Chung Yuan Christian University / Architecture / Graduation Design / Layout

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議題切入 : 代謝派(膠囊空間)(可變換替換之概念)(最小個人空間之單元模組) 1939
















(Capsule space)(Replaceable) (Unit module of the smallest personal space)







時間 二戰時期與戰後






●未來都市計畫、都市軸 *滿蒙開拓農業 移民團的計畫

*石川榮耀發表在 雜誌上100尺大道

*廣島和平中心 (現廣島和平紀念公園)




*Pear city(都市演化)




*萬國博覽會雖然成為代謝派的展示舞台,但豐富創 新的設計脫離常民生活,並無法實際解決都市問題。 *70年代日本進入社會轉變期,學生與社會運動日漸 式微。


●大範圍人工地盤、人工土地 *舊東京都廳舍













*Pear city




*萬國博覽會EXPO Tower

*日本在70年代中後出生率開始減少,不再需要大範 圍人工地盤安置大量人口。

大尺寸 大規模

●巨型結構體 *塔狀都市1958


單元太單一, 無法呼應當代 地域性或民族 主義。

*膠囊大樓塔建成後不 久,發展商突然宣佈 破產,膠囊房間可隨 時更換的概念亦因此 無疾而終。

強而大的代表,往天空往海上發展都市規模 ●社區、集合住宅 *麴町計畫





*祕魯低所得集合住宅 (國際指名競圖)


後現代主義開始興起, 中尺寸 中規模

「代謝運動」得不到支持, ●公共建築物 *舊東京都廳舍











小尺寸 小規模

*Sky House(人工地盤) (室內格局與配置可變)



模組化、Portable概念 *海洋都市海原膠囊單元







●預鑄工法 *南極觀測昭和基地



*Takara Beautilion


對現代來講,這種什麼機能都塞的膠囊屋或許不是最佳解 *千葉中央圖書館(模組梁柱)




*Takara Beautilion




*Takara Beautilion


其他 構想 ●模組化、Portable、Updatable *南極觀測昭和基地

Looking back at the time of metabolite from 2020


議題切入點 : 代謝派。

The initial entry point for the topic was metabolites.


When studying Metabolismists, the "capsule house" and "personal minimum unit and space" they talked about which gave me the direction I want to explore in this research.

代謝派當時的時空背景 Japan in the 1960s

代謝派的「可變換」「膠囊單元」的轉化應用(在現代技術與背景之下) Convertible / Capsule Unit

代謝派在1970年代式微的原因 Metabolism / 1970s / Decline

1960 代謝派對未來的願景


1960 Metabolism 's vision for the future 1. Rapid population expansion.

2. High economic development after the war.


4. Crowded urban living space.

1.Declining population growth rate.

2.Innovative design is divorced from people’s life and cannot actually solve urban problems.

3.The student movement was declining in the 1970s.

Today's time and space background

"Metabolism" and the application of capsule units.

4.The rise of postmodernism. Deconstruction and so on began to appear.

Taiwan today in 2020.

Negative population growth.

It can be seen from this that the scale definition of the smallest personal living unit and spatial scope at that time.

Urban population density is high, housing prices are high, and land is expensive.

Consider whether there can be a new interpretation of the definition of this in today's society. The birth of Metabolism

Future city, urban axis

Large-scale artificial site

Started to live in satellite cities or suburbs and commute long distances to work (Taoyuan-Taipei).

單元過於制式與單一,無法滿足各類人士的需要 Over-standard and single style

Huge structure

Result : Although it did not continue, it still serves as a reference for modern planning.

Capsule unit

The era of Internet technology and imaging is coming.

"Buildings and cities cannot be closed machines, but must be metabolized to become organisms that can grow."

In the spirit of modularization and parameterization, it can create as customized as possible to meet the needs of space users, and the definition of space can interact with users' behavior. Different from the problem that the scope of the personal space of Metabolism capsule unit is too singular, we will explore the new possibilities of the smallest personal space and boundary.

Concepts such as "metabolism" are in the background of the current 2020 space and time, and many architects are affected by it and present the future in their own way. Making the city have a mainstructure and growing and metabolize in an orderly manner.

Provide diversified uses and highly use limited land.

Enable the vertical development of the city.

It proliferates and accumulates according to the unit, and can be partially replaced, showing the value of "metabolism".

Purpose: To enable the city to effectively house a large number of people and enable the building to grow in an orderly manner and to proliferate and metabolize .

1960 Metabolism (strong and large) (single module, resulting in low spatial combination and high environmental repetitiveness, unable to meet the spatial preferences of different people). The capsule unit proposed by the concept of "metabolism" talked about the smallest personal life unit and space range, which gave me new inspiration.

My current research direction (simplicity and ingenuity) (parameterizing the modules to form an adaptive interactive space with high spatial combination, which can change the space to meet the plural needs of people).

Features: strong and large.


Logical / Design development / Thinking process


台灣現代的發展 交通技術發展

人口負成長 但都市人口密度高、房價高、土地貴

負建築帶給我 的思考方向 「擁有房子就擁有幸福」 「有土斯有財」 「場鑄混泥土」堅固穩重, 是永恆的存在

開始有人住衛星城市或郊區,長距離通勤上班(桃園-台北) 出差或出國變得越來越容易,人跟人的交際範圍變廣

日本案例: 當神戶神大地震來時,許多房屋倒塌, 背貸買房的人幾乎失去一生積蓄 但租房的人,財物損失卻最輕微。

神戶大地震、911恐怖攻擊 高大的建築在這些面前表現的脆弱

台灣案例: 市區高房價豪宅與大樓空房率極高, 淪為房地產炒作商品,還是建築嗎? 抑或是「失敗的塔」

一棟比一棟高的大型建築 天際線開始遮住人們的視野

原以為是庇護所的建築在災難面前瓦解, 災後背負原有貸款和重建住宅財務壓力

台灣許多人搬離都市,都市大樓高而大, 但與人們與環境的關係卻越來越疏離


近年來智慧手機的問世 很大程度影響了人的生活

coworking space 和 remote working的出現,工作空間可自由流動化 Uber eatsc和Food pand的出現,吃飯空間可自由流動化 人類的社交活動逐漸從現實聯繫到到虛擬世界

建築如同人一樣,總有凋零的時刻。 非永恆穩固,遲早必面臨死亡。


1:1 WORK

Research Direction 1.透過當代資料分析科技進步與轉變,本研究以手機為核心, 深入探討手機對於人與空間有何影響。 2.藉由手機使用行為所產生的領域感來討論最小個人自我空 間的形成,並重新詮釋「個人的最小空間」新的可能性。 3.如何利用外在環境與自然元素構築空間,以此當作空間的 邊界之一,探討實體與虛體邊界對於人和空間之影響。


Design of interactive space for mobile phone users

手機使用者的 互動空間之設計

個人空間的新可能性 人 X 手機 X 互動空間














透過參數化來設計 空間的組合與變化


Design Goal 負建築讓筆者重新去討論的生活方式與空 間之間的關係,且如何善用自然元素與外 在環境來構築空間,而非一昧地去追求強 而大的建築或空間規劃。

這類建築到底是與人共鳴的設計, 抑或是金錢遊戲的商品?


1.有別以往代謝派膠囊單元的個人空間範圍過於單一之問題。 2.研究空間的界定與使用者的行為如何產生互動的關係。 3.進而探討最小個人空間與邊界的新型態可能性。


在過去,一個人的臥房或住宅等私人空間或多或少會呈現 與反應其個性與生活習慣,而當今的手機猶如現代人虛擬 的私人秘密空間,有著自己偏好的APP與使用方式,當代 的智慧手機裡的功能與體驗是能攜帶、能客製化,能互動。 故本研究想以「手機」為2020科技作為切入點,探討並分 析手機使用者的相關資料,並以此作為空間設計與規劃之 參考,設計出一樣能多樣化並與人互動的手機使用者專屬 的自適應互動空間。

自我空間邊界的新詮釋 Personal space boundary / Reinterpretation

Technological progress / Network / Cell phone 飲食改變與手機APP應用的時空背景

The real world and the virtual world / Contact

Dietary changes / Mobile APP application

外食文化的盛行和送餐服務應用程序的興起 隨著協同工作空間和遠端工作的出現,工作空間可以自由移動。 Collaborative workspace / Remote work.

線上購物和電子商務系統正變得越來越成熟。Online shopping / E-commerce system.

CIT cooperated with Hun Coworking Space to reserve a complete area for use as a co-working space.

At present, online shopping and e-commerce are an important part of the economy. At present, we are trying to use drones to deliver small express delivery. Whether materials or information, the delivery capacity will become wider and faster.

Out-eating / Food delivery service

Through data analysis, it can be found that the consumption and eating habits of Taiwanese people have gradually changed in recent years, and the population of eating out continues to grow.Food delivery apps have also begun to spread, allowing mobile phones to be more integrated with people's lives. (Data sources are mostly from the Statistics Department of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, and then analyzed and typeset by Excel). Catering industry revenue statistics over the years in Taiwan

The growth trend of catering industry stores over the years in Taiwan 4500



Statistics chart of turnover of different catering industries 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500


1000 500 0

Remote working, more and more people can work remotely anywhere.




人與人之間的社交空間轉變 Social space / Change Human social activities are gradually connected from reality to the virtual world, and the functions of urban facilities can be transferred through the Internet and transportation. Everyone's physical and mental movement speed is faster than before, the communication between people is becoming wider and wider, and the variability and transferability of space is also increasing.

Survey data 1: Eat out food on average several times a week (single choice)


Survey data 2: Age structure of eating out (multiple choice)


飲料業 104年


其他餐飲業 106年



Survey data 3: Meal options of eating out (multiple choice) 台灣巷弄間小吃跟便當店是讓人外食方便的一大原因之一

平均一天1~2餐 叫外送服務


隨著美食外送平台的出現,就可以自由移動飲食空間。Food Delivery Platform / Flexible / Eating space


Cause modern people to rely more on mobile phones. 小結: 1.近年來,技術為我們的生活帶來了許多變化, 每個人都可以在任何地方使用手機與世界互動。 2.當專注於通過屏幕與他人互動時,自己將很容易掉入自己和手機之間的空間,形成一個自我領域的空間。 3.本次畢業設計深入研究探討手機如何影響人和空間,以及它與最小的個人自我空間之間的關係。 Focus on interacting with others through the screen / People fall into the space between themselves and the phone / Study how mobile phones affect people and space / The relationship between it and the smallest personal space.

User Type Diagram of Food Delivery App


Five reasons to continue using the food delivery app service


The background analysis form of food delivery app users




Classification / Mobile phone user postures

本研究透過歸納人體常見的輕鬆使用手機姿勢,並分 析所蒐集的資料,整理出三個系統的分類表格。 此有助於本研究能更加有規則性地深入探討各項姿勢 系列與所在空間環境之關係。 This research summarizes the common postures of the human body to use mobile phones easily and analyzes the collected data, and sorts out three system classification tables. This helps this research to more regularly and deeply explore the relationship between various posture series and the space environment.

手機使用者姿勢系列逐步分析圖之說明(自製資料集成) Mobile phone user posture series / Stratification / Analysis The posture of the mobile phone user


Field sense/Minimum personal space when using a mobile phone

The first layer Starting from the environment and draws the three cross-sectional relationships.

The second layer : the environment layer is turned off, the relationship between the three scales is clearer, and the personal The relationship between mobile phones and people and the environment is formed in three levels.

distance system is brought into.

1.The first layer is the posture and environment of mobile phone users. 2.The second layer is a relative profile view of the scale formed by tracing and observing from the first layer (mainly expressing spatial cutting and scale, simplifying the structure). 3.The third layer is the time and space scale of people who used the mobile phone in the second layer, discussing the influence of each environment on the sense of domain, and understand the difference in domain perception between non-use mobile phones and those who use mobile phones.

The third layer : Analyzing the superposition of personal distance and environment to get the user's sense of domain here.

This three-layer gradual analysis has multiple purposes The height benchmarks used in the next

1. It can make people understand the logical sequence and experimental records of mobile phone users in this study.

profile analysis chart.

2. This research wants to create its own set of data integration for mobile phone users, which will be helpful for future reference in

Taiwanese adult males have an average height of 174 cm and females 161 cm.

space design. 3. The scale relationship of the second layer and the domain perception analysis diagram of the third layer will be able to extend the

Note :

overlay analysis to discuss the influence of each place.

The section view of the sense of domain here is the old version.

空間心理學之實驗研究:手機使用對個人距離和領域感的影響 前面

側面實驗SOP和測試對象 前面

Spatial psychology / Experiment / The influence of mobile phone user / Personal distance and sense of field 頭頂上的距離測試

Experimental SOP and test object 側面

No use Cell phone

Field range on the head

Because the height of each person is different, the person is divided into three points(Upper-chin, middle-navel, lower-ankle)to measure, and set the chair height so that when the subject sits down, the chin position will be closer to that of standing belly button.

Light use 1. You can't see the top of your head when you lower your head, the visual percetion

(See messages, browse

above will become weaker, and the sense of the top area will become smaller.

pages, etc.)

2. Through average analysis, it is understood that standing and sitting do not change Heavy use

much in the sense of the head domain. Although the content of the experiment is

(Watching movies,

A plate is lowered from the top of the head, but through data and access, it can

playing games, etc.)

be known that the data is not a human body.The lowest limit value (compression) of the ceiling above the head, and because the plate is too small, the data is for With this segmentation method, in addition to measuring the relative height of each person, the data measured by standing and sitting can also be compared.

Catch up phone

In this experiment, the two systems of standing and seat are tested according to the usage of four mobile phones, and the personal distance change between the front and the side is measured.

Collecting, summarizing and averaging experimental data records (12 people in total, average age 22 years old)

The test object "prosthetic hand" can be regarded as a "point-like object", so this experiment can be simply regarded as the user's four relative heights to test when the remote point enters the personal distance.

reference only. 3. According to some interviewees, they believe that the minimum ceiling height is acceptable, raise one hand when standing. The height needs to be greater than this height so that they will not feel excessively oppressed (there will still be a small feeling).

In this way, the first batch of data will be obtained first, and it will be possible to modify the experiment after the discussion...

Data modeling / Parameterized adjustment / Data visualization

The two situations of standing and sitting are aware of changes in personal distance

Standing series

由上方四圖可知,不管使用手機知方式,坐下的個人距離會比站立時還要大,訪問後推測原因,因為坐下時,腳部會往前放,許多人會以膝蓋 部位當作新的個人距離出發點。 若從此出發點到坐下時的個人距離線,我們可以發現其距離並沒有比站立時的個人範圍還要大。 故結合各方論點,推測坐下時腿部之延伸本來就提供一段外物不能貼到胸懷與頭部之緩衝距離(腳部可進行抵抗與防禦),但因為坐下時不能逃 跑,所以坐下時的個人距離線對應於上半身部位的距離會比較遠,但對應膝蓋以下的腳部,則較近。

Sit down series

側面情況: 因為坐下時,腿部沒有放到側面,故比較沒有上述影響,坐下時的側面還容易因為產生死角之因素,造成有些受試者,感知個人距離變小。

Overlay the distance between standing front and side.

Overlay the distance between the front of the seat and the side









銀幕的遠近,但沉迷所帶來知影響因人而異,平均後變化幅度並不大。 3.聽手機時也會影響距離感知,但不及於看手機。

頭與貼近螢幕都與頭部的x向變動較有關係。 3. 側面原始距離本就小於正面,因為大部分人視野廣度有極限。










Mobile phone users/ Personal field / Re-correction and analysis


Revised data integration through experimental data and related papers

向後靠坐系列 Sitting Backward-Series

The degree of inclination of the back of the chair will affect the scope of the sense of domain.

向坐靠坐系列(桌子系列)(非常專注使用手機的狀態) Sit Forward Series (Depending on the table ) (Very dedicated to using mobile phone)

Original Version

Furniture and the like will also cut the domain sense range, especially the table, because it will obscure the vision, the domain range on the other side of the table will be cut.

疊圖分析與領域感的討論 Overlay analysis and discussion of the field sense

Revised Version

Red-the height of the hand raised.

Use dark and light two color ranges to mark, you can clearly see the area

blue solid-the personal distance of heavy use of the mobile phone.

size contrast before and after using the phone in this posture.

1. Also in the vehicle compartment, the comparison between the wall and the posture of people and the use of mobile phones (the degree of bowing their heads).

green virtual-the original distance of no use. The environment will also cause cutting and other effects on the field, so the original spatial elements are an influencing factor for the user's posture.

1. The inclination of the seat back affects the upper half of the field.

1. The difference in the degree of bowing will result in different heights of the field.

2. The length of the chair seat affects the range of the lower body area.

2. The height of the table mainly affects the comfort of the feet.

2. The man’s field is tall and narrow, while the woman’s field is relatively short but wide because of her head down and farther away from the wall.

空間尺度關係圖的疊圖分析(第二層系列圖之疊圖分析)Spatial scale relationship diagram / Overlay analysis / The second layer of the series of pictures 以此系列(向後靠坐)為例

Take this series as an example

將該系列的尺度 關係圖上色區分 Color the series of scale diagrams to distinguish


Sit Back Series / Spatial scale / Overlay analysis / Based on mobile phone 疊加後的簡化線分析圖


Simplified line analysis diagram after overlay

Parameter table

The distance between the eyes and the mobile phone is different because of the user's posture, and the influence of the user's posture on the mobile phone is the spatial environment.

The distance from the eye to the phone VS the various values of the space environment

Parameterize the information of this sketch in a table.

Redefine the space coordinate system, here take the mobile phone as the origin, parameterize the surrounding environment information, in order to enter the Grasshopper design space later.

This part has a screening basis for the selection of reference points for the subsequent overlays. As long as the reference points are set, other values can be changed according to the mutual parameter relationship. (For example, if the reference point is set as the joint between the back of the chair and the seat, the subject of the overlay should be the relative relationship between the tilt of the back of the chair and the posture of the person using the phone).


從「尺度空間分析」轉化到連續斷面發展與空間漸變 Scale space analysis / Transform / Continuous section / Gradual change of space Take “Sit Back Series” as an example

Try to unfold some of the overlapping images of the sitting down series and construct a part of the environment that changes with posture.

Take the mobile phone as the reference point here

“The distance from the eye to the phone” VS“the various values of the space environment”

Overlay graph expansion In order to facilitate analysis and further research, the following figure simplifies the presentation of information

Environmental connection molding

Grid type

Grille type

Segmented block type

Blue dots-eyes Red Dot-Mobile

從「個人領域範圍」疊圖轉化到連續斷面發展與動態演變的關係 Overlay of personal field / Transform / Continuous section / Dynamic relationship 主題1-向後靠坐下系列(有椅背之傢俱環境)

Sitting series by relying on objects behind (an environment where users can sit backwards)

This is a segmented slicing model with only the dark field sense developed. The theme of this model is the change of the seat back and seat to affect the change of the mobile phone

There are two areas (with or without using a mobile phone). Here we will only discuss the dark areas (the areas when using mobile phones).

user's sense of domain.

The direction of light in three positions and the two directions you see.

Side view when using a mobile phone as a reference point.

Define the dark part as the boundary. Unfold at the selected reference point.

Side view when the joint is used as the reference point.


Sort by back tilt, so the reference point is the joint between the seat and the back.

Field link forming

Segmented type

Viewed from A when lighting No. 1

Viewed from A when lighting No. 2

Viewed from B when lighting No. 3


Standing series by relying on objects behind (an environment where users can stand backwards)




This is a segmented slicing model developed with a sense of depth and shallowness.


The theme of this model is that the deformation of the rear wall affects the change of the dual This is a standing series, and its reliance is not limited to vertical walls.


field sense.

There are more possibilities and changes, so first make a model to discuss the gradual change of the field.


Viewed from A when lighting No. 1


Viewed from B when lighting No. 2

Viewed from A when lighting No. 2

Relying on the object in front to sit down series (an environment with tables and chairs)


3 B

This is a segmented slicing model developed with a sense of depth and shallowness. The theme of this model is the gradual change of


the sense of field from the changes of tables and chairs.


Here is the discussion of dark areas and light areas together.The model making also tried how to present the gradual changes in the two fields. The table series can be subdivided "with cut in the bottom area" and "without cut in the bottom area".In these two types, the former is selected here to make models.

Viewed from A when lighting No. 1


Viewed from A when lighting No. 2

Viewed from B when lighting No. 3

Standing series by relying on the object in front of users (Only environments with high tables or high tables)



This model is because the changing wall environment lies in the front, so if the light enters from the front in this experiment, how will the light and shadow inside be different from the previous experiment.


This theme is the gradual change of the sense of territory that can be relied on in front of the wall.

A The junction between the boundary of the rear area and the ground is the reference point.

1 三個位置的光線方向與所看入的兩方向

Unfolding and overlapping the shallow and deep areas, you can find that the frame part is only in front of the wall, and there are two changes. The height of the wall platform has a corresponding relationship with the sense of the field.

Viewed from A when lighting No. 1

Viewed from A when lighting No. 2

Viewed from B when lighting No. 3



1:1 Interactive work / Adoption plan / Development process

The reference point of this series of overlays From this series (sit back), select the section

is the connection between the back wall and

as the basis for spatial deformation.

the seat. Divided into three types.

Determine the length of the back of the device

Choose the position closest to the seat depth of the three

Determine the height of the seat Design the main load-bearing structure (back wall, seat and ground)

Reference point for this series of overlays Determine the height of the ground Choose three sections according

Fold together and plan the deformation

to the degree of inclination.

of the space starting from the side view

Determine the limit length of the ground Use the thick line in this picture as the structural basis to develop the upper movable surface skeleton


1:1 Interactive work / Adoption plan / Design drawing

Self-made electric putter (lightweight) Electric putter

Movable skeleton frame

99 cm

Movable wall Movable structural

Fully-Threaded Bolts

support for walls 40 cm

50 cm

Chair seat Base plate

Sliding track

Top View


Unit : CM


研究各種骨架可動極限範圍(搭配推桿) When using a two-stage putter

Initial state

The connection point is at 1/4 of the rod

Front View

Unit : CM

Limit range / Movable skeleton (with push rod)

Limit state

There-stage putter

Initial state

1/4 of the rod

1/4 L

Limit state

Movable skeleton connection Application example

1/4 L

Angle close to 0° 1/2 of the rod

1/1 of the rod

1/2 of the rod

1/2 L



1/1 of the rod

1/2 L



(Hardly expanded)

The connection point is at 1/4 of the rod

1/4 L

Butt joint

(Hardly expanded)

1/4 of the rod

1/4 L

Angle of 45° 1/2 of the rod

1/2 L

1/2 of the rod

1/2 L

Continuous deformation butt joint 1L


1/1 of the rod

The connection point is at 1/4 of the rod

1/1 of the rod

1/4 of the rod 1/4 L

1/4 L

Angle of 90° Adjacent Edge Connection 1 1/2 of the rod

1/2 of the rod

1/2 L

1/2 L

1/1 of the rod


1/1 of the rod


Adjacent Edge Connection 2


Turning point




Curve simplified

Shared polyline deformation

Turning point distribution

All nodes distribution position

+ 轉折點分佈圖

+ 所有節點分佈位置圖

Simplify the upper three dashed curve bars into polylines (approximately conform to the original

The method of this scheme is to use a polyline with multiple nodes to form different shapes by

curve), and understand that there are several turning points in each of the three line segments,

turning nodes at different positions to achieve changes between the three curves.

After designing the distribution of nodes and broken lines, the geometric relationship between the opening

and the turning points are set as nodes.

Therefore, try to adjust these three line segments to a uniform length, so that they can share a

and closing deformation of the parallelogram and the turning of the rods (when the ends of the connected

Analyzing and unifying the three-node overlay graph, it can be concluded that the three

polyline to make changes. (Because the length and angle are slightly adjusted, the deformed

rods are rotated at two fixed points, it will drive the joints of the two rods to also change the angle of rotation )

polylines need to share at most a few nodes.

polyline will be partly different from the original curve.)

to design the skeleton frame and combine it with the back wall and base to create an interactive space.


1:1 Interactive work / Adoption plan / Type development process

TYPE 01 : Most inclined (最傾斜)

TYPE 02 : Slightly inclined (稍微傾斜)

TYPE 03 : Almost no tilt (幾乎無傾斜)


Curve simplified

+ 轉折點分佈圖

Turning point distribution



此階段實作暫不討論, 可於後續再做發展

重新做了合理 的修正與調整



Shared polyline deformation

+ 所有節點分佈位置圖

All nodes distribution position

Because this experiment is mainly to study the deformation of non-load-bearing structures, the deformation device of the load-bearing part such as the chair seat will be extended to the subsequent new-generation devices before development. At present, the initially manufactured device is the second generation, so the design should be developed from the simple and deformable place first.

確認所形成的空間是否有回應原本所整理的姿勢 集成資料,並以此來了解該種type會適合哪些姿勢 Confirm whether the formed space responds to the posture integration data originally organized, and use this to understand which postures the type will be suitable for.

電腦模擬可動骨架框體 組構之側面圖

Side view / Computer simulation/ Movable frame structure

1:1實體互動裝置 之側面透視圖

Side perspective view / 1:1 (entity) / Interactive device

變形空間與人互動 之透視圖

Perspective view/ The interaction between deformed space and people

The three dotted lines are the longest with the type 01 green line, so this experiment uses this line segment as the basis to make adjustments to other line segments. At present, type 01 is the first development direction, and the broken line type and node distribution are prioritized to satisfy this type 01. Therefore, the front and end of the line segment of type 02 need to be adjusted slightly to apply the length of type 01.After applying the polyline of type 01, you can find out which node the polyline needs to be supplemented to fit the shape of type 02 as much as possible.

Because the length of the polyline is fixed, I will organize the domain sense data again. In accordance with the current fixed position of the chair seat, the original scope of the area below is re-corrected and adjusted to a more reasonable area. (According to the source: the more the body moves forward with the wall, theoretically the overall domain will move forward).

互動設計的動態空間可能性 : 重新定義個人最小空間範圍 (個人空間邊界的具象化) (Concretization of the boundaries of personal space)

7 Dynamic space possibility / Redefine the personal minimum space range


Types possibility / The state of the users

可變形空間的各種型態 Types of Deformable space


The Subject of The Test 1 :


Most inclined (最傾斜)-Very relaxing

Integrated Analysis of Overlays


Slightly inclined (稍微傾斜)-Relaxing

Dynamic Analysis Chart (動態分析圖)

Almost no tilt(幾乎無傾斜)-Normal status

Because this is a preliminary experiment and actual operation, the overall spatial deformation range is not large.

椅背傾斜的程度 The degree of tilt/ the seat back

In this subject, the slope of the back is the most oblique. The personal realm shifts backward as the body postures.


The tilt of the back is slightly inclined. The tilt is not large.

In this subject, The back of the human body is completely straight, slightly attached to the wall behind.

The load-bearing partssuch as the chair seat are in a fixed state in this experiment.


The domain space above the human body becomes larger.

Movable skeleton (adjacent side)

Visualize the state The movable frame can move forward and backward through the slide rail.

of the field Single point rotation of the entire back

Note : Current 1:1 actual operation progress

Because it is a preliminary experiment, the personal area above will be simplified as much as possible. The places where this theme can be transformed are the rear wall and the front frame, and the rest will not be discussed for the time being.

Not lower head(無低頭)-Normal status

The Subject of The Test 2 :

As the human body moves forward, the rear wall and the front slide rail move forward, and the overall space is deformed together. This is an intermediate transition type

Lower head and bend over slightly (低頭且稍微彎腰)-Focused

Moving forward through the back wall, the upper part of the movable frame is squeezed by both sides and deformed upward. Headspace become more open, the whole field of space in line with the state of the body straight waist.

Lower head and bend over sharply (大幅度低頭彎腰)-Very focused

However, it can be seen from the figure above that the tilt of the human body will affect the deviation of the overall field, and the concentration of people using the mobile phone will be reflected in their posture to some extent.

The purpose of the design at this stage is to respond to the evolution of the above posture, so that the mobile phone user’s state evolution process can be more complete when sitting down.

往前低頭彎腰的程度 The degree to which the person bows his head and bends forward

Modified from TYPE 03 of Test 1. This is the initial posture state of the series

The trend of the human body has caused the height of the personal domain to become lower. The part you see when you look down in front becomes wider.

When a person's head is lowered and bent to the limit, the human body will have a forward tendency, so the overall space will have a directionality of forward expansion.

Largely continuous deformation

可視化個人極限空間 了解當下狀態

Butt joint method is more in line with the posture diagram above

Visualize the state

Deformable backrest

of the field Movable skeleton (opposite)

Note : Modification of the second edition of the device to make the range of changes larger

The Subject of The Test 3 :

The back wall is changed to a movable skeleton(opposite side) to make it deformable. The load-bearing frame above the slide rail is replaced with a movable frame (opposite side).

Sitting mode (Initial state of the Test 1) -Very relaxing

The device responds to the human body posture and visualizes the current state of the upper half of the human body downwards, reflecting the tendency of people to begin to curl up.

The device is like a human body, curled together as much as possible, and greatly highlights the user's perception range after bowing his head.

Lie down mode-Resting state

Standing mode-May leave at any time

At this stage, the device can also change the first three Types. And by increasing the number of nodes and structural methods, the range of changes that can be increased. In theory, it can show the evolution of mobile phone users from a very relaxed state to a very focused state.

It can be seen from the posture diagrams of the three systems that their domains and spatial scopes are very different, but the three also have certain relevance, so this challenge is to operate from these relevance.

各系統(坐,躺,站) 的變形情況 Deformation of each system (sitting, lying, standing) From the initial "sitting" posture, think about how to transform into the following two different posture series (lying down and standing).

Through previous posture analysis and comparison, when users want to easily swipe their phones for a long time, some users will use this posture.

Based on the previous posture analysis and comparison, when users just want to stay here and paddle their phones and may leave at any time, they are easy to use this posture.

可視化個人極限空間 了解當下狀態

Inflatable telescopic platform Raise the movable floor

Slide rail that enables the upper push rod to move forward

Visualize the state The seat can be transformed into a wall

of the field

Note : Try to challenge the possibility of device deformation

The push rod part at the rear of the device is equipped with a movable slide rail, the lower seat is changed to a movable frame, and the floor is also designed as a lifting platform. The device can also challenge the deformation mode of the next direction under the condition of conforming to the previous type.

The biggest challenge of this design is to design the floor as a liftable platform, so that the device has the opportunity to form the domain state of the mobile phone user lying down and paddling the mobile phone.

The biggest challenge of this design is to prop up the seat through the push rod, and the rear push rod is moved with the slide rail. The two work together to prop up the seat and the back into a wall.This constitutes the domain state of "mobile phone user standing and leaning against the wall".

Test 1+Test2 Sitting series

Test 3 Three system (lying,sitting, standing)

Dynamic relationship of movable skeleton cortex

This challenge is a vision. The conversion between the three systems is more in line with the posture of people using mobile phones in a day, so I finally want to try to explore the most ideal interactive space type, so that the adaptive space can meet people's status and needs as much as possible.

未來願景 : 個人自我空間的新詮釋 Vision / Personal space / New interpretation / Relationship between people 討論人與人之間的關係(在專注手機時也能感知到他人的邊界與狀態) Focus on mobile phones / Perceive the boundaries and states of others 封閉式骨架系列在大廳休息區的可能應用


Enclosed skeleton / Lobby seating area

Types possibility / The state of the users


只有家具時,空間邊界與人的狀態都很模糊。 Only furniture / Space Boundary and Human State / Very vague.

Use mobile phone / There is no sense of security.


如圖,外人不知道裡面手機使用者的狀態, 手機使用者彼此間的互動也沒連結。

The frame of the enveloping space / Clear space boundary / The status of mobile phone users is not clear.

Interaction between people / Not connected.

半戶外環境有更多自然元素,故嘗試一部分的邊界為虛體來呈現。 固定框架時,整體空間氛圍是差不多的。

Fixed frame / The overall space atmosphere is similar.

當骨架可回應姿勢而變時,虛體(光線)也能隨之變動,從而影響當下 空間氛圍。 The skeleton can change in response to posture / Virtuallty / (Light range) can also change accordingly / Affect the current space atmosphere. 結語 此次畢設以上述研究來回應時代性的問題。 倘若未來有一天,建築或空間單元可以如同此設計的皮層來適應人的行為而變動,那當時 代謝派對於抽換空間的想像是否就能以變換變形來達成,可以隨著不同情況重新定義空間 利用與邊界,為有限單元的既有框架來思考空間多樣性的潛能,故提出另外一種可能來探 討。 本研究願景想回應當人很沉浸於手機時,對於外界會形成一道看不見的包覆。故本研究期 望可透過此互動骨架皮層來對話,讓彼此在專注使用手機時,能注意到當下就坐在身邊的 人,感受到對方的存在,這就是此畢設對於未來的互動空間所構想的可能性。

若框架可以回應手機用戶的姿勢而變動空間型態,便開始與周遭其他 人產生一個社交空間的關聯性。

隔壁專注手機的用戶與路過的人可以一眼就了解當下該使用 者的狀態,從而影響行動。如保持安靜或跟著一起放鬆等。

Frame can respond to posture / Variable spatial pattern / Create a social space connection with other people around you.

You can understand the current status of the user at a glance / Affect the actions of others / Such as keeping quiet and so on.


Concentration and spirit enter the virtual world / Form an invisible sense of coverage / Responding to the relationship between people when people are immersed in mobile phones / Pay attention to the situation of the user next door, rather than being really isolated from the surroundings / Express the current state of users through the cortex

1:1 work structure / Detailed parts / Design development


Skeleton and dynamic structure trial


The first generation of skeleton attempts / Scissors structure






Detailed parts / Experiment of telescopic rod

第一代 動力桿件 製作 - 透過齒輪帶動伸縮桿

Production of the first generation of power rods / Drive the telescopic rod through a gear

第二代 動力桿件 製作-透過螺桿轉動伸縮桿

馬達轉動螺桿,透過螺桿螺紋帶動被限制轉動的螺帽,故能將馬達轉力變為推動伸縮棒的動力(概念如同拿電鑽 最終該方案不採用,為了將馬達卡在滑軌上,所需的固定板太佔空間,其動態效果也容易因為脫軌卡




互動裝置-底部可升降的承重構件 設計發想 氣墊平台 製作-透過充氣帶動摺板裝置 Air cushion platform

最終因實作暫不探討椅座高低變化性而無做出來,但其理論與設計可應用於動態空間的其他可能性 ,如躺下系列就會需要用到該構件設計。

最終實作採 用可動結構




自繪手機使用者資料集成 Self-painted / Mobile phone users / Data integration 局部剖面分析整理 Partial / Organize / Profile analysis


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