Portfolio for UCL MArch Cinematic and Videogame Architecture-YI ZHANG

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University College London

MArch Cinematic and Videogame Architecture

Yi Zhang

Selected works

UCL Student ID number:23125630

Telephone :+86 13867062660

2020-2022 Email :zhangyi19991111@163.com


:Wenzhou University
of a key university &Double First Class University
of schooling:5 years Guanyin Bodhisattva D5 renderer creation



[Curriculum Vitae]

[Educational Background]

Wenzhou University(Double First Class University) 09/2018-06/2023 (Member of a key university)

College of Civil Engineering& Architecture

Length of schooling: Five years

Major: Architecture (B.Eng.) GPA : (3.5/5) (81.9/100 Non-weighted)

[Extracurricular/Social Activities]

in China venue set-up and installation

[Software Skills]

Adobe suite Photoshop | lllustrator | InDesign |

After Effects | Premiere Pro | LightRoom |

Modelling software

Rhino | Sketch Up | grasshopper |

Mobi e: +86 13867062660

Email: zhangyi19991111@163.com

Location: Ouhai District, Wenzhou, Zhejiang province, China

Language skills: Mandarin (Native) English (Good) Cantonese(Native)


University Stage 09/2018-06/2023

Wenzhou University Third Class Scholarship (September 2021)

School of Architecture and Engineering Merit Scholarship (June 2022)

Outstanding Student Leaders of Wenzhou University (June 2020)

Outstanding Student Leaders of Wenzhou University (June 2021)

China Green Building Excellence Participation Award (November 2021)

Third Prize of Zhejiang University Photography Competition (September 2019)

First Prize of Wenzhou University Photography Competition (November 2019)

[Work Experiences]

Zhejiang Huazhou International Design & Engineering Consultants Co.

Wenzhou 01.07.2021-15.09.2021

1. collaborate in the creation of different types of project proposals;

2. learn the project operation process;

3. learn the relevant building codes and design processes.


01 Reinventing the Tower of Babel

June 2022 - September 2022

Location: Prato Italy

02 Noah’s Ark for “war criminals”

Location: Tonle Sap Lake Siem Reap Cambodia

03 Hyper Parliament Stand with Ukraine

04 Tropical Animals Utopia

June 2022 - September 2022 September 2022 - November 2022

Location: Mariupol Ukraine

Alanzu Bagan Myanmar

1. Modelling and drawing of floor plans and text layout;

2. production of renderings, drawing of elevations;

3. Rural planning and urban-rural integration planning.

Unreal Engine 5 | Maya | Blender | D5 | UE5 | Enscape|

Renderer software

Lumion | Keyshot| Vray|

Professional Software

| Revit |

[Academic Experiences]

Trainee Architect Trainee Architect

Zhejiang Urban Space Architecture Planning and Design Institute Co. Hangzhou 01.01.2022-15.03.2022

05 Hospice House

Location: Wenzhou Zhejiang Province China

Wenzhou Yongjia Yantou Ancient Town Conservation and Mapping

Responsible for modelling ancient buildings and drawing sections and plans of ancient buildings

Wenzhou Yantou Town Planning Scheme

Responsible for slum demolition and upgrading component

Participate in the China Green Building Competition

Responsible for building insulation, structural and wind energy calculations

Attending a summer camp architecture workshop led by UCL tutor Hadin Charbel (World Tomorrow)

Responsible for modelling, parametric computing (aging simulation), and architectural drawings

Participation in the Wenzhou University and Turin Polytechnic Seminar on Architecture in the Post-Epidemic Era (2021, 2022)

06 Skateboarding community & Elon Musk’s ultimate fantasy&Other works

& Quick hand drawing

Proficiency level Chairman
in the
of the
Arts in
Honorary member
D5 Renderer Official Certified Proficiency Level
Organization of online seminar between Wenzhou University and
Organising an academic sharing conference between Wenzhou University and Kane University
Organising an academic sharing conference between Wenzhou University and Kane University
of Alumni Outreach Department, Wenzhou University
Union (2021-2022) Participation
2019 Biennale
Chinese Academy of Fine
Venice (Aug 2019) Member of Zhejiang Student Photography Association (2019- )
of Wenzhou Architectural Photography (2020- )
Torino (2021-2022)
IELTS:6.5 (6.5 6.5 6 6)
即 是 空’
“Emptiness’ “ 欲望は空虚である ’ “色
Hand model rendering Photography Internship programs Games developed Surveying and Mapping Landscape design
Individual work Individual work
November 2022 - December 2022 Individual work
2021 - March 2022
Teamwork (Yi Zhang Xinrui Wu, Jiaqi Xu & Siyi Fang)
“Emptiness’ does not mean non-existence or absence in the usual literal sense, but rather ‘non-attachment’ to self-nature; ‘nature’ means essence. In other words, “emptiness” means “not clinging” to the nature of things. This is also true of architecture, where not all buildings will take physical form.

Reinventing the Tower of Babel


Tower of Babel,New Marco Polo Programme, Virtual Reality, China-Italy relations,Small and medium scale, Historical abstraction,History Museum

Individual work

August 2021 - November 2021 (Revision October 2022)

Instructor: Feiran XU

Location: Prato, Italy

The project focuses on the central Italian city of Prato. This relatively tolerant city embraces immigrants from all countries and has Italy's most significant number of Chinese immigrants. According to official statistics in Prato, Chinese immigrant businesses have grown to almost 3,000, topping the list of immigrant businesses from all countries. More than 1,500 Chinese children have been born in Prato, accounting for 18% of the total number of children in the city. However, there are many crises in this immigrant city, such as security problems and conservative discontent with the Chinese for taking economic resources, as well as the Chinese community itself for tax evasion and disruption of social security.

This project addresses the hidden conflicts between the various ethnic groups by reconstructing a kind of Tower of Babel built by the people of the Old Testament in Chapter 11 of the Book of Genesis. According to the chapter, humanity united to build a tower that they hoped would lead to heaven; when God became aware of this, he made the people use different languages, and the tower was not built, and the Tower of Babel was destroyed without being built. In the future, we can finally realise the unfulfilled wishes of the ancient people by employing virtual and realistic means. This is particularly true of a city where Chinese and Italian cultures strongly collide. Extracting essential elements from the historical process of both countries will enable the two peoples to look back on their history and promote better unity between them in the future.


1970 Istituzione formale delle relazioni diplomatiche tra Cina e Italia 1978 Firmato il comunicato congiunto sull'immigrazione tra Cina e Italia,arrivano primi immigrati in Italia 2004 Accordo Cina-Italia per il rilascio rapido dei visti,enorme afflusso di immigrati cinesi Accordo Belt and Road 2012 in vigore 50 anni di relazioni diplomatiche tra Cina e Italia nel 2020,i primi migranti hanno difficoltà di identità

1970 Formal establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Italy 1978 Joint communiqué on immigration signed between China and Italy,first immigrants arrive in Italy 2004 China-Italy fast-track visa agreement, huge influx of Chinese immigrants 2012 Belt and Road Agreement in effect 50 years of diplomatic relations between China and Italy in 2020,first migrants have identity difficulties

Hau's story of forty years

I've arrived in Prato, Italy, it's full of foreigners, we're the first Chinese. The head of the snake has asked me to spend the next two days here and I'll send you the pictures I've taken of the landscape when I have time.

The years of hard work were not in vain and I no longer had to brave the rain to sell water. Now I've moved to a Chinese owned textile factory where there are many Chinese people, and now I have a steady income and was voted best employee this week. In a few years you will be able to come here too.

Roman Empire Shang Dynasty Renaissance the Qin and Han dynasties

Foreign rule and enlightenment Ming Dynasty Savoy Dynasty Qing Dynasty Republican period PRC

Chinese numbers up sharply

Today I set up my own factory, I hired a lot of workers and now life is finally in order, I also bought my first computer, I'm emailing you today and in a few days I'll buy you a plane ticket. We can finally be reunited! This is a picture of our factory, our garment factory, and I am sure that in a few years our factory will be even better

think it has become Chinatown and the Chinese have become the dominant group, with Chinese people involved in food, clothing, housing and transport. We have both lived here for over 10 years and found that we may not be able to adapt to the pace of China


Our child passed away, due to a car accident. I don't think I need to go back to China either, because I don't think there's anything to hold on to there.

Since the outbreak of covid-19 a large number of Chinese have come home, but old people like me can't adapt to the pace of China anymore. Now use vr glasses and just look at my home in the metauniverse.

0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100
Lin Dear Lin Lin Lin 2004 Hau 2013 Hau 2020 Hau Dear Lin 1979 Hau 1987 Hau 1996 Hau
The story of a stowaway
Chinese Chinese Chinese Chinese Chinese Chinese Aboriginal Aboriginal Aboriginal Aboriginal Aboriginal Aboriginal
Setting the arc Setting the Chinese wall Setting Roman arches Setting up the access platform Setting the column Setting up Chinese fence Setting up the wishing area Setting up the wishing area Setting the support dome Setting the walls Setting the floor plate Setting of composite floor slabs Setting of composite floor slabs Setting the arch ring Setting up democratic space Setting the first floor wall Setting the reading area Setting the reading area Setting of load-bearing columns Setting up Parliament Setting the floor Setting up the lift Setting Roman columns Setting up an industrial exhibition area Setting the Hundred Flowers Top Setting up window dressings Setting up the renovation area Setting the abdominal wall Setting up an industrial build Setting up reinforcement builds faith Library Rome industry Republic exploded image building analysis Sectional perspective This building offers glimpse of the process of human civilisation where human cultures are diverse and numerous, but where democratic republic is the only way to achieve the great integration of mankind. Take a look at the cutaway view of the building, which brings together multiple cultures Experience the great progress of human civilisation here! The wishes of humans from different eras can also be transformed into solid red squares Hope confinement Consultation Rome industry Ethics commerce faith Transforming matter into intention The fusion of material elements in architecture. Gears window decoration Chinese Column Chinese Column pinion Pipeline 1 2 8 6 4 3 9 7 5 Hau arrived in Italy in 1979 with the first group of stowaways The stowaways arrive at the airport by plane and then climb out of the airport through the sewers to complete the stowaway The family's first trip to Italy Daughter's car accident Mode functions Identity crisis Hau's first job selling water Water for sale bargain! After ten years of hard work, I finally have my first textile factory! The loss of a loved one broke my ties to home.I also had trouble integrating into Italy! Let's embark on an amazing journey through Asia The doors of the Middle Ages are open Feel the power of the steam engine Times are moving fast What do you think the future looks like? Anti-Utopia? Cyberpunk? Old Man, you can see the new ChinaItaly Expo I can't fit in here and I can't go back to my hometown With the vr glasses and the iPad you can experience four different modes! In the world of the architectural metaverse it is possible to help these elderly Chinese people, who have stayed in Italy for many years, to explore their homeland in a virtual world. It will also allow the local population to learn about Asian culture and promote cultural integration. Let us begin to follow the metaverse world as it explores the course of Italian history, from the Roman Empire to the Renaissance, where abstract constructions are reflected in the architecture. Whether you are Chinese or a local, you can learn about all aspects of architectural history through Meta Universe In just a few years, we can also come from rural China to Italy! I hope to make my first bucket of money in Prato! Asia Medieval Cyberpunk Industrial Revolution Asia Medieval Industrial Revolution Cyberpunk

Real-world architecture can not only provide a longawaited homecoming for Chinese immigrants in Italy, but can also promote national integration

Here each person can materialise their wishes in the spiritual world, transforming them into small red squares attached to the building, interacting between the virtual and the real world.

Parametric epidermal procedure
Ramp parameterisation procedure
Cina Ciao amici cinesi Ciao amici italiani! Hope Faith Democracy Ethics industry We will have many desires throughout our lives. Human civilisation has always moved from barbarism to democracy More and more people are abstracting their wishes into entities and the little red squares are becoming more and more common Selling ransom notes Buy them and your sins turn into little red squares clinging to the building. Let's talk about it Please bless me, Bodhisattva. Stunning carving techniques! Perhaps we can abstract our wishes into little red squares Architectural rendering
Each structure in this building has been extracted from two countries in different eras, condensing the historical process of both countries in this building.
façade section
Industrializzazione Roma

Noah’s Ark for “war criminals”


Aquatic urban planning,Megastructures,Refuge es,Water pollution

Individual work

December 2021 - March 2022

Instructor: Feiran XU

Location: Tonle Sap Lake Siem Reap Cambodia

The project is located in the Tonle Sap Lake area in Siem Reap, Cambodia, the largest freshwater lake in Southeast Asia. However, it is full of problems. First of all; the lake is inhabited mainly by the Vietnamese, who have had a "miserable life" in Tonle Sap, as they have been persecuted by the war in the early years and have no legal status in Cambodia, no access to the country's medical and educational resources, and even no electricity or drinking water. They have spent their lives on the water, unable to legally set foot on the land, barely surviving by fishing and driving boats. Here, they lack water and electricity but also have to work early and late to earn a living and face constant threats and evictions from the immigration authorities. Life is also made more difficult by the occasional attacks and extortion by the local Khmer people due to their different religious beliefs and habits. Secondly, During the 6-month dry season, as the lake's level drops, the lack of sanitation infrastructure causes the village water to become contaminated, odorous, and dangerous (pathogen concentrations reach 30-40,000 CFU/100 mL). Nearby, 200,000 stilted homes sit on seasonal floodplains, contributing to and intensifying the consequences of open defecation. The resulting faecal pollution – pathogens and biological oxygen demand (BOD) – threatens biodiversity, human health, livelihoods, and the economy of these areas. Intestinal illnesses and childhood stunting are commonly experienced in the Tonle Sap community, exhibiting the urgent need for a sustainable sanitation solution.





A story about war refugees

Tonle Sap Lake

Siĕmréab province

100,000 illegal families in Tonle Sap: no pathway ahead, no way home behind

In 1979, Vietnam's ambition to dominate South East Asia was not to be extinguished, so it left 100,000 troops in Cambodia for ten years. When these 100,000 people wanted to return to Vietnam, they were treated as refugees and refused to be accepted. If these people tried to cross the border, they were met with "bullets" by Vietnamese soldiers to add insult to injury. The Vietnamese, who had no home to return to and were a thorn in the side of the Cambodians, had no choice but to take refuge in the "Tonle Sap Lake", where they lived as "savages".

931 families with an average of 2 school-age children per family. Only 10 are staying in school

What is even more frightening is the children. Even if they are born as children and live in Cambodia, they are still defined as 'immigrants'. Immigration papers do not bring proof of social security and welfare benefits, and since they are 'immigrants', they cannot obtain a birth certificate in Cambodia. A certificate means the right for children to go to school children who face a future without hope.

Two-lane road

Single-lane roads

Ship Routes

The surrounding infrastructure is poor, with only a pier built seventy years ago during the French colonial period and some crumbling roads.

In the Lake District, people discharge excrement directly from sewage treatment plants, septic tanks, and pit latrines, resulting in very polluted water bodies. Although both lakes are designated as World Heritage Sites and Biosphere Reserves, there have been no previous sanitary measures to combat sewage pollution or change local behaviour in this challenging sanitary environment.

The uncontrolled development of the green areas of the beaches around the lake has led to a significant reduction in the area of green areas, and the beaches are filled with household waste. Due to global warming, the probability of natural disasters in the surrounding mudflats increases every year. It will sink to the bottom of the lake by the end of this century.

Highly polluted regions of the world's water bodies

Citarum River Crowd Demand Form Level demand Level of demand Immigration to Cambodia Time Age Distribution Chart 5-9 9-13 13-17 17-21 1980-1986 51.3% 1986-2021 40.6% During the war 7.4% Before the Khmer Rouge 40.6% 3 Legal status Housing demand Educational needs At school Official School Private School Informal Vietnamese Organization School Christian School Fishing Caring for siblings Scrap collection Guided tours Home 1.65% 38.5% 13.75% 18.75% 4.75% 2% 15.75% 2% 0.65% At home At work Unknown Unknown Immigrant Integration Racial Discrimination Do not arrest me Don't kick me out 42% 19% 15% 11% 9% 2% 2% River Salween Indus River Yamuna River Buringanga River Ganges River Marilao River Yangtze River Yellow River Water Pollution Form ASEAN Standards Nitrate September March Ammonia nitrogen Total coliforms Temperatures

Public buildings

Private buildings icons


The urban unit form generation process

hubs icons
Section axonometric drawings Section axonometric drawings
Gym Cinema residence
form 1
form 2
form 3
form 4 Mosque Religion Agriculture Hospital Government shopping mall Restaurant Office
Public building complex monoliths Step 1 Step 2 Step 2 Step 2 Step 3 Step 3 Step 3 Step 4 Step 4 Step 4 Step 5 Step 5 Step 5 Generate city units like a Monopoly board game Construction of transport facilities Forming the road Forming a residential area Forming freight railways Forming the transport system Forming recreation facilities Formation of the final urban monolith Forming modern office facilities The exchange of goods creates commercial demand Elevated demand for medical care promotes hospital formation Educational institutions emerge as productivity rises Business activities contribute to the generation of government departments Residential building complexes Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Installation of residential buildings, and road systems Installation of public buildings in residential areas Installation of landscaped greenery and vertical agricultural belts Public service buildings Architectural skywalk Accessible area by transport Vertical farming belt Residential areas Road & Rail Commercial office area Bunk bedroom Timber frame balcony Meeting Room Living room Double balcony Bedroom General floor Public spaces

Tidal power is an easy to install, a renewable energy source with no direct greenhouse gas emissions and a low environmental impact. Because the lake’s tidal patterns are well understood, tidal energy is a very predictable energy source making highly attractive for electrical grid management.

Mabrs provides an energy-efficient alternative that provides a very high-quality effluent. MABR technology is based on passive aeration, that is, oxygen diffusion through membranes.The HandyPod is low tech and simple to assemble. High microbial activity in all three containers consumes a diversity of pathogens so that ‘safe water’ is discharged with each pour-flush. The billions, or trillions, of E. coli pathogens per 100 mL in raw sewage are treated to yield effluent with 28-300 CFU/100 mL. This is well below the Cambodian standards for safe recreation (1,000 CFU/100 mL). If implemented and promoted, this technology will achieve Cambodia's target of 100% sanitation coverage by 2030 under UN Sustainable Development Goal 6.2.

Aerial view of the building Translation of traditional formal symbols of the South Central Peninsula into architectural form Biological Wastewater Treatment & Tidal power MABR wastewater treatment TiO 2 NO 3 - NH 4 + Fertilizer Vertical farming belt UV Vortex tidal power systems Vortex cable detail view Tidal turbines Tidal turbines Tidal turbines General Cable Direction of water flow High tide during the rainy season Dry season low tide Electricity Tidal currents Transmission of electricity Dirty water side Dirty water side membrane membrane Air side HandyPod water purification measures Structure development diagram Sewage Anaerobic digestion tank Biofilm digestion tank Pathogen digestion tank Pure water
1 2 Human view of the building Human view of the building Architectural rendering The fast rail system and the shipping system allow people to move freely between the islands. 3 4 5 Sectional view 6 7 8 In Noah's Ark on Lake Tonle Sap those minority groups who have been bullied for generations have finally been given their dignity.

Hyper Parliament

Stand with Ukraine


Decentralization, Community Redevelopment, Post-war Reconstruction Teamwork

Yi Zhang(40%) Xinrui Wu(30%), Jiaqi Xu(20%) & Siyi Fang (10%)

Instructor: Hadin Charbel

Co-Tutor: Qianxin Deng

Technical Tutor: Zehao Qin

June 2022 - September 2022

Location: Mariupol Ukraine

In this project, we want to discuss post-war issues. In our research, post-war problems often appeal as two main problems: First, the separate of communities and the loss of contact between people due to they fleeing to all other countries, and Second, the destruction of buildings and the inability of people to participate effectively in the post-war reconstruction.

Over the past hundred years, Germany, Japan, Syria, and Ukraine have all been hit hard by war. Germany and Japan have recovered well from the war, but countries like Syria remains in ruins to this day.

As for the war in Ukraine, it is still unknown whether people will be able to return home and whether the city will be rebuilt.

So, in today’s information age, what should we do to rewrite the history that seems already has its ending? How can we achieve to help post-war countries, re-establish relationships and offer possibilities for post-war reconstruction?

So we envisioned the system HYPER PARLIAMENT. This system exists in a virtual world where people can build, learn, communicate, visit, and play on the basis of the post-war ruins.


Architectural rendering

The Russo-Ukrainian War (Ukrainian: російсько-українська війна; Russian: российско-украинская война) was a protracted hybrid war between Russia and Ukraine from 20 February 2014, preceded by a low-intensity war, and on 24 February 2022 Russian President Vladimir Putin used "The conflict officially heated up into a full-scale war, which quickly developed into one of the largest wars in post-World War II Europe and is widely regarded as aggression. The Russian side said the war was triggered by the Ukrainianisation and de-Russification of Ukraine following the collapse of the Soviet Union, the fragmentation of national identity due to Russian nationalism in the country, Russian insecurity caused by NATO's expansion to the east, Russia's reestablishment of influence in the Soviet Union, Russia's expansionist traditions, and the triggering of pro-European demonstrations in Ukraine followed by pro-Nazi demonstrations. The ouster of Russian President Viktor Yanukovych, the subsequent annexation of Crimea and the war in the Donbas in the south of eastern Ukraine.

Area analysis

Map of the administrative divisions of Ukraine

Comparison before and after the war

Ukraine registers refugees in countries with more than 500,000

The escalation of the international armed conflict in Ukraine has caused civilian casualties and destruction of civilian infrastructure, forcingpeople to flee their homes seeking safety, protection and assistance. Millions of refugees from Ukraine have crossed borders intoneighbouring countries, and many more have been forced to move inside the country. They are in need of protection and support.

Refugees from Ukraine recorded across Europe


Last updated 17 Aug 2022

Source UNHCR, Government

Refugees from Ukraine registered for Temporary Protection or similar national protection schemes in Europe


Last updated 17 Aug 2022

Source UNHCR, Government

Ukraine registers refugees in countries with more than 1000,000

Refugees from Ukraine registered recorded in country

The inner ring is Refugees from Ukraine registered recorded in country,The outer ring is Refugees from Ukraine registered for Temporary Protectio or similar national protection schemes

From the data point of view, the number of refugees in Ukraine is huge, and Europe is the main region for refugees. According to statistics from UNHCR and the Government, the number of refugees in Europe is 6657918, but the number of refugees receiving relevant protection is 3840568, which is only half of refugees in exile. Among them, Poland ,Czech Republic and Spain receive the largest number of refugees, and the number of protected refugees is also quite large.

The historical architecture of the war grounds

Republic of Moldova Czech Republic Austria Germany Belgium Bulgaria Italy Estonia Spain France Lithuania Turkiye Netherlands United Switzerland Poland Slovakia Romania Hungary

1.Connection rules for voxels

3.agentsimuation for design part

thanks to AGENT SIMULATION, which automatically filters popular spaces and weights them so that they can be reserved.

we set up the connection rules for voxels.

The same coloured surfaces can be connected. The gif on the right side is a sample. We made it by using WFC and hope it shows the iteration about the building.

Moreover, we have done a variety of agentsimulations in different planes to find out the hot zones of each plane.

The hot zones in the plane analysed by agentsimulation will be retained and other zones can be replaced

For this part, we use agent simulation to simulate the design part's iteration automatically. This plane is made by wave function collapse, and we used agents to simulate the hot zone, which means the most trafficked areas. And maybe in some aspects, they are the most important spaces. The meaning of this step is that we want to maintain those hot zones in our building, and the users can replace the less critical areas.

So we set up the connection rules for voxels. The same coloured surfaces can be connected. The gif on the right side is a sample. We made it by using WFC and hope it shows the iteration about the building. Moreover, we have done a variety of agentsimulations in different planes to find out the hot zones of each plane.

Петро призваний Script #008 Yakiv_Kovalenko Стара WALL #201 W E 7,437 TO COMMUNITY Panel From Your Vault Chosen Materials Available Voxels #ARCH001 Successfully generated. Save Share COMMUNITY 7,437 MY STORE HISTORY NEIGHBORHOOD 300 1,300 ALINA bought pillars from you. Malcolm’s store updated some new pillar top voxels that you’ve been wanting. TO COMMUNITY 7,437 ARCH TOWER Hope enjoy this Lorenzolee0912 ANDYHSU111 Very cool idea 18:19 06:56 Products Products Services Services Services Support Support Support icons material bank voxel material bank Mapping elements material bank Login Login Login Sign Up Sign Up Sign Up Select colour Start selecting Start download Start selecting 1 2 3 4 4 3 2 1 Constru C tion mode Community mode
& agentsimulation tests
2.wave function collapse iterations
We divide HYPER PARLIAMENT into two PATTERNS, the first is the CONSTRUCTION PATTERN, in this part, people can enter the pre-war world, collect relevant materials and use them for spontaneous decentralized construction. Also can learn about the history as collecting. The other pattern is COMMUNITY PATTERN, in which we want to help post-war people reconnect and reorganize their broken communities. In this pattern, people communicate, gather, and have experiences in newly built spaces.
Core logic GRASSHOPPER system WFC result 1 WFC result 3 WFC result 2 WFC result 4 WFC result 5 Mode settings New Museum Collage CONSTRUCTION PATTERN COMMUNITY PATTERN RECONSTRUCTION PATTERN ARCHIVING Learn the history. Understand the background. Gather materials. Combine materials Possibilities for field construction. Social. Large events. Social The system will detect and record the user's path in real #Material exchange. #Replace voxel. Combine materials #Place in field. #Automatically filter space. Public Servers - Dining Bar Public Servers - Dance Floor Private Server - Meeting Room Private Servers - Gym
Yakiv Kovalenko LV1 #ARCH001 Successfully generated. Save Share Save Share Architectural rendering Aerial view of building Gallery Database Library South elevation Sectional view Exploded view West elevation North elevation East elevation Casual Dining Bar Casual Dining Bar Casual Dining Bar Stage Stage Stage Stage Stage Meeting Meeting Dining Bar Dining Bar Meeting Room Meeting Room Meeting Room Database Database Database Library Library Library Double Decker Theatre Theatre Theatre Gallery Theatre Theatre

Tropical Animals Utopia


Utopia, Feeding, Sustainability,Post-epidemic era,tropic,Man and Nature.

Individual work

September 2022 - November 2022

Instructor: Feiran XU

Location: Alanzu Bagan Myanmar

The 'Pearl of Buddha', Myanmar, is surrounded by sea on two sides. However, the northeast and central parts of the country are under constant threat of drought, lack of aquifers, destruction of the coastline, degradation of virgin forests and the opening up of arable land, adding to the conflict between man and nature. At the same time, long years of civil war and complex religious issues have led to threats to the rights of the local population, with large numbers of displaced Rohingya refugees under the daily shadow of white terror. As the covid-19 comes to an end, the retaliatory economic development of the population is bound to put those animals that have been able to take a brief respite from the epidemic at severe risk or even dying again. With the end of the epidemic and increased human activity, wildlife will migrate to nearby farmland and villages in search of water and destroy crops, resulting in conflicts between humans and animals as the land on which animals live becomes smaller, resulting in less food intake. The country currently only protects animals in protected areas and national parks, which cover an area of roughly 50 square kilometres, because of the conflict between man and nature. Addressing the conflict between food shortages caused by animal migration and local livelihoods and economic development, ecological corridors are proposed to protect the migration of animals and help them to feed and breed better. The key to resolving this conflict is the creation of resilient infrastructure. The project is situated in alanzu village of central Burma, a village located in an overgrowth of rainforest and farmland, with animals forced to come to the village to feed and even eat people because of man's wanton destruction of nature. People have built hammocks to prevent the invasion of animals and, on the other hand, to prevent disease. In recent years, however, animals have died in large numbers due to the constant destruction by humans.


Map of human expansion and reduction of animal habitats

A story of their death in silence

As the epidemic ends and human activity increases, the land on which animals live becomes smaller, leading to less food intake; wild animals migrate to nearby farmland and villages in search of water and destroy crops, thus creating conflicts between humans and animals.

People have built hammocks to prevent the invasion of animals and, on the other hand, to prevent disease. In recent years, however, the animals have died in large numbers due to human destruction, and will be rejuvenating the area in terms of geology, hydrology, agriculture and social rights.

The country currently only protects animals in protected areas and national parks, which cover an area of roughly 50 square kilometres. Many animals are killed and trafficked because of the conflict between man and nature.

To resolve the conflict between food shortages caused by animal migration and local livelihoods and economic development, ecological corridors are proposed to protect the migration of animals and help them feed and breed better. How Building some resilient infrastructure has become the key to resolving this conflict.

The project is located in the central Burmese village of alanzu, a village in the middle of an overgrowth of rainforest and farmland. Humans' unbridled destruction of nature has led to animals coming to the village to feed and even eat people.

long years of civil war and complex religious issues have led to threats to the rights of the local population, with large numbers of displaced Rohingya refugees under the daily shadow of white terror. With the end of the Coronavirus pandemic, the people's retaliatory economic development is bound to reintroduce severe threats and even death to the animals that were able to take a brief respite during the epidemic.

Animal Habitats (1980s) Pollution level High to low SITE Areas of human expansion Nature reserves Areas of severe environmental damage Asian elephant habitats Sewerage area Animal Migration Routes Natural water systems roads Animal Habitats The 'Pearl of Buddha Myanmar
What a bumper day!
don't know what my mother looks like The world doesn't want me anymore.
don't know when I'll ever see the forest was born in
Lightweight tiles Tung wood Original building Diagram of the original building Building structure Bamboo rattan Bamboo rattan Large arborvitae camphor wood Bamboo Primitive farmland Destroyed natural forests Burmese Hanging House River Natural Forest Natural Forest A natural forest in the process of being destroyed Diagram of the site Environmentally degraded areas Areas of severe environmental damage Area Engagement Map of the situation in Myanmar Non-governmental control areas Data Sheet on Unnatural Deaths of Asian Elephants Human and Animal Habitat Change Chart Map of the site Man VS Nature Conflict Chart Myanmar Alanzu Venue Location

visitors love to come hunting have to keep working to make a living

Land utilisation change map

Animal classification charts


Herd animals

We need food more than anything else!!!

We are fully committed to ensuring the rights of Myanmar's animal!

This is a land once devastated by man, what direction will it take in the future?

As more and more people become aware of the dangers of destroying nature, they are making an effort to live in harmony with it, resulting in the slaughter of animals on the grounds of being gradually abandoned.

With the tremendous economic development of South East Asia and the internet thriving here, the future for the development of sites and the protection of animals may gradually improve as the internet progresses, and people's incomes may gradually rise without having to engage in things that destroy nature to gain profit.

The damage that has been done to nature may be difficult to restore over time, and wonder if people's awareness of environmental protection will diminish over time.

The political situation in Burma remains precarious, with insurgent forces still fighting with government forces, and political instability may make difficult to improve the population's lives here. With the end of covid-19, remains mystery whether the local population will retaliate by destroying nature.

First Floor Plan

People-friendly animals Endangered animals

Diagram of forest cover From low to high Tropical Rainforest Wetlands Lake District Swampy wetlands Primary forests being degraded Agricultural arable land Tropical plantation forest From high to low Diagram of the extent of human activity Vegetation analysis maps Block water resources map Animal Habitat Map Road analysis map Build area Arable land area +242% +213% -46% +69% -133% -196% River quality roads Tropical Rainforests Tropical Meadows Grassland Bushes Livestock Wetlands Rainforest streams Strengths Summary Weaknesses Opportunities Threats
Plant and animal height reference
monkeys snakes peacocks Wild Dogs Leopards Pigs Deers Cattle Tigers 1 Barn 2 Bird feeders
Animal feeders
Single storey dwellings
Composite dwelling(A B C)
Original dwelling 7 Roads 8 Crop platforms A A 1 4 2 8 7 3 6 B B C
Rats squirrels rabbits Parrots Ducks
Living room view Bedroom view Barn view Sectional view Flowchart Building function diagram Protecting crops Avoiding animal damage on farmland Increased crop yields Solving the food crisis of the population Harmony with Nature Gathering grain to the barn Excess grain is given to animals through pipes Feed Pipes Details Birds Animals Animals Feeding Staff routine Inner routine Resident routine

Architectural rendering Monomer analysis diagram

Function analysis

Architectural rendering

Welcome to the Animal Fantasy World ! Human-terrestrial animal relations reshaped! Don't worry about fighting with animals! It's incredible! A wonderland deep in the mountains Post-epidemic changes Beginning to re-examine nature Food drop-off points Human participation in food delivery Positive circulation barn Livestock Human-nature relationship further enhanced Redefining new relationship between man and nature Reshaping bird habitats The human-bird crisis People and birds build trust Giving back to nature The reoccupation of former animal territories by humans has led to the return of large numbers of animals to crisis Replacing previously nonsustainable materials to create new forms of architecture Rapid population expansion and animal destruction of grains create a humananimal crisis Set up food drop-off points for terrestrial animals, animals in occupied territories, receive food compensation and establish good relations with humans Humans can also deliver food to animals through the interior of the drop-off point, with protective nets set up to prevent vicious animals from harming humans. Animals stop destroying grains, more grains are given back to animals and more animals are attracted to participate in human life. Transporting the collected grain to the top of the barn via conveyor belts and pipes, and transporting the excess grain below to the animals As the original stocking pattern is replaced, livestock living conditions are enhanced and production increased. Humans no longer have to worry about food being stolen by animals, and animals can go right ahead and eat the food provided by humans Establishing a humananimal food-sharing mechanism to feed animals whose homes have been destroyed by humans Due to widespread human capture of birds, the trust between humans and birds is gradually disappearing and many birds no longer come close to humans Transporting grain from the barn to the bird feeders via tiny pipes to bring birds back to humans Eventually birds form habits and try to make further contact with humans, and eventually humans and birds become part of the vast nature
Composite house1 Composite house2 Bird feeders Composite house3
Animal feeders Barn
Single House

Hospice House

Individual work

November 2022 - December 2022

Instructor: So Hong Chi

(Head of the Department of Architecture, Wenzhou University)

Location: Wenzhou Zhejiang Province China

Keywords: Harmony Coexistence Age Gap Growth Sustainability

The project is located in Wenzhou, Zhejiang Province, China, on the south bank of the lower Ou River in southeastern Zhejiang Province, east of the East China Sea and south of Fujian Province. Wenzhou has been a famous fishing and trading port in China since ancient times. and many people were engaged in fishing-related industries. If life is compared to a trip to the sea, then everyone is like a ship that always returns to the dock one day. With the advent of post-industrialisation more and more people are reaching the end of their lives and some may not even be accompanied by their families at the time of death The concept of hospice (palliative care) is to help patients and their families to reduce their physical pain while paying more attention to their inner feelings and giving them 'spiritual care'. The patient is given the opportunity to complete his or her final journey with dignity. While the dead are free from any worries, the living have to continue their lives with strength.


In high-density communities, people are more focused on their own careers and may consider older people to be a liability to them.

Language Conflicts Ageing

They speak different dialects, some speak Wenzhou dialect, different groups of people have consisted of this community, therefore causing an impact of cultural diversity.

New buildings are growing brutally in this tiny old community, rendering it full of buildings from different eras. The road system is disordered, while the flow of passengers and vehicle are all the more complicated, and every day is filled with great noise.The economic situation makes difficult for the community to attract young people, who mostly choose to work in urban areas. Majority of residents the community are either the old or the young, resulting in many ‘empty nest’ elderly and rural unattended children, and the vibe of community less warm.

The bubble economy of the city of Wenzhou was gradually burst under the wild economic model of the early reform and opening-up, and the restlessness brought about by unemployment made people stirred inside.

In modern society, people are like marionettes, following a fixed logic, a path, from old age to death. Perhaps not fulfilling their biggest dreams until they die.

As they age, the elderly are removed from mainstream society and they place their hopes in the gods to be able to face illness with less pain.


Resting platform

3, remove two layers of blocks, form an outdoor viewing platform, and connect with the urban cross roads, and set up a large staircase in the southwest corner of the building for the flow of people in the ndustrial park

Ground floor plan

In modern society, people are like marionettes, following a fixed logic, a path, from old age to death. Perhaps not fulfilling their biggest dreams until they die.

First floor plan

Physiotherapy platform

Third floor plan

mapping SITE
1. keep three cvlinders and establish basic building blocks within the base range 2. The clinder structure is retained as the inner courtyard of the building. 4, reduce the volume of three layers and form the tortuous streamlines of the winding cylinder.

Architectural rendering

Sectional view

The building abstracts elements of Wenzhou's history, including cruise ships, factories and steel frames as part of the building. Interlinking the lives of the elderly with these objects.

Meditation Space

Resting platform

Physiotherapy platform

Dialogue Space Space Balcony Office

Restore space Space Warehouse Exhibition Gallery

The project is located in Wenzhou City, Zhejiang Province, China. Wenzhou city is situated in East China, southeast of Zhenjiang Province, and the south bank of the lower reaches of Oujiang River, with East Sea at its east and Fujian Province in the south. This project takes a rather complex community, locating in the urban-rural fringe area, as its focal point. Rife with dirt and chaos as it is, yet this place is also full of vitality. Over the course of long history, migration has rendered its population structure all the more complex and diverse. You can see all walks of life, buildings of different eras, and people of different religions just in this community. And thereby, how to make these people form a consciousness consensus, or at least to break the inner barriers among each other have become uppermost priority for this project. The project aims to bring the different age groups closer together through skateboarding, a sport considered dangerous by the older generation in China, and the construction of a skateboard centre aims to bring the different age groups together.

Other projects

These are the smaller projects in addition to the four more highly completed ones mentioned above. Here you can look at the building in a smaller dimension, at a much lower scale. These projects are not only a mix of commercial, public, and residential buildings, but even buildings with a hint of irony.Now let's start our exploration

Project 3 Open construction mini-games built on the ue5 platform

Project I Skateboard Community Centre (May 2021 July 2021 Individual work)

Project 2 Elon Musk's fantasy (April 2021 - May 2021 Teamwork )

Project 3 Open construction mini-games built on the ue5 platform

Project 4 Rendering works based on different renderers

Project 5 Commercial category projects (during internships)

Project 6 Photographs and field research

Project 7 Survey and Mapping of Ancient Wooden Buildings in Yongjia, Wenzhou

Project 8 Landscape design

Project 9 Quick hand-painted artworks


you for


Landscape design

Join us at Tonle Sap Lake Summer Camp in Cambodia Asian Elephant Conservation Summer Camp in Myanmar Project 2 field research Project 3 field research Project 1 field research Prato Photography Florence Photography Florence Photography Venice Photography Milan duomo Photography Hong Kong Photography Venice Photography Hangzhou Asian Games Water Exhibition Hall Hangzhou Youpin Bookstore Guangxi Garden Expo Design Scheme Interior design Office building design for the Qiaotou site in Wenzhou cad wall node sketch Bathroom node sketch Revolving door node

(April 2021 May 2021 Teamwork )
Project 2 Elon Musk's fantasy
Project I Skateboard Community Centre (May 2021 July 2021 Individual work) Project 4 Rendering works based on different renderers
Project 5 Commercial category projects (during internships) Project 6 Photographs and field research Project 7 Survey and Mapping of Ancient Wooden Buildings in Yongjia, Wenzhou 8
Project 9 viewing.
Quick hand-painted artworks
In the near future with the population explosion, followed by a housing crisis. Musk, the world's richest man, has proposed mobile housing, and as artificial intelligence continues to evolve, perhaps the integration of robots and architecture could be the first step towards landing on Mars. In architectural terms, this house is also called a "foldable prefab house". According to Boxabl's CEO, "The design is designed to be cheap enough to be built, but also to be consistent with the experience of an everyday house. Moreover, not only can users buy a small house, but multiple standard individual structures can be built to create a large house with two, three, four ......... more floors."
Of course, this is not an exaggeration, after all, according to the cost measurement, in the first-tier cities, the price of housing can already build several buildings in Boxabl. With the Boxabl product on the market and Musk's traffic support, the folding slab has already attracted 2,000 customers to pay a deposit, with more than 40,000 more in the queue for reservations.

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