May 2017
of the International Women’s Club in Sofia
A celebration of spring + May Events
April highlights
Annual General Assembly – 6thJune
Letter from the President
Dear Ladies,
Normally in the May newsletter after the IWC elections, you would be hearing from your new president, but as you all know, this did not happen this year. The board elections have now been postponed until June, to garner more support from the members and give everyone more time to think about how they can help the club survive. There was one opinion at the AGM that maybe this board was not doing enough for the club, not working hard enough, not competent enough, that the biggest fund raising bazaar we have had in our history was down to the work of only one woman. I am confident enough in our membership to know that the vast majority of you do not agree with this and that you recognise our efforts and the efforts of each other to maintain the high standards of this club. I am proud to be a part of this board, this team of women, who have helped each other, but more importantly helped this club beyond what has been required of them. Even though we all have our plans after our term in office, every single member of this board has not shirked their responsibilities to maintain this club until a new board is elected. We may not be perfect but we are here. A new board is essential and must be elected in June to carry this club forward. If you have commitment and dedication you can do this, over the years this club has shown that it's members will always be more positive than not, more committed than most and more able to withstand the negativity and backward thinking of the few. Please think again how you can help the future of this club, all I can say is that this last year a lot of our time was taken up with many practical and basic administrative changes. Who ever now takes over can be assured of this stability and can devote their time to the improvement of the club and the needs of its members. My best wishes to all.
Cover image: Matzalo Ceramic Workshop in April
IWC Executive Board 2016-2017 President Angela Bird 0879 119 152
Charity Chairperson Vacant 0879 119 154
Treasurer Kelsa L. Smith-Mouskourova 0879 506 800
Vice-President Nadya Wuisan-Bratanova 0879 119 150
Bazaar Coordinator Toi Castelló i Reñé 0879 506 799
Office Manager/ Membership Coordinator Zarina Benoun-Takova 0895 571 813
Web/Newsletter Editor: Elitsa Lingorski 0877 369 483 International Women’s Club 67A Postoyanstvo st., 1111 Sofia tel: 02 951 6117 “Like” IWC on Facebook and check our website
Club policy Smoking Please note that all IWC Coffee Mornings are non-smoking.
will be open to guests. Events that are open to guests will also carry a ‘guest’ surcharge as follows:
Bulgarian Applicants Unfortunately, due to a lack of available spaces, new Bulgarian applicants will be added to the waiting list, until further notice
Monthly Events
Language Don’t let a lack of fluency in English keep you from attending the monthly coffee mornings and other club activities. Many of our members speak other languages. Remember, we are an international club, and we are here to support you. You’re welcome at any time. Suggestion Box The suggestion box is always available at the members’ sign-in table. Feel free to write your ideas, concerns, complaints, and suggestions to the IWC Board and drop them in the box. Because you’re important to us, we want to hear from you. IWC Visitors Policy The IWC doors are open to visitors throughout the year. Visitors are welcome to attend up to two coffee mornings and two activities prior to applying for membership. A 15 BGN fee is payable upon registration at the sign-in table during the coffee morning. For more information, please contact the Member-ship Coordinator at
Free monthly events are free to guests. Events costing under 20BGN, there is an additional charge of 5BGN. Events costing 21BGN or more, there is an additional charge of 50%. Monthly Activity Groups Monthly activity groups are free and any charge for guests will be at the discretion of the organiser of the group, a charge may be added for instance if a guest regularly frequents one of Event
IWC Member
Free Monthly Event
Free Activity Group Event
Paid Monthly Event
Paid Monthly Event
Member only Event
Events Charges
these activities without becoming a member.
All events are available to fully paid up members of the IWC. Where there is a cost involved, it will be kept to the very minimum.
A deposit is required from all members and guests attending an event with a cost involved. This deposit will be forfeited in the case of non attendance.
*Charge for guests at the discretion of the activity group organiser with a min. sum of 10 BGN. Use of IWC Logo The Board has established the following policy for the use of the IWC logo and brand name. In order to prevent any misuse. 1.Written Permission must be requested from the Board a minimum of 2 weeks prior to event; 2. The partnering organisation/company should be in good standing in the community; 3. The event should seek to pursue the goals of the IWC; 4. No third-party usage will be permitted. An agreement will be signed between IWC and partner organisation; 5. The Logo may be used only for the agreed event and for specified time period. Guidelines for Paid Advertisement 1. Priority for any vacant advertising spaces will be given first to IWC members, then to outside advertisers. 2. Advertisers are welcome to run or extend their advertisements for a period of six months. After that time, if there is a waiting list for advertisements of that size, the situation will be reviewed, and priority for available spaces will be given to (a) IWC members; (b) new advertisers; (c) existing advertisers. The same order of priority will apply to smaller ad space that may become available. 3. There is no waiting list for advertisements of a given size, the current advertiser may ex-
Guests will be able to attend the events that are specified at the time. Not all events
Rules For Announcements From Members 1. Advertisements will be run in two consecutive issues. If the member sends a request to run the advertisement again, it will be extended for a further two issues. After that, the advertisement will be removed. If the member still wishes to include the advertisement after that time, the request will be considered, but placement is not guaranteed. 2. Advertisements must be submitted by members. Members may not submit ads for non-members (e.g., for a friend who is selling a car, etc.).
3. Members may not submit recommendations for businesses. These recommendations may be submitted to the IWC Go To Guide. Businesses are also welcome to purchase advertising in the newsletter. 4.Recommendations for individuals engaged in business (e.g., dentists, hairdressers, etc.) will be considered on a case-by-case basis by the Board. 5. Final discretion as to whether to include an announcement rests with the Newsletter Editor.
We ask members to send all announcements for the newsletter via e-mail. The size of ads should not exceed a single paragraph of five lines. The IWC board is not responsible for the accuracy of the information provided in these announcements.
Please send your contributions to not later than the 15th of the month.
Charity Update Dear IWC members, Please find an update about the most recent charity activities and events.
On April 8th, the Charity Foundation of IWC–Sofia organized a Training in Fundraising for NGO in Healthcare. Ms. Elitsa Barakova from BCause Foundation, who has more than 20 years of professional experience in the field, was invited to lead the training. Fourteen participants from different organizations took part in the training. Some of the participants traveled more than 400 km to come and learn new skills that will help them to run better fundraising
At the beginning of April another organization funded by IWC–Sofia, Euphonia Founadtion, organized an Easter workshop for children from social institutions. 5
We are very pleased to share with you a very kind ‘Thank you’ letter sent by Euphonia Foundation.
Dear Mrs Bird, President of IWC–Sofia, Dear Mrs Ilieva, Charity Chairperson of IWC–Sofia Dear members of IWC–Sofia, We highly appreciate the opportunity to receive funding from Charity Foundation of IWC for Eastern Musical and Arts Workshop for children of social institutions in Sofia. We say thank you from the name of 25 neglected children who had the opportunity to achieve a great and useful workshop full of music and different games. Celebrating that great Christian holiday, these kids felt like being in family, playing games with friends and adults. Through games and music they learnt different percussion instruments, they try them and even made music and rhythm. They talked to each others, they share their dreams and feelings, they made new friends. From our experience with children in institutions, we understood that some children do not expect holidays with anticipation and joy, because they know that nothing happy or excited will happen. Sometimes even sadness is deeper then. You gave these 25 children with problems the opportunity to feel special, but in the good way, to smile, to play, to learn. You bring joy to many people and you give hope to many children and adults, Thank you from the bottom of our and their hearts! Sincerely yours The team of My Child Foundation and Euphonia Foundation 18.04.2017 Sofia
On April 21st at the Sinfonietta Vidin concert hall in the town of Vidin, the final concert of the Fortissimo in Class program took place. The concert in featured Maxim Eshkenazy, conductor, Adriana Nikolova–Pechenkata, beatbox, Desislava Todorova, fiddle, and the Sinfonietta Vidin orchestra.
jor musical instruments from the composition of the symphony orchestra, namely: violin, French horn, cello, trumpet, double bass, guitar, percussion, flute and clarinet. The aim of each lesson is to help focus children’s attention on the instrument itself, its history and most memorable features, as well as to explain its numerous applications in various musical genres, both classic and modern. During the classes the goal is to challenge the creative imagination of the children and to encourage their continuous active participation.
IWC–Sofia is one of the donors of this innovative training program for music, aimed at secondary school children particularly in the third and fourth grades. Traditional classes are thought with a modern approach and are dedicated to each of the nine ma-
IWC–Sofia and the “Dream Up” Project have joined as partners in the Bicycle for Every Child Campaign 2017. The aim of the initiative is to invite people to donate second hand bicycles in good condition to children living in social institutions. The first campaign started in 2015 and managed to provide 70 repaired bicycles to poor children in the town of Dryanovo. The children were selected by local social services representatives. A year later, in 2016 the Bicycle for Every Child Campaign managed to get 250 bicycles repaired and donated to kids in the towns of Etropole, Tryavna, Lom, Knezha, Popovo, Kubrat and Nova Zagora. As part of the project the Charity Foundation of IWC is planning to supervise the Campaign by visiting the volunteer’s bike repair process on May 27th in Dryanovo. IWC members are very welcome to join the visit. This will be an opportunity to meet the people engaged in the campaign and also to supervise the process of repair. The departure will be in early morning – 7AM from the parking of Alexander Nevski Cathedral, the return to Sofia will be not later than 8PM. Transportation – carpooling.
On the behalf of the IWC board and IWC Charity foundation I would like to warmly thank to our dearest member and friend Andrea Kaiser for all her support to the club’s activities. Thanks to Andrea we have received many donations - personal and Park Inn, which were distributed to people in need from different parts of the country. Hotel Park Inn become a preferred venue for many events organized by IWC-Sofia such as Thank You Donors cocktails, lunch on the occasion of the women's holiday March 8, and others. We wish Andrea many professional achievements at her new workplace and hope she visits us again in Sofia. Good luck, dear Andrea! Maria Ilieva – Charity Chairperson 7
Wanted: Volunteers to Serve on the Board of the IWC Has the IWC helped you feel settled in Sofia? Would you like to be able to give something back to the IWC? Do you believe in and support the objectives of the IWC and have a few hours per week to spare? If you have been a member of the club for at least a year, why not volunteer for one of the five positions on the board (listed & described below). We guarantee you a great experience working together with women from around the world, learning about their cultural backgrounds, sharing skills and knowledge whilst helping to welcome newcomers to Sofia and supporting the local community through charity projects. Make the most of your time in Sofia by serving on the board of the IWC. Satisfaction guaranteed! (By the way the salary for the these top positions comes with a lot of zeros 0€“ in fact as many as you like because it is of course zero ;-) Interested? Please send an application letter to with a cc to, no later than 20th April 2017, briefly introducing yourself and stating the specific office of candidacy you are interested in running for. If you have any questions please feel free to contact any member of the nominating committee for a chat, they are: Chairperson, NadyaWuisan-Bratanova:; Amy Dincuff: ; Annamaria Giannakos: ; MihaelaDobre:; PenkaBaltova: Please find below the constitutional duties of each board member: a.
(amended through a resolution of the General assembly from 04.04.2017). The President shall preside at all meetings and set the agenda of all Board Meetings. She may appoint Special Committees with the Executive Board’s approval. She is the official representative and ex officio member of all committees except the Nominating Committee. She shall be appointed as President of the Charity Foundation of the International Women’s Club, Sofia. It is suggested the President has served on the Executive Board, for a minimum of one year, in another position before she runs for President.
(amended through a resolution of the General assembly from 04.04.2017) The Vice President shall assist the President in her duties by accepting specific tasks delegated to her by the President. She shall in particular assist the President in representational duties. She shall perform the duties of the President in the latter’s absence and shall be responsible for and participate actively in monthly activities and events, including the monthly meetings, and will maintain communication with activity leaders. The Vice President may recruit members in a team to help her with her duties in particular.
(amended through a resolution of the General assembly from 10.01.2012 and 04.04.2017) The Treasurer shall keep the financial records and accounts, pay approved accounts of expenditure, and reimburse members for approved expenses incurred on behalf of IWC. In addition to the duties in Article 10, the Treasurer shall inform the Membership Coordinator of membership renewal, and the Treasurer shall be responsible for transferring a) all charitable donations and b) any excess funds beyond operating costs to the Charity Foundation of the International Women’s Club, Sofia. The Treasurer will also be responsible for presenting biannual financial reports (one at mid- term following the bazaar and one at the end of the IWC’s fiscal year) to the members by email and newsletter, with both reports including details on where funds came from and where they were disbursed. It is strongly suggested the Treasurer have a background in accounting or finance.
(amended through a resolution of the General assembly from 10.01.2012 and 04.04.2017) The Charity Chairperson shall preside over the Charity Committee, together they shall identify charity projects.The Charity Chairperson shall ensure that for each charity project there is one project head responsible for the smooth running of that project and who shall report back to the Charity Committee. She shall participate in the charity visits and their organisation. The Charity Chairperson shall be appointed as Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Charity Foundation of the International Women’s Club, Sofia. The Charity Chairperson is required to present an annual report that details what charities are receiving funding and how muchfunding they receive on an annual basis. This report will be presented to the members in a general assembly meeting, as wellas in the newsletter and by email. She is accountable to the Executive Board of the IWC.
(amended through a resolution of the General assembly from 13.04.2010) The Bazaar Coordinator coordinates the planning,setting up and running of Charity Bazaar. She takes active part together with the other Board Members in setting up the Bazaar Team and liaises with President, First Vice President and Charity Chairperson for all matters concerning the Bazaar. She presides at Bazaar Board meetings and gives regular updates about the Bazaar to the IWC Board and IWC Members. She keeps the Board Members informed through the year about ongoing activities concerning the Bazaar. 8
2017-2018 Board Candidates
Lilly White: President I worked with several NGO's for over 26 years.  As a member of the American Women Association, FAWCO, The Business & Professional Women Club of Barbados, the Ladies Guild in VA & CO, Rome Accueil and currently Sofia Accueil. In 2005, I was the treasurer of the International School in Tbilisi, Georgia. I organized the School's First International Food Day which was my idea and gave parents and students the chance to learn about each other's culture and diversity. In 2007, I co-founded a charitable Club that included the State Department and the Military Spouses and served as the Vice-President of the Spouses Club. I served as the treasurer of the International Women Club in Minsk, Belarus and in Tbilisi, Georgia. In both Countries, I was a fundraising board member and co-ordinated events such as the yearly Gala Dinners. As a board member of the American Women Club Barbados, I was in charge of organizing events and outings. I moved to Sofia 18 months ago and currently working as an Admin. Assistant at the American Embassy. This is my second year as a member of the IWC Sofia, I got to meet many fantastic members, lead the English Conversation Group, Host at my house and participate in many activities.  Becoming the Vice President of the Club will allow me to work along with the new board with a focus on Friendship, a better cultural understanding of our International members and social services. I would like to focus women, their role and the challenges they face these days in our society.  I believe in team work and respect in order to achieve our goals as a non-profit social club.  I look forward to seeing you soon and hope for a prosperous new election year together.
Sincerely yours,
Lilly Whiteđ&#x;Œš
2017-2018 Board Candidates
Claudia Mohite: Treasurer
To whom it may concern, I am interested in the position of “Treasurer” because I like holding budgets and distributing them as well as investing in Government bonds, National treasury deeds as well as saving deposits (not in Bulgaria the last one as the interest rate is very low regardless of the currency). Relevant studies: Economics in Highschool (mark 10 at the Baccalaureat). Professional experience: ➔ Treasurer for a Student Fellowship called "Hexagone" (for Francophone students in Timisoara) whereas my duties were: opening and maintaining bank account, collecting donations and fees from the events we used to organize. ➔ Teamleader from September 2010 until May 2011 - My role was checking bank statements, crediting deposits on Customer Accounts, checking prepaid money cards used in France to perform deposits, dealing with Banks on Oppositions of deposits, as well as errors done by Finance department in approving and transfer winnings to the customers ➔ Service Manager: handling budgets, issuing POs and invoices to customers.
Please rest assured that where I lack experience I make up with determination and will to learn. Your time and consideration is highly appreciated.
Claudia Mohite
Iliana Zlatareva: Charity Chairperson
Dear ladies, This year for the first time our club has faced troubles electing the new board. Being a member of the club for many years and knowing the long history of the club I would like to contribute. It’s very important for us to prolong with the BAZAR and CHARITY projects after, not the last the treasurer’s position is also a responsible one. So with the efforts of many ladies and their hard work dedicated to, the club again will achieve positive results! I strongly believe in and plan to work on that. Since I am not familiar with the whole process I rely on the help of Maria Ilieva and a new team that will help me and will support my work. Maria has a lot of experience for a long time, Penka Baltova and American Ambassador’s wife also suggested their help. I hope the new board will participate a lot. I think as Charity person I have to follow how the money are spent, not only to donate the money and of course transparency in on top. About myself – I am born in 1954 in a beautiful town of Samokov, married in 1975 – quite young, with daughter – 39 and my son 34, lovely granddaughter Tara – 7. Master’s degree in economics in Sofia, worked as accountant and chief accountant for export company and after I have worked 10 years for four American Ambassadors at the American Embassy. This was interesting time before and after 1989. Since 1995 I work in the field of the international moving and 1998 I started my own company being a representative of Corstjens Worldwide Movers Group for Bulgaria with HQ in Amsterdam. Now I and my son have a family business presenting Gosselin group with HQ in Antwerpen. We move personal and HHE of diplomats and expats to/from every corner in the world. I am concentrated on relocation service and he does the moves. I acquired good organizational skills based on my experience through the years and I have many contacts in Sofia. I am open for all kind of questions.
Iliana Zlatareva
Food Connection Workshop
Monthly Night Out at Chicago Piano Bar
Bulgarian Costume with Maria Naslednikova
Matzalo ceramic workshop
Important Information - Please Read Dear Ladies The IWC AGM was held on 4 April 2017 with 44 attending eligible to vote, the agenda was fulfilled and the voting was as follows: Yes No Abstained The Executive Board Annual Reports were accepted 35 The Treasurer’s Report was accepted 34 Vote to Postpone Election of new board until June 37 The proposed constitution amendments were accepted Amendment 1 Amendment 2 Amendment 3 Amendment 4 Amendment 5 Amendment 6 Amendment 7 Amendment 8 Amendment 9
42 39 44 9 38 4 41 41 30
1 5 0 35 6 3 2 0 13
1 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 1
Amendment 4 was voted for again with the wording changed from ‘next Annual General Meeting’ to ‘next general meeting’ and accepted 35 9 0 A new board could not be elected as with only 2 candidates we could not fulfil the legal requirement of a new board must consist of a minimum of 4 members. With this knowledge there was a vote to postpone the election of the new board to June 2017, the date and venue will be announced separately. Actually on the day of the AGM, there were members who came forward to be candidates. These members and any other member who would now like to be a candidate should approach the nominating committee under the usual terms. The nominating committee will be sending a new announcement to call for candidates. May I remind you that if you can not attend the next AGM in June, it is very important that you sign a proxy letter, which is given to a member who can attend, so that your vote can be counted. If you require any further information about the AGM, the constitution or the documentation pertaining to this meeting please contact the office or me directly and we will be more than willing to assist you. Thank you for your time and cooperation Angela Bird
Members news May birthdays Nadya Wuisan-Bratanova, 4 May Assia Assenova-Blomsma, 7 May Helena Jakubocyova, 8 May Maya Ash, 11 May Maria Alexiadov, 13 May Suzan Dorul, 20 May Marina Trajanov, 23 May
Call for the IWC General Meeting The Board of the International Women’s Club is calling an Annual General Meeting on Tuesday, 6th June 2017 at 10:30am at Capella Play, Park Center Sofia Mall, 2 Arsenalski blvd., according to article 9e of the IWC constitution, under the following agenda: 1. Election of new members to the Executive Board. Registration for the AGM will start at 10:30am and will end at 11:30am. If there is no quorum the AGM will take place the same day at 12:15 noon in the same place with the same agenda. All written documents related to the suggested voting agenda are available at the IWC office.
My friend Maria Teresa from Venezuela, just left Bulgaria to go with all her family to Switzerland. Actually, as you most probably know, her husband comes from there and they moved back for work reasons. She was here for 5 years. She came with her husband and the 2 girls, Amélie and Lara were born here. She was a really good friend; we spent great times together and some other not so great, but we always laughed a lot. I will keep these good memories forever. Toi Castello
QUILTING BEE TUESDAY 2 MAY Come participate in an American tradition! A quilt is a three-layer blanket made of a top (sewn together in pieces), padding in the middle, and a solid fabric back. These layers are sewn together with small stitches called quilting. In nineteenth-century America, quilting bees (or quilting parties) brought women together to socialize and work on the last part of finishing one woman’s quilt: the quilting. We will continue this American tradition by finishing a quilt to be auctioned at the 2017 IWC Charity Bazaar. (In the interest of time, our quilt will be tied rather than quilted.)
Dear ladies, I would like to organize a patchwork course for beginners, starting in May 2017. All members & friends of the IWC are welcome, no previous experience in sewing necessary. My suggestion is to have a course every Monday from 11am-1pm, this is just a suggestion, we can discuss another time or day depending on the availability of the group. I have found a perfect location and space, which is a lovely coffee shop / book shop (and it’s free!) called + Tova (Plus Tova), the address is 30 Marin Drinov. Please note that lessons itself are free and I will be providing all the materials so you will be able to sew a pillow that you get to keep as a souvenir from the class. Upon the finishing the course we will have an exhibition in the club to show our handy work and creativity. Please contact me for further information and for your interest to join the class.
Best, Dusica Trkulja
Ongoing activities * Enquiries * 1. Would anyone like to be the contact for the Golf club? Regrettably the persons who use to manage this group is no longer able to. It would be unfortunate to remove this interesting sport from our ongoing activities. Please contact Nadya Wuisan-Bratanova ( 2. Anyone has a successful/regular/ongoing club or group you want to share with us? Anything that could be beneficial for our members and one that can be a great addition for our “Ongoing Activities”? Please contact Nadya Wuisan-Bratanova ( Thank you.
Weekly at 10.30 every Tuesday -we meet. Please contact Becky Faber for location - the teachers/ tutors are all wonderful Bulgarian friends from IWC who you respect and know. Don't be afraid! Come join us! Zapovyaday!! Jane by e mail: Becky by email:
Book Club Members read one book a month, and then get together to discuss the book (discussions are in English and are usually very fun and lively). We read a variety of fiction and non-fiction books from writers of all nationalities. There is a morning meeting once a month on Friday. For more information contact: Sonya Petrova:
Hiking Club The hiking group is an energetic group of dedicated hikers who head up to Vitosha and the surrounding mountains every Friday. We usually meet at 9 am at Fantastico in Dragelevtsi. An email is sent to all hikers every Wednesday with more specific plans and this often includes different meeting points. A typical hike will bring us back to our meeting point at 2 or 3. For more information please write to Bistra Karakoleva (** NEW
Bridge The bridge group is renewing its playing sessions once a week starting from April as the private bridge club ”King of clubs” is not open during morning hours any more. Interested members are invited to play bridge with us. A place of the meeting will be fixed for each session. There is an English-speaking group and a French-speaking group. For more information contact Diana Kolarova:, 0888 423 150 or Marieta Neykova:, 0889 84 93 54.
Bootcamp We are an English language OUTDOOR exercise group.We meet every Tuesday (bootcamp) and Thursday (pilates/ yoga) at 10.30 am. In the warmer months we do our trainings at the park behind PCS (Park Center Sofia) mall. In colder months/unsuitable weather, we train at the 360 Health Club in Park Center Sofia (top floor). Motivated by an expert instructor, we spend up to 1 hour of great workout with plenty encouragement and support to reach our fitness goals while enjoying exercise in a group atmosphere. Any level welcome! Contact Nadya Wuisan-Bratanova at for more information.
Patchwork Group The group meets every Monday from 10:00am 12:00pm at Dusica Trkulja’s apartment. The address is Evlogy Georgiev 99, floor 6, apartment 27. Interested ladies are welcome to bring ideas, patterns, and materials. For more information, please contact Dusica Trkulja on her landline: 02 9800948.
English Conversation Group We are five native English speakers who take it in turns to lead a weekly conversation group every Thursday from 10:30 AM–12:30 PM. Different venues and topics are chosen every week. All members and all levels are welcome. If you would like to join the sessions, please e-mail Lisa Freij at
Tennis A group of members are starting to regularly play tennis together. We are of mixed ability and if you wish to join us or get on the regular emailing list then please contact Teodora Petrova on 0888495066 or her email on
Spanish Conversation Group
Tuesday Playgroup
Everybody who wants to practice and improve her Spanish is welcome to our weekly meetings. Also, if you are already fluent in Spanish or if you are a native speaker and you would like to participate, please contact Sory Jan by email:
Mums and dads with babies, toddlers and small children, please come along to our weekly playgroup! We meet every Wednesday at 10am, at someone's home or in a park or play centre. It's a great opportunity to meet new people (some of us have lived in Sofia for many years so are great sources of advice and information too), and for the children to make friends. It's totally free and there is no obligation to host, so please do come and join us! For more information or to be added to the mailing list, please email
Bulgarian Conversation Group (NEW!!) Five Native Bulgarian speakers joined to form a conversation group by special request - - just for you to grow and increase and to practice your B U L G A R I A N!
May events Let’s get together and join us for this month lunch at this vibrant new restaurant in Sofia!
Tue, 2nd May: Quilting Bee Time Location Fee RSVP by RSVP to
: 10:00 – 13:00 : Home of Nicole Simmons Ulitsa Veliko Tarnovo 18 : Free : Mon, 1st May :
Tue, 23rd May: In Celebration of Spring; Lunch at Katayoun’s Time Location
: TBA : Home of Katayoun Royen Nearby Ring Mall (Address will be emailed to participants) Fee : TBA Min / Max : TBA RSVP by : Thu, 18th May
Come participate in an American Tradition! A quilt is a three layer blanket made of a top (sewn together in pieces), padding in the middle, and a solid fabric back. These layers are sewn together with small stiches called quilting. In nineteenth century America, quilting bees (or quilting parties) brought women together to socialize and work on the last part of finishing one woman’s quilt: the quilting. We will continue this American tradition by finishing a quilt to be auctioned at the 2017 IWC Charity Bazaar. (In the interest of time, our quilt will be tied rather than quilted)
Who could forget the spectacular lunch Katayoun Royen hosted us last year at her wonderful home. This year, she opens her door once more in celebration of spring and warm weather! For those who were lucky enough last year to attend to Katayoun’s shindig, the Middle Eastern (Afghanistan) dishes she specially prepared for us, was out of this world!
Donations is welcome. Tea/coffee & light refreshments served. When you RSVP to Sunny please send your full name as in your ID. Bring along your ID as you will need it to pass the security.
We are sure this year she will continue to dazzle us with delightful presentation and splendid cuisine. Wear something lose (you have been warned!).
Thu, 18th May: Monthly Lunch in Wagamama
Time Location
Fee Min / Max RSVP by
Sat, 27th May: Charity Project Dryanovo
: 12:30 : Wagamama Restaurant Ul. Uzundzhovska 7-9 : - : - : Mon, 15th May
Time Location
: 07:00 – 20:00 : Dryanovo Town Meet at the Alexander Nevski Cathedral parking Fee : Free event, own expenses Max : - RSVP by : Mon, 22nd May
Wagamama is hugely popular international restaurant group that’s known for it’s fresh, nutritious celebration of Asian cuisine, which has proven to be a hit with customers across the world.
As part of the project the Charity Foundation of IWC is planning to supervise the Campaign by visiting the Volunteer bike repairment process on May 27th in Dryanovo’s town. IWC members are very welcome to join the visit as this will be an opportunity to meet the people engage in the campaign and to supervise the process of repairment. The departure will be in early morning – 7AM from the parking of Alexander Nevski Cathedral, the return to Sofia will be in not later than 8PM.
Wagamama has a menu consisting of a variety of rice and noodle dishes, such as its famous ramens, curries and salads, as well as a range of side dishes, desserts and fresh juices, all of which prepared in an open kitchen, which forms the heart of the eatery. The restaurant’s interior design is modern, distinctive and it features wagamama’s signature style. 21
:IMPORTANT NOTE: Due to a growing concern of last minute non-attendance, a deposit is required from all members and guests attending events/activities with a cost involved. In some cases deposit may be forfeited in the case of nonattendance. Without deposit, your participation is unaccounted. Deposit could be paid at the monthly coffee morning or transferred to: Charity Foundation of the International Women’s Club-Sofia IBAN: BG78 TTBB 9400 1525 1794 52 BIC: TTBBBG22 Bank: SOCIETE GENERALE EXPRESSBANK When you transfer the money please make sure you put a subject of the event’s name and date. We appreciate there may be times when unforeseen circumstances mean you cannot attend pre-booked activities or events. Should this occur you should notify us, giving at least 4 days notice in order that we can try to re-allocate your place to another member and give your deposit back. Matters concerning events and appointments please email to or by telephoning 0879119150.
May 2017 calendar
10.00: Quilting Bee
12.30: Wagamama lunch
TBC: Spring lunch
7.00: Charity trip to Dryanovo