Welcome to the first edition of the Islands newest and freshest fortnightly paper
Gazette The Isle of Wight
Friday August 1 2008
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Popping down the pub 700 miles away
By Peter White SUPER commuters Mick and Karen Wilson have revealed how they travel thousands of miles every month just to ensure a slice of Island life.
When Mick and Karen lock their front door to head for their favourite pub, it’s far more than just a stroll down the road. In a near military-style operation they embark on an incredible round trip of 700 miles – leaving their home in York to spend a weekend in Shanklin. Amazingly they complete the trip as often as three times each month. Mick explained: “We live only a few minutes from York station so we leave home just before 2pm on a Friday to catch a train down to King’s Cross. We then take the underground to Waterloo, and catch another train into Portsmouth Harbour. Then we pick up the ferry to Ryde before we use the Island Line into Shanklin.” Barring hold-ups the Wilsons usually reach their holiday home at around 7.15 on Friday evening, and waste little time before heading to their favourite ‘watering hole’, meeting friends in King Harry’s Bar in Shanklin Old Village. But less than 48 hours later they are on their way back to north Yorkshire. Karen said: “We usually leave Shanklin around 4.15 Sunday afternoon, and are home by 10.15pm, provided there are no delays. “But recently the power cables were down just outside London, and that meant a nine-hour return journey door to door!” Mick works as an engineer for Network Rail and Karen is employed by a company that does the pay roll for part of the railway industry. Thankfully, that means concessionary rail fares, otherwise they would be forking out hundreds of pounds to travel their thousands of miles. The couple’s love of the Island really began six
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Mick and Karen Wilson pictured drinking their well deserved pint in their favourite haunt King Harry’s Bar, Shanklin Old Village. years ago when they bought a caravan in Shanklin. Just over two years ago they moved into a house: “We just love it down here. The quality of life is far better, and everyone is more chilled out. “We have fantastic scenery in Yorkshire, but it is so spread out. Down here we can leave home and within ten minutes we are in countryside.” Mick and Karen have looked for work on the south coast, but so far their search has been in vain. But
they have already penciled in the date for a permanent move to the Island – in two years time when Mick reaches 50 and can draw his Rail Network pension. In the meantime, they plan to continue clocking up the miles to get to their ‘local’ but still reckon all the travelling is well worthwhile. Have you got an interesting story about Island visitors? Contact White1601@hotmail.com
WIN ! WIN ! WIN ! One of five pairs of tickets to fly to Edinburgh
Inside today’s Gazette August 1 2008 WELCOME to the first issue of the Isle of Wight Gazette an independent, free newspaper. We hope you find it is a refreshing and positive look at our Island, its people, organisations and many activities.
Ours will be a modern, colourful, tabloid newspaper published, in the first instance every other Friday. One of our aims will be to raise money for the Earl Mountbatten Hospice, which relies heavily on its own fundraising and voluntary contributions to meet its £3.7million annual running costs. We are asking you, our readers, to make a donation to the hospice in the collection box on the stand when you pick up your free copy of the Gazette. Every penny raised will go directly to the hospice. If you have a news item which you think may interest us please tell us – see page 17 for how to contact us. Finally, please support the businesses advertising in the pages and let them know where you saw their advertisement. Remember, without them there would not be a Gazette for you to read. Thanks to all the businesses who are helping us to distribute our paper.