TERMS OF REFERENCE International Consultancy – Coordination and implementation of the Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis (TDA) and development of a Strategic Action Programme (SAP) in the Prespa Lakes Basin Project:
“Integrated Ecosystem Management in the Prespa Lakes Basin of Albania, FYR of Macedonia and Greece”
International consultancy (SSA)
Home-based with travel to the Prespa Region (Albania, FYR Macedonia and Greece).
60 working days (September 8, 2008 – 31 August, 2009)
Deadline for application:
May 30, 2008 (1700hrs; GMT+1)
Background The Prespa region is situated in the Balkan Peninsula and is shared among the three neighbouring countries Albania, FYR Macedonia and Greece. The entire Prespa Region hosts unique habitats that are important from both European and global conservation perspective. However, unsustainable agricultural, fisheries, water and forest management practices as well as unsustainable use of non-timber forest products is causing stresses on the ecosystem health of the Prespa Basin. Amongst the decision makers and the general population, there is also a limited knowledge on contributions of ecosystems to human well being and therefore the need for integrated management approaches. The aim of the GEF Prespa Regional Project is to mainstream ecosystem management objectives and priorities into productive sector practices and policies. The project is designed to strengthen capacity for restoring ecosystem health and conserving biodiversity at the local, national and trans-boundary level in the three riparian countries in the Prespa region by piloting ecosystem-oriented approaches into spatial planning, water management, agriculture, forest, fisheries and protected area management. Ecosystem management and sustainable development interventions in the Prespa Lakes Basin is not at its infancy. In the year 2000, a joint tri-lateral Prime-ministerial declaration between the three States marked the birth of this first transboundary Park in the Balkans and the establishment of a Prespa Park Co-ordination Committee (PPCC). The preparation of the first Strategic Action Plan for the Prespa Park was completed in 2002 by a team of experts from all three countries and was adopted by the PPCC after extensive consultation. Though it does not prioritise the range of interventions proposed, this extensive document provides a solid direction for sustainable development in the Prespa Basin and the indicative financial implications. Hence, it was used as a basis for the development of this GEF Prespa Regional Project. Within the framework of this transboundary GEF project, the three States have committed to jointly developing a Strategic Action Programme (SAP) for the Prespa Lakes Basin. A trans-boundary diagnostic analysis (TDA) is an important tool/approach that GEF has adopted towards the development of a Strategic Action Programme. There have been numerous interventions in relation to ecosystem and water management in the Prespa Lakes Basin to date. There are also numerous targeted activities underway within the scope of the GEF project. The primary responsibility of the consultant is therefore to take stock of the various related interventions (completed and underway) and define the scope,
and outline the process, human resource requirements and indicative budgets (within the available allocated resources), produce a detailed schedule for the implementation of the TDA and development of a SAP, and facilitate and supervise the completion of this process. Scope of work, duties and responsibilities The consultant will perform the following tasks: - Conduct a detailed review of all the significant ecosystem management or other related initiatives (relevant to the thematic priorities of the GEF project) in the Prespa Lakes basin and produce a report with a bibliography along with a short summary of those initiatives. - Conduct a review of the current Strategic Action Plan for the Prespa Park, its development process, current implementation status and challenges related to the implementation of the plan. - Based on the above reviews and on-going work under the Prespa GEF project, identify gaps and supplementary assessments/work required for the TDA-SAP process. - Consult with key project staff and stakeholders/institutions, update the project stakeholder matrix, and highlight the role of these stakeholders in the TDA-SAP process. It is anticipated that substantial consultation with the PPCC and its secretariat will be carried out during this process. - Develop a Terms of Reference (ToR) for the required technical task teams of relevant national and/or international experts required for implementation of the TDA/ SAP process in Prespa. - Highlight the roles and responsibilities and commitment/participation expected from the three littoral States during the TDA-SAP process. - Produce a detailed schedule of meetings/ consultations and milestones to be achieved during the timeframe required for the implementation of the TDA-SAP process. - Provide recommendations on how existing work/ assessments (e.g. the work on formalising tri-lateral cooperation) being undertaken by both the transboundary and national components of the GEF Prespa Project could be further streamlined to contribute more effectively to the TDA/SAP process and vice versa. - The consultant will make a presentation of the proposed TDA/SAP process (including a draft outline of the TDA) at a tri-lateral Stakeholder forum (i.e. the Prespa Park Coordination Committee Meeting) and will take into account the PPCC recommendations to the extent possible regarding the proposed process and scheduling. - The consultant will then supervise the relevant technical task teams in implementation of their tasks (as per ToRs developed) and take the lead in timely completion of the TDA - Preparation/ drafting of the SAP. - The consultant will provide the necessary technical input required at tri-lateral or national consultation meetings throughout the TDA-SAP process. - In collaboration with the ITA, UNDP and the PPCC, the consultant will provide guidance that will help the project facilitate the endorsement/ adoption of the SAP at the tri-lateral level. Deliverables and payment schedule The work on the assignment is estimated at 60 working days and shall be delivered within the time frame from September 8, 2008 to August 31, 2009. The specific deliverables expected from this consultancy are Deliverable #1: A technical report containing the following.
A detailed review of all the significant ecosystem management or other related
initiatives (relevant to the thematic priorities of the GEF project) in the Prespa Lakes basin and produce a bibliography along with a summary of those initiatives. A review of the current Strategic Action Plan for the Prespa Park, its development process, current implementation status and challenges related to the implementation of the plan. Gaps and supplementary assessments/work required for the TDA-SAP process. Terms of Reference (ToR) for the transboundary technical task team and relevant national and/or international experts required for implementation of the TDA/ SAP process in Prespa. Roles and responsibilities and commitment/participation expected from the three littoral States during the TDA-SAP process. A detailed schedule of meetings/ consultations and milestones to be achieved during the timeframe required for the implementation of the TDA-SAP process. Recommendations on how existing work being undertaken by the GEF Prespa Project could be further streamlined to contribute more effectively to the TDA/SAP process and vice versa.
Deliverable #2: 1st Presentation at multi-stakeholder forum The proposed TDA-SAP process (including a draft outline of the TDA) will be presented at a stakeholder forum (i.e. the Prespa Park Coordination Committee Meeting). Deliverable #3: Draft TDA The consultant will be responsible for taking the lead in completing the compilation of the TDA in accordance with the agreed timelines and endorsed process and input from the national task teams. Deliverable # 4: Final version of the TDA The TDA will be finalised based on comments/ input of key stakeholders based on agreed timelines for comments/ input. Deliverable # 5: Draft SAP Deliverable # 6: Finalised SAP The SAP will be finalised based on comments/ input of key stakeholders and governmental focal points based on agreed timelines for comments/ input. Deliverables Completion of 1st field trip and consultations
Indicative timelines 22 September 2008
Submission of Deliverable # 1 and completion of deliverable # 2. Submission of Deliverable # 3 Submission of Deliverable # 4 Submission of Deliverable # 5 Submission of Deliverable # 6 Other travel related costs
22 October 2008 20 20 30 31
January 2009 February 2009 June 2009 August 2009
Payment Reimbursement of travel expenses (agreed lump sum of 600 EUR sum airplane ticket, DSA and terminals as per UNDP policies. 30% 30% 40% Will be reimbursed upon completion of travel, UNDP will arrange for ticket. DSA as terminals as
per UNDP policies. Terms and Conditions The report should be prepared in English language with an executive summary (to be translated in the three languages of the riparian States). o The consultant will conduct the relevant literature review from his/her home base, make at least three to four short trips (the first approx. ten days for consultations and the second for two days to present the proposed process and TDA outline at the trilateral PPCC meeting) to the site. Additional trips may be required and will be arranged upon prior agreement with UNDP. o UNDP will make available all related literature and provide the consultant with contacts of key stakeholders involved in the Prespa Process. o The consultant is expected to maintain regular communication with the International Transboundary Advisor (ITA) via email and/or phone and liase with the national project managers and other relevant stakeholders. o The consultant will submit deliverables in electronic format to the ITA in accordance with the timelines above. o The consultant will ensure that a participatory process is undertaken throughout the development of the TDA-SAP to ensure greater ownership of the final output. o UNDP will provide the necessary support in liaising with the national focal points and the selection of national consultants to support the TDA-SAP process. o Where applicable, the travel costs and per diems/ DSA will be reimbursed separately, following UNDP rules and regulations, and upon prior agreement with the consultant. UNDP will provide lump sum of the airplane ticket Required expertise and experience The consultant will have: • A higher university degree in environmental science or other related fields. • A sound understanding of Integrated Ecosystem Management (IEM) and Integrated River Basin Management (IRBM) principles and approaches especially in a transboundary context. • A sound understanding and knowledge of the GEF IW TDA/SAP process. • Extensive, at least 5 years of proven experience in designing/implementing successful GEF TDA/SAP processes in a broad range of contexts. • Excellent and demonstrated communication, consultation and drafting skills • Excellent command of English; • Computer literacy (MS Word, MS Excel, MS Power Point etc.); • Knowledge of transboundary IEM issues in the Prespa Region is an asset. Submission requirements and deadline for application The applicant shall provide the following information: • An expression of interest demonstrating the relevant professional experience identified as needed above indicating consultancy fee (excluding travel and DSA). However, based on his/her experience, the consultant is expected to provide include an indication of expected time he/she expects to spend on travel to the Prespa Region in accordance with the timelines above. • An updated CV with contact details of three references • A completed United Nations P11 form (downloadable from www.undp.org) Applications should be submitted with the above documentation by 1700 hrs (GMT +1) on 30 May 2008. Submissions are to be made in MSWord format via email to hr.mk@undp.org.
Please indicate vacancy reference number (XXXX) when submitting the application. Only short-listed candidates would be notified. Please note that applications received after the deadline will not be accepted.