2. Related Work The architects argue that the place in which the project Is being built signifies a dubious identity. The place in question was once an extension of Hyde Park, but after new roads where built on the area, the lot was left separated from the Park and turned into an island. Marble Arch Hill is conceived as a temporary structure that highlights the contested nature of its site through the extension of Hyde Park and its transformation into a topographic feature.
Cities are a complex set of systems within sysAlthough our project takes much of its theoretical background and data background from the Urban Biodiversity Plan of Barcelona and the Green Atlas of Barcelona, the formal and spatial characteristics of our work find similarities in MVRDV’s Marble Arch Hill3 (see Image 1).
Marble Arch Hill is conceived as a topographic feature, a park and a multi-use interior (cavernous) space. Our project aims at cutting through urban space to create a morphology that resembles hill-like landscape features in which we may integrate some of the premier ecosystem engineers: plants. Image 1: Marble Arch Hill project by MVRDV
3. Study Area We’ve chosen El Born for two main reasons: The tightly packed urban fabric has severely limited the amount of public space (and public greenery) in the neighborhood. Secondly, the El Born is situated at the limits of the Ciutat Vella and borders el Parc de la Ciutadella, one of the biggest public parks in the City. In choosing El Born, we aimed at creating green habitats that would connect the inner parts of El Born with el Parc de la Ciutadella (see Image 3).
We have selected one of the densest neighborhoods of the city of Barcelona, El Born, as our area of study. Part of the Ciutat Vella district, El Born’s urban history dates to the Roman period of occupation in the Third Century of the Current Age. None the less, the urban fabric we know today was established between the 13th and 15th centuries4 (see Image 2).
Image 2: NDVI Barcelona https://www.mvrdv.nl/projects/456/marble-arch-hill https://elbornculturaimemoria.barcelona.cat/es/explora/el-conjunto-arqueologico/historia-del-born/ 5 https://ajuntament.barcelona.cat/atlesbiodiversitat/en/ 6 https://opendata-ajuntament.barcelona.cat/data/es/dataset/est-sp-taxa-mort-estand-edat 3 4
Image 3: El Born Current Situation