Immaculata Symphony Inspired Visions
Sunday, September 25 - 7:30 pm in Alumnae Hall
Immaculata Symphony Inspired Visions
Saturday, November 5 7:30 pm in Alumnae Hall
Immaculata NASM Student Recital
Monday, November 7 3:30 pm in Memorial Hall
Immaculata Small Ensembles
Tuesday, November 8 7:30 pm in Memorial Hall
Immaculata Chorale Concert
Friday, November 18 - 7:30 pm in Memorial Hall
Immaculata Concert Band Concert
Sunday, November 20 - 3:00 pm in Alumnae Hall
Music Convocation Recital
Monday, November 28 - 3:30 pm in Memorial Hall
Carol Night
Friday, December 2 7:00 pm Rotunda
Immaculata Symphony Christmas Concert
Sunday, December 4 3:00 pm Alumnae Hall
Finals/Juries Week December 5 10
To a Wild Rose, Opus 51, no 1 Edward MacDowell (1860 Etude in C Major, Opus 299, no 6 Carl Czerny (1791 Mary Santoso ‘25, piano
B.M. Music Therapy
Representing piano studios Instructor: Dr William Carr / Steinway Artist
The Sun, Whose Rays Are All Ablaze from The Mikado W.S. Gilbert (1836 1911)/Arthur Sullivan (1842 1900)
Emily Reid ‘26, soprano
B M Music Education
Representing Freshman Class Instructor: Dr Kelly Gebhardt
Jean Joseph Mondonville (1711 1
Nicholas Fleming ‘25, marimba
B M Music Education Representing Sophomore Class Instructor: Mr. Brent Behrenshausen
Sonate pour flûte et piano
Eternal Life
Francis Poulenc (1899
Caitlin Clayton ‘24, flute B.M. Music Therapy Representing Junior Class Instructor: Dr Paula Nelson
Olive Dungan (1904 1 Daisy Frias ‘23, Soprano
B.M. Music Therapy Representing Senior Class Instructor: Ms Dolores Ferraro
Crespuscule…………………..……………Gabriel Parès (1860 193
Maxwell Maccaro
Representing B A Instructor: Mr
Consolation No. 3………………… Arabesque No 1
Alexander Poli
Representing B M M Instructor: Dr William
Liebst du um Schöenheit
Breanna Krat Representing B M Mu Instructor: Ms.
Romance in Eb
Marchello Bar
B M Mus
Representing instrum Instructor: Mr. A
Ah, Love, but a day!
Avery Valenta
B.M. Mus Representing vo Instructor: Ms
Sull’ara from Le nozze di Figa Mozart (1
Madelyn Grenier ‘24 & Ju
B M Mus
Representing co Instructor: Dr
No. 3 Chorale Gloria in Excelsis Deo Kevin Memley (b 1971)
Please join us in welcoming our new MT Graduate Assistant Delia Reagan!
Music Therapy Graduate Assistant
I graduated from Anna Maria College in Paxton, Massachusetts in May 2021 with a BA in Music Therapy and Minors in Education and Psychology! I completed my music therapy internship at Worcester Recovery Center and Hospital.
I have always loved music, so finding a career where I could use music regularly was ideal I considered music education, but I did not feel a calling to it I looked at other possible majors and careers, and music therapy seemed to be the best fit When I was a senior in high school my best friend’s mother actually sent me a news article about music therapy, and that’s how I first discovered it! In the beginning of my music therapy journey I thought I would want to work with adults in a rehabilitation setting, but I discovered I felt drawn to mental healthcare over the course of my academic experiences I completed my internship in a psychiatric setting, and I found that I love working with adolescents and young adults in mental healthcare!
I originally did not plan on going to graduate school right after completing my undergraduate program, but with the pandemic still running full force in May of 2021 it made sense to me to continue my education I reached out to my undergraduate advisor and asked for recommendations for graduate schools for music therapy I was also looking at schools for clinical mental health counseling, and Immaculata University has an advanced Music Therapy track with a dual degree in Clinical Mental Health Counseling! I met Corey Olver at a virtual graduate admissions event, and I found that she shares similar values and theoretical orientations to me! I am originally from Massachusetts, and I knew I would need to move to Pennsylvania in order to go to Immaculata University I had some comfort and familiarity in Pennsylvania and New Jersey from repeated visits to see a loved one, so it did not seem foreign or too uncomfortable to move I also had immense support from my family, friends, and colleagues to move to a new state and pursue my education :)
If you are allowed to share, which setting and population are you working with?
I am currently working as a Creative Arts Therapist at a virtual Intensive Outpatient Program (vIOP) called Charlie Health I work with adolescents and young adults across the country! I never saw myself working remotely, but I have found that I absolutely love it! I can support individuals from all over the country from my apartment in Pennsylvania or my home in Massachusetts There is so much flexibility in telehealth that I had never considered before trying it
What is one piece of advice you have for all music students here at Immaculata?
Overall, try to get to know your professors as more than just educators! Be curious about the people around you, and the ones educating you! We all have different life experiences and outlooks on life, and it is so valuable and beautiful to listen openly to the individuals around us As far as specifically in music therapy, get involved with the greater music therapy community! Socialize, network, send cold emails, and even get connected on social media! Many of the influential people in our field are still alive today, and you could also easily be an influential individual in the field of music therapy! I have sent many emails to individuals I admire in order to get their perspective on a topic, and I have received all warm responses!
New to campus, Immacapella made their debut as a student led a cappella group at
Cue and curtain is back!! This fall they produced The Entire Pilgrim's Journey (in 40 minutes or Less!) A fun and upbeat retelling of the Pilgrims' voyage from England to the New World They are grateful to everyone who attended and can't wait to see you all again in the Spring!
All music students are invited to apply for these scholarships in the Spring. Applications are then reviewed and chosen by the Music Faculty. Winners are contacted soon after and recognized at Music Convocation Class.
Rocco N. and Sara. J. Borrelli Award was awarded to Caitlin Clayton. This endowed scholarship honors a junior or senior music student who has given evidence of musical talent development, particularly through performance during his/her collegiate study. In addition, the student’s talent must be evident in his/her musical studies and activities. The music faculty has the responsibility of selecting the recipient, who is then recognized at the Fall Honors Convocation.
The Almira Doutt Memorial Award was awarded to Olivia Baker and Regina Jelski. This award is made in the form of an endowed scholarship to a sophomore, junior, or senior music major who has financial need and who has proven him/herself to be an accomplished musician and a good student. The award is renewable, and the recipient is selected by the music faculty
The Cheryl Thatcher Award was awarded to Caitlin Clayton and Mary Santoso. This endowed scholarship is given to an undergraduate traditional music student or CLL student in Music Therapy who demonstrates outstanding musical accomplishment. This award is renewable, and the recipient is selected by the music faculty.
Trieste Musa Rao Music Scholarship was awarded to Daisy Frias and Alexander Polidoro. This award is an endowed scholarship awarded to full time music majors who demonstrate exceptional musical talent and potential and who have financial need This award is non renewable
The Presser Scholar Award was awarded to Breeana Kratz. This annual music award is given by the Presser Foundation and is awarded as a music scholarship to an outstanding student musician and scholar at the end of his/her junior year. Any qualified junior (rising senior) who has at least one full year left in their degree program may apply for this award. It is a nationally recognized and prestigious award which is presented officially at Immaculata’s Fall Honors Convocation. The Music Department faculty have the responsibility of selecting the student recipient, who will be known as the Presser Scholar This music award is based on overall outstanding musical and academic accomplishment
January 28 2:00pm
Curtis Symphony Alumnae Hall
February 26 3:00pm
Immaculata Symphony Children’s Concert Alumnae Hall
March 28 8:00– 2:00pm
PMEA Choral Adjudication Festival Great Hall
April 15 7:30 pm
Immaculata Symphony Spring Concert Alumnae Hall
April 17 7:30 pm
Evening Student Recital Memorial Hall April 23 6:30 pm
Pi Kappa Lambda Induction Memorial Hall April 24 7:30 pm
Convocation Recital Memorial Hall
Apri 25 7:30 pm
Immaculata Ensembles Concert Memorial Hall April 28 7:30 pm
Immaculata Choral Concert Memorial Hall
April 30 3:00 pm
Immaculata Concert Band Concert Alumnae Hall May 6 7:30 pm
Immaculata Symphony Concerto Concert Alumnae Hall
Followusonthe studentrun MusicDepartment Instagram!
Please check your emails regularly for important updates and resources from the department
Don't forget about your practice journals! These should be completed on a weekly basis and help focus and develop your musical growth and practice routine
Juries start on Monday December 6th and will be held throughout the week in Memorial Hall. Remember to fill our your form found on the Music Hub and turn it in to Mauri prior to exam week Students need to bring 3-4 copies of the form to their jury as well.
All students in applied lessons are required to perform either in the Fall or Spring semester each academic year. Recital forms should be turned in to Mauri Dillion as soon as possible to schedule time with an accompanist if needed.
Editors: Avery Valenta & Caitlin Clayton
Please keep in mind that if you did not perform in either the Evening Student Recital or Music Convocation Recital this semester you will be required to perform in the Spring.