airways the magazine for IVAO United Kingdom
airways CONTENTS MEET THE STAFF A quick insight into the life of the Assistant Shanwick Chief , Wilm-Hendrik Schulz.
MESSAGE FROM DIVISIONAL HEADQUARTERS The welcoming message to airways, and his overview of the Division over the previous month.
EVENTS UPDATE An update for the Events coming up this month on IVAO United Kingdom.
AWARDS Congratulations to all the members who have gained an award during the month of January.
DESINATION GUIDE This month’s guide is for Cranfield, one of many business and general aviation airfield in the United Kingdom.
Want to have your say on the GB-IE merger, visit the forum.
BY Wilm-Hendrik Schulz My name is Wilm-Hendrik Schulz, but you can call me Wilm ;-) I am 28 year old and live in northern Germany. In real life I studied a Bachelor of Science in Maritime Economics and Port Management. For a year I have been working on a big offshore wind farm in the German North Sea. If you are interested have look for "Trianel WIndpark Borkum" or "Borkum West II" on goggle. ;-) But now back to basics: I have been a member of the IVAO network since July 2011. At the beginning of my IVAO life I was based in Hannover Germany (EDDV). At this airport I completed my ADC, APC and PP exams. After my ADC rating I decided to ask the Shanwick FIR for a GCA, because I was very interested in controlling the Atlantic. A few weeks later, I got my EGGX GCA and was approved to control the Atlantic. During a periodof a few months I got in contact with Simon and we discussed some problems with the old OCMS/ORCA/Datalink and I decided to ask a friend for a possible solution, in correspondence with Simon. Some weeks of coding and hard thinking later we were able to present the first BETA of the new system. After implementing the system I was contacted by Simon and GB-Staff, to see if I was interested in joining the GB-Family and assist them in managing the EGGX FIR. I was very surprised, but happy too and I answered them with a clear "Yes, I am very proud to get asked by you".
From that point, I have been in the position of Shanwick Assistant Chief. In this position I am responsible for the administration of the FIR like EGGX GCAs, training, events and other requests. Furthermore Simon and I are involved in keeping the website up to date as well as the events page, which is well known in the IVAO world.
At the moment I am not only a member of the GB-Staff but also a member of the IVAO HQ Staff in the position of a World Tour Advisor.
I hope I have ivent you some insights of my IVAO life. ;-) If you have any question do not hesitate and contact my via mail
As we close May and welcome June we enter a new month for the Division. We’ve changes imminent and some in the future but we feel every step we take is for the better. We welcome Craig McLaren as GB-SOAC assisting William Bruce in the Special Operations Department; both have fantastic events lined up to continue the standard of Special Operations flying in the UK. Also this month we’ve sadly said goodbye to Tom Moseley as a Training Advisor, we thank Tom for all the work he has placed towards our Training Department and wish him the best for the future. Finally, and the big point. IVAO United Kingdom and IVAO Ireland have both announced intentions to merge IVAO Ireland into IVAO United Kingdom as the EISN FIR. We would like your input and you have until the 28th of June to vote! More information is available on the forums.
BY ALEXANDER CLOVER (GB-EC) There's only a short update from the events department this month. We are currently in the process of planning an RFE for the end of the year but we don't know what airport to use. There are currently 5 options to choose from and they are; -
Manchester London Gatwick Birmingham/East Midlands Edinburgh/Glasgow Leeds/Newcastle
You currently have until the 05th July to cast your vote. The voting poll can be found here: In other news, why not come and join us for an overload which involves two airports. The Essex Overload will be involving both Stansted and London Luton. We are accepting both IFR and VFR so whether it's an IFR flight inbound from the States or and IFR outbound into Europe we will be ready for you at both Stansted and Luton. Whether you like being in a hold waiting for your turn on the approach or if you are enjoy sitting in line for departure this event if for you. More details for the event can be found:
airways AWARDS BY JACK PLUMB (GB-DIR) On behalf of all the staff and members here at the United Kingdom division, congratulations on gaining one of the awards. The following people have gained an award for completing a UK tour during April 2014:
Pathompong Pavara completed the 2014 IFR Tour. (27 May 14)
Giulio Parenzan completed the 2014 VFR Tour. (14 May 14)
Reynaldo Duarte completed the 2014 Special Operations Tour. (14 May 14)
Georg Nuss completed the 2014 Special Operations Tour. (4 May 14)
airways DESTINATION GUIDE BY BEN LEONARD CRANFIELD AIRPORT Cranfield Airport is a general and business aviation airport located around 5 miles from Milton Keynes. It is also home to the Metman aircraft, the BAE 146 which is dedicated to atmospheric research. The airport is very popular as a training aerodrome with 4 flight training organisations based at the airport with many more coming in everyday to use the airports numerous approaches to its single runway (03/21) which is 1800m in length. Cranfield has CAT 1 lighting for both runways and an ILS for runway 21. These features are supplemented by the CIT NDB which can be used to approach both runways. In the past 2 years the airport has introduced approach lighting for runway 03 and has also introduced the latest GNSS approaches for both runways. The airport is a interesting airport as there is a good mix of jet traffic and both large and small GA aircraft, all controlled on a procedural basis by Cranfield’s ATC. On IVAO anyone with the relevant knowledge and procedures can open this position.
airways We are currently seeking candidates for the following positions: Applicants for staff positions must be active members within the IVAO for a minimum of 6 months. Senior Staff Advisors and Management staff shall be at least 18 years of age.
Position : GB-AWM Assistant Webmaster Description: Assist with the maintenance and development of the IVAO United Kingdom website. Requirements: Knowledge of HTML, CSS, PHP & MySQL. Experience with AJAX and Object Oriented programming would be helpful. You may be requested to provide a sample of source code that you have written.
Position : GB-FOC Flight Operations Coordinator Description: The Flight operations co-ordinator is responsible for all procedures directly concerning pilots. The FOC is responsible for: - Maintaining the preferred routes database of the division. - Compiling operating guidelines for pilots, notably pilot quick views. - Assisting with pilot training/exam standards for the TC. Position requires a minimum PP rating.
Position : GB-TA Division Training Advisor Description: Training Advisors are "specialists" in their field. They act as instructors on structured courses (ATC and Pilot); they may be required to assist in other training sessions, such as Pilot Training Nights. Training Advisors also answer questions from members on their specialist subject. - Teaching structured courses as requested by the TC/TAC. - Teaching at other training sessions. - Completing ATC On-the-Job Training sessions. - Evaluating practical exams. - Occasionally, writing training material as requested by the TC and TAC. Position requires a minimum rating applicable to the course being taught (for example, an Aerodrome Course instructor requires a rating of at least ADC). Pilot instructors require a rating of at least PP.
Please note if you have a suspension history within the last three years your application will be unsuccessful.