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Blesma, the Limbless Veterans Charity
The First World War led to the birth of nearly 18,000 charities, of which just 10 still exist today. Blesma is one.
Blesma, The Limbless Veterans, who’s head office is located in Chelmsford, is dedicated to assisting serving and ex-service men and women who have suffered the loss of limbs or the loss of use of a limb or limbs, an eye or loss of sight, either during or after service. We support these men and women in their communities throughout the UK. We work tirelessly for our members when the conflicts that have affected their lives are no longer a focal point in the nation’s media.
wheelchairs, stair lifts and home and garden adaptations so that they can remain mobile and independent in their own homes for as long as possible.
Since our inception, Blesma has campaigned successive governments for equal employment rights, opportunities and practices. Today, we still strive to help members find fulfilling employment.
Independent Advocacy
We believe prosthetics and provision should meet the needs of every individual member. Our advocacy networking to local and national representatives ensures this is the case.
Since 1932, we have been the only national service charity that supports limbless veterans for the duration of their lives. Our members range from the youngest amputee veterans to those who fought in WWII - some having lived with limb loss for more than half a century. Modern medicine may have come a long way since then, but there is still a vital need for Blesma to support the younger generations and their families who have survived complex trauma injuries and will need our specialised support as they face the long journey ahead.

Members have been supporting their fellow members since the very first days of Blesma. This lies at the heart of what we do and allows us to draw upon a shared knowledge base of experience - of traumatic injury, recuperation and eventual stability. Our offer goes beyond fellowship though, so our expert welfare team offer precise professional support when it is needed.
Blesma does not generally pay for members’ prosthetics, but we do help prosthetists develop their skills at undergraduate and PhD level. We also work closely with the NHS to ensure the latest advances in the relevant medical fields are converted into practical solutions that can benefit all our members, and often the civilian population. Our dedicated BSO (prosthetics) stays abreast of the latest developments in the field, liaising across multiple organisations to transform the latest technological advances into practical solutions for our membership.
We are experts in the War Pension and Armed Forces Compensation Scheme (AFCS), as well as a whole range of other allowances. Our team of Blesma Support Officers offer advice and assistance on applications for entitlements, benefits and allowances. They also aid our members and widows at War Pension Tribunals and AFCS hearings.
We offer our members financial assistance with the additional costs and hardships of disability. We regularly contribute to the provision of
Members’ Activities
Staying active after injury is essential to continued health and well-being. Our activities and courses range from the cerebral to the adrenaline-fuelled and are specifically tailored to our members’ needs.
How You Can Help
This May, we are asking supporters to Bake for Blesma and sell their creations to raise funds for our wounded veterans. By hosting your own baking event this 1st - 8th May, covering the King’s Coronation weekend and VE Day. You can enjoy an afternoon tea spread whilst also supporting our veterans to lead independent and fulfilling lives.
When you sign up, you will receive a Blesma pack full of everything you need to make your bake sale a success; coke toppers, bunting, fundraising tips, balloons, collection box and most importantly recipes from our injured veterans.
For more information or to sign up, visit blesma.org/support-us/ find-an-event/events/bake-for-blesma-2023 or email fundraising@ blesma.org or call 020 8548 7089.