Work & Travel 2022-2023
Barichara, Colombia
building a stone wall for vermicomposting toilets
making a wooden construction for vermicomposting toilets
making a wooden construction for vermicomposting toilets
Advanced international workshop of earth construction
making different clay mixtures
making different clay mixtures
making different clay mixtures
making rammed earth wall
Pacific coast, Colombia
volunteering in a hostel
volunteering in a hostel
collecting trash from the beach
building a fence from trash and driftwood
building a fence from trash and driftwood
El Terreno, Ecuador
helping with building of Cultural Exchange Centre in Andes
helping with building of Cultural Exchange Centre
helping with building of Cultural Exchange Centre
making construction drawings for builders
making construction drawings for builders
working with ecuadorian builders
buying und transporting bamboo from tropical region
building modern interpretation of traditional technique
building modern interpretation of traditional technique
building test wall of Bahareque
building test wall of Bahareque
building test wall of Bahareque
Lazuz, Portugal
training program with The Womens Natural Building Collective
learning about natural building techniques
learning about natural building techniques
learning about natural building techniques
mixing earth (making cob)
making adobe bricks
building adobe bricks wall
building adobe bricks wall
making Wattle and Daub wall
making Wattle and Daub wall
cutting bottles for Wattle and Daub wall
making Wattle and Daub wall
making slip straw wall
making slip straw wall
making clay plaster
making clay plaster