© IWA Publishing 2014 Journal of Water Reuse and Desalination
Comparative assessment of managed aquifer recharge versus constructed wetlands in managing chemical and microbial risks during wastewater reuse: a review A. F. Hamadeh, S. K. Sharma and G. Amy
ABSTRACT Constructed wetlands (CWs) and managed aquifer recharge (MAR) represent commonly used natural treatment systems for reclamation and reuse of wastewater. However, each of these technologies have some limitations with respect to removal of different contaminants. Combining these two technologies into a hybrid CW-MAR system will lead to synergy in terms of both water quality and costs. This promising technology will help in the reduction of bacteria and viruses, trace and heavy metals, organic micropollutants, and nutrients. Use of subsurface flow CWs as pre-treatment for MAR has multiple benefits: (i) it creates a barrier for different microbial and chemical pollutants, (ii) it reduces the residence time for water recovery, and (iii) it avoids clogging during MAR as CWs can
A. F. Hamadeh (corresponding author) G. Amy Water Desalination and Reuse Center/King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), Thuwal 23955-6900, Saudi Arabia E-mail: ahmed.alhamadat@kaust.edu.sa S. K. Sharma UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education, Westvest 7, 2611 AX, Delft, The Netherlands
remove suspended solids and enhance the reclaimed water quality. This paper analyzes the removal of different contaminants by CW and MAR systems based on a literature review. It is expected that a combination of these natural treatment systems (CWs and MAR) could become an attractive, efficient and cost-effective technology for water reclamation and reuse. Key words
| aquifer recharge, bank filtration, constructed wetlands, pathogen removal, pharmaceutically active compounds, soil aquifer treatment, water reuse
INTRODUCTION There is a growing pressure on water resources worldwide,
conventional wastewater treatment methods (Sharma &
resulting from high population growth and thus increasing
Amy ).
water demands. Nowadays, treated wastewater effluent is
Bank filtration (BF) can be considered to be a robust
well accepted as one of the important water resources in
treatment system able to maintain its active processes
many parts of the world. Treated wastewater has the poten-
through extreme scenarios such as temperature changes,
tial to become an important water source for different
high contaminant concentration peaks, and shorter resi-
purposes, but the quality of the treated wastewater is often
dence times due to flood events (Schmidt et al. ).
a potential constraint, depending on the specific (re)use.
CWs are engineered systems that have been designed
Natural wastewater treatment systems, namely, con-
and constructed to utilize the natural processes involving
structed wetlands (CWs) and managed aquifer recharge
wetland vegetation, soils, and associated microbial assem-
(MAR) which comprises aquifer recharge and recovery
blages to assist in treating wastewaters. They are designed
(ARR), soil aquifer treatment (SAT), and river bank filtration
to take advantage of many treatment mechanisms that
(RBF), are simple, cost-effective, robust, chemical-free, and
occur in natural wetlands, but do so within a more con-
efficient methods to further polish wastewater effluents.
trolled environment. CWs for wastewater treatment may
Their extreme simplicity in construction, operation and
be classified according to the wetland hydrology (free
maintenance makes these natural systems competitive with
water surface (FWS) and subsurface flow (SSF) systems).
doi: 10.2166/wrd.2013.020
A. F. Hamadeh et al.
CWs and MAR review paper
Journal of Water Reuse and Desalination
SSF CWs can be further classified according to the flow
active compounds (PhACs) and personal care products
direction (horizontal (HF) and vertical (VF)) (Vymazal
(PCPs)), nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus), organic
matter and pathogenic microorganisms from MAR and
The treatment mechanisms that occur in CWs
CWs. Moreover, the potential integration of applying
and MAR systems include settling, microbial oxidation,
CWs and MAR either in hybrid or integrated processes
anaerobic decomposition, nitrification, denitrification,
under different environmental conditions, different water
adsorption, desorption, and precipitation. CWs systems
qualities and different types of CWs has also been
use many plants such as cattails and bulrushes, and their
associated bacterial populations, to break down contami-
Synergies between CWs and MAR are expected to
nants into relatively innocuous byproducts. Thus, CWs
enhance the removal capabilities of micropollutants, nutri-
can effectively treat domestic wastewater, industrial waste-
water, animal wastewater, contaminated groundwater,
wastewater in a sustainable way, which cannot be achieved
mine waste, urban runoff, and other contaminated waters
by MAR or CWs alone. The following sections summarize
(Kadlec & Wallace ).
the performance of MAR, CWs and the potential combi-
Natural wastewater treatment systems are used through-
from different
nations thereof for removal of different contaminants.
out the world for wastewater treatment to enhance reclaimed water quality to be reused for different purposes such as groundwater recharge. CWs and SAT can be applied to primary or secondary effluents, allowing the removal of
most bacteria and other microorganisms and the degradation of bulk organic matter. SAT can also remove part
CWs and MAR are very effective in total suspended solids
of the nutrients and a wide range of organic micropollutants
(TSS) removal (Table 1). In both systems, most of the
(OMPs), while CWs are efficient in removing bulk organics
removal occurs within the first few meters of travel dis-
and suspended solids, but are less effective than SAT in
tance from the inlet zone. Adsorption and biodegradation
removing nitrogen and phosphorus compounds. Hybrids
are considered to be the dominant removal processes in
that integrate different natural treatment systems are
these systems (Maeng et al. ). TSS in wastewater efflu-
expected to be more effective for water reclamation and pro-
ent is usually relatively fine and in organic form (sewage
vide multiple barriers for different contaminants.
sludge, bacteria, floes, algal cells, etc.). The main constituent that must be removed from the effluent before it is applied to a SAT system is TSS due to infiltration basin
clogging. However, a higher biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) content would also result in somewhat lower
Several research studies have been conducted throughout
hydraulic loading rates (HLR) for the SAT system and
the world to study the efficiency and capability of MAR
would require more frequent basin cleaning. Thus, using
and CWs to remove wastewater-derived contaminants
CWs as a pre-treatment for ARR and SAT systems will
(bulk organic matter, OMPs, nitrogen, phosphorus and pathogenic microorganisms) from primary and secondary effluents through the natural, chemical and biological processes associated with soils and plants. This study is based on an extensive literature review, the performance data of more than 30 CWs and 20 MAR systems all over the world; pilot and field scale systems were included. The collected data were used for the analysis of the removal efficiencies of OMPs (such as pharmaceutically
Table 1
BOD5 and TSS removals through MAR and different types of CWs
BOD5 % removal
TSS % removal
Vymazal ()
Vymazal ()
Vymazal ()
Oron ()
A. F. Hamadeh et al.
CWs and MAR review paper
Journal of Water Reuse and Desalination
not only reduce TSS from the influents but also avoid
potential clogging and maintain the HLR. Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) removal through BF,
Nitrogen species present in wastewater usually include var-
for Lake Tegel in Berlin (Germany), was 44% over 135
ious forms of organic and inorganic nitrogen (ammonium,
days of residence time as shown in Figure 1. This removal
nitrite and nitrate). Significant nitrification and subsequent
could be enhanced up to 80% for a longer distance as
denitrification normally occur and remove nitrogen through
shown in Table 2. Chung et al. () found that a 72%
the treatment systems.
removal of DOC could be achieved within 5 days of hydrau-
Nitrogen removal has been observed through CWs and
lic residence time (HRT) through a subsurface flow
MAR systems. Table 3 shows the removal efficiencies for
horizontal CW.
different nitrogen species in a BF system.
Hybridization between these two systems will enhance
It was found that 40–70% removal could be achieved
the DOC removal and also reduce the residence time, as
for different nitrogen species in different types of CWs,
shown in Figure 2.
as shown in Table 3. VF CWs are more efficient in
Figure 1
Table 2
DOC removal through bank filtration for Lake Tegel in Berlin (Source: Grunheid et al. 2005).
DOC removal efficiency by bank filtration technology
RBF site location
Distance well from river (m)
Residence time (day)
Influent conc. (mg/l)
Effluent conc. (mg/l)
Removal efficiency (%)
Lake Tegel Berlin (Germany)
30 25 55 77 90
84 90 90 117 135
5.5 5.6 5 4.7 4.2
27 25 33 37 44
Grunheid et al. ()
Lake Tegel Berlin (Germany)
Jekel & Gruenheid ()
A. F. Hamadeh et al.
Figure 2
Table 3
CWs and MAR review paper
Journal of Water Reuse and Desalination
DOC accumulative removal through CW-MAR hybrid system.
TN, NH4þ-N and NO3 -N removals through MAR and different types of CWs (Sources: Idelovitch et al. 2003; Vymazal 2005, 2010)
NO 3 -N % removal
NHþ 4 -N % removal
TN % removal
ammonia removal because they normally operate under oxic conditions which promote nitrification. The phosphorus is removed during SAT by adsorption to soil during reclaimed wastewater percolation through the soils and sediments and/or a chemical precipitation reac-
Figure 3
TN, NHþ 4 -N, NO3 -N, P, and TP removals through CWs and MAR systems.
tion with the calcium and magnesium ions present in the soil (Idelovitch et al. ). Plant uptake, in the case of
High ammonia removal can be achieved if VF CWs
CWs, tends to have a relatively small effect on removal
are used before MAR and generate nitrate. However,
(Vymazal ).
The synergy between these two systems will be useful to enhance nitrogen removal, as shown in Figure 3.
will enhance the removal of all nitrogen and phosphorus species.
A. F. Hamadeh et al.
CWs and MAR review paper
Journal of Water Reuse and Desalination
Several metals show very high removals through BF, such as iron and chromium, while others show high removals
Municipal wastewater represents the main disposal pathway
through both systems, such as zinc. However, metals
for PhACs and PCPs consumed in households, hospitals and
removals can be clearly enhanced through the combined
industry. After passing through a wastewater treatment
system (e.g. Cd, Pb, Cr and Fe), as shown in Figure 5, although
plant, the treated wastewater is often discharged into
some metals show some persistence for the CW-MAR hybrid
rivers and streams, which may percolate or infiltrate into
system such as selenium, tin and silver.
groundwater or pass through river banks. Several OMPs, such as bezafibrate, ketoprofen, iopromide, gemfibrozil, erythromycin, trimethoprim and fluextine, appear to be
removed effectively during MAR and/or CWs. However, OMP removal will be enhanced through the CW-MAR com-
Pathogenic bacteria, viruses and Cryptosporidium can be
bined system, especially for some OMPs which show
effectively reduced or eliminated during soil passage but
resistance such as diclofenac, clofibric acid, carbamazepine
for reasons that are not entirely understood (Hiscock &
and dilantin, as shown in Figure 4.
Grischek ). During soil passage, microorganisms may be removed from the aqueous phase primarily by straining, inactivation, and attachment to the aquifer grains (in combi-
nation with inactivation). CWs have been found to reduce microbial pathogens with varying but significant degrees of
During water percolation through soil, trace elements such as
effectiveness. As water passes through a CW system, patho-
iron, manganese, and various heavy metals are eliminated by
gens are removed through a combination of physical
filtration and sorption processes. In an aerobic environment,
mechanisms (filtration and sedimentation) and chemical
ion exchange processes at negatively charged surfaces can
mechanisms such as oxidation and adsorption to organic
achieve removal, while in an anoxic environment, the
matter. CWs are highly efficient and remove 2logs of Giar-
removal of metal ions is dominated by precipitation reactions
dia and around 1log of Cryptosporidium. At the same
with sulfide. Plant uptake was also found to be an influential
time, MAR shows lesser removal for both organisms, as
removal process in CWs (Cheng et al. ).
shown in Table 4. However, the hybrid system is expected
Figure 4
OMP removal through CWs and MAR systems (Sources: Conkle et al. 2008; Matamoros & Bayona 2008; Snyder et al. 2008; Onesios et al. 2009; Valsero et al. 2010; Sharma et al. 2011; Hamadeh et al. 2012).
Figure 5
Metals removal through CWs and MAR systems (Sources: Laszlo & Literathy 2002; Kropfelova et al. 2009).
A. F. Hamadeh et al.
Table 4
CWs and MAR review paper
Journal of Water Reuse and Desalination
Removal of Giardia and Cryptosporidium through CWs and MAR (Sources: Bosu-
Table 6
ben 2007; Kadlec & Wallace 2008)
Reduction of viruses through gravel HF CWs and MAR (Sources: Bosuben 2007; Harun 2008; Kadlec & Wallace 2008)
CWs removal (log)
MAR removal (log)
HF CWs (log)
MAR (log)
FRNA cacteriophage
Fecal streptococci
Somatic coliphages
to guarantee high reduction of both Giardia and Cryptosporidium as shown in Figure 6. MAR and CW systems are very efďŹ cient in microorganism removal, as shown in Table 5. The combination will substan-
Synergetic effect between the two processes will enhance virus removal and reduce risks.
tially reduce their risk. Generally, MAR shows better removal
CWs and MAR are contrasted, as shown in Figure 7,
for all types of viruses than CWs as shown in Table 6.
indicating high removal for FRNA bacteriophages; however this virus can be used as an indicator of the fate of human enteroviruses as they are very similar in physical size and structure and capable of surviving in many sewage treatment processes.
FUTURE RESEARCH AND PRACTICAL APPLICATION FOR THE CW-MAR HYBRID SYSTEM This review indicates that the hybrid CW-MAR system could be an effective multi-barrier technology and the removal efďŹ ciencies for different contaminants can be maximized in such hybrid systems. Such a hybrid can enhance the
Figure 6
Table 5
Giardia and Cryptosporidium removal through CWs and MAR systems.
Bacteria removal through CWs and MAR (Sources: Gilbert et al. 1976; Laszlo & Literathy 2002; Akber et al. 2003; Cameron et al. 2003; Garcia et al. 2008; Kadlec & Wallace 2008; Abidi et al. 2009)
FWS CWs removal (log)
SSF CWs removal (log)
MAR removal (%)
Fecal coliform
Total coliform
Fecal streptococci
E. coli
Figure 7
Virus log removals through CWs and MAR systems.
A. F. Hamadeh et al.
CWs and MAR review paper
removal efficiencies for DOC, different nutrients and guarantee high removals for bacteria and viruses. A number of metals and OMPs can be virtually completely removed while removal of some others can be improved, especially for those that are persistent. Practical studies are required to prove the benefits of this promising technology, involving laboratory scale studies followed by field studies to analyze the mechanism of removal of different contaminants in the hybrid system under different water quality and process conditions. Specifically, the ability of such a system to remove suspended solids, bulk organic carbon, trace organic compounds, as well as bacteria and viruses, should be investigated. Besides that, economic feasibility studies should be conducted in parallel to analyze capital, operation and maintenance costs of this technology in comparison with other mechanized wastewater reclamation reuse technologies.
CONCLUSIONS A CW-MAR hybrid system provides an effective treatment technology of reclaimed water for replenishing aquifers and subsequent reuse. This hybrid system embodies the performance advantages of both processes and exhibits very good potential for the removal of bulk organics, suspended solids, OMPs, nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus) as well as pathogens, bacteria and viruses. Furthermore, a CWMAR hybrid system is a cost-effective, sustainable and efficient treatment technology which can promote water reuse for different applications. It is expected that this technology can produce water of high quality, meeting the direct potable reuse requirements, help to store and increase water in the aquifer and create a reliable water resource from wastewater effluent, overcoming the psychological barrier of water reuse.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This study was carried out under the framework of UPaRF NATSYS project of UNESCO-IHE, Delft, The Netherlands of which KAUST, Saudi Arabia is a partner.
Journal of Water Reuse and Desalination
REFERENCES Abidi, S., Kallali, H., Jedidi, N., Bouzaiane, O. & Hassen, A. Comparative pilot study of the performances of two constructed wetland wastewater treatment hybrid systems. Desalination 246, 370–377. Akber, A., Al-Awadi, E. & Rashid, T. Assessment of the use of soil aquifer treatment (SAT) technology in improving the quality of tertiary treated wastewater in Kuwait. Emirates J. Eng. Res. 8 (2), 25–31. Bosuben, N. Framework for feasibility of bank filtration technology for water treatment in developing countries. MSc thesis, UNESCO-IHE, Delft, The Netherlands. Cameron, K., Madramootoo, C., Crolla, A. & Kinsley, C. Pollutant removal from municipal sewage lagoon effluents with a free-surface wetland. Water Res. 37, 238–243. Cheng, S., Vidakovic-Cifrek, Z., Grosse, W. & Karrenbrock, F. Xenobiotics removal from polluted water by a multifunctional constructed wetland. Chemosphere 48, 415. Chung, A. K., Wu, Y., Tam, N. F. Y. & Wong, M. H. Nitrogen and phosphate mass balance in a sub surface flow constructed wetland for treating municipal wastewater. Ecol. Eng. 32, 81–89. Conkle, J., White, J. & Metcalfe, C. D. Reduction of pharmaceutical active compounds by a lagoon wetland wastewater treatment system in southeast Louisiana. Chemosphere 73 (11), 1741–1748. Garcia, M., Soto, F., Gonzales, J. & Becares, E. A comparison of bacterial removal efficiencies in constructed wetlands and algae-based systems. Ecol. Eng. 32, 238–243. Gilbert, R., Gerba, C., Rice, R., Bouwer, H., Wallis, C. & Melnick, J. Virus and bacteria removal from wastewater by land treatment. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 32 (3), 333–338. Grunheid, S., Amy, G. & Jekel, M. Removal of bulk dissolved organic carbon (doc) and trace organic compounds by bank filtration and artificial recharge. Water Res. 39 (14), 3219–3228. Hamadeh, A., Lens, P. & Amy, G. Pharmaceutical compounds removal by constructed wetlands under different redox conditions. 9th INTECOL International Wetlands Conference, June 3–8 2012, FL, USA. Harun, C. M. Analysis of removal of multiple contaminants during soil aquifer treatment. MSc thesis, UNESCO-IHE, Delft, The Netherlands. Hiscock, K. M. & Grischek, T. Attenuation of groundwater pollution by bank filtration. J. Hydrol. 266 (3–4), 139–144. Idelovitch, E., Icekson-Tal, N., Avraham, O. & Michail, M. The long-term performance of Soil Aquifer Treatment (SAT) for effluent reuse. Water Sci. Technol. 3, 239–246. Jekel, M. & Gruenheid, S. Bank filtration and groundwater recharge for treatment of polluted surface waters. Water Sci. Technol. 5 (5), 57–66. Kadlec, R. & Wallace, S. Treatment Wetlands, 2nd edn. CRC Press, NY, USA.
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CWs and MAR review paper
Kropfelova, L., Vymazal, J., Svehla, J. & Stichova, J. Removal of trace elements in three horizontal sub-surface flow constructed wetlands in Czech Republic. Environ. Pollut. 157, 1186–1194. Laszlo, F. & Literathy, P. Laboratory and Field Studies of Pollutant Removal: Understanding Contaminant Biogeochemistry and Pathogen Removal. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands. Matamoros, V. & Bayona, J. Behavior of emerging pollutants in constructed wetlands. Env. Chem. 5, 199–217. Maeng, S. K., Sharma, S. K., Abel, C. D. T., Song, K. G., Magic Knezev, A. & Amy, G. Effects of effluent organic matter characteristics on the removal of bulk organic matter and selected pharmaceutically active compounds during managed aquifer recharge: column study. J. Contam. Hydrol. 140–141, 139–149. Onesios, K. M., Yu, J. T. & Bouwer, E. J. Biodegradation and removal of pharmaceuticals and personal care products in treatment systems: a review. Biodegradation 20, 441–460. Oron, G. Management of effluent reclamation via soilaquifer-treatment procedures. WHO Expert Consultation on Health Risks in Aquifer Recharge by Recycled Water, 8–9 November 2001, Budapest. Schmidt, C. K., Lange, F. T. & Brauch, H. J. Characteristics and evaluation of natural attenuation processes for organic
Journal of Water Reuse and Desalination
micropollutant removal during riverbank filtration. Regional IWA conference on groundwater management in the Danube River Basin and other large River Basins, 7–9 June 2007, Belgrade, pp. 231–236. Sharma, S. K. & Amy, G. Natural treatment systems. In: Water Quality and Treatment: A Handbook on Drinking Water (J. K. Edzwald, ed.), 6th edn. American Water Works Association & McGraw-Hill Inc., USA. Sharma, S. K., Caballero, M., Maeng, S. K. & Amy, G. Removal of organic micropollutants in SAT and hybrid SAT systems. IWA Water Reuse Conference, 15–20 September 2011, Barcelona, Spain. Snyder, S. A., Wert, E. C. & Lei, H. Removal of EDCs and Pharmaceuticals in Drinking and Reuse Treatment Processes. AWWARF, Denver, CO, USA. Valsero, M., Matamoros, V., Sidrach-Cardona, R., MartinVillacorta, J., Becares, E. & Bayona, J. Comprehensive assessment of the design configuration of constructed wetlands for the removal of pharmaceuticals and personal care products from urban wastewaters. Water Res. 44, 3669–3678. Vymazal, J. Horizontal subsurface flow and hybrid constructed wetlands systems for wastewater treatment. Ecol. Eng. 25, 478–490. Vymazal, J. Review: constructed wetlands for wastewater treatment. Water Res. 2, 530–549.
First received 10 March 2013; accepted in revised form 13 June 2013. Available online 24 July 2013
© IWA Publishing 2014 Journal of Water Reuse and Desalination
The transport of three emerging pollutants through an agricultural soil irrigated with untreated wastewater Juan C. Durán-Álvarez, Yamani Sánchez, Blanca Prado and Blanca Jiménez
ABSTRACT The aim of this work was to determine the mobility of naproxen, carbamazepine, and triclosan through a wastewater-irrigated agricultural soil. Transport experiments were carried out using undisturbed soil columns taken at 10 and 40 cm depths. The mobilization of the pollutants was evaluated using two hydrological regimes transient flow for superficial columns and steady-state conditions for the sub-superficial columns. Results demonstrated that preferential flows are present in the superficial soil, and transient flow conditions facilitate the movement of the pollutants through the soil. Conversely, displacement of the contaminants in the sub-superficial soil columns was slower than that observed in the superficial soil. Triclosan was not found in the leachates of the soil columns at the two depths, indicating the strong retention of the compound by the soils. Conversely, naproxen and carbamazepine were determined in leachates of the soil columns at both depths. Retardation in the transport of carbamazepine was higher than that observed for naproxen in the two tested soils. Naproxen and triclosan showed some degree of dissipation, while carbamazepine was recalcitrant. It was concluded that the natural depuration system studied is capable of retaining and
Juan C. Durán-Álvarez Yamani Sánchez Engineering Institute, National Autonomous University of Mexico, 3000 University Ave., Coyoacan, 04510, Mexico, D.F., Mexico Blanca Prado Geology Institute, National Autonomous University of Mexico, 3000 University Ave., Coyoacan, 04510, Mexico, D.F., Mexico Blanca Jiménez (corresponding author) International Hydrological Programme, UNESCO, 1 Miollis St., 75732 Paris, France E-mail: b.jimenez-cisneros@unesco.org
removing the studied pollutants and thus the risk of groundwater pollution is minimized. Key words
| pharmaceuticals, solute transport, sorption, undisturbed soil columns, wastewater reuse
INTRODUCTION Wastewater reuse for agricultural irrigation is a practice
emerging pollutants to enter into the environment. These
gaining popularity worldwide, notably in developing
pollutants are residues of substances used in everyday con-
countries where, due to the scarcity of treatment facilities,
sumer products, such as pharmaceuticals, personal care
untreated wastewater is frequently used (Jiménez & Asano
products, flame retardants, plasticizers, additives, etc.
). In the near future, an increment is expected in the
(Petrovic et al. ). Conventional wastewater treatment
volume of wastewater reused for agricultural irrigation
systems have demonstrated the partial removal most emer-
because: (1) it represents an easy and cheap way to dispose
ging pollutants, and thus a fraction of the original
of wastewater; (2) it is an option to relieve water stress in
compound along with a group of its by-products are released
arid and semiarid zones; and (3) wastewater is a source of
into the environment (Ratola et al. ). Despite emerging
nutrients for the receiving soils, increasing crop yields and
pollutants being present in water bodies at trace levels (con-
thus the profits of farmers (Jiménez ). However, waste-
centrations are reported in the range of ng/L to μg/L), their
water reuse can spoil the quality of surface and subterranean
occurrence is related to endocrine disruption effects as well
water sources in and nearby the irrigated area. It is well
as to systemic damage in vulnerable organisms (Naidoo
known that wastewater is the main route of so-called
et al. ; Brausch & Rand ; Vandenberg et al. ).
doi: 10.2166/wrd.2013.003
J. C. Durán-Álvarez et al.
Transport of emerging pollutants through untreated wastewater irrigated soils
Journal of Water Reuse and Desalination
In zones where treated wastewater is used for agricultural
agent triclosan, through a long-term wastewater-irrigated
purposes, emerging pollutants have been found in waste-
agricultural soil; the method being by undisturbed soil
water-irrigated soil and in the water bodies nearby
column experiments performed using two hydrological
(Gottschall et al. ). One example of a long-term irriga-
tion system reusing untreated wastewater can be found in Tula Valley, central Mexico. In this zone, a flow of up to 5.2 million m3/s of untreated wastewater, produced by the
22 million people living in Mexico City’s metropolitan zone, is used to irrigate 85,000 ha of agricultural fields
In this section, the methodology followed to obtain the soil
( Jiménez & Chávez ). Even though wastewater used
columns, perform the transport experiments, and determine
for irrigation does not receive any kind of treatment, a sig-
the target pollutants in the liquid and soil samples is
nificant decay in the concentration of some contaminants,
e.g., heavy metals, microbiological agents, and organic compounds (e.g., some emerging pollutants) has been observed
during the transportation, storage, and application of wastewater on the soil, as reported by Jiménez & Chávez ()
All of the target compounds as well as the surrogate stan-
and Chávez et al. (). Wastewater depuration has demon-
dards ketoprofen and [2H16] bisfenol-A and the internal
strated to be so efficient that the aquifer of the irrigated area,
standards [2H4] 4-n-nonylphenol and clofibric acid were
which has been recharged with the infiltrated wastewater for
purchased from Sigma-Aldrich (St Louis, MO). The solvents
several decades, is used as the only drinking water source
used for the analysis were high-performance liquid chrom-
for the 500,000 people living in the Tula region, only chlori-
atography (HPLC) grade and purchased from Burdick and
nation being applied as disinfection prior to distribution.
Jackson (Morristown, NJ). The derivatizing agents N-tert-
The removal and dissipation of emerging pollutants in the
butyldimethylsilyl-N-methyltrifluoroacetamide (MTBSTFA)
Tula Valley region may be attributed to natural attenuation
with 1% of t-butyldimethylsilylchlorane (TBDMSCI) and
processes, such as photodegradation, biodegradation, and
N,O-bis(trimethylsilyl)trifluoroacetamide (BSTFA) with 1%
sorption onto the soil. In this sense, it is necessary to eluci-
of trimethylsilylchlorane (TMSCI) were also obtained from
date how these pollutants mobilize or degrade in the soil in
Sigma-Aldrich. Oasis HLB extraction cartridges (200 mg,
order to understand how depuration works, as well as its
60 cc) were bought from Waters (Milford, MA). For exper-
potential limitations. Soil column experiments are useful
iments, standard solutions containing the mixture of the
to describe the mobility of contaminants through the soil
target pollutants were prepared at concentrations of 10, 1,
porous media, assessing separately the factors that influence
and 0.1 ng/μL using methanol as solvent. For the analytical
this process. The vertical movement of the emerging pollu-
procedure, internal and surrogate standards solutions were
tants toward the aquifer may depend on: (1) the chemical
prepared, in methanol, at 10 ng/μL. Table 1 displays the rel-
properties of the solutes; (2) the hydrological regime at
evant chemical properties of the target compounds.
which water infiltrates through the soil; and (3) the physical and chemical properties of the soil. The polarity of the mol-
Soil columns’ collection and soil characterization
ecules as well as the structure and texture of the soil also have a decisive role in delaying the transport of pollutants.
Undisturbed soil columns were taken from a cropland
On the other hand, preferential flows within the soil struc-
where irrigation using untreated wastewater has occurred
ture can accelerate the migration of pollutants into the
for the last 85 years.
aquifer (Wehrer & Totsche ). The aim of this work
Soil columns were collected in triplicate at two soil
was to determine the transport of three emerging pollutants,
depths: 5–30 and 40–55 cm depth. The superficial soil col-
namely the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug naproxen,
umns were 25 cm high and 15 cm wide, while the sub-
the antiepileptic carbamazepine, and the antimicrobial
superficial columns were 15 cm high and 9 cm wide. To
J. C. Durán-Álvarez et al.
Table 1
Transport of emerging pollutants through untreated wastewater irrigated soils
Relevant chemical properties and structure of the studied compounds
Table 2
Journal of Water Reuse and Desalination
Chemical structure
10 cm
Electrical conductivity (μS/cm)
Acidic ionization constant. Log of the octanol–water partition coefficient.
b c
Determined at 25 C.
40 cm
8.14 1,601
Total organic carbon (mg/g)
Sand (%)
Silt (%)
Clay (%)
Soil sample depth
(mg L–1)
Physical and chemical properties of the studied soils
c Water solubility
Bulk density (g/cm )
Clay loam
Specific surface area (m2/g)
Naproxen (ng/g)
Carbamazepine (ng/g)
Triclosan (ng/g)
1.3 115
obtain the soil columns, a pit of 90 cm deep was dug and the soil monoliths were carved directly in the wall of the pit. Once shaped, the monoliths were put into stainless
Transport experiments
steel cases, and liquid paraffin (at 60 C) was poured in the free space between the soil and the stainless steel
The transport assays were carried out separately for super-
case, in order to both fix the monolith to the column
ficial and sub-superficial soil columns by simulating
and avoid the border effect. The soil columns were
irrigation events using a 0.01 M CaCl2 solution as irrigation
stored in plastic bags at 4 C until the transport assays.
water. Water was applied at the top of the soil columns
Before experiments, 50 g soil samples were taken at the
using two hydrological regimes: (1) transient flow for the
top of the three columns corresponding to each soil
superficial soil columns, in order to emulate the infiltration
depth and were combined to obtain one composite
of water through the soil during irrigation; and (2) steady-
sample. Parameters shown in Table 2 were determined
state flow conditions for the sub-superficial columns,
for the soil samples using standard methodologies
aimed to simulate the slow infiltration of the irrigation
(Carter & Gregorich ).
water through the sub-soil. All the soil columns were
The pH and the electrical conductivity were measured in a 1:1 soil:0.01 M CaCl2 suspension using a sensION156
weighed prior to the experiment in order to determine the initial water content.
HACH pH/conductivity meter. Concentration of soil
The experimental setup used for the superficial soil col-
organic carbon was determined using the Walkley–Black
umns is shown in Figure 1(a). In the first step, 950 mL of the
chromic acid wet oxidation method. Soil bulk density
0.01 M CaCl2 solution, containing the conservative tracer
was obtained by weighing soil cores, which were taken
bromide (0.1 M) – as KBr salt – and a mixture of the emer-
directly in the field. The determination of the soil particle
ging pollutants (10 μg/L, each), were applied to each
size distribution and texture was done using the Bouyou-
column. Water was poured in the 10 cm head space of the
cos hydrometer method. Additionally, the specific surface
columns, and water was allowed to infiltrate through soil
area of the soil particles was measured using the
by gravity. After infiltration, the soil in the columns was
allowed to dry for the next 4 days. Subsequently, eight irriga-
method. Lastly, the background concentration of the
tion events consisting only of the application of the 0.01 M
target compounds in the tested soils was quantified prior
CaCl2 solution were carried out in order to displace both
to the experiments.
the tracer and the target pollutants. The time lapse between
J. C. Durán-Álvarez et al.
Figure 1
Transport of emerging pollutants through untreated wastewater irrigated soils
Journal of Water Reuse and Desalination
Setup of the transport experiments for the superficial (a) and sub-superficial (b) soil columns.
each irrigation event was 4 days at a controlled temperature W
carried out for 27 h, corresponding to 0.5 pore volume. In
of 25 C. Throughout the irrigation events, leachates were
the third stage, the displacement of the compounds and
recovered at the bottom of the soil columns and discretized
the tracer was carried out by applying the 0.01 M CaCl2 sol-
into 100 mL sub-samples.
ution sole for 780 h, equivalent to 13 pore volumes.
For the sub-superficial columns, transport experiments
Once transport experiments were concluded, the soil
under steady-state flow conditions were set up as shown in
columns were weighed in order to determine the mass of
Figure 1(b). The irrigation solution (0.01 M CaCl2) was sup-
water retained by the soil. Then, the soil monoliths were
plied to the soil columns using a Gilson Miniplus 3
cut into three equal sections, soil was air-dried for 24 h
peristaltic pump at a constant flow rate of 0.125 mL/min.
and homogenized by sieving through a 2 mm pore sized met-
Water was sucked from the bottom of the columns using
allic mesh. Concentration of the target pollutants was
the same peristaltic pump (the outflow rate was therefore
determined in both leachate samples and the soil collected
equal to the inflow rate). The pH and electrical conductivity
at the end of the experiment. Both the distribution of the
of the leachate was measured online throughout the exper-
target pollutants throughout the soil column at the end of
iment and recorded in a data-logger. Leachate was
the experiment and the mass balance was obtained from
discretized into 7.5 mL sub-samples, using a GE Frac-912
the analysis of the soil samples.
fraction collector, and stored in glass tubes. The transport experiment in the sub-superficial columns was divided into
Emerging pollutants’ analysis
three stages. In the first stage, which took 48 h, irrigation was performed using the 0.01 M CaCl2 solution alone until
Concentrations of the target pollutants were determined in
the equilibrium conditions were achieved (i.e., pH and elec-
the leachates following the procedure developed and vali-
trical conductivity values in leachate were constant,
dated by Gibson et al. (). The pH of the liquid
stabilization of the flow rate at the entry and at the exit of
samples was adjusted to 2 using sulfuric acid (98%); then,
the column). In the second stage, the mixture of the emer-
the surrogate standards ketoprofen and [2H16] bisphenol-A
ging pollutants (10 μg/L, each) and the conservative tracer
were added. Samples were passed through the Oasis HLB
bromide (0.1 M) were applied as a pulse. The pulse was
cartridges, which were previously conditioned twice with
J. C. Durán-Álvarez et al.
Transport of emerging pollutants through untreated wastewater irrigated soils
Journal of Water Reuse and Desalination
5 mL of acetone and once with 5 mL of 5% acetic acid sol-
of sample was injected in the splitless mode. The oven temp-
ution, using a vacuum flow equivalent to 5 mL/min. After
erature program was as follows: 100 C for 1 min, ramp of
passing the liquid samples, naproxen and carbamazepine
20 C/min to 280 C, and 280 C for 10 min. The detector
were eluted from cartridges with 5.5 mL of a mixture
was used in the selected ion monitoring (SIM) mode. The
40:60 of acetone:sodium bicarbonate 0.1 M, adjusted to
temperature of the electron impact source was 230 C,
pH 10; then, the cartridges were dried for 1 h with
with electron energy of 70 eV. Calculation of the analytes’
vacuum at a flow rate of 10 mL/min. Following the drying
concentration was done through the internal standard
step, triclosan was eluted with 5 mL of acetone. Both
method. Quality assurance was guaranteed by the use of sur-
phases were concentrated using a gentle atmosphere of
rogate standards. The recoveries obtained were 90–96% for
ultra high purity nitrogen and the water remaining in the
ketoprofen and 88–91% for [2H16] bisfenol-A.
sample was removed by adding anhydrous sodium sulfate. Lastly, the internal standards clofibric acid and [2H4] 4-n-
Data analysis
nonylphenol were added to samples and derivatization was performed, through the production of methyl-silyl deri-
The transport parameters for target emerging pollutants and
vates, using the agents MTBSTFA for naproxen and
tracer (i.e., retardation factor, solute dispersion, and deter-
carbamazepine, and BSTFA for triclosan.
mination coefficient) were determined by the analysis of
Analysis of soil was performed using the method pro-
the breakthrough curves. For the sub-superficial soil col-
posed and validated by Durán-Álvarez et al. ().
umns, the solution of the classic convection–dispersion
Extraction of the analytes was done through the pressurized
equation for the solutes was achieved using the CXTFIT
liquid extraction technique, using a Dionex ASE® 200
2.1 code (Toride et al. ). The code was used in the
device. For this, 5 g of soil and 2 g of diatomaceous earth,
inverse mode for either equilibrium or non-equilibrium con-
the latter used as dispersing agent, were accurately weighed
ditions. The solution of equation was fitted to the
in 22 mL ASE stainless steel cells and extracted using the
hexane:acetone:acetic acid (49:49:2 v/v/v) mixture. Surro-
method. Due to the non-symmetry of the breakthrough
gate standards were added to samples prior to extraction.
curves obtained for the superficial columns, the CXTFIT
The extraction conditions were as follows: two cycles,
code could not be executed using these results. Therefore,
100 C, 10.34 MPa, 0 min of pre-heat, 5 min of heating
determination of the retardation factor in the superficial
time, 5 min of static time, and flush at 60%. The extracts
soil columns was done by the visual analysis of the break-
were evaporated to reach a volume of ∼3 mL. After evapor-
through curves.
ation, 20 mL of HPLC-grade water was added to the concentrates. The resulting solutions were passed through the Oasis HLB cartridges, previously conditioned as stated
above. Naproxen and carbamazepine were eluted from cartridges using the 40:60 acetone:sodium bicarbonate 0.1 M
In this section, the discussion of the most relevant results of
solution, while triclosan was eluted using 5 mL of a 50:50
the transport experiments is shown. The results obtained for
acetone:dichloromethane solvent mixture. After elution,
the superficial and sub-superficial soil columns are displayed
the sample preparation procedure was the same as
described for liquid samples. Separation and quantification of the analytes were carried out using a HP 6890 gas chromatograph in tandem
Transport of emerging pollutants in superficial soil columns
with a HP 5397 mass selective detector. The chromatographic column was a fused silica capillary column
Figure 2 shows the breakthrough curves of both the conser-
(30 m × 0.25 mm, 0.25 μm of film thickness). The carrier
vative tracer bromide and the pharmaceutical compounds
gas was helium at a constant flow of 1 mL/min, and 1 μL
naproxen and carbamazepine. In this figure, the relative
J. C. Durán-Álvarez et al.
Transport of emerging pollutants through untreated wastewater irrigated soils
Journal of Water Reuse and Desalination
Regarding the target emerging pollutants, naproxen and carbamazepine were found in the leachate samples at different times throughout the experiment, while triclosan was not observed in leachate samples. This behavior may be caused by two phenomena, which may occur simultaneously: (1) the irreversible sorption of the antimicrobial agent onto the soil particles; and (2) its rapid biodegradation by the native microorganisms of the soil. Retardation factors of the compounds detected in the leachates could be determined by the analysis of the breakthrough curves, establishing the value of this factor as the center or gravity of the curve. Retardation factor Figure 2
Breakthrough curves of the bromide tracer and the target emerging pollutants corresponding to the superficial soil columns.
was 3.8 for carbamazepine and 1.5 for naproxen. Higher retardation of carbamazepine compared to naproxen has been reported by others (Chefetz et al. ), and may
concentration of the target emerging pollutants in leachates
be explained by the higher affinity of the antiepileptic
is plotted with the total volume of leachate normalized to
drug to the soil organic matter. Conversely, naproxen
the pore volume of the soil column (Vaccumulated/Vpore;
molecules, occurring in their negative dissociated form
pore volume ¼ 1,035 mL). The asymmetry observed in the
at the pH values of soils (Table 1), may be repelled to
bromide breakthrough curve indicates the rapid movement
an important extent by the soil organic matter and clay
of water and solutes through the soil columns (Melamed
et al. ). This behavior may be attributed to: (1) the occur-
In spite of the molecules of naproxen undergoing anion
rence of preferential paths within the soil monolith; and (2)
exclusion by the soil particles, the mobilization of this
the repulsion forces between the bromide anion molecule
pharmaceutical through the soil was not as rapid as that
and the negatively charged soil components (i.e., soil
observed for the bromide. This is explained by the organic
organic matter and clay), which is known as anionic exclu-
nature of the molecule, which maintains an organic
sion (Gvirtzman & Gorelick ). Within the soil porous
domain consisting of a double ring structure. Through the
network, preferential paths occur as the result of both the
organic moiety, naproxen molecules may be sorbed by
presence of roots and stones, the activity of macrobiota
both the soil organic matter and clay (Chefetz et al. ).
(e.g., worms, ants, or beetles) and the tillage activities. The
According to the mass balance, 14.5% of the amount of
preferential paths may consist of either a single channel
naproxen entering into the soil columns was degraded,
through the soil profile or the complex connectivity of the
while for carbamazepine this value was zero. In the case
pores within the soil matrix. In any case, preferential paths
of triclosan, the compound was not found either in the lea-
result in the fast movement of the solutes (the tracer and pol-
chate samples or the soil at the end of the experiments,
lutants) through the soil monolith (Kung et al. ).
indicating that the compound was degraded at some point
Regarding anion exclusion, this phenomenon has been pre-
of the experiment. Ready biodegradation of triclosan in
viously reported in similar soils (García-Gutiérrez et al.
aerobic soils has been reported by Cha & Cupples ().
; Prado et al. ). Anion exclusion may be patent not
In general, little is known about the microorganisms leading
only for bromide but also for the negatively charged con-
to the biodegradation of emerging pollutants in soil. Recent
taminants such as naproxen and the dissociated fraction of
evidence points to bacteria Pseudomonas putida and Sphin-
triclosan at the pH value of the soil (see pKa values of triclo-
gomonas sp. and fungus Trametes versicolor as the
san in Table 1). Mass balance for bromide showed that
microorganisms responsible for the biodegradation of phar-
neither degradation nor accumulation nor production
maceutically active substances in the soil (Kagle et al. ;
occurred throughout the soil column experiment.
Girardi et al. ).
J. C. Durán-Álvarez et al.
Transport of emerging pollutants through untreated wastewater irrigated soils
Journal of Water Reuse and Desalination
Transport in sub-superficial columns For the sub-superficial soil columns, bromide breakthrough curves were shown to be symmetrical (Figure 3). This indicates that transport of water and solutes was carried out without the occurrence of preferential flows. This may be due to the high content of expansive clays in the soil. Bromide retardation factor was below 1 (0.85), indicating the occurrence of an anion exclusion phenomenon, caused by the negative charge that dominates in the soil. The slight tailing observed in the bromide breakthrough curve may be
Figure 4
caused by an intra-particle diffusion phenomenon, which
Breakthrough curves of the emerging pollutants corresponding to the subsuperficial soil columns.
may occur in soils where micro pores are abundant, e.g., clayey soils (Brusseau & Rao ). The presence of naproxen and carbamazepine in leachates was observed prior to the application of the pulse containing the target compounds. This indicates the occurrence of a readily translocable initial mass of these compounds in the studied soils, which can move into the aquifer during rain events. Triclosan was not observed in the leachate samples, indicating that this compound can be irreversibly retained by soil or degraded within the soil matrix. In accordance with this behavior, it is recommended that the metabolites generated by the biodegradation of triclosan as well as their potential to reach the groundwater should be studied. According to the breakthrough curves (Figure 4), naproxen was more displaceable than carbamazepine in the sub-superficial soil columns. The same behavior was observed by Chefetz et al. () in transport experiments
using disturbed soil columns. Table 3 shows the transport parameters of the target compounds and the tracer, obtained using the CXTFIT mode. Similar to that observed in the superficial soil columns, the retardation factor of naproxen was lower than obtained for carbamazepine. The rapid transport of naproxen through the sub-superficial soil may be caused by the same anion exclusion observed for the bromide tracer. On the other hand, the low mobility of carbamazepine and triclosan through the soil can be explained by their sorption onto the soil organic material, as has been demonstrated by Williams et al. () and Lozano et al. (). The notorious dispersion observed in the carbamazepine breakthrough curves is indicative that there are strong interactions between the soil components and the pharmaceutical compound, such as sorption and probably intra-particle diffusion, as was suggested by the tracer tests. Mass balance showed losses of naproxen and triclosan (13 and 98%, respectively) during the experiment, proving the degradation of the target compounds, notably for
Table 3
Transport parameters of the tracer and the target pollutants for the subsuperficial soil a
Figure 3
Bromide breakthrough curve corresponding to the sub-superficial soil columns
2.7 × 10 3
3.6 × 10
4.3 × 10 4
0.9 0.97
(circles represent the measured data and crosses represent data obtained using the CXTFIT model); the panel on the left represents the concentration in
the pulse.
experimental data.
Determined by the least-squares optimization method by comparing the modeled and the
J. C. Durán-Álvarez et al.
Transport of emerging pollutants through untreated wastewater irrigated soils
triclosan. Degradation of naproxen and triclosan was similar for both soil depths. On the other hand, high recovery of carbamazepine in leachate and the soil (>97%) was indicative of its recalcitrance, which is consistent with those reported in the literature (Clara et al. ). In the case of carbamazepine, degradation was higher in the subsuperficial soil than in the superficial soil.
CONCLUSION Infiltration of wastewater through soil proved to be efficient in retaining the emerging pollutants tested. Natural attenuation mechanisms, such as sorption onto the soil organic matter and biodegradation, occurred in the soil porous media, delaying the arrival of these contaminants to the aquifer and thus minimizing the risk of groundwater pollution. The mobilization of the target emerging pollutants was higher in the superficial soil due to both preferential paths through the soil column and the anion exclusion of the negatively dissociated compounds. Conversely, delay in the transport of the pollutants in the sub-superficial soil was higher than that observed in the superficial soil, indicating that the closure of preferential paths upon the humidification of soil in the steady-state hydrological regime contributes to the higher retention of these compounds in the soil matrix as well as to their degradation.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT We would like to acknowledge the Dirección General de Asuntos del Personal Académico de la UNAM (DGAPAUNAM) for funding this research through the project IN101610.
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Carter, M. R. & Gregorich, E. G. Soil Sampling and Methods of Analysis. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL. Chávez, A., Maya, C., Gibson, R. & Jiménez, B. The removal of microorganisms and organic micropollutants from wastewater during infiltration to aquifers after irrigation of farmland in the Tula Valley, Mexico. Environ. Pollut. 159, 1354–1362. Cha, J. & Cupples, A. M. Triclocarban and triclosan biodegradation at field concentrations and the resulting leaching potentials in three agricultural soils. Chemosphere 81, 494–499. Chefetz, B., Mualem, T. & Ben-Ari, J. Sorption and mobility of pharmaceutical compounds in soil irrigated with reclaimed wastewater. Chemosphere 73, 1335–1343. Clara, M., Strenn, B. & Kreuzinger, N. Carbamazepine as a possible anthropogenic marker in the aquatic environment: investigations of the behavior of carbamazepine in wastewater treatment and during groundwater infiltration. Water Res. 38, 947–954. Durán-Álvarez, J. C., Becerril-Bravo, E., Silva-Castro, V., Jiménez, B. & Gibson, R. The analysis of a group of acidic pharmaceuticals, carbamazepine, and potential endocrine disrupting compounds in wastewater irrigated soils by gas chromatography–mass spectrometry. Talanta 78, 1159–1166. García-Gutiérrez, M., Cormenzana, J. L., Missana, T. & Mingarro, M. Diffusion coefficients and accessible porosity for HTO and 36Cl in compacted FEBEX bentonite. Appl. Clay Sci. 26, 65–73. Gibson, R., Becerril-Bravo, E., Silva-Castro, V. & Jiménez, B. Determination of acidic pharmaceuticals and potential endocrine disrupting compounds in wastewaters and spring waters by selective elution and analysis by gas chromatography–mass spectrometry. J. Chromatogr. A 1169, 31–39. Girardi, C., Greve, J., Lamshöft, M., Fetzer, I., Miltner, A., Schäffer, A. & Kästner, M. Biodegradation of ciprofloxacin in water and soil and its effects on the microbial communities. J. Hazard. Mater. 198, 22–30. Gottschall, N., Topp, E., Metcalfe, C., Edwards, M., Payne, M., Kleywegt, S., Russell, P. & Lapen, D. R. Pharmaceutical and personal care products in groundwater, subsurface drainage, soil, and wheat grain, following a high single application of municipal biosolids to a field. Chemosphere 87, 194–203. Gvirtzman, H. & Gorelick, S. M. Dispersion and advection in unsaturated porous media enhanced by anion exclusion. Nature 352, 793–795. Jiménez, B. Irrigation in developing countries using wastewater. IRES 6, 229–250. Jiménez, B. & Asano, T. Water reclamation and reuse around the world. In: Water Reuse: An International Survey of Current Practice, Issues and Needs (B. Jiménez & T. Asano, eds). IWA Publishing, London, pp. 3–27. Jiménez, B. & Chávez, A. Quality assessment of an aquifer recharged with wastewater for its potential use as drinking
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First received 8 February 2013; accepted in revised form 15 May 2013. Available online 7 June 2013
© IWA Publishing 2014 Journal of Water Reuse and Desalination
Sustainable water management with multi-quality recycled water production: the example of San Luis Potosi in Mexico Valentina Lazarova, Lucina Equihua and Alberto Rojas
ABSTRACT This paper presents and discusses the performance, reliability of operation, socio-economic and environmental aspects and benefits of the Tenorio Project in San Luis Potosi. This is the first project in Mexico making possible the production of multi-quality recycled water for planned water reuse for different purposes, including industrial cooling in a power plant, agricultural irrigation, groundwater restoration and environmental enhancement. Long-term water quality monitoring demonstrated the reliability of operation of the selected treatment trains, which were well adapted to local conditions and the given reuse application. The major challenge was the control of the conductivity and silica content in recycled water for industrial reuse, which needed complementary investigations and the implementation of an additional treatment by ion exchange. The reliable operation of the power plant with recycled water encouraged other industries to explore water reuse
Valentina Lazarova (corresponding author) Suez Environnement, 38 rue du president Wilson, Le Pecq, France E-mail: valentina.lazarova@suez-env.com Lucina Equihua DegremontMexico, Reforma 350, Torre del Angel, 06600 Mexico D.F., Mexico Alberto Rojas Comisión Estatal del Agua, Mariano Otero No. 905, Barrio de Tequisquiapam, San Luis Potosi, Mexico
as an option, as well as the possibility of improved treatment. Once the main technical and social challenges of the original project were overcome, the project acquired a new dimension with the request of the industrial client to improve water quality by means of reverse osmosis. In return, the power plant proposed giving their right for water withdrawal from the aquifer to the City of San Luis Potosi, allowing thus the availability of freshwater for augmentation of the potable water supply. Key words
| agricultural irrigation, environmental enhancement, industrial reuse, water reuse
INTRODUCTION San Luis Potosi is the eleventh most populated metropolitan
recharge of artificial lakes, fountains) and industrial reuse
area in Mexico with more than 1.3 million inhabitants, and is
mainly for cooling (Olivo & Martínez ). In consequence,
situated in a semi-arid region with less than 400 mm of
seven wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) were built for
annual rainfall. The intensive industrial and economic devel-
this purpose with an additional one under construction. At
opment of this city has always been related to water
present, 70% of the wastewater of San Luis Potosi is treated
availability and water conservation efforts. Since 1961, the
and 100% of treated wastewater is recycled (Equihua ;
water withdrawal from the two main aquifers has been
Rojas ).
strongly restricted and poor quality wastewater has been
In this context, the main objective of this paper is to present
used for irrigation purposes (Diario Oficial de la Federación
and discuss the performance, reliability of operation, socio-
). In the late 1990s, the State Water Commission (CEA),
economic aspects and benefits of Tenorio – Villa de Reyes,
the Government of San Luis Potosi, decided to implement an
the largest WWTP, which has operated since 2006 and treats
Integral Plan for Sanitation and Water Reuse aiming to sub-
45% of the total wastewater of the city of San Luis Potosi.
stitute groundwater resources by recycled water for a
This project, known as the Tenorio Project, is the first one in
number of non-potable uses, including agricultural irrigation,
Mexico making possible the production of multi-quality
urban reuse (recreational parks, sport and golf courses,
recycled water for planned water reuse for different purposes,
doi: 10.2166/wrd.2013.006
V. Lazarova et al.
Sustainable water management with multi-quality recycled water production
Journal of Water Reuse and Desalination
including industrial use, agricultural irrigation, groundwater
development in the cooling towers of the power plant
restoration and environmental enhancement.
of Villa de Reyes. Water quality has been monitored daily over 6 consecutive years by means of composite 24 h sampling of the
activated sludge and the advanced treatment for industrial reuse and monthly sampling of the treatment line for agricul-
The Tenorio WWTP was designed for a total capacity of 3
tural reuse and environmental enhancement. Results from
1,050 L/s (90,720 m /d) and it uses the following treatment
the first year of operation (2006) were not considered for
steps (Figure 1):
this paper as several adjustments were made to the process
Screening, grit and grease removal and advanced primary
in that year. Physical-chemical parameters were measured
treatment in lamellar clarifiers enhanced with chemicals
according to the Standard Methods (). Microbiological
for the total capacity. The main objective of this treatment
parameters were measured in grab samples. On-line moni-
is the removal of suspended matter before discharge into
toring of recycled water was implemented at the inlet to
the Tenorio Reservoir, a wetland.
the industrial end-user, the power plant.
Natural engineered treatment and polishing for at least
Observation of birds at 10 set-points around the
51,840 m3/d in a constructed wetland, with a semi-
Tenorio Reservoir was used to evaluate the positive
rectangular shape, a total surface of 179 ha and a stor-
impact of the improved recycled water quality on this con-
age capacity of 2.65 Mm3, named Tenorio Reservoir,
fined ecosystem. At each observation point, five counts
for agricultural reuse. The main objective of this treat-
were performed at two different periods in 2011 and at
ment is the removal of organic matter and faecal
the beginning of 2012. In total, 100 counts were carried
coliforms before the water is pumped for irrigation of
out to determine the total number of birds and to identify
fodder crops.
different species. 3
Secondary treatment for up to 38,880 m /d by activated sludge with nitrogen removal, followed by tertiary treatment with lime, sand filtration, ion exchange softening
and chlorine disinfection for industrial reuse. The main objective of this treatment is the reduction of nutrients,
Recycled water quality and quantity
organic and suspended matter, silica, calcium hardness and phosphate content, as well as the removal of bacteria
The results of water quality monitoring during the whole
operating period 2007–2012 are summarised in Table 1.
Figure 1
Flow diagram of the treatment process.
V. Lazarova et al.
Table 1
Sustainable water management with multi-quality recycled water production
Journal of Water Reuse and Desalination
Characteristics of raw sewage and recycled water with different quality for agricultural irrigation and industrial uses by the power plant (January 2007–April 2012)
Raw wastewatera
Primary effluenta
Tenorio Reservoir effluent to reuse in agricultureb
Reclaimed water to power planta
TSS (mg/L)
188.96 (±72.78)
33.18 (±20.82)
25.83 (±10.73)
3.30 (±2.71)
BOD5 (mg/L)
286.49 (±93.73)
36.8 (±21.85)
31.4 (±13.96)
2.96 (±2.1.83)
COD (mg/L)
524.1 (±226.46)
99.7 (±51.81)
81.2 (±28.9)
16.2 (±13.07)
8.5 (±3.38)
6.2 (±1.91)
6.2 (±1.20)
1.2 (±0.8)
Total Kjeldahl nitrogen (mg/L)
34 (±8.91)
26.8 (±8.94)
22.3 (±5.1)
1.6 (±3.59)
Faecal coliforms /100 mL
4.57 × 109 (±1.33 × 102)
8.72 × 102 (±2.21 × 102)
240 (±189)
18.56 (±16.6)
Total hardness (mg/L)
115 (±29.86)
Not measured
Not measured
109.3 (±23.42)
Silica (mg/L)
104.3 (±20.69)
Not measured
Not measured
64.5 (±7.82)
TSS: total suspended solids; BOD5: biological oxygen demand; COD: chemical oxygen demand. a
Average (standard deviation) from 1945 daily composite samples. Average from 54 monthly composite samples.
The annual consumption of each type of recycled water
suspended solids to an average value of 82.2 mg/L (Figure 3(a))
is shown in Figure 2. The major reuse applications and the
preserving the fertilising capacity of treated effluents
associated volumes of recycled water are as follows:
polishing in the wetland (Tenorio Reservoir) ensured good
• •
Industrial reuse of up to 9.9 Mm3/yr in the 700 MW Power Plant Villa de Reyes for cooling purposes, saving
additional removal of suspended solids to an average value of
currently 7.9 Mm3/yr of potable water (average daily
28.2 mg/L. The observed high values above 35–40 mg/L are
flow of 21,600 m3/d).
due to microalgae development. The average concentration
Agricultural irrigation with up to 23.9 Mm3/yr (average
of organic matter in the recycled water for irrigation is BOD5
daily flow of 52,785 m3/d) for fodder crops, such as
(biological oxygen demand) 31.4 mg/L, total phosphorus
fodder, corn, barley and alfalfa.
6.2 mgPtot/L and nitrogen 22.3 mgN/L as total Kjeldahl
Environmental enhancement with the restoration of the
wetland for wildlife habitat.
The high residence time of the primary effluent in the Tenorio Reservoir with an average value of 40 days
Water quality for agricultural reuse
ensures good disinfection of the effluent with about 7.3 log removal of faecal coliforms. The mean concentration
Despite the strong variations in raw wastewater quality,
of faecal coliforms in the outlet was 240 MPN/100 mL
advanced primary treatment ensured good removal of
(MPN: most probable number) for the 2-year period of 2010–2011 (Figure 3(b)), which is largely below the WHO guidelines () of 1,000 Escherichia coli/ 100 mL despite the very high inlet values of up to 9 to 11 log. Salinity is one of the most important agronomic parameters as high salinity can damage salt-sensitive plants and decrease crop yields. As shown in Figure 4, average salinity remains below 900–1,000 μS/cm, with periodic increases to 1,300–1,400 μS/cm, which is within the range of tolerance of irrigated crops. More stringent requirements
Figure 2
Evolution of the annual production of the two qualities of recycled water of the Tenorio WWTP.
apply to the recycled water for industry with a permitted value of 1,200 μS/cm.
V. Lazarova et al.
Sustainable water management with multi-quality recycled water production
Journal of Water Reuse and Desalination
Figure 3
Evolution suspended solids (a) and faecal coliforms (b) in the outlet of the Tenorio Reservoir before the use for agricultural irrigation.
Figure 4
Evolution of the conductivity in secondary effluent for a 6-year period (2007– 2012). Figure 5
Evolution of the silica in secondary effluent for a 6-year period (2007–2012).
Water quality for industrial reuse The Villa de Reyes power plant is, at present, the The major challenge for operation of the Tenorio WWTP
main consumer of high quality recycled water for cooling
was the compliance and the reliability of the recycling plant
purposes. After 6 years of operation and demonstrated
for the supply of recycled water to the industrial user, the
reliability of operation, the power plant has evaluated
power plant. In this respect, the major problem was the aver-
the overall benefits of the use of treated water and has
age value of the conductivity, which was 5 to 10% above the
requested that the treatment level be increased in order
800 μS/cm contract guarantee. After several months of inves-
to reduce silica and dissolved solids content. The main
tigation, a higher conductivity limit of 1,200 μS/cm was
objective is to produce demineralised water, which will
accepted in exchange for a lower silica content of 65 ppm
allow complete elimination of their groundwater con-
instead of the initial guarantee of 85 ppm (Figure 5).
sumption. In order to avoid increasing the unitary cost
In order to meet this new guarantee level, over a 6-month
of recycled water, the power plant management has
test period, several combinations of chemicals were used to
increase the removal of silica (sodium hydroxide and lime,
rights to the State Water Commission, and thus, augment
sodium aluminate and lime, etc.) and ion exchange softening
the drinking water resources of the Metropolitan Area
was implemented in order to treat the hardness increase as a
by up to 13.8 Mm3/yr at a reasonable cost for the
consequence of the silica removal process.
V. Lazarova et al.
Sustainable water management with multi-quality recycled water production
Water quality in distribution network
Journal of Water Reuse and Desalination
area, in accordance with state or national environmental policy.
Another significant challenge was bacterial control in the conveyance system to the industrial end-user (40 km of 3
As shown in Figure 6, the reservoir was surveyed from 10
of intermediate storage). Due to the
observation points. During each of the three surveys, a total
large flow variations associated with daily and seasonal
of 100 counts were performed. The results enabled the identi-
energy production, total residence time varied from 16 to
fication of 56 species of birds: 23 aquatic, 28 terrestrial and
60 h. This increased significantly the chlorine demand and
five predators. The 56 species belong to 23 families, the
made the residual chlorine control very challenging. As a
families with larger number of species were Anatidae (9),
result, the problem of bacterial regrowth in the pipe and
Ardeide (6) and Tyrannidae (5) (Figure 7). Four species
intermediate tank became an issue for the power plant oper-
have been classified as protected birds by the Mexican Gov-
ation. The solution came after several weeks of tests with a
ernment. The polishing wetland is located in the route of
non-oxidant biocide and dispersant agents that were applied
several migratory species that have colonised the site for regu-
in combination with chlorine. Finally, the bio-monitoring
lar nesting. Consequently, 48 of the observed species are
allowed establishment of the basis for biofilm control and
migratory birds. The average total number of birds counted
fine tuning came as a second priority to optimise doses,
in the area surveyed (2,703 m2) was 1514 birds.
pipe and 4,000 m
while maintaining the guaranteed bacterial count and residual chlorine at the end of the pipe.
This study demonstrated the role of the Tenorio Reservoir in the enhancement of biodiversity, in terms not only of the increase of the bird population, but also for the floral diversity and small mammals. The birds are essential for maintaining
Environmental enhancement and preservation of
the health of the surrounding ecosystem. Some species also
contribute to controlling pests and vectors of several diseases by eating insects and rodents. As a result of this study, the cre-
An ecosystem monitoring programme has been launched for
ation of a protected area with a mitigation zone in the
the Tenorio Reservoir that had deteriorated in the past due to
surroundings is under consideration by local authorities.
the discharge of untreated wastewater. In 2006, the reservoir was modified to perform as a wetland. As a consequence of the improved water quality, a large diversity of migratory birds has been encountered in recent years. During the period from December 2011 to April 2012, three surveys to monitor the bird population, flora and fauna on the Tenorio Reservoir. The major objectives of this study were to:
• • • •
produce a baseline of information on the diversity of resident and migratory birds; identify indicator species of environmental quality; determine values of ecological importance with distribution patterns and temporal dynamics; propose guidelines for management and conservation of the environment to regulate land use in the catchment area (control of the urban and industrial growth in the
area); determine the importance of wetlands as a basis for protection of biodiversity and the ecological status of the
Figure 6
Location of the ten birds observation points in the Tenorio Reservoir.
V. Lazarova et al.
Figure 7
Sustainable water management with multi-quality recycled water production
Journal of Water Reuse and Desalination
Views of the bird populations of American black-winged stilt Himantopus mexicanus and white-faced ibis Plegadis chihi (left) and Anatidae family (right).
Costs and benefits of the Tenorio recycling scheme The Tenorio WWTP was built under a BOT (Build, Operate and Transfer) contract with 18 years of operation and maintenance. BOT contracts in Mexico have become a very important tool to finance projects with long-term contracts that guarantee reliable operation and maintenance of the facilities during the life of the contract. The cost of
• • •
The population established near the plant improved their living standard as the ecological environment of the zone was enhanced. In addition, the existing two aquifers were preserved from pollution with untreated wastewater and the water balance has been re-established for one of them. Indirect augmentation of drinking water resources has been possible due to the saving of 48 Mm3 that were
Tenorio-Villa de Reyes project was $585,277,351 (May
not extracted from the aquifer for industrial uses by the
2000); 40% was subordinated support or non-refundable
power plant in the past 6 years, as well as due to a new
from the trusteeship for infrastructure in charge of Banco
project that is in progress which will allow provision of
Nacional de Obras y Servicios and the 60% left risk capital
an additional volume of 13.8 Mm3/yr of potable water
comes from private funds.
to the City of San Luis Potosi if the power plant transfers
The most important benefits of this first large water
its rights for extraction of groundwater.
reuse project in Mexico, widely recognised by all stakeholders, can be summarised as follows:
Strong social benefits, as the production of recycled water with fit-for-purpose water quality enabled resolution of
the existing conflicts for water supply between the agri-
• • • •
cultural and industrial sectors.
The long-term water quality monitoring and performance
Health benefits have also been significant because the
analysis demonstrated the feasibility and economic viability
mortality rate caused by gastrointestinal diseases that
of integrated water management with multi-quality recycled
existed in the zone irrigated with raw wastewater was
water by means of the implementation of appropriate treat-
ment technologies well adapted to local conditions. The two
Economic benefits for industry and farmers have been
treatment trains of the Tenorio WWTP in San Luis Potosi
acknowledged due to the reliable supply of a drought-
consistently produced recycled water of the quality required
proof alternative water resource.
for agricultural irrigation, environmental enhancement and
Environmental benefits consisted in the rehabilitation of
industrial uses.
the stabilisation pond into a natural wetland, preserving
The major challenge was the investigation and the
biodiversity and providing habitat for wild birds and
improvement of recycled water quality for industrial
other animals.
reuse. Conductivity, silica and hardness were the mean par-
A programme to implement a protected area with a miti-
ameters to be improved and a good balance was achieved
gation zone is in progress to assure the long-term
by lowering silica level, which allowed increase of the
preservation of the restored micro-ecosystem.
number of concentration cycles in the cooling towers, in
V. Lazarova et al.
Sustainable water management with multi-quality recycled water production
order to compensate the slightly higher salinity observed during certain periods. At the present, after 6 years of operation, the power plant management consider that the operation with recycled water is reliable, and have also expressed their desire to prepare a feasibility study to evaluate the installation of reverse osmosis units to reduce silica levels to 10 ppm which will allow them to stop using groundwater and replace it 100% by recycled water. The irrigation of 500 ha with good quality recycled water reduced water-related diseases and increased the public acceptance of the crops. The aquifer balance of one of the aquifers has been recovered by the substitution of the groundwater with recycled water for industrial and agricultural uses. The satisfactory operation of the power plant with recycled water encouraged the industry to explore new possibilities of improved treatment. Finally, other industries are interested in substituting their groundwater consumption with recycled water given the economic benefits and the demonstrated reliability of this water reuse system.
Journal of Water Reuse and Desalination
REFERENCES Diario Oficial de la Federación Actualización de la disponibilidad media anual de agua subterránea acuífero (2411) San Luis Potosi, Estado de San Luis Potosi. Equihua, L. O. Reuso de agua en la agricultura y en la industria en México: Caso del Proyecto San Luis Potosi, Foro del Agua 2006. Olivo, S. & Martínez, J. B. Saneamiento integral de las aguas residuales de la zona conurbada de San Luis Potosi-Soledad de Graciano Sánchez, S.L.P, Comisión Nacional del Agua, Gerencia Estatal en San Luis Potosi, San Luis Potosi, CONAGUA Congress. Rojas, A. Experiencia de reuso del agua tratada en la Zona Metropolitana de San Luis Potosi. Jornadas técnicas sobre la recarga artificial de acuíferos y reuso del Agua, Instituo de Ingeniería UNAM, 9–10 June 2011, Mexico DF, Mexico. Standard Methods Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 21st edn. American Public Health Association, American Water Works Association and Water Environment Federation. WHO Guidelines for the Safe Use of Wastewater, Excreta and Greywater. Volume 2: Wastewater Use in Agriculture. 3rd edn. World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland.
First received 10 February 2013; accepted in revised form 29 April 2013. Available online 8 July 2013
© IWA Publishing 2014 Journal of Water Reuse and Desalination
Improving biological phosphorus removal in membrane bioreactors – a pilot study S. Smith, G. Kim, L. Doan and H. Roh
ABSTRACT With increasing water reuse applications and possible stringent regulations of phosphorus content in secondary and tertiary effluent discharge in Florida, USA, alternative technologies beyond conventional treatment processes require implementation to achieve low phosphorus (P) and nitrogen (N) concentrations. A pilot scale membrane bioreactor (MBR) system, operated in Florida, adopted the University of Cape Town (UCT) biological process for the treatment of domestic wastewater. The system operated for 280 days at a wastewater treatment facility with total hydraulic
S. Smith (corresponding author) G. Kim L. Doan H. Roh Doosan Hydro Technology, LLC, 912 Chad Lane, Tampa, FL 33619, USA E-mail: ssmith@doosanhydro.com
retention time (HRT) of 7 h and sludge retention time (SRT) of 20 days. Operating conditions were controlled to maintain specific dissolved oxygen (DO) concentrations in the reactors, operate at suitable return activated sludge (RAS) rates and to waste from the appropriate reactor. This process favored biological phosphorus removal and achieved 94.1% removal efficiency. Additionally, chemical oxygen demand (COD) and N removal were achieved at 93.9% and 86.6%, respectively. Membrane operation and maintenance did not affect the biological P removal performance but enhanced the process given the different operating requirements compared to that required with the conventional UCT process alone. Conclusively, the result of the pilot study demonstrated improvement in biological phosphorus removal. The UCT-MBR process tested achieved average effluent nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations of 5 mg/L as N and 0.3 mg/L as P. Key words
| enhanced biological phosphorus removal (EBPR), membrane bioreactor, phosphorus removal, water reuse
INTRODUCTION Membrane bioreactors (MBRs) are becoming the advanced
treated for the additional removal of nutrient and contami-
solution for water reuse as fresh water demands continue
nants using advanced technologies such as reverse osmosis
to increase and environmental contamination of drinking
technology (Comerton et al. ). The lack of US federal
water sources becomes of greater concern. As stated by
regulations governing water reuse treatment criteria then
the National Research Council (NRC), wastewater reuse
places responsibility on local and state agencies to develop
is intended to be utilized as a means to recover resources
such regulations (USEPA ). Water quality discharge
such as nutrients, energy and water (NRC ). In the
limits, specifically nitrogen and phosphorus, established
case that water is being recovered for reuse or solely dis-
are dependent on the specific application and receiving
charged as treated wastewater, water quality is important.
water body for which effluent is discharged. These regu-
Depending on the application, stringent effluent limits are
lations are important for the protection of aquatic
specified for the protection of public health and the
systems harmed by the effects of nutrient loading which
environment. For such reasons, MBRs are most practical
can increase algae growth, develop algal blooms, deplete
to achieve suitable effluent quality that can be further
doi: 10.2166/wrd.2013.119
S. Smith et al.
Improving biological phosphorus removal in UCT-MBR
Journal of Water Reuse and Desalination
(USEPA b). Several guidelines can apply and have
treatment, such as with the UCT (University of Cape
been summarized by the United States Environmental Pro-
Town) process, in conjunction with coagulant for the
tection Agency (USEPA) in their 2012 Guidelines for
additional removal of phosphorus (Wentzel et al. ;
Water Reuse Report.
Comeau et al. ; Rittmann & McCarty ; Tchobano-
Several US states, including California, Nevada, Ari-
glous et al. ; USEPA a). This is feasible due to
zona, and Texas, practice water reuse as a means for
the nitrogen removal process being well known and
water conservation and groundwater recharge (USEPA
easily optimized based on the design and operating par-
). The list extends to worldwide countries, including
ameters of the biological system. Phosphorus, on the
Singapore, Saudi Arabia, Australia and Israel (Bahri &
other hand, can be chemically or biologically removed.
Asano ). This further emphasizes the importance for
Chemical treatment involves direct precipitation (as
appropriate water quality regulation, especially with
implied earlier with the use of coagulant) for the physical
regard to discharge of high nutrient concentrations and
removal of P compounds whilst biological removal
harmful contaminants. The California Department of
involves bacteria removing phosphorus via their meta-
Public Health (CDPH), for example, regulates wastewater
bolic pathways (USEPA a). Although enhanced
reuse under the water recycling criteria, commonly
biological phosphorus removal (EBPR) can be optimized
known as the Title 22 reuse criteria (CDPH a, b).
for the general Florida P requirements, there are treat-
However, these regulations do not address nutrient cri-
ment limitations and performance instability, especially
teria on a statewide basis and are controlled depending
with fluctuating wastewater and sludge characteristics
on the geographical region and receiving water body
( Jenkins & Tandoi ; Liu et al. ; Mino et al.
type (King ). However, in other countries, as previous
). If biological phosphorus removal can be enhanced
literature has referenced, such as Germany and the Neth-
alongside MBRs, it potentially reduces the coagulation
requirement with the UCT or other nutrient removal pro-
implemented with discharge criteria of 0.5 and 0.15 mg/
cess (Galil et al. ; Lee et al. ; Monclús et al.
L as phosphorus (P) for the respective countries (Lesjean
). With the new regulations to be implemented,
et al. ).
increasing the potential for P removal prior to coagulant
Current Florida general wastewater regulations permit
use will directly aid in reducing coagulant dose require-
discharge concentrations for phosphorus and nitrogen are
ments to achieve the low P limit. Even more so, it can
1 mg/L as P and 3 mg/L as nitrogen (N). Future regu-
reduce the effluent P sufficiently for further reduction by
lations from the Florida Department of Environmental
additional membrane or ion exchange technologies
Protection (FDEP) may impose even more stringent nutri-
(USEPA b). This study evaluates the feasibility of a
ent discharge requirements on wastewater treatment and/
UCT biological process combined with membrane tech-
or water reclamation plants if approved by USEPA (Mat-
nology (MBR) for the efficient removal of both N and P
thews et al. ). More recently, the nutrient criteria for
concentrations, more specifically P, without additional
streams, lakes and estuaries has been approved by the
chemical requirements.
USEPA in late 2012. The regulation is being implemented to protect high quality waters and to prevent further impairment of waters including estuarine, coastal and
inland waters using a measurable criteria (King ). Phosphorus and nitrogen concentrations as low as
MBR pilot system
0.05 mg/L as P and 1.27 mg/L as N are to be implemented for secondary or tertiary effluent discharge to estuaries and
The pilot system was designed for the operation of the
rivers or lakes (USEPA ).
UCT process and consisted of an intake system, fine
In general, the current water quality requirements for
screen, biological reactors, and a membrane tank along
N and P can be achieved successfully using biological
with ancillary equipment as shown in the process flow
S. Smith et al.
Figure 1
Improving biological phosphorus removal in UCT-MBR
Journal of Water Reuse and Desalination
Process flow schematic for the UCT-MBR pilot.
diagram in Figure 1. The total volume of the biological 3
reactors was 6.3 m including the anaerobic, anoxic and
LMH (L/m2 h). General MBR operational set points and values were in accordance with the manufacturer’s specifi-
aerobic reactors while the MBR membrane tank volume
cations for filtration, backwash, maintenance cleaning and
was 1.5 m3. The system was designed to isolate membrane
clean-in-place (CIP) cleaning.
filtration from the biological process and allow sludge wasting from the membrane tank as opposed to wasting
Process operation
from the aerobic reactor. The intake was screened through a 1.0 mm perforated drum screen (Cleantek Water Sol-
The MBR pilot system was operated over 280 days at the
utions, Sweden). Each reactor was designed as a
Howard F. Curren advanced wastewater treatment plant
completed mixed reactor using industrial mixers (Light-
(AWTP) in Florida, USA, with domestic wastewater over
nin, USA). Rotary lobe pumps (Boerger LLC, Germany)
seasonal periods – summer and winter. The pilot system
recirculated sludge from the aerobic to the anoxic and
was installed near the influent end of the primary clarifier
from the anoxic to the anaerobic reactor and sludge
and was seeded with mixed liquor gathered from the
pump (Mudsucker, USA) controlled the sludge retention
AWTP aerobic and denitrification (anoxic) return acti-
time (SRT) by wasting from the MBR tank. Return acti-
vated sludge (RAS) lines. The concentration of the
vated sludge (RAS) from the MBR tank occurred by
seeded sludge was 3 g/L. Wastewater was withdrawn at
gravity overflow. Additional equipment required for mem-
the influent of the clarifier and pumped to the pilot
brane operation, air scouring, and aeration include self-
system through a coarse screen prior to the system drum
priming centrifugal pumps for the feed (Pacer Pumps,
USA) and filtrate (Iwaki America, USA) and rotary
The UCT process hydraulic retention time (HRT) was
lobe blowers (Dresser Roots, USA) for aeration and air
fixed at 7 h and the SRT was controlled at 20 days. Wast-
ing also controlled the mixed liquor suspended solids
The MBR system utilized a submerged, polyvinylidene
(MLSS) below 10 g/L in the biological reactors and
fluoride (PVDF) hollow fiber microfiltration membrane of
below 12 g/L in the MBR tank. Fixed blower operation
nominal pore size 0.1 μm. Two membrane elements were
maintained the dissolved oxygen (DO) concentration in
installed into the MBR tank, each with 25 m2 surface area.
the aerobic reactor at 2 mg/L. Membrane operation
Pilot design capacity varied between 19–26 m /d and was
included four operational steps including filtration, back-
dependent on membrane flux operation between 18–24
wash, chemical enhanced backwash (CEB) and CIP.
S. Smith et al.
Improving biological phosphorus removal in UCT-MBR
Journal of Water Reuse and Desalination
Maintenance cleaning was completed with sodium hypo-
performance. Standard methods and Hach Test’N Tube
chlorite (NaOCl) and citric acid (if necessary). CEB
Plus™ kits (HachTNTplus™) with the UV-visible spectro-
cleaning was performed once a week using a filtration/
photometer (Hach, USA) were used for analyses (APHA/
backwash cycle counter or based on a trans-membrane
AWWA/WEF ). These utilized USEPA methods
pressure (TMP) trigger set point. MBR filtrate flow was
including Methods 365.1 and 365.3 for P and Method
controlled according to the variable frequency drive.
410.4 for chemical oxygen demand (COD) and soluble
This, in turn, fixed the HRT of the biological process.
COD (sCOD). Ammonia utilized Method 350.1, 351.1
CIP cleaning was triggered based on elapsed time of oper-
and 351.2. Nitrate, nitrite, and phosphate concentrations
ation (every 6 months) and based on the TMP observed.
were confirmed using ion chromatography (Dionex,
Table 1 describes the operating parameters of the UCT
USA) based on the Standard Method SM4110B. Turbid-
process and the MBR membrane during this study.
ity of the filtrate was also verified using the Standard Method SM2130B using the portable and online sensor
Analytical methods
(BOD) was measured based on the AWWA Standard The pilot system was monitored utilizing online sensors
Method (SM 5210B). MLSS and mixed liquor volatile
and through laboratory analyses conducted on weekly
suspended solids (MLVSS) were also measured using
samples collected. Online sensors installed included pH,
AWWA Standard Methods (SM2540D and SM2540E
ORP (oxidation reduction potential), DO and turbidity
(Hach, USA). The pH, ORP and DO sensors were installed at the beginning and end of each reactor to monitor the water quality. The DO sensor in the aerobic
reactor was utilized to control the DO concentration in the aerobic tank by means of controlling the operational
Biological performance
speed of the aeration blower. A portable multi-probe sensor (WTW, Germany) was used for system monitoring
Evaluation of the pilot results indicated that the modified
and for online sensor verifications especially for DO, pH
UCT-MBR process efficiently removed phosphorus beyond
and ORP.
previous technological limitations. Complete nitrification
Weekly sampling and analyses were conducted for evaluation
was achieved in the system as indicated by the low concentration of ammonia in the effluent. Denitrification, however, was incomplete contributing to N effluent con-
Table 1
centrations averaging above 4 mg/L as N. The minimum MBR membrane operating parameters for UCT
Value/Set point
Filtrate flow rate
15–23 L/min (Q)
Filtrate flux
18–24 LMH
Air scouring flow rate
54–170 L/min
MBR tank feed flow rate
5Q (75–115 L/min)
RAS recirculation to aerobic and anaerobic tank
3Q-4Q (45–92 L/min)
effluent N and P achieved was 1.23 and 0.001 mg/L, respectively. However, these were not achieved in conjunction with each other. Evaluation of the overall UCT process indicated efficient removal of COD, BOD, nitrogen, phosphorus and ammonia from the wastewater throughout the study and each are shown in Table 2 below. The MLSS concentration was monitored during the
9 min:1 min
study by means of sampling. Wasting was not conducted
Every 1,000 filtration cycles
initially until the MLSS concentrations increased above
Every 6 months or TMP > 28 kPa
30 days after start-up operation. Figure 2 shows the
6 g/L in the aerobic reactor. This occurred approximately MLSS trend throughout the study. Solids concentration
S. Smith et al.
Table 2
Improving biological phosphorus removal in UCT-MBR
Journal of Water Reuse and Desalination
Biological performance of UCT-MBR
Influent Unit
Effluent Soluble
Removal efficiency
513 ± 102
214 ±35
31 ± 14
93.9 ± 2.7
173 ± 58
2 ±4
98.8 ± 2.4
Total nitrogen
mg/L as N
37 ± 7
30 ± 4
86.6 ± 5.7
Total phosphorus
mg/l as P
5.39 ± 1.12
2.53 ± 0.10
0.28 ± 0.32
0.29 ± 0.40
94.1 ± 8.3
mg/L as N
27 ± 4
0.17 ± 0.55
99.4 ± 2.0
mg/L as N
0.04 ± 0.05
3.5 ± 2.7
nitrification and organic oxidation. The COD and BOD trend are shown in Figure 3. As previously mentioned, high phosphorus removal was achieved during this study. Figure 4 demonstrates the phosphorus and nitrogen removal trend throughout the study and the effects of process operation on P removal including variations in wastewater characteristics. More so, the changes in internal sludge recirculation (RAS) did have some effect with some decrease in removal efficiency observed for both P and N removal especially after the second CIP clean. Towards the end Figure 2
MLSS Concentration for the UCT-MBR pilot.
of the pilot study, nitrogen removal was beginning to decline and become more unstable as further demonstrated by the effluent N and P concentrations in
continued to increase even after commencing wasting indicating rapid growth in the reactors. The variations observed were as a direct result of sludge loss during CIP cleaning. Additionally, operation of the UCT process with 4Q
Figure 5. This interference was directly caused by the changing wastewater characteristics and lower internal recirculation rates (3Q). Furthermore, this demonstrated competition of phosphorus removing organisms (phosphorus
showed even distribution of sludge within the biological system. However, energy consumption lowered feasibility for future application. For this reason, just prior to the first CIP, the internal recirculation rates were lowered to 3Q. The wastewater characteristics indicated stable COD and BOD concentrations incoming to the plant during summer and winter periods with a minor dilution in the summer. Importantly, COD concentrations were sufficient to support biological P release and uptake along with denitrification. The optimized DO control of the aeration in the aerobic reactor maintained oxygen transfer despite increase in MLSS concentrations allowing for complete
Figure 3
COD and BOD removal efficiency in UCT process.
S. Smith et al.
Figure 4
Improving biological phosphorus removal in UCT-MBR
Journal of Water Reuse and Desalination
Figure 6
Nutrient removal efficiency with UCT process.
Effluent phosphorus and influent sCOD concentrations in pilot system.
observation and recording of membrane TMP given flux operation was fixed. Fouling was not rapid in this study and TMP values were stable for flux values 18–20 LMH. In addition to this, membrane air scouring was fixed at 170 L/min which contributed to the high DO concentrations observed in the MBR tank. Concentrations varied between 4 and 6 mg/L and were dependent on the MLSS concentration. Overall, membrane performance indicated a robust membrane which can recover after maintenance or CIP cleaning and can be seen in Figure 7.
Figure 5
Comparative evaluation of effluent phosphorus and nitrogen concentration.
Biological phosphorus removal Given the results of the study, a general mass balance of
accumulating organisms) with denitrification bacteria for
phosphorus must be conducted in order to determine
available COD and is trended in Figure 6.
the mechanism of phosphorus removal and to confirm
The average N removal did not satisfy the Florida regulation of 3 mg/L as N. Future improvements through increased RAS rates or by increasing the HRT in the anoxic reactor can improve N removal.
Membrane performance Throughout pilot operation, membrane performance was stable and demonstrated effluent water quality with turbidity 0.01 NTU. Throughout the study, flux operation varied between 18 and 24 LMH in order to evaluate membrane
and closely
Figure 7
Membrane performance trend with UCT process.
S. Smith et al.
Improving biological phosphorus removal in UCT-MBR
Journal of Water Reuse and Desalination
4 mg/L were maintained in the membrane tank. More so,
( Jeyanayagam ). The phosphorus mass balance can
be directly determined based on the complete analysis
removal as evident by the ammonium concentrations
of the soluble P content within the biological process,
observed within the system and shown in Table 3. Hence,
as well as the P content within the biomass from the
wasting to control SRT occurs from the reactor with the
RAS and waste activated sludge (WAS) lines. The bound-
highest uptake of phosphorus. This aided in the efficient
ary layer for phosphorus mass balance was determined
and is shown in Figure 8.
observed also suggest some colloidal rejection of phos-
Samples analyzed during the study provide the phos-
phorus profile of the biological process and are listed in
concentration or by additional phosphorus uptake at the
Table 3. Initial evaluation of the phosphorus profile
surface of the membrane by the biofilm attached at the sur-
within the biological reactors demonstrates suitable phos-
face. This requires additional study and evaluation for
phorus release in the anaerobic reactor and significant
uptake in the anoxic, aerobic and MBR reactors. Further
Additionally shown in Table 3 are the nitrogen and
evaluation of the profile demonstrates additional P uptake
sCOD profiles within each biological reactor. This also
in the MBR tank from which sludge is wasted. P uptake
demonstrates the effect of nitrogen, particularly nitrate, on
in the aerobic reactor was suitable due to the fixed DO
the phosphorus removal mechanism by biological uptake.
concentration at 2 mg/L. Membrane air scouring contribu-
The results demonstrate consistent low nitrate concen-
ted to the additional P uptake as DO concentrations above
tration in the anaerobic reactor. This directly contributed
Figure 8
Table 3
Mass balance boundary layer for phosphorus.
Phosphorus and nitrogen concentrations in reactors
Soluble COD
Soluble phosphorus
Soluble total nitrogen
Soluble nitrate
(mg/L as P)
(mg/L as N)
(mg/L as N)
(mg/L as N)
214 ± 35
2.53 ± 0.10
30 ± 4
49 ± 13
9.42 ± 5.21
0.74 ± 3
47 ± 21
1.75 ± 0.94
27 ± 4 5±3 0.57 ± 0.80
45 ± 13
1.02 ± 1.43
0.48 ± 0.89
46 ± 14
0.48 ± 1.07
0.13 ± 0.51
31 ± 14
0.28 ± 0.32
0.17 ± 0.55
S. Smith et al.
Improving biological phosphorus removal in UCT-MBR
to the efficient phosphorus release observed in the anaerobic reactor and reduced competition.
CONCLUSIONS The UCT-MBR pilot system was evaluated for improvement of the EBPR process as a solution to the upcoming stringent regulations for P content in secondary and tertiary discharge in Florida, USA. The EBPR was enhanced by sustaining optimal conditions favorable for the release and uptake of phosphorus. Important design factors and operating parameters were controlled and were observed to enhance biological performance whilst eliminating biological competition. Phosphorus concentrations in the effluent averaged at 0.3 mg/L as P under appropriate operating conditions. Nitrification was also further enhanced within the MBR system where nitrogen removal achieved average effluent concentrations of 5 mg/L as N. The results of this study provided information relevant for parallel assessment of both the UCT process and MBR membrane performance. The process configuration maintained optimal DO and recirculation rate conditions supporting phosphorus luxury uptake and biological nitrogen removal. These key operating parameters enhanced EBPR without the use of coagulants or precipitation mechanisms. Therefore, enhanced biological phosphorus removal with MBR process application is feasible and is dependent on the appropriate biological process utilized and importantly, the operating conditions of the biological process.
REFERENCES APHA/AWWA/WEF Standard Methods for Examination of Water and Wastewater, 22nd edn. American Public Health Association/American Water Works Association/Water Environment Federation, Washington, DC. Bahri, A. & Asano, T. Global Challenges to Wastewater Reclamation and Reuse. In: On the Water Front - Selections from the 2010 World Water Week in Stockholm (J. Lundqvist,
Journal of Water Reuse and Desalination
ed.). Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI), Stockholm, Vol. 2, pp. 64–72. CDPH a California Department of Public Health – Regulations Related to Recycled Water January 2009. In: Titles 22 and 17 California Code of Regulations – California Department of Public Health’s Recycled Water Regulations. California, pp. 10–33. CDPH b Treatment Technology Report for Recycled Water. State of California – Health and Human Services Agency. Carpinteria, California, pp. 60. Comeau, Y., Rabionwitz, B., Hall, K. J. & Oldham, W. K. Phosphate release and uptake in enhanced biological phosphorus removal from wastewater. J. (Wat. Pollut. Control Fed.) 59 (7), 707–715. Comerton, A. M., Andrews, R. C. & Bagley, D. M. Evaluation of an MBR–RO system to produce high quality reuse water: Microbial control, DBP formation and nitrate. Wat. Res. 39 (16), 3982–3990. Galil, N., Malachi, K. B.-D. & Sheindorf, C. Biological nutrient removal in membrane biological reactors. Environ. Eng. Sci. 26 (4), 817–824. Jenkins, D. & Tandoi, V. The applied microbiology of enhanced biological phosphate removal – accomplishments and needs. Wat. Res. 25 (12), 1471–1478. Jeyanayagam, S. True confessions of the biological nutrient removal process. Florida Wat. Res. J. (January), 37–46. King, E. Introduction to Development of Numeric Nutrient Criteria in the State of Florida (ed.) E.S.A. Board, EPA Office of Water, Washington, DC. Lee, H., Han, J. & Yun, Z. Biological nitrogen and phosphorus removal in UCT-type MBR process. Wat. Sci. Technol. 59 (11), 2093–2099. Lesjean, B., Gnirss, R., Adam, C., Kraume, M. & Luck, F. Enhanced biological phosphorus removal process implemented in membrane bioreactors to improve phosphorous recovery and recycling. Wat. Sci. Technol. 48 (1), 87–94. Liu, W.-T., Nakamura, K., Matsuo, T. & Mino, T. Internal energy-based competition between polyphosphate- and glycogen-accumulating bacteria in biological phosphorus removal reactors – Effect of P/C feeding ratio. Wat. Res. 31 (6), 1430–1438. Matthews, R., Cisterna, R. & Sharp, R. Impacts of Florida’s new and proposed numeric criteria on water reuse opportunities. 26th Annual Water Reuse Symposium, September 11–14, 2011, Phoenix, AZ. Mino, T., van Loosdrecht, M. C. M. & Heijnen, J. J. Microbiology and biochemistry of the enhanced biological phosphate removal process. Wat. Res. 32 (11), 3193–3207. Monclús, H., Sipma, J., Ferrero, G., Comas, J. & Rodriguez-Roda, I. Optimization of biological nutrient removal in a pilot plant UCT-MBR treating municipal wastewater during startup. Desalination 250 (2), 592–597. NRC Water Reuse: Potential for Expanding the Nation’s Water Supply Through Reuse of Municipal Wastewater. National Academies Press, Washington, DC.
S. Smith et al.
Improving biological phosphorus removal in UCT-MBR
Rittmann, B. E. & McCarty, P. L. Environmental Biotechnology: Principles and Applications. McGraw-Hill, New York. Tchobanoglous, G., Burton, F. L., Eddy, M. & Stensel, H. D. Wastewater Engineering: Treatment and Reuse, 4th edn. McGraw-Hill, New York. USEPA State Adoption of Numeric Nutrient Standards (1998–2008). USEPA a Nutrient Control Design Manual – State of Technology Review Report. EPA, EPA/600/R09/012.
Journal of Water Reuse and Desalination
USEPA b Nutrient control design manual state of technology review report. US Environmental Protection Agency, National Risk Management Research Laboratory, Water Supply and Water Resources Division. USEPA Water Quality Standards for the State of Florida’s Lakes and Flowing Waters (ed.) EPA, Vol. 40 CFR Part 131, pp. 197. USEPA Guidelines for Water Reuse. In: EPA/600/R-12/618. Wentzel, M., Lötter, L., Loewenthal, R. & Marais, G. Metabolic behaviour of Acinetobacter spp. in enhanced biological phosphorus removal – a biochemical model. Wat. SA 12 (4), 209–224.
First received 1 March 2013; accepted in revised form 19 May 2013. Available online 1 July 2013
© IWA Publishing 2014 Journal of Water Reuse and Desalination
Seawater desalination using forward osmosis process Parida Venketeswari, Ong Say Leong and Ng How Yong
ABSTRACT This study aims to evaluate the feasibility of the forward osmosis (FO) process for seawater desalination. The leakage of boron from the seawater into the draw solution was also studied. According to the WHO guideline, the maximum permissible limit of boron in drinking water is 2.4 ppm. Preliminary results of boron rejection by forward osmosis membrane were found to be 60–70%. Minimal fouling of the FO membrane was observed in the experimental run spanning over 70 days. Under the given set of test conditions, flux of 1.4 L m
was found throughout the
run and there was no significant decline in the flux. With a flux recovery of 40% which is the same
Parida Venketeswari Ong Say Leong Ng How Yong (corresponding author) Centre for Water Research, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, National University of Singapore, Block E1A #07-03, 1 Engineering Drive 2, Singapore 117576 E-mail: howyongng@nus.edu.sg
as that of the reverse osmosis (RO) process, FO could be potentially utilized for seawater desalination applications. Key words
| boron rejection, forward osmosis, membrane fouling, scaling, seawater desalination
INTRODUCTION The current scenario of global water crisis demands innova-
(CTA) could draw about 5 L of potable water from seawater
tive and novel technologies that not only provide elevated
using 1 kg of glucose–fructose draw solution. It was
throughput and productivity, but also ensure optimum
intended to commercialize seawater desalination to produce
energy efficiency at the same time. Today, the most consist-
a stand-alone emergency water supply on lifeboats.
ent and reliable technology to extract fresh water from
Recently, other draw solutions such as ammonium bicarbon-
seawater is the reverse osmosis (RO) process (Elimelech &
ate (McCutcheon et al. ) have been experimented with
Phillip ). However, the energy consumed by this process,
for their potential use in solute extraction and reusability.
including the pressure exchangers at the brine stream is
In these tests, 0.5 M NaCl representing seawater was used
of water produced (Mezher et al.
as the feed while 6 M ammonium bicarbonate was employed
). Furthermore, it also faces the issue of membrane
as draw solution. Preliminary results substantiated that FO
membrane helped produce higher flux compared to RO
roughly 3–4 kWh m
At the turn of the new century, scientists have shown
membrane. A recent research article (Phuntsho et al. )
keen interest in electro-deionization technologies, forward
reported using fertilizer solutions as draw solutions for sea-
osmosis (FO) process and nanofiltration using carbon nano-
water desalination using the FO process.
tubes, in order to address the challenges faced by the RO
Earlier research on seawater desalination using the FO
process (Shea ). The FO process is a viable prospect
process was generally concerned with the choice of draw
for seawater desalination by extracting water molecules
solution and flux recovery (Kravath & Davis ; McGin-
from the seawater into a draw solution. In addition to the
nis et al. ) However, fouling propensity of seawater on
applications of FO available in the literature (Cath et al.
the FO membrane, the necessity for any seawater pretreat-
), it could be prudently employed for seawater desalina-
ment prior to passage through the FO membrane, and
tion due to its low energy consumption and lower fouling
boron rejection by the FO membrane have not been
propensity. Reports (Kessler & Moody ) suggest that a
studied in detail. Recently, Jin et al. () investigated
flat sheet FO membrane made from cellulose triacetate
doi: 10.2166/wrd.2013.009
through the
FO membrane
in two
P. Venketeswari et al.
Seawater desalination using forward osmosis process
Journal of Water Reuse and Desalination
membrane orientation modes, namely the dense layer
solution due to its high osmotic pressure obtained at low
facing the feed solution and the dense layer facing the
solute concentrations, comparatively lower cost, low toxicity
draw solution. Under simulated test conditions, artificial
and ease of reconcentration through low pressure systems,
seawater (i.e., 0.5 M NaCl) was tested at batch scale with
such as nanofiltration. Nanofiltration technology is used
the addition of boron solution. Boron rejection was better
for the separation of water molecules from the concentrated
for the dense layer facing the feed solution mode due to
draw solute.
effective and efficient rejection of boron. Furthermore, it
The FO flat sheet membrane used was purchased from
was reported that the boron rejection increased with
HTI Inc., USA. A 0.45-μm polyethersulphone (PES) MF
increasing membrane water flux.
membrane was used to treat seawater prior to filtration
Nevertheless, there is a necessity to use actual seawater
with FO membrane.
and run it in continuous mode to investigate the boron flux
The experimental set-up (Figure 1) consisted of sub-
and hence its rejection by the FO membrane. Fouling due to
merged FO membrane modules in seawater, with the draw
seawater exacerbates the plant throughput, thus affecting
solution circulating inside it. The draw solution tanks were
the water production efficiency. As far as the RO process
placed on a weighing scale to measure the change in the
is concerned, fouling in seawater desalination is basically
weight of the draw tank, from which the membrane water
due to particulate matter, organic compounds and biological
flux was calculated. Two types of seawater feed were
growth (Magara et al. ). Furthermore, Huertas et al.
tested simultaneously, one pretreated with MF and the
() have investigated the impact of biofouling on RO
other with no pretreatment. This helped study the effects
membrane boron rejection. It was observed that the boron
of pretreating the seawater before the actual FO filtration
rejection dropped by 45% for RO membrane fouled by P.
process. A seawater retention time of 3 days was maintained
aeruginosa PAO1. The decrease in boron rejection was
in the FO reactor tanks.
attributed to biofilm growth that enhanced concentration
Boron determination in seawater feed and subsequent
polarization of salts, including boron, near the membrane
seepage into the draw solution were measured using ICP-
surface. Generally, a decrease in boron rejection is observed
OES (inductively coupled plasma optical emission spec-
when biofouling occurs. Therefore, research is necessary
trometry) method at 249.772 nm as per ASTM-3120 B
into membrane fouling, boron rejection by the FO mem-
protocol. An ion chromatogram was used to monitor the
brane, impact of pretreatment of seawater using the
ions present in the seawater and draw solution. Turbidity,
microfilter (MF) membrane and overall recovery of the
SDI and pH of the feed seawater solutions were measured
system for seawater desalination. Tapping the osmotic gradi-
intermittently. A nephelometer (Hach 2100 N Turbiditi-
ent energy of the highly concentrated sodium sulphate as a
meter, USA) was used to measure solution turbidity. GE
draw solution in the FO process, seawater was desalinated
Osmonics’ (USA) SDI kit was used for measuring the SDI
at laboratory scale in this study. Studies on flux perform-
of feed seawater solution. The SDI is a measure of the
ance, fouling and boron rejection of the FO membrane
capacity of any feedwater to foul RO membranes. The SDI
were carried out.
is determined from the fouling rate of a 0.45-μm filter at a pressure of 30 psi and is described in the ASTM standard method D4189 (Eaton et al. ). At the end of the exper-
iments, the FO membrane was subjected to destructive testing to investigate the degree of fouling on its surface
Surface seawater with pH of about 8.1 and total dissolved
using scanning electron microscopy (SEM-XL-30-FEG, Phi-
solids of 32,500 ppm was used. It had a nominal silt density
lips, Germany). Prior to taking the SEM images, membrane
index (SDI) of 4, turbidity of 1–2 NTU and total organic
samples were prepared by freezing the membrane at
50 C
carbon of about 4–5 ppm. Sodium sulphate solution with a
in a chiller for 2 hours followed by freeze drying at
70 C
concentration of 1.15 M was employed as the concentrated
and 0.01 mbar (vacuum conditions) for 7–8 hours. This
draw solution. Sodium sulphate is used as a suitable draw
was done in order to keep intact the foulant layer of the
Figure 1
P. Venketeswari et al.
Seawater desalination using forward osmosis process
Journal of Water Reuse and Desalination
Submerged membrane reactor set-up.
membrane, without the formation of cracks upon direct
0.2 NTU are mostly beneficial as RO influent. It is to be
noted that these parameters are mere indicators of a typical feedwater’s fouling potential and may not be singled out as the only cause of fouling. In this study, results on turbidity
and SDI showed reduction in each parameter to a consider-
Over 70 days of the experiment run, no cleaning of the mem-
seawater were 4.2 and 3, respectively. The raw seawater tur-
able extent. The SDI15 of raw seawater and MF-pretreated brane was required, since the FO water flux decline was
bidity was about 1–2 NTU, while that after MF treatment
negligible over the entire period of the experiment. The
was about 0.5 NTU. Figure 2 shows the photographic
water flux was maintained at around 1.4 L m
h 1.
images of SDI filter strips tested for raw seawater and MFpretreated seawater. Thus, MF pretreatment did help in
Effects of MF pretreatment
reducing the turbidity and SDI of the feed seawater significantly.
In theory, MF pretreatment should impact the membrane fouling tendency since it can remove fine particles larger
Seawater fouling of FO membrane
than 0.1 μm, thereby reducing the fouling tendency of the feed water. The MF pretreatment thus aids in the removal
As reported in the literature, RO membranes are highly vul-
of suspended particulate matter to alleviate fouling and
nerable to biofouling. In addition, the compact cake layer so
ageing, and reducing the frequency of intermittent cleaning
formed is difficult to remove unless chemical cleaning is
for the downstream membrane process – FO process in this
initiated. However, in the case of FO membrane, the
study. SDI and turbidity are indicators for the quality and
degree of cake formation would be less compact since no
efficiency of pretreatment of a feed water sample. Generally,
hydraulic energy is used to force the feed seawater across
SDI less than 3 is preferable for RO influent (Greenlee et al.
the membrane (Mi & Elimelech ). The draw solution
), while feedwaters with SDI greater than 4 need a suit-
on the other side of the membrane ‘sucks’ water from the
able pretreatment. Similarly, turbidity values less than
feed side across the FO membrane, thus imparting less
Figure 2
P. Venketeswari et al.
Seawater desalination using forward osmosis process
Journal of Water Reuse and Desalination
SDI15 filter strips after testing for (a) feed seawater, (b) MF-pretreated seawater.
pressure on the foulants on the feed side and making the
Furthermore, the experimental flux obtained was lower
foulant layer less compact and easily removable. The water
than the critical flux above which fouling occurred. How-
flux decline and normalized flux profile of the membrane
ever, a slightly higher flux was observed for the FO
was also monitored in this study (Figure 3). It is observed
membrane subjected to MF-pretreated seawater. Hence,
that the flux decline was not significant for both with and
the seawater with MF pretreatment helped to improve the
without MF pretreatment. This could be due to the hydro-
FO water flux, but the effects were not very significant in
philic CTA make of the membrane that prevented
this study due to very low experimental water fluxes
excessive fouling on the membrane surface, thereby causing
significant flux decline. In addition, due to operation of the
After the completion of 70 days of continuous operation,
membrane in the FO mode, the dense layer facing the feed
the FO membrane surface was analysed using SEM with
energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX) to identify the
Figure 3
Effect of MF pretreatment on flux and normalized flux.
P. Venketeswari et al.
Seawater desalination using forward osmosis process
Journal of Water Reuse and Desalination
elemental group composition. The FO membrane subjected
on its surface. It is to be noted that although there were signs
to direct raw seawater showed signs of scaling deposits on
of scaling on the FO membrane surface for the FO mem-
its surface. Figures 4(a)–4(c) show the SEM images of the
brane subjected to non-pretreated seawater, it was not
FO membranes treating MF-pretreated seawater and raw
significant enough to reduce the membrane water flux.
seawater, respectively. At 200× magnification, scaling over
Figure 4(d) shows the photographic image of the FO mem-
the FO membrane surface was much greater for the FO
brane subjected to non-pretreated seawater. The extent of
membrane subjected to non-pretreated seawater. This scal-
fouling on the membrane was not severe.
ing on the FO membrane surface subjected to nonpretreated seawater could be due to the precipitation of cal-
Boron rejection
cium sulphate or calcium carbonate crystals. EDX analysis of the scaled membrane surface (Table 1) confirmed the
Seawater contains boron with a concentration as high as
presence of calcium. The reason for the excessive scaling
5 ppm. When seawater is desalinated by the membrane pro-
observed on the FO membrane surface that was subjected
cess, leakage of boron can be significant. For natural
to non-pretreated seawater could be due to the excessive
seawater of pH 8, boron rejection by the FO membrane is
organic fouling during the initial stages that further led to
low, around 60–70%. Since boron in potable water (i.e.,
inorganic fouling (i.e., scaling) similar to the ‘cake enhanced
drinking water) is fatal to the human body, it is a serious
concentration polarization’ effect (Hoek & Elimelech ).
challenge to prevent boron leakage into the permeate side.
However, for the FO membrane pretreated with MF, the
In the RO process, raising pH in the second pass is one of
extent of organic fouling was low, preventing further scaling
the viable options to reduce boron leakage. Boron specific
Figure 4
SEM images of (a) FO membrane treating MF-pretreated seawater – less fouling; FO membrane treating seawater with no pretreatment – excessive scaling 200× (b) and 3,500× (c); and (d) photographic image of FO membrane treating seawater with no pretreatment.
Table 1
P. Venketeswari et al.
Seawater desalination using forward osmosis process
EDX analysis for scaling on FO membrane surface subjected to non-pretreated seawater
Journal of Water Reuse and Desalination
rejection was obtained (Figure 5(b)). This could be attributed to the fact that fouling could reduce boron rejection by hindering back-diffusion of boron into the bulk feedwater,
resulting in rising boron concentration near the FO mem-
brane surface, thus enhancing the boron passage into the
draw solution (Huertas et al. ). As a result, boron con-
centration in the draw solutions for the FO system with
non-pretreated seawater was slightly higher. It is also to be
noted that a decreasing trend in the FO membrane boron
rejection is due to the accumulation of boron in the draw
tank. Nevertheless, it is concluded that MF pretreatment
of seawater could enhance boron rejection of the FO
membrane. Salt rejection
ion exchange resins have also been used. The FO membrane
The overall FO membrane rejection for chloride was con-
could not reject all the boron effectively, with an overall
stant at about 97% at the end of the experimental run
boron rejection of 60%. Figure 5 shows the concentration
(Figure 6).
of boron in the FO reactors and draw solution tanks. It was observed that the concentration of boron kept increasing over the experimental run, owing to its accumulation
in the draw tank. Comparing the boron concentrations in draw solutions, it was observed that the boron leakage was
The FO process, in conjunction with a post-treatment pro-
slightly greater when non-pretreated seawater was used,
unlike the case when MF-pretreated seawater was used in
desalination, provided that the issue of boron rejection
the FO reactor. Thus with MF pretreatment, a better boron
could be tackled effectively. As far as fouling is concerned,
Figure 5
Boron (a) concentration profile and (b) rejection percentage by FO membrane subject to MF-pretreated seawater and seawater with no pretreatment over the experimental run of 70 days.
Figure 6
P. Venketeswari et al.
Seawater desalination using forward osmosis process
FO membrane chloride (Cl ) rejection profile.
the FO process has an added advantage since minimal deposition of foulants occurred. MF pretreatment of seawater reduced the FO membrane water flux decline slightly compared to non-pretreated seawater. The normalized flux decline profile affirmed that the FO membrane was able to withstand fouling to a significant extent. The low flux conditions and the CTA FO membrane’s inherent hydrophilic nature had led to minimal fouling or scaling on the membrane surface. The overall boron rejection by the FO membrane was about 60–70%. In order to produce potable water within boron regulation, post-treatment of the diluted draw solution is necessary.
REFERENCES Cath, T. Y., Childress, A. E. & Elimelech, M. Forward osmosis: principles, applications, and recent developments. J. Membrane Sci. 281 (1–2), 70–87. Eaton, L. S., Clesceri, A. E. & Greenberg, A. D. (eds) Standard Methods Handbook for the Examination of Water and Wastewater. AWWA, APHA, WEF, Washington, DC.
Journal of Water Reuse and Desalination
Elimelech, M. & Phillip, W. A. The future of seawater desalination: energy, technology, and the environment. Science 333, 712–717. Greenlee, L. F., Lawler, D. F., Freeman, B. D., Marrot, B. & Moulin, P. Reverse osmosis desalination: water sources, technology, and today’s challenges. Water Res. 43 (9), 2317– 2348. Hoek, E. & Elimelech, M. Cake-enhanced concentration polarization: a new fouling mechanism for salt-rejecting membranes. Environ. Sci. Technol. 37 (24), 5581–5588. Huertas, E., Herzberg, M., Oron, G. & Elimelech, M. Influence of biofouling on boron removal by nanofiltration and reverse osmosis membranes. J. Membrane Sci. 318 (1–2), 264–270. Jin, X., Tang, C. Y., Gu, Y., She, Q. & Qi, S. Boric acid permeation in forward osmosis membrane processes: modeling, experiments, and implications. Environ. Sci. Technol. 45 (6), 2323–2330. Kessler, J. O. & Moody, C. D. Drinking water from sea water by forward osmosis. Desalination 18 (3), 297–306. Kravath, R. E. & Davis, J. A. Desalination of sea water by direct osmosis. Desalination 16 (2), 151–155. Magara, Y., Kawasaki, M., Sekino, M. & Yamamura, H. Development of reverse osmosis seawater desalination in Japan. Water Sci. Technol. 41 (10–11), 1–8. McCutcheon, J. R., McGinnis, R. L. & Elimelech, M. A novel ammonia–carbon dioxide forward (direct) osmosis desalination process. Desalination 174 (1), 1–11. McGinnis, R. L., McCutcheon, J. R. & Elimelech, M. A novel ammonia-carbon dioxide osmotic heat engine for power generation. J. Membrane Sci. 305 (1–2), 13–19. Mezher, T., Fath, H., Abbas, Z. & Khaled, A. Technoeconomic assessment and environmental impacts of desalination technologies. Desalination 266, 263–273. Mi, B. & Elimelech, M. Organic fouling of forward osmosis membranes: fouling reversibility and cleaning without chemical reagents. J. Membrane Sci. 348 (1–2), 337–345. Phuntsho, S., Shon, H. K., Hong, S., Lee, S. & Vigneswaran, S. A novel low energy fertilizer driven forward osmosis desalination for direct fertigation: evaluating the performance of fertilizer draw solutions. J. Membrane Sci. 375 (1–2), 172–181. Shea, A. L. Status and Challenges for Desalination in the United States. Japan–USA Joint Conference On Drinking Water Quality Management and Wastewater Control. March 4. Available at: www.niph.go.jp/soshiki/suido/pdf/h21JPUS/ abstract/r9-1.pdf.
First received 9 February 2013; accepted in revised form 7 June 2013. Available online 17 July 2013
© IWA Publishing 2014 Journal of Water Reuse and Desalination
Effects on macronutrient contents in soil-plant irrigated with different quality waters and wastewaters M. T. Orta de Velásquez, K. Velázquez Pedroza, I. Yáñez-Noguez, I. Monje-Ramírez and A. E. Campos-Reales-Pineda
ABSTRACT The goals of this research were focused on investigating the effects of irrigation with untreated wastewater, ozone-enhanced primary treated wastewaters (O3EPTW), tap water and tap water þ fertilizer on the macronutrient content in soil and plant tissues. The effect on plant development was evaluated by growing Lactuca sativa in soils irrigated with these different quality waters and wastewaters, and by determining the macronutrients content in water, soil and plants. In this study, the soils irrigated with O3EPTW showed increased organic matter concentrations, which is advantageous for crop cultivation. The electric conductivity for the O3EPTW irrigated soils remained
M. T. Orta de Velásquez (corresponding author) K. Velázquez Pedroza I. Yáñez-Noguez I. Monje-Ramírez A. E. Campos-Reales-Pineda Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Instituto de Ingeniería, Edificio 5, 1er Nivel, Cub 213, Circuito Escolar, Ciudad Universitaria, 04510 México DF, México E-mail: mortal@ii.unam.mx
below those of the tap water þ fertilizer and untreated wastewater. The soil irrigated with tap water þ fertilizer showed a marked decrease in pH, and its long-term use could lead to soil acidification. Macronutrient levels in plant tissues (N, K and Mg contents) were similar for all irrigation waters, except for tap water which always remained lower than the others. It was concluded that the use of O3EPTW may become a good irrigation alternative that can be employed without the health risks associated with the use of untreated wastewaters, also reducing the adverse effects on soil’s salinity or acidification. Key words
| macronutrients, ozone-enhanced primary treated wastewaters (O3EPTW), wastewater reuse
INTRODUCTION Sometimes wastewater is the only available alternative for
available for plant growth; as well as diminishing the soil’s
agricultural irrigation, but its use represents a potential
pH (Kiziloglu et al. ; Adrover et al. ). Kiziloglu
health hazard due to its elevated content of pathogenic
et al. () also reported on the changes in chemical soil
microorganisms, including Helminth eggs. Pathogenic
characteristics (N, P, K, Ca, Mg and Na contents) evaluated
microorganism concentrations can be lowered by the use
after irrigation with untreated, preliminary and primary trea-
of an advanced primary treatment (APT), which provides
ted wastewater. They concluded that the soils irrigated with
an effluent beneficial to agriculture because of its nutrients
wastewater showed an increase on the yield of the plants and
content (Orta de Velásquez et al. ). The nutrients con-
in their macro and microelement content. Hence, waste-
tained in reclaimed wastewater can contribute to crop
water has a high nutritive value that can improve plant
growth, but periodic monitoring of nutrient levels is
growth, reduce fertilizer application and increase crop pro-
needed to avoid an imbalance in nutrient supply for the
ductivities of poor fertility soils. However, while untreated
irrigated plants (Pedrero et al. ). Previous research has
wastewaters can be used on agricultural land for a short
shown that the use of wastewater for crop irrigation may
period of time, primary-treated wastewaters can be used in
increase soil salinity, organic matter content, levels of
sustainable agriculture over a long term (Kiziloglu et al.
exchangeable cations, phosphorus, and other microelements
doi: 10.2166/wrd.2013.016
M. T. Orta de Velásquez et al.
Effects on macronutrient contents in soil-plant irrigated with different waters
Conversely, a study in Brazil (Herpin et al. ) found
Journal of Water Reuse and Desalination
that the use of a secondary effluent to irrigate coffee crops had three major disadvantages: (1) an increase in soil sodi-
In order to evaluate the effects on macronutrients content (N,
city; (2) a reduction of the soil’s organic matter level with
P, K) and ion concentrations (Naþ, Ca2þ, Mg2þ, and SO2 4 ) in
a decrease in cationic exchange capacity; and (3) a discre-
the soil-plant system, irrigation experiments were carried out
pancy in the nutrient balance for the soil-plant system.
in a greenhouse during 120 days using Italian lettuce (Lactuca
That research also found that the soil’s N, P and S concen-
sativa). For this purpose, five types of water were employed
trations were insufficient for coffee cultivation. It was
for irrigation: tap water, tap water þ fertilizer, untreated
concluded that the macroelements (N, P, K, Mg and Na)
wastewater and ozone-enhanced primary treated wastewaters
content in coffee plant tissues were within the normal
(O3EPTW). The number of analysed samples is specified in
ranges for the plant (with the exception of Ca, for which
each subsection. During the experimentation period, each
higher values were measured). On the other hand, Kiziloglu
type of irrigation water was prepared every time just before
et al. () established that the macronutrients content in
irrigation, according to the procedures described below.
plant tissue depends on the type and quality of water used for irrigation; the P, K, Ca, Mg and Na content in two crops (cauliflower and squash) decreased in the following order: untreated wastewater > pre-treatment > primary treatment > tap water. Up to this date, there are few investigations regarding macronutrients content in soil-plant systems irrigated with
Types of water used for irrigation
Tap water: used as a control to evaluate the evolution of
Tap water þ fertilizer: used to simulate ideal nutrient con-
primary treated wastewater (Kiziloglu et al. ), and
sol Multipurpose, manufactured by SQM (Sociedad
lished research in this field focuses only on irrigation with et al. ; Kalavrouziotis et al. ; García-Delgado
et al. ), but not on the effects that can be observed on
application of ozone at the coagulation step (ozone-
productivities for irrigated plants. Nevertheless, the relation-
followed by chlorination (O3 þ NaOCl): carried out in a O3/L H2O, followed by 2 mg/L of NaOCl contacted for
plants was not investigated. Therefore, the aim of the pre-
subjected to an ozone-enhanced primary treatment) on the
of these methods. O3 disinfection (O3EPTW-A); the combination of ozone semi-batch reactor applying a total ozone dose of 20 mg
ship between the nutrient content of the water, soil and
different quality waters and wastewaters (including those
A and B): these were obtained by treating in the labora-
sand filtration (10 μm sieve) and disinfection by either
during a preliminary evaluation of the influence of the trea-
sent research is to evaluate the effect of the irrigation with
discharges. Ozone-enhanced primary treated wastewaters (O3EPTW,
Campos-Reales-Pineda et al. (), followed by silica
water’s phytotoxicity and improved germination rates
findings could result in beneficial effects such as improved
the Cerro de la Estrella Wastewater Treatment Plant
tory the influent from the CEWWTP, according to
enhanced primary treatment, O3EAPT), reduced the waste-
ted effluents on plant seedlings. It was mentioned that those
Untreated wastewater: collected from the influent of
influent of this treatment plant mostly receives municipal
ments such as an APT. demonstrated that the use of an APT that combined the
Quimica y Minera de Chile S.A.).
(CEWWTP), located in the southeast of Mexico City. The
macronutrient changes by using physical-chemical treatA previous study (Campos-Reales-Pineda et al. )
ditions for growing L. sativa. It was prepared using the recommended mixture of the commercial fertilizer Ultra-
none with ozonated primary treatment. Most of the pubbiological treatment effluents (Isea et al. ; Heidarpour
the original nutrients content of the soil.
60 min. NaOCl disinfection (O3EPTW-B): dosing only 20 mg/L NaOCl and contacted for 60 min.
macronutrients content in soil and plant tissues of Italian
The chemical oxygen demand (COD), biochemical oxygen
demand (BOD5), total suspended solids (TSS), turbidity
M. T. Orta de Velásquez et al.
Effects on macronutrient contents in soil-plant irrigated with different waters
Journal of Water Reuse and Desalination
and pH were determined according to Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater (APHA ). Faecal coliforms (FC) were quantified by the Membrane Filtration method (NMX-AA-102-SCFI-), using Difco MFC W
selective agar media and incubation in a water bath at 44.5
±2 C for 24 h. Helminth eggs (HE) were determined in W
accordance to the NOM-001-SEMARNAT- procedures. These physicochemical and microbiological parameters were measured weekly. Throughout the irrigation experiments, a total of 40 subsamples were collected to produce a composite sample for each type of irrigation water. Cations (Kþ, Naþ, NHþ 4, 2 3 Ca2þ, Mg2þ) and anions (NO 2 , NO3 , SO4 , PO4 ) were
analysed using an ion chromatography system (Model ICS1500, Dionex, Sunnyvale, CA, USA). Growing L. sativa Figure 1
Randomised irrigation arrangement employed in the greenhouse.
A greenhouse with 10 drawers (0.169 m3 each) was used to conduct the irrigation experiments. Each drawer was filled with 75 kg of sandy loam virgin soil suitable for agriculture.
exchangeable cations (Kþ, Naþ, Ca2þ, and Mg2þ) were
Two drawers were used for each type of water and 10 plants
analysed following the NOM-021-SEMARNAT- pro-
of L. sativa were grown in every drawer. Lettuce seedlings
cedures. Kþ and Naþ were measured by flame atomic
were planted in January 2011 and the plants were harvested
emission spectrometry (FAES) using a Single-Channel Digi-
in May 2011. The randomised irrigation arrangement
tal Flame Analyzer (Model EW-02655-00, Cole-Parmer
employed in the greenhouse is shown in Figure 1. The green-
Instrument Company, Chicago, IL, USA). Ca2þ and Mg2þ
house temperature was maintained between 10 and 25 C.
were determined by inductively coupled plasma atomic
Irrigation was carried out every other day: initially, a
water volume of 100 mL per plant was used, until a final
UNICAM 989 Solaar AA Spectrometer (Thermo Elemental
volume of 400 mL per plant was reached at the end of the
Corp., Franklin, MA, USA). Soil physicochemical analyses
experiments. When the plants were harvested (day 120)
(pH, electrical conductivity (EC), available P and organic
the crop productivities were evaluated by measuring the
matter content) were determined according to the NOM-
length and the weight of the irrigated plants.
021-SEMARNAT-. After soil digestion in microwave
3 and filtration, NHþ 4 and PO4 were also analysed using an
Macronutrients content (soil and plant tissues)
ion chromatography system (Model ICS-1500, Dionex, Sunnyvale, CA, USA).
Macronutrients in soils were determined at the beginning of
For plant tissues, the N, P, K, Ca and Mg content were
the experiment (virgin soil, before any irrigation) and at 40,
measured after harvesting all L. sativa plants (20 plants for
80 and 120 days of crop cultivation. One hundred grams
each type of irrigation water). The lettuces were washed
of soil were taken from each plant (20 plants for each water
with distilled water and placed in paper bags to reduce
type). In every case, the subsamples were mixed and a total
excess moisture until analysis. In order to obtain enough
of 2 kg of soil was collected to form a composite sample.
biomass to perform the plant tissue analyses, composite
Soil samples were dried, sieved (No. 10 sieve opening,
samples were also prepared in this case. After diacid mixture
2.0 mm), and preserved at 4 C until analysis. The
digestion, N concentrations were determined by the Total
M. T. Orta de Velásquez et al.
Effects on macronutrient contents in soil-plant irrigated with different waters
Kjeldahl Nitrogen method; P was analysed by using a
Table 1
Journal of Water Reuse and Desalination
account to perform the composite sampling procedures for ionic content in water; and macronutrients content in soil and plant tissues (US EPA ). Temporal composite sampling was used for each of the
Untreated Wastewater
(Mean ± S.D.)
(Mean ± S.D.)
(Mean ± S.D.)
COD (mg/L)
322.4 ± 44.6
82.6 ± 28.1
82.5 ± 38.0
BOD5 (mg/L)
172.0 ± 12.2
31.3 ± 11.3
34.2 ± 11.1
TSS (mg/L)
56.3 ± 8.7
16.2 ± 14.3
41.6 ± 12.1
Turbidity (NTU)
234.0 ± 40.3
84.5 ± 0.7
87.3 ± 3.1
7.5 ± 0.03
7.6 ± 0.06
7.6 ± 0.01
FC (CFU/ 100 mL)
1.14 × 10
1 × 102
Helminth eggs/L
ICP-AAS as was done for soils analyses.
Appropriate considerations on compositing were taken into
(Thermo Fischer Scientific Inc., Waltham, MA, USA); and
Composite sampling
Physicochemical and microbiological characterization of wastewaters
Thermo Spectronic Genesys 10 UV spectrophotometer the K, Ca and Mg content were determined by FAES and
five different quality waters and wastewaters to analyse their corresponding ionic concentrations. In every case, 40 subsamples were collected periodically throughout the 120
physicochemical and microbiological parameters for unrest-
days of plant irrigation. During the experiment, a volume
ricted irrigation (cultivation and harvesting of forage, grains,
of water equivalent to 10% of that used to irrigate the
fruits and vegetables that are eaten raw, such as lettuce) as
crops was collected, mixed and stored at 4 C until analysis. Spatial composite sampling was applied in soils for each
established in the local regulation (NOM-001-SEMARNAT-).
pair of irrigation drawers (Figure 1) to study the evolution of
Table 2 shows the cationic and anionic content for the
macronutrients and its characteristics during crop irrigation.
composite sample analysis of the different types of water
Consequently, five different composite samples were taken
used for irrigation as an average of the 120-day trial.
at 40, 80 and 120 days. Each composite sample was well
Between the treated and untreated wastewaters, the cat-
homogenised and formed by taking 20 evenly distributed
þ 2þ 2þ ionic concentrations (NHþ and Naþ) are in 4 , K , Ca , Mg
representative subsamples.
the same order of magnitude. This result suggests that the soils irrigated with O3EPTW (A, B) can maintain the nutritional content (except PO3 4 ) for its reuse in agricultural
Statistical tests
irrigation. This is in accordance with previous results for The crop productivities for each type of irrigation water were assessed at cultivation (day 120). The plant length and weight data (n ¼ 20 in every case) were subjected to a
Table 2
one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) to establish the similitudes
conducted with the XLSTAT package under EXCEL.
The quality of the untreated and treated wastewaters used in the irrigation experiments is presented in Table 1. It was corroborated that both O3EPTW (A and B) complied with the
Tap water
Tap water þ
Untreated and treated wastewater quality
Ionic concentrations in waters and wastewaters used for irrigation
NHþ 4 2þ
PO3 4
SO2 4
NO 3
NO 2
M. T. Orta de Velásquez et al.
Effects on macronutrient contents in soil-plant irrigated with different waters
Journal of Water Reuse and Desalination
conventional APT effluents (Orta de Velásquez et al. ).
accumulated in all soils (except O3EPTW-A); the largest
With regard to the tap water þ fertilizer, it can be seen that
increase in Kþ content occurred for the tap water þ fertilizer
the NHþ 4 concentration is around three times that of the
irrigation (Figure 2(c)). Parameters such as Naþ, Ca2þ,
wastewaters, while the Kþ content is almost 10-fold. As
SO2þ 4 , EC and organic matter, had a similar behaviour and
expected, tap water does not show a considerable nutritional
their contents in all soils tended to increase during the
þ 3 value in N, P, K ions (NHþ 4 , K , PO4 , NO3 , NO2 ). The con-
crop cultivation (Figure 2(d), (e), (g), (h), (j)).
centrations of these ions are low for the tap water, which is
In spite of the increasing exchangeable ionic concen-
consistent with previously reported values ( Jiménez-Cis-
trations in soils, it was found that the irrigation with
neros ); and its concentrations comply with the
O3EPTW did not change the soil’s salinity classification
regulations for drinking water (NOM-127-SSA1-).
(NOM-021-SEMARNAT-) as determined by its electrical
However, with regard to the untreated wastewater, the
conductivity, EC (Figure 2(h)). During the 120 days of crop
O3EPTW (A and B) exhibited a decrease in the phosphate
irrigation, the EC of the soils irrigated with O3EPTW (A and
content and an increase of sulphates. Tap water þ fertilizer
B), remained consistently lower than the values measured in
(PO3 4 :
the soils irrigated with tap water þ fertilizer (between 33
11.49 mg/L) and nitrate (NO 3 : 18.10 mg/L) anions. This
and 58% lower) and untreated wastewater (around 65%
indicates that for the tap water þ fertilizer, there are more
lower). These results are consistent with the findings of
ions available for plant growth and development.
Kiziloglu et al. (), where the salinity of the soil irrigated
contained the highest concentrations of phosphate
with primary treated wastewater was about half of that Macronutrients content in soil
contained by the soils irrigated with untreated wastewater. For the current research, this can be explained by a
According to the properties for soil fertility (NOM-021-
buffer effect that may be promoted by the ozone-oxidised
SEMARNAT-), the virgin soil displayed ‘very low’ con-
organic matter. The organic matter of the two irrigation
NHþ 4
(110.0 mg/kg);
waters that were subjected to ozonation (O3EPTW) will con-
while its P (13.1 mg/kg) and Mg2þ (473.0 mg/kg) contents
tain higher levels of COOH groups. The formation of these
were classified as ‘low’, and the levels of Ca2þ (1448.0 mg/
groups can increase the soil’s cation exchange capacity (Bot
kg) as ‘medium’. Additionally, the soil contained a high per-
& Benites ) and, consequently, the soils irrigated with
centage of organic matter (6.59%, important for moisture-
O3EPTW will exhibit a lower EC than that for untreated
centrations of
(21.7 mg/kg) and K
retention). Its pH of 6.60 was considered neutral. Figure 2
wastewater and tap water þ fertilizer throughout all cul-
shows the evolution of macronutrients and soil character-
tivation. According to the NOM-021-SEMARNAT-
istics for the five types of irrigation water during crop
classification, at 120 days of crop cultivation the soil irri-
gated with untreated wastewater was the only case that
A large percentage of nitrogen was accumulated in the
started to show signs of salinisation.
soil irrigated with tap water þ fertilizer (Figure 2(a)). The
On the other hand, the soil irrigated with tap water þ
irrigation with tap water did not provide a significant
fertilizer showed a marked decrease in its pH (pH: 5.52;
supply of NHþ 4 , so its availability in the soil was almost com-
Figure 2(i)), so its long-term use can lead to soil acidification.
pletely consumed. The untreated wastewater showed a slight
In contrast, the soil samples irrigated with untreated waste-
increase in nitrogen concentration at 80 and 120 days. The
water and O3EPTW (A and B) maintained a pH between 6.1
NHþ 4
and 6.2, which is similar to that of the untreated wastewater.
at 40 days, but then it showed a decrease in its concen-
The acidification of the soil irrigated with tap water þ fertili-
tration, being more pronounced for the O3EPTW at the
zer can be explained by a variety of factors, including the
end of the cultivation period.
nitrification of ammonium (Vázquez-Montiel et al. ),
O3EPTW irrigation showed a slight increase in soil
In all cases, soil concentrations of P decreased at 120
oxidation of sulphites and the production of organic acids,
days (Figure 2(b)). This suggests that there is an important
which are a consequence of the mineralization of organic
demand for this element by the crops (CPHA ). Kþ
matter (Oliveira et al. ).
Figure 2
M. T. Orta de Velรกsquez et al.
Effects on macronutrient contents in soil-plant irrigated with different waters
Evolution of macronutrients and soil characteristics during crop irrigation.
Journal of Water Reuse and Desalination
M. T. Orta de Velásquez et al.
Effects on macronutrient contents in soil-plant irrigated with different waters
Lastly, it was observed that the content in organic
Journal of Water Reuse and Desalination
L. sativa crop productivity
matter increased in all soil samples (Figure 2(j)). For the untreated wastewater and treated wastewaters soils, the
Figure 4 shows the length and weight for the lettuce plants at
increase is due to the organic content of these waters, in
harvest (day 120). The statistical analysis (ANOVA) of the
addition to the presence of crop residues. In the case of
plant productivities allowed confirmation that there are stat-
tap water, this was attributed to the presence and degra-
istical differences between the growths of lettuce plants
dation of plant debris and humus.
irrigated by the five types of water. As expected, the plants irrigated by the tap water þ fertilizer displayed the largest productivities (p ¼ 0.000 for
Macronutrients content in plant tissues
lengths and weights) due to the highest macronutrients conWith regard to the macronutrients content in plant tissues
tent in the corresponding irrigation water and soil (Table 2
(Figure 3), it was noted that for all irrigation waters the N,
and Figure 2).
K and Mg content in plant tissues were similar. However,
The lengths of the plants irrigated by untreated waste-
the plants irrigated with tap water þ fertilizer exhibited the
water showed a smaller length than those that were
highest P and Ca content.
irrigated with O3EPTW (A and B), and the tap water (p ¼
In plant tissues, the nutrient content for the treated and
0.003). With regard to the lettuce weights, no statistical
the untreated wastewaters appeared to be within the
difference was found between the plants irrigated with
reported ranges for L. sativa (Alzate & Loaiza ). Let-
O3EPTW (A and B), tap water and the untreated wastewater
tuces, like many other crops, can easily assimilate
(p ¼ 0.0712).
nutrients that are provided by reclaimed municipal waste-
Therefore, the O3EPTW irrigation can be employed as
waters; because most of them exist as free ionic species,
an option to the use of tap water wherever water resources
which are readily available for plant uptake (Pereira et al.
are limited, or as an alternative to the untreated wastewater
irrigation without the microbiological risks that its use
Another interesting result is that the content of nutrients
and ions (N, P, K, Ca and Mg) in plant tissues irrigated with
A factor to be considered is that the original soil already
treated and untreated wastewater was broadly similar to that
contained sufficient nutritional components necessary for
of the plants that were irrigated with tap water sup-
the single-season crop cultivation like the one carried out
in this research. However, the benefits of irrigating soils
concentrations found in soils and irrigation waters. This
with O3EPTW treated waters (such as the increase in
shows that the nutrient assimilation by the crops is not
organic matter content) could become more evident if
affected by the O3EPTW irrigation.
depleted soils are used.
Figure 4 Figure 3
N, P, K, Ca and Mg content in lettuce plant tissues.
L. sativa productivities (lengths and weights at cultivation, n ¼ 20) for the different quality waters and wastewaters.
M. T. Orta de Velásquez et al.
Effects on macronutrient contents in soil-plant irrigated with different waters
For this purpose, in future studies it is recommended to use a depleted or an infertile soil (without any nutrients,
Journal of Water Reuse and Desalination
agricultural irrigation because it maintains adequate levels of nutrients content in the water, soil and plant tissues.
like for example, sand; or tezontle, a type of volcanic-rock), in order to minimize interferences from nutrients that are already present in the original (starting) soil. Additionally, it
is necessary to consider that there are other factors (such as biological ones) that may also affect the plant growths.
CONCLUSIONS O3EPTW irrigation can provide an alternative to untreated wastewater (without the microbiological risks that its use represents) or replace the need of fresh water for irrigation (wherever water resources are limited). According to Mexican legislation (NOM-001-SEMARNAT-), the quality of the O3EPTW waters allows their use for unrestricted irrigation (for watering vegetables and agricultural products that are eaten raw). The increase in organic matter content with lower electrical conductivity values for O3EPTW soils can provide positive effects in the long term that could lead to enhanced crop productivities, and a better management of wastewater and agricultural resources. The soil irrigated with untreated wastewater started to show signs of salinisation, while soil acidification occurred with the tap water þ fertilizer. These issues did not occur with O3EPTW water irrigation due to a buffer effect on the electrical conductivity of the ozone-oxidised organic matter. The irrigation of L. sativa with treated wastewaters maintained the macronutrient content in the cultivated plant’s tissues. For plant tissues, the N, K and Mg contents were similar, except for tap water, which always remained lower. For the crop productivities, between the treated and the untreated wastewaters the plant lengths showed statistically significant differences; no differences were found with regard to plant weights. Due to an abundance of macronutrients in ionic form, plant growth was the highest for tap water þ fertilizer for this single-season crop cultivation experiment. The results of this study confirm that the use of O3EPTW (A and B) represents a good alternative for
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Journal of Water Reuse and Desalination
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First received 22 February 2013; accepted in revised form 17 June 2013. Available online 13 August 2013
© IWA Publishing 2014 Journal of Water Reuse and Desalination
The River Segura: reclaimed water, recovered river M. A. Ródenas and M. Albacete
ABSTRACT The Region of Murcia is located in southeast Spain, an area known for structural water stress. The most important water source that runs through the Region is the Segura River, which is the main irrigation water resource. Late last century there was a significant environmental problem in the Segura River caused by an increase of inadequately treated wastewater discharges, in a period of low flow rates and intensive use of water resources. The situation reached such a critical point, that the Regional Government presented a General Plan for Wastewater Reclamation, to be developed in 10 years. This paper details the content and guidelines in the Plan, as well as aspects related to policy development and objective achievement: water availability has increased and the Segura River
M. A. Ródenas (corresponding author) Dirección General del Agua, Consejería de Agricultura y Agua, Región de Murcia, Plaza Juan XXIII, 30008 Murcia, Spain E-mail: miguela.rodenas@chsegura.es M. Albacete ESAMUR Entidad de Saneamiento y Depuración de la Región de Murcia, C/ Madre Paula Gil Cano s/n, Torre Jemeca, 30009 Murcia, Spain
conditions have improved. In short, it can be concluded that wastewater reclamation marks a good starting point for bettering water management in arid areas. Furthermore, the case of the Region of Murcia reveals that comprehensive action lines and optimized engineering and knowledge of wastewater management is highly beneficial. Key words
| agriculture water reuse, environmental water reuse, river recovery, wastewater management system, wastewater treatment plants, water reclamation planning
Murcia. River water resources are depleted in the middle and low stretches, meaning no water reaches the river mouth.
The Region of Murcia, located in the extreme western Med-
In the 1980s, irrigation increased significantly and so did
iterranean area (southeast Spain), has a dry climate (average
business activity of the canning industry, both coinciding with
rainfall 300 mm) and a population of 1.5 million people.
a long, severe drought (especially in the 1992–1995 period).
Weather conditions and hundreds of years of expertise in
There was a double negative impact: on the one hand, river
irrigation techniques have made this Region a prime fruit
flow decreased, and on the other, industrial and urban waste-
and vegetable producer. The strategic location of Murcia
water discharges increased, with not enough treatment
in the EU has contributed to making fruit and vegetable
systems in operation. As a result, the self-purification capacity
exports one of the main economic pillars of this Region
of the river collapsed, leading to a condition of permanent
(Ródenas ).
pollution that was lethal for river life in the middle and low
The Segura River, the main irrigation resource in the
stretches. The river banks degraded significantly and there
Region, runs through all of Murcia. Water flow in the river
were foul smells in the towns near the river banks, especially
is fully managed by head reservoirs. The highly monitored
in the city of Murcia (400,000 people), causing profound
Segura basin, with an average runoff (natural scheme) of
public rejection and social alarm (Ródenas ).
803 Hm3 year-1 (MMA ), allows for an average water 3
The evolution of these situations is presented in Figure 1,
availability factor of 500 m person year-1 (Ródenas ).
which includes monthly water quality and flow data gathered
In spite of significant efforts aimed at saving water and opti-
at the Contraparada control station between the years 1975
mizing its use, there is still a structural water shortage and
and 2011. The Contraparada control station, located about
insufficient guarantees of water supply in the Region of
10 km upstream from the city of Murcia, is considered
doi: 10.2166/wrd.2013.044
M. A. Ródenas & M. Albacete
Figure 1
The environmental recovery and an increase of water availability
Journal of Water Reuse and Desalination
Water quality and flow of the Segura River in Contraparada. Moving average 12 periods. Sources: Nicolás (1987); García Balibrea (2000); CHS (2011).
representative of the middle stretch. Biochemical oxygen
demand (BOD5) peaks of 250 mg L 1 equivalent to raw wastewater with no dilution, were observed. In other words, the
Development and design of the treatment plant
river had turned into a sewer. This 10-year Plan, originally created in 2001, included an Objectives
environmental assessment and public consultation process before it was signed by the Region of Murcia Government.
The severe water pollution affecting the middle stretch of
One of the aims of the Plan was to coordinate the
the Segura River moved the Region of Murcia Parliament
actions lines established by different public administration
to adopt a policy (Law /), which included the develop-
bodies (National, Regional and Municipal). The basic legal
ment of a ‘General Plan for Wastewater Reclamation’
framework of the Plan was determined by Community
between 2001 and 2010 (hereafter referred to as the ‘Plan’)
Directives: 91/271/EEC and 2000/60 (Water Framework
(Master Plan –), in addition to other measures.
Directive) as well as a number of applicable water norms
The Plan included two main objectives: the environ-
in Spain: Water Laws and Coastal Laws. Plan implemen-
mental recovery of the Segura River and an increase of
tation was also coordinated with other plans: Royal
water availability by means of wastewater treatment and
Decree-Law 11/95 of National Sewerage and Water Treat-
reuse. Another general objective, in line with Directive /
ment Plan (Ministerio de Obras Públicas, Transportes y
/EEC (), was aimed at ensuring wastewater treatment.
Medio Ambiente ), elaborated within the context of
M. A. Ródenas & M. Albacete
The environmental recovery and an increase of water availability
Journal of Water Reuse and Desalination
the implementation of the European Directive 91/271/CEE, Royal Decree-Law / of Hydrologic National Plan (Law 10/2001 ), Water Plan for the Segura River Basin () and Spain’s National Plan for Sewage Sludge (). Four basic policies were established to achieve Plan objectives: (1) build the necessary collection systems and wastewater treatment infrastructures; (2) implement a management system to ensure proper infrastructure maintenance and operation; (3) monitor wastewater discharge to the sewerage system; (4) facilitate industrial waste treatment at the source. Figure 2
Alhama: tertiary treatment plant.
Design criteria for wastewater treatment plants installations specialized in organic pollution removal. In this The Plan established that treatment plants should supply
Secondary Treatment phase, the reference effluent limits are
reusable water suitable for two main purposes: discharge
25 mg L 1 BOD5 and 35 mg L 1 SS (suspended solids) (Direc-
in the river for ‘indirect reuse’ downstream (the most
tive //EEC). Depending on specific circumstances, the
common scenario), or ‘direct reuse’ as irrigation water in
conventional activated sludge system (including pre-decanting
the case of water shortage. In the case of ‘indirect reuse’,
or ‘Primary’) could be used, as well as other process possibili-
it is necessary to minimize water environment impact
ties such as extended aeration (reactor þ clarifier system) and
because dilution is simply not possible. As for ‘direct
double stage (double system – reactor þ clarifier system in
reuse’, it is necessary to ensure that water quality is suitable
series) (Tchobanoglous et al. ). Extended aeration is the
for irrigation purposes (Ródenas ).
most commonly applied option because of its robustness,
The criteria selected for the process engineering in
easy operation and long life.
water treatment were based on information published in international guidelines and studies (Mujeriego ; Tcho-
More stringent treatments
banoglous et al. ; Asano et al. ). Thus, in order to design new treatment plants, Plan guidelines determine
Biological treatment processes include More Stringent
that in addition to conventional ‘Secondary Treatment’, it
Treatments to ensure nutrient removal. This treatment is
is also necessary to implement advanced treatment pro-
much more intense and even mandatory in case of dis-
cesses in all treatment plants: ‘More Stringent Treatments’
charges in sensitive areas so as to prevent eutrophication
to eliminate nutrients and specific ‘Tertiary Treatments’ to
(Directive //EEC).
favour reuse (Figure 2). These higher treatment standards
In order to remove nitrogen compounds in wastewater, a
and their application to all treatment plants, is a differentiat-
nitrification-denitrification process is followed. In addition to
ing feature of the Region of Murcia Plan.
improving biological sludge and effluent treatment, this process favours energy recovery. Generally speaking, the
Secondary treatments
reference value for Nt content in the effluent is 15 mg L 1, or 10 mg L 1 in the case of larger agglomerations
The good condition of urban wastewater in the Region of
(>100,000 h e 1). Treatment plants in the Plan must also be
Murcia usually facilitates its biological treatment. Hence, the
capable of removing phosphorus compounds, the other
general approach for Secondary Treatment is based on the
main nutrient in wastewater; some installations partially
process of biological purification of activated sludge. One of
reduce their content by biological means and in all cases it
its advantages is the creation of high-performance, compact
is necessary to use chemicals to ensure total phosphorus
M. A. Ródenas & M. Albacete
The environmental recovery and an increase of water availability
Journal of Water Reuse and Desalination
content reduction. The reference value for total phosphorus in the effluent is 2 or 1 mg L 1, depending on conurbation size (Master Plan –). Tertiary treatments The Plan establishes gradual implementation of Tertiary Treatments aimed at minimizing suspended matter and disinfecting thoroughly so as to improve water reuse health guarantees. The design criteria included in Title 22 of the California Water Code (), which has been scientifically recognized, universally accepted and widely borne out by experience, were used as a reference. The reference effluent values in Tertiary Treatments are turbidity <2 NTU and
Figure 3
Detail of San Pedro treatment plant.
total coliforms <2.2 cfu 100 mL 1. The Royal Decree-Law 1620/2007 of Purified Water Reuse () established the
general scheme for installation of treatment plants and col-
legal regime of treated wastewater reuse after the Plan was
launched. Treatment usually includes additional processes
frameworks and is implemented based on technical criteria
such as floculation, coagulation and complementary clarifi-
for environmental, economic and energy efficiency.
cation (generally lamellar), followed by filtration. There is
The Plan includes total wastewater collecting, building
a large variety of filtering devices installed. An open sand
massive intake areas and collecting systems so as to connect
bed filter is the most commonly used, although other types
as many agglomerations as possible, even those of a smaller
have also been built such as closed sand bed filter, ring fil-
size. Plan guidelines also recommend that water collection
ters, mesh filter or cloth filter. There are also dynamic
be prioritized at collecting systems, reducing the number
filters for continuous backwash filtration. The most used dis-
of treatment plants and making these as large as possible.
infection process is ultraviolet radiation, although an
Although the cost of collecting systems is initially higher,
additional chlorination labyrinth is always used and even a
they are more beneficial in the long term: better treatment
maturation pond for natural disinfection in some cases
performance and lower treatment, management and control
(Master Plan –).
costs. Collecting systems also contribute to minimizing the
Due to the specificities of certain locations, some treat-
inevitable environmental and social impacts resulting from
ments include the use of membrane biological reactors
the construction of a treatment plant. All these aspects
(MBR). The MBR process requires much less space than a
have been properly assessed.
conventional treatment plant and provides water of exceptional quality. Important installations in the Region of
Design of the wastewater management system
Murcia use the MBR technology, including the application of ultrafiltration membranes. The San Pedro del Pinatar
One of the basic policies included in the Plan was aimed at
treatment plant (built in 2007) should certainly be referred
determining how to manage the infrastructures built. Law
to in that regard, for its large capacity (20,000 m³ day 1) in
/ established a ‘Wastewater Reclamation Levy’ as an
the European Union (Figure 3).
economic tool funding their maintenance, operation and control. In addition, the regional agency ESAMUR was cre-
Collecting systems
ated in 2002 to specifically work on these areas. The Wastewater Reclamation Levy is a targeted regional
The Plan of the Region of Murcia overarches other munici-
tax that levies wastewater discharge to the public sewerage
pal urban plans. This is of relevance when establishing the
system. The tax, proportional to the level of contamination,
M. A. Ródenas & M. Albacete
The environmental recovery and an increase of water availability
is based on the ‘you contaminate, you pay’ principle. This
Journal of Water Reuse and Desalination
Infrastructure installation
tax was first levied in 2003. A total of 47 large wastewater treatment plants (500– 100,000 m3 day 1) have been built within the framework
Control of industrial discharges and treatment at source
of the Plan, with a maximum daily treatment capacity of 540,000 m3 (70% Tertiary) (Figure 4).
Industrial discharges can damage infrastructures, inhibit
Most of these infrastructures were built by the Conse-
biological treatment processes and introduce undesirable
jería de Agricultura y Agua – Dirección General del Agua
elements hampering future reuse. Thus, one of the main pol-
(Region of Murcia), with 70–80% funded by the European
icies in the Plan focuses on facilitating purification at the
Union (ERDF and Cohesion Fund). These subsidies were
source and monitoring industrial discharges to the sewerage
vital for the implementation and economic feasibility of
the Plan.
The larger volumes of industrial discharges in the
Other treatment plants built within the scope of this
Region of Murcia come from the food industry and canning
Plan were funded by the central Spanish Government and
sectors, with significant amounts of biodegradable organic matter. All industrial discharges require municipal authoriz-
some city councils. ESAMUR has played a key role in the
ation; ESAMUR assists and collaborates with city councils
rehabilitation of 50 additional treatment plants in small
on this matter. The actual Wastewater Reclamation Levy
agglomerations. The collecting systems built serve 99.4% of the urban
is an economic deterrent that somewhat drives firms to
population, and 97.7% of them are connected to treatment
reduce pollution at the source.
plants. The total investment in infrastructures made or committed by the different administration bodies amounts to about € 635 million.
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Management results for the treatment and reuse system After implementation of Plan policies, current indicators and their evolution are presented (Table 1) (ESAMUR Figure 4
Table 1
). Figure 5 includes ESAMUR data related to the
Treatment plant implementation.
Operation results 2003–2010 (ESAMUR)
Treated wastewater
Ud. 3
Evacuated sludge
Tm × 1,000
Received BOD5
Tm × 1,000
Removed BOD5
Tm × 1,000
Removal BOD5
Consumed energy
Electric ratio
kWh m
M. A. Ródenas & M. Albacete
The environmental recovery and an increase of water availability
Journal of Water Reuse and Desalination
In 2010, the 97 treatment plants in the system treated 111 Hm³ of wastewater. The overall contamination load elimination performance reached 97.9% for BOD5; this remarkable performance was achieved by applying the most rigorous treatments in the Plan (ESAMUR ). It is estimated that in 2010, around 100 Hm3 has been reused ‘directly’ or ‘indirectly’ in the Segura River or its tributaries, for a value of 90% of all the water treated. The Figure 5
Influent quality.
remainder of treated waters, found mostly in coastal installations, have not been used in farming due to their high
industrial contamination load found in water treatment plant influents, which shows a declining trend partly as a result of industrial treatment at the source. This trend is largely due to better discharge control and to the deterrent effect of the tax.
salinity content. Approximately 50% of all wastewater treated has undergone additional tertiary treatment, as specified in Title 22 of the California Water Code. This percentage will increase in 2011 once operational tests of tertiary systems recently built have been completed. Thanks to the implementation of the Plan, the treated water supplied contributed to a 13% increase in natural river basin resources. Thus, the objective has been achieved (Figure 6). Recovery of the Segura River Figure 7 includes graphs produced by the Public Water Authority for the Segura River (CHS), showing the history of organic contamination in the Segura River (left) and at three specific control points (right) in the high, medium and low stretches (Abarán, Contraparada and Orihuela – downstream from the city of Murcia) (CHS ). Plan implementation has contributed to neutralize the negative
Figure 6
Reclaimed water.
Figure 7
Water quality in the Segura River.
effects of wastewaters, resulting in better water quality.
M. A. Ródenas & M. Albacete
The environmental recovery and an increase of water availability
Journal of Water Reuse and Desalination
management in dry areas that contributes to increasing water availability and reducing contamination. This work also shows the advantages of comprehensive pre-planning as a rational, effective method that helps to solve complex problems associated with water management. An example of this is the Region of Murcia General Plan for Wastewater Reclamation (2001–2010); the objectives in the Plan have been satisfactorily achieved in a reasonable period of time. The contribution of hundreds of professionals and companies engaged during the Plan creation and implementation has strengthened wastewater management knowledge and engineering in the Region of Murcia. Figure 8
Fishing in the Segura River, Murcia.
Figure 9
Recovered birdlife fauna.
The city of Murcia has clearly realized the recovery of the Segura River, including its flora and fauna. Citizens come near the Segura and fishing, canoeing and water sports enthusiasts are now found enjoying the river (Figures 8 and 9). This Plan objective has also been achieved (Figure 6).
CONCLUSIONS The work carried out in the Region of Murcia concludes that wastewater reclamation is a good, basic principle of water
Asano, T., Burton, F. L., Leverenz, H. L., Tsuchihashi, R. & Tchobanoglous, G. Water Reuse: Issues, Technologies, and Applications. Metcalf & Eddy/AECOM, McGraw-Hill, New York, USA. California Water Code In: Irrigation with reclaimed municipal wastewater, a guidance manual, 1984. California State Water Resources Control Board. Report number 84-1 Wr. University of California, Sacramento, California, USA. CHS Continental water quality evolution in the Segura basin. Hydrologic Year Report 2009–2010. Public Water Authority for the Segura River, Murcia, Spain. Council Directive 91/271/EEC Concerning urban wastewater treatment. Official Journal of the European Communities No. L 135 30/05/1991, 1991, 0040–0052. ESAMUR Regional Entity for Sanitation and Treatment. Available at: http://www.esamur.com/ (30 December 2010). García Balibrea, J. Current situation report of Segura River as it passes through the provinces of Murcia and Alicante. Public Water Authority for the Segura River, Murcia, Spain. Law 3/2000 on Wastewater Reclamation and Wastewater Treatment Levy. Official Bulletin of the Region of Murcia, BORM. Law 10/2001 National Hydrologic Plan. Official Bulletin of the State, Spain. Ministerio del Medio Ambiente Spain’s National Plan for Sewage Sludge 2001–2006. Official Bulletin of State, BOE. Ministerio de Obras Públicas, Transportes y Medio Ambiente Official Bulletin of the State, BOE, Spain. National Sewerage and Water Treatment Plan. MMA (Ministerio de Medio Ambiente) Secretaría de Estado de Aguas y Costas. Water in Spain. White Book. Mujeriego, R. Manual of Irrigation with Reclaimed Municipal Wastewater. Politechnic University of Catalonia, Barcelona, Spain.
M. A. Ródenas & M. Albacete
The environmental recovery and an increase of water availability
Nicolás, E. Segura River water quality evolution during the last 13 years, 1975–1987. Public Water Authority for the Segura River, Murcia, Spain. Master Plan for Urban Wastewater Sanitation and Treatment in the Murcia Region – Official Bulletin of the Region of Murcia, BORM. Segura River Basin Hydrological Plan Official Bulletin of the Region of Murcia, BORM. Ródenas, M. A. Treatment and Reuse of Wastewater. In: The Culture of Water in the Segura Basin (Cajamurcia Fundation, ed.). Murcia, Spain.
Journal of Water Reuse and Desalination
Ródenas, M. A. Water Reuse. In: River Basin Authority 75th Anniversary, Spain. Ródenas, M. A. Water reuse policies of the Murcia Region. In: Reclaimed Water Reuse (Euro-Mediterranean Water Institute, ed.). Jiménez Godoy Press, Murcia, Spain, pp. 69–89. Royal Decree-Law 1620/2007 Purified Wastewater Reuse Official Bulletin of the State, Spain. Tchobanoglous, G., Burton, F. L. & Stensel, H. D. Wastewater Engineering: Treatment, Disposal and Reuse. McGraw-Hill, New York.
First received 22 February 2012; accepted in revised form 21 May 2013. Available online 5 July 2013