DONAU – KULTURSTRASSE Exlibris für einen interkulturellen Dialog DUNAJ – PÚŤ KULTÚRY Interkulturálny dialóg
TRIBEL III – International Ex-libris competition and exhibition organised by the BALKANKULT FOUNDATION
A KULTÚRA ÚTJA A DUNA MENTÉN Ex Libris - Interkulturális párbeszédet ДУНАВ – ПУТ КУЛТУРЕ Ex libris за интеркултурални дијалог
THE DANUBE - ROUTE OF CULTURE Ex-libris for intercultural dialogue
DUNAV - PUT KULTURE Ex libris za interkulturalni dijalog DUNĂREA – CALE A CULTURII Ex-libris pentru un dialog intercultural ДУНАВ – ПЪТЯТ НА КУЛТУРАТА Екслибрисът за интеркултурен диалог ДУНАЙ – ШЛЯХ КУЛЬТУРИ Екслібрис про міжкультурний діалог
Belgrade 2011.
JURY REPORT The selection and awards jury consisting of academic Časlav Ocić, president of the Belgrade Ex Libris Society; Regina Hellwig-Schmid, project manager at Donumenta Regensburg; Dan Mircea Cipariu, president of the Poetry Department of the Union of Writers of Romania and Dimitrije Vujadinović, president of the Balkankult Foundation, have viewed all the works which have been submitted to the competition.
DONAU – KULTURSTRASSE Exlibris für einen interkulturellen Dialog
DUNAJ – PÚŤ KULTÚRY Interkulturálny dialóg Počas dlhých miléniov jej histórie, Dunaj naveky bol, je a bude hlavná cesta , kde sa stretajú rôzne civilizácie, kultúry, ľudia a tovary. Pri brehoch tejto rieky nahromadené sú skúsenosti ľudí od prehistórie až po súčasnosť, a silné dunajské prúdy vždy umožňovali ľuďom poznať možné víťazstvo nad falošnou večnosťou a skutočnou hmotnou dočasnosťou. Podunajsko vždy bolo osobitný priestor východísk a bojísk európskeho ducha, a Dunaj sa stal otrasnou metaforou rozvojových a otrasných pohybov Európy, ktoré tento svetadiel budovali a oplodňovali, ale aj ničili a vracali späť. Každá oblasť, každé podunajské mesto a dedina majú svoju osobitnosť, ale všetky spolu tvoria mozaiku, poskytujúcu všeobecný obraz o diani na jeho brehoch. Táto mocná rieka poskytuje možnosť všetkým národov Európy, aby v nej spoznali svoju jedinečnú budúcnosť. Preto treba veriť v liečivú silu Dunaja!
The Balkankult Foundation and members of the jury would like to thank all participants of the competition and are pleased with the amount of works recieved as well as their quality.
Die Donau ist ein schicksalhafter Fluß Europas! In langen Jahrtausenden der Geschichte ist sie sein Hauptverkehrsweg der Zivilisationen und Kulturen, Menschen und Waren. Neben den Ufern dieses Flusses sind Erfahrungen der Menschen seit der Prähistorie bis heute abgelagert und mächtige Donauströme haben seit immer Erkenntnisse von möglichem Sieg über die trügerische Ewigkeit und wirkliche materielle Vergänglichkeit geboten. Das Donaugebiet war immer ein besonderer Raum des Ausgangpunktes und Schauplatzes des europäischen Geistes und die Donau ist zur Metapher der erschütternden und Entwicklungsläufe Europas geworden, die diesen Kontinent ausbauten und befruhteten aber auch zerstörten und zurückrückten. Jede Gegend und Stadt, jedes Dorf im Donaugebiet hat etwas Besonderes an sich aber zusammen machen sie ein Mosaik, das ein allgemeines Bild vom Laufe des Lebens an Ufern der Donau bietet. Das Ziel ist, die Zusammenarbeit zwischen Personen die im Bereich Kultur und Media tätig sind, Künstler und Firmen innerhalb und ausserhalb die ganze Welt zu unterstützen. Die Hauptziele dieses Wettbewerbs sind: die Förderung der Kunst und der Kultur im Prozesskontext des verbesserten Verständnisses und der Zusammenarbeit verschiedener Kulturen, die in der Donauregion entstanden sind; die Inizierung des regionalen multikulturellen und interkulturellen Dialogs; die Unterstützung der regionalen künstlerischen Verbindungen; die Erweiterung des Wissens über die Donauregion als einer einzigartigen europäischen Region Dieser mächtiger Fluß bietet allen Völkern Europas die Möglichkeit, in ihm ihre gemeinsame Zukunft zu erkennen. Deswegen soll man an die heilsame Kraft der Donau glauben!
Časlav Ocić, Jury president
Dimitrije Vujadinović
The jury has agreed to select 128 works which thematically and aesthetically meet the criteria laid out in the competition. Jury president Časlav Ocić considered the awards suggestions, with which other jury members have agreed on. The jury awarded one second ex aequo award to: Snežani Kezele (Serbia), Istvan Iscsu Molnar (Hungary) and Pavel Čanji (Serbia). One third ex aequo award to: Tijana Kojić (Serbia), Dumitru Ovidiu (Romania) and Ulyana Turchenko (Ukraine).
The Balkankult Foundation particularly wishes to thank members of the jury: Mr. Časlav Ocić, president of the Belgrade Ex Libris Society; Mrs. Regina Hellwig-Schmid, project manager at Donumenta Regensburg and Mr. Dan Mircea Cipariu, president of the Poetry Department of the Union of Writers of Romania, for their efforts and successful judging. We also wish to thank the colleagues who worked on the implementation of the competition and exhibition: dr Dušica Ristin, Tamara Čikeš and Aleksandar Pedović.
Three Belgrade Ex Libris Society awards for Desislav Gechev (Bulgaria), Ivana Vidić (Serbia) and Tamara Čikeš (Serbia). One special Balkankult Foundation Award to Gligor Traian from Germany.
Dimitrije Vujadinović
A KULTÚRA ÚTJA A DUNA MENTÉN Ex Libris – Interkulturális párbeszédet
ДУНАВ – ПУТ КУЛТУРЕ Еx либрис за интеркултурални дијалог
DUNAV – PUT KULTURE Ex libris za interkulturalni dijalog
DUNĂREA – CALE A CULTURII Ex-libris pentru un dialog intercultural
A Duna sorsokat meghatározó folyó! Immár hosszú évezredeken át ez a folyó a civilizáció, az emberek, az áru és a kultúra fő útvonala. A folyó partjain lerakódott az emberi tapsztalat az őskortól napjainkig, az erős dunai áramlatok meg mindig hoztak magukkal újabbnál- újabb ismereteket arról, hogyan lehet halhatatlanná válni, győzedelmeskedni az anyagi múlandóság felett. A Dunamente mindig meghatározott térsége volt az európai szellemiségnek, a Duna jelképezte Európa fejlődését és a megrázkodtatások időszakaszait. Minden táj, város és falu a Duna mentén magában hordozza sajátosságait, de eggyütt mozaikot alkotnak, s ez képet nyújt a az életről a folyó partján. A belgrádi Balkánkult Alapitvány és az Ex Libris Társaság a Vajdasági Kormány támogatásával nemzetközi ex libris pályázatot hirdet meg, amelyek a témája a Duna, azaz a kultúra útja a Duna mentén. Az alapitvány ezzel kivánja serkenteni az interkulturális párbeszédet és a Duna mentén élő művészek és intézmények együttműködését, valamint a nemzetközi kommunikációs, professzionális, műszaki, művészi és kulturális kapcsolatok fejlesztését in Kunst und Kultur über die Grenzen hinweg fördern. Ez az erős folyó Európa minden népének lehetőséget ad arra hogy felismerje egyedi jövőjét. Ezért kell hinni a Duna gyógyitó erejében.
Дунав је судбоносна река Европе! У дугим миленијумима историје њена главна саобраћајница цивилизација и култура, људи и роба. Крај обала ове реке наталожена су искуства људи од праисторије до данашњих дана, а моћне дунавске струје одувек су пружале сазнања о могућој победи над варљивом већности и стварном материјалном пролазности. Подунавље је увек било посебан простор исходишта и попришта европског духа, а Дунав постао метафора развојних и потресних токова Европе који су овај континент изграђивали и оплођивали, али и разарали и враћали уназад. Сваки предео, сваки град и село уз Дунав доносе своју посебност али сви заједно чине мозаик који пружа општу слику о протоку живота на његовим обалама. Стваралачке могућности народа који живе у Подунављу одувек су се најбоље исказивале у уметности и култури уопште. Сетимо се само композитора, музичара, писаца, сликара који су живели и стварали у Штутгарту, Улму, Линцу, Бечу, Братислави, Будимпешти, Новом Саду, Београду Русеу и другим градовима уз Дунав. Управо је уметност била та која је премошћивала разлике и надилазила сукобе. Културе и уметности Подунавља узајамно су се преплитале, оплемењивале и инспирисале. И данас та вековна упућеност на међусобну сарадњу није ништа изгубила од културног и политичког значаја, напротив! Ова моћна река пружа могућност свим народима Европе да у њој препознају своју јединствену будућност. Зато треба веровати у лековиту снагу Дунава
Dunav je sudbonosna rijeka Evrope! U dugim milenijima povijesti njena glavna prometnica civilizacija i kultura, ljudi i roba. Kraj obala ove rijeke nataložena su iskustva ljudi od prapovijesti do današnjih dana, a moćne dunavske struje oduvijek su pružale spoznaje o mogućoj pobjedi nad varljivom vječnosti i stvarnom materijalnom prolaznosti. Podunavlje je uvijek bilo poseban prostor ishodišta i poprišta evropskog duha, a Dunav postao metafora razvojnih i potresnih tokova Evrope koji su ovaj kontinent izgrađivali i oplođivali, ali i razarali i vraćali unazad. Svaki predio, svaki grad i selo uz Dunav donose svoju posebnost ali svi zajedno čine mozaik koji pruža opću sliku o protoku života na njegovim obalama. Stvaralačke mogućnosti naroda koji žive u Podunavlju oduvijek su se najbolje iskazivale u umjetnosti i kulturi uopće. Sjetimo se samo kompozitora, glazbenika, pisaca, slikara koji su živjeli i stvarali u Štutgartu, Ulmu, Lincu, Beču, Bratislavi, Budimpešti, Novom Sadu, Beogradu Ruseu i drugim gradovima uz Dunav. Upravo je umjetnost bila ta koja je premošćavala razlike i nadilazila sukobe. Kulture i umjetnosti Podunavlja uzajamno su se preplitale, oplemenjivale i inspirirale. I danas ta vjekovna upućenost na međusobnu suradnju nije ništa izgubila od kulturnog i političkog značaja, naprotiv! Ova moćna rijeka pruža mogućnost svim narodima Evrope da u njoj prepoznaju svoju jedinstvenu budućnost. Zato treba vjerovati u ljekovitu snagu Dunava
Dunărea este fluviul cardinal al Europei! De-a lungul istoriei sale milenare, a fost principala sa cale a civilizaţiei şi culturii, a oamenilor şi a negoţului. Pe malurile acestui fluviu s-a strâns experienţa umană din timpurile străvechi şi până în zilele noastre, iar curenţii tari ai fluviului au oferit dintotdeauna perspectiva posibilelor victorii asupra veşniciei şi trecătoarei condiţii materiale. Spaţiul dunărean a fost întotdeauna un loc al iscodirilor şi întâmplărilor spiritului european, iar Dunărea a devenit o metaforă a cursurilor cutremurătoare şi de dezvoltare care au ridicat şi îmbogăţit acest continent, dar l-au şi năruit şi l-au tras înapoi. Fiecare zonă, fiecare oraş şi sat de pe Dunăre are originalitatea sa, însă toate la un loc alcătuiesc un mozaic care reprezintă imaginea generală a vieţii de pe malurile sale. Acest fluviu puternic oferă tuturor popoarelor Europei posibilitatea ca prin el să-şi recunoască viitorul neasemuit. De aceea trebuie să avem încredere în forţa tămăduitoare a Dunării.
Dimitrije Vujadinović
Димитрије Вујадиновић
Dimitrije Vujadinović
Dimitrije Vujadinović
THE DANUBE - ROUTE OF CULTURE Ex-libris for intercultural dialogue ДУНАВ – ПЪТЯТ НА КУЛТУРАТА Екслибрисът за интеркултурен диалог
ДУНАЙ – ШЛЯХ КУЛЬТУРИ Екслібрис про міжкультурний діалог
Дунав е съдбоносна река на Европа! В дългите хилядолетия на историята нейната главна транспортна връзка за цивилизация и култура, хора и стоки. Край бреговете на тази река са уталожени опитът на хората от праисторията до днешни дни, а мощните дунавски течения винаги са давали усещане за възможна победа над измамливата вечност и постоянната материална преходност. . Подунавието винаги е било особена територия на изходи и поприща на европейския дух, а Дунав се е превърнал в метафора на разтърсващи течения на Европа, които са изграждали и оплождали този континент, но и разорявали и връщали назад. Всяка област, всеки град и село около Дунав носят своя особеност, но всички заедно съставят мозайка, която дава обща картина за протичането на живота на неговите брегове. Културите и изкуствата на народите от Подунавието са се смесвали и една на друга се давали вдъхновение. Дори днес тази вековна посветеност на сътрудничеството не е изгубила своето културно и политическо значение. Напротив! Тази мощна река дава възможност на всички народи на Европа да разпознаят в нея своето общо бъдеще. Затова трябва да се вярва в лечебната сила на Дунав.
Дунай - доленосна річка Європи! Протягом багатьох століть Дунай був її головним сполученням між цивілізаціями і культурами, поєднував людей і товари. Береги цієї ріки несуть пам’ять і досвід людей від доісторичних часів до сучасності, могутні дунайські хвилі були споконвічним свідченням можливості перемоги над вічністю і реальністю. Подунав’я завжди було особливим регіоном, де народжувався і процвітав європейський дух, а сам Дунай став метафорою для впливових тенденцій в Європі, які цей континент будували і збагачували, але також й руйнували і повертали назад у історії. Кожна частина, кожне місто і село на Дунаї характеризується своєю унікальністю, однак всі вони разом складають мозаїку – загальну картину про історію людського життя на його берегах. Культури і мистецтво народів Подунав’я тісно переплелись між собою, даючи одні одним натхнення для розвитку. Навіть сьогодні це вікове бажання до співпраці не втратило свого культурного та політичного значення. Навпаки! Ця потужна ріка надає можливість всім народам Європи відкрити для себе своє власне майбутнє. Тож давайте повіримо у лікувальну силу Дунаю.
The Danube is the foremost European river! For a long part of history it has been Europe’s main crossroads of civilizations and culture, people and goods. The banks of this river are filled with people’s experiences from ancient history until today, and the powerful Danube currents have always offered insight into the possible victory over deceptive eternity and the actual material transience. The Danube region has always been special since it is a birth place and cradle of European spirit. The Danube has become a metaphor of development and influential paths of Europe which have built and enriched this continent, even if sometimes they reduced it to rubble and caused it to regress. Each region, each city and village along the Danube is unique in its own right, but all together they form a mosaic of the general image of the passing of life on the Danube banks. The creative capabilities of peoples living in the Danube region have always been best expressed through art and culture in general. Just remember the composers, musicians, writers and painters who have lived and worked in Stuttgart, Ulm, Linz, Vienna, Bratislava, Budapest, Novi Sad, Belgrade and other cities along the Danube. It was art that bridged differences and helped resolve conflicts. The culture and art of the Danube region have intertwined, enriching and inspiring each other. Even today that centuries-long commitment to cooperation has not lost its cultural and political significance. On the contrary! This powerful river offers the possibility for all European people to recognize their unique future connected to this river. That is why we should believe in the healing power of the Danube.
Димитрије Вујадиновић
Dimitrije Vujadinović
Димитрије Вујадиновић
Born in Belgrade After Design School she earned her diploma at the Academy of Applied Arts. She has been a member of the The Association of Applied Arts Artists and Designers of Serbia (ULUPUDS) since 1978, and is an independent artist. Winner of the 2006 annual award of ULUPUDS, and the 2005 MAY exhibition award of ULUPUDS. She works on painting, illustrated installations, digital photography, miniprints, etc. in the past 2-3 years she has been working with ex libris as well.
Born in 1947 in Salgótarján, Hungary. Since 1968 lives in Budapest. Artistic activity: Exlibris, graphics, painting, illustration, art books and book layout. Since 1979, a number of individual exhibitions; regular participation in group exhibitions in Hungary and abroad.
KEZELE Snežana /SR/ CGD 130x130 8
MOLNAR Iscsu István /HU/ C3 100x130 9
Born in Kačarevo,1953. Earned his degree at the Academy of Arts Novi Sad, 1978. Post-diploma studies of graphics at the Faculty of Arts, Belgrade, in 1983. Member of the Artists Union of Vojvodina, Graphic Collective, Slovak Graphic Artists Union. He works on graphics, paintings and illustrations. He has had 35 individual exhibitions. Director of the Slovak-Vojvodina Theatre in B. Petrovac.
Born in Belgrade, 1987. Student at the Faculty of Applied Arts, studying painting restauration and conservation. Member of the ex libris society. She participated in numerous collective exhibitions.
ČANJI Pavel /SR/ C3 85x70 10
KOJIĆ Tijana /SR/ C3+C4 128x93 11
Studies: 1987 – 1992 Naval Faculty of Electromechanics, Institute of Marine – Constanţa; 1993 – 1997 Faculty of Law, University Spiru Haret, Bucharest; 2010 – Romanian Diplomatic Institute, 2008 – 2011 National University of Arts, Faculty of Fine Arts, Specialization Sculpture. Founding member of the Cultural Association COSMOGRAPHIA of the National Museum of Maps and Old Book.
Born in Lviv, Ukraine, 1980. BA in Fine Arts, at the Lviv College of Decorative and Applied Arts ”Ivan Trush”. She is art director of her own design bureau ”United Arts” (Lviv, Ukraine). She works on branding design, art graphics and book illustration.
OVIDIU Dumitru /RO/ C5 125x120 12
TURCHENKO Ulyana /UKR/ C7 113x130 13
GLIGOR Traian /DE/ X1 85x90
GECHEV Desislav /BG/ C3+C7 89x125 14
VIDIĆ Ivana /SR/ CGD 68x100
ČIKEŠ Tamara /SR/ CGD 128x128 15
ALAGIĆ Mujo /SR/ CGD 100x100
ALAGIĆ Mujo /SR/ CGD 94x120 16
ANDREEV Roberto /BG/ C4 128x90
ATANASOVA ATANASOVA Eleonora /BG/ C3+C5 130x95 17
BABIĆ Bogdan /SR/ CGD 130x130
BALAJTI Karoly /RO/ CGD 100x85 18
BENEDEK Judit /HU/ CGD 70x100
BENEDEK Judit /HU/ CGD 70x100 19
BIKIĆ Bojan /SR/ C3+C7 100x129
BILJNJA Gorana /HR/ X3 105x103 20
BRUGGER Matthias /DE/ P+CGD 130x90
BRUGGER Matthias /DE/ P+CGD 130x90 21
BULAJIĆ PAVLOVIĆ Katarina /SR/ CGD 80x120 22
ČANJI Pavel /SR/ C3 100x57
ĆUĆUZ Nirvana /SR/ X 120x100 23
ĆURČIN Vladimir /SR/ CGD 130x130
ĆURČIN Vladimir /SR/ CGD 90x130 24
DENIĆ Goran RADIĆ LUCATI Nikola /SR/ P4+X 118x118
DIETZSCH Peter /DE/ MT+CGD 125x82 25
DIETZSCH Peter /DE/ MT+CGD 125x88
DIETZSCH Peter /DE/ MT+CGD 130x80 26
DOBRIJEVIĆ Jasna /SR/ C4+C5 64x90
DOUBRAWA Reinhard /DE/ X3 150x150 27
ÉLES Bulcsú /HU/ S1 113x113
ERCEGOVIĆ Violeta /SR/ X3 28
ERDELJANIN Maja /SR/ CGD 89x89 29
EVGENIEV ANDREEV Kiril /BG/ C3+C5 119x129
FELLNER Eva /AT/ CGD 85x130 30
GAYER Vera /HU/ X3 134x103
GECHEV Desislav /BG/ C3+C7 84x120 31
GECHEV Desislav /BG/ C3+C7 92x115
GLIGOR Traian /DE/ X1 100x90 32
GLIGOR Traian /DE/ X1 85x115
GLIGOR Traian /DE/ X1 85x95 33
HARASZTI Péter /HU/ CGD 130x100
JAKABHÁZI Alexandru /RO/ CGD 100x100
JAKABHÁZI Alexandru /RO/ CGD 107x100 35
JOVANOVIĆ MARKOVIĆ Milica /SR/ X3 98x124 36
JOVANOVIĆ Milan Jofke /SR/ CGD 115x100
KÀNTOR Jòzsef /HU/ E3 101x130 37
KÀNTOR Jòzsef /HU/ E3 129x129
KÀNTOR Jòzsef /HU/ E3 130x97 38
KEMPF Christa /AT/ CGD 72x110
KEREKES Dorottya /HU/ X3 130x114 39
KEZELE Sne탑ana /SR/ CGD 100x125
KEZELE Sne탑ana /SR/ CGD 127x120 40
KEZELE Sne탑ana /SR/ CGD 130x110
KEZELE Sne탑ana /SR/ CGD 130x110 41
KEZELE Snežana /SR/ CGD 130x125
KOVAČ Vladimir /SR/ CGD 119x89 42
KOVAČ Vladimir /SR/ CGD 119x89
KOVAČEVIĆ Rajko /SR/ X3 130x130 43
KOZMA Péter /HU/ CGD 78x130
KRASIMIRA IVANOVA Mileva /BG/ L 86x122 44
LAZAROVA Martina /BG/ X3 110x101 45
MALEŠEVIĆ Dragana /SR/ C3+C5 65X110
MARTINCHEVA Aneliya /BG/ C3+C5 100x83 46
MELEGH Andrea /HU/ S1 111x111
MELEGH Andrea /HU/ S1 125x95 47
MOLNAR Istvan /HU/ C3+P3 100x130
NEŠIĆ Ana /SR/ X3 130x125 48
NEUMANN Marlene /DE/ C3+C5 74x100
NIKOLIŠ Jelena /SR/ C8 105x125 49
OGORELICA Miroslav /SR/ C5+C2 115x108
OROS Ivan /UKR/ C3+C7 99x99 50
PAHOŠKI Strahinja /SR/ CGD 95x90
PAVLIČIĆ Marija, PAVLIČIĆ Zvonko /SR/ CGD 130x130 51
PAVLIČIĆ Marija, PAVLIČIĆ Zvonko /SR/ CGD 130x130
PAVLOVA Galina /BG/ CGD 99x110 52
PAVLOVA Galina /BG/ CGD 99x110
PAVLOVA Galina /BG/ CGD 99x110 53
PAVLOVA Galina /BG/ CGD 99x110
PAVLOVA Galina /BG/ CGD 99x110 54
PAVLOVA Galina /BG/ CGD 99x110
PEDOVIĆ Aleksandar /SR/ CGD 100x66 55
PENCZ Anna /HU/ S1 120x120
PICHLER Monika /AT/ S1 85x102 56
POPOVIĆ Marija /SR/ CGD 120x70
PRAMATAROV Boris /BG/ C3+C5 114x42 57
PRAMATAROV Boris /BG/ C3+C5 44x52
RÁCHELOVÁ Andrea /SK/ C4 78x118 58
REISS Alois /DE/ CGD 77x128
REISS Alois /DE/ CGD 82x119 62
REISS Alois /DE/ CGD 91x129
ŠALAMON Árpád /SL/ X3 107x130 63
ŠALAMON Árpád /SL/ X3 120x107
ŠALAMON Árpád /SL/ X3 130x114 64
ŠALAMON Árpád /SL/ X3 83x140
ŠALAMON Árpád /SL/ X3 94x160 65
STAMATOVIĆ Suzana /SR/ X3 130x130
STAMENIĆ Sanja /SR/ CGD 110x79 66
STAMENOV Atanas /BG/ S1+CGD 124x117
STOJANOVIĆ Dragan /SR/ X3 110x120 67
STOJANOVIĆ Marko /SR/ CGD 114x114
STOJANOVIĆ Marko /SR/ CGD 90x90 68
TETLÁK Klaudia Evelin /HU/ X3 120x130
TIMOVA-ZHELYAZKOVA Teodora /BG/ X3 69x121 69
TSATSINOV Hristo /BG/ X3 128x97
TURCHENKO Ulyana /UKR/ C7 110x110 70
VELOVAN Zdravko /SR/ X3 130x130
VIDENOVIĆ Djordje /SR/ X3 120x130 71
VIDENOVIĆ Djordje /SR/ X3 95x95
VIDIĆ Ivana /SR/ CGD 60x80 72
VIDIĆ Ivana /SR/ CGD 80x63
ZEGREAN Sergiu /RO/ CGD 101x101
ZEGREAN Sergiu /RO/ CGD 101x101 74
ŽIVKOVIĆ Jovan /SR/ CGD 102x126
KUŽETA Aleksandra Maria /SR/ C4 130x130 (god. 1994) 75
MILETIĆ Mina /SR/ C8 85x90 (god. 1996)
OBRADOVIĆ Katarina /SR/ C8 110x130 (god. 1994) 76
TEMERINAC Mirjana /SR/ gipsorez 130x125 (god. 1996)
JOVANOVIĆ Aleksandra /SR/ C8 100x130 (god. 1994) 77
DANUBIUS, GOD OF RIVERS (fragments) by Dan Mircea CIPARIU translated & reviewed by Mihaela GRIGORAŞ
Dan Mircea Cipariu DANUBIUS, ZEUL FLUVIILOR (fragmente) Cuvântul de trecere
the password trebuie să crezi în Călătorie ca să afli vechea credinţă ce vine de la Vest la Est ca o memorie lichidă din care s-au născut popoare şi nostalgii
those who believe in the Journey will embrace the old belief which spreads from West to East just like a liquid memory of which peoples and nostalgia were born
din când în când sufletele noastre cu vene albastre cu oraşe ce ascultă şi dansează vals aşteaptă fericirea promisă
once in a while our hearts our blue-veined hearts together with cities dancing and listening to waltz long for the promised happiness
din când în când ficatul nostru de la Vest la Est are mii de oglinzi mii de hamuri un ceardaş între un deal şi între o vale
once in a while our liver bears from West to East thousands of mirrors thousands of strings a czardas between hills and dales
din când în când creierul nostru e un apus răcoros pe care am scris cu toţii: „inima mea!, soarele meu!”
STAMATOVIĆ Dina /SR/ X3+C8 130x130 (god. 1995)
SAVANOVIĆ Luka /SR/ C8 125x125 (god. 2001) 78
once in a while our brains become a cold sunset where we all have written: “my heart!, my sun!”
33 de trepte urcă din adâncuri până în alfabetul de umbre 33 de porturi sunt pregătite pentru comerţul cu avertismente şi indicatoare
33 steps climb from the deep to the alphabet of shadows 33 ports are ready for the trade of warnings and indicators
scriu şi semnez cu cerneala de viaţă şi moarte acest cuvânt de trecere: Danubius
I write and sign in ink of life and death the password: Danubius
Teoria relativităţii. La Ulm
Theory of relativity. In Ulm
trecător înainte de a mă naşte neştiutor înainte de a fi devorator înainte de a cunoaşte
a passenger before I came to life an innocent before having existed a consumer before I saw the light
studenţii intonează cu mine un singur imn de iubire: nu ucide!
students chant along with me the unique hymn of love: do not kill!
„iubeşte şi fă ce vrei!” – şi alături de mine e chiar Sfântul Augustin care mă avertizează „Dunărea toată nu poate opri pofta de sânge
“love and be free!” – with Saint Augustine himself sitting next to me warning me “the great Danube can’t stop this blood thirst
urmări şi constrângeri Dunărea toată nu poate lua ceea ce nu a dăruit niciodată!”
consequences and constraints the great Danube can’t take away what it has never given!”
cel mai înalt turn de biserică din lume îmi vorbeşte într-o limbă de cercetat Nevăzutul
the highest church tower in the world delivers speeches in a language in which the Unseen is explored
blitz-ul şi surâsul unui japonez îmi surprind atât de bine nedumerirea
the blitz and a smile of a Japanese capture with high fidelity my confusion
deasupra turnului văd aura lui Albert Einstein cu mustaţă din vată de zahăr
over the tower I see the aura of Albert Einstein with a cotton candy-like mustache
aura lui Albert Einstein pluteşte până la malul Dunării lasă în urma ei păsări
the aura of Albert Einstein floats towards the Danube’s bank and leaves behind birds
halbe de bere băute până la fund mii de mucuri de ţigară un vânticel răcoros o trăsură papală
pints of beer drank to the last drop thousands of cigarette buts a chilly light wind a Papal carriage
alerg hipnotizat sunt cu tălpile goale chiar în aura care pluteşte cu mine pe ape peştii îmi stau cuminţi la picioare bolborosesc ceva într-un fel de germană despre relativitate şi supravieţuire despre dieta vegetariană
I’m running hypnotized barefooted in the aura which floats me over the seas with fish lying obedient at my feet they mutter something in some kind of German about relativity and survival about a vegetarian diet
oricine poate fi rege la Ingolstadt
anyone can be king in Ingolstadt
NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM se aude spart din adâncuri
NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM a broken sound is coming from the deep
răpitorii şi peştii inocenţi se privesc ochi în ochi care dintre ei va fi alesul care dintre ei va fi Frankenstein
innocent and predatory fish look each other in the eyes one of them will be the chosen one one of them will be Frankenstein
e aproape ora 6 dimineaţa într-un iulie ca un jeleu de rubarbă
it’s almost six in the morning in a July like a rhubarb jelly
o frumoasă bavareză conduce un AUDI R8 spyder decapotabil se opreşte aproape de mal la câţiva metri de mine leul ei tatuat pe braţ scoate flăcări pe bot îmi fixează privirea care aşteaptă oglinzi mincinoase şi foneme
a beautiful Bavarian girl is driving a AUDI R8 Spyder convertible she stops near the shore a few steps away from me the lion tattooed on her arm releases streams of fire from its mouth it looks me in the eyes which long for infidel mirrors and phonemes
„pe aici vine întotdeauna Răsăritul cu un motor de 600 de cai putere!” – îmi spun cu glas tare
“the Sunrise always comes this way with some 600 horsepower engine!” – I say to myself aloud
„pe aici Libertatea vine când te aştepţi mai puţin!” – primesc din senin răspunsul
“Freedom comes this way when you least expect it!” – the answer falls out of the sky
brusc fluviul din faţa mea se face o eşarfă albastră şi inocentă la gâtul unei femei ce se antrenează pentru eliberarea de frică
suddenly the river in front of me becomes a blue innocent scarf round a woman’s neck training to heal her fear
Pescarul din Regensburg
The fisherman of Regensburg
„dacă minciunile tale au provocat drame şi tragedii PODUL DE PIATRĂ se va dărâma sub proprii tăi paşi”
“if your lies awake drama and tragedies THE STONEBRIDGE will fall down under your own footsteps”
Dumnezeu e blând astăzi cu mine am trecut teafăr spre Historische Wurstküche cel mai vechi restaurant fast-food din lume ca să savurez o bere de grâu nefiltrată şi robele medievale ale chelneriţelor
God has mercy on me today the road to Historische Wurstküche was safe the oldest fast food restaurant in the world to enjoy an unfiltered wheat beer and the medieval robes of waitresses
beau cu poftă ca şi cum Dunărea de peste Podul de Piatră ar intra toată rece şi izbăvitoare prin trahee
I drink with relish as if the Danube over the Bridgestone would flow all cold and savior through my trachea
beau şi lichidul care mi-a intrat în plexul solar m-a luat şi pe mine în adâncuri tot mai în adâncuri până când un pescuitor de oameni m-a întâlnit şi mi-a spus cu lumină în ochi „nu te teme, deschide-ţi sufletul şi porţile lui Hristos”
I drink and the liquid showering my solar plexus drove me along in the deep deeper and deeper till a fisher of men met me and said to me with wisdom in his eyes “don’t be afraid, open your heart and gates to Christ”
Passau: trei râuri şi tot atâtea vieţi
Passau: three rivers and as many lives
o tricicletă mică şi roz o bicicletă cu spiţe albastre o semicursieră marcă Schauff, cu un claxon electric de xilofon, model special “Rudi Altig” (multiplu campion de ciclism)
a small pink tricycle a blue spokes bicycle a Schauff road racing bicycle, with a xylophone electric horn, a “Rudi Altig” special model (a multiple cycling champion)
pe şaua roz pedalează o fetiţă cu ochii mari şi albaştri care strigă din când în când „Wunderlicht”, „Wunderzeit”, „Wunderkind”
on the pink saddle a girl-child with big blue eyes pedals and screams once in a while “Wunderlicht”, “Wunderzeit”, “Wunderkind”
spiţele albastre sunt gata de întâlnirea cu cele trei râuri de la apus spiţele albastre călătoresc împreună cu rochia albă lungă până la pedale a unei contese de Saxa-Coburg şi Gotha
the blue spokes are ready to meet the three rivers of the sunset the blue spokes go together with a white dress long to the pedals of a countess of Saxa-Coburg and Gotha
pe semicursiera „Rudi Altig” e o zeiţă cu privirea hipnotică, cu pantaloni scurţi şi sandale romane fredonează încet „Hänschen klein geht allein In die weite Welt hinein”
a goddess with hypnotic eyes, short pants and roman sandals rides the “Rudi Altig” racing bicycle she murmurs „Hänschen klein geht allein in die weite Welt hinein”
Dunărea Inn si Ilz: trei râuri şi tot atâtea vieţi
the Danube Inn and Ilz: three rivers and as many lives
TRIBEL III Third international Ex-libris competition – The Danube – Route of Culture
Abbreviations of the techniques* Intaglio printing techniques original C = intaglio printing (blank) C1 = steel engraving C2 = burin (graver or gouge) engraving , notably on copper C3 = etching C4 = drypoint C5 = aquatint C6 = soft-ground or other ground-based etching C7 = mezzotint C8 = intaglio engraving on linoleum, plastic or other materials reproductive P3 = heliogravure (manual line and tone photogravure), photogalvanography P4 = commercial photogravure, rotogravure P10 = etched steel printing (die-printing) Relief printing techniques original X = relief printing (blank) X1 = woodcut X2 = wood engraving X3 = lino cut X4 = relief printed engraved or etched metal plates, notably metal cut X5 = printed metal plates created for intaglio printing X6 = preliefprinted engraving of other materials for examle synthetic ones X7 = ( (Chinese) stone stamp reproductive T = typography, letterpress T1 = linotype, indirect letterpress T2 = photoxylography, facsimile wood engraving T3= commercial rubber stamp P1 = line block (cliché) with or without photography P2 = half-tone, photozincography Flatbed, stencil and electronic printing techniques original L1 = autolithography L2 = autography (transfer lithography) L3 = zincography L4 = algraphy P9 = original photograph, hologram S =– stencil, »pochoir« S1 = original serigraphy (screenprinting) S2 = mimeography (dye stencil) S3 = Katazome (oiledpaper stencil) S4 = kappa (katazome with persimmon juice) CGD = computer generated design reproductive P = photographic reproduction P5 = collotype P6 = photolithography, process transfer lithography P7 = offset P8 = serigraphic reproduction (photosilkscreen) CRD = computer reproduced design Y = photocopy Other abbreviations U = technique not listed above, including Frottage, Chinese rubbing and collography / Number after the technical symbols = number of colours used / monotype / col. = hand coloured Mixed techniques must be indicated as individual symbols separated by plus signs, e.g. C2+C3+C4
Exhibition concept: Dimitrije Vujadinović Publisher: Balkankult Foundation, Belgrade Editor in chief: Dimitrije Vujadinović Print: Tampograf, Novi Sad Technical realisation of the exhibition: Aleksandar Pedović Printed in 1000 copies 2011. © Balkankult Foundation, Belgrade, Nemanjina 4,
CIP – Каталогизација публикације Народна библиотека Србије, Београд 766:097(4)(083.824) Trijenale balkanskog ekslibrisa; 2011; Beograd; Vujadinović, Dimitrije - уредник - аутор додатног текста; The Danube Route of Culture: ex-libris for intercultural dialogue; Beograd: Balkankult fondacija, 2011; (Tampograf, Novi Sad)84 str.: ilustr. ; 17 x 23 cm – Tiraž 1000 ISBN 978-86-84159-27-6 а)Тријенале балканског екслибриса (3;)2011; Београд Изложбени каталози б)монографска публикација, текстуална грађа,штампана COBISS.SR-ID 186480396
* Adopted at the FISAE Congress in Frederikshavn, Danmark, in August 2002.