November 2014

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November 2014


of the International Women’s Club in Sofia

Charity updates: Siyanie homes Mizia food drive

Bulgarian National Revival Day

Bazaar 2014 needs YOU! Stallholders wanted.

From the origins of Thanksgiving

Next Monthly Coffee Morning:Tuesday, 2nd December at Matti-d 1


Letter from the President


Welcome to the November edition of our newsletter. I am writing this as snow is forecast to fall in Sofia this weekend. I’ve never had snow on my birthday before, so that would be a first! What bizarre weather we have had this year. Whatever happens, keep safe and warm. Our thanks to The Bra Clinic who gave us a fabulous presentation at our last coffee morning. We in turn donated almost BGN200 to the charity they support as a direct result of our raffle and I know they were delighted by that and the response they had from the ladies who attended at Matti-d’. For those of you who have not already checked out our new look website please have a look. Not least of which, you will find our newsletter there in electronic form in full, fabulous colour. It is too expensive for us to have hard copies printed in colour but the difference it makes to the overall look of the magazine is amazing, so take a peek! This month I have been helping to raise funds for one of the charities we support – For Our Children Foundation – and at the same time raise the profile of the IWC in the business community, by singing in a charity event with the professional Bulgarian jazz singer Vasil Petrov. I’m used to singing light opera and choral music so this style was totally outside my comfort zone! However, I think we did a good job and hopefully the video will be available soon so we can put it on our website so you can judge. Between all of us who were involved we helped raise BGN87,000 on the night for this excellent cause. Please can you note that a non-refundable deposit is definitely required if you wish to attend the monthly lunch as we have had so many people drop out at the last minute over the last few months that it has put us in a difficult situation with some restaurants. A very successful second stall-holders meeting was held at the British residence. Our thanks to Liz Allen who hosted the event and allowed us to hold it in her home. We hope to see you all at the Turkish residence for the 3rd and final stall-holders meeting and that all your preparations for the bazaar are going smoothly. We still need people to lead some of the IWC stalls including the clothes stall. Please speak to Maria Ilieva or the Bazaar Team if you think you can help. Happy November everyone!


President Lynne Godding 0879 119 152/ 0887641295 Vice-President Maria Naslednikova 0879 119 150

Treasurer Sibeal Reynolds 0879 506 800/ 0878 741 888 Charity Chairperson Maria Ilieva 0878 300 561/ 0879 119 154 Bazaar Coordinator Angela Bird 0879 506 799

Our Board International Women’s Club Business Park Sofia, Building 11A, 3rd floor Elitsa Lingorski, Office Manager/ Newsletter Editor: Zdravka Tsvetanova, Office Assistant tel.: 02 951 6117 “Like” IWC on Facebook and check our website

Cover photo: Katarzyna Lason, IWC Charity Bazaar 2013


We appreciate your support Thank you Wonder Group for looking regularly after our children during coffee mornings!

Permanent and Waterproof PRINT on LIVE ROSES

Club policy Smoking Please note that all IWC Coffee Mornings are non-smoking. Bulgarian Applicants Unfortunately, due to a lack of available spaces, new Bulgarian applicants will be added to the waiting list, until further notice Language Don’t let a lack of fluency in English keep you from attending the monthly coffee mornings and other club activities. Many of our members speak other languages. Remember, we are an international club, and we are here to support you. You’re welcome at any time. Suggestion Box The suggestion box is always available at the members’ sign-in table. Feel free to write your ideas, concerns, complaints, and suggestions to the IWC Board and drop them in the box. Because you’re important to us, we want to hear from you. IWC Visitors Policy The IWC doors are open to visitors throughout the year. Visitors are welcome to attend up to

two coffee mornings and two activities prior to applying for membership. A 15 BGN fee is payable upon registration at the sign-in table during the coffee morning. For more information, please contact the Member-ship Coordinator at Use of IWC Logo The Board has established the following policy for the use of the IWC logo and brand name. In order to prevent any misuse. 1.Written Permission must be requested from the Board a minimum of 2 weeks prior to event; 2. The partnering organization/company should be in good standing in the community; 3. The event should seek to pursue the goals of the IWC; 4. No third-party usage will be permitted. An agreement will be signed between IWC and partner organization; 5. The Logo may be used only for the agreed event and for specified time period.

Notable dates and religious festivals

1st November, Bulgarian National Revival Day

On November 1, Bulgaria celebrates a national holiday to honor and remember those visionaries who did so much to establish a sense of national pride and to lay the foundation for Bulgarian liberation. The holiday was declared official in 1922, but was suspended in 1945 after Bulgaria came under Communist rule, as part of the former Soviet Union. After the dissolution of the Soviet Union, celebration was resumed in 1990 and made official again in 1995. Across Bulgaria, Leaders of the Bulgarian National Revival Day, sometimes called National Enlighteners Day, is an occasion to pay tribute to all those committed to culture and education. It is traditionally a day to give awards to outstanding teachers, actors, and artists of all sorts. Since the 1930s, it has been a tradition in cities and towns throughout the country to hold parades honoring students and teachers. In the capital city of Sofia, the parade progresses beneath huge portraits of those leaders who nourished Bulgaria’s cultural rebirth.


Guidelines for Paid Advertisement 1. Priority for any vacant advertising spaces will be given first to IWC members, then to outside advertisers. 2. Advertisers are welcome to run or extend their advertisements for a period of six months. After that time, if there is a waiting list for advertise-ments of that size, the situation will be reviewed, and priority for available spaces will be given to (a) IWC members; (b) new advertisers; (c) existing advertisers. The same order of priority will apply to smaller ad space that may become available. 3. There is no waiting list for advertisements of a given size, the current advertiser may extend their advertisement for the contract period of their choice. 4. These guidelines may be revised at any time with the agreement of the IWC Board. 5. Paid advertisers are not endorsed by the IWC.

Notable dates and religious festivals

6th November, Sangha Day, Buddist

Sangha Day is the second most important Buddhist festival. It is a celebration in honour of the Sangha, or the Buddhist community. For some Buddhists Sangha refers only to monks and nuns. It is a chance for people to reaffirm their commitment to Buddhist practices and traditions. Sangha Day commemorates the spontaneous gathering of 1,250 enlightened monks (arahants) to hear the Buddha preach at Veluvana Vihara. At this gathering, the Buddha gave his first sermon, or recitation of the Patimokkha (the rules and regulations of the monastic order). Sangha is the term used for the Buddhist spiritual community. On Sangha Day Buddhists celebrate both the ideal of creating a spiritual community, and also the actual spiritual community which they are trying to create. The Sangha is precious in Buddhism as without those in the community to look up to or share aspirations with, the spiritual life would be very challenging.

Sangha Day is a traditional time for exchange of gifts; it has become a prominent festival among Western Buddhists even though it is less well known in the East. Celebrations vary, but can include chanting, meditation, the lighting of oil lamps, and the reaffirmation of people's commitment to Buddhist practice.

30th November, Advent, Christian

Advent is the beginning of the Church Year for most churches in the Western tradition. It begins on the fourth Sunday before Christmas Day, which is the Sunday nearest November 30, and ends on Christmas Eve (Dec 24). If Christmas Eve is a Sunday, it is counted as the fourth Sunday of Advent, with Christmas Eve proper beginning at sundown.

8th November, Ashura, Islamic

Ashura ceremonies mark the death in battle of Imam Hussein, grandson of the Prophet Muhammad. The day of Ashura is marked by Muslims as a whole, but for Shia Muslims it is a major religious commemoration of the martyrdom at Karbala of Hussein, a grandson of the Prophet Muhammad. It falls on the 10th of Muharram, the first month of the Islamic lunar calendar.

The word Advent means "coming" or "arrival." The focus of the entire season is the celebration of the birth of Jesus the Christ in his First Advent, and the anticipation of the return of Christ the King in his Second Advent. Thus, Advent is far more than simply marking a 2,000 year old event in history. It is celebrating a truth about God, the revelation of God in Christ whereby all of creation might be reconciled to God. That is a process in which we now participate, and the consummation of which we anticipate. Scripture reading for Advent will reflect this emphasis on the Second Advent, including themes of accountability for faithfulness at His coming, judgment on sin, and the hope of eternal life.

It is marked by Muslims with a voluntary day of fasting which commemorates the day Noah left the Ark, and the day that Moses was saved from the Egyptians by God. For Shia Muslims, Ashura is a solemn day of mourning the martyrdom of Hussein in 680 AD at Karbala in modern-day Iraq. It is marked with mourning rituals and passion plays re-enacting the martyrdom. Shia men and women dressed in black also parade through the streets slapping their chests and chanting. Some Shia men seek to emulate the suffering of Hussein by flagellating themselves with chains or cutting their foreheads until blood streams from their bodies. Some Shia leaders and groups discourage the bloodletting, saying it creates a backward and negative image of Shia Muslims. Such leaders encourage people to donate blood.

In this double focus on past and future, Advent also symbolizes the spiritual journey of individuals and a congregation, as they affirm that Christ has come, that He is present in the world today, and that He will come again in power. That acknowledgment provides a basis for Kingdom ethics, for holy living arising from a profound sense that we live "between the times" and are called to be faithful stewards of what is entrusted to us as God’s people. So, as the church celebrates God’s inbreaking into history in the Incarnation, and anticipates a future consummation to that history for which "all creation is groaning awaiting its redemption," it also confesses its own responsibility as a people commissioned to "love the Lord your God with all your heart" and to "love your neighbor as yourself."

The killing of Hussein was an event that led to the split in Islam into two main sects - Sunnis and Shias. In early Islamic history the Shia were a political faction (known as the "party of Ali") that supported Ali, son-in-law of the Prophet Mohammed and the fourth caliph (temporal and spiritual ruler) of the Muslim community. The great schism between Sunnis and Shias occurred when Imam Ali did not succeed as leader of the Islamic community at the death of the Prophet. Ali was murdered in AD 661 and his chief opponent Muawiya became caliph. Caliph Muawiya was later succeeded by his son Yazid, but Ali's son Hussein refused to accept his legitimacy and fighting between the two resulted. Hussein and his followers were massacred in battle at Karbala. Both Ali's and Hussein's deaths gave rise to the Shia cult of martyrdom and to their sense of betrayal and struggle against injustice, oppression and tyranny.

Advent is marked by a spirit of expectation, of anticipation, of preparation, of longing. There is a yearning for deliverance from the evils of the world, first expressed by Israelite slaves in Egypt as they cried out from their bitter oppression. It is the cry of those who have experienced the tyranny of injustice in a world under the curse of sin, and yet who have hope of deliverance by a God who has heard the cries of oppressed slaves and brought deliverance!,


From the origins of Thanksgiving - the Mayflower In September 1620, a merchant ship called the Mayflower set sail from Plymouth, a port on the southern coast of England. Typically, the Mayflower’s cargo was wine and dry goods, but on this trip the ship carried passengers: 102 of them, all hoping to start a new life on the other side of the Atlantic. Nearly 40 of these passengers were Protestant Separatists–they called themselves “Saints”–who hoped to establish a new church in the New World. Today, we often refer to the colonists who crossed the Atlantic on the Mayflower as “Pilgrims.” Pilgrims Before the Mayflower In 1608, a congregation of disgruntled English Protestants from the village of Scrooby, Nottinghamshire, left England and moved to Leyden, a town in Holland. These “Separatists” did not want to pledge allegiance to the Church of England, which they believed was nearly as corrupt and idolatrous as the Catholic Church it had replaced, any longer. (They were not the same as the Puritans, who had many of the same objections to the English church but wanted to reform it from within.) The Separatists hoped that in Holland, they would be free to worship as they liked.

The Mayflower Compact After two miserable months at sea, the ship finally reached the New World. There, the Mayflower’s passengers found an abandoned Indian village and not much else. They also found that they were in the wrong place: Cape Cod was located at 42 degrees north latitude, well north of the Virginia Company’s territory. Technically, the Mayflower colonists had no right to be there at all. In order to establish themselves as a legitimate colony (“Plymouth,” named after the English port from which they had departed) under these dubious circumstances, 41 of the Saints and Strangers drafted and signed a document they called the Mayflower Compact. This Compact promised to create a “civil Body Politick” governed by elected officials and “just and equal laws.” It also swore allegiance to the English king.

The Separatists who founded the Plymouth Colony referred to themselves as “Saints,” not “Pilgrims.” The use of the word “Pilgrim” to describe this group did not become common until the colony’s bicentennial. In fact, the “Saints” did find religious freedom in Holland, but they also found a secular life that was more difficult to navigate than they’d anticipated. For one thing, Dutch craft guilds excluded the migrants, so they were relegated to menial, low-paying jobs. Even worse was Holland’s easygoing, cosmopolitan atmosphere, which proved alarmingly seductive to some of the Saints’ children. (These young people were “drawn away,” Separatist leader William Bradford wrote, “by evill [sic] example into extravagance and dangerous courses.”) For the strict, devout Separatists, this was the last straw. They decided to move again, this time to a place without government interference or worldly distraction: the “New World” across the Atlantic Ocean.

Plymouth Colony and the First Thanksgiving The colonists spent the first winter, which only 53 passengers and half the crew survived, living onboard the Mayflower. (The Mayflower sailed back to England in April 1621.) Once they moved ashore, the colonists faced even more challenges. During their first winter in America, more than half of the Plymouth colonists died from malnutrition, disease and exposure to the harsh New England weather. In fact, without the help of the area’s native people, it is likely that none of the colonists would have survived. An English-speaking Pawtuxet named Samoset helped the colonists form an alliance with the local Wampanoags, who taught them how to hunt local animals, gather shellfish and grow corn, beans and squash. At the end of the next summer, the Plymouth colonists celebrated their first successful harvest with a three-day festival of thanksgiving. We still commemorate this feast today.

The Mayflower First, the Separatists returned to London to get organized. A prominent merchant agreed to advance the money for their journey. The Virginia Company gave them permission to establish a settlement, or “plantation,” on the East Coast between 38 and 41 degrees north latitude (roughly between the Chesapeake Bay and the mouth of the Hudson River). And the King of England gave them permission to leave the Church of England, “provided they carried themselves peaceably.” In August 1620, a group of about 40 Saints joined a much larger group of (comparatively) secular colonists–“Strangers,” to the Saints–and set sail from England on two merchant ships: the Mayflower and the Speedwell. The Speedwell began to leak almost immediately, however, and the ships headed back to port. The travelers squeezed themselves and their belongings onto the Mayflower and set sail once again.

Eventually, the Plymouth colonists were absorbed into the Puritan Massachusetts Bay Colony. Still, the Mayflower Saints and their descendants remained convinced that they alone had been specially chosen by God to act as a beacon for Christians around the world. “As one small candle may light a thousand,” Bradford wrote, “so the light here kindled hath shone to many, yea in some sort to our whole nation.”

Because of the delay caused by the leaky Speedwell, the Mayflower had to cross the Atlantic at the height of storm season. As a result, the journey was horribly unpleasant. Many of the passengers were so seasick they could scarcely get up, and the waves were so rough that one “Stranger” was swept overboard and drowned. (It was “the just hand of God upon him,” Bradford wrote later, for the young sailor had been “a proud and very profane yonge man.”)


Charity update In kind donation drive to the town of Mizia The town of Mizia was one of the places that suffered a lot during the major floods this year. Many people lost their homes and belongings and practically have to start their lives from scratch. As a socially responsible organisation, IWC helped the needy with emergency relief including food, clothing, household goods and more. Here is the place to thank all club members who brought products on 7th October during our monthly meeting and for those who donated clothes and other items during the following week. Special thanks to Mrs.Rossi Ivanova, member of IWC-Sofia and owner of ABC Kindergarten. Mrs. Ivanova contacted the charity team in the early days of September with a proposal for such a campaign and meanwhile organised a food drive in her kindergarten. The donations were delivered to the town of Mizia and are in the process of distribution among residents in need.

Charity trip to family-type homes “Siyanie” situated in the town of Kyustendil Over the years IWC-Sofia, established a very good partnership with the Cedar Foundation through the financial support to one of the projects, which Cedar is currently working on. Family-type homes “Siyanie” are situated in the town of Kyustendil and are accommodating 24 children and young adults with intellectual and physical difficulties. They provide a 24-hour residential care and support the social integration of the residents who used to live in an old, dilapidating and isolated institution in the remote village of Gorna Koznitsa. The main purpose of the Family-type homes “Siyanie” is to enhance the social integration of the children and young adults with special needs by providing opportunities for them to attend Day care centres, schools and community centers. As part of our charity work, the team took a trip to Kyustendil to supervise the current progress of this project. The visit was attended by Maria Ilea – Charity Chairperson, Asya Alexandrova and Svetlana Yanakieva – both Charity team members, Angela Bird – Bazaar Coordinator and IWC members Tatiana Aslanoglou and Lili Borisova. All of us were impressed by the conditions in which children live and the care they are receiving. They take care of animals and grow plants in the garden and greenhouse, as part of the therapy. The visit ended with lunch and a cultural visit to the museum of Vladimir Dimitrov - Maistora, where we were able to see the paintings of one of the most talented and famous Bulgarian artists.

The Charity team is growing IWC’s initiative ‘JOB APPLICANTS URGENTLY REQUIRED’ for volunteer support of the charity has had very positive results. Five lovely ladies, members of IWC are interested to support the Charity team in their work. Desi, Tatiana, Lyudmila, Christina and Elena thank you for your enthusiasm!

Maria Ilieva


Charity Bazaar 2014 update The Bazaar organisation is well and truly underway with 49 stalls already registered, a very successful Stallholder meeting was held courtesy of the British Ambassador's wife, Mrs Liz Allen at their residence.

Registered Stalls

Dates for your diary

As well as our own IWC Stalls and various charitable organisation stalls, the following nationality stalls have been registered for the 20th Annual Charity Bazaar:

Wednesday, 12th November

Argentina, Armenia, Austria, Belgium, Belarus, Bulgaria, China, Colombia, Czech & Slovak Stall, Germany, Dominican Republic, Egypt, Greece, Indonesia, Ireland, Iran, Italy, Israel, Japan, Kazakhstan, Republic of Korea, Lebanon, Lithuania, Mexico, Moldova, Morocco, Netherlands, Nordic Baltic Stall, Pakistan, Philippines, Palestine, Russia, Republic of Seychelles, South Africa, Switzerland, Turkey, Vietnam, United Kingdom, United States of America.

10:00am: Stallholder visit to the Inter Expo Centre If you are a stallholder, please confirm your attendance for this visit to Toi Castello on

Thursday, 20th November 10:00am: Final Stallholder Meeting The Final Stalholder Meeting will be at The Turkish Ambassador's residence. We would like to thank the Turkish Ambassador's wife, Mrs Süleyman Gökçe for hosting our final stallholder meeting. Please confirm your attendance to Toi Castello.

If you intend to participate and have not registered your stall yet, please contact our Stallholder Coordinator, Toi Castello as soon as possible.

Charity Bazaar team Toi Castello Stallholder Coordinator 0879 119 151, 0882 008 518

Angela Bird Bazaar Coordinator 0879 506 799

Sandra Topalska Team Assistant

0888 910 763

Bogdana Angelova Entertainment 0889 623 566

Johanna Alcantara Post-bazaar cocktail: 0884 192 407

Elisaveta Petrusheva PR and media 0898 707 777

Sh​endzhan Yusufova, Assistant Bazaar Coordinator 0894 633 375

Albena Berova-Matova Volunteers Coordinator 0888 511 519

Emilia Slavov Floor plan 0898 477 170

Nara Vasconcelos Ticket sales 0888 010860


Elitsa Lingorski Logo ' s and donor contracts 02 9516117

IWC Stalls If you have donations for any of the IWC Stalls below, please contact the stallholder for details:

Patchwork & Handicrafts

Toy Stall


Dusica Trkulja:, 0885 019 680

Elena Zlatareva:, 0899 933 847

Asya Alexandrova:

International Bake Stall

Book Stall

Albena Berova-Matova:, 0888 511 519

Sonya Petrova:, 0885 432 986

!! Tombola We are looking for a STALLHOLDER for the Tombola as well as any items you would like to donate. For more information please contact Angela Bird on or 0879 506 799

!! We need a STALLHOLDER for the Clothes Stall and volunteers to help on the day. We have a team already collecting, sorting and preparing clothes for the stall but we require someone to set up and oversee the stall and volunteers on the day. Fancy running a clothes shop for the day? This is your chance! You and your friends can organise our very popular clothes stall! Please contact Angela Bird or 0879506 799 !!

noVelopes by Tory Priestly !

Who are you raising money for and why?

I am raising money for one of the IWC-backed charities - the Baba Project. The Baba Project aims to ensure that children in social homes consistently receive love and attention from a baba, or grandmother figure. In doing so, the project engages women within the community and enables them to earn a small income. IWC Sofia specifically supports the social home for children and young people in the village of Petrovo. There are lots of charities that are commendable and deserving of support, so the question 'why?' is an important one (a plug for the IWC Charity Committee, if you are interested). Human interactions experienced during childhood, particularly between 0-3yrs, are crucial, not only to individual wellbeing, but to the health of societies (heavy stuff). The TED talk by Georgette Mulheir emphasises that children should not spend any time in social homes. While this must be the ultimate aim, I believe that the Baba Project serves as a cost-effective way to improve wellbeing for those that still are.


What are noVELOPEs?

A few years ago I decided to make Christmas cards (many of us have been there), but soon realised that I had no envelopes. A bit of origami and lots of tenacity later, noVELOPEs were born. It seemed a more marketable name than 'card without an envelope'. Children at ABC KinderCare have produced the great designs for noVELOPEs ― a big thank you to them and fellow IWC member Ms. Rossi.


What are you hoping to achieve?

ALL profit raised from the sale of noVELOPEs goes directly to the IWC and on to the Petrovo Baba Project. So far, 1050 BGN has been raised, but the aim is 2000 BGN. You can track our progress on Facebook.


How do you think that we can help?

Buy Buy Buy (please)! A set of 5 noVELOPEs, with 5 different designs, costs 10 BGN and will pay for 2 children to have a Baba for 2 days. The cards will be available at the next IWC


coffee morning and at the Serdika Centre Bra Clinic from early November. You can also LIKE noVELOPEs on Facebook to help spread the word. There is a long list of IWC-backed charities, from soup kitchens and physiotherapists to breast screening and a heating installation project. Like all of us I wanted to contribute while I am here in Bulgaria but have limited time and terrible baking skills ― noVELOPEs was my answer. If you have your own idea, please speak to our Charity Chairperson, Maria ( Perhaps a photography competition, sponsored hike across the Rila mountain range, Christmas gift wrapping service or an IWC version of the ice-bucket challenge!

Tory Priestly

Social Centre Rojdestvo Hristovo The Rojdestvo Hristovo foundation was created to provide material, moral and social support to disadvantaged women. Single mothers are the target beneficiaries of the foundation, along with: mothers with many children; mothers of adopted children; mothers who have suffered from abuse; mothers of sick children; mothers with physical or psychological illnesses; and girls who have been in orphanage. Their aim is to empower women by helping them to develop life management skills. A personalised programme is developed to address each individual’s needs. In addition, mothers are given the opportunity to participate in the craft workshop at our social centre, where they can work according to their interest and abilities. In this friendly environment, the mothers experience work therapy, as well as earning a modest income. Part time work is offered to all women who visit the centre, according to their abilities – often they have many talents; they might be unemployed interpreters, teachers, musicians, artists or even tailors. Mothers with young children or health problems are given the opportunity to do simple work like sewing and embroidering in their own homes. In addition, the Rojdestvo Hristovo foundation give maximal and unconditional help and support to women in crisis situations and support girls leaving social homes with temporary shelter and a job. Their team always cooperates with the local administration and the Social Assistance Directorate in order to address the problems that mothers face. Over the past 16 years, Rojdestvo Hristovo’s social centre has helped more than 500 mothers, over 70 of whom have achieved good material and social status. 6 mothers became members of the staff at the Rojdestvo Hristovo centre. Recently, the social centre began to offer teaching and work at home for women who would like to learn to make souvenirs out of felt. If you are interested in this opportunity, please join us for the felt workshop on 24th November.


October highlights Newcomers Coffee Morning The Newcomers October Coffee Morning was no crowded affair. A very lively group of only five of us formed though - Maria Naslednikova, Genevieve Hauser, the wife of new Austrian Ambassador, Katherine Passler of the Austrian embassy, Petia Videnov - new IWC member from New Zealand and myself. We had a genuinely friendly talk over a cup of coffee, as we sat outside and enjoyed a very crisp and fresh Friday morning. Time flew by indeed very quickly and an hour or so later part of the group amalgamated into a larger gathering of Sofia Accueil.

Quiz Night

Friday 24th October saw the return of the British Ambassador's Annual Quiz Night at the British Residence. 16 teams squeezed into the ball room and fought fiercely for the grand prize - some shiny medals, fizzy wine and the respect of the crowd. Players returning from previous years won't have been surprised by the references to Nottingham Forest Football Club or the grand finale 'hat game' - a true test of determination to win, if not the most accurate measure of general knowledge! Quizmasters Jonathan Allen and Roy Godding put together an excellent evening and we are all grateful to everyone who worked hard to make such a wonderful event for IWC charities, fun and friends. The current estimate of money raised is 3000 leva. Thank you!

Dorothy Tomalin

IWC ladies were among the guest of Tedak Siten Ceremony at Indonesian residence On October 21st, 2014 the Indonesian residence organized a Tedak Siten Ceremony or Ritual of Stepping Foot on Earth. Tedak Siten is a traditional Javanese ceremony performed by a married couple for their first child. This unique ceremony is held when the baby reaches the age of "tujuh lapan" (7 x 38 days), alternately, when a baby learns how to walk. The meaning of this special ceremony is to introduce a child for the first time to the land (or soil) in the hope that the child will be able to stand independently through life's low and high notes.

Maria Ilieva 11

October highlights

Second Stallholders’ Meeting

The Residence of the British Ambassador H.E. Jonathan Allen opened its doors for the 2nd Stallholders’ Meeting of the Annual Charity Bazaar organised by the International Women’s Club. The delightful Liz Allen, wife of the Ambassador, welcomed the guests with traditional English tea, coffee and scrumptious homemade flapjack. 69 people attended the meeting and had the opportunity to hand in their registration forms and discuss the organisation and logistics of their stalls. Charity Chairperson Maria Ilieva presented the charitable causes of the IWC and talked about individual progress of projects and the difference which the funds raised during the Bazaar have made. 50 Stalls have already registered, with more to come. It looks like another very promising Bazaar season for the IWC…

Elitsa Lingorski

Women’s Market Visit

Meeting outside the Sheraton in the Autumn sunshine, our Bulgarian speakers chatted briefly with a passing Charlie Chaplin before we all set off on the 5 minute walk to the Women's Market (Zhenski Pazar) located along ul. Stefan Stambolov. On our way we passed through ul. Tsar Simeon, where it seemed every other shop was filled with enticing Arabic foods and wares. I had visited the Women's Market on numerous occasions before it was closed for renovations and I was eager, if a little apprehensive, to see the changes that had been made. The renovation is truly amazing, it has changed beyond all recognition and although it must be a vast improvement for those working and living here, I have to say my heart sank a little, as the place has been transformed from the hustle and bustle, noise and smells of people at work to a much calmer, cleaner and more polished generic market. Having said that we all enjoyed scouring the market stalls for the best raspberries, the most exotic mushrooms and the juiciest tomatoes! Of course I will be back, no where else are you guaranteed to find that one special spice, the vegetable you need for a particular dish or even that one thing you have never seen before, but at that price, you will certainly buy and try! We all drifted off one by one all vowing that we must come together again to shop the delights of the Women's Market together.

Angela Bird


October highlights

Battibaleno Boutique visit On a side street, a 2 minute walk from Girabaldi square is a charming boutique called "Battibaleno". This was the venue for some IWC members to spend a pleasant morning looking, browsing, socialising and shopping in a relaxed and informal atmosphere. Battibaleno is European and has its franchises in the UK, Germany, Greece, France, Hungary, Switzerland and of course Bulgaria. We were greeted with a choice of tea or coffee, water or juice, along with some tasty biscuits and chocolates. If only all shopping experiences were of this standard!! There was no pressure to buy and we all enjoyed looking at the styles, cut and quality on show. The collection we saw was modern, classy and comfortable to wear. A range which all ages, sizes and shapes could wear. I particularly liked their trousers and winter jackets. This boutique at 42 Denkoglu Street is well worth seeing. Thank you to Maria (who was unwell that morning) for organising the visit.

Pamela MacPherson

Dhanvantari Day

Dhanvantari Jayanti, Devam Foundation (Indo-Bulgarian society for arts & Culture) organised for the first time "Dhanvantari Day" in Bulgaria. This is the beginning of the biggest Hindu festival Diwali.The Day is related with Ayurveda, Indian traditional medicine. Dhanvantari is the lord of Ayurveda. So the programme was dedicated to health ,wealth and prosperity. The venue - beautiful gallery TAVANA, owned by Dari and Natali - was decorated with Rangoli, traditional floral designs. The evening started with the sound of Conch and beautiful bulgarian folk song. Beautiful Eli and Vicky presented classical dance Bharatnatyam dedicated to Lord Ganesha and Lord Vishnu. The Rituals for the festival were performed by Dr. Mauna Kaushik and Ms Nevena. Herbs, candle lights, flowers, incense, fruits and sweets were distributed. Dhanvantari mantra was chanted for good health, well being and prosperity. Every one had the opportunity to pray and participate in the rituals.The programme concluded with devotional Indian songs (Kirtan) by Satyam, Lilyana, Lusi, Gambheer, Param, Bilyana and Krishna with original Indian musical instruments like Harmonium, Mradang (Drum), Manjeere. More than 75 people along with IWC members were present to celebrate this auspicious occasion.

Mauna Kaushik


Membership news Birthdays

Welcome to our new members

Seubil Erkol, 1st November

Petya Videnov, New Zealand/Bulgaria

Crona Kane, 4th November

Angela Assed Sharaf, Syria/USA

Maki Miyamoto, 4th November

Keacher Gould, British

Blaga Dimitrova, 5th November

Pamela MacPherson, Scottish

Maria Barmina, 11th November Paromita Sanatani, 15th November

Dieneke Van der Heyde, 19th November Gulnar Aghasiyeva, 25th November Victoria Darlymple, 25th November Meral Luleci, 27th November

Dear Members, We would like to kindly remind you to, please, make sure to re-new your membership for 2014-2015 before end of November. Payments can be made in cash, by bank transfer or with debit/credit card during November Coffee Morning. You can fill out an application form during the coffee morning or on-line: If you have any questions, please call 02 951 6117 or write to Thank you. from the IWC Board

Ongoing activities Sandra Guilder at Anyone interested in starting/joining other local groups, please contact Maria Naslednikova at

Charity Action Group The group meets once a quarter to discuss new charity projects, the progress of ongoing projects, and the finances of the Charity Foundation. Part of the follow-up is frequent visits to these projects. If you want to make a difference and contribute something please join us! The date and place of the next meeting is published in the monthly newsletter & on the website. Contact Maria Ilieva on 0878 300 561 or at

Architecture/Archaeology/History Club Calling all history buffs, and anyone else who is interested in exploring the rich culture and architecture of modern and ancient Bulgaria! The group meets once a month for walks around town or to visit museums, attend lectures, go on trips outside Sofia, etc. The cost of the trips will be divided amongst the members. The time and day of the week will be determined depending on all the group members’ convenience. Sign up at the Monthly Coffee Morning. For information contact: Lyuba Boianin at

Newcomers’ Coffee Morning Newcomers get togethers are usually organised once a month or as required. They are smaller gatherings, often in members homes, where it is easier to talk to others and to find out what the club is all about and what it can offer you. The date of the next such meeting is in the calendar at the back of this newsletter. For more information, contact the Vice President Maria Naslednikova at or call her on 0879 119 150.

Bridge Interested members are invited to play bridge. An intermediate/advanced group plays on Thursday mornings at 10:30 am in the “King of Clubs” club, just behind Matti-d. Fee is 5 BGN for the session. There is an English-speaking group and a French-speaking group. For more informa-tion, contact Diana Kolarova at dianakolarova@ or 0888 423 150. We also welcome visitors!

Local Coffee Groups Local coffee gatherings take place in different homes (on a rotating basis) for people who live in the same neighborhood. These get-togethers, at which coffee and snacks are served, enable people to become better acquainted in an intimate atmosphere. The Lozenets Coffee Group is organized by Emilia Slavova ( Please contact her for more information. For more information about the Dragolevski/Simeonovo/Boyana coffee group, please contact

Bulgarian Language Group Elina Kirova is a professional teacher and translator. The Bulgarian conversation or language group meets every Friday from 11:00 AM–12:30 PM at the IWC Office. For further


Ongoing activities details, please contact Elina Kirova at, or sign up at the monthly coffee morning.

French Conversation Group


For more information, contact the Vice President Maria Naslednikova at or call her on 0879 119 150.

Cricket Devam Women's Cricket Club meets every Tuesday and Thursday at 6:00 PM at the National Sports Academy in Student City. If you are interested, contact Mona Kaushik at Age is no barrier! No fee!!! Let’s play cricket!!!

Hiking Club The hiking group is an energetic group of dedicated hikers who head up to Vitosha and the surrounding mountains every Friday. We usually meet at 9 am at Fantastico in Dragelevtsi. An email is sent to all hikers every Wednesday with more specific plans and this often includes different meeting points. A typical hike will bring us back to our meeting point at 2 or 3. For more information or to join the mailing list, please contact Diane Tromans-Berg or 0885 721 841.

English Conversation Group We are five native English speakers who take it in turns to lead a weekly conversation group every Thursday from 10:30 AM–12:30 PM. Different venues and topics are chosen every week. All members and all levels are welcome. If you would like to join the sessions, please e-mail Lynne at


Spanish Conversation Group

Zumba is a Latin-inspired dance fitness program created in Colombia during the 1990s. Get your body ready to Zumba! The classes are taught by instructor Galya, who speaks excellent English, at Stadium Vasil Levski in the city center. Each lesson costs 7 BGN per person. The classes are held on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 11:00 AM–12:00 PM. For more details, you can visit their website at http:// Sign up at the coffee morning or contact Monika Slosarikova at 0877 997 075 or

Everybody who wants to practice and improve her Spanish is welcome to or weekly meetings. Also, if you are already fluent in Spanish or if you are a native speaker and you would like to participate, please contact Toi Castelló on 0882 008 518 or write her an e-mail:

Children’s Dance Classes We are now offering ballet and hip hop dance classes for the children of IWC members. The instructors for the hip hop class are an award-winning and popular team. Every Saturday from 11:00 AM–12:00 noon. And while your kids are enjoying themselves, you can join the Bulgarian folk dance classes! The venue is the Dance Studio, which is centrally located. The address is ul. Skobelev 58. The price is 120 BGN for 4 classes for a group of 4 (about 7.5 BGN per class). The price goes down to 7 BGN per class if we have more than 4 kids enrolled. The price includes a bottle of water (0.5 l). For further information, please contact Avantica Shinde Nielsen on her mobiles at 0889 490 646 or e-mail

Henna Indian Body Art Avantica Shinde Nielsen would like to offer classes to our members to share this wonderful traditional Indian art style. Each beginner’s course is 4 weeks, once per week. Day and timings will be decided according to the convenience of the group members. All materials will be provided. For more information and costs, please contact Avantica on her e-mail:

Patchwork Group

Mum and baby play group

The group meets every Monday from 10:00 AM-–12:00 PM at Dusica Trkulja’s apartment. The address is Evlogy Georgiev 99, floor 6, apartment 27. Interested ladies are welcome to bring ideas, patterns, and materials. For more information, please contact Dusica Trkulja on her landline: 02 980 0948.

It meets most Tuesdays at 10am and people take it in turns to host. Please, contact Amy Dincuff at adincuff22@

Toddler music group

Icon Painting Course

This takes place most Mondays at 10.30am., Please contact: Liz Allen at

Bulgaria is famous for its beautiful and colorful Christian icons. Learn to draw and paint your own icons. The classes are taught in English by a professional artist in Boyana. The entire course costs 150 BGN per group of 5 people. The cost of materials will be approx. 30–40 BGN, which is a onetime cost. The time and day of the week will be determined depending on all the group members’ convenience. There is an option for either a morning group or an afternoon group,

Golf We meet every Wednesday and tee off at 10 o'clock, any one interested in playing email Sandra Guilder on or call 0879866790.


Ongoing activities or both. Everyone is welcome! Contact Sory Almonacid de Jan at 0894 716 182/0894 716 182 or (preferably) via e-mail at,

Choir Sofia Ladies International Choir (SLIC) is a ladies four part harmony choir here in Sofia. We sing everything from ancient to modern, sacred to secular and songs from different cultures . Our rehearsals are conducted in English but we have sung in Latin, French, Spanish, Bulgarian and even Korean! Our practices take place in a music studio in Borovo district from 19.30 on a Wednesday evening. We are small but make a good sound and have already performed several short concerts at the Catholic Cathedral and the US Embassy. Our choir director is a Bulgarian/Canadian who is great fun. We are looking for some more good singers. The ability to read music would be an advantage but is not essential. For more info: Lynne Godding at or 0887 641 295 or Daniela Videv at

Sculpture class From copying an antique torso to studying Aphrodite’s head, this course will make you to familiar with classical clay modeling. All tools are provided at the atelier. Your finished art work will be turned into terra cotta (raw or glazed). Costs are 10 Leva per hour, lessons take 3:00 hours with a group of 3 to 5 people. Monday to Friday 9.30 – 13:00 and 12.30 – 16:00 with a lunch brake. Contact Sory Almonacid de Jan on 0894 716 182 or via e-mail at

November events Tuesday, November 4

Tuesday, November 18

10:30am: Monthly Coffee Morning

Charity visit to Petrovo

Please have your renewal memberships ready. You can pay cash or by debit/credit card. If you are unable to come, please pay by bank transfer and fill out the online application form at

For more information, please call Maria Ilieva on 0879 119 154.

Tuesday, November 4

The Final Stalholder Meeting will be at The Turkish Ambassador's residence. We would like to thank the Turkish Ambassador's wife, Mrs Süleyman Gökçe for hosting our final stallholder meeting. Please confirm your attendance to Toi Castello,

Thursday, 20th November

10:00am: Final Stallholder Meeting

6:30pm: Chic & Cozy: Vintage Luxury Item Sale

This event is organised by the Ladies’ Business Forum. You can choose and buy from all donated items - each at a sale price of 100 BGN. The funds raised by the improvised “sale” will be donated to the IWC as their contribution to our charity initiatives. The address is Gamma Design Showroom, 49A, Parchevich St. There will be an Entrance fee: of 25 BGN which includes a glass of Moët and sweet bites. You need to register by November 3rd for this event: http:// For any questions or additional information, please call +359 885 721 709.

Monday, November 24 10:00am - 12:30pm: Felt workshop at Rojdestvo Hristovo On arrival you will be shown around the community support centre for single mothers. After the visit you can learn different techniques for working with felt, while making your own piece which you will be able to take home at the end. The cost will be 15BGN including materials and tuition. The address is: 1324 Sofia, Liulin, Ulitsa Tarnovo No30. Please contact Maria Nas: mob. No 0879 119 150 or 0878 968 010, email

Monday, November 10 9:00am: Christmas Decorations Workshop

Tuesday, November 25

Johanna Alcantara will show how to make Christmas decorations at Sory's place. The cost will be 10BGN and includes materials, drinks and cookies. The participants must bring newspapers and 1 metal clothes hanger. The address is: ulitsa “Professor Vasil Stoin” No:6 (off Simeonovsko Shosse). Please contact Maria Nas: mob. No 0879 119 150 or 0878 968 010, email

12:30am: Monthly Lunch at the Red Rock Restaurant The Red Rock Restaurant, located at the heart of Sofia, aims to bring a fresh approach to dining and partying with a combination of familiar Bulgarian and Irish traditions that will leave guests charmed and delighted. From the delicious, mountainous Baked Trout to the classic Irish Shepherd’s Pie, there is a customary dish for the hungry travelers. Conceived from passion, run by experience – the restaurant welcomes its visitors with enthusiasm and warmth to a place where they will have a great experience to share. Please contact Maria Nas: mob. No 0879 119 150 or 0878 968 010, email

Wednesday, 12th November

10:00am: Stallholder visit to the Inter Expo Centre

If you are a stallholder, please, confirm your attendance for this visit to Toi Castello on

Tuesday, November 18

Friday, November 28

12:00pm - 1:30pm: Yoga Demonstration Sivananda yoga practice for beginners. The practice will be conducted by Erik Papadimitrio (Atmaram). He has been teaching yoga in many countries over the last 20 years. Atmaram has been the director of the Sivananda Yoga Vedanta centers in Montreal, Delhi, Paris, Berlin, Vilnus and Madrid. He also has been teaching numerous Sivananda Teachers Training courses worldwide. Address: Yoga Diwali Centre, 91-93 Vitosha Blvd. Please contact Maria Nas: mob. No 0879 119 150 or 0878 968 010, email

11:30am: Charity Sale at Jadoo boutique, Kempinski The Jadoo Indian Boutique will offer you a unique selection of recently-arrived cashmire shawls, Christmas table-setters and special season Indian Saris. Please contact Maria Nas: mob. No 0879 119 150 or 0878 968 010, email


November calendar

10:30 Monthly Coffee Morning 18:30 Chic & Cozy 9:00 Christmas decoration workshop

10:00 IEC stallholders’ visit

t.b.c.: Charity Visit to Petrovo 12:00 Yoga demonstration 10:00 Felt workshop

10:00 Final stallholders’ meeting

12:30 Monthly lunch

11:30 Charity sale at Jadoo

Announcements Special Offer for IWC Members and friends

New Butcher Shop in the town. Selling excellent calf, veal and lamb meat. Awaiting your orders... 27 A General Iosif Gurko St., +359 2 954 54 57

Dear Ladies, Cases of 12, one litre bottles (equivalent to 17 normal size bottles) delivered to your home for just Euro 56 (BGN 110). This is a discount of about 25% to the price in the supermarket.

We would like to kindly invite you for a preChristmas charity event on 28 November at 11:30am at the Kempinski Hotel Zografski, 100 James Boucher Blvd (main entrance). We would be delighted if you join us for a pre-noon coffee morning with Masalaa tea and French croissants. The Jadoo Indian Boutique will offer you an exquisite and unique selection of recently-arrived cashmere shawls, Christmas table-setters and special season Indian Saris. 15% percent of proceeds raised will be donated to the Charity foundation of IWC Sofia, so a lot of the money you spend will be given to a good cause. We sincerely hope that you can come! Dessislava Sevlievska, member IWC

RSVP: 0897 377 777


Choose from Chardonnay, Rose, Merlot, Cabinet Sauvignon, Cuvee or a “mixed case” To place an order call or email Sandra on 087986670 or

(Payment can be made on delivery).

Announcements My Bulgarian Recipes by Sonja Kapsazov Available now in time for Christmas! Beautifully illustrated, strong new binding and other small revisions. Beautiful full colour illustrations, easy to follow recipes in Bulgarian and English.

n! ditio E New

Price 45 leva Please call Paromita on 0888 408637 to order your copies

Dear Ladies, Stela Hyde-Pironkova is a new member of the IWC who recently arrived from the States. She is a fullyqualified fitness and wellness instructor/consultant with more than ten years of teaching experience with Sport and Health Club fitness centers in Northern Virginia and other facilities in Europe. She holds professional certifications from the USA in Pilates, as well as in Yoga, Core Bare, Balleton and swim instruction, as a former professional swimmer. Stela is experienced in working with people in private and small group classes, targeting athletic conditions, extensive spine, lower back, neck and shoulders issues, posture correction, as well as prenatal and postnatal training. She is currently forming groups at the Kempinski Hotel, but she can be flexible with the time schedule and type of classes. You can reach her on her email ( or on her mobile (087-667-1778) to tell her what might suit you best.

2009 Mercedes Benz A150 for sale! It looks and feels like new and was well perfectly maintained by the original owner and our family. We are including winter tires in the sale so please take a look if you are in the market. Fits 1-2 car seats in the back no problem. Located in the city center and owner can meet you for a test drive anytime prior to my departure on Oct 24th. My husband will be in town until December so after Oct 24th he will be able to show the car to any interested parties.

* only 2 owners (original and our family), original owner drove it very little, it only has around 39,000 km mileage! * bought and maintained at Balkan Star (Bulgaria Mercedes Benz dealer) * automatic drive, like new interior * petrol/gas engine * inspected in May 2014, fully insured through May 2015 * winter tires included!! * 2 sets of keys * English and Bulgarian manuals * Bluetooth for phone so you can talk handsfree etc * 8350 EUR (16,400 BGN)

Denitsa Pettersen has a puppy which, unfortunately, she can no longer look after. It is a cute two month old female German shepherd dog, with all up-to-date vaccinations and an international passport. Denitsa is hoping to be offered at least 150 leva for the puppy, as she has paid a good price for it. Her phone is: 0895 745 034.

Please contact: Heather +359 87 6959476 (inquiries before Oct 24th) Tomi +359 87 8541705 (inquiries after Oct 24th)

Apartment to Let A large and very stylish twobedroom, two-bathroom apartment in the heart of Sofia, overlooking Alexander Nevski Cathedral. High ceilings, beautifully finished, fully furnished, wooden parquet floors, security system, air conditioning and central heating. One month deposit required. Longer let negotiable. Available 1st January 2015. For more information, please call Elitsa Lingorski on 0877 369483.

Hi Ladies,

for SALE!

I am offering lessons in Arabic language. I'm planning to teach you reading, writing and speaking, so if anyone is interested, even if it is only one lady, it’s OK. I'm planning to have the lessons at home in order to teach writing and reading properly. I hope my offer sounds good to many of you.

Italian design Leather Corner Sofa NATUZZI Corner-sofa in beige/light green leather colour, overall dimensions 3,5 m x 2 m. Price: 700 Euro. For further queries and if anyone would like to see it please contact Dusica Trkulja on 0885019680.

Regards, Tulip Al-Azawy,


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What children have in common is that they are different.

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We are too. Highly trained educators. Fluently English speaking staff. From day care to advanced learning programs. Children from 2²6 years old. 16 nationalities. Two different locations: 25 Knyaz Boris I Str., NDK and 27 Hr. Smirnenski Blvd., Lozenets. For more information: Call +359 889 229 666 or visit



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For babies and children, aged from 10 months to 6 years

Dragalevtsi, 14 Paprat Str., Sofia 1415, Bulgaria



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