PLANNING for the
beyond 2050 Study case Province of Groningen The Netherlands
Iulia Cristina Sirbu
PLANNING for the
beyond 2050 study case Province of Groningen The Netherlands
In a world of competition for natural resources, planning ahead is necessary.
David Grahame Shane, who mentions in an interview for BINA and Gradologija, in 2012 (Contemporary Cities and Urban Design, source: that the availability of natural resources (coal or oil) has always influenced city planning and that today, the oil crisis, especially, brings changes in the urban space, inspired me to explore deeper his words and to discover an immensely, clear truth (later to be understood) but invisible to me before. Hence, I considered that since, globally, there is a competition for resources, planning ahead is necessary. And this might be the right moment to dare to image what will happen then.
Planning for the end of fossil fuel and beyond 2050 The Netherlands
Iulia Cristina Sirbu
Master thesis | P5 report | June, 2017 Delft University of Technology Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment European Post-master in Urbanism (EMU) Mentors: Arjan van Timmeren, Nico Tillie, Paola Vigano
Introduction I Motivation
II Hypothesis
III On Energy
IV On Territory
V Context and problem analysis
Dynamic quality Exertion of power Usable power
VI Problem statement
VII Research question
VIII Methodology
Aim Research structure and questions Methods IX Framing the Energy Territory
Mission for the future
X Future Scenario
XI Ambitions
Design with energy Matching supply-demand
XII Spatialized energy
Strategic approach Energy potentials Functions and energy
XIII Territory structure
Socio-economic territory Cultural territory Reflections
XIV Wellbeing
Reflections on Energy Territory XV Energy landscapes
Strategy for energy territory XVI Research by design
Three energy landscapes The scales of the strategy Common grounds between the three landscapes Exploring the strategic principles Reflections
XVII From Hypothesis to Vision
XVIII The Strategy
Principles applied Territorial strategy Outlook Strategic fragments Connected fragments Projects in different images
Imaginaries XIX Hints from the future
Final Reflections
Curiosities and reflections on the future of our energy-driven society will find answers, provocations or new ideas to ponder upon along this project. The narrative, which the project develops, will be supported by representational imagery developed on a triptych formation, depicting a beginnning (the reaseach on the past and present situation), the middle (developing ideas for the future), and the end (design the future). Dramatic or apocaliptic images, here and there, combined with documentated facts and trends, and thorough exploration of the context construct both a scientific and poetic story originating from the Big Idea.
Big idea!
Energy is fundamental to our world and to our lives. We live in an Energy World! Now, based on the resources that generate it, our modern generation is called the Fossil Fuel Society!
What if
, we, the ever innovative men, found it’s time to switch to a new energy model? Is this Future Energy going to cut and sew our new society? What will it take to, universally, come out? How will our world be called then... and, how will it look like?
Figure 00. Illustration by Jenna Arts source: The above illustration is an allegory of the influence of the current energy system on our daily lives; the activities around a regular household, the food, or the design of the space intermingle with the product of some far-from-sight industrial sites. Once a natural and healthy lifestyle, the present situation depicts men addicted to the greasy and black substance which, stored in several massive tanks, seems to predict the fear of a possible depletion. An act of enslavement under intangible paradoxes governs even the most ordinary moment of our daily routine.
| Introduction
I Motivation
As Albert Einstein’s famous formula states that anything having mass has an equivalent amount of energy and vice versa, space and energy can also be considered in relation to each other (Sijmons and van Hoorn, 2014). Over the past two centuries our society, economy, and world order have been built upon an abundance of fossil fuel-produced energy. Globally the development of the cities went hand in hand with the concentration of resources they benefited from. They became concentrations of energy that exist within social, cultural, economic, and political spheres (5KL: The energy issue | William Braham, 2017) and, which expand their size by benefiting from high inputs of natural resources (5KL: The energy issue | William Braham, 2017). The supply and demand of energy loop which our living environment is part of today (oil being the main utilized resource) contributed to the rise of a greedy society which now, in the 21st century reached a critical point of consuming 1.5 the planet’s capacity to naturally replenish resource (van Timmeren, 2013). Today we face this critical situation which imposes radical changes necessary in the future. The energy-space principle applied to the radical change in the energy system leads to the transformation of the landscape. Therefore, the spatial character of energy which makes it a suitable factor in the spatial planning and design process needs to be tailored to the landscape where inserted. Due to its strong interweaving with society, culture, economy and global or national politics, the landscape already full of formal and informal agreements becomes, in the future energy context, a place of negotiation(Sijmons and van Hoorn, 2014). The insertion of the new energy carrier structures will consider the ingredients of the palimpsest energy-scape (Hein, 2016). 17
| Introduction
| Introduction
II Hypothesis
Our living environment could be an economically attractive, socially inclusive, safe and clean environment; a beautiful place where one can be sure of the provision of energy and water. A designed territory that brings industries, rural and urban areas together. It could be a common ground which would valorize the potentials and exchange the benefits of existing diversity. The sustainable energy system would be its binding element and it could be the central focal point for the further development of our inhabited space.
| Introduction
Figure 01. The relative change to the energy mix over the past four centuries (source: Landscape and energy, by D. Sijmons)
| Introduction
III On Energy
Energy 1, en¡er¡gy n. A fundamental entity of nature that is transferred between parts of a system in the production of physical change within the system.
Attempts regarding radical changes in the energy system have globally taken place; due to negative effects of the oil based society, there has been an ubiquitous tendency towards de-carbonizing the energy. Along time, energy presented a cyclic transition. Today, oil, extensively used around the globe has been a dominant part of our energy system for most of the past 150 years although it has been playing a less and less role within the last 20 years in the global energy system.
Definition extracted from Merriam-Webster Dictionary, source: dictionary/
Richard Sears (2010), a geophysicist and executive at Shell, talks about the peak of the oil industry reached in the end of the 20th century just like in the beginning of the same century, there was a peak coal; and a hundred years before that, there was a peak wood (fig.01). This rhythm in the evolution of the energy systems offers a preview of the future cycles: a peak gas lays few decades ahead of us, and beyond that, peak renewable by 2050. Therefore, by means of technological innovations the evolution of the energy system will actually mean putting an end to the fossil fuels before actually running out of the natural resources. The switch to renewable energy will imply an intensified bidirectional communication between natural entities and upgraded energy system that it will produce, eventually, physical changes in both systems.
| Introduction
| Introduction
IV On Territory
Territory 2, ter·ri·to·ry n. A geographic area dependent on an external government but having some degree of autonomy b : an indeterminate geographic area c : an assigned area
The assigned area of the urban designer to practice its professionusually- the site- becomes a territory. The notion of territory from Latin territōrium - the land around or within the boundaries of a town, and under its jurisdiction 3 - emphasizes key elements such as cores, limits and their connecting elements. It is also a geographical area that is personalized or delimited in social, political or ecological way and that is thus, defended from encroachment (Sommer 1969; Becker 1973).
Definition extracted from Merriam-Webster Dictionary, source: dictionary/ 3 Definition extracted from Oxford Dictionaries | English, source: 2
The two definitions emphasize a paradox. It emerges due to the multi-scalar character of the notion which keeps its fundamental meaning at different scales and from different perspectives and fields (Ionescu, 2016). Therefore, different types of territories can be considered and explored: territories of energy, territories of urbanization, and territories of extended green-land. They unfold within different borders (physical or juridical), subordinate to different actors or set of rules, interfere differently with various users, and they produce different actions. However, they connect and overlap in certain points and form thus, the complex system of a territory in relation to which various questions arise. Which is the core of energy production when considering the ubiquitous distribution of renewable resources. What are the limits of a site when engaging questions of energy as indefinite flow? How do these limits or boundaries interact with people’s territory of influence? Which are the bridges or links between these different actors or elements that populate the same space? 23
| Introduction
Figure 02. Development of past and future energy use in the Netherlands (source: Landscape and energy, by D. Sijmons) Figure 03. Economic, social, and energy-related developments from the early twentieth century in United Kingdom (source: Landscape and energy, by D. Sijmons)
| Introduction
V Problem Analysis
Dynamic quality Energy is a dynamic liant between the components of the urban landscape; it is a sensitive, invisible yet strong and influential entity in the production of urban, socio-economic and cultural change. It is the mental flow that, as Franco Bianchini (Weiss-Sussex and Bianchini, 2006: p.13) affirms, “exists between the physical landscape of a city and people’s visual and cultural perceptions of it”. People and their products are drawn to these concentrations of energy (fig.02)- embodied under the form of cities- which by existing within diverse spheres (social, economic, politic, and cultural) develop further wealthy landscapes- following the economy of agglomeration. (5KL: The energy issue | William Braham, 2017). Looking at the energy system through the lens of the Netherlands, the availability of petroleum as a commodity contributed in large proportion to the country’s development and welfare (Sustainable Urban Development, 2016). The storage and trading of oil in Rotterdam and of natural gas in Groningen conferred the country the status of a dynamic player in the global energy system (fig.04: a, b). This active position is intended to be strengthened by, for instance, creating the necessary conditions for Rotterdam to form an integrated network with its hinterland and to be a front-runner in creating and maintaining sustainable chains. These development strategies envision Rotterdam by 2030 as the leading European hub for global and intra-European fuel and energy flows (Port of Rotterdam, 2017). The discoveries of the natural gas in Groningen in 1950 gave the Netherlands access to a relatively lowcost, reliable, and cleaner source of energy which balanced the trade of fossil fuels (oil and gas) with Western European countries. Moreover,
| Introduction
Figure 04: a. Rotterdam, the largest supply port for fossil-fuels in North- Western Europe (source: Landscape and energy, by D. Sijmons) Figure 04: b. The Northern Netherlands, gas supplier (source: Landscape and energy, by D. Sijmons)
| Introduction
the country became a global reference regarding its water management projects; some of the protection systems against flooding being funded through the revenues collected by the State following the exploration of the national natural gas resources (Correljé et al. 2003). Oil, as the dominant part of the energy system, has been a driver of change starting from the perspective of political, economic and spatial transformation and closing the loop by changing people’s mindset. Actually, the political and economic energy-related decision have been translated through built form in order to help citizens read oil’s commodity and its financial forms (Sustainable Urban Development, 2016). For instance, the oil’s impact on cities is best illustrated by Futurama, The City of the Future project in 1939, exhibited in World’s Fair in New York (fig.05). Sponsored by General Motors and imagined by Norman Bel Geddes, the image of the urbanized world 20 years in the future has been used for advertisement purposes by Shell and it went on to inspiring urban form in the second part 20th century in America following the rest of the world- oil-dependent car-driven life (Sustainable Urban Development, 2016). Exertion of power Tracing the history of the oil’s impact on cities, these have been planned following a top-down decision driven by the interest of few and used further as a cunning method to manipulate the society in favor of fulfilling individual economic interests of big political and energy-related stakeholders. This imposition led to a mismatch between the energy system and its leaders and the living environment. Petroleum industry, composed of both private and public actors have always made decisions that have translated into urban patterns and built forms, shaping the long term development of many cities over 150 years (, 2028). The global corporations (industrial, retail, administration, ancillary services) in the fossil fuel industry are powerful actors in the transformation of the built environment on multiple levels. In conjunction with public institutions (ancillary services, general infrastructure) they construct landscape, urban forms and functions, as well as buildings of diverse scales, types and forms (Sustainable Urban Development, 2016). Urban spatial emanations of petroleum—refineries and storage sites, rail, road and water infrastructure, office buildings and gas stations—are connected through their relation to a single commodity and a select group of corporations (, 2028). Figure 05. The city of the Future, GM Futurama, 1939 New York World’s Fair. Image from GM.
However, globally, oil has been playing a less and less role with the last 20 years in the energy system due to a 250 years-history tendency towards de-carbonising the energy (Sears, 2010). Plus, according to IEA and shown in figure 08, the conventional oil is disappearing- e major fields that currently provide the lion’s share of global petroleum will lose two-thirds of their production over the next twenty-five
| Introduction
Figure 06. Per capita energy consumption per country (source: Landscape and energy, by D. Sijmons) Figure 07. Energy return on energy investment EROI (source: Landscape and energy, by D. Sijmons)
| Introduction
years (Klare, 2015). The same is true for natural gas (Fig.08), the second-most-important source of world energy; the global supply of conventional gas is shrinking too and we are becoming increasingly dependent on unconventional sources of supply—especially from the Arctic, the deep oceans and shale rock via hydraulic fracturing. This increasingly popular form of hydrocarbon extraction is called ‘hydro-fracking’, a process that blasts high-pressure water columns underground in order to obliterate previously inaccessible shale formations and liberate oil and gas (van Timmeren, 2013). However, the viability of fracking is under question as there is a great threat of water contamination and therefore, an increased competition for water supplies that may already be scarce. Although the consequences of the unconventional fuels are alarming in their extreme impact on the environment- higher ratios of carbon to hydrogen, and more energy required for extraction and production that produces more carbon dioxide emissions per unit of energy released (Klare, 2015)- they seem to become the “badly manufactured lifeboat of our oil hungry economy” (van Timmeren, 2013: p.58). Again the energy related stakeholders manifest their power by following the cunning philosophy of prioritizing short-term profits. Their efforts to pursue their own interest affect for sure the society, but it does not benefit it. It is proof of the current system’s inability to involve effectively and for a long-term the self-interested individuals into an operational system that can promote the general benefit of society at large- following the invisible hand metaphor of Adam Smith’s. Therefore, there has been a discrepancy between energy and society that led to missed opportunities to integrate them in an intelligent and desirable way. Now, this non-correlation is considered by one of the big oil corporations, Shell, an opportunity for the company’s future success. Thereby, it has been undergoing a transition process from a oil-based business to energy company which gets involved into partnerships regarding the exploration of urbanization and the understanding of its implications and opportunities in the physical world. This shift can deploy their skills and assets, the investment in research supporting once more future interdisciplinary innovation (Lovins, 2007). The necessity of this cross-disciplinary approach is enhanced by the company leaders, too. Finding integrated and adaptive solutions in the energy system is needed especially when considering the probable future energy revolution; the success of the energy actors in financial and operational sector will thus, depend on today’s collaboration between government, business and civil society (Bentham and Scenarios, no date). 29
| Introduction
Figure 08. Energy transition mix in Europe (source: Landscape and energy, by D. Sijmons)
| Introduction
Usable power At the dawn of the 21st century, we are entering the era of revolutionary transitions. There is a big pressure and challenge to further develop the energy system due to the present driving forces such as: the surge in energy use, the transitional energy sources which are struggling to keep up with demand, and the rising emissions of CO2 which are affecting levels of climate stress. The insidious turns towards a cross-disciplinary approach of the big stakeholders in energy system follow the evolution in the energy sector supports that an energy transition is necessary and it is already happening. There are the technological initiatives to support the ending of the fossil fuel age. Technologies that turn to learn from nature are already under discussion as possible answers to scientific and technical problems will deliver the planet its future energy source that now is needed more than ever. Juan Enriquez (2007) explains that the way we understand and manage bioenergy could change our living environment and our evolution as a species. Biology also provides us with principles that can be imported from nature in order to create novel materials for fuels and energy carriers that our survival depends on. Sears (2010) challenges the future of the energy by asking what if by rearranging molecules calcium carbonate- found in a piece of chalk, coal, or abalone shell under different shapes- we could ‘built’ those energy carriers. Or Belcher’s (2011) proposal regarding the shift of our approach regarding energycells structured as hardware which can be as an interchangeable code that can become energy, food, fiber according to society’s needs- might influence the way we plan, design or imagine our world. It has already started the tendency of working with nature. This could lead, in the future, according to Conti (1952) to a world where “we move from things that are fabricated to things that are farmed; from things that are constructed to that which is grown; from being isolated to being connected; from extraction to aggregation, and from craving obedience from our things to valuing autonomy”.
| Introduction
Fig. 09 Re-imagining the street, author: Maarten Hajer, source: Considering how dependent we are on fossil fuels, the scenario that such a problem roughly depicts, transposes us slightly into a state of despair. Therefore, apocalyptic impressions are inevitably conceived. The contest of ideas on the same topic- Post-fossil city (source:, has been as a spark for many followers of the subject in question. Maarten Hajer brings into attention the absurdity of the present, which helps her re-imagining thus, the urban future. The street, an element so deeply embedded in our society, is envisioned in a radical way as the future context of non-fossil fuels actually demands; taking out the fossil fuels equals to taking out the structures afferent to them. It is a good example, which boldly states the need to rethink our living space in the future and the immense potential it has for all sorts of alternative usage (Post-Fossil City Contest, 2017).
| Introduction
VI Problem Statement A clear end of fossil fuel is anticipated, situation which will inevitably lead to big changes in the landscape. Contrary to the present concealed energy-related carriers, the future energy system composed of renewable resources will have a far-reaching effect on the familiar agreements. Although the society has always been benefiting from energy as a commodity (Hein, 2014), it has been separated from the space where it found its place in its developing process. The specificities of the location have not been considered in the spatial transformation process, the various energy short-term related interests of independent actors prevailing against the general common welfare. Thereby, today, more than ever, when the energy revolution is in its initial phase, territories lacks adaptive solutions which can absorb the cyclic changes in the energy system while ensuring the security of energy supply and the welfare of future generations, and which can avoid disrupting the relation between environment, society and technology.
| Introduction
| Introduction
VII Research question
Which spatial transformations facilitate the desired energy revolution anticipated for 2050, or beyond, providing at the same time wellbeing to the Dutch living environment?
| Introduction
| Introduction
VIII Methodology
Aim The project’s objective is to explore the non-fossil energy-based perspective of the territories in a distant future. In this regard, the objective of the project is to develop a methodology for the integration of the energy system in the spatial planning and design process of our living environment. A number of aspects associated with renewable energy system and territories will be thus, addressed. In order to provide an energy-space integrated approach, the province of Groningen as a study case will be analyzed. Thereby, localized aspects regarding energy system innovation, supportive infrastructure, built environment, culture, society, energy production and services will be described and interpreted in order to advance the integration of the energy-scape (Hein, 2014) into the urban landscape. All these will form the basis for developing flexible solutions for possible further changes in energy system (strongly interwoven with the uncertainties in the economic and political spheres at national and global levels) ensuring the wellbeing of future generations against the innumerable consequences of anthropogenic climate change while not compromising earth’s biological systems (van Timmeren, 2013).
| Introduction
Research structure and questions
This research will ease the challenges that society now faces in the energy transition domain, as well as contribute to the generation of fundamentally new scientific knowledge. These can be achieved through ‘design inclusive research; including design into the research and exploration process enables new opportunities for generating new knowledge. Moreover, the evaluation of previous or present spatial impacts of transitions or crises in the energy system facilitates valuable inputs for the phase of creative design actions. The main question is split-up in the following two sub-questions that represent the exploratory and creative phases: 1. What are the challenges and requirements of the new energy industry? Which are the drivers of change for the energy system in 2050 at different scales? Which energy system (centralized or decentralized) can respond to the new requirements of the non-fossil energy system? How can be ensured the supply of energy in a non-fossil territory? Which is the potential of the region for the production renewable energy? Where lies each potential? How does the energy mix spatially interact? 2. Which is the host-landscape of the new energy system? Which are the energy principles that can be translated spatially? How can they be localized? What are the spatial, cultural, economic and political parameters of the space where the new energy systems will be implemented? What are the strengths or issues of the host-landscape related to the past or present energy system? 38
| Introduction
Fig. 10
The research on the territory as a porous and permeable ground (B. Secchi, P. Vigano), the research by design, and the method of the case study together with urban scaffolding (M. Alexandrescu, C. Forgaci, A.I. Ionescu) build up the theoretical framework and set up the methodological steps of the construction of energy-integrated, future territories. The problem of no fossil-fuels generates a unique situation in relation to which choosing the Province of Groningen as the unit of intensive analysis, challenges various generalized assertions on the same topic. The case study of Province of Groningen has a strategic importance in relation to the global problem regarding the future of the energy system. It stresses development factors in relation to the context by helping identifying questions and directions for the development of the main project.
Figure 10. Case study, Province of Groningen, The Netherlands M. Alexandrescu, C. Forgaci, A.I. Ionescu 5 Ionescu, A.I. (2016) Towards a Territorial City. Master thesis, Technical University of Delft. 4
As the authors4 of the paper entitled Urban Scaffolding: A Topological Design Tool (2016)5 describe, urban scaffolding is used in the current project as a strategic method which abstracts key relations between different scales of the territory. Existing structures of the context are re-used allowing it thus, to preserve its specificities and to upgrade its existing processes. Therefore, the method prepares the ground for future interventions by identifying key spatial components, which by revealing their contained, encrypted information and patters, further possibilities are uncovered. The mechanism behind Urban Scaffolding is the endless possibility of combining the structural elements. It is, in fact, an open project tested through design. 39
| Introduction
Design concept: porosity and permeability
| Introduction
IX Framing The Energy Territory
Territory, defined here as the province of Groningen, is due to accommodate the future Energy - the renewable energy system. The Energy Territory thus constructed has to respond synergistically to characteristics, requirements and ambitions of both of its two main components. Territory, a physical entity and sum of inter-scalar components under jurisdiction of a governmental authority, and Energy, an intangible entity and binder of inter-scalar components following the interest of few global powers, are opposite factors that, despite their differences, coexist and, moreover, contribute to each other’s sustainable development. In order to, actually, do so, Energy has to find its place among the components of the Territory and to cling to these, forming, thus a hybrid living environment- the Energy Territory. This new entity will act as a machine of renewable energy production, where key elements of the territory will act as parts in charge with performing definite tasks. The research on the territory as a porous and permeable ground (B. Secchi, P. Vigano) provides design principles that help defining the conceptual framework and setting up the tools for the integration strategy: the concepts of permeability and porosity. The parts of the machine can be identified by describing the territory from the perspective of the two concepts. Permeability is movement; energy and nature, which are strongly interrelated in the future energy system, percolate and intertwine with other elements of the territory such as people and their practices. Porosity is the density of places that bound together through a system of links. The bundle is formed out of a network of pores which let through flows; the exchange between two systems have thus, bi-directional changing effects. These pores of change become meaningful places (Vigano, 2009) that can give space to the new forms of energy to infiltrate within living environments.
| Introduction
Fig. 11 The engineer in the Electrotopia community, author: People of Petrotopia, source: The same, carrier of innovative ideas contest on the topic of Post-fossil city (source:, has been as an inspiration for the group of contestants called People of Petrotopia. They have portrayed the future based on the choices of today when we do not act upon the challenges posed by climate change, and refuse to change our lifestyles, and the future as an inevitable consequence of our depletion of fossil resources. They also ask us “what future do you choose?� (People of Petrotopia, 2017), question, which this project firmly gives an answer to.
The challenge. An attractive provocation from the future for the Netherlands. Imagine cities or regions not addicted to fossil fuels. How would that change the way we live, work, and move around the city?
6 Mission, n. An important assignment given to a person or group of people, typically involving travel abroad; an organization or institution involved in a long-term assignment abroad. (Definition extracted from Merriam-Webster Dictionary, source:
| Mission for the future
Mission6 for the future
The task of this project is a challenge in itself and it refers to the process of imagining cities and regions not addicted to fossil fuels. In such a given situation, the projects proposes to imagine how would that change the way we live, work, and move around the city. As the project imagines future post-fossil urban landscapes and the techniques to get there-‘techniques of futuring’ (Post-Fossil City, 2017) - the imaginative and transformative capacity of the Dutch urban landscapes is enhanced. The first steps in the radical transformation process is to be taken accompanied by a consistency in all decision-making that ultimately will form the future living environment (Roggema et al., 2006). Inspired by Henri Lefebvre’s theory of everyday life, which argues that space is fundamental to the lived experiences of inhabitants which are mediated by images, meaning and symbols, the project intends to create new expressions, representations and lived experiences of non-fossil fuel landscapes. Therewith, it aims to capture the shaped and experienced culture of energy through ubiquitous presence of new energy-landscapes. The “receiving landscape” (Sijmons, 2014: p.10) of the future energy system will be decided following the study of the importance of area-specific solutions that take advantage of
the local potentials. A visual showcase of different attractive proposals following diverse potentials of the region itself will be thus presented. All together will depict a beautiful Northern region of the Netherlands, where the future design, based on design principles and flexible strategic solutions, becomes step by step outlined. Global risks and challenges with a strong footprint in the province of Groningen will be turned into challenges and opportunities. For instance, the fact that by 2050, the Netherlands might be dependent on the countries with available resources of fossil fuels or fresh drinking water, or on the strength of the dikes (Roggema et al., 2006) raise challenges at different levels that have to be considered in the planning process of the country or its regions. Moreover, the different issue that might rise as a consequence of the raising temperatures (by 2100, the temperature in the Northern part of the Netherlands will rise 2 degrees, source: Derde IPCC-rapport &Opgewarmd Nedereland, 2004) could be another driving factor of the spatial transformation of the province. Concomitantly, opportunities can be developed out of local strengths; the fact that Groningen is one of the very few non-polluted areas in the Netherlands (Roggema et al., 2006) could attract, in the future, the development of the region as a touristic area, especially when expecting a rise in the temperature and wind level. 45
| Mission for the future
| Mission for the future
Fig. 12
Fig. 13
| Mission for the future
Fig. 12 Groningen, city center, somewhere beyond 2050. Rescue structures emerging from the flooded city. Visualization representing the risks that might occur in the future as result of climate change. What if, the risks are turned into
potential for sustainable produced energy? Fig. 13 Groningen, city center, somewhere beyond 2050. Smooth transformation of the urban interface as a result of the transformation of environmental risks into regional potential for energy production.
As a result, urban environment preserves or even enhances its attractiveness.
| Mission for the future
X Future Scenario
A desired situation for a distant future is formulated in order to set the general parameters that direct the development of the project. The challenge that the project intends to find solutions to imposes a long time span- maybe 2100, when notable spatial transformations will be taking shape. However, following the principle of making things that people want and not the reversed way, focusing on 2050 can ensure the emergence of solutions closer connected to the actual needs of the society. In other words, future solutions, which are though anchored in reality, formulate the first steps towards the radical shift of a far more distant futureanytime beyond 2050. The parameters of the future context are the following: 7 Trias Energetica is a strategy towards energy use from the end of the 1980’s, that set the guidelines for a environmentally conscious approach for the urban areas. The three strategic steps are: 1. Reduce demand 2. Generate sustainably 3. Provide clean & efficiently (Source: Tillie et al., 2009).
(a) The energy demand will stay about at the same level as it is now. Contrary to the Trias Energetica principles7, the project is formulated based on the conviction that the demand of the people needs to be ensured by means of renewable energy production. Therefore, the supply of the demand (1) in a sustainable way is shifted as a main focus, followed by (2) efficient use in cascade in the region, and (3) minimized demand as a possible consequence of the awareness on the consumption due to omnipresent, visible energy (Roggema et al., 2006). (b) Climate change will be considered as a opportunity in developing adaptable solutions in territory. As the sea level is expected to rise up to 60 cm compared to the present situation (Roggema et 49
| Mission for the future
40 km
Fig. 14
Fig. 16
Fig. 15
Fig. 17
Fig. 14 Areas which could be permanently flooded in case of 60cm sea level rise Fig. 15 Areas which could be temporary flooded in case of 60cm sea level rise Fig. 16 Coast & sea areas might become attractive in case of temperature rise. The biodiversity might suffer changes, too. Fig. 17 Coastal and adjacent green, quite and wild area might become leisure destinations in case of temperature rise.
| Mission for the future
al., 2006), flexible, defense systems- more room for the water, at a
larger scale, will be needed; the inland water flow can reduce the risks and lower the costs afferent to the land protection (Roggema et al., 2006) (c) The local characteristics and potentials will be engaged in the process of renewable energy production. (d) As a consequence of point (c), the spatial composition and morphological layout will be subjects of transformation. For instance, new living areas inspired by energy production will take shape. They will represent new forms of living with and on water. Moreover, the differences existing in the landscape will lead to different spatial, energy typologies. (e) The subsequent spatial transformation will enhance the existing qualities (spatial, social, economic) and will improve the less qualitative spaces. (f) The history and cultural characteristics of the landscape will be highlighted and used as guidelines in the design development.
| Mission for the future
Fig. 18
Figure 18. It has already started! , Energy transition and post -fossil diagram Figure 19. Energy related predictions, Province of Groningen
| Energy
XI Ambitions
The issue of no fossil-fuels has already set in movement transformations in the energy system. In the present time, the transition phase towards a sustainable energy system based on the use of renewable has brought up initiatives, methodologies and projects. They are expected to be scaled up as a consequence of the economy of scale, which, in the end, by connecting and integrating them at different scales will built up the new energy territories. It is, for sure, a long term process which will definitely be followed by many other collateral transformations. One of them will be the space; therefore, the triggering issue of no-fossil requires a long-term spatial planning of the territories that will accommodate such changes. The province of Groningen, a territory that is already well known for energy production, aims at producing alone energy for its won demand, by 2050, by making use of different energy resources at the same time. The new production space of energy will be the trigger for the province’s landscape and urban designs while the regional energy potentials will steer the functional zoning at regional level. Moreover, new technologies related to osmosis and tidal energy ( osmosis plant 6 MW, tidal plant 10 MW) or geothermal energy will to be largely introduced, solutions which will bring further extensive spatial transformations. The same consequences could follow the ambition for energy saving, which can occur at a large scale by stopping the water pumping and letting sea water inland. Fig. 19
| Energy
40 km
Fig. 20 Poles of energy demand, province of Groningen The industrial areas of Eemshaven and Delfzijl are the top leaders regarding their demand of energy, followed by the main urban areas of Groningen, Hoogezand, Veendam and Winschoten (from left to right).
| Energy
Design with energy
Trias Energetica formulates principles of designing with energy. It is characteristic to the present situation- the Energy Transition phase. The project acknowledges the importance of theses principles, considering them a vital step in shifting definitely to the next, clear renewable energy system. Though, the current project focuses on the production of renewable energy as a result of optimal planning of the territory according to its potential for the yield of renewable resources.
Demand and supply
The spatial layout and distribution of the previously presented energy layers is strongly inter-related with the level of energy demand in the territory. Aspects of our living environment such as density and land-use influence the energy demand within different landscapes and, therefore, the spatial distribution of the energy supply sources in relation to its consumers. Spatial typologies according to the demand and supply principle can thus be set. Looking at the case of the province of Groningen (fig.20), industrial and port areas together with smart centers located on the north-eastern coast demand the highest amount of energy. Low in density but with a high exergy level, they are followed by energy carrying structures that form another spatial typology with contrary characteristics- high built density and low exergy level. The latter includes the main urban areas in the province. At another extreme are the rural agricultural areas, which low in built density, demand very low amount of energy. This analysis is important when, on one hand, the decrease of energy demand is under discussion implying thus, different technological or spatial solutions, or, on the other hand, when connecting them to the through-scales energy layers. Analysis of the energy supply and demand by functions Temperatures required for certain processes Industrial processes: from 95-240 C Domestic processes: 20-250 C Artificial storage systems: -200-50 C Versus the temperatures that certain processes can produce: Industrial: -210-300 C Agricultural: 25-40 C Domestic: 20-200 C Natural storage systems: 0-90 C
| Energy
Figure 13.
Figure 14.
Figure 13. Mix of renewable diagram Figure 14. Waste heat reuse diagram and spatial proximity
| Energy
Recycling The demand of energy can be lowered through the design of an effective energy production system. It will work on the principle of a lower primary input, recycling the resources supporting thus, the efficiency of this system. The waste heat produced by the different energy structures will be used as a primary resource by other structures that demand energy (Roggema et al., 2006). The distribution of the waste heat will also be based on an optimal match of supply and demand which, in its turn, will be determined according to the energy qualities of the structures (low-exergy principle, Tillie et al., 2009). The province of Groningen is literally on top of the domestic gas reserves and in the center of the European electricity and gas network (, 2017). Here it is present a strong energy and agro-industry that consumes a high amount of energy. The accessible port of Eemshaven together with the pole for data centers in Delfzijl and the city of Groningen form the Energy Port (the Vision 2040 of the province of Groningen), an energy system in which the relation supply and demand should be well matched. The optimal match of energy supply and demand based on the low-exergy principle brings up spatial implications to the distribution of energy producers and consumers (fig. 14). Power plants which function on bio-gas, biomass and non-recyclable domestic waste can be best located close to spots of production of biomass and close to households or connected to infrastructure that can supply these resources. Moreover, since they produce electricity, steam and heat which are used by industry and greenhouses, their annexation or connection is desirable. The industries provide heated cooling water which makes them suitable for placement near dwelling or offices. Greenhouses use steam and heated cooling water from industries and power plants and because of the possible transport losses they should better be located next to the latter two (Roggema et al., 2006). Or they could assure their own heat supply from solar energy. Offices could benefit from locating them close to drilling points that can provide them with hot and cold water. The waste heat that they produce can be used in dwellings. The latter can be provided with geothermal heat if located close to the drilling points or they can benefit from heat from the solar collectors. 59
| Energy
| Energy
Matching supply and demand
The design of the province constructed on the energy principle of exergy implies combining the spatial functions according to their energetic qualities. In doing so, Eemshaven can be considered an anchor point due to its highest exergetic value. Other such functions can be the industries, horticulture, gas drilling points, which present a permanent character in the region. As Roggema et al. describe in A Pallet of Possibilities (2006), power plants can be located next to space of biomass production or households, or be connected to infrastructure that can supply it with waste or biomass. They also provide electricity, steam and heat, which can be used by industries and greenhouses. Industries, which demand high level of energy and temperatures, should be located close to power plants or other forms of industry; they provide heated cooling water that can be useful for dwellings and offices (Roggema et al., 2006). Greenhouses use steam and heated cooling water from power plants and industries, which, together with possible losses, makes them suitable for being located next to these (Roggema et al., 2006). They can supply waste heat for dwellings and offices. Offices need cooling and heating as well, reason why they can benefit from a location next to drilling holes providing them thus, with hot and cold water (Roggema et al., 2006). Offices can use waste heat from industries or greenhouses, and their waste heat can be used by dwellings (Roggema et al., 2006). Mixing them with dwellings is thus, desirable. Dwellings could demand only heating (a good design is implied). This can be provided from the exhaust heat from offices or greenhouses. Since they also need hot water, dwelling can be located next to drilling holes; solar collectors can also provide this need.
| Energy
Figure 16. Peat extraction for energy production, Northern Netherlands, source:
| Energy
XII Spatializing energy
Renewable energy system brings back the visible spatial character of the energy production. Energy, especially the oil- based one, that in the past centuries has been an underground process due to the availability of fossil fuels, in the future that lays beyond 2050, will present itself as a mostly on-ground produced product. Addressing its bold spatial characteristic in the transformation process of the space is thus, a challenge; the integration of the new energy system (carrying structures afferent to the renewable energy) as a viable layer in the planning and design process of the territory will require its link with the context. Therefore, a provocation from the future for the Netherlands is to design of a multi functional landscape which responds to the socio-economic aspects of the territory and where the new energy system has an integrated part. The future spatial transformations should thereby, ensure both the security of energy supply and, concomitant, the quality of life of the inhabitants of the territory; both functions guide the methodological approach for the construction of future post-fossil urban landscapes (techniques of futuring). In this regard, the re-imagination of our future living environment will use the province of Groningen as a test case in order to help constructing a different approach of the topic. Moreover, the spatial typologies that will suffer transformation will be decided following the study of the area; its individualities, potentials and issues will help pinpointing spaces at different scales (city, neighborhood, household) that will address various aspects (mobility, morphology or density) having, finally, different perspectives of this future outlook. How will we live, work, and move around the city after 2050? As the future cannot be forecast with engineering precision, as Richard Bronk (2017) states, this question brings a diversity of response. The task of re-imagining territories that are not addicted to fossil fuels can be combined with ‘reasoning imagination’ in order to help us navigate the unknowable future and construct plausible outcomes for the new energy system. Visions of the energy territories will use the province of Groningen in order to develop sustained appealing spatial energy futures. Their objective to create inspiration for designers whether in industry or government to design plans, products, services, and social arrangements will be enhanced by using the individualities of the province as a valuable input for the creation of new expressions, representations and lived experiences of non-fossil fuel landscapes. 63
| Energy
Strategic approach The expected scarcity of the main energy resources of the present days such as oil and gas, in the near future raises the concern regarding the security of energy supply. It will play an important role in geopolitics (Roggema et al., 2006) as the growing dependency on the owners of the by then isolated resources could bring along unbalanced political situations with undesired socio-economic impacts in the territory. The countries that benefit from the availability of energy supplies could take advantage of their position in the future. In the predicted situation of gas and oil depletion within the next 30 years in Northern Netherlands, the country will be in the situation of being forced to import fossil resources. As The Task Force Energy Transition (2006) states, this possible dependency on the global power- politics for energy supply could thus affect the welfare of the Dutch society. In order to avoid the worst case scenario, the Netherlands could look back again to its own landscape and to find the natural potential that could be exploited in order to achieve a sustainable and safe future development. Therefore, the territories that will be able to provide themselves with sustainable energy will have a clear advantage in the future. Within this context, the suitable technological solutions will facilitate the implementation of the radical new energy system, and besides this, their spatial configuration can facilitate their intermingle with the society. However, when looking at the current situation in the Netherlands, the increased role of the EU in the Dutch policy and the dependency on the national government sets a rigid and controlled energy context. A change of attitude is thus, needed (Roggema et al., 2006); loosen the tight cadres of the global and national regulations, and of the common habits while finding the right solutions to ensure the demand of energy can set the parameters of an energy independent territory with an increased potential of building up attractive landscapes.
Figure 17. Energy layer spatial arrangement diagram Figure 18. Section of the layered Energy Stack Fig.17
| Energy
windy reefs and dikes waterland
industrial development biomass county
urban corridor
connected hinterland
Fig. 18
(de) Centralization
The desired future energy independence of territories can be ensured through spatial organization of the energy system. The decentralization of energy resources can facilitate the organization of different layers of energy networks which, if inter-connectedly planned, will act unitary, ensuring at the same time back-up solutions in case of shortage situations within the territory. Compared to today’s usual energy organization-centralization at the national level, the desired situation requires the introduction of alternatives; a mix of centralized and decentralized energy solutions together with the afferent inter-connected networks applied at different scalesnational, regional, local- can create the premises of a resilient energy system. Having autarchic energy solutions connected to a grid and combined with the central system of energy has implicitly economic and politics implications (van Timmeren, 2006) and, they can bring further ones; long-term spatial and social aspects such as density, morphology, land-use, facilities or services come together here (fig. 18). The natural landscape can be the general, basic layer (1); it can provide natural resource for energy production or support the provision of energy at both national and local scale. On top, the cyber-layer (2) is the one that connects households, small-scale energy producers, and data centers with the national network. The micro-grid called also the market-layer (3) (marktlaag, van Timmeren, 2006) connects different built clusters (cities, villages) to the larger scale power grids offering thus certain independence, energetically speaking, to those areas. (See their spatialization in Chapter XVI The Strategy).
| Energy
Figure 23. Potential for renewable energy
| Energy
Energy potentials
The design principles regarding (de)centralization and recycling of energy resources facilitate a robust and flexible spatial solutions for the future energy territories. Nevertheless, in the context of the already completed energy transition, the characteristics of the receiving landscape are essential to be analyseD From the pallet of possible renewable resources that can be used in order to produce energy globally, each territory presents different potentials. Due to spatial aspects such as geographical location, soil condition, but also socio-economic, territories dispose of different mix of resources to produce energy from; the same factors influence also the proportion in which they can contribute to the supply of demanded energy. Another strategy for the facilitation of a complete transition to renewable energy is finding and ensuring the energy production from several different sources- multi-energy strategy (Roggema et al., 2006) (the spatialized potential for different renewable resources is further detailed in Annex 1). The mix of renewable resources will be provided by the potential for biomass which will be collected through an intelligent collection system. Wind energy will be generated on the Northern coast which offers the space and geographical conditions for large-scale wind parks. The islands could be testing locations for technological innovations in the wind energy sector. Water energy can also be provided through tidal plants planned where the seawater can flow on the hinterland in a controlled way and osmosis plants where the fresh and saltwater meet. The roofs of the buildings in large parts of the province are underused space that can provide solar energy. The subsoil condition offers potential for geothermal energy. The aquifers of different depths can be a heat source for heat and hot water for domestic uses. The existing drill holes used now for the extraction of gas can be in the future transformed into extraction points of geothermal heat.
| Energy
Figure 24. Energy and its resources, afferent energy spatial structure and location
| Energy
Spatial functions and their energy
Based on the natural and topographical characteristics and potential of the province, different areas are suitable for different energy resources and techniques, systems of storage, and energetic output. The distance around the industrial areas where energy can be transported in an efficient way is of maximum 5 kilometers. This would lead to a compact areas of industry, greenhouses and housing. New design solution are in this case in charge with the preservation of spatial qualities that risk to be deteriorated as a result of functional mix.
| Energy
| Territory
2 6
11 4 15 9 1
7 12
14 10 17
8 3
5 16
1. Settlement on a mound, by Geert Job Sevink, source: 2. Sand banks, source: Google Earth 3. Groningen city, source: 4. Industry, Eemshaven 5. Canal in peat colonies, source: Google maps 6. Northern beach, Terschelling, The Netherlands 7. Mound village, source: Google maps 8. Peat, source: Google maps 9. Wind farms on the coast, source: Google maps 10. Reitdiephaven, Groningen city, by Eric Kieboom 11. Wind turbines, Eemshaven 12. Rural landscape, source: Google maps 13. Hotel on the coast, Eemshotel, source: http://www. 14. Farm in the North, source: Google maps 15. Eemshaven, source: 16. Peat colonies, source: 17. Wind turbines in peat colonies, source: http://www. 18. Groningen city and industry, source: Google maps
| Territory
XIII Territorial Structure
According to the delimited framework of territory in previous chapters, it is a multi-scalar notion which refers to a delimited, administrative area defined regardless the scale by cores, boundaries and lines, within which different activities take place. Therefore, the chapter will describe the following: 1. The administrative, 2. Morphological, and 3. Social structure of the territory of the province of Groningen.
Fig. 25.
Figure 25. Province of Groningen in a strategical location Figure 26. Energetic region, Northern Netherlands
| Territory
Fig. 26.
Administrative territory
Province borders Main road infrastructure Main urban areas Industrial poles Natural parks Economic poles
The province of Groningen is one of the Northern provinces of the Netherlands that benefits from advantageous geographical location for the development of a prosperous, wealth-carrying economic environment. The strategic location between Randstad and the fast growing economies of the North (fig. 25) together with the innovative entrepreneurship of the Dutch society places the province in a favorable geopolitical context. Moreover, the collaborations among the Energy Valley program (fig. 26) (a mutual dependence on European countries in terms of energy supply) which offers a future regional energy supply is a spatial strategic characteristic of the province that contribute to Groningen global status, competing thus with Randstad or other mega cities around the world (Roggema et al., 2006). It extends over 23 municipalities and amidst the expanded green areas lies its economic heart- the city of Groningen, one of the main urban poles in the Netherlands, too. The city is recognizable by its univeristary education, medical services, and the headquarters of Gasunie. Furthermore, the province is an important economic driver is the energy industry due to the presence of Eemshaven as an energy port. It is a large scale electricity producer and a hub for energy carriers by sea or connection through high voltage direct current to Scandinavian electricity grid and to offshore wind farms. Moreover, for a better competitive position, a multi-purpose power plant is planned here, Eemsdelta being envisioned as a cluster of renewable energy and biochemistry. Gasunie & NAM set up the Energy Valley which Groningen is part of. It involves planning the following: biomass power station, inclusion of Delfzijl in a transportation network due to the presence of a pure oil power plant, implementation of energy mix in Meerstad, biomass processing and wind farm in Eemshaven together with planning it as a hub for solar hydrogen import through a liquid gas plant (in case of nationally produced-power shortage in the Netherlands), decentralized small scale biomass energy plants plus ensuring storage and necessary infrastructure (pipelines).
| Territory
40 km
Fig. 29
Fig. 27.Urban Poles the Netherlands, 2010 (source: CBS) Fig. 28.Agricultural Land, 2010 (source: CBS) Fig. 29 Land topography, water landscape
Morphological territory - territorial cores (1), boundaries or edges(2), and lines (3) The territory of province of Groningen has a long history regarding its form. Mostly an agricultural land, the province is characterized by large open green areas, some of which being cataloged as dominated by silence and darkness (, 2017), where vibrant and compact cities are flourishing. Complementary landscapes build up thus, the region.
Fig. 27
Fig. 28
Energy production has always been the reason behind the multiple transformations of the province. The peat extraction provided the energy need for the provinces of Groningen, Friesland and Drenthe and thereby, created the unique landscapes of the peat colonies. The long ribbon like settlements in relation to the canal structure and long land divisions form patterns in the landscape that strongly characterize the territory of Groningen (3). Firstly the water influenced the land formation as we know it today. The landscape, now characterized mainly by open and large farmlands, back in times were wastelands dominated by water- marine clay and peat reclamation, mudflats and high moorland. The first settlements were located on the Hondsrug (highest parts of the landscape) uplands and elevated areas along the streams (2). The embankments of the salt marshes were the spots where terps (mounds) were constructed as places of refuge (2). Then, in the 16th century, due to the energy extraction, new land was formed. It started with land reclamation and due to water systems- canals used for transportation- large scale peat reclamation was organized. The fight against water led to more works of land reclamation and protection. The construction of successive dikes on the northern coastline generated a polder landscape of large agricultural lands (3). In the 19th century, peat had a competitor: coal due to which the business suffered a radical collapse and then, the subsoil was used for agriculture which gave the landscape the actual function. The discovery of oil and gas (1943 and 1948) in the subsoil gave the region the reputation of an energy- exporting region. But unlike the strong spatial expression of peat energy, the oil and gas extraction today has a far less prominent influence on the landscape; they turned the energy production into an underground affair (Sijmons and van Hoorn, 2014).
40 km
Fig. 30
Fig. 30 Land reclamation, clay area Fig. 31 Peat colonies, peat area
40 km
Fig. 31
40 km
Fig. 32
Fig. 32 Elevated grounds, mound villages Fig. 33 Agricultural province
40 km
Fig. 33
Fig. 34 Development poles and spatial dynamics
Within this ubiquitous green and productive open lands, small villages are recognizable. The only extended built-up areas today are the city of Groningen (1) and the industrial clusters of Eemshaven and Delfzijl (1). Therefore, within the province two poles of development can be identified: the urban core and the industrial core (fig.31). They benefit from an increased availability of resources (economic, social and natural), situation which supported by a good integration at both national and international level (land and sea infrastructure) generates constant growth in both locations. Although a potentially prosperous region from the energy perspective, the coastal zones face challenges regarding water management and qualitative urban environment. Although Eemsdelta is constantly economically growing region, it is simultaneously located in a shrinking area (fig.34). The city of Groningen located at the border line (3) of the administrative limit of the province forces its future development on the direction contrary to it. The dense urban fabric, the cluster of services and facilities, and the easy access to its green and natural surroundings facilitate the development of peripheral settlements with potential for high quality of life. The marginal location within the province brings along benefits in terms of regional integration. The city of Groiningen is connected to the other main cities of the Northern region by main road infrastructure. Along them other urban areas have emerged, being part of the conurbation lines of the territory (3)- Hoogezand. The collaboration between Groningen and the municipalities of Drenthe and Friesland- Energy Valley, (fig.26) facilitates cooperation and connection between municipalities, regional qualities being thus, strengthened and the potential for developing an economic core formed of Groningen (1) and Eemshaven (1) is increased. 83
40 km
Fig. 35
Fig. 35 Socio-economic aspects of the province of Groningen Fig. 36 Earthquake influence area, province of Groningen
40 km
Fig. 37
Social territory
Besides the traces left in the physical landscape, this form of energy production led to a social segregated distribution in the territory; the working class lived in the peat colonies whereas the rich part of the society expanded its wealth by occupying the propitious agricultural lands in the Northern side of the province. Therefore, the energy production together with the soil condition created a line of division (3) between two social territories. In time, this border has been concealed; qualitative living space developed around the main urban cores links the two territories. Now, there are other factors that raise social borders. The availability in excess of resources with high economic potential- natural gas, lead to an unbalanced situation within the province. Currently a hub of gas extraction and storage, the province suffers because of the intense gas extraction process, earthquakes affecting the region (fig.27) and therefore, the housing market. This adds up to the existing issues in the region that all contribute in the end to the “depletion� of the vitality of the coastal areas (, 2017). Due to the accessibility to both urban facilities and services located in the main urban centers but also to the open green areas, the peripheral urban areas attract population from the small settlements within the agricultural areas.
Fig. 38. Types of landscape 1 Woldgebied 2 Mounds & polder 3 Gorecht 4 Veenkolonien (peat colonies) 5 Oldambt 6 Westerkwartier source: Google Maps
40 km
Fig. 38
Fig 39. Relation between wellbeing and quality of space
XIV Wellbeing
Our living environment is planned in order to offer to its inhabitants fundamental services such as water, food, and energy provisioning, air quality, climate and water-run off regulation, and support in the cycle of resources cycle and soil formation. These ecological services are intertwined with the economic context and cultural heritage of the territories they serve, supporting each other in their development process and closing thus, the cycle of a qualitative space to live in. Considering this, the security of energy supply alone cannot ensure a qualitative living environment; for instance, energy can be provided while supporting the re-use of natural resources, regulating the air quality and supporting the land formation.
Therefore, the qualities of the space that make it liveable have to be explored within the territory of Groningen, and possibilities of enhancing or improving them by making space to the new energy systems should be looked at. However, prior to it, further question arise. For instance, how can the renewable energy system affect or add up to the current spatial qualities or generate new qualities? Looking at the liveability index (further elaborated in chapter XIV Research by design, Fig. 44, p. 105), some areas are more liveable than others. In this situation, which are the spatial qualities that contribute to a increased quality of life in certain areas? Moreover, liveability is the spatial attribute of the well-being and it is inter-dependent on the qualities of the space it refers to. Therefore, the characteristics of the space- quantifiable, can determine its potential for different levels of attractiveness regarding habitation.
The province of Groningen is envisioned for 2040 (, 2017) as an attractive living environment where the availability of energy resources within the limits of the province plays the fundamental role in generating a socio-economic development. Issues that have both a global character but also a social, small scale impact- water, air, food, public health, demographic dynamics and general welfare- are part of the energy-based development strategy of the province.
Looking at the morphology of the territory, a quantifiable measurement of the qualities of space could be developed. The interaction between morphological components of the territory- cores, edges, and lines, can be translated into two concepts: proximity and density. They can be fundamental criteria for the spatial measurements that have the potential of transforming a quantitative reckoning into a qualitative one.
The wellbeing of the society is associated with the space it inhabits, which designed considering aspects related to form, function and time allows them to achieve this state of existence. Assuming that the space influences human behavior to a certain degree, it can be stated that only a livable space leads to a state of well-being.
Reflections on Energy Territory
The objective of the project to develop a strategy for the integration of energy into the spatial planning demanded the conduct of a description and interpretation processes on the territory. The act of description of the territory from an energy perspective led to structuring a series of possibilities in relation to a given context (Vigano, 2010). Various spaces already individualized present themselves with qualitative and quantitative characteristics from both an energy and spatial perspective. Those spaces are then, subjects of further interpretation and rhetorical thinking, one perspective in relation to the other, playing thus, an important role in the formation of a new discourse regarding the future of our living environment.
under the restrictions of different scales of administration (administrative territory), allow the emergence of people and practices (social territory). Such as a sponge, the physical structure created for certain purposes (one of the territorial rationalities) allows movement and practices. The morphology of the territory is the physical structure of the sponge. It is formed of connected pores with different physical properties that allow different levels of permeability of people and practices. These pores defined spatially by the morphological structure of the territory, represent different situations that accompanied by social implications. The denser the pores, the higher the permeability of flows, therefore, people and their practices, but also a higher chance of change.
Different historical events dictated by various rationalities: political, economic, ecologic, led to the formation of the different landscapes of the Groningen province. Undergoing different processes of formation, they have experienced a continuous movement or resistance to movement (Vigano, 2016); the water and its dynamics- infiltration and percolation through other bodies , have been the ecological rationalities of this territory that generated further development. Working hand in hand- water and energy, they have brought along social implications, creating thus, a complex system. This system is composed of forms and shapes (morphological territory)that give to it a particular image, which
Therefore, when preparing the province for the accommodation of the future energy system or when constructing the energy territory looking at the individualized situations- the pores, is needed because they represent the pores of change. They are the spaces where different principles of integration between the energy system and the present morphology of the territory can be determined (Vigano, 2016). These situations have to be restructured in order to permeate the energy. In this way, new rules of constructing the energy territories are established. 91
For instance, considering the domination of the land of the province by agricultural fields amidst which dense urban areas or settlements occur, the territory can be seen as a surface of dense green, productive areas which can benefit the settlements (leisure, healthy environment, food) due to their proximity. This unique character could be preserved when constructing the energy territory if the vast green areas will be planned as the main provider of biomass for energy production. Large agricultural areas will be needed in order ensure the amount of necessary feedstock for energy production. Moreover, their widespread expansion along the entire province- in the proximity of the coastline, main urban cores, or isotropic farms, give them the potential of being differently planned or envisioned in the future context; different principles of energy integration in relation to the structural morphology of the territory will be determined.
exploit these throughout time existing assets; it is the place that more than any other part of the country could provide an ultimate living and producing with nature experience. Although it has always promoted an apparent rough and under the direct influence of the nature’s whims landscape and its afferent living conditions strongly interconnected with the production of energy, its identity and the economic potential that comes along have not stand as a fundamental condition or as a front-runner in the development of the province. The present project challenges this potential and thus, proposes conceptual shifts without which the province of Groningen cannot be constructed as a showcase for the project of energy territory. One shift would be in relation to the administrative tradition; it no longer calls for great concentration of financial and human resources in a few physical, sectoral, social, or institutional places, and it explores the policies of re-balancing that would result (Vigano, 2010). Thus, different scales of energy yield and production take the place of the already present model based on “poles of development�. If correctly designed and governed, the future form of the Energy Territory could be aligned with a correct environmental policy and the spread of naturalness, and also with the safeguarding and conservation of the important
Moreover, the construction of a territorial project suggests certain important conceptual shifts (Vigano, 2016). Groningen province has always been the land that had the natural potential for providing energy for its own need and for the other northern regions of the Netherlands, yet is a place that does not fully
In conclusion, the morphological territory is the scaffolding of the Energy territory where spatial interventions take place in order to preserve or determinate new activities and practices. When analyzing the existing situation of the territory, different structures define different situations, which, in case of accommodating the new energy system, require also specific strategies and techniques of infiltration (Vigano, 2016). In other words, the territory has to make itself “porous� to absorb individual forms of conduct and collective behaviors (Vigano, 2016).
cultural role of the urban structure (Vigano, 2010), and the homogenizing of the socio-economic situation of the territory. The province agricultural character offers a high potential to fulfill the need for jobs in the rural area; plus, by exploiting its agricultural potential energy from biomass can be produced and it can be used in the energy system as outbalancing the peaks or lows in the energy grid. Therefore, the insurance of the future provisioning of natural resources (water, food, and, in this case, especially energy) can have a secondary function: spatial regeneration. Another example which can support the statement is the one-time investment with two objectives: earthquake-proof structural reconditioning and integration in the new energy system.
On top, the construction of the Energy Territory has to follow its mission. Climate change, considered an opportunity, leads the process of finding common grounds between environmental issues, energy and territory. The bind with the social aspects is constructed by using energy as the underlying factor in enhancing the identity of the territory.
A second shift would be in relation to the social capital. It proposes setting up a policy for tourism as exploration of the differences contained in the territory, thereby extending the depth of coastal tourism into the inland areas. This means taking advantage of the many centers of the dispersed model, and considering diffusion as an opportunity to achieve higher living standards and more versatile territorial distribution of equipment and facilities.
In the end, this region will work as a machine of producing energy and making the region independent (contrary to the existing situationGroningen, a satellite of Randstad) by profiting from the spatial qualities of the Northern region. A close connection between energy and space opens up then, the change of developing an attractive region through images appealing for people and politicians or companies. 93
Fig. 40 Types of energy landscapes
XV Energy landscapes From the energy perspective, potential maps have been developed; the province has been analyzed in order to understand in which parts of the region which types of energy can be yielded. The combination of these maps with the spatial qualities of the regional landscape, historic, cultural values, economic and demographic, produces an image of how different areas, depending on the climatic, Geo-morphological and functional features, can contribute to the production of energy. Further on, making use of the low-exergy principles in which supply and demand of the energy qualities are matched, the functions in the region are connected in such a way that each one uses the waste energy of the other, designing thus, a very energy-effective energy system. These two directions- spatial and energetic, generate the energy landscapes, which are connected to each other by the energy grids (see Fig. 50, p.121). Overlapping the potential maps, a series of opportunities for sustainable energy rises (fig. 40). Considering the fact that energy extraction has been a major landscape-forming force in the past of this region (Sijmons and van Hoorn, 2014), further qualities such as the historical and cultural values, economic and demographic developments need to be considered when outlining the energy landscapes. Therefore, the analysis of the local and regional characteristics helped developing the potential maps. Making use of the design principles of the spatial energy, few energy landscapes emerged. Within my project I will use the names for the energy landscapes that Van Den Dobbelsteen uses in the Pallet of Possibilities (2006): “Windy dikes and reefs” referring to the dikes of the Northern coast and the Wadden islands that are suitable for wind energy; “Connected hinterland”- the area with a diffuse urbanization where energy is provided from the Windy dikes area. In case of wind calm, the Industrial Development area can play the role of an energy backup; “Water world”- the lowlands which being more and more flooded, energy obtained from osmosis power plants will supply the power grid (solar, wind energy and heat pumps can also be found here); “Biomass county”- the south-western part of the province where biomass is being produced and transported to the biomass plant in Eemshaven; “Industrial development”- the area of Eemshaven and Delfzijl where energy will be produced for high-grade functions and a supplier for the Urban Corridor; “Urban corridor”- connected by A7 the main urban areas are supplied with heat by the geothermal drilling and the demand for electricity is ensured by the Industrial Development. 95
Strategy for energy territory
XVI Research by design
Analyzing the territory through historical research and spatial analysis and understanding the systems of the territory requires a further analysis. New concepts and design methods and tools need to be introduced in the analysis process in order to cope with the complexity of planning the territory from an energetic perspective.
A set of further explorations lead to the discovery and design of the common grounds between the energy system and the territory of the province. These common grounds are the spaces which individualize themselves within the territory and which allow the percolation of energy constructing thus, new forms of spatial development.
The explorations are related to:
Trends and patterns Scales Territorial structural concepts Design principles Fig. 41
Fig. 41 Three situations are identified: industrial landscape -Eemshaven, urban landscape -Groningen, and rural landscape -villages and open green space Fig. 42 Two main actors in the energy circuit. A broader exploration should focus on these two areas.
| Strategy for Energy Territory
Trends and patterns contained in the Province of Groningen are explored in order to identify the different situations (spatial with different social, cultural, economic implications) which can be the subject of a transformation process following the integration of energy. The combination of energy-territory and structural territory leads to the approach of the design of future possibilities in key places in the province from a dual perspective: territory and energy. Several integrated energy concepts take shape, their own socio-economic systems, spatial layout and organizational structures being included. These spatially energetic ideas are envisioned as making maximum use of resources and waste flows in their immediate surroundings while the features of the landscape are used for the location, integration and spatial manifestation of the renewable energy (Sijmons and van Hoorn, 2014). Therefore, well-connected cities by water and asphalt with the energy poles, energy ports internationally connected, and dense cities with an immediate access to open landscape (biomass, leisure, clean air) and proximity to drilling points (geothermal) will undergo possible future transformations.
The three landscapes
Groningen Fig. 42
Groningen- Hoogezand is part of the energy landscape “Urban corridor” which following the design principle of low-exergy and the local characteristics is a piece of the mechanism of the cascade of energy. Hoogezand is today a pole of employment and residential areas with high -tech industry. It is linked to the city of Groningen by the highway A7- the main transportation axis in the province- and the railway. The expansion of both cities is attracted by one another, the business/ industrial areas, in particular. The landscape offers particular conditions: wet areas, with generous-size natural lakes and natural green areas on both sides of the connecting infrastructure. The small inland port of Groningen that connects by water the city with Delfzijl and Eems, yet its proximity to the city center and train station creates the premises for a good strategic point for further consideration throughout the project. Eemshaven- Delfzijl area is part of the energy landscape “Industrial development” for obvious reasons. Eemshaven, once a port as important as the one in Amsterdam and Rotterdam in 1856, has the potential to regain its status in the future as the wind energy port. Plans for the development around the port of extensive wind parks have already been started (fig. 41); they already offer a hint regarding the already happening transition and strategic development of the Northern region of the Netherlands. Moreover, the Industrial development energy landscape overlaps a region which urban vitality is decreasing. Therefore, the design of the two ports should consider solutions that can benefit the small urban areas nearby not only from an energy supply- demand perspective but also socially and economically.
| Strategy for Energy Territory
Fig. 43 Structural elements of the transect: dwellings, industry and business parks, water, green spaces
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Connecting the three situations...
Transversal area connecting these three situations is chosen as method of exploring the territory. It is a strategic tool used as an interme-
diate scale between the territory and the scale of the project in order to exposes relationships between the two main spatial actors in the energy production-consumption system: city and industry. The conceptual longitudinal section through this transversal identifies key spatial components that are related to both energy and spatial morphology of the territory. The bi-directional, encrypted information and patterns are uncovered, preparing thus, the common grounds for developing different future possibilities.
Natural green areas Living environment Industrial and business Water structure Arable land Grassland
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Fig. 44 Liveability, source Leefbaarometer NL http://www.
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Describing the three situations...
Liveability is quantitative approach of measuring the quality of living within a given space. Measurable aspects regarding shape of the physical living space such as: housing types, construction period, size of homes, the proximity and mix of certain spatial functions, but also social and economic aspects such as: the status of inhabitants of the neighborhood or homes, education, race etc determine the level of liveability within a given neighborhood. Therefore, it has a stronger spatial, quantitative character which sets spatial indicators for assessing the quality of space, and premises for evaluating the well-being of inhabitants of a territory. The areas surrounding the city of Groningen dispose of qualitative spatial characteristics that make them attractive in comparison to th coastal villages. These areas risk to become less vibrant and partially abandoned. It is an unbalanced situation has the opportunity to canceled out. The area of the Northern coastline has the potential in providing an alternative in terms of living,
Outstanding Very good Good Average Low
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By looking at the province’s territory, the morphological space is essentialised to the degree of identification the main settlements differentiated by their density and energy structures. The relationship between them is shown in the section, identifying thus, spatialized energy typologies. Single farms in remote areas, dense urban cores, or small villages located in the proximity of quite green areas, busy infrastructure or large-scale energy production structures are different situations that require different interventions. There are small scale, local situations that need to be connected to the territory. There is a discontinuance between the local situations and the territory The integration of energy has to be realized at different scales and a interconnection should be ensured for creating the flexible and adaptive energy system on one hand, and a desirable transformation as a result of an ensured security.
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Industrial Figure 45. Transect,conceptual section for the existing situation
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The scales of the strategy
Fig. 46 Scaffolding the Energy Territory
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territory as a sum of systems
Transverse, adj. situated or extending across something. n. A transversal line (cutting a system of lines). The transversal bar extends across different spatialized energy systems found in the territory establishing the area of exploration in the process of constructing the Energy Territory. Landscape, n. All the visible features of an area of land, often considered in terms of their aesthetic appeal.
The territory identifies itself through different images based on its morphological and energetic structure. Looking at the territory form these two perspectives, the energy landscapes have been constructed already in previous chapters. Three main energy landscapes are included in the transversal bar. Fragment, n. A small part broken off or separated from something.
patch as strategic fragment
The territory when further described as a subject of future restructuring, a process of disintegration takes place. Paths are identified and, once separated from their context, they can become generic examples for how different situation with certain characteristics will be transformed- strategic fragments. Project, n. An individual or collaborative enterprise that is carefully planned to achieve a particular aim.
Each fragment is subject of a project. When the principles of transformation are introduced again in their original context, they can influence the physical outcome of the enterprise without affecting the aim. The different spaces that will accommodate different future interventions are the projects. When considering the implementation of new energy system, they need to be explored in relation to their immediate proximity which assumes the characteristics of the larger context, but to a limited degree. As the context has, in its turn different main characteristics, the project takes different characteristics too. This makes them the linking elements between different contexts, all put together forming the context as a unit.
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Fig. 47 Common grounds of the three landscapes There is a spatial interaction between the three landscapes which can be defined and analyzed by looking at it from the perspective of spatial concepts such as: (1) limits as borders or limits as spaces of interaction; (2) crossings or cores as crossings that are localized at the transition between two landscapes; (3) surfaces as buffer spaces between the different systems defined by their limits.
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Common grounds: territorial structural concepts
Translating the information and patterns into spatial concepts helps in reading the territory and understanding it in order to produce knowledge principles. Therefore, considering the fact that the condition for constructing the Energy Territory is the binding together the three energy landscapes, their relation can be conceptualized. Thus, the territory is formed out of three main spatial concepts: surfaces, lines or edges and crossings which form the basis for the common grounds between the three landscapes which can accommodate the energy-related transformations. They will act as the structure of a scaffolding; they will be both the support and the elements that delimit the framework of the construction of the Energy Territory. They will be the elements that will enable the formation of energy carrying structure in the territory. Under different shapes- punctual, linear, or as intersection/network, they will direct the percolation of the energy in different ways Moreover, tools for the energy-territory integration strategy are thus, established.
(1) Territorial lines: Water and topography lines Regional road and rail lines Ribbon villages Open green spaces structure
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(2) The territorial cores and intersection points: Green buffer zones Green leisure areas Mobility intersection Former gas related spaces
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Fig. 47 Existing structural anchor spaces for exploring the common grounds Various surfaces (3) afferent to the three landscapes are represented by different functions , which have the potential to blur their borders. They can be observed as anchor space for building up the structure of the common grounds for the energy territory.
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Exploring the strategic design principles: Porosity and permeability input for energy production
Looking at the territory through the lens of the concepts of permeability and porosity, the strategy for the energy territory is constructed on limits, crossings and surfaces that have the role of collecting strategic places as pores for new development and reinforce thus, the energy permeability.
Energy Warehouse
Following the territorial structural elements and the existing paths and specific functions of the territories, areas with high potential for infiltration of future transformation are determined. Extrapolating the role of territorial structures, these areas represent the anchor-modules or areas for the construction of the energy system within the present territory.
change of coastline- water inlets and ultimate living in the nature
Energy will permeate the territory of the province indirectly or concealed under the form of already known landscape elements such as road and water infrastructure, urban structure, drilling holes, wet-scapes or agricultural land. Generic territorial strategic actions are determined as identifying the anchor-modules introductory for the definition of the strategy. The modules follow the existing paths and specific functions of the territories.
rail river highway
Generic strategic actions: Groningen- waste producer
Development backbone
Cultural landscape Biomass plant!!
Link Connect
Hoogezand- waste producer
Re-activate attractors of development
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energy islands adaptive landscape re-activate coast line- territorial backbone for wind energy and tourism
terp wetscape re-activate the natural areas living in the nature
salty inlets- water energy production
floodable area- energy saving & water energy production
(3) (2)
Fig. 48 Strategic paths and functions
re-activate former gas drilling holes
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Reflections on the strategy construction
The notion of territory is essential in developing the energy based spatial development and so, its image. The image of the territory will definitely change but in a familiar way, therefore universally acceptable. The role of its present elements will change in order to allow the percolation of energy. In other words, energy will be the underlying driver of spatial transformation. Energy will be a slippery element that will cling to each component of the territory in order to build up a ubiquitous energy landscape, which can indeed provide the required energy demand. The interaction area of the three energy carrying systems is the most appealing for broader exploration. A strategic development is required as a first action here if following the trends of development and territorial transformation. As the patterns direct this transformation, logic would be to follow them while the rest of the territory with less bold development patterns is upgraded to the status of an uniformed territory where energy uplifts it socially, economically and spatially.
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Figure 49. Territorial Vision, the new energy system anchors the main city of Groningen to the energy producing pole and includes all memorable spaces in between, and thus completes an integrated energy territory.
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XVII From Hypothesis to
The province of Groningen could be an economically attractive, inhabited, natural park, a designed territory that brings energy, nature and cities together. The Province could be a common ground which would valorize the potentials and exchange the benefits of the three landscapes. The sustainable energy system would be their binding element and it could be the central focal point for the spatial development of the Province.
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XVIII The Strategy Principles applied
The Energy Territory is built up upon places with specific character that individualize themselves as potential anchors points for the new energy system. The latter joins different carrying structures according to the scale of intervention and, implicitly, the energy layers. Therefore, the development of the possible future image of the Energy Territory follows a through-scales strategic analysis based on the design principles of porosity and permeability. At the scale of the transversal, energy related transformations permeate the territory through carrying structures such as: (1) waterways, main rail and road lines, topography lines, coastline, lines of villages, (2) buffer zones between large scale energy production sites and small scale dispersed farms or living neighborhoods located on the outskirts of the city of Groningen, and (3) open green spaces for leisure, agriculture or grazing. By looking closer, fragments of the future image of the Energy Territory emerge. The image of our energy-led transformed living environment of 2050 will be the extrapolated composition of shuffled spatial fragments.
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When describing the territory through section, the potential of the
landscape to absorb the future energy changes is revealed. It is such an invitation to upgrading the landscape to the level of demands of a feasible future energy system. The natural resources are ubiquitous distributed within the province. Accordingly exploited and interconnected, they blend in throughout the territory and thus their spatial layout favors the concealment of the existing spatial segregation between the different morphologies of the landscape. According to the layers of the Energy Stack (see fig. 19, p.65) , the possible energy related transformations afferent to natural potential of the territory follow different specific structures of the Province of Groningen.
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Spatialized energy design strategies The design strategies proposed by Roggema et al in A Pallet of Possibilities (2006) present generic energy production and saving strategies based on different morphologies and energetic situations inspired from the region’s characteristics. They also have a inter-scalar characteristic, which makes them suitable for specific solutions regarding the scale of energy production. The overall energy system can thus, benefit; always charged with power, different spatial situations can contribute to a flexible but robust energy system by setting up a up- and downloading energy grid (van Timmeren, 2006).
Figure 50. Transect,conceptual section of the future situation
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40 km
Fig. 51
Fig 51. Earth layer (1) and its potential for energy production Fig 52. Cyber layer (2) and its potential for energy production Fig 53. on next page, Market layer (2) and its potential for energy production All three maps represent a critical analysis of the principle of (de)centralization. It is spatialized according to the individuality of this particular territory - its natural potential for renewable resources in order to understand which are the structures of the territory that play an active role in the process of building up a feasible renewable energy system for an eventually independent province.
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40 km
Fig. 52
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40 km
Fig. 53
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1. Autarky. Remote spots in the rural areas such as farms, should find solutions for providing energy for their own supply. They should be connected to an energy grid- the Market layer (3), in order to contribute to a robust energy network (van Timmeren, ). 2. Generative. Areas with high potential for renewable resources should be developed at large scale and connected to the regional energy gridthe Earth layer (1). 3. Waste for use. Areas that produce large amounts of waste (parks and forests included), which needs collection, an intelligent transport system can be designed. The transport system of waste to biomass plants should be connected to the energy grids; according to the scale of waste production, the transport network could be part of two energy grids: Earth (1) or Cyber (2) layer. 4. Tension fields. In areas where salt and fresh water meet, energy could be produced. 5. Tidal time.
6. Support-less landscapes. There are areas where the large amount of energy consumed can be lowered. For instance, the energy consumed in order to keep the land safe against flooding. The edges between water and land can be provided with water energy producing systems connected to the Earth energy grid (1).
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Each of the territorial structural element will be subject of analysis from the perspective of permeability and porosity. Their degree of infiltration will be evaluated based on their existing trends characteristic to each situation regarding different future transformations, and on their potential for interweaving with the cultural, social and economic aspects of the territory. Whereas the development trends determine the directions and possibilities of the development of the integrative strategy, the latter are the factors that direct the design of the Energy Territory.
patterns of growth
The permeable structures or through energy replenish: Waste (empty) gas drilling points Water and asphalt Grasslands and agricultural lands Water inlet
pores of change
: The structures as pores or Meaningful (cultural) places Green and water- waterfronts in living areas and in open green space or industrial Industrial areas
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re-activate former gas drilling points
surfaces of urban permeability
connecting paths of urban permeability
Fig 54 above, Natural gas extraction site (outlined) and the settlements around it. Fig. 55 right, Patterns of growth, former gas drilling points drivers of landscape transformation, source: Google Maps
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POST GAS HOLES Waste (empty) gas drilling points are suitable for exploitation of geothermal heat. Concentrated development around the drilling holes is necessary in order heat not to be wasted through transportation. The existing living areas can be extended towards these points. Extraction points as attractors
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Regional road urban development line
Railway urban development line
Fig 56 above, Possible expansion of urbanization along the main infrastructure axes Fig. 57 right, Infrastructure lines as patterns of growth and facilitators of energy percolation, source: Google Maps
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PERMEABLE INFRASTRUCTURE Water and asphalt, the backbone of future development: possible future urbanization (housing, offices, industries, greenhouses, power plant) The canal of Winschoterdiep becomes the development line. It is the starting point when designing the Cascade cities. Approaching a bottom-up process, the infrastructural availability as a basis due to its sustainable way to transfer foods of the industry and biomass to the power plant. Eemshaven- Delfzijl as the North Port, the Balcony in the Dollard & energy warehouse where intense living and working take place.
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Arable land
Fig 58 above, Ubiquitous farms in agricultural land Fig. 59 right, Green pattern of growth, source: Google Maps
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ENERGETIC GREEN Grasslands and agricultural lands in order to preserve the empty character of the region which combined with the windy attribute to form wind energy islands/parks and corridors. Exploit the waste producing character for producing energy. Large scale agriculture produces food and biomass. Residual material flows can be used for the generation of energy. After the food component has been extracted, waste material is left behind which can be used for products and refined to fuels.
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flooding areas
sometimes flooded
not flooded
Fig 60 above, Slotchern, the lowest area in the province of Groningen Fig. 61 right, Areas of different topographic heights and different risks regarding flooding, source: Google Maps
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WETLANDSCAPE Water inlet for energy production but also save while stopping the fight against water when in 2050 it is predicted an increase of the water level of 0.5 meters. It is an adaptive strategy by creating wetlands on the lowest places. 128 MW can be save by stop pumping the water off hinterland, and add 16 MW by building an osmosis- 6mW and tidal plant 10 MW Original topographic characteristics will be emphasized: the water as structural element of the energetic landscape: large wet landscapes, sandy sedimentation dominated by energy islands ( polder landscape for large wind parks, patchworks of biomass) , living on terps ( re-activate the visible but underused terps as the ultimate way of living in the nature) and salty inlets (dynamic landscape where agriculture can happen between sweet terp scape and salty inlet.)
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memorable place: historic center
memorable place: mound villages
memorable place: typical perspectives
memorable place: living ribbons
Fig 62 above, Rational structure of the former peat landscape Fig. 63 right, Pores of change, meaningful places, source: Google Maps
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ENERGETIC CULTURE Meaningful places such as terps, mound villages, peat colonies, historical centers Places with beautiful panoramas: related to roughness, windy, muddy, salt-smelling and emptiness
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Collect existing natural, leisure green spaces or waterfronts
Re-activate under-utilized waterfronts
Fig. 64 above, Flat and open coastline Fig. 65 right, Social and environmental pores of change, source: Google Maps
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ATTRACTIVE PANORAMAS Green and water- waterfronts in living areas and in open green space or industrial. Re-vitalize the coastline as a potential economic driver.
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waste places refurbish
re-activate surrounding spaces
Fig. 66 above, Power plant in the industrial area of Eemshaven Fig. 67 right, Pores of change: industrial areas and natural gas extraction points, source: Google Maps
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BEAUTIFUL INDUSTRY Industrial areas next to living environments can be mixed with dwellings being the first step in urban growth and densification process but also when designing with energy- Cascading cities. Drilling points. Waste (empty) gas drilling points re-activated as CO2 storage (cellars of Europe) from Eemshaven and Delfzijl. They are also suitable for exploitation of geothermal heat. High-caloric heat can be extracted from deeper layers of subsoil. This heat will be used to provide a “thermo-village� with energy. Concentrated development around the drilling holes is necessary in order heat not to be wasted through transportation. The villages can be residential areas but also health resorts with geothermal baths.
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Territorial strategy
The strategy sews together the two main spatial actors of the energy system by making optimal use of existing resources and following the trends of development as the guiding elements of the permeable structure of the future energy territory.
The strategy superimposes the layers of existing landscapes that have the potential of permeating the renewable energy system. Paths formed by the topography lines, water and main mobility infrastructure, meaningful spaces identified on edges and cores, or emerging from the cultural structure of the landscape, former gas related spaces, and patches of natural green areas scaffold a new energy based landscape system throughout scales. They represent the framework of the new common ground composed of backbones, which the energy elements can cling to and start expanding throughout the territory following the key points of change. Called as “pores of change�, these meaningful places are thus, linked, connected, re-activated , or collected within the framework of the new energy territory. The Energy Territory starts taking shape as the energy- as an agent of producing a combined effect, formulates the strings and the nodes of an robust and well integrated, renewable energy system. The entire territory is the subject of contribution through its natural potential to the common objective of constructing a socio-economically attractive, safe and self-sufficient territory.
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Existing functions
Strategic water bodies Strategic areas settlement areas, subject of possible expansion Strategic settlement areas, subject of territorial identity reinforcement Strategic agricultural land,subject of territorial identity reinforcement Lowland areas, possible flooding areas, natural backbone for landscape re-activation Occasional flooding areas, natural backbone for landscape re-activation
Proposed functions (implied&supporting functions)
open beach
brackish energy sealevel agricult 2 farm rise
fishing geotherm. identity biomass area baths enhance prod.
green house
power water restaurant biodiv. plant permeab. enhance
wind farm
Reused functions
Water protection infrastructure- development backbone, re-activate cultural landscape Road and rail infrastructure- development backbone, linking Road and water infrastructure- connecting key locations Agricultural areas- re-activate production systems, cultural landscape Mound villages- re-activate meaningful places, cultural landscapes Gas extraction points- re-use of waste/ former energy production sites Agriculture and grass lands- field of possible connections Historical centers, waterfront areas, sandbanks, natural sites- perspective, re-activate meaningful places
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Figure 68. Structure map Brackish agriculture is an adaptive solution the The Netherlands has started investigating as a result of climate change. Through government stimulation programs the agricultural sector is challenged to find solutions for the issue of salinity that the country will increasingly face. Source: Wageningen University,
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Productive Urban Patchwork
Wild coastline
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The strategy for the Energy Territory is in place. Energy as the agent of producing synergy within the territory is clear. The territory becomes “pregnant with resources� (Sjimons in Meijsmans 2008) as explored from the perspective of the design principles, which the process of constructing the strategy is making use of. Different actions were applied and directions in the integrated implementation of the new energy system have been constructed. It is the extrapolated version of the strategy developed for the transversal area of the territory. In order to facilitate the emergence of the design process of our living environment within the province of Groningen, a closer look into the reuse of the existing, local resources is needed. As energy consolidates a future synergistic territory, how the interaction and cooperation between energy and the other territorial agents is directed and regulated will be broader described further on in the project. The identity of the territory is the factor that encloses and directs the design of the future energy territory. As the character of the province has been built up until now upon various layers of different ecological, economic and social processes, their each morphological structure will be the framework of the integrated strategy and further, the design solutions. In order to do so, the areas located at the intersection of two landscapes-Productive Urban Patchwork and Wild Coastline,will explore design solutions constructed based on territorial structural concepts.
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Fig. 69 above, Potential Cascade model following the landscape structure Fig. 70 right, Spatial proportion between the functions of a Cascade city
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Future functional mix. Productive Urban Patchwork
1ha dwellings
0.25 ha greenhouses
0.0125 ha industry
natural green areas living environment industrial and business water structure arable land grassland
The existing spatial configuration of the territorial lines (1)- infrastructure, within the energy landscape of Urban Corridor will favor the expansion of the city of Groningen in the future. These patterns forming the territorial lines, which subject of current social and economic trends in the province, will accommodate inevitably future transformations. As described in Chapter XIV, the development backbone of the urban core will connect Groningen with the main urban areas of the A7 highway, being a permeable structure for urban areas in expansion and high number of living and office units. Then, these new areas will raise the energy demand. However, considering energy as the underlying factor of the development of the territory, these new expansions have the potential of re-activating the concealed character and structures of the historical, energy productive territory and to collecting its palimpsestic patterns and images. In other words, the increased, demanded energy will be provided by revealing the territory’s potential of such and establishing the structure of the palimpsestic energy landscape as the basis for any future design of the contemporary spatial developments. Considering the fact that in general energy is lost in the industrial processes, why not collect it and use it in order to cover partially the energy demand of the newly constructed areas. The energy will be saved by utilizing the heat used to produce electricity in the industrial process for heating greenhouses followed by houses. Therefore, in order to ensure the supply of energy for the new dwellings and offices, these should be planned together with a large area of greenhouses and a power plant. All these could follow the cultural structure of the landscape. The power plant, which would use biomass as primary input, would be located next to the water channel (the transportation could be mainly by boat) and between the two main urban areas (Groningen and Hoogezand). The rest of the new landscape will emphasize the living ribbons with perpendicular parcellation delimited by ditches for greenhouses mixed with dwellings and offices.
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Fig. 71 Territorial lines in Eemshaven area as patterns and guidelines of future transformation
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Future functional division. Wild coastline.
In case of Wild Coastline the mix of functions differs from the case of Productive Patchwork. The spatial layout of the area inducts to a differentiated distribution of the energy-related functions along the area of the coastline. The successive protection systems, which are morphologically displayed as territorial lines (1), form a higher, safe area along the coast as a buffer zone between sea and the lower lands. Currently, this buffer area is characterized by the polder-like landscape, which is dedicated to the yield of renewable resources coming from wind- in both producing or testing stage. Beyond it, the rational polder structure intermingles with a more organic structure of mainly agricultural lands. Scattered within this organic landscape are clumps of settlements. Contrary, the farms are uniformly distributed through the entire territory behind the dikes. The buffer area or the new land could be further assigned to accommodate the energy transformations. It provides the space for any largescale, undisturbed, and “raw� energetic solutions such as windmills, agricultural areas for biomass production, and greenhouses. Moreover, the consecutive repetition of the protection system constructed here raises another pattern of energetic landscape development; further land reclamation could be anticipated and, if such, dedicated to energy yield. On the other hand, the organic morphology of the landscape behind the dikes anticipates a good pairing of water infiltration with agricultural lands, both of them being energy carrying flows and co-working landscape components. As climate change is an important driver in the development of the future landscape, besides the possible anticipated and integrated seawater overflow, the rise in the average temperatures plus the vast and open nature will lead to the emergence of an increased tourism. Therefore, the coast could play a strategic economic role in this matter; the coastline should be thus, planned and designed to accommodate leisure areas, which will have to be optimal connected to the territory behind the dikes.
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Future Outlook. Strategic palimpsestic land.
Seen as a palimpsest, the entire landscape of the province hides a multitude of marks of what has always been a land dedicated, in one way or another, to energy production. Therefore, energy can, once more, permeate up through pores represented by traces left on the territory throughout history, making space simultaneously to further marks or shapes that represent the future “pores of change�.
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Productive Urban Patchwork
Past is the New Future. Time to develop the future on old, concealed patterns: energy parks, re-peat colonies, edgy knolls, urban drill
The area located on the outskirts of Groningen acts like a sponge that permeates energy to go through in our living environment by carrying structures afferent to the different types of places found here. Natural open spaces such as arable land and grassland could be the backbones for landscape transformation. The landscape original structure inherited over ages will be preserved but it will be simultaneously re-activated; different functions will be assigned and therefore, a new image will be formed. The possible expansion of dwellings, offices, greenhouses, and other industrial areas could follow the structure of the remnant landscape of the peat colonies, and even reconstruct it where necessary. The natural green parks- now, scattered, could be connected by corridors of water and greenery. Some green parcels might be shifted to an organic form, allowing the infiltration of water and along with it, complex ecosystems. The historical topography of this land- the lower areas which expand from the sea till the edges of the city of Groningen, and the possibility of producing energy from the dynamic of the water inlet could provide the natural areas and the new peat colonies with water constructing thus, the new energy landscapes of “re-peat colonies” and “energy parks”. The same objective and cultural landscape propose highlighting the mound villages; water inlet can recreate the historical terpscapes. Now, called as “edgy knolls” they could become beautiful living areas on the edge of nature. Former gas drilling points will undergo transformations; as a source of geothermal energy, they will attract urban development in their proximity, which might also occur in relation to the existing living neighborhoods. New settlements would be “drilled” on the wall of the future energy territory.
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Productive Urban Patchwork
Existing functions
water bodies settlement area industrial area agricultural land grassland lowland areas, possible floodable areas, natural backbone for landscape re-activation rail infrastructure, urban development backbone road infrastructure, urban development backbone
Proposed functions (implied&supporting functions)
accom- brackish energy sealevel modation agricult 2 farm rise
geotherm. identity biomass baths enhance prod.
green house
power water restaurant biodiv. plant permeab. enhance
wind farm
Reused functions
Re-activation of urban areas- buffer areas rural-urban for energy percolation Agriculutral areas- re-activate production systems, cultural landscape Mound villages- re-activate meaningful places, cultural landscapes Strategic settlement areas, subject of territorial identity reinforcement Gas extraction points- re-use of waste/ former energy production sites Road and water infrastructure- connecting key locations (urban & former natural gas extraction points Grasslands- field of possible connections and re-activation of cultural landscape Water percolation, floodable meadows- natural backbone for landscape re-activation Water percolation, floodable agricultural lands- natural backbone for landscape re-activation Natural parks- re-inforcement of the ecological corridor Lakes- anchor points in the development of the ecological corridors
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Fig. 72 Strategu for Productive Urban Patchwork. Potential energy carrying spatial structures
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Wild coastline
Past is the New Future. Time to develop the future on old, concealed patterns: edgy knolls, energy geysers, productive dry-strips, dynamic coastline. The topographic lines and the long-lasting history of fighting against water while reclaiming more and more land could influence the future design and image of the Northern coast landscape. The successive dikes formed a surface which extends along the entire coastline and protects extended open green areas used for intense agriculture. They form a limit in the landscape; a boundary between different geographic altitudes, which in the future context of sea level rise and increased solutions regarding energy saving and production could enhance or valorize the concealed individuality of this area. Moreover, the safe character of this area in relation to water, its empty and wild features due to very low level of inhabitation allows this area, formed of successive land strips, to increase, expand and upgrade the spatial solutions for the yield of renewable resources. However, the design solutions have to consider the social aspect of the identity of this part of territory; therefore, the energy-related interventions should provide different functions. Therefore, the lower areas would be as a sponge, absorbing the water inlet. An ultimate way of living with water and in the nature would emerge as a consequence of energy saving, on one hand, and energy producing, on the other hand. The protected land strips between the dikes would be permeable spaces for wind parks, greenhouses and agricultural lands for intense biomass production respecting the rational and original parcelation of the landscape. The specific character of this landscape could thus, be preserved and enhanced; the windy, muddy, salt-smelling and empty landscape could embrace here and there villages on mounds or living islands reminding it of the primal form of the landscape.
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Wild coastline
Existing functions
water bodies settlement area industrial area agricultural land grassland lowland areas, possible floodable areas, natural backbone for landscape re-activation rail infrastructure, urban development backbone road infrastructure, urban development backbone
Proposed functions (implied&supporting functions)
open beach
brackish energy sealevel agricult 2 farm rise
fishing geotherm. identity biomass area baths enhance prod.
green house
water restaurant biodiv. power plant permeab. enhance
wind farm
Reused functions
Re-activation of urban areas- buffer areas rural-urban for energy percolation Agriculutral areas- re-activate production systems, cultural landscape Mound villages- re-activate meaningful places, cultural landscapes Strategic settlement areas, subject of territorial identity reinforcement Gas extraction points- re-use of waste/ former energy production sites Road and water infrastructure- connecting key locations (urban & former natural gas extraction points Grasslands- field of possible connections and re-activation of cultural landscape Water percolation, floodable meadows- natural backbone for landscape re-activation Water percolation, floodable agricultural lands- natural backbone for landscape re-activation Natural parks- re-inforcement of the ecological corridor Lakes- anchor points in the development of the ecological corridors
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Fig. 73 Strategy for Wild Coast. Potential energy carrying spatial structures
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Future Outlook. Strategic patches. Past meets the Present. Contemporary footprints on historical land: old and new patches
Productive Urban Patchwork
The design of the Energy Territory, besides following the historical traces of repetitive socio-economic re-writings of this land, also looks at the present functions and forms that distinguish themselves within the territory. These morphological and functional patterns find themselves in places where different energy layers come together along the territory. Different densities and proximities to the main functions related to energy production (agricultural and grass land, industrial areas, urban functions, rural villages, gas extraction points, windmills or other energy structures) combined with different social aspects (see liveability index) form the contemporary layer in writing or formulating the present territory. Moreover, considering the fact that an effective renewable energy system implies the mix of functions based on a proportional density from each, the anchor patches different according to built density and predominant function. Once selected, they represent the starting points of the construction of the new territory and its design development. Therefore, new functions that each type of patch can accommodate are proposed.
recycle & mix offices houses leisure urban facilities
productive memorable polders greenhouses industry housing offices leisure
Fig. 74 Spatial fragments of the future image of the Energy Territory
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Solar commercial street kitchen home-made DIY central square train station SMART square
household supermarket swimming pool neighb. initiatives- improve your street!
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terp wetlands - agriculture & leisure mound villages energetic leisure - rural & natural park modular systems heat storage urbanization
Strategy for Energy Territory
Productive Urban Patchwork
Eco-recreational coastline Industrialized green lab
heat storage & leisure horticulture
Fig. 75 Spatial fragments of the future image of the Energy Territory
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community clubs urban initiatives- improve your lot! urban green & modular systems
be self sufficient! kitchen homemade! green lab!
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Strategic fragments
Based on the actual situations, individualized spatial configurations can be formulated. For instance, the remnant structure of the land and settlements afferent to the former peat colonies comes under a generic shape as meaningful places defined by form and culture in a low urban & green territorial area. The generic situations are examples of situations that when set as subject of future energy transformation become individualized situations of the renewable energy system. They can be considered as fragments of the desired, feasible and integrated future energy system, which properly interconnected can built the Energy Territory. They represent points of intersection of the energy layers and they give them a conceptualized form. They represent independent principles of spatial energy-related transformation, which are also interdependent on each other through the energy connecting systems- Energy Stack.
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Connected fragments
Based on the actual situations, individualized spatial configurations can be formulated. The generic situations are examples that when set as subject of future transformation become individualized situations of the renewable energy system. They can be considered as fragments of the desired, feasible and integrated future energy system, which properly connected can form the Energy Territory. They represent points of intersection of the energy layers; they also give them a form. They are independent and, in the same time, interdependent on the connecting systems. The connecting system is the physical future energy system made of complex connectors, which form a robust, flexible, and adaptive integrated energy system. Since they are not pinned or binded to the Energy Stack, the fragments can change their position and change the scale of interaction with the energy system according to specific requirements. Therefore, the stacked, fragmented Energy Territory sets a set of principles which makes the methodology behind its construction applicable in other contexts.
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Cultural benefits
Economic benefits
Environmental benefits
Social benefits
Solar heat Geothermal heat Cold storage Biomass Wind power Solar power Water power
169 Fig. 77. Outlook on the image and structure of the Energy Territory in 2050
Beautiful living laboratory is ... recycle & mix offices houses leisure urban facilities
household supermarket swimming pool neighb. initiatives improve your street! access to green, water and leisure easy accessibility
Wild Productive Islands is... community clubs urban initiativesimprove your lot! urban green & modular systems
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Eco-recreational coastline Industrialized green lab
Strategy for Energy Territory
Projects in different images
The Energy Territory is conceptually built out of (1) strategic fragments, which constructs possible representations of meaningful places and (2) energy layers, which formulate an adaptable, non-fixed framework for the organization and managements of inter-scalar renewable energy systems. Overall, the image and functions of the Energy Territory are very much variable and adaptable according to the local conditions and requirements. Therefore, the exploration of the province at the scale of the project could offer insights on the actual density and mix of functions, or form and image of the existing spatial structures. The design of the future functional mix that can incorporate the energy design principles is strongly related to the very specific morphological and functional features of a neighborhood and, moreover, to the relationship between the different situations so formed.
Figure 78&79. Strategic projects, Spaces of different practices which have the potential in formulating the image of the 2050 landscape
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Fig. 80 above, Types of spatial functions Fig. 81 Renewable energy production according to function Fig. 82 below, Strategic projects, Spaces of different practices which have the potential in formulating the image of the 2050 landscape. Different morphologies according to spatial functions conduct differently the mix-based transformations.
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100.000 KW
Beautiful living laboratory
Fig. 81
Fig. 82
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Fig. 83 above, Clusters of functions Fig. 84 Upgrading the clusters!
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Integrate & Expand
Accessible Growth
Horizontal Palimpsestic Structure
Vertical Densification
Fig. 84
Upgrading the clusters! A process that tackles the relationship between different structures of the landscape. It starts from the initial form and following the trends of development, the structure of the palimpsestic landscape, and the emergence of energy from the carrying structures of the landscape such as water, open green areas, infrastructure, greenhouses, power plants etc. Therefore, three types of upgrade are identified: 1. Vertical densification 2. Following the horizontal palimpsestic structure, e.g. memorable polders 3. Accessible growth 4. Integrate & Expand
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Existing functions
Reused functions
water bodies
high voltage network
human practices percolation- infrastructure
existing buildings
nature percolation
water lands, floodable areas- natural backbone for
Agricultural land
landscape re-activation
Parks, leisure and natural areas
greenery to mark areas of landscape greenery for leisure
slow sealevel mobility rise
energy mix- dwellings, greenhouses, power plant water protection heat percolation- re-use connections with former natural gas extraction sites greenhouses- productive green
identity biomass enhance prod.
green house
Porosity designed high voltage tower & transmission tower re-used buildings additions to the re-used buildings public park key destinations
power water restaurant biodiv. plant permeab. enhance
temporary structures strategic crossing water bus stop meaningful places- re-activation cultural landscapes through images and perspectives re-use of waste/ former energy production sites
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Fig. 86
A process that tackles the transformation for the structure of the 4 types of clusters. Three principles are identified and they can be applied independently or mixed according to the demand of the context. 1. Connect 2. Expand 3. Wrap
Fig. 85 left page, Strategy for the percolation of energy in the urban-rural area Fig. 86 Connecting different functional clusters by adding structures or refurbish the existing ones
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Fig. 87
The future transformations of the space, in general, and of the area in question, in particular, will generate new trends and patterns of development. These possible directions are explored through a conceptual design representation of the area and are inspired from the Strategic Fragments : 1. The main road infrastructure will become solar corridors that will upload the Earth layer with energy for a collective, at a territorial scale use. 2. The high voltage infrastructure will generate the development of energy-intense production strips along it. 3. The ribbon villages territorial structure will be preserved and highlighted through green structures following them. 4. Water will connect different types of landscapes and it will facilitate the emergence of an upgraded land cultivating system. It will permeate the landscape in order to keep in place its memorable structure.
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perspectives perspectives
Fig. 88
Fig. 87 left, Social, cultural, economic aspects derived from the energy transformations Fig. 88 Places with strong character are valorized following the energy-related transformation
It emphasizes areas, that in the future of late 2100, could have the potential of developing as new meaningful places. Such areas are, in the present project area, the following: 1. The waterfront with double character- artificial and natural. This difference could bring along different types of developments- romantic & slow, and fast & productive; therefore, the different perspectives and images of the present space. 2. The upgraded peat colonies or “re-peat colonies�. In the incoming future, these settlements are subject to development pressure. Innovation in terms of functional mix for the reuse of resources in order to produce energy sustainable will change the overall image of this area. Initially developed as a showcase of living with nature actually meaning living and consuming in order to produce energy, it determines new perspectives (in terms of image and development). 179 |
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Beautiful living laboratory
education slow identity biomass mobility enhance prod.
green house
power water restaurant biodiv. plant permeab. enhance
wind farm
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Fig. 90 Types of spatial functions Fig. 91 Renewable energy production potential according to function Fig. 92 Main structural lines that give an individualized form to the landscape and their subdivision according to the level of clustered houses. Four main areas with different spatial distribution and composition.
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Wild Productive Islands
Fig. 91
Fig. 92
There are three areas highlighted: 1. Villages, 2. Farms, and 3. Wind turbines area. They are separated in terms of their display within the territory, and so in terms of types of renewable energy they could provide. The omnipresent element of the landscape and carrier of energy is the agricultural land. Considered as a support for possible greenhouses or systems for solar energy, it can be mixed with the settlement areas or the wind turbines area to certain degrees.
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Fig. 93 Clusters of functions Fig. 94 left page, Upgrading the clusters! The three landscape sub-divisions undergo different transformations: (1) land reclamation- energy islands, wind parks surface extension and patchwork of intense biomass production, (2) water inlet, marshlands and afferent agriculture, independent farms, (3) connected mound villages
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Fig. 94
Upgrading the clusters! A process that tackles the relationship between different structures of the landscape: the territorial lines formed by the dikes, polders, and infrastructural lines that connect the farms or villages. It starts from these structural patterns (the structure of the palimpsestic landscape) and follows them as directions of development while the carrying structures of the landscape such as topography, water, open green areas, and infrastructure are the embodiment of energy. Therefore, three types of upgrade are identified: 1. Land reclamation, patchwork of biomass production 2. Palimpsestic marshlands 3. Romantic cultural route
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Fig. 95 Energy coast beyond 2050, conceptual representation of energy driven landscape
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The future transformations of the space, in general, and of the area in question, in particular, will generate new trends and patterns of development. These possible directions are explored through a conceptual design representation of the area and are inspired from the Strategic Fragments (see chapter Connected fragments, p. 168).
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XIX Hints from the future
Integrated visions of the energy territory comprise traditional elements from both perspectives that have been subject to interpretation and re-structuring. The different images that can emerge from the pallet of localized specificities attempt to disrupt the traditional sequence of constructing the territory, and to propose different sequences of energy spaces, materials and habits. In their turn, these energy landscapes describe the territory; they bring out openly its individualities- plural histories, trances and landforms, some concealed, other transformed, and imageries- that can be subject to re-imagining. Finally, bringing the future back to the present is a reverse process for analyzing and understanding the possible consequences of our present or immediate actions but also a critical result of present situations.
Fig. 96 Windy, wild and productive coastline More land will be reclaimed. The parallel piers accosted along the coast will have two functions: the accumulation of sand and formation of wild and public beaches, and support for more possible wind turbines. These islands will follow the structural pattern of the landscape behind the dikes. Here, the land will be used as a source of biomass production; open air harvesting areas or glasshouses for agri- or horticulture will follow the structural division of the landscape. This productive area stands as a buffer zone between permanently, lightly inhabited landscape and the attractive, temporary sandy coastline. It will permeate transitory flows of slow mobility, and, here and there, hot spots of various public functions will be designed as bridges between different landscape borders . Curious about wind technology? An educational center with a panoramic point could facilitate a better understanding and acceptance of such structures.
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Fig. 97 b
Fig. 97 a Living Laboratory The present post-industrial area on the outskirts of Groningen will be mixed with dwellings and other public functions such as commercial spaces, educational institutions, or leisure areas. The extensions of the existing structures, when the function allows it, can take the shape of a glasshouse while, in other situations, they can actually accommodate different types of urban agriculture. Located in the lowest area and due to energy save & production, some parts could be turned into either permanent canals or areas which can be temporarily flooded. Fig. 97 b Extension of a former gas station and the transformation of the area around it. The former gas station can further fulfill its role of storage; although, this time, it will be part of the Market energy layer and it will store the power provided by the solar facades, local windplaces, up-/download power parking places, or possible geothermal points nearby and energy productive farm connected to the Cyber energy layer.
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Fig. 97 b.
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Fig. 98 Fun & production dikes Energy will be saved while produced as power used for fighting against water will be saved and more will be produced due to inland water movement. Here, fundamental living, recreational and educational experiences in the nature will be intermingled. Solar panels will be incorporated in the landscape design and the architectural structures will accommodate a mixture of functions based on energy principles and social demands.
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Fig. 99 Energetic urban street Who consumes less? Who produces and harvest more? All numbers releted to energy consumption and production in any of its forms will be displyed out in public. Powered by solar panels incorporated in the new forms of asphalt, the live statistics will bind communities by motivating them to be competitive and, maybe, share and support each other via energy community clubs. However, such a scenario would increase the awareness of the users on the amount of energy consumption per household and thus, it would help using more efficiently the power supplies. It could all end with an increased interest of the users in functional mixture, which will lead up to extensions of their houses. New design and technological ideas will therefore, be required.
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Fig. 100 Solar highway Extensive areas along the highways or main national roads are permanently exposed to sun. They could become the source of power yield at the scale of the entire province through the Earth energy layer, but also, by being provided with the technologies afferent to the situation and to the Market energy layer, the power generated by the solar ground material will be used in the vicinity of the highway such as for lighting, car on the move charging platforms, electric bikes charging points, or small highway public facilities (see in Annex 2.)
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Final Reflections
Figure 101. Conceptual parametres interaction diagram A slight shift present nowadays in the general framework of energy system combined with the individualities of its place of implementation. The characteristics of the context in question - an open-minded society with a concern regarding the collaboration between different institutions and actors and distributing the stake between different level of governance or between private and collective entities, set up favorable parameters for connecting the dots at the governance level in order to set in motion any transformations proposed by this project. 8
The Northern Vision, a vision for the Northern provinces: Drenthe, Friesland and Groningen, source: beleid/zo-maken-we-beleid/noordervisie-2040/ 9 source:
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Structural conditions
The present situation at both local and national level builds up the structural framework for the development of the project; although the final outcome is about future possibilities, relating them to the individuality of their location gives the possibility of having a critical observation of the proposed spatial interventions. An integrated planning is required when dealing with issues that have implications in multiple sectors. Planning for the end of fossil fuel is a topic that concerns environmental, social, economic and cultural issues. Thus, bringing them together under an inter-connected governmental set of rules is favorable for the implementation of the project. The province of Groningen in collaboration with the other Northern provinces and the Dutch government, is concerned with formulating a vision for its territory for the incoming future of 2040 (Provincie Groningen, 2017). The Noordervisie 20408 involves social issues, attention to different types of entrepreneurship and to the environmental aspects. The joint task between levels of governance and municipalities is to consider aspects such as: migration of population and its dynamics, accessibility, energy related issues including earthquakes and their impacts. The development interventions are planned or fulfilled respecting the nature, cultural heritage
and landscape- restructuring house market, provisioning in shrinking cities, cultural heritage protection and restoration, facilities for social cohesion and attractive landscape for leisure around cities. In fact, it is aimed for welfare, management of the human capital and a sustainable environment which can provide commodities as such. Locus of power & stake sharing. The province of Groningen participates in collaboration between provinces in the Northern region: Drenthe and Friesland (Energy Valley) in order to develop a joint energy strategy which can be the main driver for socio-economic development of the region9. This already in motion initiative has the potential of becoming an energy-driven territorial development experiment, which further lessons and directions could be determined from. At the moment, in order to carry such an ambition, very similar to the one that this projects proposes, a through scale governmental collaboration is mandatory; the government, the 3 provinces and the 12 municipalities are the participants . Plus, the achievement of the object (considering the Geo-political implication of the project) require the region to lean towards a collaborative share of stake. This, in fact, takes place by ensuring a fair share for both energy corporations and local initiatives in the production of electricity coming from sun and biomass (Provincie 203 |
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Fig. 102 Energy-space-economy dynamic,inspired from Posad Spatial Strategies, project The E-volution of city and land, source: http:// The energy task is related to space and socio-economics, and it is approached from three angles: spatial, economic and energetic. The diagram, which shows the effects of certain facts in one sector in relation to the other two by shifting the dots, can help the stakeholders to grasp better which is the general framework they work in and the results of certain decisions. It is a strategic tool which, if further laborated, can offer quick but effective, comparative overlook on the possible intervention directions. 10 more in Metropooling the Zuidvleugel 2040 (2016), Chapter X Environment 3: Landscapes, by EMU TU Delft students, source: https://
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Groningen, 2017). The direction that the Energy Valley proposes is towards an international competitiveness. The goal of the Energy Valley is to stay ahead to strengthen the transition to a future-proof energy supply and position of the Northern Netherlands (, 2017). The ambition is to grow into a leading Energy Valley region of Europe and to expand thus its market. The collaboration with countries such as Germany, Scandinavian or Baltic countries that have high wealth and a knowledge intensive economy, can lead to innovative development. A knowledge hub in the energy sector is envisioned by 2040. Zernike campus in the city of Groningen is considered an important driver in the formation of innovative knowledge which supported by good governance can contribute to knowledge exchange internationally. Therefore, this sets up the framework for Groningen to develop as an energy and knowledge economy. Developing the current project within this framework does not diminish the potential of the Groningen province to become energetically independent but, it add up to this ambition by strengthening it. It sets a robust and well anchored in various activity sectors basis for further growth, which could also play the important role of a possible backup solution. As the project involves various uncertainties, flexibility in the spatial planning process is preferred to commitment. In the Netherlands, the collaboration between different layers of administration develops policies in order to create the premises for a flexible development. By means of spatial policies, the administration of the province (2017) wants to ensure a flexible but effective connection city-countryside while maintaining and strengthening the character of the landscape in the region- diversity, openness,
silence, or darkness (, 2017). On the other hand, there is a direction towards commitment to certain plans; the energy related industries that are major drivers in the multileveled development require a more careful attention and management. Spatially, structuurvisie Eemsmond-Delfzijl is a structural plan developed to set the framework for further zoning plans (, 2017). Open-mindedness is a key factor in the process of (de)centralization that the project proposes. Innovation, especially, is desired in terms of energy; the Energy Valley’s mission9 is to encourage businesses, research institutions and government agencies, enable, facilitate and connect to jointly develop projects and make concrete work clean, reliable and innovative energy. Moreover, by developing the Energy Academy and Energy Board, Groningen will have the propitious environment for experiments and innovation. Finally, as the project is developed on the premise of an wealthy society, social aspects are, implicitly, brought up in any actions.The user is part of the circular economy as the principles of the ecosystem services are applied in many situations of planning and design in the Netherlands10. Fundamental services such as provisioning (water, food), regulating (air quality, climate, water runoff) or supporting (resource cycle, soil formation) are provided, and they are strongly intertwined with the environment and culture. For instance, fresh water is provided while supporting re-use of natural resources, biodiversity is enhanced while educating, the identity of the place and cultural heritage is enhanced while improving recreational choices, the environmental risks are regulated while improving aesthetics, identity and enhancing recreation.
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A very optimistic and future orientated project, which had to leave behind present paradoxes that were to be found, especially, in the field of the energy system, is in itself a scenario for 2050 and beyond. A distant future, which moment of beginning is actually hard to predict, set a challenging premise for the development of the project. The depletion of fossil fuels at one point in the future is a controversial topic. There are different opinions on this issue and they come from different directions. There are the pessimistic ones, which believe that the global political implications of the energy system are too powerful in order to hope that the actors in charge do not have the future planned in their own interests, that being the maintenance of their present status by ensuring the availability of the fossil fuels as energy resources. There are the ambitious ones, that do believe ,and who can actually support their belief with scientific facts, that the era of fossil fuels will definitely end not that far in the future. The advance of the technology as a response to our needs and difficulties, which nowadays exist, also, due to the paradoxes in the energy sector, will find innovative solutions that will replace gradually the current energy resources before we would have actually run out of it. Of course, there are the optimistic opinions which do consider the end of fossil fuels on any 206 |
premises. The present debut of solutions of producing energy with other resources rather than fossils stand as a strong reason as to impose a responsible attitude towards the future. The current project follows the last rationality and, therefore, it unfolds based on the concern that, as long as we advance in time, we will face various changes in the energy sector regardless their scale, the interests they follow, or the means used to do so. These changes will not take too long until they will, smoothly, transform our living environment too. As the past history shows, our cities and landscapes have never been ready to receive such events and, neither they are now. Therefore, a responsible attitude has to be taken; a small step in the long and tedious process of preparing our living space for possible changes in the energy system has been taken through the development of this project. It thus, advanced in the direction of integrating the energy system better connected to its receiving space as the main way of setting up adaptive and robust future living environments. Along this process, the challenge consisted also out of outrunning the present small scale, shy and at a slow pace projects and principles of producing sustainable energy and find a supported by research and design pallet of possible changes at different scales. In order to be conFinal Reflections
vincing on such a broad and controversial topic, visual representations of our living environment in 2050 had been the ultimate challenge of the project. Using a case study helped identifying directions and methods of steering the universal assertion that energy system is independent from our daily lives or from design professions, and to make it bold the fact that, actually, energy does influence our living conditions and wellbeing. Now, the project intends to bring up a critical reflection on the global topic of energy as we know it today. In this regards, it requires different approaches from different specialists; it must be a teamwork between professionals and researchers (architects, urbanists, landscape architects, engineers, social scientists, economists), current energy companies, governmental institutions, environmental organizations, and other users such as farmers or different communities in order to underpin any courageous actions.
However, the integration of energy in the spatial planning, as the project shows, could bring economic development. The study case emphasizes this aspect by promoting future strong sectors: creative economy, education, tourism, and transportation (due to strong harbor sector). Also, living could be more pleasant due to a healthy and clean environment. Clean air, mild climate and strong medical care and technology; oasis-like living environment, accessible and connected by energy physical layers or fiber links, new and old vibrant neighborhoods. A safe area against water which actually nurtures the land for food and clean water production, which are all, in fact, just one intermediary step in producing sustainable energy.
Moreover, considering the fact that the radical shift in the energy system might, at least partially, be supported by the advance in the technological systems, technology should be another key factor in the planning process of our future territories.
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Annex 1. Renewable Energy Potentials
Figure 18. Solar energy potential
Solar energy The low level of sun radiation in the Northern part of the Netherlands does not make the region a high potential player in the solar energy production. The Province of Groningen, as it is mentioned in POP3 Energiegestuurd 2007, would that matter can seriously consider initiating the required hydrogen infrastructure in Eemshaven in order to transport solar electricity from countries where sun is plentiful. In this case, a specific potential for Groningen is that the Eemshaven may play an important role in the import of solar hydrogen. Annual solar radiation: 965 KWh/m2 Heat from solar energy: 350-500 kW/ha ( Power from solar energy: 60-100 kW/ha built area
Figure 19. Wind energy potential
Wind energy The Northern region is one of the country’s most wind-rich regions, especially around the Wadden Sea and Ems estuary and for this reason there are already plans for building the country’s largest landbased wind farm (Sijmons and van Hoorn, 2014). Large wind farms- 100m height can therefore best be achieved in these regions. The wind map shows a clear gradient from northwest to southeast, which means that the use of small turbines (that do not exceed 30 m) - for example, decentralized level- in individual farms or small villages. In this case, the largest yield will be achieved in North Groningen and the Wadden Sea. Onshore wind turbines: 1-2 MW, 100m diameter Offshore wind turbines: 5 MW, 150 m diameter The distance between them is 5 times larger than the diameter. The average power potential for province of Groningen: 228 MWh/ha for wind speed of 8m/s. This amount can increase on the coastline. The average energy for large turbines: 450 MWh/ha per year for 8.5m/s wind speed. The average energy for small turbines: 70 MWh/ha per year for 5m/s wind speed.
Figure 20. Water energy potential
Water energy On the coast of Groningen the height of the tides is up to 2 or 3 meters (Roggema et al., 2006). Lauwersmeer is therefore one of the few places where tidal energy could be produced. For this, it is necessary to open the Lauwersmeer to the sea. The tidal power station at the Lauwersmeer can be combined with an osmosis plant for blue energy at Zoutkamp. Other locations for osmosis plants are located in different points where fresh and saltwater come together such as the pumping station at Eemshaven and especially in Delfzijl. Here, the flow of the water of Eemskanaal in the Dollard canal by the long dock makes this location ideal for a water produced energy experiment. Another potential water energy that is associated with protection against the sea during storms is located between Delfzijl and Termunten. Here the water in case of a high sea level can temporarily be released inland and thereby gain energy through inlet turbines. Oldambt is the lowest of the whole province and therefore best suited as an overflow area. Then the old windmills can do their old fashioned job of reclaiming the land. As an extraction point of gas, Slochteren, the lowest area in this region, suffered an accentuated effect of subsidence. It can be developed as an experimental spot for energy-driven “living with water� neighborhood. Power from tides: 6,9 kW/ha enclosed area Power from tides: 3000 kW/ha open area 212
Figure 20. Biomass energy potential
Electricity from biomass Considering the fact that the landscape is dominated by large farms, a partial conversion to biomass cultivation is conceivable (Sijmons and van Hoorn, 2014). The agriculture produces already residual products which offer a high potential for biomass fermentation planned as a decentralized system. However, there is need for a central bio-power plant. As bio-energy can be distributed via the existing electricity grid, natural gas, roads and canals, the strategic location would be somewhere along the A7 (, 2017). At the level of the city, waste power plants are possible in the city of Groningen and Delfzijl. Power from biomass: 5 kW/ha Power from domestic waste: 1 kW/ha built area
Figure 21. Gas fields, extraction points and storage areas
Geothermal energy The subsoil can play an important role in the energy supply in the longer term through its large potential for geothermal energy (Sijmons and van Hoorn, 2014). This can be used as a source of heat and it can also generate electricity.
Figure 22 Geothermal energy potential
Annex 2. Examples from practice of future imaginaries
Project: Grootschalige duurzame opwekking langs de snelweg by POSAD Spatial Strategies, source:
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