airways the magazine for IVAO United Kingdom
airways CONTENTS MEET THE STAFF A quick insight into the life of the Membership Assistant Coordinator, Danny Richmond
MESSAGE FROM DIVISIONAL HEADQUARTERS The welcoming message to airways, and his overview of the Division over the previous month.
DESTINATION GUIDE This month’s guide is for London City Airport, 6miles from the centre of London
EVENTS UPDATE An update for the Events coming up this month on IVAO United Kingdom.
REVIEW We will be reviewing UK2000’s Gatwick Extreme and seeing if it’s really worth your money
COMPETITION Your chance to win a copy of any downloadable UK2000 Scenery pack!
AWARDS Congratulation to all the members who have gained an award during the month of April.
IVAO UK currently support a number of UK based Virtual Airlines. Click Here to view them
Codeword: Heathrow (See Page 7)
BY DANNY RICHMOND Hello, I’m Danny Richmond the Membership Assitant Coordinator also nicknamed “Sausage” due to my last name. I have been a member of IVAO since 2009 and have slowly increased my hours since. Only this year I have managed to gain my Aerodrome Rating and Private Pilot Rating. Allong with that I gained the job as GB-MAC this year. My job is to work in Coordination with Ben Leonard the GB-MC in providing Real life meet-ups, membership events and also send welcome emails when you join the division. Another very imprortant role is creating this magazine. In my spare time I do a lot of Gliding in the Sufflok area, I’m also into Airsoft which is like paintballing but with BB guns and a lot more tactics. I currently work in the British Army in the Army Air Corps as a Communication Specialist working with the Apache helicopter meaning I provide communcaitions between military helicopters and the HQ element. In the future I hope to go for my pilots coarse and fly one of the Armys helicopters. So far I have enjoyed my role here at IVAO UK and would recommend applying for a staff role to anyone. If you see me online on teamspeak then do not hessitate coming over for a chat or asking me questions, I also have an email
As we enter the month of May, we begin to welcome the summer! More events are coming to the Divisions, changes to FRAS and welcoming of potentially new staff. It's been a quiet month for us as we catch up on work we left to prioritise the Heathrow RFE. As we are now in British Summer Time (BST) please remember we are Zulu plus one so you need to check event times. I hope you enjoy reading Airways this month and all the information my team have prepared for you.
BY BEN LEONARD LONDON CITY AIRPORT London city is located in London's docklands, next to canary wharf in the east end. The airport is unique as its situated in a dock and has a 5.5 degree approach angle which makes it a good challenge for all aviators. Due to the 5.5 degree and 1500m runway only limited aircraft, the biggest jet which can get in to the airport is the Airbus A318 which is used by BA on the LCY-SNN-JFK route. Other Jet aircraft which use the field are the Embrear 170 and 190's. Most aircraft however do have special control laws to enable the steep approach. Another limitation of the airport is the lack of parking stands and the closure of the airport between 1230 Saturdays and 1230 on Sundays to give the local community some noise rest bite. On IVAO AS2's can open Ground, As3's Tower and due to the complex airspace around the airport, Thames radar is an APC position.
BY ALEXANDER CLOVER (GB-EC) Dear members, As we are near the half way mark for the year we thought that this month we will do an event that is quite fitting for this time of year. On the 17th May 2014, IVAO UK and IVAO NL will join forces for another edition of the Heathrow – Amsterdam Airbridge. With ATC expected from block to block you can expect one of the busiest events on IVAO. As we did last year the event time will be 18z till 22z, this means that we have a 4 hour slot where you can fly multiple times from Heathrow to Amsterdam and vice-verse. We advise that you take onboard extra fuel just in case there are some delays. Not much more I can say for this edition apart from that we hope you enjoy the latest edition of the Heathrow - Amsterdam airbridge.
airways REVIEW
BY DANNY RICHMOND UK2000 – Gatwick Extreme v3 When making a purchase with UK2000 was very easy, and the amount of praise about the company really settled the deal. Within this review we will be seeing if the Gatwick scenery pack is worth the £16.50 for the downloadable copy. Installation Installation of the scenery pack is simple and as easy as entering the product code and pressing next a couple of times. At the end it will also ask whether you would like to install the scenery into your simulator manually or let the program do it, which works fine. After installation it allows you to configure the scenery which opens up a number of options to suit your PC. If it’s a low spec PC then no problem, you can adjust the scenery amount, AI, Animations etc. But of course I chose the big button that says “Go Extreme”. If going extreme doesn’t work well for the performance of your PC then you can access these options again through your “Start” menu. I can only recommend going back and tweaking everything til you get the most amount of detail vs performance, It will all be worth it in the end. Scenery This scenery pack is very accurate recreation of London Gatwick Airport. UK2000 say that with a modern PC this scenery can be run at 100fps and at 30fps with plenty of Ai and is compatible with both FSX and FS9. At first impressions you really do notice a difference from the default Gatwick to Gatwick Extreme. The level of detail involved is second to none, and the accuracy that I have compared to Gatwick’s aerodrome charts is top notch. The level of detail starts at the top with the control tower and works its way all the way down to the drainage grills on the runways edge. Textures The ground textures are very nice, each parking area looks worn and used with dirt and fuel stains making it slightly darker around those areas. Not only that but easy stand is different, I don’t believe any stand has the same shape. The grass around the airfield really stands out from your default flat grass. The edges are 3d and make it look a lot better from within the cockpit. Buildings The building in this package are very detailed with windows that light in the dark and Air conditioning ducts on the roof which really shows the amount of effort that has gone into this. Buildings that are included are both Terminal, a cargo area, fire station, maintenance hangers, the control tower and even St Michael’s church. That is only a small list of what is included but I cannot find a fault. The only problem I could find was that the roof tops of the terminal building lacked detail and were very flat.
airways Objects The area is littered with objects with a high amount of detail to each one. The Airport is surrounded by a perimeter fence and inside we have a number of things such as antennas and runway lights and localisers. Permanent blast walls are in the correct place and taxiway signs are correctly labelled as per Gatwick charts. Even the parking areas have signage such as first aid points and emergency phones. Other things that are included that I was very impressed by were the London Gatwick Train and Monorail that are animated. Conclusion Overall, I was very happy with my purchase. The object detail and accuracy is great especially for a frequent Gatwick flyer. Overall I give this a 4/5 due to its high quality but some parts lack detail such as terminal roofs and vehicle parking.
If you have an article, review, picture etc. that you would like to share with IVAO, then why not send it into Airways to get published on one of our magazine editions. You can do this by sending it to the UK Membership Department by email: or , or you can send it in through the Article submission page at We look forward to see your submissions.
UK2000 SCENERY For readers of “Airways” Magazine, UK2000 is generously offering the chance for one of our readers to win a scenery pack of their choice. This can be any of the downloadable versions which include the UK2000 Extreme Range and VFR Airfields 1, 2 or 3. To win you must find 5 code words hidden in different places; luckily we will tell you the rough location of these words. Once you have found all 5 then email your answers to Finally, you have until 2300 Zulu on the 28th May 2014 to get your entries in, so good luck. 1. This Edition of Airways 2. The IVAO United Kingdom Division Facebook page 3. The IVAO United Kingdom Division Twitter page 4. The Division Forums 5. March 2014 Edition of “Airways” Magazine Good luck and send your answers in before 28th May 2014.
airways AWARDS
BY JACK PLUMB (GB-DIR) On behalf of all the staff and members here at the United Kingdom division, congratulations on gaining one of the awards. The following people have gained an award for completing a UK tour during April 2014: John Littler completed the 2014 IFR Tour. (16 Apr 14) Philip Newell completed the 2014 VFR Tour. (24 Apr 14) Johnathon Lowe completed the 2014 IFR Tour. (27 Apr 14) This month we have also had a number of practical exam passes, in both controller and pilots. Congratulations on gaining your new ratings. The following people passed a practical examination during April 2014: Mason Carter gained his Aerodrome Controller Rating. (10 Apr 14) Danny Richmond gained his Private Pilot Rating. (14 Apr 14)
airways W e are currentl y seeking c andi dat es for the foll owing positi ons: Applicants for staff positions must be active members withi n the IVAO for a mi ni mum of 6 months. Senior Staff Advisors and Management staff shall be at least 18 years of age.
Position Description
GB- AWM Assistant W ebmaster Assist with the mai nt enanc e and devel opment of t he IVAO Unit ed Ki ngdom webs ite. Requir ements: Knowl edge of HTML, CSS, PHP & MySQL. Experi enc e wit h AJAX and Object Orient ed pr ogr ammi ng would be hel pful. You may be requested t o provide a sample of source code that you have writt en.
Position Description
GB-FOC Fli ght Oper ations Coordi nat or Rol es & Responsi bilities: GB-FOC The Fli ght oper ations co -or dinat or is responsibl e for all procedures dir ectly conc erni ng pil ots. The FOC is res ponsibl e for: - Maint ai ning the pref erred rout es databas e of t he di vision. - Compiling operati ng guidelines for pilots, notabl y pil ot quick views . - Assisting with pil ot trai ning/exam standards f or the TC. Position requires a mini mum PP r ating.
Position Description
GB-SO AC Special Operati ons Assistant Coor dinat or Rol es & Responsi bilities: Assisting the SOC i n: - Setting gui delines for mili tary operati ons and any fir efighting/rescue operati ons - W riting military-specific procedur es for MTCAs and Military airports - Setting t he FRAs for the above airports - Maint ai ning the milit ary c harts dat abase of the di visi on - Creati ng/Validating a GB SO Tour - Organising SO Events wit hin t he Divisi on Position requires a mini mum ADC or PP rati ng.
Position Description
GB-T A Di vision Trai ni ng Advis or Rol es & Responsi bilities: Trai ning Advisors ar e "specialists" in their fiel d. They act as instructors on struc tured courses (ATC and Pilot); they may be r equired t o assist in ot her traini ng sessions, such as Pilot Trai ni ng Nights. Trai ning Advisors also answer questions from members on t heir specialis t subject. -
Teachi ng structur ed cour ses as requested by the TC/TAC. Teachi ng at ot her traini ng sessions. Completi ng ATC On-the-Job Trai ni ng sessions. Evaluating practical exams. Occasionally, writing trai ning materi al as request ed by t he TC and TAC .
Position requires a mini mum rating applicable t o the c ourse being taught (f or exampl e, an Aer odr ome Course i nstruct or requir es a rati ng of at least ADC). Pilot i nstructors require a rati ng of at l east PP. Please not e if you have a suspensi on histor y wi thi n t he last thr ee years your application will be uns uccessful.