Teaching sequence

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TEACHING SEQUENCE PLANNING FORM Title of my teaching sequence: UK festivities Name: Ivette Palau Montanyà School: Abat Marcet Grade Level(s): Grade 4 *Subject(s): English

Summary of the theme or ‘big ideas’ for this teaching sequence (the big picture)

This teaching sequence is focused on comparing how children in the UK celebrate Halloween, Christmas and Easter and how we do it here, in Catalonia. So, children would need to answer the following question: Do we have the same traditions as people in the UK have?

This teaching sequence starts when some students from the Trafalgar School in the UK send us a letter asking for information about how we celebrate these three festivities.

As the teaching sequence is within the project based language learning approach, it has a final product. It consists of a video addressed to the British children and it will also be uploaded in the school blog.

Identification of ways in which this teaching sequence fits into the school project plan

On the one hand, this teaching sequence fits into the school project because it is addressed to the students of Trafalgar Junior School in the UK. During the last few years, this school has already been doing exchange projects and activities with students in Abat Marcet School. Actually, they have just sent some Christmas cards to our school in Catalonia this year. Therefore, pupils from Abat Marcet already know them.

On the other hand, this teaching sequence also fits into the school project because it follows the contents of the English book of grade 4.


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