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Year of submission- June 2020


To dame nature, for endowing everything it can to us, no matter how we act towards it.


Change conveys the notion of moving forward in the good way and the source of inspiration for such miracles is just one-nature. Creators in every field, from designing, researcher or engineering need inspiration. With the right inspiration in hand comes motivation to step up and bring that idea of change to life. This dissertation reviews and deals with existing literatures, outcomes and future possibilities of complete biomimicry field. It answers the questions of what to expect and how to proceed with inspirations from a teacher of worth thousands of years of experience, witnesses and wisdom. Since biomimicry has its roots strong enough to grow any field required, it has a very broad application and scope. Nature is an open book which is only visible to those who really seek to observe and see with patience. One may see what lies in front of him as a solution while someone may even then be unable to see it in front of his eyes. Nature has its own way of tutoring its pupils. The apple which fell on Isaac Newton’s head was one way to deal with the pupil who is highly observant but not a seeker, while others sought their lessons through long lengths of patience and observations of nature. With time, everything comes to place or rather find its rightful place. The present day highly demands use of green, sustainable, ecological solutions in dealing with climate change and future disastrous effects of our present actions. Doing things the nature’s style is just the ray of hope, every designer or creator looks for as the nature has already ironed out various issues faced by creators while legislating a concept for any product, and since nature is itself sustainable, one would not even have to worry about additional solution for grappling with problems for green and sustainable products. It simply offers a complete a complete package of inspirations for developing one’s utopian world which everyone dreams of. Thus, this dissertation will provide a complete and detailed outline of biomimicry’s past, present and future with relevance to every possible field where it could be applicable to enhance and blossom it for its better future growth.

CONTENTS ABSTRACT............................................................................................................................................ i CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................... 5 1.1 BACKGROUND ......................................................................................................................... 5 1.2 SIGNIFICANCE .......................................................................................................................... 5 1.3 AIM OF STUDY ......................................................................................................................... 6 1.4 OBJECTIVE ................................................................................................................................ 6 1.5 SCOPE AND LIMITATIONS ..................................................................................................... 6 1.6 RESEARCH QUESTIONS ......................................................................................................... 7 1.7 RESEARCH METHODOLOGIES ............................................................................................. 8 CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW ............................................................................................. 10 2.1 INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................... 10 2.1.1 Life principles based on biomimicry .................................................................................. 11 2.1.2 Role of ecology in built environment ................................................................................. 13 2.2 UNDERSTANDING BIOMIMICRY ....................................................................................... 16 2.3 DEFINITIONS ........................................................................................................................... 16 2.3.1 A brief history of term ........................................................................................................ 16 Biomimetic revolutionary inventions .............................................................................. 17 Evolution and transition ................................................................................................... 18 2.3.2 Misunderstanding of the term ............................................................................................. 22 2.3.3 Fundamental theories and models about the topic .............................................................. 22 2.4 NATURE AS THE SAVIOUR .................................................................................................. 24 2.4.1 Nature as the muse .............................................................................................................. 24 2.4.2 Life and its characteristics .................................................................................................. 26

2.5 DEFINING NATURE AND ITS SIGNIFICANCE .................................................................. 28 2.5.1 Significance ............................................................................................................................. 28 2.5.2 Species inspiring biomimicry innovations .......................................................................... 28 2.5.3 Examples & applications -innovation inspired by nature ................................................... 31 2.6 HISTORY AND DEVELOPMENT OF BIOMIMICRY .......................................................... 38 2.6.1 Background ......................................................................................................................... 38 2.6.2 Usage and applications........................................................................................................ 41 2.6.3 Pioneers of biomimicry field ............................................................................................... 44 2.7 MAN V/S NATURE .............................................................................................................. 45 2.8 PRODUCT/ INDUSTRIAL DESIGN AND BIOMIMICRY .................................................... 48 2.8.1 Incorporation in production industry .................................................................................. 48 2.8.2 Case examples ..................................................................................................................... 48 2.8.3 AVOID ‘CRADLE TO GRAVE’ ....................................................................................... 50 2.9 BIOMIMICRY AND ARCHITECTURE .................................................................................. 51 2.9.1 Levels of biomimicry in architecture .................................................................................. 52 2.9.2 Environmental architecture ................................................................................................. 59 2.9.3 APPLICATIONS IN ARCHITECTURE ............................................................................ 65 2.10 FOR NATURE, BY NATURE AND OF NATURE ............................................................... 69 2.11 SUSTAINABILITY AND BIOMIMICRY ............................................................................. 72 2.11.1 Approaches to sustainable design ..................................................................................... 72 2.12 NATURE’S FORMS, FUNCTIONS, PARTS ........................................................................ 80


2.12.1 Form based applications ................................................................................................... 81 2.12.2 Function based applications .............................................................................................. 82 2.12.3 Part based applications...................................................................................................... 84 2.12.4 A comparison .................................................................................................................... 84 2.13 CONCLUSION ........................................................................................................................ 86 CHAPTER 3: CASE STUDY .............................................................................................................. 87 3.1 INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................... 87 3.2 CENTRE POMPIDOU .............................................................................................................. 90 3.3 CRYSTAL PALACE ................................................................................................................. 93 3.4 THE LAVASA HILL STATION PROJECT ............................................................................ 97 3.5 DYE FREE FABRICS ............................................................................................................. 101 3.6 WHALE TUBERCLES ........................................................................................................... 104 3.7 SUBMARINES ........................................................................................................................ 107 3.8 CONCLUSION ........................................................................................................................ 109 CHAPTER 4: PRESENT SCENARIO .............................................................................................. 110 4.1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................... 110 4.2 PRESENT STUDIES AND INVENTIONS ............................................................................ 111 4.2.1 Bio-inspired humanoid robot ............................................................................................ 115 4.2.2 Biomimicry in India .......................................................................................................... 116 4.2.3 Future scope .......................................................................................................................... 119 Future concepts .............................................................................................................. 121


CHAPTER 5: UNDERSTANDING AND THOUGHTS .................................................................. 123 5.1 THE PATH NOT TAKEN ....................................................................................................... 123 5.2 MILD FAILURES OF BIOMIMICRY ................................................................................... 125 5.3 THE RIGHT INSPIRATION ................................................................................................... 126 5.4 MEANING OF BIOMIMICRY FOR PEOPLE ...................................................................... 127 CHAPTER 6: CONCLUSIONS ........................................................................................................ 129 6.1 REVIEWING OBJECTIVES................................................................................................... 129 6.2 REVIEWING RESEARCH QUESTIONS .............................................................................. 131 LITERATURE CITED ...................................................................................................................... 135


CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION “Analyse nature, observe, fall in love with nature and keep yourself close to nature, it will never fail you nor forsake you.” Frank Lloyd Wright OVERVIEW: This chapter presents a brief description of the study topic and is composed of sections conveying the basic information required for better understanding of biomimicry. All the sections hold matter regarding the choice of topic, its shortcomings, perks and problems, its importance or significance in existence and finally the chapter concludes with the methodological approach to researching all the required notions and subjects. A section is reserved for questions which are tackled along the way during the course of study.

1.1 BACKGROUND The beauty of Nature has always left mankind in a state of awe. Whether it is reusing, retaining, upcycling and various other processes which have already been existing in nature one way or the other. Every process, change, replacement etc. in nature, everything happens for a reason which is for its betterment and good. Nature is composed of all the living and non-living and yet works as a whole living system just like any other living organism. Nature has always had its best of its kind to offer to humans. Humans with their curious minds have ever been mesmerized by everything which exists and have always learned some or other new teaching from the greatest teacher one can ever ask for- ‘nature’. With thousands of years of experience, nature have witnessed the best of mankind’s creations perish in vain and its worst creations grow through learning from the past. 1.2 SIGNIFICANCE BIOMIMICRY is a solution deriving its muse from among broad elements present in nature. It does not necessarily mean replicating the exact natural form or process but using it as an inspiration to reinvent from its learnings. It the key to all man-made problems one faces in the present time and the hurdles which might be in the future. Harmony, balance and synchronisation between man-made creations and naturally existing entities such as the flora and fauna are what will ensure the ideologies and concepts of sustainability which currently seems to be on thin ice. Thus, scientists, designers and researchers with the desperate need of change in these times have turned to nature and to go back to where it all began.

Thus, it is the need of the hour to wake up and seek for solutions for a better future of mankind on earth. With the current levels of destruction of nature carried out and the amount which have already been done is just immeasurably large and it really is needed to be dealt with otherwise it would be the end of it all. 1.3 AIM OF STUDY The aim of study in this dissertation is to research about the horizons of the possibilities up to which biomimicry can reach out to influence mankind’s creations in every field, for attaining a better future through learnings from mother nature. A thorough analysis of biomimicry’s past, present and further possibilities for deriving conclusions for achieving the aim. 1.4 OBJECTIVE 1. Exploring Potential of biomimicry in boosting the advancements of technologies in every field. 2. Analysing examples implemented using biomimicry and further proposed concepts for products using biomimicry. 3. Study and review of biomimicry as a focus in the field of architecture in creating better cities and built entities within. 4. Identifying and researching the way nature works for brewing ideas which can inspire people to adopt to biomimicry methods of lifestyle. 1.5 SCOPE AND LIMITATIONS Biomimicry is the concept or the methodology which drives its inspiration from biology and uses nature as a teacher in the most basic sense in a way to emulate it. Even though biomimicry is still a new concept for many, it is also welcomed with a positive approach by everyone as nature is loved and respected by all. No person can doubt its skills and will readily accept its teachings no matter the case.





1. Preserving the natural environment as

1. Limitations of present technological

the end product created would not be

advancement needed to execute

harmful to nature.

biomimicry model.

2. Reduction in wastage due to efficient

2. Biomimicry cannot be applied to

usage of every resource and material.

existing products or buildings.

3. Creation of a healthy environment.

3. Due to its new ideology, the financial

4. Biomimicry Also results in creating

cost of executing such as model is high.

adaptable entities which would

4. Even though the entity may not affect

contribute in overall enhancement of

the environment but the surrounding


nature can have an effect on the model.

5. Improvement in efficiency and complete

5. Biomimicry is still in its initial stage of

performance with respect to the end

development and thus at local level, its

product and its surroundings.

awareness among users is absent. source: author

1.6 RESEARCH QUESTIONS Primary research question: 1. What are the implications of integrating biomimicry with different fields for concept generation of any product and how it will affect and change the very system of technological advancements? 2. Is introduction of biomimicry at every level of invention in varied fields a boon or a curse for the future of mankind’s development? Is it the right step to take? Secondary research question: 1. Can learning from mankind’s past and nature’s design both be beneficial and help speed up in retaining or saving ecology and nature? 7

Nature is said to be inherently sustainable. But would merely mimicking it serve the purpose of attaining green and sustainable designs? What would ensure its ineffectiveness on environment negatively? 2. Every entity in nature is believed to work according to its indigenous surroundings. Does biomimicry suggest switching to vernacular style in reference to the field of architecture? Will it limit the applications of biomimicry to situations needs? 1.7 RESEARCH METHODOLOGIES This dissertation’s structure is knitted based on different levels of research process: Fig. 1.1 report structure


-a brief description of the study topic. -characteristics, merits, demerits -define solutions+ refine challenges


-design, development, history of topic -comparison with other similar disciplines -thorough enquiry of the topic’s literature


-analytical study of literature case studies for all fields of applications and international national examples. -weakness: less generalized findings and more conditional cases.


-literature deducing networks, patterns from past and present, and connecting them to future scope of the field of biomimicry.



-provision of the base ideology of the research through enlightening the author’s perspective and understanding.

-principles, guidelines of integration of nature’s characteristic. -understanding and analyzing theoretical data on the topic- findings and proposals Source: author 8

RESEARCH APPROACH Fig. 1.2 research structure

Topic briefing





selection of research technique past workshistory

previous researches

case examples

Statement of research objectives

final selection of research model


Data compilation Source: author

secondary data study

Data analysis


Conclusions and recommendations


OVERVIEW: This chapter presents overall literature for in depth understanding of biomimicry. The sections divided, advance in order to guide the reader in a progressive manner, beginning from derivation and evolution of the term towards the definitive significance and historical evolution which then finally moves on to various approaches to biomimicry and its importance to attain the trending and needful concepts of sustainability and how it is achieved through the field of architecture.

“just like any existing living organism in the universe, mankind is still obligated to nature’s ecological laws.” (Benyus,1997, p.14) 2.1 INTRODUCTION Bio-mimicry is any design product instigated by dame nature and comes from the Greek term ‘memos’ meaning ‘to mimic’ and another term ‘bios’ meaning ‘life’, together they mean to mimic life. Bio-mimicry could be merely imitation of an element or can be guided by a whole process in nature. The need to turn back to nature for solving human challenges were the circumstances resulting to look for better, sustainable solutions and approaches to face and solve current problems by adopting nature as the muse. [28] Life’s Principles as identified by the book- Design Lens Biomimicry 3.8 by Dayna Baumeister, dedicates to “learning from the natural world for solutions, solved in the context of the earth-life’s genius.” The vision provides a framework to our natural responses for one’s present situation by getting inspiration from natural processes based on the following nine principles: 9 PRINCIPLES OF BIOMIMICRY [1] (given by Janine M. Benyus) 1. Nature utilizes only the energy it requires. 2. It goes with form follows function. 3. It recycles everything. 4. Nature cooperates with everything. 10

5. Nature depends on diversity. 6. Nature prefers local expertise. 7. Nature pushes limits of power. 8. Nature derives excesses from within. 9. it depends only on sunlight. 2.1.1 Life principles based on biomimicry Recycling, reusing, upcycling and reducing the usage of excess energy and thus reducing wastage of the same is just a part of the vast lessons’ humans have to learn from the natural world. Nature thrives through cooperating and not exploiting one another, through self-regulation of unrestrained subversive excesses and human kind needs to understand that limited growth under sustainability is the only way forward and out of the historic morass which has imprisoned every living being in a world conducive to harmony and life. The biomimicry principles thus sow the seeds and form the base for everyone’s life principles which people need to be firm about in every aspect. The biomimicry life principles provide a perspective towards the virtues of nature which can be a source of inspiration and can be adopted as informal guidelines for lacking conventions to turn them to new convictions, organizations and actions. • WELCOME BIODIVERSITY • RENEW, REUSE, UPCYCLE • EXEMPLIFY FLEXIBILITY THROUGH INTEGRATING BALANCE OF VARIATION AND REPETITION.




Life creates conditions conducive to life



Fig. 2.1 - Life cycle diagram source: biomimicry guild (2015) 11

The idea of biomimicry is justifiable by the fact that nature has already faced and resolved innumerable predicaments which are presently faced by designers and researchers in creating products and piece of architectures. There are numerous references by authors, providing insights focusing on the significance and importance of this field and promoting it to spread awareness about it at the same time. “biomimicry is simply learning and understanding from, then following nature’s forms, processes, ecosystems to create sustainable solutions in the present. By taking the existing ‘earth-savvy’ elements as muse, it would greatly help mankind to leap forth ahead in technological advancement levels, rejuvenate earth and bring back life to it by working as a system in creating conditions conducive to nature” [2]

Fig 2.1a.-

Fig 2.1b.-

Fig 2.1c.-

Fig 2.1d.-

Fig 2.1e.-

Fig 2.1f.-













Skillful and

To integrate



The creation

The concept needs



to dynamic

through learning


to enrich the

usage of



and growing

support nature

environment and



(evolve) to ensure rather than enduring harming it.

contribute in its growth.

performance. source: biomimicry guild (2015) Unlike humans, nature does not reciprocate whenever any kind of harm is done to it by mankind. Environmental impacts on living beings because of the built environment are reduced through various attempts before. Therefore, for minimizing this impact of the concrete forest which humans have erected, there have been many ways derived to change/ modify the way it is built, designed and constructed. These majorly constitute of designing for maximizing efficiency, using selective ecological materials and variations in construction practice. Every person in the designing,


engineering, biological industry is responsible towards nature and is obligated to take mitigated measure for minimizing negative environmental effects. 2.1.2 Role of ecology in built environment Science and technological changes taking place continuously. Just the way the saying goes as ‘diamond cuts diamond’, the same is applicable in case of nature’s deteriorating conditions. Mankind destroyed every part of it, from its ecosystem to its general anatomy and geography, nothing has been left untouched by man. Thus, for saving the dame nature, there have been numerous attempts which majorly include technological advancements. Apart from technology, simple changes in existing strategies have also been adopted to improve efficiency of the overall system dealing with impact of that designed product on nature and by nature. Therefore, usage of more natural approaches to tackle and undo the destruction caused needs to be a priority. Designing with considerations for the environment and surroundings and the impact of the designed product (of any scale/built or unbuilt) is what composes ecological designing. The effect goes both ways i.e. harming nature brings about side effects which in turns affects the (guilty) mankind. A broad and general understanding of Ecology- it is the analysis of networks, patterns, relationships and processes which link all living beings to the tangible physical and chemical environment.[3] Nature and environment surrounds humans at every point and can illuminate the path to attaining inspiration for a creator in order to design a tangible product. With more focus on the past successes found in nature and environment for identifying design solutions, designers need it as muse to produce strategies and designs for building with the surrounding and not out of it.

Fig 2.2a. Calla lily source: Nottingham s. NASA (2017)

Fig.2.3a- Mercedes-Benz bionic car source: Nottingham s. NASA (2017) 13

Fig 2.2b. Water mixer source: Nottingham s. NASA (2017)

Fig2.3b. - boxfish source: Nottingham s. NASA (2017)

A rather strong and radical ecologist who was also an author conveys in his work, a pinpoint and understandable example of what ecology is and sounds the alarm on the brewing environmental crisis. “the present environmental calamities and crisis are all thanks to inhumane treatment of nature by humans. The sources which are using ecosphere to pull out resources is in turn destroying the ecosphere. A self-destructive system has been created as an effect of mankind’s reckless activities and is concluding to be suicidal.” [4] He gives 4 “norms of ecology” which is discussed in his works. [4]

1) every part of nature is interdependent Fig 2.4. closing circles source: Baumeister, (1971)

2) there is an organized place for everything 3) nature is the best teacher who knows what’s right 4) nothing valuable is given for free THE FIRST NORM [4]

emphasizes the existence of vast elaborate networks of inter connections in the ecosphere i.e. these can be among varied species of living beings, their vast or small civilizations and also between a single organism with its physiochemical surroundings.


All healthy ecosystems are interconnected and self-stabilizing. Even a small damage or overstressing of any part of natural ecosystem can triggers or ignite larger problems. Example- global climate change due to tampering of carbon content by burning fossil fuels resulting in drastic changes due climatic effects such as shift in climate sequences, water quality and temperature, agriculture, water level rise. THE SECOND NORM [4] states that everything has a place of belongingness. the presenter of this norm conveys that “imbalance of anything is disastrous. And one of the major reasons for the current climatic conditions is excessive extraction of resources from dame earth for creating new elements and when rendered useless, it is discharged back in to the environment without any considerations for its after effects.” Thus, in the end, vast quantities of harmful entities are placed in the system which are yet reusable to an extent but are a waste in the situation they are currently in. This results in imbalance. THE THIRD NORM [4] conveys that nature is always right. [29] “ whatever the scale of (reckless) change done by mankind to nature, it would always have the same destructive fate”. THE FOURTH NORM [4] n ecology, as in economics, the law intents to warn that every gain is won at some cost. Because the global ecosystem is connected as a whole, in which nothing can be gained or lost and which is not subject to overall improvement, anything extracted from it by human effort must be replaced. The Payment of price cannot be avoided, it can only be delayed. The current environmental crisis is a warning that we have delayed nearly too long With reference to architecture alone, biomimicry has many applications in it such as building design, structure, construction techniques, materials etc. The use of biomimicry in the processes of these fields within architecture are diverse. All of them have the same ending or aim which creation of a sustainable, green building product which emulates nature in every perspective.


Researches are the base of every concept in a design and there have been many findings conducted to create legendary products such as gecko tapes (an adhesive) with a frog as a muse, suction cups with octopus as its muse etc. Biomimicry, even though is still not very popular to a layman, it can be made as a more approachable field by decomposing it down into various categories. For example: in architecture, these categories can be site, alternative energy, building structure, HVAC services, fenestrations etc.

2.2 UNDERSTANDING BIOMIMICRY It has been clearly defined that biomimicry is learning from nature. This learning can be in any form, it can a deliberate attempt to get inspiration with proper research, while it can also be accidental in the process of designing. To overcome numerous hurdles, humans have turned to nature many times. There have been many instances in the past even in those periods when biomimicry as a term did not emerge but the practice of taking natural components as a muse continued. [28 The end product would not necessarily look like the natural element which was the muse but would behave the same way as the muse. That is to convey that it is not compulsory for the product to resemble the natural form but it can have the internal mechanisms of the inspiration. Thus, it is important to be crystal clear about the terminology and the ambiguity of the subject. It is also important to bring to light about why biomimicry is necessary as a practice and what are its perks and problems. The merits of the subject greatly more than its demerits and the important part is that its demerit are not reckless in any manner to mankind or nature itself. 2.3 DEFINITIONS There have been various derivations and descriptions which have evolved through time in order to convey the basic concept of transmission of knowledge from biological phenomenon and nature to numerous other fields�.


The proper definition of biomimicry has had many inappropriate and

irrelevant uses and the basic framework of organization for conveying biologically inspired innovations is being developed and is still progressing. 2.3.1 A brief history of term Even if biomimicry as an actual field did not flourish in the past, the traces of the concept of emulating nature is witnessed even since the beginning of mankind. Humans, with their curious yet 16

envious nature in stepping up ‘to look for more’, have resulted in creation of many marvelous examples in the past. ‘Bio’ is an affix to the term ‘Mimicry’, which is evolved from the Greek terminology ‘mimesis’. It is used as a noun category meaning which conveys that it is the act or practice the art of recreating the external form of something and also can be following any internal process of something. Both Plato and Aristotle understood mimesis as the representation of nature [5]. The application of the term ‘biomimicry’ did not come into use until the beginning of the 1990s. Even before this, there is no clear definition usage of the term even in scientific literature. Taking a popular example from history, one of the most famous painters, artist, creator, researcher of his time, Leonardo da Vinci was among the first slot of people who took situational inspiration from nature and his works are very well documented and preserved. His idea of flying machines is still a wonder for his time period even though his dream was transformed into reality later by the Wright brothers in 1899 A.D. [25] Although before biomimicry, a similar concept with name as biomimetics was a scientific field in research and it was officially implemented by an American biophysicist in late 1950s.[6] Biomimicry had its popularity boost with an official publishing of a book in 1997 which then enlighten the term in a more broader spectrum and resulted in an all new revolution in the creator’s fields for everyone. Biomimetic revolutionary inventions: Velcro 1948 A.D. In Sweden, an engineer named George M. was picking out the burrs which clanged to his dog’s fur during a walk. This is when he suddenly observed the way the hook structure or portion in the burrs was the reason it was clinging to the fur of the dog (fig 2.5a). This discovery formed the basic concept to his invention of the “Velcro” which is a fastener, widely used today. [28] Cat's eye 1935 A.D. These were based on general observation about animals because their eyes reflect even in the dark. Out of them, the cat’s eyes have a property which enables their eyes to reflect even the tiniest speck and even the most faded plane of illumination of any kind. The cells which are responsible for reflection are known as tapetum lyceum. [25]


Mercedes Benz’s Bionic Car (fig. 2.5c) The main motive behind the creation and concept of this car was to attain maximum volume with the smallest size of wheels in a car. So, for achieving this objective they sought inspiration from an aquatic species called the boxfish. This fish species has aerodynamic characteristic along with its box shaped form, enabling it to have bigger mass of body with swift movement of flow in water at the same time.

Fig 2.5a. Velcro tape

Fig 2.5b. cat’s eye reflectors Fig 2.5c. bionic car source: biomimicry approach, research paper (2016) Evolution and transition

The evolution of the term is such that with changes in the basic format of its definitions, there was transition in the terminology too. For now, biomimicry is defined as a

new science which involves

the study of nature’s models and then perceiving the processes and designs as a muse for rectifying or solving human problems

With considerations of the current situation and need, in this definition, sustainability has more emphasis as the core objective of biomimicry. [28] Biomimicry has more “green” aspects in comparison to other terms used before to describe the same concept such as bionics and biomimetics. The evolution of the definition aspect of biomimicry has escalated a lot during the past 30 years, being inspired by various inspects, reptiles, mammals and other invertebrate species. 15th century A.D. the concept of biomimicry can be conveyed in Leonardo da Vinci’s work when he started drawing flying machines by merely watching the birds fly in the sky.


The same observation was done by wright brothers to lead them for inventing the first ever flying machine “airplanes” designs in 1903. [28] 1950s A.D. Before the term biomimicry was coined, the concept of biomimetics was more widely used. American biophysicist Otto Schmitt during his research developed the Schmitt trigger which drew its inspiration from the nerves in squid. This study led him to focus more on innovations that mimic nature and he would then call the concept as biomimetics. 1960s A.D. The terminology “bionics” was created by jack St. and it is defined as

the science of systems or

frameworks which have some particular function imitated from nature, or which conveys some characteristics of the natural systems or their analogues In December 1960, renowned oxford English dictionary included and described the first use of biomimetic word as an adjective in volume number 132 of the series named “science”. 1974 A.D. The terminology of Biomimetics was first defined officially in the dictionary with an emphasis on process part and its associations with chemistry than other sciences. In the same year, the similar term “bionic” had a change in its perceptive definition with the release of the novel “cyborg” by Jack St. This was also was made into a television series.


Bionics was then associated with more of a “robotic” concept which was still in its initial stages at that time. 1997 A.D. With the mention of the term biomimicry in the book published in 1997 by Janine M. the concept of biomimicry, especially the particular term gained worldwide popularity and escalated the use of this ideology in research fields also.


2007 A.D. Another definition for biomimicry was proposed in a Publication at Sustainable building conference, Auckland. The definition of biomimicry that was conveyed was as follows “components of nature like the flora, fauna and even ecosystems are followed as a concept for design” and; “an attempt to emulate natural environments or operations in artificial man-made environments”.

Fig 2.6a. Leonardo da Vinci sketches flying

Fig 2.6b. the six-million-dollar man tv series

machines source: biomimicry approach, research

source: biomimicry approach, research

paper (2016)

paper (2016)

2010 A.D. A researcher named Ataide in his research paper conveys biomimicry as “the field or practice of which solves problems faced by mankind, using principles of nature.”


the definitions of the term which evolved with time and have been discussed, are arranged in tabular form according to the terminological evolution as follows in table 2.1:









“Rendering or following a

The study of biological



natural biological material,

functions, the forms,

metallurgy, medical,

process, etc.; (of a synthetic

processes, and interactions


method) which mimics

for the purpose of solving


biochemical processes”

analogous human problems.

Economics, Systems

(ODEN 1960)



“The science of systems

Biomimetic approach based



which have some

on concept of

construction, medical,

characteristic mused from

this, any peculiar property


nature, or it could be a

or process are meant to be

property that conveys some

simply replaced with

mechanism of natural

electric and mechanical

systems or the


corresponding systems.[20]


“a scientific field which

It is biomimetics with



analyzes and researches

limited scope under


components of dame nature

development of sustainable


and then takes it as a muse

advancement field.

analysis and

for developing design


concepts and solves potential hurdles. [24] source: Daniel (2014) J. of Design & Nature and Eco dynamics. Vol. 9, No. 2


2.3.2 Misunderstanding of the term In conclusion to the currently accepted definition of biomimicry, by the people who are studying/ researching on the topic and those who apply it as well as a concept of imitating natural mechanisms and not just using nature as an inspiration for designing as an attempt to emulate it. Presently, the concept on Biomimicry in the designing field of man-made artificial environment has lasted for more than two decades officially and yet it is still in its infant stage. This fundamental is widely accepted by designers, manufacturers etc. and as a result it acts as a base for applications even in climate-controlled zones for design outcomes emulating nature and environment for producing micro-climates according to comfort requirements of the user at that place. [32] 2.3.3 Fundamental theories and models about the topic Architectural theories: Architectural aspirations should constitute the natural processes and eco-system’s characters such as cooperation and mutual unity which lacks in any type of designed product generally. The considerations for its effects and consequences are what needs to be kept in mind. From sociological aspect of biomimicry, it is completely inclined towards nature and needs of humans (user). Its not only composed and perceived as a way of valuing nature and its perks but also has perseverance towards the value of a human being. 1. Sustainable Development Green or ecological or zero energy consumption or simply foundations for sustainable development are what constitutes as the foundation for biomimicry also. With improvement in one society’s economic conditions, the requirement or need for more infrastructure and various architectural resources also increased. Along With increase in infrastructure, will come the demand for services and energy requirements and thus, as a result there is a cumulative impact of this concrete forest on the existing balance of ecosystem or ecology. This imbalance is due to major disturbance at a large scale to what naturally exists at a location and thus hindering the ongoing natural processes at that point at every level of the ecological system.


2. Hypothesis of Natural Capitalism This is another plan of action that includes four significant and synergistic components [7] Radical asset profitability - Radically expanded asset efficiency is the foundation of regular private enterprise since utilizing assets all the more viably has three critical advantages: It eases back asset consumption toward one side of the worth chain, brings down contamination at the opposite end, and gives a premise to increment overall work with important employments. Environmental overhaul, Reducing the inefficient throughput of materials—without a doubt, taking out the general thought of waste—can be cultivated by upgrading mechanical frameworks on organic lines that change the idea of modern procedures and materials, empowering the steady reuse of materials in consistent shut cycles, and regularly the disposal of harmfulness. Administration and stream. This requires a key change in the connection among maker and buyer, a move from an economy of products and buys to one of administration and stream. Fundamentally, an economy that depends on a progression of monetary administrations can all the more likely secure the environment administrations whereupon it depends. Reinvestment in common capital. This moves in the direction of switching overall planetary demolition through reinvestments in continuing, reestablishing, and extending loads of characteristic capital, with the goal that the biosphere can create increasingly inexhaustible environment administrations and normal assets. [35] 3. Developmental Design In order to Ensure an overall growth and betterment of economic, industrial and social aspects in a design, there is a need for creation of frameworks and systems which ensure efficiency and waste free systems. developmental design promoted the concept of protection and enhancing various ecosystems and biological structures of dame nature through industries along with maintaining a secure, beneficial to both sides and functional metabolism. This theory follows three basic principles which are: upcycling, solar power utilization and celebration of distinctiveness. [8] This hypothesis contrasts from different speculations which are bio-situated. All the time configuration moves toward that are bio-helped and are characterized under the hypothesis of biomimicry. Biomimicry in configuration is from multiple points of view not quite the same as what it is in different speculations. The character that makes biomimicry unique in relation to different speculations is journey for arrangements in nature. Biomimicry is regular advantageous interaction of structure and procedure where nature isn't just a wellspring of stylish worth. 23

2.4 NATURE AS THE SAVIOUR After millions of years of changes and learnings, nature has accumulated plenty of experience and mankind has witnessed it all ever since its existence. This concludes the fact that nature has risen and become efficient and well-versed with every small detail and elements required in sustaining a good life system. The characteristics of harmony, balance, interconnectivity and interdependency are altogether found in nature itself in one form or another.

Fig 2.7a. the savior source: ask-nature (2018)

Fig 2.7b. the mentor source: ask-nature (2018)

2.4.1 Nature as the muse Treating nature as a model, measure and mentor [9] is the first and foremost step towards learning through dame nature. Only nature has the potential to bring about a revolutionary change which will lead mankind into the future with assurance for its sustenance. 1. NATURE AS A MODEL Just how everything in nature has a role to play and everything simply works on its own through a severely complex pattern and systems, in the same way designers, scientists are looking up to nature and its wonders to weave all those processes, entities, systems into manmade creations in order to connect mankind’s design with nature and finally create a balance between the two.


2. NATURE AS A MEASURE There is always an itch for seeking solutions to every problem faced by mankind and nature does it all. Apart from being a model or inspiration, it also follows the stage of giving a solution to the seeker. Nature would provide a benchmark for every level of creation which mankind does and then these check points or standards such as sustainability, adaptability, no negative impacts on surroundings, life promoting tendency etc. would be followed in every design. 3. NATURE AS A MENTOR Instead of extracting important resources and materials from nature, it would be better to extract important ideas and solutions from nature, as a mentor. This will result also in preservation of nature’s flora and fauna which contribute majorly to all life processes. So, instead of being isolated on earth and standing out as a destroyer of all source of life, it is high time we take guidance from nature and blend in with the beautiful natural creation in existence.

MODEL growing roots for better future system

MEASURE maintaing the product out of those roots with standards MENTOR be guided by nature for best utilization of the fruit obtained as a result of that sowing and maintaing.

Fig 2.8. Interdependency of the 3 spectrums source: author


2.4.2 Life and its characteristics

Fig 2.9a. inspiration

Fig 2.10a. inspiration

Fig 2.11a. inspiration

Fig 2.9b. characteristic taken

Fig 2.10b. characteristic

Fig 2.11b. characteristic

Fig 2.9c. gecko tape source: Nottingham s. NASA (2017)

Fig 2.10c. textile source: Nottingham s. NASA (2017) swimwear

Fig 2.11c. bullet train source: Nottingham s. NASA (2017)


The smallest unit of any living organism is called a cell, while the smallest abutting unit if life I an organism. These cells may grow, undergo metabolisms and even respond in various ways. [13] Innumerable variety and amount of species exist because of that one single cell with all these capabilities to thrive life on mother earth. All built-unbuilt, tangible and intangible spaces and entities flourish with comfort and peace because they all followed a simple mechanism built by dame nature. [27] Even a newborn organism of any specie already knows all about its identity, image and purpose of its existence while a child of human species is to be taught everything or else it is rendered hidden from its purpose and existence. There is a definite set of benchmarks sought out in the classical school of thought.[10] they are all characteristics observed in living systems: discipline, emulate, develop, depend, react, serenity, adapt. â–Ş


Whether it is a single ecosystem or nature as a whole, following a set of norms is obviously important for any complex organization. This order of discipline may also be seen as a pattern which may take different form in different ecosystems but no organism breaks this pattern at all. It is as if there is already a set coding input done into all of them so that they all would know how to work, what to expect and what not to do. â–Ş


Every living structure and organism are well versed with the fact there comes a time when that living organism will have an end to its life. Therefore, in order to sustain and keep their species moving on in life they have the capability to multiply and reproduce. Even the most basic single celled organism multiplied itself to recreate and multiply itself to begin a whole new world full of varied species. â–Ş


Nature develops its own way for executing and working with everything. Various complex programs and codes inhibited in DNAs and RNAs are what constitutes the genes which are carried onto the next generations of any species. These gene cell then constitute and build the organism with the help of external resources.



Every living species depends on its surroundings to survive and flourish its own kind. Transmission and transformation of one form of energy into another along with overall balance of that energy to prevent breaking the flow or pattern of nature is what keeps everything going in nature. ▪


Everything, every action executed by an organism has an impact on its surrounds which is nature. And the same goes for the organism as any modification in nature would also impact the organisms living in that surrounding. Even within the organism, the internal system works through various reactions within the internal mechanisms. ▪

ADAPT On interfacing of natural with man-made built environment, various reactions, developments, evolutions take place. A specie can only flourish if it has the capability to adapt and hence evolve. The survival of any living organism is based on its evolution tendency which enables it to adapt and grow with time.

2.5 DEFINING NATURE AND ITS SIGNIFICANCE 2.5.1 Significance Balance and synchronisation between man-made creations and naturally existing entities such as the flora and fauna are what will ensure the applications of ideologies and concepts of sustainability which currently seems to be on thin ice. [27] Thus, scientists, designers and researchers with the desperate need of change in these times have turned to nature and to go back to where it all began. Importance of ‘nature’ in biomimicry cannot be merely expressed in words. It is felt, seen and experienced in order to understand it much better. Afterall, nature is the source of it all and it would be better to understand everything starting from the roots. 2.5.2 Species inspiring biomimicry innovations Within a vast variety of living organisms/ species, the classification principles are broken down for the whole domain of organisms into two parts: •

The class of species as depicted in fig.13a 28

their groupings based on classifications as conveyed in fig.13b

Based on these two data, it is observed that out of all species, there are only two which have majorly been the muse for designers. They are▪



The choice for inspiration and innovative applications of these two species groups are a result of two basic reasons (principles)- adaptability & variance (example- cockroach). union of diverse species contributing in the system. There are over one lakh (million) insect species and around 3 lakh (million) plant species and they all show complete characteristics for higher level of adaptability to their surroundings. [27]

Fig. 2.12a: muse: insects source: ask-nature (2018)

Fig. 2.12b: muse: plants source: ask-nature (2018)

Table 2.2: Estimated number of species existing















source: ISRJ journal (2014) For example, in case of emulation, higher the impulse for reproduction of insects, higher will be the chances of promoting variety & evolution and in case of plants, they are stagnant, stiff and cannot act around deliberately so they have to adapt according to their settings for their endurance. [11] 29

number of references 50 40 30 20 10 0



Fig. 2.13a: number of references source: ISRJ journal (2014)

NUMBER OF SPECIES 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0

Series 1

Series 2

Series 3

Fig. 2.13b: number of species out of references source: ISRJ journal (2014)

Table 2.3: Estimated number of existing species source: ISRJ journal (2014) Chordata




Prokaryote micro-organisms







2.5.3 Examples & applications -innovation inspired by nature The following domains are categorized based on the number and variety of successful applications of biomimicry in creation of numerous incredible designs and even technologies. [27] materials developed It is the largest arena for biomimicry research purpose and application. Material based design with nature as muse is categorized as: •

Inner intelligent gizmos based on a living organism’s response to its stimuli

outer façade/ skin alterations.

various architectures of materials starring structural arrangements.

applied science based on a particular adaptation specification.

INTELLIGENT GIZMOS The ability of an organism to adapt and evolve according to its surrounding conditions to hype up its survival chances, provides a basis for the creation of intelligent gizmos which are able to adapt by changing themselves through certain input parameters. they are able to respond to the changing environment and so these are segregated based on the property of that stimulation which enables their change, and based on which they are sorted to •

chemical based

physical based CHEMICAL BASED- emulating the reactions of a specie to diverse synthetic reactions provides a basis for producing intelligent gizmos such as pollution level boards and designing. pH changes and metal ions have been the constant inspiration in biomimicry.

HAIRS- Hydrogel-Actuated Integral Responsive Systems this design is inspired by the working of cilia on a fish and the skin of marine organisms. HAIRS can change from recession to inflation with a change of power of hydrogen level. In acidic conditions, the micro-structure bend due to which the hydrogel contracts, while under alkaline conditions, the opposite occurs.

Adhesive layer for equipment and gadgets presented in submerged conditions. It can even be used as a medical adhesive and a fixing agent for implants.


Fig 2.14. HAIRS source: product design & biomimicry (2014) [15] This design is emulating the property of mussel species. The characteristic of the reversible bonds is turned into synthetic polymer versions of the same property and showed that the polymer is fluidic when added to metal salts at low power of hydrogen level but is in gel form when the solution is mixed with sodium hydroxide to raise power of hydrogen level. •

On and off switch for nanofluidic devices this design is inspired by the color change in fishes which is mechanized through a type of accessory proteins which scatters the colored skin pigment crystals along the cytoskeleton and are controlled through signal networks. Replication of this protein structure is done to produce a change to direct the nanofluidic gadget utilizing zinc particles. Calcium particles can likewise be utilized in the guideline of biomimetic materials.

PHYSICAL BASED- these attentions essentially on temperature and hydrophobicity and noticeable light actuated changes and can extend from light to warmth and water content. •

IR Lens technologyliving beings, for example, snakes and lobsters have created frameworks which identify temperature changes which run from straightforward temperature vacillations to infrared IR waves. This one of a kind capacity to center and direct IR radiation by the lobster's eye has propelled IR focal point which imitates this plan to direct and center IR radiation.

this innovation is being explored in the advancement of vitality productive gas and electric warmers. (brilliant optics, n.d.).



Fig 2.15. IR lens source: product design &

Fig 2.16. Brain electrodes source: product design &

biomimicry (2014) [15]

biomimicry (2014) [15]

Brain electrodes this plan is an aftereffect of imitating tunicate cellulose found in sessile ocean spurts. the anodes use cellulose nanofibers and are solid and resolute when at first embedded yet hence mollify in contact with water. (Cappadonna et. Al., 2008)


Textile structure hydrophobicity changes could likewise result into explicit activities, for example, the pine cone impact and was the plan motivation for the improvement of the polymer for this texture. The pine cone impact is the system where the pine cones can open and close permitting the dispersal of seeds, because of changes in this texture have been built up that can react along these lines to smaller scale atmosphere changes. In this, the material structure itself opens when moist and closes when dry. (inotec, n.d.).


Stomatex textile plants mentally react to physical changes. This plan depends on osmotic weight. stomatex material comprises of an example of arch molded chambers each with a little pore which impersonates the conduct or cooling response of plants. This aided in defeating the over-warming and sweat issues related with a scope of materials. (stomatex, n.d.)

Fig 2.18. Hydrophilic texture Fig 2.17. stomatex source: product design & biomimicry (2014) [15] 33 External surface modification Taking motivations while gaining from regular geologies and their attributes have contributed enormously in testing surface alteration materials and their trademark properties, for example, hostile to intelligent and against bacterial properties and so on. (Wong et. Al., 2011) Lotus, nanosphere and green shield Bacterial Biofilms Lion's share of plants has waxy fingernail skin over the epidermis of leaves which makes them profoundly hydrophobic and, in this way, permitting water to effortlessly run-off. This property is named as the LOTUS LEAF EFFECT and has been utilized in building up various water repellent innovations and items. [35] A multi-scale sludge like grid in the biofilm geography can repulse water notwithstanding different fluids, for example, ethanol and CH3 (2CO). •

Yamada film Butterfly and cicada wings effectively direct downpour drops from the bug's body through little fastener like surface structures thus the Structures of moth eyes and cicada wings have roused the improvement of self-purging coatings. The nanostructure of the moth-eye has an enemy of intelligent surface that lessens glare and subsequently upgrades their capacity to avoid predators. This idea was utilized in japan to make engineered film to covers sunoriented cells. It diminished the measure of reflected light and along these lines improved effectiveness by up to 6%. (hamada (2011) et. Al.)


Sharklet technology the counter fouling property of shark's skin has prompted arrangement of advancements with hostile to bacterial properties where surface alteration properties forestall microscopic organisms to stick to the surface.

Fig 2.20. Lotus effect Fig 2.19. Solar cell source: design for sustainability (2009) [16] 34

Fig 2.21. Muse-Cicada source: design for sustainability (2009) [16] wings

Fig 2.22. Bacterial biofilms source: design for sustainability (2009) [16]

Fig 2.23. Sharklet source: design for sustainability (2009) [16] Locomotion •

Aircrafts streamlined wings or blades were enlivened by flying creatures and bats. Indeed, even the flight systems and take off technique was gotten from investigation of winged animals.


biorobots which depend on physiology and motion approaches of different creatures brought about improvement of bio kangaroos, which moves like a living kangaroo while sparing vitality from one bounce and moving it to its next hop. [13] [26]



Dash mechanical autonomy created Kamigami robots as youngsters' toys. These mimic the development of a cockroach for example quick and fast running development on each kind of surface conceivable. [26]


The extremely popular case of fruitful biomimicry in motion for example projectile train in japan getting its motivation from the exquisite kingfisher. The development investigation of how it makes a plunge water with no sprinkle leaves everybody in wonder regarding how and this property was imitated as shot train to forestall 'blast clamor' or 'sound-sprinkle' made because of its supersonic speed. [29]

Fig 2.24b. Bio kangaroos source: design for sustainability (2009) [16]

Fig 2.24c. Kamigami robots Fig 2.24a. Airplane aerodynamics source: design for sustainability (2009) [16] source: design for sustainability (2009) [16] Behavior and cognition application The bombarde beetle has the ability to spray poisonous liquid at a very high pressure towards its predator or any potential threat. It is able to mechanize the pressure, speed, direction of its spray very accurately.


Fig 2.25. bombardier beetle source: design for

Fig 2.26. Dung beetles source: design for

sustainability (2009) [16]

sustainability (2009) [16]

Another incredible insect species to learn from is the dung beetle. Nature has a very organized cycle of managing its own resources and mankind needs to understand it deeply. One organism’s waste is like gold for another. It can be in form of food, material for shelter etc. so the dung beetle gathers the animal wastes or dungs as it is a source of food for them. The dung has certain amount of nutrients adequate for these beetles.

Fig 2.26a. honey bees source: bio-near biomimicry (2014)

Fig 2.26b. Sinosteel skyscraper, china source: bio-near biomimicry (2014)

Honey bees have numerous applications in vast number of fields. Their own calibration and their lifestyles including techniques and strategies for working with everything is admirable. •

Bees have 3000 cone of vision which allows them to even see behind them easily. This characteristic has inspired various researches in creating a wide-angle lens for drones and cameras. It is also applicable for GPS navigation accuracy which prevents any collision in the movement of locomotives. [32]


The wing mechanism in bees are such that they are able to contract their wings to enable them to have swift motion on feet. This technique is being sampled in aeronautics for having


minimum space allocation of 1 aircraft wherever they may be located i.e. aircraft carrier ships or even in airports. •

The hives constructed by these little architects allow more storage space with less material expense in building that storage. The hexagonal formation is thus followed in every beehive to enlighten this observation of nature. [24]

The hexagon anatomy has also inspired in creation of hexagonal insulated glass panels which allows maximum light in minimum opening. It has been made possible by a New York based firm and has been used in a skyscraper façade at china. (fig. 2.26b.)

2.6 HISTORY AND DEVELOPMENT OF BIOMIMICRY Natural frameworks are the aftereffect of 3.8 billion years of development. People have for some time been affected and relied upon exercises from creatures, condition, components of nature around them. 2.6.1 Background "Bionics" is characterized as: "The utilization of natural standards to the examination and plan of building frameworks". The developing enthusiasm for bionics was the thought process to investigate how the organic standards could be applied to design. During the early strides of this examination, "bionics" was a deceptive catchphrase, yet the exploration prompted the words: "Biomimicry" and "Biomimetics" that both have a closer connection to the universe of engineering. [17] Origins It is to some degree hard to follow the starting point of biomimicry because of the absence of its documentation. In any case, from the documentation and investigation that is accessible, proof of biomimicry can be demonstrated to have been practically speaking through Leonardo da Vinci, and may have been the motivation for the main arches, which may have been structured dependent on eggs. [29] Leonardo da Vinci utilized nature and science to motivate huge numbers of his plans and ideas during his time. He utilized biomimicry in a one of a kind way, by utilizing it for thoughts that had not been made previously; he looked for comprehension of life systems and nature, which prompted the plan of ideas and machines that took motivation from what he had been examining, for example, his flying machines dependent on feathered creatures and flight. Be that as it may, the term biomimicry was not referenced in logical writing until in 1962.

38 Timeline and evolution Nature is the greatest, oldest, wisest mentor one can ever be gladly honoured to have, that too for free. There have been many intangible objects which are metaphorically referred to as a teacher indirectly and they have been proved right. References such as time, history, experience are found in a cumulative manner in nature.

Table 2.4: timeline and evolution


Usage in field Example of that Inspiration period




6000 B.C.


Rock cut

Natural stone








3000 B.C.


Silk material



2470 B.C.


Pyramids of





3 B.C.


Silk Umbrella

Lotus leaf


6 B.C.


Column design

Lotus flower


1452-1519 A.D.


Flying machines







Plant burs


1967 A.D.


Bullet train




1955 A.D. Industrial


Plant burs


1967 A.D. Transport

Bullet train



1996 A.D. Architecture Eastgate Centre

Termite hills


2005 A.D. automation

Bionic car

Box fish


2010 A.D. Industrial

Wind turbines

Schools of fish


2012 A.D. Industrial

Gecko tape

Gecko foot pad USA

2014 A.D. Medical

Sharklet anti-microbial



2016 A.D. Medical

Hearing aid

parasitic fly


2017 A.D. Industrial

Air capture factory-O2 filter Tree


Environmental nuclerio

Forest growth


2019 A.D.





German jet- under

Manta ray aquatics





2020 A.D.


Habitat 2020

Plant stomata


2021 A.D.

Space automation

Lunar tires

Camel toes

Japan source: author

2.6.2 Usage and applications 1. LOTUS TEMPLE, DELHI -1986 A.D. It was structured by an Iranian engineer Fairborn Sahba and was enlivened by the structure and geometry of a lotus blossom. The plan application was executed by making the sanctuary with 27 detached marble clad petals which are gathered in groups of 3 and in absolute structures 9 sides. [29]

Fig 2.27a. lotus temple source: environmental solutions (2017)

Fig 2.27b. plan of lotus temple source: environmental solutions (2017)

2. CO2 CAPTURING EQUIPMENT- 2017 A.D. The plant is designed to capture carbon dioxide through a filter which then binds it with the filter through chemical reaction. Once the saturation level is reached of carbon dioxide accumulation, it is made to set under high temperatures. [29] The accumulated carbon dioxide is the stored away as a concentrated gas for supplying it to requiring customers in market such as food and beverage industries, commercial agriculture, automation industry etc. After removing carbon dioxide, this air is released back into the environment.


Fig 2.28a. machinery equipment source: environmental solutions (2017)

Fig 2.28b. mechanism source: environmental solutions (2017)


Fig 2.29. Vertical axis wind mill source: environmental solutions (2017) Researchers at California have created a biomimicry version of the conventional vertical axis wind farm technology for harnessing the power of wind. It draws its inspiration from one of the natural 42

aquatic lifestyles of fishes. The schools of fishes have certain pattern which they follow in their movement in water which enhances their circulation in groups without any obstruction and so their synchronization results in perfect efficiency of aerodynamics and increased mechanical power production with minimum input of wind power in less land area too. 4. 3D PRINTING 3d printing is the trend followed nowadays in every field for product construction. Be it for space base on moon, a whole new supercar, prefabricated building blocks, furniture products, artificial intelligent robots etc. Biomimicry forms are not easy to build through conventional methodologies of man. The organic structures constitute of parametric forms which difficult to produce in the perfect manner but they are more efficient and beautiful. Some major outcomes of 3d printing are:

a. Boatman beetle: inspiration by the boatman beetle led to the creation of a three-dimensional printed robot or ‘row-bot’ which can move on water or rather walk itself while eating up all the microbes, thus resulting in cleaning of water.

Fig 2.31. 3d printed chair source: sculpteo (2018)

Fig 2.30. Row-bot source: environmental solutions (2017)

b. Plant cells: printed with three-dimensional printing material- nylon, the biomimicry chair designed for comfort is recyclable and eco-friendly. The major benefit of 3d printing here was that the product was monolithic in nature. It did not need several parts to be glued together which enhanced its durability too. [29] c. Arthropod shells: this shell has characteristic bioligand structures. Materials composed of these structures are much stronger under forces than conventional building materials. Therefore, researchers have created a three dimensionally printed concrete which has the ability to improve its 43

strength even more under any type of force. The cracks developed through this force slowly grows along the structure’s form which are then broken due to the presence of various end points which breaks the flow and maintains the overall strength of the structure.

Fig 2.32a. bioligand structure source: science daily (2018)

Fig 2.32b. 3d printed cement source: science daily (2018)

2.6.3 Pioneers of biomimicry field Although there are many who have contributed in developing this field but there are a few who have contributed in creating this field from zero level to what it is now. They were those set milestones for biomimicry to boost its popularity and progress. JULIAN VINCENT Spending almost 40 years of his research in developing the TRIZ system as a contribution in biomimetics. Developed in 1946, It is based on the evolution principles of all living organisms and seeks it as a potential source for solutions to present day problems. He learned material science, engineering and biology and formed a team of people who researched along with him. JANINE BENYUS with a degree in natural resource management, she was already a nature-lover. With concerns for the exploiting practices of industries and factories for using resources excessively, Benyus turned to exploring biomimicry for inspiration. She has written six books until now and one of them is on biomimicry. She is also the co-founder of the infamous biomimicry guild which is an organization to learn biomimicry models. Along with this she is also the president of biomimicry institute which promotes the practice of sustainable biomimicry practices. 44

Fig 2.33. Julian Vincent source: biomimetics for arch. (2018)

Fig 2.34. Janine Benyus source: biomimetics for arch. (2018)

2.7 MAN V/S NATURE An examination of bio-propelled advancements can be drawn closer from an assortment of edges, concentrating on living being gathering, the phase of improvement or the properties of development. Developments can likewise be classified dependent on the idea of wellspring of motivation: how things are made in nature (materials), how creatures sense their condition (sensors), how they move in the earth (biomechanics and energy) and how they carry on and work (process). [13] For comparison of nature’s way and man’s way of processing a creation, brief understanding of the biomimicry spiral is needed to be done to better learn about the nature’s way. [21] This will be compared with the conventional methodologies of a designer adopted for creating any product generally.

As shown in fig 2.36 the biomimicry spiral conveys a general approach to direct designers for innovation and inspiration through nature. It constitutes identification of similar problems faced by some part in nature and emulating the nature’s solution for solving the problem faced by man. This results in identification of a form, process, system or behavior of any living organism in nature or some ecosystem. [22] Each level in the spiral is organized around the outward face of spiral. The shape is chosen in such a way that every time one completes all the levels in this levels, he/she would then be able to solve some part of the problem.




Changing people’s perspective



New propositions

Green, sustainable & thoughtful ideas


Increases scope of

solutions •



understanding of

Trial and tested designs

the setting •

To know what have been missed in the process

To improve on any missed mistake

Better chances of success ensured Fig 2.35. Nature’s roles source: Michael j. (2014) nature as model, measure, mentor

Fig 2.36. Biomimicry spiral source: Michael j. (2014) nature as model, measure, mentor 46






Coiled Movement of resources

Successive movement of resources

No spoils

Reckless damages

No harmful elements created

Durable toxins produced

Constructive in attributes


Vernacular resources used

Overall assets used

Massively complementary

Completely unrelated

Works with Sustainable supplies

Uses Extinguishable resources

Conforms to and adjustable to evolution

Any change Spoils its creation Source: Michael p. (2019)- biomimicry in architecture

Nature outranks man in all dimensions and levels. Every living and non-living thing in nature is composed of complex elements and systems which are not pre-designed in any way. They neither need any external items for repairing them and so are very well composed, autonomous organisms who complement each other from all directions. [35]


2.8 PRODUCT/ INDUSTRIAL DESIGN AND BIOMIMICRY Apart from making designs for infrastructure and medicine, some contribution to field of industrial design is also important in biomimicry innovations. So, what industry can do will be shown in bits and pieces throughout this dissertation. 2.8.1 Incorporation in production industry The reason why relating biomimicry to industrial and product designing is relevant because there are many practices which are connected directly to production such as chemical industry, textile field, mechanical works, structural, civil industry, practice of architecture, building interior and material science. These all disciplines have incorporated biomimicry at some point in time and have ended up with very relevant solutions. There are many cases discussed in this dissertation about various products and industrial process which use biomimicry as their driving factor and so in this section only major examples and points will be discussed relevant to product and industrial design. 2.8.2 Case examples 1. CARPET TILES Gaining inspiration from a forest ground, this carpet design emulates the imperfectly perfect pattern of the forest ground. In order to have tiles in form of a carpet (fig.38), the whole carpet was assembled using these carpet tiles which can be mix-matched any way the user wants and so the design pattern on these tiles used biomimicry to solve this problem. These tiles were made of recycled nylon and used a single dye color in various shades and can be used anywhere. 2. WATER REPELLANT SUITCASE A water-repellent suitcase designed by morrama (fig.39) muses its inspiration from a study of water repellence of a bird’s body. The water droplets which fall on the bird’s feather’s does not let it soak in the water that easily, it simply rolls down the surface, preventing the birds from getting soaked in rain water.


3. GLASS Glass is another ubiquitous material in contemporary construction. Graham Dodd from Arup has proposed that one way of manufacturing C2C double-glazed units would be to create spectrally selective glass based on biomimicry. Many color effects in nature, such as the iridescent wings of the blue Morpho butterfly (fig. 40), are achieved not through pigments or coatings but through ‘structural colour’, which is a microstructure that refracts and scatters light rather than reflects it. For glass, it might therefore be possible to create a nanostructure from the glass itself that could perform in a similar way to the low-emissivity coatings currently applied as a separate material. [32] There are various other examples apart from the ones mentioned above which uses biomimicry either for a part of their product or completely depends on biomimicry for their product. Some examples include WASL’s electronic version of a bead used by the bomedian community for religious purposes, its outer surface emulates the smoothness of a simple pebble.

Fig. 2.37 solar flower-convolvulus flower source: Michael j. (2014) nature as model, measure, mentor

Fig. 2.38 carpet tiles source: design for sustainability (2009) [16]


Fig. 2.39 water repellant suitcase source: bio-product design (2012) 4. SOLAR FLOWER

Fig. 2.40 the morpho butterfly source: bio-product design (2012)

The smart- flower follows the characteristics from three sources in nature- the sunflower’s capability of following the sun’s direction, the convolvulus flower’s deployable characteristic and the basic property of most living organisms of converting radiation from solar energy into another usable form of energy. This solar flower is able to withstand harsh weathers also as its contracts back into a compact position when the sunlight radiations are unusable. 2.8.3 AVOID ‘CRADLE TO GRAVE’ Most products are manufactured in a ‘cradle to grave’ manner, with a life of varying length before disposal, generally to landfill or by incineration. Much of what is called ‘recycling’ is really ‘downcycling’, where materials are steadily degraded until they ultimately become waste. Downcycling just delays the point at which those resources are lost as waste. Plastics, for instance, are increasingly manufactured to contain less formaldehyde or have higher recycled content, but the aim should be to design without any toxins and for full recyclability. Plastics in the oceans degrade into microscopic debris which can absorb pollutants, which can in turn be eaten by fish, and work their way up the food chain into humans, where they act as endocrine disrupters, often because they are chemically similar to human hormones. [18]


2.9 BIOMIMICRY AND ARCHITECTURE Architecture design majorly targets to improving the ways of sheltering human beings based on comfort levels, structural ways, functional aspects, reduce impacts on natural environments etc. [19] Since biomimicry involves designing based on prioritizing function and them unfolding form automatically, so in architecture too biomimicry is applicable to improve the designs of built environment through these strategies resulting in reduction of carbon emissions, waste etc. Michael Pawlyn, architect and author of “biomimicry in architecture, conveys applications of biomimicry in architectural design such as for water harvesting, climate oriented designs, structural innovations, innovation in materials too and development of various forms of energy. [20]

Fig. 2.41 Beijing national stadium Source: Michael p. (2019)- biomimicry in architecture


2.9.1 Levels of biomimicry in architecture





Eiffel tower Thighbone


Lattice structure of


metal bracing and

effects and



Organism level

issue resolved


Water bubbles

Surface membrane



composed of lit

collect solar


blue bubbles of

energy and


pneumatic cushion

also allows

made out of ETFE.


Organism level



Bird’s nest

ETFE panels which Natural


insulate and



provides sunlight



reduction of dead load through panels, recyclable


Behavior level


Termite mound Open center to



draw more air and



pushed through


Behavior level

ducts located in building center

City plan of Fig leaf

Water flooding and




landslides to be

based on



prevented through


drip tip method.

flood and moves the excess water.

source: Michael j. (2014) nature as model, measure, mentor











Fig. 2.42 level set of biomimicry source: Michael j. (2014) nature as model, measure, mentor 53

A professor and a researcher at wellington drafted out a categorization for biomimicry inspirations based on the study of various implementations and concepts applied until now and other ideas with potential for application, all broken down into three major categories referred to as levels and 5 subcategories of the major three levels. They are organism level, behavior level and eco-system level. [29] Organism level Emulation of a particular living organism as a whole or a part of that organism is segregated under organism level. THE MMAA The ministry if municipal affairs and agriculture office (MMAA), Qatar is an idle example for organism level application of biomimicry. It takes inspiration from the spines present on a cactus’s surface and their property of providing a self-shade to the organism. The shading system of the building thus emulates a similar characteristic and incorporated a responsive façade composed of sunshades which move in vertical motion in response to the sun’s direction. This prevents heavy usage of heating, ventilation and cooling system in the building and saves overall energy. ][Biomimicry thus helps in providing a sustainable solution for building performance. [25]

Fig. 2.43 The ministry if municipal affairs and agriculture office Source: Michael p. (2019)- biomimicry in architecture

Fig. 2.44 façade’s shading system Source: Michael p. (2019) biomimicry in architecture

The shades in the building façade does not exactly block the sunlight but simply acts like filters for the sunlight in the hot and dry climate of Qatar. [29]

54 The behavioural level The behavioral level as the name suggests imitates a particular behavior or working of living organisms towards its environment or maybe towards other species. [29] This emulation can be done along with imitating at the organism level also as it is possible that some typical body-shape of the organism contribute in that organism’s behavior. This behavior can be a result of survival instincts or can be a daily routine which the organism follows in general in response to its surroundings. THE COUNCIL HOUSE Located in Melbourne, Australia, the building is a mixed-use retail plus office building with green and sustainable techniques incorporated in it to improve its efficiency. [29]

Fig. 2.45 dynamic façade’s shading Fig. 2.46. Evaporative cooling system Source: Anjali, seema (2017) Nature Source: Anjali, seema (2017) Nature system Inspired Building Inspired Building Inspired by the working behavior of a termite mound, the whole entity has its indoor environment controlled in a timely manner for different temperature requirements during day and night through a dynamic façade made of numerous recycled timber louvers. [21] The water system utilizes city’s sewage water which is filtered through 3 layers and then used for flushing toilets, a coolant for air conditioning and water for plants. This water is again moved through a shower tower which uses it for evaporative cooling purpose on the lower floors. With roof occupied by photovoltaic panels, the building also utilizes its thermal mass to maintain warmth as well as using proper glazing arrangement it prevents heat island effect.


Northern sun

Light-north facade

Fig. 2.47 dynamic faรงade working Source: Anjali, seema (2017) Nature Inspired Building

Fig. 2.48 shower tower system Source: Anjali, seema (2017) Nature Inspired Building 56 The eco-system level The eco-system level emulates a whole eco-system of a particular type. This would include all its functions, principles and every organism which plays a part or contributes to the efficient overall working of that system. CORAL PROJECT Corals are home to various innumerable aquatic living organisms and are composed of calcium carbonate. The coral reefs have variations and undulations in its form which are evolved according to the pressure and forces they face underwater. [29] Located in Haiti, the coral reef project mimics the undulating random form of coral reefs to solve the seismic effect problems with its fluidic parametric structure. [21] It consists of 2 blocks of apartments designed in the shape of a wave undulation with a greenbelt in between these two blocks. The individual residential units are constructed out of prefabricated modules and every unit is arranged and oriented in such a way that the overall building block gets a non-uniform appearance. It also makes the design flexible enough to adapt to future changes with time. The vertical arrangement of modules is in such a way that it creates a open to sky space in every residential unit which acts as a private space and promotes ecological growth.

Fig. 2.49 coral reef housing Source: shanta p. (2018) biomimicry in building design (journal)


Rooftops of both the blocks have arrays of solar modules and wind turbines as well as hydro turbines, all of which contributed to the overall building efficiency. The project is completely carbon neutral with users growing their own food in a garden, electricity needs fulfilled through harvesting natural elements and water needs are also completely through treatments and saltwater purifications.

Fig. 2.50 prefabricated dwelling units Source: shanta p. (2018) biomimicry in building

Fig. 2.51 overall surface undulations like corals Source: shanta p. (2018) biomimicry in building design (journal)

design (journal)


relies on sunshine

enhances the whole system rather than parts accustomed and relies on vernacular environment the overall system is complex and diverse follows the objective of sustainability adaptable and welcomes change at every stage Fig. 2.52 principles of eco-system Source: Emina & Erna, (2018) biomimicry architecture (journal)


2.9.2 Environmental architecture Environmental adaptation is an essential feature in achieving the major task of green and sustainable architecture. [29] Just as all living things respond to their environment through various processes and simple reactions, it is legible to have urban built entities to also work and contribute in sustenance of environment and not harm the surrounding at either micro level or macro level. Adaptive facades “the clothes people wear and various forms of shelters they create are simply an extension version of the skin.”

- M. MCLUHAN Adaptive facades consist of mechanical systems to engineer the mechanism of facades to enable them for reacting to certain climatic and environmental parameters. There have been various proposals for adaptive building facades. [21] The Homeostatic façade, structured by Ned Khan, is a case of the top-down methodology. It mimics various sorts of reactions to interior and outer conditions so as to control temperature and daylight. The façade framework was motivated by a muscle that produces vitality, warmth, power and movement, as appeared in Figure 2. The façade emulates the human muscles: when the unit gets warmed by the sun, it quickly opens up, making the surface broaden. The structure skin bit by bit closes to shield the indoor condition from the external ecological condition. [27]


(B) Fig 2.53: changes in the material caused by sunlight. Anjali, seema (2017) Nature Vol. Inspired Building source: J. of Source: Design & Nature and Ecodynamics. 12, No. 2 (2017)


Fig 2.54: ONE OCEAN by SOMA architects, Source: Ayat Abdul (2010) biomimicry in environmental architecture KOREA source There are numerous examples of successfully applied biomimicry solutions which are a part of architecture and the major application is done in façade element in a building. Facades are the skins which is the largest organ in a building just like human beings. It remains in direct contact with the surrounding environment and provides an idle platform for utilizing the outside environment for building efficiency and energy production. [12] Till present times, there are various methods in which facades are designed and they can be classified as: •

Dynamic façade

Kinetic façade

Rainwater harvesting façade Double skin facade



















Façade movement





of natural

resulting in energy







buildings (small solar and

electrical and


& large scale)

ventilation process


wind energy

), ONE OCEAN (korea)



Solar energy

Movement process






of façade enabling

towers (abu



and indoor

control and

dhabi), Ernst



generation of









High rise

Capture and

Façade structure

Warka tower, Namibidia



storage of

designed to hold

las palmas

desert beetle,




water molecules

water theatre


g facade



vertical facades



All types of


Two layered


Polar bear skin,


buildings (both


facades with in-


sea otters


existing and


between cavity




reducing heat,

The Loyola

TABLE 7: comparative of adaptable types sunlight etc.) table ventilation demandfaçade Information source- author

Commons (Chicago) Source: author


Dynamic facades have the ability to respond to their surrounding environment through their inbuilt changes in material’s properties or movement of certain elements in the built façade. These characteristic changes which result in alteration of overall form for a time period along with energy consumption regulation reflects the environmental conditions in the surroundings.[22] This improvement in energy efficiency in a building has more of a biomimetic approach as emulation of strategies, mechanisms and principles found in nature.

Fig 2.55: PITCH Africa, Kenya

Fig 2.56: Q1 headquarters, Germany

source- Connor W. (2015) arch-daily

source- Connor W. (2015) arch-daily


Example: ONE OCEAN kinetic façade, based on biomimetic principles, mimics the baleen filters in has 108 lamellas made of glass fibre reinforced plastic with elastic bending function for regulating the opening and closing.

2. KINETIC FACADES “responsive skins” or kinetic facades with adjustable/ movable technologies can adapt to variations in their surrounding environment and climate. Apart from regulating the and responding to environmental conditions, these kinetic facades as the name suggests also contribute in producing some form of energy through natural elements. Example- the Q1 headquarter building in Germany is composed of 3150 kinetic feathers of which the regulation of its opening and closing is based on user input and sensor data. [21] The forty thousand tempered steel lamellas are situated in light of the area of sun dependent on regular sunflowers and consequently divert light with no blockage of view and usage of sunlight-based force simultaneously for electrical creation.

3. RAINWATER HARVESTING FACADES Water gathering is the reason for present day green practices that oversee water utilizing a biological and characteristic procedure to make solid urban situations (Habibullah,2014). The availability of freshwater is still a luxury in many countries and so integration of harvesting, storing and filtering into built surfaces is needed to be achieved in every possible way. The rainwater harvesting facades are inspired from most species thriving in dry areas such as deserts and which include cactus, Namibia bug, stipagrostis plant in Namibian desert, cotula plant in south Africa. [21] example: laipika solidarity football institute, pitch-Africa takes a shot at going arenas to water gathering zones. These road football arenas have their cheap seats consolidating repositories which hold 1 to 3 million gallons of water alongside study halls, open toilets, wellbeing center and offices for improvement of farming in the encompassing region. the water assortment mechanical assembly on the façade is intended to retain water from the air to recreate clean water. e.g.: warka tower venture, Africa.


4. DOUBLE SKIN FACADES These are composed of two transparent skins (envelope facades) which are separated by an air corridor. It integrates passive design techniques and also is a kind of active faรงade because it makes use of mechanical means in addition to natural ventilation, daylighting and solar energy. [29] example-the sendai medrinaque takes inspiration and is also compared with the biological activities in a tree. The twofold cleaned faรงade on the south-bound the central avenue inhales as that of human skin. [21] The upper and lower opening components are available to deliver climbing air current inside the twofold cleaned divider so as to col the divider surface temperature which brings about losing the requirement for constrained cooling during summers. However, during winters, these initial components are shut to empower the faรงade to work as a protecting layer, in this way diminishing warming needs making the structure a totally natural and utilitarian structure.

Fig 2.58: sendai mediatheque Source: Lidiaand Baderman sourcenacasa partners(may 2017) Building

Fig 2.57: Debis tower, Renzo piano (berlin) Source: Lidia Baderman (may 2017) Building sourceEnvelope Design

Envelope Design



1. WATER CUBE, BEIJING The Beijing national aquatic center designed by PTW engineers, CSCEC, CCDL and arup, imitates the type of cleanser bubbles which likewise upgrades the subject for swimming and spotlights on the production of submerged understanding. [21] The cleanser films in bubbles can lessen surface zone of air pockets. In view of a past disclosure in nineteenth century by ruler kelvin that the tetrakaidekahedron permits a space to be isolates into cells of equivalent sizes with least surface zone between them. Along these lines, the methodology was to have a variety of froth in a specific direction and afterward evacuate the froth square to get the geometry of the structure. The structure skin offered straightforwardness of water and accomplished vitality effective plan which are: - decrease in vitality cost by 30% as the utilization of counterfeit lighting is diminished by 55% [29] -rainwater harvested through filtration and backwash systems - solar energy stored done of up to 20% used for heating.

Fig 2.59: aquatic centre interior Source: Lidia Baderman (may 2017) Building source- nacasa and partners Envelope Design

Fig 2.60: water cube faรงade exterior Source: Lidia Baderman (may 2017) Building source- nacasa and partners Envelope Design

2. NAMIBIA UNIVERSITY HYDROLOGICAL CENTER BUILDING Planned by the British designer Matthew Parkes, this structure gets its motivation from the water collecting arrangement of the Namibia bug. The structure is set behind a divider with a high, bended nylon net surface confronting the sea, empowering it to get water particles in the dampness of sea breezes & water is then put away in underground repositories through channels paving the way to it.


Fig 2.61: NAMIBIA beetle

Fig 2.62: hydrology centre faรงade

Fig 2.63: NAMIBIA university

source- nacasa and partners mechanism centre building Source: Lidia Baderman (may 2017) Building Envelopehydrological Design source- nacasa and partners source- nacasa anners

3. LAS PALMAS WATER THEATRE Proposed as an outdoors theater by Grimshaw modelers, this performance center gets its motivation from the water gathering arrangement of the Namibian desert creepy crawly and along these lines the surface faรงade of the auditorium has plan and situating dependent on a similar rule. [32] the surface is secured with a progression of vertical blinds which is arranged towards confronting the ocean, empowering to be in contact with the ocean breeze. At the point when the soggy air hit the surface with the breeze from the harbor, it consolidated into these blinds thus the water was gathered and coordinated to the capacity tanks through channels. [32]


Fig 2.64: warka tower, Africa source- Eurasian Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture


The wellspring of motivation for the idea of this pinnacle is the essential system of usage of water by different plants and creatures, for example, Namibia bugs, lotus blossom leaves, bug catching networks and desert flora. The integrated fog collection system in cactuses inspires the mechanism of the tower and the geometry of the shape and movement of airflow for user comfort is inspired by termite hives. [35]

Fig 2.65: warka tower working source- Eurasian Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture

Fig 2.67: warka tower, Africa

Fig 2.66: las Palmas water theatre

Source:sourceLidia Baderman 2017) Building source- Eurasian Journal of Civil Engineering and nacasa and(may partners Envelope Design





The council








-energy efficiency



-sustainable and



Levelorganism and behavior

-100% Air




natural lighting

responds to its

and ventilation


-adaptable instinct of trees

Water cube,






-Steel -ETFE sheets



-30% energy



tension reduced

-energy efficiency

surface area

-55% artificial lighting reduction




shapes and





The durian




importance for





organism and


-user comfort

insulation -Insulated glass



through spikes


-HVAC levels reduced

behavior -shade and light



bay view through form

Source: Lidia Baderman (may 2017) Building Envelope Design

2.10 FOR NATURE, BY NATURE AND OF NATURE INTERIOR DESIGN- MOSS WALL ART Moss wall art is a type of biophilic design. Having plant life indoors inhibits a sense of connection with nature and this element is welcomed by everyone. It conveys a connection between outdoor and indoor world and amalgamates the two distinct elements. [33] The living walls are conventionally

Fig 2.68: artificially grown moss Source: Kerry R. (2019) moss wall art

Fig 2.69: moss wall panel for interiors Source: Kerry R. (2019) moss wall art

expensive and require a lot of maintenance but this all new creation simply turned the tables for living walls business.


The living wall was created using preserved natural moss, downed wood, lichens and some ferns. Since the ingredients used were simple low-cost materials, the overall costing for the living wall was also reduced to 4/5th the cost of conventional walls. Green spaces are necessary for internal peace and relaxation and is thus needed in places like hospitals, offices, classrooms etc. even inclusion of water bodies play a great role in making the place fell more welcoming. INDUSTRIAL DESIGN-NUCLEARIO BRAZIL Reforestation is an influential step to slow down or even stop climate change. Although the damage done already is close to irreversible but is not impossible and this initiative was taken by an industrial designer in brazil’s Atlantic rainforest. According to this designer it is not enough to simply plant a few saplings and leave them be to grow on their own. It is necessary to ignite their grown through a bit of labor by man or some external agent. And for this maintenance to be done without any help for looking after, a device was deduced as an all in one solution inspired by two functions of a forest.

Fig 2.71: the native designers for the forest Source: Bruno R. (2018) nuclerio

Fig 2.70: nuclerio device Source: Bruno R. (2018) nuclerio

First, it derived a solution for potential threat of soil erosion by mimicking the functions of pile of fallen leaves on ground. These leaves provide a shading element to the ground beneath and enable soil moisture to increase. Second, its inspired by bromeliads which have the capability to collect water from the rain and moist air and this would help the plant to have netter chances of growth.



Fig 2.72: prototype panel of facade Source: nguyen, wang (2018) parameterizing

Fig 2.73: pinecone characteristic Source: nguyen, wang (2018)


parameterizing pinecone

Materials which react to their surroundings are capable to adaptation more and one of its examples is the adaptable pinecone faรงade. It is still in experimental stage but with the right material this concept can soon be turned into reality. Pine has the basic tendency to open and close based on the climatic conditions in order to keep their seeds safe. Therefore, when the weather is wet the pinecone contracts and closes itself until the weather gets dry enough for it to spread again. [14] [21] This property can be used to create facades which react to rain and moisture and automatically open and close themselves based on weather conditions. [14] This kind of faรงade can be used for roofing purposes or even as canopies as it would provide shelter from the rain as well as efficient sunlight in the indoor space.

Fig 2.74: pinecone simulation Source: nguyen, wang (2018)

Fig 2.75: concept roofing tiles Source: nguyen, wang (2018)

parameterizing pinecone

parameterizing pinecone 71

(MADE) for nature, (INSPIRED) by nature, (IDEAS) of nature conveys the base ideology of biomimicry in every way it is perceived. ‘Made for nature’ shows that the creation or design proposed would be eco-friendly and not harm nature, ‘inspired by nature’ conveys that the designs would follow nature’s principles and standards, while ‘ideas of nature’ means that the inspired design product will incorporate nature’s original design and follow its characteristic. 2.11 SUSTAINABILITY AND BIOMIMICRY In 1987, the World Commission on Environment and Development (WCED) discharged a report on the issue of mankind's conjunction with nature, influencing the Planet Earth's method for working, consequently making perilous circumstances over the long haul (for example defilement of inexhaustible assets, consumption of non-sustainable assets, environmental change, and so forth.), whose influences have just begun to be seen. [17] The present arrangement of creation and utilization is being tested by maintainable turn of events, as the present methodology in actuality expect boundless development instead of constrained assets being referred to (Fuad-Luke, 2009, p.72). This realizes the terms of "proficiency" and "adequacy". So as to accomplish an economical world, the utilization of vitality and materials can be diminished by expanding their productivity, and current personal satisfaction can be supported and, perhaps, even improved. 2.11.1 Approaches to sustainable design In the previous forty years, different apparatuses and approaches towards manageable improvement have developed, representing the multifaceted idea of maintainability concerns (Chapman, 2005, p.72). Presently the test of reasonable advancement is to rethink our present day by day needs and needs, and envision elective ways to accomplish manageability inside the spots, spaces, and frameworks existing today. It is important and necessary to understand that ‘one cannot promise development for infinite time period with finite amount of resources’ but it is possible to sustain that promise of development by carefully using those finite ingredients and if possible looking for their alternatives during that time period before the resources are completely extinguished. [35]



droog design biomimicry ISDPS

sustainable by design

design explorations for sustainability consumption

Production PSS

natural step

design for behaviour change

design for environment cradle2 cradle

slow design

system-scale Life-cycle test and nature-friendly design approaches viable approaches commodity design for sustainable approaches Fig 2.76. Approaches for viable generation and utilization source: design for sustainability (2009) [16] Life cycle test and nature friendly design

1) STEP BY STEP This is a methodology towards isolating assets utilized for creation into specialized and natural" supplements" and for those supplement gatherings to have their own shut circle cycles. So. By accomplishing their circles of mechanical and normal frameworks, the waste is dispensed with by transforming it into an asset for creation. [17] McDonough and Braungart set out to achieve ‘100% good’. Their vision is to completely eliminate the concept of waste by following the principles of natural systems and keeping all materials in one of two cycles: ‘biological’ or ‘technical’


2) DESIGNING FOR NATURE Untenable orders of productions in various industries and reckless extraction and consumption of precious resources poses a threat to mankind’s overall sustainable development. A major contribution for the spark of unsustainable methodologies was of industrial revolution. [17] The direct approach of over-exploitation of resources was ignited through industrial revolution and so the process continues until even present times. With growing needs, wants and demands of people, mass production has become a necessity. [35] “With the present situation it would be too late before people realize what is the impact that their over-demands are having on resources and environment� (Baumeister, 1993, pg.76) viable approaches

1) DESIGN FOR SUSTAINABILITY The concept of designing for sustainability is pretty vast. It incorporated all those theories which contributes to a part of designing for sustainable solutions and ideas like the cradle to cradle ideology and green production. So, there are various organizations which are adapting to the concept of designing for sustainability such as UNEP (united nations environment Programme), faculty of industrial design engineering (delft), UNIDO (united nations industrial development organization) and UNEP. [17] These all organizations follow the basic approaches of designing for sustainability: first, additive designing which can create standards for designs and second, progressive designing which results in creating something new out of the old. [36] An example for the case of redesign strategy implemented in an organization is of an everyday product which is a backpack produced out of all green reused materials. It is majorly a cotton bag which is also utilizing water-based paints for pattern printing. [17]


So, rather than creating and moving on with the same product’s production, the company simply changed the approach of creating the same product with decreased packaging requirement and using cotton rather than polyester which results in decreasing the use of harmful materials used before like polyester. [36]

Fig 2.77. Cotton based organic backpack source: design for sustainability (2009) [16]

2) SLOW DESIGN Another approach towards redesigning for sustainability, is of slow design. It does not simply concern the time frame of designing and producing the product but conveys the promotion of awareness for being accountable at individual level to slow the overall process of all the actions towards nature and as a result, stabilize the excessive load. An individual need to be responsible towards his/her surroundings and this is to be a part of a slow, considerate and self-assessing process. [35]

3) SUSTAINABLE EVERYDAY This approach incorporates development of scenario in the future when a sustainable utopian world is achieved and created. It is necessary for the people to know these possibilities in order to discern the approach to sustainability. It shows how everyday lifestyle of an individual being would be in that utopian world and all the calculations about the rate of resource usage and life expectancy of people which is significant for the concept of sustainability to grow and bloom more. [30] Biomimicry is a reasonable approach to restructure and apply these approaches as only through nature’s way one can have a easy path to sustainable innovation. [36]

75 sustainable product design approaches Sustainable initiatives in designing is more about how existing products can be reused and refurbished or even upcycled in ways to reduce some load on mother nature. It is also about solutions for creating new products but more emphasis is on if older items can be utilized to create a whole new series of beautiful and sustainable solutions.

1) DROOG DESIGN -FIRM " Reusing basically must be finished. A few architects saw the earth and its specialist issues of superfluity and arranged out of date quality, as another wellspring of motivation" (Ramakers et al. 1998, p.76) This mentality can be seen in Tejo Remy's Rag Chair (1991) delivered by repurposing of materials, which is an investigate of extreme utilization. The seat comprises of various utilized material pieces, or clothes, that are held together by belts to make a seat structure.

Fig.2.78 rag chair source: design for sustainability (2009) [16]

(Figure 2.78).

2) DESIGN EXPLORATIONS FOR SUSTAINABILITY Plastics Plastics can be made out of plant resins and, if toxic additives or coatings are avoided, then the material can be returned to the soil as biological nutrients. One of the most interesting examples of this is a plastic developed by Javier Fernandez and Donald Ingber called ‘shrilk’ which combines certain properties of both shrimp shell and spider silk to create a composite that is strong, durable and biodegradable. An alternative option is that plastics are made from agricultural waste and then endlessly recycled. [17]


3) SUSTAINABLE BY DESIGN The Zira Island The masterplan of zira island, Baku is designed as a city of pleasure with a resort as a zeroenergy building. The concept was to be derived from one of nature’s non-living element i.e. mountains. Each structure in the design is representing one mountain out of total seven famous one in the country. The complete design uses sustainable technological solutions to power the entire project and creates its own eco-system as the island did not contain any eco-system of its own and was completely deserted and barren. Major solar energy derived through photovoltaic panels, wind turbines for energy through winds, desalination plants which filter water to produce freshwater fit for human use, rain water collection

Fig 2.79. Zira island concept source: design for sustainability (2009) [16]

Fig 2.80. Working of island system source: design for sustainability (2009) [16]

provisions, solid waste managements and waste water treatment strategies. Combination of all of them resulted in a whole new eco-system creation which is self-sustainable. [17]

4) UPCYCLING direct and quick disposal of used items designed for use and throw is a major crisis which is needed to be tackled as soon as possible. So apart from the concepts of recycling, reusing and reducing, a further approach of upcycling is introduced. It can be done and executed both at individual level as well as mass-production level.


a.) ECO FRIENDLY CEMENT Another step to sustainability is the eco-friendly cement. Coral reef inspired cement manufacturing technique has better sustainable and eco-friendly approach than conventional methodology of manufacturing. [33] The latter method has always resulted in as much amount of carbon dioxide production as the quantity of cement produced. But if the method will utilize carbon dioxide as one of the building block components then, the expulsion of carbon dioxide from these cement factories will be reduced to half the former amount.

Fig 2.81. Irregular and unique form of each coral source: Michael j. (2014) nature as model, measure, mentor

b.) LIVING INSTRUMENTS A brilliant waste water management solution which is sustainable and biophilic in aesthetics and functioning, the living instrument does not requirement any machinery to convert and treat wastewater. It a much better alternative to conventional waste water treatment plants which require a lot of resources to execute the task. [35] The complete setup follows the principles of an ecosystem very well. Based on the food chain mechanism of plants in order to treat waste water, various living organisms such as snails, bacteria, algae and plants which thrive on water bacteria were incorporated into the whole setup. [17] This setup thus revolutionized the water treatment process approach which was applied until now and provided hope for a better path to working of different such setups in every field.


Fig 2.82. Living machines Fig 2.83. Arrangement of species to create ecosystem source: Michael j. (2014) nature as model, source: Michael j. (2014) nature as model, measure, mentor

measure, mentor

c.) ECO INDUSTRIAL PARK Located in Kalondborg and established in 1961, kalondborg symbiosis is an industrial park within the kalondborg city. The planning and designing of the secondary built elements- ‘the industries’ in this park follow he most rational and basic approach of nature i.e. ‘nothing is waste’ and thus one organisms waste is another organism’s food in the ecosystem of nature. So, a similar organization and arrangement of all built entities is made in this industrial park. Kalondborg symbiosis is the perfect example and an idle model for zero carbon footprint planning, especially of industries which are major contributors in the piling up of toxic wastes.

Fig 2.84. View of symbiosis source: Michael j. (2014) nature as model,

Fig 2.85. Arrangement of different factories source: Michael j. (2014) nature as model,

measure, mentor

measure, mentor 79

Zeri system The network of entities created in planning of park enables the interconnection of one industry to another and the individual industrial company also benefits from this grid in the best way i.e. the waste products of one company is utilized as a resource in another industry which is connected to it. This way along with gaining resources on the spot, the company saves expenditures from logistics very greatly and also labor charges in the process of extracting resources. It took three decades for complete establishment of this industrial park and setting up of all the factories and finally completing the system of balance in this complex and fulfilling the objective of designing this park.

Fig 2.86. System of flow of resources in kalondborg symbiosis source: D. A. Elmeligy (2016) Biomimicry for ecological design

2.12 NATURE’S FORMS, FUNCTIONS, PARTS There are various sources for inspiration in nature especially in building architecture and all the applications utilizing these inspirations is segregated into three sections i.e. form, functions, parts. [31] 80

2.12.1 Form based applications TAIPEI 101

Fig 89. Phyllotactic tower

Fig 2.88. Taipei 101 Fig 2.87. bamboo source: Thomas Button (2016) Biomimicry Architectural Innovation in Existing Buildings Located at Taiwan’s capital city Taipei, this building is inspired by a indigenous specie of bamboo belonging to the area and which is also considered as a symbolic representation of development and knowledge. It incorporates all the criterions for green and sustainable architecture and is hence entitled by platinum grade building by leadership in energy and environmental design. [29] [31] PHYLLOTACTIC TOWER The tower’s name is based on its particular geometry which is inspired by nature and is used to harness maximum amount of light within the building. Phyllotactic geometry is a typical structure observed in most plants constitutes of a repetitive spiral form following nature’s Fibonacci sequence. So, a favored approach for both nature and people was initiated in this building design as the form enabled every residential unit to have its own open green space which every user desire. [17] Light, air and private outside space are crucial human requirements in high-density housing design


and it could be that biology’s equivalent solutions could inspire very valuable innovations in this area.

Fig 2.89. Phyllotactic tower Source: Michael p. (2019)- biomimicry in architecture 2.12.2 Function based applications SONGDO RESIDENTIAL BUILDING

Fig 2.90.

Fig 2.91. Source: Michael p. (2019) biomimicry in architecture

Designed by HOK and located in Songdo city, south Korea derives its inspiration from a human spine and combines it to a honeycomb structure. [29] Honey geometry is chosen as it is proven to be stable and maintain its strength even when a twisting force is applied. This approach reduces the total building construction as the number of structural members is reduced. [31] 82

Fig 2.92a.

Fig 2.92c.

Fig 2.92b.

Fig 2.92d. residential building, south Korea Source: Michael p. (2019)- biomimicry in architecture SEAWATER GREENHOUSE The seawater greenhouse emulates nature’s hydrological cycle to keep the internal space of the greenhouse moist and create a suitable environment for the greenhouse. With the process of condensation and humidification the greenhouse provides fresh water for plants throughout the year. The structure also emulates the water harvesting characteristics of a Namibia desert beetle. The shell of this beetle, is able to collect water from even the slightest moisture and the pattern on this shell allows the water to be directed into the beetle’s mouth. [31]

Fig 2.93. Seawater greenhouse Fig 2.94. Water distribution system Source: Michael p. (2019) biomimicry in architecture Fig 92d. residential building, south Korea


2.12.3 Part based applications SOLAR IVY Mimicking the process of photosynthesis done in a leaf, the solar or photovoltaic ivy modules use the very same methodology as the ivy climber does. Rather than or in addition to having conventional photovoltaic panels on the roofs, solar energy can be utilized easily through these leaf-like panels. [17] The ivy is able to grow on vertical surfaces easily and thrive no matter what kind of surface it is and designers have used this property to create the solar ivy. Just like the ivy leaves, the solar modules are very flexible and allows every leaf to react to the force of wind too and this upgradation in solar ivy allows it to utilize wind energy also for energy production. [29] [31]

Fig 2.95a. photosynthesis process Fig 2.95b. solar ivy Fig 2.95c. the ivy plant Source: Michael p. (2019)- biomimicry in architecture Fig 92d. residential building, south Korea Fig 92d. residential building, south Korea

2.12.4 A comparison

Nature has its own way for practicing sustainability. It runs through nature till its roots and no matter what part of nature or environment the designers imitate, it would prove sustainable to some extent either way. Every living organism has sustained through evolution and improvisation somehow and has thrived through ages with the very tendency of adaptability which is there within every species. [22]








































Fig 2.96. Comparative illustration Source: Satu N. (2017), biomimicry in architecture 85


2.13 CONCLUSION There are numerous parallels drawn from the concept of biomimicry. Man’s curiosity famishes ever since their arrival and nature quenches this thirst. Every law, principle and benchmark which nature has for itself, it teaches mankind with a free heart. Since ancient times there are sightings of biomimetic, bionic as well as biomimicry examples as was discussed in this chapter. An elaborate review of every aspect of those norms, principles, benchmarks have been recorded in literature review to have a clear understanding of what biomimicry really is and what it can do. It leaves a layman in awe when one is just glimpsed with what is nature and its biomimicry. All the struggle of seeking sustainability and developing the fictional utopian world full of wonders through man’s creation seems so little when compared to nature which is the existing utopia in the present world. Nature is full of wonders and there is still a lot to explore and learn in nature and so it is the duty of mankind to preserve the utopia existing in front of him rather than creating an artificial version of it filled with chaos. In conclusion, it is not the organisms which emulate designs from other entities, they simply adapt and evolve themselves as it is. However, mankind has the freedom to emulate and create their world through biomimicry, although, he needs to also learn to not follow the inspiration blindly but have considerations for the differences in both situations and working of that idea. So, for mankind, in order to evolve itself, it is necessary to seek the dame nature in which mankind exists and follow its principles or else mankind would destroy itself in this attempt to advance itself for creating its utopian world of concrete and plastic.


CHAPTER 3: CASE STUDY “The moment that one acquiescence to earth's knowledge, it is then they ascend firmly and profoundly established like trees.” -Rainer Maria Rilke OVERVIEW: This chapter presents supporting data based on understanding of biomimicry from previous literature analysis in this theory. The sections are divided according to the category which the respective case study serves i.e. and is thus depicted in brief for better understanding to the reader. The selected cases constitute a mix of examples varying from being popular for its biomimicry and others being known for its functional or aesthetic output due to the usage of biomimicry in its design development phase.

3.1 INTRODUCTION “From a creator's point of view, an inquiry which is brought up in the process is: the reason can one not structure a structure like a tree. A structure that makes oxygen, fixes nitrogen, sequesters carbon, distils water, manufactures and feeds soils, gets sun-oriented vitality as fuel, makes complex sugars and nourishment, makes microclimates, changes hues with seasons and self-recreates. this is to utilize nature as a model, coach and direct and not think about it as a bother. It's superb.” [23] The complete research and review for this vast topic will raise questions and also need supporting studies which will be constituted of firm witnesses and proofs for backing the topic. This chapter examines architectural case studies inculcating and deriving inspiration from nature i.e. as a model and mentor. It includes a brief history, design problem and solution’s inspiration. Conventionally, designers work with more focus on structural framework and more on aesthetics, so these beautiful projects will then set a benchmark what's more, priority for the constructed condition that affirms and demonstrates how crucial this biomimicry approach is in any sort of planning industry and has its effect on humankind in general. Similarly as Janine Benyus cites and accepts: " the constructed condition is the most prolific ground for biomimicry application.” [3] Following case studies have been elaborated and selected as per the given listed parameters which were seen essential.


ARCHITECTURAL PROJECTS -Crystal Palace -Centre Pompidou - Lavasa Project INDUSTRIAL PROJECT

- Whales Turbines - underground metro station - submarine

PRODUCT DESIGN PROJECT - dye free fabric

Fig 3.1a. tubercles Source: Peter C. (2018), biomimicry

Fig 3.1 b. crystal palace

in environmental design

Fig 3.1c. Lavasa Source: Satu N. (2017), biomimicry

Fig 3.1d. morpho Source: Michael p. (2019) nature


in architecture

Fig 3.1e. Pompidou Source: Satu N. (2017), biomimicry

Fig 3.1f. submarine Source: Peter C. (2018), biomimicry

in architecture

in environmental design 88


Source: author


3.2 CENTRE POMPIDOU TABLE 3.2: details




Paris, France


Renzo Piano +Richard Rogers


Peter Rice, Ove Arup & Partners


100,000 sq. m Source: author

Fig 3.2a. front elevation of center Pompidou Source: Richard Rogers partners (website) Fig 92d. residential building, south Korea

“evolving spatial diagram� The unmistakable viewpoints which were thought of and proposed for Center Pompidou-probably the greatest venture during the 1980s, was significantly a social luxury made out of an incredibly adaptable holder wherein, entire of the inside spaces could be improved in any capacity we need while the outside components can be changed and cut on and off along the structure's life expectancy. 90

This was accomplished through parts in the structure, for example, an adjusting outline work, mechanical pack and a climbing outline for the old and the youthful. The entire structure contains a progression of redundant spaces upheld remotely by unsupported basic edge. In any case, the adaptability of room is unmistakably noticeable in the total arrangement, area, height which would have the option to handle the unanticipated prerequisites of things to come.

TABLE 3.3: details

No. of floors


Construction cost

163,487,500 $


15 000 tons


11 000 m² Source: author

Everything started with G. Pompidou, President of France (1969-74), who proposed to gather a social place in Paris which will appeal site visitors and be an enormous factor in the city. Tolerating extra than 150 million visitors in observe that is last touch thirty 3 years already, there may be no vulnerability that Pompidou's vision transformed into a triumph truth.

Fig 3.2b. building section Fig 3.2c. color codes Source: Richard Rogers partners (website) 91 Fig 92d. residential building, south Korea

Fig 92d. residential building, south Korea

To pick the architects for the endeavor, the president held an opposition and many entered, which recalls presumably the most praised fashioners for France on the time. People had been astounded, in any case, when the plan of Renzo Piano and Richard Rogers, both not, at this point celebrated by then, got the opposition. [29] Their entrance exemplified constructivism and become an innovative present-day social focus set up with a machine bergerettes and brackets rather than anything found in the building scene previously. Their thought, portrayed in one among their limitation drawings as a school, was delineating the display corridor itself as development. The unmistakable idea of their plan, and perhaps the clearest, changed into revealing all the system of the structure. The skeleton itself immerses the structure from its outside, indicating all the specific mechanical and structure structures never again best so they can be seen in any case similarly to extend within district without impedance. [35] One of the brilliant and uncovered skeleton plan of the developing are the metallic basic bracings between intersection the edges. [32] To breathe life into the veneer, the creators utilized 4 beautiful hues - blue, red, yellow, and green - to concealing code the structure organizations of the shape. The air con pipes of the structure are coded in blue concealing, electrical commitments are yellow, water pipes are unpractised, and red is for lifts and lifts. • • • •

blue for circling air (cooling) yellow for circling power green for circling water red for circling individuals (vertical transits).

Fig 3.2e. exposed services

Fig 3.2d. building structure Source: Richard Rogers partners (website) Fig 92d. residential building, south Korea


Source: Richard Rogers partners (website) Fig 92d. residential building, south Korea

3.3 CRYSTAL PALACE TABLE 3.4: details


London, UK


92,000 m2




Joseph Paxton

Architecture style



30 November 1936 Source: author

This plan has been impacted by Paxton's enthusiasm for biomimicry; he drew motivation from the mammoth leaves of the Victoria Amazonian waterlily. The structure was planned by Sir Joseph Paxton, an engineer and cultivator, and uncovered achievements in engineering, development and structure. Paxton' structure depended on a 10in x 49in module, the size of the biggest glass sheet accessible at that point. The secluded framework comprised of right-calculated triangles, reflected and duplicated, bolstered by a network of cast iron bars and columns. These essential units were amazingly light and solid and were reached out to a mind-boggling length of 564 meters. The development, going about as a self-supporting shell, boosted inside space, and the glass spread empowered sunlight. The technique for development was a leap forward in innovation and plan, and prepared for increasingly complex pre-created structure. Sadly, the structure was annihilated in a fire in 1936.


Fig 3.3a. painting of crystal palace, 1905 Source: arch-daily (website) Due to the weight differential, the tourist escaping from the louvers produced a steady wind stream that circulated the cool air with the holes at the base. there was double capacity in the floor: all holes in those sheets went about like grinding of the permitted residue with little bits declined to be rejected and moved through them onto the floor, and was gathered each day by assigned group of worker young men. the designer likewise structured equipment to clear the ground regularly, except by and by, later discovered the observation of long skirts worn by ladies among guests carried out that responsibility splendidly.

Fig 3.3c. internal structure Source: arch-daily (website)

Fig 3.3b. interior view Source: arch-daily (website)

Fig 92d. residential building, south Korea


The Crystal Palace was a solid metal and fortified glass structure initially implicit Hyde Park, London, to house the Great Exhibition of 1851. The show happened from 1 May until 15 October 1851, and more than 14,000 exhibitors from around the world collected in its 990,000 square feet (92,000 m2) introduction space to show cases of development made in the Industrial Revolution. The "Exceptional Stove" (or studio) at Chatsworth (worked in 1836) was the main critical use of Paxton's edge Fig 3.3d. palace exhibits Source: arch-daily (website)

and-wrinkle housetop structure, and was at the time the greatest glass

Fig 92d. residential building, south Korea

taking a shot at the planet, covering around 28,000 square feet (2,600 m2). The Lily House was amassed unequivocally to house the goliath Victoria Amazonian waterlily which had starting late been found by European botanists; the essential guide to show up at England was at first kept at Kew Gardens, anyway it

Fig 3.3e. building sections Source: arch-daily (website)

didn't advance splendidly.

Fig 92d. residential building, south Korea


Paxton's reputation as a naturist has been incredibly big by then that it made him want to have lily as a muse for Chatsworth; it prospered by the thought and later he caused a ruckus at green world when he was wanting to convey the first Amazonian blooms to be created in England (a young lady Alice was drawn for the papers, on one of leaves). An indigenous environment was created which drove clearly by the designer's arrangement in Crystal Palace and then later alluded to the enormous banded skimming leaves as the main inspiration. Warming issue course of action - One was to present outside canvas cover textures that were stretched out over the housetop edges. These served various limits: they reduced warmth transmission, coordinated and loosened up the natural illumination penetrating the structure, which went about like an unrefined air conditioning system when water is showered upon it. The second bit of the arrangement was designer's brilliant airing system. [29] Each and every component which moulded those external dividers in that structure was equipped pre-assembled arrangement of louvers which can be controlled for opening and closing utilizing an apparatus instrument, permitting hot stale air to get away. The deck comprised of loads up 22 centimetres (8.7 in) wide, which were divided around 1 centimetre (0.39 in) separated; together with the louvers, this shaped a powerful latent cooling framework.

Fig 3.3f. inspiration lily pads Source: arch-daily (website) Fig 92d. residential building, south Korea






A. G. Chand, H. Const. Company




Biomimicry Guild

Time Frame


Source: author The firm got 3 universal honors in reference to its all-inclusive strategy of the Lavasa planning Project: "Top Master Plan from the assembly of the advanced Urbanism, USA, best citation dedicated to Dave all-inclusive strategy and many more honors. [22]

Fig 3.4a. LAVASA Source: arch-daily (website) Fig 92d. residential building, south Korea


Structure issue: Lavasa is a one of a kind mountainous location victim of the practice of cut and consume rehearses. about a quarter of a year every year rainstorm driven downpours cause serious soil disintegration. This zone is parched majority of days, and following days welcome the dry season like situations which quickly dissipate enormous water quantities. Therefore, the stratum of water present at valley lake bowl change fiercely almost 9 meters for every climate period.

Fig 3.4b. lavasa concept Source: Satu N. (2017), biomimicry architecture Biomimicry arrangement: first biological system at Lavasa observed was of sodden, woods Fig 92d. residential building, south Korea preceding desertification. the firm utilized these backwoods framework for their structure inspiration, in light of the fact that flawless woodland conditions hold the ground, preserve water along with limit disintegration plus vanishing the verdant shades and complex root frameworks. [29] Specialists, later utilizes these in dry times, structured structures for gathering water underground supplies which copy the type of root (tap-root) of trees with their dissemination framework.

Fig 3.5b. banyan tree Source: Satu N. (2017), biomimicry architecture Fig 92d. residential building, south Korea


Fig 3.5c banyan fig tree Source: Satu N. (2017), biomimicry architecture

For taking care of housetop water run-off issues, HOK utilized the one of a kind formed shape of banyan fig tree leaves to make rooftop tile. [32] These components mirror elongated tight "dribble point” shape of leaf that builds stream of water, making a grating that automatically cleanses the area. Regulation of water past-stream and preventing it to simply drain during the stormy days, the firm impersonated local gatherer subterranean insect homes. The ants build emanating notched dam like structures with mere which had its entrance at a focal point to divert water around it by different ways. thus, the fruitful insect building was copied for structure the master plan’s waste framework. [33]

Fig 3.5e ant hills

Fig 3.5f Lavasa plan

Source: arch-daily (website)

Source: arch-daily (website)

All outcomes give important criticism plus direction to further ventures. HO+k used every exhibition measure to support the planner/draftsman see nature as guide to make structures resembling alive instruments which preserve, channel as well as aqua preservation, have support of daylight emulating designs according to the biological system at prairie. [22] [33] “One of the issues in the built environment is that when the site is cleared, you’re removing a lot of that vertical structure, so the first surface that [rain] hits is at maximum velocity,” she says. “The ecosystem is structured with the shrub layer, the mid-level tree layer, the canopy layer, and all those layers slow down the rain drop so that, by the time it actually hits the soil, it’s very soft and absorbed very quickly.” HOK, architects, in the Lavasa venture, utilized these gauges to quantify how their answers were performing for example precipitation and ground water maintenance, tree recovery and soil misfortune/gain. [29]


Fig 3.5g concept Source: arch-daily (website) An organization perceived the capability estimation of biomimicry standards in making contemporary structures and contemporary networks. Accordingly, also built up another apparatus "organic efficiency measure" to gauge earth for the structure/network so as to correlate it to encompassing environment. The basic rule for it is constructed condition plus every one of the segments, ought to keep up a real existence continuing biological system like some unblemished environment. The walkways were categorized into formal and informal walks keeping in mind the slopes, amount of people and frequency of usage. Finally, the well-executed, safe and robust walkways were constructed and will provide quick and safe access between workplaces and homes in Dasve. [33] The basic concept of Lavasa master plan was based on the principles of new urbanism. It configured the land use distribution in such a way that the concepts like “Walk to Work”, “Walk to School” and “Walk to Park” becomes reality. The town centre is the hub of all work places, education, leisure and socio-cultural activities. [29] Care has been taken that maximum permanent residents stay within walking distance of their workplaces. In July 2009, Lavasa management took a decision to strengthen “Walk to Work” by building pedestrian walkways in Dave town in Lavasa.


3.5 DYE FREE FABRICS TABLE 3.6: details


Donna Sgro


T. Fibers ltd., Morphotex Structurally colored fibers and fabrics

Biomimicry property


Dye free fabrics, mobile and tv screens Source: author

Structure issue: mechanical poisons as well as vitality utilization coming about because of the texture coloring and assembling, shading blurring and skin affectability to colors. quick fix: emulating a coat of proteins on the film of wings to make shading by crinkling the incident light. mutual collaboration among films and crinkled input illumination make nearness between shades. This hallucination for shading makes it blur safe.


Fig 3.6a amount of refraction Source: Michael p. (2019) nature in architecture 101

The Morpho butterfly is darker. Basic building in the protein in film of wing design makes it extreme Prussian b. in shading. This shading made by crinkling the incident illumination and not nearness of colors. [35] In the event that textures can be fundamentally shaded, at that point architects ought to turn to nature and seek the methodologies for every sort of innovation like dividers, decorations, frill etc. The item is maintained with objectives disposing of shades plus coloring procedure; in this way, diminishes vitality utilization; stays away from substitution costs because of shading blurring and is nontoxic.

Fig 3.6b morpho butterfly1 Fig 3.6c morpho butterfly 2 source: design for sustainability (2009) [16] Expanding this exploration, gathering of resources, synthetic, architects from the manufacturer, utilized the ideas to create Morphotex - original colour relieved, micro-thread. It was produced using coating movies with changing widths which mirror example of butterfly wings. [21] Each level comprises various filaments, with coatings.

Fig 3.6d response simulation Source: Michael p. (2019) nature in architecture


Fig 3.6e clothing line designed source: design for sustainability (2009) [16]

By decisively controlling thickness of every level, researchers, specialists handle precisely the essential hues – RGB & V -that is created by the subsequent element. Along these lines, it’s possible to create a wide scope with hued textures and not utilizing any solitary colour bead. This innovation is likewise utilized for an assortment in different styles, for example, creating easy route filaments/ fine materials which are actualized on external materials. This flexible idea permits for supplant colours. through rendition of colours superfluous, the company plans for letting times of great vitality utilization, compound scrap a long way back. Many standard materials in the built environment are finished with paints, seals and other coatings, which can reduce the materials’ reusability or recyclability. [32] Such coatings are inherently problematic because they are almost certain to end up as pollution. Biological materials are able to repair themselves, whereas our construction materials are inert and, with a few exceptions discussed earlier in this chapter, are likely to remain that way for the near future. [36] Many colour effects in nature, such as the iridescent wings of the blue Morpho butterfly, are achieved not through pigments or coatings but through ‘structural colour’, which is a microstructure that refracts and scatters light rather than reflects it. [29] The iridescent colour of the blue Morpho butterfly is the result of a microstructure that creates a colour effect through refraction, rather than a pigment that reflects particular wavelengths of light.

Fig 3.6g variety of clothing designed Fig 3.6f magnified view of scales Source: Michael p. (2019) nature in architecture


3.6 WHALE TUBERCLES TABLE 3.7: details


Tyler Hamilton


Frank fish Source: author

Fig 3.7a humpback whale Source: Michael p. (2019) nature in architecture

biomimicry has been utilized in vitality creation, for example, creating turbines utilizing hydro and air which copy structure of whales, knots in the fins, appeared at illustration 3.7a, to work productively and have more slow velocities. This structure makes vertices which give push for permit to development in moderate rates. This idea will assist with lessening the necessary breeze/ velocity important for moving the fins accordingly taking into account more prominent vitality creation. Early air stream trial of model flippers with tubercles by the U.S. Maritime Academy demonstrated that breeze drag was turned around by 32 percent and lift was expanded by eight percent. Different examinations indicated comparable outcomes. Relating configuration changes to plane wings would appear to bode well thinking about these outcomes.


Fig 3.7b. tubercles prototype source: design for sustainability (2009) [16] Straight to the point Fish, whose field simply happens to be biomechanics, really came about his perceptions of the humpback whale fortunately when he saw a figure of a humpback with what he thought were lost tubercles on the whale's flipper. The craftsman had put them on the "main" edge of the flipper, not on the underside of the flipper, where Fish "knew" they ought to be a direct result of his investigation of liquid elements (i.e, smooth edges are generally streamlined). The craftsman was right, in any case, and Fish's further research demonstrated that at any rate some portion of the study of liquid elements wasn't right. The tubercle position on the humpback whale's flippers and tail is a significant piece of the explanation the incredible well evolved creature is so streamlined - or as MIT's Technology Review called it, hydrodynamic. [29] Inactive control is innately open-circle, as it can't react to changes in the stream express the principle preferred position of uninvolved activation, for example, riblets or agreeable surfaces, is effortlessness. Latent control strategies are in reality lighter, more affordable and simpler to keep up, contrasted with the dynamic ones, along these lines letting main elements which are utilized for certifiable examples up until now. Nonetheless, there is just an extremely restricted scope of working situations for aloof regulation systems.


Fig 3.7c. movement simulation of tubercles Source: frank, Paul, mark. (2011) Tubercles on Humpback Whales’ Flippers Besides, cases with aloof regulation debases framework execution, could start new dangers. An explanation behind it is because of the way that uninvolved control strategies lead to consistent move, which prevents considering possible variations for controlling the framework. It permits aloof strategies to effectively focusing just familiar, consistent unsettling influences. Dynamic regulation procedures, in this manner required for confronting increasingly sensible working situations. [16] Biomimicry has been applied to the design of a number of renewable-energy technologies and has delivered similar improvements to those we have seen for building technologies. The form of windturbine blade, developed by marine biologist with the engaging name of Dr Frank Fish, was inspired by the tubercles on the flippers of humpback whales. These lumps on the front of the fins induce vortices which create more lift and allow the whale to maintain manoeuvrability at low speeds. Dr Fish’s new wind turbine blade incorporates the same idea to produce a wind turbine that will maintain operation at slow speeds. The reason this is of radical importance is that all wind turbines have a minimum speed of operation, below which they will stop turning and only start again once the wind speed has picked up enough to overcome inertia of the turbine. The developers, Whale power Limited, claim that the blades can improve output by 20 per cent over a year and result in quieter operation.



TABLE 3.8: details



Time frame



Military, civilian use


John Philip


Sunfish and bat Source: author

The one invention of a warship type which revolutionized warfare for the whole world is the submarine. Deriving its biomimicry inspiration from the basis properties of two species in the animal kingdom- the sunfish and the bat, the submarines are able to submerge in water up to a certain level and intercept and detect any probable threat as well as navigate underwater efficiently. [35] The bat: the submarine’s navigation system emulates the object detection ability of bats. the sonar waves emitted by a bat helps it to detect objects surrounding it. Due to its inability to see clearly in the certain light levels, it has a different means for functioning in nature. The echo produced by bats reflects back from whichever hurdles it encountered which lets them have a vivid outline of the object around them along with the direction and distance at which the object is. The sunfish: the body structure of submarine follows the structure of sunfish. Although the sunfish is considered the heaviest fish in term of bone density, it does not have a bladder filled with gas unlike other fishes and thus maintains a balanced buoyancy under any volumetric and pressure change in water. It’s body also has the same density as the seawater and so the submarine’s form is composed of two layers of hauls. The inner haul is for the users control and protection under water


Fig 3.8a. the sunfish source: Michael j. (2014) nature as model, measure, mentor

Fig 3.8b use of sonar waves in bats source: Michael j. (2014) nature as model, measure, mentor

from the water pressure and temperature and the outer haul moulds out of the aerodynamic form required for the movement of the ship. [32] Future additional ornaments to be added to submarines are a few concepts which are again based on biomimicry. One proposal is inspired by squids. Squids have translucent skin which allows the viewer to see through its layer of skin to internal body parts. It is not originally this much translucent but its skin reacts and senses light to integrate and blend itself to camouflage to the background and thus hide itself easily. The proposed model for camouflage submarines will have digital detectors which work on the same phenomenon as the squid skin, allowing it to have temporary incognito mode for itself.

Fig 3.8c functioning of bat’s detection system Source: Michael p. (2019) nature in architecture


These detectors would then respond to the central systems which would send a signal and control all the actuators just like a nervous system of an organism.

Fig 3.8e camouflage state in squid Source: Michael p. (2019) nature in architecture

Fig 3.8d normal state of squids Source: Michael p. (2019) nature in architecture 3.8 CONCLUSION

Handled correctly, addressing our energy challenges could drive the greatest wave of innovation that civilization has ever seen. Any rational approach to cutting greenhouse gas emissions will require radical increases in efficiency as a first step, and innovations in the built environment offer some of the biggest opportunities. It is observed and know from a strategic look at the numbers regarding available energy that it is physically possible to create a solar economy. There would also be major benefits: cleaner air, restored ecosystems with boosted biodiversity and nations connecting to share resources, such that energy becomes an issue that promotes cooperation rather than breeding conflict. A biomimetic solution would be resilient, non-toxic, regenerative and based on an inexhaustible energy source. The active academic research communities whose projects have been explored here show enormous promise. In many cases, this foundational work extends to working prototypes, improving the chances and speeding up the process of turning these ideas into products that can be incorporated into buildings. As with all the biological examples we have studied, the evolved adaptations demonstrate what is possible and serve as an inspiring destination to aim for.


CHAPTER 4: PRESENT SCENARIO 4.1 INTRODUCTION At Worldwide level, awareness and information about biomimicry is still not adequate to enable and allow people to actually put this sacred and good-for-nature practice into use. Although, currently with visible major climatic changes and imbalances in ecological systems resulting in impactful changes in lifestyle of people, have forced them to take several measures and initiate the “sustainability movement”. In India, although several steps have been initiated as a trend to be followed about green and sustainable buildings and green cities, the lack of awareness by the general public still prevails. It’s not just about building a clean and beautiful green space but also aware the user of the space about why it is designed and what is its purpose. It is to be remembered that sustainability and consciousness for love of nature is learned first at home. [21]

Fig 4.1 leonardo da vinci Source: Michael p. (2019) nature in architecture

Fig. 4.2 Egyptian pyramid Source: Michael p. (2019) nature in architecture

Fig. 4.3 roman pillar types Source: Werner, Pohl (2019) Biomimetics for Architecture & Design As it is discussed in the previous chapter about case studies, the examples go back to as early as 1200 A.D. in the field of building construction and technologies but the strategies and aesthetics of biomimicry are observed in many numbers of case examples even in stone and iron age times. The Corinthian order of column architecture and even the accessories of clothing products have traces of biomimetic inspiration visible in Greek and roman era designs. The Egyptian civilization

too had derivations from biomimicry in deriving products and architectural forms and even planning of settlements. Even when people were limited by the technology of their time, theirs concepts were far ahead in the future and were biomimetic in nature. Nature is the first teacher who behaves as a muse for us un intentionally. It is the oldest and wisest teacher one could ever ask for. No matter how bad we treat it, it won’t reciprocate unlike what mankind does. Biomimicry researchers have somewhat infinite organisms and their processes to draw inspiration from. Taking into account that mankind would be able to preserve that amount of biodiversity to quench their thirst for mimicking and musing from those same organisms and mechanisms of nature for new inventions every second, the biomimicry as a complete field has a promising future for both upgrading the level of advancement of mankind and the level of preservation plus growth of nature and ecosystem. 4.2 PRESENT STUDIES AND INVENTIONS Learning from the past and guided by mother nature. There is no better trump card one will now find with the present level of advancement in studies and scientific inventions. There is no field left untouched with such speedy growth in technology of that respective field. Till now, there have been many conceptual ideas which are still hanging at trials and testing level and are yet to be implemented while some have even failed after being implemented. Some cases from the trial stage are as follows: 1. MANTABOT (started: 2014)

Fig 4.4 manta- robot Source: Michael p. (2019) nature in architecture


The field of robotics have advanced to such a level that at present situation there are several examples of even humanoid robots who can be a alike as a normal human being in terms of strength, emotions, intelligence etc. The manta-droid resembles all the features of a manta ray. Its configuration, movement and form, all inspired by the aquatic animal-manta ray. 2. SELF-CLEANING PAINT

Fig 4.5a lotus leaf surface Source: Michael p. (2019) nature in

Fig 4.5b self-cleaning paint Source: Michael p. (2019) nature in



The large leaves of lotus plant stay dry and clean even though it grows and is homed in muddy ponds and lakes. Lotus leaf’s hydrophobicity allows it to retain its original clean and pristine surface no matter how many layers of various elements get on it. The surface of lotus leaf is covered in papilla, which are like small protrusions, measuring 10-20 microns by 10-15 microns. Along with papilla, there is a layer of waxy coating also over the layer of papilla which together results in development of lotus effect. On coating any surface with similar property paints, it would allow rain or any other medium to simply wash away any buildup of dust and other particles, keeping it clean and efficient without much of labor work requirement. 3. LUNAR TIRES The space research organization of japan along with collaboration with a tire developing company has created a special lunar tire which can bear the undulated harsh topo surface and the climatic conditions on the moon. The design of this lunar tire is inspired by biomimicry and is made of two sections (lobes) of twisted inter-weaved steel strands which takes the camel’s toes as the muse and


helps the tire move around without seeping too much into the sand. The mobile rovers with lunar tires would then be able to cover up to 6000 miles on moon with ease in any condition.

Fig 4.5b. lunar tires source: Nottingham s. NASA (2017)

Fig 4.6a. concept vehicle source: Nottingham s. NASA (2017) 4. 3D PRINTED BRIDGE

3D-printed bridge by Joris Larman Lab demonstrating the expressive and material-efficient results of designing with SKO software. [33] In nature, biological forms follow a simple rule, which are describes as the axiom of uniform stress. Trees also demonstrate the idea of optimised junction shapes that avoid stress concentrations and can adapt over time. Hatcheck likens this process to starting with a roughly axed piece of timber, which is then carved to the near-final shape (the SKO stage) before being sanded and polished (CAO). The results can be surprisingly organic in form, and

Fig 4.6: 3d bridge source: Nottingham s. NASA (2017) 113

far more efficient than conventional structures. The designer used this to develop a number of elegant pieces of furniture and a bridge that is to be 3D printed and will span over a canal. [21] 5. THE EDEN PROJECT

Fig. 4.7 An early computer model developed by the Grimshaw team when conceiving of the Eden Project as a string of bubbles to be set into the irregular site

Fig 4.8 inner green house of eden source: the Eden project (website)

Fig 4.9 eden project source: the Eden project (website)

The Eden Project, by Grimshaw, is another example of a scheme that drew on a range of solutions from biology – from the initial site selection and analysis through to the strategic form generation and the detail resolution. A team member David Kirkland, who proposed a radical solution inspired by soap bubbles (fig. 4.7). The idea was to create a string of bubbles, the diameters of which could be varied to provide the right growing heights in the different parts of the building, and to connect these along a necklace line that could be arranged to suit the approximate topography. [21] The team explored different iterations of this bubble necklace and set them into 3D terrain models of the site. By cutting away everything that was below ground, the team arrived at the first images that resembled the final scheme. [32]


For making it the lightest possible structure, they derived the form of geodesic dome which mimics the structure of a type of carbon molecule. The material used was ETFE (Ethylene tetrafluoroethylene). 4.2.1 Bio-inspired humanoid robot The best advanced level of biomimicry can be seen in humanoid robotics in present time. With a cumulative approach of all three levels of biomimicry which are the form, process and system, the end result of humanoid robots, deriving inspiration from human body’s form, working system and functioning. [35] There are numerous unimaginable applications for humanoid robots. Such fictional and futuristic concepts for robots are still utopian. [26] Robotics field, apart from physical application of the products, has also helped bloom in medical research and experimentation of certain function and processes. One of the examples is development of better prosthetic limbs for humans which had amputations before. While some physical applications include usage for crash testing for vehicles and space exploration. KENGORO (2001) Kengoro is the most intelligent and advanced humanoid robot created until now by Tokyo university. It follows the most basic functions of the human body such as perspiration and staying hydrated

Fig 4.10 kengoro composition source: Stuart n. (2015) Biomimicry in robotics


through ionized water, also efficient air-cooling system. Its height is 1.7m and weights 56 kilograms and is composed of circuit boards, structural components and over 160 motors. Its parts have been created mostly through 3D printing technology. SOPHIA (2016) Created by David Hanson, founder of Hanson robotics, Hong Kong. This robot was created to be more of a social robot and is about to display around 60 facial expressions. She even gained citizenship of Saudi Arabia in 2017. [26] The artificial intelligence for Sophia allowed her to feel, process speech, follow faces to recognize individuals and have conversations. Her physical movements are restricted when compared to the previously discussed robot “kengoro” who does physical movement more than psychological processes.

Fig 4.11 Sophia’s facial output Fig 4.12 artificial brain structure source: Stuart n. (2015) Biomimicry in robotics source: Stuart n. (2015) Biomimicry in robotics 4.2.2 Biomimicry in India Presently, with various initiative at vast levels by designers and architects majorly, biomimicry gained its popularity and people now know about it to an extent. Last year in 2019 India had its first workshop based on purely biomimicry for students, practitioners and researchers of this field. With increase in awareness about this sacred field, there will be better chances for boosting development in India which is currently considered a third world country along with other countries such as Africa in the list. In 2015, India got its very own biomimicry lab at Srishti school of design, Bangalore and ever since then, they have organized activities, conferences, seminars, workshops etc. as many as possible to


reach more people. With various initiatives taken by the government for planning and design development of Indian cities currently, the culmination of biomimicry practice would be an essential booster for better planning results. There are organizations and firms which solely follow the practice of biomimicry in designing and one of them is biomimicry India lab whose founder was the first to initiate and introduce biomimicry as a crucial part of designing but its more focused towards architecture. Although Indian firms may not have done projects inspired by biomimicry before the establishment of these firms but there are case examples of biomimicry designs implemented in India by foreign designers and architects. These include the lotus temple, city planning of Lavasa hill station, khed city of special economic zone which stand as major examples of biomimicry architecture. Presently, apart from these well-known examples, there are references in Indian context for biomimicry products and they are: INDUS TILES -created in year 2020

Fig 4.13 Indus tiles in making source: Greta a. (2019) modular bioreactor wall system This product is created majorly for small-scale artisans who can easily create this do it yourself system and maintain it themselves. Workers who dealt with textile production had to suffer from increase in toxicity of water as a result of the process of the same textile which they worked on and also affected the air and soil of the local area. [15]


So, taking inspiration from leaf mechanism, a wall system composed of tiles was created which will have inhibited reactors that will clean the putrid water full of dyes and toxic wastes. The concept of this system is derived from bioremediation and is composed of layers of micro-algae and a hydro-gel which is seaweed based. [15] The hydrogel strains the pollutants whenever water flows through this wall tile and with time the hydrogel is completely saturated with toxic wastes containing metals like cadmium, which can then be separated through processing and then same filtered water can be reused again for textile production. This process of tile production uses clay as the major material and thus also promotes vernacular methods of production among the Indian artisan communities.

Fig 4.14: Indus tile wall system source: Greta a. (2019) modular bioreactor wall system LIVING ROOT BRIDGE The tree root bridges present in various parts of India span over almost 50 meters (164 feet) in length and 1.5 meters (5 feet) wide. It can bear a load of over 500 people and since they are made of ‘living roots’ their durability can last as long as the trees i.e. almost 500 years. Towns such as mawsynram, cherrapunjee, dawki, shnongpdeng etc. which are a part of east and west jaintia hills districts in Meghalaya as well as Nagaland. [33] These are made from the aerial roots of rubber fig trees by the localists by directing their docile roots towards the path where the bridge is to be made using scaffoldings and then letting the root grow until it is able to support the weight of a human being. The roots of the rubber fig trees are good at docking themselves up to steep and rough terrains and thus make the ideal material for creation of a bridge across a river stream.


fig. 4.15 Double bridges

fig. 4.16 Tree roots grown across an

existing steel bridge source: john b. (2018) national geographic This case is an example of biomimicry which uses nature’s methods and materials as the base for creating a man-made structure. It also sets a model for what actually biomimicry needs to be even when working with man-made materials and methodologies. [32] It gives the best comparison one could make between natural and man-made and also an amalgamation of the two. This concept is what all living organisms follow to thrive in nature i.e. using nature’s components to create something useful for themselves to live in nature such as bird’s nest, beaver’s dams, leaf cocoons etc. all of them using nature to survive in nature but not leaving behind any reckless effects.

fig. 4.17 Double-decker root bridge in east khaki hill district source: john b. (2018) national geographic

4.2.3 Future scope The future is what we make of it based in the present scenario. As previously discussed, there have been numerous organizations and institutes working and developing the field of biomimicry more and more and therefore in every country, whether developing or developed, roots of biomimicry have 119

been established at various levels. With the present conditions of nature getting worse with time, the future does not seem so colorful and promising for the world to thrive and move on with the current resources. [35] There have been initiatives for promoting the use of passive methodologies to quench our daily requirements, and there still are initiatives for utilization of natural elements solar, wind, hydro, tidal, rain. Apart from these, there are subtle applications of energy utilization from sources which produce some form of mechanical energy. These are done so through various activities such as jogging, riding a bicycle, even sports activities such as playing football or cricket. These are the applied technological initiatives until now. [29] But there are conceptual researches still undergoing testing and are yet to be applied such as utilization of albedo impact of vehicular movement resulting in production of mechanical vibrations and even use of sound to produce, and be an alternate source of energy and be of better use rather than being a negative liability presented by mankind to the environment. The future holds this key to create living entities or systems which follow the most basic rules of nature and would hold all those characteristics to result in creating a model which: ▪

has inherent sustainability and adaptability to its environment and surroundings.

Promoting vernacular concept and a local approach to any design.

It is accepted and understood by everyone for its importance.

Has Balance of every element and energies present.

There are various organizations and forms which stand by these norms and practice use of nature to obtain solutions which are bio-inspired as discussed in the last section about firms like HOK, biomimicry guild and biomimicry India etc.

120 Future concepts


fig. 4.18 Double bridges source: design for sustainability (2009) [16] This system aims to create self-sufficient agricultural modules. It targets the urban audience who constitute of urban farmers as the input resources they use is much bigger in number than what they get in return for their produce. It is also using the very same technology which converts fog and mist to usable drinkable water. [29] This blue version of greenhouse takes form of a honeycomb façade which executes the task and stores water collected for distribution to the crops planted. It derives its inspiration from mosses, algae and cacti which uses the water source from moisture present on any surface and air. It is same principle used by drought tolerant plants for preserving and storing water. [35]

HABITAT 2020 The façade of this skyscraper mimics the general mechanism of a leaf. To be constructed in china, the skin of this structure will literally breathe through a pattern of pores referred as the stomata in a leaf. These openings will inhale air and undergo transpiration too. the purpose of this system was to have overall heating, ventilation and cooling done through natural air itself. It would also have the ability of harvesting rainwater. [29] It explores the integration of electronics and biochemical functionalities into the inert material of the built environment. The concept fundamentally changes the current approach to buildings and habitat. Whereas building surfaces are currently inert ‘dumb’ materials only used for shielding purposes, this 121

future habitat shifts to sensitive functional skins that are ‘alive’ and act as membranes to harness energy. A membrane creates a strong link between the exterior and interior of the habitat and can be used as a transporter, collecting and channelling the elements of air, water and light from exterior to interior. This will supply the habitat with all necessary sources to be able to live off the grid. [32]

fig. 4.20: stomata closed

fig. 4.19: open outlets of stomata

Source: Michael p. (2019) nature in architecture

4.21: zoom image of stomata on facade Source: Michael p. (2019) nature in architecture


CHAPTER 5: UNDERSTANDING AND THOUGHTS “It won’t be long until man perishes nature along with itself with the present disasters which mankind doomed to itself. Only if it was in nature’s nature to retaliate for its suffering, it would then be a completely different world to live in.” – author. It has been clearly defined that biomimicry is learning from nature. This learning can be in any form, it can a deliberate attempt to get inspiration with proper research, while it can also be accidental in the process of designing. To overcome numerous hurdles, humans have turned to nature many times. There have been many instances in the past even in those periods when biomimicry as a term did not emerge but the practice of taking natural components as a muse continued. The end product would not necessarily look like the natural element which was the muse but would behave the same way as the muse. That is to convey that it is not compulsory for the product to resemble the natural form but it can have the internal mechanisms of the inspiration. 5.1 THE PATH NOT TAKEN Through this research, it can be known that there still remains certain fields and domains of design and creation that can tread even more and in a better way with the concept of biomimicry. In the pursuit of attaining what nature has already done, it is high time to realize nature’s potential and treat it as a guide to light the path to a beautiful world to live in, and not treat it just as a tool for use and throw. Some fields with potential for biomimicry and which are still idle and vacant for biomimicry application are: PROCESS BASED LEVEL OF BIOMIMICRY 1. Solutions for pollution reduction and sustainability Production Industry: various processes which are executed during production in various industries are although efficient in creating the objective product but also release toxins or other reckless elements into its surrounding nature. The consideration for blending in their environment is not at all taken which results in the industry’s self-deterioration at some point in time. [32] Taking an example of corals, a conceptual approach to cement production was made based on the inspiration from how corals convert carbon dioxide in their surrounding waters into stable elements. This example paves way for the hope that someday such technologies will be created which will


make it possible for both the product and its manufacturing process to execute in collaboration with nature. Technology for nature: as discussed in chapter 2, contribution of technology for carbon offsetting and also for offsetting climate change effects presently seen. There are some researches which can thus help in attaining this objective and they include metabolism processes of various microorganisms and decomposition process of various elements. One present example is of bio-lytix water treatment which uses this process as inspiration for solid waste treatment methodology which filters solid waste from sewage water. Research work based on a bacterium which is capable of decreasing the amount of sulphate and this process can be easily used in filtering putrid water.[20] Another research based in Chernobyl experimented that a fungus collected from that nuclear site contained very high levels of melanin which was the reason for attracting and seize the energy from nuclear radiation. Use of melanin for converting such radiations to metabolic energies which is the same way plants convert sunlight to energy through chlorophyll. This concept is similar to solar cells but the process approach is different. [21] BEHAVIOUR BASED LEVEL OF BIOMIMICRY [34] Transportation Living organisms display the most basic example of disciplined movement and circulation of groups of organisms. Although conventional road systems in cities are a result of functional needs of use of space but through biomimicry, it came to light that certain movement corridors are actually well defined and has an organic morphology. An example to support this concept is the ant trail. All the ants with and without food have specific organization of movement for their role. All ants which are carrying food follow a perfect line of movement while all the ants still seeking for food never hinder the food line and move past them without giving them trouble. The result is a 3-lane movement corridor with central lane carrying heavy burdened items. This example of behavior can be useful for better planning of connecting network of circulation corridors in towns and even smaller settlements. Software development [35] This is the fastest growing field among any other in terms of technological advancement and also the perfect field for biomimicry applications. Behavior based mechanisms can thus contribute in better advancement for software development and its efficiency. So, in order to understand this potential application, there is a need to state some biomimicry inspirations and one of these are ants again. 124

Ants have the tendency to retaliate quickly to potential threats and move on with their work after they feel that the threat is down. This feature of ants is usable for developing anti-virus systems. It could also incorporate the fact that ants leave behind pheromone on their paths and even stronger level of it is left behind by ants which detect such threats. Another example is of a fruit fly which has gained inspiration for creation of a system which enable easy network connection through the help of certain mediators in between. [34] 5.2 MILD FAILURES OF BIOMIMICRY The importance of biomimicry applications is clearly highlighted in chapter 3 of case studies and has been proved that nature is the best way to seek for any solution. But there are discussions which contradict the reasons for supporting biomimicry way of approaching solutions. [34] There are also cases of biomimicry ideas or concepts which remained in theory collecting dust as they required too much funding for its implementation. Limited scope of the technology of that particular period when the idea and concept was evolved. It is still an emerging field so lack of awareness is the major resisting factor at local scale since people still do not know about this field but at world level, biomimicry is flourishing to some extent and is progressing well. It has been in debate about the topic of biomimicry that it fails to understand the complex mechanism of the human society. It notes that in biomimicry, the importance given to nature is more and it is idolized to such extent that the basic concerns for designing for mankind is blurred. [29] Another criticism for the field is noted that many projects done previously based on biomimicry were concept projects like the bionic car. It is highlighted through this fact that although biomimicry has progressed greatly and gained popularity but is still not applied by strong design firms that much in big projects needing great power and money. [34] Most biomimicry inventions simply mimic natural designs which can make the overall design unsustainable at a point i.e. emulating natural ways in the man-made way using unnatural materials may solve the current problem, but it may also lead to creation of another problem. The end result of any concept or product is measured by how profitable and beneficial it is to the creator and mankind in general and biomimicry offers a one of a kind solution which benefits all organisms and promises to keep both mankind and nature in harmony with each other. Nature has no 125

faults of any kind in it and so even the failures which the field of biomimicry incurs is due to mankind’s lack of potential to serve and execute such great source of inspiration for ideas. It is not the technology which hurdles the field but the mind which is constrained by the thought of executing all such biomimicry concept being impossible. [35] The progress of biomimicry applications will possess a long and hurdled trail [29] but it is what that will revolutionize the situation of present times. Biomimicry has paved way for opportunities for material development, technological development in the arenas like agriculture, medical, transportation, construction, textile, energy generation and architecture. After major implementations and works in this field, mankind would be able to live in nature and environment and use its resources in a safe and sustainable tone. 5.3 THE RIGHT INSPIRATION As mentioned in one of the failures of biomimicry is the way biomimicry is applied. It is a strong fact that nature knows the right way but it is not necessary that everything which is inspired by nature by one organism may prove right in another organism’s problem. [35] The man-made version of emulation is lacking the right direction in which inspiration needs to be mused. It is just the way how the streamlined form of an organism can lead to creation of better aerodynamic structure of a locomotive which results in less fuel wastage. This would be considered more sustainable and eco-friendlier than replicating some material from a living organism in the man-made way using precious exhaustible resources or some toxic material which is harmful for the environment. Another relatable and very strong example of wrong biomimicry usage can be aramid fiber which takes inspiration from the spider silk. Although a spider is able to produce the same fiber with dead flies and water as raw materials, man-made version of it has to go through a long, reckless process which requires resources such as petroleum, Sulphur acid and heat which results in producing large quantities of toxic waste too. [29] Aramid fiber exemplifies the contrast between natural and engineering mentalities. The key is to first research and understand nature completely and breaking it down into understandable options. Nature would be considered complex on the outside but with the right understanding, it has the easiest lessons to be learned from.


It is needed to be mentioned that just because nature does not make things from, say, aluminium does not mean that man’s creation should not either. However, what can be done is to apply some of the principles of resource stewardship found in nature to some of the metals and minerals that are safe to use. It is also possible that there are biomimicry-inspired alternatives for many of the applications for which currently metals are used, and that those alternatives would involve a fraction of the manufacturing energy and environmental impacts. 5.4 MEANING OF BIOMIMICRY FOR PEOPLE Biomimicry is adapted in designing anything because those products are for the people. All those designs will be used by the people and so additional considerations for nature around them is also prioritized to prevent any negative effect of the designed product on nature which can in turn affect humankind. It is a cyclic process including works done by humans for themselves which then affects nature which envelops human-kind and in turn affect humans in the end. It is not the nature or the planet that needs to be saved but it is the people who are living in it. The substantial extent to which biomimicry could mitigate or avoid that scenario is perhaps the most significant connection between biomimicry and people. Biomimetic structures, like Nervi’s Palazzos duello Sport (fig 5.1.), have a legibility to them that creates an emotional connection with the user. This enjoyment of beauty and the tangibility of force made manifest in material is something that could be extended even further with mastery of adaptive structures and advanced structural analysis.

fig. 5.2: regenerating property of living structure Source: Michael p. (2019) nature

fig. 5.1: Nervi palazzo dello Source: arch-daily (website)

in architecture 127

The Eden Project, in the way that it accommodated the forms of the existing site, creates a more respectful reconciliation between humans and nature. The same could be said of a biomimetic approach infrastructure: instead of uninspiring industrial behemoths, our cities could include buildings like the Las Palmas Water Theatre (fig. 2.55), which elevate the mundane to the level of sculpture. could also incorporate the fact that ants leave behind pheromone on their paths and even stronger level of it is left behind by ants which detect such threats. Another example is of a fruit fly which has gained inspiration for creation of a system which enable easy network connection through the help of certain mediators in between. There is no doubt that creating a good quality of life for all earth’s future nine billion inhabitants is possible, but I am equally convinced that it will not be achieved with conventional economics, which ignores the unmeasurable and externalizes the inconvenient. It could be argued that biomimicry is the logical conclusion of a shift in human thought, which has gone from attempting to conquer nature, then trying to preserve it and now striving for reconciliation with nature. With previously unparalleled scientific knowledge, we can use lessons from biology, augmented by human creativity, to retain the many wonderful things that civilisation has developed and rethink the things that have proved to be poorly adapted to the long term.


CHAPTER 6: CONCLUSIONS “In the end, Mankind does not seek nature to simply ape it in its creations, but instead to follow every principle nature uses, for contributing their creations to complete dame nature” -Buckminster Fuller 6.1 REVIEWING OBJECTIVES 1. Exploring Potential of biomimicry in boosting the advancements of technologies in every field. Research Findings: The only way people would know the potentials of this field is first through awareness about it and how important it really is, after which they will be tempted to explore it even more. There are three levels of biomimicry out of which there is only one level i.e. the organism level, that has numerous notable examples implemented till present times. Working in the process and ecosystem level has a smaller number of examples because of limited previous research work done as well as the complexity of both process and the whole ecosystem. Since every product which is to be created has a basic objective of achieving sustainability and having zero effect on nature, biomimicry is the easiest source for idea generation to conform to these basic requirements. But it is important to state the fact that biomimicry is not applicable to existing products or any man-made creation but only to new creations which possess that particular form, process or system. It is better understood that biomimicry applications are far ahead in terms of advances methods and workings when compared to conventional human made designs. Conventional Man-made designs are much too plain, destructive and dependant on extinguishable resources, materials etc. compared to nature’s designs which follow the principles of regeneration, sustainability, perfection in imperfection, function parallelly evolving with form and hence sustainability. 2. Analysing examples implemented using biomimicry and further proposed concepts for designs of future implementation using biomimicry. Research Findings: example case studies have been discussed previously in chapter 3 of this dissertation, whereas proposed concepts for the future are mentioned in chapter 4. 129

The direction of advancement of mankind is more inclined towards space research for life outside earth and also for research in the deep aquatic world of ocean. So, the examples discussed and prominently seen in innovations are all focused on these two major fields. The supporting inventions for the betterments of these two are done through the field of robotics, automation, artificial intelligence (AI), architecture, material and metallurgy and chemical industry majorly. The most popular field with biomimicry application presently is building architecture. There are numerous examples discussed in this dissertation about building seeking inspiration from all three levels of biomimicry- form, process and eco-systems. Majorly the first level is having the greatest number of applications of form inspired buildings for better workability as well as aesthetics of the overall structure such as Sydney opera house, one ocean by SOMA, centre Pompidou, zaha hadid’s transport hub in Antarctica. Idle examples from the other two levels and approaches of biomimicry are majorly there in industrial design applications and large-scale town planning level such as Lavasa city plan and kalondborg symbiosis planning. Although, the scope of biomimicry is not just limited to these applications which have been already existing, there are fields of applications which require biomimicry more. 3. Study and review of biomimicry as a focus in the field of architecture in creating better cities and built entities within. Research findings: Architecture and planning are the idlest fields of application of biomimicry are these fields lead to further better awareness of biomimicry design and make their influence on the users and people by giving them a hands-on experience of what biomimicry can do. Importance of good planning of cities in order to have better sustainable and eco-friendly cities. Biomimicry in city or town planning allows a designer to explore the [29] process/behavioural level and eco-system level as it is seen in examples of Lavasa hill station and Kalundborg towns. Apart from building level, through these examples it is seen that energy management of overall town’s system is as much important and necessary for sustainable and equitable cities. Application of biomimicry in building design are important for improving and maximizing overall building’s efficiency in terms of energy, expenses and impact on environment. This is achieved through overall improvement of construction techniques, transforming materials


which has minimum carbon footprint and promoting healthy practices to prevent harmful environmental impacts such as excessive carbon emissions. There are ample of sources for inspirations and ideas pointed in our history which are majorly executed in architectural field. Biomimicry was mostly adapted as an additional element for ornamentation in a building infrastructure. With time, it gained functional, structural as well as aesthetic part of design. Some solutions offer design flexibility while some examples deal with provision of structural stability. 4. Identifying and researching the way nature works for brewing ideas which can inspire people to adopt to biomimicry methods of lifestyle. Research findings: extensive amount of research about nature and its components is necessary before finding a source of inspiration. One of the core principles of biomimicry is adaptability. Every organism in nature has an inbuilt characteristic of adapting to its surroundings no matter what it faces. Majority number of inspirations for biomimicry is from species of plants and insects. Though presently aquatic fauna and plants have also increased for sources of inspirations. This large number from particularly plant group are a result of diversity of plant species, its durability and also its survival capacity. Plants have almost 3 lakh type of species and super adaptable skills. Since plants cannot move and remain stagnant, they have to adapt to whichever environment they are faced with in order to live and sustain. 6.2 REVIEWING RESEARCH QUESTIONS Primary research question: 1. What are the implications of integrating biomimicry with different fields for concept generation of any product and how it will affect and change the very system of technological advancements in a field? Research findings: adding biomimicry in the concept stage of the process of designing will definitely result in better outcomes than having any other conventional concepts as any element, process, organism in nature always imperfectly perfect for whatever purpose it serves. Although everything in nature only serves its own surroundings and executes the whole work accordingly, it is important to keep in mind that emulating such object as inspiration in the


man-made style should be done in a similar way as it is done in nature. It means that selecting the right inspiration is very important. One needs to keep in mind the original surrounding it served in nature, how it served and what resources it used. This effect when carefully concerned with, while designing any product will provide a solution for advancement in technological aspect also in any field as the creator would know what to do, what is needed and how it will be done. Nature would guide the design in the best way possible and will therefore contribute in developing and inspiring every field for better liveability. Biomimicry has the ability to change the very system of technological advancements in a field as it is very much inherently sustainable, eco-friendly, has no negative side effects on nature and mankind and is the only way one can promise better life expectancy and future of mankind with nature together. 2. Is introduction of biomimicry at every level of invention in varied fields a boon or a curse for the future of mankind’s development? Is it the right step to take? Research findings: Mankind has always designed for comfort of all the people. Considerations for nature has not been taken care of much as such and practices for vernacular style of designs has somehow lost its popularity. This negative impact reached its peak during industrial revolution and had cut-off every man who followed vernacular styles for the greed of mass production and profit making during that time. Although, after various numerous advancements though, people realized the importance of conservation of nature more. It is a boon for mankind in every way if it is used correctly at the right place and right time. There are no negative side effects unlike conventional products created such as plastics and conventional cement. These materials were a result of experimentation with major objective to enhance user comfort and smoothen of daily activities. SECONDARY RESEARCH QUESTIONS: 3. Can learning from mankind’s past and nature’s design both be beneficial and help speed up in retaining or saving ecology and nature?


Research findings: it must be very well understood in this dissertation that nature’s ways are no doubt beneficial for both mankind and nature itself. There are no exploitation of any resource and is always a sustainable approach. With the present speed and level of development due to great demand of products by the people, the concerns for environment and its ecology has been far neglected for a long time. Learning from these past mistakes, man can learn to design its creations in a better way. It is discussed in detail in chapter 4 about the present conditions in which the negative aftereffects of man-made creations and activities is now being experiences by people. And so, it is better to change the mankind’s ways by adapting to nature’s ways if one really wants to thrive by co-existing with nature in its environment. Mankind needs to abide by nature’s principles and styles. It would not force mankind to follows its ways but mankind realizes the fact on its own about who is the more dominant one. Preserving and restoring nature and balancing it with man-made creations, is a sustainable way to flourish in nature. For example, setting up concrete forests in cities with no equal balance with flora and fauna simply increases the number of problems faced by the users. There are thus various proposals for green buildings, sustainable buildings, technologies using biomimicry for better efficiency and products for daily use using similar methodology as it is done in nature and Reforestation initiatives through biomimicry (nuclerio). 4. Nature is said to be inherently sustainable. But would merely mimicking it serve the purpose of attaining green and sustainable designs? What would ensure its ineffectiveness on environment negatively? Research findings: as it is discussed numerous times that simply emulating what nature does is not the way to ensure sustainability of mankind. It is important to have the right inspiration for the right conditions. There are various examples of failed biomimicry applications and even more examples of successful applications. It requires a great deal of research to analyse which is the right path. To ensure its ineffectiveness on environment negatively, it is necessary to test and try every possible method and check the result outcomes of each one of them. Now, with great advancements in technology, simulation is a great way to ensure and to have foreseen what will happen and what outcomes would the method produce. It is always the choice of inspiration for designing which matters and not simply mimicking nature’s ways which can ensure sustainability of mankind. This fact has sown seeds for ideas of green and sustainable designs birth and growth in every field. In order to live in nature, 133

every living organism needs to adapt and evolve according to what it is faced with, no matter how hard it is and nature guides the way for it to be made possible. 5. Every entity in nature is believed to work according to its indigenous surroundings. Does biomimicry suggest switching to vernacular style in reference to the field of architecture? Will it limit the applications of biomimicry to situations needs? Research findings: using biomimicry does not necessarily mean it should only be applicable to exactly the same surroundings and environment. It is applicable to everywhere where it can be used to produce the output in a similar manner executed in nature. There are various examples discussed where the process or form is emulated based on how nature deals with the problems of its situations. It does promote vernacular practices to an extent as it is a principle which nature follows to ensure its own sustainability. The indigenous species in nature are made to adapt with ease to their native locality for better and smooth survival which in turn ensures their sustainability. This will not limit the applications of biomimicry in any way as nature has experienced everything which man intends to do much long time before. Following nature’s footsteps would not cause any harm or have any side-effects but would only either enhance the efficiency of the created product or would function at a normal level, but would never impact negatively on mankind or nature.

The main objectives and aim of this dissertation was to explore the basic idea about the topic and further present an elaborate literature about it in order to answer doubts about what is it, why is it necessary, when did it all start, how to learn from it, whom to consult in this field, what does its future hold etc. In order to conform to the requirements of this dissertation, all applications of biomimicry in every possible field was explored which led to a better understanding of the scope of this field. Industrial design, product design, building interiors, architecture of buildings and even concepts of buildings on other planets, automation, robotics, planning of cities, chemical industry, software developments, fashion design and many more which are yet to be explored for this field.







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