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Ive Sunvehdon

✺ Dzogchen - The Path Of Clear Light ✺ DZOGCHEN is known as the Great Perfection. In many ways it is the simplest, yet most subtle of the paths to enlightenment. The great masters and texts of dzogchen teach us that the essence of our being is perfectly clear, open and luminous. Our challenge is to simply and directly discover that within ourselves. In some ways the method of dzogchen is no method; just simply to be, free, open and aware. But this is easier said than done. Fortunately there are a variety of teachings and methods that help support us in this path. The Heartdrops of Dharmakaya includes pointing out instructions and physical and mental methods that help us to experience the nature of Mind. The Atri teaches methods of stabilization, so that we may rest in clear open awareness as long as we like. And the Zhang Zhung Nyen Gyud reveals a rich and diverse set of practices and explanations that help us connect with our own true essence.
