Moulsham Times - September 2022

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MoulshamTimes Delivered to 9000 homes and businesses monthly in Old Moulsham, Tile Kiln & Moulsham Lodge Issue No. 117 - September 2022


MT Welcome Hi Welcomereaders,to the September edition of Moulsham Times This month is Heritage Open Days run by Chelmsford Civic Society. We still have spaces avaialble for some of the bookable events - and please do remember, there are plenty of events which do not require booking - www. or see the advert on page 21. We have quite a few new advertisers this month which is great. Please do check them out and remember to mention the Moulsham Times when using their services or buying from them. Please do not hesitate to contact me using the details below if you wish to advertise your business or event in the October issue. We are fairly well booked up regarding front pages, but can always place adverts inside the magazine. Regards Paul Advertising & Editorial Paul Mclean 01245 262082/07595 paul@moulshamtimes.com949701 Disclaimer: It’s Your Magazines Ltd publish the Moulsham Times. The opinion expressed in each article is the opinion of its author and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of It’s Your Magazines Ltd. No part may be reproduced without the prior written permission of It’s Your Magazines Ltd. Reg Co No. 12080535. Printed by Warners (Midlands) PLC. 3


case work - a hugely important part of any MP’s work - and in the afternoon they joined me delivering leaflets and chatting to residents.

I recently met with residents of Chislett Row in Moulsham Lodge and heard about their concerns regarding Chelmsford City Council’s proposals for a new play area. I was joined by Cllr Rob Gisby who has been supporting the residents. The residents are not opposed to an upgrade of the existing play area with some new equipment, but the do think that the council’s proposed scheme is much too big for the site. They told me that it would be much more sensible to build a slightly smaller scheme at this location and use the savings to improve other parks in Chelmsford as well.

At the end of the summer parliamentary term, I was joined by five young work experience students from Chelmsford.

Chelmsford - By Vicky Ford MP To read this magazine and the City Times online go

If the proposed scheme goes ahead then the park will lose the current ‘kick-about’ area which is very popular with younger children. Residents also think that not enough consideration has been given to minimising antisocial behaviour, especially as there have been incidents of drug dealing and vandalism. I was very shocked to learn that the Lib Dem councillor responsible for the proposed scheme has not visited the site or listened to residents, especially as the proposed scheme is a huge investment of public money. I have written to Chelmsford City Council and hope that the residents views are taken into account. I was recently contacted by the senior management team from Tesco Pharmacies about potential taxation changes for locum pharmacists which would impact operations across the country. I joined the Superintendent Pharmacist at the Miami Roundabout Tesco Pharmacy. Helen, the store’s Pharmacy Manager, told me how she and her local team help customers

I took them on a tour of Parliament, explaining how legislation is debated and agreed. We discussed how the Commons works in conjunction with the Lords, and importantly how not to get lost in the huge building.

After Prime Ministers Questions, the work experience team joined me as I went to cast my final vote in the leadership ballot. It was a momentous day to be in Westminster. Back Chelmsford,in the work examplesthroughIgovernment.abouttoCountytalksastudentsexperiencehadtourandattheCouncillearnmorelocaltookthemof

If you know a sixth former in the constituency who would like to take part next summer, do ask them to drop me an email.

with over 1,000 prescriptions every week as well as lots of advice and support. Thank you Helen and your team for all you do for local people. Traditionally, locum pharmacists help cover staff - for example, when there are staff holidays, sick leave and parental leave. I have written to the Chancellor to support our pharmacists. In this very dry summer it may seem strange that I have been thinking about flood prevention. However, there is a long standing concern from the Environment Agency that if there was to be simultaneous torrential rainfall on the head waters of all the rivers that meet in Chelmsford, then this could lead to significant flooding affecting many Moulsham homes. Fortunately, this has never happened, though I have been calling for this risk to be given more consideration. Therefore it is good news that the Environment Agency has been working on a new approach with Chelmsford City Council to protect Chelmsford from flooding. I hope residents will hear more about these plans in the months ahead. As ever, if you require my assistance, please do get in touch with me by email on 5

Today I will take you on a journey through an osteopath’s mind. By the end of the article you will understand how we think, and I hope this helps you if you have recurring pain. I will focus on recurring pain, which differs from chronic pain. Recurring pain gets better and can come back, whereas chronic pain lingers for a long time. We need slightly different strategies for that, so I will cover it in another article.

There are plenty more things that may lead to recurring pain - the body is a complex puzzle! But I hope I have given you some good food for thought. If you would like more help, you can head over to my website at, or say hi at info@

1. Pick a Sport or Activity you Enjoy: Consistency is king when it comes to maintaining physical health. If you have fun doing it you are more likely to make it a regular practice. If you hate the gym then try something different like BJJ, badminton, or playing guitar.

intensity forms of fitness and blasting themselves a few days a week.

3. Join a Group: In the post-covid world, many people work from home and doing something with others can provide face-to-face human interaction that’s essential for mental health. Group sessions also reduce the cost of coaching and provide an environment where you can learn from the others. As you gain experience you can start to help the newer members of the group which can be very rewarding. Meeting new people also ensures your activity is not tied to a single friend which can be a pitfall for obvious reasons.

2. Find a Passionate Coach who Walks the Walk: Enthusiasm is infectious. A good coach will not only act as a guide to help you develop your skills but also offer encouragement and accountability. Seeing your coach play or train can also be a source of inspiration and an example to follow. An experienced coach can help you make progress and get the most enjoyment out of an activity which can ultimately make it something you stick with for the long-term.

By Chris at Forté Physical Health,haveahealthy and happy month!

The final thing I can fit into my word count is lifestyle factors. Earlier I said that an osteopath thinks about predisposing factors and maintaining factors when creating a diagnosis, but sometimes these can be the same thing. For example, certain types of back pain don’t respond well to sitting down too much, but if someone has to sit a lot for their job, it can make the injury more likely to happen and prevent an efficient recovery. Other common lifestyle factors I see are using tools that overload isolated parts of the body, like in hairdressing or gardening. Things around the house can get us too, like that favourite armchair that is really comfortable but makes you crank your neck when you watch TV.

Rob’s Fitness Tips

If you have recurring pain, ask yourself: is there something in my home or work that could make this more likely? Then find a way to modify it.


MT Health: Understanding Recurring Pain -

One of the many reasons I love being an osteopath is that I like puzzles, and each patient is a puzzle! Puzzles have many pieces and with each person, there will be more emphasis on certain elements of the puzzle than others. Today I will outline some of the possible pieces of the puzzle, and then you can decide which ones are most important for you. Before we get into it, I think it will be helpful to explain how an osteopath thinks about diagnosis. Typically, a diagnosis will be a phrase or sentence that describes what is wrong with someone. It may talk about the dysfunctional structure or process, but this doesn’t explain why it is problematic. When I write my diagnosis of each patient, I also like to think about predisposing factors (the things that made the injury more likely to happen) and the maintaining factors (the things that prevent the problem from resolving on its own). By thinking this way, we open up a bigger picture about how someone is living their life, and this leads to the rehab and lifestyle plan to prevent the problem from recurring. The first reason someone might experience recurring pain is a lack of strength. If we broadly split fitness into three - cardio, flexibility and strength - strength is the only one that has any relationship to how likely you are to get injured. Cardio can help you live longer, but it hasn’t been shown to reduce your risk of injury. Flexibility makes life easier and opens up opportunities with your body, but it also doesn’t reduce your risk of injury (this is something I have changed my mind on in my career; I used to put a lot of emphasis on flexibility, but now I know that the most important thing is strength and control of Whenmovement).Isaystrength, you may have an image of a bodybuilder spring to mind, but I’m talking about your ability to control your joints throughout their full range of motion. Exercises that help this can easily be done at home just with body weight. A typical example would be recurring back pain due to weakness in the hips and core muscles. Doing some squats, bridges and core exercises can help coordinate and control movement in your spine and reduce the risk of Nextinjury.up, we need to talk about sleep. In his book Why We Sleep, Matthew Walker explains that if we are sleep-deprived, we are up to 60% more likely to be injured the following day. In this case, sleep deprivation was defined as having just two hours less sleep than the recommended eight hours for one night. You don’t need to go on a weekend bender or be woken up for weeks on end by a newborn to increase your risk of injury - just one night watching too many episodes on Netflix could be the thing that leads to pain the next day. The third thing that could lead to recurring injury is your training intensity. In your exercise, it is important to have a mix of low intensity movement like slow running or yoga, some strength training, and some high intensity work. Although high intensity training can be very effective for increasing your fitness and helping weight loss, too much of a medicine is a poison. In my clinic, I regularly see people who are missing out on the lower

Over time, this can lead to fatigue and injury. If this resonates with you and you feel you are doing a lot of high intensity training, try swapping a couple of your workouts for a slow run or some yoga. At first, it will feel like you’re not training because you are used to being much more out of breath in your workouts, but you will find that you can be more consistent because you don’t pick up as many niggles, so you win in the long run. 7 32 Rochford Road,Chelmsford, EssexCM2 0EF fortephysicalhealth Call:01245 522360 Meet our team of experts £10 OFF when youquote MT10 ● Back pain ● Disc problems ● Jointstrains ● Shoulder injuries ● ● Hip pain ● Foot andankle pain ● Plantar fasciitis ● Headaches Conditions we treat: Rotator cuff strains Keeping Chelmsford Moving! Osteopathy ׀ Massage ׀ Acupuncture

Mr and Mrs C already knew that they wanted to make a bold statement with their new kitchen. They visited the Regal Kitchens showroom and found that the Laurel Green door from the Italian painted collection was exactly what they were looking for. Designer Stacey worked tirelessly to design the kitchen, incorporating a tricky stair wedge which can sometimes be unsightly.

The customer has a very busy family and lifestyle and so wanted to include as many clever storage solutions as possible to maximise ease of use. The Blum Space Tower is ideal for storing food and giving everyone (including the children) easy access, and it was decided to include full height cabinetry along one wall to ensure there was plenty of room to house the cooking equipment.

Mr and Mrs C chose a marble-effect laminate worktop which really contrasts against the dark green cabinetry and antique brass handles, and a traditional tap adds a luxurious feel. A full set of Neff appliances means that cooking is not a chore - and we love the pop of orange, which really finishes this wonderful project. amazing kitchen and a great place for a family to congregate. Ian, Regal’s fitter, did an excellent job and the client is over the moon with the end result. CM2 6HX


8 2 Navigation Road, Chelmsford,

Regal Kitchens - Case Study

Remember to tell our advertisers you saw their advert in the MT 9 At Inlustris Gifts, we stock the most fantastic products from British businesses which are Fairtrade, ethical, have sustainable ingredients, are cruelty free, have fully recyclable packaging and minimal plastic. The majority of items we stock are manufactured in the UK and for the few that are made overseas, we ensure that they are Fairtrade. Therefore you can shop either online or in-store with confidence that nothing has been manufactured in sweatshops or has nasty ingredients. Thankfully, we have found lots of great companies who share our ethos and create amazing products, including gents’ grooming items, reed diffusers, soaps, lots of jewellery, seed bombs, candles, wax melts, pagan and spiritual items and much more. We also stock wares from local talented makers including pottery, jewellery and cushions with much more to come soon. Our little shop is a dream come true, and we couldn’t have found a better location than Moulsham Street, which has welcomed us wholeheartedly in the last few weeks. So when you fancy a browse or looking for an unusual gift, you will find us between the fireplace shop and the Star and Garter pub at 158 Moulsham Street, Chelmsford. We are open Tuesday - Saturday from 9am-5pm. Beautiful Gifts That Don’t Cost the Earth

Salvia ‘Dyson’s Joy’: A compact bicoloured shrubby perennial, hardy in most areas and drought tolerant. Flowers May - November. 60cm, (

At last - its raining! As I write, last night and this morning we’ve had non-stop rain with a smattering of thunder and lightning. Those water butts are filling up at last and our plants are getting a much needed long soaking. The air is also very refreshing. As the weather clears, I’ll be getting on with a few key tasks; here are just a few of them... Many of my rambling roses have now completed their major flush of the year. This is the perfect time through to the dormant season to remove flowered wood to the ground or to where there is a wellspaced long vegetative shoot (produced this year) and then tie them into the support system. Every year, with Rosa ‘Veilchenblau’ I take the plant off the pergola and separate out all of the flowered wood, removing it and cleaning, in order that I have a range of young, pliable non-flowering shoots remaining. With theses I’ll tie them into the support system by wrapping them around vertical posts and tying along Anythingrafters.leftdangling over the edge of the structure will be cut back to the support and tied in. If you feel that the growth is still excessive, don’t be afraid to thin out. Look for the weaker shoots and remove cleanly. As a result, you’ll have a fabulous display next year! I would add that plants will also do well to have a good top dressing of a suitable rose fertiliser (fish, blood and bone) in the spring. Moving on from pruning, I bet some of you are still heavily harvesting courgettes, toms and soon… chilli peppers. Although we have had a good shower of rain over the last few days, watering will still be important with the addition of any high potash feeds. With peppers, both sweet and chilli, the trick is to harvest when ripe. Leaving them on can disrupt further flowering and fruiting. Cut off cleanly with your sharp secateurs and use fresh or freeze or pickle, etc. If your borders and containers are starting to look at little drab, pop into your local garden centre or nursery and look out for salvias. These are a great plant for looking good and extending the season of interest… even when running to. Look out for any of the following: Salvia ‘Amistad’: A woody perennial with large, intensely deep purple flowers and black calyces reaching around 1.2m high, ( uk/plants/307058/salvia-amistad-(pbr)/details).

MT Gardening

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Salvia discolor: A ender woody-based perennial. Purple-black flowers and foliage with mid-green upper surface and white undersides, stems and calyces. Up to 60cm in height, ( I’veplants/16326/i-salvia-discolor-i/details).foundthisexcellentlinktoawholerange of other perennials that will really help your garden bask in colour from late summer through to the autumn: perennials-and-bulbs/top-10-late-flowering-perennials. For those looking ahead, check out this sneak preview for gardening tasks in September:

Happy gardening For any gardening tips please contact Tom Cole, Horticultural Lecturer, Capel Manor College, Bullsmoor Lane, Enfield, Middlesex, EN1 4RR, or email,

The heat this summer has been extreme to say the least, and many of us have been forced to hide indoors with the curtains drawn, the fan on and an icy drink beside us. This has been much the same throughout the UK, but due to where Essex is placed in the south east, we usually have the hotter weather and drier conditions - and this has left grass and plants dry and lifeless. Despite this though, there is an animal in the UK that is fighting the drought with us, and these creatures have only recently been reintroduced back into the country. Beavers have been extinct in the UK since the 16th century where they were hunted for fur and meat, but small populations have been released around the UK to try and increase their numbers once more. The dams built by beavers help to maintain wetlands, and when a beaver notices its habitat is getting quite shallow, they excavate dirt and materials as they prefer to live in deeper areas of land. This helps to cool the air and land around the dams, and makes the chances of severe flooding less likely. Small leaks in the dam allow a minute amount of water to trickle through, which helps to relieve the pressure. In this period of extreme hot weather, land managers have noticed that where beavers have been introduced, the wetlands have not been drying out like the rest of the Certaincountry.counties like Sussex and Kent have issued a hosepipe ban to try and conserve water - and in Horsham, West Sussex on the Knepp estate, two beavers are helping to combat the effects of the drought. What once used to be a small stream has now turned into a collection of ponds and healthy green plants to which the beavers are confined in a two hectare enclosure. Outside of the enclosure, the streams have run dry in the drought, but in the beaver’s enclosure the wetland is fill to bursting with water. The wetland is maintained by beavers building their dams as it directs the water flow into their natural environment and forms ponds that can be used by other wildlife and allow flora to grow and thrive. At the moment, it is illegal to release beavers into the wild without approval, and there is much debate as to whether the current population should have been allowed to be reintroduced. Some argue that the network of rivers and streams have changed a lot since beavers first died out here, and due to the poor health of our water systems, this could cause a negative effect on the health of the beavers. Those in favour of reintroduction say that beavers help to make ponds which are used by two thirds of the UK wildlife, and dams help to reduce downstream flooding after excessive rain. Whether or not you agree with their reintroduction, they are certainly adorable to look at! Holly runs Holly’s Evergreen Dog Walks in the areas of Great Baddow and Moulsham Lodge, offering a friendly, professional and personal service for your dog. You can call or text on 07906 517 931, or email for enquiries and bookings. to the Rescue - By Holly Lucking


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There is lots more going on in and around Chelmsford. We are lucky in the Old Moulsham area to have lots of pubs that put on live music, like The Star and Garter which has been taken over by The Bay Horse guys and recently reopened. Keep your eyes open for the City Times with its What’s On guide, or if you are online there is plenty there to tell you what is on where and when.

Nick Garner’s Music & Ramblings

Well, this has been a month we will not forget in hurry I think, with the scorching hot and tinder-dry weather.

You can get tickets for our show in Chelmsford from Intense Records, Hopsters and Chelmsford 4Good - please pay cash in person. Tickets are also available online from BlackFrogPresents, or via our ticket hotline at no extra charge call or text 07508 496 411 and you can then pay the advance price on entry to the show.

How have you coped with it? I have not coped too badly I reckon. The last summer I remember like this was in 1976, the year my daughter was born on 1st September; my wife had a hard one and we were both thrilled when our daughter was born and was - and is still - very fit and healthy! Our son is going to be 50 this year as well, which is frightening. Our boy is half a century old... how did that happen? As I write this, we are now desperate for some rain - nice and steady through the night would be good, so it gets into the ground and does some good.

The last show so far confirmed for 2023 is Band Of Friends on 30th June. This is Gerry McAvoy and Brendan O’Neill, who were the rhythm section for Rory Gallagher for many years. Gerry played with Rory for over 20 years, then Brendan joined Rory’s band and played with Rory and Gerry for 10 years. After we lost Rory they joined Nine Below Zero for many years as the rhythm section and then formed the amazing Band of Friends, playing the music of Rory Gallagher.

Music For those of you who remember the late Claire Hamlin, please make a note that we are putting on an event to celebrate her life at the Chelmsford Social Club on Sunday 30th October from noon to 10pm. Claire was one of the world’s leading boogie woogie pianists, and was one of the nicest people you would ever wish to know. She appeared at many an open mic in the area too. It was no surprise then that some of the best musicians want to join us, and so far we have Zoot Money, Geraint Watkins, Diz Watson of Diz and the Doorman, and Janos Bajtala and Todd Sharpville - and we have more we are waiting to confirm with us. Besides all of these, there are the acts that Claire played with like The Kingsmen, members of the Alabama Slammers and The Alley Cats, as well as Steve English and Fergie Fulton and many others. All the money raised on the day will be going to Farleigh Hospice and Cancer Research as per her and her partner’s wish. All acts and the team are doing this for free and there will be a small entry charge of just £10 - you will be free to come and go as you please throughout the event. So please tell all you know to come along to help celebrate the wonderful Claire’s life with us. We are off..! Here we go again with a full season of great, yes great, live music booked for the Chelmsford Social Club. I know The Hot Box has some amazing acts booked as well. We are just hoping that people will buy tickets in advance, as I know none of us want to cancel any more shows due to lack of sales. With the level of acts we book most of the musicians are professional and need paying - just as we all do for the jobs we do - to be able to live and pay the bills. You can see the acts I have coming up in this publication. I am busy booking acts for The Orange Tree too. Marc Mcleod has taken over the pub and I am sure he will do a great job as he has always done in IChelmsford.amalsonow busy booking acts for Black Frog Presents at Chelmsford Social Club for 2023. We have some great shows booked already, starting on 20th January 2023 with Nine Below Zero, then on 10th February we will have The Orbison Project (paying homage to Roy Orbison), and on 24th February a new band - The Verity/Bromham Band who are John Verity (ex Argent) and Del Bromham (of Stray and the Blues Devils). On 3rd March we have Martin Turner (ex Wishbone Ash) and his band. Then, if you like Stevie Wonder look no further, as we have Some Kinda Wonderful with Derek Nash and his band (Jools Holland) on 10th March. On vocals will be Noel McCalla (Manfred Mann’s Earth Band) and there is no one better than Noel to sing these songs.

If you have anything you think that could be of interest to our readers for either publication, then let us know at editorial@itsyourmedia. - it may be an event or a topic of interest. Have you done anything unusual this year or are you planning something? If so, we want to know about it. Or do you or know of someone who may wish to advertise with us? Please ask them to contact ads@itsyourmedia., and we can send over full details.

For all Black Frog Presents gig updates and information and to be kept up to speed of where we are at, go to BlackFrogPresents, or scan the QR code in the poster in this Itmagazine.wouldbe fantastic if you could share our magazines the City Times and Moulsham Times for us. We continue to publish both magazines online as well at

To read this magazine and the City Times online, go to

Since the last edition, I have been away on a little adventure in my caravan. I went to three festivals and stayed at my friends in Gosport in between. I got to see lots of friends and acts old and new to me. I had fun! We are now fast approaching Heritage Open Days where, from 9th to 18th September, there will be lots to discover. Buildings and other interesting places will be open for you to see, some of which are not normally open to the public. For full information of what and where, go to or for further afield, www. soon now, with some children starting in a new school or going to college or university. Soon it will be autumn, then dare I say it - Christmas. Let’s hope the energy rises are not as bad as we fear...


Then on 24th March we have Clearwater Creedence Revival - and yes, they play the music of Creedence Clearwater Revival! There is no better band than these, with Pete Barton at the helm with his gravely voice. Pete also sang with The Animals and The Boomtown Rats to name just a couple. On 31st March a change of style, as we go rock ’n’ roll with Bamboozled. Serena Sykes is on vocals and double bass, and she has to be seen as she climbs the bass while still playingthey are stunning. We then move to 28th April with an act I have been after for a long time - it’s Chris Jagger, the younger brother of Mick Jagger. He has been going almost as long as the Stones and I would highly recommend this show. 13

14 Although Christmas still seems a long way off, we are delighted to share that we will be running the Mayor’s Advent Calendar in December - this helps raise vital funds for the Mayor’s chosen charities. Look out for us at the Heritage Open Day event inside Patch on Saturday 10th September, where some of our team will be showing off their audio editing skills and chatting about how radio has evolved since Marconi’s pioneering broadcast with Dame Nellie InMelba.other news, we are very much looking forward to starting our lunchtime Radio Club for Year 5 Baddow Hall Pupils. This is part of the Local Cultural Education Partnership Incubator programme and what we hope will be the first of many school radio clubs. Please do get in touch if your school would like more details. Finally, don’t forget to visit our fantastic Radio Café which is located inside Moulsham Mill (between Aldi and B&M), which is open MondaySaturday, 9am-4pm. We serve great coffee alongside a decent selection of tasty toasties, jacket potatoes and salads. NewsLatestCCR Aldi B&M pleaseadvertiseTocall01245262082

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Cllr Marie Goldman Deputy Leader, Chelmsford City Council City Councillor for Moulsham & Central County Councillor for Chelmsford Central

Yet they’ve been decimated. Our Conservative government has failed to understand the importance of enriching young people’s lives, giving them a sense of purpose and focus. Instead, they have consistently and constantly cut funding for these vital services that give children and young people the experiences and learning opportunities that some of us are lucky enough to be able to give to our children during holiday time, but many are not. And even for those who are, once a year is not enough - there need to be opportunities throughout the year.

As families return from their summer holidays, children return to school, teenagers head off to university for the start of a new chapter in their life, and the sun starts to sink ever so slowly lower into the horizon, a lot of us are getting back to some semblance of normality after a welcome break. I’ve been lucky to get away with my family to a beautiful part of the British Isles where we were all able to get out on the water, spend time on the beach and in the sun, and enjoy the company of other families that, like us, return year after year to be reunited.

Sometimes, very sadly, the absence of good quality opportunities for our young people creates a vacuum that is all too readily and easily filled by drugs and gangs.

All of our children are extremely fortunate - as are we - to be able to meet up with friends and get out and about, taking part in lots of activities from water sports to games of rounders and cricket on the beach, with campfires in the evenings, complete with toasted marshmallows and games of cards that seem to never end. While they’re playing and having fun, they’re developing crucial lifelong skills: learning how to socialise and be part of a group, how to give and take, how to help others and to accept help in return... They’re learning about tide times, wind and currents - to understand and respect nature. New experiences are vital to their growth as wellrounded human beings and I’m lucky enough to be able to give these experiences to my children. Others are not as fortunate.

A Better Start for our Young People -

I’m also supporting other projects linked to youth services, as are my Liberal Democrat colleagues. Want to get involved? Start by making a donation here: youth.essex. - and then write to our local MP, Vicky Ford, asking her to demand more funding from the government for youth services. Demand a better future for our children and our society.

All children and young people need the opportunity to try out new things and learn while having fun. Knowledge isn’t just gathered by sitting in a classroom or reading a book - it’s also about seeing, touching, and doing. And not just in the summer holidays either.

So let’s demand better for our young people. Rather than complaining about antisocial behaviour, let’s make a fuss about the lack of alternatives.

ENERGYPOSITIVE+ YOURMOVE WAY Monthly and PAYG Gym Memberships available. BOOK YOUR FREETODAY*TRIAL *T&Cs apply. October Edition Deadlines Articles - 21st September Artwork - 24th September

By Cllr Marie Goldman

That’s why year-round youth services are so important.

For my part, I have agreed to allocate much of my Locality Fund from Essex County Council (a relatively small amount of money given to County Councillors each year to be spent on projects in their electoral division) to a youth outreach project being operated in the city centre.

Opportunities like taking part in the Duke of Edinburgh (DofE) bronze, silver and gold award schemes, which teach young people the value and skills of volunteering and spending time in the great outdoors. My husband, who volunteers as a DofE leader, says the transformation of children through a DofE course is incredible to watch - shyness disappears, replaced by confidence and a whole new skillset, along with new friendships and experiences. Many schools offer DofE courses, but they are also available from Essex Youth Service (youth.essex., which is a good alternative to school courses as it adds an extra layer of independence away from the often more cocooned school environment. For families struggling financially, there are potential funding schemes available for these sorts of course - contact me to find out more. Of course, DofE courses are just one of the types of activities on offer to children and young people. Others, such as youth clubs, are available for those lucky enough to live nearby - but we need far more. These services are crucial to giving young people a safe, structured way to have new experiences and to spend their free time. Sadly, where these services are lacking, young people find other, less desirable things to do - sometimes resulting in the antisocial behaviour that local residents write to me about.

As ever, keep well and keep smiling.

While we are thrilled with the performance of every subject, exceptional outcomes have been achieved in biology, chemistry, combined science, computer science, design and technology, drama, food technology, French, history, maths and Spanish.

worknearby is a flexible workspace and community start-up, and has recently partnered with Chelmsford-based businesses The Hive in Oaklands Park, and The Lemon Tree and F Cooke Pie & Mash House, both located on Moulsham Street, to provide locals with exclusive perks when working from their establishments.With the

Headteacher, Julia Mead, said: ‘In view of the significant disruption Year 11 students endured due to the pandemic, their GCSE results represent a remarkable, unprecedented achievement. We are extremely proud of them all. They, and their teachers, worked so incredibly hard, leaving no stone unturned and their success has never been more well deserved. We now look forward to them moving into our Sixth Form and continuing their educational journey at Moulsham High School.’ Remote Working Community Rewards

Robert Cooke, owner of F Cooke Pie & Mash House, added: “I’m delighted F Cooke is now onboard with worknearby. We’re excited to offer our spacious and comfortable venue as a place for people to work and meet new people whilst enjoying our traditional pie and mash.”


Chelmsford Residents for Working Locally


“Whatever space you have to work from at home - big or smallfeeling isolated and home distractions plus the struggle to separate home from work are challenges that most remote workers face. By getting out of the house and working locally, people can combat these difficulties and enjoy a change of scenery, plus champion local businesses, save on the long and expensive commute, enjoy a better work/life balance, and reduce their carbon footprint.”

upworknearbyhospitalitytakingtheremoteshiftacceleratingpandemicthetohybridandworking,andlasttwoyearsatollontheindustry,wassetin2021,setting out to benefit both parties by encouraging local coffee shops, pubs and restaurants to repurpose their spaces to welcome remote workers, whilst supportsworkspace.lookingvenuespromotingsimultaneouslythesetothoseforaproductiveThislocal companies and helps to generate business after an undeniably tough time. Given that the office provides more than just a place to work, worknearby has built an ever-growing community of independent businesses, each offering discounts and deals for all worknearby members, to replicate the benefits of the office closer to home. These include discounted food and drinks at The Orange Tree, an independent pub on Lower Anchor Street, and to help combat stress and promote well-being, a special reduced rate at Yoga with Jo, which has classes across Chelmsford.

Ashleigh Davis, founder of worknearby, says: “From what started as a directory of where people could work remotely, we are now taking worknearby to the next level by partnering with these local businesses. As someone that is Chelmsford born and raised, I am on a mission to create workspaces in Chelmsford that are accessible and affordable, whilst creating a community to support our members still working from home to thrive in both their personal and professional lives.

As a new business, worknearby has an introductory offer of £2 a month for the first three months, and £5 a month thereafter, with no contracts and the ability to cancel anytime.

To find out more about the member benefits currently on offer, including access to dedicated remote working areas with free Wi-Fi and charging points, and to sign up to hear more about worknearby’s co-working coffee mornings and networking events, visit www. to grow the community further and would love to hear from other local businesses interested in finding out more about the partnership opportunities. Get in touch via www.

Moulsham High School Presents GCSE Results 2022 Moulsham High School are today celebrating a set of GCSE results which far exceed our usual high expectations.

Kellie Elicin, owner of The Hive and The Lemon Tree, says: “By partnering with worknearby we are giving our local community an alternative workspace that is welcoming and supportive. We are excited to see some new regular faces come through our doors!”

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by searching Alternatively,‘@2ndchelmsfordgirlsandboysbrigades’.pleasephone07810644746 or email us at 2nd

The Peasants’ Revolt by now, was not confined to London but had spread throughout England - and in many areas, such as Norwich, Cambridge, Lincoln, Leicester and York, the revolt being ruthlessly put down by the king’s men.

If you

After supervising the trials and multiple executions of the many rioters in Chelmsford, Thomas and his 200 well-trained men at arms attacked the 500 lightly armed men encamped at Billericay in the early hours of the 28th of June. Not surprisingly, it was a one-sided battle with the rioters being easily brushed aside and defeated, with many of the rioters slaughtered by Thomas’ soldiers. It is claimed that many hundreds of men who had participated in the Peasants’ Revolt of 1381 and taken part in the Battle of Billericay of 1381 were buried in Great Burstead churchyard. By July 1381, the Peasants’ Revolt was all but over, and it was estimated that over 1,500 of the rioters had been executed by the king. History: The Battle of Billericay - By Henri Lewi Chelmsford Girls’ and Boys’ Brigades are currently taking a break over the summer, but we will be restarting again on Tuesday 13th September at Moulsham Lodge Methodist Church, which has been our home for more than 50 years. currently have the following spaces in all our sections: Anchors for boys and n:vestigate for girls aged 5- 8 years. Juniors for boys and n:gage for girls aged 8-11 years. Company/seniors for boys and n:counta/n:spire for girls aged 11-18 years. know of a young person who would be interested in joining in the fun then please do contact us; we’d love to welcome them. found at, page Chelmsford Girls’ Brigade

The revolt itself had started in Brentwood when the villagers of Corringham, Fobbing and Stanford-le-Hope had been summoned to appear before Justice of the Peace John Bampton on 30th May 1381 because of non-payment of the Poll Tax, which was a levy imposed by Parliament to fund the ongoing war in France. The order to arrest some of the villagers led to a local revolt and subsequent uprising that rapidly spread across Essex and Kent. This resulted in 20,000 rioters from Kent and Essex congregating in Blackheath and marching firstly on to Southwark and then crossing the Thames at London Bridge and into London proper. Riot, murder and fires ensued with the destruction of many royal and government buildings, including The Savoy Palace (where the Savoy Hotel now stands). The palace was the London home of John of Gaunt Duke of Lancaster, the king’s uncle and father of Henry Bollingbroke who would some years later be crowned Henry IV.

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In Essex, The Earl of Buckingham, Thomas of Woodstock, had been entrusted by the king (his nephew) to suppress the revolt, execute the perpetrators, and bring peace to the county. Thomas of Woodstock himself was well acquainted with Essex, having not only inherited Pleshey Castle, but also having acquired the title of The Earl of Essex via his wife Eleanor de Bohun. He was, in late 1381, living in Pleshey having returned from France earlier that year after abandoning his siege of Aquitaine.

In late June 1381 towards the end of the Peasants’ Revolt (that had started in Essex), Billericay was the scene of a battle between 500 men who had participated in the revolt and the troops of King Richard II led by his uncle Thomas of Woodstock. These men of Essex had split from the main body of men who had met the young king at Smithfield to press for their demands, which stipulated both the abolition of the feudal laws binding men to work for their local lords, as well as repeal of the hated Poll Tax. It was at this meeting with the king that the so-called leader of the Peasants’ Revolt, one Wat Tyler, was killed by the Lord Mayor of London. The mob that had previously marched on London, burning and pillaging as they had made their way across the capital, now rapidly dispersed with the men from Essex trekking northwards via Brentwood to set up camp in Billericay near what are now known as the Norsey Woods.


Boys’ and


The meeting at Smithfield on the 15th of June 1381 had been an attempt by 14-year-old King Richard II to defuse the situation, but ended with the killing of Wat Tyler the (unofficial) leader of the revolt.

I’m looking at strange news stories again this month... This is a genuine report from Reuters news agency apparently: The mayor of a small town, San Pedro Huamelula in Mexico, has married an alligator. As in many countries these days, health and safety had to be involved and after a risk assessment, when things like the chances of the mayor losing an arm or worse, it would be OK to go ahead. The only caveat was that they would have to use an Alligator Mouth Securing Device, AMSD - which turned out to be a piece of rope! During the service, he kissed it on the snout, so the AMSD was a good idea... This ritual has been carried out for centuries, asking for enough rain, food, and fish in the river. The creature is dressed in white and a splattering of other colours. How nice. I guess it will be with the mayor on civic duties. I can just see it at the mayor’s banquet, asking the waiter to give him fish - and make it snappy!

The newspaper I read recently printed an article about personalised number plates. In the weeks following this many readers have been sending in examples of ones they have seen. Am I the only person who does not get a lot of these? In my view, if you cannot see straight away what the plate is spelling, it’s a bit of a waste of time. Having said that, I have a personalised plate but it is simply just my initials. Looking on the internet, I see that DAV1D is for sale, but so is D1 AVE. I don’t know anyone called Diave. Perhaps you do? What about 32 WN. A snip at £13,999. JON 88N, just £3,499. I will have to be satisfied to spend my time waiting at traffic lights trying to work out what some of these represent. I am often fighting the urge to jump out my car and ask the driver, perhaps I might learn something!

Just one more for now. Why are some people copying the US habit of saying, ‘hey!’ instead of hello when greeting someone? I’m definitely getting older and more grumpy!

Bin End Chuckles (Thanks Again John) 19

I remember when the shovel was invented. It was really ground

Abreaking...manhas been shot with a starting pistol. Police think it’s race related... Stay well and enjoy the sun.

As I write this, the sky is full of black clouds, so much so that I took an umbrella with me on my morning walk today. As it happened I didn’t need it, but it comes to something when most of us are wishing for a downpour of rain. However, I note that ‘experts’ are saying it has got to be the right sort of rain. Heavy rain is not too helpful apparently, as it does not penetrate into the soil and tends to run off the land and cause flooding. Too light is useless. So this narrows it down to soft rain over a long period of time. This means when the suitable stuff comes, it will be miserable for days. Can’t win!

A Question: Why are speed bumps (or is it humps?) so big? Most car parks and the like, have these simply because some people cannot drive at 10mph I think. I have a theory that the companies that build these also sell replacement suspension systems. Why is it that the British seem to want to follow what happens in the USA? They are not necessarily good things in my opinion. Trick or treat comes to mind immediately. What does anyone gain from this silly ritual? All it does is teach our children to knock on stranger’s doors and basically threaten them with mischief unless they are given a ‘treat’. Not a good lesson in my book. Another is the televising of political candidates standing up and telling us what they are going to do for us if they are elected as, for example, the next prime minister. I am not very interested in politics, but I am confused about several aspects of the latest debates. The first is that the two candidates have both held senior posts in the government, so why didn’t they do all these things before? These programmes are broadcast to the whole country, but at the latter stages, only a small number of party members can vote. Why are the broadcasters insisting on trying to get us all to watch? Perhaps they think that most people like to see an argument - another reason that I did not view any of them!

I have just read that a team of ‘experts’ have discovered a prehistoric creature which looked similar to what they think the Loch Ness monster is. I have two comments to make: One, why do the people who claim to have seen and photographed the monster have the worst camera that every existed, and two, would the monster still be alive now?

Hello everyone. It’s hot! I hope you are all coping with it. We do seem to have difficulty dealing with extremes of weather, be it very hot or very cold. It has been just like living in southern Europe for the last few weeks, but often, when we are in France for example, we are generally close to the sea or a pool, so that helps. Never mind, mustn’t grumble. I read the newspaper each day and enjoy doing so. I like it because if there are some facts I want to understand, they are very good at explaining stuff that I can read in my own time. Just lately though I am reading fewer articles, as there are several subjects that I have no interest in at all. These include anything to do with Meghan and Harry, any ‘celebrity’ law suits, like the recent one where two people spent a fortune on a ‘she said-she said’ court case. Now we have the ex-footballer who is accused of all sorts. I am not doubting the facts in these articles, it’s just that I will not waste my time reading the detail of this ‘news’!

If the title piqued your interest, maybe you’re in the midst of the menopause or the symptoms are in the distant past. There is, of course, no one size fits all as to how our bodies change, but the certainty is that pilates is a popular go-to for maintaining fitness after the menopause.

Our hormones may be responsible for some unwanted experiences, but they do incredible jobs inside us, including assisting repair and regeneration of our bones. The problem with hormonal changes associated with menopause is that once the hormone levels have started to alter, their contribution to keeping our bones strong, dense, being able to carry our body weight day to day, can cause problems. Osteoporosis in your bones is a diseases related to postmenopause, and although clinical intervention may be right for you in this case, pilates is frequently recommended as one of the safest exercises to maintain the regeneration and growth of your bones, keeping brittleness or weakness of a bone at bay. In a nutshell, normally our bones naturally and continually grow and repair themselves, but without the hormones to help this process we need to help this to happen with gentle non impact (non jumping) exercise. Bones all have muscles attached to them which allow them to move, and if we put a careful amount of force (exercise) through those muscles it pulls at the bone surface reminding the bone to keep regenerating itself - like giving it a nudge to keep going!

Standing Bow and Arrow: For spinal rotation and posture muscle switch on. Stand with heels together but toes fanning out at a 10am and 2pm angle, hold your arms straight out in front at chest height. Keeping arm this height, pull one elbow back and look behind your shoulder, return the arm then repeat with the other, it should be like youre pulling an arrow back in a bow then letting go. Repeat 10 times slowly alternating arms.

Hummingbird Pilates: Postmenopause - Pilates and

On hands and knees (use cushions for knees if needed) reach one arm out in front of you and breast stroke it around to the side exactly like youre swimming. Keep the arm which is on the floor still and straight! Do 10 strokes then change arm.

Grove Road Evangelical Church

The Cost of Living I recently went shopping at a large supermarket. I filled up the trolley, knowing from past experience roughly what I’d have to pay at the checkout. I was shocked by how much everything had shot up. The cost of living is soaring! This made me start to think about what the cost of living, rather than shopping, really is. The Bible gives us two answers. The first one: ‘The wages of sin is death’. Yes, we earn a wage every moment, but it comes at a very high price! Sin means we are doing what we - rather than God - think is right. This wage is not paid in pounds but in death. We get paid a little more of it each day, and a big one-off payment eventually.

Ask us about free editorial with long term paul@moulshamtimes.combookings!

Philip Loose, Senior Pastor Church (Behind Tesco Express, Moulsham Street)

Pilates exercise is all geared towards moving our joints, working our muscles in a totally managed way, joint by joint and muscle by muscle, so we are always in control of the stress and force that is being put through the body - especially important when we are potentially weaker in our bones or joints.


See you on the mat! Erica x

The second answer: ‘The free gift from God is eternal life’. Doesn’t that sound a much better option? It’s free for a start, and rather than us being paid in death, we get given life - a gift, not something we have to earn.

Single Arm Breast Stroke: For wrists, elbows and shoulder strength.

Glute Bridge: With calf raise for strong ankles. Lay on your back, knees bent, feet hip width, hands down to your sides, tilt your buttocks and lift them from the floor as high as you can, lift your right heel so you’re on your toes. Lower it, lift your left heel, lower it, lower your entire back slowly down. Repeat 10 times.

The following 5 exercises can be done for up to 1 minute each and will target the major joint of the body. They can be done daily, any time and can help to strengthen the muscles and give that necessary nudge to your bones to keep going!

At Hummingbird Pilates and Yoga on Reeds Farm in Writtle we have plenty of classes no experience needed! All classes are 8 in studio, simultaneously streamed through Zoom for those who want to take part from home avoiding traffic, expensive fuel, or just fancying being in your own space with the pets next to you. Or see me 1-2-1 for an hour to yourself for an introduction to pilates before a full class. Try our unlimited month for £45, find us Facebook or Instagram

@hummingbirdpilatesyoga, or search ‘Hummingbird Pilates & Yoga Writtle’. Email us at, or call us on 01245 422 556!

But is there a catch? Yes - and no! No - it’s a free gift from God... Yes - we have to come to the Lord Jesus Christ and admit we have gone our own way and so deserve our wages... We must thank him for giving us life in place of death, and then commit ourselves to going his way in the future, trusting him to help us do that. Our main meetings each week are Friday lunchtimes at 1.15pm, and on Sundays at 11am and 6pm.

If you are worried about the real cost of living, rather than shopping, come visit us and find out more. You will be very welcome.

StandingExercises Roll Down: For spinal warm up. Stand feet hip width, hands to front of thigh, nod chin down, round shoulders forward, bend knees so back feels comfortable, run hands as far as you can then back up slowly to standing. Do this 5 times. It does not matter if you can only get to your knees or if you’re able to get further, it’s not a competition!

Standing Hip Hinge: For strong back and hips. Stand with one foot in front of the other (you may need the back of a chair next to you for balance), keeping your back as straight as you can ‘slowly dive’ forward folding from your hips - not curving your back - then stand slowly back up. Repeat 5 times with right foot in front and 5 with left.

Helping Your Joint Strength - By Erica Foulds

Why Pilates for Menopause? 21

• The conduct of each of the parties, if that conduct is such that it would in the opinion of the court be inequitable to disregard it.

The welfare of any minor children is the court’s first consideration.

Each case turns on its own facts and so no certainty of what will happen can be provided upon a divorce or separation.

In this article we invite Sarah French, family lawyer and mediator at Godwins Solicitors LLP, to answer some frequently asked questions around pre-nups. Sarah explains why it’s not just the Nicole Peltz and Brooklyn Beckhams of this world who need one. With the wedding season now in full swing, amongst all the ‘wedmin’ of finding the perfect dress, organising the church and the venue, planning the honeymoon etc, adding a pre-nuptial agreement (‘prenup’) into the mix can seem one task too many. Additionally, it is not particularly romantic and may feel counterintuitive at this time and an awkward conversation to bring up. However, taking the time to consider a pre-nup could save emotional distress, animosity, and protect wealth later, if a couple separates or divorces.

• The age of each party to the marriage and the duration of the marriage.

What Is a Pre-nup and Why Have a Pre-nup?

What Happens When a Couple Divorce or Separate Without a Prenup? Without a nuptial agreement, the law applicable to dividing any divorcing couple’s assets is very discretionary and based on sharing, fairness, equality, and needs.

A pre-nup is a contract between a couple engaged to be married or planning to enter a civil partnership.

• Any physical or mental disability of either of the parties to the marriage.

• The income, earning capacity, property and other financial resources which each of the parties to the marriage has or is likely to have in the foreseeable future. This includes, in the case of earning capacity, any increase in that capacity which it would in the opinion of the court be reasonable to expect a party to the marriage to take steps to acquire.

What if One of the Parties Doesn’t Want to Discuss a Pre or Postnup? This is an awkward conversation for an engaged couple to have. If the discussions become difficult, a neutral family mediator could assist. The couple could also meet with their respective lawyers around a table to discuss matters constructively, potentially with the assistance of a mediator, and/or a neutral family consultant to help provide support and manage any difficult emotions.

• In the case of proceedings for divorce or nullity of marriage, the value to each of the parties to the marriage of any benefit which, by reason of the dissolution or annulment of the marriage, that party will lose the chance of acquiring.

The couple may run out of time before their wedding or not wish to consider a pre-nup during their engagement. The option then is to have a post-nuptial agreement (‘post-nup’), which is treated the same legally. Of course, once you have already walked down the aisle, there may be less incentive, bargaining power and momentum to have a post-nup, which often means a pre-nup is preferred.


Post-nups can be entered into as the couple goes through different life stages and their circumstances change, and so should be regularly reviewed. For example, upon the birth or adoption of a child, a health issue arising unexpectedly or a redundancy.

There is a list of factors set out in the Matrimonial Causes Act 1973 that the court must consider on arriving at a financial settlement, as well as all relevant circumstances. These are as follows:

If a nuptial agreement leaves a party in a predicament of real need or prejudices the needs of any children, the family court may not order its terms. The court can uphold only part or none of it. Whilst the family court will always have the final say, if you sign up to a prenup which meets all the legal criteria you should assume you will be bound by it. What if the Couple Has Already Tied the Knot?

Having a pre-nup allows a couple to state what would happen to their assets and income if they later split up. This might be particularly important if you have acquired significant wealth pre-marriage, such as business interests, inherited assets or personal injury damages. If you have significant inheritance prospects, your family may wish you to consider a pre-nup to protect their wealth and keep it within the family. Farmers, for example, often want to ensure a family farm is preserved so it can be handed down to future generations. Couples remarrying may have children from their previous marriages who they want to ensure are not financially disadvantaged by their remarriage if it were to end in divorce. A pre-nup ensures that the couple enters their marriage fully appraised of their financial circumstances. Having those potentially awkward conversations about money early on can save potential animosity later. It also affords the couple autonomy over the distribution of their assets should they later divorce. Are Pre-nuptial Agreements Binding? In recent years, pre-nups have become more or less binding. A landmark case called Radmacher v Granatino in 2010 changed the law so that there is a presumption now that a pre-nup will be valid. This was followed by the Law Commission in 2014 introducing the concept of a Qualifying Nuptial Agreement or QNA. The Law Commission’s report set out a list of criteria which, if satisfied, would mean the nuptial agreement qualifies as a QNA and would therefore be Thesebinding.criteria

• The standard of living enjoyed by the family before the breakdown of the marriage.

Collaboratively trained family lawyers are trained to help to resolve matters amicably. If there are tricky or unusual points of law or cross-jurisdictional issues, barristers could also be instructed to help provide specialist advice. It is far better to get around a table (or a Zoom screen) with the right advice and support early on to keep discussions constructive. This will help avoid potential arguments which could otherwise derail the conversations and make things harder to get back on track.

• The financial needs, obligations and responsibilities which each of the parties to the marriage has or is likely to have in the foreseeable future.

are: • It must be contractually valid. • It must be made by deed. • It must be entered into no later than 28 days before the wedding. • The couple must both have received financial disclosure of the other’s assets, pensions, and income. • The couple must both have received independent legal advice. The Law Commission’s recommendations never became law, but generally, all family lawyers draft nuptial agreements to meet the QNA criteria. This maximises the prospect of such an agreement being valid and enforceable.

MT Finance - The Power of a Pre-nuptial Agreement … and the Problems That Could Be Posed Without One

• The contributions that each of the parties has made or is likely in the foreseeable future to make to the welfare of the family, including any contribution by looking after the home or caring for the family.

not to have to do it again. My case study client (aka my middle son) was amazing - big shout out to him. The assessor was really professional and put me at ease from the start.


uk. Café

Charles Stanley & Co Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Registered office: 55 Bishopsgate, London EC2N 3AS. Looking for a baby and toddler friendly café with toys and somewhere for your little one to play? Or hoping to find somewhere where there are people to chat to over a good cup of tea or coffee? Then look no further! JubiLatte, our new community café at St John’s Church in Moulsham Street, has now been open for over six months!

It’s going to be tough, especially in this current cost of living crisis, but I hope people are ready to invest in their health because that’s their future. One of the things I’ve discovered over the last 2 years is that you have to keep learning - I’m already thinking about two new courses. One is to do with the menopause (very topical at the moment) and the other one is working with people with long term chronic conditions like obesity, diabetes, and high blood pressure.

So, what made me change my mind? I’ve been working as a Health and Wellbeing Coach working out of two surgeries in Essex. I see so many patients who have no idea where to start with exercise. I can refer them to an exercise referral PT, but why do that when I can probably do a better job? So, I decided to put my money where my mouth is and qualified.

So, I’m a circuit trainer, kettlebell instructor, health and nutrition coach and now a personal trainer - a woman of many talents. The challenge I face now is to bring all these skills together. So far, I’m taking my time to work it out.

My goal is to help as many people as I can. I’m targeting local people who are self-conscious about working out in gyms. I’m going to be their champion and help them work out at home - in person (as long as they have the space).

Take Away Messages To provide as much certainty and autonomy as possible, a nuptial agreement ideally needs to be added to the prewedding to-do list. Mediation and the collaborative process are the best ways to preserve an amicable relationship, whether when discussing a nuptial agreement, or when resolving matters relating to finances and/or children upon separation or divorce. often work alongside professional advisers such as Sarah, and as part of our service can introduce the appropriate individuals to advise on matters such as those highlighted in this article. Graham Austin, Chartered FCSI Investment Director


Be Encouraged:,

The value of investments can fall as well as rise. Investors may get back less than invested. Past performance is not a reliable guide to future returns. The information in this article is for general information purposes and is not a trading recommendation. Nothing in this article should be construed as personal advice based on your circumstances. No news or research item is a personal recommendation to

Being a Mobile PT - By Ola Adamolekun


The reason I wanted to write this article is because I’m taking my readers on a journey, and this is just the next step. My first article for the Moulsham Times was about the start - becoming a Health and Nutrition Coach, this is the next step.

So, 2 years ago, when I first dipped my toe into the health and fitness waters, the last thing I wanted to be was a personal trainer. I thought I was too old, too unfit, and totally unsuited to being a PT. What happened on Tuesday 9th August was that I qualified as a Level 3 Personal Trainer. Congratulations to me! I’m not being arrogant, but it took me nearly a year to do it, so I’m well chuffed it’s done.

From our nervous new beginnings at the start of the year, our lovely volunteers are now well practised and (we think) make some of the best lattes and cappuccinos in town. New additions to our menu this year include homemade cake, iced coffee for when it’s hot, and delicious hot chocolate for when the temperature has fallen! Mmmm! We have something for everyone: barista-style coffees and filter coffees plus a range of teas, cakes, biscuits and children’s snacks. We have toys for the little ones to play with, board games, books and magazines and there is now a café library for you to borrow a book to read at the café or take home. So whether you want to meet your friends, chat to new people or just sit quietly, you can be sure of a very warm welcome. We are open Monday mornings and Thursday mornings, 9.15am-11.45am, so do come and see us! more information, please do keep an eye on our Facebook page at www. or email us at at St Johns

In some ways, I’ve done it the hard way and done the whole thing online distance learning - which doesn’t sound so bad, but you have to be really self-motivated. I really admire those people who do their degrees with the Open University - I don’t think I could cope. 23

It wasn’t my first time having a practical assessment, but I found this the most nerve racking because it was make or break (ok that is an exaggeration). It was nerve racking because it had taken so long, and this was the last part of the course I had to pass, and I was desperate

Anyway, wish me luck and if you want a mobile PT, you know who to call! Health and Nutrition Coach 25 The Singing Chef To read this magazine and the City Times online, go to I am not ready to let summer go. It’s been incredible and sooooo much fun. So many incredible gigs and parties. I must thank my fabulous friend a for making my 40th birthday this year so memorable, especially Ms Kelly for an incredible private dining experience, in which the cheese course was served by her very own Butler in the Bufff. Kelly then took me to my suprise partythat she had also arranged! I really do have the best friends and I love you all very much. Also big up to Paul McLean for bringing his camera out to the big celebratory meal at the Blue Lion. So with that I want to share with you two recipies that made summer for me this year and that I recommend you have at least weekly to keep the winter blues away. The first is my most favourite drink in the world. Cava Sangria! I stumbled across this at Pinchos many, many moons ago. By the way, if you haven’t experienced Pinchos, you definetly should. Martha and her wonderful team of servers and chefs have created our little piece of Spain on Baddow Road It’s great! Cava Sangria In a large wine glass (increase amounts for pitcher) mix: • Cava • Orange juice • Brandy • Orange liqueur • Fresh apple and orange Stir, add some ice and you have a Spanish summer in a cup! Next, we travel to Lithuania... Brown Bread Cheese Stick 1. Gently fry brown bread (no crusts) in butter and oil. 2. Let towel.kitchensomecoolthemon 3. favouritewithgenerouslyeachSpreadsliceyourmayonnaise. 4. Cut into soldiers and pile high in the centre of a plate. 5. Finely grate over your favourite hard cheese. Divine! Note: You can use white bread if you must... Put the two together and you got party right there. Sarah is a singer and vocal coach based in Chelmsford and offers singing lessons to people of all ages and abilities. You can email Sarah at, or search for ‘Sarah Beth Vocal Coaching’ on Facebook.

As always, you can get in touch with me via Chelmsford City Council, through my Facebook page (Cllr Rob Gisby) or via Chelmsford Conservative Association. Please do reach out - I look forward to hearing from you. Stay safe, keep well, be kind.

Although the summer holidays are a bit of a break from the routine of school and council meetings, the work continues, and I have been glad to be able to support a number of residents who have contacted me with various issues as well as attending community events.

Continuing too is the reluctance of Chelmsford City Council to hear the concerns or input from residents local to the Chislett Row play area. As discussed in more detail last month, residents support the principle of updated play equipment, but have yet to receive a satisfactory level of detail of the whole scheme or answers to valid questions about size, position and mechanisms to mitigate possible increases in antisocial behaviour. There is therefore an understandable level of frustration and anxiety that remains.

Over the last couple of weeks many have received their A Level, T Level and GSCE results. If you’ve received yours, whatever the result, congratulations on your journey so far. Whether they were what you’d hoped for or not, there are always choices and opportunities. It’s often a really tough time no matter what, and if you are finding things difficult, please talk to those around you.

An Update From Moulsham Lodge Ward - By Councillor Rob Gisby Volunteer Jenny Brown with one of the 100 silk flags for Chelmsford

I was glad this month to be able to join other Conservative councillors and local community figures at the Community Safety Day at Papermill Lock. Big thanks to Safer Essex from Essex Highways promoting road safety, the police, and CCC community safety team, community first responders and Essex Search and Rescue Water Unit and all who came along - not forgetting the tea rooms who made sure everyone was looked after. It was really nice to see so many people come along for chat with the teams and talk about what they do for our communities, how we can play our part and even pick up some free safety products.

Last month I mentioned reports of antisocial behaviour and my commitment to supporting local residents to escalate these to the relevant authorities. To explore the antisocial behaviour issues more fully, I met with Vicky Ford MP and a representative from Essex Police and continued conversations with the community safety team. We will of course all continue to work on this issue - but one message that came across loud and clear is, please ensure instances of antisocial behaviour or illegal activity, especially if repeating, are reported either to the community safety team, or Essex Police as appropriate. The website,, has all the details and links to submit reports online both to Chelmsford City Council and to Essex Police. Please use 999 when there is a risk of harm.

While at all times supporting the need for replacement play equipment, what residents have asked for is engagement to ensure that the final solution is good for the local catchment, residents and ultimately good use of finite funds. I have asked Cllr Rose Moore, who has not yet visited the location, to meet with residents if she would be happy to do so.

Cllr Rob Gisby

There is also lots of support on which is a collaboration of all Essex councils. For those moving up to school, secondary school or into new study - exciting times, and I wish you all the best with your next steps.

Every building has maintenance problems just when you could really do without the expense. Our community centre is no different. We have been without our automatic door, limiting access for the disabled & pushchairs for the past 6 months. It’s just a door! No, it is the mechanism that is expensive... One of our volunteers has made us a thermometer for our fundraising efforts which you can see pictured here - top of the scale is our target of £2,500. Ouch! Our efforts at the moment mean we have quite a way to go. We are hoping to hit the top as soon as possible as we need to be able to get it repaired before the winter where it is used much more. We have added a donate button to our www. website and would appreciate any contribution, no matter how small. You can also donate by going into the Copper Pot Café Mondays to Saturdays. This month we also held a combined volunteer drive and a work day. As a charity we always need volunteers to help us run the Community Station. We have regular maintenance to perform, mostly simple touch up or repairs. We have admin tasks from health and safety checks to a bit of filing. We are also in need of a social media administrator, this could be done from the comfort of your armchair. We need to have regular updates on all our social media platforms so we keep people in touch. There are other roles including grant finding and fundraising, so if you are interesting in volunteering for us please get in touch. 26


Tile Kiln Corner - By Cllr Linda Mascot

Another time, Jesus used a health metaphor: ‘It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick’ (Luke 5 verse 31). He’s saying that he’s looking for those who are damaged, hurting, broken.

Tim Goodall, Pastor, Tile Kiln

I hope you’ve enjoyed a summer break, and are keeping well. was delighted to hear about the great work Fledgelings Preschool are doing by litter picking in the local area to teach the children to look after their environment and support the local community from such a young age.

Karen, their manager told me: “The Fledgelings Preschool motto is be good and kind and love each other so we have been encouraging the children to be kind to the environment. “They love superheroes,beingso we decided to combine both interests and take the children around the local area litter picking. The litter pickers were quite tricky to work but it was a great way of practicing fine motor skills. The children were fantastic at collecting litter and we are sure the local community are very grateful for their hard work.”

School has started for another year. This year, our youngest is starting pre-school. He doesn’t know much yet (beyond the fact that he loves cars) but that won’t matter. School isn’t about what you already know, it’s about learning it as you go. To assume that a person needs to know everything before they start school is absurd! But that can be how some people view Jesus - that everything has to be in order before you come to Jesus. In fact, Christianity is a bit like school. Jesus Christ has no expectation on anyone that they get everything sorted before seeking him. You don’t get into school because you already know your stuff. You go to school to learn and develop. Just so with Jesus and Christianity - you don’t have to know your stuff before you get going. You don’t have to be perfect, or right, or sorted, or cleaned up, etc, before you show up at Jesus’ door. Jesus defined his own purpose as ‘seeking and saving the lost’ (Luke 19 verse 10). Not those who knew where they were and what they were doing; not those who considered themselves ‘sorted’. No - he came for the lost. to School

Jesus came for those of us who are lost and sick. He’s looking for you. You might look alright on the outside, but if you know that inside you’re anxious, or fearful, or full of hate or anger, or you’re hurt beyond what you can describe… well, Jesus is searching for you and he wants to heal your wounds. If you want that, what do you do? Just say, ‘yes, Jesus, I need your help and healing.’

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As always, do get in touch. I’d love to chat about Jesus and all he is offering you.

Which joint on your body is also known as the Whatcarpus?is the name of Jimmy Tarbuck’s Whatdaughter?isthe name for a cavalry soldier? What is ling? What, who or where is Scotch bonnet? Who was the former Masterchef presenter, Loyd …… ? What is the term for a Muslim veil? The fibre, coir, is made from what? In which Welsh town is The Royal Mint? How may elements are there in the periodic Whattable?is the term for a high singing voice? Which part of the mouth can be affected by Howquinsey?many ghosts chase Pacman? What other colour has the door of number 10 Downing Street been? Which high quality product has been produced in Maldon for many years? What was Marconi’s country of birth? Which nation was involved in developing Canvey Island? Which animals have recently been reintroduced into the UK?

What is a more common name for Australia’s WhichUlaru? measuring system did Noah when building the ark? Who is the actress who starred in The Devil Wears Prada - Meryl ...? Lola is a short version of which girl’s name? Where would you normally see a pommel Whathorse?year did BBC’s Radio 1 start Inbroadcasting?whichcountry can the duck-billed platypus be found in the wild? Which London football club is also known as The WhatLions?isthe title of Beyonce’s recent single from her album Renaissance? Who plays Indiana Jones in the movie series? What part of your body is known as the Madrashallux? is an old name for the Indian port called Chennal, but what else can it be? Complete the title of the novel Far From The Madding …..? What is the name for a Greek eating house? Which country was the birthplace of the singer Celine Dion? Who had a hit with The Power of Love? What is the name for the official marks on silver and gold to show their authenticity? Where in The British Isles is the small town of OnCarrickmacross?TV,whatisNoel Fitzpatrick famous as? (Answers on page 31)

28 Quiz Time - By John Theedom

Where in the world is the oldest wooden Inchuch?sport, what colour do Dutch teams wear? 29

I’ve bombarded you with questions there, but I think they’re good ones to get you thinking and they provide a little hint of where you could find coaching helpful. I qualified as a coach a few years ago, but it’s taken me a while to get my website live, not least because of my full time job in the NHS. But I changed my hours recently to make more time for seeing coaching Asclients.well as seeing clients individually, I’m looking to set up a series of taster and well-being events, starting with one with Val and the team at Mirabella Beauty Salon on Moulsham Street in the autumn, so watch this space for details. Is it time for you to give coaching a go? Louise

30 How Do You Want to Grow? Hi there! I’m new to writing in Moulsham Times. How’s everyone Asdoing?Iwrite, the most recent heatwave has broken and lots of delicious rain is falling… Spot the person who’s big into gardening these days. Growing is the theme of my new coaching website actually, and my new imagery reflects it too. I’ve had lots of coaching myself over the years and it’s really helped me grow the life I want. It’s not perfect of course, but I’m definitely more grateful, resilient and happier as a result of the coaching I’ve had. And I coach myself all the time now - it’s become second nature! When you look at your life, how are you doing? What makes you happy? Are there things you’d like to change, different choices you’d like to make? Is everything ‘fine’ but you feel a bit stuck? Where might you want to go next job-wise or in your career?

Do you have a local good news story, if so feel free to email it paul@moulshamtimes.comto

Perhaps there’s something you’ve always wanted to do but you haven’t got round to it. What’s stopping you and getting in the way? What could you do to finally enact that dream, or at least feel differently about it?

Quiz and Wordsearch Answers 31 Ayers CubitsRock(length of forearm, 18.2”) Meryl MillwallAustralia1967InDeloresStreepagym Break My Soul Harrison Ford Big Colouredtoe cotton fabric or hot spiced curry Crowd Taverna FrankieCanada Goes to Hollywood, Jennifer Rush and Huey Lewis and the CountyHallmarkNewsMonaghan, Ireland Super Vet Swiss grated potato dish VarietyHeatherTrooperLizaWristof YashmakGrossmanchilli GreenstedTheHollandItalyMaldonGreenFourTonsilsSoprano118LlantrisantCoconut(in1908)SeaSaltbisonChurch, Chipping Ongar Orange27.

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