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MoulshamTimes Delivered to 6500 homes and businesses monthly
Issue Number 10 - October 2013
MT /welcome Hello readers, Welcome to the October edition of the Moulsham Times. This month we welcome new regular articles from Louise Thomas and also Moulsham First (be sure to complete their form if you are interested in helping with the neighbourhood watch). We want to hear from you! Please send your letters in to us at whether you have any suggestions or just want to tell us which articles you enjoy or if you have something you would like the community to help or assist with. Also events, is your club or society having an event, let us know and we will do our best to give it a mention. Exciting news for October, we are launching a sister magazine to this one. It is called Chelmsford The City Times and will be available in various locations around the city including the Railway Station. Read more about it later on in the magazine. Lastly the deadline for the November edition is October 15th. Hope you enjoy the October edition. Paul & Nick
From the House by Simon Burns MP Many people use public transport, but it needs to be convenient for the journeys we wish to make. For those of us who live in Old Moulsham and around Chelmsford, taking the train is crucial to getting to work. But how many use public transport to reach the station? A reasonable number of commuters cycle to the station but previously facilities did not incentivise people to try that option. So I was delighted that earlier this summer I was able to officially open the new Chelmsford station CyclePoint - a £680,000 investment improving cycle facilities for rail travellers. CyclePoint has increased cycle parking capacity by over 40% for almost 1,000 cycles in the new facility. Chelmsford is the first station in the region to benefit from CyclePoint, brought from the Netherlands by Greater Anglia’s parent company Abellio, providing secure cycle parking, supported by retail, cycle-hire and maintenance facilities, all in a single location. A £25 returnable deposit gives you access to a secure compound with free cycle parking, and an area of where, for less than 30p a
day, you can store your bike inside, have access to lavatories, changing facilities, cycle servicing, and insurance for your bike whilst parked. The facility has been launched by Cycles UK as Greater Anglia’s commercial partner, with parking equipment provided by Falco. Located between the station and car park, with support from the Department for Transport, Essex County Council and Network Rail, CyclePoint is the first stage of a wider initiative to upgrade passenger facilities at Chelmsford over the next 12 months, with a further £3.2m being invested to transform facilities at the station. Bike and rail offers one of the most environmentally friendly forms of travel, so I’m pleased that Chelmsford is at the forefront, and glad that Abellio Greater Anglia are introducing such facilities. These initiatives are needed across the country to cycling easier, and the Government is encouraging further progress with funding towards other cycle schemes. I look forward to seeing the wider station upgrade completed over the next 12 - 18 months.
MT /interview by Patrick Atack What do Preston North End, Bob Dylan, and a powerful belief in the power of Further Education have in common? A perplexing question, at first glance. But David Law, the Principal and Chief Executive of Chelmsford College holds the somewhat surprising answer in the list of his personal interests. Though seeing his students grow and become successful may take its rightful place at the head of this diverse list, the impressive list of venues at which he has seen Dylan perform, surely allows the kingpin of popular folk music to take a close second place. David Law has been at Chelmsford College since 1996, and has been Principal since 2001. After originally training to teach in schools, he made the transition to further education colleges after just one year. Though David has taught in several different colleges around the country, as well as having family links to the North West, the Leamington native chose Chelmsford due to the friendly atmosphere and “excellent students”. And as he says, “you know when you fit somewhere, and somewhere fits you”. It is this partnership that has motivated David to remain here, to oversee the improvements to learning, growth in student numbers, and refurbishments to the college infrastructure that has seen an £18 Million investment over the past three years. Outside of his professional life, which also spans to a Directorship at the Association of Colleges, David Law holds a keen interest in popular music, and travel. As previously mentioned, Bob Dylan is very important to him, and after seeing him over 20 times in the past thirty years, David admits his fandom may well “border on the obsessive”. As for travel, after retirement David plans to take up the “snowbird” routine, of avoiding our cold British winters for somewhere more suitable to hone his golfing skills. David remains proud and privileged to be at the helm of the college which continues to be an important fixture of the Moulsham community.
Trinovantes Whilst most clubs will now have completed their pre-season training and friendly fixtures we at Trinovantes are eagerly looking forward to our first game of the season against Old Brentwoods on Saturday October 5th. Regular readers will know that we only play a few games (5 or 6) each season which suits us fine. If you want to get involved the usual contact details are at the bottom of this article but even if you only fancy coming along to support we would be more than happy to see you there. If you do come to the game please come over and introduce yourself to us. The team competed in the Braintree 7s at the beginning of August, and whilst it wasn’t one of our more scintillating displays we enjoyed ourselves. It was great to be complimented on our attitude to rugby by some of the officials there. Winning is of course excellent but we really do subscribe to the view that taking part is the main attraction for us. Realistically at our age there is very little chance of us being able to compete with the younger legs that make up most other 7s sides. Nevertheless we turn up, take part and vow to never again entertain the idea of 7s rugby. Until the next time that is. By then we have clearly forgotten the acute shortness of breath and the feeling of helplessness as another 20 something year old glides past us, seemingly at the speed of a high speed train. It is quite true that the older we get the better we were! In case you are interested we lost 15-12 to Rhinos in the Beer Final and that, quite literally, to a last minute try. We welcomed a few more newcomers to The Tribe at Braintree and many thanks to Lloyd Ellis, Jamie Morrish and Chris Rush who wore Trinovantes shirts for the first time. Thanks guys and we hope to see you again in the red and blue shirt. We also welcomed back Matt Blackmore who travelled from the West Country to play for us. I have to mention as well that the afternoon saw the appearance of Jo Ellis playing with his sons Alex and Lloyd for the same team. A proud day for Jo although, needless to say, they both have a bit more gas than Jo these days. Training has recommenced with one eye on the aforementioned fixture so if you happen to be passing through Central Park and see a bunch of guys throwing a rugby ball around, that’ll be us at around 10:30/11:00 on Sunday mornings. Again, if you are passing come over and say hello, we will be grateful for the few minutes respite believe me. One of the benefits of taking part in as many 7s tournaments as we can fit in is the number of contacts we make with other Essex based clubs. This is useful in a number of ways - we firstly get to spread the word about us and our aims and we also get invites to compete in 15 a side matches against other clubs. Likewise it has given us an introduction to a number of clubs who, like us, struggle to get a full squad out for some games and this allows us to supplement our side with some of these clubs peripheral players and we can reciprocate accordingly. Club contacts are: John Foley(07711 820312 or Ben Muir 07769 294302 give either a call or text them, you can tweet @TrinovantesRFC, email, look us up on Facebook under Trinovantes RFC or you can log on to and leave a message.
MT / Jenny Hartill
Last month I explained a few myths around counselling and counsellors. This issue I’ll explain the therapeutic process, including how to find a counsellor and what you might expect. I find in my work that people are scared of counselling because they don’t know what it entails. Allow me to demonstrate: Firstly you need to find a counsellor. Organisations including The National Counselling Society and the BACP have member lists. You can also use online directories like The Counselling Directory – counsellors prove their membership to an accredited body to be listed on here. Specialist directories are an excellent source for counsellors as they list the counsellor’s expertise. Once you have chosen a counsellor: do they have a website? If so I suggest you look at it, check the fees, times they work, where they’re based, directions etc. You would not believe the number of people I have enquiring who claim to have looked at my website and then ask how much I charge. (For the record I have a “FEES” tab – maybe I should attach some neon lights to it?). Your counsellor should be fully qualified (and their qualifications listed), fully insured, have a supervisor and be a member of an organisational body (like the ones listed above). I’ll take this opportunity to dispel another myth I came across recently: “you have to be a certain age to have enough expertise to deal with certain issues”. A good counsellor is not age dependent. When training we counsel people at the same time, so when we qualify there’s already 2 years experience in the bag. My client’s ages range from ten years younger to twenty years older and frankly none of them could care less how old I am, they want my support and therapeutic knowledge and that’s what they get. So, now you need to bite the bullet and contact your chosen counsellor. If you’re a little scared about calling them just email. Next you’ll arrange what we refer to as the “initial consultation” – you meet the counsellor and describe your main issues. Remember, we’re here to listen not to judge – take your time, bawl your eyes out, be confused, have a panic attack, moan about your ex – seriously, we’ve heard it all. We just want to help. When I was training my tutor used to refer to the first issues presented in session as “the envelope” – the client takes one issue out of their envelope and puts it on the table, but there are many more things in the envelope that we’re not yet aware of. As these issues come to light you learn how to analyse, how to use coping mechanisms, and how to become self-aware. It’s likely you’ll become aware very quickly of other people’s emotional and mental states. This is normal. See it as a practice stage before your own self-awareness. What about length of therapy? I’m an integral therapist (meaning I use different therapies) so I don’t have a time limit. Some therapists do, so it may be a good idea to check. The last thing you want to feel is you’re just getting somewhere and then your sessions expire. Some NHS counsellors are CBT therapists and have a time limit. I’ve treated clients in the past that came to me because their time limit with their NHS therapist ran out or because the waiting list was so long. Length of therapy is extremely variable, you really can’t say to your client “you will be better in X amount of time” it’s just not possible. Why? Because everyone is an individual, and life can sometimes get in the way. Saying that, personally I try to avoid treating anyone for less than a few months. Rome wasn’t built in a day and all that. Therapy sessions should be tailored to suit each individual client,
and regular sessions are essential to maintain progress and to help solidify the coping mechanisms learned in session (and so that they remain when the client feels ready to leave therapy). Naturally, there willbe occasions where a client will be unable to attend a session due to unforeseen circumstances. However,I would always urge any client to reschedule a session rather than cancelling it completely. A last minute cancellation is sadly detrimental to both client and counsellor. For the client, they will not be receiving the therapy and support they require, and for the counsellor, they’re not only losing contact with their client but also a session that could be spent helping another individual. Many counsellors hire additional premises (as well as or instead of working from home) that must be paid for. A last minute cancellation can have a significant financial impact on a counsellor in addition to the above mentioned points and therefore some counsellors have a cancellation policy, so please do bare this in mind. Eventually, you’ll come to the end of therapy. Personally I won’t end with a client unless they feel absolutely ready. It’s best to discuss with your therapist if you feel you want to leave therapy. With my therapist I explained I was ready to leave because I felt ready to move on. She understood completely. If anyone has any further questions feel free to email me. Next month I’ll start discussing various reasons people come to therapy – starting with a popular issue - stress. Jenny -
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The Vicar of the Moulshams Who flicked the switch? I know we should expect the seasons to change but autumn arrived so suddenly! No gradual decline in temperature to help us get used to the idea but a sudden drop in the course of a day.
And before you read any further, no, this isn’t the gardening page: it’s just an observation. An observation brought home to me as I walked through the cathedral grounds the other day. The flower beds previously emblazoned with colour not so many weeks ago were being dug out. Dead plants being replaced with soil (laced, I suspect, with something special to enrich it!) People who know me will tell you that I am no gardener. Nonetheless, I recognise this as a time to give the land a rest. A time to cut back. A time to remove spent foliage to prepare the ground for new life in the Spring. Such thoughts lead me to ponder the changing seasons of our lives. Those in the fashion industry tell me now is a good time for a makeover! Will I change the colour of my hair? Will I change the way I dress? Or am I happy to stay the same old me? Happy in my skin. Comfortable with my style. How about you? Will you do anything to mark the arrival of a new season? Autumn may be a good time to take stock of our lives. To ask ourselves, “Is there anything in my lifestyle that has ceased to be life-giving?” If the answer is yes, why not stop it? Cut it out, if – like the dead flowers – whatever it is, no longer bears fruit. Give yourself a rest! If it’s an activity that you decide needs to go you could then ask yourself, “What would be more enriching and lifegiving (to myself as well as others)?”
As a follower of Christ, I don’t have all the answers but I do know I can turn to Jesus with my questions. Having this faith helps me to make sense of life, through all its changing seasons. And being part of a worshipping community helps me to know I’m not the only one who has found this to be true!
So please don’t wait for an invitation: just come! Both Moulsham St John’s and Moulsham St Luke’s host a number of social activities as well, so if you’re looking for something to do, take a look at our websites: and Our Coffee Mornings are also open to anyone so why not come along? Coffee Pot in St John’s on Moulsham Street happens every Tuesday and every Thursday from 10.30 am to 12.30 pm. Saturday Coffee in St Luke’s on Moulsham Lodge happens every week from 10.00 am to 12.00 noon. Meanwhile, take care and don’t forget to say “hello” if you see me around. With every blessing, Carol. The Revd Canon Carol Smith; Vicar, Moulsham St Luke’s & Moulsham St John’s
by Cllr. Dick Madden As you all now know the Part Night Street Lighting has commenced throughout Chelmsford having started on the 1st of September 2013. Our street lighting being turned of between 12 midnight and 5am daily, other than our city centre and some other key areas, as I have described in previous articles of the Moulsham Times. If you want to join the debate on whether the action taken by ECC is positive or not can I suggest you go onto the Moulsham First Community Group website www. and express your views. The main concern from residents is the fear of reported crime and anti-social behaviour increase. As I have said in the past, in previous areas in Essex where Part Street Lighting has taken place, Uttlesford and Maldon reported crime and anti-social behaviour hasd decreased. I have met with the local Police Commander and local Police Officers who are clearly monitoring the situation and as the weeks and months progress a clearer picture will be exposed as to the impact of this matter. Talking of Police, recently two of our key officers have left our area, they being the Community Inspector Cheryl Hayes and Police Constable Chloe Lingane. They have moved to other parts of the Essex Police organisation. On behalf of residents I thanked them for their contribution within our community over the past two years and wished them well with their new roles. At this stage I am not aware who is to replace them but I am sure whoever comes to work in our community they will be welcomed by us. An area on behalf of ECC Trading Standards I have been asked to bring to your attention is to BEWARE OF ROGUE TRADERS who are believed to be operating in our area. Trading Standards wants to warn residents to follow some simple steps to stay safe from rouge traders: 1. Never agree to have work carried out on your house or garden by anyone who knocks at your door. 2. If you need work carried out on your property you can ask moulshamtimes moulshamtimes
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family, friends or neighbours to recommend reputable businesses. 3. Try to use a Buy with Confidence business (via 08454 040506 or www. ). They have been audited and approved by Trading Standards. 4. It is always best to get two or three quotes from reputable traders which you can consider in your own time without pressure. 5. Don’t be embarrassed or worried if you have been caught out by a rogue doorstep trader, Trading Standards can help, just call 08454 040506. If residents have any concerns about rogue doorstep traders please call Trading standards via the Citizens Advice Consumer Helpline on 08454 040506 or Essex Police on 101. 20 mph zones: I attended the recent Chelmsford Highways Panel and ECC Highways stated they are at present exploring my request for such zones in our area, as soon as I have further information I will make you all aware. Finally, as the nights draw in and we head towards our winter period, as like last year I will take receipt and control of approximately one ton of salt for our estate roads. This coming winter through Moulsham First and Moulsham Lodge Community Groups, we will make arrangements for salt to be dispersed around our housing estates in an effort to assist the movement of vehicles and residents safely. Oh by the way, yes still attending Slimming World, doesn’t it get hard though you longer attend!! BE SAFE.
MT /gardening
Make time for decorating, composting & pruning
Shopping for your garden and the gardens of others is very rewarding. I have found that there is always plenty to do at this time of year. Decorating, composting and planting as well as shopping will fill up your time.
slightly on the dry side rather than on the wet side. Over watering makes leaves drop off.
1. Clean up the garden this time of year. Compost everything that is less than an inch in diameter. Mix dead material with green material and your compost will break down faster.
It’s not easy to control the humidity in your house, but plants grow best where the humidity is greatest – usually in the kitchen. Sometimes you can help improve the humidity around a plant by putting the plant on a pebble filled saucer with water just below the base of the pot, but not touching it. Good luck and happy gardening!
2. Prune everything using the “worst first” rule. Cut out dead and diseased branches first. Remove all stubs unless you want to hang your sleigh reins on them later this year. After the initial clean-up, thin back shrubs, small trees and hedges to the size you want them. Be careful not to leave holes unless you are vista pruning. 3. A few months to go, but… think about plant gifts for Christmas! Often people who do not garden can be inspired by a gift of an easy-to-grow plant. A miniature Christmas tree, moth orchid, Amaryllis, a jade plant or ivy topiary all make rewarding and long-lasting gifts. My first plant was a spider plant that my nursery teacher had us propagate. 4. Give gardener gifts. A tool bucket with a seat, bulb planter or kneepads all help make garden work easier. Tools wear out so you might check first and then buy shears, trowels, cultivators or a weeder. 5. Start to consider protecting frost tender plants. Cover plants with hessian/ straw and then plastic. The two-layer method seems to keep them warm enough to fend off anything but a deep freeze.
For any gardening tips why not contact Tom Cole, Head of Faculty for Land & Environment, Writtle College, Chelmsford, CM1 3RR by post (including a SAE) or by email at
6. Plan for purchasing poinsettias and camellias now. You can also find bare-root roses, shrubs and trees in the nurseries towards the end of this month. Do a little homework on the varieties by searching the web for plants or looking in your garden books. 7. Don’t forget bulbs and corms. There are so many to still plant. Better still buy some lovely scented types like ‘Paper whites’ 8. Enjoy yourself, you’ve earned it! And finally… If you have a holiday plant, such as a poinsettia, chrysanthemum, Christmas pepper, Christmas begonia, orchid or the like, you can enjoy its colour for several weeks if you give it the right kind of care. Good care starts with remembering that you plant probably grew up in the greenhouse, and has only been out of that greenhouse for a short time. Your house might be a big change for it. For example, light is important. Poor light will cause leaves to drop off. You can prevent this if you put the plant where it will get some morning sun. You’ll need to keep the house at a fairly constant temperature. Most flowering plants will do best in temperatures from 65 to 70 degrees. Some plants will even like a little cooler. When it comes to watering your plant, you will need to keep it just slightly moist. Most houseplants tend to do better if the soil is
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MT /cookery
Chicken Marengo (my version) Serves 2 By Andy Starling
Glug of rapeseed Oil Dab of butter 4 chicken thighs or 2 Quarters (skinned) 3 oz lardons or pancetta 1 onion cut in half and sliced into half moons 2 cloves of garlic (finely chopped) 4oz of mushrooms 200 ml of your favorite dry white wine 400g tin tomatoes Glug of chicken stock Parsley to garnish Method Heat pan add rapeseed oil and butter, saute chicken on a medium heat turning when the meat is lightly browned. When coloured on both sides remove chicken Custard Tarts by Bronya Smolen Ready, set, BAKE! The Great British Bake Off is back and I am obsessed. Each week, the Bafta award winning show grips the nation as Mary Berry and Paul Hollywood whittle out good crumbs from the soggy bottoms. Baking is fun, but baking disasters are all part of the process. I once used cumin instead of cinnamon to flavour my baked apples in an FT lesson; safe to say I have now learned to read labels properly. Watching other’s baking disasters is also very nerve wracking, especially when your favourite contestant has just used salt instead of sugar, or has watched the middle fall out of their uncooked cake. Each week, the technical challenge is one that is usually full of a few disasters. Contestants are given a recipe, but all technical aspects and methods are excluded from the instructions. Last week we watched in vain as bakers tried their hand at custard tarts. Removing the tarts from the tray proved difficult, and there was soggy bottoms and uncooked custard all over the bake-off kitchen. Things were tense! Having never made a custard tart myself, I was intrigued. I took up the challenge under the safety that Mary and Paul’s harsh tongues wouldn’t judge me. The secret is making sure that the pastry is cooked but the egg custard isn’t over done. By following Paul Hollywood’s recipe below, everything went pretty much to plan, however if you are making smaller tarts, you will need to watch your cooking times.
by Andy Starling & Bronya Smolen
onto a paper towel. Add the lardons fry these until crispy and then remove. Now add the onions, garlic and cook until the onions are translucent-not coloured-on a low to middle heat, add the mushrooms next and then the white wine and reduce by half. Add the tomatoes, paprika and a little chicken stock. Replace the chicken and combine, cover with a lid and keep on a simmer for 30-35 minutes and garnish with the parsley. Serve with mash potatoes and chives, and your favourite vegetables or you can make it into a rice dish. Popular myth says this dish was created for Napoleon after The Battle of Marengo in 1800, when his chef Dunand foraged in the town for ingredients and came up with the original dish which had olives, fried eggs and crayfish in the recipe. According to legend Napoleon liked the dish so much
Ingredients For the sweet pastry: 165g/5¾oz plain flour, plus extra for dusting 25g/1oz ground almonds 120g/4¼oz chilled unsalted butter, cubed 55g/2oz caster sugar 1 free-range egg For the custard filling: 700ml/1¼ pint full-fat milk 7 free-range egg yolks 90g/3¼oz caster sugar freshly ground nutmeg Make the pastry: 1) Cut the cold butter into cubes and rub it into the flour and almonds with your fingers until the mixture resembles breadcrumbs, then stir in the sugar. 2) Break in the egg and use your fingers to mix it together to form soft sticky dough. Put the dough ball onto a lightly floured surface, shape into a ball and flatten it into a disk with your fingers. Then pop this in the fridge in cling film to chill for 30 minutes. 3) Now preheat the oven to 200C/400F/ Gas 6. 4) Roll out the pastry on a floured surface, then use an 11cm/4.5 inch fluted cutter to cut out 12 discs. Line the muffin tray with the circle ensuring that the pastry overlaps the top of the mould by a few millimetres. For the egg custard: 1) Warm the milk. In a separate bowl, beat in the egg yolks and sugar until pale and creamy. 2) Pour the milk onto the egg yolks and stir well to create little bubbles. Now transfer this into a jug and fill each pastry case with custard.
he had it after every battle, but when chef Dunand was better supplied he substituted mushrooms for crayfish and added wine, but Napoleon refused to eat it saying the changes would bring him bad luck. On Sunday the 8th September Nic and I took part in a 20km bike ride around the Essex countryside on a very pleasant day to raise money for the Farleigh Hospice in these challenging times. If anyone would like to donate to the fund you can by using my just giving site: andrew-starling or by donating at any of the shops in Moulsham Street. 3) Sprinkle each tart with nutmeg and bake them for 10-15 minutes at 200C. Now turn the temperature down to 180C/350F/Gas 4 and bake for a further 10 minutes. 4) Look for a golden pastry and a slight dome in the custard, which indicates it is baked. Too much dome means the custard is overcooked so watch out! So, go bake! Research suggests that we are baking more and more, and that in fact some people are using baking as a method to fight depression. As a kid I would always help my grandma bake, and licking the bowl is still totally acceptable (unless you are pregnant). Whether it is because you want to devour the end result, or you love the whole process of mixing up the ingredients and watching it change completely in the oven, I think baking is great fun, and something kids love too. A recent article has also suggested that baking gets you promotions! ¼ of office workers have used their baked goods to make friends with people higher up than them. Cake can go a long way it seems. As for The Great British Bake Off, my bets are on Kimberly to win, but that could all change in a drop of an egg yolk.
MCCARTNEY LAUNCH EXCLUSIVE DEVELOPMENT IN OLD MOULSHAM McCartney Estate Agents of Moulsham Street have just been appointed Sole Agents for an exclusive boutique style development of just three, five bedroom family homes just undergoing construction off Vicarage Road. The development is anticipated to be completed in early 2014, however due to the anticipated interest in the development reservations are being considered immediately. Brian McGovern, Branch Manager explained Vicarage Mews, as the development will be known, is an extremely rare opportunity to acquire a substantial brand-new family home in an otherwise established area which is within walking distance of Chelmsford City Centre and mainline railway station, and also close to highly regarded local schools. The property consists of 2x five bedroom semi-detached houses with garages, and 1 x five bedroom fully detached house with garage. The properties will be built to an extremely high specification by a respected and award winning local developer. Each property is individual, however they all enjoy the following accommodation:• Entrance hall • Ground floor cloakroom • Fully fitted kitchen/breakfast room with integrated appliances • Spacious lounge • Dining area/orangery • First floor master bedroom with en-suite shower room • Two further bedrooms • Family bathroom • Two further bedrooms on second floor and shower room • Gas radiator central heating • uPVC double glazed windows throughout • Oak entrance door • Oak faced internal doors • Kitchen and bathrooms with ceramic tiled flooring
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Tel 01245 287919 • Fully tiled bathrooms with white suites • Coving throughout • Security system • Landscaped gardens • Off-road parking • Garage with electronic up and over doors • Each property is being sold with a ten year NHBC guarantee
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A whirlwind guide to Chelmsford’s Ideas Festival 2013. A whirlwind guide to Chelmsford’s Ideas Festival 2013. What do civic participation, local heritage and local food events have in common with digital “making” and upcycling? They are all part of this year’s Chelmsford Ideas Festival! 2012 saw around 2000 people participating in Changing Chelmsford CIC’s Ideas Festival. It was also the start of the Ideas Hub, a High Chelmer venue that has remained a welcoming space for creative, cultural and greening activities. This year, the Ideas Festival promises to be bigger and better with 65 events running from the 26th of October to the 3rd of November. Anglia Ruskin University, the main sponsor, will be running 17 of these on their Chelmsford campus. The Chelmsford Library and the Essex Records Office are joining the Ideas Festival as key event hosts and venues. Additionally Hylands House, the Quakers, Genesis, the Royal Geographic Society, Marriage’s and the National Trust are also offering festival events this year. Great news for parents, the programme centerfold lists a whole week of half term Imaginative Kids events with drawing, drama, writing, game app making and nature craft activities. Children will be able to contribute their stories to the Unicorn Horn at Chelmsford Library’s “Imagine in Print” event, and dress up as their favourite character at the Ideas Hub. And there’s plenty for parents too. Changing Chelmsford’s mission (www. is to increase community creative, civic and cultural participation. To this end, they are hosting a range of events. The festival officially opens with a talk celebrating the accomplishments of Changing Chelmsford and the first anniversary of the Ideas Hub. Come and toast Hub managers Heather Hall and Yogesh Taylor for all they have achieved over the last year. Definitely put Wednesday the 30th October in your diary if “Placemaking” is dear to your heart. The day starts with “Why does local place matter?” a talk and workshop at Chelmsford Museum. Come and help produce a user manual for making strong local places. Next, Moulsham First’s Chelmsford 21 event explores a future where travel around Chelmsford by foot, bike or bus is quick and easy. This is followed by a tour sponsored by First Essex Buses, of
Chelmsford’s neighbourhoods, exploring the special ingredients that generate quality and vitality. And if you have an imaginative vision for the future of Chelmsford, why not polish your manifesto for the “Imagine… You are mayor for the day” event on Wednesday night? (guidance notes available via On Thursday the 31st you’ll also be able to join the ongoing discussion around Changing Chelmsford’s heritage triangle initiative. Finally on Saturday ,the annual commons event will encourage teams of all ages to design ways to inject life into some of our city’s forgotten spaces. And that’s just for starters. The Local Food Sunday on the 27th of October features activities including healthy pizza and cider making at the Ideas Hub. Come and add to City Council’s/Transition Chelmsford Food Map. The Essex local food producers market will stretch along the High Street mall to the Quadrant.
There are also a great series of walks this year. The Royal Geographic Society is organising a talk and walk around Ollie Barnard’s Chelmsford route. Plus 15 earlybirds will tour the Marriage’s Mill. And there’s also a wild-food walk and talk. And there’s so much more! For “Makers” there’s Kreative Knitting, Upcycling, Fun with Code, Game app design, Tech Jamming, Micro controller play as well as a 3D printer demo.
On Thursday the 31st October, Robert Hutson architects will present a visionary proposal and feedback session for the The festival closes with a whole day Riverside Leisure Centre hosted by Paul focused on Wellbeing at the Ideas Hub and Finch, chair of CABE. There’s a whole Chelmsford Library. With something for range of other imaginative events at Anglia everyone, you can find out all the details Ruskin including an exploration of poetry, and book via www.changingchelmsford. thinking skills for community groups and org/IF2013. You’ll also find copies of the participatory drama exploring the ethics programme in your local shops. Booking of the sustainability decisions we make online ensures your place. today. The Marconi theme is also strong this year. Sandford Mill Museum’s all-day workshop in the Chelmsford library town NEW SHOP AT square (atrium) mimics the Marconi design and production process. The WRITTLE ROAD NURSERY, atrium also houses the Marconi Then CHELMSFORD CM1 3BL. and Now exhibition all week. There is an evening talk at Anglia Ruskin on Marconi OPEN EVERY DAY 9AM-5.30PM and Hoffman’s past and the Marconi Heritage Group invites Marconi families Restored, upcycled furniture, and friends to come and share their shabby chic and vintage personal andwork stories on Saturday inspired home-wares and gifts.. the 2nd of November. hand-made with love. This year there is also a whole range of social justice events covering the Human Rights Act, racial equality, women’s issues, young people’s access to housing, community action research, Fair Shares business and Transitioning to a sustainable future.
01245 249383
You don’t have to be mad to be a morris dancer…. by Celia Kemp The English have a strange relationship with morris dancing. They watch with pleasure, but they also make fun of it. It is our own traditional dancing, known to be nearly six centuries old, and maybe rooted in an ancient history, and yet so often we don’t value it. Is it the accessories – bells, ribbons, flowers, sticks, face paint? Perhaps it needs explaining?
England has many types of morris dancing. The best-known ‘sticks and hankies’ style comes from the Cotswolds, but there are others too. Clog morris, danced in sets like Cotswold morris, originated in Lancashire and Cheshire, especially in the mill towns where leather-and-wood clogs were worn. From both sides of England (East Anglia and the Welsh Borders) there are styles of ‘blackface’ morris, which use face paint in a village tradition of disguise, to prevent the vicar and the bosses recognising the
local lads in the disorderly morris. There is no evidence of a pagan origin – we simply don’t know how or when morris dancing came about. Some say that it helps fertility, some say that it frightens evil spirits. We do know that it has been performed throughout the country for centuries. Chelmsford has its own morris side, continuing the tradition and providing a show at pubs and festivals throughout the year. It’s less rowdy now, but they always look as if they are having a good time. In the early days many of its members lived in Old Moulsham, this haven of the educated and artistic. They are all sorts of people – from students to the lively retired, from eccentric extroverts to the apparently normal. What they want is to make the public love this ancient and odd custom. Worth watching!
Look out for Chelmsford The City Times! Available from mid October.
A Moulsham Anniversary Event and a War Time Memory. 24th August 1943: Seventy years ago the Chelmsford Co-operative Party was launched and, seventy years to the day, on Saturday 24th August this year, a celebratory anniversary party was held in Old Moulsham. Unfortunately, that Saturday was also Moulsham’s day of all-day, torrential rain; so, a planned garden party in the Southborough Road gardens of Cooperative Party Members, Prue and Robert Jones, had to be turned into an indoor event – a bit of a crush but a jolly gathering! Party chairman, Malcolm Wallace, welcomed the members and their guests and described how the party had been formed as an initiative of the Chelmsford Star Co-operative Society during the difficult years of the Second World War. He was joined in cutting the celebratory cake by Jeanette Roberts, who had been present at the war-time launch,
was the party’s first treasurer, became a Chelmsford Borough Councillor in 1945, and its first woman mayor, in 1951. She remains an active member of the party, providing an extraordinary 70-year link to its origins and, until earlier this year, providing experienced advice as a Member of the Party Council. She gave a speech about her local political activities that was warmly applauded by members and guests. Also among the guests were Pauline Dodd, President of the Chelmsford Star Co-operative Society, Barry Wood, recently appointed Chief Executive Officer and Tony Gudgeon, recently retired Chief Executive Officer.
Malcolm Wallace proposed the toast of the future of the Party and reminded members that the present party Secretary, Chris Vince, had recently been adopted as Labour’s prospective parliamentary candidate for Chelmsford. He thanked Prue and Robert Jones for hosting the event and regretted that the severe wet
weather had deprived members of an opportunity to party in the gardens that are well known locally as part of the Farleigh Hospice Urban Open Gardens that is held annually in Moulsham.
MT /history
Jack Kerouac’s Lover Comes to Town: The Saracens Head Beatniks. By John Power
In the early 1960s while the Mods from the Saturday Scene, at the soon to be demolished Corn Exchange, were recovering from Merseybeat and the Beat Boom that merged with the fringes of Jazz to create the Soul and Blues music of the London club scene, across the road in the Ghost Bar of the Saracen’s Head another Beat Scene was emerging that attracted some of the most creative minds that Chelmsford had to offer. These Beats were better known as Beatniks, both terms coined in the U.S.A. to describe the emerging counter culture that had started to grow around the inspiration of a group of writers. They called themselves the Beat Generation, as they were ‘beat’ by the megalithic 1950s war machine, the Cold War, anti-Communist wars in Asia, and the repressive morality that supported them, yet hip to the beat of the music of the era, Jazz, be it New Orleans Trad, Be-Bop, or Avant Garde.
James Bond hardback edition covers, or England’s foremost painter, Francis Bacon, with his chums around Wivenhoe, like Isabel Rawsthorne, who had been painted by Bacon and Picasso and sculpted by Giocometti, not for beauty, but for the character of her lanky wrinkled persona. My start at the college had coincided with that of another of the Saracens Head Beats, John Cuthbert [Gus to his friends] whose amazing talent had got him a place without any formal qualifications, but based solely on his folder of remarkable work. Gus lived in a shared house in Upper Bridge Road where his huge canvasses did much to compensate for the perpetual state of half decoration suitable for the Bohemian lifestyle. The Wunaytee Club, as it became known, was a regular venue for Beats after the pubs closed, and also housed one of the folk strummer singers from the Ghost Bar. A similar venue existed in Mildmay Road.
Drawing support on this side of the Atlantic from those alienated by the threat of nuclear holocaust at the hands of the warmongers, duffel-coated longhairs [in reaction to Army National Service cropped hair] gathered nationally for marches and protests in support of the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (C.N.D), and looked on in horror as Vietnam became the first televised war. Kindred spirits were to be found in the Ghost Bar, listening to another emerging art form, the strumming troubadours passing on folk inspired songs of protest. Back on the other side of Tindal Square, next to the Corn Exchange in Tindal Street in the White Hart pub a Folk Club was to be found around the back, playing host to the likes of Paul Simon [then living in Brentwood], Julie Felix, John Renbourn and many other musicians who would make a name for themselves in the circuit of Folk Clubs that grew around the country. There was a Trad Jazz Club too in a cellar in New London Road, opposite where the Job Centre is in 2013.
I could reel off names aplenty of characters from this era of Chelmsford’s history, but although many went on to carve their niches in the arts and related fields, like Arthur Wright getting an Oscar for photography, few would become generally known outside their own specialisms. One character however, who did take the beatnik era, and its literature especially, very seriously. Doctor, as he became, Christopher Challis was a Technical Author for Marconi when I first met him in the Saracens Head, but he fostered ideas to be a writer of a more cultural nature, inspired by the Jazz Poetry style created by the best known author of the Beat Generation, Jack Kerouac. So I suggested he applied to join the merry throng gathering in the other departments of Colchester College alongside the Art School. This he did and packed in his Marconi career, to enrol for ‘A’ levels, getting three ‘A’ grades and a scholarship in one of them. So began Chris’ academic career, but it certainly had a long way to go! Initially that was straight up the M.1. to Leicester University, where he achieved his Bachelors, Masters and Doctors degrees in American Literature, writing about Jack Kerouac and the Beat Generation authors and poets.
The Ghost Bar then had seen better days, with a grubby array of Scots Tartan samples built into the décor to advertise the Scottish and Newcastle Brewery Tartan Ales. Not only musicians like fiery haired Irish Rory were to be found strumming and singing in the bar, but it attracted all the local bohemian crew of artists, writers and students. For me the biggest interest was art as I had begun training in painting and graphics at Colchester School of Art, in a town and its suburbs where you could rub shoulders with the likes of Dickie Chopping, the illustrator of all the
2013 saw the release of the film of ‘On the Road’, based on the first novel to be published by Jack Kerouac. The edited version that first appeared had all the founder Beat writers in it as characters, under pseudonyms. There is no great story line, just a chronicle of a hedonistic drink, marijuana and girls [‘40s/’50s
male chauvanist style] fuelled road trip in often stolen cars, in reaction to the repressive morality of the post World War II years, between major cities in the U.S. and Mexico, mostly involving Jack and sidekick Neal Cassady with a variety of passengers. Most of the original Beats had met at college in New York, but mixed with hustlers like junkie Herbert Hunckie and Cassady, who’d grown up a street kid, adept car thief, and feral survivor in Denver. They called on college chum William Burroughs en route to Mexico. A well-healed heir, Burroughs was often grouped with the Beats, but said that he just knew them, while his own writing was more science fiction and heroin addiction hallucinatory creations. As the group grew, the cross country lifestyles led to a growth on the West Coast, especially around San Francisco, where Lawrence Ferlingetti owned, and published from, City Lights Bookshop. This was the scene of the ground breaking obscenity trial which followed Ferlingetti’s publication of founder Beat, Allen Ginsberg’s, epic anti American lifestyle poem of alienation, ‘Howl’, containing references to gay sex and many taboo swear words of the time. After a long and public case the court found in favour of writer and publisher, and that catapulted the Beats to media celebrity status, as the walls of censorship began to crumble. There is no room to expand on the development of the Beat writers here, but where it connects with Chelmsford is through Chris Challis’ own writing. After he had finished his Doctoral dissertation he approached publishers Faber, who had
just been rescued from financial decline by ‘the Who’s Pete Townsend. Pete liked the content, but with editorial agreement said that it was too academic in the form it was, so offered an advance to Chris to undertake an American road trip of his own to track down the remaining Beats [Kerouac had drunk himself to death and Cassady had died of a heart attack due to exhaustion and amphetamines, by then] and so transform the tome into a travelogue or picaresque. So that was just what he did, as heroes became friends in the pages of ‘Quest for Kerouac’, published in 1984. Allen Ginsberg stayed with Chris rather than in hotels when doing a U.K. poetry tour, and a great friendship Chris formed with Neal Cassady’s widow Carolyn, by then a published writer in her own right, and a highly accomplished Painter, came to fruition as she moved at first to Hampstead, then Berkshire, to enjoy a greater celebrity status in this country than the marginalised one she had grown up with in the States. She had not only been married to Cassady but at one time had been Kerouac’s lover too. When Chris brought her to visit his mother in Ingatestone they called on me too..... but I was out! I did however meet her on later occasions and have had a useful exchange with her on many mystical, art and Beat topics.
Isn’t it nice to know that figures of international literary celebrity have walked the streets of this town.... and all because of a few Beatniks that gathered in the Saracens Head half a century ago.
I kept up my painting, funded by teaching, and anyone in London in the last two weeks of November [18th Nov-1st Dec.] this year, is invited to look in Chelsea Town Hall Library [a 5-10 minute walk from Sloane Square tube] where many canvasses and drawings are on show alongside sculptures by sculptress and author Charlotte Rodgers. venuesforhire/chelseagallery/fullcircle. aspx for details.
Carolyn Cassady is 90 this year of 2013, and yet still lives a trans-Atlantic life. She is the author of ‘Off the Road’ and ‘Heart Beat.’ Chris Challis was born in Ingatestone in 1946, and sadly died in a nocturnal fall down the stairs in Leicester in 1997. ‘Quest for Kerouac’ is presently out of print, but available through the Library Service. He was also a compiler of anthologies of poetry and prose and author of numerous articles for a variety of
Between 31.1.14 and 2.2.14 in Ipswich there is a Festival of the Beats: www. where I will be doing a presentation on Chris Challis’ Quest for Kerouac.
MT /charity of the month
Project 114 supports some of this city’s most vulnerable young people. Since the 1980s we have supported children affected by drugs and alcohol, helping them to move away from misusing substances and getting them back on the right track. This includes improving relationships with their families, returning to school or finding a job.
We are open to anyone aged 19 or under and living in Essex. Each year we help over 340 young people and, sadly, the demand for our service is growing. If you’re a young person affected by drug or alcohol use - your own or someone else’s - we’ll work with you to keep you safe and get things sorted out. We won’t make you do anything you don’t want to, we’ll find out what you want and give you whatever support you need. A young person we recently supported said: “Project 114 helped me pull away from my bad choices within my lifestyle and helped me with my drink problem and understand more about the drugs I was experimenting with.”
We offer a range of services, from a drop in centre in Chelmsford, a forum for young people affected by drugs and alcohol through to music and art programmes to provide positive activities to get involved in. Project 114 is part of The Children’s Society, a charity dedicated to supporting some of this country’s most disadvantaged and vulnerable children. Children who are suffering daily due to poverty, neglect and living in families that are in crisis. To find out more about our services, please see our website or call 01245 493311. For more information about The Children’s Society please visit
MT /fashion by Louise Thomas
Autumn is my favourite season as far as fashion is concerned! I know a lot of people struggle with that tricky so called ‘inbetween’ weather, as often it’s too mild to wear a proper Winter coat, but yet too cold for nothing at all.
good quality one! It’s all about cost per wear!
However, with a few little tricks up your sleeve you’ll soon find that the transition from summer to autumn can actually be really simple. So if you’re not quite ready to hang up your summer dress quite yet, then read on!
This may sound pretty boring, and glaringly obvious, but if you’re still longing to wear your favourite summer dress this is the way to go! Purchase in a neutral colour, like black or cream and you’ll find yourself wearing it with absolutely everything you own.
The key to autumnal dressing is layering! It probably sounds really simple, but I know myself that I’ve read so many articles going on about ‘layering’ and had no idea what it actually meant for me and how I could incorporate it into my wardrobe. It might look pretty on the pages of a glossy fashion magazine to be wearing two shirts, a cardigan, coat, and a zillion scarfs – but it’s just not practical! So I’ve managed to make a slightly more comprehensive and practical checklist for layering in autumn. Feel free to take notes, or tear this out and run with it to Primark! 1. Black Opaque Tights. These are an absolute god-send, in my eyes! When it gets really cold, you can even wear these under jeans or even leggings for that added bit of warmth. Plus they’re perfect for evenings – who said it’s too cold to wear that gorgeous dress for drinks with your girls? 2. A Mac. The ONLY acceptable transitional coat! It’s normally waterproof, not too light that you’re left with goosebumps every time the wind blows, but thick enough that if the aun does decide to peep out from behind the clouds you won’t be left having a hot flush! Not to mention it looks incredibly stylish and is a classic piece that will never go out of style – so don’t feel too guilty splashing out on a
3. A Cardigan.
Finally, this autumn I’m planning on being thrifty! Fashion can definitely be affordable, I always find hunting out a bargain more rewardable and everyone loves boasting about that gorgeous item they found for a next to nothing price! Chelmsford has plenty of vintage fairs going on throughout the next few months, including the Bobby’s Girl Vintage Fair – which is always a great way to spend a Saturday afternoon. As well as DIY classes on at Make Do & Mend, where you can make your own embellished lace collar or even a dress – all depending on how adventurous you want to be.
Wine Corner - France Hi, it’s time for a look at wines again. This month we are back into France. I enjoy French wines and have visited many of the wine growing areas over the years. This month I thought I would look at the classic wine growing area of Burgundy.
France is generally the world’s largest producer of wine, and has been producing wine for more than 2000 years. A few years after that, surprise,surprise, the monks got involved. Those monks certainly liked a drink, I think that if I had been around then, I may have tempted to become one! With the diversity of the climate and soil types from north to south, they produce a wide of variety wines, from the mostly light wines in the Loire to the deep reds of Languedoc and Provence in the south. New World wines tend to be higher alcohol by volume (abv) generally, but I have sampled a 14% red in the Loire and a 15% abv wine produced in Provence, so the French are fast catching up . The abv has to be stated on the bottle. It is a measure of the amount of alcohol in the wine and, my personal view is that this should be shown on all wine lists in pubs and restaurants. This is becoming more the norm these days and I think it is important to realise that although the difference between an 11% and 13% abv is 2 percentage points, which seems quite small, the actually increase in alcohol is 18%. This can make a big difference. French wine areas are split into Appellation d’Origine Controlee (AOC). As the name suggests, the production of these wines is controlled and the AOC guarantees the origin of the wine and also ensures that they are produced to official minimum standards. Other wine standards are Vin de Pays (mainly in the southern Languedoc), and the lowest, Vin de Table, which is mostly a blend of several different wines. Talking of France, we have enjoyed caravan holidays in that country for a number of years. I do try hard to speak the language, but on many occasions, without success. Sitting outside the caravan one day, a man appeared. He was dressed in a very nice uniform and was pushing a bicycle, on which he had a large refrigerated box. He stopped about 20 yards from where we we sitting. So I beckoned him over with a wave of my arm and said confidently, “attendez vous”. This, I understood later, meant “stay where you are” not ”come on over” as I thought, so I managed to completely confuse the poor chap. When we did sort it, out he managed to sell me four bottles of a very nice local wine. Back to Burgundy, it stretches from Auxere in the north to Lyon in the south (this includes the region of Beaujolais). It is where some of the finest wines in France are produced. There are specific appellations here, with the top one called Grands Crus, followed by Premier Crus, then Village and finally Regional. In the north, Chardonnay grapes are grown and used to produce lovely white wines, like Chablis. Another nice white from a different grape, is Bourgogne Aligote. Very tasty. There are also great reds, from the vineyards of Nuits-St Georges for example, which is also the origin of Creme de Cassis, a blackcurrant liquor which is mixed with Champagne to make a Kir Royale. In the centre of the region is the town of Beaune. It is famous for it’s wines and is a pretty place. There is a nice shopping area, but more importantly, it is surrounded by vineyards. There is a lovely building in the centre, Hospices de Beaune, worth a look. Further south is Macon, where again, they produce fabulous wines like Pouilly-Fuisse, but they are generally more expensive. Still further south in the Beaujolais area, where they introduced
the famous Beaujolais Nouveau run, when many people went to the area and then raced back to the UK to be the first ones to sample the wine. The wine should be consumed soon after bottling, so had to be sold quickly, so whoever thought of this idea was a great marketeer. It is a great area to explore and to visit the villages that are the names of the wines we recognise. Do sample some of the fine wines of the area, often a bit more expensive, so make sure you keep up to date with any offers. Bin end chuckles I was in a pub the other night and the bloke in front of me asked for three doubles and then drank them down one after another. The bartender said “are you ok, you drunk them very quickly?” The customer replied,”you’d drink quickly if you had what I have” “What’s that” said the bartender” “Fifty pence” said the customer. I went back to a supermarket last week and said “I want to make a complaint, this vinegar’s got lumps in it” The assistant said “Those are pickled onions” Keep calm and carry on drinking (in moderation)
The other event which has just finished is my four day festival-a report will follow.
As I am writing this month’s article I am getting ready for two events, this month one at Bonds in Victoria Road and next month we have a great one off event on Wed 16th with Slim Chance and Benny Gallagher (Gallagher & Lyle). Slim Chance were Ronnie Lane’s old band after he left the Faces in his first line up it was mainly Gallagher & Lyle and their band after they left to resume their own band Ronnie was recruited Steve Simpson, Charlie Hart, Steve Bingham, Alun Davies & Colin Davey to be part of the band. Benny will open the show and will then join Slim Chance on stage making this a truly one off night and must to attend see our advert on page 8 for details.
It is all change at Evoke night club in Market Road Chelmsford with its new owners Luminar Leisure who are continuing to support live music and on Thurs 17th Oct they kick off big time with Bruce Foxton’s From the Jam with the All Mod Cons Tour (see page 29 for details) then on Thurs 28th Nov it’s the Buzzcocks making a welcome return. Please help support and keep music live in our city as we have many great venues like The Star & Garter, The Fleece, Asylum, Bonds, The Globe, The Orange Tree, The Bird in Hand, The Black Bull, The Woolpack and many others. Chelmsford The City Times are looking for all events that you know of in Chelmsford for our events listings and we will do our best to put them in our November issue.
Rotary In Chelmsford – For the Community The V Festival in Hylands Park is the jewel in the crown of Chelmsford’s entertainment for young people (and in truth, some of the not so young). It attracts many thousands to the city, boosts the local economy and puts Chelmsford firmly on the map with TV and press coverage but have you ever considered the logistics of staging such an event?
ends. Local charities benefit such as CHESS which caters for the homeless in Chelmsford and to Essex Air Ambulance. Some tents have been donated to scouts or given to the Red Cross. Some of the equipment is sold off by individual Rotary clubs and the money given to charity. The point is that instead of finishing in a landfill site much of this gear, often used just for the one weekend, finds a new home where it is appreciated or the proceeds go to good causes. Somewhere in the region of £5000 is raised each year as a result of Rotary’s V Festival activities.
It couldn’t happen without volunteers and since its inception Rotarians from the district have been helping in many ways. It is forbidden to take alcohol into the festival in glass bottles so Rotarians have manned the gates and decanted alcohol into plastic containers. For the provision of the plastic bottles and the decanting service the festival goer is charged just £1 which goes to charity. Everyone is happy because it means that it is still possible to enjoy a drink but in a far safer environment. Once inside, Rotary is still much in evidence. There is the now famous hairdressing. Whether you are soaked and just can’t do anything with your hair or just want to try something different without mum objecting professional hairdressers are on hand who happen to be Rotarians. Young and old mix happily together in the true spirit of a music festival. But Rotary really comes into its own when everyone else has gone home – the cleaning up process. It has to be seen to be believed - the sheer number of tents and other equipment abandoned by the party goers. Not just tents either, typically gathered from an area of just thirty yards from one tent were a pair of trousers, male and female underwear (used, but further details would be too much information), uncooked sausages, an inflatable plastic guitar, picnic chairs, toilet rolls, toothbrushes, towels, half a plastic bottle of vodka, £1.28 in loose change and a pair of trainers. Some of what’s left would really surprise you and for some things you need a strong stomach but the V Festival is a weekend of letting your down and enjoying yourself so don’t judge too harshly. Rotary has realised that the tents and sleeping bags can help others less fortunate so they are collected up when the festival
As word gets out about the Rotary Tent Collections other organisations are joining in and it is wonderful to see young people working alongside the more mature Rotarians in this excellent project. That is not to say there are not young people in Rotary so whatever your age if you would like to hear how you can join the largest service organisation in the world visit our website for news on local clubs or www. for the national view. Alternatively give me a ring I would be only too pleased to point you in the right direction and you don’t have to wait until the next V Festival. Rotary operates 365 days a year and there is always something you can get involved with and I shall be telling you more in the next issue of Moulsham Times. Stan Keller 01245 260349 (office)
MT /business profiles
Each month we are featuring profiles of some of the businesses in the local area. This month Round Tower Brewery & Chelmsford The City TImes. Simon Tippler of Round Tower Brewery is the new kid on the block in the Essex brewing scene. He started brewing in January this year and launched his beer to the public at the CAMRA Winter Beer Festival in February. After winning Beer of the Festival, his small six cask a week production has grown rapidly to appear regularly in respected real ale pubs across the city and has been a big hit at beer festivals and in many pubs across the county. But how does a family man with a big dream make all this happen? Simon started home-brewing when his first daughter was born. Having always had a hobby or a project on the go, brewing in his shed meant he had something to keep him busy that also allowed him plenty of time with his new family. This is where he learned his craft and with each brew he built his understanding of how a great beer is made. Simon has always shared the products of his labour with his friends and collegues, whether home-grown vegetables or homemade chutney so no-one batted an eyelid when bottles of beer started appearing. The beer was in a different league to his other projects though and the more he learned and practised, the more his friends started to suggest he sell it. And so the idea was born. Having been born at St Johns and living
Chelmsford The City Times After the feedback we have received from the Moulsham Times, we have decided to launch a city magazine in a similar format to this magazine. Launching on 15th October, there will be new writers and some of your favourites from the MT, who have kindly agreed to write different articles for our new project. moulshamtimes
in Chelmsford all his life, he wanted the brewery to be Chelmsford’s own and from the start he knew it had to be in the town centre. After a year and a half of planning and dreaming, Simon finally found a location that he thought would work for his brewery and turned the plan into reality. With a shoestring budget, Simon made his brew kit himself. He knew his beer was innovative and exciting but the brewing business was all new to him and he wanted to dip his toe in the water. No dipping took place. His beer sold out a month in advance as soon as it was available and Simon couldn’t brew quickly enough. Working as a team with his wife, Hannah, Simon has expanded the brewery as rapidly as he is able and his beer is selling across Chelmsford and Essex. Later on in the autumn, Round Tower will start selling bottles and at the end of September their bespoke beer ‘Blues in the City’ will be appearing in venues across the city for a weekend of fundraising blues gigs. Keep an eye out for Round Tower. They are at the beginning of great things. Chelmsford The City Times will be available to pick up from Chelmsford railway station, Tesco in Princes Road along with many other pick ups throughout the city. Chelmsford The City Times will again be an A4, full colour 32 page magazine, featuring articles and advertising and most importantly will be free to pick up. Again there will be an online version and we are hoping people will like the magazine and sign up to receive the email version at the web site
Hunnaball of Chelmsford Family Funeral Service
“The way we do bespoke memorials” moulshamtimes
St John’s House, 91 Wood Street, Chelmsford, CM2 8BH
01245 290909
View online at
Joke Time How do electric eels taste? Absolutely shocking!
Lets meet one of Toot‛s favourite teachers.
Take a sneaky peak into my diary Today King Nebutides royal carriage glided through Coral Ridge on its wave of magic bubbles. It was super exciting, the whole of the Ridge was buzzing AND I am sure he waved at me.......
Coral Ridge School magic teacher, Miss Flutterfin. She may be small but she uses her big butterfly fins to flutter up the most flutter-tastic spells! Save Toot from the shark by camouflaging her into the colour of her surroundings
Competition time! email Toot and ask her a question to win a Toot goody bag!
Diary of a young local performer by Ami aged 11
While I was on holiday with my family in Mallorca, I had an email from my agent saying that a client wanted to pencil me in for a big new feature film starring Chris Hemsworth, but they needed to know my availability for September and my measurements that day. We had to rush out and find a shop that sold tape measures and luckily we found one. Unfortunately, I wasn’t cast for the film which was disappointing, but my mum now keeps a tape measure in her handbag at all times! This month, my agency contract, Spotlight membership and medical certificate were all up for renewal. To be a
professional child actor, you have to get a medical form signed by a doctor every 6 months to confirm you are fit and well to perform. Spotlight is a database of professional adult and child actors that casting agents use to cast for films and TV. Some casting directors will not use actors that are not registered on Spotlight, so I renewed my membership. And as for my contract with my agent – I still don’t know whether it is being renewed. I started at Great Baddow High School in September and I have joined the netball team, basketball club, rock choir and I am having extra singing lessons to help me with my performing. I have been made a Patrol Leader at the 4th Moulsham Guides which I am really happy about as I had such fun at guide camp in the summer holidays. I am so busy with all that as well as weekly dance, drama and singing lessons at Theatretrain and homework – but I love it!
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Vegan food to vegan body products - by India Green Since my previous article about healthy eating, I have been hunting around to smell and look nice but not at the planets cost and I have been successful in my search. I came across 2 shops that were vegan, vegetarian and non animal testing. My first shop is The Body Shop, it promises to be against animal testing, supporting community fair trade, activating self esteem, defending human rights and protecting the planet which really impresses me. The Body Shop staff didn’t hesitate to print me off a gigantic list of all their vegan products which I’m not even half-way through yet, the list consists of body butters, soaps, body scrubs, lipstick, eye makeup, shower gels the list goes on! My second find was Lush-fresh handmade cosmetics. They have bath bombs and bars of soap in every shape, size, colour and scent you can imagine!
Lush are always coming out with new interesting products like my personal favourite ‘FUN’, it comes in a play dough form but you can wash your body and hair with it. Lush has even created cutters to use on FUN my favourite flavour of fun is peach because peaches are my favourite fruit. I also want to mention a vegan body care range that you can find in Oxfam. It is called ‘Faith In Nature’ and has many shampoos and conditioners in lots of fruity flavours including raspberry and cranberry, grapefruit and orange, aloevera and even chocolate (don’t ask me how they did that one). Obviously I use all of these exquisite products because they are very reasonably priced and smell gorgeous. So in fact it’s not that hard to look and smell nice not at the animals cost, so thank you for reading my article and I hope this shows there is an alternative way to see and use body products.
Image by Alice Green
Let’s make Moulsham First! The ward of Old Moulsham and Chelmsford city centre has a population of over 10,000 people – which makes us one of the largest populated areas in the district area of Chelmsford. Unlike most of the district, we don’t have a locally elected parish or town council, so a group of Old Moulsham residents have been trying to raise a voice for the area with the local authorities over the past three years, to make sure Moulsham is first for all of us who live here – to put Moulsham First! We are concerned about safety and security in our homes and neighbourhoods, speeding, litter, graffiti, and dog fouling. When we discovered the county council is turning off the streetlights after midnight from September there was a lot of discussion. Could Chelmsford city centre’s purple flag award be at risk because in effect the county council may be removing safe corridors home during the early hours. Old Moulsham is a clearly defined area, and running diagonally through its centre is of course Moulsham Street – still a unique area of independent traders working with Moulsham Traders’ Association (MTA), although many are concerned that its uniqueness is being slowly eroded. However, all the data shows that life’s pretty good across the area – we have a mixed population and housing styles are very varied. The area is steeped in history and the architectural styles and archaeological remains in the area bear witness to this. But there are spates of crime which cause big problems for the folk who are victims, and create a wider fear of crime across the area. The crime rate in Chelmsford is about the same as the average crime rate across similar areas nationally, and lower than average for the Essex Police area; but there are many concerns about burglaries in the area. Neighbourhood Watch is about promoting greater cooperation and awareness in neighbourhoods in the fight against crime. Whilst we have several in the Old Moulsham area, we need to be stronger and more coordinated. We need more members who can help. Moulsham First is working with local watches in the area to achieve this so together we can have a louder voice. On our website you’ll find information on the local watches, local crime statistics, and much more (
In July, a task group was set up to look at how we might take matters forward, such as detailing resources needed for Neighbourhood Watch activities; meeting with MT and preparing a series of articles promoting MF and the development of Neighbourhood Watches across the area; approaching MTA with a view to holding a stall at the Moulsham Street Christmas event, to recruit and raise awareness; and holding a community event in late October. There’s much to do – and whilst we are fortunate in being able to liaise directly with the authorities, we need more people to volunteer and work with us. The more we have the less onerous it will be for individuals. Please fill in the reply slip below drop it in one of the response boxes in Moulsham Street (as shown on the reply slip). Check out our web address where you’ll find much more information: Drop us an email at moulshamfirst@ If you don’t have an email address we’ll get back to you by phone or at your home address. More will appear in future editions of Moulsham Times. Steve & Heather, on behalf of Moulsham First. Please fill in this reply slip and drop in one of the boxes in retail outlets in Moulsham Street: Lemon Tree Café (34F Moulsham Street) CD’s Café (181 Moulsham Street) McCartney’s Estate Agents (74 Moulsham Street). Or drop us an email at
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------To Moulsham First: Yes, I am interested in Moulsham First and the development of Neighbourhood Watches: I am interested in setting up a Neighbourhood Watch yes/no I am interested in help with a Neighbourhood Watch yes/no I am interested in finding out more about Moulsham First yes/no I am interested in the community event in October yes/no Name:__________________________________________________________________________ Address:________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________Post Code_______________________ Email address (where applicable): _______________________________________________________________________________ All information will be held confidentially for Moulsham First and Neighbourhood Watch purposes only. Nothing will be shared with any other third party, and nothing will be disclosed publicly.
MT /Moulsham Street
Consider yourself – INVITED! Moulsham Street Christmas Festival – 23rd November 2013 As I mentioned last month, we are rapidly approaching one of the most magical times of the year – Christmas. I know for many it seems that no sooner have we managed to get new uniforms for our children to start a brand new school year (how did they grow so much in just six weeks?), than we see cards, wrapping paper and presents start to appear in the shops. I have yet to see the first advent calendar, but I’m sure it won’t be too long! This year, we as Traders wanted to focus our attention on our very special Traders day on the name “Christmas Festival”. The word “festival” actually means to “re-enact, or anticipate events or seasons...that give meaning and cohesiveness to an individual and to the ... community. Because such days or periods generally originated in religious celebrations or ritual commemorations that usually included sacred community meals, they are called feasts or festivals.” (From!) I think the ideas here of re-enactment are very true – how many times over Christmas lunch do people start sentences with “do you remember that Christmas when....” and the much-treasured family stories are re-told once more. It becomes a very special tradition to re-enact the stories unique to each family that make the season so distinctive. It’s also a time to anticipate great things. In my home, my husband and I have two very different approaches to life – I am a “lark”, and he is an “owl”! That means that I am the one most likely to get up very early in the morning, and get jobs done before anyone else is awake. I often feel I can get more achieved in one or two hours all to myself. The downside is that I need to get to bed much earlier than him! He really needs his morning coffee, but is able to stay up and be very productive when I am winding down of an evening. This also means that I tend to anticipate and prepare ahead far earlier than he does, especially when it comes to Christmas. This has served me well this year, though, as the anticipation and preparation required to put on an event which we hope will attract anywhere between 4,000 to 6,000 people means we had to anticipate very early! Hopefully, by the time Christmas comes in my home, I will have had time to anticipate a few things for myself! This definition also speaks of festivals bringing “meaning and cohesiveness to an individual and to the ... community” I am
delighted that we have been able to invite nineteen of the junior schools in our local community to join in our competition to design a poster for the festival. The wonderful people at Cash
Converters have donated a new iPad mini to the winner of this competition, which our very good friend Councillor Dick Madden will be judging. The winner gets to help switch on the lights in Moulsham Street as well, so that will be well worth anticipating for one young person, I’m sure! Details have been sent to the nineteen schools invited, so do ask your teachers if you want to get involved!
Next month we will be giving you more specific details of the things you can look forward to on Saturday November 23rd. We are ANTICIPATING welcoming each one of you to our Christmas Festival – so please consider this as your very special invitation!
MT /Classifieds
Music and activities for babies and toddlers Venue: Christ Church (URC) Room 1 New London Road, Chelmsford, CM2 0AW Tuesdays 9.30-10.15am Call us on 07773 155958
• Rewires • Fault Finding • Fuseboard Upgrades • Smoke Alarm Installation • CCTV & Fire Alarms • Access Control & Intercom Systems • Test & Inspect Certification
a • Domestic Pets u Aq ts • Fish Pe • Basic Reptiles 10% off voucher for purchases over £10 50b Moulsham Street - 0845 527 1883
Advertising Nick Garner 01245 261863 07970 206682
Editorial Paul Mclean 01245 262082 07595 949701
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