Culture2015 v13 issuu

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PUBLISHER: Kuba Jewgieniew. ART DIRECTION: Claudia Bouche & Juan Caicedo. EDITORIAL ASSISTANTS: Kylie Swope & Nicole Costin. DESIGN: Sandra Ramirez, Ivy Smart & Nima Nakhshab. WRITER: Emily Langenbahn. PHOTOGRAPHY: Nima Nakhshab, Nick Micheletti & Ryan Esteban.

Let’s take a moment to celebrate our successes, ONE decade in the making!

The ONE is what has brought us to this point, and it’s all thanks to you, the real estate professionals who #WakeUpToWin everyday to reach new heights. The ONE in RealtyONEGroup stands for family and purpose; it stands for teamwork, togetherness, creativity, coolture, and YOU.

With our ‘you first’ focus and belief that everyONE and everything matters, the ONE Family grew to over 8,000 agents, 68 offices, and 16 states across the nation. With shiny eyes and happy hearts, our team of professionals are building and creating their own success alongside ONE another, as equals.

We’re making noise together, as ONE team of rock stars, to create our own original sound that ignites change in the industry and creates raving fans.

This Coolture Book is dedicated to every single ONE of you — the RealtyONEGroup Rock Stars who have made the ONE Vision a reality!

Congratulations on ONE decade of success, so here’s to another ONE, starting in 2016!


ONE YEAR OLDER Passionate people always make sure to find the most creative ways to say “Happy Birthday!”



Balloons, crazy decorations, and delicious desserts around the office are an important part of the Wow Now experience.


Positive professionals who invest in themselves and have a #WakeUpToWin attitude receiving their first commission check!

/CELEBRATING A brand new affiliate location launched in Prescott, Arizona. Congrats to everyONE over there!


REALTYONEGROUP SOLUTIONS RealtyONEGroup Solutions officially started opening doors for everyONE from its office location in Santa Clarita.



RANCHO SANTA MARGARITA Rancho Santa Margarita office deservedly celebrated their success and have been continuing to provide #MyWowNow experiences over the last year!



EveryONE at Everest Escrow celebrated the grand opening of the Laguna Niguel location!

/CELEBRATING NEW IDEAS We love our Think Tank Thursdays! Every month, we dedicate a portion of ONE Thursday morning to discussing our goals, accomplishments, and new ideas from each department.

Think Tank hursdays are also an opportunity to formally introduce our freshest faces around the office.

Gathering together as ONE motivates our team to share unique ideas and connect with ONE another. It’s a truly positive way to contribute to the overall experiences we’re looking to create.


There's always make some extra room for a little friendly competition, and only the team with the best #WakeUpToWin attitude gets to claim the prize!


Whenever a fresh face becomes a part of the ONE Family, we welcome them with games and team-building activities.

EveryONE gets to toss the golden soccer ball and ask a question to help get to know the newbies!

Alex suited up as General Counsel, making our Legal team even stronger.

Jim Cerrone and Kathryn Bovard in Green Valley have a tradition of posing with an agent whenever they become the newest member of the ONE Family.

/CELEBRATING FAMILY EveryONE’s family is different, so we couldn’t forget to include our awesome pets as a part of our little ONEs group.

ONE of the best parts of our coolture is including every member of your family every step of the way and making them part of the vision!

Little ONEs are a big part of our vision!


Our awesome leaders deserve some extra appreciation, so thanks to KC Cyga, Peggy Simon, and Barbara Baker for always being ONEderful in everything they do! Their dedication to making the ONE Vision come to life is what really brings the coolture together in each of the offices.

#WAKEUPTOWIN An important part of our coolture is waking up everyday with a positive attitude, knowing you are going to win. It creates an environment of winning team spirit and thrives on your drive to succeed.


200 STRONG The Corona office reached 200 agents at the start of this year, so we hand-delivered them 200 beautiful white roses to congratulate them on their big win!

STRETCH IT OUT Every day around 2 o’clock was yoga time! When it came time for the break in our daily work grind, someONE would ring the gold gong to signal that it was time for a quick stretch break.

SILVER AND GOLD Merri Perry was nominated as two of the Top 25 Women in Real Estate at The Best of Silver State Awards.

POT ‘O’ GOLD Shamrocks, green-frosted sugar cookies, and just a little hint of that RealtyONEGroup Signature gold was enough to bring everyONE’s St. Patrick’s Day attire together.

/NAPPING ON THE JOB? National Napping Day is honored annually following the return of daylight savings time to help that first Monday back to work go just a little bit smoother after losing that ONE extra hour of sleep.

#OPENINGDOORS This hashtag effectively communicates our ONE goal to succeed with you. We're opening doors and moving forward to create success in your business, so spread the word about the ways you're opening doors for everyONE, everyday!



We hosted a contest for agents to submit their own version of the ONE Song. The winners were given the chance to create their own music video at The Lab’s ONE Studios.


The team celebrated the Chief Troublemaker’s birthday by decorating masks of his face. The theme was Club Kuba, and his office was the designated VIP area.


Red Nose Day was launched to help raise mONEy for children and young people living in poverty in a way that brought smiles to everyONE’s faces!

BIG FOR A DAY A special event dedicated to getting companies and organizations involved with Big Brothers Big Sisters.

FIESTA DE MAYO What’s better than celebrating Cinco de Mayo together as ONE? Having Cinco de Mayo fall on Taco Tuesday, of course!

Wally Kowis of the Summerlin office dressed as a clown to show why taking a different stand in your marketing strategy can make all the difference!




Everest Escrow hosted a Speakeasy themed event as a teambuilding activity and as a celebration of their quarterly Peak Awards given out to those with the greatest wake up to win attitude. EveryONE really got into character!


CONNECT Understanding that this is a people business, our team works everyday to enhance and create Wow Now experiences.

The ONE Family is made up of professionals who are creating constant connections with other career-driven people.

Whether it’s meeting the mayor of Las Vegas or paying a visit to the White House, our awesome team members are investing in themselves and their careers by forging key connections.

BIG SUMMER TEE OFF! To properly kick off Summer, RealtyONEGroup hosted an all-day fundraising event while honoring Father’s Day.

MAKING WAVES AT THE BEACH After the Father’s Day golf outing, everyONE went to the beach and passed out branded RealtyONEGroup water bottles, cheering and alerting everyONE they passed about the positive spirit in our everyday coolture.


The ONE Summit gave business professionals the opportunity to LevelUP! their careers and experience different coaching styles. Every night of ONE Week hosted a different event leading up to the Decade of ONE celebration on May 1st, 2015 to honor a decade’s worth of dedication to igniting change in the industry and painting the nation gold.

DRUMROLL, PLEASE! The countdown to the 3rd annual ONE Day ceremony took place on the evening of April 30th, just hours before the official 10-year anniversary of RealtyONEGroup.

#GIVEONEBACK The ONE Family kicked off the 3rd annual ONE Day and went out with the mission to #GiveONEBack to the communities where they live, work, and play.

EveryONE has their own vision to achieve success, which is why everyONE’s piece of art looked a little different. But when pictured together, they all contribute in their own way to complete the picture!


/PAINTING PARTY It was the perfect way to spend the night honoring the Decade of ONE and all the accomplishments we reached together.

/VOILĂ€! Inspiring creativity in ONE another is part of the RealtyONE Group vision!

#ONEDERFUL ONEderful is an attitude and a style. It’s a way to connect with other agents who understand RealtyONEGroup’s beliefs and philosophy as a company, and it’s a way to entice and excite potential consumers about joining the ONE lifestyle!




The Summerlin office promoted the #HelloTomorrow attitude of RealtyONEGroup in the local 4th of July Parade.

HOME RUN FOR ONE Real estate brokerages from all over Southern California participated in the softball games for charity in San Diego!

ONE COMPLETE YEAR RealtyONEGroup Complete celebrated their ONE Year anniversary up in Rocklin, California.


SUPPORT We have a ‘you first’ focus, understanding that real estate is a 24/7 business. Experienced and friendly on-site support staff are readily available and always here to support our amazing agents. It’s not just a system in place, it’s a friendly face!



The team over at Everest Escrow participated in the OCAR Palooza Chili Cook-Off. They won for the best chili and took home the gold!


/EVEREST FOR THE WIN The OCAR Palooza Chili Cook-Off called for some serious fun in the sun this summer. Thanks to everyONE who came out and showed their support for an event that hosted some serious coolture. Bringing home the first place trophy in the chili cook-off was just ONE of the sweetest perks!



THE PEAK AWARDS Every quarter, Everest Escrow makes a point to dole out their Peak Awards to those who have kept the greatest work ethic.

A SWEET START TO SUMMER RealtyONEGroup loves to #GiveONEBack! All of the proceeds from the charity auction event were donated to the Pacific Marine Mammal Center.

A ONEDERFUL WAY TO GIVE BACK Giving back and spreading positivity is our ONE mission that effects change. Helping hands are more than just a symbol; when they come together to complete a circle, they inspire others to do the same.

EYES ON THE SCHOOL SUPPLIES Our Nevada offices adopted 10 teachers from Halle Hewetson Elementary School in Las Vegas to help compile school supplies for their classrooms. For ONE entire week, the branches hosted a Teacher Supply Drive and stocked up on donations so the teachers could ONE up their skills!



The Golden Guys and the video team paid a visit to offices all around Arizona to snap some awesome headshots and spread some serious coolture.


#MYWOWNOW This focuses on both the Wow Now factor and the ONE moments that make them happen. This experience communicates to consumers what we’re looking to achieve as a brand.


Alex, RealtyONEGroup's General Counsel, educates agents on areas of the law that could impact their business, and how to protect themselves as they build their careers.



GROWING ESCROW EXPERTISE The team over at Everest Escrow attended the THRID training event this year, which serves as a session to update everyONE on the new regulations regarding lending policies.

ONE GAME FACE EveryONE is ready for some football! RealtyONEGroup offices across the ONE Nation got their game faces on and sported their favorite team’s jersey while showing off their ONE love.

SPOOKTACULAR SOIRÉE! Candy, costumes, and coworkers — we can’t think of ONE thing we like more about Halloween! The ONE Family knows how to celebrate in their best spooky styles!

NIGHTMARE ON ONE STREET Everest Escrow hosted their Halloween celebration in Dove Canyon, California.


ONE of our favorite ways to #GiveONEBack involves adorable animals, so RealtyONEGroup donated over $3,000 to the Pacific Marine Mammal Center in Laguna Beach, California.


BEERS & BRATS Everest Escrow participated with Orange County Realtors in the Oktoberfest and Brat Bash.

ONE STEP TOGETHER The offices across Nevada, Arizona, and California teamed up to participate in the Walk to End Alzheimer’s 2015. It was a ONEderful way for our team members to #GiveONEBack and take ONE step towards ending Alzheimer’s!


FULL OF THANKS & TOGETHERNESS The RealtyONEGroup offices had lots of reasons to give thanks this year, which is why there were ONEderous Thanksgiving dinner parties thrown by branches across the nation with all sorts of teambuilding activities and opportunities to #GiveONEBack to our local communities with Food Drives.

XMAS SEASON Our team of Santas and little helpers suited up and spent the day hand-delivering ONE Christmas tree to Everest Escrow and RealtyONEGroup offices all across California.

THE UGLIEST SWEATER Tons of offices hosted an ugly sweater contest, and we’ve got the winning photos!



There’s room for everyONE on the Nice List!

EveryONE really showed up and shared their best holiday spirit around all the offices with door decorating contests, festive Christmas trees, and donations to the Toys for Tots Drive. We’re never short on reasons to say why this is truly the most ONEderful time of the year!



Holiday parties are just ONE of the ways that we show how everyONE and everything matters, and everyONE knows that the best way to spread holiday cheer is celebrating ONE for all to hear!


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