, which is the border with Latvia, that’s a long way I thought and wondered if I would get there in a day... The ride was easy with a good road the whole way and every now and again I would stop for petrol and food. Other than the guy selling bear, large cat, wolf, wild boar and various other animal skins on the side of the road it was me, a few cars and forest. I arrived in Latvia before dark and found a farmhouse to stay in.

friends and family had gathered to welcome me home. The adrenalin was pumping and I didn’t know who to hug and talk to next. Thanks to everyone for coming along. My adventure lasted 512 days, I rode 32,500 miles through 37 countries - and now it’s over. So what was it all about? It’s very simple, I wanted more, I wanted adventure, excitement, I wanted to engage with other people and experience new cultures and landscapes, I wanted to ride my motorbike and smell the local smells and see the colour of people’s eyes as I passed - and engage. I had a dream and I realised my dream. I have further dreams. It’s was all about the people.

We would like to thank Dan for all his stories over the last 18 months, they have made fantastic articles and photos for the readers to enjoy. ‘Who did cut all the trees down in England?’ I thought as I passed tree after tree after tree. As soon as I left Moscow I entered the forest and it wasn’t until somewhere in Germany that I popped out the other side 1,500 miles later, by which time I had ridden through Russia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and Germany. It took me a week to ride from Moscow to Calais with a weekend stop in Berlin. I could have got straight on the Euro Tunnel back into England, but I wanted to stay at the same hotel I did 17 months before on day 1 of my trip. I arrived in Calais to grey skies and rain, but that wasn’t going to stop me finishing my travels the way I had planned. I wanted to sit on the beach with an ice cream and absorb the wonderful sight of the White Cliffs of Dover and romanticise about my forthcoming life back home. It wasn’t easy to do with the skies full of black clouds, I could hardly see past the shore line as the rain lashed down, I got a strange look from the lady selling ice creams as I trudged down the beach with my bike gear on. The rain poured down on the ice cream and most ended up dripping off my chin onto my jacket. How romantic! I set off early the next morning and was the only biker boarding le shuttle so I had a conversation with two elderly Belgians who were off to walk in the Chilterns for a week, I had thought I might find a few bikers to swop stories with! I stayed with my sister in Kent for a couple of days to acclimatise before heading back home to Chelmsford. I arrived back at The Anchor pub in Moulsham Street where a few

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From County Hall by Cllr Dick Madden This month’s article will not be War and Peace - brevity will be the order of the day!

Having explored my role in County Hall last month, let me return to more local matters that impact on us. For those residents living in the Old Moulsham area, watch out for a letter to you from Essex Highways which will ask for your view of a 20mph scheme to be adopted on our residential roads. The area the letters will go to are all those roads including - and off of - Lady Lane, Mildmay Road, Moulsham Drive, Vicarage Road and all of Moulsham Street. You will recall that four years ago we went through a similar process, but the geographical area has been widened this time. The last time a 20mph zone was attempted the police refused to support it. Rather than go into detail, that is not the case now, so if the majority of residents agree to a 20mph scheme on this occasion, we are well on the way to having the scheme adopted. However, we are having to go through a legal process, so this matter will not happen overnight. For those areas that also want a 20mph scheme please be patient, if we can achieve this phase 1 process we will be putting in for areas such as Moulsham Lodge and New Writtle Street/Upper Bridge Road. So hang in there, please. Four years ago, yes four years ago, residents in Goldlay Avenue informed me of their frustrations of vehicles frequently going through the No Entry signs

at the bottom of Goldlay Avenue in order to take a short cut through the housing estate to get onto Parkway and avoid the Army and Navy roundabout. Simple solution, I hear you say, close the road off. Well yes it has been in the past few weeks, but my point is it has taken assorted lobbying by residents and myself for four years. The good news for Goldlay residents is that living there is sweeter. The nights are drawing in, the children are back to school, we are starting our journey to winter and joyfully Christmas, the mood on the estates appears to dampen. However in the Madden household on October 4th 2015, Kathryn and I will have been married for forty years, great joy. Kathryn has lived in Old Moulsham since the 1960s and attended school here and we married at Our Lady Immaculate Church, New London Road on a very unusually warm day in October 1975. Kathryn and I both love Chelmsford and though I am the person (for the past four years) who represents you all locally on the city and county council, we come as a team, and I would like to - through the Moulsham Times - express my thanks and love to Kathryn on supporting me, in representing you. BE SAFE Dick Madden

From The House by Sir Simon Burns MP - Longest Reigning Monarch On the 6th February 1952, the nation and the Commonwealth mourned the premature passing of King George VI, who with his wife, Elizabeth, had been on the throne for some of the toughest and hardest years in the history of the United Kingdom. A young Princess Elizabeth ascended to the throne and on Wednesday 9th September 2015 and some 23,226 days later, she became our longest reigning monarch, surpassing the reign of her great-great-grandmother, Queen Victoria. In her ninetieth year and still ably supported by Prince Philip, the Queen remains as dedicated to her role as she did back in 1952. I have had the pleasure of meeting the Queen and Prince Philip on a number of occasions, most recently in May 2014 when they visited Chelmsford Cathedral for a service to mark the centenary of the Chelmsford Diocese. On that day, it was wonderful to see the crowds of well-wishers who had gathered to catch a glimpse of the Queen and Prince Philip. Her Majesty was adamant that on the day she became the longest serving monarch it would be ‘business as usual’. Accompanied by Prince Philip, she opened the new Borders Railway and made only a passing reference to the occasion. However, in the House of Commons, the prime minister - her 12th - led speeches to Her Majesty. He said she “exemplifies the unique combination of tradition and progress that has come to define us as a nation. She has been a rock of stability in an era in which our country has changed so much, providing an enduring focal point for all her people.” Over the last 63 years, the Queen has represented us on 265 official visits to 116 countries and her presence has helped build partnership and progress no like other. She is also held in deep affection by leaders around the world.

As the prime minister said when concluding his speech: “she has served this country with unerring grace, dignity and decency, and long may she continue to do so.”

Halloween at Hylands

All That We See or Seem Is but a Dream Within a Dream (Edgar Allen Poe) On Saturday 31st October, you are invited to Hylands House and gardens for two eerie events; a mini monster’s adventure in the misty outdoors and a grown-up’s gathering, firmly behind locked doors. The Hallows’ Day event, for smaller children (and accompanied adults) starts at 4pm with a fantastical array of themed entertainment, rides and activities on the back lawn, a lantern-lit trail of tricks and treats in the disPleasure Gardens and an unnervingly immersive tour of the house. This special Hallows’ Day ends with a wonderful firework display. Then Hallows’ Eve, for a limited number of adults (and big kids) begins at 8pm and takes place entirely inside the abandoned rooms of Hylands House. Behind each door is something unsettling, unpleasant or plain peculiar as dozens of characters take your hand, attached or not, on a tour of the darkest parts of this building and your soul. This unique Hallows’ Eve gathering has a late demise with a Disco of the Dead included. Both events will serve-up weird walkabout performances, creative hands-on workshops, fearless fire shows and phantasmagorical face-painting. The finest caterers will tantalise and delight your taste buds with their food and drink, including alcohol (for adults only). Young and old, the alive and kicking, the dead and undead, are all invited to dress up according to the Halloween tradition delightfully dedicated to the departed. There will be awards for the best. Tickets for Halloween at Hylands are on sale now - from £10 for the Hallows’ Day and from £13 for the Hallows’ Eve. They can be purchased via, or by calling 01245 606505. There are also limited VIP tickets available for exclusive activity at Hallows’ Eve. Keep up-to-date with the event and ‘like’ Halloween at Hylands on Facebook or follow @CultEventsTeam on Twitter. Produced by the Cultural Events Team at Chelmsford City Council. The unearthly transformation of Hylands House is devised by international artists from Essex, Joanna Peacock and Mike Dodsworth. Halloween at Hylands is kindly supported by Meadows Shopping Centre, High Chelmer Shopping Centre, The Printing Place, The City Times, Event Sound & Light and BBC Essex. With thanks to Astral Design, East 15 Acting School and the Pauline Quirke Academy of Performing Arts.

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Staplegrove, a Hidden Jewel in Chelmsford by John Constable A 9 bedroom mansion with servant’s quarters, a coach house and stables in its own estate in the centre of Chelmsford... Bought in secret!! In fact, the whole of New London Road was bought in secret! How? By whom? And more importantly why?? Role the clock back to Victorian England. Chelmsford had been controlled by the Mildmay family for 300 years after they had been granted ownership by Queen Elizabeth I. In the 1830s, a large piece of the Mildmay estate was released for sale and bought - in secret - by a company of 5 prominent Chelmsford business men. Why in secret? Because they were non-conformists! In Victorian times The Church of England was the law and strongly opposed this non-conformist movement. In fact, so strong was this opposition that a series of laws were passed preventing nonconformists from holding office in government, the military and the church. Therefore the purchase of a large piece of prime real-estate in the centre of Chelmsford by non-conformists would have been most firmly rejected. The purchase of this land was in fact the start of a grand plan for the development of what is now New London Road. These five prominent business men formed The Chelmsford Company with James Fenton, the renowned Chelmsford architect, at its head and acquired this land surreptitiously through agents and third parties. Fenton was known for his designs of congregational chapel’s and the non-conformist cemetery in the area - and by a cruel twist of fate, the first internment was in fact his own son, Lionel.

The strong room is fitted with a Hobbs & Heart plate safe, and even this has its own story...

Bramah is London’s oldest security company established in 1784 and at the great exhibition in 1851 at the Crystal Palace, they issued a challenge; so convinced of their lock’s security - due in no small part to the fact that it required 274 million keys or combinations to open one - they were prepared offer a prize of 200 guineas to anyone who could break the famous Bramah lock Alfred Charles Hobbs, an American lock dealer, came over for the exhibition and took up the challenge. He spent 51 hours over a 16 day period - and broke it. The Bramah company were understandably furious and disputed both the means and the spirit of his achievement. However, reluctantly that had to accept defeat and pay up. 200 guineas in 1851 was more than enough to establish Hobbs, and the company went on to receive a royal warrant to supply safes to the Bank of England. Laurelgrove started its life in the 1840s and changed hands several times. It was finally purchased by the Chelmsford Club in 1939. The Chelmsford Club was actually established in 1884, making it the oldest business club in Chelmsford. Within 6 months of opening, it had 110 members and all of the 5000 £1 shares had been taken. Imagine the buying power of £5000 in 1884! Bringing our story up to date, the current directors of the Chelmsford Club have raised significant funds to develop Staplegrove to provide long term financial stability for the club and to concentrate on developing its membership.

Fenton also designed a number of mansions in New London Road, including his own, Laurelgrove, now Staplegrove.

From its origins as a club for ‘the Gentlemen of Chelmsford’ it has now also opened its doors to the business women of Chelmsford. The club has created a female advisory panel to provide ideas and guidance to make the club attractive to both business men and business women.

Laurelgrove was a fine mansion with orchards, its own chapel (nonconformist of course) and of all things, its own strong room!

Although this brings the Staplegrove story up to date, this lovely building still retains some of its secrets... What is the strange building in front of the house, an ice house or a stone built fruit store? Is the ceiling of the chapel really vaulted (currently boarded)?


Were the windows in the chapel really stained

What is the smart plaque on the first floor outside wall? Where are the stoke-hole and forging pits? What would Fenton have put in his Hobbs & Heart safe in the strong room? Has the beautiful staircase ever framed a blushing bride? And is there any truth in the rumour that, at a gaming table, a farmer bet his entire farm... and lost? For more information about the Chelmsford Club, please contact the chairman Peter Byatt. Email: Tel: 01245 250 959 The Chelmsford Club, Staplegrove, 108 New London Road, Chelmsford CM2 0RG.


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MT Gardening

Having stepped out into one of the gardens that I look after, I noticed there was certainly a lot to do! I hadn’t been to this one for a while and boy, having written a list of jobs and then prioritising them I just had to take the bull by the horns and jump in feet and secateurs first. With the painters coming round this week, the pressure has been on to clear ALL vegetation from window frames and sills, remove planters from where ladders will need a clear footing and sweep and clear the pathways. I started with the climbing hydrangeas by pruning back to around 6” (10cm) from all window frames. Remember to cut to an outward growth. With hydrangeas, buds are opposite each other on the stem. Bring secateurs into just above this junction at right angles to the bud growth and cut cleanly. It also gave me a perfect opportunity to take out any heavy unproductive wood. Note that this is purely for access to maintain the house at this time of the year. The best time to routinely prune hydrangeas is in March/April by just removing spent flowers and possibly some thinning out.

in front of fruit and/or old stems, as these plants flower and fruit on old wood only. Take care, I’ve punctured my hands many a time doing this so wear suitable stout gloves and take care of your eyes! Once all plants are trimmed well and windows can be accessed, I moved onto clearing and tidying the patio and path areas. You could use a whole range of ingredients to remove and stop algae and moss etc, but with me I do like where the hardy geraniums and lady’s mantle have taken over. I did though still even thin this growth out and transplant spare young plants to beds and borders. Nothing goes to waste in this garden!

The next victim was the firethorn; pyracantha ‘Orange Glow’. This is a good time to prune anyway as you want to see all those bright jewellike fruits that are currently hidden by young growth. The example I’m looking after has been trained as an espalier with around 3-4 well spaced tiers of horizontal growths. All young growth is pruned to just

Just prior to a final sweep through, I also pruned lavender and box. Both are evergreens and absolutely fine for pruning at this year, but I wouldn’t do this job much into October as the process can encourage re-growth which is sappy and lush. This lush growth is more liable to frost damage - so only prune evergreens in the growing season. With lavenders, take care not to cut too low into old wood as they don’t always respond well. Cut just into leafy growth as this will keep the plant less woody and keep doing this every year. With the box, I’m clipping back with secateurs and shears and shaping - again just cutting into living wood.

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Lastly, sweep up all prunings and add to compost bins followed by a clean and tidy of containers, cutting dead plant growth down, pushing a few crocus in as clustered groups and finally top up compost with fresh potting compost. Good luck and happy gardening! For any gardening tips, contact Tom Cole, Senior Horticultural Lecturer, Writtle College, Chelmsford, CM1 3RR by post (including a SAE) or by email at:

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Turning Retirement Dreams into Reality Are you making the most of your retirement plans? Will you be able to achieve all the plans that you dream of? Join us at Hylands Estate, Grand Pavilion, Chelmsford on Tuesday 6 October 2015, at either 2pm or 6pm to find out. In association with Fairey Associates Ltd, Chelmsford Centre Supporting Voluntary Action will be hosting a unique opportunity to meet with a variety of specialist organisations that can help with key elements of retirement; all under one roof! Come along and listen to presentations from a number of guest professionals covering topics such as pensions, wills, trusts, inheritance tax, legacies, probate and learn how you can use your time to keep well and connected. The Chairman of Essex County Council will open the afternoon session and the Deputy Mayor of Chelmsford the evening. Exhibitors include:

It’s never too early to start planning for your retirement, making the right choices will make it easier when the time comes for you and family members. If you are already retired please do still attend as the event may help you to consider many new options available to you. To book your free ticket/s please visit



Trendy Hipsters and the Fitness Industry

So what exactly does the fitness industry and trendy hipsters have in common?

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The answer is simple - a seemingly insatiable thirst for all things new. Hipsters love to be on the cutting edge of fashion and music, wearing the coolest clothes and listening to the newest music. In fact I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve heard a hipster say something along the lines of ‘oh I used to love that song before it became too popular’ (as an aside, why on earth your liking of something is dependent upon the number of other people who do or don’t is beyond me), or you hear them say ‘oh that song is so old, I was listening to that three months ago’ - as if somehow the song is like a perishable product which diminishes in quality over time! If you think about it, the fitness industry is the same. There are no end of new products being launched, all claiming to revolutionise the way we exercise. Allied to this are the countless number of individuals out there claiming to be exercise and nutrition ‘gurus’ each with the newest, secret formula to make you fit and healthy as long as you follow their unique training programme (oh and pay a lot of money for the privilege as well of course). And just like the trendy hipster, who in his quest to be newer and cooler than his friends puts on the latest, trendiest clothes and always fails to ask himself one simple, vital all-important question: ‘do I actually feel good?’ the fitness industry (especially the consumer) does exactly the same by not asking the one simple, vital all-important question: ‘do these products actually work?’

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When I mean ‘work’, I mean actually search for independent research which verifies the claims being made. Don’t be fooled by celebrity endorsements, hell, they’d say anything for a couple of quid, look at Peter Andre! Are you telling me he shops at Iceland!? And don’t be fooled by clever looking scientific studies highlighted on products either. Delve a little deeper and you’ll likely find the study was funded by the people who actually make the product in the first place! If you are new to exercise, don’t get caught up trying to find the perfect plan for you - most of the time you spend procrastinating is wasted time. Keep things simple; try to do some form of cardiovascular exercise, running, cycling swimming etc. whichever is the most enjoyable or of course, the most bearable - and combine this with some resistance training using heavyish weights. For much more detailed advice, please do not hesitate to get in touch or pop along to one of my exercise classes, which are held every Saturday morning at 9.00am at Baddow Recreation Ground, Chelmsford. Thanks for reading, Matt 07939 316 401

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Quiz Time - All About Essex! (Answers on Page 31) 1. Why is New London Road so called? 2. Where was the council yard in the middle of Chelmsford? 3. Where was County Laundry located? 4. What was the name of the sweet company in Chelmsford? 5. Where are the mill buildings in Chelmsford? 6. Where in the city did wrestling used to take place? 7. Where was the old police station? 8. Where is the site of an earlier prison? 9. Where was there a TB hospital in the area? 10. Where did Boots the chemist used to be? 11. What did Christy Bros. manufacture? 12. Who manufactured buses in Chelmsford? 13. Where is the Sebastapol Cannon? 14. Where is there a blue plaque to Thomas Hooker? 15. Where is ‘The Chelmsford Stone’?

The Anchor raised £3500 from their Heybridge to Chelmsford walk last month for Nipper. Money raised was presented to Help for Heroes

16. Who is the Chelmsford city town crier? 17. Where is the original Quaker Meeting House? 18. Where is Bishop’s Bridge? 19. Where was Hadler’s Garage located? 20. What and where was Conduit? 21. How high were the 2 original aerials at Marconi’s New Street Works? 22. What was Mr Christy’s first name? 23. In which year was the Zeppelin L.32 shot down in Essex ? 24. Where was Pollard’s Garage located? 25. Where was W Seabrook & Sons’ Farm? 26. In Essex dialect, what are ‘gays’? 27. Which colour can unlock a car? 28. Where are John Sherman Playing Fields? 29. Where is there a pedestrian subway in the Moulsham area? 30. What did H & TC Godfrey make? 31. Where is there a large tree depicted in pargetting? 32. What does a costermonger sell? 33. When was the death sentence abolished in England? 34. Where is there a ‘Peculiar Peoples’ chapel? 35. Who is depicted in the statue on a plinth situated at the top of the High Street? By John Theedom

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MT Baking by Alison Motley

This month’s recipe is in honour of two special food events in October: National Cake Week (which runs from the 5th to the 11th) and National Chocolate Week (12th to the 18th).

one, please do let me know as I’d love to try it. Happy Baking!

I’m surprised and somewhat amused by some of the national and international food dates around the world now. We can celebrate National Pie Week (I’m all for that) a World Tripe Day (mmm, not so sure...) and my personal favourite, International Hummus Day!!! Admittedly some of these dates are nothing more than promotional campaigns invented by producers and growers, but I think anything that helps us to connect with our food a little more and gives us an excuse to celebrate, or at least try something new, has got to be a good thing.

250g plain flour 40g cocoa powder 1 and a half teaspoons baking powder 200g unsalted butter, softened, plus extra to grease 225g caster sugar 2 large eggs, beaten 250ml soured cream 1 tablespoon white wine vinegar 1 teaspoon bicarbonate of soda ¼ teaspoon red food colouring paste

So to celebrate all things ‘cakey’ and ‘chocolatey’ I thought I would bake what many consider the holy grail of the cake world - the red velvet cake. I have tasted more than a few of these and some are better than others. My understanding of what a true red velvet cake should be is a deep red chocolate cake, rich but not overly sweet and containing buttermilk or soured cream, baking soda and vinegar. These ingredients don’t exactly flavour the cake, but cause a chemical reaction which makes the cake smooth, moist and fluffy and is also supposed to increase the red pigment found naturally in cocoa ( hence the red velvet). However, I do think you can tell by the taste if they are missing. Many red velvet cakes on sale commercially are just a chocolate victoria sandwich with red food colouring added. Nothing wrong in that, but not the real thing as far as I’m concerned. Opinions differ as to the true origin of the red velvet cake and there is more than one urban myth surrounding it’s invention. It’s thought to have become popular in the US during the Great Depression when red food colouring became widely available which increased its dramatic appearance, but before that, especially during the Second World War, similar cakes were being baked using beetroot to add moisture and colour. There is also some debate on the frosting, a traditional cooked French roux icing or a cream cheese frosting being the two most widely used. Whatever it’s origins, it is universally popular now. As well as eating a lot of red velvet cakes, I have also baked a few and in my humble opinion the best recipe I have found (so far!) is this one from Good Housekeeping. The cake is rich and moist, but also fluffy and light with a good chocolate hit. I made individual mini cakes, but you could make cupcakes or muffins, or use a 20cm deep cake tin, in which case the cake will need approx 1 hour baking time. If you have a red velvet cake recipe which you think is better than this

Red Velvet Cakes - Makes 16 Cakes

Frosting 400g cream cheese 125g unsalted butter, softened 125g icing sugar cake decorations (optional) 1. Preheat oven to 180C/fan 160C/gas 4. Grease the base and sides of the mini cake tins and line the bottoms with baking paper. 2. Sift the flour, cocoa and baking powder into a bowl and put to one side. 3. In a separate large bowl, cream the butter and sugar until pale and fluffy. Gradually beat in the eggs until combined. 4. Alternately beat the flour mixture and soured cream into the butter and sugar until combined. 5. Beat in the vinegar, bicarbonate of soda and red food colouring. Bear in mind the cake mix will darken on baking. 6. Spoon cake mix into each tin until they are two-thirds full and bake for 20-25 minutes, until the cakes are risen and a skewer inserted into them comes out clean. 7. Loosen the edges of the cake from the tins with a small palette knife, then turn out to cool on a wire rack, removing the paper from the base of the cakes. 8. For the frosting, put the cream cheese and butter into a large bowl and beat until combined. Sift in the icing sugar and beat until smooth. 9. Halve the cooled cakes and sandwich together with frosting. Spoon the rest of the frosting into a piping bag fitted with a large star nozzle and pipe a swirl of frosting onto the top of each cake. Decorate as desired. Store cakes in the fridge for up to 2 days. Bring to room temperature before eating. I would love to hear from readers with anything baking related! Drop me an email at: or take a look at www.


Essex Rock Histories - Curved Air by John Power Where better to start the story of Curved Air than with singer Sonja Kristina. She was an Essex girl, but not in the later use of that term. No white stiletto-healed shoes here - barefoot was more often the case. Sonja was blessed with musical and theatrical gifts from an early age, performing in folk clubs from the age of 13. Her parents were to insure that she had an unusual upbringing: Her father was headmaster of a school for delinquent boys and a criminologist (and even a puppeteer) in his spare time, while her mother was the granddaughter of a Swedish silent movie star. After school she also studied drama and my mate Jeff, at that time from Thurrock, met her at Grays Hall College where she travelled to from Brentwood. At the time she was still performing in folk clubs, alongside such talents as Sandy Denny and Buffy Sainte-Marie. Folk clubs in the 60s were a hotbed of social discontent as the Vietnam War raged on, so Sonja got to mix with radicals, writers, poets, musicians, hippies and Hells Angels. In 1968 her combined musical and acting talents landed her the part of Chrissie in the original London cast of Hair, with its taboobreaking naked cast scene. In 1970, when she became the voice of Curved Air, much to the disappointment of the male members of audiences, she kept her kit on. The band already existed in embryonic form before that as Sisyphus, after Darryl Way, who had studied at the Royal College of Music, was getting his violin electrified at an Orange music store and was overheard by guitarist and experimental keyboard player Francis Monkman, who had studied at the Royal Academy of Music, who suggested that they form a group, which they did with a drummer with the most rock and roll name ever - Florian Pilkington-Miksa. They were still lacking a singer when someone suggested Sonja, and the idea proved to be a fruitful one, Monkman suggested the new name taken from an electronic album by Terry Riley, called Rainbow in Curved Air. There have been many lineups for the group since then, but Sonja has always remained the defining and permanent central figure. The term ‘prog rock’ had hardly been coined by the time of the first album, but hindsight would have pundits place them in that category due to the mix of classically trained musicians with folkies and rockers of various hues. The first album, Air Conditioning (1970), was something of a gimmick, being the first ever picture disc, but by being first, it suffered due to the fact that the technology had not been perfected. The vinyl sides made a sandwich of a sheet of printed card, which didn’t respond well to the heat treatment and began to degrade after a few plays to the detriment of the vinyl. It was re-released in plain format but left many fans who bought the original disc rather disgruntled. In 1973 Eddie Jobson, who had worked with Roxy Music and Frank Zappa’s Mothers, replaced Monkman and Way. In ‘74, Stewart Copeland became drummer for two years before joining The Police, and Curved Air split up for the first time, as punk became the flavour of the day. Sonja however, sustained a 16 year relationship with Copeland. By 1989 Sonja had returned to her folk roots, with a brand of electric folk she called acid folk, staying true to her hippie origins as well. In a TV interview in 2015, she was still promoting the value of transcendental meditation too. She was joined in Sonja Kristina’s Acid Folk Band by violinist Paul Sax and keyboard player Robert Norton in 1996. Both had been members of reformed lineups of Curved Air in the interim. Their tours included an appearance at Glastonbury Festival. Sonja has done duet recordings with cellist and violinist Marvin Ayres, who produced the recordings, which became Heavy Petal and Technophobia, released under the joint performer name of Mask. In 2012 Ayres also produced a Curved Air Live Atmosphere CD album.

Curved Air’s other albums were 2nd (1971), Phantasmagoria (1972), Air Cut (1973), Midnight Wire (1974), Curved Air Live (1975), Airbourne and Best of (1976), Live at the BBC (1995 - recorded in 1970, 1971 and 1976) Reborne (2000 - some old songs and some new) Retrospective (2010 - an anthology from 1970 to 1976, with three tracks from Mask as bonus tracks) Live Atmosphere and Airway (2012 - recorded for the BBC at the Paris Theatre) and North Star, a new studio album in 2014. 1971 also saw five singles, including It Happened Today, the classically influenced Vivaldi and Back Street Love. Two singles were released in 1972, two live singles in 1975, and six singles in 1976. There were eight lineup changes before the 1976 breakup, but there have also been many reformations. The most recent lineup by 2015 saw Florian Pilkington-Miksa back in the band, along with Robert Norton, Paul Sax, Kirby Gregory and Chris Harris and Sonja - as ever up front on vocals and guitar. Past members were Darryl Way and Francis Monkman (founders) and Rob Martin, Ian Ayre, Mike Wedgewood, Eddie Jobson, Jim Russell, Phil Korn, Stewart Copeland, Mick Jacques, Tony Reeves, Alex Richman, Andy Christie and Kit Morgan.

If you wish to advertise in this magazine or Chelmsford the City Times, please email:

Showing all premiership matches & Live British Masters Golf! Rugby World Cup Final Day & Halloween Party Saturday 31st October Prize for the best fancy dress 7 Hall Street, Chelmsford, Essex, CM2 0HG 01245 299 126

Mind Body and Spirit Festival in Marks Tey, Colchester Saturday and Sunday 25th and 26th October 2015 sees Life Arts’ 2nd Mind Body and Spirit Festival in Marks Tey Parish Hall.

Life Arts is again providing a weekend packed with complementary therapies, spiritual guidance, health advice, meditation space, workshops and healing music. This event is raising money for the Helen Rollason Cancer Charity, with many fantastic prizes to be won in the grand raffle! On offer will be a range of therapies and treatments including reflexology, EFT, hot stone massage, Shiatsu, Thai yoga massage, crystal healing and Indian head massage. Gifts such as Peruvian, Nepalese and magnetic jewellery, essential oils and incense, raw and polished crystals and minerals, pagan, wiccan and gothic crafts, CDs and instruments. Consult with specialists, psychics and readers such as Kevin Doe’s aura photography, Channel 4 astrologer Demian Allan, international medium Maureen Flynn, animal communicator Alison Sheryll and psychic artist Marilyn Fleischmann. Discover the power of meditation with Paul King in the empowered healing space especially created by the European BuddhistHanmi Association, experience a unique ‘gong bath’ from Rami and learn from Greenstead Living Foods about supporting your immune system. There will also be free workshops on subjects as diverse as: Detoxing - Why and How? Open your Psychic Field, What is Reiki? and Relaxation Techniques for Stress Management. All we ask is a small donation at the entrance to our charity. Don’t miss the Mediumship Demonstration by Colchester’s very own legendary International medium, Maureen Flynn. The main stage will play host to demonstrations and performances from Ratnavali Tribal Bellydance, Ramivana playing harmonic instruments from around the world, composer and pianist Ian Haywood and Bards of the Heath, to name but a few.

Chris Cozens, who established Life Arts in 1998, has been organising Mind Body and Spirit Events since 1999 and ensures all exhibitors are selected by merit, integrity, experience and professionalism. The festival is at Mark Tey Parish Hall, Colchester CO6 1EN (just off A120) from 10am till 5pm each day. Parking is free and this event is wheelchair friendly. Admissions: £3.50 (adults), £2.50 (concessions). 16s and under enter free. For more information about the event, visit:


MT Therapy by Jenny Hartill

Last month I wrote about the person centred approach to give you an overview of what you can expect. Although I could bang on about Carl Rogers and his approach to therapy (and frankly any other therapeutic method you like), to keep things interesting I thought I would move on to my next therapeutic theory. Drum roll please... Enter the father of psychotherapy Sigmund Freud. Here’s how my wonderful profession first began...

A long time ago, in a country far far away (not really, just across the Channel to Europe to be honest) Sigmund Freud, seen as the founder of psychoanalysis, was one of the first professionals who began using non-medical methods whilst trying to diagnose and treat human conditions. One of the first conditions he started to work with was ‘hysteria’. Freud studied under Jean Martin Charcot (a famous neurologist at the time in 1885). Charcot was working with patients who suffered from hysteria, some of these people appeared to suffer from physical symptoms (for example they claimed to have numbness in hands and feet, they would suffer from fits, some even suffering blindness and paralysis), but no trained doctors could find anything physically wrong with them. Charcot found that these apparent physical symptoms could be relieved through hypnosis. Today, many therapists believe in the mind-body link and symptoms that have no physical explanation but a psychological link is present are called psychosomatic. From here, Freud carried on looking for psychological explanations for hysterical behaviour. During his investigation and treatment with hysterical patients, he noticed that patients seemed to gain relief from remembering and talking about painful childhood experiences. He discovered that as a therapist, talking about and analysing the feelings, thoughts and dreams about the issues the patients were concerned with, had an important therapeutic result. His findings led him to establish the fundamental rules and methods used by psychoanalysis, which he regarded as a ‘talking cure’. This term came about through work with his mentor and friend Dr Joseph Breuer and Breuer’s patient ‘Anna O’ - who had been suffering from hysteria but seemed to get better when she talked about what was bothering her. It was Anna who coined the term ‘talking cure’. Freud’s clinical experience led him to believe that consciousness remained only as the tip of the iceberg of human psyche and put forward the theory of the existence of the unconscious mind (or ‘subconscious mind’ as I refer to it). He viewed the human psyche as a complex structure with three parts that make up the personality: Id, ego and superego. Freud also emphasised the importance of early childhood experience that he believed had great impact on personality formation. And here’s where the article gets really interesting folks... Ready??? Freud identified the stages of ‘psychosexual development’ and the effects which could occur as personality traits and coping mechanisms, depending on the way the individual went through them. Overall, Freud’s theory - whether you agree with him or not - has had a great influence on the field of psychotherapy. Now, because I know all of you are absolutely dying to know what the psychosexual stages are and are totally and completely waiting to see them with baited breath, here they are in all their glory. Enjoy: Oral: Newborn to 15 months. Freud said that babies are born with their ‘id’ only and therefore seek instant gratification. For example through feeding, crying, another oral exploration of the world through it’s mouth. (Attempting to eat lego does count...)

the mouth to the anus. The child enjoys ‘the elimination of faeces’. According to Freud, this creates conflict between the child and the parents because the child is constantly trying to gratify one or the other and yet both are in dispute. According to Freud this is because ‘random elimination of faeces’ (ie, going to the toilet when you feel like it) gratifies the id and creates parental displeasure whereas withholding elimination (not going to the toilet whenever you feel like it) gratifies the parents and denies the demands of the id. Have you ever called anyone ‘anal’? In psychoanalysis, this could refer to someone holding in emotion, Freud may well have explored this stage of development to see if anything drastic happened. Phallic: 3 years to 5 years. The child’s attention now shifts again to the genitals, but the gratification is not the same as experienced by adults. The child is increasingly interested in their own genitals and other people’s bodies and now is the stage where Freud brings in his Oedipus/Electra complex. His theory is that Oedipus applies to boys and Electra to girls, so in the boy’s case, he wants his mother and so is jealous of his father - and therefore wants to remove him. In the girl’s case, she is angry at her mother because she didn’t give her a penis - and therefore has penis envy. Yes. Seriously. Penis envy. God love you Freud. (Ladies you can stop laughing now…) Latency: 5 years to puberty. According to Freud, the repression of the sexual drives that occurs during the previous Oedipal/Electra stage leads to the previous drives appearing inactive in this stage. (Borrrrrringgggg). Genital: Puberty onwards. The earlier drives now emerge, but in more of an adult form. Some of the focus is on the genitals but Freud did stress that ‘secondary process thinking’ such as loving relationships and assuming the responsibilities of adult life can be seen as symbolic gratification. Freud’s theory is that when one or more of these stages are disturbed, this can have a lasting effect upon the individual. It is these lasting effects that Freud believed could be used to diagnose a patient and help them recover through talking about their childhood experiences For example Freud suggests that the person could become fixated on the stage that was disturbed. Unfortunately, I have run out of word count, however if you enjoyed reading about the lovely Freud and his equally lovely and fascinating psychosexual stages of development, just you wait until I get to Melanie Klein... Genuinely though, I do respect Freud, if it wasn’t for him millions of people wouldn’t have been helped with their mental health issues so as much as I jest, I do it in honest humour because I realise that some of his theories may seem a little ‘out there’ to most people. If you want to look at some of his work the id, ego, superego stuff is fascinating and may well give you an insight into how you think, especially if you’re someone who has internal arguments a lot. If I can be of any help or if anyone has any questions, please feel free to contact me via my website:

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Anal: 15 months to 3 years. The focus of gratification shifts from 20

Success and Self-Sabotage

So, you have a dream and you know what you want to achieve. You have done some background work and taken some courses; maybe you know somebody already succeeding in your area of interest and have taken some advice. All of this is good preparation and essential if you want to achieve. At this stage however, it is still just a dream and if you want to make it a reality you will need to add some wings to make it fly. This is often a tipping point: some will go on to achieve success, whilst for many, self-sabotage can start to creep in and scupper any chance of moving forward. Self-sabotage takes many forms and it would be impossible to discuss them all individually here, so I have listed the top three, which in my experience covers most situations. 1. Self-doubt: This is the inner voice that starts to question your ability to take on the task. You may tell yourself that you are not good enough, that you don’t have the required qualifications or skills, or maybe that you have the wrong background and don’t deserve success. Self-doubt is about feeling your thinking and it feels real and plausible. It is in my experience, the number one reason for giving up on goals.


Saturday Night Live

Halloween Hypnotist Sat Oct 31st £50 Bar Tab Raffle

Live from 9.30pm

In October:

3rd: Rat Pack Tribute evening with Tony James 10th: Live acoustic music with Rob Tunbridge 17th: Live Rock covers with Solar 9 24th: Live duet Oink 31st: Halloween Hypnotist Alistair Martin

2. Fear of failure: In truth, most people if asked, do not want to fail, because failure has such negative connotations attached to it. I am going to deal with this one right here - there is no failure, but there is an opportunity to learn. If you succeeded at everything you did first time, then you would never be stretching yourself and HD PROJECTOR only operating within your comfort zone. Most overnight success newbirdinhand stories took years of hard work and many learning opportunities. 3. Fear of success: This one may sound a bit odd, I mean who is scared of being successful, right? Success can appear scary when you start to consider the commitment necessary to sustain it. Maybe others will be relying on your continued success, bringing extra responsibility. In short, success may seem like hard work. Self-sabotage comes in a variety of guises, but the three identified above cover the majority of situations, with most falling within the self-doubt category. In my experience, there are always hidden assumptions being made in these situations and they are fuelling the potential sabotage. In most cases, when challenged, they prove to be unfounded, or the client has insufficient knowledge to judge either way - they are simply feeling their negative thinking. When understood, this is an empowering moment in a coaching situation and it is at this point that I encourage clients to imagine what they could achieve without these assumptions. It is then that they are ready to take empowered action.


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To your success… For more about Mark Roberts, visit his Facebook page at:

If you would you like to write for any of our magazines, or have a one-off article to send us, please email: Mon-Fri 9.30am-5pm last entry 4pm

Visit us as many times as you wish for £10 per child in October, November or December!

Wine Corner

Hi everyone. It is getting very autumnal now. Actually, it’s more like winter; heavy rain and strong winds making the three or four days I was able to sit in the garden over the summer a dim and distant memory. Never mind, just about 85 days to Christmas! I thought that I would do something different this month and look at whisky - or whiskey. The one without the ‘e’ is Scottish, whilst the one with the ‘e’ is almost everywhere else. It is thought that distillation (the process of separating component parts of a liquid) may have been used as early as the second century BC, but not for producing whisky, more to do with perfume, which probably does not come close to the taste of whisky. The word whisky translates to ‘water of life’. So when drinking guidelines say you should drink plenty of water, would this count? It wasn’t until much later that the Scots and the Irish started to use the process for alcohol. At this point, it was used for medical reasons. In the 15th century, the first whiskies were produced. Somewhere along the way - surprise surprise - monks were involved. It is claimed that Old Bushmills in Northern Ireland is the oldest one in the world. There are two main types of whisky, single malt and blended. Single malt, as the name suggests, is produced from 100% malted grain like barley or rye, distilled at a single distillery, whilst a blended whisky is a mixture of two or more malt and maybe other grain whisky. There are five whisky categories: Single malt Scotch, made from water and mash which contains malted grain, pot still. The copper still is directly heated and each production run comprises a batch. Single grain Scotch, distilled in a single distillery using malted barley and sometimes other cereals which does not meet the definition of a malt whisky. Blended malt Scotch, a blend of two or more single malt whiskies Blended grain Scotch, a blend of two or more single grain whiskies from more than one distillery. Blended Scotch All whisky has to be aged in oak barrels for at least three years. Often malts are 12 years or more. Unlike wine, there does not seem to be any special way that whisky should be drunk. Just put it in the glass and enjoy the taste.

item in the bagging area, it said. I just have, I reply. Now I’m thinking that my conversations with the cat are quite sensible! Scotch is a term protected in many parts of the world, so only those products made and bottled in Scotland can call their products Scotch. This is protection of the process or product, like Melton Mowbray pork pies, not the taste, although Scotch flavoured pork pies? Perhaps I have stumbled on a marketing opportunity! Some areas of Scotch production are also protected, Lowlands and Highlands for example. Scotland is split into five regions for the purpose of whisky production. In the south are Lowlands, Cambeltown and Islay. Going north, we see Highlands and Speyside and there are hundreds of distilleries. Each of the areas produce whisky with its own characteristics, so in order to see what you prefer. I’m afraid you have to try quite a few! Most of the larger ones have visitors centres and tours (and tastings) and you can follow the malt whisky trail. I have been to Talisker on the Isle of Skye, Glenkinnchie in the Lowlands near Edinburgh, Oban on the west coast and Ben Nevis, yes you guessed, in the shadow of the British Isles highest mountain in the Highlands. The Ben Nevis distillery is relatively small, with its whole year’s production equivalent to a half day’s production of some of the other larger ones. The guide explained that he had lots of holidays as a child in Southend and kept saying ‘you awright mate?’ to me all through the tour. There are lots of countries that produce whisky (or whiskey). I do like the ones from Ireland. These are produced in pot stills but are usually distilled three times (rather than the two distillations in Scotland). They tend to use less or even no peat, and this gives Irish whiskey a different taste than Scotch. In 2014, there were less than 10 distilleries in Ireland. You will be pleased to hear that there are a number of new ones being built. This compares with about 56 in Scotland, so save up your holidays if you want to visit all of them. You often have to pay for the tour, but get a discount on a bottle of whisky if you buy in their shop. Some of the bigger companies provide what they call a passport to their distilleries, so once you have visited one you can use the passport for other ones in the group without charge.

Although single malts are often seen as a superior to blends, blending can produce a range of tastes that can be varied and perhaps better for marketing to meet different preferences of the consumer.

So go and enjoy the wonderful views and the taste of the wonderful whiskies.

I went on a day trip to Calais the other day. You might be able to guess the reason for going. We used the Channel Tunnel. For those who don’t know, there is a height restriction in the carriages that carry the cars, 1.8m. My car is not quite 1.8m so I declare this when booking the tickets. Why am I telling you this? Well I was wondering if other travellers in a similar situation feel the same as me. Before getting to the platform, there are bars across the road set at about 1.8m, as a final check that the car will be OK. Now, I know my car will go under the bar. I have checked the height and been through it loads of times. So why is it that I drive very slowly and find myself cowering in my seat every time to avoid hitting the bar?

What’s the best thing about Switzerland? Not sure, but the flag is a big plus.

I am getting worried. I find that I am having conversations with electronic devices. The other day one these self checkout things explained that buying goods increases your points. Yes I know, I replied. Oh no, did I say that out loud? The person next to me is giving me a strange look, so I guess I did. I also argue with them. Put the 22

Bin end chuckles:

If money doesn’t grow on trees, why do banks have branches? Keep calm and carry on drinking (in moderation).

Deadlines for the November edition Articles - 13th October Print ready art work - 19th October

Rotary - Supporting Local People

I think that for many people Rotary is known for the work it does internationally, whether it be for literacy, health and sanitation or disaster aid, but probably what is less well publicised is the tremendous amount of support given to local good causes. I could write a book on all the charities and individuals based in Essex who have benefited from Rotary, but perhaps an illustration may give you the picture... Rotary Clubs in Chelmsford visited Barrow Farm to have a conducted tour of their operation and to give a donation to this very worthy charity. The charity’s full title is Barrow Farm Riding and Carriage Driving for the Disabled (you can see why it is often shortened) and is based between Blackmore and Writtle. Its stated objective is to ‘enable people with special needs and disabilities to develop their abilities and enrich their lives through riding.’ Rotarians were able to see the instructors take some of the disabled children on their allocated horses for walks and light trots. They were evidently enjoying themselves, as were the Rotarians and partners who were lucky enough to be on the visit. The visitors were very impressed with this fascinating and inspiring project. Barrow Farm was started up around 30 years ago by centre manager Anne Michell and her parents. It has grown in size and reputation under the dedicated management of Anne and her team. In fact, Anne received an MBE last year in recognition of her wonderful work for this charity. Many clubs work in parallel and another local one, Brentwood a Becket Rotary Club, recently presented Barrow Farm with a cheque for £1,000 and the photo below shows president, Graham Wale (far right), making the presentation to trustee, Linda Poole. One of the farm’s fine horses also manages to get into the photo. Barrow Farm Riding for the Disabled is a great charity to support and because of where it is based and the young people it helps, several Rotary clubs to the South of Essex tend to lend a hand either physically with mucking out or through fundraising. Again, taking the example of Brentwood a Becket, it supports charities such as Barrow

Friday 16th October at King Edward Grammar School, Broomfield Road, Chelmsford CM1 3SX starting at 8pm. It features the Peter Long Quartet and tickets costing £13 are available through www. - or if it’s easier, you can ring me for tickets. There will be a bar avaliable on the evening and you can bring your own nibbles. It is always a great evening for jazz fans with top class musicians. All the money raised will go to charity and on another occasion I will write about our zero or low administration costs so you can be confident your generous donations end up at the right place and not in the pockets of highly paid executives. If you would like to join Rotary, visit:, or call me on 01245 260349 (office hours). Stan Keller

Wellness Of Women Day on Saturday 24th October 2015 - 10.00am - 2.00pm This is part of an initiative to improve the lives of our residents and men. Don’t worry, we will be having a Men’s Health Day in the new year. The event at Moulsham Lodge Community Station is free entry. We have both an osteopath and a chiropractor as well as a women’s specialist keep fit team. Information on other aspects of women’s health will also be available on the day. MLCT contact details: Mark Springett Tel: 01245 602 272/07842 069 950 Email: Web:

Restaurant & Takeaway

-------------------Wednesday Gourmet Night £9.95 Sunday Buffet Adult 8.50pp Children £4.50pp

Terms apply

-------------------Farm thanks in a large part to the annual Brentwood Half Marathon & Fun Run, which has raised hundreds of thousands of pounds over the years. It is interesting to consider where the money does come from to donate to these charities. The old-fashioned shaking a tin still has a place, but Rotary only tends to do this at Christmas or when a major disaster occurs, such as the Nepal earthquake earlier this year. Most of the fundraising is through organising fun events and these include race nights, quizzes, auctions, marathons, dragon boat races, abseils, etc. Certainly Rotary puts the fun in fundraising.

- - -34-Moulsham - - - - St, - -Chelmsford - - - - -CM2 - -0HX ---

In fact, Chelmsford Rotary Club is organising a jazz night on

01245 299168


MT Charity -

Chelmsford Foodbank Opens a Food Distribution Point in Old Moulsham

On July 1st, Chelmsford Foodbank opened its fifth food distribution point within the city with grateful thanks to Grove Road Evangelical Church who have provided the premises free of charge as part of their community outreach. The food point is open on Wednesday and Friday mornings between 10am and 12.30pm and emergency non-perishable food and toiletries can be obtained from there for those who are in receipt of a food voucher. Vouchers can be obtained from around 70 professional outlets including Essex County Council, Chelmsford City Council, the Citizen’s Advice Bureau and many other care agencies, some churches, schools and doctor’s surgeries. The foodbank is stocked with donations from the public and sorted by a team of volunteers in our warehouse in Beehive Lane. A single person would expect to receive around 10Kg of food, which is calculated to last around 3 days. Families receive much more of course. Anyone coming with a voucher for food will find a peaceful, nonjudgemental atmosphere where there is tea, coffee and biscuits, a listening ear, prayer if appropriate and opportunities to learn of other agencies that might be able to help people in their crisis. The other food distribution places in the city are in Melbourne, North

Chelmsford Community Gospel Choir Celebrates the Matriarchs of Gospel Music

Chelmsford Community Gospel Choir presents Women of Gospel on Saturday 10th October at 7:30pm at Life Church (Elim), Hall Street, Chelmsford. Our fifth annual concert celebrates gospel’s most prolific female artists and will be a great night for anyone - with or without faith - who loves soulful, uplifting music. Our concert coincides with World Mental Health Day and this year’s theme, Dignity in Mental Health, strikes a special chord for us as a community choir. Gospel music began as the expression of dignity by black slaves and the power of its message and rhythm influences popular music to this day. When we sing, we are sharing dignity in ordinary but powerful ways. So how can our choir contribute to the mental wellbeing of people in Essex? Come and hear us. Our concert on Saturday 10th October will be a celebration of soulful sounds and profound lyrics. Have a go yourself. Come to our Find Your Voice workshops and experience the positive power of singing in a group. Free and open to all every Thursday in November from 7 - 9pm at Meadgate Church, The Orchards, Mascalls Way, Great Baddow, Chelmsford, CM2 7NS. Just turn up and enjoy! Work with Us If you support people with mental health issues in and around Chelmsford, get in touch. We offer workshops that encourage everyone to take part.

Avenue, Trinity Methodist Church and St Mary’s Great Baddow, strategically placed to reduce the distance people have to travel to distribution points. Donations of non-perishable food can be taken to our warehouse in Beehive Lane on a Monday, Wednesday or Friday morning. Our website,, shows the addresses and the times our food collection points are open, gives our current most needed food items and testimonies from those who have been helped. In the past year over 23 tons of food has been given to support more than 3,000 people experiencing food poverty from our city and we are so appreciative of the general public who are so generous in their giving - without them there would be no foodbank to help those in need in our city. The Chelmsford Foodbank is a project of the Oasis Church, Chelmsford and works within the Trussell Trust framework of foodbanks. Clive Pickett Volunteer responsible for media Chelmsford Foodbank

Book Us. We love sharing our sound at special occasions: fundraisers, weddings, birthdays, musical events and church services. Join Us We are a friendly bunch, with an open door for anyone who wants to sing. We meet every Thursday from 7 - 9pm at The Orchards. To find out more about us, visit:


Chelmsford City Football Club is Proud to Announce the Launch of Their New Primary School Initiative Programme

As part of the club’s commitment to working with the community, Chelmsford City Football Club has launched their Primary Schools Initiative Programme, whereby for every home game the club will be inviting four local primary schools to attend and be our special guests for the day. The programme kicked off at our game on Saturday 3rd October 2015, against Oxford City, which also coincided with Grandparents Day at the club. The day was a huge success and we are really looking forward to the next. The first four schools picked were Kings Road, Lawford Mead, Newlands Spring and Melbourne Primary. The day included a free ticket for every child and an accompanying adult, a tour of the stadium, meet the players, guard of honour, a photo and participation in either a penalty shoot-out, or ‘Beat the Goalie’ competition at half time. There is also a goodie bag for each child to remember their special day and the school’s teachers and staff are also invited to attend as our guests. Chelmsford City chairman, Trevor Smith, says: “Our objective for this programme is to raise the profile of both the school and the football club within the community and we hope each school will help us in reaching our goal”. This is just one of the Clarets many initiatives, as it aims to forge closer links between the club and the local community. We also have some exciting new events coming up at the club, including fantastic tribute act Creedence Clearwater Revived on Saturday 31st October. One of many live music acts playing at the club in conjunction with It’s your Music. Tickets are only £15 in advance, or £18 on the door. October also sees our spooky Halloween Thriller Party (with a Michael Jackson tribute act) on Friday 30th at 6.30pm, a darts night you’ll never forget with Wayne Mardle - including a fish and chip supper - on Monday 19th at 7pm, and An Evening of Clairvoyance with Steve Holbrook on Sunday 25th at 6.30pm. More information on all these events can be found on our website,, our Facebook page, officialchelmsfordcityfootballclub, or by calling 01245 290959.

Live Music - It’s Your Media and Chelmsford City Football Club

We are colaborating with CCFC with live music nights. The second of these will be Creedence Clearwater Revived on 31st October. They will be supported by The 60s Project with the great Roy Mette (see the advert on page 3). Tickets are available online (search wegottickets. com) or from The Hop Beer Shop in Moulsham Street. We are in the process of booking for dates for later this year and for next year and will update you as soon as we have new information. Just confirmed for April we have the fabulous The Blow Monkeys as a part of their UK tour. The aim is to bring some bigger acts to Chelmsford in a great sized venue for gigs more intimate than your average larger venue. Nick will be back with his regular music column next month as this month is Blues in the City (2nd - 4th October) - check for more info. Remember, this year it is all in aid of The Remus Memorial Horse Sanctuary based in Ingatestone.

CityDiversions and Fling Cabaret

Ami’s Diary

certificate, so I won’t be able to see it!

The zombie movie I acted in is in post-production and the trailer is going to be released on Halloween. I’m really excited, but the film is going to be an 18

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I went to see To Kill a Mockingbird at the Barbican Theatre, which was brilliant and I would love to play the part of Scout. While I was waiting for the performance, I checked up on the acting course I want to do. I had already decided I wanted to do the BA in Acting at East 15 Performing Arts College, but I then decided I want to specialise in Stage Combat. But as I would be training in archery, aikido and the use of weapons such as swords, I need to be really fit. Although I have got 5 years until I go to college, I have joined a gym to get fit and strong ready for the course. As I have joined a gym and got lots more homework now that I am in year 9, I have had to give up guides which I am really sad about, but I know I can’t do everything and I have missed a few weeks when I have been to castings, so I don’t want to take a place when someone else could join. I started back at Theatretrain and it’s my 6th year, as I started when I was only 7 years old. I have been moved up to the seniors group which I am so pleased about. I know I’ll have to work really hard as most of them are older and more experienced than me, but I’m up for the challenge. The next casting I am doing is for a film in pre-production called Montana Mischief, which is a modern version of Joan of Arc. For the first audition, I have to submit a video to the casting director about me, my experience and why I should be cast for the part. Hopefully I’ll get through to the second audition in January.

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Funnies Q: What do ghosts eat for supper? A: Spooketti! Q: What do you do when 50 zombies surround your house? A: Hope it’s Halloween! Q: What do you get when you cross a witch with sand? A: A sandwich!

Remember to tell our advertisers you saw their advert in the MT



Remember to tell our advertisers you saw their advert in the MT

Look what I found when visiting St Johns Church over Heritage Open Days weekend. It is a copy of Moulsham Parish Magazine from 1926. Note the advert for M Lucking who still advertise in our Chelmsford the City Times magazine.




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Volatile Descent: A Detective Carter Mystery by JR Blake - Part 10 Last time we saw DCI Maslow’s friend John Wood fall into a trap resulting in a serious injury. Now, we return to the story in part 1 of the dramatic conclusion to Volatile Descent...

“Carter... oh... I see... well that is very interesting indeed... yes we’ll join you there...” and the detectives jumped in the car. DI Carter said to DS Carter:

David Thomas looked at John Wood in the hospital bed. He looked so peaceful. That should have made things easier to deal with but it wasn’t. He had always wondered whether he would be put in this position one day but never thought it would actually come to this. Poor John, losing a leg like that. The last thing David had wanted was for any of his friends to be in such pain. He only hoped that John would be out of this pain and misery very soon. David approached the bed carefully, watching John lying motionless apart from his chest rising and falling every now and then. He put his hand into his pocket...

“So, we’re thinking David Thomas is good for this then?”

DC Reid had stopped off at the police station to make some enquiries. He was awaiting a phone call from the university but had decided to begin making his way to the hospital in the meantime. This would quite possibly be one of the most important decisions of his career. Reid’s phone rang: “Hello? Yes this is DC Reid. Ah ha. Hmmm. What? He specialised in... and he what? So you’re telling me he saw the university counsellor? For how long? How bad was this incident? Did anyone get hurt? Oh God...” DC Reid hung up and ran to the car. Right now he was eternally grateful to Carter’s rich cousin for providing such a speedy vehicle. It may well save someone’s life... DI Carter and DS Carter had arrived at the B&B and were questioning Lisa, the daughter of the owners. They had long since retired, but Lisa had asked them to join herself and the detectives. After a long chat about what they remember, it would appear that neither of them remembered anything remotely useful. Until DS Carter asked them one last question:

“I don’t think it’s quite as simple as that Eric. I need you to get a squad car over to the hotel though just in case” DS Carter replied, and she sped off in the direction of the hospital. Back at the hospital Reid burst in through the hospital room door to find David Thomas sat at John Wood’s bedside. Reid had also come to the conclusion that David Thomas was indeed their killer. But then, from behind him, someone’s arm was thrust around his neck and a knife was put to his throat. In his ear somebody whispered “Don’t move detective...” Tune in next time to see part two of this dramatic conclusion...

To email us a letter or a quiz, please email us at: editorial@

“Ok, so you didn’t see anything, I want to try something though. All of you close your eyes for me. These old houses can carry sound incredibly well, did you hear anything unusual before or after the death of Ben Closer? Take yourselves back in time, put yourselves where you would have been milling about the place and working... Did you hear any conversations? Did you hear anything unusual?” Both parents shook their heads, but Lisa suddenly perked up...

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“Yes! Recently though, I have problems sleeping and the other evening I remember thinking I could hear someone going through one of the rooms around that time. i checked, but nobody was there.”

“Which room?” DS Carter asked. “Room six” Lisa replied, Lisa’s mother perked up. “That was where the boys were staying...” “Ok, Lisa think very carefully for me. Did you find anything in the room where you heard the noise?” Carter asked, she could feel some vital evidence coming on... “Yes, actually I did. Hang on...” Lisa replied, she went to a drawer and pulled out a handkerchief. “I found this. I kept it because I thought it was pretty...” Carter grabbed the embossed handkerchief. She handed it to DI Carter.

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We are wedding dress cleaning specialists. We will clean your dress and if you require pack it in to a preservation box. Prices start from: Clean only £55 Clean + Box £110

“Look familiar?” She asked him. “Why yes DS Carter, it does. Our suspect really should be more careful about where they drop these things.” The detectives left the B&B, heading for the hotel. Just then DS Carter got a phone call. It was Reid:


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1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

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Quiz Answers

Are you a local charity?

Because the ‘old’ London Road was Moulsham Street Manor Road Springfield Road, on right just up from Navigation Road Hawkes Cuton, Sandford, Moulsham, Victoria Road and Barnes Mill The Corn Exchange Corner of Waterloo Lane and New Street Barrack Square Broomfield Corner of High Street and Springfield Road Agricultural machinery and refrigeration equipment A Young & Sons, in London Road and Clarkson, also in London Road Oaklands Park On left of passageway leading from Tindal Square to the cathedral. (he was the founder of the State of Connecticut in 1636 and Father of American Democracy) 15. Outside the main door at Oaklands Museum 16. Tony Appleton 17. Baddow Road, near car park 18. The stone bridge in The High Street/Moulsham Street 19. New Street, where the court house now stands 20. Water fountain at the corner of High Street and Springfield Road (now situated in Admirals Park) 21. 480ft 22. Fell 23. 1am on 3rd September 1916 at Great Burstead, near Billericay 24. Broomfield Road, just before junction with Parkway 25. Boreham 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35.

Pictures or photographs in a magazine Khaki (sorry!) At Moulsham School Parkway (Moulsham Street) and Princes Road (Vicarage Road/ Longstomps Avenue) Marquees and tents (now the site of Tesco in Moulsham Street) On the side of building in Parkway/Moulsham Street, near underpass Meat and fish 1965 Hall Street Judge Tindal

What Woman Doesn’t Like Shoes and Handbags?!

It is a known fact that most women love shoes and handbags, so if you fit the brief read on. The Inner Wheel Club of Chelmsford Mildmay will be holding one of their twice yearly shoe sales at Keene Hall, Galleywood on 10th October between 10am and 12noon. We will have the latest winter styles of shoes and boots, plus lovely leather handbags from Hotfooted Shoes, ladies clothes, Christmas gift ideas, handmade jewellery and greetings cards. There will also be coffee and our delicious homemade cakes if you need a break from shopping. All the profits made at this event will go to our charity, which this year is City of Chelmsford Mencap. Do come along and join us and help support a local charity. 31


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74 Moulsham Street, Chelmsford, CM2 0JA 01245 266980

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