© IWA Publishing 2014 Water Quality Research Journal of Canada
Editorial Dr Ronald Gehr, Editor, Water Quality Research Journal of Canada, 2004–2013
As new Editors-in-Chief, before we divulge
IWAP journals has proved to be most advantageous to the
some of our plans for the future of the
readership which is now becoming more international.
journal, we want to pay tribute to Dr
Besides revising formats, improving turn-around time
Ronald Gehr, Professor at McGill Univer-
and other changes, one of the most significant long-term
sity, who took over the reins of the journal
contributions of Dr Gehr was to arrange to have all of the
in 2004. First, let us give a bit of history.
journal’s issues printed before the electronic dawn, archived
The Water Quality Research Journal of
at his home institution, McGill University, Montreal, and to
Canada (WQRJC) is the longest lived journal focusing on
make them available to the general public. The archived
water quality in Canada. The Canadian Association on
journals can be accessed free-of-charge through the
Water Quality (CAWQ) is the organization responsible for
CAWQ website (www.cawq.ca).
the WQRJC. The journal had humble beginnings in 1966
On behalf of the CAWQ board and all of its members,
as mimeographed copies of proceedings of the First
we pay homage to Dr Gehr for his extended efforts for the
Annual Conference on Water Pollution Research. Proceed-
ings of this annual Canadian conference were eventually
Now, let us shed some light on our plans for the future
printed and bound. In 1980 the journal was converted to
that we have elaborated in close communication with
an independent, peer-reviewed journal format with two
IWAP, which has published the journal now for about
issues per year, and was given the title Water Pollution
2 years.
Research Journal of Canada. By 1984 it progressed to a quar-
First of all, we plan to streamline the review process
terly publication. The journal changed its name to the
according to a new IWAP workflow so as to make it more effi-
current title in 1995. Throughout these metamorphoses,
cient and, especially, making its decision making faster. We
Environment Canada remained a staunch pillar supporting
know fast processing times have become a criterion by
the journal in various ways.
which potential authors select a journal. The leaner, more
When Dr Gehr became Editor-in-Chief, the journal was
international, Editorial Board will get more responsibility in
experiencing declining logistical and other support from the
the manuscript processing, in fact being in charge of it from
government and by 2008 the journal depended completely
the moment the paper is attributed to a particular editor
on the CAWQ. The government support of the early years
until his/her final decision on the manuscript. Personalized
provided a comfort zone and certainly a relaxed business
contact between editor and reviewer will ensure increased
model. Under his direction Dr Gehr nursed the journal
motivation of the reviewers and thus more timely reviews.
through many logistical changes as well as financial chal-
The size of the Editorial Board will be reduced to about 10
lenges to improve the journal’s stature, in addition to his
dedicated water professionals covering the variety of water
primary tasks of being the initial portal for all papers and
themes WQRJC is publishing on. In a first instance, the inter-
final arbiter in contentious situations. His dedication was
nationalization of the Editorial Board will occur by including
at the foundation of the journal’s success. Under his guid-
a number of US experts in addition to Canadian editors.
ance the journal eventually moved under the aegis of the
Second, we will carefully evaluate the journal’s Aims
International Water Association Publishing (IWAP) group
and Scope to provide a focus which will avoid major overlap
in 2011. Moving the journal into the suite of high quality
with key existing journals and therefore attract more high
doi: 10.2166/wqrjc.2013.111
Water Quality Research Journal of Canada
quality submissions. We will of course look at the journal’s
To end this Editorial, which has paid tribute to the work
record of contributions to the scientific literature and
that brought us where we are and indicated where we want
ensure that its stature in certain areas is maintained.
to go, we would like to invite you to submit your high quality
Third, we want our impact factor to increase as we fully
thought-provoking manuscripts to our journal, to propose
understand how important this has become in career
themes for special issues, to put the effort in writing up criti-
development. We will do this by ensuring that the best
cal reviews on contemporary topics and, last but not least, to
papers are attracted to the journal so that citations will
provide any suggestion that may cross your mind to make
follow. By carefully defining thematic issues, stimulating
our journal a better place to submit and read the latest scien-
submission of review papers, communicating convincingly
tific discoveries and practice-oriented innovations. We look
about the journal and adjusting its scope to ensure imminent
forward to working with and for you!
topics get the necessary visibility, we are pretty sure that the WQRJC’s impact factor will be increased substantially over the next 3 to 5 years. The autocatalytic effect of a journal’s
The new Editors-in-Chief
increase in impact on the quality of new submissions will
Peter A. Vanrolleghem
further enhance this anticipated progress.
Ronald L. Droste
© IWA Publishing 2014 Water Quality Research Journal of Canada
Editorial Drinking water: Assessing and managing risk
An adequate supply of safe drinking water is one of the key
designed to protect the health of the most vulnerable mem-
needs for a healthy life. Canadian drinking water supplies
bers of society, such as children and the elderly. The
are generally of excellent quality. However, water comes
guidelines set out the basic parameters that every water
into contact with many substances, all of which have an
system should strive to achieve in order to provide the clean-
impact on its quality. While many of these are harmless,
est, safest and most reliable drinking water possible. In
some may pose a health risk. The Canadian paradigm for
recent years, the theme that has preoccupied the water com-
understanding risk, the protection of drinking water and
munity has been risk: perception, assessment, management,
public health is continually evolving. As new information
communication, and all too often, controversy. This
emerges on topics such as chemical and microbiological
prevailing thread led Health Canada and the CDW to
threats to water quality, the potential impacts of climate
select the 2012 conference theme of ‘Risk Assessment and
change on water resources, and novel or improved analyti-
cal and treatment technologies, this information brings with it challenges and opportunities.
The papers and posters presented at the 15th National Conference on Drinking Water addressed a wide range of
It is in this spirit that the Federal-Provincial-Territorial
topics, from detecting contaminants, to optimizing treat-
Committee on Drinking Water (CDW), in partnership with
ment processes, to risk assessment and management
the Canadian Water and Wastewater Association, convened
strategies. The range of topics reflected the multi-barrier
the 15th Canadian National Conference on Drinking Water
approach to safe drinking water that is promoted by the
in Kelowna, British Columbia in October 2012. The CDW
guidelines. This approach looks at each drinking water
has played a major role in drinking water quality in
system from the source all the way to the consumer’s tap
Canada since 1968, when the first edition of the Guidelines
to make sure all known and potential hazards are identified
for Canadian Drinking Water Quality was published by
and addressed so water remains free of contaminants. The
Health Canada. The CDW recognized the need for a
drinking water guidelines can be used as markers to make
national forum that would bring together scientists, regula-
sure the barriers are working and the treated drinking
tors and industry experts and focus on scientific data
water is safe. This Special Issue features papers carefully
relating to drinking water quality, on assessments of the
selected from the conference to reflect the source-to-tap con-
implications of these data for health and public policies
tinuum of the multi-barrier approach to drinking water
designed to protect the safe quality of the nation’s drinking
safety, supplemented by selected papers from other relevant
water supplies. The first National Conference was held in
Ottawa in 1984. Since that time, Canada’s drinking water
The province of Alberta is making strides towards a sys-
community has come together at this biennial event in
tematic risk assessment and management structure with the
each of the 10 provinces.
recent introduction of Drinking Water Safety Plans. As
The main responsibility of the CDW is to establish the
noted by the authors of this paper, the traditional regulatory
Guidelines for Canadian Drinking Water Quality. The
approach to maintaining the quality and safety of drinking
guidelines set out the maximum acceptable concentrations
water has largely been a reactive one. The work of Alberta
of microbiological, chemical and radiological contaminants
Environment and Sustainable Resource Development to
in drinking water. These drinking water guidelines are
develop a template for recording Drinking Water Safety
doi: 10.2166/wqrjc.2013.011
Water Quality Research Journal of Canada
Plans together with guidance notes to help complete them is
treatment units, such as RO and manganese greensand fil-
described in this paper. A drinking water safety plan is a
ters, to address the problem. The treatment performance
proactive method of assessing risk to drinking water quality,
of these systems was assessed by comparing raw and fin-
which better protects public health. The goal is to identify
ished water samples, with a focus on removal efficiency
key risks in a drinking water system as well as the interven-
and the effect of other water parameters. The study results
tions needed to bring them into control.
described here will help make informed decisions about
The multi-barrier approach includes an understanding
appropriate treatment.
of the contaminants entering a source of drinking water,
The storage and distribution of water poses its own
as illustrated by a study of the wastewater treatment systems
unique set of challenges. Hayes et al. in ‘Computational
that discharge into the Great Lakes basin and their effective-
modelling techniques in the optimization of corrosion
ness at removing chemicals of emerging concern. The Great
control for reducing lead in Canadian drinking water’
Lakes and their connecting channels form the largest fresh
describe the use of computational modelling techniques
surface water system on earth and are a source of drinking
to optimize corrosion control and reduce lead in drinking
water to millions of people. Chemicals of emerging concern
water. Modelling to optimize plumbosolvency control
may include pharmaceutical and personal care products,
was evaluated in Canadian and US contexts through
pesticides and others substances that are found in products
three case studies. In relation to regulatory compliance,
used daily in households, businesses, agriculture and indus-
supplementary orthophosphate dosing could be justified
try. The authors suggest that at least half of the 42 substances
in one water supply system but not in another. Compli-
examined in the study are likely to be removed by municipal
ance modelling illustrated differences in results that
wastewater treatment plants. The potential impact of these
were influenced by the stringency of the testing protocol
chemicals on ecosystem health and ultimately drinking
applied, the length of the lead service line and the
water supplies are poorly understood. Studies on anthropo-
copper premise pipe and by pipe diameters, as well as
genic inputs of chemicals are an important part of
flow characteristics (plug vs laminar). For either regulat-
quantifying exposure levels and generating science-based
ory compliance assessment or for the optimization of
information necessary to identify risks and inform risk
plumbosolvency control measures, routine sequential
sampling from the same houses at a normalized flow
Water treatment is also a critical aspect of the multi-
will minimize these variable effects.
barrier approach, and the naturally occurring substances
It is clear from the papers presented in this Special Issue
in water can be as significant a treatment challenge as
that the water industry is continuously re-examining the
human inputs of contaminants. Thirunavukkarasu et al. in
ways in which it manages risk to drinking water, seeking
‘Performance of reverse osmosis and manganese greensand
deeper understanding and innovative solutions from the
plants in removing naturally occurring substances in drink-
source of the water, to how drinking water is treated,
ing water’ examine the performance of reverse osmosis
stored and distributed.
(RO) and manganese greensand plants in removing naturally occurring substances in drinking water. A number of
Stéphanie McFadyen
communities in Saskatchewan that depend on ground
Special Issue Editor
water as a source for drinking water have reported high
Water and Air Quality Bureau,
levels of naturally occurring substances, such as arsenic,
Health Canada,
uranium and selenium, in their raw water. Some of these
Ottawa, Ontario,
communities are installing new systems or retrofitting with
© IWA Publishing 2014 Water Quality Research Journal of Canada
Implementation of Alberta’s drinking water safety plans D. C. Reid, K. Abramowski, A. Beier, A. Janzen, D. Lok, H. Mack, H. Radhakrishnan, M. M. Rahman, R. Schroth and R. Vatcher
ABSTRACT Traditionally, the regulatory approach to maintaining the quality and safety of drinking water has largely been a prescriptive one based on the ability of any given supply to meet standards set for a number of different chemical and biological parameters. There are a number of issues around the assumptions and the limitations of a sampling and analysis regime. The basis for such regimes is essentially reactive rather than proactive and, consequently, the cause of the concern may already have impacted consumers before any effective action can be taken. Environment and Sustainable Resource Development has developed a template for recording drinking water safety plans together with guidance notes to help complete them. The template has been developed in MS-Excel and has been designed in a straightforward step-wise manner with guidance on the completion of each sheet. It includes four main risk tables covering each main element of water supply which are prepopulated with commonly found ‘generic’ risks and these are carefully assessed before considering
D. C. Reid (corresponding author) K. Abramowski A. Beier A. Janzen D. Lok H. Mack H. Radhakrishnan M. M. Rahman R. Schroth R. Vatcher Alberta Environment and Sustainable Resource Development, Operations Division, Twin Atria Building, 4999–98 Avenue, Edmonton, T6B 2X3, Canada E-mail: donald.reid@gov.ab.ca
what action is required to deal with significant risks. Following completion of the risk tables, key risks are identified and the interventions required to bring them into control. Key words
| implementation, legislation, water safety plans
INTRODUCTION Safe, secure supplies of drinking water are essential to all
been a prescriptive one based on the ability of any given
Albertans. Approximately three million Albertans, repre-
drinking water system to meet standards set for a number
senting more than 80% of the province’s population,
of different biological, chemical and physical parameters.
receive their drinking water from systems regulated by
In Canada, guidelines for drinking water quality are devel-
Environment and Sustainable Resource Development
oped and published by Health Canada through a Federal/
(ESRD). Alberta uses a multi-barrier approach to ensure
that safe drinking water is provided to all Albertans. This
These Guidelines for Canadian Drinking Water Quality
method is referred to as a ‘source to tap, multi-barrier
are adopted in Alberta and form the basis of the drinking
approach’. The term, ‘source to tap’ refers to the continuum
water quality standards used by the province.
of environments that water passes through – from a water
The level of disease associated with contaminated drink-
body to the consumer’s drinking water tap and is a five-
ing water has fallen dramatically over the last 160 years or
pronged multi-barrier approach consisting of legislation,
so, virtually eliminating waterborne illness, but outbreaks
protection, drinking water systems, performance assurance
still can and do occur with the potential to have severe or
and knowledge. Detailed risk assessment or risk mitigation
devastating consequences for those involved (Rizak &
may or may not be part of these five prongs but is not a fun-
Hrudey ).
damental requirement for any of them.
These incidents highlight some of the limitations
Traditionally, the regulatory approach to maintaining
inherent in the ‘traditional’ regulatory approach. For
the quality and safety of drinking water has principally
example, there are a number of issues around the
doi: 10.2166/wqrjc.2013.063
D. C. Reid et al.
Implementation of Alberta’s drinking water safety plans
assumptions and the limitations of a sampling and analysis regime. Further, the basis for such sampling and analysis programmes is essentially reactive rather than being proactive and, consequently, the cause of the concern may
Water Quality Research Journal of Canada
Assessing correctly what is required to be done in order
Determining how to obtain the necessary resources to
to reduce risks to an acceptable level. achieve this, how to prioritise and audit the tasks that
already have impacted consumers before any effective
have been identified, and how to deliver the actions
action can be taken. From this it is clear that the current gov-
within the required timescale.
ernance models being applied to assure the quality of drinking water received by consumers still has some limitations.
There are three other important considerations:
A DWSP cannot work in isolation so the operator must
limitations is the adoption and use of an approach termed
communicate and discuss their findings with the main
a ‘water safety plan’ or ‘drinking water safety plan (DWSP)’.
stakeholders and other relevant parties.
• •
For the DWSP to work the actions that the operator has identified as necessary to mitigate the risks must be implemented. Finally, the DWSP is a ‘living document’ and should not
The World Health Organization comments in the fourth edi-
just sit on the shelf as if to say ‘job done’; it should be
tion of their Guidelines for Drinking-water Quality (WHO
reviewed regularly and updated when necessary.
), ‘The most effective means of securing the safety of a drinking water supply is through the use of a comprehensive risk assessment and risk management approach that encom-
passes all steps in the water supply from catchment to consumer.’ Binnie & Kimber () define a water safety
ESRD decided that developing a ‘template’ which would
plan as ‘a location-specific assessment of a water supply
have pre-populated generic risks for four key risk areas or
system, from the source, or sources, of the raw water through
‘nodes’ would be the most effective approach for introdu-
to the points of delivery, considering risks and hazards,
cing DWSPs to drinking water systems in the province.
means to address and monitor the hazards, and procedures
The template was built in MS-Excel and consists of a
for managing and operating the system under both normal
series of worksheets that together comprise the DWSP.
and exceptional circumstances’. This comprehensive risk
Functionality within the template is provided by various
assessment and risk management approach is termed a
macros which collate certain pieces of information into
‘water safety plan’ by the WHO and a ‘DWSP’ in Alberta.
summary sheets (such as risks which have been scored as high) or replicate data entries (e.g., name of the waterworks
system). The DWSP is intended to act as a single source for all of the relevant information about the water supply system. As
A DWSP framework was developed that built on pre-
such, the basic information needs to be entered for each of
existing regulatory requirements already being complied
the four elements of supply – source, treatment, network
with by operators.
and consumer. There are five sheets of this type in all –
The compilation of an effective DWSP is dependent on four principal processes:
Collecting and collating the best information about the
Analysing and understanding the risks that are present
water supply system.
core detail, source detail, treatment detail, network detail and customer detail. Assessing the generic risks
and that in certain circumstances will threaten the
Each of the four risk sheets – source, treatment, network
safety of the supply’s customers.
and customer – have been populated with risks which are
D. C. Reid et al.
Implementation of Alberta’s drinking water safety plans
Water Quality Research Journal of Canada
commonly encountered across the water industry in Alberta.
probability of something happening) and the cause (what
The information supplied provides a description of the risk,
chain of events leads to the hazard materialising).
the hazard that would result from it and the means by which it would happen (also known as ‘the causal chain’). In
The key risk sheet
addition to this, the comments box provides additional explanation or background.
The key risk sheet is essentially a list of all the key risks
In three of the sheets – source, treatment and network –
identified. The key risks are those risks with a risk score of
the risks have been grouped into sections to take account of
32 or more and these risks will have become coloured red
the different types of source, treatment process or component
automatically when the likelihood and consequence
part. If any of these groups do not apply to the system being
descriptions (and scores) are added. The key risks are the
considered, then a score of zero is entered, signifying that the
most significant risks and they all need to be considered
risk is not applicable. As each risk that is applicable to the
when determining what intervention is necessary to control
system is identified then the other fields on that risk line
each risk and reduce it to an acceptable level.
must be completed. These fields are as follows:
• • • •
Current monitoring – existing monitoring that is in place. How risk is currently controlled – measures in place now
Completing the action plan
that are helping to control the risk. If not adequate then
The action plan is essentially the summary plan for the miti-
further intervention will be needed.
gation of all of the key risks though the provision of new, or
Assess if control is adequate – does the control mitigate
improved interventions (control measures). It is not antici-
the risk? Do any standard procedures cover this – are there any standard operating procedures that help control this risk?
pated that all of the interventions will require capital investment. It may be possible to deal with the risk by changing or adding work procedures, or by providing additional
Likelihood and consequence – the probability of the risk
Likelihood and consequence scores – numerical values
for quantifying the risk score.
depending on the nature of the intervention, that not all
Risk score – calculated by multiplying the likelihood and
interventions can be delivered within a short timescale.
• •
occurring and its effects.
maintenance, or through increased or different monitoring regimes. It was recognised that due to limited resources, and
consequence scores.
This means that in the short term there is no decrease in
Required intervention to prevent failure – what needs to
the vulnerability towards these risks.
be done to mitigate the risk if the score is 32 or greater.
It would be prudent, therefore, to consider what short-
Responsible party – person who is responsible for deliver-
term measures can be taken immediately to provide extra
ing the intervention.
protection. This might include things like increased visual monitoring, changes in alarm settings, additional or modified procedures that take account of the recognised risk.
Adding other site-specific risks
These measures are then entered in the short-term control box.
Once all of the generic risks have been completed the next
Next, the main interventions are considered. The
step is to assess whether the risks described cover all of
description should be an accurate account of what is
the risks in the system. When an additional risk is identified
intended to be done and how this will be achieved and, cru-
it is added to the bottom of whichever supply element risk
cially, who is responsible for delivering it. It may require
sheet it applies to. The process is the same as for the generic
funding, which should be indicated in the funding box and
risks with the additional requirements to describe the risk,
whether this has been approved, and then entered into the
the hazard and the cause of potential failure. It is important
two date boxes when it is expected that the work will
to have clarity about the difference between the risk (the
begin and when it is expected to be completed.
D. C. Reid et al.
Implementation of Alberta’s drinking water safety plans
Maintaining the plan
Water Quality Research Journal of Canada
established departmental protocols the Code of Practice for Waterworks Systems Using High Quality Groundwater
The most common reason for updating the plan is likely to be
and the Code of Practice for a Waterworks System Consist-
to update the action plan following progress with an interven-
ing Solely of a Water Distribution System were revised and
tion. When an intervention is delivered it will reduce the
formally issued to affected facilities. Notices of change were
likelihood of that risk happening and the likelihood score
issued to waterworks systems operating under an approval,
should therefore be updated. This will in turn reduce the
and the standard approval template used to issue new or
risk score and indicate that this risk is now under control.
revised approvals was changed to reflect the DWSP require-
Other reasons to update the plan would include any
ment. The Standards and Guidelines for Municipal
changes made to the water supply system. These might be
Waterworks, Wastewater and Storm Drainage Systems
changes within the watershed, changes to part of the process
were also revised to take account of the new DWSP require-
in the water treatment works or changes to the network.
ments and these published in April 2012. In addition, ESRD
Should an incident or ‘near miss’ occur this would also
established a webpage where the DWSP template, support-
be an appropriate point to undertake a full review of the
ing documentation and training materials for self-directed
plan, in part to check whether the risk had been previously
training could be accessed (www.environment.alberta.ca/
identified and was thought to be under full control, or if not
apps/regulateddwq/dwsp.aspx) and a dedicated email
identified, why not. Some incidents or events may be rela-
account (aenv.dwsp@gov.ab.ca) to allow questions specifi-
tively easy to predict and may be seen as ‘accidents
cally related to DWSPs to be sent. All these elements were
waiting to happen’. Others, however, may be closer to an
completed within eight months and were achieved through
‘act of God’ where a very unusual set of circumstances has
the coordination and cooperation of many areas within
resulted in a catastrophic outcome. These sorts of risks are
ESRD. All drinking water systems regulated by ESRD
much more difficult to predict and require a fair degree of
have a requirement to complete and maintain a DWSP by
lateral thinking to anticipate. It is not surprising that they
December 31, 2013.
are sometimes missed.
ESRD will review the DWSP template after the initial completion date of December 31, 2013. Part of the ongoing commitment to the adoption of this policy direction is to
develop and adopt a process of ‘continual improvement’ both to the content of the template but also to the mechan-
Implementation of the DWSP approach required a multi-
istic elements (such as the macros). Undoubtedly, there will
pronged approach. First, training workshops were devel-
be risks included in the present version of the template that
oped and delivered to operators and ESRD staff. Through
do not warrant being retained as ‘generic’ risks and, conver-
late 2011 and early 2012 a series of 15 workshops able to
sely, there may be system-specific risks that appear often
accommodate up to 35 participants were offered to all
enough to be adopted as generic risks in future template
municipal waterworks systems operators, and over 251 com-
munities (with over 355 individual attendees) participated in these workshops. This training component continued beyond the provision of workshops with drinking water
operations specialists (who act as ‘circuit riders’ with geographically defined areas within the province) taking the
Alberta is the first province in Canada to introduce a regulat-
lead role in providing small-group or individual training sup-
ory requirement to have DWSPs for all regulated municipal
port to operators. The training elements were critical to the
drinking water systems. This requirement is thought to be
successful implementation of the DWSP.
the first such requirement in North America. As a leader
Changes to various legislative instruments and support-
in drinking water regulation and innovation for over 40
ing documents were also required to be made. Following
years, Environment and Sustainable Resource Development
D. C. Reid et al.
Implementation of Alberta’s drinking water safety plans
Water Quality Research Journal of Canada
has eagerly embarked on the adoption, implementation and
the development and delivery of the training materials and
ongoing development of DWSPs as part of the department’s
workshops, Nigel Ayton, Rob Balfour, Stephen Sandilands,
ongoing commitment to Albertans to ensure they have a safe
Tommy Seggie, Scottish Water Horizons Ltd; Dr Lisa
and secure source of drinking water for their own health and
Barrott, Tim Darlow, MHW; Paul Yardley, Performance
the economic health of Alberta’s communities. The
Partnerships; and Ms Valerie Nelson for assistance with
approach developed in Alberta will be of interest to other
the preparation of this manuscript.
jurisdictions looking to adopt the DWSP concept where
The views expressed in this paper are those of the
issues of capacity constraints, geographic remoteness and
authors and do not necessarily reflect the policies of the
lack of resources may have been considered as significant
Government of Alberta or the Department of Environment
barriers to successful adoption. ESRD has demonstrated
and Sustainable Resource Development.
that it is possible to develop and implement DWSPs for all communities provided there is appropriate consideration given to the needs of the end-users and a commitment to ongoing partnerships with communities to support the implementation of the DWSP approach.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors gratefully acknowledge the development of the DWSP template, Peter Dowswell, Water Safety Solutions;
REFERENCES Binnie, C. & Kimber, M. Basic Water Treatment, 4th edn. Thomas Telford, London. Rizak, S. & Hrudey, S. Strategic Water Quality Monitoring for Drinking Water Safety. The Cooperative Research Centre for Water Quality and Treatment. Research Report 27. World Health Organization (WHO) Guidelines for Drinkingwater Quality, 4th edn. World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland.
First received 10 December 2012; accepted in revised form 4 December 2013. Available online 17 December 2013
© IWA Publishing 2014 Water Quality Research Journal of Canada
Estimating nitrate loading from an intensively managed agricultural field to a shallow unconfined aquifer P. J. Kuipers, M. C. Ryan and B. J. Zebarth
ABSTRACT Nitrate loading from an intensively managed commercial red raspberry field to groundwater in the Abbotsford-Sumas Aquifer, British Columbia was estimated over a 1 yr period and compared with the nitrogen surplus calculated using a simple nitrogen budget. Nitrate loading was estimated as the product of recharge (estimated from climate data as total precipitation minus potential evapotranspiration (PET)) and monthly nitrate concentration measured at the water table. Most nitrate loading occurred when nitrate, accumulated in the root zone over the growing season, was leached following heavy autumn rainfall events. Elevated groundwater nitrate concentrations at the water table during the growing season when recharge was assumed to be negligible suggested that the nitrate loading was underestimated. The estimate of annual nitrate loading to the water table was high (174 kg N ha 1) suggesting that the tools currently available to growers to manage N in
P. J. Kuipers M. C. Ryan Department of Geoscience, University of Calgary, 2500 University Dr. NW, Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2N 1N4 B. J. Zebarth (corresponding author) Potato Research Centre, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, PO Box 20280, Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada E3B 4Z7 E-mail: Bernie.Zebarth@agr.gc.ca
raspberry production are not adequate to protect groundwater quality. The calculated nitrogen surplus from the nitrogen budget (180 kg N ha 1) was similar to the measured nitrate loading suggesting that simple nitrogen budgets may be relatively effective indices of the risk of nitrate loading to groundwater. Key words
| groundwater nitrate, nitrogen budget, red raspberry, Rubus idaeus
ABBREVIATIONS bgs below ground surface
increased mineral fertilizer and manure inputs (Rupert
). Although there may be some dispute over the health
latent evapotranspiration
MW monitoring well PET potential evapotranspiration
risk associated with nitrate in water (Powlson et al. ), human health issues remain controversial (Ward et al. ) and aquatic ecosystem effects increasingly problematic (Vitousek et al. ; Galloway et al. ). Groundwater
nitrate concentrations commonly exceed the drinking water guidelines for human health (10 and 11.3 mg
Nitrate is the most ubiquitous chemical contaminant in
NO3-N L 1 in the USA and EU, respectively), particularly
groundwater aquifers world-wide (Spalding & Exner )
in unconfined aquifers (Nolan & Stoner ; Rivett et al.
and groundwater nitrate contamination is increasingly
), which has important implications for management
being recognized as a long-lasting issue with broad environ-
of public water supplies.
mental and health implications (Puckett et al. ).
While non-point source groundwater nitrate contami-
Groundwater nitrate concentrations in many agricultural
nation can originate from various land uses, in many
regions have been increasing since about the 1950s in
cases nitrate contamination is associated with intensive
response to commercial production of mineral fertilizer
agricultural production (Power & Schepers ; Strebel
products, and have continued to increase over time with
et al. ; Puckett et al. ). Nitrate leaching occurs
doi: 10.2166/wqrjc.2013.136
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Nitrate loading from an agricultural field
Water Quality Research Journal of Canada
when infiltrating water and elevated nitrate concen-
management practices with nitrate loading. Measurement
trations coexist in the soil (Meisinger & Delgado ).
of residual soil nitrate at the end of the growing season
Thus, the risk of nitrate leaching is enhanced by high min-
has been used as a proxy for the risk of nitrate leaching
eral N fertilizer inputs, high manure inputs, and cropping
from the soil root zone, and was used to assess the effects
systems with low efficiency of N utilization (Strebel et al.
of fertilizer and manure practices on the risk of nitrate
; Ruan & Schepers ). High manure inputs are fre-
leaching (Dean et al. ; Zebarth et al. ), however
quently associated with high livestock densities (Strebel
it is unclear how residual nitrate is quantitatively linked
et al. ) because it is not economical to transport
to nitrate loading to groundwater. As a result, the risk of
manure far from the animal operations (Eghball &
nitrate loading to the aquifer has been assessed primarily
Power ). The risk of nitrate contamination is
using N budget approaches (Zebarth et al. , ).
enhanced in sandy soils with limited water holding
The overall risk of nitrate contamination within a given
capacity, high water inputs as rainfall or irrigation (Strebel
field or geographic region may be assessed using a simple
et al. ; Power & Schepers ), and in permeable sur-
N budget approach (Meisinger et al. ), however it is
ficial aquifers which have limited ability to attenuate
unclear how reliable this approach is in providing quanti-
nitrate contamination (Rivett et al. ).
tative estimates of nitrate loading due to the large
The transboundary Abbotsford-Sumas Aquifer, located
uncertainties in some components of the N budgets (e.g.,
in British Columbia, Canada and Washington, USA, has
gaseous N losses through volatilization and denitrifica-
elevated nitrate concentrations over a wide portion of the
tion). These uncertainties in the nitrate loading associated
aquifer (Liebscher et al. ). This coarse sand and gravel
with specific management practices have made develop-
aquifer is highly vulnerable to nitrate contamination due
ment and adoption of practices to mitigate nitrate
to a thin and permeable surficial soil layer, high annual pre-
contamination challenging.
cipitation, permeable subsurface materials, and intensive 15
One approach to directly link changes in crop and soil
O isotopes, Wasse-
management practices with changes in groundwater nitrate
naar () concluded that nitrate in the aquifer originated
concentrations is through measurement of nitrate loss from
primarily from poultry manure. The elevated nitrate concen-
the root zone using a variety of techniques (Mulla & Strock
trations in the aquifer were attributed primarily to N inputs
). Nitrate loss from the root zone can be assessed using
as manure and mineral fertilizer in excess of crop N
soil sampling (Beaudoin et al. ), however this approach
removals in red raspberry production (Zebarth et al. ).
is not suitable for all soils and is not practical in coarse sand
Historic increases in groundwater nitrate concentrations
and gravel deposits. Nitrate loss can also be estimated using
have been attributed to intensification of agricultural
instrumented tile-drain plots (Milburn et al. ), however
production over the aquifer (Zebarth et al. ).
tile-drainage is not effective or common in these highly per-
agricultural production. Using
N and
A groundwater monitoring programme was initiated in
meable coarse sand and gravel deposits. Nitrate leaching
the early 1990s to monitor spatial and temporal changes in
can be measured directly using samplers such as the passive
groundwater nitrate concentrations (Hii et al. ). It is
capillary wick samplers ( Jabro et al. ) or equilibrium-
difficult, however, to relate groundwater nitrate concen-
tension lysimeters (Brye et al. ) or estimated from a com-
tration with specific land use practices due to the small
bination of nitrate concentration measured using suction
land holdings, large annual fluctuations in water table
lysimeters in combination with estimates of recharge rate
elevations and high groundwater flow rates. Simulation
(Vázquez et al. ). These approaches are generally effec-
modelling of nitrate transport through the vadose zone of
tive for comparison of management practices on a small plot
the Abbotsford-Sumas Aquifer has demonstrated that the
scale, but are limited in their ability to provide robust esti-
aquifer is highly vulnerable to nitrate loading from agricul-
mates of nitrate loading at a field scale due to the very
tural production (Chesnaux et al. ; Chesnaux & Allen
high inherent spatial variation in soil physical and biochemi-
), however limited field measurements for model
cal processes and the difficulty in quantifying preferential
calibration limit use of the simulation models to link
P. J. Kuipers et al.
Nitrate loading from an agricultural field
Water Quality Research Journal of Canada
An alternative approach is to directly link changes in crop and soil management practices with changes in groundwater nitrate concentrations through monitoring nitrate at the water table. This approach provides better integration across time and space, and hence has the potential to provide a more robust estimate of nitrate loading. However, when making measurements at the water table, it can be more difficult to link nitrate loading to groundwater with the specific field or management area under study. This is particularly true in highly permeable
dominantly horizontal and where land holdings are small (e.g., <1 ha). Stites & Kraft () quantified nitrate loading to groundwater in the Wisconsin central sand plain from a large (44 ha) agricultural field. Detailed depth profiles of nitrate and chloride concentrations below the water table were monitored. Annual spring applications of mineral fertilizer provided a chloride tracer that could be used to distinguish among years,
Figure 1
Site location (inset) and plan view showing the experimental field, the location of groundwater monitoring wells (MW1 and MW2), the time-weighted average groundwater flow direction (heavy line) and the range of variation in groundwater flow direction over the year of monitoring, and the surrounding land use. Individual raspberry and blueberry fields are shaded grey, and one residential property was present. The white areas between fields are grassed laneways.
and allowed the mass of nitrate leached from the agricultural field within an individual year to be estimated. This
The aquifer is comprised of a succession of glacio-fluvial
approach was used to quantify the nitrate loading from a
sand and gravel interspersed with minor till and clayey silt
number of agricultural crops (Stites & Kraft ; Kraft &
lenses of unknown continuity collectively termed the
Stites ).
Sumas Drift (Armstrong et al. ; Easterbrook ). The
The objectives of this study were to estimate nitrate load-
aquifer is up to 70 m thick in some locations but has not
ing from an intensively managed commercial red raspberry
been fully characterized (Dakin ). The Sumas Drift is
field to groundwater in the Abbotsford-Sumas Aquifer over
underlain by low permeability glacio-marine and marine
a 1 yr period using calculated water surplus and monthly
sediments of the Fort Langley Formation (Halstead ).
groundwater nitrate concentrations measured at the water
The dominant soil types overlying the aquifer consist of
table, and to compare this estimate of nitrate loading with
up to 70 cm or more of silty aeolian deposits over sandy and
the nitrogen surplus calculated using a simple N budget
gravelly glacio-fluvial deposits (Luttmerding ). The soils
are generally well drained and are intensively managed. The dominant agricultural crop is red raspberry (Rubus idaeus L.) with significant areas in blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum), forage grass (Dactylis glomerata L.) and pas-
ture. A large number of poultry broiler, layer and turkey operations are located over the aquifer (Zebarth et al. ).
Hydrogeological setting
The aquifer is recharged primarily by direct precipiThe study site was located in the Abbotsford-Sumas Aquifer.
tation (Liebscher et al. ). Average annual precipitation
The aquifer covers an area of approximately 100 km2 in Brit-
(1971–2000) is 1,573 mm at the Abbotsford Airport, includ-
ish Columbia, Canada and a similar area in Washington
ing 64 cm as snow (Environment Canada ). About 70%
State, USA (Liebscher et al. ). The aquifer is located
of this precipitation occurs outside of the period of active
southwest of Abbotsford, British Columbia (49 30 N 122
crop growth in October to March. Horticultural crops are
170 W) (Figure 1).
commonly irrigated during the growing season. Average
P. J. Kuipers et al.
Nitrate loading from an agricultural field
Water Quality Research Journal of Canada
annual temperature is 10.0 C (Environment Canada ). W
Previous recharge estimates range from 65 to 70% of precipitation (Scibeck & Allen ), with an estimated 1 m of recharge for the Abbotsford Airport area under average precipitation conditions. The water table varies from 40 m to < 2 m below ground surface, depending on the location and time of year (Kohut ; Wassenaar ; Environment Canada, unpublished data). The water table is also highly responsive to recharge, changing by as much as 3.5 m or more in elevation in a given year (Environment Canada, unpublished data). Published estimates of hydraulic conductivity range from 3.8 × 10 6 to 2.8 × 10 2 m s 1 (Culhane ; Cox & Kahle ; Stasney ; Chesnaux et al. ), with a regional best estimate of 9.5 × 10 4 m s 1 (Cox & Kahle ). Porosity is generally assumed to be around 0.35 with resultant groundwater velocities in the order of 450 m yr 1 (Liebscher et al. ; Cox & Kahle ; Mitchell et al. ). Study site and groundwater monitoring installations The study site was an 80 × 100 m field located within a portion of the Abbotsford-Sumas Aquifer which is known to have elevated groundwater nitrate concentrations (Liebscher et al. ; Hii et al. ) and which had relatively shallow water table depth to facilitate sampling (Figure 1). The study field was cropped to a red raspberry
Figure 2
Schematic diagram of bundle piezometer. The sampling ports are located 100 mm apart.
stand established in 2005 and surrounded by commercial red raspberry fields. Soils at the study site belong to the
using zip ties. Screening (210 micron Nytex®) covered the
Abbotsford soil series, which are defined as having 0.2–
ends of individual tubes and the centre stalks and was
0.5 m of medium textured aeolian deposit over gravelly out-
held in place with zip ties.
wash and are classified in the Canadian soil classification
The first bundle piezometers were installed in October
system as Orthic Humo-Ferric Podzols (Luttmerding ).
2006 when two wells (MW1A and MW1B, Figure 1) with
Field observations during monitoring well installation con-
36 tubes of 6.35 mm OD vinyl tubing each were installed
firmed that a 0.25–0.45 m deep surficial aeolian deposit
approximately 6 m apart with sample ports spanning differ-
was underlain by glacial sand and gravel at the study site.
ent depth intervals. Combining results from the two
Two installations of multi-level monitoring ‘bundle’
piezometer intervals provided a continuous 8.8 m sampling
piezometers (MacFarlane et al. ) were installed on the
profile terminating approximately 10 m below the ground
down-gradient edge of the study field (Figure 1). The
surface. A solid-stem auger was used to pre-drill the well
bundle piezometers consisted of a centre PVC stalk
holes, and was followed by a hollow stem auger used to
(12.7 mm diameter) surrounded by 36 or 72 smaller tubes
install the bundle piezometers. A sand pack was used to
which acted as dedicated sampling ports and terminated at
backfill the annulus to 1–1.5 m below ground surface (bgs)
100 mm incremental depths (Figure 2; MacFarlane et al.
at which point it was completed with a bentonite well seal
). The smaller tubes were secured to the centre stalk
and a cover was cemented in place at grade.
P. J. Kuipers et al.
Nitrate loading from an agricultural field
Water Quality Research Journal of Canada
The second installation (MW2, Figure 1) occurred in
were collected using flow rates kept below 100 mL min 1 to
January 2007 using smaller 3.18 mm OD polyethylene
minimize mixing and encourage localized sample collec-
tubing allowing for a complete profile within one hole.
tion. The 20 mL samples were normally collected from
Instead of a sand pack, the non-cohesive in situ material
each working tube in a series with the exception of three
was permitted to collapse around the piezometer to the
sampling events during which sample frequency was
water table (MacFarlane et al. ; Ryan et al. ), at
reduced to every second port for all or a portion of the
which point it was backfilled using the native material
event due to time and weather constraints. Field doubles
obtained from drill cuttings to 1.52 m bgs. The installation
and blanks were collected on each sampling date. All
was sealed with bentonite and cement as described for the
samples were stored on ice prior to being refrigerated or
first installation.
frozen based on expected time between collection and analysis (frozen if 4 or more days expected). In the laboratory, a 5 mL sub-sample was filtered through
Groundwater sampling
0.2 μm syringe filters and analysed for the concentration of Groundwater sampling was conducted on 12 dates in MW1
NO 3 using a Dionex ICS-1000 Ion Chromatograph with
from 2 November 2006 to 13 October 2007 and on 9 dates
A540 auto-sampler (APHA (American Public Health Associ-
in MW2 from 2 February 2007 to 13 October 2007. The
ation) ); Standard Method 4010-B). In-house standards,
times between sampling events ranged from 2 weeks to 2
which compare within 0.6% with commercial nitrate stan-
months, and were more frequent during the winter months
dards, were utilized for all ion chromatograph analysis.
when greater recharge was expected to occur.
Samples were analysed in a randomized order to reduce
Water table elevation was monitored in the centre stalks
errors associated with instrument drift. For quality control
of the bundle piezometers during each sampling event.
purposes, laboratory and field duplicates (one each per 10–
These water table elevations were used to confirm which
20 samples) were analysed where required. Where two or
sampling port was closest to the water table on each
more samples were analysed for a given sample event, an
sampling day. The irregular timing and relatively low fre-
average value was used in the data analysis. Average relative
quency of measurements made it difficult to use these
per cent difference for field and laboratory duplicates was less
water table elevations to estimate seasonal changes in
than 2.2% for nitrate (n ¼ 407, SD ¼ 7.3).
water table elevation. Consequently, water table elevations collected monthly from Environment Canada piezometers
Estimation of nitrate loading
(n ¼ 19) (Environment Canada, unpublished data) were used to generate water table elevation contour maps using
Nitrate loading in the current study could not be estimated
the Kriging algorithm within Surfer® as described by
as described by Stites & Kraft () because there were
Kuipers (). The contours in a 250 m radius of the
no seasonal patterns in chloride concentrations (Kuipers
study site were subsequently utilized to estimate study site
) that could be used to distinguish which year the nitrate
water table elevations, gradients and direction of flow. The
was leached from the root zone, and because of the small
network of Environment Canada piezometers span the aqui-
size of the study field. Consequently, nitrate loading to the
fer (Cox & Kahle ) and include six piezometers within
water table was estimated by multiplying estimated ground-
1 km of the study site.
water recharge with groundwater nitrate concentration
Groundwater samples were collected in the field using a peristaltic pump (Geotec II) with silicon tubing attached to
measured in the shallowest multi-level sampling port. Nitrate loading was estimated for the 1 yr period from 1
November 2006 to 31 October 2007. The nitrate loading cal-
(5–750 mL depending on depth) were purged and all
culation was performed for 12 time intervals, centred on the
sample bottles were rinsed in the field three times using
12 sampling dates. Each time interval extended from
sample water prior to sample collection (Saunders ).
midway between the preceding sampling date and the cur-
Starting at the water table and working downward, samples
rent sampling date (or 1 November for the first sampling
P. J. Kuipers et al.
Nitrate loading from an agricultural field
Water Quality Research Journal of Canada
date), to midway between the current sampling date and the
inputs were compared with outputs at the field level, similar
subsequent sampling date (or 31 October for the final
to previous studies (Zebarth et al. , ). The budget calcu-
sampling date).
lation assumed that the soil N processes were at equilibrium,
Groundwater recharge was estimated within each time
and consequently soil N cycling within the field (e.g., plant N
interval using a water balance method (Scanlon et al.
uptake, crop residue additions, soil N mineralization) could
). Precipitation data were obtained from an Environ-
be ignored. This approach has been used previously at regional
ment Canada climate station located at the Abbotsford
and field scales for cases where detailed information on N pro-
Airport. Using information from the same climate station,
cesses is not available (Meisinger et al. ).
daily potential evapotranspiration (PET) values were
Nitrogen inputs to the field included N from mineral fer-
derived by Agriculture Canada using Method 1 described
tilizers, manure, atmospheric deposition, and irrigation
in Baier & Robertson () to estimate latent evapo-
water. Total N input from manure was estimated based on
transpiration (EL) from simple weather observations,
measured N-content of the manure and the application
combined with the method described in Baier () to con-
rate reported by the land owner. Similarly, mineral fertilizer
vert values of EL to PET. Runoff was assumed to be
N applications were as reported by the land owner. Esti-
negligible based on the low site topography, well-drained
mates for atmospheric deposition were assigned the
soils, and the sandy nature of the underlying aquifer
average measured value reported in Belzer et al. () for
(Chesnaux et al. ). Irrigation contributions to recharge
a site at Abbotsford. The quantity of irrigation applied was
were assumed to be negligible due to high evaporation
not measured. A conservative estimate for irrigation N
during the summer months when irrigation is applied
inputs was made by assuming that the irrigation applied
(Zebarth et al. ). Thus, recharge within the time interval
was equal to the water deficit for the months of May, June,
was estimated as precipitation less PET, an approach used
July and August 2007 when PET exceeded precipitation.
previously to estimate recharge in this aquifer (Cox &
The water deficit was calculated as PET less precipitation
Kahle ; Chesnaux et al. ). In time intervals when
where PET was estimated as described above. Nitrate
PET exceeded precipitation, recharge was assumed to be
inputs as irrigation water were estimated by multiplying
zero. Note that PET and recharge were also calculated on
the assumed irrigation rate by the average nitrate concen-
a monthly basis such that monthly values during the moni-
tration of the irrigation water (7.5 mg N L 1) measured on
toring period could be compared with monthly values
three dates: 5 July, 5 August and 6 August 2007.
from historic climate data. The measured nitrate concentration in the shallowest
Nitrogen outputs from the root zone included denitrification, volatilization, and crop removal from the field as
sampling port, averaged between MW1 and MW2 when
berries. Denitrification was estimated as 8% of the total N
both bundle piezometers were sampled, was assumed to
applied as mineral fertilizer or manure (Zebarth et al.
apply to the entire time interval. The quantity of recharge
). The N removed in harvested fruit was estimated at
(with units of m3 ha 1) was then multiplied by the nitrate
20 kg N ha 1 yr 1 (Kowalenko ; Dean et al. ). It
concentration (kg m ) to estimate the quantity of nitrate
was assumed that 20% of the total N in the applied poultry
loading to groundwater within each individual time interval
manure was lost by volatilization (Zebarth et al. ). It was
(kg ha 1). The quantity of nitrate loading was then summed
also assumed that a net increase in soil organic N storage
across time intervals to estimate nitrate loading over the 1 yr
occurred which was estimated as 20% of the total N in the
monitoring interval.
manure (Meisinger et al. ).
Nitrogen budget
RESULTS A nitrogen budget was calculated to estimate the annual surplus of N which may contribute to nitrate leaching. The
There were some seasonal changes in the direction of
budget calculated a mass balance for the root zone whereby
groundwater flow (Figure 1). This variation was likely due
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Nitrate loading from an agricultural field
Water Quality Research Journal of Canada
in part to the influence of irrigation wells located in the general vicinity of the experimental site. However, the direction of groundwater flow was such that the groundwater samplers were located down-gradient of the study field over the entire monitoring period. Precipitation
1,938 mm (Table 1). This precipitation was 24% higher than the 30 yr (1978–2007) average of 1,560 mm. The increased precipitation primarily reflected 76 and 126% above-average precipitation in November 2006 and March 2007, respectively. Precipitation was 100 mm or more for each month from November 2006 to April 2007 (Figure 3(a)). Estimated PET during the monitoring period was 598 mm, which was slightly less than the 30 yr average of 628 mm. PET was highest from May to August (Figure 3(b)). Estimated recharge during the monitoring period (calculated on a monthly basis as precipitation less PET) was 1,582 mm, which is 41% higher than the 30 yr average of 1,122 mm (Table 1). Recharge was predicted to occur in every month except May to August 2007 (Figure 3(c)). The estimated water deficit during these 4 months was 241 mm, 27% higher than the 30 yr average of 190 mm (Table 1). Air temperature during the monitoring W
period (10.5 C) was similar to the 30 yr average (10.3 C). Thus, climatic conditions during the monitoring period were generally drier than normal during the period of active crop growth but considerably wetter than normal than during the winter recharge period.
Figure 3
Estimation of recharge or water deficit for the 1 yr (November 2006 to October 2007) monitoring period calculated on a monthly basis from data obtained
Water table elevation at the start of the monitoring period in November 2006 increased over time until March
from the Abbotsford Airport climate station: (a) monthly total precipitation; (b) monthly potential evapotranspiration (PET); and (c) monthly estimated recharge or water deficit calculated as precipitation minus PET.
2007 (Figure 4(a)), which is consistent with high monthly Table 1
Comparison of climate parameters during the experimental monitoring period
precipitation from November 2006 until March 2007
(November 2006 to October 2007) in comparison with 30 yr (1978 to 2007) climate normals as measured at the Abbotsford Airport, calculated on a
(Figure 3(a)). Water table elevation subsequently declined
monthly basis
reaching a minimum value at the end of the monitoring period in October 2007, which is consistent with a calcu-
Value W
Air temperature ( C) Precipitation (mm)
lated water deficit for the period from May to August 2007. The maximum change in water table elevation over the monitoring period was 1.9 m.
There were also seasonal patterns in the magnitude and
depth distribution of nitrate concentrations below the
water table (Figure 5). Overall, nitrate concentrations
generally increased with depth, indicating that nitrate
Water deficita (mm) a
30 yr climate
% of 30 yr normal
PETa (mm) Estimated rechargea (mm)
Monitoring period
Calculation method described in text.
loadings to the aquifer are greater for fields up-gradient of
P. J. Kuipers et al.
Nitrate loading from an agricultural ďŹ eld
Water Quality Research Journal of Canada
Figure 5
Depth distribution of nitrate concentration below the water table at four times during the 1 yr monitoring period. Note that the ground surface is at 49.3 masl.
For the simple N budget, N inputs were estimated to be 340 kg N ha 1 (Table 2). The largest N input was manure (solid poultry layer manure containing 5.4% total N, band applied on the crop rows and not incorporated), estimated at 287 kg total N ha 1. This rate of application was chosen based on the assumption that approximately one-third of the manure total N would be plant-available in the year of Figure 4
Calculation of nitrate loading during the 1 yr (November 2006 to October 2007)
Table 2
Calculated N balance for the experimental ďŹ eld during the experimental monitoring period (November 2006 to October 2007)
monitoring period calculated over 12 time intervals based on the timing of groundwater sampling: (a) water table elevation on each sampling date (ground surface is at 49.3 masl); (b) measured nitrate concentrations in the shallowest sampling port of MW1 and MW2 used for the calculation of nitrate loading; and (c) calculated nitrate loading for each time interval.
Budget componenta
Value (kg N ha 1)
N inputs Manure (total N)
the study site than for the study site. For depths close to
Mineral fertilizer N
the water table, distinctly different patterns of nitrate
Irrigation water N
concentration with depth were observed on different
Atmospheric deposition Total inputs
sampling dates. Nitrate concentration at the sampling port closest to the water table was highest in November
9 340
N outputs other than leaching
2006 (23.6 mg N L 1), averaged about 5 mg N L 1 for
Harvested fruit
January to June 2007, then increased to about 15 mg N L
Volatilization (manure)
from August to October 2007 (Figure 4(b)). Nitrate loading
DenitriďŹ cation
Increase in soil organic N storage
was estimated to be 174 kg N ha . The time periods of
Total outputs
greatest loading (Figure 4(c)) generally coincided with the times of maximum nitrate concentration at the water table (Figure 4(b)).
Surplus of N which has the potential to leach a
160 180
Assumptions used in developing the budget are described in the text.
P. J. Kuipers et al.
Nitrate loading from an agricultural field
Water Quality Research Journal of Canada
application. The mineral fertilizer N rate (fertilizer analysis
obtain a robust estimate of nitrate loading given the high
[N-P2O5-K2O] of 8.5-15-30) was low at 26 kg N ha 1. Inter-
spatial variation in the crop and in soil N processes. It was
estingly, N inputs in irrigation water were 18 kg N ha ,
not possible in the current study to use the approach of
equivalent to more than half of the N applied as mineral
Stites & Kraft () because the depth distribution of chlor-
fertilizer. Atmospheric N deposition was estimated at
ide (Kuipers ) could not be used to identify which nitrate
9 kg N ha 1, however, there is a large degree of uncertainty
could be attributed to the current year. This was not unex-
in this estimate because there are few measured values of
pected because of the small size of the land holdings, and
atmospheric deposition in this region. It is important to
because high annual recharge makes identification of the
note that from the perspective of the producer, the
chloride associated with mineral fertilizer application pro-
supply of plant-available N was expected to be about
blematic. Efforts to apply a high rate of chloride at the
122 kg N ha 1 (i.e., mineral fertilizer N plus one-third of
field boundary to act as a marker failed when the applied
total N in manure) because there are currently no practical
tracer was not detected (Kuipers ).
means for accounting for soil N mineralization or atmospheric N deposition, and N in irrigation water is not considered. The N outputs other than nitrate leaching were estimated 1
Consequently, nitrate loading in the current study was calculated from an estimate of recharge in combination with nitrate concentration in groundwater measured as
(Table 2). The largest outputs were for vol-
close to the water table as possible to represent the nitrate
atilization of manure N and increase in soil organic N
concentration in recent recharge. This approach has the
storage, each at 57 kg N ha 1. The N outputs for harvested
advantage of not requiring a tracer to distinguish what
fruit and denitrification were smaller at 20 and 25 kg N
year the nitrate was associated with and allows application
ha 1, respectively. It should be noted that with the exception
of the approach on relatively small land holdings. This
of the N in harvested fruit, there is a large degree of uncer-
approach does, however, make two important assumptions.
tainty with the estimated values of the N outputs.
First, it assumes that the recharge rate can be estimated with
at 160 kg N ha
(Table 2).
sufficient accuracy based on climate data. Although ground-
This surplus provides an approximation of the N which is
water recharge is an elusive parameter to estimate (Scanlon
available for nitrate leaching. This estimate is done at a
et al. ), our estimate agrees well with previous modelling
field scale, and assumes the system is at equilibrium, and
derived (Scibeck & Allen ) and water balance
therefore assumes that the internal N cycling within the
(Chesnaux et al. ) approaches. Second, it assumes that
field can be ignored. Consequently, this surplus is not a
the transit time for recharge from the root zone to the
predictor of nitrate leaching in any given year, but does pro-
water table is sufficiently rapid that the nitrate concentration
vide an index of the risk of nitrate leaching. By combining
at the water table can be associated with the recharge which
recharge of
occurred during the same time period. While this is not true
1,122 mm (Table 1), the resulting groundwater nitrate con-
of many aquifers, it is a reasonable assumption at this study
centration would be estimated to be about 16 mg N L 1.
site given the high annual recharge rate, relatively shallow
The estimated N surplus was 180 kg N ha
The estimated N surplus of 180 kg N ha
was 3% higher
than the nitrate loading estimated from the 1 yr groundwater monitoring period of 174 kg N ha 1.
water table, and coarse sediments below the surface soil. The seasonal patterns of groundwater elevation in this study are consistent with previous studies in the Abbotsford-Sumas Aquifer. Water table elevations in the Abbotsford-Sumas Aquifer are commonly at a maximum in
February or March and at a minimum in October to December (Liebscher et al. ; Zebarth et al. ). In
In this study, we estimated nitrate loading from an individ-
comparison, seasonal patterns of groundwater nitrate con-
ual commercial red raspberry field with known N
centrations have not previously been measured at the
management through monitoring of groundwater nitrate
water table. Nitrate concentrations in deeper wells do exhi-
concentrations. This approach was chosen in order to
bit seasonal patterns, and in some cases multi-year cycles in
P. J. Kuipers et al.
Nitrate loading from an agricultural field
Water Quality Research Journal of Canada
concentrations, but it can be difficult to interpret these tem-
winter period in all years (Kowalenko ). The above-
poral patterns in groundwater nitrate concentration because
average recharge during the monitoring period occurred
the age and source of the nitrate measured is uncertain
during the time period when significant recharge already
(McArthur & Allen ).
occurs. Since essentially complete leaching occurs in any
The patterns of nitrate loss from the root zone predicted
case, the amount of nitrate leaching will be controlled
from this study are consistent with previous studies of soil N
not by precipitation, but rather by temperature, soil proper-
cycling in this region. Soil nitrate commonly accumulates in
ties and management practices. The air temperature during
the root zone during the growing season in response to
the monitoring period was near normal, and the manage-
spring application of manure and/or mineral fertilizer and
ment practices were consistent with previous years.
net mineralization of organic N in soil organic matter
Consequently increased recharge would be expected to
(Dean et al. ; Zebarth et al. ), followed by essentially
result in reduced groundwater nitrate concentrations due
complete loss of nitrate during the winter period in response
to greater dilution, but not necessarily to increase the quan-
to rainfall events (Kowalenko ). While there is evidence
tity of nitrate leached from the root zone.
of some downward movement of nitrate during the growing
The magnitude of the nitrate loading to groundwater
season (Zebarth et al. ), the magnitude of nitrate loss
during the monitoring period (174 kg N ha 1) was quite
from the root zone is not well known. Thus, nitrate loss is
high and would be expected to result in groundwater nitrate
expected to occur primarily with the onset of heavy rainfall
concentrations above the drinking water guideline. This
events in autumn, and the quantity of nitrate accumulated
occurred despite efforts by the grower to manage N carefully
in the root zone at the end of the growing season is used as
according to recommended practices (Hughes-Games &
an index of the risk of nitrate leaching (Zebarth et al. ).
Zebarth ). The high loading may in part reflect
The high nitrate concentration in October 2006 and the
that the N inputs from the perspective of the grower
high nitrate loading from October to December 2006 are con-
(122 kg N ha 1 from mineral fertilizer N plus one-third of
sistent with much of the nitrate leaching occurring in
total N in manure) represented less than 40% of the total
response to flushing of accumulated nitrate from the root
N inputs estimated using the N budget (340 kg N ha 1).
zone with the onset of heavy autumn rainfall events.
This suggests that the tools currently available to growers
It is interesting to note that despite considerable
to manage N in raspberry production are not adequate to
recharge during the winter period, nitrate concentrations
protect groundwater quality. The estimated N surplus for
at the water table remain close to 5 mg N L
from February
this study site is consistent with previous estimates of the
to June of 2007. This suggests that there may continue to be
N surplus in this region. For example, a regional N budget
significant losses of nitrate from the root zone, presumably
for Matsqui South, which is similar to the geographic
originating from soil N mineralization and atmospheric
extent of the Abbotsford Aquifer, was estimated at
deposition, over the winter period.
238 kg N ha 1 using 1991 census data (Zebarth et al. ).
In the current study, it was assumed that no recharge
It is interesting to note that the estimate of nitrate load-
occurs during May to August 2007 because PET exceeded
ing over the 1 yr monitoring period (174 kg N ha 1) is
total precipitation. However, soil nitrate concentration at
within 5% of the calculated N surplus from the N budget
the water table increased markedly in August 2007. This
(180 kg N ha 1). Given the large uncertainties in some com-
suggests that some recharge did occur during the growing
season in response to irrigation, and therefore that nitrate
deposition and gaseous N losses from volatilization and
loading to groundwater was somewhat underestimated.
denitrification, these are very similar estimates of nitrate
Precipitation during the 1 yr monitoring period was
loading. It should be noted that while the nitrate loading
considerably higher than the 30 yr climate normal. This
was estimated based on groundwater nitrate concentration
would result in above-average recharge. However, it may
over a specific 1 yr monitoring period, the N budget
have had a limited effect on nitrate loading. Essentially
approach assumes the system is at equilibrium and that
all nitrate is leached from the root zone during the
the N surplus reflect conditions over a multi-year period,
P. J. Kuipers et al.
Nitrate loading from an agricultural field
Water Quality Research Journal of Canada
whereas the actual N surplus may vary from year to year in
Water Network. The cooperation and assistance of
response to changes in management practices and environ-
the anonymous grower on whose land this study was
mental conditions. Although it would have been helpful to
performed, the BC Raspberry Industry Development
have measured nitrate loading over a longer monitoring
Council, and Mark Sweeney of the British Columbia
period, this result suggests that the simple N budgets may
Ministry of Agriculture are gratefully acknowledged.
be relatively effective indices of the risk of nitrate loading to groundwater in this aquifer which has shallow permeable soils and high annual recharge.
CONCLUSIONS This study estimated nitrate loading from an intensively managed commercial red raspberry field to groundwater in the Abbotsford-Sumas Aquifer, British Columbia over a 1 yr period and compared the result with the N surplus calculated using a simple N budget. Nitrate loading was estimated as the product of recharge (estimated from climate data as total precipitation minus PET) and nitrate concentration at the water table. Most nitrate loading occurred when nitrate, accumulated in the root zone over the growing season, was leached following heavy autumn rainfall events. Elevated groundwater nitrate concentrations during the growing season when recharge was assumed to be negligible suggested that the nitrate loading was underestimated. Nitrate concentrations at the water table remain close to 5 mg N L 1 from February to June suggesting that there may continue to be significant losses of nitrate from the root zone over the winter period, presumably originating from soil N mineralization and atmospheric deposition. The estimate of nitrate loading was high (174 kg N ha 1) suggesting that the tools currently available to growers to manage N in raspberry production are not adequate to protect groundwater quality. The calculated nitrogen surplus from the nitrogen budget (180 kg N ha 1) was similar to the measured nitrate loading suggesting that simple nitrogen budgets may be relatively effective indices of the risk of nitrate loading to groundwater.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Financial support was provided by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) and the Canadian
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First received 21 June 2012; accepted in revised form 19 November 2012. Available online 27 August 2013
© IWA Publishing 2014 Water Quality Research Journal of Canada
Protecting our Great Lakes: assessing the effectiveness of wastewater treatments for the removal of chemicals of emerging concern Antonette Arvai, Gary Klecka, Saad Jasim, Henryk Melcer and Michael T. Laitta
ABSTRACT The Great Lakes and their connecting channels form the largest fresh surface water system on earth. Over the past 10 years, focus on environmental monitoring has shifted to an array of recently discovered compounds known as ‘chemicals of emerging concern’ (CEC). These chemicals are found in products used daily in households, businesses, agriculture and industry, such as flame retardants, pharmaceuticals, personal care products, and pesticides. Wastewater treatment plants are among the important pathways by which CEC enter the Great Lakes, with concentrations highest in the vicinity of wastewater discharges. Treated sewage is often discharged into the nearshore waters, which also provide a source of drinking water to the public. In 2009–2011, the International Joint Commission addressed the need to assess the effectiveness of existing wastewater treatment technologies in the basin to remove CEC, as well as to gain insight on potential advanced technologies to improve their removal. This assessment encompassed three major activities, development of an inventory of municipal wastewater treatment plants that discharge in the basin; a survey of detailed operational data for selected wastewater facilities; and a comprehensive literature review and analysis of the effectiveness of various wastewater treatment technologies to remove chemicals of emerging concern. Key words
| chemicals of emerging concern, Great Lakes, wastewater
Antonette Arvai Great Lakes Regional Office, International Joint Commission, Windsor, Ontario, Canada Gary Klecka The Dow Chemical Company, Midland, Michigan, USA Saad Jasim (corresponding author) SJ Environmental Consultants (Windsor) Inc., 2401-380 Pelissier Street, Windsor, ON N9A 6V7, Canada E-mail: sjenvcons@gmail.com Henryk Melcer Brown and Caldwell, Seattle, Washington, USA Michael T. Laitta US Section, International Joint Commission, Washington, DC, USA
INTRODUCTION Over the past 10 years, the emphasis on environmental moni-
compounds have regulations governing their release. Of con-
toring has shifted from the so-called legacy pollutants, such as
cern is the uncertainty of potential adverse effects on wildlife
polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), to a wide array of new
and humans due to chronic exposure to low concentrations
chemicals being discovered in the environment. The term
of these compounds. Some of these chemicals are accumulat-
‘chemicals of emerging concern’ has come to characterize
ing in sediments, birds, fish, and other aquatic life, as well as
the increasing awareness of the presence in the environment
in humans.
of many chemicals used by society, and the potential risk that
In October 2007, the International Joint Commission
they may pose to humans and ecosystems (Daughton ).
(Commission) established multi-Board priorities to be
Chemicals of emerging concern include new compounds
undertaken by its Great Lakes advisory groups during the
that have gained entry into the environment or those that
2007–2009 biennial reporting cycle. Within the context of
have been recently characterized due to increases in concen-
the Nearshore Framework Priority, the Chemicals of Emer-
trations in the environment or improvements in analytical
ging Concern Work Group was charged with reviewing the
techniques. In the United States and Canada, few of these
scientific and policy aspects related to identification, impact,
doi: 10.2166/wqrjc.2013.104
A. Arvai et al.
Chemicals of emerging concern removal in wastewater
Water Quality Research Journal of Canada
and management of chemicals of emerging concern in the
examination of the performance of a subset of wastewater
Great Lakes. The Work Group found that discharges from
treatment plants in the Great Lakes basin. Further, literature
wastewater treatment plants are a significant source of con-
review and analysis of removal technologies was expected to
taminants to surface waters in the Great Lakes basin (IJC
provide insight into an array of potential wastewater treat-
), as concentrations of many chemicals of emerging
ment plant upgrades. The Work Group’s work plan
concern were generally highest in the discharge vicinity.
encompassed the following major activities:
Although pollution prevention is acknowledged to be the
develop an inventory of municipal wastewater treatment
conduct a detailed survey of operational data for selected
most effective and first barrier in protecting the environment and humans from exposure to chemicals of emerging concern (CEC), wastewater facilities also need to be proactive and prepared to address the presence of these chemicals in wastewater influents. The wastewater facilities therefore
become an important second barrier in protecting the
plants which discharge into the basin; facilities; and conduct a literature search and analysis of the effectiveness of various treatment technologies to remove chemicals of emerging concern.
environment from the discharge of CEC. As a result there is a need to assess and improve existing treatment technol-
The results of these activities served as a foundation for
ogies as large wastewater volumes are discharged without
an expert consultation. The resulting discussions and find-
receiving adequate treatment to remove chemicals.
Another key finding was the necessity to assess the
recommendations provided to the Commission by the
impacts of chemicals of emerging concern on human and eco-
Work Group. These recommendations, listed at the end of
logical health in the basin. Human health and ecological
the paper, address reducing the discharge of CEC to the
health are interconnected. The health of ecological commu-
environment, with a particular focus on wastewater treat-
nities and populations may act as a sentinel for human
ment plants as a significant source of these contaminants.
health. Research to systematically determine the biological effects that may be occurring as a result of exposure to potentially toxic substances is limited. From an ecological perspective, analytical approaches for monitoring contaminants of possible concern can be supplemented with biological effects-based testing to understand contaminant effects at various levels of biological organization (sub-
METHODS Inventory of Canadian and US wastewater treatment facilities
cellular, cellular, organ system, individual, and population
In order to understand and comment on the effectiveness of
levels). Monitoring the effects of chemicals detected in the
municipal wastewater treatment systems which discharge
environment provides information that can bridge the gap
into the basin, an inventory of wastewater treatment systems
between chemical contamination and altered ecological status.
was developed for Canada (Ontario) and the United States.
This paper is based on the Chemicals of Emerging Concern Report, 2009–2011 Priority Cycle, prepared by the Chemicals of Emerging Concern Workgroup, International Joint Commission (IJC ). Under the 2009–2011 priority cycle, the Chemicals of Emerging Concern Work Group
The objectives of the project were to:
tabulate the total number of facilities which discharge
differentiate the facilities based on type of treatment
was charged to assess the performance of wastewater treatment plants in the Great Lakes basin with respect to the removal of chemicals of emerging concern. The Work Group was further instructed to provide the Commission
into the basin; (primary, lagoon, secondary/activated sludge, tertiary/ advanced); and analyze the distribution of facilities with respect to wastewater flow.
with a sampling of the information which might be derived
To develop the inventory, information was sought from
if a more extensive evaluation were undertaken, specifically
both the US and Canadian governments. The Work Group
A. Arvai et al.
Chemicals of emerging concern removal in wastewater
Water Quality Research Journal of Canada
confirmed that the facilities indeed discharge into the geo-
representation, the facilities were selected to represent a
graphic/hydrogeological boundaries of the Great Lakes
range of the following.
basin, as defined by the Commission.
Ontario data were obtained from Environment Canada and the Ontario Ministry of the Environment, who had
Plant sizes – based on average flow, plants included: small facilities with 10
million gallons per day
(MGD) (38 million liters per day (MLD)); medium facili-
previously created a database of municipal plants and
ties 10–50 MGD (38–190 MLD); and large facilities
included pertinent information such as location, treatment
>50 MGD (190 MLD).
type, and average daily wastewater flow. With respect to the US data, the Environmental Protection Agency’s (US
EPA) Clean Watersheds Needs Survey (CWNS) and National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permits were used to collect as much information as possible on municipal facilities. While the CWNS database identifies level of treatment, it is not specific to treatment technol-
Treatment technologies – included primary treatment, lagoon, fixed film, activated sludge, biological nutrient removal (BNR) and tertiary filtration. Geographic location in the basin – plants were located on all five of the Great Lakes. Basic data about the plants were collected including,
ogy, but rather defines treatment in terms of facility
location, flow, specific treatment processes and whether
performance. For US facilities, secondary treatment
chemicals were being used for phosphorus control. In
refers to the minimum level of treatment that must be
addition, data were collected on parameters that are used
achieved for discharges from all municipal wastewater
to control and evaluate plant operation, including solids
treatment facilities, and generally requires treatment that
and hydraulic residence times, wastewater flow, organic
will produce an effluent quality of 30 milligrams per liter
and nutrient concentrations, BOD5, and temperature.
of both 5-day biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5) and
Upon completion of the process of selecting plants and
total suspended solids (TSS). Further, secondary treatment
parameters of interest, facilities were contacted via tele-
must remove 85% of BOD5 and TSS from the influent
phone. Formal requests and templates for collecting the
wastewater, although lower percentage removals are auth-
necessary information were sent via e-mail and the US
orized in some circumstances. Advanced treatment is
Postal Service. For most parameters data were requested
more stringent than secondary, requiring the facility to
on a monthly basis (average, minimum, maximum) for a 3
achieve one or more of the following: BOD5 in the effluent
year period (2007–2009).
<20 mg/L, nitrogen removal, phosphorus removal, ammonia removal, metal removal, or specific synthetic organic
Review of the effectiveness of wastewater treatment
Additional work is currently underway to characterize the distribution of treatment operations (primary, lagoon,
In the absence of long-term measurements of the removal
activated sludge, tertiary) for the US facilities. The objective
efficiencies for CEC by municipal wastewater treatment
is to develop a harmonized database with information com-
plants within the Great Lakes basin, comparisons may be
parable to that of Ontario.
made of currently available data from published studies
Survey of operational data for selected facilities
various contaminants from wastewater treatment systems
that have reported influent and effluent concentrations of that practice similar technologies. A comprehensive literaIn order to provide a more detailed understanding of the
ture search was performed, constrained by publication
performance of municipal wastewater treatment systems, a
date (2000–2010) and treatment process – activated
survey of the operational data from a subset of wastewater
sludge, membrane bioreactors, sequencing batch reactors
treatment plants in the basin was undertaken. A total of
and lagoons. Chemicals selected for review were based
33 plants were solicited to participate in the survey, with
on the Review of Chemicals of Emerging Concern and
25 responding. Although not intended to be a statistical
Analysis of Environmental Exposures in the Great Lakes
A. Arvai et al.
Chemicals of emerging concern removal in wastewater
Water Quality Research Journal of Canada
Basin, submitted to the International Joint Commission
and only eight facilities consist of primary treatment only.
(Klečka et al. ), which included more than 300 com-
With respect to total wastewater flow, greater than 95% of
pounds, and was the starting point for the search of
the municipal wastewater discharged into the basin receives
removal data regarding the performances of conventional
either secondary or tertiary (advanced) treatment. Approxi-
wastewater treatment processes. Additional criteria used
mately 1% of the plants do not practice secondary
to further screen documents included: (i) the document
treatment (primary and community septic tanks). Lagoons
should provide liquid removal (influent-to-effluent) of the
provide a low rate of secondary treatment and, while they
compounds of interest; and (ii) a description of the process
may constitute 37% of the facilities, they process only
or processes applied to treat the wastewater and the oper-
3.1% of the total flow.
ating conditions should be provided. Documents based
Of the 978 US facilities which discharge into the basin,
only on the occurrence of CECs were not further
311 and 563 achieve secondary and advanced treatment,
respectively (Table 2). Detailed information was not available in the survey database for 104 facilities, but likely the remaining facilities achieve at least secondary treat-
ment performance, which is the minimum standard in the United States. Analysis of treatment performance with
Inventory of US and Canadian wastewater treatment
respect to total wastewater flow show that >95% of the
wastewater discharged into the basin meets the performance requirement for advanced treatment. Although 311
A total of 1,448 municipal wastewater treatment plants dis-
facilities meet the secondary treatment performance
charge 4.8 billion gallons (18 billion liters) per day of treated
requirement, these facilities receive only about 4% of the
effluent to the Great Lakes basin. Although there are differ-
total flow.
ences in how the two countries define such systems,
Many flows into the Great Lakes basin are not
collectively the combined group of secondary, advanced
accounted for in the above analysis, including wastewater
and tertiary plants treats 98% of the total wastewater flow
by-pass events, combined sewer overflows, industrial dis-
discharged to the Great Lakes basin.
charges, agricultural runoff, and the over one million
In Ontario, a total of 470 municipal wastewater treat-
private septic systems (IJC ) located in the basin. Also,
ment plants discharge into the basin (Table 1). Of these,
biosolids from wastewater treatment plants are often applied
212 and 68 are secondary/activated sludge and tertiary/
to agricultural land in the basin. This practice has the poten-
advanced treatment facilities, respectively. Note that smaller
tial to contaminate surface and ground water with organic,
communities are served by 175 lagoon treatment systems,
inorganic, and microbiological contaminants.
Table 1
Distribution of Ontario wastewater treatment plants in the Great Lakes basin
Facility type
Number of facilities
Percentage of total number of facilities
Total average daily flow MGD (MLD)
Percentage of total average daily flow
25.4 (96.0)
Community septics (all types)
0.26 (1.0)
Lagoons (all types)
47 (178.0)
1331 (5038.1)
120.7 (456.8)
Tertiary Totals MLD ¼ million liters per day.
1549.4 (5769.1)
3.1% 87.3% 7.9% 100.0%
A. Arvai et al.
Table 2
Chemicals of emerging concern removal in wastewater
Water Quality Research Journal of Canada
Distribution of US wastewater treatment plants in the Great Lakes basin
Facility type
Number of facilities
Percentage of total number of facilities
Total average daily flow MGD (MLD)
Percentage of total average daily flow
Secondary treatment
135.9 (514.4)
Advanced treatment
3111.8 (11780)
3247.7 (12294)
MGD ¼ million gallons per day. a
Detailed information is not available.
Survey of operational data for selected facilities
biological nutrient (ammonia) removal are operated at higher solids residence times than those designed to
Of the 25 facilities that participated in the survey, 17 used an
remove organic (BOD) only and, as a result, BNR systems
activated sludge process, four used fixed film technologies,
remove various chemicals of emerging concern more effi-
two were lagoon based systems, and two were primary treat-
ciently than activated sludge systems operated at lower
ment plants. Wastewater flow rates for the facilities ranged
solids residence times. Consequently, the effectiveness of
from <10 to >50 MGD (<38 to >190 MLD).
ammonia removal provides a useful surrogate of the
The activated sludge facilities, which was the most
removal of biodegradable chemicals of emerging concern.
common secondary treatment process, used various modes
Three years of performance data from the 25 facilities
of operation, including plants designed for organic (BOD)
were reviewed. The activated sludge plants that reported
removal only and facilities designed to remove both organic
solids residence time data were divided into two groups:
and inorganic nutrients (e.g. ammonia). Chemical precipi-
residence times of <5 days and >5 days. Some facilities
tation of phosphorus was practiced at the majority of these
that operated at the lower residence times showed little to
plants. The second most common secondary treatment tech-
no change in ammonia from influent to effluent, indicating
nology used is based on biological fixed film technology;
low BNR (nitrification). These plants are most likely to
three plants used biological aerated filtration and one
show poorer removals for chemicals of emerging concern.
deployed the trickling filter/solids contact process. Fixed
In contrast, many of the activated sludge plants that
film processes are more advanced than the historically
were operated with higher solids residence times generally
more common trickling filter process. Of the remaining
showed effluent ammonia concentrations of <1.0 mg/L,
plants, two were lagoon-based and two employed only pri-
indicating almost complete nitrification and a high level of
mary treatment or activated carbon and chemical oxidation.
performance on a year-round basis. Also common to these
One critical operating parameter that has been corre-
plants was a greater hydraulic residence time, indicating
lated with removal efficiencies for many biodegradable
that the plants were conservatively designed with a year-
chemicals of emerging concern is the solids (biomass) resi-
round capability of nutrient removal. Given the correlation
dence time (Clara et al. a, b). Some chemicals are
previously discussed, removal efficiencies for biodegradable
difficult to biodegrade, and the microorganisms that have
chemicals of emerging concern by these facilities are likely
adapted to degrade them grow slowly. Because the solids
to be sustained throughout the year.
residence time is related to the microbial growth rate, it is
One of the plants evaluated operated their activated
a useful surrogate of the ability of the activated sludge pro-
sludge process in a membrane bioreactor mode. It produced
cess to retain the slower growing organisms and therefore
a very high quality effluent with <0.2 mg/L ammonia as well
to degrade the biodegradable chemicals of emerging con-
as very low effluent BOD5 and TSS concentrations. The high
cern. Further, activated sludge systems designed for
degree of nitrification is attributed to the higher level of
A. Arvai et al.
Chemicals of emerging concern removal in wastewater
Water Quality Research Journal of Canada
control over solids residence times that can be achieved
concentrations, removal efficiencies and treatment pro-
with a membrane in place of a secondary clarifier. This
cesses. This was then analyzed from a weight-of-evidence
plant, too, will likely achieve a high level of removal
perspective. Much of the available information described
during summer and winter.
the removal of pharmaceuticals, personal care products, sur-
However, it is not necessary to invoke membrane bio-
factants, and hormones in the activated sludge process.
reactor technology to achieve high quality effluent. For
Removal efficiencies may be the result of biodegradation
example, one of the lagoon systems evaluated achieved the
or physical processes such as adsorption. Environmental
lowest effluent ammonia concentrations of all 25 plants
fate information for many chemicals of emerging concern
(<0.1 mg/L). The effluent BOD5 and suspended solids con-
is lacking, particularly with respect to information on biode-
centrations were similarly very low (2 and 6 mg/L,
gradability. In addition, the degradation products of these
respectively). This remarkable performance illustrates that
compounds are generally unknown and thus removal effi-
the plant has been designed conservatively and is well oper-
ciencies are typically based on removal of the parent
ated. However, lagoon technology cannot be deployed in
compound. This is a major impediment to the development
large population centers due to the large area required, but
of simulation models for predicting the removal efficiency
this plant does illustrate what can be achieved in small to
(extent and reliability) of wastewater treatment systems.
medium-sized communities.
Due to a lack of sufficient data to permit meaningful
Effective removal of the wide variety of chemicals of
statistical analysis, the analysis was limited to the treatment
emerging concern is dependent on both the nature of the
of 42 substances by activated sludge treatment facilities.
substance and the design and operation of the wastewater
Table 3 summarizes the results of analysis of the 42 sub-
treatment plant. Examination of the performance data col-
stances. They were grouped according to the likelihood
lected suggests that some plants are operated very well
that they would achieve a given removal efficiency during
while others are not. Facilities designed for primary treat-
wastewater treatment as a function of the frequency of
ment are unlikely to adequately reduce the concentrations
their observation in wastewaters.
of biodegradable chemicals of emerging concern. Some
As illustrated in Table 3, some substances such as DEET
very large cities are serviced by wastewater treatment
and testosterone were infrequently detected but demon-
plants designed for organic (BOD) removal only.
strated a high likelihood of removal. Other substances
In general, many of the facilities were operated at high
such as carbamazepine and diclofenac were frequently
solids residence times and are effective in both organic
detected but poorly removed. Only acetaminophen, caffeine
(BOD) and nutrient (ammonia) removal. Such facilities
and estriol occurred frequently and had a high probability of
are likely to show effective reductions of biodegradable
at least 75% removal efficiency. More than half of the 42
chemicals of emerging concern. In addition, conventional
substances fell into the middle, that is, they occurred at a
parameters (BOD, ammonia) are useful surrogates to
medium-to-high frequency and had a medium-to-high prob-
assess removal efficiencies for biodegradable chemicals of
ability of attaining 75% or better removal efficiency.
emerging concern. However, different indicators are
Results of the present study were compared to results of
required for substances that are poorly or non-biodegradable
recent investigations published by government agencies or
or that have a propensity to adsorb to biomass.
the Water Environment Research Foundation. For example,
Since this survey was not a statistical representation of
Stephenson & Oppenheimer () reported the fate of
the plants in the basin, extrapolation to other facilities in
pharmaceuticals and personal care products in municipal
the basin cannot be made.
wastewater treatment processes. The fate of 20 compounds was measured at eight municipal plants. The substances
Effectiveness of wastewater treatment technologies
were selected based on the frequency of occurrence in municipal wastewaters. All plants used a variation of the
From the literature review a database was created, which
activated sludge process, and six operated BNR. The results
included information on CEC influent and effluent
of this study are summarized in Table 4.
A. Arvai et al.
Table 3
Chemicals of emerging concern removal in wastewater
Water Quality Research Journal of Canada
Summary of confidence level vs. removal efficiency for 42 chemicals of emerging concern by activated sludge systems
Confidence level (n ¼ # of records)
Low removal efficiency (<25% probability of 75%þ removal)
Medium removal efficiency (25–75% probability of 75%þ removal)
High removal efficiency (>75% probability of 75%þ removal)
Low (n < 9)
Atrazine Pyrene
Benzophenone Indomethacin Sulfamerazine
Musk ketone Di (2-ethylhexyl) adipate (DEHA) N,N-diethyl-toluamide (DEET) Testosterone
Medium (9 n 15)
Gemfibrozil Perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) Perfluorooctyl sulfonate (PFOS)
Di (2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP) Norfloxacin Ranitidine Roxithromycin Tetracycline
High (n > 15)
Carbamazepine Ciprofloxacin Clofibric acid Diclofenac Erythromycin Trimethoprim
Bezafibrate Bisphenol A Estrone (E1) 17α-Ethynyl estradiol (EE2) 17β-Estradiol (E2) Galaxolide Ibuprofen Ketoprofen Naproxen Nonylphenol Nonylphenol monoethoxylate (NP1EO) Nonylphenol diethoxylate (NP2EO) Octylphenol Sulfamethoxazole Tonalide Triclosan
Table 4
Acetaminophen Caffeine Estriol (E3)
Summary of removal efficiencies of pharmaceuticals and personal care products by activated sludge systems (Stephenson & Oppenheimer 2007)
Frequency of occurrence in samples
Poor removal (<25%)
Moderate removal (25–75%)
Good removal (>75%)
Infrequent (<25%)
Trichloroethyl phosphate (TCEP) Triphenyl phosphate
Intermediate (25–75%)
Butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA) N,N-diethyl-toluamide (DEET) Musk ketone
Frequent (>75%)
Benzophenone Triclosan
Comparison of the results presented in Tables 3 and 4 indicates that removal efficiencies for many of the chemicals
Benzyl salicylate Butylbenzyl phthalate Caffeine Chloroxylenol Methylparaben Ibuprofen Octylmethoxycinnamate Oxybenzone 3-Phenylproprionate
unclear but may reflect different operating conditions among facilities.
common to both studies were similar while others were dia-
Drewes et al. () reported on the removal of eight
metrically opposed. The reason for this discrepancy is
endocrine disruptor compounds by seven municipal
A. Arvai et al.
Chemicals of emerging concern removal in wastewater
Water Quality Research Journal of Canada
treatment plants. All plants used a variant of the activated
sludge process and most operated BNR. Removal efficiencies for the steroid hormones ranged from 48 to 98%.
Much has been learned about the presence of chemicals of
Concentrations of bisphenol A, nonylphenol, and octylphe-
emerging concern in wastewaters during the past few years.
nol were reduced on average by 93, 61, and 80%,
However, the inability to answer questions is not surprising
given the number of and range in molecular complexity of
reported as the dominant removal mechanism.
the various compounds, combined with the spectrum of tech-
In a follow-up study, Drewes et al. () examined the contributions of household chemicals to sewage and their
nologies employed by municipal wastewater treatment plants and the range of operating conditions.
removal in municipal wastewater treatment systems. The
The results of the activities discussed in this report were
fate of 25 substances was measured at seven municipal
provided to attendees at an expert consultation held in
plants. Most of the facilities used activated sludge but
Romulus, Michigan on January 25–26, 2011. Based on the
one employed biological aerated filter technology. All of
results of the expert consultation, the Work Group made
the plants operated BNR. Removal efficiencies were vari-
the following recommendations to the Commission with
able for the compounds but generally exceeded 80%.
regard to reducing CEC discharged to the environment, par-
Notably, 2-phenoxyethanol, hydrocortisone, camphor,
ticularly from wastewater facilities.
removal efficiency. Removal efficiencies for butylated hydroxytoluene,
1. Investigate the contribution of combined sewer/storm
sewer overflows, by-passes, and industrial discharges to
3-indolebutyric acid and triclocarban ranged between 60
loadings of chemicals of emerging concern to the
and 70%.
Great Lakes in the next priority cycle. Combined
Taking into consideration that municipal wastewater treatment systems were not designed to remove chemicals
sewer/storm sewer overflows are potentially substantial contributors.
of emerging concern, results of the present study (IJC ),
2. Encourage primary treatment facilities to upgrade to sec-
as well as government and Water Environment Research
ondary treatment, with consideration also to advanced
Foundation reports, suggest that well operated, convention-
treatment technologies, and secondary plants to consider
ally designed plants are capable of achieving effective
adding BNR processes and optimizing processes to
reductions of a variety of substances.
improve removal of biodegradable chemicals of emerging
The weight of evidence suggests that at least half of the 42 substances examined in the present study are likely to be
concern. The utility of advanced oxidation as an advanced treatment process should be further explored.
removed in municipal wastewater treatment plants. An
3. Evaluate improvements to wastewater treatment systems
analysis as described above is limited in terms of reaching
in the context of sustainability and the triple bottom line.
definitive conclusions about the extent to which Great
Benefits of updating treatment technology needs to be
Lakes wastewater treatment facilities, as currently operated,
balanced with capital and operational costs, as well as
are able to remove various contaminants and to what extent
with environmental impacts such as increased power
and with what reliability.
requirements to operate equipment and emissions of
None of the analyses examined the impact of operating
greenhouse gases: CO2, NOx and SOx.
conditions on plant performance. Insufficient granularity
4. Develop a list of indicator compounds for use by facilities
and reproducibility in the various datasets preclude discern-
to assess the effectiveness of their treatment process to
ing the impact of operating conditions such as temperature,
remove chemicals of emerging concern. A list of criteria
loading rate, solids and hydraulic residence times. Likely
may be needed to define ‘indicator compounds’ for use
much of the variability in the reported data can be explained
as surrogates (currently being addressed by the Water
by differences in operating conditions at the various
Environment Research Foundation), that is, in addition
to the conventional parameters of ammonia and BOD
A. Arvai et al.
Chemicals of emerging concern removal in wastewater
removal. This would require the development, standardization and validation of methodologies to analyze these wastewater contaminants. Further, in order for facilities to assess their effectiveness in removing CECs, there is a need to have laboratories available to perform such analysis. Therefore, the capacity of contract analytical laboratories must be increased. 5. Examine the role of biosolids from wastewater treatment facilities as a source of chemicals of emerging concern to the environment. Biosolids are often used as amendments to agricultural soils. Government agencies are currently addressing this issue. 6. Prepare a list of chemicals of emerging concern that are difficult to treat using current technologies and determine which require the development of a risk assessment/risk management strategy. Further, risk-based analysis of compounds needs to be conducted, especially in regard to human health. 7. Recommend biological effects monitoring of wastewater effluents. For example, bioassays of wastewater effluents could be used in combination with chemical analysis. Compounds must be sorted with consideration to those that are highly consequential in small concentrations, that is, estrogens versus those that are not, that is, caffeine. 8. Increase public education regarding the use and disposal of pharmaceuticals and personal care products and their entrance into the environment and the wastewater treatment process. Public education also includes manufacturers in terms of promoting green chemistry.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The study was supported by the International Joint Commission. The authors acknowledge the valuable contribution of the Chemicals of Emerging Concern Work Group for the preparation of the 2009–2011 Priority Cycle Report on Chemicals of Emerging Concern.
Water Quality Research Journal of Canada
REFERENCES Clara, M., Strenn, B. & Gans, O. a Removal of selected pharmaceuticals, fragrances and endocrine disrupting compounds in a membrane bioreactor and conventional wastewater treatment plants. Water Res. 39 (19), 4797– 4807. Clara, M., Kreuzinger, N., Strenn, B., Gans, O. & Kroiss, H. b The solids retention time – a suitable design parameter to evaluate the capacity of wastewater treatment plants to remove micropollutants. Water Res. 39 (1), 97–106. Daughton, C. G. Pharmaceuticals in the environment: overarching issues and overview. In: Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products in the Environment: Scientific and Regulatory Issues (C. G. Daughton & T. Jones-Lepp, eds). Symposium Series 791, American Chemical Society, Washington, DC, pp. 2–38. Drewes, J. E., Hemming, J. D. C., Schauer, J. J. & Sonzogni, W. C. Removal of Endocrine Disrupting Compounds in Water Reclamation Processes. WERF Report 01-HHE-20T. Water Environment Research Foundation, Alexandria, VA. Drewes, J. E., Dickenson, E. & Snyder, S. Contributions of Household Chemicals to Sewage and their Relevance to Municipal Wastewater Systems and the Environment. WERF Report 03-CTS-21UR. Water Environment Research Foundation, Alexandria, VA. IJC Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement Priorities 2007–09 Series. Work Group Report on Great Lakes Chemicals of Emerging Concern, 2009. IJC, Special Publication 2009-01, Windsor, Ontario, Canada. Available from: www.ijc.org/en/ priorities/2009/reports/2009-chemicals.pdf. IJC Groundwater in the Great Lakes Basin: A Report of the Great Lakes Science Advisory Board to the International Joint Commission, 2010. IJC Publication, Windsor, Ontario, Canada. Available from: www.ijc.org/files/publications/E43. pdf. IJC Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement 2009–2011 Priority Cycle Report, International Joint Commission International Joint Commission, 2011. Available from: http://meeting.ijc. org/workgroups/cec. Klečka, G., Persoon, C. & Currie, R. Chemicals of emerging concern in the Great Lakes Basin: an analysis of environmental exposures. Rev. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 207, 1–93. Stephenson, R. & Oppenheimer, J. Fate of Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products through Municipal Wastewater Treatment Processes. WERF Report 03-CTS-22UR. Water Environment Research Foundation, Alexandria, VA.
First received 14 January 2013; accepted in revised form 22 September 2013. Available online 7 November 2013
© IWA Publishing 2014 Water Quality Research Journal of Canada
Urban snow deposits versus snow cooling plants in northern Sweden: a quantitative analysis of snow melt pollutant releases Angela Lundberg, James Feiccabrino, Camilla Westerlund and Nadhir Al-Ansari
ABSTRACT High-velocity runoff from snow deposit transports suspended grain-attached contaminants while underground snow storages trapped these contaminants within the storage. The aim here is to quantify pollutant masses from an urban snow deposit and to investigate the conditions when pollutant control was increased by turning a snow deposit into a snow cooling plant with permeable underground snow storage. Pollutant masses in an urban snow deposit in northern Sweden were: Cu ¼ 67, Pb ¼ 17, Zn ¼ 160, P ¼ 170, SS ¼ 620,000, Cl ¼ 1,200, N ¼ 380 kg. A theoretical analysis showed that the fraction of surface runoff from a surface deposit largely depends on the hydraulic conductivity (K, m s 1) of the soil. For a melt rate of 30 mm, day 1, surface runoff would be about 97% for a soil with K ¼ 10 8, while nonexistent for K > 10 6. Similar soil conductivities are needed to ensure that all snow melt could be transported as groundwater from an underground storage. The largest pollution-control advantage with underground snow storage compared to a surface deposit would thus be that piping and filters for operation of the plant could be used to filter surface snow melt runoff before rejection. Key words
| alternative energy, snow cooling plant, snow deposit, snow pollutants, urban snow
Angela Lundberg (corresponding author) James Feiccabrino Division of Geosciences and Environmental Engineering, Department of Civil, Environmental and Natural Resources Engineering, Luleå University of Technology, SE-971 87 Luleå, Sweden E-mail: Angela.Lundberg@ltu.se Camilla Westerlund Division of Architecture and Water, Department of Civil, Environmental and Natural Resources Engineering, Luleå University of Technology, SE-971 87 Luleå, Sweden Nadhir Al-Ansari Division of Mining and Geotechnical Engineering, Department of Civil, Environmental and Natural Resources Engineering, Luleå University of Technology, SE-971 87 Luleå, Sweden
INTRODUCTION Most northern towns in Sweden remove snow from roads to
depend on the flow velocity (Reinosdotter ). The impor-
increase traffic safety, and this polluted snow is usually
tance of protecting surface waters and groundwater aquifers
placed in a surface snow deposit. The major contaminants
from pollution has been highlighted by the European Union
in urban snow, metals, nutrients, salt, and hydrocarbons
(Directive //EC; Directive //EC). There has
(Viklander ) are hereafter collectively referred to as
therefore been a greater awareness of urban snow pollu-
snow pollutants. A large amount of the pollutants in the
tants. Increasing demands for cooling capacity during
snow is attached to particles that remain on the ground
summer have occurred in many northern countries, with
under the deposit after snow melt (Oberts ; Viklander
rising energy prices along with a public call for cleaner
; Oberts et al. ; Westerlund et al. ). However,
energy. Consequently, it is natural to consider the possibility
when the snow melt (and rain) rates are greater than the
of using deposited snow to meet these purposes, and a plant
infiltration capacity (IC) of the soil beneath the deposit, sur-
designed for cooling of a hospital in central Sweden has
face water from deposits may have the capacity to transport
proved to be a success (Larsson ). The snow melt there
dissolved and particle-bound pollutants to surface water
is collected and transported through pipes to a heat exchan-
recipients, such as lakes or streams (Viklander a). The
ger (Figure 1) chilling water circulating through the hospital
amount and size of suspended solids (SS) in surface runoff
building (Skogsberg & Nordell ).
doi: 10.2166/wqrjc.2013.042
A. Lundberg et al.
Figure 1
Pollutant pathways from snow deposits
Water Quality Research Journal of Canada
The snow cooling plant with the liner-equipped snow storage with approximate water temperatures shown (modified from Skogsberg & Nordell (2001)).
The snow storage for this plant is located above the
Sweden. To assess the resultant pollution transport from
ground, covered with wood chips to reduce the rate of melt-
snow deposits of different designs is a huge task, requiring
ing and equipped with an impermeable liner to prevent
an enormous amount of data. The data include, accumu-
polluted snow melt from spreading (Skogsberg & Lundberg
lated pollution masses in the snow, melt rates, soil
). Snow cooling plants with other snow storage designs
parameters, topography of the location, deposit designs, geo-
and optional snow melt treatment can also be constructed.
chemistry of the soil and natural groundwater, original
The storage can be located under the surface of the
groundwater levels, and a combined sediment transport
ground and might be permeable or impermeable. The
and groundwater model adjusted for this type of problem.
snow melt might be filtered and/or treated before being
There is little information available for this study so an
recirculated through the snow storage or rejected. The
engineering approach with crude assumptions was applied.
investment costs for this plant, with the liner-equipped
The order of magnitude of the effects will be outlined only
storage, was high. A snow cooling plant having permeable
but, nevertheless, will provide guidance on how different
underground snow storage will work the same way apart
parameters influence the pollution transport from the two
from the fact that water can flow in or out of the storage
types of snow deposits. The detailed goals are as follows:
resulting in less control over dissolved pollutants. Turning an existing urban snow deposit into a snow cooling plant for a few buildings was a possible choice in Luleå, northern Sweden. Due to economic limitations a permeable under-
Estimate the pollutant load and dissolved matter for an
Analyze the factors that influence the surface flow frac-
existing surface snow deposit.
ground snow storage was designed, and an environmental
tion of snow melt from a surface deposit. For soil
impact assessment plan was requested by the city environ-
particles of different sizes, velocities required to set
mental community office, resulting in this study.
them in motion or deposition will be analyzed.
For a planned snow cooling plant with permeable underground snow storage: (1) the order of magnitude of hydraulic conductivities, and gradients needed to ensure that there is no need for surface rejection of polluted
Comparison of pollutant pathways and possible environ-
water at the soil surface are to be determined; and (2)
mental effects for a surface urban snow deposit with a
the link of horizontal groundwater transport velocity to
snow cooling plant equipped with permeable underground
the soil porosity, hydraulic conductivity, and gradient
snow storage is dealt with for a typical city in northern
will be illustrated.
A. Lundberg et al.
Pollutant pathways from snow deposits
Water Quality Research Journal of Canada
The conditions required for turning a surface snow
deposit located above the water table will percolate until
deposit into a snow cooling plant with permeable under-
the soil under the deposit approaches saturation, at which
ground snow storage that would reduce the total
point surface runoff will increase (Oberts et al. ). How-
pollutant load will be discussed, as well as the uncertain-
ever, for high melt rates and low infiltration capacities, the
ties in the estimates and the future for snow cooling
main snow melt pollutant pathway will be as surface
runoff where the mass transport of suspended material is a function of flow velocity, availability, and size distribution
Pollutant pathways
of the material (Westerlund & Viklander ). Low flow
Snow melt from a surface snow deposit might become sur-
velocities can carry larger particles and, consequently,
face runoff and/or infiltrate and then percolate to the
larger amounts of suspended solids. Rain on snow events
groundwater (Figure 2). Infiltration rates for snow deposits vary from 0 to 100%
velocities carry only fine suspended solids, while high flow
will increase the surface water flow, allowing more suspended solids to leave the deposit (Oberts et al. ;
depending on soil properties (saturated hydraulic conduc-
Westerlund & Viklander ). A snow cooling plant with
tivity, initial water content, frost, etc.). Snow melt from a
permeable underground snow storage, having banks higher than the surrounding ground, will obstruct the surface water flow and thus hinder transport of suspended solids (Figure 3) but allow water transport through it. The water levels inside and outside the storage will control the flow direction through its sides (Figure 3(a)–(d)). The figure illustrates stationary conditions, but the flow pattern will change due to percolation raising the groundwater levels. If the storage is located in a flat area with a shallow water table, polluted water would be unable to leave the storage but
Figure 2
Figure 3
Pollutant pathways for a surface snow deposit located above a sloping
would increase the amount of polluted water requiring
groundwater table. The dashed lines illustrate how the groundwater table will rise as a result of enhanced infiltration and possibly also reach the soil surface.
water extraction from the storage, since fresh groundwater
White and black arrows denote clean and polluted water.
would be mixing with the polluted snow melt (Figure 3(a)).
Examples of different groundwater configurations in conjunction with a permeable underground snow storage. (a) Groundwater table above the storage water level; groundwater flowing into the pond. (b) Groundwater table below the storage water level but above the base of the storage. (c) Groundwater table below the bottom of the storage. (d) Sloping groundwater table intersecting the storage with some groundwater flowing through the sides. White arrows indicate clean water and black arrows polluted water.
A. Lundberg et al.
Pollutant pathways from snow deposits
Water Quality Research Journal of Canada
water table was well below the base of the storage; however, the exact depth could not be determined.
Site with existing snow deposit and proposed cooling plant
Contaminant masses: dissolved and particulate
The Luleå snow deposit is located on glacial till, typical for large areas in northern Sweden, having low porosity and hydraulic conductivity. The total porosity of glacial till is at most 17%, the average effective (water carrying) porosity is usually below 5%, and the hydraulic conductivity (K) is poor, between 10 7 and 10 9 m s 1 (Salonen et al. () cited by Mälkki ()). The distance from the present
The total pollutant mass (kg) of each pollutant i for the snow deposit was estimated by multiplying the average concentration of each pollutant CiAverage (kg, m 3) in the snow by the volume of the deposit VSD (m3): Pollutant massi ¼ CiAverage VSD
snow deposit to the nearest surface water is about 100 m and the slope of the soil surface to the water course is
Average urban snow pollutant concentrations were
about 1/100. The deposit storage volume is around
thus needed and the best source for these would be
200,000 m3 with a snow density of about 500 kg m 3 and
samples from the actual snow deposit. The snow in the
the conditions would be similar for the planned snow sto-
deposit was very packed, contained grit and sand and
rage close to the existing deposit. The area of the actual
was several meters thick so such samples were very diffi-
snow deposit varies with the season and is here assumed
cult to obtain, and did not appear to be available from
to have about the same volume and surface area
any study. However, pollutant concentrations (and pH) in
(≈40,000 m ) as the planned permeable underground snow
snow melt from road snow banks with both high and low
storage in order to make the conditions more comparable.
traffic loads, in Luleå, were accessible and could be used
The snow storage was designed to allow most, if not all, of
(Table 1).
the snow to melt in about 150 days (before the next winter
The concentrations of the different pollutants in the
season). It would be about 10 m deep (from the bottom to
snow deposit were estimated assuming that the city had
the top of banks) with a bottom around 6 m beneath the
50% high traffic and 50% low traffic streets so:
ground level, and banks built 4 m above the ground level and the snow reaching, on average, 5 m above the banks (Figure 4).
CiAverage ¼
Cihigh þ Cilow ρsnow 2:ρwater
When in operation, the water level should be maintained at 4 m above the bottom of the snow storage with a 2
Accordingly, the contents of SS, N, Cl, and suspended
water level area of ≈8,000 m . Ground-penetrating radar
and dissolved metals were determined. From the total
was used to determine the distance to the groundwater
mass of metals [copper (Cu), lead (Pb), zinc (Zn), phos-
table at the planned site, and it was concluded that the
phorus (P)], and their dissolved mass, the fraction of
Figure 4
Cross-section of proposed snow cooling plant with permeable underground snow storage: base width 40 m and side slopes of 1:4. The base area is 40 by 80 m (3,200 m2), the pond water surface area 72 by 112 m (8,064 m2), and the snow surface area 120 by 160 m (19,200 m2).
A. Lundberg et al.
Table 1
Pollutant pathways from snow deposits
Water Quality Research Journal of Canada
Measured pH, suspended solids (SS), nitrate (Ni), chloride (Cl), and metal and phosphorus concentrations (total and dissolved) for snow melt from snow samples (with standard deviations) taken from roads with high and low traffic load in Luleå from the central areas (Sources: Viklander 1997b; Reinosdotter & Viklander 2006)
Low traffic load
High traffic load
7.3 ± 0.38
8.3 ± 0.36
water equivalents the surface runoff QSURF (mm, day 1) can be estimated by: QSURF ¼ Melt IC; for Melt > IC and QSURF ¼ 0; for Melt IC
mg L
4,471 ± 3,144
7,889 ± 6,744
N tot
mg L 1
3.8 ± 1.1
3.8 ± 1.1
mg L 1
setting IC equal to the saturated hydraulic conductivity K
4.4 ± 2.8
20 ± 15
of the soil. Expected fractions of average surface runoff for
Cu tot
μg L 1
310 ± 245
1,022 ± 1,089
the surface deposits were then determined for different
Cu dis
μg L 1
4.5 ± 2.45
7.0 ± 5.3
Pb tot
μg L 1
119 ± 87
217 ± 232
Incipient sediment motion requires velocities higher
Pb dis
μg L 1
0.3 ± 0.6
0.08 ± 0.03
than those to maintain the motion of the same particles.
Zn tot
μg L 1
931 ± 659
2,233 ± 2,308
For this purpose, Hjulström’s () diagram was used to
Zn dis
μg L
7.1 ± 6.7
1.5 ± 1.0
determine the order of magnitude for velocities required to
P tot
mg L 1
P dis
μg L
1.265 ± 0.6
2.039 ± 1.22
15 ± 17
6 ± 1.4
A rough estimate of IC of the soils can be achieved by
erode (lift), and deposit soil particles of different sizes. Conservative pollutants, i.e., pollutants that do not interact with the soil, travel with the same average velocity
particulate and dissolved contaminants was estimated.
vpollutant (m, day 1) as the groundwater:
Finally, the average pH-value was determined based on
i neff
the fractions of high and low traffic roads.
v pollutant ¼ K
Pollutant pathways
where i ( ) is the horizontal hydraulic gradient dh/dx and
Because suspended matter is transported by surface runoff,
neff ( ) is the effective porosity of the soil. The effective porosity of till soils was below 5% and likely variations in this
melt (and rain) rates and IC for surface deposits were
porosity have a minor influence on travel times compared
required to estimate the surface runoff. Since this melt is lar-
to the possible variations in K in the area, that range
gely governed by air temperature, it was determined using a degree-day method (also known as temperature index method) (Lundberg & Beyerel ). The Melt (mm day 1) is determined from the daily average air temperature T ( C) and a degree-day factor, DDF [mm, ( C day) 1] accordW
ing to: Melt ¼ DDF:T
between 10 6 and 10 9 m s 1. Soil surface slopes (≈i) varied from 0.001 to 0.1. In order to illustrate the effects of relevant parameters on travel times for conservative matters these times (t) were estimated for different combinations of K and i keeping neff ¼ 2.5% (assuming only advective transport and neglecting dispersivity) using the distance (dist) to the nearest water course ¼ 100 m:
(3) t ¼ dist=v pollutant
Even if this method was developed for natural snow, it has been used for snow deposits (Sundin ). Expected
The biggest advantage with underground snow storage
average melt was here calculated using DDF ¼ 4.0 [mm,
was that it cuts surface runoff; however, this only occurs if
( C day) 1] for May to July and DDF ¼ 2.0 for April and
the groundwater flux is large enough to transport all snow
August. Snow melts in excess of the IC can be assumed to
melt. Percolating snow melts from the storage will form a
become surface runoff when surface depression storage as
dome-shaped enlargement of the groundwater table under
for this application can be neglected. When expressed in
the storage and modify the natural groundwater flow
A. Lundberg et al.
Pollutant pathways from snow deposits
Water Quality Research Journal of Canada
pattern. A very rough indication of the size of this local influence on the groundwater table could be calculated by assuming that all infiltrated snow melt would remain
Table 2
Estimated total and dissolved metal masses for the Luleå snow deposit
Total mass (kg)
Dissolved mass (g)
Dissolved fraction (%)
directly under the snow storage. If we divide the storage
mass (108 kg) with the projected storage area at the planned
operation water table (72 m × 112 m) and with the number
of days the snow is expected to melt in (180 days) and the density of water (1,000 kg m 3) we get the daily infiltration rate of 0.08 m day 1. With an effective porosity of 2.5%
storage of 100,000 metric tons. Using a 50% high and 50% low traffic street ratio for snow contribution to the deposit
this would correspond to a daily rise in the water table by
results in a slightly basic pH of 7.8 (±0.37). The total mass
3 m. Even if this assumption is unrealistic, since the water
load of pollutants in the deposit indicates a high concen-
would spread fairly quickly over a much larger area, it still
tration of suspended solids (620 tons), 1,200 kg of chloride
gives an indication of the possible influence on the ground-
and 380 kg of nitrate. For phosphorus, the total mass was
water levels. An increased hydraulic gradient (i) in the
170 kg, out of which 0.64% was suspended. Of the metals,
original flow direction will be formed and a reversed gradient in the opposite direction will result due to this. Water will thus be flowing in all directions from the dome, so it is reasonable to assume that the groundwater flow cross-sectional area at the storage border will be the aquifer depth d (m) multiplied by perimeter (peri) of the water table in the storage when operating (368 m). For simplicity, if we assume that the natural groundwater flow at the site is negligible compared to the snow melt flow, we can estimate the required value of the product of the transmissivity (T ¼ K · d) and the hydraulic gradient i needed to transport all snow melt without having to reject any polluted snow melt at the soil surface. The total snow melt volume V (m3) is determined by:
zinc had the largest mass and copper the highest dissolved fraction (see Table 2). Pollutant pathways Average daily melt rates calculated for the snow deposit using the DDF ¼ 4 for the summer months ranged from 52 to 64 (mm, day 1) (see Table 3) and melt rates for May and September using DDF ¼ 2 became 13 and 18 (mm, day 1), respectively. The estimated fractions of surface runoff as a function of daily melt rates and infiltration capacities (assumed to be equal to K) are shown in Figure 5 which illustrates that for soils with K < 10 8 m s 1 almost all melt could be expected to become surface runoff for melt rates larger
V ¼ T i peri t
where t is the time (1 year in s). T· i can then be calculated
than just a few mm day 1. For soils with K ¼ 5 × 10 8 about 50% would become surface runoff for melt rates around 8 mm day 1 while there would not be any surface
by: T i¼
V peri t
Table 3
Monthly mean temperatures for Luleå with expected average daily monthly melt using the degree-day factors, DDF given below
Average daily air temperatures ( C) for Luleåa
DDF (mm, C 1 day 1) W
Contaminant masses: dissolved and particulate
Average melt (mm day 1)
The snow deposit mass, based on a snow density of 500 kg
Total melt (m water equivalent)
m 3 and a storage volume of 200,000 m3 resulted in a snow
Mean of average (30-year) mean high and mean low temperature values.
A. Lundberg et al.
Figure 5
Pollutant pathways from snow deposits
Water Quality Research Journal of Canada
Estimated fractions of surface runoff versus melt rates for infiltrate capacities (K) equal to 1 × 10 9, 5 × 10 9, 1 × 10 8, 5 × 10 8, 1 × 10 7 and 5 × 10 7 (m, s 1), respectively, shown from the top.
runoff at all for soils with K ¼ 10 6 m s 1 even for melt (and
the storage while the hydraulic gradient will decrease. A gra-
dient of 0.5 just at the border of the storage seems realistic
rain) rates above 80 mm day . To set sediments in motion by surface water, clay 1
due to the percolating snow melt’s rapid rise in the water
requires water velocities larger than about 1.50 (m s ),
table. Soil depths in the region seldom reach above 40 m
while silt, fine sands, and sand require surface water vel-
(soil depths at a planned drinking water source for the city
varied, e.g., from 0 to 40 m) so let us assume a hydraulic gra-
ocities around 0.20 (m s ) (Table 4). For permeable underground snow storage, the product
dient of 0.5 and a soil depth of 20 m. With these values
of T and i (Equation (8)) restricts the annual amount of
inserted, then K has to be larger than about 10 6 m s 1 to
snow melt that could be transported (and filtered) by the
ensure that all snow melt can be transported through the
soil. With numerical values (V ¼ 100,000 m , t ¼ 3.2 × 107 s, and peri ¼ 368 m) inserted into the equation, then the product T· i has to be >9 × 10
soil. The expected horizontal (conservative) groundwater
m s . The cross-sec-
transport time varies strongly with the hydraulic conduc-
tional area for the flow will increase with distance from
tivity and the hydraulic gradient (see Table 4). These parameters might, for a till, vary within large ranges (K
Table 4
from ≈10 6 to ≈10 9 m s 1 and i from ≈0.001 to ≈0.1), Water velocities required to set soil particles in motion and deposit them for different fine soil materials (Source: Hjulström 1935)
while the range of the effective porosity (neff ) is much smaller (1.25–5%). For a soil with neff ¼ 2.5% and a rather
Erosion velocity
Deposition velocity
sizes (μm)
range (m s 1)
range (m s 1)
Fine sand
Very fine sand
<0 4
horizontal groundwater table (i ¼ 0.001) with low K (10 9 m s 1) the expected transport time for a 100 m distance would be close to 160,000 years while for a steep groundwater table (i ¼ 0.1) and high K (10 6 m s 1) the transport time would be less than half a year (Table 5). For the more likely combinations of K and i (K ¼ 10 7 to 10 8 m s 1
A. Lundberg et al.
Table 5
Pollutant pathways from snow deposits
Water Quality Research Journal of Canada
Groundwater transport times for a 100 m distance for different combinations of K, neff, and i. The top value is a reference velocity (time) for the area with typical
Luleå and they are, therefore, only representative for that
combinations K, neff, and i. A and B are combinations giving short and long
location and that particular year. There is a strong corre-
transport times, respectively
lation between the snowfall and the amount of snow
Parameter combination
K (m s 1)
neff ( )
i ( )
1.0 × 10 7
A, min transport times
1.0 × 10 6
B, max transport times
1.0 × 10 9
Ref, but low K
1.0 × 10 8
Ref, but high K
1.0 × 10 6
Ref, but high i
1.0 × 10 7
Ref, but high neff
1.0 × 10 7
Time (years)
79 0.4
deposited in that year (Reinosdotter et al. ). However, even for the same amount of snowfall, the deposited snow amounts and contaminant concentrations will differ with time. Lower contaminant concentrations would be expected for a year with few, high-intensity snowfall events compared to a year with many low accumulation events since highintensity snowfall events force municipalities to remove the snow quickly (Viklander b). Snow handling practices
chemicals, or grit/sand) is used. Urban snow deposits from and i ¼ 0.01) the transport time would be 80–800 years. For
areas using salt de-icers instead of grit will have higher dis-
an effective porosity of 5%, the above transport times would
solved metal concentrations since salt-treated roads have
be twice as large.
less suspended solids, resulting in lower snow alkalinity and pH (Reinosdotter & Viklander ). Melt rates for the surface snow deposit were estimated
using a degree-day method, normally used for natural snow; however, the technique has also been employed as a pilot
As stated earlier, an engineering approach with rather crude
urban snow deposit (Sundin ) and for a soot-dusted snow-
assumptions was employed in this study. In this section
pack (Lundberg & Beyerel ), both studies performed in
some of these simplifications, optional ways to perform the
Luleå. The DDF value (mm, day 1, C 1) used for the
estimates, a few attempts to determine whether the simplifi-
summer months in this study (4) was smaller than the
cations are likely to over- or underestimate the parameters,
values in the two other studies: (11) for the former and (6)
and some comparisons with other studies are discussed.
for the latter study. The pilot deposit in the first study was
Finally, the future for snow cooling is discussed, and we
small and high (about one-tenth of the surface area of this
explain why the plans for a snow cooling plant have not
study) with much larger melt from the sides, which explained
yet been realized.
the large melt. Also, the latter study with a soot-dusted snow-
The pollutant masses were estimated using snow
pack, reported larger DDF values than the ones used for this
samples taken from road banks but standard deviations of
study but a thick layer of grit and sand on the snow deposit sur-
the snow samples were of the same order as the pollutant
face, which insulates the snow and reduces the melt rate.
concentrations thus these estimates are rather crude. The
Reductions in melt rates by 35–85% due to the layer of
assumption of 50% high and low traffic loads also adds to
debris with a thickness from 0.1 to 0.4 m for glaciers were,
the uncertainty. An alternative way to estimate the pollutant
for example, reported by Skogsberg & Lundberg () so
masses could be to use regional snow melt runoff concen-
the DDF value used here does not seem unrealistic. The
tration values, which sometimes are available. However,
melt rates were assumed to be the same each day; however,
these concentrations also show large variations in the
for estimates of particulate transport, the average values are
metal content (dissolved and particulate) over the same
of minor importance since most of the suspended (and poss-
winter season with systematic differences between quality
ible bed load) transport will occur during extreme runoff
of snow melt runoff and snow (Reinosdotter & Viklander
events. Neglecting the variations in melt between different
). Therefore, it was difficult to justify the use of such
days and rain on snow events will underestimate the surface
values. The pollutant masses and concentrations determined
runoff on warm and/or rainy days. The average melt during
in this study were based on measurements from 1 year in
July was estimated to be 64 mm day 1. However, due to
A. Lundberg et al.
Pollutant pathways from snow deposits
Water Quality Research Journal of Canada
variations in air temperature between the days, the maximum
The pollutants were assumed to be conservative so
melt rate could be expected to about be 100 mm. Then, if
adsorption was neglected in the estimates of transport
50 mm rainfall is added on such a day (hot day with following
times thus showing a worst-case scenario. However, most
intense thunderstorm), we end up with a combined melt and
pollutants interact with the soil at some level; not even inor-
rain contribution of 150 mm. For such an event, the surface
ganic chloride, which has often been used as a conservative
runoff fraction from a surface snow deposit would be large
tracer in hydrological studies (Christophersen & Neal ),
even for more permeable soils (≈64% for K ¼ 10
m, s ).
is any longer regarded as fully conservative (Öberg &
For the estimate of the hydraulic conductivity needed to
Sanden ). Therefore, the actual transport time will for
transport all snow melt from the underground snow storage
most cases be slower than the ones calculated here. For
the natural groundwater flux was neglected; soil depth was
further information regarding the effects of particle surface
assumed to be 20 m and the hydraulic gradient at the
potential, pH, and ionic strengths on the adsorption of
border of the storage to be 0.5 in all directions. The natural
metal ions in glacial till soil, readers are referred to, for
groundwater flow to the underground storage can be esti-
example, Al-Hamdan & Reddy (). For extremely low
mated as the upstream area multiplied by the natural
hydraulic conductivities and very high pollutant concen-
annual recharge (0.4 m) and the distance to the upstream
tration gradients, diffusion transport may also have to be
water divider was estimated to be 250 m so with the plant
considered. However, for groundwater velocities in glacial
width ¼ 72 m the resulting natural groundwater flow
till and the pollutant concentration gradients expected in
became about 18,000 m3 year 1. Consequently, the assump-
this case, the advection transport can be assumed dominant
tion of negligible natural flow (compared to the snow melt
allowing diffusion to be neglected, and dispersion does not
produced flow) could be justified. Hydraulic gradient of
influence the average transport velocity so the entire pollu-
about 0.15, a hydraulic conductivity of 10
m s , and a
tant mass is here assumed to move with piston flow.
soil depth of 20 m are required to transport the natural
The lined snow cooling plant in Sundsvall is still
flux. Then, it seems more likely that gradient in the flow
running successfully without failure after 11 years of oper-
direction would be about 0.65 (0.50 þ 0.15) in the original
ation, with recently increased capacity and functionality
flow direction and about 0.35 (0.50 0.15) in the opposite
(Larsson ). The water level in the plant has been
direction, not altering the total flow.
raised, the snow gun capacity, used to produce additional conditions were
snow when snow supply is limited, as well as the storage
assumed for the estimates of groundwater transport times.
volume has been doubled, and the snow dumping capacity
However, vertical conductivity is often lower than the hori-
tripled. Furthermore, the maximum power extraction
zontal conductivity for layered soils; and thin layers with
capacity has been doubled, the cooling energy more than
low conductivity will reduce the vertical flux considerably.
doubled, while the operation costs have been reduced by
Such effects were not taken into account. Soil under and
50%. Electric cooling has replaced many different appli-
around both the existing deposit and the proposed plant
cations resulting in a reduction in electricity consumption
was assumed to have typical conductivities for the area;
of more than 90%. Some purification of the polluted urban
however, for other sites local conditions need to be used.
melt water was achieved together with a 90% reduction in
The infiltration calculations for the surface deposit were sim-
CO2 emission (Larsson ). The plant received a Nordic
Homogenous and isotropic soil
plified by using a constant surface area and only vertical flux
environmental award and thereafter attracted international
was considered. In reality, water will move sideways due to
attention from Russia, Japan, Finland, and Norway (http://
differences in soil moisture contents. Then, the real infiltra-
sundsvall.lny.se/). The future for snow cooling was outlined
tion cross-sectional area will be larger than the ones used
by Larsson (), who stated that snow cooling is an extre-
here and large parts of the down-stream area of a surface
mely energy efficient solution which can be used in areas
deposit will likely act as infiltration areas when surface
with more than 1–2 months of snowfall a year. The tech-
water is flowing across it, reducing the runoff fraction reach-
nique is especially favorable when snow clearing is
ing the recipient.
needed. Snow can be produced by snow guns in places
A. Lundberg et al.
Pollutant pathways from snow deposits
Water Quality Research Journal of Canada
where the temperature is less than 5 C for more than
to the effective porosity. This implies that depending on soil
200 h per winter season at a cost of about 2 EUR per
type and terrain characteristics, transport times for a 100 m
MWh cold. This means that the technique can in Europe
distance might vary from months to thousands of years.
be used, for example, in Scandinavia, the Alps, the Pyrenees,
Turning a surface snow deposit into a snow cooling
and the Carpathians. Apart from this snow plant, storage for
plant with a permeable underground snow storage would
cooling purposes has primarily been tested and applied in
reduce the total pollutant load if the hydraulic conductivity
Japan (GCT ; Hamada et al. ). The building of the
of the soil is low enough to produce surface runoff during
here-planned permeable plant has been postponed due to
events with high melt rates (and/or combined with high
too large investment costs (mainly the interiors of buildings).
rain rates), while it is still permeable enough to allow all snow melt from the permeable underground snow storage to be transported as groundwater. The hydraulic conduc-
tivities required to avoid surface runoff from both types of snow storages seemed to be of the same order of magnitude
In the snow deposit for Luleå city with roughly 46,000 inhabi-
(>10 6 m s 1). Thus from this perspective, the design
tants and about 105 ton deposited snow, around 620,000,
seemed not important; however, the snow cooling plant
1,200, and 380 kg of SS, Cl, and N, respectively, along with
with underground snow storage is still preferable since
67, 17, 160, and 170 kg of Cu, Pb, Zn, and P, respectively,
piping and filters for filtering the snow melt are needed for
were found. About 98% of the metals were in the particulate
the operation of the plant and can directly be used also for
phase, and normally remained on the existing surface snow
filtering the rejected water. The uncertainties in the esti-
deposit after melting. The hydraulic conductivity of the
mates of the conductivities are, however, large and more
underlying soil and the melt rate (sometimes combined
detailed studies are needed to confirm these preliminary
with rain rate) determined the fraction of polluted snow
findings. An additional advantage for the cooling plant is,
melt (and rain) that might become surface runoff from the
of course, the reduced need for electricity for cooling pur-
surface deposit spreading the particulate bound metals. For
poses. The demand for such plants can be expected to
rates of 30 mm day , the fraction of surface runoff would
increase in countries with snowfall for more than a few
be about 97% for a soil with K ¼ 10 8 m s 1, about 71% for
months per year, and the technique is particularly favorable
K ¼ 5 × 10
but nonexistent for a soil with K > 10
ms .
when snow clearing is required. For years with lower snow-
Rather high surface velocities are required to transport the
fall than normal years, snow guns can be used to produce
pollutants attached to the soil particles, silt, and sand.
additional snowfall provided that the air temperature is
For the underground snow storage, it was hard to deter-
less than 5 C for at least 200 h per winter. W
mine the order of magnitude of hydraulic conductivities and gradients needed to ensure that all snow melt could be transported through the ground to avoid rejection of polluted
water at the soil surface. However, with the assumptions that the soil depth was 20 m, the snow melt was moving
Dr Kjell Skogsberg, Snowpower (http://www.snowpower.
radially out from the snow storage, and the hydraulic gradi-
se/organisation_en.asp), is acknowledged for providing
ent at the snow storage border was 0.5, it was found that a
background knowledge on the planned permeable snow
hydraulic conductivity value of about 10 7 m s 1 was
cooling plant.
required to ensure that all snow melt could be transported through the soil. The horizontal groundwater transport velocity from
both surface snow deposit and from underground snow storages is directly proportional to the hydraulic conductivity and the hydraulic gradients and inversely proportional
Al-Hamdan, A. Z. & Reddy, K. R. Adsorption of heavy metals in glacial till soil. Geotech. Geol. Eng. 24 (6), 1679–1693.
A. Lundberg et al.
Pollutant pathways from snow deposits
Christophersen, N. & Neal, C. Linking hydrological, geochemical and soil processes on the catchment scale: an interplay between modeling and fieldwork. Water Resour. Res. 26, 3077–3086. Directive 2000/60/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2000 establishing a framework for community action in the field of water policy. 22.12.2000. Official J European Communities L 327/1. Directive 2006/118/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 12 December 2006 on the protection of groundwater against pollution and deterioration. 27.12.2006. Official J European Union L 372/19. GCT Good clean teach. The independent guide to ecotechnology. Updated October 15, 2008. http://goodcleantech.pcmag.com/ news-and-events/280266-new-chitose-airport-in-japan-to-usesnow-for-30-percent-of-cooling-needs. Hamada, Y., Nagata, T., Kubota, H., Ono, T. & Hashimoto, Y. Study on a snow storage system in a renovated space. Renew. Energy 41, 401–406. Available at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/ j.renene.2011.11.012 Hjulström, F. Studies of the morphological activity of rivers as illustrated by the River Fyris. Bull. Geol. Inst. Univ. Uppsala 25, 221–527. Larsson, P. E. Best practice in tackling new and emerging challenges: Snow cooling as a Nordic solution. Rio þ 20 Reg Science Technol. Workshop for Europe. October 12–14, 2011, Helsinki, Finland. Lundberg, A. & Beyerel, B. Ash on snow – a tool to prevent flooding? Nordic Hydrol. 32 (3), 195–214. Mälkki, E. Groundwater flow conditions in the coastal bedrock area of the Gulf of Finland. Geol. Quart. 47 (3), 299–306. Öberg, G. & Sanden, P. Retention of chloride in soil and cycling of organic matter-bound chlorine. Hydrol. Proc. 19, 2123–2136. Oberts, G. L. Influence of snow melt dynamics on stormwater runoff quality. Watershed Protect. Tech. 1 (2), 55–61.
Water Quality Research Journal of Canada
Oberts, G. L., Marsalek, J. & Viklander, M. Review of water quality impacts of winter operation of urban drainage. Water Qual. Res. 35 (4), 781–808. Reinosdotter, K. Sustainable Snow Handling. Thesis, Luleå University of Technology. Reinosdotter, K. & Viklander, M. Handling of urban snow with regard to snow quality. J. Environ. Eng. 132 (2), 271–278. Reinosdotter, K. & Viklander, M. Road salt influence on pollutant releases from melting urban snow. Water Qual. Res. J. Can. 42 (3), 153–161. Reinosdotter, K., Viklander, M. & Söderberg, H. Development of Snow-handling Strategies in Swedish Municipalities – Potentials for Sustainable Solutions. Thesis Sustainable Snow Handling, Luleå University of Technology. Salonen, V.-P., Eronen, M. & Saarnisto, M. Applied Soil Geology (in Finnish). Kirja-Aurora, Turku. Skogsberg, K. & Lundberg, A. Wood chips as thermal insulation of snow. Cold Reg. Sci. Technol. 43 (3), 207–218. Skogsberg, K. & Nordell, B. The Sundsvall hospital snow storage. Cold Reg. Sci. Technol. 32, 63–70. Sundin, E. An approach to using the degree day method for urban snow deposit melt. Vatten 54 (2), 123–130. Viklander, M. Urban snow deposits – pathways of pollutants. Sci. Total Environ. 189/190, 379–384. Viklander, M. a Snow Quality in Urban Areas. Thesis, Luleå University of Technology. Viklander, M. b Substances in urban snow. A comparison of the contamination of snow in different parts of the city of Lulea, Sweden. Water Air Soil Pollut. 114 (3–4), 377–439. Westerlund, C. & Viklander, M. Particles and associated metals in road runoff during snow melt and rainfall. Sci. Total Environ. 362, 143–156. Westerlund, C., Viklander, M. & Bäckström, M. Seasonal variations in road runoff quality in Luleå, Sweden. Water Sci. Technol. 48 (9), 93–101.
First received 15 August 2012; accepted in revised form 30 January 2013. Available online 27 August 2013
© IWA Publishing 2014 Water Quality Research Journal of Canada
Ecological benefit of the road salt code of practice Bruce W. Kilgour, Bahram Gharabaghi and Nandana Perera
ABSTRACT Despite an overall increase in total road salt used over the past 14 years (the data record in this manuscript), there has been a 26% reduction in the rate (normalized as tonnes of salt per cm of snow per km of road) of road salt application by the City of Toronto since that city implemented mitigations from the Road Salt Code of Practice. The ecological benefit of the reduced use of road salt was approximated by comparing the estimated 26% salt reduction to the distribution of chloride tolerances that has been recently published by the Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment (i.e., CCME). Species sensitivity distributions predict that between 1 and 14% of taxa would benefit from a 26% reduction in chloride concentrations in surface waters. Assuming that a typical ‘healthy’ Canadian watercourse might support between 100 and 200 species of fish, invertebrates and plants, the Code of Practice might provide benefit to between 14 and 28 species. However, the net ecological benefit of implementing the Code may be undermined in rapidly urbanizing watersheds where road networks continue to expand at a rate of 3–5% per year and chloride loads to urban streams are steadily increasing. Key words
Bruce W. Kilgour (corresponding author) Kilgour & Associates Ltd, 16, 2285C St. Laurent Boulevard, Ottawa, Ontario, K1G 4Z6, Canada E-mail: bkilgour@kilgourassociates.com Bahram Gharabaghi Nandana Perera School of Engineering, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, N1G 2W1, Canada Nandana Perera Computational Hydraulics Int., 147 Wyndham St N., Guelph, Ontario, N1H 4E9, Canada
| chlorides, ecological benefits, maximum field distribution, road salt, species sensitivity distribution
INTRODUCTION Snow and ice conditions on the road system have a signifi-
Rutherford & Kefford ). Elevated concentrations of
cant impact on public safety, roadway capacity, travel time
chlorides in surface waters can cause changes in behavior
and economic costs (Keummel ). In Canada, control
(e.g., increased ‘drift’ of stream invertebrates; Crowther &
of snow and ice on road pavements and sidewalks is gener-
Hynes ), and increase mortality rates of aquatic organ-
ally achieved by a combination of de-icing with road salts
isms (Evans & Frick ; Benbow & Merritt ).
and mechanical plowing. Each year, approximately 5
Cladocerans (e.g., Ceriodaphnia) are considered particularly
million tonnes of road salts are used as de-icers on roadways
sensitive to chlorides with concentrations as low as about
in Canada (Environment Canada ). The City of Toronto,
450 mg/L causing harm to individuals during short-term
with about 5,500 km of dense road network (City of Toronto
exposures (Dowden & Bennet ; Elphick et al. ).
) relies on about 135,000 tonnes per year salt appli-
The larvae of some select rare and endangered Canadian
cation during the winter to provide safe transportation
freshwater mussels are also highly sensitive to chloride
surfaces for all road and sidewalk users in an efficient and
with concentrations as low as 113 mg/L causing harm to
affordable manner.
individuals in laboratory toxicity tests (Bringolf et al. ;
Both aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems can be adversely
Gillis et al. ; Gillis ).
affected by exposure to chloride concentrations associated
Chloride concentrations vary spatially in Canada.
with the typical use of road salts (USEPA (United States
Natural background freshwater chloride concentrations
Environmental Protection Agency) ; Novotny et al.
are generally in the 10–20 mg/L range, but stream chloride
; Environment Canada & Health Canada ;
concentrations in highly urbanized areas can be as high as
doi: 10.2166/wqrjc.2013.129
B. W. Kilgour et al.
Ecological benefit of road salt code of practice
Water Quality Research Journal of Canada
10,000 mg/L. Loadings are highest in urban centers includ-
of 860 mg/L which is to be applied to exposure durations of 4 h or less. The Canadian Council of Ministers of the
Concentrations of chlorides are generally increasing in
Environment (CCME) recently published a national guide-
ground (Kincaid & Findlay ; Mullaney et al. )
line for chloride (CCME ). CCME recommended that
and surface waters (Todd et al. ) in urbanized areas.
concentrations of 640 mg/L would protect most species
There may be a relationship between percent impervious-
(95%) during short-term acute exposures, while 120 mg/L
ness and chloride concentrations in streams, based on
would protect most species under longer-term chronic
work in the USA (Kaushal et al. ), and implying that
exposures. CCME () further recognized that some water-
areas with an imperviousness of >30–40% are likely to
sheds in southwestern Ontario contain species of Unionidae
have chloride concentrations in their surface waters of
(freshwater mussels; northern riffleshell – Epioblasma toru-
some 200–300 mg/L.
losa rangiana and the wavy-rayed lamp mussel – Lampsilis
Environment Canada classified road salt a toxic sub-
fasciola) that are not only highly sensitive to chloride
stance on the basis of extensive review of fate and effects
during their larval stages (concentration lethal to 10% of
(Evans & Frick ). That classification required that
larvae is ∼24 mg/L), but are rare and at risk of extirpation
Environment Canada consider regulatory instruments for
(COSEWIC (Committee on the Status of Endangered Wild-
mitigating the risks that were considered to be posed by
life in Canada) a, b), and that these watercourses may
the product. Environment Canada (EC) & Health Canada
require further protection greater than that afforded by the
(HC) () carried out additional research assessing various
general guidelines.
mitigation techniques (Marsalek ; Stone & Marsalek
The objective of this paper is to provide one estimate of
), and then developed its Code of Practice (EC ).
the ecological benefit of Environment Canada’s implemen-
The Code of Practice is an assemblage of best practice
tation of the Road Salt Code of Practice. The estimate here
guidelines for reducing the use of road salts in municipalities
is specific to the City of Toronto’s experiences. Reductions
that use large amounts of the product. Environment
in chloride loads to streams, and associated concentrations
Canada is encouraging municipalities that use more than
in surface waters, were modeled using road salt application
500 tonnes of road salt per year to implement the mitiga-
rates for the City of Toronto before and after implemen-
tions recommended in the Code. Municipalities that
tation of the Code of Practice. The ecological benefit was
implement the best practices (including reduced application
estimated by comparing the observed salt reduction (pre to
rates and more efficient timing of application) have been
post implementation of the Code) to the distribution of
able to reduce chloride concentrations in groundwater by
chloride tolerances (Posthuma et al. ) that has been
50% over a 3–4 year period (Bester et al. ; Stone et al.
recently published by the Canadian Council of Ministers
of the Environment (i.e., CCME).
The ecological benefit of implementing the Code is questionable, considering that our road networks are continuing to expand and chloride loads to watersheds are increasing.
Estimating the ecological benefit of the Code of Practice requires an understanding of the relationship between
Normalized road salt loadings
exposure concentration (as well as frequency and duration) and ecological effect. Chloride tolerances determined from
Road salt application rates were computed for the Toronto
laboratory toxicity tests provide one line of evidence of the
area for the period 1996 to 2007. Salt application rates
potential effects that chloride concentrations can have in
were provided by the City of Toronto – Transportation Ser-
vices and by the Ontario Ministry of Transportation. Road
thresholds for chloride including a longer-term chronic cri-
salt application rates within watersheds and catchments
terion of 230 mg/L which is to be applied to exposure
depend in part on road density and primarily on the
durations of 96 h or more, and a short-term acute criterion
weather. Higher road densities generally result in more
B. W. Kilgour et al.
Ecological benefit of road salt code of practice
Water Quality Research Journal of Canada
road salt being applied within a catchment. Greater
for all of the tens of thousands of aquatic organisms that
amounts of snow also generally require a greater amount
occur in surface water environments (creeks, streams,
of road salt application in a given year. Changes in surface
rivers, ponds, lakes) in Canada (Morton & Gale ). The
water concentrations pre-post the Road Salt Code of Prac-
SSDs, which are approximately normally distributed, how-
tice (i.e., before versus after 2004) could, therefore, have
ever, can generally be used to predict the percentage of
varied because of changes in road density (i.e., increase)
species that will be affected when exposed to chlorides for
or changes in snowfall. Road salt application rates were
short- or long-term periods. Both short- and long-term
thus standardized for road density and snowfall to better
SSDs were considered well fit using a log-Weibull model
understand the impact of the Code of Practice on road salt
with the following form (as per CCME ()):
application rates. Annual snowfall data for the Toronto area were obtained from the nearby Environment Canada weather station in North York. Digital road network data
x k y¼1 e λ
were obtained from the Ontario Ministry of Transportation. The relationship between road salt application rate (tonnes
where, y is the percentage of species affected, x is the logar-
per year) and road density, as well as between road salt
ithm of the chloride concentration, and λ and k are
application rate and snowfall accumulation (cm per year)
constants that define the shape and form of the relationship.
were quantified annually for the years 1996 through 2007.
In the case of the short-term SSD, λ was 3.6268 and k was
Salt application rates were scaled to road density and snow-
10.9917; in the case of the long-term SSD, λ was 3.2119
fall accumulation, and ultimately expressed as kg salt/km
and k was 7.0473. The SSDs are reproduced in Figure 4.
road/cm snow. Total length of salt-applied roads within
The SSD models were used with the normalized
the watershed was considered for the normalization as all
reduction in road salt application rates to quantify a poten-
roads drain to the stream network within a couple of
tial ecological benefit to having implemented the Road
hours due to lower roughness in storm sewer systems. The
Salt Code of Practice. Here, the reduction in normalized
lag time in getting salty runoff to a stream is, therefore,
road salt application rates was taken as an estimate of the
much smaller than the time frame considered for short-
reduction in chlorides that could be anticipated, all other
term exposure for aquatic organisms (generally 24–48 h).
factors being considered, after implementation of best prac-
A simple t-test was used to test for differences in normalized
tices post the Road Salt Code of Practice. So for example, if
application rates between the period before (1996–2003)
the normalized road salt loadings were to have decreased by
and the period after implementation of the Road Salt Code
10% post implementation of best practices, it was assumed
of Practice (2004–2007). The percent change in normalized
that chloride levels in surface waters in Toronto area
road salt application rate was computed from before to after
streams would be roughly 10% lower than if the Code of
implementation of the Code.
Practice had not been implemented. It is recognized that there are various lags when chlorides transport to streams,
Quantifying ecological benefit
and that some of the lags are considerable (e.g., decades in some cases). For the purpose of this paper, it was assumed
CCME () reviewed the existing chloride toxicity litera-
that chloride loadings to watercourses responded immedi-
ture and developed a species-sensitivity distribution (SSD),
ately to reductions in application of road salt to roadways.
which describes the expected distribution of species toler-
The ecological implication of that reduction was estimated
ances when exposed to chloride. CCME developed two
considering the magnitude and form of the short-term and
curves: (1) the first SSDa was for acute, or short-term (24–
long-term SSDs. We computed the percentage of species
48 h) exposure to chloride; and (2) the second SSDc was
that would be anticipated to benefit from reductions in
for chronic, or long-term (96 h or longer) exposure to chlor-
chlorides (as per the estimated reduction in normalized
ide. Both SSDs were based on the set of taxa for which
road salt application rates), using both the short-term and
reliable toxicity data are available; data are not available
long-term SSDs.
B. W. Kilgour et al.
Ecological benefit of road salt code of practice
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was related to cumulative snowfall (Figure 1). A little less than 5% of the variation in salt application rate was related
Reduction in normalized road salt application rates
to road density (Figure 2). Salt application rates normalized for both road density and snowfall are illustrated in Figure 3.
Road salt application in the City of Toronto varied by an
There was a subtle but distinctive reduction in road salt
order of 3× from a low of ∼57,000 tonnes in the winter of
application rates in the period defined as being after the
2001/2002 to ∼200,000 tonnes in the winter of 2007/2008
Road Salt Code of Practice was implemented. The difference
(Table 1). Over 50% of the variation in road salt application
(26% reduction in mean normalized salt application rate)
Table 1
Normalized road salt application rates
Total amount of road
Length of roadway
Normalized road salt application
Winter period
salt applied (tonnes)
snowfall (cm)
lanes (km)
Figure 1
Relationship between cumulative snowfall and tonnes of road salt applied in the Toronto area between the winters of 1995/1996 and 2008/2009.
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Figure 2
Relationship between length of roads (km) and tonnes of road salt applied in the Toronto area between the winters of 1995/1996 and 2008/2009.
Figure 3
Variations in normalized road salt applications rates, City of Toronto.
was statistically significant at a probability level of 0.03%
benefit was greatest within the zone of the SSD in which
(for a one-sided t-test).
the slope of the relationship between species affected and concentration was the most extreme, for both the short-
Ecological benefit
term and long-term relationships.
The relationship between percent of taxa affected and chloride concentration was sigmoid in shape (Figure 4). The
percentage of species benefiting from a 26% reduction in chloride concentrations, therefore, varies from a negligible
This analysis demonstrated a potential 26% reduction in
fraction when the chloride concentrations are already low
chloride loads to watercourses in the Toronto area after
(say <200 mg/L), to ∼14% when chloride concentrations
implementation of the Code of Practice. That loading
decrease from ∼6,000 to 4,400 mg/L in a short-term acute
should, in the longer term, result in chloride concentrations
exposure (Table 2; Figure 4). The percentage of species ben-
being ∼26% less than what they otherwise would have been,
efiting also depends on whether the exposure is short- or
had the Code of Practice not been implemented. Those
long-term, with a greater benefit occurring under short-
reductions in chloride concentrations, further, have the
term acute exposure (Figure 4; Table 2). The ecological
potential to benefit as much as 14% of potential freshwater
B. W. Kilgour et al.
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and that aquatic species will more likely continue to be at an increasing risk; and (4) recognizes that other pollutants and stressors may override the influences of chlorides and further limit the distributions of aquatic organisms in heavily urbanized centers. Each of these points is discussed in greater detail below. The estimated reduction in chloride concentrations in Toronto-area streams seems to be a reasonable observation based on other published works. In a review of the anticipated benefits of best practices for road salt applications, Gartner Lee Limited (GLL ) predicted about a 20% Figure 4
Models of species sensitivity distributions for short-term and long-term exposures to chloride in surface waters. Models are from CCME (2011). Vertical lines indicate 2,000 and 1,400 mg chloride/L; horizontal lines indicate fraction of species affected by 2,000 and 1,400 mg/L in short-term and long-
reduction in chloride loads and chloride concentrations. The City of Waterloo was further able to reduce total road salt application by 10% in the broader urban road network, and by 25% in the vicinity of well fields known to be
term exposures.
susceptible to road salts (Stone et al. ). Municipal agencies, then, appear to be targeting a general reduction Table 2
Percent of taxa benefiting from a 20% reduction in chloride concentrations in surface water
in the use of road salt by some 20–25%, and that level of reduction from historical loadings appears to be a reason-
Final chloride
% benefiting under
% benefiting under
(mg/L) with 26%
(), road salt loadings are in part weather dependent,
while changes in climate may result in a requirement to
increase salt use per precipitation event, depending on air
Despite the anticipated loading reductions, it is
considered unlikely in the near term that chloride concen-
trations will significantly decrease in surface waters.
Analysis of Ontario’s long-term data set shows an increas-
ing trend in chloride concentration in river waters in
almost every region (Todd et al. ). Time trends in
four watersheds, two rural and two urbanized, were exam-
ined, in particular by Todd et al. (). Chloride
concentrations in the Skootamatta River near the village
of Actinolite (surrounded by natural and agricultural
able expectation assuming that weather patterns also remain consistent into the future. As per Perera et al.
lands) have increased from a 1980s baseline of ∼2 mg/L to a present-day value of ∼3 mg/L. Concentrations in the Sydenham River near Owen Sound (population ∼15,000)
taxa. The estimated benefit: (1) assumes that the anticipated
have increased from a 1970s baseline of ∼8–9 mg/L to a
reduction in chloride loads is accurate; (2) recognizes that
present-day value of ∼12 mg/L. Chloride levels in Fletchers
there are time lags between changes in application rates
Creek in Brampton (outside Toronto) have increased from
and concentrations in surface waters; (3) recognizes that
an average of ∼100 mg/L in the 1970s to an average of
chloride loads can be expected to generally increase in the
almost 500 mg/L in 2008. Chloride concentrations in Sher-
future, regardless of implementation of the Code of Practice,
idan Creek in Mississauga have increased from a 1970s
B. W. Kilgour et al.
Ecological benefit of road salt code of practice
Water Quality Research Journal of Canada
baseline of almost 300 mg/L to a present day average of
urban areas where high chloride levels presently occur
about 800 mg/L. Todd et al. () further tested for stat-
(Mayer et al. ; Morin & Perchanok ). The ecologi-
istical significance in trends over time across the
cal benefits of the Code of Practice are, thus, most likely
province. They compared chloride concentrations in the
to occur in a relatively small fraction of the total land area
period 1980–1985, to those in the period 2000–2004. For
in Canada.
those stations for which there were adequate data to
The magnitude of the ecological benefit estimated here
make the comparison, over 90% demonstrated a statisti-
(14% of taxa) can be re-expressed in real numbers if we con-
cally significant increase in chloride concentration. The
sider the number of species that might naturally occur in a
data, thus, overwhelmingly indicate that chloride concen-
watercourse. Of the some 10,000 aquatic species that
trations in ground and surface waters are increasing, and
occur in watercourses in North American (Morton & Gale
those increases appear to be related to increasing densifica-
; Pennack ), inventories in Canadian waters typi-
tion of road networks.
cally produce about 100–200 individual taxa in a ‘healthy’
The lack of reduction in chloride concentrations in sur-
system if we consider fish, benthic invertebrates and macro-
face waters is in part related to historical loadings that are
phytes. If the calculations are correct, and implementation
now resident in groundwaters which provide a base flow
of the Code of Practice resulted in a reduction in chloride
to surface waters. Groundwater is a storage compartment
load of some 26%, and there was a benefit to some 14% of
for road salts (Kincaid & Findlay ; Mullaney et al.
possible taxa, then the number of taxa in the watercourse
), and has been identified as a particular challenge to
may increase by as many as 14–28 taxa. Such an increase
short-term recovery of surface water concentrations by
in diversity is clearly measurable assuming a statistically
both Canadian and US researchers (Ramakrishna & Virara-
robust study design (EC ).
ghavan ; Wenck Associates Inc. ; Howard & Maier
The ecological benefits of the Code of Practice may how-
; Cooper et al. ; Kincaid & Findlay ; Rubin
ever be masked by other stressors. The ecological benefit
et al. ). The University of Guelph, in association with
the City of Toronto, has monitored chloride concentrations
‘urbanization-related’ stressors are not also limiting the eco-
in rivers (Highland Creek, Rouge River, Don River, Humber
logical diversity of a surface-water feature. Many urban
River) in Toronto. Despite an estimated 26% reduction in
centers, however, do release contaminants other than road
normalized road salt application loadings (as estimated in
salt into aquatic receiving environments. Metals and hydro-
this paper), concentrations of chlorides in the Toronto-
carbons, in addition to chlorides, contaminate runoff from
area rivers has not measurably declined (Perera et al.
roadways, at concentrations that are toxic to aquatic ecologi-
). Road densities increased over that period, while
cal receptors (Murakami et al. ). Nutrients, suspended
weather patterns varied, and total loading of chloride to
particulate material, and pesticides from urban areas also
streams has continued to increase. The long-term ground-
enter surface waters (via stormwater runoff and treated
water concentration of chloride was, further, estimated to
sewage) at concentrations that pose additional risks to
be approximately 275 mg/L, or high enough to pose risks
aquatic organisms (EC ). Storm flows from urban
to aquatic organisms under long-term exposure scenarios.
areas can also be erosive, leading to changes to physical
There has been no calculation of the fraction of
stream habitats, and associated losses of the critical habitats
Canadian surface waters that will benefit from the
of some species. The loss of riparian cover within water-
implementation of the Code of Practice. Impacts are, cur-
sheds leads to alterations in the hydrological cycle (greater
rently, anticipated in heavily urbanized areas with high
storm flow volumes, increase in frequency of stream flashi-
road densities, and in particular in surface waters that
ness), which can lead to an increase in erosivity within
have low dilution (i.e., small watersheds or catchments)
watercourses (Booth & Jackson ). The lack of riparian
draining major roadways. The ecological benefits of
zones further leads to increasing solar inputs to streams,
implementation of the Code of Practice, therefore, are
resulting in warmer summer temperatures (Barton et al.
anticipated to primarily occur in the most densely populated
). There is thus the real potential that reductions in
B. W. Kilgour et al.
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chloride levels will not result in real, measurable ecological
generally <100 mg/L when percent imperviousness was
benefit because of masking by other stressors. The masking
<10–15%. That relationship could be used as one of several
effect is, however, hard to predict or quantify because we
potential rules of thumb to identify areas where road salts
have a generally limited specific understanding of the toler-
are likely to pose a negligible risk to aquatic receptors.
ances of individual aquatic species to the numerous and various stressors that are present in urban system (see Stanfield & Kilgour (), for example). We predict, herein, in the short term it is unlikely that we will observe any measurable and apparent ecological benefit of the Road Salt Code of Practice. Many watercourses, in the most salt-impacted regions (i.e., Torontoarea watershed, Mayer et al. ()), are already additionally impacted by other various urbanization related stressors. Increasing urban expansion and road densification is, further, leading to overall increases in chloride concentrations in surface waters. Further, although the Code of Practice is being implemented by many municipalities in Canada, it does not apply to commercial snow-plowing operations. Environment Canada considers it likely that commercial operators use larger amounts of salt to clear snow and ice from parking lots than typical municipal agencies would or do, in part because the commercial operators are compensated on the basis of use (Stone & Marsalek ). The lack of immediate ecological benefit should, however, not be used as an excuse to not implement the Code. The analyses here demonstrate that implementation of the Code of Practice will lessen the effects from what they might otherwise become as urban areas expand and road densities increase. Second, arguing that we should not address known risks associated with one substance because there are other known risks associated
CONCLUSIONS The Code of Practice appears to have contributed to a reduction in the ‘normalized’ road salt application by about 26%. Despite increasing urbanization and densification of road networks, a 26% reduction in normalized application means in the long term that chloride levels will at least not be increasing by that amount. SSD in contrast predicted between 1 and 14% of taxa would benefit from a 26% reduction in chloride concentrations in surface waters. Thus, the Road Salt Code of Practice can be expected to benefit up to 14% of potential freshwater taxa over the long term. We predict that we will not in the near term observe ecological benefits of having implemented the Code of Practice because: (1) road salts pose ecological risks in limited areas (i.e., densely populated urban areas in southern parts of the country); (2) other urban stressors are expected to mask small ecological benefits associated with small reductions in chloride loads; (3) chloride loadings and concentrations are generally increasing in association with increasing urbanization. The lack of observed ecological benefit should not be used as an argument to not implement the Code of Practice in areas where road salts clearly pose risk to aquatic organisms.
with another substance sets a dangerous precedence that could perpetuate risk legacies. The areas within which road salts pose significant ecological risks in Canada are
relatively small and localized (i.e., to those areas that are heavily urbanized like the City of Toronto; Mayer et al.
The concept for this manuscript was developed while the
). There are large areas in Canada where the risks
authors were contracted by Environment Canada (Lise
associated with road salts can be considered negligible to
Trudel) to explore the notion of ecological benefit related
the point that implementation of the Code of Practice
to the Code of Practice. Other contributors, either in-kind
would have a negligible benefit to ecological receptors.
or intellectually included Scott Jarvie (Toronto and Region
Kaushal et al. () recently examined the association
Conservation Authority), Peter Noehammer (City of
between chloride concentrations and percent impervious-
Toronto), Tim Fletcher and Monika Nowierski (Ontario
ness. They demonstrated, for watercourses in Baltimore
Ministry of Environment), and Steve Struger (Ontario
that chloride concentrations in surface waters were
Ministry of Transportation).
B. W. Kilgour et al.
Ecological benefit of road salt code of practice
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First received 15 April 2012; accepted in revised form 2 December 2012. Available online 27 August 2013
© IWA Publishing 2014 Water Quality Research Journal of Canada
Comparison of CANWET and HSPF for water budget and water quality modeling in rural Ontario Syed I. Ahmed, Amanjot Singh, Ramesh Rudra and Bahram Gharabaghi
ABSTRACT This study comparatively evaluates the Hydrological Simulation Program-FORTRAN (HSPF) model and the Canadian ArcView Nutrient and Water Evaluation Tool (CANWET) for non-point source pollution (NPS) management in rural Ontario watersheds. Both models were calibrated, validated, and applied to a 52 km2 headwater rural watershed known as the Canagagigue Creek near Elmira in the Grand River basin, Ontario, Canada. A comparison of the simulated and observed values for stream flow, surface runoff, subsurface runoff, evapotranspiration, and sediment yield showed that (Better Assessment Science Integrating Point and Nonpoint Sources) BASINS/HSPF and CANWET models have similar capabilities to simulate various hydrological processes at the watershed scale. The seasonal stream flow comparison between observed and simulated values from HSPF and CANWET showed Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency (Nash-E) coefficients of 0.80 and 0.72, respectively. The monthly
Syed I. Ahmed (corresponding author) Ramesh Rudra Bahram Gharabaghi School of Engineering, University of Guelph, Thornborough Building, 50 Stone Road, Guelph, Ontario, N1G 2W1, Canada E-mail: sahmed@uoguelph.ca Amanjot Singh Credit Valley Conservation Authority, 1255 Old Derry Road, Mississauga, Ontario, L5N 6R4, Canada
comparison between the simulated and observed stream flow yielded Nash-E coefficients of 0.88 and 0.94 for HSPF and CANWET, respectively. Overall, both models predicted the components of the annual, seasonal, and monthly water budget accurately. There was a considerable difference in the monthly simulated sediment yield by both models. This difference is consistent with the surface runoff variation predicted by both models. Both models predicted sediment yield with early winter and spring storms which is typical for southern Ontario. Key words
| modeling, sediment, water budget, water quantity
INTRODUCTION In the last few years, researchers have attempted to address
In the last few decades, the modeling approach has
the problem of non-point source (NPS) pollution by combin-
become more common to address the issue of water
ing the relationship between land management practices
resources pollution from NPSs. Field monitoring studies
and water quality degradation. Under Tier 1 of the Ontario
have been limited due to their requirements of high
Source Water Protection Act by Ministry of Environment
financial and time investment. Hydrologic modeling
(MOE), Ontario, conservation authorities, and other govern-
approaches have been proven to be more versatile, as
ment agencies are currently involved in assessment of water
they have been effectively used to simulate a variety of
budget at watershed scale to quantify drinking water sources
environmental conditions and soil-water management
(MOE ). Two systems, the surface water system and
practices needed to prevent water quality degradation
groundwater system, are being analyzed and different tools
(Saleh & Du ; Wang & Linker ; Walton &
have been researched for quantifying elements of both sys-
Hunter ). Some of the widely used watershed scale
tems individually and in integration. Understanding the
models are: AnnAGNPS (Bingner & Theurer ), Soil
environmental conditions and watershed hydrological
and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) (Arnold et al. ),
characteristics is the first step to quantify and protect the
water resources of the area.
(Bicknell et al. ), and Canadian ArcView Nutrient
doi: 10.2166/wqrjc.2013.044
S. I. Ahmed et al.
Modeling water budget and water quality
Water Quality Research Journal of Canada
and Water Evaluation Tool (CANWET) (Anonymous
interactions (Fontaine & Jacomino ; Whittemore &
Beebe ). HSPF is also applicable to many watersheds
The two models, HSPF and CANWET, were selected for
and the adjustment of various parameters is possible for
comparison as well as application of these models for cli-
various climatic and site-specific conditions (Carrubba
matic conditions in Ontario. HSPF is a complex model for
). A study by Chung et al. () was conducted to
hydrologic and water quality simulations; whereas the
evaluate the effects of climate change and urbanization
CANWET model is considered as a relatively simple
on hydrologic behavior and water quality using the HSPF
model for hydrologic processes and water pollutants. For
model in Anyangcheon watershed in Korea. The model
example, HSPF calculates the surface runoff using hourly
was able to simulate the significant effect of urbanization
time step as a function of infiltration computed using Phi-
on water quality as compared to low flow conditions;
lip’s equation (Philip ), and uses a storage routing
whereas climate change has a major effect on stream
technique to transport water from one reach to the next
flow rate.
during stream processes. The CANWET model provides a
BASINS (Better Assessment Science Integrating Point
continuous stream flow simulation using daily time steps
and Nonpoint Sources) (US Environmental Protection
using climatic data for water budget. It calculates the surface
Agency (USEPA) ) integrates GIS (Geographic Infor-
runoff by the Soil Conservation Services (SCS) Curve
mation System), data analysis, and a modeling system to
Number (CN) method (United States Department of Agri-
support watershed based analysis and TMDL development
culture (USDA)-SCS ).
(Lahlou et al. ). HSPF/BASINS have also been used
The surface water hydrology and sediment simulations
as prediction tools for in-stream bacterial concentration in
of both the models are distributed based on multiple land
the watershed by Paul et al. (). A sensitivity analysis
use/cover scenarios; however, each land use area is con-
to determine the parameters that most influence the
sidered as homogenous in regard to various attributes
coliform predictions showed that maximum storage of coli-
considered by the model. These two models do not spatially
form bacteria over the pervious land segment and amount
distribute the source areas, but simply aggregate the loads
of surface runoff affected the bacterial concentration. This
from each area into a watershed total at the specified outlet.
study emphasized the importance of parameterization of
Both models operate under different complexities and
sensitive parameters to obtain better results (Geurink &
are currently being used by various agencies and consultants
Ross ). Also, the method used for the calibration of
in Ontario to address water budget issues for source water
HSPF is important as reported by Gutierrez-Magness &
McCuen ().
HSPF is a comprehensive, conceptual, and continuous
The CANWET model is the Canadian version of the
watershed model designed for simulation of watershed
Generalized Watershed Loading Function (GWLF) model
hydrology and water quality. It is an analytical tool with
developed by Haith et al. (). The model uses the concept
application in planning, designing, and operating of water
of HSPF in a simplified form (Haith ) as well as a land
resources systems (Bicknell et al. ). HSPF has also
use based approach for hydrologic simulations with limited
been extensively used for hydrological and total maximum
parameters, making the application of the model simple.
daily load (TMDL) modeling (Al-Abed & Whiteley ;
The CANWET/GWLF models have been used for hydrol-
Singh et al. ). HSPF has generally been used to
ogy and NPS pollution simulations from watersheds
assess the effects of land-use change, reservoir operations,
(Benham et al. ; ShuKuang et al. ). A theoretical
point or NPS treatment alternatives, flow diversions, etc.
comparison of a number of watershed models including
(Van Liew et al. ; Saleh & Du ; Mishra
HSPF and GWLF was done by Borah & Bera (). They
et al. ). It is the only comprehensive model of
concluded that the HSPF model is more comprehensive
watershed hydrology and water quality that allows the
compared to CANWET, involves a large number of
integrated simulation of land and soil contaminant runoff
variables, and uses complex approaches in simulating
processes with in-stream hydraulic and sediment–chemical
watershed hydrology and pollutants.
S. I. Ahmed et al.
Modeling water budget and water quality
Water Quality Research Journal of Canada
Saleh & Du () evaluated and compared HSPF and
A recent study by Singh et al. () using the CANWET
SWAT models within BASIN 4.0 using daily and monthly
model on the Canagagigue Creek watershed stated that the
measured flow, sediment, and nutrient loading for a water-
hydrologic processes and water budget components need
shed in Texas. The results showed that SWAT simulated
more detailed and accurate calculation. However, the
average daily flow, sediment, and nutrient loading better
CANWET model was found to be a useful tool to simulate
than HSPF when compared with the measured values for
hydrologic processes at watershed scale on an annual
the calibration and verification periods. However, HSPF
(R 2 ¼ 0.89), seasonal (R 2 ¼ 0.68), and monthly (R 2 ¼ 0.68)
was found to be a better predictor of temporal variations
of daily flow and sediment. HSPF under-predicted nutrient
Now with the availability of models with varied com-
loads due to its limited ability to incorporate detailed infor-
plexities in use and approach, the question of how much
mation regarding farm management.
complexity do we need for water budgeting and NPS
The performances of HSPF and SWAT were also com-
pollution assessment arises? The present study was
pared by Van Liew et al. () for eight nested
conducted to compare the hydrology and sediment
watersheds in southern Oklahoma, to assess simulated
components of a complex model (HSPF) and a relatively
stream flow under various climatic conditions. This study
simple model (CANWET) to describe water budget and
showed that HSPF performed better on the watersheds
sediment yield, and to identify the strengths and weak-
used for calibration and SWAT produced better results on
nesses of each model.
the validation watersheds when compared with the
In this study, the integrated watershed models BASINS
observed flow data. Overall, SWAT simulated better results
4.0/HSPF and CANWET were applied to simulate the flow
( 1.3%) for stream flow volumes than HSPF ( 8.2%). The
and sediment transport for the Canagagigue Creek water-
difference in the simulated results by SWAT and HSPF
shed in southern Ontario. Basic hydrologic units in the
was attributed to approaches used for the simulation of
models were constructed from the combination of land
the runoff process.
use groups, soil type, and hydrologic characteristics. The
HSPF presents volume-dependent discharge from a
main objective of this study was to provide a watershed-
stream based on stage, surface area, volume, and discharge
modeling framework for estimating hydrological processes
entries in a function table (FTABLE). A study was con-
and sediment loads from watershed, and to compare results
ducted by Staley et al. () to evaluate the flow
from both models to provide the reductions needed to meet
predictions of HSPF in FTABLEs using computer-based
the NPS pollution standard in Ontario climatic conditions.
data and field measurements for Pigg River watershed in southern Virginia. The simulated FTABLEs showed similarities in stage-discharge curves for the bankfull range and
differences at floodplain depths. In addition, use of field data did not show any improvement in the simulated aver-
The watershed for this study is located in the Grand River
age daily outflows as compared to use of the computer-
basin in Ontario, Canada. The Grand River starts from
based data. This study suggests that computer-based data
south of Georgian Bay and ends in Lake Erie, winding
can be used for similar conditions without loss of accuracy;
300 km through heartland of southern Ontario between
however, it was also emphasized that it should be deter-
longitude 79 300 W, and 80 570 W and latitude 42 510 and
mined if use of field data could improve the accuracy for
44 130 N. The draining area of Grand River and its tribu-
various conditions and watershed sizes. Shenk et al. ()
also found that application of the HSPF model to simulate
watershed selected for this study is a subwatershed of
6,965 km2.
nutrient and sediment load poses challenges for efficient
Grand River. The upper Canagagigue Creek watershed,
simulation of Best Management Practices (BMPs) in large-
upstream of the Floradale reservoir, is located between
scale watersheds, and can be improved by combined upgrad-
43 360 N–43 420 N latitude and 80 330 W–80 380 longitude,
ing of segmentation, input data, and model calibration.
and drains approximately 52 km2 (Figure 1). About 79.4%
S. I. Ahmed et al.
Figure 1
Modeling water budget and water quality
Water Quality Research Journal of Canada
Map of study area at the Canagagigue Creek watershed, Ontario.
of the watershed area is under agriculture land use, 11.3%
point in a watershed. HSPF simulates three types of sedi-
forest and wetlands, 9% pasture, 0.2% built up, and 0.1%
ment classes (sand, silt, and clay), water quality processes
is open water. About 95% of the area has slope less than
on pervious and impervious land surfaces, in the streams,
5%. The dominant soil in the watershed is categorized as
and well-mixed impoundments (Donigian et al. ).
silt and silt loam.
HSPF also simulates surface runoff, interflow, base flow,
The two models, HSPF and CANWET, selected for com-
parison of water budget analysis and sediment simulations
groundwater recharge,
were evaluated for the Canagagigue Creek watershed. The
oxygen demand (BOD), pesticides, pH, ammonia, nitrate-
dissolved oxygen, biochemical
surface water loadings for both models are distributed in
nitrite, organic nitrogen, phosphorus, and sediment detach-
the sense that they allow multiple land use/cover scenarios,
ment and transport.
but each area is assumed to be homogenous in regard to var-
The HSPF has three main modules, PERLAND, IMP-
ious attributes considered by the model. Additionally, the
LAND, and RCHRES. PERLAND represents permeable
models do not spatially distribute the source areas, but
(non-urban agricultural and forest) lands, IMPLAND
simply aggregate the loads from each area into a watershed
total. The brief description of models on hydrologic and
streams/rivers in the watershed. In the HSPF, the surface
sediment simulation approaches is presented in the follow-
runoff is estimated using an hourly time step and the Philip’s
ing sections.
infiltration equation. The model uses a storage routing tech-
nique to route water from one reach to the next during Hydrological Simulation Program-FORTRAN (HSPF)
stream processes. For the sediment simulations, it uses the model developed by Negev ().
HSPF uses information such as the time history of rainfall,
The BASINS has made HSPF input sequences easier
temperature, evaporation, and parameters related to land
and provided advanced interaction with input sequence
use patterns, soil characteristics, and agricultural practices
and graphical representation of the output. WinHSPF assists
to simulate watershed processes. The result of the simu-
the user in the building of a user control input (UCI) file
lation is a time history of runoff rate, sediment load, and
from GIS data, especially from the BASINS system. Also,
nutrient and organic chemical concentrations at any
HSPF may be run from within WinHSPF and input
S. I. Ahmed et al.
Modeling water budget and water quality
Water Quality Research Journal of Canada
sequences may be modified, thus creating simulation scen-
Canadian ArcView Nutrient and Water Evaluation Tool
arios. WinHSPF also assists the user in building the
necessary dataset for hydrologic calibration using the United States Geological Survey (USGS) Expert System
The CANWET (Anonymous ) Version 3.0 is a GIS-
(HSPEXP). WDMUtil, a tool built inside BASINS, is used
based model and has two main modules, Rural and Urban.
to prepare input data for WinHSPF and manages WDM
The Rural module is similar to the PERLAND module of
files which contain input and output time-series data
HSPF and the Urban is similar to the IMPLAND. The
needed for HSPF. For the multiple runs, HSPF requires
CANWET model provides a continuous stream flow simu-
manual tracking of time-series datasets from all scenarios
lation using daily time steps for weather data and water
at multiple locations for several constituents. GenScn (Gen-
balance calculations. It uses SCS CN approach for surface
eration and analysis of model simulation Scenarios),
runoff generation and the universal soil loss equation
developed by the USGS, helps to facilitate the display and
(USLE) (Wischmeier & Smith ) for soil erosion calcu-
interpretation of output data derived from model appli-
lations. Monthly calculations are made for sediment and
cations (Kittle et al. ). GenScn also provides advanced
nutrient loads based on the sum of daily water balance
interaction with the HSPF input sequence and integrated
values for a given month. The sediment yield is computed
analysis capabilities.
by using an area based delivery ratio approach. Spatial rout-
HSPF requires six meteorological time-series datasets to
ing is not available in Version 3.0 of CANWET. For
simulate stream flow. These include precipitation, minimum
subsurface loading, the model acts as a lumped parameter
and maximum air temperature, dew point temperature,
model using a daily water balance methodology. Daily
evaporation, wind speed, and solar radiation. In this study,
water budgets are computed for the unsaturated zone, as
the input time series were developed for 9 years (1991–
well as the saturated subsurface zone, where infiltration is
1999). Recorded daily precipitation, air temperature, and
simply computed as the difference between precipitation
wind speed data were obtained from the Grand River Con-
and snowmelt minus surface runoff and ET. ET is deter-
servation Authority (GRCA), Ontario. The potential ET
mined by the Hamon method (), using daily weather
time series provides a maximum limit for the ET demand.
data and a cover factor dependent upon land use.
The ability of the model to simulate stream flow is limited
Version 3.0 of the CANWET model allows monthly and
by the accuracy of both precipitation and ET time-series
seasonal variation in CN, ET coefficient, recession coeffi-
cient, and seepage coefficient. The seepage coefficient
For the application of CANWET and HSPF the Canaga-
provides the possibilities of discharge and recharge from
gigue Creek watershed, upstream of the Floradale reservoir
neighboring aquifers. This version can also be run for a
and downstream of the confluence of the two tributaries
single basin or aggregated basin simulation; however, spatial
(draining eastern and western parts of the watershed) was
routing is not yet available.
delineated and discretized into sub-basins using the automatic delineation tool available in the EPA-BASINS
Model calibration
(United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) ). The three GIS layers, 10 m resolution digital elevation
Prior to the application of a hydrological simulation model
data, land use grid layer, and soils grid layer were obtained
to a specific area, calibration of the model is very important
from GRCA. A 100 ha threshold area was selected for
because most of the hydrological models are developed
stream definition. The land uses were classified into agricul-
mainly from statistical analysis of hydrologic/pollutants
ture, hay/pasture, forest, and urban. The calibration
data collected from a specific location and they may not
parameters for both the models and the possible range
effectively perform for other regions. Existing land use, soil
were adopted from the previous studies completed on
conditions, and management practices significantly affect
these models (Haith et al. ; USEPA ; Anonymous
the hydrology and soil erosion rates of an area (Drohan
et al. ; Kaleita et al. ). Also, long-term simulations
S. I. Ahmed et al.
Modeling water budget and water quality
Water Quality Research Journal of Canada
of hydrologic models have been helpful in evaluation of
controls the availability of sediment on the land surface.
management practices as they capture the temporal variabil-
KRER is related to the erodibility of soil type, soil surface
ity of NPS loads by incorporating a wide range of climate
conditions, and to the K factor in the USLE.
and land conditions (Borah & Bera ). Calibration is an iterative procedure of parameter evalu-
ation and refinement. Good calibration should result in parameter values that are within an acceptable range for
The model was set up for the upper Canagagigue Creek
the watershed and climatic conditions and produce the
watershed in such a way that the basic parameters (e.g.,
best overall agreement between simulated and observed
CN) were not supplied directly and the values extracted by
output response. HSPF and CANWET calibrations were
the model’s ArcView interface were used. However, the
accomplished by adjusting sensitive input parameters to
adjustment factors associated with these parameters were
reproduce realistic watershed behavior well enough to
then fine-tuned to mimic temporal variability in the par-
meet the modeling objectives.
ameters for the study watershed. The key parameter associated with surface runoff estimation and used by the
model for the considered land uses was CN. The model extracted CN values from the three GIS layers using the Arc-
The main dominant parameters governing the water balance
View interface provided with the model, and the values were
are LZSN (lower zone soil moisture storage), INFILT (index
75, 63, 34, and 80 for crop land, hay/pasture, forest, and
to infiltration capacity), and LZETP (lower zone ET). If the
urban land, respectively.
amount of percolation to groundwater is small, actual ET is
CANWET also has an option that allows the user to
adjusted to change the runoff component of the water bal-
adjust CN values monthly to accommodate seasonal effects.
ance. LZSN represents the primary soil moisture storage
Such adjustments are essential for proper simulation of
and root zone in the soil profile, and the major portion of
watershed hydrologic behavior in Ontario. For example,
actual ET occurs from the LZSN. Increasing LZSN resulted
frozen soil conditions, prevalent during winter seasons,
in increased actual ET and decreased surface runoff. There-
and freeze-thaw cycles, common during spring seasons,
fore, LZSN is a sensitive parameter for estimation of annual
tend to reflect very poorly drained conditions and can gener-
water balance. INFILT governs the division of precipitation
ate significant runoff. On the other hand, the soils drain and
into upper zone soil moisture storage (UZSN), LZSN, and
dry out significantly during summer and early fall periods
to the groundwater. An increase in INFILT resulted in an
and produce little or no surface runoff. In various modeling
increase in water infiltrating into the lower zone and
approaches, using an infiltration approach to estimate sur-
groundwater zone resulting in a decrease in surface runoff,
face runoff, the seasonal conditions have been represented
and an increase in actual LZSN storage and ET. Therefore,
by temporally varying saturated hydraulic conductivity
INFILT is one of the most sensitive parameters for cali-
(Schroeter ; Al-Abed & Whiteley ). A similar
bration of HSPF for water balance and shape of hydrograph.
approach has been adopted in CANWET for the monthly
LZETP was another important parameter evaluated
and seasonal adjustment of CN values. The monthly CN
carefully for calibration. An increase in LZETP resulted in
adjustment factors used in this study to represent seasonal
an increase in actual ET from the lower zone; therefore,
changes in CN are presented in Table 1.
any change of LZETP will result in a corresponding
A groundwater recession coefficient is used in CANWET
change in runoff amount. INTFW, the Interflow parameter,
to estimate the subsurface (groundwater) contribution to
has minimum effect on runoff amount but it has significant
stream flow. This coefficient allows the removal of a fraction
impact on the shape of the hydrograph. An increase in the
of water available in saturated storage. The recession
INTFW value resulted in a decrease in peak flow and pro-
coefficient was also varied seasonally, as shown in Table 1.
longed recession of the hydrograph. KRER (coefficient in
The model also provides an option to vary groundwater
the soil detachment equation) is the major parameter that
seepage coefficient monthly for simulating the possible
S. I. Ahmed et al.
Table 1
Modeling water budget and water quality
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Temporal variation of adjustment factors for the CANWET model
Graphical and statistical procedures applied in this calibration process include the following:
Adjustment factors
1. Time-series plot of observed and simulated values for
GW recession
2. Observed vs. simulated scatter plots, with a 45 linear
regression line displayed, for values of stream flow. Scat-
along with the slope and intercept of the linear regression
line; thus the graphical and statistical assessments are
flow. The plot visually evaluates the agreement between the simulated and observed values. W
ter plots include calculation of a correlation coefficient,
3. Percent error difference (monthly and annual) for the observed and simulated stream flow. The outputs of the calibrated models were compared for the water budget components, stream flow, and total suspended sediment load (TSS) on annual, seasonal, monthly, and daily time frames. The annual analysis was based on
movement to or from a deep aquifer system. In this study,
the year starting from December of the previous year to
monthly values of groundwater seepage coefficient were set
November of the current year. For the seasonal analysis,
to zero for all the months other than November and December
the year was divided into four seasons: Spring from March
( 0.3) to account for the threshold base flow in the stream.
1st to May 31st, Summer from June 1st to September 30th,
The ET was also adjusted temporally to represent realis-
Fall from October 1st to November 30th, and Winter from
tic ET conditions for the study area as shown in Table 1.
December 1st to February 28th or 29th. The comparative
Based on the soil texture and depth of soil profile, the
evaluation used both statistical and graphical approaches.
value of unsaturated available water storage was assumed
Statistical tests include the Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency coeffi-
to be 10 cm. The initial saturation on April 1 (the starting
cient (Nash-E) (Nash & Sutcliffe ) and correlation
date for the simulation) was estimated to be 3 cm. The begin-
coefficient (R 2), and the graphical approach used a scatter
ning of April is generally snow melting time and the soil
diagram. The annual results were also compared using a per-
conditions are close to field capacity.
cent error method.
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Calibration of flow and sediment components was undertaken by adjusting certain model parameters to obtain an
Comparison for annual water budget and stream flow
agreement of within ±10%, as suggested in the BASINS (USEPA ), between observed and simulated output
The comparison of averaged annual components of water
responses. In this study, the calibration focused on the com-
budget (surface runoff, subsurface runoff, and ET) simulated
parison between observed and simulated daily, monthly, and
by HSPF and CANWET are shown in Figure 2. The average
annual stream flow. All of these comparisons were per-
annual rainfall for the 9-year study period (1991–1999) was
formed for a proper calibration of hydrology and sediment
820 mm. The wettest year was 1992 (1,036 mm), and the
parameters. The available observed flow data include con-
driest year was 1998 (549 mm). The HSPF and CANWET
tinuous flow records at the gauge sites for the entire time
simulated water budget was very similar to the observed
data. The models’ predicted annual ET values were also
S. I. Ahmed et al.
Figure 2
Modeling water budget and water quality
Water Quality Research Journal of Canada
Average annual water budget simulated by HSPF and CANWET (1991–1999) for Canagagigue watershed, Ontario.
very similar to the observed ET values. However, HSPF
over predicted annual stream flow (1992) or under predicted
simulated surface runoff was 21% of the precipitation as
(1998 and 1999) during wet years. The models slightly over-
compared to 12% by CANWET. Also, CANWET simulated
predicted (CANWET 10% and HSPF 19%) the stream flow
28% subsurface flow (interflow þ groundwater flow) as com-
in the wettest year (1992). However, these models did well
pared to 20% by HSPF. Overall, the outputs of both models
in predicting the stream flow for the driest year (1998) of
revealed that the water budget components were compar-
the study period. In addition, for the driest year CANWET
able with the observed data. The results reported by
simulated (230 mm) annual stream flow was very close to
Dickinson & Rudra () also found similar division of
the observed annual stream flow (228 mm); and HSPF simu-
rainfall into ET, surface runoff, and subsurface from the
lated 219 mm of annual stream flow.
watersheds with medium textured soils in Ontario.
The comparison between the annual observed and simu-
Figure 3 shows the comparison of the annual stream
lated stream flow yielded a Nash-E of 0.77 for HSPF and
flow simulated by HSPF and CANWET with the observed
0.82 for CANWET. Also, the determination coefficient
stream flow. These data show that the stream flow simulated
between the annual simulated and observed daily stream
by both the models compares well with the observed stream
flow was 0.77 for HSPF and 0.83 for CANWET. These
flow over the 9-year period (1991–1999). When averaged
data indicate that models’ results are similar for the simu-
over the 9-year period, HSPF overestimated the annual
lation of water budget and stream flow; however, the
stream flow by 2.5% and CANWET underestimated by
simulation results on an annual basis were slightly better
1.3%. This indicates that the models are similar in simulat-
for the CANWET model than for the HSPF model.
ing average annual stream flow. Both the models either Comparison for seasonal water budget and stream flow Figure 4 presents the comparison of average seasonal water budget simulated by both models. The data given in Figures 4(a) and 4(b) clearly show that during the winter period HSPF predicted higher surface runoff (8.1 cm) and ET (2.2 cm) than that predicted by CANWET, surface runoff (4.2 cm) and ET (0.5 cm). Overall, CANWET predicted higher groundwater recharge for all the seasons than simulated by HSPF except for summer. Also, CANWET predicted a higher amount of ET (35.5 cm) than Figure 3
Comparison of annual and averaged annual observed stream flow with stream flow simulated by HSPF and CANWET.
HSPF (27.1 cm) during summer. For the fall season, both models have similar predictions. Figures 4(c) and 4(d)
Figure 4
S. I. Ahmed et al.
Modeling water budget and water quality
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Comparison of seasonal water budget simulated by HSPF and CANWET (1991–1999).
describe the percentage contribution of various components
flow and surface runoff predicted by these models were typi-
of the water budget simulated by HSPF and CANWET
cal for southern Ontario.
during various seasons. The amount of averaged annual
To further evaluate the performance of the HSPF and
ET simulated by HSPF (467 mm) and CANWET (499 mm)
CANWET models, simulated seasonal stream flows were
compared well with the ET value (500–567 mm) available
compared with the observed seasonal stream flow for the
in literature for southern Ontario conditions (Dickinson &
entire simulation period (Figure 5). This comparison gener-
Diiwu ; Rudra et al. ; McLaughlin ). These
ated Nash-E of 0.80 for HSPF and 0.72 for CANWET.
comparisons suggest that both models slightly underesti-
This indicated that both models showed similar perform-
mated actual ET. The overall analysis of the seasonal
ance for simulation of seasonal hydrology in Ontario
water budget shows good agreement among ET, surface
conditions. These data also show that both models did not
runoff, and subsurface runoff simulated by both models.
exhibit a consistent pattern for the winter season. For most
Comparison of groundwater flow simulated by these
of the years, HSPF under-predicted the stream flow.
models for various seasons shows that groundwater flow
CANWET performed better than HSPF for the prediction
was a major part of the water budget in spring (32.7%)
of stream flow values for spring and summer seasons.
and summer (35.9%) for HSPF (Figures 4(c) and 4(d)).
During wet summer seasons (1992 and 1993), HSPF over-
CANWET-simulated groundwater flow showed significant
predicted and CANWET slightly under-predicted the
contribution during winter (28.1%) and spring (43.2%).
stream flow which affected the overall performance of the
The surface runoff values of the HSPF and CANWET
models for the summer season. For the fall season, the pre-
models show that the summer season was predicted better
dicted stream flow by HSPF matched better with the
by HSPF (8.9%) as compared to the CANWET simulated
observed stream flow compared to the stream flow predicted
value (0.4%). Also, HSPF showed a consistent trend in pre-
dicting the surface runoff for the study period (Figure 4(c)).
To evaluate the overall seasonal performance of these
Overall, spring and winter contributions of groundwater
models, averaged over the entire study period, predicted
S. I. Ahmed et al.
Figure 5
Modeling water budget and water quality
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Comparison of seasonal observed and predicted stream flows simulated by HSPF and CANWET (1991–1999); W ¼ December, January, and February; Sp ¼ March–May; Su ¼ June–September; F ¼ October–November.
and observed stream flows are shown in Table 2. These data
coefficient (R 2) of 0.99 and 0.94 between the simulated
show that the percent difference between averaged observed
and observed CANWET and HSPF simulated flows, respect-
and predicted stream flow were 2.2 and 3.9 for CANWET
ively, support the better performance of CANWET. The
and HSPF, respectively, indicating that both models have
observations in southern Ontario reveal that most of the
similar seasonal stream flow prediction capabilities. These
stream flow during summer results from the subsurface
values also show that CANWET did better on a seasonal
(groundwater) contribution. Therefore, the observations
basis than HSPF. In addition, HSPF could not adequately
imply that CANWET performed more realistically in simu-
simulate stream flow during the spring ( 29.3%) and
lating the subsurface flow in spring and summer than HSPF.
summer (47.4%) seasons. This could be due to the higher ET in spring and lower ET in summer simulated by HSPF
Comparison of monthly water budget and stream flow
as shown in Figure 4(c). However, HSPF performed better than CANWET for simulation of stream flow for fall
The performance of HSPF and CANWET was also evalu-
(0.5%) and winter ( 2.9%) periods. Overall, CANWET per-
ated for water budget components on a monthly basis
formed better than the HSPF for the simulation of stream
from 1991 to 1999. However, the data shown in Figure 6(a)
flow. The Nash-E between the average observed and simu-
and 6(b) are for only 2 years (1991–1992). The analyses of
lated stream flow by the CANWET and HSPF models was
monthly results indicate that ET is at minimum during
0.99 and 0.92, respectively. Also, the determination
winter and fall months; and monthly simulated ET varied
Table 2
Seasonal analysis of HSPF and CANWET models for the study period (1991–1999) Stream flow (cm)
% Difference
Precipitation (cm)
Overall a
Winter ¼ December, January, and February; Spring ¼ March–May; Summer ¼ June–September; Fall ¼ October–November.
S. I. Ahmed et al.
Figure 6
Modeling water budget and water quality
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Comparison of water budget on a monthly basis simulated by HSPF (a) and CANWET (b) (1991–1999).
from 0 to 3.9 cm during these months. However, ET started
For the fall months (October–November) water budget data
accumulating more during spring and reached up to 6.4 cm
show that CANWET predicted consistently higher ground-
in May 1996 by HSPF. CANWET also showed up to 9.5 cm
water flow than the HSPF simulated groundwater flow.
ET in May 1991 (a wet month, above average rainfall). As
However, HSPF predicted some decent contributions in
anticipated, summer months were found to be the highest
these months for the above average rainfall years (1991,
ET producing months for both models. HSPF simulated
1992, and 1996) (Figures 3, 6(a) and 6(b)).
peak ET (9.8 cm) in August 1991 and CANWET gave the
Analysis of HSPF simulated surface runoff showed a
peak ET values of 6.7–17.1 cm in July 1993. The trends for
general trend of higher flows during January (1.5–5.4 cm)
ET were found to be similar for both models during wet
and March–April (0.1–10.1 cm) (Figures 6(a) and 6(b)).
and dry months; however, CANWET predicted higher ET
The CANWET model also produced a similar pattern of sur-
during summer months when compared with the predicted
face runoff in these months; however, CANWET simulated
values from HSPF for these months.
surface runoff values were comparatively lower than the
The trends of simulated groundwater contribution to stream flow by CANWET and HSPF were similar and realis-
HSPF simulated values. An analysis of the wettest and driest years in the study
period indicated that these models successfully simulated
contribution in November, December, March, and April,
the water budget components (Figure 6). For the year
and minimum contribution during summer months. The
1992 (wet year), HSPF predicted a typical partition of
range of groundwater flow for summer months was 0.1–
precipitation into ET, groundwater, and surface runoff contri-
3.8 cm for HSPF and 0.2–3.5 cm for CANWET, respectively.
bution of southern Ontario. In the case of CANWET, water
S. I. Ahmed et al.
Modeling water budget and water quality
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budget was more dependent on ET and groundwater contri-
and February). CANWET over-predicted ET by approxi-
bution. For the dry year of 1998, both models showed
mately 12% more than the ET simulated by HSPF during
similar trends as ET was the significant part of the water
summer months (June–September). Nevertheless as dis-
budget from April to September. However, there was also
cussed earlier, the annual ET simulations of both models
some contribution of groundwater flow in March and April.
are within the permissible range.
In addition, there was minimum contribution of surface runoff in all the months of this dry year other than April.
The results shown in Figure 7 also indicate that there are variations in simulated monthly subsurface flow within the
Examination of the components of the monthly water
seasons. CANWET simulated a higher amount of subsurface
budget also showed that simulated ET contributed more
flow during late winter and early spring months (March and
than 80% of the water budget during months from July
April) and less subsurface flow during summer months. This
and September; surface runoff ranging from 30 to 46% in
could be due to the adoption of the single-tank approach in
February, November, and March; groundwater flow contri-
the CANWET model. For subsurface flow computation, ET
buting from 70 to 80% in January, April, and December by
uses the moisture that is available in the tank which results
both models.
in limited moisture remaining to contribute to subsurface
The monthly comparison of surface runoff simulated by
flow, whereas HSPF uses a two-tank approach and the
HSPF and CANWET, when averaged over the years,
amount of groundwater being used for ET can be calibrated.
showed that proportionate monthly surface runoff was pro-
The comparison of the monthly stream flows simulated
duced by both models (Figures 7(a) and 7(b)); however,
by HSPF and CANWET were compared with the observed
there was discrepancy in the amount produced. These differ-
stream flow for the study period (1991–1999) (Figure 8).
ences could be due to the use of one CN in the CANWET
These results showed a good agreement between observed
model for one type of land use for the entire simulation
and simulated stream flow, and generated a Nash-E of
period. However, it is possible to change the parameters
0.70 and 0.67 for HSPF and CANWET, respectively. How-
related to the infiltration rate temporally during the simu-
ever, HSPF performed better than the CANWET because
lation period in the HSPF model. In this study, the
of more temporal control over the variables that mimic
infiltration parameters in the HSPF model were adjusted
monthly variations in the processes. Also, the correlation
to reduce the infiltration rate during winter and early
coefficients of the simulated and observed stream flows
spring periods (to accommodate frozen conditions) resulting
were found to be 0.80 and 0.70 for HSPF and CANWET,
in a higher amount of runoff during these months as shown
in Figure 7(a).
Figure 9 shows the comparison of simulated monthly
The monthly simulated water budget averaged over the
stream flow, averaged over the 9-year study period, with
9-year study period showed similar results for both models
the observed stream flow. These results indicate that
(Figure 7) with peak ET demands during June or July and
both models did a good job in simulating stream flow.
minimal ones during winter months (December, January,
Specifically, CANWET results showed a consistency
Figure 7
Comparison of average monthly water budget simulated by HSPF (a) and CANWET (b) (1991–1999).
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Figure 8
Comparison of monthly observed and simulated stream flow by HSPF and CANWET (1991–1999).
Figure 9
Comparison of averaged monthly stream flow simulated by HSPF and CANWET with observed flow (1991–1999).
throughout the year with the observed stream flow data.
and CANWET, respectively. The correlation coefficients
HSPF underestimated stream flow for the months of
between the simulated and observed daily stream flow
March and April, and overestimated for the summer
were also low, 0.35 for HSPF and 0.28 for CANWET. The
months. The comparison also yielded a Nash-E of 0.88
scatter diagram between daily observed stream flow and
and 0.94 when simulated monthly stream flow by HSPF
simulated daily HSPF and CANWET stream flows
and CANWET, respectively, was compared with the
(Figure 11) did not show strong relation between daily simu-
observed monthly stream flow.
lated and observed data; however, both models produced similar trends. HSPF performed reasonably due to better
Daily stream flow analysis
control of simulation of temporal variability of subsurface
An analysis was conducted for the evaluation of the models
peaks of daily stream flows were satisfactorily captured by
for the simulation of daily stream flow. The comparison
both models.
flow contribution to the stream flow. In addition, the
between daily observed and simulated stream flow by HSPF and CANWET were conducted for the 9-year simu-
Sediment simulation
lation period (1991–1999), and were also statistically analyzed. Due to the extensive amount of daily data for
The annual soil erosion by HSPF was compared with the
this analysis, only 3-years (1991–1993) of the study are
annual soil erosion simulated by USLE and multiplied by
shown in Figure 10. The Nash-E for the daily observed
the sediment delivery ratio (SDR) of 0.36 based upon the
and simulated stream flow was 0.33 and 0.17 for HSPF
model given by Renfro (1975). HSPF simulates upland
S. I. Ahmed et al.
Figure 10
Modeling water budget and water quality
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Comparison of daily stream flow simulated by HSPF and CANWET with observed flow (1991–1999).
close agreement with HSPF producing slightly higher sediment than CANWET. Furthermore, the monthly sediment yields simulated at the outlet by HSPF and CANWET were compared, and considerable differences were found in the monthly simulated sediment yield by both models. The difference is consistent with the surface runoff variation predicted by both models (Figure 12). In addition, HSPF has a module for in-stream sediment deposition and scouring which makes the simulation dynamic for in-stream sediment routing. However, in the absence of continuous observed data, it is not possible to predict which model is simulating better monthly sediment yield. Both models predicted sediment with early winter storms (January) and spring storms (March–May), which is typical behavior of watersheds in southern Ontario. The sediment yield predicted by both models was due to the wet conditions in the watershed which increased the contributing area during these periods. The simulated sediment yield is Figure 11
Scatter plot showing comparison of daily observed and simulated stream flows by HSPF and CANWET (1991–1999).
minimal during the rest of the year because of lower flows in these periods. Overall, this modeling study for sediment shows that the hydrologic behavior of the
erosion as delivered to the stream. Since CANWET uses
watershed controls the sediment transport and sediment
USLE for simulation of upland soil erosion, the erosion
output produced by CANWET was multiplied by the SDR
The HSPF model also simulates TSS on a daily basis
of the watershed (0.36) to achieve upland sediment deliv-
which was compared with the available 18 observations
ered to the stream as suggested by USEPA (USEPA ).
for the study period. Figure 13 reveals that observed data
Figure 12 shows the comparison of annual upland erosion
points fall on the non-peak flow days and therefore, give
simulated by HSPF and CANWET from 1993 to 1995. The
the base suspended sediment values in the stream. The simu-
outputs for upland sediment delivered to the stream are in
lated TSS also showed base values during the times when
S. I. Ahmed et al.
Figure 12
Modeling water budget and water quality
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Comparison of observed and HSPF simulated TSS concentration (a) and load (b) for the period 1994–1995.
observed TSS data were available. Figure 13 also shows that
used in this study, it may be the reason that CANWET pre-
the peaks in TSS were simulated accordingly when there
dicted results are underestimated. Therefore, CANWET
were peaks in stream flow. Therefore, the trend for TSS is
cannot be used for TMDL evaluation whereas HSPF has
justified, whereas the quantitative verification needs further
the capability of evaluating TMDL at the watershed scale.
investigation with the observed data. Figure 14 gives the
The study has shown the ability of these models to pre-
comparison of annual erosion and sediment yield simulated
dict the hydrologic behavior and sediment yield for climatic
by HSPF and CANWET for the period 1993–1995. It is
conditions in Ontario with limited observed data. It is antici-
obvious from Figure 14(a) and (b) that HSPF simulated ero-
pated that the availability of continuous observed sediment
sion and sediment yield was higher than the erosion and
data and comparison with simulated sediment results by
sediment yield simulated by CANWET. Since CANWET
these models would produce better guidelines for manage-
does not produce daily sediment loads in the version we
ment practices in the area.
S. I. Ahmed et al.
Figure 13
Modeling water budget and water quality
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Comparison of monthly erosion (a) and sediment yield (b) simulated by HSPF and CANWET for the period 1993–1995.
CONCLUSIONS The study concludes the following:
of the models may be used for analysis of annual water
budget. Both models simulated components of seasonal water budget compatible with observed components (Nash-E
Both HSPF and CANWET effectively partitioned annual
0.80 and 0.72 for HSPF vs. observed stream flow and
precipitation into ET, surface runoff, and subsurface flow
CANWET vs. observed stream flow, respectively). The
which is representative of the watersheds with medium
simulated groundwater flow and surface runoff by these
soils in southern Ontario conditions. Therefore, either
models also show a typical pattern for southern Ontario.
S. I. Ahmed et al.
Modeling water budget and water quality
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be preferred over CANWET for daily simulations depend-
ing upon the accuracy level required. The upland erosion simulation is comparable for both models with HSPF relying on USLE for calibration. HSPF has a strong in-stream component for sediment routing and therefore, sediment yield prediction may be more reliable. The conclusion could not be drawn between the two studied models for the prediction of sediment yield because few observed data were available
to verify the models’ outputs. HSPF needs a higher level of expertise for its application compared to that required for the application of CANWET. The number of variables controlling hydrology and sediment in HSPF outnumber the variables needed for CANWET.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The study was sponsored by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food, Ontario, and Greenland International Consulting, Collingwood, Ontario, Canada, through a grant provided Figure 14
Comparison of annual erosion (a) and sediment yield (b) simulated by HSPF and CANWET for the period 1993–1995.
to the University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario. The study was
Also, averaged seasonal simulated stream flow over the
International and the University of Guelph.
9-year period showed high Nash-E of 0.91 and 0.99 for HSPF and CANWET, respectively. Therefore, seasonal comparison also supports that either of the two models
can be used for seasonal water budgeting. These
watersheds in southern Ontario. The monthly simulated stream flow comparison with observed stream flow rendered good correlation (Nash-E ¼ 0.70 and 0.67 for HSPF
vs. observed stream flow, respectively). Apparently HSPF better predicts monthly water budgeting than CANWET as it has more temporal control of hydrologic
parameters. The daily comparison of HSPF and CANWET simulated stream flow with observed stream flow showed a Nash-E of 0.33 and 0.17, respectively. Since correlation of HSPF with observed stream flow is more promising, HSPF may
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First received 23 August 2012; accepted in revised form 12 December 2012. Available online 27 August 2013
© IWA Publishing 2014 Water Quality Research Journal of Canada
Performance of reverse osmosis and manganese greensand plants in removing naturally occurring substances in drinking water O. S. Thirunavukkarasu, T. Phommavong, Y. C. Jin and S. A. Ferris
ABSTRACT The Water Security Agency has a legislative authority to regulate water treatment systems and enforce standards with respect to drinking water quality in the Province of Saskatchewan. A number of communities in Saskatchewan which depend on groundwater as a source for drinking water have reported high levels of naturally occurring substances, such as arsenic, uranium and selenium, in their raw water. These communities continue to upgrade their systems by installing new or retrofitting with treatment units, such as reverse osmosis (RO) and manganese greensand (MGS) filters to reduce the levels of naturally occurring substances in finished water. In order to assess the treatment performance of these systems, a study was initiated to collect samples from 20 communities across Saskatchewan and analyse naturally occurring substances in raw and finished water. The study focused on the removal efficiency and the effect of parameters such as sulfate, total dissolved solids, and hardness on the removal efficiency. The paper includes discussion on the results and analysis of sampling/research studies conducted to assess the performance of treatment systems. Results showed that RO plants are effective in removing uranium and MGS are effective in
O. S. Thirunavukkarasu (corresponding author) S. A. Ferris Drinking Water & Wastewater Management Division, Water Security Agency, 420-2365 Albert Street, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada S4P 4K1 E-mail: o.tarasu@wsask.ca T. Phommavong Municipal Branch, Saskatchewan Ministry of Environment, 3211 Albert Street, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada S4S 5W6 Y. C. Jin Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science, University of Regina, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
removing arsenic from drinking water. Key words
| arsenic, drinking water, manganese greensand, reverse osmosis, treatment, uranium
INTRODUCTION In the Province of Saskatchewan, Canada, the quality of
Saskatchewan has adopted these guidelines as legally
drinking water, the conditions of systems that produce it
enforceable standards.
and the protection of source water is one of the top priori-
Drinking water health and toxicity parameters include
ties and continues to be an important public health and
a range of naturally occurring substances (arsenic,
environmental goal. As such, ensuring safe drinking
barium, boron, lead, nitrate, selenium, uranium, etc.),
water is a shared responsibility among a number of pro-
and other substances such as trihalomethanes, which
vincial agencies and the Water Security Agency (WSA)
may be produced during chlorine-based disinfection pro-
is a lead agency in implementing the Safe Drinking
cesses. These substances represent a small potential for
Water Strategy in the province. Nearly 50 per cent of
adverse health effects over longer time periods. While
the people who live in Saskatchewan depend on ground-
the safety gains associated with eliminating microbial
water as a source for drinking water and the remaining
threats far outweighs any possible adverse health risks
population use surface water as a source. The Guidelines
associated with disinfection by-products, it is important
for Canadian Drinking Water Quality (Health Canada
to monitor and to ensure they remain within safe levels.
) are used in Canada as the definitive measure
Nearly 10 to 15 per cent of communities in Saskatchewan
of science-based safety criteria for drinking water.
who depend on groundwater as a source of drinking
doi: 10.2166/wqrjc.2013.001
O. S. Thirunavukkarasu et al.
Groundwater treatment technologies: assessment
Water Quality Research Journal of Canada
water have reported increased levels of naturally occur-
groundwater containing arsenite (As III) is oxidized to
ring substances, such as arsenic and uranium, in their
arsenate (As V) by the addition of an oxidant such as
raw water.
KMnO4 solution and subsequently arsenate is removed
Arsenic, a potential carcinogenic element is present in
in MGS filtration systems. The MGS filtration system is
natural water systems as a result of both natural and
initially used to remove iron and manganese from
anthropogenic activities. The natural weathering processes
the water, but the iron that has been adsorbed onto the
contribute approximately 40,000 tons of arsenic to the
greensand filter is capable of removing arsenic from
global environment annually, while twice this amount is
the water. Arsenic removal efficiency is based on
being released by human activities (Paige et al. ).
the amount of iron present in the source water and
Arsenic concentrations are generally higher in ground-
studies showed that iron to arsenic ratio played an
water due to increased contact levels with these arsenic-
important role in removing arsenic in MGS filtration
containing deposits. Arsenic can, however, find its way
systems (Subramanian et al. ; Viraraghavan et al.
into water sources through industrial and agricultural pro-
cesses. There are both organic and inorganic forms of
Iron oxides, oxyhydroxides and hydroxides (all are
arsenic that exist in water sources, but inorganic arsenic
called ‘iron oxides’) play an important role in a variety of
is the most likely to exist in concentrations high enough
industrial applications, including pigments for the paint
to cause concern for drinking water quality (Thirunavuk-
industry, catalysts for industrial synthesis and raw materials
karasu et al. ). The health effects of arsenic have
for the iron and steel industry (Cornell & Schwertmann
been widely studied in humans, most notably in Taiwan.
). Studies showed that adsorption and filtration treat-
The health effects of arsenic in humans vary depending
ment systems using iron oxide-coated media are effective
on the compound and form. The maximum acceptable
in removing arsenic to a level below the arsenic guideline
concentration (MAC) for arsenic in drinking water is
(Joshi & Chaudhuri ; Driehaus et al. ; Thirunavuk-
10 μg/L in Canada and it was established based on the
karasu et al. ), and are suitable technologies for small-
incidence of internal (lung, bladder, and liver) cancers in
scale water treatment utilities.
humans, through the calculation of a lifetime unit risk (Health Canada ).
Uranium is a naturally occurring element that can be present in water supplies. In Saskatchewan, uranium in
Arsenic can be effectively treated in municipal-scale
groundwater typically occurs as a result of leaching of the
treatment facilities through a number of well-documented
element from soils and rocks. The interim MAC for uranium
methods, which typically include both a pretreatment step
in drinking water in Canada is 20 μg/L (Health Canada
and a final polishing step (Health Canada ). Several
). Regarding treatment, laboratory studies and pilot
studies have demonstrated that arsenic removal can be
plant tests have shown that conventional anion exchange
achieved by various technologies, such as coagulation/fil-
resins are capable of removing uranium from drinking
tration, lime softening, activated alumina, ion exchange,
water supplies to concentrations as low as 1 μg/L (Clifford
reverse osmosis (RO), and manganese greensand filtration
& Zhang ). Favre-Re’guillon et al. () demonstrated
(Viraraghavan et al. ; US EPA ); in particular,
that nanofiltration membranes are capable of removing
coagulation with ferric salts was found to be the most effec-
uranium to a level lower than the World Health Organiz-
tive method in the case of large-scale water utilities (Cheng
ation guideline for uranium. The purpose of this study is to
et al. ; Scott et al. ). Fixed bed and filtration treat-
evaluate the performance of MGS and RO treatment
ment systems are becoming increasingly popular for
plants in removing naturally occurring substances from
arsenic removal in small-scale treatment systems because
raw water of the communities located in Saskatchewan,
of their simplicity, ease of operation and handling, regener-
Canada. This paper also outlines some of the water manage-
ation capacity and sludge-free operation.
ment activities undertaken by the WSA to implement the
In manganese greensand (MGS) filtration treatment systems that are suitable for small-scale communities,
drinking water standards and manage drinking water in the province.
O. S. Thirunavukkarasu et al.
Groundwater treatment technologies: assessment
Water Quality Research Journal of Canada
eight human consumptive systems. Table 2 provides a list of the parameters and number of excursions at all WSA
The WSA has water quality standard and monitoring guide-
regulated waterworks.
lines for the province’s drinking water quality and all 673
A study was designed to evaluate the performance of
communities in Saskatchewan are required to monitor
MGS and RO treatment plants, and in this study raw and
and achieve the physical, chemical, health and toxicity,
treated water samples from 20 groundwater communities
and biological standards as specified in the operating per-
in Saskatchewan were collected and analysed for naturally
mits issued to the communities. Table 1 shows the details
occurring substances. During the summer of 2012, samples
of compliance with sample submission requirements and
were collected from 10 MGS and RO plants, respectively,
testing compliance for health and toxicity parameters
and analysed at the Saskatchewan Centre for Disease Con-
during the 2011–12, 2010–11, and 2009–10 fiscal years
trol (Provincial) Laboratory. Figures 1 and 2 show the
based on routine samples submitted by WSA regulated
results of samples collected from MGS filtration plants of
communities in Saskatchewan. The decrease in sample
10 communities; the arsenic concentration in the raw
submissions in 2011–12 is the result of decreased monitor-
water of these communities varies from 4 to 38 μg/L.
ing by some smaller existing waterworks to determine
Arsenic removal efficiency of these plants ranged between
compliance with the health and toxicity standards that
70 and 94 per cent and the highest removal efficiency was
took effect in December 2010. WSA has and will continue
achieved in the MGS plant of the community Kelliher.
to follow up on a quarterly basis with waterworks owners
The results showed that all the plants removed arsenic to
who have not submitted the required samples as a means
a level well below the drinking water guideline of 10 μg/L.
to help ensure compliance with monitoring and drinking
The raw water uranium levels in these communities ranged between 1 and 14.3 μg/L and the results showed
water quality standards. In 2011–12, there were 100 of 673 human consumptive
that the performance of MGS plants was poor in removing
waterworks that exceeded at least one health and toxicity
uranium from raw water. Selenium was not detected in
related chemical standard, resulting in a total of 128 excee-
the raw water of all these plants. High levels of iron and
manganese were detected in most of the raw water of
parameters, such as arsenic or uranium, were encountered
these communities and all the MGS plants removed iron
and would represent a short-term health risk, waterworks
and manganese well below the guideline.
owners were advised of the results and Precautionary Drink-
Figures 3 and 4 show the results of samples collected
ing Water Advisories were issued for the affected water
from RO plants of 10 communities; raw water uranium
supplies. Forty-six arsenic exceedences occurred in 23
levels of these communities ranged between 1 and 43 μg/L
human consumptive systems. Additional arsenic testing
and from the treated water results it was observed that
was conducted by 10 human consumptive systems. Sixty uranium exceedences occurred in 26 human consumptive systems. Additional uranium testing was conducted by Table 1
Health and toxicity sample submission and parameter result compliance 2011–12, 2010–11 and 2009–10a
Fiscal year
Health and toxicity sample submission compliance rate (%)
Parameter standards compliance rate (%)
Health and toxicity parameters include: aluminum, arsenic, barium, boron, cadmium,
chromium, copper, iron, lead, manganese, selenium, uranium and zinc.
Table 2
Health and toxicity parameter specific excursion totals for WSA regulated waterworks during 2011–12 and 2010–11
Number of excursions
Number of excursions
in 2011–12
in 2010–11
O. S. Thirunavukkarasu et al.
Groundwater treatment technologies: assessment
Figure 1
MGS plants: levels of naturally occuring substances in raw water.
Figure 2
MGS plants: levels of naturally occuring substances in treated water.
more than 99 per cent uranium was removed by these RO
Water Quality Research Journal of Canada
that the presence of sulfate, total dissolved solids (TDS)
plants. However, the results showed that RO plants are not
and hardness in water (Figures 5 and 6) affects or inhibits
effective in removing arsenic from the raw water of some
arsenic removal. In the case of communities such as
communities. There may be many reasons why RO plants
Arlington Beach, Balcarres, and Foam Lake, the TDS,
could not remove arsenic, perhaps because of the molecu-
hardness and sulfate levels in raw water are high and
lar weight cut off (MWCO) of the membrane (used to
that may be the reason for the poor performance of RO
describe the pore size: the smaller the MWCO the tighter
plants in these communities in removing arsenic. Raw
the membrane size), but in this study it was observed
water TDS, hardness and sulfate levels in communities of
O. S. Thirunavukkarasu et al.
Groundwater treatment technologies: assessment
Figure 3
RO plants: levels of naturally occuring substances in raw water.
Figure 4
RO plants: levels of naturally occuring substances in treated water.
Water Quality Research Journal of Canada
White Fox and Kamsack are low and the results showed
RO and MGS plants is blended (uranium level less than
that RO plants of these communities removed arsenic to
the guideline in blended water) and distributed to the com-
well below the drinking water guideline. The community
munity. Selenium was also detected (5.3 Îźg/L) in raw water
of Kenaston has two wells, well 1 has high uranium
from well 1 and was removed by the RO plant. The results
(30 Îźg/L) and the other has none, water from well 1 goes
also showed that both RO and MGS plants removed iron
to the RO plant and the water from well 2 is treated in
and manganese (Figure 7) to levels below the drinking
the MGS plant and ďŹ nally the treated water from both
water guideline.
O. S. Thirunavukkarasu et al.
Groundwater treatment technologies: assessment
Figure 5
RO plants: levels of sulfate, hardness and TDS in raw water.
Figure 6
RO plants: levels of sulfate, hardness and TDS in treated water.
Water Quality Research Journal of Canada
recently (2012) the community has upgraded the existing system by adding an ion-exchange (IE) resin treatment
Communities in Saskatchewan also adopt different treat-
system. A portion of treated water from the MGS filtration
ment strategies and/or multiple treatment systems to meet
system is further treated in the IE system, and the final
the drinking water guideline and reduce the cost of treat-
blended water from both MGS and IE plants has a uranium
ment. The raw water from the well of community Wapella
level lower than the guideline of 20 μg/L. The total upgrade
(population close to 500) has a uranium level higher than
cost of the system including addition of some distribution
the MAC, the community has a MGS filtration system and
system infrastructure is close to Can$1 million. The source
O. S. Thirunavukkarasu et al.
Figure 7
Groundwater treatment technologies: assessment
Water Quality Research Journal of Canada
Iron and manganese levels in water.
water for Grenfell was from both surface and groundwater
arsenic if it coexists with high levels of iron in water. The
and the existing system (MGS filtration plant) could not
removal efficiency of the system as claimed by the manufac-
meet the treated water turbidity guideline; the town came
turer is greater than 90 per cent; however, it should be noted
up with an alternative source, i.e. two new groundwater
that this removal efficiency relies on an iron to arsenic ratio
wells; however, sampling results showed that the uranium
of at least 30:1. Additionally, the operating range for pH is
levels in these wells are high and the community built a
6.5 to 9.0 and water outside this range may require
RO plant in 2012 to remove uranium from raw groundwater.
additional pre-treatment to ensure the effectiveness of
The total upgrade cost including wells, distribution system
AD26 media.
and pumps is $1.8 million.
The AD26 treatment process often includes using chlor-
A group of University of Regina engineering students
ine as an oxidizer. Chlorine is injected into the water as a
developed cost equations that can be used by owners of Sas-
pre-treatment and oxidizes As(III) to As(V) and Feþ2 to
katchewan water supplies with high naturally occurring
Feþ3. The water is then filtered through the media where
arsenic levels. Ten arsenic-affected Saskatchewan water
ferric arsenate is able to form on the surface of the catalyti-
supplies were considered in this study. Three different
cally active media. Backwashing, a process which effectively
filter media (AdEdge, MGS and Media G2) that are capable
removes oxidized precipitated iron, manganese and arsenic
of removing arsenic levels to below that of the arsenic stan-
from the media bed, is necessary to maintain this system’s
dard were used in this study, and based on available raw
efficiency. This process typically required backwashing one
water quality data, cost analysis was conducted and cost
to three times per week, and a percentage of the backwash
equations developed.
water can be re-filtered through the system. In Kannata
AdEdge AD26 Series Systems are stand-alone systems
designed specifically for well head use. The system utilizes
implemented an AdEdge AD26 system, backwash water is
a dry granular form of manganese dioxide, which is an
collected, stored and left to settle in an underground storage
NSF 61 certified solid phase oxidation mineral media.
tank. After settling, up to 90 per cent of the supernatant from
Through co-precipitation and filtration, the system effec-
this backwash water has been sent back through the system
tively removes iron, manganese and sulfide, as well as
for treatment. Air wash is also typically implemented in the
O. S. Thirunavukkarasu et al.
Groundwater treatment technologies: assessment
Water Quality Research Journal of Canada
systems and occurs before the backwash cycle is initiated.
oxidant should be fed at least 10–20 seconds upstream of
This process allows captured precipitated material to be dis-
the filter. This will oxidize the iron in order to convert
lodged from the filter media and allows for a shorter overall
arsenite to arsenate and is removed in the filter. Greensand-
backwash cycle.
Plus has an approximate life expectancy of 10–15 years. This
GreendsandPlus by Inversand Company is an advanced
ensures that the annualized costs of the media and system
filter media system used to remove soluble arsenic, manga-
are relatively low compared with other treatment systems
nese, iron, radium and hydrogen sulfide that are found in
(Inversand ).
municipal or industrial groundwater. GreensandPlus is a
Media G2, a filter media developed by ADI Inter-
purple charcoal filter media, which is similar to the original
national Inc., is made up of a material called diatomite.
MGS media. Both media have the same effective size,
This material is effectively the skeleton of diatoms, and is
uniformity coefficient, density, weight, capacity, and back-
used often in filtration for treatment of groundwater. It
wash and pressure drop curve. They also use manganese
resembles sand, and the basic particles are obtained from
dioxide as their substrate media. The difference is found in
ancient dried sea beds. This media works in a similar
the core of the media; the GreensandPlus core is made of
way to granular ferric hydroxide (GFH). Media G2 is
silica sand, which allows the manganese dioxide to coat
capable of removing both arsenate and arsenite between
the surface and act as a catalyst in the oxidation-reduction
a pH of 5.5 and 7.5, but is not affected by high levels of
reaction of iron and manganese.
iron. Regeneration of Media G2 is possible up to four or
The ideal parameters for the system include a pH range
five times before replacement, and regeneration is depen-
of 6.8–7.2, iron concentration of 3 mg/L and a manganese
dent on specific pH levels and arsenic levels in raw
concentration of 0.3 mg/L. GreensandPlus can withstand
water. Media G2 can be placed in any existing pressure fil-
water with low silica, total dissolved solids and total hard-
ters, which can simplify the retrofitting process for many
ness without any degradation and is effective at high
communities, as well as potentially decreasing retrofitting
temperatures and higher differential pressures allowing for
costs (ADI ).
longer run times. The GreensandPlus media system is oper-
The design flow that was used to develop the cost
ated using a catalytic oxidation process, which involves pre-
equations was based on the maximum daily flow and fire
injecting an oxidant, such as chlorine or potassium per-
flow demand. The filter or vessel dimensions and media
manganate, directly into the raw water source. The
volume are based on the design flow, empty bed contact
Figure 8
Cost equations for three media for different flow requirements.
O. S. Thirunavukkarasu et al.
Groundwater treatment technologies: assessment
Water Quality Research Journal of Canada
time (EBCT), surface loading rate (SLR), media height
also developed based on the cost equations, which was
(Lcritical), and an expansion coefficient value (E). The
useful for the communities to determine approximate treat-
values for EBCT, SLR and Lcritical provided by respective
ment cost and select the appropriate filter media to
media companies were used in developing the cost equation.
remove arsenic from drinking water. The cost analysis
The cost analysis conducted for each media and system con-
showed that in communities with a design flow below
sidered both capital and operating costs. The capital cost
500 m3/day, the cost of the GreensandPlus system is lower
was determined based on media, volume, type of vessel
compared with other systems; however there may be other
and quantity, construction and auxiliary cost. The oper-
factors that may influence selection more than cost. For
ational cost requirements are based on media replacement,
example, if pre-treatment is necessary, the cost and
chemical costs, etc. The cost of chemicals includes the
additional treatment system may make another treatment
cost of KMnO4 and chlorine; the demand of KMnO4
choice more desirable. In communities with design flow
includes the concentrations of iron and manganese in the
more than 500 m3/day, the cost of Media G2 system is
raw groundwater and chlorine demand is based on residual
lower; however, the costs of GreensandPlus and AD26
chlorine levels in the distribution system. The auxiliary cost
system are still comparable and once again other factors
includes cost for engineering and management, additional
including site-specific conditions and system footprint may
pumps, pipes and valves, and monitoring equipment.
influence the selection of an appropriate treatment system.
The cost equation (Figure 8) for each media for different flow requirements was developed and adjusted with inflation as per Kawamura & McGivney (). A Microsoft
Excel based user interface with a cost template (Table 3) was Study results showed that MGS filtration plants are capable Table 3
of reducing arsenic levels in finished water to a level below
User interface cost template
the arsenic drinking water guideline and RO plants are effec-
Community info
AdEdge or Greensand or ADI
EBCT (min)
Source water
SLR (m/min)
Treatment goals
Lcritical (m)
System parameters
Media volume (m3)
Population served
Area required (m2)
Average daily flow (m3/day)
No. of required vessels
Fire flow (m3/day)
Design flow (m3/day)
Existing pre-treatment
Existing disinfection
System costs
Existing facility sq ft
Water analysis
Pressure tank
Total As (ug/L)
Treated As (ug/L)
Iron (mg/L)
Auxiliary equipment
Manganese (mg/L)
New construction
Media lifetime cost
Annualized replacement
Total estimated cost
tive in removing uranium to less than 1 μg/L in finished water. Results also showed that MGS plants are not effective in removing uranium from drinking water. RO plants are not effective in removing arsenic from raw water of some communities and this may be due to the presence of high levels of sulfate, TDS and hardness in raw water that affects or inhibits arsenic removal. Communities in Saskatchewan, Canada adopt different treatment strategies and/or multiple treatment systems to reduce arsenic and/or uranium in treated water. The cost equations and user friendly interface model developed in this study are useful to arsenic-affected water supplies in Saskatchewan as a ‘decision making tool’ and help the communities in selecting appropriate filter media to remove arsenic from drinking water.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors acknowledge the Government of Saskatchewan for funding and support to this initiative and research study. They would also like to acknowledge the municipal
O. S. Thirunavukkarasu et al.
Groundwater treatment technologies: assessment
authorities, students and operators of the treatment plants who assisted in sample collection.
REFERENCES ADI MEDIA G2 (http://www.indachem.com/ Manufacturers_ADI_International_MediaG2.htm). Cheng, R. C., Liang, S., Wang, H. C. & Beuhler, M. D. Enhanced coagulation for arsenic removal. J. Am. Water Works Assoc. 86, 79–90. Clifford, D. A. & Zhang, Z. Combined uranium and radium removal using ion-exchange. J. Am. Water Works Assoc. 86 (4), 214–227. Cornell, R. M. & Schwertmann, U. The Iron Oxides: Structure, Properties, Reactions, Occurrence and Uses. VCH Publishers, New York, p. 573. Driehaus, W., Jekel, M. & Hildebrandt, U. Granular ferric hydroxide – A new adsorbent for the removal of arsenic from natural water. J. Water Suppl. Res. Technol. – AQUA 47, 30–35. Favre-Re’guillon, A., Lebuzit, G., Murat, D., Foos, J., Mansour, C. & Draye, M. Selective removal of dissolved uranium in drinking water by nanofiltration. Water Res. 42, 1160–66. Health Canada Guidelines for Canadian Drinking Water Quality: Uranium (http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/ewh-semt/pubs/ water-eau/uranium/index-eng.php). Health Canada Guidelines for Canadian Drinking Water Quality: Arsenic (http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/ewh-semt/pubs/ water-eau/arsenic/index-eng.php). Health Canada Guidelines for Canadian Drinking Water Quality (http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/ewh-semt/water-eau/drinkpotab/guide/index-eng.php).
Water Quality Research Journal of Canada
Inversand Manganese greensand (http://www.inversand. com/maggreen.htm). Joshi, A. & Chaudhuri, M. Removal of arsenic from ground water by iron oxide coated sand. J. Environ. Eng. 122 (8), 769–771. Kawamura, S. & McGivney, W. T. Cost Estimating Manual for Water Treatment Facilities. Wiley InterScience, Hoboken, NJ, USA. Paige, C. R., Snodgrass, W. J., Nicholson, R. V. & Scharer, J. M. The crystallization of arsenate contaminated iron hydroxide solids at high pH. Water Environ. Res. 68, 981–987. Scott, N. K., Green, F. J., Do, D. H. & McLean, J. S. Arsenic removal by coagulation. J. Am. Water Works Assoc. 87, 114–126. Subramanian, K. S., Viraraghavan, T., Phommavong, T. & Tanjore, S. Manganese greensand for removal of arsenic in drinking water. Water Qual. Res. J. Canada 32, 551–561. Thirunavukkarasu, O. S., Viraraghavan, T. & Subramanian, K. S. Removal of arsenic in drinking water by iron-oxide coated sand and ferrihydrite – Batch studies. Water Qual. Res. J. Canada 36 (1), 55–70. Thirunavukkarasu, O. S., Viraraghavan, T. & Subramanian, K. S. Arsenic removal from drinking water using iron-oxide coated sand. Water Air Soil Pollut. 142, 95–111. US EPA Technologies and Costs for Removal of Arsenic from Drinking Water. EPA-15-R-00-028, Office of Water, US Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC. Viraraghavan, T., Subramanian, K. S. & Swaminathan, T. V. Drinking water without arsenic: a review of treatment technologies. Environ. Syst. Rev. 37, 1–35. Viraraghavan, T., Subramanian, K. S. & Aruldoss, J. A. Arsenic in drinking water problems and solutions. Water Sci. Technol. 40 (2), 69–76.
First received 7 January 2013; accepted in revised form 14 June 2013. Available online 27 August 2013
© IWA Publishing 2014 Water Quality Research Journal of Canada
Computational modelling techniques in the optimization of corrosion control for reducing lead in Canadian drinking water C. R. Hayes, T. N. Croft, A. Campbell, I. P. Douglas, P. Gadoury and M. R. Schock
ABSTRACT Compliance modelling has been used to good effect in the optimization of plumbosolvency control in the UK and was evaluated in the Canadian and US contexts via three case studies. In relation to regulatory compliance, supplementary orthophosphate dosing could be justified in one water supply system but not in one other. Compliance modelling indicated that Health Canada’s Tier 1 protocol is much less stringent than its Tier 2 protocol and that optimization based on 6þ hour stagnation samples vs 15 μg/l is likely to be more stringent than that based on 30 min stagnation samples vs 10 μg/l. The modelling of sequential sampling for an individual home indicated that sample results could be markedly affected by the length of the lead service line, by the length of the copper premise pipe and by pipe diameters. The results for sequential sampling were also dependent on flow characteristics (plug vs laminar). For either regulatory compliance assessment or for the optimization of plumbosolvency control measures, routine sequential sampling from the same houses at a normalized flow will minimize these variable effects. Key words
| corrosion control, lead in drinking water, modelling, optimization, sampling
C. R. Hayes (corresponding author) T. N. Croft Civil & Computational Research Centre, College of Engineering, Swansea University, Singleton Park, Swansea, SA2 8PP, UK E-mail: c.r.hayes@swansea.ac.uk A. Campbell I. P. Douglas City of Ottawa Water, 1 River Street, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada P. Gadoury Providence Water, Engineering, 430 Scituate Avenue, Cranston, Rhode Island 02920, USA M. R. Schock Environmental Protection Agency, 26 W. Martin Luther King Drive, Cincinnati, Ohio 45220-2242, USA
INTRODUCTION The publication of the World Health Organization’s Book-
However, there are a range of potential problems to be
let on Childhood Lead Poisoning (WHO ) has
overcome in optimizing corrosion control for reducing
heightened concerns about lead ingestion and its potential
lead in drinking water (IWA , ):
impact on health, particularly reductions in IQ. It followed the withdrawal, earlier in 2010, of the guideline value for a
(i) there is no simple, rapid control loop for linking cor-
tolerable lead intake by the Joint FAO/WHO Committee
on Food Additives (WHO ) and their conclusion that
concentrations of lead in drinking water at consumers’
there is no safe level for lead ingestion by children. More
recently, the US CDC has revised its action level for lead
(ii) the definition of the term ‘optimization’ is vague and tends
in blood from 10 μg/dl down to 5 μg/dl (CDC ). These
to rely too heavily on regulatory compliance (which may
increased health concerns put renewed pressure on regula-
not be the same as treatment process control);
tors to minimize lead in drinking water within their areas
(iii) regulatory compliance systems are prone to distortion
of jurisdiction and on water utilities to optimize their cor-
as a consequence of the sampling protocols used and
rosion control systems for lead control.
variability due to a range of influencing factors.
doi: 10.2166/wqrjc.2013.009
C. R. Hayes et al.
Optimization of plumbosolvency control
Water Quality Research Journal of Canada
These problems in optimizing corrosion control for
The option of sampling after 6þ hours’ stagnation
reducing lead in drinking water have largely been over-
involves Tier 1 and Tier 2 sampling. Tier 1 surveys relate
come in the UK over the past 10 years and the
to the first litre drawn from the faucet after the stagnation
experience gained should be a useful reference point for
period; if the Action Level of 15 μg/l is exceeded at more
Canadian utilities and regulators, including the use of com-
than 10% of the homes sampled then corrective action is
putational modelling techniques that were used to good
required as well as supplementary Tier 2 sequential
effect by many UK water companies. This paper outlines
sampling of the following second, third and fourth litres.
what was achieved in the UK and summarizes the results
The prompting of corrective action on the basis of Tier 1
of a recent collaborative research project that aimed to
sampling is flawed because most first litre samples will con-
demonstrate the potential uses of computational modelling
tain water that has stood in non-lead pipework adjacent to
in the Canadian and US contexts; it also summarizes the
the faucet, not the lead service line, and in consequence pro-
results of an investigation into the behavioural character-
blems with lead in drinking water will be greatly under-
istics of sequential sampling.
estimated (IWA ). While Tier 2 samples will more likely contain water that has stood in a lead service line, this is not certain and will vary depending on the volume
CANADIAN GUIDELINES FOR LEAD IN DRINKING WATER The Canadian guideline (Health Canada , ) for lead in drinking water, as a maximum acceptable concentration (MAC), has been 10 μg/l since 1992, based on flushed samples, until recently. As a consequence of flushing prior to sampling, the samples could neither determine the
of non-lead pipework. Distortion of the results from Tier 1 and Tier 2 sampling will also vary due to changes in the sampling pool, due to the proportion of homes sampled that have a lead service line, if Tier 1 and Tier 2 sampling is done at different times, and as a consequence of any deviations from the sampling protocol by home-owners (IWA ). The use of these sampling and assessment protocols in the optimization of corrosion control must be questioned.
extent of lead in drinking water problems within a water
The second option involves taking four sequential
supply system nor provide any basis for optimizing cor-
samples (each of 1 l volume) after 5 min flushing and
rosion control. The guideline for lead was, in essence,
30 min stagnation, from properties with lead service lines.
revised in August 2012 (Health Canada ); while the MAC of 10 μg/l remains the same, reference is no longer
Corrective action is required if the average result from the four samples exceeds 10 μg/l at more than 10% of the
made to flushing prior to sampling; instead, reference is
homes surveyed. This option is also prone to variable distor-
made to applying the MAC as an average concentration
tion from water stood in non-lead pipework as well as
over extended periods. Recognizing the practical limitations
variation from changes in the sampling pool; further, the
of the earlier guideline, Health Canada issued ‘Guidance on Controlling Corrosion in Drinking Water Distribution Systems’ (Health Canada ), which recommended two options for assessing lead in domestic drinking water:
averaging of results is questionable. Health Canada () does not recommend this option for optimizing corrosion control due to uncertainties about sensitivity and behavioural characteristics.
(i) first draw samples after 6þ hours’ stagnation (at least 50%
To complicate matters, some provinces have their own
of the homes sampled must have a lead service line),
standards for lead in drinking water. For example, Ontario
based on the US Lead Copper Rule (US EPA ), with
has a standard of 10 μg/l based on the highest lead concen-
further sequential samples in some circumstances; or
tration from two sequential samples (each of 1 l volume)
(ii) if sampling after a 6 þ hour stagnation time is not
taken after flushing then 30 to 35 min stagnation. Corrective
practical or is restricted by regulatory obligations,
action is required if the standard is exceeded at more than
sequential samples after 30 min stagnation from proper-
10% of the homes surveyed. The Ontario standard is no
ties with lead service lines.
less susceptible to variable distortion effects. Overall, it
C. R. Hayes et al.
Optimization of plumbosolvency control
Water Quality Research Journal of Canada
can be concluded that there is considerable scope to develop
solubility or computational models, if an increase in orthopho-
the guidelines further, with the aim of providing a stronger
sphate dose produced no further worthwhile improvement or
basis for quantifying lead in drinking water problems and
if a sufficient number of random daytime (RDT) samples had
for optimizing corrosion control.
been taken and less than 2% of samples exceeded 10 μg/l. This numeric criterion was adopted by most water companies as their target for optimization. The DWI followed up the progress being made by water
companies with technical audits. Optimization schemes were
A generic definition of the term ‘optimization’ as it relates to
were reported formally. Arrangements in Northern Ireland
subject to legally binding agreements and once concluded
the control of lead in drinking water has been proposed
and Scotland were broadly similar. Across the UK, 95% of
in the International Water Association’s Code of Practice
public water supply systems are now dosed with orthopho-
for the Internal Corrosion Control of Water Supply Systems
sphate. The concentration of orthophosphate that is dosed
(IWA ):
varies from 0.5 to 2.0 mg/l (as P), most typically between 1.0 and 1.5 mg/l (as P) and is water supply system specific,
‘The application of best available techniques, not entailing
as determined by both water quality and the extent of occur-
excessive cost, to reduce lead concentrations in drinking
rence of houses with lead pipes. For England and Wales in
water to the minimum that is practical to achieve.’
2009/10, following the optimization of plumbosolvency control treatment, 99.0% of RDT samples complied with the new
This definition implies a holistic approach that is robust
standard of 10 μg/l for lead in drinking water (that applies
scientifically, that incorporates risk assessment and that
from December 2013), compared to 80.4% before orthopho-
matches mitigation measures specifically to the circum-
sphate dosing became widespread. In some regions, 99.5%
stances of the water supply system. It is consistent with
compliance has already been achieved intermittently and
Health Canada’s guidance () that delivered water
could be considered as a national target. If optimized plum-
should ‘not be aggressive’ to distribution systems, including
bosolvency control was reinforced by selective lead pipe
domestic pipework. The definition in the Code of Practice
replacement (DWI ), it might even be possible to achieve
is also consistent with the approach taken in the UK.
99.8% compliance without the widespread replacement of
In England and Wales, optimization was defined as the ‘best practical reduction in lead concentrations’ (DWI , ) and was taken to mean ‘maintaining an optimum ortho-
lead pipes (Hayes & Hydes ). The optimization of plumbosolvency control in the UK was mostly achieved in one of two ways:
phosphate dose throughout a water supply system, within an optimum pH range’. If pH and alkalinity control were pro-
(i) step changes in orthophosphate dose until optimum
posed as the only treatment measures, water companies had
reductions in lead had been demonstrated by in situ
to demonstrate that an optimum dose of orthophosphate
lead pipes at consumers’ houses; however, in situ lead
could not achieve a further significant reduction in lead con-
pipes can take up to 2 or 3 years to equilibrate with a
centrations (in practice, none did so). Water companies were
new orthophosphate dose (IWA ) and dose
also expected to take into account any organic or iron discolor-
responses may not have been fully established within
ation interference effects. In essence, the Drinking Water
the timescales that were available (pipe rigs using old
Inspectorate (DWI) implemented an optimization framework,
exhumed lead pipes will be similarly affected); or
recognizing that the precise definition of an optimum ortho-
(ii) laboratory plumbosolvency testing coupled with compli-
phosphate dose was necessarily vague, at least initially. It
ance modelling to quickly determine the likely optimum
was stated (DWI , ) that the optimum dose of ortho-
dose, which was then confirmed (and adjusted if necess-
phosphate could be determined from laboratory tests, from
ary) by routine monitoring of in situ lead pipes at
full scale or pilot scale trials, by practical experience, from
consumers’ houses; this approach minimized the
C. R. Hayes et al.
Optimization of plumbosolvency control
Water Quality Research Journal of Canada
number of iterative changes to water treatment con-
described by curves of the concentration of lead that
ditions and saved both time and money.
increases over time when the water stands (stagnates)
In most water companies, RDT sampling was the principal means used for demonstrating the success of the plumbosolvency control measures, supplemented variously by fixed point monitoring (typically, 30 min stagnation sampling) at selected houses and the use of lead pipe test rigs. The success of the second approach (Hayes et al. , ) was the motivation for the ‘proof-of-concept’ project to demonstrate the feasibility of an amended modelling system being used in the optimization of plumbosolvency control in Canadian and US drinking water supply systems.
within a lead pipe. Curves A1 and A2 describe waters with a higher plumbosolvency than curves B and C and the shape of the curves can vary (A1, A2). These simple exponential curves are defined by the initial mass transfer rate of lead M (μg/m2/s) from the internal lead pipe surface (which determines the initial slope) and the equilibrium concentration of lead E (μg/l). Such curves are an adequate representation of the lead dissolution curves generated by Kuch and Wagner’s diffusion model () and offer computational advantage (much quicker computer run-times). The values of M and E can be determined experimentally by laboratory plumbosolvency testing using the method developed by Colling et al. (). This involves pumping test water continually through short sections of new lead pipe at a con-
stant 25 C and a constant contact time of 30 min for a period of around one month; at the end of this period the
Describing plumbosolvency
test water is allowed to stand for 16 hours before sampling. The concentration of lead after 30 min contact enables the
The schematic diagram given in Figure 1 illustrates (top
value of M to be determined from the numerical relationship
right) how the plumbosolvency of drinking water can be
determined by Hayes ().
Figure 1
Compliance modelling schematic.
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Optimization of plumbosolvency control
Water Quality Research Journal of Canada
In Figure 1 (top left) are the actual results, as median
left). These distributions can be based on generally applied
concentrations, from plumbosolvency testing for two test
assumptions or on survey data provided by the water utility.
waters at 30 min contact. The test series in these cases
Normally, the plumbosolvency characteristics are applied as a
both show the effect of increasing orthophosphate over a
constant, but it is possible to apply a range if water quality (e.
zero to 1.5 (mg/l P) range. Alternatively, a sequence of pH
g., pH) was known to vary significantly. The single pipe model
values could be investigated by the test procedure. Such
then generates the lead emission profile at each simulated
data generate curves of different magnitude (top right)
home for a 24-hour period. The daily average lead concentration
depending on the treatment condition and its associated
at each simulated home can be readily calculated.
extent of lead reduction. M and E can also be estimated from sequential sampling after 30 min and 6þ hour stagna-
Sampling models
tion (respectively) at homes with a lead service line. A sampling model can then be used to investigate lead emisSingle pipe model
sions across the water supply system, in terms of probability, based on a range of sampling protocols. These include: (a)
The single pipe model consists of a lead pipe, non-lead pipe
random daytime samples, (b) 30 min stagnation samples
and an imaginary faucet that is represented by a 1 l sample
(first litre drawn and sequential), and (c) 6 hour stagnation
volume. The pipes are broken down into elements (as illus-
samples (first litre drawn and sequential). In the case of stag-
trated in Figure 1 – middle right) and when assuming plug
nation sampling methods, the lead concentration in the
flow each element is treated as a stirred tank. During periods
simulated pipes is assumed to be zero immediately prior to
of flow, the contents of one stirred tank are passed to the
the stagnation period.
next, and so on, at a time increment of 1 s. The concen-
It is therefore possible to investigate the link between
trations of lead that are computed at the imaginary faucet
the plumbosolvency of the water in the system and probable
for every second of flow are determined by: (a) the length
compliance with regulatory sampling protocols. Simulated
and diameter of the lead and non-lead pipes, (b) the contact
samples are taken randomly from the probabilistic frame-
time of the water, as determined by the assumed pattern of
work, typically 100 samples in a simulated survey,
water use, and (c) the plumbosolvency of the water. The
repeated 1,000 times so as to gain an appreciation of var-
assumption of plug flow is another simplification and
iance. Mapping on to regulatory sampling protocols also
describes adequately the turbulent flow that is most likely
involves setting the percentage of the homes that must
in the small-bore pipes in premise plumbing (commonly ½
have a lead pipe in the sampling simulations (e.g., 50% for
and ¾ inch) at the flow rates expected in normal domestic
the US Lead Copper Rule (LCR), 100% for the Canadian
use (around 0.1 l per second, or 1.6 US gallons per minute).
30 min stagnation (30MS) sampling protocol).
Laminar flow can also be investigated but is computationally much slower. The mathematical equations used for both flow
Limitations, simplifications and validation
types are given in Van der Leer et al. (). The deterministic models described above relate only to the Using a probabilistic framework for zonal modelling
dissolution of lead from lead pipes and no allowance is made for lead leaching from brass or for galvanic corrosion
To investigate lead emissions across an entire water supply
or particulate lead effects, although it is possible to include a
system, a probabilistic framework is established by creating a
correction factor for lead from premise plumbing if data are
large number (normally 10,000) of simulated homes that
available to characterize this. Simplifications are made in
make up the simulated system, as defined by lead and non-
the way that plumbosolvency and flow are defined and the
lead pipe and water use charcteristics. The variables that
calibration matrix can be limited to the application of gener-
define each simulated home derive from a series of statistical dis-
alized assumptions (such as non-lead pipe lengths) when
tributions, applied randomly, as illustrated in Figure 1 (bottom
detailed survey data are not available.
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Optimization of plumbosolvency control
Water Quality Research Journal of Canada
Despite these limitations and simplifications, excellent
basis. The results of this optimized orthophosphate
validation of predicted RDT sampling results was obtained
dosing were confirmed over a 2 year period by a combi-
in numerous case studies in the UK (Hayes et al. ,
nation of RDT sampling and the 30 min stagnation
) by comparison with the results of actual RDT
sampling of lead pipe test rigs. This approach successfully
sampling by the water companies. As a case example, data
delivered 99% compliance with the future UK lead stan-
are shown in Figure 2 for pre- and post-orthophosphate
dard of 10 μg/l.
dosing conditions in Cambridge (UK); systems before ortho-
It can be concluded from the successful validation
phosphate dosing commenced are numbered 1 to 6; the
achieved in these two major case studies that the simplifica-
system numbered 7 was after orthophosphate dosing in the
tions inherent in the modelling procedure do not hinder its
aggregate of the city’s four major systems. In this case
use in operational terms. The main difference between the
example, comprehensive pipe surveys, knowledge of water
UK and US/CA case studies are the sampling protocols
use and plumbosolvency testing enabled the compliance
used for assessing regulatory compliance.
assumptions. In Wales (Hayes et al. ), orthophosphate dosing was
optimized by a combination of laboratory plumbosolvency testing and compliance modelling for 29 systems that were
Three case studies (two US, one Canada) involved the use of
subject to a Regulatory Programme of Work (as agreed
modelling techniques in various ways and the results are
with the Drinking Water Inspectorate). Of these 29, plumbo-
presented below in a Canadian context. Further details of
solvency testing data were not available for six schemes and
this modelling are available from the project report (Hayes
the compliance model had to be fitted to the observed data
& Croft ).
that were available, although the benefit of orthophosphate dosing could still be predicted. Generalized assumptions
Case study 1 (US)
had to made for pipe lengths and water use for all systems. Despite these limitations, the predicted RDT sampling
The water supply system serves a population of around
results, for the pre-orthophosphate condition, were closely
300,000 people and 35% of the customer connections are
matched by the water company’s sampling for the 23 sys-
lead service lines, including the privately owned side. In
tems in which primary validation was possible.
order to control plumbosolvency, it has been long-standing
The optimum orthophosphate doses that were deter-
practice to elevate pH in order to suppress lead solubility.
mined were subsequently applied on a system-specific
The pH within the system at the present time is typically between 9.5 and 10.0. Corrosion inhibitors such as orthophosphate are not used. The system was marginally noncompliant with the criteria for lead set by the US LCR in seven out of nine surveys over the period 2007 to 2011. In calibrating the zonal compliance model, very comprehensive data were available on the length and diameter of service lines but very little on premise plumbing. The plumbosolvency factors M (0.047) and E (70) were estimated by inspection of the results from LCR surveys and from nine sequential sampling exercises, as data from laboratory plumbosolvency testing were not available. The assumptions about non-lead premise plumbing were initially based on those used in UK case studies, with subsequent
Figure 2
Validation data from Cambridge Water (UK).
amendment. Additionally, a correction factor was used for
C. R. Hayes et al.
Optimization of plumbosolvency control
Water Quality Research Journal of Canada
lead emissions from non-lead premise plumbing; the need
had sampled beyond the first litre, it is possible that the cali-
for this was identified from the detailed inspection of LCR
bration of the compliance model may have been adjusted.
survey results from premises with copper service lines. The
The orthophosphate dosing scenario (A) defined by
simulated and observed LCR survey results are shown in
M ¼ 0.02 and E ¼ 30 is typical of many optimized systems
Table 1 and indicate a good match based on the first litre
in the UK and should be achievable with a relatively low
sampled after stagnation, equivalent to Tier 1 sampling in
orthophosphate dose. It was predicted that LCR compliance
would be achieved, based on the first litre drawn after stag-
The potential benefits of orthophosphate dosing were
nation (Tier 1), but not if compliance was based on further
then investigated, using the compliance model, by reducing
sequential samples (Tier 2). This is also the case when
the values of M and E that define plumbosolvency. As these
M ¼ 0.015 and E ¼ 22.5. To achieve Tier 2 compliance
values were reduced, an equivalent reduction factor was
would require M ¼ 0.01 and E ¼ 15, likely to be at the
applied to the premise plumbing correction. The results for
extreme range of orthophosphate’s ability to suppress lead
three orthophosphate dosing scenarios are shown in
solvency. These predicted results indicate that optimization
Table 2 for four sequential litre samples and are compared
based on Tier 1 sampling would be different to that based on
to the present non-orthophosphate dosed condition. Only
Tier 2 sampling, if judged by the same action level of 15 μg/l.
data for the first litre were available from the LCR compli-
Laboratory plumbosolvency testing would be necessary to
ance monitoring, in order to calibrate the model (Table 1);
confirm the orthophosphate dosing response of the water
the predictions for the second, third and fourth litres are
and to determine the orthophosphate doses associated
more speculative, but do show a significant difference
with each scenario.
between the first litre and the litres that follow. If the utility Case study 2 (CA) Table 1
Matching the model to observed LCR results
The water supply system serves a population of around Average 90th percentile
Average percentage of samples
concentration and range (μg/l)
exceeding 15 μg/l and range
Predicted: 20.5 (6.3–37.8)
Predicted: 14.6 (4.0–27.0)
Observed: 20.1 (13.6–30.0)
Observed: 16.2 (8.0–29.4)
800,000 and 14% of customer connections are believed to have lead service lines. In order to control the plumbosolvency of the water supplies to consumers, it has been the utility’s long-standing practice to elevate pH in order to sup-
Predicted results based on simulated first litre samples after 6 hours’ stagnation, equiv-
alent to Tier 1 sampling in Canada; 56.3% of the simulated houses had a lead service line,
press lead solubility. The treated water has a pH of 9.2 to 9.4 and this has been successful in meeting regulatory compli-
consistent with the utility’s LCR surveys.
ance with Provincial standards, which are based on sequential Table 2
Predicted LCR compliance for orthophosphate dosing scenarios: average 90th
sampling after 30MS. Corrosion inhibitors, such as orthopho-
percentile concentrations from Tier 1 and Tier 2 samplinga
sphate, have not been used.
Average 90th percentile concentrations Modelling scenario
Detailed information on the lengths of lead service lines was not available. Instead, reference was made to infor-
(μg/l) 1st
Tier 1
Tier 2
Tier 2
Tier 2
mation from another Canadian city (Cartier et al. ) with minor adjustments to help fit predicted 30MS survey results to those observed. For lead service line diameters, a
Without o-PO4
consensus view from supply network engineers was used.
o-PO4 – (A)
No data were available for premise plumbing other than esti-
o-PO4 – (B)
mates of the pipe materials involved: >90% copper, 2%
o-PO4 – (C)
galvanized iron, 8% plastic. Again, reference was made to
Predicted average 90th percentiles from 1,000 simulated surveys, each of 100 simulated samples after 6 hours’ stagnation, using the plug flow model; M ¼ initial mass transfer rate (μg/m2/s); E ¼ equilibrium concentration (μg/l); 56.3% of the simulated houses had a lead service line.
information from the other Canadian city with minor adjustments. Estimates of E (31) and M (0.026) were made in a similar manner to the first case study and fine-tuned by
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Optimization of plumbosolvency control
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calibration trials. A correction for lead release from premise
the utility compared the lead concentrations in sequential
plumbing was not considered necessary as the utility had
samples after stagnation for 30 min and 6 hours at 22 homes.
indicated that in their experience, lead was very rarely
On average, for each litre sampled sequentially, the lead concen-
detected at homes that did not have a lead service line.
trations after 6 hours’ stagnation were 1.1 to 1.4 times higher
The match between simulated and observed 30MS survey
than the lead concentrations after 30 min stagnation, much
results is shown in Table 3, based on the first four litres
closer than expected. The ratio between lead concentrations
sampled after flushing and stagnation.
after 30 min and 16 hour stagnation is normally in the range
The slight reductions in M to 0.020 and E to 30, the con-
3 to 5 but can be as low as 1.8 and as high as 15.2 for waters with-
ditions typical for optimized orthophosphate dosing in the
out orthophosphate (Hayes ); on the basis of the lead
UK, resulted in a very substantial change in compliance
dissolution curves generated by the model, lead concentrations
(Table 3). This is because 30MS values of 10 μg/l cannot
after 6 and 16 hours’ stagnation are expected to be fairly similar.
be exceeded by the lead dissolution curve generated by the
In consequence of the wide range in this ratio, the shape of the
model using these values for M and E. It can be concluded
lead dissolution curve can differ as illustrated in Figure 3 and is
that the case for supplementary orthophosphate dosing is
specific to individual waters and scale surface chemistries. The
weak, assuming that the estimates of M (0.026) and E (31)
predicted data in Tables 4 and 5 are based on lead dissolution
are correct (or close) for this water supply system.
curves that had 6 hour to 30 min stagnation ratios of 2.4 to 3
Simulated results for sequential sampling after 6 hours’
and are therefore illustrative of the more average condition.
stagnation are shown in Table 4 (US LCR basis) and
Further work will be required to reconcile the model with the
Table 5 (Canadian Tier 1 and 2 basis) for surveys in which
utility’s limited survey results.
50% of simulated houses had a lead service line, in order to investigate the protocol specified by Health Canada
Case study 3 (US) and the modelling of sequential
() guidelines. With M ¼ 0.026 and E ¼ 31, compliance
was predicted to be achieved with Health Canada’s guidelines for Tier 1 sampling but not for Tier 2 sampling, the
The emphasis of this case study was the sequential sampling
difference being the effect of water stood in non-lead pipe-
of homes after 6þ hours’ water stagnation to investigate the
work. Similar results were obtained for M ¼ 0.020 and
behavioural characteristics of the sampling protocol used
E ¼ 30. A reduction to M ¼ 0.010 and E of 15 would be
by the US LCR. It is also relevant to Tier 1 and 2 assessments
required for Tier 2 compliance, likely to be at the limit of
in Health Canada’s guidelines. Sequential sampling survey
what plumbosolvency control treatment can achieve.
data were provided from two surveys by the US Environ-
It appears that compliance with Health Canada’s guidelines
mental Protection Agency. After flushing for 5 min and at
() is less stringent if based on 30 min stagnation samples if
least 6 hours’ stagnation, 12 or more 1 l samples were taken
the results in Table 3 are compared to those in Tables 4 and 5
in sequence from each site. The lead concentrations that
for M ¼ 0.02 and E ¼ 30. However, in an earlier investigation,
were observed varied from 2 to 37 μg/l and all first litre
Table 3
Simulated and observed 30MS survey resultsa Average % 30MS samples > 10 μg/l: 1st Litre
2nd Litre
3rd Litre
4th Litre
Predicted with M ¼ 0.026 and E ¼ 31 (range in brackets)
0.21 (0.00–3.00)
1.92 (0.00–7.00)
7.79 (1.00–18.00)
15.23 (4.00–25.00)
Observed over 8 surveys from 2008 to 2011 (range in brackets)
1.33 (0.00–2.56)
2.36 (0.00–5.98)
8.55 (2.42–16.24)
11.95 (1.92–26.50)
Predicted with M ¼ 0.020 and E ¼ 30 (range in brackets)
0.00 (0.00–0.00)
0.00 (0.00–0.00)
0.00 (0.00–0.00)
0.00 (0.00–0.00)
a Predicted average percentages from 1,000 simulated surveys, each of 100 simulated samples; in the modelling, 95% of simulated houses were assumed to have a lead service line, reflecting the utility’s 100% objective and their indication that a few of the earlier survey samples were taken from homes without a lead service line.
Table 4
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Optimization of plumbosolvency control
Water Quality Research Journal of Canada
Average 90th percentile concentrations (μg/l) after 6 hours’ stagnation
1st Litre
2nd Litre
3rd Litre
4th Litre
June 2011 survey, 13 out of the 28 sites exceeded 15 μg/l in
Predicted LCR compliancea
In the USA, corrective action is required if the 90th percentile concentration exceeds
15 μg/l based on the first litre; the modelling assumed that 50% of simulated houses had a lead service line.
at least one sequential sample and in the September to October 2011 survey, 16 out of the 29 sites exceeded 15 μg/l in at least one sequential sample. At some sites, elevated lead concentrations were observed for greater parts of the 12-sample sequence (up to twice) than could be explained by the volume of the lead service line, implying laminar flow influences during sampling. Similar observations have been made in Rhode Island (RIH ). The single pipe model was used (after validation) to investigate the lead emission characteristics of different pipework
Table 5
circumstances at a single home, comprising a simulated lead
Predicted Tier 1 and 2 compliancea
pipe (service line) and a simulated copper pipe (premise
Average percentage samples >15 μg/l after 6 hours’
plumbing) of various lengths and diameters, for both plug
and laminar flow conditions. The detailed results are reported
1st Litre
2nd Litre
3rd Litre
4th Litre
in Hayes & Croft () and are summarized below. (i) Length of lead pipe:
In Canada, corrective action is required if more than 10% of sites exceed 15 μg/l; the
modelling assumed that 50% of simulated houses had a lead service line.
for plug flow: the longer the lead pipe, the greater were the number of sequential samples with an elevated lead concentration; for laminar flow: lead concentrations were lower generally than for plug flow, the elevation of lead was spread over a greater number of samples, and the longer the lead pipe, the higher was the peak lead concentration in the sample sequence.
(ii) Length of copper pipe:
• •
for plug flow: the longer the copper pipe, the later was the elevated lead in the sample sequence; for laminar flow: lead concentrations were lower generally than for plug flow, the elevation of lead was spread over a greater number of samples, and the longer the copper pipe, the lower was the peak lead concentration in the sample sequence.
(iii) Pipe diameter:
• Figure 3
Variation in lead dissolution characteristics. The three illustrative curves relate to different ratios of lead concentration after 30 min stagnation (30MC) and after 8 hours when equilibrium (E) has been assumed to be reached.
samples had a lead concentration below the Action Level of
for plug flow: the larger the diameters, the more extensive was the sequence of lead concentrations associated with the lead pipe and the lower was the
concentration of peak lead in the sample sequence; for laminar flow: lead concentrations were lower generally than for plug flow, the elevation of lead was
15 μg/l. Significantly, over 90% of houses had a premise
spread over a greater number of samples, and the
plumbing volume greater than 1 l, helping to explain the
larger the diameter of the lead pipe, the lower was
observed compliance with LCR criteria. However, in the
the peak lead concentration in the sample sequence.
C. R. Hayes et al.
Optimization of plumbosolvency control
Water Quality Research Journal of Canada
This modelling suggests that sequential sampling results
Health ; Hayes & Croft ). These results prompted a
can be markedly affected by the length of lead service pipe,
modelling investigation using the single pipe model and both
by the length of copper premise pipe and by pipe diameters.
plug flow and laminar flow for a range of pipework character-
In consequence, it appears that sequential sampling may be
istics. The results have been summarized in case study 3
too subject to variable influences to be used in definitive
(above) and reported in detail by Hayes & Croft () and
terms, for either regulatory compliance assessment or for
show significant differences between the two flow regimes. Pre-
the optimization of plumbosolvency control measures, if
sently, it is difficult to know to what extent laminar flow occurs
sampling is undertaken from different sets of houses from
under normal home use and under what flow and pipework
within a changing sampling pool.
conditions; further research is planned that will endeavour to
Sequential sampling can be used for diagnostic purposes, but differentiating specific sources of lead within
describe the behaviour of transitional flow regimes in the context of sequential sampling for lead in drinking water.
the premise plumbing may be affected by skewing and low-
The new interpretation of the Canadian guideline for
ering effects. While sequential sampling appears to have
lead in drinking water, that the MAC of 10 μg/l should be
limitations, it will provide a much better insight into lead
applied as an average over extended periods (Health
emission characteristics than the sampling protocols that
Canada ) creates new and interesting challenges,
only utilize the first litre drawn after the stagnation period.
namely how to determine the average concentration of lead at a home. The most accurate sampling method will be split-flow composite sampling (Van den Hoven et al.
) but this has logistic limitations. Although outside the scope of the case studies reported here, the single pipe
The extent of calibration data in these Canadian and US
model can readily predict daily average lead concentrations
case studies was limited. The plumbosolvency of the water
and the compliance model can predict RDT sample results
could only be estimated as test data were not available and
in support of zonal risk assessment.
data on premise plumbing were mostly absent. It would, however, be relatively easy to strengthen the calibration of the compliance model by laboratory plumbosolvency testing
(quick and affordable) and by fuller pipework inspections when homes are sampled for compliance assessment pur-
1. Compliance modelling has been demonstrated to have a
poses. For the modelling approach to gain broader
potential role in the optimization of plumbosolvency
acceptance, it would be beneficial to conduct case studies
control, in the Canadian and US contexts, and to pro-
in cities which are already using orthophosphate or are con-
templating its use. That said, there is no reason why the
characteristics of related sampling protocols.
modelling approach cannot be applied to systems that con-
2. A rapid, low cost approach to optimization could com-
trol internal corrosion through pH elevation alone or to
prise laboratory plumbosolvency testing, the gathering
systems that use other corrosion inhibitors.
of basic information about the water supply system and
The compliance modelling was undertaken assuming plug
compliance modelling, prior to confirmatory monitoring.
flow, similar to earlier UK studies, and is considered reasonable
Such an approach has already been used widely in the
on the basis that most premise plumbing is ½ or ¾ inch diam-
UK to good effect and can be accommodated for use in
eter and the flow rates are likely be around 0.1 l per second
Canada and the USA by an amended compliance
(1.6 US gallons per minute) in home use. However, the results
model that is able to simulate the relevant sampling
of actual sequential sampling in the city relating to case study 3
(and elsewhere) have often been found to be skewed, whereby
3. In this context, compliance modelling can help to quan-
the lead concentrations in these sequential samples can only be
tify what is meant by ‘best practical reductions in lead in
explained by laminar flow effects (Rhode Island Department of
drinking water’ for a water supply system, by exploring
C. R. Hayes et al.
Optimization of plumbosolvency control
Water Quality Research Journal of Canada
more deeply the relationship between corrosion control
responsibility for the interpretation and use of the material
treatment and regulatory compliance.
lies with the reader. In no event shall the publisher or
4. The case studies indicated that Health Canada’s Tier 1
authors be liable for damages arising from its use. The
protocol is much less stringent than its Tier 2 protocol
views expressed by the authors do not necessarily represent
(if benchmarked against the same action level) and
the decisions or the stated policies of any organization
that optimization based on 6þ hour stagnation samples
referred to in this publication.
vs 15 μg/l is likely to be more stringent than that based on 30 min stagnation samples vs 10 μg/l. 5. In relation to regulatory compliance, the case studies indicated that supplementary orthophosphate dosing might be
justified in one water supply system but not in one other. 6. Compliance modelling can assist the evaluation of sampling and assessment protocols in the further development of regulatory criteria, by examining far more scenarios than it is feasible to do experimentally. 7. The modelling of sequential sampling for an individual home indicated that sample results could be markedly affected by the length of the lead service line, by the length of the copper premise pipe and by pipe diameters. The results for sequential sampling were also dependent on flow characteristics (plug vs laminar). 8. In consequence, it appears that sequential sampling may be too subject to variable influences to be used in definitive terms, for either regulatory compliance assessment or for the optimization of plumbosolvency control measures, if sampling is undertaken from different sets of houses from within a changing sampling pool. 9. While sequential sampling appears to have limitations, it will provide a much better insight into lead emission characteristics than the sampling protocols that only utilize the first litre drawn after the stagnation period. 10. Sequential sampling under a normalized flow condition could be used in the routine benchmarking of lead concentrations at selected properties, as part of an optimization procedure for plumbosolvency control measures.
DISCLAIMER All reasonable precautions have been taken by the authors to verify the information contained in this publication. However, the published material is being distributed without warranty of any kind, either express or implied. The
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First received 11 February 2013; accepted in revised form 18 September 2013. Available online 15 October 2013