IW Gazette 13

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the gazette isle of wight

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Helping the local Earl Mountbatten Hospice 36,000 copies - Friday January 23 2009

Bestival banks on Island future

ORGANISERS of the IW Bestival are hoping to thrash out a deal within the next few days to keep the popular event at Robin Hill Adventure Park for at least the next four years.

Exclusive by Peter White

ing the current Bestival contract, and he is confident an agreement can be reached. Mr Dabell said: “They are proposing a four-year agreement to hold the Radio One DJ Rob da Bank, the event at Robin Hill, and we are happy brains behind the Bestival, is set to to sit down and talk about that. I am meet representatives of Vectis Leisure, confident we can sort out a deal for the parent company of Robin Hill, them to sign up for four years.” to try to secure the event’s long-term Although parts of the Robin Hill site future on the Island. are still recovering from the poundMr da Bank and Bestival producer ing it took last year, Mr Dabell has John Hughes have already announced announced the park will be re-opening the ‘Space Oddity’ theme for this as a tourist attraction in April, and the year’s extravaganza, which will take hosting of other events should be back place on September 11, 12 and 13, to normal by late May or early June. and tickets are on sale. He has also revealed the site will be Now Simon Dabell, managimproved to try to avoid the problems ing director of Vectis Leisure, has of last year. confirmed that talks are due to start He said: “We knew the bad experibefore the end of January on extendence with last year’s terrible weather was going to happen at some point. We just hope we don’t experience anything like it again. “We are hoping the Bestival organisers will join with us in improving areas of the park they would like to use specifically for the event. We are looking to put in more drainage and better road access. Hopefully those changes and their layouts will mean we can come up with a better contingency plan.” Mr Dabell continued: “When Rob and John Hughes came to us in 2004 and proposed the Bestival, my father and uncle were slightly apprehensive but
agreed with them, and we haven’t looked back since. “It’s a very different atmosphere to a rock festival. The IW Festival is a great festival but it is more about rock Simon Dabell ‘confident agreement can be reached’

Continued on page 2

Picture by Julian Winslow



GAZETTE All change at the Chine

Page 4 Revellers enjoying the fun of the annual Island Bestival

wightFM launches Sunday February 1! WightFM launches Sunday February 1 at 11am. The NEW wightFM phone-in featuring Big Al and The Doc will start at 12pm Monday. You can have your say by

calling 01983 40 99 20. Listen online at www. wightfm.com. See the pullout on pages 19 22 for all you need to know about this exciting new station.

Islanders urged to ‘think local’

SHOPPERS are being urged to ‘think local and buy local’ in a bid to ensure shops and businesses here on the Island survive the deep financial crisis that has gripped the country.

Taking care of coral

many small, privately owned outlets concerned about the future as the financial crisis continues to bite. So the message of The Gazette is: let’s make sure we keep our corner shops, local newsagents, privately owned garages and filling stations, The Gazette has joined forces with and market stalls in business. Think the IW Chamber of Commerce to local and buy local! highlight the importance of supporting IW Chamber of Commerce chief local traders during the recession. executive Kevin Smith is backing Many smaller businesses on the the campaign. He said: “One of the Island are already struggling to stay Island’s strengths is that we are a afloat following the arrival of several tightly knit community, and we should major supermarket chains and out-ofuse that strength at a time when the town ‘shed stores’. economic news is so depressing. The situation has become even more Continued on page 2 acute over the past few months, with

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Workout for MS group

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