Indiana University Press Fall 2013 journals catalog

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2013 catalog



j ourna ls


NEW JOURNALS Spectrum 3 Teaching & Learning Inquiry


JOURNALS ACPR: African Conflict and Peacebuilding Review 4 Africa Today




Black Camera


e-Service Journal


Ethics & the Environment


Film History


The Global South


History & Memory


Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies


IJFAB: International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 9

Every humanities and social science scholar hopes his or her work will result in a deeper, richer, and more accurate understanding of other societies and cultures. Europeans and Americans, especially, very much need to know the histories and current issues that compose Africa today because the nations and people of that enormous continent are increasingly major players on the global stage, and fruitful, mutually beneficial interaction is totally dependent on knowledge.

Israel Studies

JML: Journal of Modern Literature




Learning to love the questions that everywhere confront the music teacher and student can be fostered by reading the writings of others who have already thought about them and reflecting on the practices that we see and experience. Philosophy of Music Education Review is one forum where writers work through philosophical questions and demonstrate not only their own answers to these questions but how such answers might be derived.



Philosophy of Music Education Review




Research in African Literatures


Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society




Victorian Studies


Patrick McNaughton, Africa Today

Estelle Jorgensen, Philosophy of Music Education Review

We trust that not only specialists will read Israel Studies. We have discovered that there is an extraordinary interest in what has transpired in the very special land between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea not only in the ancient world but also in the recent past and present. This interest goes well beyond concern over the Arab-Israel conflict; it extends to the cultures that interact in this land.

Ilan Troen, Israel Studies

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Jewish Social Studies


Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion


Journal of Folklore Research


JMEWS: Journal of Middle East Women’s Studies 11

Spectrum 3 Teaching & Learning Inquiry










indiana university press

N E W j o u r n als Spectrum: A Journal oN Black Men

Teaching & Learning Inquiry The ISSOTL Journal

Edited by Judson L. Jeffries and Terrell L. Strayhorn

advocacy and imagination meet to investigate complex Black manhood

Spectrum: A Journal on Black Men is a multidisciplinary research journal whose articles focus on issues related to aspects of Black men’s experiences, including such topics as gender, masculinities, and race/ethnicity. Spectrum examines the social, political, economic, and historical factors that influence the life chances and experiences of African-descended males using disciplinary and interdisciplinary theoretical perspectives, empirical methods, theoretical analysis, and literary criticism. It seeks to be a space where advocacy and imagination meet in order to investigate a global, complex Black manhood from the dawning of modernity through the present time. It regularly includes essays, film reviews or analytical essays on films, review essays or book reviews, and interviews. In addition, the electronic edition of the journal includes multimedia resources such as audio files and video clips.

Edited by Nancy Chick and Gary Poole

teaching and learning in higher education

Teaching & Learning Inquiry is the official publication of the International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (ISSOTL). Published twice a year, it includes insightful research, theory, commentary, and other scholarly works that document or facilitate investigations of teaching and learning in higher education. TLI values quality and variety in its vision of the scholarship of teaching and learning. Its pages showcase the breadth of the interdisciplinary field of SoTL in its explicit methodological pluralism, its call for traditional and new genres, and its international authorship from across career stages. The journal regularly features articles documenting SoTL projects, theoretical assertions, literature syntheses, or reports on the field; dialogues responding to previous issues; innovative but systematic reflections through creative products; and reviews of books, external articles, web resources, or conferences. Teaching & Learning Inquiry is a benefit of membership of ISSOTL.

african studies african diaspora gender studies Published semiannually eISSN 2162-3252 | pISSN 2162-3244


Published semiannually eISSN 2167-4787 | pISSN 2167-4779 • 1.800.842.6796


indiana university press

ACPR: African Conflict and Peacebuilding Review Edited by Abu Bakarr Bah, Tricia Redeker Hepner, and Niklas Hultin

creative and rigorous studies of conflict and peace

ACPR: African Conflict and Peacebuilding Review is an interdisciplinary forum for creative and rigorous studies of conflict and peace in Africa and for discussions among scholars, practitioners, and public intellectuals in Africa, the United States, and other parts of the world. It includes a wide range of theoretical, methodological, and empirical perspectives on the causes of conflicts and peace processes including, among others, cultural practices relating to conflict resolution and peacebuilding, legal and political preventa-

Africa Today Edited by Maria GroszNgatĂŠ, Eileen Julien, Lauren M. MacLean, Patrick McNaughton, and Samuel Obeng

political, economic, and social issues In Africa

Since 1954, Africa Today has been at the forefront in publishing Africanist, reform-minded research. It provides access to the best scholarly work from around the world on a full range of political, economic, and social issues. Multicultural in perspective, it offers a much-needed alternative forum for serious analysis and discussion and provides perspectives for addressing the problems facing Africa today. It regularly includes essays and book reviews and frequently focuses on special topics.

tive measures, and the intersection of international, regional, and local interests and conceptions with conflict and peace.

african studies african diaspora

Published semiannually eISSN 2156-7263 | pISSN 2156-695X

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african studies african diaspora

Published quarterly eISSN 1527-1978 | pISSN 0001-9887

indiana university press


Black Camera

Historical Studies in Science and Judaism

An International Film Journal

Edited by Gad Freudenthal

Edited by Michael T. Martin

interactions between science and Judaism

Black film studies

Aleph explores the interface between Judaism and science and

Black Camera, a journal of Black film studies, is devoted to the

studies the interactions between science and Judaism throughout

study and documentation of the Black cinematic experience and

history. It regularly includes full-length articles, brief communi-

aims to engender and sustain a formal academic discussion of

cations, and notes on recently published books, as well as stud-

Black film production. It regularly includes reviews of historical as

ies on related subjects that allow a comparative view, such as the

well as contemporary books and films, researched critiques of re-

place of science in other cultures. Aleph is a joint publication of

cent scholarship on Black film, interviews with accomplished film

the Sidney M. Edelstein Center for the History and Philosophy of

professionals, and editorials on the development of Black creative

Science, Technology, and Medicine and the Institute for Jewish

culture. It challenges received and established views and assump-

Studies, both at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and Indiana

tions about the traditions and practices of filmmaking in the Afri-

University Press.

can diaspora, where new and longstanding cinematic formations are in play. While its scope is interdisciplinary and inclusive of all of the African diaspora, the journal devotes issues or sections of issues to national cinemas, as well as independent, marginal, or oppositional films and cinematic formations.

jewish studies science

Published semiannually eISSN 1565-5423 | pISSN 1565-1525

film african studies african diaspora

Published semiannually eISSN 1947-4237 | pISSN 1536-3155 • 1.800.842.6796


indiana university press

e-Service Journal

Ethics & the Environment

A Journal of Electronic Services in the Public and Private Sectors

Edited by Victoria Davion

Edited by Ramesh Venkataraman

design, delivery, and impact of electronic services

ethical theory and ecological philosophy

Electronic services provide the fundamental interface for society’s

Ethics & the Environment is an interdisciplinary forum for theo-

increasing interaction with web-based economic, political, and

retical and practical articles, discussions, reviews, and book re-

educational institutions and are at the forefront of the delivery

views in the broad area encompassed by environmental ethics,

and collection of information that impacts diverse facets of soci-

including conceptual approaches in ethical theory and ecological

ety. e-Service Journal provides an important forum for innovative

philosophy, such as deep ecology and ecological feminism as they

research on the design, delivery, and impact of electronic services

pertain to such issues as environmental education and manage-

via a variety of computing applications and communications tech-

ment, ecological economies, and ecosystem health.

nologies. It offers both private and public sector perspectives and explores new approaches in e-business and e-government.

electronic services

Published triannually eISSN 1528-8234 | pISSN 1528-8226

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environmental studies philosophy

Published semiannually eISSN 1535-5306 | pISSN 1085-6633

indiana university press

The Global South

Film History An International Journal

Edited by Adetayo Alabi

Edited by Gregory A. Waller

world literatures and cultures respond to globalization

international history of cinema

Film History publishes original research on the international history of cinema, broadly and inclusively understood. Its areas of interest are the production, distribution, exhibition, and reception of films designed for commercial theaters as well as the full range of non-theatrical, non-commercial uses of motion pictures; the role of cinema as a contested cultural phenomenon; the technological, economic, political, and legal aspects of film history; the circulation of film within and across national borders; and the relations between film and other visual media and forms of commercial entertainment.

The Global South is an interdisciplinary journal that focuses on how world literatures and cultures respond to globalization, particularly how authors, writers, and critics respond to issues of the environment, poverty, immigration, gender, race, hybridity, cultural formation and transformation, colonialism and postcolonialism, modernity and postmodernity, transatlantic encounters, homes, and diasporas, and resistance and counter discourse, among others, under the superordinate umbrella of globalization. The Global South is distributed only electronically. Single print issues are available on demand by contacting IU Press customer service (see page 18).

film studies

Published quarterly eISSN 1553-3905 | pISSN 0892-2160

global studies

Published semiannually eISSN 1932-8656 | pISSN 1932-8648 • 1.800.842.6796


indiana university press

History & Memory

Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies

Studies in Representation of the Past

Edited by Alfred C. Aman, Jr., Hannah L. Buxbaum, Jost Delbrück, and Christiana Ochoa

Edited by Jose Brunner

historical consciousness and collective memory

law and society in the current global era

History & Memory explores the manifold ways in which the past

IJGLS is instrumental in creating a new and important body of

shapes the present and is shaped by present perceptions. It focuses on a wide range of questions relating to the formation of historical consciousness and collective memory in different periods, societies, and cultures, from official representations of the past in public monuments and commemorations, to the role of oral history and personal narratives, and the renewed relevance of history writing for emerging nations and social conflicts.

scholarship, as well as an analytical framework that will enhance understanding of the nature of law and society in the current global era. It is a joint publication of Indiana University Press and the Indiana University Maurer School of Law. Print subscription orders should be directed to the journal at the Maurer School of Law, 211 South Indiana Avenue, Bloomington, Indiana 47405; 812-8558717; Orders for online subscriptions should be directed to JSTOR at

history jewish studies

Published semiannually eISSN 1527-1994 | pISSN 0935-560X

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law global studies

Published semiannually eISSN 1543-0367

indiana university press


Israel Studies

International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics

Edited by S. Ilan Troen and Natan Aridan

Edited by Mary C. Rawlinson

a forum within bioethics for feminist debate

IJFAB: International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics provides a forum within bioethics for feminist thought and debate. Sponsored by the International Network on Feminist Approaches to Bioethics, IJFAB includes feminist scholarship on ethical issues related to health, health care, and the biomedical sciences. IJFAB aims to demonstrate clearly the necessity and distinctive contributions of feminist scholarship to bioethics. It is multidisciplinary and international and is committed to sustaining and expanding the network of scholars in feminist bioethics and exploring how gender intersects with other social determinants of privilege and discrimination.

scholarship on Israeli history, politics, society, and culture Israel Studies presents multidisciplinary scholarship on Israeli history, politics, society, and culture. Each issue includes essays and reports on matters of broad interest reflecting diverse points of view. Temporal boundaries extend to the pre-state period, although emphasis is on the State of Israel. Due recognition is also given to events and phenomena in diaspora communities as they affect the Israeli state. It is sponsored by the Ben-Gurion Research Institute for the Study of Israel and Zionism at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev and the Jacob and Libby Goodman Institute for the Study of Zionism and the Schusterman Center for Israel Studies at Brandeis University, in affiliation with the Association for Israel Studies.

jewish studies history middle east studies

science philosophy gender studies

Published semiannually eISSN 1937-4577 | pISSN 1937-4585

Published triannually eISSN 1527-201X | pISSN 1084-9513 • 1.800.842.6796


indiana university press

Jewish Social Studies History, Culture, Society Edited by Derek Penslar and Steven J. Zipperstein

JFSR Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion Edited by Elisabeth SchĂźssler Fiorenza, Melanie Johnson-Debaufre, and Judith Plaskow

Jewish identity and peoplehood

inter-religious feminist religious studies

Jewish Social Studies plays an important role in advancing the

Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion, the oldest interdisciplin-

understanding of Jewish life and the Jewish past. Key themes are

ary, inter-religious feminist academic journal in religious studies,

issues of identity and peoplehood, the vistas opened by the integra-

is a channel for the publication of feminist scholarship in religion

tion of gender as a primary category in the study of history, and

and a forum for discussion and dialogue among women and men

the multiplicities inherent in the evolution of Jewish societies and

of differing feminist perspectives. Its editors are committed to rig-

cultures around the world and over time. It regularly features work

orous thinking and analysis in the service of the transformation of

in anthropology, politics, sociology, religion, and literature, as well

religious studies as a discipline and the feminist transformation of

as case studies and theoretical discussions, all of which serve to

religious and cultural institutions.

rechart the boundaries of Jewish historical scholarship.

jewish studies history

Published triannually eISSN 1527-2028 | pISSN 0021-6704

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religious studies gender studies

Published semiannually eISSN 1553-3913 | pISSN 8755-4178

indiana university press

Journal of Folklore Research

JMEWS Journal of Middle East Women’s Studies

An International Journal of Folklore and Ethnomusicology

Edited by Marcia C. Inhorn

Edited by Jason Baird Jackson

international forum on traditional cultures

Journal of Folklore Research provides an international forum for current theory and research among scholars of traditional cultures. Each issue includes articles of theoretical interest to folklore and ethnomusicology as international disciplines, as well as essays that address the fieldwork experience and the intellectual history of folklore. Contributors include scholars and professionals in such additional fields as anthropology, area studies, communication, cultural studies, history, linguistics, literature, performance studies, religion, and semiotics.

Advances new knowledge about Middle Eastern Women

JMEWS is the official publication of the Association for Middle East Women’s Studies. Its purpose is to advance the fields of Middle East women’s studies, gender studies, and Middle East studies through contributions from multiple disciplines in the social sciences and humanities. Located at the cutting edge of the new scholarship in Middle East women’s studies, JMEWS provides a forum in which area-specific questions are discussed and debated among authors from the global north and south. It reflects the explosion of knowledge production about Middle Eastern women and gender over the past quarter century.


Published triannually eISSN 1543-0413 | pISSN 0737-7037

middle east studies gender studies

Published triannually eISSN 1558-9579 | pISSN 1552-5864 • 1.800.842.6796


indiana university press



Journal of Modern Literature

feminism, race, transnationalism

Edited by Robert L. Caserio, Paula Marantz Cohen, Rachel Blau DuPlessis, Janet Lyon, Jean-Michel RabatÊ, Daniel T. O’Hara

Edited by Paula J. Giddings

International studies of literature

More than three decades after its founding, jml remains the most important scholarly serial in the field and is widely recognized as such. It emphasizes scholarly studies of literature in all languages, as well as related arts and cultural artifacts, from 1900 to the present. jml is international in its scope; recent contributors include scholars from Australia, England, France, Italy, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, and Spain.

Scholarship and creative work by and about women of color Meridians provides a forum for the finest scholarship and creative work by and about women of color in US and international contexts. The journal recognizes that feminism, race, transnationalism, and women of color are contested terms and engages in a dialogue across ethnic and national boundaries, as well as across traditional disciplinary boundaries in the academy. The goal of Meridians is to make scholarship by and about women of color central to contemporary definitions of feminism.

race & ethnic studies gender studies history cultural studies

literary studies literature language

Published quarterly eISSN 1529-1464 | pISSN 0022-281X

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Published semiannually eISSN 1547-8424 | pISSN 1536-6936

indiana university press

Nashim A Journal of Jewish Women’s Studies & Gender Issues Academic Editor: Renée Levine Melammed Managing Editor: Deborah Greniman

Theme-based forum for Jewish women’s and gender studies Nashim provides an international, interdisciplinary, academic forum in Jewish women’s and gender studies, the only one of its kind. It creates communication channels within the Jewish women’s and gender studies community and brings forth that community’s work to a wider audience. Each issue is theme-oriented, produced in consultation with a distinguished feminist scholar, and includes articles on literature, text studies, anthropology, archeology, theology, contemporary thought, sociology, the arts, and more. It is a

Philosophy of Music Education Review Edited by Estelle R. Jorgensen

philosophical research in music education Philosophy of Music Education Review features philosophical research in music education for an international community of scholars, artists, and teachers. It includes articles that address philosophical or theoretical issues relevant to education, including reflections on current practice, research issues or questions, reform initiatives, philosophical writings, theories, the nature and scope of education and its goals and purposes, and cross-disciplinary dialogue relevant to the interests of music educators.

joint publication of the Hadassah-Brandeis Institute at Brandeis University, the Schechter Institute of Jewish Studies in Jerusalem, and Indiana University Press.

jewish studies gender studies

Published semiannually eISSN 1565-5288 | pISSN 0793-8934

music education

Published semiannually eISSN 1543-3412 | pISSN 1063-5734 • 1.800.842.6796


indiana university press

Prooftexts A Journal of Jewish Literary History

Research in African Literatures

Edited by Barbara Mann and Jeremy Dauber

Edited by Kwaku Larbi Korang

Jewish literary studies

African literary studies

For more than 30 years, Prooftexts has provided a forum for the

Research in African Literatures, founded in 1970, is the premier

growing field of Jewish literary studies. Integral to its mission is an

journal of African literary studies worldwide and provides a forum

attempt to bring together the study of modern Jewish literatures

in English for research on the oral and written literatures of Af-

(in Hebrew, Yiddish, and European languages) with the literary

rica. In addition to thought-provoking essays, reviews of current

study of the Jewish classical tradition as a whole. Since its incep-

scholarly books appear in every issue, often presented as critical

tion, the journal has as much stimulated and created the field of

essays, and a forum offers readers the opportunity to respond to

Jewish literary studies as it has reflected its achievements.

issues raised in articles and book reviews. Thematic clusters of articles and frequent special issues reveal the broad interests of its readership.

jewish studies literary studies

Published triannually eISSN 1086-3311 | pISSN 0272-9601

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african studies literary studies

Published quarterly eISSN 1527-2044 | pISSN 0034-5210

indiana university press

Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society


A Quarterly Journal in American Philosophy

Edited by Tommie Shelby, Glenda Carpio, and Vincent Brown

An International Review

Edited by Cornelis de Waal, Robert Lane, Scott Pratt, and Sami Pihlström

international review of politics, culture, and ethnicity

history of American philosophy

Transactions has been the premier peer-reviewed journal specializing in the history of American philosophy since its founding in 1965. Although it is named for the founder of American pragmatism, American philosophers of all schools and periods, from the colonial to the recent past, are extensively discussed. The journal regularly includes essays, and every significant book published in the field is discussed in a review essay. A subscription includes membership in the Charles S. Peirce Society.

Transition is an international review of politics, culture, and ethnicity. While other magazines routinely send journalists around the world, Transition invites the world to write back. Three times a year, its writers fill the magazine’s pages with unusual dispatches, unforgettable memoirs, unorthodox polemics, unlikely conversations, and unsurpassed original fiction. Transition tells complicated stories with elegant prose and beautiful images.


Published quarterly eISSN 1558-9587 | pISSN 0009-1774

african studies african american studies race & ethnic studies

Published triannually eISSN 1527-8042 | pISSN 0041-1191 • 1.800.842.6796


indiana university press

Victorian Studies

Publish with Us

Edited by Andrew H. Miller, Ivan Kreilkamp, and D. Rae Greiner

WHAT? Your journal on our prestigious list

British culture of the Victorian age

For more than half a century, Victorian Studies has been devoted to the study of British culture of the Victorian age. It regularly includes interdisciplinary articles on comparative literature, social and political history, and the histories of education, philosophy, fine arts, economics, law, and science, as well as review essays and an extensive book review section. Victorian Studies is the official publication of the North American Victorian Studies Association (NAVSA).

WHO? Scholars, societies, associations, institutes

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victorian studies history literary studies

Published quarterly eISSN 1527-2052 | pISSN 0042-5222

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indiana university press

Vulnerability IJFAB: International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics (IJFAB) Volume 5 Issue 2 Guest Edited by Wendy Rogers, Catriona Mackenzie, and Susan Dodds Vulnerability is a “hot topic” in bioethics. The European Commission has identified vulnerability as one of its Basic Ethical Principles in Bioethics and Biolaw, while UNESCO’s Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights includes respect for human vulnerability among its basic principles. Protecting vulnerable research participants is a key aim of institutional review boards (Human Research Ethics Committees) around the world. Within public health ethics, vulnerability is used to identify individuals and populations who are at increased risk of ill health; and in clinical practice, care of the most vulnerable

Inquiries, Speculations, Provocations

raises ongoing ethical questions. Despite this increasing use of the concept of vulnerability within bioethics, there is no agreement

Film History Volume 25 Issue 1–2

about how to identify the vulnerable or how to develop responses

Edited by Gregory Waller

to vulnerability that avoid paternalism and discrimination.

A special double issue commemorates the move of Film History

This issue of IJFAB addresses the need for a robust theoretical

to its new editorial home in the Film and Media Studies program

analysis of the concept of vulnerability and its role in bioethics

at Indiana University, with Gregory A. Waller taking over as

and demonstrates the importance of feminist perspectives on

editor-in-chief from Richard Koszarski, who founded and edited

vulnerability. Central questions include: What is vulnerability

the journal for its first twenty-five years. This special issue

and what are the sources of vulnerability? How can we reconcile

underscores Film History’s commitment to publishing original

the idea of vulnerability as an inescapable and universal element

research across the full range of international film history, from

of the human condition, with that of vulnerability arising from

the production, distribution, exhibition, and reception of moving

inequalities of power, dependency, capacity or need? What duties

pictures to the technological, economic, political, and legal

are owed to the vulnerable and by whom? How can we respond

aspects of film and the role of cinema as a contested cultural

to vulnerability while also respecting autonomy and promoting


resilience? Should vulnerability be a foundational concept

Rather than being asked to take stock of the discipline or predict its future, the more than twenty contributors to this special double issue of Film History were given full latitude to examine a research question, weigh in on a historiographical issue, or explore the implications of a particular piece of evidence—all within the space of about half a normal academic article. The

in bioethics, alongside autonomy, justice, beneficence, and nonmalfeasance? The articles in this special issue address these key questions from a range of theoretical perspectives and clearly demonstrate that the importance and relevance of vulnerability for bioethics extend far beyond the questions of consent and exploitation in research.

result is a rich array of finely tuned micro-analyses and pointedly

“Although being vulnerable exposes one to harm, it also opens up

provocative interventions.

the possibility of change, of developing new ways of being in the world and relating to those with whom we are interdependent.” —Excerpted from the introduction by Wendy Rogers, Catriona Mackenzie, and Susan Dodds • 1.800.842.6796


indiana university press

West African Research Association Peace Initiative Conference in Sierra Leone (2010) and Cape Verde (2011)

challenge stigma and manage its negative effects. As folklorists,

ACPR: African Conflict and Peacebuilding Review (ACPR) Volume 2 Issue 2

the phrase the stigmatized vernacular captures not only the

Guest Edited by Steven Howard

the way it spills over beyond the topic and into the means of

The articles in this issue of ACPR: African


Conflict and Peacebuilding Review

Climate Change

were selected from those presented at two conferences sponsored by the West

the authors focus on the lived experience, the words and experiences of those who find themselves stigmatized. Further, vernacular experience of stigma but also the contagion of stigma—

Ethics and the Environment Volume 17 Number 2

African Research Association (WARA).

Guest Edited by Raymond Anthony

The first of these, part of a three-

Ethics and the Environment 17.2

conference US Department of State-

employs the specific insights of

supported project, took place in Freetown,

philosophers to help laypersons

Sierra Leone, in December 2010. The

and scientists wade through the

second was held in Praia, Cape Verde, in

ethical and social terrains of one of

December 2011. Both conferences focused on peacemaking in

human history’s most ponderous

West Africa: in Freetown, the topic was “Faith Communities and

topics. Readers are challenged to be

their Role in Conflict,” and in Praia, “Media and Conflict.” The

both ethically aware and politically

setting for both conferences–West Africa–is the site of religious

motivated to overcome unsustainable and unjust patterns of

diversity if not conflict, in every country of the region and most of

behavior and to promote just economic, technological, and

its corners. The conferences that produced the papers published

political institutions. Guest edited by Raymond Anthony, this

here examine the capacity that communities across the continent

special issue is prompted by a National Science Foundation

have for peace and reconciliation. In particular, the papers

Climate Ethics Works-in-Progress conference (September 2011)

examine the way religious institutions foster reconciliation and

at the University of Alaska Anchorage. The eight articles focus

peacebuilding and the critical role of media in consolidating

on climate change and raise the following questions: How should


we think about climate change, ethically, socially, and politically?

The Stigmatized Vernacular

What sort of leadership can and ought philosophers and ethicists provide in helping to shape the discourses around climate

JFR: Journal of Folklore Research Volume 49 Issue 2

change? What long-range lifestyle changes can we promote so

Guest Edited by Diane E. Goldstein and Amy Shuman

natural and human-induced environmental challenges such as

This special issue of JFR examines double

warming oceans, and intense precipitation events in many regions

stigmas: situations in which individuals and the vernaculars

of the world? The articles highlight avenues for interdisciplinary

associated with them are stigmatized. The articles in this

intersections and pave the way for more advanced philosophical

issue build on Erving Goffman’s concept of stigma and the

work in climate ethics. The view emerges that we must transcend

management of spoiled identities, on work in reflexive

our personal or national interests to meet this very human,

ethnography and the politics of representation, and on Labov

intergenerational challenge. The need for balanced and informed

and Waletzky’s notions of the untellable or unspeakable. They

discourses around climate and environmental challenges is

demonstrate the contributions that folklore research makes

urgent and we cannot ignore the needs and interests of the most

towards understanding the processes and cultural politics of

vulnerable among us.

stigmatization as well as the resources that people employ to 18 •

that human activities are more deliberate and responsive to extreme weather, intense and large storms, drought, heat waves,

indiana university press

Fais Do-Do TRANSITION 110 Transition 110 features a suite of Black poetry, along with photographers, artists, architects,

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and writers who catalogue the textures and colors of Africa and the African American experience. History imprints itself upon the poetry and art featured in

INSTITUTIONAL SUBSCRIBERS Visit IUP/Journals online at Phone: 877.786.7575 Email:

Transition 110 and also the prose. Diane McWhorter returns to

Print single-issue orders may be ordered directly from IU Press.

Birmingham, Alabama, and finds that the virulent politics of discrimination continues to flare in its streets—not only in the black community but also among immigrants. Ed Pavlić looks at race and gentrification in San Francisco through two films. David Adjaye discussing art and

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architecture writes that “the generative roots of architecture indicate that it is the support, the frame, for bodily rituals. And ritual is how architecture is birthed.” History meets the contemporary in these pages, and the present continues to be seduced by the past. In this issue we witness the contemporary’s tempestuous love affair with history; what is born is at times beautiful and at times awful.

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Afric an studies


ACPR: African Conflict & Peacebuilding Review

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Africa Today

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Black Camera

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Meridians Research in African Literatures Spectrum Transition Bioethics IJFAB: International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics C ul tur al studies Black Camera Film Studies

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ADVERTISING IN IUP/Journals 2013/2014 Gender studies

African Conflict and Peacebuilding Review Circulation 150 Ad size Art size Price Full Page 4.5 x 7.5” $250 Half Page 4.5 x 3.625” $150 Closing dates Vol. 3.1 1 March 13 Vol. 3:2 1 September 13

Africa Today Circulation 1,100 Ad size Art size Price 4.5 x 7.5” $275 Full Page Half Page 4.5 x 3.625” $165 Closing dates Vol. 59.3 1 February 13 1 May 13 Vol. 59:4 Vol. 60.1 1 August 13 Vol. 60.2 1 November 13


Ethics & The Environment Circulation 200 Ad size Art size Price Full Page 4.5 x 7.5” $250 Half Page 4.5 x 3.625” $150 Closing dates Vol. 18:1 1 March 13 Vol. 18:2 1 September 13

Film History Circulation 800 Ad size Art size Price $250 Full Page 6.25 x 8.25” Half Page 6.25 x 4” $150 Closing dates Vol. 24:3 1 August 12 1 November 12 Vol. 24:4 1 February 13 Vol. 25:1 1 June 13 Vol. 25:2


Circulation 150 Ad size Art size Price Full Page 4.5 x 7.5” $275 $165 Half Page 4.5 x 3.625” Closing dates Vol. 13:1 1 May 13 1 September 13 Vol. 13:2

Circulation 375 Ad size Art size Price Full Page 4.5 x 7.5” $275 $165 Half Page 4.5 x 3.625” Closing dates Vol. 8:3 1 June 13 1 October 13 Vol. 9:1 Vol 9.2 1 February 13

Black Camera


Circulation 350 Ad size Art size Price 4.5 x 7.5” $250 Full Page Half Page 4.5 x 3.625” $150 Closing dates Vol. 4.2 1 March 13 1 September 13 Vol. 5.1

Circulation 750 Ad size Art size Price 4.5 x 7.5” $275 Full Page Half Page 4.5 x 3.625” $165 Cover 3 4.5 x 7.5” $400 Closing dates Vol. 36:2 1 March 13 Vol. 36:3 1 June 13 Vol. 36:4 1 September 13 Vol. 37:1 1 December 13

e-Service Journal Circulation 100 Ad size Art size Price Full Page 7 x 10” $250 Half Page 7 x 5” $150 Closing dates Vol. 8:3 1 February 13 Vol. 9:1 1 September 13 Vol. 9:2 1 May 14

History & Memory Circulation 650 Ad size Art size Price Full Page 4.5 x 7.5” $275 Half Page 4.5 x 3.625” $165 Closing dates Vol. 25:1 1 February 13 Vol. 25:2 1 August 13

IJFAB: International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics Circulation 200 Ad size Art size Price Full Page 4.5 x 7.5” Half Page 4.5 x 3.625” Closing dates Vol. 6:1 1 March 13 Vol. 6:2 1 August 13

Ethics & The Environment IJFAB: International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics JFSR: Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion

$250 $150

Israel Studies Circulation 400 Ad size Art size Price $275 Full Page 4.5 x 7.5” Half Page 4.5 x 3.625” $165 Closing dates Vol. 18:3 1 April 13 1 September 13 Vol. 19.1 Vol. 19:2 1 December 13

Jewish Social Studies Circulation 400 Ad size Art size Price Full Page 4.5 x 7.5” $275 $165 Half Page 4.5 x 3.625” Cover 3 4.5 x 7.5” $350 Closing dates Vol. 18:3 1 April 13 Vol. 19:1 1 August 13 1 December 13 Vol. 19:2

Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion Circulation 950 Ad size Art size Price Full Page 4.5 x 7.5” $275 Half Page 4.5 x 3.625” $165 Closing dates 1 May 13 Vol. 29:1 Vol. 29:2 1 November 13

JMEWS: Journal of Middle East Women’s Studies Meridians Nashim Spectrum Gl o bal studies Black Camera The Global South Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics Spectrum H ist or y History & Memory Israel Studies Jewish Social Studies JMEWS: Journal of Middle East Women’s Studies Nashim Victorian Studies Isr ael studies Israel Studies Jewish studies Aleph History & Memory Israel Studies Jewish Social Studies Nashim Prooftexts Law Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies 21

ADVERTISING IN IUP/Journals 2013/2014 L iter ar y studies Journal of Modern Literature

Journal of Folklore Research


Circulation 450 Ad size Art size Price Full Page 4.5 x 7.5” $275 Half Page 4.5 x 3.625” $165 Cover 3 4.5 x 7.5” $350 Closing dates Vol. 50.1 1 April 13 Vol. 50.2 1 September 13 Vol. 50.3 1 January 13

Research in African Literatures Victorian Studies Middle

East S tudies

JMEWS: Journal of Middle East Women’s Studies Israel Studies


Music Philosophy of Music Education Review Phil oso phy Ethics & The Environment IJFAB: International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society Ra ce & Ethnic

S tudies

Black Camera Meridians Spectrum Transition R eli gious studies Aleph JFSR: Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion S cience Aleph: Historical Studies in Science and Judaism IJFAB: International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics V ict ori an studies Victorian Studies V isu al Ar ts Black Camera Film History Nashim 22

Circulation 300 Ad size Art size Price Full Page 4.5 x 7.5” $250 Half Page 4.5 x 3.625” $150 Closing dates 1 March 13 Vol. 12:2 Vol. 13:1 1 September 12

Research in African Literatures

Circulation 1,100 Ad size Art size Price Full Page 4.5 x 7.5 $400 Half Page 4.5 x 3.625 $325 Closing Dates No. 111 1 May 13 No. 112 1 September 13 No. 113 1 January 14


Victorian Studies

Circulation 150 Ad size Art size Price 4.5 x 7.5” $250 Full Page Half Page 4.5 x 3.625” $150 Closing dates Vol. 1:2 1 April 13 Vol. 2:1 1 October 13

Circulation 2,100 Ad size Art size Price Full Page 4.5 x 7.5” $325 Half Page 4.5 x 3.625” $200 Closing dates Vol. 55:2 1 April 13 Vol. 55:3 1 July 13 Vol. 55.4 1 October 13 1 January 14 Vol. 56:1

Nashim Circulation 275 Ad size Art size Price Full Page 5 x 8” $250 $150 Half Page 5 x 3.75” Closing dates No. 25 1 March 13 No. 26 1 September 13

Philosophy of Music Education Review Circulation 375 Ad size Art size Price 4.5 x 7.5” $250 Full Page Half Page 4.5 x 3.625” $150 Closing dates Vol. 21:1 1 March 13 1 September 13 Vol. 21:2

Prooftexts Circulation 375 Ad size Art size Price Full Page 4.5 x 7.5” $275 Half Page 4.5 x 3.625” $165 Closing dates Vol. 32:2 1 April 13 Vol. 32:3 1 August 13 Vol. 33:1 1 November 13


Circulation 650 Ad size Art size Price Full Page 4.5 x 7.5” $275 Half Page 4.5 x 3.625” $165 Closing dates Vol. 44:2 1 March 13 Vol. 44:3 1 June 13 Vol. 44:4 1 September 13 1 December 13 Vol. 45:1

Teaching & Learning Inquiry Circulation 450 Ad size Art size Price $275 Full Page 4.5 x 7.5” Half Page 4.5 x 3.625” $165 Closing dates 1 March 13 Vol. 1.1 Vol. 1.2 1 September 13

Transactions Circulation 600 Ad size Art size Price Full Page 4.5 x 7.5” $325 Half Page 4.5 x 3.625” $200 Closing dates Vol. 48.4 1 February 13 1 May 13 Vol. 49:1 Vol. 49:2 1 August 13 Vol. 49:3 1 November 13

ADVERTISING IN IUP/Journals 2013/2014 Online Advertising Targeted at the journal title level, including individual issues, table of contents, journal home pages, and article pages.

Specifications Only 300 x 250 pixel static unanimated ads will be accepted. Acceptable file formats are gif, jpeg and png. Maximum file size is 100 KB. Images should be optimized for the web with a resolution of 72 dpi. Ad pricing is per journal. Ads run for three months. All ads should be reserved by insertion order.

300 x 250 pixel AD

Invoices and screen shots will be sent following ad posting. Payment is due 30 days from invoice date. Advertising content is subject to publisher’s approval.

AD PRICES (3 months)

Each ad may appear in rotation with other ads in the same location.

ACPR, African Conflict and Peacebuilding Review...................................................$150

Philosophy of Music Education Review ..............................................................$150

Africa Today..........................................$200



History & Memory................................$200

Black Camera........................................$150

IJFAB, International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics ..............................................................$150

All ads must be received 10 days in advance of run date.

Israel Studies........................................$200


e-Service Journal..................................$150 Ethics & The Environment...................$150 Film History..........................................$150 The Global South..................................$150 International Journal of Global Legal Studies..................................................$150 JMEWS, Journal of Middle East Women’s Studies..................................................$200 jml, Journal of Modern Literature ..............................................................$200

Jewish Social Studies............................$200 Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion ..............................................................$200 Journal of Folklore Research...............$200 Research in African Literatures...........$200 Spectrum...............................................$150

Statistics are available upon request at the end of the campaign.


Please email your ad art file to Linda Bannister, Include the reservation number in the file name. Also include the click-through URL when the artwork is submitted.

Teaching & Learning Inquiry...............$150




Transition.............................................$200 Victorian Studies..................................$200 23

journal RATES

indiana university press









































2012/13 IUP/Journals Prices







Africa Today




African Conflict & Peacebuilding Review







Black Camera



e-Service Journal



Ethics & the Environment



Film History


Global South



History & Memory Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies*








Int'l Jnl of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics







Israel Studies







Jewish Social Studies







Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion







Journal of Folklore Research







Journal of Middle East Women's Studies







Journal of Modern Literature





















Philosophy of Music Education Review














Research in African Literatures














Teaching & Learning Inquiry





















Victorian Studies







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