Indiana University Press Fall 2013 catalog

Page 1

Donald R. Prothero

Reality check

Why Race still matteRs in 21st-centuRy ameRica


Palestinian Music

Reflections on Early Music Practice and Performance

How Science Deniers Threaten Our Future


Expression and Resistance since 1900


Barthold Kuijken

Foreword by Michael Shermer


by the



Mauricio antón

hunt for the


DaviD h. ikaRD

Moslih Kanaaneh, Stig-Magnus Thorsén, Heather Bursheh, and David A. M c Donald

3 201 A Double


Guide to refining Performance Practices MurrAy GroDner

Edited by


Betrayal and Murder in

German-Occupied Poland and y Jan Grabowski g o l o n h c te

jeremy bl



flip fo r j o u rn al s

2013 catalog


indiana university press


Bo o ks

T h E l AT E C r E TAC E o u s o f s o u T h E r n u TA h

to p o f th e Gr A n d S tA irc ASe At t h e

Edited by A l A n l . T i T u s and M A r k A . l o E w E n

Africa African American

2, 28

American Studies


Anthropology Art & Architecture Asia Biography Civil War Contemporary Issues Cultural Studies Education




“The world of books is the most remarkable creation of man. Nothing else that he Gloryever andlasts. Night builds Monuments fall; nations perish; civilizations grow old and die out. . . . T h eagain J o u r nand a l oagain, f Penro se, seaman But in the world of books are volumes that have seen this happen and yet live on, still young, still as fresh as the day they were written. . . . sailing farther than Ulysses ever dreamed of, like ships on the seas. It is the author’s part to call into being Felixcargoes Ó Murchadha their and passengers. . . . As for publishers, it is they who build the fleet, plan the voyage, and sail on . . . till they find every possible harbor that will value their burden.” —Clarence Day, 1920

The comment above comes from a short history of Yale University Press written by Clarence Day, best known for the book, play, and film Life with Father. Apart from the dated gender language, it aptly fits the history of IU Press. The journals and books pubI n T r o d u c T I o n a n d n o T e s b y d av I d h o wa r d d I c k a s o n lished by IUP over its 63-year history have, indeed, sailed far and wwide. I T h a nThe a f T e rworks w o r d b y of s a rour a h wa d s w o r T h distinguished authors have shaped many academic fields—among them, women’s studies, African studies, Jewish and Holocaust studies, and continental philosophy, to name just a few. Several generations of dedicated Press staff, the crew of this ship, have striven to make our voyage a success, applying their commitment, generosity, intelligence, and talent to the work of the Press.

William Williams

After 52 years at port on Morton Street, the IU Press now has a new harbor, in the Office of Scholarly Publishing at the Herman B Wells Library. Together with our library colleagues, we welcome the opportunity to build on our strengths, continue to innovate, and, through our publications, serve the needs of the academy and enhance the impact of Indiana University throughout the world.

Environmental To order call

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42, 44-47 16, 26 44, 45, 47 8, 15 17 1, 2, 6, 48 3, 29, 44, 46 7, 41 8

Essays 3 Ethnomusicology 45 European History


Fiction 9 Film & Media

10-13, 30-33

History 45 Holocaust

4, 8, 41


25, 26, 27


5, 8, 40-42

Literature 24 Memoir 9 Middle East Music Paleontology

6, 16, 45, 46 14, 15, 17, 34-36, 48 22, 23

Philanthropy 43 Philosophy 37-39 Photography 27 Popular Culture


Railroads & Transportation


Religion 33,38-43,46 Russia & Eastern Europe Science

Janet Rabinowitch

30, 39, 43, 47, 48

4, 5, 15, 42, 44 1, 22, 23

Sports 25 US History


War & Military


World History


WWI 19

indiana university press

Reality Check How Science Deniers Threaten Our Future

Donald R. Prothero

Donald R. Prothero Foreword by Michael Shermer

Why scientific knowledge matters The battles over evolution, climate change, childhood vaccinations, the causes of AIDS, alternative medicine, oil shortages, population growth, and the place of science in our country are reaching a fevered pitch. Many people and institutions have exerted enormous efforts to misrepresent or flatly deny demonstrable scientific reality to protect their nonscientific ideology, their power, or their bottom line. To shed light on this darkness, Donald R. Prothero explains the scientific process and why society has come to rely on science not only to provide a better life but also to reach verifiable truths no other method can obtain. He describes how major scientific ideas that are accepted by the entire scientific community (evolution, anthropogenic global warming, vaccination, the HIV cause of AIDS, and others) have been attacked

Reality check How Science Deniers Threaten Our Future Foreword by Michael Shermer

with totally unscientific arguments and methods. Prothero argues that science deniers pose a serious threat to society, as their attempts to subvert the truth have resulted in widespread scientific ignorance, increased risk of global catastrophes, and deaths due to the spread of diseases that could have been prevented.

“Prothero is a skeptic. So am I. When we call ourselves skeptics we simply mean that we take a scientific approach to the evaluation of

Donald R. Prothero is Emeritus Professor of Geology at Occidental College and

claims. Science is skepticism and scientists are

Lecturer in Geobiology at the California Institute of Technology. He has published

naturally skeptical because most claims turn

32 books, including Rhinoceros Giants: The Paleobiology of the Indricotheres (IUP,

out to be false. Weeding out the few kernels of

2013); Earth: Portrait of a Planet; The Evolution of Earth; Evolution: What the

wheat from the substantial pile of chaff requires

Fossils Say and Why It Matters; Catastrophes!; and After the Dinosaurs: The Age of

extensive observation, careful experimentation,

Mammals (IUP, 2006).

and cautious inference to the best conclusion. Donald Prothero is a scientist’s scientist in this regard. . . . In this volume you will indeed get Growing up evolutionist in an evolving World

o n ce We All H A d G ill s

a reality check on some of the most important issues of our time.” —Michael Shermer, author of The Believing Brain: From Ghosts and Gods to Politics and Conspiracies—How We Construct Beliefs and Reinforce Them As Truths

Rud olf A. R Aff

Also of Interest

Islands in the Cosmos Cloth 978-0-253-35273-6 $34.95t Once We All Had Gills Cloth 978-0-253-00235-8 $35.00t

September 2013 Contemporary Issues, Science World 320 pages, 39 b&w illus., 6 x 9 Cloth 978-0-253-01029-2 $35.00t £25.99 eBook 978-0-253-01036-0 $29.99t £22.99


indiana university press

Why Race still matteRs in 21st-centuRy ameRica

Blinded by the Whites Why Race Still Matters in 21st-Century America David H. Ikard

Redistributing power in a “post-racial” society The election of Barack Obama gave political currency to the (white) idea that

by the


Americans now live in a post-racial society. But the persistence of racial profiling, economic inequality between blacks and whites, disproportionate numbers of black prisoners, and disparities in health and access to healthcare suggest there is more to the story. David H. Ikard addresses these issues in an effort to give voice to the challenges faced by most African Americans and to make legible the shifting discourse of white supremacist ideology—including post-racialism and colorblind politics— that frustrates black self-determination, agency, and empowerment in the 21st century. Ikard tackles these concerns from various perspectives, chief among them black feminism. He argues that all oppressions (of race, gender, class, and sexual

DaviD h. ikaRD

orientation) intersect and must be confronted to upset the status quo.

“Ikard’s incorporation of autobiographical

David H. Ikard is Associate Professor of English at Florida State University and

moments . . . to show the intersections of

author of Breaking the Silence: Toward a Black Male Feminist Criticism and

the personal and the political, . . . his candid

(with Martell Lee Teasley) Nation of Cowards: Black Activism in Barack Obama’s

discussions of his father’s sexual abuse of a

Post-Racial America (IUP, 2012). His blog “Nation of Cowards” (nationofcowards.

young female relative, and the various teachable takes up contemporary racial topics and engages a wider intellectual

moments he has had with his own daughter and

and activist community.

son on a range of issues related to being black in America are quite profound as concrete evidence to support his overall argument [that] white supremacist ideology . . . continues to inform African American life.” —Alice Deck, University of Illinois

Blacks in the Diaspora Herman L. Bennett, Kim D. Butler, Judith A. Byfield, and Tracy Sharpley-Whiting, editors October 2013 Contemporary Issues, African American World 192 pages, 6 x 9 Cloth 978-0-253-01096-4 $28.00t £20.99 eBook 978-0-253-01103-9 $23.99t £18.99

2 • 1.800.842.6796

"Essential reading for everyone implicated by race in America – and that means everyone." – Deepak Bhargava, Center for Community Change

racing to justice Transforming Our Conceptions of Self and Other to Build an Inclusive Society

john a. powell

Also of Interest

Racing to Justice Cloth 978-0-253-00629-5 $32.00t Nation of Cowards Cloth 978-0-253-00628-8 $25.00t

indiana university press

States of Emergency Essays on Culture and Politics Patrick Brantlinger

Keen-eyed commentary on contemporary culture

states of

In his latest book, Patrick Brantlinger probes the state of contemporary America.

Essays on CulturE and PolitiCs

Brantlinger takes aim at neoliberal economists, the Tea Party movement, gun


culture, immigration, waste value, surplus people, the war on terror, technological determinism, and globalization. An invigorating return to classic cultural studies with its concern for social justice and challenges to economic orthodoxy, States of Emergency is a delightful mix of journalism, satire, and theory that addresses many of the most pressing issues of our time. Patrick Brantlinger is James Rudy Professor of English (Emeritus) at Indiana

Patrick Brantlinger

University Bloomington. His books include The Reading Lesson: Mass Literacy as Threat in Nineteenth-Century British Fiction (IUP, 1998); Bread and Circuses: Theories of Mass Culture as Social Decay; Crusoe’s Footprints: Cultural Studies in Britain and America; Who Killed Shakespeare? What’s Happened to English since the Radical Sixties; and Taming Cannibals: Race and the Victorians.

“A good read, as can be expected from this author. The themes are pertinent, the treatments are well-researched, the judgment is balanced, the style is sober. While the essays are

— —— — —


wide ranging, the contents cohere by virtue of Brantlinger’s style and moral passion.” —Jan Nederveen Pieterse, author of Is There Hope for Uncle Sam? and Globalization and Culture

Di ssen t

Interventions in Contemporary Political Debate Amber Day

Also of Interest

Locating Bourdieu Paper 978-0-253-21732-5 $21.95s Satire and Dissent Paper 978-0-253-22281-7 $22.95t

September 2013 Essays, Cultural Studies World 288 pages, 6 x 9 Cloth 978-0-253-01015-5 $80.00L £60.00 Paper 978-0-253-01019-3 $28.00t £20.99


indiana university press

hunt for the


Hunt for the Jews Betrayal and Murder in German-Occupied Poland Jan Grabowski

The betrayal and killing of Jews in German-occupied Poland Judenjagd, hunt for the Jews, was the German term for the organized searches for Jews who, having survived ghetto liquidations and deportations to death camps in Poland in 1942, attempted to hide “on the Aryan side.” Jan Grabowski’s penetrating microhistory tells the story of the Judenjagd in Dabrowa Tarnowska, a rural county in southeastern Poland, where the majority of the Jews in hiding perished as a consequence of betrayal by their Polish neighbors. Drawing on materials from Polish,

Betrayal and Murder in German-Occupied Poland Jan Grabowski

Jewish, and German sources created during and after the war, Grabowski documents the involvement of the local Polish population in the process of detecting and killing the Jews who sought their aid. Through detailed reconstruction of events, this closeup account of the fates of individual Jews casts a bright light on a little-known aspect of the Holocaust in Poland.

“A pathbreaking book, opening new perspectives

Jan Grabowski is Professor of History at the University of Ottawa and a founding

on how the wartime murder of Jews was

member of the Polish Center for Holocaust Research. He is author (with Barbara

carried out in Poland. . . . It is a lasting and

Engelking) of The Contour of a Landscape: Rural Poland and the Extermination of

extremely important contribution to Holocaust

the Jews, 1942-1945 (in Polish).

historiography.” —Jan Tomasz Gross, author of Neighbors: The Destruction of the Jewish

“Hunt for the Jews bears the seeds of paradigm-shifting findings. The conclusions

Community in Jedwabne, Poland

of the book are explosive, and [the book] is likely to leave a mark on scholarship as a landmark study.” —Tomasz Frydel, University of Toronto

“An important book, not only for the story that it tells but also for the penetrating analysis into human behavior. . . . Grabowski’s enlightening analysis contributes much to our understanding of where escaped Jews tried to find aid and hide, and where, how, and by whom they were exposed, caught, and killed.” —David Silberklang, Yad Vashem October 2013 Holocaust, Russia & Eastern Europe World 288 pages, 1 map, 21 b&w illus., 6 x 9 Cloth 978-0-253-01074-2 $35.00t £25.99 eBook 978-0-253-01087-2 $29.99t £22.99 4 • 1.800.842.6796

Also of Interest

Who Will Write Our History? Cloth 978-0-253-34908-8 $34.95s ŁódŹ Ghetto Paper 978-0-253-21993-0 $24.95t

indiana university press

In the Shadow of the Shtetl Small-Town Jewish Life in Soviet Ukraine Jeffrey Veidlinger

The resilience of Jewish life in Eastern Europe The story of how the Holocaust decimated Jewish life in the shtetls of Eastern Europe is well known. Still, thousands of Jews in these small towns survived the war and returned afterward to rebuild their communities. The recollections of some 400 returnees in Ukraine provide the basis for Jeffrey Veidlinger’s reappraisal of the traditional narrative of 20th-century Jewish history. These elderly Yiddish speakers relate their memories of Jewish life in the prewar shtetl, their stories of survival during the Holocaust, and their experiences living as Jews under Communism. Despite Stalinist repressions, the Holocaust, and official antisemitism, their individual remembrances of family life, religious observance, education, and work testify to the survival of Jewish life in the shadow of the shtetl to this day.

in the Shadow of the Shtetl


Small-Town Jewish Life in Soviet Ukraine Jeffrey Veidlinger

Jeffrey Veidlinger is Professor of History, Alvin H. Rosenfeld Chair in Jewish Studies, and Director of the Robert A. and Sandra S. Borns Jewish Studies Program at Indiana University Bloomington. He is author of The Moscow State Yiddish Theater (IUP, 2006) and Jewish Public Culture in the Late Russian Empire (IUP, 2009). “This is a great book; very well written, entertaining, powerful, at times funny, at times sad, and enjoyable.” —Anna Shternshis, author of Soviet and Kosher: Jewish Popular Culture in the Soviet Union, 1923-1939

“This magnificent work merges cutting-edge, archivally based history of the Soviet Union with the richness of original oral history interviews. . . . Through the recollections of these elderly interviewees come forth the bittersweet realities of life and death among Soviet shtetl Jews.” —Jonathan Dekel-Chen, editor of Anti-Jewish Violence: Rethinking the Pogrom in East European Jewish History


je wish metropolis A History, 1859 –1914

natan m. meir

Also of Interest

Kiev, Jewish Metropolis Paper 978-0-253-22207-7 $30.00s Jewish Bialystok and Its Diaspora Paper 978-0-253-22176-6 $28.00s

October 2013 Russia & Eastern Europe, Judaica World 360 pages, 16 color illus., 15 b&w illus., 4 maps, 6 x 9 Cloth 978-0-253-01151-0 $35.00t £25.99 eBook 978-0-253-01152-7 $29.99t £22.99


indiana university press

PalEstinE and the PalEstinians in thE


st cEntuRy

Palestine and the Palestinians in the 21st Century Edited by Rochelle Davis and Mimi Kirk

Past, present, and future of Palestinian life and politics Recent developments in Palestinian political, economic, and social life have resulted in greater insecurity and diminishing confidence in Israel’s willingness to abide by political agreements or the Palestinian leadership’s ability to forge consensus. This volume examines the legacies of the past century, conditions of life in the present, and the possibilities and constraints on prospects for peace and self-determination in the future. These historically grounded essays by leading scholars engage the issues that continue to shape Palestinian society, such as economic development, access to resources, religious transformation, and political movements.

Edited by

RochEllE Davis and MiMi KiRK

Rochelle Davis is Associate Professor of Anthropology at Georgetown University’s Center for Contemporary Arab Studies, Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service. She is author of Palestinian Village Histories: Geographies of the Displaced.

“Offers a multidisciplinary lens on the past decade and deeply examines the major issues

Mimi Kirk is Editor, Middle East Institute, National University of Singapore. She is

which have blighted negotiations between

editor (with Chris Toensing) of Uncovering Iraq: Trajectories of Disintegration and

Palestinians and Israelis over the past 10-

Transformation and (with Jean-François Seznec) of Industrialization in the Gulf: A

15 years: land, water, elections, political

Socioeconomic Revolution.

leadership, legal paradigms, and the death of the ‘two-state’ solution. It makes for an exciting, fresh, and timely new text on Palestine and Palestinians.” —Dawn Chatty, author of Displacement and Dispossession in the Modern Middle East Palestinian and Israeli Public Opinion The Public Imperative in the Second Intifada Jacob Shamir and Khalil Shikaki

November 2013 Contemporary Issues, Middle East World 272 pages, 6 x 9 Cloth 978-0-253-01080-3 $80.00L £60.00 Paper 978-0-253-01085-8 $28.00t £20.99 eBook 978-0-253-01091-9 $23.99t £17.99 6 • 1.800.842.6796


Dispatches on Militant Democracy in the Middle East


David McMurray AND Amanda Ufheil-Somers

Also of Interest

A History of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, Second Edition Paper 978-0-253-22070-7 $40.00s Palestinian and Israeli Public Opinion Paper 978-0-253-22172-8 $24.95s The Arab Revolts Paper 978-0-253-00975-3 $28.00s

indiana university press

The Scholar’s Survival Manual A Road Map for Students, Faculty, and Administrators Martin H. Krieger

How to succeed in the academy

l a v i v Sur olar’s The Sch

l a u n Ma

The product of a lifetime of experience in American universities, The Scholar’s Survival Manual offers advice for students, professors, and administrators on such matters as the path to becoming a professor, getting tenured, and making visible contributions to scholarship, as well as serving on promotion and tenure committees. Martin H. Krieger covers a broad cross section of the academic experience from a graduate student’s first foray into the job market through retirement. Because advice is notoriously difficult to take and context matters a great deal, Krieger has allowed his

A Road Map for Students, Faculty, and Administrators

ideas to percolate through dozens of discussions. Some of the advice is instrumental and on matters of expediency; some demands the highest aspirations. Readers may open the book at any place and begin reading; for the more methodical there is a detailed table of contents. Krieger’s tone is direct, an approach born of the knowledge

Martin H. Krieger

that students and professors too often ignore suggestions that would have prevented them from becoming academic roadkill. This essential book will help readers sidestep a similar fate.

“Original and insightful . . . Krieger provides a very demystifying account of how the university

Martin H. Krieger is Professor of Planning in the Sol Price School of Public Policy at the University of Southern California and a Fellow of the American Physical Society. He has taught at Berkeley, Minnesota, MIT, and Michigan and has served for many years on university promotion and tenure committees. He is author of Doing Physics (second edition, IUP, 2012), Constitutions of Matter, and Doing Mathematics, among other books. His blog of the same name is found at

professoriat works and practical advice on how academics can successfully navigate through their university tenure and promotion process. . . . A how-to guide for all academics who are navigating their careers through a previously uncharted lost civilization called the tenure and promotion process.” —John Gaber, University of Arkansas

Teaching in The School Room•prep school english teacher•first grade teacher•fourth grade teacher •middle school physical education teacher•seventh and eighth grade language arts teacher•high school math teacher•high school biology and chemistry teacher•special education teacher•Teaching in The college claSSRoom•physics professor•horticulture professor•theology professor•philosophy prof journalism professor•humanities professor•Teaching The healeRS•teacher of residents in dermatology•teacher of neurosurgery residents•teacher of residents in psychiatry•Teaching The cReaToRS and PeRfoRmeRS•circus arts teacher•ballet teacher•photography teacher•piano teacher•creative writing teacher•acting teacher•Teaching The fixeRS and makeRS•carpentry teacher•plumbing teacher•professor of baking and pastry arts•teacher of farriery•Teaching The aThleTeS•teacher of basketball shooting•fencing teac teacher of alligator wrestling•racecar driving instructor•coach of playing the infield•gRowing The Body and SPiRiT•tantra teacher•Zen teacher•divinity school professor of homiletics•exotic dance teacher•aZtec dance teacher•Teaching aT The BoTTom and on The edge•humanities teacher for underserved adul •teacher in women’s prison•yoga teacher, jails and prisons•teacher in women’s jails•Teaching The PRoTecTo gunnery sergeant•martial arts instructor•firefighting teacher•instructor, fbi academy•Teaching in The coRRidoRS of PoweR•corporate consultant•political mentor•professor, executive education•political mentor professor, newly elected members of congress• Teaching in The School Room•prep school english teacher•first grade teacher•fourth grade teacher •middle school physical education teacher•seventh and eighth grade language arts teacher•high school math teacher•high school biology and chemistry teacher•special education teacher•Teaching in The college claSSRoom•physics professor•horticulture professor•theology professor•philosophy professor•journalism professor•humanities professor•Teaching The healeRS•teacher of residents in dermatology•teacher of neurosurgery residents•teacher of residents in pspsychiatrypsychia try•Teaching The cReaToRS and PeRfoRmeRS•circus arts teacher•ballet teacher•photography teacher•piano teacher•creative writing teacher•acting teacher•Teaching The fixeRS and makeRS•carpentry teach plumbing teacher•professor of baking and pastry arts•teacher of farriery•Teaching The aThleTeS•teacher of basketball shooting•fencing teacher•teacher of alligator wrestling•racecar driving instructor•coach of playing the infield•gRowing The Body and SPiRiT•tantra teacher•Zen teacher•divinity school professor of homiletics•exotic dance teacher•aZtec dance teacher•Teaching aT The BoTTom and on The edge humanities teacher for underserved adults•teacher in women’s prison•yoga teacher, jails and prisons•teacher in women’s jails•Teaching The PRoTecToRS•gunnery sergeant•martial arts instructor•firefighting teacher•instructor, fbi academy•Teaching in The coRRidoRS of PoweR•corporate consultant•political mentor•professor, executive education•political mentor professor, newly elected members of congress• Teaching in The School Room•prep school english teacher•first grade teacher•fourth grade teacher •middle school physical education teacher•seventh and eighth grade language arts teacher•high school math teacher•high school biology and chemistry teacher•special education teacher•Teaching in The college claSSRoom•physics professor•horticulture professor•theology professor•philosophy prof fessor•journalism professor•humanities professor•Teaching The healeRS•teacher of residents in dermatology•teacher of neurosurgery residents•teacher of residents in psychiatry•Teaching The cReaToRS and PeRfoRmeRS•circus arts teacher•ballet teacher•photography teacher•piano teacher•creative writing teacher•acting teacher•Teaching The fixeRS and makeRS•carpentry teacher•plumbing teacher•professor of baking and pastry arts•teacher of farriery•Teaching The aThleTeS•teacher of basketball shooting•fencing teacher•teacher of alligator wrestling•racecar driving instructor•coach of playing the infield•gRowing The Body and SPiRiT•tantra teacher•Zen teacher•divinity school professor of homiletics•exotic dance teacher•aZtec dance teacher•Teaching aT The BoTTom and on The edge•humanities teacher for underserved adults•teacher in women’s prison•yoga teacher, jails and prisons•teacher in women’s jails•Teaching The PRoTecToRS•gunnery sergeant•martial arts instructor•firefighting teacher•instructor, fbi academy•Teaching in The coRRidoRS of PoweR•corporate consultant•political mentor•professor, executive education•political mentor professor, newly elected members of congress• Teaching in The School Room•prep school english teacher•first grade teacher•fourth grade teacher •middle school physical education teacher•seventh and eighth grade language arts teacher•high school math teacher•high school biology and chemistry teacher•special education teacher•Teaching in The college claSSRo Room•physics professor•horticulture professor•theology professor•philosophy professor•journalism professor•humanities professor•Teaching The healeRS•teacher of residents in dermatology•teacher of neurosurgery residents•teacher of residents in psychiatry•Teaching The cReaToRS and PeRfoRmeRS•circus arts teacher•ballet teacher•photography teacher•piano teacher•creative writing teacher•acting teacher•Teaching The fixeRS and makeRS•carpentry teacher•plumbing teacher•professor of baking and pastry arts•teacher of farriery•Teaching The aThleTeS•teacher of basketball shooting•fencing teac er•teacher of alligator wrestling•racecar driving instructor•coach of playing the infield•gRowing The Body and SPiRiT•tantra teacher•Zen teacher•divinity school professor of homiletics•exotic dance teacher•aZtec dance teacher•Teaching aT The BoTTom and on The edge•humanities teacher for underserved adults•teacher in women’s prison•yoga teacher, jails and prisons•teacher in women’s jails•Teaching The PRoTecToRS•gunnery sergeant•martial arts instructor•firefighting teacher•instructor, fbi acad academy•Teaching in The coRRidoRS of PoweR•corporate consultant•political mentor•professor, executive education•political mentor professor, newly elected members of congress• Teaching in The School Room•prep school english teacher•first grade teacher•fourth grade teacher •middle school physical education teacher•seventh and eighth grade language arts teacher•high school math teacher•high school biology and chemistry teacher•special education teacher•Teaching in The college claSSRo oom•physics professor•horticulture professor•theology professor•philosophy professor•journalism professor•humanities professor•Teaching The healeRS•teacher of residents in dermatology•teacher of neurosurgery residents•teacher of residents in psychiatry•Teaching The cReaToRS and PeRfoRmeRS•circus arts teacher•ballet teacher•photography teacher•piano teacher•creative writing teacher•acting 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teacher•seventh and eighth grade language arts teacher•high school math teacher•high school biology and chemistry teacher•special education teacher•Teaching in The college claSSRoom•physics prof

Conversa-tions with

Grea-t Tea-chers

bill smoot

Also of Interest

Revenge of the Women’s Studies Professor Paper 978-0-253-22062-2 $19.95t Conversations with Great Teachers Paper 978-0-253-22361-6 $19.95t

October 2013 Education World 364 pages, 6 x 9 Cloth 978-0-253-01055-1 $70.00L £53.00 Paper 978-0-253-01063-6 $25.00t £18.99 eBook 978-0-253-01071-1 $21.99t £16.99


indiana university press

the End of the holocaust The


of The


Alvin H. Rosenfeld

Lynton Keith Caldwell An Environmental Visionary and the National Environmental Policy Act

Lynton Keith Caldwell An Environmental Visionary and the National Environmental Policy Act

Wendy Read Wertz

Wendy Read Wertz alvin h. Rosenfeld

Cultural representations and misrepresentations of the Holocaust

The exceptional life of an environmental pioneer This is the story of a visionary leader, Lynton Keith Caldwell, who

“For showing us how to remember the Holocaust, and how to

in the early 1960s introduced the study of the environment and

recognize many of the ways in which its memory is being killed,

environmental policy at a time when such areas of expertise did not

we owe Alvin Rosenfeld a debt of immense gratitude.”

exist. For the next three decades, Caldwell played a leading role in

—Wilson Quarterly

establishing ethics-based environmental policy and administration as major areas of inquiry in the United States and around the

“An important and impassioned defense of the undeniable truth

world. Through his tireless global travels, writing, and lectures,

of the Holocaust and of its moral significance.” —Holocaust and

and his work with the US Senate, the IUCN, UN, and UNESCO,

Genocide Studies

Caldwell became recognized for his contributions to environmental ethics and the development of strong environmental planning

“A model of critical intelligence, restrained in its judgments, never

and policy. This engrossing biography is based on interviews the

shrill or accusatory in its disagreements, always illuminating in its

author conducted with Caldwell and on unrestricted access to his

insights into the motives and achievements of the major Holo-

memorabilia, photos, and records.

caust writers Rosenfeld discusses.” —Forward Wendy Read Wertz has a degree in History and Environmental Alvin H. Rosenfeld holds the Irving M. Glazer Chair in Jew-

Studies from Indiana University where she met Caldwell and was

ish Studies and is Professor of English at Indiana Univer-

captivated by his work and writings. She has published articles in

sity Bloomington. He is author of A Double Dying: Reflec-

Environmental Practice: Journal of the National Association of

tions on Holocaust Literature (1980) and Imagining Hitler

Environmental Professionals.

(1985) and editor of Thinking about the Holocaust: After Half a Century (1997) and Resurgent Antisemitism: Global Perspectives (2013), all published by Indiana University Press.

NOW AVAILABLE Judaica, Holocaust World 328 pages, 6 1/8 x 9 ¼ Paper 978-0-253-01197-8 $22.00t £16.99 NOW IN PAPERBACK 8 • 1.800.842.6796

December 2013 Biography, Environmental World 480 pages, 32 b&w illus., 6 x 9 Cloth 978-0-253-01030-8 $45.00t £34.00 eBook 978-0-253-01037-7 $38.99t £28.99

indiana university press

Looking After

Minidoka An American Memoir

Looking After Minidoka An American Memoir Neil Nakadate

My Life as a

Silent Movie

My Life as a Silent Movie A Novel Jesse Lee Kercheval

A N ov e l

n e i l n a k a d at e

A Japanese family’s memory of WWII America This is the compelling and disturbing true story of a World War II “relocation center,” where Japanese Americans were imprisoned by the US government. Looking After Minidoka blends history, poetry, family narratives, and personal insights to tell the story of one family’s internment. Spanning three generations, this chronicle of origins and imagination, ambition and hope, insiders and outsiders, trauma and silent tears, speaks to issues that still affect many Americans today. An unpleasant memory for Nakadate’s family and the 10,000 others who were imprisoned at the camp, Minidoka is a reminder of an invisible and almost forgotten life,

Jesse Lee KerchevaL

A discovery that remakes a grieving woman’s identity After losing her husband and daughter in an auto accident, 42-year-old Emma flies to Paris, discovers she has a twin brother whose existence she had not known about, and learns that her birth parents weren’t the Americans who raised her in Indiana, but a White Russian film star of the 1920s and a French Stalinist. A story about identity and the shaping function of art, My Life as a Silent Movie presents a vividly rendered world and poses provocative questions on the relationship of art to life.

and what it can mean to be foreign in America.

Jesse Lee Kercheval is author of 12 books including Brazil,

Neil Nakadate is Emeritus Professor of English, Iowa State

poetry collection Cinema Muto, winner of the Crab Orchard Open


Selection Award; and The Alice Stories, winner of the Prairie

“This is a compelling story, one that deserves to be far better known than it is. . . . This book is very well written. It is clear,

winner of the Ruthanne Wiley Memorial Novella Award; the

Schooner Fiction Book Prize. She teaches in the creative writing program at the University of Wisconsin.

well organized, and rises here and there to a quiet grandeur. . . . It is much more than a labor of love, for his love is backed by solid industry and intellectual craft.” —David Hamilton, author of Deep River: A Memoir of a Missouri Farm

Michael Martone, editor

Michael Martone, editor

October 2013 Memoir, American Studies World 204 pages, 19 b&w illus., 6 x 9 Paper 978-0-253-01102-2 $20.00t £14.99 eBook 978-0-253-01111-4 $17.99t £13.99

September 2013 Fiction World 224 pages, 6 x 9 Paper 978-0-253-01024-7 $22.00t £16.99 eBook 978-0-253-01025-4 $18.99t £13.99


indiana university press

Saturday Night Live and American TV Edited by Nick Marx, Matt Sienkiewicz, and Ron Becker

Exploring the evolution of media culture through SNL For over 35 years, “Live from New York, it’s Saturday Night!” has greeted late night– TV viewers looking for the best in sketch comedy and popular music. SNL is the variety show that launched the careers of a mass of comedians including Dan Aykroyd, Chevy Chase, Chris Farley, Will Ferrell, Tina Fey, Amy Poehler, and Adam Sandler, among others. Week after week, SNL has produced unforgettable sketches and provocative political satire, adapting to changing times while staying true to its original vision of performing timely topical humor. With essays that address issues ranging from race and gender to authorship and comedic performance, “Saturday Night Live” and American TV follows the history of this 36-time Emmy-winning show and its place in the shifting social and media landscape of American television. Ron Becker is Associate Professor of Media Studies at Miami University of Ohio where he is also an affiliate of the American Studies, Film Studies, and Women’s, “The editors of this volume have produced a book that is not just important but vital. “Saturday Night Live” and American TV offers a diversity of perspectives, and the essays are strong from start to finish. It stands out as distinctive.” —Christine Becker, author of It’s the Pictures That Got Small: Hollywood Film Stars on 1950s Television

Gender, and Sexuality Studies programs. He is the author of Gay TV and Straight America. Nick Marx is Visiting Assistant Professor of Critical Media and Cultural Studies at Rollins College. Matt Sienkiewicz is Assistant Professor of Communication and International Studies at Boston College.



Music Media and

identity in

a m e r I ca n I d o l K at h e r i n e L . M e i z e L

October 2013 Film & Media, Popular Culture World 264 pages, 25 b&w illus., 6 x 9 Cloth 978-0-253-01077-3 $70.00L £53.00 Paper 978-0-253-01082-7 $25.00t £18.99 eBook 978-0-253-01090-2 $21.99t £16.99 10 • 1.800.842.6796

Also of Interest

The Year’s Work in Lebowski Studies Paper 978-0-253-22136-0 $24.95t idolized Paper 978-0-253-22271-8 $22.95t

indiana university press

Handsome Heroes and Vile Villains Masculinity in Disney’s Feature Films Amy M. Davis

Exploring depictions of men and boys in Disney movies From the iconic Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937) to Tangled, the 2010 retelling of Rapunzel, Handsome Heroes and Vile Villains looks at the portrayal of male characters in Disney films from the perspective of masculinity studies and feminist film theory. This companion volume to Good Girls and Wicked Witches places these depictions within the context of Hollywood and American popular culture at the time of each film’s release. Amy M. Davis is author of Good Girls and Wicked Witches: Changing Representations of Women in Disney’s Feature Animation, 1937-2001 (IUP, 2006) and a Lecturer in the Film Studies Department at the University of Hull.

Also of Interest Good Girls and Wicked Witches Paper 978-0-86196-673-8 $24.95s

September 2013 Film & Media North America and Asia 276 pages, 6 x 9 Paper 9780-86196-704-9 $25.00t D istributed for John Libbey Publishing


indiana university press

Jean-Luc Godard, Cinema Historian

rd a d o G c u Jean-L

Michael Witt

A guide to Godard’s groundbreaking film history Originally released as a videographic experiment in film history, Jean-Luc Godard’s Histoire(s) du cinéma has been widely hailed as a landmark in how we think about and narrate cinema history, and in how history is taught through cinema. In this stunningly illustrated volume, Michael Witt explores Godard’s landmark work as both


rian o t s i H a inem Michael Wit t

a specimen of an artist’s vision and a philosophical statement on the history of film. Witt contextualizes Godard’s theories and approaches to historiography and provides a guide to the wide-ranging cinematic, aesthetic, and cultural forces that shaped Godard’s groundbreaking ideas on the history of cinema. Michael Witt is co-director of the Centre for Research in Film and Audiovisual Cultures at University of Roehampton in London. He is co-editor of several books on French film including Jean-Luc Godard: Documents; The French Cinema Book; and For Ever Godard.

SPINE Keathley Cinephilia and History, or e Wind in the Trees Indiana

Film studies Cinephilia and History, or e Wind in the Trees Christian Keathley “An old-fashioned SAT analogy question might once have looked like this: Cinephilia is to lm as __________ is to any other object of study (e.g., literature, physics). While lm theory has oen lled in that blank with pejoratives (buffism, fandom), Christian Keathley’s thrilling book re-denes cinephilia as the energy source for writing and thinking about the movies, a means of discovering what André Bazin found central to lmmaking’s richest tradition.” —Robert B. Ray

Cinephilia and History,

“e pleasure of cinephilia tends to be both frowned upon and neglected in academic lm studies. Christian Keathley takes it seriously enough to examine certain aspects of it in detail, and Cinephilia and History, or e Wind in the Trees offers a lively and creative approach to the subject. I was especially intrigued by the audacious treatment of André Bazin as a proto-surrealist.” —Jonathan Rosenbaum Cinephiles have regularly fetishized contingent, marginal details in the motion picture image: the gesture of a hand, the wind in the trees. Christian Keathley demonstrates that the spectatorial tendency that produces such cinematic encounters—a viewing practice marked by a dri in visual attention away from the primary visual elements on display—in fact has clear links to the origins of lm as dened by André Bazin, Roland Barthes, and others. Keathley explores the implications of this ontology and proposes the “cinephiliac anecdote” as a new type of criticism, a method of historical writing that both imitates and extends the experience of these fugitive moments. Christian Keathley is Assistant Professor in the Film and Media Culture Program at Middlebury College, Vermont.

or The Wind in the Trees

Indiana University Press logo 1-800-842-6796

C H R I S T I A N M. K E A T H L E Y

Jane Campion

Authorship & Personal Cinema

A listA ir Fox

Cover photo: Les Films du Carrosse/Photofest

November 2013 Film & Media World 416 pages, 261 color illus., 7 x 9 Cloth 978-0-253-00722-3 $110.00L £83.00 Paper 978-0-253-00728-5 $45.00t £34.00 eBook 978-0-253-00730-8 $38.99t £28.99 12 • 1.800.842.6796

Also of Interest

Cinephilia and History, or The Wind in the Trees Paper 978-0-253-21795-0 $20.00s Jane Campion Paper 978-0-253-22301-2 $26.95t

indiana university press

Orson Welles in Italy

OrsOn Welles

Alberto Anile Translated by Marcus Perryman

Welles’s stormy years of exile in Italy Fleeing a Hollywood that spurned him, Orson Welles arrived in Italy in 1947 to begin his career anew. Far from being welcomed as the celebrity who directed and starred in Citizen Kane, his six-year exile in Italy was riddled with controversy,

in Italy

financial struggles, disastrous love affairs, and failed projects. Alberto Anile’s book depicts the artist’s life and work in Italy, including his reception by the Italian press, his contentious interactions with key political figures, and his artistic output, which culminated in the filming of Othello. Drawing on revelatory new material on the artist’s personal and professional life abroad, Orson Welles in Italy also chronicles Italian cinema’s transition from the social concerns of neorealism to the alienated characters in films such as Federico Fellini’s La Dolce Vita, amid the cultural politics

Alberto Anile Translated by Marcus Perryman

of postwar Europe and the beginnings of the cold war. Alberto Anile is an Italian film critic and journalist. He is author of several books and essays about director Roberto Rossellini and comedy actor Totò. His last book (with Maria Gabriella Giannice) concerns Luchino Visconti’s The Leopard.

“Anile’s carefully documented and illustrated chronicle promises to overturn—or at the very least, challenge—certain received ideas about

Marcus Perryman is editor and translator (with Peter Robinson) of The Selected Poetry and Prose of Vittorio Sereni. “This is a path-breaking study that will be useful both to Welles scholars and to students of Italian cinema.” —James O. Naremore, author of The Magic World of Orson Welles

StardoM I ta l I a n S t y l e


in Early American Cinema

Marcia Landy

Also of Interest

ambivalent as his reputation in the US.” —Jonathan Rosenbaum, author of Discovering Orson Welles

FranÇois TruFFauT The LosT secreT

Anne Gillain

Screen Performance and Personality in Italian Cinema

Welles’s European reputation by revealing that it was in some ways as checkered and as

Translated by Alistair Fox

Race, Landscape, and the Picturesque Giorgio Bertellini

Stardom, Italian Style Paper 978-0-253-22008-0 $22.95s Italy in Early American Cinema Paper 978-0-253-22128-5 $24.95s François Truffaut Paper 978-0-253-00839-8 $30.00t

October 2013 Film & Media World 352 pages, 29 b&w illus., 6 x 9 Cloth 978-0-253-01041-4 $85.00L £64.00 Paper 978-0-253-01048-3 $30.00t £22.99


indiana university press

Jethro Tull’s Thick as a Brick and A Passion Play Inside Two Long Songs Tim Smolko

JeThro ThIck as a BrIck and


A Passion Play

A tour of the legendary concept albums Since the 1960s, British progressive rock band Jethro Tull has pushed the technical and compositional boundaries of rock music by infusing its musical output with traditions drawn from classical, folk, jazz, and world music. The release of Thick as a Brick (1972)

InsIde Two Long songs

and A Passion Play (1973) won the group legions of new followers and topped the Billboard charts in the United States, among the most unusual albums ever to do so. Tim Smolko explores the large-scale form, expansive instrumentation, and complex arrangements that characterize these two albums, each composed of one continuous

TIm smoLko

song. Featuring insights from Ian Anderson and in-depth musical analysis, Smolko discusses the band’s influence on popular culture and why many consider Thick as a Brick and A Passion Play to be two of the greatest concept albums in rock history.

“Tim Smolko’s book makes a significant

Tim Smolko is Music Librarian at the University of Georgia.

contribution to the literature in popular music studies and musicology. Furthermore, it is an important addition to the available literature on Jethro Tull, which—despite their commercial success and longevity—has not been rewarded as of yet with sustained analytical study.” —Kevin Holm-Hudson, author of Genesis and The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway

Profiles in Popular Music, Jeffrey Magee and Felicia Miyakawa, editors



Rock Music, Middle anD the


September 2013 Music World 232 pages, 10 b&w illus., 28 music exx., 6 x 9 Cloth 978-0-253-01026-1 $70.00L £54.00 Paper 978-0-253-01031-5 $25.00t £18.99 eBook 978-0-253-01038-4 $21.99t £16.99 14 • 1.800.842.6796

D r e a m i n g i n m i D D l e tow n

Chris M C DonalD

Also of Interest

Rush, Rock Music, and the Middle Class Paper 978-0-253-22149-0 $22.95t Radiohead and the Resistant Concept Album Paper 978-0-253-22272-5 $24.00s

indiana university press

Jascha Heifetz

Jascha heifetz 5

Early Years in Russia Galina Kopytova Translated and edited by Dario Sarlo and Alexandra Sarlo

Early Years in Russia

A musical prodigy’s path to greatness Notoriously reticent about his early years, violinist Jascha Heifetz famously reduced the story of his childhood to “Born in Russia. First lessons at 3. Debut in Russia at 7. Debut in Carnegie Hall at 17. That’s all there is to say.” Tracing his little-known upbringing, Jascha Heifetz uncovers the events and experiences that shaped one of the modern era’s most unique talents and enigmatic personalities. Using previously unstudied archival materials and interviews with family and friends, this biography explores Heifetz’s meteoric rise in the Russian music world—from his first violin lessons with his father, to his studies at the St. Petersburg Conservatory with the well-known pedagogue Leopold Auer, to his tours throughout Russia and Europe.

Galina Kopytova Translated and edited by Dario Sarlo and Alexandra Sarlo

Spotlighting Auer’s close-knit circle of musicians, Galina Kopytova underscores the lives of artists in Russia’s “Silver Age”—an explosion of artistic activity amid the rapid social and political changes of the early 20th century. Galina Kopytova is a scholar and archivist specializing in the history of Russian musical culture. She heads the Office of Manuscripts of the Russian Institute for the History of the Arts in Saint Petersburg and is author of The Society for Jewish Folk Music in St. Petersburg-Petrograd (in Russian) and co-author of From the History of Jewish Music in Russia (in Russian). Dario Sarlo worked as a researcher on the documentary Jascha Heifetz: God’s Fiddler by Peter Rosen Productions. He is a musicologist, violinist, and writer for The Strad. Alexandra Sarlo has studied and conducted research in Russia, Slovakia, Serbia, and Ukraine.

Russian Music Studies, Malcolm Hamrick Brown, founding editor

Menahem Pressler Artistry in Piano Teaching W i l l i a m BroW n

Also of Interest

Ignaz Friedman Cloth 978-0-253-35310-8 $39.95s Menahem Pressler Cloth 978-0-253-35241-5 $28.00t

November 2013 Music, Biography, Russia & Eastern Europe World 464 pages, 77 b&w illus., 6 x 9 Cloth 978-0-253-01076-6 $45.00t £34.00 eBook 978-0-253-01089-6 $38.99t £28.99


indiana university press

A Legacy of Armenian Treasures

“For centuries Armenia did not exist as an independent

A Legacy of Armenian Treasures

Testimony to a People

Testimony to a People— The Alex and Marie Manoogian Museum

state, yet its clerics, poets, artists, and musicians maintained and cultivated a cultural heritage of

extraordinary beauty. A people can survive, even thrive, under alien imperial powers, if its sense of identity

is continued. Here we see how manuscript painters, church builders, and writers carried on the idea of

Armenian civilization through a millennium. This

exquisite volume brings to us a vivid portrait of a people

whom no empire was able to extinguish. The Manoogian Museum and this beautiful catalog reveal a glorious, gorgeous past of a determined people.” RONALD GRIGOR SUNY

Edmond Y. Azadian, Executive Editor

Charles Tilly Collegiate Professor of Social and Political History, The University of Michigan; Emeritus Professor of Political Science and History, The University of Chicago


Sylvie L. Merian, Editorial Coordinator Lucy Ardash, General Coordinator

he Alex and Marie Manoogian Museum in

Southfield, Michigan, holds the largest and most representative gathering of Armenian art

and artifacts outside Armenia. Currently numbering over 1,500 items, the collection includes illuminated manuscripts, early printed books, rugs and carpets, sacred vessels and vestments, textiles and embroidery,

Illuminates the rich history and culture of Armenia through its arts and artifacts

ceramics, metalwork, paintings, practical and personal objects, ancient and medieval coins, and objects from Urartu, the ancient kingdom that flourished in the

Armenian Highlands from the ninth to the early sixth century b.c.

A Legacy of Armenian Treasures: Testimony to a People – The Alex and Marie Manoogian Museum — features more than one hundred and sixty of the museum’s most

A Legacy of Armenian Treasures THE ALEX AND MARIE


Testimony to a People

important and beautiful pieces, each one of which is reproduced in color and accompanied by a detailed entry. This volume brings together the work of nine scholars

The Alex and Marie Manoogian Museum in Michigan holds the largest and

of Armenian art and artifacts in texts that shed light

not only on the artistic significance of the objects under discussion but on their cultural context as well.

most representative collection of Armenian art and artifacts outside Armenia,

Among the highlights of the volume are a magnificent Urartian bronze belt and an intricate Urartian silver bracelet; a selection of coins from the Artaxiad and

Roupenian dynasties; a manuscript illuminated by the

including illuminated manuscripts, early printed books, rugs and carpets,

famous scribe-artist Sargis Pitsak; a copy of the first printed Armenian Bible (1666) by Oskan Erevants’i

acquired in Dacca (Dakha), Bangledesh; a brass tray depicting Armenian royalty found in Australia; a

khach‘k‘ar (cross-stone) from a cemetery in Noraduz,

sacred and religious objects, textiles and embroidery, ceramics, metalwork,

Soviet Armenia; ancient manuscripts and rugs rescued from historic Armenia; an Armenian “orphan rug”;







seascapes by Ivan Aivazovsky; and many other items.

paintings, coins, and ancient objects ranging in date from the Bronze Age to

Continued on back flap

the post-Urartian period. A Legacy of Armenian Treasures features more “For centuries Armenia did not exist as an independent state, yet its clerics, poets, artists, and musicians maintained and cultivated a cultural heritage of extraordinary beauty. A people can survive, even thrive, under alien imperial powers, if its sense of identity is continued. Here we see how manuscript illuminators, church builders, and writers carried on the idea of Armenian civilization through a millennium. This exquisite volume brings to us a vivid portrait of a people whom no empire was able to extinguish. The Manoogian Museum and this beautiful book reveal a glorious, gorgeous past of a determined people.” —Ronald Grigor Suny, University of Michigan

than 160 of the museum’s most important pieces, each reproduced in full color and accompanied by a detailed description. Essays and catalog entries by nine preeminent scholars of Armenian art and artifacts shed light not only on the artistic significance of these objects but on their cultural context as well. Edmond Y. Azadian is Advisor to the Alex and Marie Manoogian Museum and Advisor from the Diaspora to the Ministry of Culture of Armenia. His books include Portraits and Profiles and History on the Move. Sylvie L. Merian is a librarian at the Pierpont Morgan Library in New York. She holds a Ph.D. in Armenian Studies with a specialization in Armenian manuscripts and codicology. Lucy Ardash is Director of the Alex and Marie Manoogian Museum.

The Islamic Manuscript Tradition

Picturing History at the

Ottoman Court EmIne Fet vacı

Now available Art & Architecture, Middle East World excluding Armenia 336 pages, 250 color illus., 113/4 x 113/4 Cloth 978-0-578-1377-7 $75.00t £61.00 D istributed for the Alex and Marie Manoogian Museum

16 • 1.800.842.6796

Ten CenTur Ies of Book A rTs in IndIAnA unIversIT y ColleCTIons

Edited by Chr istiane Gruber

Also of Interest

The Islamic Manuscript Tradition Cloth 978-0-253-35377-1 $39.95s Picturing History at the Ottoman Court Cloth 978-0-253-00678-3 $45.00s

indiana university press

A new series of short digital books that focus on contemporary, historical, and regional issues for the discerning reader

Jazzwomen Speak Jazzwomen Speak Interviews with Six Musicians An Excerpt from Jazzwomen

Wayne Enstice Janis Stockhouse

Victory at Gettysburg

Interviews with Six Musicians An Excerpt from Jazzwomen

Victory at Gettysburg

An Excerpt from G ettysburg H eroes

An Excerpt from Gettysburg Heroes

Glenn W. LaFantasie

Glenn W. LaFantasie

Wayne Enstice and Janis Stockhouse

Playing and performing in a man’s world

How key characters withstood the civil war

A woman in jazz. How was she treated on- and offstage? What

The Civil War generation saw its world in ways startlingly different

was it like to play with Dizzy Gillespie or Charlie Parker? How did

from our own. Glenn W. LaFantasie examines the lives and

she balance her personal and professional life? In six illuminating

experiences of several key personalities who gained fame during

interviews, female jazz musicians discuss the challenges of being

the war. As a turning point in the war, Gettysburg had a different

a woman in a scene historically dominated by men. Jazzwomen

effect on each person. Victory at Gettysburg captures the human

Speak gathers the voices of women whose careers highlight the

drama of the war and shows how this group of individuals endured

bebop and post-bop era of jazz, as they share stories of their

or succumbed to the war and, willingly or unwillingly, influenced

musical training and entrance into the jazz world, relationships

its outcome. At the same time, it shows how the war shaped the

and encounters with other musicians, limitations on the bandstand

lives of these individuals, putting them through ordeals they never

and in the recording studio, and how being a female musician has

dreamed they would face or survive. The battle of Gettysburg is the

formed their musical performances over time.

thread that ties these Civil War lives together.

Wayne Enstice is Professor and former Director at the School of

Glenn W. LaFantasie is author of Twilight at Little Round Top,

Art, University of Cincinnati. He is author (with Janis Stockhouse) of

Gettysburg Requiem: The Life of William C. Oates, and Gettysburg

Jazzwomen: Conversations with Twenty-One Musicians (IUP, 2004).

Heros: Perfect Soldiers, Hallowed Ground (IUP, 2008).

Janis Stockhouse is Director of Bands at Bloomington High School North in Bloomington, Indiana.

August 2013 Music World eBook 978-0-253-01058-2 $4.99t £4.99

july 2013 Civil War World eBook 978-0-253-01193-0 $3.99t £3.99


indiana university press

Tomorrow’s Air Force


Air Force

Tracing the Past, Shaping the Future Jeffrey J. Smith

TrAcing The pAsT, shAping The FuTure

Adapting American air power in the 21st century Looking ahead to future airpower requirements, this engaging and ground-breaking book on the history and future of American combat airpower argues that the USAF must adapt to the changes that confront it or risk decline into irrelevance. To provide decision makers with the necessary analytical tools, Jeffrey J. Smith uses organizational modeling to help explain historical change in the USAF and to anticipate change in the future. While the analysis and conclusions it offers may prove controversial, the book aims to help planners make better procurement decisions, institute appropriate long-term policy, and better organize, train, and equip the USAF for the future. j e F F r e y j. s m i T h

Colonel Jeffrey J. Smith, US Air Force, is the Chair of the International Security Studies Department at Air War College, Maxwell Air Force Base. An Air Force pilot

“According to Smith, leadership must adapt and prepare for a future battle space that is more technologically dependent, operationally dispersed, and focused away from air combat to air support and enhancement. It is a bold and courageous clarion call from a highly respected

with over 2,500 flying hours, he has served in numerous command and staff positions. “Col. Smith has a great grasp of what the forthcoming debate will require. The Congress must reduce the spending at the very time our enemies are overtaking our capabilities. The debate needs to be engaged now. This book comes on the scene at just the right time.” — Denny Smith, former US Congressman and Air Force F-4 pilot

serving officer that should be read and heeded by anyone interested in the future of the US Air Force.” —Everett Dolman, School of Advanced Airpower Studies


Crusader for Air Power

November 2013 War & Military World 264 pages, 24 b&w illus., 6 x 9 Cloth 978-0-253-01078-0 $35.00t £25.99 eBook 978-0-253-01092-6 $27.99t £21.99

18 • 1.800.842.6796

Alfred F. Hurley

Also of Interest

Billy Mitchell Paper 978-0-253-20180-5 $19.95t

indiana university press

Prelude to Blitzkrieg The 1916 Austro-German Campaign in Romania Michael B. Barrett

Origins of lightning war on the Eastern Front in WWI In contrast to the trench-war deadlock on the Western Front, combat in Romania and Transylvania in 1916 foreshadowed the lightning warfare of WWII. When Romania joined the Allies and invaded Transylvania without warning, the Germans responded by unleashing a campaign of bold, rapid infantry movements, with cavalry providing

Prelude to

Blitzkrieg The 1916 Austro-German Campaign in Romania Michael B. Barrett

cover or pursuing the crushed foe. Hitting where least expected and advancing before the Romanians could react—even bombing their capital from a Zeppelin soon after war was declared—the Germans and Austrians poured over the formidable Transylvanian Alps onto the plains of Walachia, rolling up the Romanian army from west to east, and driving the shattered remnants into Russia. Prelude to Blitzkrieg tells the story of this largely ignored campaign to determine why it did not devolve into the mud and misery of trench warfare, so ubiquitous elsewhere. Michael B. Barrett is Professor of History at the Citadel and Brigadier General (retired), US Army Reserve. He is author of Operation Albion: The German Conquest of the Baltic Islands (IUP, 2008).

Twentieth-Century Battles, Spencer C. Tucker, editor

Also of Interest

The Brusilov Offensive Cloth 978-0-253-35130-2 $28.00s Operation Albion Cloth 978-0-253-34969-9 $29.95t

October 2013 War & Military, WWI World 400 pages, 32 b&w illus., 15 maps, 6 x 9 Cloth 978-0-253-00865-7 $45.00t £29.99 eBook 978-0-253-00870-1 $34.99t £25.99


indiana university press

War and Technology Jeremy Black

Technology’s role in military affairs—past, present, and future In this engaging book, Jeremy Black argues that technology neither acts as an


and gy technolo

independent variable nor operates without major limitations. This includes its capacity to obtain end results, as technology’s impact is far from simple and its pathways are by no means clear. After considering such key conceptual points, Black discusses important technological advances in weaponry and power projection from sailing warships to aircraft carriers, muskets to tanks, balloons to unmanned drones— in each case, taking into account what difference these advances made. He addresses not only firepower but also power projection and technologies of logistics, command, and control. Examining military technologies in their historical context and the

ack j eremy bl

present centered on the Revolution in Military Affairs and Military Transformation, Black then forecasts possible future trends. Jeremy Black is Professor of History at the University of Exeter. He is author of more

“Clear, concise, and thoughtful. An eminently readable synthesis of historical literature on technology and war . . . with analyses of the

than 100 books including Fighting for America: The Struggle for Mastery in North America, 1519-1871 (IUP, 2011) and War and the Cultural Turn. Black received the Samuel Eliot Morison Prize from the Society for Military History in 2008.

limitations of the impact of technology on warfare.” —John France, author of Perilous Glory: The Rise of Western Military Power

Warfare in Woods and

forests QQQ Anthony ClAyton

Fig hting For

A m e r i cA

The Struggle for Mastery in North America, 1519-1871 Jeremy Black

August 2013 War & Military World 336 pages, 6 x 9 Cloth 978-0-253-00984-5 $35.00t £20.99 eBook 978-0-253-00989-0 $23.99t £18.99 20 • 1.800.842.6796

Also of Interest

Warfare in Woods and Forests Cloth 978-0-253-35688-8 $29.95t Fighting for America Cloth 978-0-253-35660-4 $39.95t

indiana university press

The Rock Line Island

The Rock Island Line

John Frank Stevens Civil Engineer Clifford Foust

John Frank Stevens Civil Engineer

Bill Marvel Clifford Foust

Bill Marvel

The story of a pioneering railroad

The LIFE of a civil engineer extraordinaire

This richly illustrated volume tells the story of a legendary railroad

One of America’s foremost civil engineers of the past 150 years,

whose tracks spanned the Midwest, serving farms and small-town

John Frank Stevens was a railway reconnaissance and location

America for more than 140 years. One of the earliest railroads

engineer whose reputation was made on the Canadian Pacific and

to build westward from Chicago, it was the first to span the

Great Northern lines. Self-taught and driven by a bulldog tenacity

Mississippi, advancing the frontier, bringing settlers into the West,

of purpose, he was hired by Theodore Roosevelt as chief engineer

and hauling their crops to market. Rock Island’s celebrated Rocket

of the Panama Canal, creating a technical achievement far ahead of

passenger trains also set a standard for speed and service, with

its time. Stevens also served for more than five years as the head of

suburban runs as familiar to Windy City commuters as the Loop.

the US Advisory Commission of Railway Experts to Russia and as

For most of its existence, the Rock battled competitors much larger

a consultant who contributed to many engineering feats, including

and richer than itself and when it finally succumbed, the result was

the control of the Mississippi River after the disastrous floods of

one of the largest business bankruptcies ever. Today, as its engines

1927 and construction of the Boulder (Hoover) Dam. Drawing on

and stock travel the busy main lines operated by other carriers, the

Stevens’s surviving personal papers and materials from projects

Rock Island Line lives on in the hearts of those whom it employed

with which he was associated, Clifford Foust offers an illuminating

and served.

look into the life of an accomplished civil engineer.

Bill Marvel has been a newspaper journalist and freelance writer

Clifford Foust is Professor Emeritus of History, University of

for 49 years. He is author (with R. V. Burgin) of Islands of the


Damned: A Marine at War in the Pacific.

Railroads Past and Present, George M. Smerk, editor

Railroads Past and Present, George M. Smerk, editor

August 2013 Railroads & Transportation World 192 pages, 104 color illus., 42 b&w illus., 81/2 x 11 Cloth 978-0-253-01127-5 $50.00t £38.00 eBook 978-0-253-01131-2 $42.99t £35.99

October 2013 Railroads & Transportation World 344 pages, 11 b&w illus., 4 maps, 6 x 9 Cloth 978-0-253-01061-2 $39.00t £28.99 eBook 978-0-253-01069-8 $33.99t £25.99


indiana university press

T h E l AT E C r E TAC E o u s o f s o u T h E r n u TA h

At t h e to p o f th e Gr A n d StA irc ASe Edited by A l A n l . T i T u s and M A r k A . l o E w E n

At the Top of the Grand Staircase

Fossils oF the

Carpathian region

The Late Cretaceous of Southern Utah Edited by Alan L. Titus and Mark A. Loewen

The Fossils of the Carpathian Region ´´ István Fozy and István Szente

istvÁn FÓzy Ó and istvÁn szente

English Text Editor Gareth Dyke

A comprehensive overview of a spectacular US fossil site

A complete reference guide to the fossils of Hungary

The Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument in Utah is the location of one of the best-known terrestrial records for the late Cretaceous. A major effort in the new century has documented over 2,000 new vertebrate fossil sites, provided new radiometric dates, and identified five new genera of ceratopsids, two new species of hadrosaur, a probable new genus of hypsilophodontid, new pachycephalosaurs and ankylosaurs, several kinds of theropods (including a new genus of oviraptor and a new tyrannosaur), plus the most complete specimen of a Late Cretaceous therizinosaur ever collected from North America, and much more. At the Top of the Grand Staircase: The Late Cretaceous of Southern Utah documents this major stepping stone toward a synthesis of the ecology and evolution of the Late Cretaceous ecosystems of western North America.

István Főzy and István Szente provide a comprehensive review of the fossil record of the Carpathian Basin in modern-day Hungary. The Fossils of the Carpathian Region describes and illustrates the region’s fossils, recounts their history, and tells the stories of key people involved in paleontological research in the area. In addition to covering all the important fossils of this region, special attention is given to rare finds and complete skeletons. The region’s fossils range from tiny foraminifera to the huge Transylvanian dinosaurs, mastodons, and mammals. The book also gives nonspecialists the opportunity to gain a basic understanding of paleontology. Sidebars present brief biographies of important figures and explain how to collect, prepare, and interpret fossils.

Alan L. Titus is Monument Paleontologist at Grand Staircase– Escalante National Monument in Utah and Adjunct Curator, Natural History Museum of Utah. Mark A. Loewen is Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Geology and Geophysics, University of Utah and Research Associate, Natural History Museum of Utah.

´´ István FOzy is Research Scientist and Curator of the Paleontological Department of the Hungarian Natural History Museum, Budapest.

István Szente is Curator of Paleontology Museum of Natural History, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest. Gareth Dyke is Senior Lecturer, Vertebrate Palaeontology, University of Southhampton.

Life of the Past, James O. Farlow, editor

Life of the Past, James O. Farlow, editor

September 2013 Science, Paleontology World 824 pages, 338 b&w illus., 81/2 x 11 Cloth 978-0-253-00883-1 $85.00t £65.00 eBook 978-0-253-00896-1 $72.99s £54.99

November 2013 Science, Paleontology World 556 pages, 446 color illus., 7 maps, 81/2 x 11 Cloth 978-0-253-00982-1 $110.00t £83.00 eBook 978-0-253-00987-6 $89.99s £67.99

22 • 1.800.842.6796

indiana university press

Sabertooth Mauricio Antón Life and times of the big tooth beasts With their spectacularly enlarged canines, sabertooth cats are among the most popular of prehistoric animals, yet it is surprising how little information about them is available for the curious layperson. What’s more, there were other sabertooths that were not cats, animals with exotic names like nimravids, barbourofelids, and thylacosmilids. Some were no taller than a domestic cat, others were larger than a lion, and some


were as weird as their names suggest. Sabertooths continue to pose questions even for specialists. What did they look like? How did they use their spectacular canine teeth? And why did they finally go extinct? In this visual and intellectual treat of a book, Mauricio Antón tells their story in words and pictures, all scrupulously based on the latest scientific research. The book is a glorious wedding of science and art that celebrates the remarkable diversity of the life of the not-so-distant past. Mauricio Antón has painted paleo murals for the Sabadell Museum in Spain, the

Mauricio antón

Museo de Ciencias Naturales de Madrid, the Florida Museum of Natural History, and the American Museum of Natural History. He has co-authored and illustrated numerous books, including Dogs: Their Fossil Relatives and Evolutionary History; The National Geographic Book of Prehistoric Mammals; Evolving Eden; Mammoths, Sabertooths, and Hominids; and The Big Cats and Their Fossil Relatives.

“Mauricio Antón is one of the best paleoartists. What sets him apart is the fact that he is a

“The best paleomammal artist working today . . . his knowledge of sabertooths and

great carnivore paleontologist in his own

their evolution is second to none.” —Lars Werdelin, Swedish Museum of Natural

right. Probably no one else has thought more


about sabertooth than he has. As a result, his illustrations often demonstrate a particular behavior of the extinct mammal that he has personally researched or display a unique point

M e g a fa u n a giant BeaStS oF PleiStocene South ameRica

of view.” —Xiaoming Wang, Natural History Museum of Los Angeles

R i c h a R d a . Fa R i ñ a S e R g i o F. V i z c a í n o geRRy de iuliiS

Also of Interest

Megafauna Cloth 978-0-253-00230-3 $65.00t

Life of the Past, James O. Farlow, editor October 2013 Science, Paleontology World 328 pages, 149 color illus., 7 x 10 Cloth 978-0-253-01042-1 $50.00t £38.00 eBook 978-0-253-01049-0 $42.99t £32.99


indiana university press

Mr. Penrose The Journal of Penrose, Seaman William Williams Introduction and Notes by David Howard Dickason With an Afterword by Sarah Wadsworth


Penrose The Journal of Penrose, seaman

William Williams I n T r o d u c T I o n a n d n o T e s b y d av I d h o wa r d d I c k a s o n w I T h a n a f T e r w o r d b y s a r a h wa d s w o r T h

“Sarah Wadsworth expertly positions Williams’s novel to contribute to current transnational and postnational scholarship. In this timely edition, she demonstrates that including Mr. Penrose in the conversation about the earliest American novels helps to reveal the rich, complicated nature of their history.” —Cristine Levenduski, author of Peculiar Power: A Quaker Woman Preacher in Eighteenth-Century America “This new paperback edition of Williams’s novel makes a significant contribution to early American literary and cultural studies. It is well suited to contribute to new scholarly trends, which are moving solidly in the direction of transatlantic study, colonialism, ecocriticism, and indigenous people studies.” —Paul Gutjahr, author of The Book of Mormon: A Biography August 2013 Literature World 400 pages, 3 b&w illus., 2 maps, 51/2 x 81/4 Paper 978-0-253-01047-6 $24.00t £17.99 eBook 978-0-253-01052-0 $20.99t £15.99

24 • 1.800.842.6796

An early novel of adventure and survival on the high seas Widely considered to be the first novel written in America, Mr. Penrose narrates the adventures of a British youth who flees an unhappy home life to seek his fortune on the high seas. Having learned the sailor’s trade, Penrose survives a series of nautical mishaps, only to be cast adrift on the Moskito Coast. When rescue finally comes, Penrose refuses to abandon the new home he has made among the Indians. Equal parts travel narrative, adventure tale, and natural history, the novel reflects on some of the most pressing moral and social issues of its time: racial equality, religious freedom, and the nature of ethical, responsible government. Mr. Penrose contains the first critique of American slavery in a novel and the first sympathetic treatment of Native Americans in American fiction. In the afterword to this paperback edition, Sarah Wadsworth imparts new research on the author and his career, shedding light on the novel’s subjects and timely themes and situating Mr. Penrose at the forefront of the American literary canon. William Williams (1727-1791) was a professional painter and landscape artist who tutored a young Benjamin West. Williams primarily resided in Philadelphia and New York and is thought to have written Mr. Penrose shortly before the Revolutionary War. David Howard Dickason (1907-1974) was Professor of English at Indiana University and a specialist in American literature. He discovered William Williams’s original manuscript in Indiana University’s Lilly Library. Sarah Wadsworth is Associate Professor of English at Marquette University. She is author of In the Company of Books: Literature and Its “Classes” in NineteenthCentury America and (with Wayne A. Wiegand) of Right Here I See My Own Books: The Woman’s Building Library at the World’s Columbian Exposition.

Wa-lden X 40 E s s ay s

on ThorEau

R o b e R t b . R a- y

Also of Interest

Walden x 40 Paper 978-0-253-22354-8 $19.95s Paris 1928 Paper 978-0-253-00831-2 $25.00t

indiana university press

One Small Town, One Crazy Coach The Ireland Spuds and the 1963 Indiana High School Basketball Season Mike Roos

Hoosier Hysteria in the tradition of “The Greatest Basketball Story Ever Told”

one one

sMall Town,

CRazy CoaCh

The Ireland SpudS and The 1963 IndIana hIgh School BaSkeTBall SeaSon

In the summer of 1962, the peripatetic and irrepressible Pete Gill was hired on a whim to coach basketball at tiny Ireland High School. There he would accomplish, against enormous odds, one of the great small-town feats in Indiana basketball history. With no starters taller than 5’10”, few wins were predicted for the Spuds. Yet, after inflicting brutal preseason conditioning, employing a variety of unconventional motivational tactics, and overcoming fierce opposition, Gill molded the Spuds into a winning team that brought home the town’s first and only sectional and regional titles. Relying on narrative strategies of creative nonfiction rather than strict historical rendering, Mike Roos brings to life a colorful and varied cast of characters and provides a compelling

M i k e

R o o s

account of their struggles, wide-ranging emotions, and triumphs throughout the season. Mike Roos is Professor of English at University of Cincinnati Blue Ash College.

Also of Interest

Pioneers of the Hardwood Paper 978-0-253-21199-6 $14.95t The Greatest Basketball Story Ever Told, 50th Anniversary Edition Paper 978-0-253-21631-1 $17.95t This Is INDIANA Paper 978-0-253-00858-9 $20.00t

September 2013 Sports, Indiana World 280 pages, 8 b&w illus., 6 x 9 Paper 978-0-253-01028-5 $24.00t £17.99 eBook 978-0-253-01035-3 $20.99t £15.99


indiana university press

Historic Preservation in Indiana

Historic Preservation in I n di a n a E s s ay s f rom t h e F i e l d

Essays from the Field Edited by Nancy R. Hiller Photographs by Kristen Clement Foreword by Duncan Campbell

Personal and public values in the preservation of place Over the last half century, historic preservation has been on the rise in American cities and towns, from urban renewal and gentrification projects to painstaking restoration of Victorian homes and architectural landmarks. In this book, Nancy R. Hiller brings together individuals with distinctive styles and perspectives, to talk about their passion for preservation. They consider the meaning of place and what motivates those who work to save and care for places; the role of place in the formation of identity; the roles of individuals and organizations in preserving homes, neighborhoods, and towns; and Edited by Nancy R. Hiller Photographs by Kristen Clement

the spiritual as well as economic benefits of preservation. Richly illustrated, Historic Preservation in Indiana is an essential book for everyone who cares about preserving the past for future generations.

“Indiana is called home by individuals whose larger careers and production have been influential in the broader national discussion of public history and architecture. These reflections on the quality of place illustrate how the experience of environment for all of us is a series of choices made by regular citizens.” —Nancy Hiestand, Historic Preservation

Nancy R. Hiller is a cabinetmaker and principal designer at her firm, NR Hiller Design, Inc. She is author of A Home of Her Own (IUP, 2011) and The Hoosier Cabinet in Kitchen History (IUP, 2009) and has published articles in numerous design and woodworking magazines, including American Bungalow, Old House Interiors, and Fine Woodworking. Kristen Clement is a natural light photographer based in Bloomington, Indiana.

Program Manager, City of Bloomington, Indiana

A Home o Her own f

October 2013 Art & Architecture, Indiana World 188 pages, 16 color illus., 30 b&w illus., 6 x 9 Paper 978-0-253-01046-9 $25.00t £18.99 eBook 978-0-253-01067-4 $17.99t £13.99

26 • 1.800.842.6796

photogr aphs by

Nancy R. Hiller

Kendall Reeves

f o r e wo r d b y p a t r i c i a p o o r e

Also of Interest

99 Historic Homes of Indiana Cloth 978-0-253-34145-7 $39.95t A Home of Her Own Paper 978-0-253-22353-1 $29.95t

indiana university press

Brown County Mornings Gary Moore Foreword by James P. Eagleman

Brow n Cou n t y Mor n i ngs

Exquisite photographs of a unique region of Indiana Rolling hills, rich forests, and beautiful vistas have made Brown County, Indiana, a favorite haunt of painters and ordinary tourists. In this gorgeous collection, landscape photographer Gary Moore reveals the spirit of the place in the morning hours as it awakens to the new day. Complementing Moore’s photographs is a text by James P. Eagleman, one of the area’s lifelong naturalists, which showcases the county’s

gary Moore Foreword by James P. Eagleman

unique flora and fauna. Included with more than 100 color landscape photographs are Moore’s tips on composition, atmosphere, and lighting, encouraging readers to test their photographic creativity with whatever equipment they possess. A book to treasure, Brown County Mornings beckons visitors to enjoy this magical place at any time of day or year. Gary Moore is a retired staff photographer for the Indianapolis Star.

Also of Interest

Unexpected Indiana Cloth 978-0-253-34485-4 $35.00t Indiana Barns Cloth 978-0-253-35568-3 $29.95t Indiana Covered Bridges Cloth 978-0-253-00800-8 $30.00t

September 2013 Photography, Indiana World 152 pages, 120 color illus., 10 x 10 Cloth 978-0-253-01125-1 $40.00t £29.99 eBook 978-0-253-01129-9 $34.99t £24.99


indiana university press

Race Harmony and Black Progress

That the Blood Stay Pure African Americans, Native Americans, and the Predicament of Race and Identity in Virginia

Race Harmony and Black Progress

That the Blood Stay Pure

Arica L. Coleman


Arica L. Coleman

Jack Woofter and the Interracial Cooperation Movement Race Harmony and Black Progress

Mark Ellis

Jack Woofter and the Interracial Cooperation Movement

Mark Ellis

Drawing the lines of race, ancestry, and social status

White southern intellectuals and the “Negro Problem”

That the Blood Stay Pure traces the history and legacy of the

Founded by white males, the interracial cooperation movement

commonwealth of Virginia’s effort to maintain racial purity

flourished in the American South in the years before the New

and its impact on the relations between African Americans and

Deal. The movement sought local dialogue between the races,

Native Americans. Arica L. Coleman tells the story of Virginia’s

improvement of education, and reduction of interracial violence,

racial purity campaign from the perspective of those who were

tending the flame of white liberalism until the emergence of white

disavowed or expelled from tribal communities due to their

activists in the 1930s and after. Thomas Jackson (Jack) Woofter Jr.,

affiliation with people of African descent or because their physical

a Georgia sociologist and an authority on American race relations,

attributes linked them to those of African ancestry. Coleman also

migration, rural development, population change, and social

explores the social consequences of the racial purity ethos for tribal

security, maintained an unshakable faith in the “effectiveness of

communities that have refused to define Indian identity based on

cooperation rather than agitation.” Race Harmony and Black

a denial of blackness. This rich interdisciplinary history, which

Progress examines the movement and the tenacity of a man who

includes contemporary case studies, addresses a neglected aspect

epitomized its spirit and shortcomings. It probes the movement’s

of America’s long struggle with race and identity.

connections with late 19th-century racial thought, Northern philanthropy, black education, state politics, the Du Bois-

Arica L. Coleman is Assistant Professor of Black American

Washington controversy, the decline of lynching, the growth of the

Studies at the University of Delaware.

social sciences, and New Deal campaigns for social justice. Mark Ellis is Senior Lecturer in History at the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland, and author of Race, War,

Blacks in the Diaspora Herman L. Bennett, Kim D. Butler, Judith A. Byfield, and Tracy Sharpley-Whiting, editors

and Surveillance: African Americans and the United States

September 2013 U.S. History, African American World 288 pages, 12 b&w illus., 6 x 9 Cloth 978-0-253-01043-8 $35.00s £25.99 eBook 978-0-253-01050-6 $29.99s £23.99

October 2013 U.S. History World 412 pages, 5 b&w illus., 6 x 9 Cloth 978-0-253-01059-9 $45.00s £34.00 eBook 978-0-253-01066-7 $38.99s £28.99

28 • 1.800.842.6796

Government during World War I (IUP, 2001).

indiana university press

Making Place Space and Embodiment in the City Edited by Arijit Sen and Lisa Silverman

MAKING PLACE Space and Embodiment in the City

Body, place, and culture in urban built environments Space and place have become central to analysis of culture and history in the humanities and social sciences. Making Place examines how people engage the material and social worlds of the urban environment via the rhythms of everyday life and how bodily responses are implicated in the making and experiencing of place. The contributors introduce the concept of spatial ethnography, a new methodological approach that incorporates both material and abstract perspectives in the study of people and place, and encourages consideration of the various levels—from the personal to the planetary—at which spatial change occurs. The book’s case studies come from Costa Rica, Colombia, India, Austria, Italy, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Arijit Sen is Assistant Professor of Architecture at the University of Wisconsin-


Arijit Sen and Lisa Silverman

Milwaukee. He is editor (with Jennifer Johung) of Landscapes of Mobility: Culture, Politics, and Placemaking. Lisa Silverman is Associate Professor of History at the University of WisconsinMilwaukee. She is author of Becoming Austrians: Jews and Culture between the World Wars and editor (with Deborah Holmes) of Interwar Vienna: Culture between Tradition and Modernity.

social space as the product of movement, action, and experience, [and specifically]


concerned with how built environments are realized as social spaces.” —Stuart Rockefeller, Columbia University


place and identity formation . . . builds on the previous scholarship on bodies, memory and place while also moving our understanding of this theme in a refreshing and engaging

“Positioned in a growing anthropological and geographical literature that approaches

identity PolitiCs in Urban sPaCes

“Rich, diverse, and provocative meditations on

direction: toward the embodied, performed, and lived dimension of built environment, in both historical and contemporary perspectives.” —Abidin Kusno, University of British Columbia

Sta-rting from Quirpini


The Tra-vels a-nd Pla-ces of a- Bolivia-n People

Edited by

Diane E. Davis and

Nora Libertun de Duren

Also of Interest

Cities and Sovereignty Paper 978-0-253-22274-9 $27.95s Starting from Quirpini Paper 978-0-253-22210-7 $24.95s

Stua-rt a-lexa-nder Rockefeller

21st Century Studies Richard Grusin, General Editor December 2013 Cultural Studies World 224 pages, 22 b&w illus., 6 x 9 Cloth 978-0-253-01142-8 $80.00L £60.00 Paper 978-0-253-01143-5 $30.00s £22.99 eBook 978-0-253-01149-7 $25.99s £19.99


indiana university press

Richard E. Norman and Race Filmmaking Richard E. Norman AND Race Filmmaking Barbara Tepa Lupack

Cinema and in


West afriCa

Cinema and Development in West Africa James E. Genova

Barbara Tepa Lupack Foreword by Michael T. Martin

James E. Genova

Race relations and filmmaking in early 20th-century America

Filmmaking in service to politics and propaganda

In the early 1900s, so-called race filmmakers set out to produce

industry in Francophone West African countries played an

black-oriented pictures to counteract the racist caricatures that

important role in executing strategies of nation building during the

had dominated cinema from its inception. Richard E. Norman,

transition from French rule to the early postcolonial period. James E.

a southern-born white filmmaker, was one such pioneer. From

Genova sees the construction of African identities and economic

humble beginnings as a roving “home talent” filmmaker, re-

development as the major themes in the political literature and

creating photoplays that starred local citizens, Norman would go

cultural production of the time. Focusing on film as both industry

on to produce high-quality feature-length race pictures. Together

and aesthetic genre, he demonstrates its unique place in economic

with his better-known contemporaries Oscar Micheaux and

development and provides a comprehensive history of filmmaking

Noble and George Johnson, Norman helped to define early race

in the region during the transition from colonies to sovereign

filmmaking. Making use of unique archival resources, including


Cinema and Development in West Africa shows how the film

Norman’s personal and professional correspondence, detailed distribution records, and newly discovered original shooting

James E. Genova is Associate Professor of History at the Ohio

scripts, this book offers a vibrant portrait of race in early cinema.

State University-Marion. He is author of Colonial Ambivalence, Cultural Authenticity, and the Limitations of Mimicry in French-

Barbara T. Lupack has written extensively on American

Ruled West Africa, 1914-1956.

literature, film, and culture. She has authored or edited more than 20 books and taught at universities within the United States and abroad.

October 2013 Film & Media World 336 pages, 40 b&w illus., 6 x 9 Cloth 978-0-253-01056-8 $85.00L £64.00 Paper 978-0-253-01064-3 $30.00s £22.99 eBook 978-0-253-01072-8 $25.99s £19.99 30 • 1.800.842.6796

September 2013 Film & Media, Africa World 216 pages, 6 x 9 Cloth 978-0-253-01002-5 $70.00L £53.00 Paper 978-0-253-01008-7 $25.00s £18.99 eBook 978-0-253-01011-7 $21.99s £16.99

indiana university press

The International Film Star in the Making, 1910-1914 Importing Asta Nielsen: The International Film Star in the Making 1910–1914 Editors: Martin Loiperdinger and Uli Jung


Edited by Martin Loiperdinger and Uli Jung

Stardom and the role of film distribution Danish silent film actress Asta Nielsen became a brand name in movie houses around the globe in the early 1900s. Known simply as “The Asta,” she exhibited both a subtle eroticism and a naturalistic style in her performances, which propelled her into international stardom. Nielsen’s worldwide fame was made possible by film distributors adept at contracting long runs for films in cinemas around the world. This volume examines the role of these newly developed film distribution strategies and the resulting emergence

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Screen Culture and the Social Question 1880–1914

sents a ovative nn LeHundred ammes archiologne c de grating 1910s d pers, both y prohe Deep nternam Festi-

Importing Asta Nielsen: The International Film Star in the Making 1910–1914

art of townwhich ves and he lost

Importing Asta Nielsen

Screen Culture and the Social Question, 1880-1914 Screen Culture and the Social Question 1880–1914 Editors: Ludwig Vogl-Bienek Richard Crangle

Edited by Ludwig Vogl-Bienek and Richard Crangle


Advancing social reform with early cinema technology Public performances using the magic or optical lantern became a prominent part of the social fabric of the late 19th century. Drawing on a rich variety of primary sources, Screen Culture and the Social Question, 1880-1914 investigates the way the magic lantern and cinematograph, used at public lectures, in church services, and in electoral campaigns, became agents of social change. The essays examine how social reformers and charitable organizations used

of the international film star.

the “art of projection” to raise public awareness of the living

Martin Loiperdinger is Professor of Media Studies at the

and encouraged audiences to work to better their lot and that of

University of Trier. His publications on early cinema include articles, books, television shows, exhibitions, and DVDs. Uli Jung teaches English literature and film at the University of Trier and has published extensively on early German film.

conditions of the poor and the destitute, as they argued for reform others. Ludwig Vogl-Bienek is Senior Researcher of the Screen1900 research group at the University of Trier and a founding member of the magic lantern ensemble illuminago, which performs lantern shows internationally. Richard Crangle is Research Officer of the Magic Lantern Society.

KINtop Studies in Early Cinema

KINtop Studies in Early Cinema

august 2013 Film & Media North America and Asia 400 pages, 20 color illus., 71 b&w illus., 6 x 9 Paper 9780-86196-708-7 $35.00s D istributed for John Libbey Publishing

September 2013 Film & Media North America and Asia 276 pages, 60 b&w illus., 6 x 9 Paper 9780-86196-709-4 $30.00s D istributed for John Libbey Publishing


indiana university press

Italian Silent Cinema A Reader Edited by Giorgio Bertellini

Examining historical Italian cinema Italian Silent Cinema: A Reader explores the largely forgotten world of Italian silent cinema, including its historical epics, comedies, serials, and romance melodramas.

Italian Silent Cinema A Reader Edited by Giorgio Bertellini

Thirty essays by leading scholars examine topics such as pre-cinema, international distribution, stardom, acting styles, literary adaptation, futurism, nonfiction filmmaking, and local exhibition. This groundbreaking and richly illustrated volume introduces scholars and students alike to a wealth of films, archival documents, and critical research. Giorgio Bertellini is Associate Professor of Italian and Screen Arts and Cultures at the University of Michigan.


in Early American Cinema

Race, Landscape, and the Picturesque Giorgio Bertellini

September 2013 Film & Media North America and Asia 350 pages, 50 color illus., 50 b&w illus., 7 x 10 Paper 9780-86196-670-7 $40.00s D istributed for John Libbey Publishing

32 • 1.800.842.6796

Also of Interest

Early Cinema and the “National” Paper 978-0-86196-689-9 $32.00s Italy in Early American Cinema Paper 978-0-253-22128-5 $24.95s

indiana university press

Locating the Moving iMage New ApproAches to Film ANd plAce edited by JuliA hAllAm ANd les roberts

Locating the Moving Image New Approaches to Film and Place Edited by Julia Hallam and Les Roberts

Studying cinema as a social and cultural practice Leading scholars in the interdisciplinary field of geo-spatial visual studies examine the social experience of cinema and the different ways in which film production developed as a commercial enterprise, as a leisure activity, and as modes of expression and communication. Their research charts new pathways in mapping the relationship between film production and local film practices, theatrical exhibition circuits and cinema going, creating new forms of spatial anthropology. Topics include cinematic practices in rural and urban communities, development of cinema by amateur filmmakers, and use of GIS in mapping the spatial development of film production and cinema going as social practices. Julia Hallam and Les Roberts teach at the School of the Arts, University of Liverpool. Hallam and Roberts have worked together on two projects exploring the relationship between film and the

Troubled GeoGraphies A Spatial History of Religion and Society in IRelAnd

Ian n. Gregory, niall A. Cunningham, C. d. lloyd, Ian G. Shuttleworth, and Paul S. ell

Troubled Geographies A Spatial History of Religion and Society in Ireland Ian Gregory, Niall Cunningham, Paul Ell, Christopher D. Lloyd, and Ian Shuttleworth

The impact of religion in Ireland graphically displayed Troubled Geographies examines how a geography laid down in the 16th and 17th centuries led to an amalgam based on religious belief, ethnic/national identity, and political conviction that continues to shape the geographies of modern Ireland. It shows the way changes in religious affiliation, identity, and territoriality have impacted Irish society during this period. Ian Gregory is Professor of Digital Humanities in the Department of History at Lancaster University. Niall Cunningham is a Research Associate at the ESRC Centre for Research on Socio-Cultural Change (CRESC), University of Manchester. Paul Ell is the Director of the Centre for Data Digitisation and Analysis in the School of Geography, Archaeology and Palaeoecology at the Queen’s University Belfast.

city, City in Film: Liverpool’s Urban Landscape and the Moving

Christopher D. Lloyd is a Senior Lecturer in the School of Geography, Archaeology and Palaeoecology at the Queen’s

Image and Mapping the City in Film: A Geo-Historical Analysis.

University Belfast. Ian Shuttleworth is a Senior Lecturer in the School of Geography, Archaeology and Palaeoecology at the Queen’s University Belfast.


The Spatial Humanities David J. Bodenhamer, John Corrigan, and Trevor M. Harris, editors

The Spatial Humanities

David J. Bodenhamer, John Corrigan, and Trevor M. Harris, editors

December 2013 Film & Media World 320 pages, 40 b&w illus., 6 x 9 Cloth 978-0-253-01097-1 $85.00L £64.00 Paper 978-0-253-01105-3 $32.00s £23.99 eBook 978-0-253-01112-1 $27.99s £21.99


The Spatial Humanities David J. Bodenhamer, John Corrigan, and Trevor M. Harris, editors

The Spatial Humanities

David J. Bodenhamer, John Corrigan, and Trevor M. Harris, editors

December 2013 European History, Religion World 328 pages, 194 maps, 81/2 x 11 Cloth 978-0-253-00966-1 $95.00L £72.00 Paper 978-0-253-00973-9 $45.00s £34.00 eBook 978-0-253-00979-1 $38.99s £28.99


indiana university press

Winterreise Death


M u s ico - P oe t ic A s s o c i at io n s i n S c h u b e rt ’s S o n g C yc l e

Death in Winterreise Musico-Poetic Associations in Schubert’s Song Cycle

A Double Bassist’s Guide to Refining Performance Practices

Lauri Suurpää

Murray Grodner

Lauri Suurpää

A Double


Guide to refining Performance Practices MurrAy GroDner

A Schenkerian approach to tragedy and joy in the final songs Lauri Suurpää brings together two rigorous methodologies, Greimassian semiotics and Schenkerian analysis, to provide a unique perspective on the expressive power of Franz Schubert’s song cycle. Focusing on the final songs, Suurpää deftly combines textual and tonal analysis to reveal death as a symbolic presence if not actual character in the musical narrative. Suurpää demonstrates the incongruities between semantic content and musical representation as it surfaces throughout the final songs. This close reading of the winter songs, coupled with creative applications of theory and a thorough history of the poetic and musical genesis of this work, brings new insights to the study of text-music relationships and the song cycle.

Professional advice for double bass players Murray Grodner draws on his distinguished career as a double bass musician and teacher in this compendium of performance philosophy, bowing and phrasing recommendations, tutorials on fingerings and scales, and exercises for bowing and string crossing. Grodner addresses technical obstacles in musical performance, offers advice on instrument and bow purchase, and provides a detailed approach to the fundamentals of bass playing. This guide is an invaluable resource for any bassist seeking a professional career. Murray Grodner is Professor Emeritus at the Jacobs School of Music at Indiana University.

Lauri Suurpää is Professor of Music Theory at the Sibelius Academy in Helsinki, Finland.

Musical Meaning and Interpretation Robert S. Hatten, editor December 2013 Music World 272 pages, 28 music exx., 61/8 x 91/4 Cloth 978-0-253-01100-8 $45.00s £34.00 eBook 978-0-253-01108-4 $38.99s £29.99

34 • 1.800.842.6796

August 2013 Music World 168 pages, 81/2 x 11 Paper 978-0-253-01016-2 $40.00s £29.99 eBook 978-0-253-01020-9 $34.99s £26.99

Guide to the Pianist’s Repertoire Fourth Edition Maurice Hinson and Wesley Roberts

Expertly guiding pianists for over 25 years Guide to the Pianist’s Repertoire continues to be the go-to source for piano performers, teachers, and students. Newly updated and expanded with over 250 new composers, this incomparable resource expertly guides readers to solo piano literature. What did a given composer write? What interesting work have I never heard of? How difficult is it? What are its special musical features? How can I reach the publisher? It’s all here.


indiana university press


uide to the Pianist’s Repertoire Fourth Edition

Featuring information for more than 2,000 composers, the fourth edition includes enhanced indexes. The new “Hinson” will be an indispensable guide for many years


to come.

Maurice Hinson Wesley Roberts

Maurice Hinson is Senior Professor of Piano at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and was founding editor of the Journal of the American Liszt Society. Wesley Roberts is Professor of Music at Campbellsville University.

“Praise for the 3rd Edition: “An important tool for any pianist or musicologist who wants to explore the piano repertoire. Its thoroughness and scholarly approach are products of the most painstaking research and labors of love.” —Journal of the American Liszt Society Praise for the 2nd Edition: “As the reader may



already know, Hinson is sui generis! And we owe him renewed thanks.” —The American Music Teacher

The Piano in Chamber Ensemble

“Highly recommended.” —American Reference Books Annual

An Annotated Guide   

Also of Interest

The Piano in Chamber Ensemble, Second Edition Cloth 978-0-253-34696-4 $39.95s Music for More than One Piano Paper 978-0-253-21457-7 $22.95s

Indiana Repertoire Guides November 2013 Music World 1112 pages, 7 x 10 Cloth 978-0-253-01022-3 $80.00s £60.00 eBook 978-0-253-01023-0 $64.99s £49.99


indiana university press

The Notation Is Not the Music


Reflections on Early Music Practice and Performance

Reflections on Early Music Practice and Performance


T he ITa L Ian C anTaTa

I n V Ie n na Entertainment in the Age of Absolutism

Barthold Kuijken

The Italian Cantata in Vienna

Entertainment in the Age of Absolutism Lawrence Bennett

Barthold Kuijken Lawrence Bennett

An acclaimed flutist’s insights on historically authentic performance Written by a leading authority and artist of the historical transverse flute, The Notation Is Not the Music offers invaluable insight into the issues of historically informed performance and the parameters— and limitations—of notation-dependent performance. As Barthold Kuijken illustrates, performers of historical music should consider what is written on the page as a mere steppingstone for performance. Only by continual examination and reexamination of the sources to discover original intent can an early music practitioner come close to authentic performance. Barthold Kuijken is Professor of Baroque Flute and Head of the Early Music Section at the Royal Conservatory of Brussels and The Hague. “Kuijken is peerless. He is a professional musician and the apotheosis of historical flute playing, who utilizes musicology in his broader goal of moving the hearts of his listeners.” —Barbara Kallaur, founding member of Ensemble Voltaire and the Indianapolis Baroque Orchestra

Composing and performing for the Habsburgs Lawrence Bennett provides a comprehensive study of the rich repertoire of accompanied vocal chamber music that entertained the imperial family in Vienna and their guests throughout the 17th and early 18th centuries. The cantata became a form of elite entertainment composed to amuse listeners during banquets or pay homage to members of the royal family during special occasions. Concentrating on Baroque cantatas composed in the Habsburg court, Bennett draws extensively on primary source material to explore the stylistic changes that occurred within the genre in the generations before Haydn and Mozart. Lawrence Bennett is Professor Emeritus of Music and former Chair of the Music Department at Wabash College. He founded the Western Wind, a vocal ensemble that has toured professionally throughout North America, Europe, and Asia. “This book contains a wealth of new information. It comes from a scholar who writes clearly and perceptively, and who has devoted decades of attention to the material.” —Steven Saunders, Charles A. Dana Professor of Music, Colby College

Publications of the Early Music Institute, Paul Elliott, editor

Publications of the Early Music Institute, Paul Elliott, editor

August 2013 Music World 110 pages, 3 color illus., 4 b&w illus., 2 music exx., 6 x 9 Cloth 978-0-253-01060-5 $30.00s £22.99 eBook 978-0-253-01068-1 $25.99s £19.99

October 2013 Music World 480 pages, 119 music exx., 5 b&w illus., 61/8 x 91/4 Cloth 978-0-253-01018-6 $60.00s £45.00 eBook 978-0-253-01034-6 $49.99s £39.99

36 • 1.800.842.6796

indiana university press

Language after Heidegger LANGUAGE AFTER HEIDEGGER

P l at o’s

C r at y l u s

Krzysztof Ziarek

Plato’s Cratylus The Comedy of Language S. Montgomery Ewegen

the comedy

of language K R Z Y S Z TO F Z I A R E K

S. MontgoMery ewegen

Heidegger’s impact on the language of philosophy

Plato as humorist

Working from newly available texts in Heidegger’s Complete

Plato’s dialogue Cratylus focuses on being and human dependence

Works, Krzysztof Ziarek presents Heidegger at his most radical

on words, or the essential truths about the human condition.

and demonstrates how the thinker’s daring use of language is an

Arguing that comedy is an essential part of Plato’s concept of

integral part of his philosophical expression. Ziarek emphasizes

language, S. Montgomery Ewegen asserts that understanding the

the liberating potential of language as an event that discloses being

comedic is key to an understanding of Plato’s deeper philosophical

and amplifies Heidegger’s call for a transformative approach to

intentions. Ewegen shows how Plato’s view of language is bound to

poetry, power, and ultimately, philosophy.

comedy through words and how, for Plato, philosophy has much in common with playfulness and the ridiculous. By tying words,

Krzysztof Ziarek is Professor in the Department of Comparative

language, and our often uneasy relationship with them to comedy,

Literature at SUNY-Buffalo. He is author of The Force of Art.

Ewegen frames a new reading of this notable Platonic dialogue. S. Montgomery Ewegen is Visiting Assistant Professor of Philosophy at Stonehill College. “This is so convincing a reading of Plato’s Cratylus that it may well open up discussion of the dialogue and make it much more widely studied than it is presently.” —Drew A. Hyland, Trinity College “This book will be a standard source for philosophers working on Plato’s Cratylus—and, beyond that, it will be essential reading for everyone working on understanding the nature of logos in Plato’s thinking.” —Robert Metcalf, University of Colorado, Denver

Studies in Continental Thought, John Sallis, editor

Studies in Continental Thought, John Sallis, editor

October 2013 Philosophy World 232 pages, 6 x 9 Cloth 978-0-253-01101-5 $40.00s £29.99 eBook 978-0-253-01109-1 $34.99s £25.99

October 2013 Philosophy World 256 pages, 6 x 9 Cloth 978-0-253-01044-5 $40.00s £29.99 eBook 978-0-253-01051-3 $34.99s £25.99


indiana university press



The Insistence of God

A Phenomenology of Christian Life

A Theology of Perhaps

Glory and Night

John D. Caputo


Felix Ó Murchadha

Glory and Night


A new theology that questions the promise of God The Insistence of God presents the provocative idea that God does not exist, God insists, while God’s existence is a human responsibility, which may or may not happen. For John D. Caputo, God’s existence is haunted by “perhaps,” which does not signify indecisiveness but an openness to risk, to the unforeseeable. “Perhaps” constitutes a theology of what is to come and what we cannot see coming. Responding to current critics of continental philosophy, Caputo explores the materiality of perhaps and the promise of the world. He shows how perhaps can become a new

Felix Ó Murchadha

Philosophical articulation of Christian phenomena How does Christian philosophy address phenomena in the world? Felix Ó Murchadha believes that seeing, hearing, or otherwise sensing the world through faith requires transcendence or thinking through glory and night (being and meaning). By challenging much of Western metaphysics, Ó Murchadha shows how phenomenology opens new ideas about being, and how philosophers of “the theological turn” have addressed questions of creation, incarnation, resurrection, time, love, and faith. He

theology of the gaps God opens.

explores the possibility of a phenomenology of Christian life and

John D. Caputo is Thomas J. Watson Professor of Religion

or reason and faith.

Emeritus at Syracuse University and the David R. Cook Professor of Philosophy Emeritus at Villanova University. He is author of The Weakness of God (IUP, 2006), which won the American Academy of Religion’s Award for Excellence in the Study of Religion in the

argues against any simple separation of philosophy and theology

Felix Ó Murchadha is Senior Lecturer in Philosophy at the National University of Ireland, Galway. He is author of The Time of Revolution: Kairos and Chronos in Heidegger.

Constructive-Reflective Studies category.

Indiana Series in the Philosophy of Religion Merold Westphal, editor

Indiana Series in the Philosophy of Religion Merold Westphal, editor

September 2013 Philosophy, Religion World 280 pages, 6 x 9 Cloth 978-0-253-01001-8 $85.00L £64.00 Paper 978-0-253-01007-0 $30.00s £22.99 eBook 978-0-253-01010-0 $24.99s £18.99

October 2013 Philosophy, Religion World 256 pages, 6 x 9 Cloth 978-0-253-01000-1 $50.00s £38.00 eBook 978-0-253-01009-4 $42.99s £32.99

38 • 1.800.842.6796

indiana university press

Law and the PubLic SPhere in

Law and the Public Sphere in Africa La Palabre and Other Writings

La Palabre and Other Writings

Jean-Godefroy Bidima Translated by Laura Hengehold

Jean-Godefroy bidima TranslaTed by laura HengeHOld

A plea for peace, tolerance, and social consensus Jean-Godefroy Bidima’s La Palabre examines the traditional African institution of palaver as a way to create dialogue and open exchange in an effort to resolve conflict and promote democracy. In the wake of South Africa’s Truth and Reconciliation Commissions and the gacaca courts in Rwanda, Bidima offers a compelling model of how to develop an African public space where dialogue can combat misunderstanding. This volume, which also includes essays on legal processes, cultural diversity, memory, and the internet in Africa, offers English-speaking readers the opportunity to become acquainted with a highly original and important postcolonial thinker. Jean-Godefroy Bidima is Arnoult Chair of Francophone Studies at Tulane University. He is author of Théorie Critique et Modernité Négro-Africain. Laura Hengehold is Associate Professor of Philosophy at Case Western Reserve University. She is author of The Body Problematic: Political Imagination in Kant and Foucault.


Women and the

Women and the Gift Beyond the Given and All-Giving Edited by Morny Joy

Beyond the Given and all-GivinG

Edited by Morny Joy

Beyond women as exchange objects or self-sacrificing subjects Recent inquiries into the concept of the gift have been largely male-dominated and thus have ignored important aspects of the gift from a woman’s point of view. In the light of philosophical work by Mauss, Lévi-Strauss, Derrida, and Bataille, Women and the Gift reflects the way women respond to the notion of the gift and relationships of giving. This collection evaluates and critiques previous work on the gift and also responds to how women view care, fidelity, generosity, trust, and independence in light of the gift. Morny Joy is University Professor in the Department of Religious Studies at the University of Calgary, Canada. She is editor of Continental Philosophy and Philosophy of Religion and After Appropriation: Explorations in Intercultural Philosophy and Religion. “It is not only that women as givers are not noticed; it is also that women are often the gifts or objects of exchange. There has been virtually no attention to the gendered nature of the discourse.” —Grace M. Jantzen, University of Manchester

World Philosophies Bret W. Davis, D. A. Masolo, and Alejandro Vallega, editors December 2013 Philosophy, Africa World 208 pages, 6 x 9 Cloth 978-0-253-01124-4 $40.00s £29.99 ebook 978-0-253-01128-2 $34.99 £24.99

October 2013 Religion World 208 pages, 6 x 9 Cloth 978-0-253-00663-9 $75.00L £56.00 Paper 978-0-253-00664-6 $25.00s £18.99 eBook 978-0-253-01033-9 $21.99s £16.99


indiana university press

Abraham Joshua Heschel

The Radical American Judaism of Mordecai M. Kaplan

The Call of Transcendence Shai Held


Mordecai M. Kaplan Mel Scult

The pragmatic Judaism of a revolutionary Jewish thinker



A critical appreciation of Heschel’s thought Abraham Joshua Heschel (1907-1972) was a prolific scholar,

Mordecai M. Kaplan, founder of the Jewish Reconstructionist movement, is the only rabbi to have been excommunicated by the Orthodox rabbinical establishment in America. Kaplan was indeed a heretic, rejecting such fundamental Jewish beliefs as the concept of the chosen people and a supernatural God. Although he valued the Jewish community and was a committed Zionist, his primary concern was the spiritual fulfillment of the individual. Drawing on Kaplan’s 27-volume diary, Mel Scult describes the development of Kaplan’s radical theology in dialogue with the thinkers and writers who mattered to him most, from Spinoza to Emerson and from Ahad Ha-Am and Matthew Arnold to Felix Adler, John Dewey, and Abraham Joshua Heschel. This gracefully argued book makes a powerful contribution to modern Judaism and to contemporary

impassioned theologian, and prominent activist who participated in the black civil rights movement and the campaign against the Vietnam War. He has been hailed as a hero, honored as a visionary, and endlessly quoted as a devotional writer. In this sympathetic, yet critical, examination, Shai Held elicits the overarching themes and unity of Heschel’s incisive and insightful thought. Focusing on the idea of transcendence—or the movement from self-centeredness to God-centeredness—Held puts Heschel into dialogue with contemporary Jewish thinkers, Christian theologians, devotional writers, and philosophers of religion. Shai Held is Dean and Chair of Jewish Thought at Mechon Hadar,

American religious thought.

an institute for Jewish prayer, personal growth, and Jewish study

Mel Scult is Professor Emeritus of Judaic Studies at Brooklyn

excellence in Jewish education, and Newsweek has twiced named

College, City University of New York, and a member of the history faculty at the CUNY Graduate School. He is author of Judaism

which he co-founded. He is winner of a 2011 Covenant Award for him one of America’s most influential rabbis.

Faces the Twentieth Century: A Biography of Mordecai M. Kaplan and editor of Communings of the Spirit: The Journals of Mordecai M. Kaplan, Volume 1: 1913-1934. The Modern Jewish Experience Deborah Dash Moore and Marsha L. Rozenblit, editors November 2013 Religion, Judaica World 320 pages, 1 b&w illus., 6 x 9 Cloth 978-0-253-01075-9 $40.00s £29.99 eBook 978-0-253-01088-9 $34.99s £25.99 40 • 1.800.842.6796

December 2013 Religion, Judaica World 296 pages, 6 x 9 Cloth 978-0-253-01126-8 $45.00s £34.00 eBook 978-0-253-01130-5 $38.99s £32.99

indiana university press

Judaism, Liberalism, & Political Theology Edited by

Randi Rashkover

Judaism, Liberalism, and Political Theology Edited by Randi Rashkover and Martin Kavka



Teaching, Learning, and the Holocaust

An Integrative Approach Howard Tinberg and Ronald Weisberger


Martin Kavka

Howard Tinberg AND Ronald Weisberger

Religion’s demands, limits, and aspirations Judaism, Liberalism, and Political Theology provides the first broad encounter between modern Jewish thought and recent developments in political theology. In opposition to impetuous associations of Judaism and liberalism and charges that Judaism cannot engender a universal political order, the essays in this volume propose a new and richly detailed engagement between Judaism and the political. The vexed status of liberalism in Jewish thought and Judaism in political theology is interrogated with

Lessons learned from teaching about the Holocaust Classroom study of the Holocaust evokes strong emotions in teachers and students. Teaching, Learning, and the Holocaust assesses challenges and approaches to teaching about the Holocaust through history and literature. Howard Tinberg and Ronald Weisberger apply methods and insights of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning to examine issues in interdisciplinary teaching, with a focus on the community college setting. They

recourse to thinking from across the Continental tradition.

discuss student learning and teacher effectiveness and offer

Randi Rashkover is Associate Professor of Religious Studies at

other contexts involving trauma and atrocity.

George Mason University. She is author of Freedom and Law: A Jewish-Christian Apologetics, and Revelation and Theopolitics:

guidance for teaching courses on the Holocaust, with relevance for

Howard Tinberg is Professor of English at Bristol Community

Barth, Rosenzweig, and the Politics of Praise.

College. He is author (with Jean-Paul Nadeau) of Writing with

Martin Kavka is Associate Professor of Religion at Florida State

Community College Writer: Exceeding Expectations.

University. He is author of Jewish Messianism and the History of Philosophy and editor (with Randi Rashkover) of Tradition in the Public Square: A David Novak Reader.

Consequence: What Writing Does in the Disciplines and The

Ronald Weisberger is Coordinator of Tutoring and Adjunct Professor of History at Bristol Community College.

Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Jennifer Meta Robinson, Whitney M. Schlegel, Mary Taylor Huber, and Pat Hutchings, editors October 2013 Religion, Judaica World 376 pages, 5 b&w illus., 6 x 9 Cloth 978-0-253-01027-8 $85.00L £64.00 Paper 978-0-253-01032-2 $32.00s £23.99 eBook 978-0-253-01039-1 $27.99s £21.99

December 2013 Education, Holocaust World 144 pages, 6 x 9 Cloth 978-0-253-01132-9 $80.00L £60.00 Paper 978-0-253-01133-6 $28.00s £20.99 eBook 978-0-253-01146-6 $23.99s £17.99


indiana university press


lood Libel

in LaTe iMpeRiaL Russia The Ritual Murder Trial of Mendel Beilis

Blood Libel in Late Imperial Russia

edited by Robert W. Hefner afterword by Peter l. Berger

The Ritual Murder Trial of Mendel Beilis

Global Pentecostalism in the 21st Century Edited by Robert W. Hefner

Robert Weinberg

Afterword by Peter L. Berger

Global Pentecostalism in the

21st Century

RoBeRT WeinBeRg

The infamous trial of a Jew framed for the murder of a Christian boy

Pentecostalism and civic life in the next generations

On Sunday, March 20, 1911, children playing in a cave near Kiev

This state-of-the-field overview of Pentecostalism around the

made a gruesome discovery: the blood-soaked body of a partially

world focuses on cultural developments among second- and

clad boy. After right-wing groups asserted that the killing was

third-generation adherents in regions with large Pentecostal

a ritual murder, the police, with no direct evidence, arrested

communities, considering the impact of these developments on

Menachem Mendel Beilis, a 39-year-old Jewish manager at

political participation, citizenship, gender relations, and economic

a factory near the site of the crime. Beilis’s trial in 1913 quickly

morality. Leading scholars from anthropology, sociology, religious

became an international cause célèbre. The jury ultimately

studies, and history present useful introductions to global issues

acquitted Beilis but held that the crime had the hallmarks of a ritual

and country-specific studies drawn from Latin America, Africa,

murder. Robert Weinberg’s account of the Beilis Affair explores the

Asia, and the former USSR.

reasons why the tsarist government framed Beilis, shedding light on the excesses of antisemitism in late Imperial Russia. Primary

Robert W. Hefner is Director of the Institute on Culture, Religion,

documents culled from the trial transcript, newspaper articles,

and World Affairs at Boston University and author or editor of 17

Beilis’s memoirs, and archival sources, many appearing in English

books on religion and politics, including Shari’a Politics: Islamic

for the first time, bring readers face to face with this notorious trial.

Law and Society in the Modern World (IUP, 2011) and Muslims and Modernity: Society and Culture since 1800.

Robert Weinberg is Professor of History at Swarthmore College and author of The Revolution of 1905 in Odessa: Blood on the

“A valuable addition to the growing scholarship on Pentecostalism

Steps (IUP, 1993) and Stalin’s Forgotten Zion: Birobidzhan and

. . . [with] fresh ethnographic data on Pentecostalism in various

the Making of a Soviet Jewish Homeland.

settings” —Elizabeth Brusco, Pacific Lutheran University

November 2013 Russia & Eastern Europe, Judaica World 168 pages, 19 b&w illus., 2 maps, 6 x 9 Cloth 978-0-253-01099-5 $70.00L £53.00 Paper 978-0-253-01107-7 $24.00s £17.99 eBook 978-0-253-01114-5 $20.99s £15.99

October 2013 Anthropology, Religion World 288 pages, 6 x 9 Cloth 978-0-253-01081-0 $80.00L £60.00 Paper 978-0-253-01086-5 $28.00s £20.99 eBook 978-0-253-01094-0 $23.99s £18.99

42 • 1.800.842.6796

indiana university press

Religion in Philanthropic Organizations Family, Friend, Foe?

Religion in Philanthropic Organizations Family, Friend, Foe?

CoLoNiaL CuLturE iN



Colonial Culture in France since the Revolution

rEvoLutioN Edited by Thomas J. Davis

Edited by Pascal Blanchard, Sandrine Lemaire, Nicolas Bancel, and Dominic Thomas Translated by Alexis Pernsteiner EditEd by Pascal blanchard, Sandrine Lemaire,

Nicolas bancel, and dominic thomas Edited by

Thomas J. Davis

Conflict in actions intended for the common good

The global legacy of French colonialism

Religion in Philanthropic Activity explores the tensions inherent

This landmark collection by an international group of scholars and

in religious philanthropies across a variety of organizations and

public intellectuals represents a major reassessment of French

examines the effect assumptions about “professional” philanthropy

colonial culture and how it continues to inform thinking about

have had on how religious philanthropies carry out their activities.

history, memory, and identity. This reexamination of French

Among the organizations discussed are the Salvation Army, the

colonial culture provides the basis for a revised understanding of

World Council of Churches, and Catholic Charities USA. The

its cultural, political, and social legacy and its lasting impact on

essays focus on the work of one individual, Robert Pierce, founder

postcolonial immigration, the treatment of ethnic minorities, and

of World Vision and Samaritan’s Purse, and on more general

national identity.

matters such as philanthropy and Jewish identity, American Muslim philanthropy since 9/11, and the federal program that

Pascal Blanchard is President of the Association pour la

funds faith-based initiatives. The book sheds light on how religion

Connaissance de l’Histoire de l’Afrique Contemporaine in Paris.

and philanthropy function in American society, shaping and being shaped by the culture and its notions of the “common good.” Thomas J. Davis is Professor of Religious Studies and Professor of Philanthropic Studies at Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI). He is managing editor of Religion and American Culture: A Journal of Interpretation and editor of John Calvin’s American Legacy.

Sandrine Lemaire is Vice-President of the Association pour la Connaissance de l’Histoire de l’Afrique Contemporaine in Paris. Nicolas Bancel is Professor of Politics and Social Sciences at the University of Lausanne and Vice-President of the Association pour la Connaissance de l’Histoire de l’Afrique Contemporaine in Paris. Dominic Thomas is Professor of Comparative Literature and French and Francophone Studies at the University of California,

Philanthropic and Nonprofit Studies Dwight F. Burlingame and David C. Hammack, editors

Los Angeles.

August 2013 Philanthropy, Religion World 248 pages, 2 b&w illus., 6 x 9 Cloth 978-0-253-00992-0 $75.00L £56.00 Paper 978-0-253-00995-1 $25.00s £18.99 eBook 978-0-253-00997-5 $21.99s £16.99

November 2013 World History, Africa World 592 pages, 6 x 9 Cloth 978-0-253-01045-2 $60.00s £45.00 eBook 978-0-253-01053-7 $49.99s £38.99


indiana university press

Politics in color and concrete socialist Materialities and the Middle class in hungary

Politics in Color and Concrete

Socialist Materialities and the Middle Class in Hungary

Ethnographies of the State in Central Asia Performing Politics

EthnograPhiEs of thE statE in cEntral asia Performing Politics Edited by Madeleine reeves, Johan rasanayagam, and Judith Beyer

Krisztina Fehérváry

Edited by Madeleine Reeves, Johan Rasanayagam, and Judith Beyer

Krisztina fehérvÁry

Socialist and postsocialist consumer culture

Politics and the state in everyday life

Material culture in Eastern Europe under state socialism is

With fresh and provocative insights into the everyday reality of

remembered as uniformly gray, shabby, and monotonous—the

politics in post-Soviet Central Asia, this volume moves beyond

worst of postwar modernist architecture and design. Politics in

commonplaces about strong and weak states to ask critical

Color and Concrete revisits this history by exploring domestic space

questions about how democracy, authority, and justice are

in Hungary from the 1950s through the 1990s and reconstructs the

understood in this important region. In conversation with current

multi-textured and politicized aesthetics of daily life through the

theories of state power, the contributions draw on extensive

objects, spaces, and colors that made up this lived environment.

ethnographic research in settings that range from the local to the

Krisztina Féherváry shows that contemporary standards of living

transnational, the mundane to the spectacular, to provide a unique

and ideas about normalcy have roots in late socialist consumer

perspective on how politics is performed in everyday life.

culture and are not merely products of postsocialist transitions or neoliberalism. This engaging study decenters conventional

Madeleine Reeves is Lecturer in Social Anthropology at the

perspectives on consumer capitalism, home ownership, and

University of Manchester and editor of Movement, Power and

citizenship in the new Europe.

Place in Central Asia and Beyond: Contested Trajectories.

Krisztina Féherváry is Assistant Professor of Anthropology at the University of Michigan. “The topic is extremely timely and relevant; the writing is lucid and

Johan Rasanayagam is Lecturer in Social Anthropology at the University of Aberdeen and author of Islam in Post-Soviet Uzbekistan: The Morality of Experience.

thorough; the theory is complex and sophisticated without being overly dense, or daunting. I thoroughly enjoyed reading it.”

Judith Beyer is Research Fellow at the Max Planck Institute

—Brad Weiss, College of William and Mary






Photoethnography of Talas.

New Anthropologies of Europe Matti Bunzl and Michael Herzfeld, editors September 2013 Anthropology, Cultural Studies, Russia & Eastern Europe World 344 pages, 15 color illus., 29 b&w illus., 6 x 9 Cloth 978-0-253-00991-3 $85.00L £64.00 Paper 978-0-253-00994-4 $32.00s £23.99 eBook 978-0-253-00996-8 $27.99s £20.99 44 • 1.800.842.6796

December 2013 Anthropology, Asia World 344 pages, 16 b&w illus., 1 map, 6 x 9 Cloth 978-0-253-01140-4 $80.00L £60.00 Paper 978-0-253-01141-1 $30.00s £22.99 eBook 978-0-253-01147-3 $25.99s £19.99




indiana university press

Writing Travel in Central Asian History

Writing Travel in Central Asian History Edited by Nile Green

Palestinian Palestinian Music and Song Music



Expression and Resistance since 1900

Expression and Resistance since 1900

Edited by Moslih Kanaaneh, Stig-Magnus Thorsén, Heather Bursheh, and David A. McDonald Moslih Kanaaneh, Stig-Magnus Thorsén, Heather Bursheh, and David A. M c Donald

Edited by


Nile Green

Exploration and information at a global crossroads

Music, culture, and identity in Palestinian communities

For centuries, travelers have made Central Asia known to the wider

From the turn of the 20th century, when Palestine became an exotic

world through their writings. In this volume, scholars employ these

object of fascination for missionaries and scholars, to 21st-century

little-known texts in a wide range of Asian and European languages

transnational collaborations in hip hop and new media, Palestinian

to trace how Central Asia was gradually absorbed into global

Music and Song traces the conflicting dynamics of history and

affairs. The representations of the region brought home to China

tradition, innovation and change, power and resistance.

and Japan, India and Persia, Russia and Great Britain provide valuable evidence that helps map earlier periods of globalization and cultural interaction. Nile Green is Professor of South Asian and Islamic history at UCLA. His recent books include Bombay Islam: The Religious Economy of the West Indian Ocean, winner of the Albert Hourani Award for outstanding publishing in Middle East Studies, and Sufism: A Global History. “A unique and novel approach to the literature, and the volume, led off by Green’s substantial introduction, promises both to add nuance to the Central Asia field and to elevate our understanding of travel literature as a genre.” —Scott Levi, Ohio State University

Moslih Kanaaneh is a social anthropologist in the Department of Sociology and Anthropology at Birzeit University. His books include Talking Stones and Yearning Ruins. Stig-Magnus Thorsén is Professor Emeritus of Music and Society at the Academy of Music and Drama, Gothenburg University. His books include Music and Identity: Transformation and Negotiation and Social and Political Features of Music in Africa. Heather Bursheh is a performing musician and flute instructor at the Edward Said National Conservatory of Music, where she has also served as Deputy Director for Academic Affairs and Musical Director of the Palestine Orchestras. David A. McDonald is Assistant Professor of Folklore and Ethnomusicology at Indiana University Bloomington and author of My Voice Is My Weapon: Music, Nationalism, and the Poetics of Palestinian Resistance. Public Cultures of the Middle East and North Africa Paul A. Silverstein, Susan Slyomovics, and Ted Swedenburg, editors

November 2013 Anthropology, Asia, History World 272 pages, 4 b&w illus., 6 x 9 Cloth 978-0-253-01134-3 $80.00L £60.00 Paper 978-0-253-01135-0 $30.00s £22.99 eBook 978-0-253-01148-0 $25.99s £19.99

November 2013 Ethnomusicology, Middle East World 240 pages, 8 b&w illus., 6 x 9 Cloth 978-0-253-01098-8 $75.00L £56.00 Paper 978-0-253-01106-0 $26.00s £19.99 eBook 978-0-253-01113-8 $22.99s £17.99


indiana university press

Moroccan noir

Police, crime, and PoliticS in PoPular culture

Moroccan Noir Police, Crime, and Politics in Popular Culture

The Calls of Islam Emilio Spadola



of IslaM SufiS, iSlamiStS, and maSS mediation in urban morocco

Jonathan Smolin

Sufis, Islamists, and Mass Mediation in Urban Morocco Emilio Spadola

Jonathan Smolin

Sensationalism, media, and the state in a changing Morocco

Communication, power, and popular religion in a Muslim society

Facing rising demands for human rights and the rule of law, the

The sacred calls that summon believers are the focus of this

Moroccan state fostered new mass media and cultivated more

study of religion and power in Fez, Morocco. Focusing on how

positive images of the police, once the symbol of state repression,

dissemination of the call through mass media has transformed

reinventing the relationship between citizen and state for a new

understandings of piety and authority, Emilio Spadola details

era. Jonathan Smolin examines popular culture and mass media

the new importance of once-marginal Sufi practices such as spirit

to understand the changing nature of authoritarianism in Morocco

trance and Islamic exorcism for ordinary believers, the state, and

over the past two decades. Using neglected Arabic sources

Islamist movements. The Calls of Islam offers new ethnographic

including crime tabloids, television movies, true-crime journalism,

perspectives on ritual, performance, and media in the Muslim

and police advertising, Smolin sheds new light on politics and


popular culture in the Middle East and North Africa. Jonathan Smolin is Assistant Professor of Arabic at Dartmouth

Emilio Spadola is Assistant Professor of Anthropology at Colgate University.

College. His publications include a translation of Abdelilah Hamdouchi’s The Final Bet: A Modern Arabic Novel.

Public Cultures of the Middle East and North Africa Paul A. Silverstein, Susan Slyomovics, and Ted Swedenburg, editors

Public Cultures of the Middle East and North Africa Paul A. Silverstein, Susan Slyomovics, and Ted Swedenburg, editors

October 2013 Cultural Studies, Middle East World 336 pages, 20 b&w illus., 6 x 9 Cloth 978-0-253-01057-5 $80.00L £60.00 Paper 978-0-253-01065-0 $30.00s £22.99 eBook 978-0-253-01073-5 $25.99s £19.99

December 2013 Anthropology, Middle East, Religion World 216 pages, 6 x 9 Cloth 978-0-253-01136-7 $80.00L £65.00 Paper 978-0-253-01137-4 $30.00s £23.99 eBook 978-0-253-01145-9 $25.99s £20.99

46 • 1.800.842.6796

Golden Wave The


indiana university press

Economic and Political Reform in Africa

The Golden Wave Culture and Politics after Sri Lanka’s Tsunami Disaster

An Anthropological Perspective

Michele Ruth Gamburd Peter D. Little

Michele Ruth Gamburd

Catastrophe, recovery, and the politics of international aid In December 2004 the Indian Ocean tsunami devastated coastal regions of Sri Lanka. Six months later, Michele Ruth Gamburd returned to the village where she had been conducting research for many years and began collecting residents’ stories of the disaster and its aftermath: the chaos and loss of the flood itself; the sense of community and leveling of social distinctions as people worked together to recover and regroup; and the local and national politics of foreign aid as the country began to rebuild. In The Golden Wave, Gamburd describes how the catastrophe changed social identities, economic dynamics, and political structures. Michele Ruth Gamburd is Professor and Chair of Anthropology at Portland State University. She is author of The Kitchen Spoon’s Handle: Transnationalism and Sri Lanka’s Migrant Housemaids and Breaking the Ashes: The Culture of Illicit Liquor in Sri Lanka and editor (with Dennis B. McGilvray) of Tsunami Recovery in Sri

Realizing the promise of development in Africa What are the local effects of widespread economic reform in Africa? How have globalized market-oriented and pro-business measures improved the lot of Africa’s poor? Examining economic reform in the Gambia, Ghana, Mozambique, Kenya, Ethiopia, and Somalia, Peter D. Little shows how rural farmers and others respond to new initiatives in the context of local history, political relations, and earlier development programs. Little’s bold vision of economic success demonstrates how Africa can thrive if reform filters the global encounter through local, national, and regional imperatives. Peter D. Little is Professor and Chair of Anthropology and Director of the Program in Development Studies at Emory University. “Simply put, it’s the most daring book I have read on African development.” —Abdi I. Samatar, University of Minnesota

Lanka: Ethnic and Regional Dimensions. “Gamburd’s political ethnography of this disaster is brilliant, poignant, and will help anthropology in its nascent theorizing of disaster; it will help all of those who want to understand how people make sense and recover from disaster.” —David L. Brunsma, Virginia Tech December 2013 Anthropology, Asia World 248 pages, 10 b&w illus., 2 maps, 6 x 9 Cloth 978-0-253-01138-1 $80.00L £60.00 Paper 978-0-253-01139-8 $28.00s £20.99 eBook 978-0-253-01150-3 $23.99s £17.99

December 2013 Anthropology, Africa World 240 pages, 8 b&w illus., 6 x 9 Cloth 978-0-253-01079-7 $75.00L £56.00 Paper 978-0-253-01084-1 $25.00s £18.99 eBook 978-0-253-01093-3 $21.99s £16.99


indiana university press

South African Women Living with HIV

Global Lessons from Local Voices

South African Women Living with HIV Global Lessons from Local Voices



Women’s Songs from West Africa Edited by Thomas A. Hale and Aissata G. Sidikou

Anna Aulette-Root, Floretta Boonzaier, and Judy Aulette Edited by

Thomas A. Hale G. Sidikou

and Aissata


Essential lessons for treating people with HIV

African women’s verbal art in context

Based on interviews with women who are HIV positive, this sobering

Exploring the origins, organization, subject matter, and per-

account brings to light the deeply rooted and complex problems

formance contexts of singers and singing, Women’s Songs from

of living with HIV in areas where the pandemic is widespread.

West Africa expands our understanding of the world of women in

Already pushed to the edges of society by poverty, racial politics,

West Africa and their complex and subtle roles as verbal artists.

and gender injustice, women with HIV in South Africa have found

Covering Côte d’Ivoire, the Gambia, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal,

ways to cope with work and men, disclosure of their HIV status,

and beyond, the essays attest to the importance of women’s contri-

and care for families and children to create a sense of normalcy

butions to the most widespread form of verbal art in Africa.

in their lives. As women take control of their treatment, they help to determine effective routes to tending the spread of the disease.

Thomas A. Hale is Liberal Arts Professor of African, French, and

Anna Aulette-Root is Lecturer in the Department of Psychology

author of Griots and Griottes (IUP, 2007) and editor (with Aissata

at the University of Cape Town.

G. Sidikou) of Women’s Voices from West Africa: An Anthology of

Comparative Literature at Pennsylvania State University. He is

Songs from the Sahel (IUP, 2012). Floretta Boonzaier is Senior Lecturer in the Department of Psychology at the University of Cape Town.

Aissata G. Sidikou is Assistant Professor of French at the United States Naval Academy. She is author of Recreating Words, Re-

Judy Aulette is Professor of Sociology and Women’s and Gender

shaping Worlds: The Verbal Art of Women from Niger, Mali, and

Studies at the University of North Carolina, Charlotte.


November 2013 Contemporary Issues, Africa World 200 pages, 6 x 9 Cloth 978-0-253-01054-4 $70.00L £53.00 Paper 978-0-253-01062-9 $25.00s £18.99 eBook 978-0-253-01070-4 $21.99s £16.99

october 2013 Music, Africa World 256 pages, 6 x 9 Cloth 978-0-253-01017-9 $50.00s £38.00 eBook 978-0-253-01021-6 $42.99s £32.99

48 • 1.800.842.6796

Bestselling Books

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"Essential reading for everyone implicated by race in America – and that means everyone." – Deepak Bhargava, Center for Community Change

racing to justice

DefenDing the filibuster



GREAT RECESSION Kristin S. Seefeldt Foreword by

Transforming Our Conceptions of Self and Other to Build an Inclusive Society



John D. Graham

s o u l o f t he s e n ate

Tavis Smiley

richarD a . arenberg anD robert b . Dove ★

F o r e wo r d b y

john a. powell

s e nato r m a r k U da l l and

s e nato r t e d k aU F m a n

Racing to Justice john a. powell 978-0-253-00629-5 Cloth $32.00t

America’s Poor and the Great Recession Kristin S. Seefeldt and John D. Graham Foreword by Tavis Smiley 978-0-253-00974-6 Paper $21.00t


How Congress Works and Why You Should Care Lee H. Hamilton 978-0-253-21695-3 Paper $16.00t

Defending the Filibuster Richard A. Arenberg and Robert B. Dove 978-0-253-00191-7 Cloth $35.00t



Blue and


Telling The Boys from The girls in AmericA

F r o m t h e P e quo t War through WWII

•* •

Jo B. Paoletti

meredith mason Brown

Touching America’s History Meredith Mason Brown 978-0-253-00833-6 Cloth $30.00t

An American Tune Barbara Shoup 978-0-253-00742-1 Paper $19.00t


Al Capone

π π


a nd H is a m er ica n Boys

Dillinger G. Russell Girardin and William J. Helmer 978-0-253-22110-0 Paper $25.00t

Memoirs of a Mobster’s Wife

W i l l i a m J. H el m er With Georgette Winkeler's one of a kind record of her life with the Chicago mob

Al Capone and His American Boys William J. Helmer 978-0-253-00969-2 Paper $20.00t

Pink and Blue Jo B. Paoletti 978-0-253-00985-2 Paper $17.00t

FARMfood FARMfood Daniel Orr 978-0-253-22103-2 Paper $29.95t

Santa Claus in Baghdad and Other Stories about Teens in the Arab World Elsa Marston 978-0-253-22004-2 Paper $15.95t

green living with chef daniel orr

Travel by Train Michael E. Zega and John E. Gruber 978-0-253-34152-5 Cloth $35.00t


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3 201 journals FLIP FOR BOOKS

2013 catalog



j ourna ls


NEW JOURNALS Spectrum 3 Teaching & Learning Inquiry


JOURNALS ACPR: African Conflict and Peacebuilding Review 4 Africa Today




Black Camera


e-Service Journal


Ethics & the Environment


Film History


The Global South


History & Memory


Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies


IJFAB: International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 9

Every humanities and social science scholar hopes his or her work will result in a deeper, richer, and more accurate understanding of other societies and cultures. Europeans and Americans, especially, very much need to know the histories and current issues that compose Africa today because the nations and people of that enormous continent are increasingly major players on the global stage, and fruitful, mutually beneficial interaction is totally dependent on knowledge.

Israel Studies

JML: Journal of Modern Literature




Learning to love the questions that everywhere confront the music teacher and student can be fostered by reading the writings of others who have already thought about them and reflecting on the practices that we see and experience. Philosophy of Music Education Review is one forum where writers work through philosophical questions and demonstrate not only their own answers to these questions but how such answers might be derived.



Philosophy of Music Education Review




Research in African Literatures


Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society




Victorian Studies


Patrick McNaughton, Africa Today

Estelle Jorgensen, Philosophy of Music Education Review

We trust that not only specialists will read Israel Studies. We have discovered that there is an extraordinary interest in what has transpired in the very special land between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea not only in the ancient world but also in the recent past and present. This interest goes well beyond concern over the Arab-Israel conflict; it extends to the cultures that interact in this land.

Ilan Troen, Israel Studies

2 •


Jewish Social Studies


Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion


Journal of Folklore Research


JMEWS: Journal of Middle East Women’s Studies 11

Spectrum 3 Teaching & Learning Inquiry










indiana university press

N E W j o u r n als Spectrum: A Journal oN Black Men

Teaching & Learning Inquiry The ISSOTL Journal

Edited by Judson L. Jeffries and Terrell L. Strayhorn

advocacy and imagination meet to investigate complex Black manhood

Spectrum: A Journal on Black Men is a multidisciplinary research journal whose articles focus on issues related to aspects of Black men’s experiences, including such topics as gender, masculinities, and race/ethnicity. Spectrum examines the social, political, economic, and historical factors that influence the life chances and experiences of African-descended males using disciplinary and interdisciplinary theoretical perspectives, empirical methods, theoretical analysis, and literary criticism. It seeks to be a space where advocacy and imagination meet in order to investigate a global, complex Black manhood from the dawning of modernity through the present time. It regularly includes essays, film reviews or analytical essays on films, review essays or book reviews, and interviews. In addition, the electronic edition of the journal includes multimedia resources such as audio files and video clips.

Edited by Nancy Chick and Gary Poole

teaching and learning in higher education

Teaching & Learning Inquiry is the official publication of the International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (ISSOTL). Published twice a year, it includes insightful research, theory, commentary, and other scholarly works that document or facilitate investigations of teaching and learning in higher education. TLI values quality and variety in its vision of the scholarship of teaching and learning. Its pages showcase the breadth of the interdisciplinary field of SoTL in its explicit methodological pluralism, its call for traditional and new genres, and its international authorship from across career stages. The journal regularly features articles documenting SoTL projects, theoretical assertions, literature syntheses, or reports on the field; dialogues responding to previous issues; innovative but systematic reflections through creative products; and reviews of books, external articles, web resources, or conferences. Teaching & Learning Inquiry is a benefit of membership of ISSOTL.

african studies african diaspora gender studies Published semiannually eISSN 2162-3252 | pISSN 2162-3244


Published semiannually eISSN 2167-4787 | pISSN 2167-4779 • 1.800.842.6796


indiana university press

ACPR: African Conflict and Peacebuilding Review Edited by Abu Bakarr Bah, Tricia Redeker Hepner, and Niklas Hultin

creative and rigorous studies of conflict and peace

ACPR: African Conflict and Peacebuilding Review is an interdisciplinary forum for creative and rigorous studies of conflict and peace in Africa and for discussions among scholars, practitioners, and public intellectuals in Africa, the United States, and other parts of the world. It includes a wide range of theoretical, methodological, and empirical perspectives on the causes of conflicts and peace processes including, among others, cultural practices relating to conflict resolution and peacebuilding, legal and political preventa-

Africa Today Edited by Maria GroszNgatĂŠ, Eileen Julien, Lauren M. MacLean, Patrick McNaughton, and Samuel Obeng

political, economic, and social issues In Africa

Since 1954, Africa Today has been at the forefront in publishing Africanist, reform-minded research. It provides access to the best scholarly work from around the world on a full range of political, economic, and social issues. Multicultural in perspective, it offers a much-needed alternative forum for serious analysis and discussion and provides perspectives for addressing the problems facing Africa today. It regularly includes essays and book reviews and frequently focuses on special topics.

tive measures, and the intersection of international, regional, and local interests and conceptions with conflict and peace.

african studies african diaspora

Published semiannually eISSN 2156-7263 | pISSN 2156-695X

4 •

african studies african diaspora

Published quarterly eISSN 1527-1978 | pISSN 0001-9887

indiana university press


Black Camera

Historical Studies in Science and Judaism

An International Film Journal

Edited by Gad Freudenthal

Edited by Michael T. Martin

interactions between science and Judaism

Black film studies

Aleph explores the interface between Judaism and science and

Black Camera, a journal of Black film studies, is devoted to the

studies the interactions between science and Judaism throughout

study and documentation of the Black cinematic experience and

history. It regularly includes full-length articles, brief communi-

aims to engender and sustain a formal academic discussion of

cations, and notes on recently published books, as well as stud-

Black film production. It regularly includes reviews of historical as

ies on related subjects that allow a comparative view, such as the

well as contemporary books and films, researched critiques of re-

place of science in other cultures. Aleph is a joint publication of

cent scholarship on Black film, interviews with accomplished film

the Sidney M. Edelstein Center for the History and Philosophy of

professionals, and editorials on the development of Black creative

Science, Technology, and Medicine and the Institute for Jewish

culture. It challenges received and established views and assump-

Studies, both at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and Indiana

tions about the traditions and practices of filmmaking in the Afri-

University Press.

can diaspora, where new and longstanding cinematic formations are in play. While its scope is interdisciplinary and inclusive of all of the African diaspora, the journal devotes issues or sections of issues to national cinemas, as well as independent, marginal, or oppositional films and cinematic formations.

jewish studies science

Published semiannually eISSN 1565-5423 | pISSN 1565-1525

film african studies african diaspora

Published semiannually eISSN 1947-4237 | pISSN 1536-3155 • 1.800.842.6796


indiana university press

e-Service Journal

Ethics & the Environment

A Journal of Electronic Services in the Public and Private Sectors

Edited by Victoria Davion

Edited by Ramesh Venkataraman

design, delivery, and impact of electronic services

ethical theory and ecological philosophy

Electronic services provide the fundamental interface for society’s

Ethics & the Environment is an interdisciplinary forum for theo-

increasing interaction with web-based economic, political, and

retical and practical articles, discussions, reviews, and book re-

educational institutions and are at the forefront of the delivery

views in the broad area encompassed by environmental ethics,

and collection of information that impacts diverse facets of soci-

including conceptual approaches in ethical theory and ecological

ety. e-Service Journal provides an important forum for innovative

philosophy, such as deep ecology and ecological feminism as they

research on the design, delivery, and impact of electronic services

pertain to such issues as environmental education and manage-

via a variety of computing applications and communications tech-

ment, ecological economies, and ecosystem health.

nologies. It offers both private and public sector perspectives and explores new approaches in e-business and e-government.

electronic services

Published triannually eISSN 1528-8234 | pISSN 1528-8226

6 •

environmental studies philosophy

Published semiannually eISSN 1535-5306 | pISSN 1085-6633

indiana university press

The Global South

Film History An International Journal

Edited by Adetayo Alabi

Edited by Gregory A. Waller

world literatures and cultures respond to globalization

international history of cinema

Film History publishes original research on the international history of cinema, broadly and inclusively understood. Its areas of interest are the production, distribution, exhibition, and reception of films designed for commercial theaters as well as the full range of non-theatrical, non-commercial uses of motion pictures; the role of cinema as a contested cultural phenomenon; the technological, economic, political, and legal aspects of film history; the circulation of film within and across national borders; and the relations between film and other visual media and forms of commercial entertainment.

The Global South is an interdisciplinary journal that focuses on how world literatures and cultures respond to globalization, particularly how authors, writers, and critics respond to issues of the environment, poverty, immigration, gender, race, hybridity, cultural formation and transformation, colonialism and postcolonialism, modernity and postmodernity, transatlantic encounters, homes, and diasporas, and resistance and counter discourse, among others, under the superordinate umbrella of globalization. The Global South is distributed only electronically. Single print issues are available on demand by contacting IU Press customer service (see page 18).

film studies

Published quarterly eISSN 1553-3905 | pISSN 0892-2160

global studies

Published semiannually eISSN 1932-8656 | pISSN 1932-8648 • 1.800.842.6796


indiana university press

History & Memory

Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies

Studies in Representation of the Past

Edited by Alfred C. Aman, Jr., Hannah L. Buxbaum, Jost Delbrück, and Christiana Ochoa

Edited by Jose Brunner

historical consciousness and collective memory

law and society in the current global era

History & Memory explores the manifold ways in which the past

IJGLS is instrumental in creating a new and important body of

shapes the present and is shaped by present perceptions. It focuses on a wide range of questions relating to the formation of historical consciousness and collective memory in different periods, societies, and cultures, from official representations of the past in public monuments and commemorations, to the role of oral history and personal narratives, and the renewed relevance of history writing for emerging nations and social conflicts.

scholarship, as well as an analytical framework that will enhance understanding of the nature of law and society in the current global era. It is a joint publication of Indiana University Press and the Indiana University Maurer School of Law. Print subscription orders should be directed to the journal at the Maurer School of Law, 211 South Indiana Avenue, Bloomington, Indiana 47405; 812-8558717; Orders for online subscriptions should be directed to JSTOR at

history jewish studies

Published semiannually eISSN 1527-1994 | pISSN 0935-560X

8 •

law global studies

Published semiannually eISSN 1543-0367

indiana university press


Israel Studies

International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics

Edited by S. Ilan Troen and Natan Aridan

Edited by Mary C. Rawlinson

a forum within bioethics for feminist debate

IJFAB: International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics provides a forum within bioethics for feminist thought and debate. Sponsored by the International Network on Feminist Approaches to Bioethics, IJFAB includes feminist scholarship on ethical issues related to health, health care, and the biomedical sciences. IJFAB aims to demonstrate clearly the necessity and distinctive contributions of feminist scholarship to bioethics. It is multidisciplinary and international and is committed to sustaining and expanding the network of scholars in feminist bioethics and exploring how gender intersects with other social determinants of privilege and discrimination.

scholarship on Israeli history, politics, society, and culture Israel Studies presents multidisciplinary scholarship on Israeli history, politics, society, and culture. Each issue includes essays and reports on matters of broad interest reflecting diverse points of view. Temporal boundaries extend to the pre-state period, although emphasis is on the State of Israel. Due recognition is also given to events and phenomena in diaspora communities as they affect the Israeli state. It is sponsored by the Ben-Gurion Research Institute for the Study of Israel and Zionism at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev and the Jacob and Libby Goodman Institute for the Study of Zionism and the Schusterman Center for Israel Studies at Brandeis University, in affiliation with the Association for Israel Studies.

jewish studies history middle east studies

science philosophy gender studies

Published semiannually eISSN 1937-4577 | pISSN 1937-4585

Published triannually eISSN 1527-201X | pISSN 1084-9513 • 1.800.842.6796


indiana university press

Jewish Social Studies History, Culture, Society Edited by Derek Penslar and Steven J. Zipperstein

JFSR Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion Edited by Elisabeth SchĂźssler Fiorenza, Melanie Johnson-Debaufre, and Judith Plaskow

Jewish identity and peoplehood

inter-religious feminist religious studies

Jewish Social Studies plays an important role in advancing the

Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion, the oldest interdisciplin-

understanding of Jewish life and the Jewish past. Key themes are

ary, inter-religious feminist academic journal in religious studies,

issues of identity and peoplehood, the vistas opened by the integra-

is a channel for the publication of feminist scholarship in religion

tion of gender as a primary category in the study of history, and

and a forum for discussion and dialogue among women and men

the multiplicities inherent in the evolution of Jewish societies and

of differing feminist perspectives. Its editors are committed to rig-

cultures around the world and over time. It regularly features work

orous thinking and analysis in the service of the transformation of

in anthropology, politics, sociology, religion, and literature, as well

religious studies as a discipline and the feminist transformation of

as case studies and theoretical discussions, all of which serve to

religious and cultural institutions.

rechart the boundaries of Jewish historical scholarship.

jewish studies history

Published triannually eISSN 1527-2028 | pISSN 0021-6704

10 •

religious studies gender studies

Published semiannually eISSN 1553-3913 | pISSN 8755-4178

indiana university press

Journal of Folklore Research

JMEWS Journal of Middle East Women’s Studies

An International Journal of Folklore and Ethnomusicology

Edited by Marcia C. Inhorn

Edited by Jason Baird Jackson

international forum on traditional cultures

Journal of Folklore Research provides an international forum for current theory and research among scholars of traditional cultures. Each issue includes articles of theoretical interest to folklore and ethnomusicology as international disciplines, as well as essays that address the fieldwork experience and the intellectual history of folklore. Contributors include scholars and professionals in such additional fields as anthropology, area studies, communication, cultural studies, history, linguistics, literature, performance studies, religion, and semiotics.

Advances new knowledge about Middle Eastern Women

JMEWS is the official publication of the Association for Middle East Women’s Studies. Its purpose is to advance the fields of Middle East women’s studies, gender studies, and Middle East studies through contributions from multiple disciplines in the social sciences and humanities. Located at the cutting edge of the new scholarship in Middle East women’s studies, JMEWS provides a forum in which area-specific questions are discussed and debated among authors from the global north and south. It reflects the explosion of knowledge production about Middle Eastern women and gender over the past quarter century.


Published triannually eISSN 1543-0413 | pISSN 0737-7037

middle east studies gender studies

Published triannually eISSN 1558-9579 | pISSN 1552-5864 • 1.800.842.6796


indiana university press



Journal of Modern Literature

feminism, race, transnationalism

Edited by Robert L. Caserio, Paula Marantz Cohen, Rachel Blau DuPlessis, Janet Lyon, Jean-Michel RabatÊ, Daniel T. O’Hara

Edited by Paula J. Giddings

International studies of literature

More than three decades after its founding, jml remains the most important scholarly serial in the field and is widely recognized as such. It emphasizes scholarly studies of literature in all languages, as well as related arts and cultural artifacts, from 1900 to the present. jml is international in its scope; recent contributors include scholars from Australia, England, France, Italy, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, and Spain.

Scholarship and creative work by and about women of color Meridians provides a forum for the finest scholarship and creative work by and about women of color in US and international contexts. The journal recognizes that feminism, race, transnationalism, and women of color are contested terms and engages in a dialogue across ethnic and national boundaries, as well as across traditional disciplinary boundaries in the academy. The goal of Meridians is to make scholarship by and about women of color central to contemporary definitions of feminism.

race & ethnic studies gender studies history cultural studies

literary studies literature language

Published quarterly eISSN 1529-1464 | pISSN 0022-281X

12 •

Published semiannually eISSN 1547-8424 | pISSN 1536-6936

indiana university press

Nashim A Journal of Jewish Women’s Studies & Gender Issues Academic Editor: Renée Levine Melammed Managing Editor: Deborah Greniman

Theme-based forum for Jewish women’s and gender studies Nashim provides an international, interdisciplinary, academic forum in Jewish women’s and gender studies, the only one of its kind. It creates communication channels within the Jewish women’s and gender studies community and brings forth that community’s work to a wider audience. Each issue is theme-oriented, produced in consultation with a distinguished feminist scholar, and includes articles on literature, text studies, anthropology, archeology, theology, contemporary thought, sociology, the arts, and more. It is a

Philosophy of Music Education Review Edited by Estelle R. Jorgensen

philosophical research in music education Philosophy of Music Education Review features philosophical research in music education for an international community of scholars, artists, and teachers. It includes articles that address philosophical or theoretical issues relevant to education, including reflections on current practice, research issues or questions, reform initiatives, philosophical writings, theories, the nature and scope of education and its goals and purposes, and cross-disciplinary dialogue relevant to the interests of music educators.

joint publication of the Hadassah-Brandeis Institute at Brandeis University, the Schechter Institute of Jewish Studies in Jerusalem, and Indiana University Press.

jewish studies gender studies

Published semiannually eISSN 1565-5288 | pISSN 0793-8934

music education

Published semiannually eISSN 1543-3412 | pISSN 1063-5734 • 1.800.842.6796


indiana university press

Prooftexts A Journal of Jewish Literary History

Research in African Literatures

Edited by Barbara Mann and Jeremy Dauber

Edited by Kwaku Larbi Korang

Jewish literary studies

African literary studies

For more than 30 years, Prooftexts has provided a forum for the

Research in African Literatures, founded in 1970, is the premier

growing field of Jewish literary studies. Integral to its mission is an

journal of African literary studies worldwide and provides a forum

attempt to bring together the study of modern Jewish literatures

in English for research on the oral and written literatures of Af-

(in Hebrew, Yiddish, and European languages) with the literary

rica. In addition to thought-provoking essays, reviews of current

study of the Jewish classical tradition as a whole. Since its incep-

scholarly books appear in every issue, often presented as critical

tion, the journal has as much stimulated and created the field of

essays, and a forum offers readers the opportunity to respond to

Jewish literary studies as it has reflected its achievements.

issues raised in articles and book reviews. Thematic clusters of articles and frequent special issues reveal the broad interests of its readership.

jewish studies literary studies

Published triannually eISSN 1086-3311 | pISSN 0272-9601

14 •

african studies literary studies

Published quarterly eISSN 1527-2044 | pISSN 0034-5210

indiana university press

Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society


A Quarterly Journal in American Philosophy

Edited by Tommie Shelby, Glenda Carpio, and Vincent Brown

An International Review

Edited by Cornelis de Waal, Robert Lane, Scott Pratt, and Sami Pihlström

international review of politics, culture, and ethnicity

history of American philosophy

Transactions has been the premier peer-reviewed journal specializing in the history of American philosophy since its founding in 1965. Although it is named for the founder of American pragmatism, American philosophers of all schools and periods, from the colonial to the recent past, are extensively discussed. The journal regularly includes essays, and every significant book published in the field is discussed in a review essay. A subscription includes membership in the Charles S. Peirce Society.

Transition is an international review of politics, culture, and ethnicity. While other magazines routinely send journalists around the world, Transition invites the world to write back. Three times a year, its writers fill the magazine’s pages with unusual dispatches, unforgettable memoirs, unorthodox polemics, unlikely conversations, and unsurpassed original fiction. Transition tells complicated stories with elegant prose and beautiful images.


Published quarterly eISSN 1558-9587 | pISSN 0009-1774

african studies african american studies race & ethnic studies

Published triannually eISSN 1527-8042 | pISSN 0041-1191 • 1.800.842.6796


indiana university press

Victorian Studies

Publish with Us

Edited by Andrew H. Miller, Ivan Kreilkamp, and D. Rae Greiner

WHAT? Your journal on our prestigious list

British culture of the Victorian age

For more than half a century, Victorian Studies has been devoted to the study of British culture of the Victorian age. It regularly includes interdisciplinary articles on comparative literature, social and political history, and the histories of education, philosophy, fine arts, economics, law, and science, as well as review essays and an extensive book review section. Victorian Studies is the official publication of the North American Victorian Studies Association (NAVSA).

WHO? Scholars, societies, associations, institutes

Add your title to the family of IU Press/Journals. We are a full-service serials publisher with a rich history of publishing excellence and offer: » subscription/membership development » list management » production » fulfillment (print and online) » direct and retail sales » educational reprints » permissions » intellectual property rights management » financial reporting » collections » inventory control » marketing and promotion Visit proposals for details. Please direct proposals to: Kathryn E. Caras Director of Electronic and Serials Publishing Voice: 812.855.3830 Email:

victorian studies history literary studies

Published quarterly eISSN 1527-2052 | pISSN 0042-5222

16 •


indiana university press

Vulnerability IJFAB: International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics (IJFAB) Volume 5 Issue 2 Guest Edited by Wendy Rogers, Catriona Mackenzie, and Susan Dodds Vulnerability is a “hot topic” in bioethics. The European Commission has identified vulnerability as one of its Basic Ethical Principles in Bioethics and Biolaw, while UNESCO’s Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights includes respect for human vulnerability among its basic principles. Protecting vulnerable research participants is a key aim of institutional review boards (Human Research Ethics Committees) around the world. Within public health ethics, vulnerability is used to identify individuals and populations who are at increased risk of ill health; and in clinical practice, care of the most vulnerable

Inquiries, Speculations, Provocations

raises ongoing ethical questions. Despite this increasing use of the concept of vulnerability within bioethics, there is no agreement

Film History Volume 25 Issue 1–2

about how to identify the vulnerable or how to develop responses

Edited by Gregory Waller

to vulnerability that avoid paternalism and discrimination.

A special double issue commemorates the move of Film History

This issue of IJFAB addresses the need for a robust theoretical

to its new editorial home in the Film and Media Studies program

analysis of the concept of vulnerability and its role in bioethics

at Indiana University, with Gregory A. Waller taking over as

and demonstrates the importance of feminist perspectives on

editor-in-chief from Richard Koszarski, who founded and edited

vulnerability. Central questions include: What is vulnerability

the journal for its first twenty-five years. This special issue

and what are the sources of vulnerability? How can we reconcile

underscores Film History’s commitment to publishing original

the idea of vulnerability as an inescapable and universal element

research across the full range of international film history, from

of the human condition, with that of vulnerability arising from

the production, distribution, exhibition, and reception of moving

inequalities of power, dependency, capacity or need? What duties

pictures to the technological, economic, political, and legal

are owed to the vulnerable and by whom? How can we respond

aspects of film and the role of cinema as a contested cultural

to vulnerability while also respecting autonomy and promoting


resilience? Should vulnerability be a foundational concept

Rather than being asked to take stock of the discipline or predict its future, the more than twenty contributors to this special double issue of Film History were given full latitude to examine a research question, weigh in on a historiographical issue, or explore the implications of a particular piece of evidence—all within the space of about half a normal academic article. The

in bioethics, alongside autonomy, justice, beneficence, and nonmalfeasance? The articles in this special issue address these key questions from a range of theoretical perspectives and clearly demonstrate that the importance and relevance of vulnerability for bioethics extend far beyond the questions of consent and exploitation in research.

result is a rich array of finely tuned micro-analyses and pointedly

“Although being vulnerable exposes one to harm, it also opens up

provocative interventions.

the possibility of change, of developing new ways of being in the world and relating to those with whom we are interdependent.” —Excerpted from the introduction by Wendy Rogers, Catriona Mackenzie, and Susan Dodds • 1.800.842.6796


indiana university press

West African Research Association Peace Initiative Conference in Sierra Leone (2010) and Cape Verde (2011)

challenge stigma and manage its negative effects. As folklorists,

ACPR: African Conflict and Peacebuilding Review (ACPR) Volume 2 Issue 2

the phrase the stigmatized vernacular captures not only the

Guest Edited by Steven Howard

the way it spills over beyond the topic and into the means of

The articles in this issue of ACPR: African


Conflict and Peacebuilding Review

Climate Change

were selected from those presented at two conferences sponsored by the West

the authors focus on the lived experience, the words and experiences of those who find themselves stigmatized. Further, vernacular experience of stigma but also the contagion of stigma—

Ethics and the Environment Volume 17 Number 2

African Research Association (WARA).

Guest Edited by Raymond Anthony

The first of these, part of a three-

Ethics and the Environment 17.2

conference US Department of State-

employs the specific insights of

supported project, took place in Freetown,

philosophers to help laypersons

Sierra Leone, in December 2010. The

and scientists wade through the

second was held in Praia, Cape Verde, in

ethical and social terrains of one of

December 2011. Both conferences focused on peacemaking in

human history’s most ponderous

West Africa: in Freetown, the topic was “Faith Communities and

topics. Readers are challenged to be

their Role in Conflict,” and in Praia, “Media and Conflict.” The

both ethically aware and politically

setting for both conferences–West Africa–is the site of religious

motivated to overcome unsustainable and unjust patterns of

diversity if not conflict, in every country of the region and most of

behavior and to promote just economic, technological, and

its corners. The conferences that produced the papers published

political institutions. Guest edited by Raymond Anthony, this

here examine the capacity that communities across the continent

special issue is prompted by a National Science Foundation

have for peace and reconciliation. In particular, the papers

Climate Ethics Works-in-Progress conference (September 2011)

examine the way religious institutions foster reconciliation and

at the University of Alaska Anchorage. The eight articles focus

peacebuilding and the critical role of media in consolidating

on climate change and raise the following questions: How should


we think about climate change, ethically, socially, and politically?

The Stigmatized Vernacular

What sort of leadership can and ought philosophers and ethicists provide in helping to shape the discourses around climate

JFR: Journal of Folklore Research Volume 49 Issue 2

change? What long-range lifestyle changes can we promote so

Guest Edited by Diane E. Goldstein and Amy Shuman

natural and human-induced environmental challenges such as

This special issue of JFR examines double

warming oceans, and intense precipitation events in many regions

stigmas: situations in which individuals and the vernaculars

of the world? The articles highlight avenues for interdisciplinary

associated with them are stigmatized. The articles in this

intersections and pave the way for more advanced philosophical

issue build on Erving Goffman’s concept of stigma and the

work in climate ethics. The view emerges that we must transcend

management of spoiled identities, on work in reflexive

our personal or national interests to meet this very human,

ethnography and the politics of representation, and on Labov

intergenerational challenge. The need for balanced and informed

and Waletzky’s notions of the untellable or unspeakable. They

discourses around climate and environmental challenges is

demonstrate the contributions that folklore research makes

urgent and we cannot ignore the needs and interests of the most

towards understanding the processes and cultural politics of

vulnerable among us.

stigmatization as well as the resources that people employ to 18 •

that human activities are more deliberate and responsive to extreme weather, intense and large storms, drought, heat waves,

indiana university press

Fais Do-Do TRANSITION 110 Transition 110 features a suite of Black poetry, along with photographers, artists, architects,

Order Information INDIVIDUAL SUBSCRIBERS Visit IUP/Journals online at Phone: 888.388.3574 Email:

and writers who catalogue the textures and colors of Africa and the African American experience. History imprints itself upon the poetry and art featured in

INSTITUTIONAL SUBSCRIBERS Visit IUP/Journals online at Phone: 877.786.7575 Email:

Transition 110 and also the prose. Diane McWhorter returns to

Print single-issue orders may be ordered directly from IU Press.

Birmingham, Alabama, and finds that the virulent politics of discrimination continues to flare in its streets—not only in the black community but also among immigrants. Ed Pavlić looks at race and gentrification in San Francisco through two films. David Adjaye discussing art and

Indiana University Press PHONE: 812.855.8817 Toll Free (USA): 800.842.6796 FAX: 812.855.7931 EMAIL:

architecture writes that “the generative roots of architecture indicate that it is the support, the frame, for bodily rituals. And ritual is how architecture is birthed.” History meets the contemporary in these pages, and the present continues to be seduced by the past. In this issue we witness the contemporary’s tempestuous love affair with history; what is born is at times beautiful and at times awful.

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Afric an studies


ACPR: African Conflict & Peacebuilding Review

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Indiana University Press/Journals 2013/2014

Africa Today

message reaches the precise community you need to inform. Low ad rates help you get the most out of your

Black Camera

print advertising dollars.

Meridians Research in African Literatures Spectrum Transition Bioethics IJFAB: International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics C ul tur al studies Black Camera Film Studies

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Transition Spectrum EDUC ATION Philosophy of Music Education Review Teaching & Learning Inquiry Electro


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ADVERTISING IN IUP/Journals 2013/2014 Gender studies

African Conflict and Peacebuilding Review Circulation 150 Ad size Art size Price Full Page 4.5 x 7.5” $250 Half Page 4.5 x 3.625” $150 Closing dates Vol. 3.1 1 March 13 Vol. 3:2 1 September 13

Africa Today Circulation 1,100 Ad size Art size Price 4.5 x 7.5” $275 Full Page Half Page 4.5 x 3.625” $165 Closing dates Vol. 59.3 1 February 13 1 May 13 Vol. 59:4 Vol. 60.1 1 August 13 Vol. 60.2 1 November 13


Ethics & The Environment Circulation 200 Ad size Art size Price Full Page 4.5 x 7.5” $250 Half Page 4.5 x 3.625” $150 Closing dates Vol. 18:1 1 March 13 Vol. 18:2 1 September 13

Film History Circulation 800 Ad size Art size Price $250 Full Page 6.25 x 8.25” Half Page 6.25 x 4” $150 Closing dates Vol. 24:3 1 August 12 1 November 12 Vol. 24:4 1 February 13 Vol. 25:1 1 June 13 Vol. 25:2


Circulation 150 Ad size Art size Price Full Page 4.5 x 7.5” $275 $165 Half Page 4.5 x 3.625” Closing dates Vol. 13:1 1 May 13 1 September 13 Vol. 13:2

Circulation 375 Ad size Art size Price Full Page 4.5 x 7.5” $275 $165 Half Page 4.5 x 3.625” Closing dates Vol. 8:3 1 June 13 1 October 13 Vol. 9:1 Vol 9.2 1 February 13

Black Camera


Circulation 350 Ad size Art size Price 4.5 x 7.5” $250 Full Page Half Page 4.5 x 3.625” $150 Closing dates Vol. 4.2 1 March 13 1 September 13 Vol. 5.1

Circulation 750 Ad size Art size Price 4.5 x 7.5” $275 Full Page Half Page 4.5 x 3.625” $165 Cover 3 4.5 x 7.5” $400 Closing dates Vol. 36:2 1 March 13 Vol. 36:3 1 June 13 Vol. 36:4 1 September 13 Vol. 37:1 1 December 13

e-Service Journal Circulation 100 Ad size Art size Price Full Page 7 x 10” $250 Half Page 7 x 5” $150 Closing dates Vol. 8:3 1 February 13 Vol. 9:1 1 September 13 Vol. 9:2 1 May 14

History & Memory Circulation 650 Ad size Art size Price Full Page 4.5 x 7.5” $275 Half Page 4.5 x 3.625” $165 Closing dates Vol. 25:1 1 February 13 Vol. 25:2 1 August 13

IJFAB: International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics Circulation 200 Ad size Art size Price Full Page 4.5 x 7.5” Half Page 4.5 x 3.625” Closing dates Vol. 6:1 1 March 13 Vol. 6:2 1 August 13

Ethics & The Environment IJFAB: International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics JFSR: Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion

$250 $150

Israel Studies Circulation 400 Ad size Art size Price $275 Full Page 4.5 x 7.5” Half Page 4.5 x 3.625” $165 Closing dates Vol. 18:3 1 April 13 1 September 13 Vol. 19.1 Vol. 19:2 1 December 13

Jewish Social Studies Circulation 400 Ad size Art size Price Full Page 4.5 x 7.5” $275 $165 Half Page 4.5 x 3.625” Cover 3 4.5 x 7.5” $350 Closing dates Vol. 18:3 1 April 13 Vol. 19:1 1 August 13 1 December 13 Vol. 19:2

Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion Circulation 950 Ad size Art size Price Full Page 4.5 x 7.5” $275 Half Page 4.5 x 3.625” $165 Closing dates 1 May 13 Vol. 29:1 Vol. 29:2 1 November 13

JMEWS: Journal of Middle East Women’s Studies Meridians Nashim Spectrum Gl o bal studies Black Camera The Global South Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics Spectrum H ist or y History & Memory Israel Studies Jewish Social Studies JMEWS: Journal of Middle East Women’s Studies Nashim Victorian Studies Isr ael studies Israel Studies Jewish studies Aleph History & Memory Israel Studies Jewish Social Studies Nashim Prooftexts Law Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies 21

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Circulation 450 Ad size Art size Price Full Page 4.5 x 7.5” $275 Half Page 4.5 x 3.625” $165 Cover 3 4.5 x 7.5” $350 Closing dates Vol. 50.1 1 April 13 Vol. 50.2 1 September 13 Vol. 50.3 1 January 13

Research in African Literatures Victorian Studies Middle

East S tudies

JMEWS: Journal of Middle East Women’s Studies Israel Studies


Music Philosophy of Music Education Review Phil oso phy Ethics & The Environment IJFAB: International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society Ra ce & Ethnic

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Black Camera Meridians Spectrum Transition R eli gious studies Aleph JFSR: Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion S cience Aleph: Historical Studies in Science and Judaism IJFAB: International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics V ict ori an studies Victorian Studies V isu al Ar ts Black Camera Film History Nashim 22

Circulation 300 Ad size Art size Price Full Page 4.5 x 7.5” $250 Half Page 4.5 x 3.625” $150 Closing dates 1 March 13 Vol. 12:2 Vol. 13:1 1 September 12

Research in African Literatures

Circulation 1,100 Ad size Art size Price Full Page 4.5 x 7.5 $400 Half Page 4.5 x 3.625 $325 Closing Dates No. 111 1 May 13 No. 112 1 September 13 No. 113 1 January 14


Victorian Studies

Circulation 150 Ad size Art size Price 4.5 x 7.5” $250 Full Page Half Page 4.5 x 3.625” $150 Closing dates Vol. 1:2 1 April 13 Vol. 2:1 1 October 13

Circulation 2,100 Ad size Art size Price Full Page 4.5 x 7.5” $325 Half Page 4.5 x 3.625” $200 Closing dates Vol. 55:2 1 April 13 Vol. 55:3 1 July 13 Vol. 55.4 1 October 13 1 January 14 Vol. 56:1

Nashim Circulation 275 Ad size Art size Price Full Page 5 x 8” $250 $150 Half Page 5 x 3.75” Closing dates No. 25 1 March 13 No. 26 1 September 13

Philosophy of Music Education Review Circulation 375 Ad size Art size Price 4.5 x 7.5” $250 Full Page Half Page 4.5 x 3.625” $150 Closing dates Vol. 21:1 1 March 13 1 September 13 Vol. 21:2

Prooftexts Circulation 375 Ad size Art size Price Full Page 4.5 x 7.5” $275 Half Page 4.5 x 3.625” $165 Closing dates Vol. 32:2 1 April 13 Vol. 32:3 1 August 13 Vol. 33:1 1 November 13


Circulation 650 Ad size Art size Price Full Page 4.5 x 7.5” $275 Half Page 4.5 x 3.625” $165 Closing dates Vol. 44:2 1 March 13 Vol. 44:3 1 June 13 Vol. 44:4 1 September 13 1 December 13 Vol. 45:1

Teaching & Learning Inquiry Circulation 450 Ad size Art size Price $275 Full Page 4.5 x 7.5” Half Page 4.5 x 3.625” $165 Closing dates 1 March 13 Vol. 1.1 Vol. 1.2 1 September 13

Transactions Circulation 600 Ad size Art size Price Full Page 4.5 x 7.5” $325 Half Page 4.5 x 3.625” $200 Closing dates Vol. 48.4 1 February 13 1 May 13 Vol. 49:1 Vol. 49:2 1 August 13 Vol. 49:3 1 November 13

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ACPR, African Conflict and Peacebuilding Review...................................................$150

Philosophy of Music Education Review ..............................................................$150

Africa Today..........................................$200



History & Memory................................$200

Black Camera........................................$150

IJFAB, International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics ..............................................................$150

All ads must be received 10 days in advance of run date.

Israel Studies........................................$200


e-Service Journal..................................$150 Ethics & The Environment...................$150 Film History..........................................$150 The Global South..................................$150 International Journal of Global Legal Studies..................................................$150 JMEWS, Journal of Middle East Women’s Studies..................................................$200 jml, Journal of Modern Literature ..............................................................$200

Jewish Social Studies............................$200 Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion ..............................................................$200 Journal of Folklore Research...............$200 Research in African Literatures...........$200 Spectrum...............................................$150

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Teaching & Learning Inquiry...............$150




Transition.............................................$200 Victorian Studies..................................$200 23

journal RATES

indiana university press









































2012/13 IUP/Journals Prices







Africa Today




African Conflict & Peacebuilding Review







Black Camera



e-Service Journal



Ethics & the Environment



Film History


Global South



History & Memory Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies*








Int'l Jnl of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics







Israel Studies







Jewish Social Studies







Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion







Journal of Folklore Research







Journal of Middle East Women's Studies







Journal of Modern Literature





















Philosophy of Music Education Review














Research in African Literatures














Teaching & Learning Inquiry





















Victorian Studies







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