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Introduction Designed by a collaboration of the worlds leading technicians and academicians, Trio posterior denture teeth set a new standard in denture fabrication. Trio posterior denture teeth are available in both lingual and semi-anatomic occlusal schemes for patient specific occlusion. Trio posterior teeth are designed to be used with the Stratos® articulation system. This system includes a complete line of precision articulators and setup guides to ensure accurate and predictable setups.

Cast Analysis Prior to setup it is important to conduct a basic cast analysis to ensure the proper placement of the Trio posterior teeth.



Trio DCL – Setup Manual Indications – Trio posterior denture teeth are indicated for use in the fabrication of complete and partial dentures where applicable.

– SR Triotyp DCL features a semi-anatomic occlusal scheme, and can be used in complete and partial dentures where applicable. Use the corresponding upper SR Orthotyp® DCL posterior denture teeth when opposing a Trio setup.

– SR Triolingual DCL should be used when lingualized occlusion has been prescribed or is best suited for the patient. Use upper SR Ortholingual® DCL posterior denture teeth when opposing a Trio setup.

An own setup method – PARALLEL from that of BPS® – according to this Manual is available for Trio teeth. After tooth setup protusive and lateral movement shoould be checked.

2. Next, set the mandibular canines in relation

4. Remove the upper cast from the articulator

to maxillary teeth (maxillary 1 premolars). st

1. Using a pencil mark the center of the ridge

Triotyp® DCL

1. Position the buccal cusp tip of the first premolar at the height of the distal and incisal tip of the lower canine. Ensure the axis of the first premolar is in harmony with the canine.

crest of the mandibular cast.

2. Outline the retromolar pads. 3. Depending of the inclination of the alveolar Ridge crest

Retromolar Pad

5. Set the corresponding upper

2. Set the dorsal part of SR Triotyp DCL posterior segment in the lower cast. Align the fossa to the ridge crest mark.

Ridge crest 1/2 mark

position the SR Triotyp DCL until a maximum of contact points is achieved.

maxillary posterior teeth in relation to the lower SR Triotyp DCL in the position of maximum intercuspidation. The pre-designed accuracy of the SR Triotyp DCL will simplify the placement and ensure proper function.

and mount the Trio teeth setting-up template in its place. Position the template so the underside is aligned with the incisal and distal of the tip of the mandibular canines in the anterior portion.

ridge, the centre of the retromolar pad should be marked ideally.

4. After making initial contact

SR Triolingual DCL– tooth to tooth

1/2 mark

6. Complete the setup by placing

5. Align the posterior portion with the 1/2

the mandibular anteriors in proper relationship to the maxillary setup.

marks of the retromolar pad.

Trio Template Setup

1. Prior to setting the SR Trio DCL posterior teeth set the maxillary anterior denture teeth on the Stratos®. The Trio teeth settingup template will provide verification of bilateral symmetry and the midline.

SR Triotyp DCL – tooth to two teeth

3. The Trio teeth setting-up template is designed for use on the Stratos articulator and has both the curves of Wilson and Spee built in but only for the average-value bite registration and tooth setup.

3. Once the SR Triotyp DCL is set in wax lower the upper member of the articulator so the template makes initial contact.

1. Position the buccal cusp tip of the first premolar at the height of the incisal and distal tip of the lower canine. Ensure the axis of the first premolar is in harmony with the canine.

4. After making initial contact position the SR Triolingual DCL until a maximum of contact points with the template is achieved.



Triolingual® DCL

Trio DCL – Free Hand Setup

Trio posterior denture teeth are designed with the functional curves of Spee and Wilson built in. This allows for accurate and predictable free hand setup.

3. Adjust the height of the 1

premolar to align with the height of the adjacent canine and the retromolar mark on the cast. Ensure the long axis of the 1st premolar is in harmony with the canine. st

6. Set the corresponding upper maxillary posterior teeth in relation to the lower SR Triotyp DCL or SR Triolingual DCL teeth. The pre-designed accuracy of the SR Trio DCL will simplify the placement and ensure proper function.

1. Set the maxillary and mandibular anterior teeth according to normal protocol.

5. Set the corresponding upper 2. Set the dorsal part of the SR Triolingual DCL posterior segment in the lower cast. Align the fossa to the ridge crest mark.

maxillary posterior teeth in relation to the lower SR Triolingual DCL. The predesigned accuracy of the SR Triolingual DCL will simplify the placement and ensure proper function.

4. Align the central fossa of the SR Trio DCL to the ridge crest mark.

SR Triotyp DCL – tooth to two teeth

2. Set the buccal-lingual position of the 3. Once the SR Triolingual DCL is set in wax lower the upper member of the articulator so the template makes initial contact.

mandibular 1st premolar with the central fossa aligned to the ridge crest mark.

SR Triolingual DCL– tooth to tooth

6. Complete the setup by placing the mandibular anteriors in proper relationship to the maxillary setup.

5. Set the distal cusp of the 2

nd molar of the SR Trio DCL at the height of the 1/2 mark.

Ivoclar Vivadent AG, FL-9494 Schaan | Liechtenstein 613893/0608/e/BVD

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