ivana 2020 english

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CONTACT Pri Váhu 1/1, Hubová, 03491, Slovensko +421 944 123 059 ivananechajova@gmail.com EDUCATION 2017-2018 ERASMUS HafenCity universität Hamburg 2014 Faculty of architecture CTU Prague 2009-2014 Bilingval grammer school Sučany 2011-2014 Basic art school, Drawing 2001-2009 Basic art school, Piano JOB EXPERIENCE Ren Ito Arquitecto - Porto InRoom - Žilina Streďanská Architekt - Žilina Studio REAKTOR - Prague Municipal office Hubová LANGUAGE SKILLS english - C1 german - B2 french - A1 COMPUTER SKILLS 3dsMax Archicad Artlantis AutoCad Illustrator InDesign Microsoft Office Photoshop SketchUp V-Ray


Chaple in the Prague Castle Town Hall Prague 10 Pink Flood Wilhelmsburg School - Competition Urbanism SUCHDOL Nusle Brewery Gallery SNG Spider Reidence ULO Ren Ito Arq InRoom Hubovรก


In the middle of the monotonous facades, where the the crowds of tourists hurry towards the st. Vitus Cathedral, stands a modern chapel. The large opening attracts the people going by to enter inside and at the same time, this opening acts as a real gate for the main attraction of the Prague castle. The shape of the Chaple is derived from all the passages leading to the second courtyard. Leaning walls are directed towards these passages and like that, they are defining the way leading to the entrance to the cathedral. Oblique wall on the other hand is retaining the space for the fountain and the well. The main idea behing the chapel is to create a common space for contemplation for everyone, no matter the religion. The inspiration was taken from the symbolism common for most of the religion. Water represnts purgation for christians, muslims, even for budhists. It is present in the falling water that alsoo creates a relaxing atmosphere. Another element is light that is brought to the interior by the glass tiles on the ceilling. Christianity perceives light as a hope for a new beginning, in islam it symbolizes understanding and for hinduists and budhists it is a sybol of deity. Slate on the walls represents an earth element and brings a feeling of humility and connection between heaven and earth. This chapel changes the character of the secnod courtyard of the Prague castle, people going by have a chance to stop for a while and spend here more time than before. At the same time it emphasises the meaning of the Saint Vitus Cathedral and creates an entrance gate.



FA ÄŒVUT I Studio Lampa

north elevation

east elevation

basement floor plan


ground floor



section elevation


The diploma project is engaged in revitalisation of Kubanske square, which has a very good position in terms of infrastructure. That is the reason why we are designing a new city hall for Prague 10 on this site. Designed building reacts to the junction of the main roads in front of the square. Two main directions are represented by perpendicular blocks stack on the top of each other with the corresponding truss structure that is dominant on the facades. Adjacent surrounding is bound to the major perspective axis from the road by which it follows up the context of the area.


FA ÄŒVUT I Studio KrĂĄtky

1st floor

2nd floor


4th floor

9th floor


south elevation

west elevation


The interior of the primary school in Wilhelmsburg was flooded with pink. This bold color defines a different function that this space carries. In this pink stain encourages a different kind of behaviour. to the contrast of the austere concrete walls of the classrooms, hallway brings a life to the interior. Relaxed atmosphere in the common space is suppoered also with the wierdly shaped Moroso sofas scattered all around. To continue in this soft edge mode the openings in the wall, as well as the cover of the lights are also rounded. In this space kind can enjoy the free time between the lessons or after school for games, playing or just reading a book.

PINK FLOOD Realizaion project I FA ÄŒVUT I Studio Soukenka


Plánovaná výstavba novej obytnej štvrti vo Wilhelmsburgu, v južnej časti Hamburgu, do tejto, zatiaľ, pomerne riedko osídlenej štvrti, priniesla množstvo občianskeho vybavenia. Neodmysliteľnou súčasťou sa stáva škola, pre ktorú bol už v rámci urbanizmu a dostatočnej dochádzkové vzdialenosti určený pozemok na roku ulíc ohraničený kanálmi vlievajucimi sa do rieky Labe. Pri návrhu školy bolo zohľadnené veľké množstvo studentov, ktorí sem v budúcnosti vudu pravidele chodiť. Preto je škola rozdelená na tri časti s prepojením v podzemí veľkou telocvičňou medzi prvou a druhov budovov ktoré sú určené pre prvý a duhý sekundárny stupeň školy. Posledná a najmenšia časť je venovaná najmladším študentom na základnej škole. Prepojená je podzemným tunelom s hlavnou časťou školy. Budova má vlastnú telocvičňu, kvôli špecifickým požiadavkam ktoré tento základný stupeň vyžaduje. Navýšením podlažia nad telocvičňou vzniklo vo vstupnej hale budovy veľké medzi podlažie, ktorému som sa v rámci ateliéru realizačný projekt venovala. Zvýšené podlažie tvorí samostaný objekt v celj budove. Zafarbený je jednou farbou a v priestore chodby sa materálom, farebného marmolea rozlieva ešte aj do tejto časti, čím pre deti tento priestor zútulňuje a zmenšuje. Použitý nábytok má oblé tvary a je rozmiestnený po celej ploche s marmoleom. Táto plocha je teda určená na oddych počas prestávok alebo po vyučovaní. Stena medzi chodbou a medzi podlažím je v tej istej farbe ako farebná marmoleová podlaha. Aby boli presvetlené chodby, sú v stené nepravidelnéPlánovaná výstavba novej obytnej štvrti vo Wilhelmsburgu, v južnej časti Hamburgu, do tejto, zatiaľ, pomerne riedko osídlenej štvrti, priniesla množstvo občianskeho vybavepresklené oblé tvary, v ktorý si deti môžu sedieť, ležať, čítať knižku, hrať sa hry. Oblými tvarmi je spojené s týmto uvoľneným preistorom aj ovetlenie. to zachováva tvary poho-nia. Neodmysliteľnou súčasťou sa stáva škola, pre ktorú bol už v rámci urbanizmu a dostatočnej dochádzkové vzdialenosti určený pozemok na roku ulíc ohraničený kanálmi viek a otvorov v stene. Schodisko bolo tiež vytvarované tak, aby nebolo určené len k pohybu hore a dole ale deti sa na rôzne vyvýšené stupne môžu sadnúť. vlievajucimi sa do rieky Labe. Na medzi podlaží vznikol priestor určený na oddych pre deti po hodine alebo počas prestávok. Celý interér je ladený v odtieňoch ružovej, červenej a orandžovej. Zvyšok stieňPri návrhu školy bolo zohľadnené veľké množstvo studentov, ktorí sem v budúcnosti vudu pravidele chodiť. Preto je škola rozdelená na tri časti s prepojením v podzemí veľkou a podlahy je sivý alebo s pohľadovým betónom. Tento priestor vymedzuje zónu pre oddych a zónu pre štúdium. telocvičňou medzi prvou a druhov budovov ktoré sú určené pre prvý a duhý sekundárny stupeň školy. Posledná a najmenšia časť je venovaná najmladším študentom na základnej škole. Prepojená je podzemným tunelom s hlavnou časťou školy. Budova má vlastnú telocvičňu, kvôli špecifickým požiadavkam ktoré tento základný stupeň vyžaduje. OSVETLENIE NÁBYTOK Navýšením podlažia nad telocvičňou vzniklo vo vstupnej hale budovy veľké medzi podlažie, ktorému som sa v rámci ateliéru realizačný projekt venovala. FLOS - CLARA Zvýšené podlažie tvorí samostaný objekt v celj budove. Zafarbený je jednou farbou a v priestore chodby sa materálom, farebného marmolea rozlieva ešte aj do tejto časti, čím pre deti tento priestor zútulňuje a zmenšuje. nábytok má oblé tvary a je rozmiestnený po celej ploche s marmoleom. Táto plocha je teda určená na oddych počas presPOHĽADY NA Použitý STENY távok alebo po vyučovaní. Stena medzi chodbou a medzi podlažím je v tej istej farbe ako farebná marmoleová podlaha. Aby boli presvetlené chodby, sú v stené nepravidelné presklené oblé tvary, v ktorý si deti môžu sedieť, ležať, čítať knižku, hrať sa hry. Oblými tvarmi je spojené s týmto uvoľneným preistorom aj ovetlenie. to zachováva tvary pohoviek a otvorov v stene. Schodisko bolo tiež vytvarované tak, aby nebolo určené len k pohybu hore a dole ale deti sa na rôzne vyvýšené stupne môžu sadnúť. Na medzi podlaží vznikol priestor určený na oddych pre deti po hodine alebo počas prestávok. Celý interér je ladený v odtieňoch ružovej, červenej a orandžovej. Zvyšok stieň a podlahy je sivý alebo s pohľadovým betónom. Tento priestor vymedzuje zónu pre oddych a zónu pre štúdium.


Moroso - Saruyama Island, Sistemi

Foscarini - Blob

Flos - Clara




Moroso - Saruyama Island, Sistemi

Foscarini - Blob

Flos - Clara

MATERIÁLY GSEducationalVersion

floor plan

elevation wall in the hall

elevation wall in the hallway

The school we designed in Wilhelmsburg consists of three parts, that are assigned to the respective school levels: elementary, lower secondary and upper secondary. This facilitates the orientation of pupils and visitors. While the buildings of the upper and middle school are separated above ground, they are connected underground by a lowered sports hall. This creates a spacious open space above ground that can be used as a playground. The connection between the elementary and the secondary is symbolically lowered. In the center of the schools stands a common library, which is immediately visible to visitors in the foyer of the school through open glass walls. Facing the shore is the large canteen, which is supplemented on the first floor with additional seats. All in all, lowering the sports halls makes it possible to use the floor space very efficiently. In the building, the classrooms of the secondary school are arranged in such a way that they can be used flexibly on the one hand, and create niches in the passageways on the other, which can be integrated into school life as places of retreat, work and rest. The elementary school relies on rather small spaces to be able to design the learning atmosphere in a family way.


with Agnieszka Halasz I HafenCity Universität I Prof. Florian Fink

underground floor

groun floor

3rd floor

west elevation

south elevation

section A-A’

section B-B’

Suchdol is northern part of Prage, but when one finds himself in this part of the city, there is no sign of the metropolis nowhere around. In the semestral project we were trying to make most of the area that has so much potential with such a good connection to the city center that it currently has and even better connection that it will have, once there will be a tram line. One of the main goals exept for creating a polycentral system, was to connect two watersitdes of the river, for better communication. The west part consists of all kinds of civic amenities, whereas the east part is dedicated to sport and relax. This area is already visited by a lot of tourists, becase of the zoo and botanical garden. Continuing in this theme, we are planing to support seasonal visitor by creating an waterpark and sportfields.



FA ÄŒVUT I Studio SedlĂĄk





plan from above

1st floorplan

The complex of old brewery in Nusle in the central part of Prague is inactive for a long period of time. That is why in my project my aim was to make it as opened to the public as possible, and atract the visitors to come to this part of Prague. From the old building of the brewery was created a gallery and exhibition spaces for all kinds of art. The exhibitions spaces are supplemented by studios and classrooms for organising workshops. For other visitors the building also contains a coffee place in the ground floor between the original cast iron columns. Most of the construciton is reused or revealed, so the history of the brewery is preserved.


FA ÄŒVUT I Studio KordovksĂ˝

2nd floorplan


west elevation

north elevation



The building of Slovak national gallery is currently under the reconstruction and for the Venice Biennale we were trying to find a solution for addition of bigger exhibition space without disrupting the old building designed by a significant slovak architect Dedeček. So we placed the exhibition space above. Above the whole complex of Slovak nation gallery. The space is connected with the ground by 5 legs. These legs are strategicaly placed on the ground so everyone from everywhere and get on the top. And so the whole construction looks like a large spider above the gallery.


Biennale Architettura 2016

I FA ČVUT I Studio Hájek



SNG SPIDER sectioned elevation



south elevation pohľad východný pohľad severný


1st floorplan

The location in Řisuty near Prague is very secluded and so that ideal for a peaceful residence far from the busy city. In relation to the fgiven morfology of the location the building is designed so that it fills the space between the reef that stretches along the estate. With its shape of two segment on the top of each other it tryes to blend in, but these white strips are clearly destinguished from the surrounding nature. As the visitor is walking deeper inside, passes under the segments, the whole landscape apears in front of him.


2nd floorplan

section A - A´

section B - B´

north-west elevation

south-east elevation


REN ITO ARQ. Competition for school in Mozambique


Reconstruction of Hotel Slovakia in TrenÄ?ianske Teplice

Fire Station

Elementary School

Community center

Council chamber



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