IW Gazette 26

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the gazette isle of wight

Your great local read every fortnight

If you can, please make a donation to the hospice

! E E IN THIS FR Please e ISSUE: take on

A year of The Gazette: Page 26

Friday July 24 - Thursday August 6

The royal visit: Pages 3, 24 & 25

Mick Hucknall interview: Page 10

Vestas workers fight on AS The Gazette went to press, sit-in protesters at the Vestas wind turbine factory had been given a new lease of life, with the management bowing to outside pressure to treat those who were occupying the building more humanely. At one stage during the protest, no food was being allowed to reach those inside, and the factory’s electricity supply had also been cut off on the order of Vestas management. However, according to one of the protesters inside the building, who preferred to be known simply as Mark, by yesterday morning (Thursday) the electricity was back on and Vestas management were arranging to have food sent through on an organised basis. “I think the management felt under pressure when people found out about the electricity being cut off,” said Mark. “We got a

By Paul Rainford message from a manager last night who said that they are now going to start preparing some sort of food for us here.” Around 30 workers had taken possession of the management block of the building on Monday evening (July 20) demanding that someone from Government come to hear their case for keeping the factory going. The factory is due to close at the end of the month, with the loss of around 600 jobs as Vestas moves its manufacturing operations to the US and China. The group of protesters, which included a large contingent outside the building comprising both Vestas workers and climate change activists, believe that the Government should step in and save the factory because it represents just the sort of forward-looking, ‘green’

industry that it had claimed to be wanting to invest in for the future. Vestas workers inside the building expressed the hope that Ed Miliband, the Secretary for Energy and Climate Change, would come to Newport to listen to their arguments, but his department confirmed to The Gazette that he would not be making the journey. Initially, food and other supplies were being allowed through to those inside the plant but as the protest continued the police and Vestas’ private security company took a firmer line and put a stop to these deliveries. Several arrests were made. On the third day of the protest a fence was erected to stop anyone reaching the protesters, completely cutting off those inside the factory from any food supplies. • Background to the Vestas protest: page 2

Protesters on the balcony of the Vestas management block make their point

Prince in the Queen’s house

Osborne House was just one of the stops on the whirlwind Island tour made by Prince Charles and the Duchess of Cornwall. See pages 3, 24 and 25 for more royal pictures.

Madness and Coconuts EIGHTIES hitmakers Kid Creole and the Coconuts have been confirmed as one the support acts for the Madness-led open-air concert at Froglands Farm on August 30. The group reached number two in the charts in 1982 with ‘Annie, I’m Not Your Daddy’. • See the next issue of The Gazette for a chance to win tickets for the Summer Madness! gig.



the gazette Contact Details Newsdesk: (01983) 409928 Fax: (01983) 404189 Email: newsdesk@iwgazette.co.uk Address: The IW Gazette, Unit B18, Spithead Business Centre, Newport Road, Sandown, Isle of Wight, PO36 9PH

Display advertising: (01983) 402599 Sales manager: James Rolfe Roxy Vaughan

Sorry – the Gazette currently does not carry any classified advertising Published by: The Isle of Wight Gazette Ltd

Reporters: Jamie White, Peter White, Richard Collins News Editor: Paul Rainford Features Editor: Jo Macaulay Distribution: Isle of Wight Distribution Ltd. Design: Colin Clarke, Dean Chick, Paul Mercer Accounts & sales administrator: Roxy Vaughan

Issue 26 • July 24 2009 Supporting the Earl Mountbatten Hospice through your generous donations when you pick up your free copy – Together we have so far raised £23,039.52

The Isle of Wight Gazette

July 24, 2009

Vestas: why the workers moved in THE DRAMA at Vestas began on Monday evening, when a group of around 25 workers forced their way into the management block at the Newport factory. The workers’ actions were driven by a sense of frustation at what they saw as an unwillingness by Vestas management to take part in any meaningful dialogue with them. One of the protesters inside the factory, Mark (he preferred to withhold his surname), said: “There are lots of managers around but they don’t want to talk to us – but then they’ve always been like that. There’s no consultation with us at all – we’re not even allowed to get involved with it. Our network reps are allowed to go to these meetings but they’re not allowed to get involved; they just have to sit there and listen.” Howard McHale, one of the workers who showed up to support those occupying the factory from the outside, reinforced this view: “The main reason we’re angry is that there has been no consultation between management and the workers. In the two years I’ve been here, it’s always been a case of ‘here’s the proposal; you can like it or lump it’ – there’s never been any negotiation

about anything.” What the protesters were seeking was an eleventh-hour intervention by the Government – even if it meant nationalising the plant. They wanted to see Government ministers in Dodnor, preferably Ed Miliband from the Department of Energy and Climate Change. They pointed out in an emailed statement that they are working in a green industry, of the very sort that the Government has pledged to support. The statement said: “We produce a viable product for a growing market, and with Government’s recent promises of green jobs and green energy, it’s criminal to let the UK’s only manufacturer of wind turbines close.” The green aspect to the sit-in brought in another group of protestors, from the Campaign Against Climate Change. Its spokesman, Phil Thornhill, said: “Just when we need a huge expansion in renewable energy they are closing down the only wind turbine factory in the UK. The Government has spent billions bailing out the banks, and £2.3 billion in loan guarantees to support the UK car industry – they can and should step in to save the infrastructure we are really going to need prevent a

climate catastrophe. “Whilst the impact on employment on the Isle of Wight will be quite devastating, this is an issue not just about jobs or one factory but about whether the Government is really going to match up its actions to its rhetoric on green jobs and the rapid decarbonisation of the British economy – whether it’s prepared to act with the kind of resolution we need.” Island MP Andrew Turner was quick to lend his support to the protesters, and to give vent to his exasperation with Vestas. “The problem is that public money went into this company at the rate of about £3.5 million yet the company now decides to up sticks and leave with no regard for people who work on the

Island,” said Mr Turner. But both Vestas and the Government appeared unmoved. A spokeswoman from Vestas’ Danish head office said that consultations with employees regarding the future of the factory “are still ongoing” and that they were therefore unable to discuss the matter. A statement from the Department of Energy and Climate Change simply stated: “The Vestas plant on the Isle of Wight makes blades for the US market and the consultation on the closure follows their decision to build a new manufacturing plant in that market. A demonstration in support of Vestas workers takes place in St Thomas’ Square, Newport at 5.30pm today (Friday).

Police tackle a protester outside the Vestas factory

news 3

The Isle of Wight Gazette

Pictures by Jamie White

July 24, 2009

Royals’ Island rain! HEAVY showers failed to dampen the spirits of the Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall during their hectic visit to the Island.
 Thousands of well-wishers turned out to greet the Prince and Duchess as they made their way to a variety of venues on a day when the royals were also celebrating Camilla’s 62nd birthday.
 To mark the occasion she was presented with a birthday cake during their visit to the IW Farmers’ Market in Newport. That was where little Ella Smith, who was seven on the same day, presented a posy and hand-made card to Camilla, and also helped with the cutting of the birthday cake.
 That ceremony was completed only just in time. Suddenly the heavens opened, and the royal couple completed their visit to Newport sheltering under umbrellas, but still took time out to talk to stallholders and members of the crowd who had gathered in St Thomas’ Square, before entering the Minster.
 Ella, a pupil at Carisbrooke Primary School, said afterwards: “I was very excited at meeting the Duchess. I told her it was my birthday as well and she wished me a happy birthday.
 “She asked me what I had but I couldn’t remember everything. But I did tell her that one of my presents was a wooden stable

By Peter White for keeping my donkey in.” Charles and Camilla arrived at Ventnor Botanic Gardens on the first stop of their Island tour.
 The royal couple were presented to former High Sheriff Alan Titchmarsh and curator Simon Goodenough before touring the gardens. 
 After Ventnor and Newport, the royals took in Osborne House, one of the Island’s most famous landmarks and the former home of Prince Charles’ great-great-great grandmother, Queen Victoria. The Prince and Duchess were taken on a guided tour of the historic house by Clockwise from top: Prince Charles meets firefighters of the curator Michael Hunter.
 future at Ryde Fire Station; chatting with well-wishers at Ryde The couple then sped off Inshore Rescue; a birthday treat for seven-year-old Ella Smith to Ryde to meet the Inshore Rescue team, and while Camilla spent her last engagement at the headquarters of beauty products company Liz Earle, the Prince visited Ryde Fire Station, where he talked to firefighters and watched a display by young people from the Youth Engagement Scheme. “We were all very excited about demonstrating what we have learned in front of Prince Charles and we were telling all our friends about it,” said 13-year-old Matt Wilkes. See pages 24-25 for more photos of the Royal visit.


The Isle of Wight Gazette

July 24, 2009

Sandown rock!

SANDOWN High School was rocking to the rafters as it broke up for the summer holidays – and no wonder! Students from Sandown beat the odds by winning the national Global Rock Challenge, staged in Sheffield. And just to show Island pupils are among the most gifted in the country, Ryde High weighed in with an impressive fifth place from 12 entrants nationwide. Now Sandown are already planning their next venture in an effort to maintain their super high standards. They could soon be taking part in an exchange with a Belfast School. Sandown and Ryde schools travelled to the mainland with high hopes, but could not have even dreamed of such magnificent results. Sandown’s 80-strong dance ensemble created a stunning performance based on Beauty and the Beast.

By Jamie White

The annual event encourages youngsters across the world to ignore the perils of nicotine, alcohol and drugs. Giles Newth, liaison teacher at Sandown, said: “I am delighted that all the hard work of the students paid off. This small Island has finally made it big. We took on the big boys and came out victorious. “I want to thank all the teachers, parents and pupils and everyone involved who helped make it such a success. We had a great relationship with Ryde High and everyone really mixed well and supported each other. It really is a fantastic achievement. “We have spoken to a school from Belfast who entered the competition, and we are talking about possibly doing an exchange with them.” He added: “We were also involved in breaking the world record for the most

people playing air guitar at once. There were about 1200 involved!” Islander Tim McFarlane, of Rock Challenge, said: “It was an absolutely incredible achievement that has really put the Island on the map. Both Island teams were the only participants that were student led and for Sandown to

win as a regional open finals entrant, against a lot of premier teams, was amazing. “Both teams had upped their performances with practice before the event, amid exam pressures, and it paid off. It shows the Island has a lot of talent. The Island should be so proud.” Picture by Nick Scott Photography


Sandown High School celebrate their success

New Bembridge flag flies high

Ben’s winning entry

From left to right: Edward Cooper, Ben Mills and Josie Scott with their certificates

BEMBRIDGE has a new flag, thanks to the efforts of children from the village’s two schools. Penny Watts of the Bembridge Business Association organised a competition for pupils of Forelands Middle School and Bembridge Primary School to design a new flag for the village.

Many of the entries included familiar local elements, including sailing, the windmill and the lifeboat station. They were judged by two local artists, John Hunter and Suzanne Whitmarsh, who whittled down the shortlist of 20 to the top three. The winner was 12-yearold Ben Mills of Nettlestone; second was Josie Scott and third place went to Edward Cooper. Cash prizes and certificates were presented by David Groom, chairman of the BBA, and it is hoped that the winning design is to be incorporated onto T-shirts, mugs and postcards. The 20 finalists’ designs will be on display at Bembridge library for the next couple of weeks.

July 24, 2009

news 5

The Isle of Wight Gazette

Pupils get beach education PUPILS at Sandown High School have been working with the IW Council to learn about Sandown’s Blue Flag status. As part of their science coursework, students have been visiting the beach with council staff to learn about the requirements of attaining and maintaining the prestigious Blue Flag. The work helps to develop students understanding of science in everyday life and involves taking water samples from the resort to analyse back at the school laboratories. As well as the chemical analysis, students also learn about the role of the Lifeguard and all the health and safety issues that arise on the beach which need to be recognised as part of the Blue Flag application process. Tricia Stillman, IW Council esplanades and beaches officer said: “As part of the Year 10 science curriculum, students must undertake a project where they can demonstrate science in everyday life. “Blue Flag status at Sandown presents a wonderful opportunity for pupils to apply theory to a practical situation. Not only have the students analysed water samples taken from the beach, they have also been able to look at wider issues such as health

Tricia Stillman (far left) with Sandown High School pupils and the Blue Flag

and safety and lifeguard coverage, all of which fall within the requirements of Blue Flag status.” Cllr David Pugh, IW Council leader and responsible for school improvements said: “It is great that pupils are able to apply

their knowledge to a local project as part of their GCSE Science studies. As well as benefiting pupils at the school, the work also contributes towards Sandown’s 2010 Blue Flag application by involving the local community in environmental initiatives.”

Celebration time on George Street

THERE was despair and total devastation among many residents when Ryde Baptist Church was gutted by fire in 1995. But from the ashes an ambitious project rose that now provides a focal point for hundreds in the community. And within the next few weeks Ryde will be celebrating the fifth anniversary of the re-opening of the George Street Centre. A part of the historic outside of the old church still remains on the corner of Somerfield’s car park. But it gives little indication of the amazing transformation that has taken place inside. Having re-opened in September 2004 as a community resource, it managed to retain the original beams and stained glass windows in a room on the first floor. Gwen Camis was around at the time of the fire and is presently a deacon of Ryde Baptist church. She recalls a mixture of shock and sadness after the fire, mingled with the poignant memories of many years in the old building. “There was also enormous support given by churches from all over the Island as well as the letters and calls of support from the mainland,” she said. “St Mary’s offered the use of a room which was used for storage and Samantha

By Peter White Caton of the United Reformed Church invited the Baptists to use their church for a service on the following Sunday.” Martin Light, the current church secretary, said: “The present busy scene at the Centre is miles away from the group of 25-30 who gathered most Sundays when I first came to Ryde ten years ago. The doors are open seven days a week and people of all ages are enjoying the premises.” The Centre has become a popular meeting place for a variety of groups, including parent and toddler, a weekly Friend 2 Friend group, and bridge and scrabble get-

togethers. Ryde Social Heritage, the Vernon Square Preservation Society, Hampshire and IoW Wildlife Trust also use the main room occasionally, while smaller rooms are hired out for weekly art and pilates classes. A monthly RNID Sound Advice clinic and Blind Society coffee morning also use the downstairs rooms. Relate holds counselling sessions twice a week, and there is a Stop Smoking drop in on Tuesday evenings. A thriving Girls’ Brigade company often takes over the downstairs area, and Ryde Baptist Church uses the entire building on Sundays. And with the Chatters Cafe open six days a

George Street Centre users celebrate its re-opening

week, staffed mainly by volunteers, the Centre provides the perfect example on

the Island of what can be achieved with belief and determination.



The Isle of Wight Gazette

July 24, 2009

July 24, 2009

news 7

The Isle of Wight Gazette

Royal Yacht club’s open day a big hit THE ROYAL Victoria Yacht Club at Fishbourne held its annual disability open day, and it proved a highly successful event despite the indifferent weather. The boats on show included a Drascombe Gig, four speed boats, a 44ft Southerly, the DSA’s Spirit of Scott Bader, a steam launch from Cowes, and a motor vessel called Dougal for wheelchair users that was recently commissioned by Fishbourne Sailability Club. The tradition of holding open days started in 1981, with the first one attracting about 35 people. Places on the boats were quickly taken up by the visitors with a number of club members on hand to help. It started a trend that has continued ever since. This year the event was organised by Patrick de

By Richard Collins THE ISLAND will be marking a national event by hosting a day of play and activities in Newport. As part of ‘National Playday’, which takes place on Wednesday August 5, the IW Council’s Play Rangers, supported by The Riverside Centre in Newport, have organised a free event at Pan Recreational Ground near Downside Middle School, also in Newport. The day starts at 3pm and lasts until 8pm. The main aim is to highlight the importance of play for everyone from children to mums and dads to whole communities. A large range of activities will be on offer, Everyone enjoyed the day despite the bad weather including sports, art, face painting, team games and physical play. Peyer, and was bigger and and a brilliant day. We had IW Council leader David Pugh said: better than ever, with over a wonderful day despite the 100 visitors and 80 shore weather, and can’t wait until “Playing together is a major part of growing up and it involves the whole family. It can side helpers eager to get next year.” also be a good way for young children to involved. There were a total To round the day off, the get physical at an early age. of 52 boat trips made, with Island’s High Sheriff Gay “The council is very keen to support over 230 individual rides Edwards made a visit to events such as National Playday, and our given. show her support, along One thrilled visitor said: with Archdeacon, Mrs Caro- Play Rangers are working hard to ensure everyone who comes along will have a “It was a great experience line Baston. great time and take part in some excellent free activities.” Playday is a national campaign now in its 22nd year. Anyone wanting to find out more information can contact Carly Kennen at the council’s Play Development service on 821000 or email carly.kennen@ iow.gov.uk

Know your Wight Island curiosities explained

No. 12: Bembridge Windmill By Peter White

BEMBRIDGE Windmill is the only surviving windmill on the island. Managed by the National Trust, the windmill contains a complete set of wooden machinery and gearing, much of which is original. It was built around 1700 and was last used in 1913. Since then the stone-built tower with its wooden cap and machinery has been restored and visitors can explore its four floors. The windmill is a Grade I listed building and remains one of the Island’s best known landmarks. Over the years it has provided inspiration for many artists, including Turner, and its prominent position provides spectacular views across unspoilt countryside.

Islanders are encouraged to ‘come and play’

Enthusiastic hikers often reach the windmill by taking the Bembridge Trail, a 15-mile mile walk from Newport to Bembridge Windmill through

the southern part of the chalk downs. New to the site this year is a one-sixth scale working model of the windmill.



The Isle of Wight Gazette

July 24, 2009

July 24, 2009

The Isle of Wight Gazette

One day in your life, Louis...

NOT MANY people can boast that the late Michael Jackson came to see them performing on stage. But that was the incredible experience enjoyed by Island youngster Louis Jackman, when he starred in the hit musical Oliver! at London’s Theatre Royal. Louis, just 11, from Alverstone Garden Village, recalled with a smile: “Michael actually came to see me perform in March. I must be one of the few people who had the privilege of him coming to see me – it is usually the other way

Louis’ run at Drury Lane is due to finish in around!” August. He continued: The talented youngster “Now I am looking to has been performing the future and I really at the Theatre Royal want to carry on and in Drury Lane since make a career out of perDecember. He continued: forming, whether it is on “It has been a fantastic stage or on television.” experience, and I have Louis has been dancing been doing several big since he was six years songs and dances. It’s old, starting at Stage been a busy schedule Coach in Shanklin. with shows two or three Now he is a student at times a week. Gillian Cartwright’s “I have had fantastic School of Dance, where support from my teachers he performs ballet, tap at Lake Middle School and modern. He added: and they even gave me “I have learned so much a special BAFTA style from everyone at Gillian award.” Cartwright’s School, and

By Jamie White

Louis Jackman, who has been appearing in Oliver!

the teaching has been superb.” The next phase of Louis’ budding career will see him start at The Hammond School

of Dance in Chester in September, where he has been accepted for a scholarship.

Council leader rises to new heights

David Pugh: out of his tree?

IW COUNCIL Leader David Pugh has helped launch the start of a series of tree climbing lessons that will be running throughout the summer. Mr Pugh had no hesitation as he was shown the ropes on how to climb a tree at Appley Park in Ryde. The Goodleaf tree, which Mr Pugh climbed, is located opposite Appley Tower on the seafront and next to the children’s play area, and is one of Appley Park’s historic oaks and one of the tallest in the park. The sessions are being provided by Goodleaf Tree Climbing and will take place every Sunday between

11am-4pm. Each session lasts approximately an hour and costs £10 to climb, with spectators watching for free. Booking is advised and the sessions are weather dependent. Cllr Pugh said: “The council cares for some remarkable trees, and this activity not only gives people a chance to get to know one of them, but it is also a great way to keep fit. The council is keen to encourage a healthy lifestyle, and we are happy to be working with Goodleaf Tree Climbing to promote our wonderful park and beach at Ryde. “I really enjoyed having a go myself and encourage others to do the same!”

Each climb is fully supervised by professionals and those taking part should wear covered shoes or trainers. Long sleeve tops and trousers are also advised. All instruction and safety equipment will be provided. Anyone interested the tree climbing sessions or want any other information should contact Paul McCathie from Goodleaf Tree Climbing on 0797 0033 209.

news 9

10 news

The Isle of Wight Gazette

Simply best for fans...

By Peter White

Countess has tea and sympathy

HRH COUNTESS of Wessex lent her support to an urgent appeal for funds to buy a new St John Ambulance for the Island at special tea party held at Haseley Manor in Arreton. The Countess, who is Grand President of St John Ambulance, spent the afternoon taking at the varied roles performed by volunteers both young and old. Islanders have already raised nearly £30,000 towards the cost of a new vehicle, but the charity still needs another £50,000 to provide the modern kit to equip it. During her visit to the Island the Countess also visited St Catherine’s School in Ventnor, which helps children with language difficulties.

SIMPLY RED will be making their first and only appearance on the Island when the Mick Hucknallfronted band plays an outdoor concert at Osborne House on August 2. Simply Red will cease to exist as a band at the end of next year, but that will not be the end of Hucknall, whose smooth, distinctive voice has been entertaining crowds worldwide for the past 25 years. In an exclusive Gazette interview, Mick, 49, has revealed how he will be dropping the Simply Red name tag so that he can take his music in a different direction. But fans who will be congregating at Osborne House need not worry that they will not be hearing all the Simply Red classics. He said: “This is the Greatest Hits tour. We will be trying to keep the tempo up at Osborne. Obviously Simply Red are famous for many of the ballads, and we will play as many ballads as we can. But the idea is that people will be familiar with every song. “I have never been to the Isle of Wight, and I am very much looking forward to having a look around. I know the concert coincides with the start of Cowes Week, so I hope I manage to spend a bit of time there. “I hope it will be a great occasion for the Island because we love to entertain the crowd when we are doing live shows. We want

July 24, 2009

Hospice News

Sponsored rescue by Newfoundland rescue dogs

THE HOSPICE is looking for 40 people to take part in a sponsored rescue at The Folly Inn in Whippingham on Saturday September 5. A pack of fully trained Newfoundland Rescue Dogs is coming to the Island to help raise money for the Earl Mountbatten Hospice. Participants will be taken out into the water by boat and will then experience the thrill of being rescued and pulled through by the magnificent 14 stone Newfoundland Rescue Dogs. All participants will be supplied with life jackets. No special skills are needed – all we ask is that participants can swim and consider themselves to be in Mick Hucknall: relishing the Osborne House venue reasonable health. For more details please telephone the to share our music with there is absolutely no reason fundraising team at the Hospice on 528989. the people from the Isle of why it shouldn’t be on the Wight. Isle of Wight as well. So ‘It’s a Knockout’ August 30 “The venue sounds fantas- my message is come along, tic and I am really looking enjoy yourselves, and have a TEAMS of 10 are required to take part in forward to it. I want to get good sing-song.” this fun event at St George’s Park, Newport. a bit of time to look around Mick then explained his It’s a great day out for spectators and Osborne House before the planned change of direcparticipants alike. public start to come in.” tion in music. He said: “The Many people will remember the fun and Simply Red began their Farewell Tour will be next games from It’s a Knockout when it was world tour in Thailand back year because I announced prime time viewing on the TV in the 70s in February, and have since that at the end of 2010 I and 80s. Now new and up-to-date giant performed in Australia, would cease performing as inflatables and lots of foam will be coming New Zealand, Chile, Brazil, Simply Red. So I wouldn’t to St George’s park for a fun family day out Mexico, the US and all over expect us to do another to raise money for the hospice. Europe. show on the Isle of Wight. For more info please ring Sue on 407723 Mick said: “It has been “Back in 1984 I wanted to a long tour, but it has not be part of the next Beatles, Harbour light up a life been punishing, more highly but unfortunately there was TOMORROW’S (Saturday July 25) luxurious. They all take no one else in the band to service at Ventnor harbour promises to be a great care of me and I am do it, so Simply Red had touching event and everyone is welcome to having a wonderful time to become something else. attend whether or not they have dedicated on tour. I’ve got a fantastic Really we are modelled a candle to a loved one. Candle dedications band, and the whole team more on bands that existed gets on very well, so it just before the Beatles, in the big will be accepted on the night. The outdoor service starts at 8pm. makes it a pleasure. band era when things were “It has been successful quite fluid. I really didn’t Stalls available at Horse all around the world, and have any choice. If you don’t have effective equals and Dog show in a band then something STALLS are available at the first Hospice has got to change. Maybe Horse and Dog show being held in the I should have changed the Northwood showground on Sunday August name back in 1988, but I FANS WHO turn up to watch Simply Red at Osborne liked the name Simply Red. 9. Gates open from 9.30am. Stalls with a House will be in for an unexpected bonus, The Gazette country or similar theme are available at a It was kind of an umbrella can exclusively reveal. cost of £25. name for the band. The Simply Red concert takes place on August 2, the The Horse show will include classes for “But now there is a night after American signer Anastacia takes the stage at everyone including Working Hunter, Show change. In my writing for Osborne. Hunter, Leading Rein and Agility Display. the second half of the last And top American singer Anastacia has told us that she Simply Red album you can Schedules are available from all the usual has been invited by Simply Red singer Mick Hucknall to definitely hear the change in outlets. do a duet during the second night gig. Dog lovers can expect a fun dog show style that I am looking for, Anastacia said: “Mick asked me if I could join him on including agility and obedience displays and I cannot do that under stage, and I thought ‘Oh, how fantastic’. First of all I just the Simply Red umbrella. If and a chance for your own dog to have a go wanted to be in the audience to watch Simply Red, and you send a song to radio and at agility. There are many classes you can be screaming at Mick like the rest of the fans. it has “Simply Red” written enter your dog into including Best Rescue, “But now this – so there goes my night off! But seriBest Pedigree, Best Veteran and Dog the on it they are expecting to ously I am so excited and pleased that he knows who I Judge would most like to Take Home. hear ‘Stars’ or something am. I am thrilled that I am going to become an honorary For those working towards their Kennel like ‘Fairground’. member of Simply Red, if only for one song.” Club Good Citizen Scheme Bronze Award “I am still writing songs On a more serious note Anastacia was diagnosed with there will also be Bronze Testing. so I decided to end the breast cancer in 2003, and recovered following surgery For more details about the Horse and Dog Simply Red name in order and radiotherapy. As a result she started the Anastacia Show and to book a stall please telephone to work on different, Fund to promote awareness of breast cancer among Hospice Fundraising on 528989. original songs. I shall be younger women. using the influence of my She has inspired thousands who have also fought the first solo album ‘Tribute illness, and said: “If my job and my career can help to Bobby’, and taking that promote these things, then I try to make it as positive as influence to try to create possible.” something original.”

...and surprise in store!

Hospice Fundraising: Telephone - 528989


Lifestyle 24 July 2009

Chale Show Staying close to its roots

A week in the Wight Your ‘days out’ diary Sponsored by

12 lifestyle

The Isle of Wight Gazette

July 24, 2009

Halloween Jazz with Cleo and John

BRITISH jazz celebrity couple Cleo Laine and John Dankworth are making their way back to Ventnor for Halloween weekend. Two special evenings in the company of “Cleo Laine and John Dankworth with Friends” are on the bill for the town’s Winter Gardens

on Friday 30 and Saturday 31 October. Over its history, Ventnor Winter Gardens has welcomed many famous names to its stages, and in more recent years with the annual Isle of Wight Jazz Festival. In 2007, during Cleo’s 80th year, the couple

graced the Ventnor stage for their first time ever together as the finale for the jazz festival. Of course, Johnny had been here before – in the days he describes as ”BC” (before Cleo) in the late 50’s, well after he had forged the future history of jazz in the 40’s and when he was already someone famous enough in his own right to audition the young Cleo Laine, whom he later married, to sing with his band. For the Halloween shows Cleo and John are joined by their

son Alec Dankworth on bass along with the great jazz pianist John Horler who hails from Lymington, Mark Nightingale on trombone, Christian Garrick on violin and Mike Smith on drums. Tickets are £38 each and now on sale from the Music Shop at 6 Pier Street, Ventnor or the Box Office at Ventnor Winter Gardens. Alternatively you can phone the music shop on 01983 856206 or 856200 or the Winter Gardens on 857581.

Jo Macaulay Features Editor falling under the great dark sky. It’s got to be good. These are all going to be great gigs and music uplifts the soul. Then it’s the Bestival in September – now that whole weekend is soul food if you ask me. And in October Cleo Laine and Johnnie Dankworth are playing the Wintergardens in Ventnor, a stone’s throw from my home. WHAT a lot of wonderful music Festival Island – that’s what we now are. Although in a way events we’ve got coming up this summer. Music is supposed we always have been as just about everyone in the world to be a cure-all along with over the age of 45 remembers humour, and Madness and Kid the first big one. I hear there Creole and the Coconuts will be providing both at the end of are more well known bands August. So I suggest that for an planned for the winter months. Watch our pages for further antidote to the long kid-filled summer of swine flu and penury news – we have Madness tickets to win in our next issue. we’re all apparently in for that I hope you find our Week in you purchase a ticket now before you run out of money or the Wight feature in this issue’s Lifestyle useful. We have given the tickets sell out. a schedule of suggested activiOr you could opt for Anasties for each day of the week, tasia, Escala and Simply Red although obviously some are at Osborne House – or both. Mick Hucknall has the voice of interchangable. an angel and sings of the stars

July 24, 2009

The Isle of Wight Gazette

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1.00pm 1.15 1.30 1.55 2.15 2.40 3.00 3.25 3.40 4.05 4.20 4.40

Steam Up! Militaria Dingle Fingle Comedy Car Display Wight Diamonds Marching Band HawksdriftFalconry Display Randini Dingle Fingle Comedy Car Display Children’s Races HawksdriftFalconry Display Vintage Tractors Children’s Races Junior Mile

The Isle of Wight Gazette

11.00am 1.00pm 1.15 1.30 1.55 2.15 2.40 3.00 3.20 3.40 4.05 4.25 4.45 5.10 5.20


Church Service in the Horticultural tent Steam Up! Militaria Dingle Fingle Comedy Car Display Wight Diamonds Marching Band Hawksdrift – Falconry Display Children’s Races Dingle Fingle Comedy Car Display Randini Hawksdrift- Falconry Display Vintage Tractors Children’s Races Senior Mile Prize Giving in the Horticultural Tent Auction of Exhibit Produce

July 24, 2009

Saturday: Chale Show

CHALE SHOW is your destination for Saturday 1 August and/or Sunday 2 August. Now the biggest Horticultural Show on the Island, this is still is the main reason it is staged. Islanders come from far and wide to exhibit their prize vegetables, fruit and flowers and more and more people are now growing their own. Just to inspire everyone there are three professional displays in the horticultural marquee from growers on the mainland. And for those without green fingers, photography and art have been added to the entries. Last year there were 1340 entries. The Co-Op are sponsoring this year’s Horticultural Marquee and have an exhibition trailer next to the Farmer’s Market offering free samples of local food and drink. A large craft marquee, an antique market marquee and over 70 trade and charity stalls will be also be around the field. The events arena is the biggest of all the Island shows and this year is opened by the Wight Diamonds marching band. Dingle Fingle, a clowning car show will amaze and delight you throughout both Saturday and Sunday and Hawksdrift’s low level flying birds of prey will be

thrilling and exhilarating. Randini will entertain the children on both days. The famous Chale Children’s Races will be held in the main arena and at the end of both days the Junior and Senior Mile will be run, respectively, when contestants run several times around the arena and prize money and cups are up for grabs.

The IOW Poultry Club have their own marquee and show which is bound to be a winner. The fantastic range of chickens and eggs has to be seen to be believed. Tractors, steam engines and army vehicles will be on show and the Rifle Society will be giving demonstrations.

July 24, 2009

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The Isle of Wight Gazette

1st & 2nd August Dingle Fingle comedy Crime Watch Display Hawksdrift - Falconry Display A full afternoon both days of Arena Entertainment The Largest Horticultural Marquee on the Island featuring three unique special guest Flower Displays Victorian Style Fair and Inflatables Large Craft Marquee Farmers Market Antique and Market Tent The IW Poultry Club Over 70 outside Trade and Charity Stalls A wide selection of Food and Drink to suit all tastes beer tent by Yates Brewery Whitwell Garage Ryde Extreme Performers Traction Engines, Tractors and Military Vehicles Non Stop Action all day with something for all the family. Come to Chale for the best value Family Entertainment weekend of the Event Calendar!

Free Entry for n e r d l i ch

Ticket Prices:


Adults: ÂŁ7.00 O.A.P: ÂŁ5.00 Children: Free

16 lifestyle

The Isle of Wight Gazette

July 24, 2009

Sunday: Cowes IT’S COWES Week from Sunday 2 August until the fireworks on the evening of Friday 7 August so make sure you visit the town. Many marquees and stalls spring up and there is live entertainment in the streets and on the marinas. But if you would like to have a go at sailing and don’t know anyone with a boat, UKSA can come to the rescue with a wide range of courses from their base on the Medina river in Thetis Road. Choose from dingy sailing, keelboarding, windsurfing and kite surfing – many are residential so check the website for details at www.uksa. org. You could even charter the famous Gipsy Moth IV for the day with a group of friends or colleages. Diving is another activity you might like

to try, or if you’ve already Also gifts, cards, wrap, canvas learned to dive in a pool you printing and stretching, personcould take an open water course. alised name frames and bespoke Island Divers offer every kind framing is on offer here. of course in diving you might After a hard day’s sailing, need from getting started to diving or shopping, the ideal getting certified to dive or teach place to sit and watch the scurry diving. Youngsters as young as of activity on the Parade is eight could try the ‘Bubblemak- Lugley’s, the restaurant and bar er Experience’ in the pool. More favoured by the royal princes on experienced divers might like to their trip to Cowes last year for take a trip out to dive one of the Peter Phillip’s stag weekend. Sit many Island’s wrecks. inside the comfortable contemLunch could be at the Octopus’ porary interior, book the back Garden, named after the popular room where the princes met Beatles song from the ‘Abbey their friends or laze under the Road’ album – it is the place to red and white umbrellas on the eat when you are visiting the terrace outside. world’s premier yachting centre. Surrounded by colourful Beatles memorabilia you won’t fail to enjoy the ambience of this unique venue; there really is nothing quite like it outside of Liverpool! They pride themselves on serving the very best quality food at the most competitive prices. Looking for that perfect gift or a memento of your stay on the Island? Shorelines have prints of local scenes by Gurnard artist Maria Ward and photographic prints of Steve Gasgoine’s stunning Available The staff at Lugleys Light Island images.

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The Isle of Wight Gazette

Monday: Ryde ON MONDAY Ryde is a great destination for shopping, drinking and eating and has a good selection of nightlife opportunities too. In the morning you could take your children to Fired Art on the corner of Newport Road and the High Street, to choose a clay item and decorate it with the wide range of glazes available in little dishes. Once the treasured item is finished it can be fired and you can pick it up before the end of your holiday or have it sent to your home. Lunch could be at the Blacksheep Bar, which is halfway down Union Street on the left. Its black and silver interior, with touches of red, is the place for sharing tapas with friends, and there is also a pleasant outdoor area, in the unused side road

between the Blacksheep and Yelf’s Hotel. After lunch Mum or your teenagers might like to check out the prices in the High Street Outlet shop further down the hill on the left at number 68. Many good labels from high street chains across the country are in here at knock down prices. Dinner could be at Olivos, up the road at 32-33 Union Street, who pride themselves on their child-friendly atmosphere and dishes that your children might not normally try alongside the usual kiddy meal options. If you want your children to eat the same as you, they can – just a smaller portion if you require it. Later on the Liquid Lounge at 74 High Street becomes a haven for salsa dancing lovers on Mondays with different High Street Outlet in Union Street

levels of classes from 7.30pm onwards. Check the website www.isleofwightsalsa.co.uk for further details – you could pick up a hobby on your holiday too. Make your way home or back to your holiday location with Ryde taxis on 811111. Recently they invested in new vehicles and are the Island’s first company to have child booster seats in every vehicle. Olivos in Ryde

Downstairs the Blacksheep Club Bar is a magnet for music lovers, and with IOW Festival promoter John Giddings as a partner this isn’t surprising. Although not open on Monday nights the line up for the next two weeks is as follows: 24 July Off The Wall 25 July D’Arcy 31 July Cozy Flashback 1 Aug Beatroot 7 Aug Blank Beats

18 lifestyle

The Isle of Wight Gazette

July 24, 2009

Tuesday: Newport

IF IT’S Tuesday then it’s a good day to visit Newport because the market is on in both St Thomas’s and St James’s Square and the whole town is buzzing with activity. Newport has a lot of good shops, pubs, café’s and restaurants but you can’t beat the Quay Arts Centre for lunch, down by the town quay. Sit in the old converted warehouse or outside on the terrace, which has a wonderful view over the river Medina and its visiting boats, swans and ducks. Choose a special of the day from the blackboard and you’re in for a treat, with many local ingredients used and lovely home made salads to accompany your main course. A menu also offers a wide range of sandwiches, jacket potatoes, salads and other tasty dishes. But the main reason for your visit has to be the galleries in the Quay Arts. In the large Michael West gallery is an international exhibition, The Art of Imagination – free your

mind! In the smaller Rope Store Gallery, Bembridge artist Gerry Price has her ‘Shoreline – from Whitecliff bay to Bembridge Harbour’ exhibition which is echoed in the upstairs Learning Curve gallery by found-object art works made by children in Bembridge. And don’t forget the café wall exhibition showcasing a selection of the Open Studio Island artists’ work. On the way in and out you walk through the Quay Arts gift shop, which must be one of the most tasteful and exclusive shops in Newport, if not the whole Island. You can purchase a real work of art for your friends, be it jewellery, ceramics, mosaic work, a hand made scarf or a uniquely framed mirror. Walk up Holyrood Street, from

the Quay and turn into Lugley Street and you’re on the way to Lugley’s Hotel and restaurant, where you could take an early evening drink in the pretty secluded garden before dinner in the sophisticated contemporary restaurant. Lugley’s was the choice of Prince Edward when he recently visited the Island – he popped in to freshen up in between his various engagements, including opening the newly refurbished St Thomas’s Church which is also well worth a visit.

Quay Arts Cafe

Just around the corner in Lower St James’s Street is the newly refurbished Temptations nightclub, in the former Congregational Church, which reopens on Friday July 24. Glitter is the theme in here and the gothic architecture stands sentinel to the up to the minute nightclub lighting and effects. Built for holding the sound of an organ and voices, the music envelopes the dancers and the bass can be racked up really high. This is bound to be the in place to be this summer and beyond.

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The Isle of Wight Gazette

Wednesday: Shanklin

SHANKLIN is one of our best tourist towns with loads of things to see and do for all ages. Make sure you pick up your morning paper from Shanklin News on Regent Street where you’ll have a cheery welcome from Jonathan Bennis and his staff. You can also buy cigarettes, magazines, a lottery ticket, phone top ups, cold drinks, sandwiches, pick and mix, icecreams and wool in case you’d like to knit on the beach. And don’t forget your Shanklin Carnival programme – it runs throughout the week from August 2 - 8. Then head for the seafront with your goodies and once you’ve bagged a plot you can take your children over to the Summer Arcade. The jungle themed adventure golf is the attraction that first catches your eye with the crashed plane on the rooftop. Walk through the adventure golf area and you come to the amusement arcade and steps up from here lead to Jungle Jim’s indoor adventure play area. After a hard morning on the beach, take the lift, or walk back up to the town, and you could stop at the Plough and Barleycorn for lunch. Under the new management of

The Plough and Barleycorn

Gillian and Jack Bell, this traditionally styled yet recently refurbished family pub has really good food, comfy seats and a welcoming atmosphere. Choose a light bite for under £7, a ciabatta, sandwich or jacket potato or have one of the daily specials, featuring Island reared meats. Sit on the terrace, in the garden, in the wood panelled interior or the kid free area if you prefer. Now is the time to explore the Old Village so walk up the High Street and just past the traffic lights to where it begins. Keat’s Cottage on the left just before the hill descends has special gifts such as jewellery, pretty evening bags, peshua heavily beaded scarves and unusual journals and jewellery boxes – some hand made by owner Jill Rowe - along with pagan and wiccan crafts. Tell your friends they came from the very house in which Keats sojourned in the summer of 1819, writing two poems and many odes. Just a little further down on the same side is Cottage Crafts with ceramic tablewear as well as quirky and unusual garden planters. New in are the boot and handbag shaped planters covered in garden birds. Or you might like the wooden flowerpot people, with plant pot heads or the

Summer Arcade

log shaped garden ornaments. Walk down through the Old Village, stopping at the various shops along the way, and you’ll arrive at the Village Inn, just in time for tea/supper. And you’ll have live music to serenade you, or you could even dance to the sounds of ‘Chill Factor’ on Wednesday 29 July or ‘Jules’ on Wednesday 5 August. And if you need a ride back to your home or holiday location, then call A Cabs on 866772 – don’t drink and drive.

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The Isle of Wight Gazette

July 24, 2009

Thursday: Freshwater

THE VINE in Freshwater has long been a focal point for the town, with its central location, pretty hedged front garden and large car park. Make it a date for mid morning coffee and just up the road is the Tacklebox, with Rainbow’s Fish Bar opposite – all on Avenue Road. Fishing or searching for crabs in the rock pools at Freshwater bay has been a favourite since beach holidays were invented.

down Avenue Road – or you can pick up a fish supper later if you fail to catch any (or you’re just into sport fishing). Once you’re down in the bay you could explore the caves if the tide is out, but be careful climbing on the rocks – they can be slippery. Smugglers once used these caves and the old condemned rusty steps up the cliff might once have been used for contraband.

The Farringford

The Vine Inn

art upon the walls. For just £6 you could have a freshly made warm ciabatta and a glass of wine/beer or soft drink. Spend the rest of the day exploring Freshwater Bay – don’t miss Dimbola House – and

The Tacklebox, on the corner of The Avenue on Whittingham Place, will have all you’ll need for fishing along with advice about the types of fish and bait you’ll want to use. You might like to pick up fish and chips for all of the family to take with you on your trip from Rainbows Fish Bar, further

Walk up Tennyson’s Down and see the monument to him on the top. Drop down to his former home, Farringford House, now a five star hotel, and you could have lunch at the poolside bistro where there is a small playground for kids, indoor and outdoor tables, an eclectic selection of books to read and local

then make your way back to the Vine for supper. This traditional Island pub has good pub food, local ales, and friendly service, jukebox music and a lovely front garden for those balmy summer evenings.

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The Isle of Wight Gazette

or Yarmouth

Pictures by Mhairi Macaulay

July 24, 2009

The view from Cafe Verdi

YOUR family will have a wonderful day out at Fort Victoria, on the coast just west of Yarmouth. You’ll be spoiled for choice so why not try it all? To the far left of the red brick fortress is the Model Railway; an amazing layout of different tracks and trains which run through places that include a German garden centre, a new age hippy encampment and an English area with a canal and a mine. Next door at Café Verdi you could drop in for a coffee with home made cakes, strawberry cream teas, or the popular breakfasts, with fantastic views over the Solent from the terrace. The Underwater Archaeology Centre next door is full of exciting finds from beneath the Solent and has a kid’s area with nautical activities, pirate ships to play with and cargo ships to load. Information on famous wrecks such as the Santa Lucia coupled with ancient canons and balls from Yarmouth Roads wrecks – very interesting. Moving eastwards around the fort and you arrive at the Island Planetarium – inside a The model railway

FOR THE afternoon you might like to travel into Yarmouth, to look around the lovely shops, particularly the beautiful women’s clothes at Blue, have a knickerbocker glory at Scoops ice cream The aquarium’s Trigger fish parlour, a cream tea at Jireh House in the central projector throws an image of the Square and dinner heavenly bodies onto the screen dome and produces a man made universe. Two shows in the King’s Head, daily are ‘Welcome to the Universe’ and ‘A just by the ferry Star is Born’, alternately from 10.30am till terminal. Scoops is just 3.45/4.30pm. around the corner Funky fish are the star of the Aquarium from the King’s built into the arches with rays and small sharks swimming beneath you as you cross Head in Wheatsheaf Lane. Sit out in the the bridge, brightly coloured tropicals lane, and watch beyond – don’t miss the kissy mouthed the world walk by Trigger Fish. as you tuck into On the way out or into the fort, the Boathouse restaurant is another wonderful loca- a wonderful ice cream concoction tion to sit and watch the boats go by with delicious cakes, snacks and meals overlook- from their selection of New Forest ing the Solent from a different angle.

and Beechdean icecreams, toppings, sauces, sprinkles, fudge sticks and flakes. Exclusive to Yarmouth is the new Slushee machine. In the town centre is Blue, one of the best clothes shops on the Island with shabby chic style and labels such as Saltwater, Mod-O-Doc, Salt and Sula and

one off pieces from select designers. Jireh House means ‘protected by God’ in Hebrew, as this 17th century tearooms was one of the only houses to escape the plague. Now you can take a cream tea or choose anything on the menu between 9am and 9pm. Sit in the cosy tearooms, the

conservatory or the pretty rear garden. The Kings Head is named for Charles I who visited the Island before his untimely death and is opposite Yarmouth Castle, which he undoubtably visited. Inside the pub is cosy and traditional, with tasty pub food and outside is a small pretty patio area.

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The Isle of Wight Gazette

July 24, 2009

The view from Kings House

Friday: Sandown

SANDOWN is the venue for Friday – we’ve lined up a day at the zoo for your little animals and a fun night to bring out the animal in you. At the zoo this week (27-31 July) the Festival of Carnivores is a special event with children’s activities, circus skills workshops, a hog roast and a big cat feed each day. Vegetarian Chris Packham will be pitted in a tug of war against a carnivorous tiger. On Friday July 31 Randini will be performing magic tricks and a Punch and Judy show. Painting with the lemurs is another possibility, but you will need to book in advance, and the new ZooLittle Farm petting area is proving a real hit. You might also like to pay a visit to Glory Art Glass on Melville Street, and see the glass being blown into beautiful colours and shapes in the studio area. You’ll also see a wonderful array of all of the hand blown items on sale in the large shop area, ideal locally made gifts.

Now pick up gourmet fish and chips for all the family from Fat Harry’s on the High Street and make your way down to the beach and the pier. Fat Harry’s even have gluten free batter on the fish and traditional mushy peas with your chips are a must. Wander along the beach to the Driftwood Bar, and you can sit on the two large terraces or take away your drinks in plastic cups and sup your beer, wine or Pimms on the beach, whilst being entertained by local bands and singers. Stay until the evening and Friday night is Steak Night here. All the delicious tender steak is from Island farms. Coors and Bud are cold on draft, and surfing is the theme. Later on you might like to wander back up the High Street to King’s Bar and sit on the sun balcony overlooking the bay with a long cold drink. With a contemporary décor, comfy settees and wicker chairs, there are loads of different ales and

bottled beers, wines and a wide selection of different coffees. Again if you need a taxi home them Red Line Taxis are your local best bet, on 404444.

One of the zoo’s carnivores

July 24, 2009

The Isle of Wight Gazette

A retail institution

Island chain Hurst’s is celebrating its 150th anniversary this year. Paul Rainford finds out how this retailer continues to succeed where so many others fail RETAIL chains come and go. Even seemingly rock-solid emporiums such as C&A and, more recently, the mighty Woolworths have fallen by the wayside as fashions and buying patterns subtly change. At W Hurst & Son, however, the tills just keep on ringing. Purveyors of hardware, electrical goods, china and glass, Hurst’s, as they are more commonly known, have been in business on the Island for 150 years this year. Not that Hurst’s are going to get too excited about it, according to managing director Dave Bowley. It’s going to be a low-key anniversary; it’s business as usual. There are six branches of Hurst’s on the Island, in Newport, Ventnor, Ryde, Cowes, Freshwater and Shanklin. Newport, however, is the main branch and its extensive block of buildings fronting onto Holyrood Street the nerve centre of the whole operation. It all started with Charles Wheeler in 1859, with William Hurst joining the company in 1891. In 1950 the Hurst family firm was bought by Reuben Reed and Albert Henton and Hurst’s became a limited company in the early 1960s. People think of Hurst’s as a shop that changes little. Some

might say it belongs to another, gentler era of retailing. But in 150 years there have a been, of course, more than a few adjustments. Hurst’s started out as a supplier of milking machines and other agricultural equipment to the Island’s once thriving farming community. At one time it owned a steelyard and a farriers. Eventually, general hardware took over as the chain’s main raison d’etre, and electrical goods, china and glass came into the mix later. So how do Hurst’s keep on going when so many retailers have gone to that great bargain bin in the sky? Steady expansion rather than a mad rush for growth is part of the answer. Hurst’s didn’t open its second branch (Ventnor) until the 1960s, and it was to be another 30 years before they opened their sixth and most recent store, in Shanklin. This cautious approach has enabled them always to own their premises outright, meaning they don’t have to pay rent. This, believes Mr Bowley, is key. “If you’re paying rents, you’ve got problems. That’s where a lot of mainland high street stores have come unstuck. Sports Direct was one; Robert Dyas another. If you’ve got to pay three months’ rent in advance, it’s OK in the

Promoting Hurst’s at an agricultural show

Members of the Hurst’s workforce from the early days

good times but not so good when things take a turn for the worse. Look at Woolies: it was sold off by B&Q – B&Q took it over and then sold a lot of the property off and then rented it back, and Woolies couldn’t afford to pay their rent.” The chain’s strong service ethic is also crucial, believes Mr Bowley and sets Hurst’s apart from the retail ‘sheds’ that have become a familiar sight on the outskirts of Newport. What brings the service is, of course, the staff, and it seems Hurst’s have found the knack of maintaining a contented workforce. One buyer, the appropriately named Ray Byham, has just retired after 51 years; former Ventnor manager Bill Best retired three years ago after another half-century of service; and chairman Robin McCloughlin has been with the company since 1963. Mr Bowley himself is a prime example of Hurst’s staff loyalty. He started out as an office junior 44 years ago, almost by accident. “In those days you went to Broadlands House and they said, ‘Here’s a little green card. Get into Hurst’s – they want a girl really but the interview experience will do you good.’ So I came down to Holyrood Street and they offered me the job. I thought I’d take it for now, and I worked my way up.” Many of Hurst’s female staff return to the store for a second stint part time once they have had their families – it is prob-

ably fair to say that Hurst’s is known for its ‘more mature’ assistants. Customer loyalty is also crucial. The olde worlde charm of Hurst’s inspires a certain, enduring affection in many who have crossed its threshold, says Mr Bowley. “We’ve had someone sail over in their boat from Chichester to the quay here to pick up an order. We’ve also had one or two letters from people who come here every time they come here to the Island on holiday.” The recession has meant the shedding of some jobs through ‘natural wastage’. “We were at our peak 102 staff three years ago,” says Mr Bowley. “I think we saw this recession coming and when we had a few part time staff that retired we didn’t replace them. We’ve moved a few people around from different departments and we’ve weathered it quite well, I think.” Hurst’s currently employs 87 staff. Mr Bowley seems quite contented with the way things are ticking over at Hurst’s. There are no plans for any more stores on the Island, nor will we be seeing any branches on the mainland. (That idea was briefly considered then rejected in the 1970s.) They have ventured into online retailing with their own website, which is “pottering along”. Will Hurst’s still be around in another 150 years? You wouldn’t bet against it.

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Tell the IW Gazette your news Call us on 409928 or email newsdesk@iwgazette.co.uk

24 news

The Isle of Wight Gazette

July 24, 2009

A right royal occasion The Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall spent the day on the Island as part of Camilla’s 62nd birthday celebrations and Gazette photographer JAMIE WHITE travelled around with the Royal couple to capture the events

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The Isle of Wight Gazette

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26 news

It’s happy birthday to us! The Gazette celebrates its first birthday in a few days time, and we would like to thank all our loyal readers and advertisers for their excellent support over our first 12 months.

The Isle of Wight Gazette

July 24, 2009

By Jamie White

on the Island. We also highlighted new Elm Trees planted at Osborne House - the first ones for OUR first edition was published on August stolen while on holiday in Dubai and were 30 years. 1 last year when we revealed on our front given an armed escort and forced to pay April 17 - We told readers how page how Mick and Karen Wilson made £300 for new ones. We also featured the the Island was set for a tourism a 700-mile round trip from York to the fantastic work that the Ellen MacArthur boom this summer, and spoke Island every weekend to visit their favourite is doing for youngsters through the Ellen exclusively to the Island’s new Shanklin pub. It was a story that was folMacArthur Trust. High Sheriff, Gay Edwards. New lowed up by several national newspapers. March 6 - Island MP Andrew Turner England beach soccer manager Our reputation soon began to grow as we reiterated his desire to get the Office of Jamie O’Rourke also told us brought you a string of top stories – and Fair Trading to investigate and review the about his plans for the team. all for free! But thanks to your generosity Island’s hovercraft and ferry services. We May 1 - Crime figures we have subsequently managed to raise also heard from residents and business released by the IW Police more than £23,000 for the Earl Mountbatowners in Freshwater who were suffering revealed that the Island remains ten Hospice from donations you have made from the effect from the roadworks were one of the safest places to live when you have picked up your newsy having on the town. in Britain. We also spoke exGazette. March 20 - We revealed how figures clusively to channel 4’s ‘Come We reviewed the first six months of The labeled the Island as the UK’s number Dine With Me’ winner CharGazette in February, now he is a look-back blackspot for people in search of a job. We lotte Barton-Hoare about her at the last six months. also spoke to IW Festival organizer John February 6 - The Island was covered in Giddings about his plans for the festival and success. The Duke of Kent opened the snow in the heaviest fall for several years, his joy at bringing rocker Neil Young to the new lifeboat station in East Cowes. May 15 - We revealed new plans to and featured The Needles Park and their Island. We also spoke to Lake woman, Carol provide better support and protection for plans for the future. Pauling, on how her life was turned upside victims of domestic violence. We featured February 20 - We exclusively revealed down following an horrific road accident. blind man Colin McArthur, who took the the options being discussed for the Island’s April 3 - An exclusive with new IW controls of a plane from Bembridge airport fire service, including possible closures and prison governor Barry Greenway who told station relocations. We told readers how a us that the amalgamation of the three Island to raise funds for the RP Fighting Blindness charity. We also featured Ryde’s new ‘street couple from Newchurch had their passports prisons was the best idea for the service pastors’. May 29 - We spoke exclusively to IW Festival organizer John Giddings, who told about his plans to ‘rout the ticket touts’ ahead of the music festival, and we previewed the acts that were taking place. The Gateway Club, which provides facilities for the disabled, was saved from extinction. June 12 - In the local elections, the Tories dominated. However, Island MP Andrew Turner urged the Conservatives to stay focused following the victory. The new Edwardian garden at Carisbrooke castle was opened, and we also spoke to fisherman

Tyler Roberts about his homemade mackerel smoke house. June 26 -We revealed that many Island Heritage sites could be facing closure. We had photos from the successful IW Festival and featured Lake Riding School and their work with the disabled. We visited Ventnor Botanic Garden and spoke to Simon Goodenough about the plans for the garden. July 10 - Terror struck the Island, as Benzie’s Jewellers in Cowes was raided by armed robbers. We also spoke to Dr Bingham about the Swine Flu outbreak, and spoke exclusively to Anastacia and Escala about the upcoming performances at Osborne House. The top Island stories will continue to appear in The Gazette, so please make sure you pick up your copy each fortnight – and once again thanks to you all for your loyal support.

July 24, 2009

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The Isle of Wight Gazette

County Show capers

LAST WEEKEND, July 18 and 19, the Royal Agricultural Society held a Horse and Livestock Show at the County Showground in Northwood. On Saturday there were classes for hunters, riding horses, coloureds, veterans, youngstock and driving, together with a full day of show jumping from the BSJA. On the Sunday there were mountain & moorland ponies, hunter ponies, leading rein and first ridden and, again, a full day of show jumping from the BSJA. There were also displays by Shetland ponies, scurry driving and the Driving for the Disabled Group. Livestock classes for cattle, sheep and pigs took place on the Sunday and the Poultry Club and alpacas attended too. Other attractions included a display by gundogs and a dog show. The I.W. Foxhounds and the I.W. Beagles paraded on each day. Children were allowed to enter the ring and pet the dogs. “We also had a very successful china smash and got rid of a lot of old china we had lying around,” said committee member John Reynolds. There were a limited number of trade stands on the showground, such as equine accessories, gardening sundries and plants. Jo Yule provided refreshments such as

Isle of Wight burgers, sausages and bacon butties, teas and coffees. Entry to the showground was free but a bucket collection was made for donations towards the bursaries given to young students. Last year the Society awarded £500 each to eight students towards their expenses at Sparsholt College and some of these students returned to help.

28 news

Competition winners

The Gazette winners of the six pairs of tickets for the Anastacia/Escala concert at Osborne House on Saturday August 1, who correctly named ‘Britain’s Got Talent’ as the TV programme Escala shot to fame on, are: Gill Lacey, Brookside Crescent, Wroxall; J Wattleworth, Orchard Rd, Seaview; Mr M Earley, Ash Lane, Gunville, Newport; Mark Handel, Heatherstone House, Hooke Hill, Freshwater; Mrs Mary Jones, Noke Common, Parkhurst; and Garry Oakes, Fort St, Sandown. The Gazette winners of the five pairs of tickets for the Simply Red concert at Osborne House on August 2, who correctly named ‘Holding Back The Years’ as the band’s big 1980s hit are: Mrs Hazel Fallick, Sylvan Avenue, East Cowes; Stevie Barnes, Old School Court, Appuldurcombe Road, Ventnor; Mr A Newham, Marlborough Road, Ryde; Mrs J Knight, Old Park Road, St Lawrence; Dennis Fothergill, Clatterford Road, Newport. The tickets will be forwarded directly to the winners by Solo, the concert promoters, within the next few days.

The Isle of Wight Gazette

July 24, 2009

New Merc really is stunner THE NEW Mercedes Benz E350cdi Coupe is, quite simply, a stunner. The German manufacturer sees this two-door car, which is based on the saloon version, as the replacement for the CLK – an established drivers’ favourite. The Coupe boasts an impressive top speed of 155mph, and can reach 60mph in a little over six seconds. The design is sleek and sports a mean looking front grille, and fully retractable side windows. The sloping aerodynamic shape helps eliminate wind and road noise, making the E-Class Coupe’s cabin a good place to be. Inside, the luxury continues, with padded front seats that are unique to the Coupe and can be electronically adjusted to pretty much any position you would require, and the frameless windows

By Jamie White give unrestricted views at a touch of a button. The car I tested was the Sport model, which rides on 18-inch AMG alloys, and featured a host of extras. There is no denying that it drives superbly in almost every respect. However, I think the best performance would be on a motorway or a sizeable long stretch of road, which unfortunately (or fortunately some might say) we don’t have on the Island. With five fine engines and three chassis options, you can tailor the E-Class Coupe more or less any way you want. There is a long list of active and passive safety kit to keep you out of trouble, including stability control, adaptive braking with hill hold, Pre-Safe (a system that primes seat belts and other safety systems if it

thinks an accident is imminent), crash responsive head restraints, attention assist (a system to alert the driver if it thinks he or she is drowsy), agility control and a total of nine airbags. The steering is responsive into the corners and the braking is firm without being too harsh. The dashboard features an on-board computer

and the controls are fairly simple to use. There is an option for semi-automatic with paddle shift gears and cruise control comes as standard. When you are sat in the driver’s seat you really feel in charge. The multi-function steering wheel puts everything at your fingertips, and the Linguatronic voice control leaves your hands free for the driving.

The closest rivals to E-Class Coupe are the Audi A5, Renault Laguna Coupe and the BMW 5-series. For looks and performance, I would have the say that the Mercedes is up there with the very best of them. For more information on the Mercedes Benz E-Class Coupe contact Esplanade Garage, Newport.

Power to the people ISLE OF WIGHT Motorcycles is bringing power to the people this month, as low rate finance arrives on the Hayabusa and B-King, offering up to 60 month terms, with typical APRs as low as 2%. Available on Suzuki’s tyre-shredding range of hyper bikes, the imposing B-King and mighty Hayabusa can be financed with a minimum deposit of £1,000 and monthly repayments of £203.72 and £243.94 respectively. Customers with a bike or scooter to trade in and with a value greater than £1,000 or a larger cash deposit would have lower monthly repayments. Suzuki GB’s Paul de Lusignan commented: “We’re delighted to offer both the Hayabusa and B-King on this new low-rate finance offer. With the Haya-

range has been added to the current Suzuki finance busa celebrating its 10th deal running. This gives birthday this year and the 0% apr for three years with B-King powered by the same £500 minimum deposit on legendary 1340cc engine 14 Suzuki models, includwith a new recommended ing the 1250cc Bandit and retail price of just £8,116 in- DL650 ranges, GSX-R600 cluding government charges, and 750, GSX650F, SV650 this offer really does bring Sport, DR125SM and now power to the people.” the Bandit 650 K8 range. The latest news from The Suzuki 0% and 2% Isle of Wight Motorcyfinance offers are due to end cles is the Bandit 650 K8 September 30 2009. Advertising feature

July 24, 2009

news 29

The Isle of Wight Gazette

Shanklin Venture Lashings of cream

IF ENID Blyton’s Famous Five were out in the countryside for a ramble, then Warren Farm teagardens would be where they’d stop for a slap up tea. This ‘secret’ tea rooms sits nestled in the dip between Tennyson Down and the FOLLOWING on from their Advertising feature Warren, and Timmy success with the Bembridge the dog would be so we thought it was time to Emporium, Jo and Mike very welcome. do something a bit different McGrath have opened a new Walkers on the upmarket gifts shop in Shanklin and take advantage of the busy Tennyson Trail summer season in Shanklin,” High Street. from Freshwater said Jo. Called 4U, the shop stocks to the Needles range of quality giftware, includ- The shop is bigger than the probably stumble ing Emma Bridgewater pottery, Emporium, adds Jo, with high across Warren Farm Steiff bears and St Eval candles. ceilings and a light and airy feel. and think they’ve The shop will be open Greetings cards, games, gift entered into a time throughout the year, and in wrap, aprons and pegbags also capsule. You order August Jo plans to open for a form part of the mix. your cream tea from couple of evenings each week “Our Bembridge shop has Liz Osman at the and on Sundays too. been going well for 15 years farmhouse window

and the scones are baked in the aga, come with lashings of Calbourne classics clotted cream. The farm has lovely pygmy goats and lazy Kuna Kuna pigs to watch or pet next to the traditionally styled small gift shop where you can buy locally produced arts and crafts. Warren farm is under “Britain’s Best Cream teas” on

Bembridge gliders reach for the sky

Gliding back towards Bembridge airport

BEMBRIDGE Business Association linked up with Vectis Gliding club to offer members of the association an exhilarating afternoon’s flying. On a perfect gliding day with an azure blue sky and a gentle breeze, the gliders were tugged to 2,000 feet and then released over Culver cliffs to circle over the tip of East Wight.

Many relatives and friends of those gliding waited in the hangar below, watching as the tug plane, with glider in tow, took off from the runway just in front of them. Several of the fliers were truly moved by the experience and vowed to fly again in the very near future. The evening was rounded off with a curry for all in the Propeller Inn.

Be on alert for swine flu

One of Lisa Traxler’s works that will grace her studio

New venue for Lisa

ISLAND artist Lisa Traxler has moved into her new studio at Newport Quay’s Jubilee Stores, just in time for this year’s Open Studio event. Lisa, whose work encompasses painting, mixed media and photography, came to live on the Island in 2003 after working in London for a number of years as a fashion stylist. Lisa joins several other artists working at Jubilee Stores, jew-

ellery designer Nina Bulley and illustrator Ian Whitmore among them. The Open Studio event at Jubilee Stores runs tonight (July 24) from 6-8pm and tomorrow from 10am-5pm. Lisa has also just received the news that she has been shortlisted for the prestigious Annual Cork Street Open Exhibition in London, which runs from August 6-14.

BUSINESS LINK, the Government-funded business advice and support service, is encouraging Island businesses to start planning for further swine flu outbreaks. “With good planning, businesses can minimise the impact of most crises, including large numbers of your staff potentially being on sick leave,” said Deborah Wyatt, director for Business Link. “It’s important to identify what the potential risks are and the possible impact on the business, produce a crisis plan and test it to see whether it works.” The Business Link website features guidance on how to perform a risk assessment, handling workplace health, and guidance for international traders about health and safety controls. Further advice on business continuity planning is available from Business Link on 0845 600 9 006. The Business Link website can be found at www.businesslink.gov.uk/swineflu.

the BBC Countryfile website as well as being featured in the Guardian. It is reached by road from a longish lane just past where Alum Bay Old Road meets Alum Bay New Road.

30 sport

The Isle of Wight Gazette

THE COWES Harbour Commissioners have stepped in to try to ensure the annual Cowes Week regatta maintains its usual high standards, even without a main sponsor. After Skandia announced their sponsorship withdrawal, Cowes Week organisers have been searching in vain for a replacement, but have been severely hampered by the recession. Now the Cowes Harbour Commissioners (CHC) have agreed to offer Cowes Week Limited (CWL) and Cowes Combined Clubs (CCC) increased support. However, the CHC will

By Peter White

not be holding its usual Cowes Week reception this year in light of the difficult economic climate, and instead will provide direct support and funding into the long-term sustainability of Cowes Week. The Commissioners have agreed to their support because of the importance of Cowes Week as the ‘lynch pin’ of visitor events in Cowes and its importance to both the local and harbour economy. However, it is also in recognition of grant funding from Skandia’s sponsorship towards

recent harbour infrastructure projects. Cowes Harbour Master and Chief Executive of CHC, Capt. Stuart McIntosh, said the Harbour Commission had agreed to a number of measures to support Cowes Week this year and also assist CWL and CCC in delivering their plans for 2010. This year the Commission’s commercial operating services will sponsor the event by becoming an Official Cowes Week supplier and, in addition, will continue to provide free safety management for the Firework spectacular on Friday August 7.

Aaron up for Regatta stunt!

TOP Island illusionist Aaron Isted will be performing his most dramatic death-defying stunt at this year’s Cowes Week Regatta, which takes place from August 1 to 8. Aaron, 21, will attempt to escape from a straitjacket suspended from a burning rope swinging 40ft above Cowes Yacht Haven on August 5. His feet will be shackled together and he

will have to battle against time to escape before the rope burns through. He said: “It is going to be one of my most spectacular stunts to date and it is definitely going to make Cowes Week go with a bang. “I wanted to challenge myself and try something new, so I came up with this, which is more of a stunt than an illusion and is inspired by the Great Houdini.”

Ellen sails into Cowes RECORD breaking British yachtswoman Dame Ellen MacArthur is to give a public talk in her adopted home town of Cowes about her life and career on Tuesday, September 15. It will be the last of a series of talks Ellen is giving Britain and will be the first time she has spoken publicly since her record breaking round the world voyage in 2005. The talk will take place in the Gurnard Pines Leisure Centre from 6.30-7.30pm. Tickets cost £10 for adults and £5 for children and concessions, and can be purchased online at www.roundbritain.org. All proceeds will go directly to The Ellen MacArthur Trust, the charity set up by Ellen in 2003 which takes young people aged 8-18 sailing to help them regain their confidence on their way to recovery from cancer, leukemia and other serious illness. Ellen said: “I’m really excited about the summer ahead, spending time with the young people from the Ellen MacArthur Trust and visiting different places around the UK for the first time since my first solo voyage around Britain in 1995. The talks are the first opportunity that I’ve had for a long time to share my sailing experiences as well as my plans for the future and I can’t wait! The talks across Great Britain are in conjunction with the Ellen MacArthur Trust Skandia Round Britain Voyage of Discovery. Having started from Cowes on

Picture by Benoit Stichelbaut

So the show will go on

July 24, 2009

Dame Ellen MacArthur to give talk

May 3, 85 young people are sailing the 48 foot yacht Scarlet Oyster the 2,000 nautical miles around Britain on a four month voyage stopping at 17 ports around Britain, before finishing in Cowes on September 12.

Primary kids’ fun and Games Shanklin talk of the Town

PRIMARY school pupils from across the Island competed in their very own mini Island Games at The Fairway Sports Complex in Sandown. The event, which was organised by the IW council Sports Unit, attracted over 500 children. The schools were grouped in to eight areas, each taking on the mantle of an Island that will be visiting the Isle of Wight when the International Games is hosted here in 2011. They included the Cayman Islands, St Helena, Rhodes, Greenland, Menorca, Gibraltar, Western Isles and Bermuda. The teams competed in seven different sports in front of around 1,000 spectators, and it was schools in the Sandown area participating as the Cayman Islands that fin-

would like to congratucouncil is pleased to be late all of the young supporting.” people who took part and Teams: Cayman Island – ished triumphant. Sandown area The event began with an especially those from the Olympic themed opening winning team participating Gibraltar – West Wight as the Cayman Islands. area ceremony led by the “The games are the cul- Greenland – Ventnor area Greenmount Samba Band. Despite the damp weather, mination of weeks of hard Menorca – Cowes area Rhodes – Rydelink area the teams enthusiastically work and training and it was wonderful to see such St Helena – Ryde area put their months of training into action and entered enthusiasm for sport, espe- Western Isles – Newport into the spirit of the games cially in light of the Island area hosting the Natwest Island Bermuda – Carisbrooke competition. The day proceeded with Games in 2011, which the area events including tennis, girls football, athletics, tag rugby, netball, cycling and basketball. Last year’s winners, St Helena, comprising schools from the Ryde area were pushed into second place by the Cayman Islands represented by Broadlea, Gatten & Lake, Newchurch, Sandown CE, Shanklin CE and St John’s CE. IW Council leader, David Pugh, said: “I The ‘Cayman Islands’ winning squad

By Jamie White

Left to right: Tim Ames, Ian Bennett, Andy Sperry and Claire Ames with the cheque and Shanklin FC’s new shirts

A QUIZ night at the Townhouse Bar in Shanklin helped raise over £500 for Shanklin Football Club. Several teams entered the first ‘Beerrunner Quiz’, with the winning team, comprising Shanklin FC first team and reserve managers Ian Bennett and Andy Sperry, taking the crown. Townhouse landlord Tim Ames was delighted with the turnout. He said: “Everyone entered into the spirit of the evening and helped to ensure

By Jamie White fun was had by all. The added bonus was that we managed to raise £500 for the football team. “Some obsessions with football and Star Wars helped the winning team to victory, and any team that recognises the theme tune to ‘The Fall Guy’ deserves the title!” The money has gone towards the new home and away kits for the first team, and other equipment for the club.

July 24, 2009

sport 31

The Isle of Wight Gazette

Reward for kids Picture by Jamie White

POLICE and partner agencies on the Island have turned to the magic of the sea to highlight and encourage the exceptional behaviour of local children. An opportunity for pupils from West Wight Middle School to spend a day on the water at the United Kingdom Sailing Academy (UKSA) in Cowes was organised by the West Wight and Rural West Safer Neighbourhoods Teams, and IW Council WAYS Forward extended services officer Tracey Castle. Activities included learning to sail small dinghies, group sailing of larger craft, and kayaking to build teamwork, West Wight Middle School pupils, teachers and police officer Mark Lyth confidence and self-esteem. The 24 pupils were chosen for their good attendance and behaviour, rewarding those who are positive role models at West The 36 hole AT Smith Trophy for Wight Middle School and in the By Peter White community. the over 60’s was a close run thing The project was supported fiwith Tony Black (15) finishing first BRANDON Thompson claimed the nancially by the parish and town on 145. Freshwater Bay GC championship councils of Freshwater, Totland Chris Reed produced a magnifiafter the tournament had to be comcent two-round aggregate of 135 to and Yarmouth, the Hooke Hill pleted over two weekends because branch of The Southern Coclaim the Shanklin and Sandown of difficult weather conditions. operative, and Isle of Wight bus Golf Club title. The field had to battle against the operator Southern Vectis, which Reed, 20, finished an incredible 10 elements during both rounds, but shots ahead of the rest of the field of provided free transport. Brandon, 16, showed his consistThe event coincided with the 80, headed by defending champion ency with an aggregate score of 142 start of Hampshire ConstabuMark Bell. His 68 on the opening to claim the title by an impressive lary’s campaign to prevent and day, followed by a superb 67 in the 10 shots. second round produced the champi- reduce the risk of anti-social The strong winds pushed the onship’s lowest ever aggregate total. behaviour involving people of standard scratch up from 68 to 71 Brandon Thompson at the first all ages this summer. Police Despite poor weather conditions for the final round. But Brandon officers and Police Community on the first day Reed, who also won round net 60. followed up his initial 72 with an Brandon, two years Ryan’s senior, the title two years ago, carded a two excellent 70. Derek Wright and Nat under par 68 to take a four-shot lead. Riddett were Brandon’s main chal- came second on 134 playing off of His invincibility continued, with four, with the two of them cleaning lengers in the opening round, and the victory taking him back down up the prizes for the best second although they struggled to maintain their momentum they still managed round 18 holes as well. Third place to a scratch handicap for the second time in his career. Runner-up Bell went to John Burke (12) finishing to finish third and fourth respecwas followed in by third-placed Ian on 138, while fourth place went to tively on 152. Miller. was third in a field of almost Gary Cooke (14) on 141. But it was 13-handicapper Ryan 80 members. Gary was one of the hardy band Harmer, just 14 years of age, who In the concurrent handicap produced the second round surprise, of travellers who flew in during the early hours of the morning from The competition, the Roger Matthews following up his 79 with a superb Open to make their tee off. Prize for Salver was won by Reed from Dave 73 to take runners-up spot overall. the furthest travelled however went Maidment with Steve Taylor in third Ryan also featured in the Afton place. Maidment hit a net 62 on the to Steve Sargeant who got back Down Handicap Trophy winning second day to lift the Melville Hall on the Island at 8 am following a that by eight shots with what must Cup from Steve Taylor and Barrie 13-hour flight from Singapore to be one of the lowest 36 hole totals Domoney. return a very creditable net 72. of 126 aided by an excellent final

Battling Brandon cruises to crown

Support Officers (PCSOs) from the West Wight and Rural West Safer Neighbourhoods Teams worked with the pupils and instructors from the UKSA during the day. Sergeant Mark Lyth of the West Wight Safer Neighbourhoods Team (SNT) said: “Reports of rowdy and inconsiderate behaviour have fallen considerably in the West Wight over the past year, and police want to see this trend continue. We support community activities to reinforce respect and understanding among different generations. These children are an absolute credit to their school and the community. They worked alongside adults as one team to learn something new, and bring down barriers between themselves and those in authority.” West Wight Middle School PE co-ordinator Chris Williams said: “These pupils are an inspiration to the rest of the school. We’re really proud of them. It’s an incentive to reward those who behave responsibly, and they haven’t let us down. There is an excellent relationship established between police and the school. We regularly see officers and PCSOs on their bikes at West Wight Middle, speaking with pupils and making them aware the area is safe. This event will help to build even stronger links.”

the gazette


Send your sports news to newsdesk@iwgazette.co.uk

Stars come out at Newclose FORMER England skipper Mike Gatting will be playing in a cricket match at Newclose County Cricket Ground, Newport on Monday July 27, to celebrate the ground’s official opening. Keith Bradshaw chief executive of the MCC will be leading an MCC team to play in a fixture against a Brian Gardener XI, and Gatting, who played for England in the successful 1985 Ashes series, then skippered the side to victory in Australia in 1986-87, will be in the line-up. The MCC Foundation donated £5000 to the aid Former England skipper Mike Gatting is of the club’s development part of Newclose celebrations which was put towards the

By Peter White

cost of purchasing covers for the ground, which was the brainchild of Brian Gardener. The opening ceremony is at noon, with the match beginning at 2pm. Further information on the ground can be found on website - www. newclose-cricket.co.uk. England Twenty20 World Cup squad members Graham Napier and James Foster along with former England opening batsman Jason Gallian will be playing for the Newclose Invitational XI on Friday July 31, against a strong Hampshire XI, hopefully celebrating a victory in the Friends

Provident Final over Sussex the previous weekend. Mike Scott, Newclose general manager, said: “This is a big day for Newclose. We are honoured that Hampshire have agreed to play this fixture in support of the development of Newclose as a County Cricket Ground, also that players of the standing of Graham Napier, James Foster and Jason Gallian have agreed to take part in this fixture. “We have made no secret of our desire to have County Cricket once again played on the Isle of Wight and hopefully this fixture will see us take a big stride towards achieving this aim.”

Big hitting Essex batsman Graham Napier will play at Newclose

Sotherton to miss out

Lashings XI in Ventnor

VENTNOR Cricket Club is gearing up TOP ISLAND athlete By Jamie White eight, but I only want to of surgery. It is an injury for the visit of the Kelly Sotherton has had go if I can really contend that can be patched up, but Lashings World XI her hopes of winning for a medal. It’s disapit’s more important to find troubled by the problem on Sunday August another top championship since February. Now she pointing as this will be the a long term solution, get 23. The team is medal dashed by an injury has decided to rest the first summer championmyself fighting fit again making its sixth apthat may need surgery. ship I have missed in my and look to return to full injury with the hope she pearance at SteepKelly, who was born and career, but I have got to training in the winter.” can make a full recovery hill, and have named raised in Newport, but now and concentrate her efforts think about my long term Kelly’s absence in Berlin a squad of former incompetes for Midlands health and in particular mean it will fall on her on the 2012 Olympics in ternationals includclub Birchfield Harriers, everything being okay for heptathlon colleague London. ing Phil De Freitas, has pulled out of next London in three years’ Jessica Ennis to try to fly Kelly, who attended Henry Olonga, month’s World Champion- Sandown High School, time. I want to give myself the flag for Britain in the Saqlain Mushtaq, ships in Berlin because of said: “I made the decievery chance of competgruelling seven-discipline Graeme Hick, persistent heel problems. ing at the 2012 Games. event. sion not to compete after Devon Malcolm and The 32-year-old, who “I will continue training Kelly added: “I wish a running session when Jason Gillespie. won bronze at the Olymto keep fit, but I am also the whole team well for the heel was still giving For more informapics in 2004 and at the going to speak to doctors, Berlin, and I know Jessica me problems. I probably tion or to buy tickets World Championships surgeons and specialists can go out there and win would be able to go to call Graeme Burnett two years ago, has been to look at the possibility the gold for the team.” Berlin and finish in the top Kelly Sotherton: recurring heel problem on 07764 405023.

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