CSR SPOTLIGHT Heritage continues its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) thrust in response to the COVID-19 pandemic whose impact continues to be felt among many, as well as other areas in alignment with the company’s CSR strategy.
Heritage CEO Arlene Chow, left, and ALTA’s Resources Development Manager M’aisha Thomas sit before donated laptops.
Computer Distribution Initiative Investing in education is one of the most powerful ways to facilitate sustainable development, which is a cornerstone of Heritage’s CSR strategy. During the pandemic we have donated close to five hundred (500) computers to students in response to the need for computer access for online learning. Most recent recipients include the Adult Literacy Tutors Association’s (ALTA) as part of Heritage’s Computer Distribution Initiative.
HERO Programme
Heritage contributed $400,000 in 2021 to four Secondary Entrance Assessment (SEA) students through the Heritage Education Opportunity Resource (HERO) programme. This programme is available to top performing SEA students from the company’s fenceline communities and is aimed at providing financial support throughout their educational journey from the beginning of secondary school up to the attainment of their first degree. HERO was first launched in 2020, offering four top performing SEA students an award of $100,000.00 each. To date Heritage has contributed contributed $800,000.00 towards this initiative.
Corporate Communications Manager, Arlene Gorin-George is pictured with the 2021 HERO students at the HERO 2021 Signing Ceremony.