Investigate HERS, June/July 2015_preview

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HIS  Godless, Flagless, Homeless | Defence Meltdown | 06/2015

HERS  Ghosts Of Anzac | Nepal Quake | 06/2015






Smart Homes




June/July 2015  INVESTIGATEMAGAZINE.COM  51 publiceye-INVES6014


Issue 150

June/July 2015

08 Ghosts Of Anzac

A 100 year old war diary from a decorated Kiwi hero sheds new light on the Battle of the Somme. DOREEN LANGSFORD previews the book release



How they’re coping in Nepal

20 Smart Homes

They may be the next big thing, but you have to ask, what happens in a powercut?


Ebola’s Legacy

If it doesn’t kill you, it might still give you grief



46 30 38


04 Miranda Devine 06 Chloe Milne

Health & Beauty 26 28 30 34

Food for your brain From the walker to the dance floor Boutique Nail effects

Cuisine & Travel 36 Wine & Eggs 38 Dessert in Vienna

Books & Movies 42 Winter Reads 44 Hot Pursuit, The Age of Adaline

Family & Music

40 Music’s evolution 46 Raising twins & Triplets




By Miranda Devine

Rape pregnancy – more complex than you think


emember “Bring Back Our Girls”? “It should be a no-brainer for international donors The unctuous twitter campaign sparked by like the U.S. government, like [the United Nations the kidnapping of more than 200 schoolgirls Population Fund], to be going into Nigeria and by Boko Haram Islamists in Nigeria, last April, helping these girls access safe abortions, for the ones became a feminist cause celebre when Michelle who want and choose that,” Serra Sippel, president Obama tweeted a sad selfie with the hashtag of the Center for Health and Gender Equity, told #bringbackourgirls. the magazine. Well, no thanks to Michelle and her Hollywood pals, Abortion is illegal in Nigeria, so activists want the “Our Girls” are back, after a year of living hell, many US government to capitalize on the Boko Haram having endured continual gang rape by their captors. menace by pressuring the Nigerian government “They turned me into a sex machine” Asabe Aliyu, to change its laws and offer rape victims what is told Nigeria’s The Daily Times. “They took turns to euphemistically called “a full range of reproductive sleep with me. Now, I am pregnant and I cannot health care services”. identify the father.” The sick suggestion is that Nigeria has already Inevitably, almost half of the 534 girls and women been told by the Obama administration that it must rescued by Nigerian government forces in recent change its laws on contentious social issues, includweeks are “visibly pregnant”. ing abortion, before it gets any help to fight Boko But now, these young Christians are being trau- Haram. matised all over again by a Western feminist estab- “The United States actually said it would help Nigelishment which wants them to abort their unborn ria with Boko Haram only if we modify our laws children. concerning homosexuality, family planning, and Instead of agitating against the birth control, “ Nigerian Cathunfair stigma often applied to olic Bishop Emmanuel Badejo the children of rape, or pushing recently told the Catholic news for the US government to help network Nigeria fight Boko Haram, WestIf it is true that abortion activThese young ern activists are using their conists are hampering Nigeria’s abilChristians are being ity to fight the Islamist threat, siderable influence to push for abortions for victims of Islamist then they are helping create traumatised all sexual violence. even more rape victims, which over again by a “As Boko Haram Kidnapping probably serves their purpose Victims Are Rescued, Many of of promoting abortion in one of Western feminist Them Are Pregnant. Why Isn’t the last holdouts, Africa’s most Anyone Talking About Their establishment which Christian country. Right to Abortion?” ran the Thus the pregnant Boko wants them to abort Haram headline in Cosmopolitan magavictims are trapped at their unborn children the intersection of two extreme zine this month.


ideologies: Islamist fanaticism and post-Christian feminism. They were targeted by Islamist militants because they were Christian, and now they are being targeted by Western abortion activists for the same reason. Abortion won’t help these young women, who face stigma either way, because they live in communities where killing the unborn is regarded as a sin. Instead they should be praised for being mothers to children who have done nothing wrong. You can’t blame a baby for the crimes of its father. Pressure from Western NGOs to abort their children only adds to the anguish of these women, and may destroy their one chance for happiness. The example of the brutal Rwanda genocide 21 years ago shows that, for many rape survivors, their child was the only thing that made life worth living, according to a paper in The Journal of Social and Political Psychology. “How Motherhood Triumphs Over Trauma Among Mothers With Children From Genocidal The way NGOs could help survivors of genocidal Rape in Rwanda” by Odeth Kantengwa, is a heart- rape is not by encouraging them to have abortions, warming affirmation of the best of human nature. but by helping to reduce the social stigma in their “Social stigma related to rape and children born communities, and by providing practical help such of rape created challenges,” writes Kantengwa, a as job training for the mothers and school fees for researcher from the Research and Documentation the children. Center on Genocide in Kigali. Kantenwaga suggests that professional counseling “However, despite these and other difficul- can also help women create positive “perceptions ties, motherhood played a positive role for many of their future babies”. women, often providing a reason to live again after No one pretends that the journey ahead for the the genocide.” Boko Haram girls is easy. They have already been Kantenwaga found “these female survivors have traumatised beyond belief. come to view their children as gifts, rather than But it is a false promise that abortion is the soluburdens.” tion to their pain, when, in fact, motherhood offers Motherhood helped them reestablish happiness them a reason to live. and trust and find “meaning in a life caring for and being sustained by others”. June/July 2015  INVESTIGATEMAGAZINE.COM  5


By Chloe Milne



mong the things that I miss since moving to Hong Kong: fresh air, fresh produce, silence, greenery, clean water and people who get out of the way when you’re tying to pass them, space is the one I miss the most. I crave the physical ability to freely move around without bumping into seven million others trying to do the same. I crave the ability to walk barefoot in a garden, to ride the Metro without smelling someone’s armpit and to people would be willing to give up their lives on see farther than two hundred metres without being earth forever. They would be willing to say goodbye restricted by buildings or smog. to their families, friends, to sunshine, to beaches, I was told before I left, that living in Hong Kong to rainforests, animals, lakes and mountains. They “is like being trapped on a rock with a few million would never be able to walk barefoot on a beach, to drunk madmen” and after having only been here for swim in a natural water source, or breath clean air six weeks I can say that Hong Kong might well turn from an atmosphere again. me into one of those madmen. Fortunately though, Don’t get me wrong; the idea of space travel is excitI’m only in this crazy, smoggy, crowded city for as ing. The idea of visiting Mars is exciting, but it’s the long as I want to be. An airport is a forty-minute taxi one-way ticket part, that I can’t get my head around. ride away, from where I could travel to anywhere I’ve only been restricted in Hong Kong for six weeks else in the world. and I already crave these natural, earthly abilities. The same cannot be said for those ambitious Mars Of these questionably sane people, 100 have been One astronauts in waiting. chosen as “suitable” after various tests. My suggesSince I am continually travelling and frequently tion is that these tests weren’t too stringent since one talking about travel and adventure, I often get asked; of the candidates who calls himself “M1-KO”, claims “Hey Chloe, you know that Mars project thing, not only to be a Martian himself, but says he was one would you do that?” I can say wholeheartedly with- of the first four Martians to arrive on our planet. It out an ounce of uncertainty, that no, I would not. makes me wonder that perhaps it might be a good The thought of being trapped thing that he will soon be leaving with 200 people, who might well us. To re-phrase Muldoon: they be some of the most insane our might be helping us to improve world has to offer, makes my skin the IQ of both planets. crawl and it’s not due to the Hong The idea of visiting POSTSCRIPT: New research from NASA Kong mosquitos either. Mars is exciting, There were some 200,000 indicates the amount of radiation applicants said to have registered absorbed by migrants to Mars during but it’s the onetheir interest in the programme, the trip may leave them significantly way ticket part, which will supposedly send peobrain damaged when they get there, ple to Mars on a one-way ticket, unable to perform basic tasks. that I can’t get with intent to colonise by 2027. my head around It is baffling to me that 200,000



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