ITU Journal: Volume I, Issue I, Winter 2011

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Volume 1, Issue 1, Winter 2011

G l o b a l D e v e l o p m e n t T h r o u g h S i l i c o n Val l e y E d u c a t i o n "The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible." ~ Arthur C. Clarke

Welcome to the First Issue

International Technological University is happy to present its premiere issue of the ITU Journal. This first newsletter comes your way with the open invitation extended to students, professors, alumni members, and supporting staff, to join us in efforts to chronicle the beat of our International Technological University in a multitude of facets, be they intellectual, artistic, scientific, social, developmental, or simply humanitarian. As you can see, this publication is ready to cover a wide-array of topics as diverse as the ITU community itself. We hope you enjoy our first issue, and look forward to bringing you more. Our Story The ITU Journal was conceptualized by Dr. Amal Mougharbel, Department Chair for the Business Administration Department, in Fall 2010. A team was assembled, and after a short period of planning, article collecting, editing, and designing, ITU Journal is ready to go from the printer to the reader's hands. So, now that you know our story, we hope that you will share with us yours! From Left to Right: Yau-Gene Chan, MFA , Professor Shu-Park Chan and Dr. Gerald A. Cory

Professor Shu-Park Chan: Father of ITU

Visionary, Entrepreneur and Leader

At ITU, most of us already know of Dr. Shu-Park Chan and his place as the founder and president of ITU. However, throughout the rest of the world, he is recognized for a diverse variety of influential roles, in addition to being the founder of ITU. Professor Shu-Park Chan, Father of ITU, with son, Yau-Gene Chan

Chan, having studied under him as subjects in Chinese ink and wash Santa Clara University's former style. Dean of the Engineering School. From past to present, Dr. Chan is President George Bush, Sr. knows adopting new roles, and looking Dr. Chan, as he appointed him to for ways to impact our world. He the Fulbright Scholarship Board. embodies the notion that life success is a matter of innovation, The art community may see Dr. exploration and the process of Many Silicon Valley business Chan as an artist whose paintings reinventing yourself. owners may know Professor depict vivid landscapes and Hubert Chang



Although young, the educational entity with which we identify ourselves today partakes from the long-established traditions of creativity and learning. The university, as an institution, dates back to the fifth century, when Nalanda University flourished in India. But the idea of the university is based on the human’s need for growth

Global education is emerging as a significant tool for empowering learners to share their points of view. The United Nations declares education as the second highest main concern after poverty and hunger.

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It is considered a powerful instrument for enhancing living standards, removing socio-economic inequity,

STRESS RELAXATION TECHNIQUES FOR STUDENTS As a student, you have a hectic life, worrying about your career, studying, and homework assignments. Some stress is good, as it sharpens the senses and the mind. But too much stress is bad for your mental and physical health. Enjoy these suggestions to keep mentally fit and fine. Continued on Page 4

Volume 1, Issue 1, Winter 2011

Dr. Gerald A. Cory: Profile of a Legend BY MIKEL DUFFY

TEAM Editor-in-Chief: Dr. Amal Mougharbel Managing Editor: Hubert Chang Editorial Board: Dr. Ahmad Chekeni Barbara Arnoldussen Patty Wiggin Design & Layout: Roxanne Lee Contributors: Dr. Shailesh Bondade Bapu Rao Srigadde Charitha Valluri Clair Zhu Mikel Duffy Betty Hayes Matthew Jin Special Thanks: Manisha Pai Suman Bhargava Sandip Bhatarjee Ahmad Shaar


International Technological University 756 San Aleso Ave Sunnyvale, California 94085 The views expressed in articles are those of the writers only and not of ITU or the ITU Journal. The Journal is not responsible for accuracy of information cited in the news and events. The Editorial Board reserves the right to edit submissions, with contributions capped at 400 words. Plagarized submissions will be discarded.

Dr. Gerald A. Cory, ITU’s Academic Vice-President, has published eight books on consilience (the unity of the natural with the social sciences), based on his doctoral work at Stanford University. He was the founding Vice-President of the University of Phoenix; and co-founder, with Steve Wozniak (Apple Computers), of Unison Corporation, producing the world record-breaking US Festivals. Dr. Cory was elected CEO of Tandem Computers in Japan, where the turn-around successes earned him SVASE Silicon Valley Legend status. Dr. Cory’s most recent book, Consilience, Brains, and Markets: A New Theoretical Approach to Business and Economic Free Enterprise is being translated into Chinese, and is to be published by the prestigious Fudan University Press. The Consilience model could be seen as an important cross-cultural bridge, recognizing the need to bring together two prevalent cultural approaches. Western thinking has placed much emphasis on the individual initiative at the expense of the necessity for social responsibility. On the other hand, Eastern thought has focused on social harmony, with not as much emphasis on the importance of individual creativity. His function as Academic Vice-President as well as his stature as a leading scholar in global development is invaluable for positioning ITU in the realm of academic excellence and relevance. Dr. Cory is a retired Lt. Colonel in the U.S. Air Force.

The University: An Evolving Idea BY DR. AHMAD REZA CHEKENI

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many regions and countries prefixed their universities with through continual knowing. promising refiners such as Open-, Institutions grow old; the idea, or Free- . however, remains just as fresh. Today, in the age of electronic The modern university evolved from connectivity, universities function the Academies of ancient time, with as interconnected nurseries where the founding of the University of a universally viable view of the world Bologna around the turn of the is continually being composed. eleventh century. It incorporated Research is increasingly being various disciplines, and its conducted as a social endeavor. establishment ushered in the With it, a new perspective has academic freedom to formulate evolved that places more emphasis ideas and conduct research, on interdisciplinary scholarship in without the influence of kings and the higher education. emperors, and of religious dogma. With the birth of every institution of With the dawn of the Renaissance, learning, we grow more confident a refreshing outlook emerged in that the layers of human which the focus of knowing was understanding reveal an evolving redirected to the human and his picture of the world; that our own environment. The sprouting cultural presumptions and limitations foster revival nourished imagination, the unstable conceptions we complemented with a more reliable constantly forge of the evermode of inquiry: The scientific changing reality; and that through method was on its way to being seeking to understand other, we established as the way to seek the get to know ourselves. truth. In the age of the global village, we During the twentieth century, have come to value conservation, universities incorporated the new renewable energy, equity, and media technologies. In response to diversity. Along with these calls for making higher education developments, more emphasis is more accessible to working people, placed on interdisciplinary


orientation in higher education. If the pursuit of happiness is the ultimate goal for the person, it is not untenable to think that the university empowers us to achieve that lofty goal. Knowing and loving are two of the core capabilities of being Human. The university has played an important role in fostering the former; only the future will show whether it will also play a role in nurturing the latter.

Dr. Ahmad Reza Chekeni: With life-long interest in Education, extensive experience in designing and developing curriculum; teaching in areas of culture, organizational management, and communication; and writing about the core capabilities of being Human.


Continued From Page 1 and sustaining economic growth. When we understand and discuss common social and economic issues, we can explore new ways of thinking and performance. As a result, we bring a qualitative change to the process of learning. The purpose of ITU’s global education effort is to set our standard of teaching and learning to see the world as one interconnected system. We incorporate several ideas into the educational curriculum: people’s own experiences, understanding and empathy of universal cultures, and references to social, personal and cultural topics to be able to see the world as a whole. We operate within the framework of a world in which changes are growing at an incredible speed. Two dimensions characterize our global education. The first dimension relates to space, focusing on the increasing interdependence of our world. Knowledge, competencies, and understanding of different cultures are necessary factors for effective participation in this interdependent world. The second dimension relates to time. Global education emphasizes the future in the practice of education, to train and to encourage people to be efficient players in our rapidly evolving world. In 1994, Dr. Shu-Park Chan, the founder of ITU, established ITU based on the concept of global education. Our vision is to move toward a model of partnership between people, cultures and professions.

Dr. Amal Mougharbel

Chair of ITU Business Administration. Taught business courses at universities in the USA, Lebanon, and the United Arab Emirates. Acted as the system-wide accounting curriculum leader for 12 campuses. Implemented the concept of cooperative learning and teaching distinction. Previously accounting manager in international and local companies for 10 years. Earned her Ph.D. in Business Administration from Université de Corse Pascal Paoli, France.

ITU's A.I. Research Lab BY MATTHEW JIN

The Artificial Intelligence Research Laboratory at ITU’s Electrical Engineering Department, in association with the School of Software and Mi c r o e l e c t r o n i c s , Peking University, offers a stimulating environment for graduate students, faculty members, or in t e r n a t i o n a l collaborators to pursue a wide spectrum of research studies in intelligent, optimized systems. Founded by Dr. May Huang, the A.I. Research Lab has developed some main research interests, such as computer visions, geometric algorithms, sensor data analysis, neural networks, parallel computing, and embedded systems.

Did You Know? New Courses:

GREEN BEHAVIOR, COMMUNICATIONS AND ETHICS, GMBA 906 The world is going green! This course focuses on the practical application of dual motive theory in the workplace. We will explore and identify how to decrease behavioral pollution in business, how to use language and communicate effectively in business, and how to reduce stress in the work place. PITCHING A BUSINESS PLAN TO VENTURE CAPITALISTS, MGTN 945 This course teaches the students how to write and update a business plan, to create a slide deck, and to make investors buy into a new venture. The course will end with a business plan and pitch competition. By preparing personal business plans in a competitive setting, students will be given a lifetime chance to present their plans to a worldwide audience, and an opportunity to win prizes. EXECUTIVE LEADERSHIP, EBUS 910 The main objective is to explore the make-up of successful executives. In search of an integrative view, the emphasis is on vision, optimization, process-approach, and the continuum of intelligence. INNOVATION IN GROUPS, DBA 916 The main objective is to explore mechanisms of innovation in the social setting, and especially in working environment. Research overview will cover characteristics of the creative process from various perspectives. Applying principles of group dynamics and Creativity Signposts, the students will fashion appropriate action plans for cultivating innovative situations.

New Programs: GREEN MBA Green MBA is a program which will seek solutions that foster financial viability, ecological balance and social. Project development and hands-on experience is the method followed to develop the entrepreneurial and leadership skills. This program will help the students be environmentally friendly and be a successful entrepreneur. BUSINESS EDUCATION (Bus Ed) Master degree in Business Education from ITU is accomplished with the core MBA program. The Bus Ed program includes emphasis on both education and Business expertise. Students will obtain their degree through the core MBA subjects and by learning in educational technology, program assessment/review, research techniques, vocational, and occupational training. INDUSTRIAL MANAGEMENT ITU offers a graduate program, MS in Industrial Management. The Industrial Management program will prepare students to assume leadership roles in technical manufacturing industries. The degree covers organizational management, manufacturing economics and industrial engineering aspects of modern industry.


Biography Spotlight Patty Wiggin Employed in corporate advertising, product management, sales, employee and customer education for Siemens Corporation. At ITU since 2008 teaching business communication, public speaking, writing and grammar. Barbara Arnoldussen, RN, MBA Experience in private/public hospitals and clinics, social services, and print/online journalism. Currently teaches healthcare management. Author of four books.

Trouble Finding a Job? CAREER DEVELOPMENT CENTER To help students on their career path towards employment, in November 2010 ITU launched its first Career Development Center (CDC).

One student remarked: “I knew there were a number of software programs other than SAS clinical, but now I know what they are”.

The CDC offers career counseling, training programs, internships, job placemets, and program workshops. Topics include resume writing and softskills training. All students are invited to attend any CDC event.

STRESS RELAXATION Continued From Page 1

1. Time management: Wake up early in the morning. Write a daily ‘to-do’ list. Schedule all appointments, tasks and social events at convenient times and refer to the list throughout the day. Prioritize tasks. One person cannot do everything, so be selective. Focus on one thing at a time. Take ‘power-nap’ for 20 minutes. It will re-energize you for several hours. 2. Deep breathing exercises: Take a long breath, let out a big sigh, dropping the chest and exhale gently. Repeat several times a day. It is easy and can be done anywhere.

Bapu Rao Srigadde

Goings On

3. Meditation: Sit quietly in comfortable position, with legs crossed and arms resting at sides. Pick a meaningful word and repeat it. Close your eyes or focus on one object to enhance concentration. With regular practice, meditation strengthens the area associated with joy and relaxation and weakens those associated with stress and negativity. 4. Yoga: Join a yoga class or hire teachers for a group. Do both moving and stationary poses with deep breathing Dr. Shailesh Bondade Bachelor of Medicine from Government Medical College, Nagpur, India. Physician in District Hospital for 3 years. Previously research assistant. Now MBA Healthcare Management student at ITU.

Fashion & Art

INSPIRATION THROUGH JEWELRY Jewelry needs the human form for display. Earrings are especially popular, worn by men and women of all ages. I got my ears pierced at age 13 and, after 12 years of wearing earrings, I started making my own. As a jewelry designer, I love one-of-a-kind earrings, handmade from an interesting mixture of materials. Special creations speak the personality of their masters and represent a designer’s art and passion. Most importantly, they please: like the

The first CDC seminar was on January 4th, 2011. The experienced business analysts covered data staging, data validation, and SAS clinical software applications. The focus was to assist students in finding a job the Medical and Pharmaceutical industries.

Health Tips

pleasure an art collector gets from his favorite piece, jewelry is wearable art. Jewelry is the perfect gift. There’s always a special occasion to wear it, or … it could be the excuse to create a special occasion!, one of the leading handmade design websites, overflows with talented designers and ou t s t a n d i n g masterpieces from all over the world. I have fun just looking at their art—they inspire me. Roxanne Lee



JOINT SEMINAR SCHEDULE SPRING 2011 February 9th – “ORGANIZATIONAL TEAMWORK” Ahmad Shaar, ITU Faculty, Department of Business Administration

February 23rd – "FINANCIAL DERIVATIVES: YOUR OPPORTUNITY" Mr. Hiram Willis, ITU Faculty, Department of Business Administration

February 16th – “ITU GREEN -- THE HANDBOOK” Ms. Shawn Lovering, VicePresident and Corporate Trainer, ITU Green

March 2nd -- "RESUME DO'S & DON'TS" Career Development Center For the complete Spring 2011 listings go to

The Chinese New year 2011 is coming soon! According to the lunar calendar the start of the New Year is on February 3, 2011. This year is the Year of the Rabbit! Which means that 2011 should be a very "hoppy" year for all. As Chinese New Year begins to draw near, San Francisco's Chinatown will begin to come alive with traditional Chinese New Year items such as brightly-colored lanterns, paper money and, of course, firecrackers. Chinatown will be holding an extraordinary parade on February 19th. Go to for more information. Hope to see you there! Happy Chinese New Year 2011! JOIN THE DISCUSSION: GET INVOLVED TODAY!

Prepared By Betty Hayes


Clair Zhu

For questions, comments, suggestions or submissions, please send all e-mails to © International Technological University 2011

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