IW Gazette 39

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gazette the isle of wight




THE ISLAND’S MP, Andrew Turner, has stated that Britain’s projected population rise to over 70 million by 2029 is ‘dangerously unsustainable’, and could have serious knock-on effects for the Island, writes Jamie White. Mr Turner is concerned that the increase would mean an extra 15,000 living on the Island, roughly the same amount of people currently living in Sandown and Shanklin. Mr Turner said: “The average population density of the UK is currently 637 people per square mile. A population of 70 million would mean 740 people per square mile. To put that in context – it would mean an extra 15,000 people here on the Island. “There is simply not the capacity or resources to support a population

of 70 million by 2029. England is already the most crowded country in Europe.” The Office for National Statistics projects that the population will reach such a level by 2029. This would represent the fastest rate of growth since post-war levels. Mr Turner added: “To allow such a rise would increase the already massive pressure on public services, infrastructure and the environment. This in turn would have negative consequences for the quality of life – both for those already living in Britain and those seeking to move in. Allowing the population to rise so quickly, and over such a short period of time, is dangerously unsustainable.” Mr Turner has also said that a cap must be put in place for people entering Britain, that want to stay to live and work.

“While this country should be a haven to those who are in danger, migration for employment and opportunity must not be disproportionate to what we can sustain. The Office for National Statistics projects that 45 per cent of the population growth would come from immigration. “The current points

based system - restricting people entering on the basis of certain skills is not up to the task of managing such growth. Instead, a yearly cap must be placed on those seeking to live and work in Britain. Such a limit would allow this nation to better deal with the pressure on public services and foster greater social cohesion,” said Mr Turner.

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Bonkers at Balcony

SHANKLIN TEACHER JAILED A TEACHER who had an affair with a pupil has been jailed today - and left a ‘broken man’ after the relationship cost him his wife, home and career. Father-of-three Terence Anthony Bell was sentenced to 20 weeks in prison and was placed on the sex offenders register for seven years after pleading guilty to inciting a sixth form girl to engage in sexual activity.

Bell, who left his post as head of English at Stonyhurst College when the details of the affair emerged, had been giving additional tutorials to the girl to help with a university application when an ‘affectionate’ relationship began. Bell, 46, of no fixed address but who had been living recently in Shanklin, Isle of Continued on page 4

Did you go bonkers at the Balcony last week? Check out our photo spread

Page 32

Friday October 30, 2009 Issue 39


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