Sketches & Watercolors

Author: Ivan Moiseenko
Architect, Project Manager
Modular Construction Professional & Enthusiast
Alumny of Delft University of Technology Delft, The Netherlands (MSc in Management in the Built Environment)
Alumny of Politecnico di Milano Milan, Italy (MSc in Architecture and Construction Engineering)

Founder in IMAGE, global MMC consultancy
Contact details:
+371 29 893 701 Riga, Latvia
Dear Curatorial Team,
Statement. Statement.
I am Ivan Moiseenko, an architect and artist based in Riga, Latvia and developing my sketches & watercolors on the daily basis since the beginning of 2000s’.
Dear Curatorial Team,
Being an international professional in the field of the built environment and developing new technologies in this field, I am documenting the moments of the life I am going through and depict them in the art particularly represented in this booklet.
The sketches are done very quickly, sometimes in several seconds, by a linear ink pen, which doesn’t give a chance for a mistake and demands a sharp reaction while documenting the world. The watercolors require more time and attention to detail, and demonstrate the detailed moments of the world around. Statement.
The main message behind the collection of my sketches is the emotions, memories and moments they take care of, and an opportunity to remember the exact mood, state of the art and circumstances I was going through while living that moment, which is also transferred to the art, whether it is a sketch or watercolor, and the feelings they preserve from the time they were created. It is a diary converted into art and vice versa. I would be glad to share my vision with the world and your team, and kindly ask you to consider my application for further discussion.