Issue 10 - The Isle of Wight Mail

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mail Isle of Wight

The Island's free community newspaper -


GET-AWAY! Police car crashes through stable block

Generating poo power on the IW

An early morning, high-speed pursuit on the outskirts of Newport resulted in a female Police officer sustaining injuries after the vehicle she was driving crashed into a stable block. Page 2

John Giddings joins NHS Trust


ISSUE NUMBER 10 Friday 21st June 2013


The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 21st June 2013

Impressive 'neet' figures for the Isle of Wight The number of young people not in education, employment or training (NEET) on the Isle of Wight remains well below the national average, latest figures have shown. The total of just 4.7%, which is measured between November and January, is also below the average for South East England, which currently stands at 5.4%. Latest figures for May for the Isle of Wight show the total has fallen even further, currently standing at 3%. Every year, the Department for Education publishes an annual estimate of the number of 16, 17 and 18 year olds NEETs in each local authority area. Richard Priest, Isle of Wight Council cabinet member responsible for children's services said: "The reduction in NEETs is welcome news. This is down to a number of factors, one such example being the council's

ongoing pre-apprenticeship scheme which provides training for young people aged 16-19 seeking work. "There has also been a rise in the number of apprenticeships offered locally and this news is particularly welcome as this year sees the launch of the government's Raised Participation initiative. This seeks to ensure that all young people remain in some form of learning after they finish Year 11." Information, advice and guidance on finding employment or training is available through the council's participation team which is based at the CHOICES centre in Newport High Street. More information about apprenticeships, the preapprenticeship scheme and the Raised Participation initiative can be found by contacting the participation team on 525927 or

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Car crashed into stable block Continued from page 1 - The incident occurred at around 02:40 on Friday 14th June on Burnt House Lane, between Downend and Newport. The officer was taken to St Mary’s Hospital as a precaution and was later released.

Burnt House Lane had been subject to a safety closure during the Isle of Wight Festival period to prevent collisions and traffic tailbacks as the road was used as a cut-through during the 2012 Festival.

LETTER TO THE EDITOR tackling loneliness among older people Dear Sir, With research showing that an average of 10% of older people feel “always” or “severely” lonely (Campaign to End Loneliness), I notice that the Isle of Wight health and wellbeing board has not acknowledged loneliness and isolation as part of its strategy.

small local group for tea, chat and friendship. As a result of this regular contact, 80% of older guests feel less lonely. Many health and wellbeing boards across England have identified loneliness and/ or isolation as a serious issue that needs to be addressed locally.

For nearly 50 years, Contact the Elderly has been the only national charity dedicated solely to tackling loneliness among older people, aged 75 and above. With a network of over 5,500 volunteers across England, the charity currently supports over 3,200 isolated older people. One Sunday a month, each older guest is collected by a volunteer driver and taken to a volunteer host’s home where they meet with a

I would encourage the Isle of Wight to do the same, and to work with organisations such as Contact the Elderly in order to tackle the epidemic of loneliness in today’s society. Suzan Highland National Volunteer Support Officer Contact the Elderly 15 Henrietta Street London WC2E 8QG 0207 4205811


The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 21 st June 2013

Ryde resident to be the Island's Assistant Police Commissioner Hampshire Police and Crime Commissioner Simon Hayes has appointed an Assistant Commissioner to represent him on the Isle of Wight. 32 year old Laura Franklin from Ryde was appointed from a shortlist of four candidates interviewed for the post from a total of 15 applicants. Representing Simon Hayes on the Isle of Wight, Miss Franklin’s principal role will be to ensure the policing needs of the island community incorporated within the Commissioner’s Police and Crime Plan are delivered. This will be achieved through building strong relationships with community groups, public bodies and other relevant island based organisations of which Miss Franklin, who has lived on the island for 25 years, has extensive local knowledge. Miss Franklin has a degree in Criminology and Forensic Studies from the University of Portsmouth where she is currently studying for a Master’s degree in Criminology and Criminal Psychology. Miss Franklin brings with her considerable knowledge and experience of the criminal justice system having worked for the Ministry of Justice at HMP Isle of Wight. Talking about her appointment, Miss Franklin, a former Special Constable and Sure Start volunteer on the island said: “I am delighted to be given the opportunity to represent the Police and Crime Commissioner on the Isle of Wight and look forward to meeting with members of the public and local community groups to gather their views. I aim to provide a voice for island residents, to liaise with the Commissioner, and explore the most effective way these ideas can be incorporated into the Police and Crime Plan. I will therefore be inviting opinions on local police and criminal justice matters, seeking ideas for improvement and

Development. “I will be travelling island wide to engage with the community, and looking to build strong relations with a variety of groups. I intend to connect with all the island’s generations, and listen to the different concerns presented. By working closely with partner organisations I am confident that the best interests of the local communities can be delivered. “We are fortunate to have a diverse and extensive network of organisations on the island that offer many possibilities for collaboration. From this I hope to establish initiatives that benefit islanders and support the main aims of the Police and Crime Plan. “Driven by public consultation and guidance from the Commissioner, I envisage initiatives that support plan aims that place victims and witnesses at the heart of the criminal justice system, improve frontline policing, and reduce reoffending and antisocial behaviour. I am passionate about keeping our community safe and looking forward to working closely with island residents and the Commissioner. Above all I wish to provide a service that enables people to live without fear of crime on the Isle of Wight, and promote community safety.” Simon Hayes added: “I am delighted to announce the appointment of Laura who will be my voice on the island and who will help to deliver the priorities set out within my Police and Crime Plan. Laura will be actively engaging on my behalf with island communities and will provide me with an in-depth understanding of the community safety issues affecting its residents. The Commissioner concluded: “I was impressed with the exceptionally high caliber of candidates who applied for the post and would like to thank them all for their interest.


HSBC Staff choose Earl Mountbatten Hospice as their charity of the year.

Staff from HSBC on the Isle of Wight have chosen Earl Mountbatten Hospice as their charity of the year for 2013 with employees spending a day gardening at the Hospice as one of the ways they are showing support. Led by Tina Hughes, Hospice volunteer and professional horticulturist and garden designer, eight HSBC bank staff accompanied by one husband who volunteered his time in place of running his own garden services business, cleared, planted and hoed for a day. During the ‘groundforce’ gardening session Jackie Routledge and her team shovelled two tons of soil donated by Wight Reclamation Ltd to create a new

herbaceous perennial bed which they filled with £100 of plants and flowers donated by HSBC. The team also cleared some of the surrounding areas and planted a selection of climbers against a pergola designed for the Hospice by Tina. Jackie Routledge said: “My family and I have supported the Hospice in the past and it was during a visit that I learnt that the Hospice is always looking for volunteers to help. When the HSBC team chose the Hospice as their charity of the year the idea sparked that we could help with some gardening as part of HSBC in the Community where staff are given a day off to volunteer their help.”


The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 21 st June 2013

Help give Britain the chance to Decide The Island’s MP, Andrew Turner, is asking Islanders to ‘co-sponsor’ a draft law to bring in a national referendum on the EU. The Let Britain Decide campaign is supporting a move to bring in the first public opportunity for nearly 40 years to vote on Britain’s membership of the EU, once a new deal for Britain has been renegotiated. Nobody under the age of 57 has ever voted on the subject. The Let Britain Decide campaign is organised by the Conservative Party – but many people from all parties and those with no alignment to any party want an EU referendum and are cosponsoring the Bill. Opinion polls show that 62% of the public would support a public vote. Mr Turner said: “We are no longer able to decide for ourselves who to let into our country, who can claim benefits funded by British taxpayers or even whether we can have olive oil on restaurant tables. We need now to seek the support of the British people to a new, renegotiated deal with Europe or decide whether we

want to leave the EU. “Over the last 40 years much has changed. In April 1975 I voted no to joining what was then called the Common Market because I feared that we may lose our independence. I never even dreamt that we would lose our sovereignty by stealth; yet that is what has happened. We are a member of a club that now has different members, different aims and different rules to the Common Market we signed up for. It has even changed its’ name to the European Union - and all at a simply phenomenal cost to British taxpayers. “I support a referendum but the Let Britain Decide campaign is designed to put pressure on those MPs who oppose one. The number of supporters really matters – and as the largest constituency in the UK, the Island could make a real difference to persuading wavering MPs to support this historic vote on July 5th.” You can sign up to be a cosponsor of the EU Referendum Bill at

More than £9m for the South East to bring empty homes back to life Communities Minister Don Foster has announced that towns across England will benefit from £91m to refurbish and bring back into use over 6,000 empty and derelict homes and commercial premises. In the South East more than £9 million has been awarded to give empty properties a new lease of life. The big winners in the region are Southampton, which will receive more than £3 million and Thanet which has been awarded nearly £2.5 million. The Isle of Wight will benefit from £360,320. The funding will be spent on refurbishment in areas where empty properties have commonly led to problems such as squatting, rat infestation and collapsing house prices, driving remaining residents away. Mr Foster said: “The government is doing everything possible to tackle the problem of empty homes and urban blight. Today I’m announcing we’re going to do even more, with towns across England benefiting from £91m to refurbish over

6,000 empty properties to get them back into use. This will bring people, shops and jobs back to once abandoned areas, and provide extra affordable homes we so badly need.” “We have already made very good progress, cutting the number of long term empty homes by 40,000 but with thousands of people in this country desperate to buy a home and areas still suffering problems of urban blight we must go further still.” Don Foster has also called on councils to sign up to TV presenter and restoration expert George Clarke’s ten point review for housing regeneration areas. The review supports ‘sweat equity schemes’, such as the one in Stoke Don Foster visited, whereby people buy empty properties for a nominal price in exchange for an undertaking to refurbish them. The review also backs the government’s stance that demolition of properties should only ever be a last resort.

of Wight Mail | Friday 21 June 2013 IsleTheofIsleWight Mail – February 2012



Generating poo power on the Isle of Wight Southern Water’s project to generate poo power on the Isle of Wight has completed. A new £700,000 Combined Heat and Power (CHP) plant is now up and running at the company’s Sandown Wastewater Treatment Works. The CHP plant is generating electricity by capturing and burning biogas produced as part of the treatment process. This gas provides power and heat to the works, with any surplus exported to the National Grid. Morné Cloete, Southern Water Project Manager, said: “I’m sure our customers are delighted that they are helping us minimise the environmental impact of ourbusiness, dealing with their business – by generating electricity with poo power. “CHP plants help us reduce our carbon footprint while also cutting our energy costs and are just one of the innovative ways Southern Water is helping protect the communities and environment in which we work.” The CHP plant was installed by Southern Water supplier Cogenco. It is capable of generating 2.5GWh of electricity, enough to power 750 average-sized homes. Sandown Wastewater Treatment Works serves more than 138,000 people across the north of the Island, cleaning flows of about 840 litres a second

Whitehouse calls for former Chief Executive to be held to account In the light of last week’s Ofsted Inspection of the IW Council, the Councillor for Newport West Ward, Chris Whitehouse, who is the Conservative Education Spokesman on the Island, has today written [full text below] to the Chair of the Council’s Children and Young People Scrutiny Panel, Cllr John Howe, asking that the Council’s former Chief Executive, Steve Beynon, be invited back to answer questions about his record in office along with Roger Edwardson who was brought in by the previous Council as an education troubleshooter. Cllr Whitehouse said: “With five schools in and around Wellington Road at the heart of my ward of Newport West, I have a moral and democratic responsibility to do all that I can to ensure that lessons

have been learned and that the lifechances of another generation of children are not damaged. We cannot learn the lessons if we cannot question Mr Beynon and Mr Edwardson to find out just what went wrong. I hope that they will welcome an opportunity to come and give an account of themselves.” The letter of report from Her Majesty’s Inspector is expected to take a few weeks to come through, but Cllr Whitehouse is keen not to wait until it is received before action is taken, adding: “Time is of the essence, we need to ensure that we already have a date in the diary by the time the letter is received. As I said at Full Council on 19th June, we should all be not embarassed, but ashamed of the dreadful state of affairs.”

Councillor congratulates Gatten and Lake Primary School on “Good” Ofsted Lake South councillor, Ray Bloomfield, has congratulated Gatten and Lake Primary School on its Ofsted result saying: “To go from “special measures” to “good” in just 16 months is really quite an achievement. I congratulate all the staff and the governors. Well done indeed. This is a great way to prepare for moving into the new school building in September.” Conservative Education Spokesman, Cllr Chris Whitehouse (Newport West), adds: “This is a big step forward, but we need to see our Council, in its new partnership with Hampshire County Council, giving the school all the support it needs to achieve an “outstanding” result next time.

Nothing less is good enough for the children of our Island.” The school’s rapid improvement is the result of the headteacher’s very high expectations, strong leadership and clear direction. She has also built the skills and confidence of other leaders. Improving teaching has, rightly, been the top priority for senior leaders and members of the governing body. Teachers have been expected to teach well and helped to do so. The school has not just focused on English and mathematics. Pupils are also taught well in other subjects. Pupils make good progress. Most are working at levels close to those typically seen in most schools.


The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 21 st June 2013

Festival organiser John Giddings signs up as member of NHS Trust


Isle of Wight Festival organiser John Giddings showed his support for Isle of Wight NHS Trust at the Festival last weekend when he signed up as a member of the Trust. During a visit to the Festival medical centre run by Isle of Wight NHS Trust Mr Giddings said: “I’m pleased to sign up as a Member because the NHS has been a great supporter of the Festival ever since we restarted it in 2002. The NHS Festival team do a great job looking after anyone who needs medical or pharmacy services. This helps Festival goers to have a great time and protects Island health services from an influx of patients.” During his visit to the Festival Medical Centre Mr Giddings met a range of staff including paramedics, nurses, a pharmacist and a radiographer. Foundation Trust Programme Director and Company Secretary at Isle of Wight NHS Trust, Mark Price, said: “This is the 12th year we have provided health services at the Festival and John is a great supporter of the Island. Everyone attending the Festival, whether they live on the Island or not is a potential user of our Island health services and therefore eligible to

be members of the Trust. Indeed around 1,000 people admitted to St. Mary’s Hospital each year are from the mainland and many more receive help from our emergency services. Membership is important because it gives patients, members of the public and communities a real say in how their local health service is run. We’re pleased to welcome John as a Member.” Mr Giddings has joined 1,700 other people who have signed up as members. In 2014 the Trust’s Members will elect a Council of Governors to represent them. Further information about membership can be found at


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The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 21 st June 2013

Wightlink invests in new reservation and ticketing system Wightlink Ferries has announced it will be introducing the marketleading CarRes reservation and ticketing system. Developed by Finnish firm Carus, CarRes is already used by 26 companies across Europe and around the world. The decision to replace the existing system was made in order to improve reliability. It will also enable Wightlink to offer an improved booking service to customers. This investment is the latest development in a five year capital programme which has seen Wightlink investing almost £60m in new ships and improved facilities at each of its ports. IT Director Stuart James said “This decision represents a significant investment by Wightlink and illustrates our determination to provide a reliable and customer-focused service, which is adaptable to our customers’ changing needs into

the future. Despite stiff competition from other suppliers, the CarRes system was a clear choice, and I am confident that our customers and staff will find it meets their needs both today and into the future.” Carus CEO Anders Rundberg said “We are delighted to welcome Wightlink Ferries to the growing number of companies around the world who are using CarRes. We will be working closely with the Project Team to deliver a seamless transition.” Wightlink has engaged Paul Swinney as Implementation Manager to ensure a smooth transition to the new system. Swinney has successfully overseen similar projects at a range of businesses including BAA and AirMiles. CarRes will be integrated in the coming months and is expected to come on line by the end of 2013.

Revised Red Funnel Vehicle Ferry Timetable - 21 to 23 June 2013 Red Funnel Isle of Wight Ferries has announced a revised timetable for its Southampton - East Cowes (Isle of Wight) route from Friday 21 June to Sunday 23 June 2013 inclusive. This is to facilitate required maintenance to a passenger gangway. The revised timetable is as follows; Friday 21st June 2013 From Southampton 04:15*, 05:45, 07:15, 08:00, 09:00, 10:00, 11:00, 12:00, 13:00, 14:00, 15:00, 16:00, 17:00, 19:15, 20:45, 22:15 and 23:45* From East Cowes 01:15*, 05:45, 07:15, 08:35, 09:30, 10:30, 11:30, 12:30, 13:30, 14:30, 15:30, 16:30, 17:30, 18:30, 20:45, 22:15 and 23:45 Saturday 22nd June From Southampton 04:15*, 05:45, 07:15, 09:00, 10:00, 12:00, 13:00, 15:00, 16:00,

18:00, 19:15, 20:45, 22:15 and 23:45* From East Cowes 01:15*, 05:45, 07:15, 08:35, 10:30, 11:30, 13:30, 14:30, 16:30, 17:30, 19:25, 20:45, 22:15 and 23:45 Sunday 23 June From Southampton 05:45, 07:15, 09:00, 10:00, 12:00, 13:00, 15:00, 16:00, 18:00, 19:15, 20:45, 22:15 and 23:45* From East Cowes 01:15*, 07:15, 08:35, 10:30, 11:30, 13:30, 14:30, 16:30, 17:30, 19:25, 20:45, 22:15 and 23:45 *Restricted passenger capacity. The full summer timetable will resume on the Southampton-East Cowes route on Monday 24th June 2013. Red Funnel’s Red Jet Hi-Speed service between Southampton and West Cowes is completely unaffected.



Isle of Wight Kite Festival 2013 Following on from last year’s highly successful ‘Up and Down the Kite Festival’; The New Carnival Company is delighted to announce that this year’s event will be held at Fort Victoria County Park on Saturday 21st September from 11.00-4.00pm. Last year the event attracted over 200 handmade kites produced in workshops across the Island all depicting local endangered wildlife. This year the event will link to the Festival of the Sea with all designs produced highlighting the impact the sea has on all our lives. As well as kite flying opportunities the day will include stalls, workshops, information stands and local guided walks. Gina Dyer, Carnival Arts Outreach Worker for The New Carnival Company said “a key element to the success of the Island Kite Festival is that people can make exciting and colourful kites in their school or local group and then bring them along on the day” she continued: “This year, to maximise the number of people able to make kites as part of the workshop programme we will be working in isolated communities where there are no local facilities

from our outreach vehicle – the Carnival Truck” As well as offering workshop directly The New Carnival Company wants to develop a team of local ‘kite leaders’ who will be able to run workshops for their own groups. Frankie Goldspink, Creative and Cultural Director continued: “we will be running a two-session certificated Kite Leaders course which will give participants the skills, knowledge and confidence to make these fantastic and colourful kites in their own community setting.” International kite artists, Skybums, based in Shropshire, will hosting a two day kitemaking masterclass at the Community Learning Centre, Westridge later in the summer and will also be bringing many of their acclaimed stunt kites and areal inflatables to the festival on the 21st September. Anyone interested in taking part in the Festival, hosting a workshop or becoming a Kite Leader is invited to a meeting at in the Seminar Room, Quay Arts Centre, Newport on Tuesday 11th June from 5.00 – 6.00. Contact Alison on 01983 717868


The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 21 st June 2013

First Aiders make a Big Splash Thanks to funding from the Big Lottery Awards for All grant, some 40 more people are now First Aiders. The Island’s Footprint Trust applied to the Lottery for funding to train local volunteers as part of their Train2Gain initiative. The Trust used the funding to give people skills so they can carry out their tasks more effectively, by increasing their skills. Four training sessions have now been completed. The training was held in collaboration between The Footprint Trust and Island based First Aid Training Executive (FATE Ltd), with the intention to get more and more people trained in First Aid on the Island. Members of the Pond Warden and Cemetery Warden schemes have attended the training along with people from Ryde Waterside Pool, IW Green Gym, the Hampton Trust, Wildlife Warriors, Natural History Society and the Walking Festival. The Footprint Trust obtained funding not just for basic first aid training but to purchase two lifesaving Defibrillators, one of which is to presented to the Waterside Pool, the other is to be carried in the Footprint Trust’s GreenMobile vehicle. The certificates will be presented on Sunday 23rd June 2013 at 2.30pm At the Waterside Pool, The Esplanade, Ryde, by Wayne Whittle, Ryde’s Mayor. Speaking on behalf of the Waterside Pool, Phil Weston Programming Manager said “The generosity of the Footprint Trust in allowing us to have the defibrillator and training our staff is fantastic. To be able to supply this essential lifesaving equipment to the community is something that can only benefit everyone. Being able to increase our staffs skills into

the bargain by including defibrillation skills to their, already highly practiced, first aid repertoire is a big bonus to us. The fact that voluntary and not for profit organisations, like the Footprint Trust and ourselves, are putting such a high priority on the health and well being of their community neighbours is really heart-warming.” Clive Greedy, managing Director of First Aid Training Executive said; " We are delighted to have been chosen by The Footprint Trust as their preferred training provider. All FATE Ltd trainers are qualified, experienced Paramedics and we know from personal experience how important high quality First Aid training is. The more people we can train to the highest standards, can and will help reduce the burden on ambulance services. We all know that in an emergency situation the ambulance will be there for us, but sometimes ambulances can be delayed and knowing what to do in that situation can make a huge difference." Speaking for the Trust Ray Harrington-Vail said, “They need these skills as the often work in isolated places and it may take some time for the Ambulance to arrive. They need to know what to do to preserve life and prevent any condition from becoming worse. First Aiders are lifesavers, it is important that everyone learns some of the basics…” More information about First Aid training and courses can be obtained by contacting Ray at The Footprint Trust or Clive at First Aid Training Executive m

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The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 21 st June 2013

More results of beef product testing published The Food Standards Agency has confirmed it's received a further 19,050 industry results from testing beef products for horse DNA. The Agency has also published the full report of the local authority testing programme. The new results show that three beef products contained horse DNA at or above the 1% threshold. None tested positive for the veterinary drug phenylbutazone (bute). An extensive programme of DNA testing by UK industry and local authorities started in February, at the request of the FSA. These tests were carried out to check that beef products on sale or supplied into the UK food chain were accurately labelled and did not contain horse meat, following the discovery of horse meat being used as beef in a range of food products sold across Europe. Catherine Brown, Chief Executive of the Food Standards Agency, said: 'These additional test results show that we remain vigilant and are

continuing to work with industry and local authorities so that consumers can be confident that food on sale in the UK is labelled accurately and is safe to eat. Investigations are ongoing into how this incident happened and a review process is under way to ensure that any lessons for the future are identified and implemented.’ The food industry has continued to test beef products for the presence of horse meat as part of their assurance controls. To date, a total of 24,480 test results have been submitted by the food industry, including 19,050 test results submitted since the last report on industry testing published on 1 March. Around 15,000 of the new results have been provided by a single company, the ABP Food Group. The new test results show that three beef products tested positive for horse meat at or above the 1% threshold. None tested positive for the veterinary drug phenylbutazone (bute).

Information on these results has been in the public domain since March when action was taken to remove the products from sale. The products are: Tesco Simply Meatloaf ALDI Oakhurst Frozen Meatloaf in Gravy ALDI Oakhurst Frozen Meatloaf in Tomato Sauce. Four Border Inspection Posts took part in a sampling programme between 4 March and 3 May, during which beef products imported into the UK from third countries were tested for horse DNA. A total of 79

samples from six countries were tested and all were found to be free from horse contamination. Individual UK local authorities continue to carry out testing of meat products to identify mislabelling as part of their routine food control work. These are separate from the programmes detailed above. However, the 1% reporting limit still applies and enforcement officers will take action where positive samples are identified above this level, or at any level for contamination of halal products.


The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 21 st June 2013

Warning about dating website scams Hampshire Constabulary is warning people to be aware of a scam being used on dating sites. Detectives are investigating a case where women have been conned out of tens of thousands of pounds by a man they met online. The women are contacted by a man claiming to be from Southsea. He then strikes up a relationship with them and tells them he has a significant amount of money due to him from inheritance in South Africa but he needs money to 'unlock' these funds. The women have given this man money on several occasions, running into thousands of pounds. DC Darrin Carey said: "I would like to appeal to any other women who believe they may have fallen victim to a similar online dating site scam to contact me. "I would urge anyone that is asked to part with money in this way to reconsider making bank transfers in these circumstances to anyone they have not met." Hampshire Constabulary offers the following advice for people using online dating sites Just because the dating site is considered reputable this does not mean the people using it are genuine. Friends and family may give you advice but make your own considered judgements alongside their advice. Use your general common sense

when speaking with people on dating sites. If you wouldn't say it to someone face-to-face then don't say it online. If you do meet it could put you in a situation you find difficult to get out of. Don't fall for internet dating scams. The fraudster won't ask for money immediately, but it won't be long before they request financial assistance for a number of reasons. Try and speak to the person on the phone before you plan to meet them. Ensure you have an understanding of each others' expectations before engaging in any physical contact. Never agree to meet at your home address. Always meet in a public place as a precaution and let someone know where you are going and arrange to call them after your date to let them know you are safe. Make sure you take care when going home. Plan your journey home before you go out. Be cautious if something seems too good to be true. Make sure you keep your personal details secure by adjusting your privacy settings where necessary. Refrain from excessive drinking. Your judgement could become impaired leading to poor decision making. Trust your instincts and if things seem wrong, make an excuse to leave or ask for help.

Search is on for Rex, King of Carnival The New Carnival Company is searching for a very special man to lead its Midsummer Mardi Gras parade on Saturday 29 June. Rex, King of Carnival, is a traditional character from the New Orleans annual Mardi Gras celebrations and is chosen each year by the organisers of the famous Rex Parade. The New Carnival Company’s King of Carnival will preside over their event from his specially crafted throne atop the Boeuf Gras (fattened cow) associated with the feasts of Shrove Tuesday, the traditional date for the Mardi Gras. Frankie Goldspink, Learning and Participation manager for the New Carnival Company said ‘We are looking for someone who has been involved in carnival for some time and has contributed to the success of carnival on the Isle of Wight. He can be an organiser, performer, float builder, a steward or simply an avid supporter who deserves recognition for his role on the carnival scene. The successful candidate will be over 19 years, be prepared to dress up (costume supplied!) and have a head for heights as the throne will be carried atop our own Boeuf Gras float at a height of about 4 metres off the ground!’ The New Carnival Company changed the name of its annualArts Parad to Midsummer

Mardi Gras following a Facebook poll earlier this year involving schools and community groups. Frankie continues ‘the spirit of Mardi Gras is all about colour, movement, happiness and celebration and that is very much the ethos of our parade. This year for the first time, audiences will experience our new signature lead float which was inspired by a trip to New Orleans in February this year. We want to create an identity which sets the Midsummer Mardi Gras apart from the other carnival events on the Island.’ You can nominate a friend or colleague, or even yourself if you feel fit and worthy! Just send your name and name of the nominee, your contact email and phone number and describe in no more than 200 words why this person should be chosen to play Rex, King of Carnival 2013. Email to m. The deadline for nominations is 9am 17 June and the winner will be announced later that week.


The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 21 st June 2013



HOW TO WIN: Find the THREE changes we've made to the second picture at the top on this page and you could win a pair of tickets. Email the correct answers to along with your name and contact number. Closing Date: 20th June 2013

Video Games Galore in Newport High Street The Island’s MP, Andrew Turner, was recently invited to visit Newport based Stainless Games Newport, to learn what this high tech business has achieved in the global marketplace. Started on the Island in the 1990s by co-founders Neil Barnden and Patrick Buckland, Stainless Games now employs in the region of 80 people with plans for further expansion. They are currently working on exciting new technology to upgrade the Carmageddon game originally released in 1997. The company has recently reached the final of the Develop Awards, which highlights the best in video games. Mr Turner was shown around Stainless Games, in Newport High Street, by Chief Operating Officer, Matt Edmunds. Stainless Games is a member of the Island Technology Group which was started by Mr Turner last year to help electronic and high end engineering companies work together for their mutual benefit. Mr Edmunds said: “I was pleased Mr Turner took the time to visit us, and was glad he took on board the various challenges that Island and UK-based hightech companies face in the global market. I look forward to working with Mr Turner and the Island Technology Group in order to continue growing this sector of the Island economy.”

Mr Turner commented: “I try and visit as many Island companies as possible and I am pleased to see how much innovative technology takes place here. Although they now have around 80 employees now – many people don’t even realise that they are based on Newport High Street. “The computer games industry is not something I am familiar with

but I know it is a very popular pastime and, I’m sure, very competitive. The popular ‘Carmageddon’ game was rated number one worldwide when it was first produced. It was demonstrated to me and I was amazed to see the level of technology that goes into producing a video game. It often takes 30 people over a year to

develop a new game.” The company produces many popular games in 10 different languages for PCs, Xbox and Playstation as well as mobile phones and the iPad. Magic 2013 their third and current version of this popular game, like the previous two, made it to number one in the games charts. A new version is soon to be released.


The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 21 st June 2013

Isle of Wight Rolls-Royce to enter the Centenary Alpine Trial A 90-year-old Rolls-Royce from the Isle of Wight will be turning the clock back 100 years in June when it takes part in the centenary running of the famous 1913 Alpine Tour. Brothers and fellow car lovers, Neil and Andrew Gibbs will clock up more than 3,000 miles over two and half weeks navigating the gruelling European mountain course. The Island team, who are perhaps better known for running a number of the Isle of Wight’s best loved pubs including the Spyglass Innand Bargeman’s Rest, will first have to trailer the Silver Ghost down to the official start and will be departing the UK on 18th June. The car is a 1922 40/50 horsepower Silver Ghost, owned by Neil, which sports an open body known as a Pall Mall Tourer and was originally built in the USA by the Rolls-Royce factory based in Springfield, Massachusetts. It was ordered from new by Adolph Zukor, a famous Hollywood movie mogul and founder of Paramount Pictures. “Owning a Rolls-Royce is the dream of every school boy but as I got older, rather than wanting the latest model my heart stayed with the original pre-war cars that built the company’s reputation around the world. The Alpine Tour is legendary and this will undoubtedly be the greatest gathering of vintage RollsRoyce enthusiasts ever and I wouldn’t want to miss it for the world. “It will be tough going at times so I’m delighted that my brother agreed to take a turn at the wheel with me. It will be quite an adventure!” The Rolls-Royce Enthusiasts’ Club is organising the Centenary Alpine Trail in June. It starts and finishes in St Moritz, Switzerland before heading east into Italy and carrying on towards Vienna in Austria, via a tour of Slovenia, where the route returns to the west via Saltzburg. At Riva del Garda there will be the world’s largest gathering of vintage Rolls-Royce Silver Ghosts with around 90 cars expected to be in attendance. In June of 1913 a ‘works’ team of Rolls-Royce Silver Ghosts, along with privateer James Radley, entered the 1,820 mile Alpine Trial. The cars were identically prepared to showcase Rolls-Royce’s reputation for reliability and performance. All four cars completed the gruelling challenge and in the process created the legend of Rolls-Royce as the ‘Best Car in the World’. In fact, Rolls-Royce felt that the job was done and it was the first and last time it entered a competitive event.


The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 21 st June 2013

Call for Action on Internet Scammers

Vectis summer get together at Ventnor on 19th July Vectis Rugby Club will be holding a summer get together at Ventnor Rugby Club on the 19th July 6.00 for 6.30 start where they will give awards to all age groups for Coaches Player, Most improved player and Players Player and holding the AGM. There will be a BBQ and the bar will be open. This year we will be looking for volunteers to fill the positions of - Volunteer Coordinator, Secretary, Treasurer, Membership Secretary and Child Safeguarding Officer. These are all roles that need to be filled for the new season. All those parents who could providea little of their time to

help the club provide Island children with the full experience of rugby are most welcome. The committee and the club thrive on new members providing new insight and enthusiasm so if you feel you’ve wanted to get involved but weren’t sure how now is your chance.

Labour European Parliamentary Candidate, John Howarth, is calling for action to protect the public from a baffling array of websites peddling official services with add-on fees without added value and is pointing out that the UK Government’s ban of marketing public services is making matters worse. People applying for a UK Passport, a European Health (EHIC) Card, a US Visa Waiver (ESTA) or even an Environment Agency Fishing Rod Licence online are confronted by a baffling collection of websites. They claim to make online application easier and quicker when, in fact, they add no real value and charge as much as five times the price of the local Post Office. Internet con artists aren’t new, but the Conservative-led coalition government has made things worse by axing public sector budgets to market Government services. This means that official sites are more difficult to find among the plethora of scams. John Howarth has written to the UK Cabinet Office and to The EU Health and Consumer Affairs Commissioner asking what action could be taken better to protect the public. He says: “We need action from the UK Government and the EU to deal with barely legal Internet scams that rip off ordinary people. But instead the Conservative Government’s ban on marketing spend is giving the scammers an easier ride. Instead weneed a Government on the side of the people making it clear that this money-for-nothing, rip-off culture is not acceptable.” John says, “By banning Government departments from marketing their services

effectively the field has been left open to on-line scammers. Even though these sites stay legal through lines in the very small print they use all sorts of tactics to mislead consumers – one site selling the EHIC Card, which gives entitlement to treatment in other EU countries, even puts ‘nhs’ in its web address (the EHIC card is available free from the NHS). The Government needs to lift the ban and work with Europe to put a stop to this blatant exploitation of unaware consumers”. Mr Howarth has also written to his local Trading Standards authority seeing a professional opinion on one site offering the USA ESTA Visa Waiver for £79 compared to the ‘official’ route of $14. ESTA is the recently introduced on-line system that replaces the paper landing cards at US Immigration and must be completed before travel to the USA. That’s around an additional £270 to take a family of four to Florida. John says, “Sites trading in EU or UK Government services at excessive mark ups stay legal by mentioning that the service can be obtained officially elsewhere, but the Government doesn’t have to make its services available through these rip-off channels. With ESTA forms the scammers feel bolder and some of the sites are less than transparent, so I have asked my local trading standards for their professional opinion.”

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The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 21 st June 2013

Abba Reunion – live in concert comes to the Isle of Wight Abba reunion, the top world class international live abba show is coming to Isle of Wight on Friday 12th July 2013 for one night only staring the original ‘frida’ from london’s west end! Sweeney entertainment are proud to present abba reunion – live in concert, an evening full of the hits of abba, one of the world’s most iconic pop groups. Having taken europe by storm in 1974 when they won the eurovision song contest with waterloo, abba went onto top pop charts worldwide for well over a decade. Their muchloved songs have featured in some of the most popular films of the past thirty years including muriel’s wedding and the adventures of pricilla, queen of the desert. In 1999, their songs were adapted into the phenomenally successful musical mamma mia which has grossed over $2 billion worldwide and introduced a whole new generation to hit songs including “knowing me, knowing you”, “take a chance on me”, “thank you for the music”, “money, money, money”, “the winner takes it all”, “voulez vous” and “sos”. Abba reunion is one of europe’s leading international tribute shows. Following a 4 month run in london’s west end, and after a successful 4 year european tour selling out theatres, stadiums and concert halls, this award winning, critically acclaimed abba tribute performer, producer, choreographer and director vikki holland-bowyer together with the reunion group, created abba reunion. Now in it’s 10th year, the

show has become internationally recognized as one of the top world-class authentic abba experiences, not to be missed! The unique abba sound is replicated with incredible attention to detail, using a six-piece band featuring electric and acoustic guitars, keyboards and piano, drums and bass guitar. The wonderful lyrics and music penned by benny andersson and björn ulvaeus are recreated by all six performers on stage with the main focus on agnetha and frida whose differentiating voices helped create that sound. Superbly accurate vocals, mannerisms, outstanding authentic choreography and a full live-band, combined with stunning replica costumes captivates audiences from the opening refrain to the final sing – along chorus of this two – hour spectacular. Abba reunion gives abba fans, old and new, the opportunity to once again get together and re-live the addictive abba phenomenon that swept the airwaves and discos during the 70′s and 80′s in this truly feel good, party style concert. From waterloo to dancing queen, all of the hits are performed with an incredible attention to detail resulting in the perfect abba look and sound. Tickets for the Isle of Wight, Shanklin – shanklin theatre show on Friday 12th july 2013 are available from the following box office no: 01983 868000 and from the following websites – and


The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 21 st June 2013

Massive win for Wightlink Islanders to end campaign Having ensured last Saturday at Stoke that the 2013 National Trophy will shortly be on display in their own trophy cabinet irrespective of the outcome of the home match against the Kent King’s at Smallbrook, the Wightlink Islanders went into their final match in this particular competition determined to put on a show for the fans and what a show they put on! They absolutely tore their opponents from the Garden of England apart romping to a 63-31 victory in the 15 heat match providing no less than 12 of the actual race winners in the process. To be fair though the final margin of victory doesn’t do justice to the quality of the racing throughout the match with the Wightlink Islanders often having to overtake opponents at breakneck speed to take either first or second place come the end of four laps. It made no difference that they went into the match without both No.1 Tom Perry (Buxton’s Charles Wright proving to be an excellent deputy) and Tom Young, who were both feeling the effects of recent crashes they’d been caught up in, nor that Danny Stoneman on his first meeting back after his shoulder injury was hit hard by bike problems that prevented him scoring until his

last programmed ride in heat 10 when he finished second behind team mate for the night Wright. to at least send him home happy! There was a horrible looking crash in the fourth race of the night when Kent’s Adam Kirby got things completely wrong and fell on the apex of the first two bends on the second lap right in front of the chasing Wightlink Islander Brandon Freemantle who

somehow avoided his stricken opponent but crashed heavily himself in the process of doing so. Amazingly Brandon was able to ‘walk away’ from the incident although his bike was wrecked as a result of his swift avoiding action and further encouraging news was that Kirby may have ‘escaped’ from the incident with no broken bones although possibly some damage to his left

knee ligaments. Another great performance from then from skipper Ben Hopwood and his side very much appreciated by the Wightlink Islanders fans who also enjoyed the way they doused joint team managers Chris Hunt and Kevin Shepherd with champagne in traditional style after the match as they celebrated their success both on the night and overall in the competition.

HMP Isle of Wight named one of the top five vegan-friendly prisons Forget porridge: today’s prisons – recognising that inmates require healthy and humane meals on the road to rehabilitation – offer a wide variety of cruelty-free eating options. And none of them is doing a better job of meeting its inmates’ hunger for compassionate meals than HMP Isle of Wight, which PETA has just named one of the top five vegan-friendly prisons in the UK. Prison food has traditionally gotten a bad rap, but not anymore. HMP Isle of Wight’s vegan menu includes such favourites as African stew, homemade vegan mince and bread pudding. “Whenever you see convicted criminals turning away from a violent animal-based diet, it’s a good sign”, says PETA’s Mimi Bekhechi. “We commend HMP Isle of Wight for helping to protect its inmates’ health and

deeply held beliefs.” Rounding out the top five are HMP Bronzefield in Ashford, which offers a choice of two vegan meals daily as well as a selection of healthy meat-free options in the canteen and the prison shop; HMP Coldingley in Woking, which serves its inmates homemade Cornish pasties, chickpea paella, vegan moussaka and bean-and-lentil patties and even makes its own vegan mayonnaise; HMP Kennet in Liverpool, where a vegan sausage casserole, shepherd’s pie and spaghetti Bolognese are all available; and Dorset’s HMP Guys Marsh, where delicious baguette fillings include tzatziki made with soya yoghurt, roasted peppers and onions and bean pâté. The meat industry causes animals immeasurable suffering, as they are crammed by the thousands into filthy windowless sheds, wire cages,

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farrowing pens and other intensive confinement systems. Most won’t even smell fresh air or feel the sun on their backs until the day they are sent to slaughter. Feeding prisoners pasta instead of pork chops will help decrease violence in our society. Vegan meals are also healthy, cost-efficient and easy to prepare. Most importantly, they promote non-violence, which is something beneficial to all prisons. Each prison will receive a framed certificate and a letter of appreciation from PETA. For more information, please visit .

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The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 21 st June 2013

Islanders asked to return any walking aids including crutches Staff at Isle of Wight NHS Trust are asking anyone who has borrowed walking aids including crutches from the local NHS and no longer needs them to return them as soon as possible as these aids help prevent falls. Most crutches are returned for refurbishment and reissued to others who need them, but the majority of loaned crutches are not returned. Crutches and walking aids are provided on a short-term loan basis to NHS patients by the joint Council and NHS Integrated Community Equipment Store (ICES) based at Newport Business Park. A spokesman said: “Despite

Time Saving Analyser for Trauma Unit

Dr Robert Andrews with the analyser. Also pictured are biomedical scientist Patience Kapuya, who maintains the equipment & Friends volunteer Carol Wootton. The ability of Accident and Emergency staff to rapidly establish a patient’s full blood count has been provided by the Friends, with a grant of £8,000. A point of care full blood count analyser is now in place in A & E’s newly created Trauma Unit, which deals with some of the sickest patients. Dr Robert Andrews, A & E consultant, explained, “The equipment enables us to now obtain results in minutes rather than hours, therefore allowing rapid commencement of treatment, which will save lives

We quickly discover how much blood a person has lost in the event of a trauma, and whether there is any very serious or overwhelming infection.” He said the purchase outright of the analyser was more cost effective than an annual rental. “We are so pleased our bid to the Friends was successful.” The analyser was just the latest of several items of medical equipment purchased by the charity for A & E, another recent one being a £4.293 hand-held ultra sound probe.

asking people to return their walking aids, and following up with them after they are likely to no longer need them, we still find that we run short of walking aids. Most of the crutches we issue are for patients who have attended the Emergency or Physiotherapy Departments. If every pair we issued were returned promptly, when no longer required, we wouldn’t need to buy as many new pairs every year. All we would need to replace would be those that have been damaged, worn out or to cope with increased demand. This would save us money that could be spent on front-line services.”

The message from the Island’s NHS is to clear out your cupboards and garage and return any walking aids that are no longer needed. The team at the store are happy to receive any crutches between 8:30am and 4pm Monday – Friday. The Community Equipment Store is at 19 Barry Way at the end of Daish Way off Dodnor Lane on the Business Park. The team can also be contacted by telephone on 01983-528334. Walking aids, including crutches, can also be left at the front entrance of St. Mary’s Hospital with a note stating the name of the person they were issued to in the first place.

Funding boost for community events on the Isle of Wight Organisers of community events could access grants of up to £300, free equipment hire, t-shirts, banners and posters thanks to the Community Games scheme. The Isle of Wight Council Sports Unit has secured funding from the County Sports Partnership Network to help deliver Community Games projects on the Isle of Wight. Inspired by London 2012, the Community Games scheme is all about bringing people together to take part in and experience sporting and cultural activities. It also provides groups with advice and help in organising sporting games, along with free equipment hire. Organisers may focus on contests to give their event a competitive element, others may want to focus on giving people the opportunity to try something new. Whatever the focus of the Community Games, they should provide an opportunity for everyone in a community to participate. The Community Games programme aims to capture the core values of the Olympic and Paralympic movements. For the Olympics, these are: excellence, friendship and respect. For the Paralympics, these are: determination, courage and inspiration. Councillor Shirley Smart, cabinet member for tourism and economy, said: “This is a great

opportunity for event organisers such as schools, community groups, town and parish councils to access funding to help bring a fun and active element to their events, bringing local communities together.” Anyone can apply for funding through the scheme as long as their event: ● is community-driven; ● is local, accessible and convenient; ● is multi-activity; ● is fun, friendly and open to all; ● signposts participants to further opportunities to both participate and volunteer in new sporting and cultural activities; ● reflects and celebrates the community’s diversity. If you are thinking of planning an event and would like to find out more about the scheme, please visit the Community Games website or contact the council’s sports unit on (01983) 823818 or email .

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The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 21 st June 2013

Plans to work together for better children’s services A detailed agreement for how Hampshire County Council and the Isle of Wight Council will work together to raise educational standards and improve child protection services on the Island has been published. The proposals was discussed at the Isle of Wight Council’s Full Council meeting on 19 June and then again that same evening by the authority’s Cabinet when the decision to enter into a strategic partnership arrangement was formally made. Under the agreement, John Coughlan Hampshire County Council’s director of children’s services will also take up the same statutory role on the Island and, supported by a senior management team from colleagues at Hampshire and staff on the Island, will be responsible for driving up educational standards and improving child safeguarding services on the Isle of Wight. The partnership follows an Ofsted Inspection late last year that found children’s social care arrangements on the Island to be inadequate and also a subsequent Direction Notice from the government’s Department for Education that required the council to also address failings in its education system under which only one of the Island’s six secondary schools has been found to be good after recent Ofsted inspections. Councillor Richard Priest, Isle of Wight Council cabinet member for children’s services, said: “The aim of this partnership is to ensure there are significant improvements across children’s services and in particular around safeguarding standards for vulnerable children and a focus on work with schools across the Island to drive up educational standards. “Our two authorities have enjoyed positive working relationships over many years and we are determined to work together to improve the lives of

children and young people on the Island. “At a time of increasing pressures on children’s services and budgets, we believe this collaborative partnership can become an example for other authorities illustrating how they too can effectively share their expertise and resources to benefit their local communities.” Under the new arrangement, the partnership between the two authorities will last for five years with a review period after three years. The Isle of Wight Council will retain full political accountability and budgetary control over children’s services. In terms of child protection, a Children’s Safeguarding Plan has been developed and progress against this will be monitored by a multi-agency Children’s Improvement Board with an independent chair. The progress to improve educational attainment will be monitored by six-monthly reviews by the Department for Education. Councillor Priest, said: “We will have a relentless focus on ensuring the arrangements are effective and above all make a positive difference to the lives of children and young people on the Island.” Councillor Keith Mans, Hampshire County Council’s executive lead member for children’s services said, “For Hampshire County Council to be asked to establish a partnership by the Isle of Wight Council, is testament to our reputation for strongly performing children’s services and is a significant opportunity for both local authorities. For our part, we have the chance to offer assistance to our neighbour and develop an area of work as an extension of our capacity. Over the next few months, we will be working closely with the Isle of Wight Council to review its operations in order to identify what needs to be done so that, together, we can establish an action plan for improvement.”

Island nurse exhibits work in ‘Full Circle’ Exhibition Space Born in the sleepy town of Moravske Budejovice in the Czech Republic, Vlasta Turjanicova displayed artistic inclinations even as a young child. Starting with drawings and watercolours her work evolved to the oil paintings to which she is still dedicated to today. The turning point in her artistic career came in 1999 when, as a student, Vlasta rented a room in the home of Jiri Netik, Czech’s most important living artistic carver. Being close to his work, which is now displayed in many European galleries and churches, inspired Vlasta to take her first steps in woodcarving. The earliest work in this exhibition – The Tree 1 – 2003 dates from this time. Over time her unique and immediately identifiable style has gracefully evolved carving into the hard sections of walnut and pear tree wood which she works with. Vlasta extracts the natural beauty from the raw material, carving and sanding wood to create finished works of art which display the logical connection between wood, trees and nature. Her choice of theme aims to unfold visually striking pieces suggesting an idea which may be conventionally – or unconventionally – beautiful. Guy Eades, Healing Arts Director at Isle of Wight NHS Trust says: “The work in this exhibition, exhibited for the first time, has been gradually made over the past 10 years. Vlasta has continued her search for the beauty hidden in the wood on the Isle of Wight where she has lived with her

family since 2005. In 2007 she took up the post of Staff Nurse on the Intensive Care Unit at St. Mary’s and has worked in several departments. In 2013 she has taken up the post of Community Nurse with the South Wight District Nurse Team based at Ventnor.” The carvings and artwork exhibited are for sale. 25% of all sales will be donated by the artist to The District Nursing Service Charitable Fund. The exhibition has been organised by Healing Arts. For enquiries about sales from this exhibition or future exhibition opportunities please contact: Guy Eades on 01983-534253 or e-mail You can see further examples of Vlasta’s work on her website Hospital and community healthcare services provided by Isle of Wight NHS Trust are mainly commissioned and funded by Isle of Wight Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG).



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The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 21 st June 2013

The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 21 st June 2013



The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 21 st June 2013

Stuart Reid will be visiting schools on the Isle of Wight One of Britain’s most enthusiastic and inspirational children’s authors, Stuart Reid will be visiting schools on the Isle of Wight w/c 9th September. There are a few open slots still available, if any schools wish to get in touch. In the last 18 months, Stuart has performed to over 300 schools, libraries and book festivals and to almost 70,000 pupils, teachers and parents. One of his books Gorgeous George and the Giant Geriatric Generator has just been awarded the silver medal in America’s Forward Literature Awards 2012 and he appeared on ITV’s Get Britain Reading campaign. In August he’ll be performing 26 shows at the Edinburgh Festival and his events focus on inspiring children to read for pleasure and to encourage children, particularly boys to read more often. Stuart’s presentations are inspirational, innovative and enthusiastic; engaging kids with audience participation, fun and energy. It has been confirmed that the BBC will attend one of his shows and Stuart will be featured on Forth One and Radio Scotland’s Fred Macalauy show. He will also be appearing at the Gilded Balloon as part of Forth FM’s Kids at the Fringe event. Stuart’s latest book Gorgeous since its release at the end of Wight Book Festival in October, Scotland but will travel anywhere George and the Zigzag Zit-faced Janurary. Stuart has also been shortly after Havant Book in the UK to inspire children to Zombies has been on bestseller lists invited to perform at the Isle of Festival. Stuart is based in read more books, more often.

Islanders urged to make homes and cars smoke free Islanders are being urged to make their homes and cars smoke free as new national statistics confirm that smoking remains a key cause of premature death. As the national Longer Lives survey shows the Island remains a relatively healthy place to live, public health officials are focussing on one major cause of premature death – smoking. Island residents are therefore being urged to make their homes and cars smoke free. A national campaign highlighting the dangers of ‘second hand’ smoke was launched on 4 June and to complement that, the Isle of Wight Council has responded by promoting the ‘Take 7 Steps Out’ message. This campaign appeals to smokers who wish to protect their children to ‘Take 7 Steps Out’ before smoking. This reduces the risks and effects of cigarette smoke on children and others. Simon Bryant, public health consultant with the council said: “We recognise how difficult it is

for people to give up smoking and know that every parent wants to protect their children. The ‘Take 7 Steps Out’ campaign appeals to people to take a different approach with their smoking behaviour, it is not enough to protect your children by simply opening the backdoor or smoking with the window open.” This campaign is being supported by the Island’s Children’s Centres who can provide information and help parents in making healthy choices. The campaign coincides with the release of government data that shows area by area the premature mortality rates for some of the major killers – cancer, heart disease and strokes, and lung disease – all of which are linked to smoking – as well as liver disease. Overall the Island fares well when compared to other areas including the authorities with which it is statistically similar andtherefore usefully compared. Councillor Phil Jordan, Isle of

Wight Council cabinet members responsible for public health, said: “The figures do show that the Island is a relatively healthy place to live. This is influenced by a number of factors including social and economic issues such as education, employment and violent crime, health behaviour (alcohol, tobacco and sexual behaviour), and access to quality health care.” “Nevertheless there do remain pockets of relative deprivation on the Island and variances in life

expectancy between areas here. “While welcome, the figures give us no room for complacency. We must continue to work effectively in areas including tackling the wider determinates of health and raising awareness of health issues and in promoting healthy lifestyles through initiatives such as 7 steps and also by making sure health agencies continue work effectively to identify health issues early and to treat them effectively and this is being done through local initiatives like my life: a full life”

The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 21 st June 2013


Record numbers of employers report PAYE in real time

More than 1.4 million employer PAYE schemes are now reporting to HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) in real time since the launch of new tax reporting requirements in April. This means that more than 83 per cent of small to medium firms and more than 1 million (77 per cent) micro employers have already started to report PAYE in real time, and that information about 44.5 million payments made to employees between 6 April and 5 May was successfully reported online to HMRC. After listening to stakeholders, HMRC has today announced that it will be seeking to extend the temporary relaxation of the new reporting rules for businesses with fewer than 50 employees from October 2013 until April 2014, and that this relaxation will come to an end at this point. The extension means that businesses will not be required to change their approach halfway through the tax year. The relaxation has meant that these businesses are still required to report through the new system, but are able to do so once a month, rather than each time they pay their employees. This gives small businesses that pay weekly (or more frequently), but who only run their payroll at the end of the month, some extra time to adjust to the new requirements. From April 2014, all employers need to plan to be reporting in real time, but HMRC is continuing to work with businesses over the coming months to identify whether there are any specific circumstances with on-or-before reporting that it

needs to cater for in the longer term. PAYE information reported in real time is already being used by the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) to calculate Universal Credit amounts paid to people in its pathfinder pilot in the north west of England, ensuring the amount of benefit accurately reflects their level of income. Exchequer Secretary to the Treasury David Gauke said: “This is the biggest reform of PAYE since its introduction nearly 70 years ago and we are bringing the system into the 21st century. The transition is going well, and the vast majority of employers are now reporting their PAYE information in real time, meaning that HMRC’s records are becoming more accurate and upto-date. DWP is already using the new system to underpin its Universal Credit pilot, helping it to be more responsive to changes in claimants’ income levels. This is all good news, but we will continue to listen to and work with businesses to ensure that all employers are reporting in real time by April 2014.” HMRC’s Director General for Personal Tax, Ruth Owen, said: “The roll-out continues to exceed our expectations. I am delighted that 83 per cent of SMEs and 77 per cent of the smallest businesses are already on board. We will now write to the minority of employers who are not, to establish how we can help them meet the requirements of reporting in real time.” Interviews with employers reporting in real time can be seen at

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Experts at the Royal Isle of Wight Agricultural Society Show The CLA in conjunction with BCM and Pure Green Energy will be hosting refreshments throughout the day at the Royal Isle of Wight Agricultural Society Show on Saturday 29 June. As a membership organisation, the CLA supports rural businesses and landowners by advising them on how best to protect and maximise their assets. At the show the regional director for the Island Belinda Walters will be on hand to advise members throughout the day. With topics including CAP reform, countryside access, rural broadband, planning and rural crime high on the agenda the CLA advises and supports members on a range of issues. BCM partner James Attrill said: ‘We are pleased to support the CLA at the show this year. As specialists in rural property with expertise in rural asset management, sales and lettings as well as architecture and design our core values are very much aligned. We look forward to meeting clients old and new.”

Chairman of Pure Green Energy Danny Fisher said: “The team is looking forward to joining the CLA at the Isle of Wight Agricultural Show this year. Renewable energy is a key issue at the moment with the introduction of the government’s Green Deal scheme – the Show will provide an excellent chance to speak to attendees about the range of opportunities and energy products available.” CLA Isle of Wight director Belinda Walters said: “The Royal Isle of Wight Show is a fantastic day out for all the family, and a great opportunity to enjoy many aspects of Island country life and farming. The CLA is proud to support this one-day event that showcases the best of British – please visit us on the CLA stand near the members’ area.


The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 21 st June 2013

Left Wight, left Wight – for 70 miles Three members of staff from a jewellery store are putting on their walking boots and trekking the entire way around the Isle of Wight in a weekend – for a Bournemouth-based charity. Katy Spencer, Jeanette FinnJones and Rhiannon Jones work at a London branch of H Samuel and will be raising money for Round Table Children’s Wish (RTCW). The national charity helps brave and inspirational young people, aged between four and 17, with life threatening illnesses, by making their wishes come true. The wishes RTCW grant can be anything at all, and are often oncein-a-lifetime experiences. These include sending children and their families to Disneyland, to swim with dolphins, or arranging special meetings with celebrities and sports stars. But it relies solely on support from individuals, community groups, charitable trusts and corporate partners – and on fundraising efforts from people like the team from H Samuel. The trio – who have named themselves the Isle of Wight Walkers – will cover 70 miles over the weekend beginning June 21, and aim to raise over £1,000. Katy, 35, Jeanette, 50, and Rhiannon, 18, will be accompanied on the walk by a King Charles spaniel called Branston. H.Samuel’s parent company, Signet, which also includes the Ernest Jones brand, chose RTCW as its charity of the year for the southern region and its southern stores. Katy said: “Having gone on holiday to the Isle of Wight last year I thought it would be a great idea to walk around it for charity – but I didn’t realise how far it was!

“However, making wishes come true for children with lifethreatening illnesses is a great motivation. “Round Table Children’s Wish is a brilliant charity and we’re really pleased to be raising funds and awareness for them. “It’s about 70 miles to complete the coastal path around the island. We will be setting out on Friday from Fishbourne and hope to finish on Sunday.” Charlotte Otter from the charity said: “We have had great support from Signet and their staff through this year and we are very grateful. “This is an amazing challenge that the team have decided to take on, and a very tough walk to complete in a weekend. “With money being raised during sponsored events such as this walk we hope to continue making wishes come true for children who have suffered a great deal.” To sponsor the walkers click on their Just Giving page:

Wildlife superhighways to be created on the Isle of Wight

A multi-million pound highways improvement scheme is set to be amended to try to protect the wild flower and bee population on the Isle of Wight. The Isle of Wight Council is due to meet representatives of contractor Island Roads to discuss new ways of cutting rural roadside verges in an attempt to preserve the wild flowers and vegetation on which bees and other wildlife flourish. Island Roads, which undertakes the Island’s 25 year Highways PFI project, is currently contracted to cut back all the grass and vegetation from many rural verges. Now other options are to be explored including leaving swathes of roadside vegetation free for bees – and other wildlife - as long as it is safe to do so in terms of maintaining highway visibility. The move follows representations from local councillors concerned that the previous verge trimming regime may have harmed the Island’s bee population including the rare Potter Flower bee. Next week councillors including Luisa Hillard, cabinet member for sustainability, and Bob Seely who has highlighted the need to protect the Island’s bee population will meet with council officers and Island Roads to

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discuss options. Councillors will also suggest a programme under which wild flower seed could be sown on verges across the Island. Councillor Jon Gilbey, Isle of Wight Council cabinet member responsible for the Highways PFI, said: “The aim of the meeting is to agree on a way of maintaining our verges that means they are safe for road users but with as little impact as possible on the bee population. “Our relationship with Island Roads is a positive and a pragmatic one and I am confident we can agree a way forward. “This will be a huge step both from an environmental and aesthetic point of view. It also demonstrates the council’s commitment to sustainability and our determination to work positively with Island Roads to enhance the environment of the Island on which we live.” Paul Herbert, service director at Island Roads, said: “We are committed to making the Highways PFI as environmentally friendly as possible and are delighted to discuss a way forward that would help protect the ecology of roadside verges. We look forward to our forthcoming discussions with council members and officers.”


The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 21 st June 2013



The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 21 st June 2013

New rights for journalists and bloggers to film council meetings Local Government Secretary Eric Pickles has published a new guide for local people explaining how they can attend and report their local council meetings. New guidance explicitly states that Councils should allow the public to film council meetings. The new how-to guide gives practical information for the public to attend meetings of a council’s executive and how to obtain council documents. The Government has changed the law to allow citizens to report, blog, tweet and film council meetings in England. It also outlines the assorted rights that taxpayers’ have to access council papers and documents. However, many councils across the country are still refusing to allow people to film public council meetings. In some episodes of TV programme Grand Designs, viewers have been perplexed at cameras being stopped from filming meetings of the Planning Committee considering the self-build projects. The new guidance explicitly states that councillors and council officers can be filmed at council meetings, and corrects misconceptions that the Data Protection Act somehow prohibits this. The Health and Safety Executive has also shot down the

Suggestion that ‘health and safety ‘regulations’ also bar filming, which Wirral Council used to justify a filming ban last year. The new rules do not apply to Wales, as they have not been introduced by the Welsh Government who have devolved responsibility. This led to the situation of a blogger being arrested and handcuffed by the police for filming a council meeting in Carmarthenshire. Wrexham council also banned a journalist from the Daily Post from tweeting a council meeting. Eric Pickles has today challenged Welsh Ministers to introduce the new rights in Wales too. Eric Pickles said: “I want to stand up for the rights of journalists and taxpayers to scrutinise and challenge decisions of the state. Data protection rules or health and safety should not be used to suppress reporting or a healthy dose of criticism. “Modern technology has created a new cadre of bloggers and hyper-local journalists, and councils should open their digital doors and not cling to analogue interpretations of council rules. “Councillors shouldn’t be shy about the public seeing the good work they do in championing local communities and local interests.

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Toy Trust Big Kids Charity Bike Ride set to smash all records! Last Saturday’s 70 mile Toy Trust Isle Of Wight bike ride has been hailed a massive success as 183 cyclists and support crew from all sides of the toy industry took part in the event. The event is on target to raise a record £150,000 for the Special Bikes for Special Kids charity. This money will enable at least 125 profoundly disabled children to receive a custom-fitted trike to get them mobile and be able to join in cycling with their family and friends. Foye Pascoe, Chair of the Toy Trust Committee stated; “The whole day was perfect from start to finish. The sun shone, everybody safely completed the very challenging course and had a great time doing so and we look set to smash our fundraising goal, what more could we ask for? We never thought we would surpass the £135,000 raised through the Three Peaks Challenge in 2012 but with even more participants in this year’s event and some

inspiring fundraising achievements we have made it happen. On behalf of the Toy Trust Committee I’d like to thank Nick Austin for his superb organisation and leadership of the event and of course to everyone

who cycled, the support crews and all the companies and individuals who dug deep and have sponsored us so generously.” If you would like to make a donation towards the event you can do so by visiting the Virgin

Money Giving event page or by sending a cheque made payable to the Toy Trust to 80 Camberwell Road, London SE5 0EG. For more information on the Toy Trust Big Kids Bike Ride 2013 visit


The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 21 st June 2013

Lively Free Schools Meeting The Riverside Centre, Newport, was the venue for a lively public meeting about alternative school models on the evening of Thursday 6th June. Representatives from the Studio Schools Trust and the Free Schools Group of the Department of Education spoke to around 50 parents, governors, teachers and other interested individuals about what these alternative school models have to offer. The audience also heard from representatives of the Isle of Wight Studio School and the Island Senior Free School about what their schools will offer. Both have received approval from the Secretary of State, and subject to a final detailed funding agreement, plan to open their doors next September. The Island Free School group plan to create a learning environment with a longer school day where every student achieves 5 good GCSE grades; offering a grammar school education to a comprehensive intake of young people. It will be a small, caring school where every student is known to every member of staff. The Island Studio School will be working closely with employers, particularly in the fields of Marine Manufacturing and Offshore Engineering, to prepare young people aged from 14 to 19 for the world of work. Employers will be involved in all aspects of school life – from helping to design the curriculum to providing paid work placements and mentoring individual students. The project manager of the team behind the proposed Primary Free School also talked about their plans to submit an application for approval next year for a school where education will be project based and 50% of all learning will take place outside the classroom. The Island’s MP, Andrew Turner, organised the meeting following discussions with Ministers about

education on the Island and in the wake of recent disappointing Ofsted reports. He commented: “We all realise that we must drive up standards in education on the Island; one way of helping to achieve that is to offer a mix of schools to meet the needs of pupils and their families. Like many things in life, school should not be a ‘one size fits all’ solution. “There should be a range of opportunities to suit the different abilities and aptitudes of young people to ensure they achieve the very best they can from their years at school. Feedback from the audience after the event indicated that a number of people now have more information to enable them to make the right decision for their children.” A question and answer session followed the presentations where everyone had the opportunity to find out as much as possible about what the new types of school had to offer. Cllrs. Richard Priest and Chris Whitehouse, who are now responsible for Island education, were also present and both spoke about the new Council’s future plans for raising standards in Island schools and their personal commitment to improving results. Mr Turner added : “These are completely new types of schools – and as they are not yet open students and their parents can’t go along to see the schools in action. We all agreed that if there is demand for a similar meeting next year we will organise one.”

Proposed new location for modern new-look post office The Post Office is proposing to move Brighstone Post Office from its current location at North Street to create a modern open-plan branch with significantly longer opening hours for customers. The proposed new location for the branch is The Village Shop, Main Road, Brighstone, The Post Office is inviting customers and interested parties to give their comments on the move in a six week public consultation. Post Office Regional Network Manager for South & East England, Will Russell, said: “We understand how important having a Post Office is to residents in Brighstone and we are confident that this new modern branch will make it easier for our customers to do business with us and also secure services for the future.” He added: “The proposed changes to the branch are part of a three-year investment programme, the largest in the history of the Post Office, that will see around 6000 branches (about half the Post Office network) converting to new-style branches. The investment marks a commitment to no more branch closure programmes.” Post Office local is a new concept for delivering Post Office services from an open plan counter with Post Office products and services available alongside retail transactions during shop opening hours, allowing Post Office services to be available for longer offering greater convenience to customers. Opening hours at the proposed new location will be Monday to Sunday: 06.30 – 23.00. This would offer customers an extra 69 hours a week to access Post Office products and services. The extra hours would include Saturday afternoon, all day Sunday and earlier opening hours and closing times every day. Customers will be able to carry out a wide range of Post Office


services including automated banking services, bill and budget payment schemes, Post Office card account, Postal Orders and postage; inland letters / packets (including Signed For and Special Delivery), inland parcels, international letters, small packets and printed papers. The Post Office, now independent of Royal Mail, is the largest retail network in the UK, with over 11,500 branches. It is also one of the fastest growing financial services companies and is developing its online and telephony services. During the public consultation Post Office Ltd welcomes feedback on any issues customers would like considered before a final decision is taken on this proposal. The consultation will close on 26 July 2013. Submissions can be made during the consultation by Freepost YOUR COMMENTS to Post Office Ltd, via email to, via the Customer Helpline: 0845722 3344 or Textphone 08457223355.


The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 21 st June 2013

Over 200,000 extra MMR doses ordered by GP practices The national catch-up programme to increase MMR vaccination uptake in children and teenagers who are unvaccinated has so far resulted in more than 95% of GP practices across England ordering additional doses of the vaccine – more than 200,000 extra in total. The catch-up programme, run by Public Health England (PHE), NHS England and the Department of Health, aims to prevent measles outbreaks by vaccinating as many 10-16 year olds as possible. This age group is the most at risk of measles due to the fall in coverage of MMR that occurred in the late 1990s and early 2000s when concern around the discredited link between autism and the vaccine was widespread. The catch-up programme aims ensure that at least 95% of 10-16 year olds have received at least 1 dose of MMR. This is estimated to be around 300,000 children (8%). The programme is also keen to reach another third of a million in this age group who need a second dose of MMR to give them full protection, and a further third of a million children below and above this age band who need

another dose. New figures published today by PHE show numbers of confirmed measles cases in England are still high with 288 cases in April (compared to 175 in April 2012), bringing the total number so far in 2013 to 962. This continues the upward trend seen since early 2012 with monthly totals around the highest recorded levels seen since 1994. However MMR coverage among 5 year olds in England is at its highest ever recorded levels, with 94% receiving 1 dose and 90% receiving 2 doses. Dr Mary Ramsay, Head of Immunisation at PHE, said: Our ambition is to vaccinate 95% of 10-16 year olds at risk in time for the next school year and so the number of extra doses ordered by most GP practices is very encouraging. The message to parents who think their child may not be fully immunised is to check today and book an appointment with your GP. The vaccine is there waiting to be used and could save your child’s life. Measles is a serious illness and can lead to significant complications,

Dramatic Gale Air/Sea Rescue in Solent. On the morning of 15 June a ‘Mayday’ call alerted the Yarmouth Lifeboat , the ‘Eric and Susan Hiscock (Wanderer)’, to assist a yacht in trouble in gale force winds with two crew members on board. A female crew member aboard the yacht ‘Blue Boat’ was reported to have a serious injury having been hit by the boom. The lifeboat located the yacht in the Solent near Salt Mead, west of Cowes, and put a crew member aboard to perform first aid pending the arrival of the coastguard helicopter. The helicopter transferred a paramedic to the casualty vessel and the crew member was the lifeboat where the other crew airlifted to hospital. ‘Blue Boat’ member was treated for shock by a was then escorted to Cowes by waiting ambulance team.





including hospitalisation in more than one in five cases among teens this year. We are getting regular feedback from the local NHS teams about what is happening on the ground and are encouraged by the very high levels of involvement by GP practices across England. We will shortly be getting results from a new monitoring system that will tell us the number of vaccines received by children. We are continuing to work closely with NHS partners to ensure we have accurate records of children who have missed vaccination, to help guide effective local decision making about possible additional targeted activity. In some areas affected by recent local outbreaks, such as the North East and North West, the NHS had already started to run campaigns in schools. In Teesside for example, school based vaccination clinics have been held in over 120 schools, vaccinating more than 2,000 primary and secondary school age children, and in Greater Manchester 32 schools have initiated schools

based vaccination programmes, reaching 1,200 children. Professor David Salisbury, Director of Immunisation at the Department of Health, said: The best way to beat measles is to protect people before measles catches them. It’s encouraging that GPs have taken up the challenge wholeheartedly and ordered almost a quarter of a million extra doses of MMR, so we know they are ready to vaccinate people. The best thing that parents can do, if their children have not had two doses of MMR, is to make an appointment with the GP now. In addition to the more imminent risk of measles, unvaccinated or partially vaccinated young people will remain susceptible to infection with mumps and rubella. During the first quarter of 2013 (January – March), there were 948 cases of mumps. So far, we have seen very few cases of rubella but if it were to come back, then it is a particularly serious risk to young women and their unborn babies.

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The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 21 st June 2013

Iconic Gipsy Moth IV to raise money for Island school Gipsy Moth IV, the iconic yacht that carried Sir Francis Chichester on his record breaking circumnavigation of the globe in 1967, is to be made available for a once in a lifetime sailing experience to raise funds for an Isle of Wight School. Christ the King College in Newport, Isle of Wight, will be offering two unique and unrepeatable half days sailing for up to six people, with a professional skipper and mate, provided by the Cowes based UK Sailing Academy, on the world renowned yacht during the week of the unrivalled Panerai Classic Regatta in Cowes, as lots in an auction of promises it will be hosting on Saturday 29 June. The College and the Gipsy Moth Trust, the charity that owns and maintains Gipsy Moth IV, is urging sailing enthusiasts to submit sealed bids for the lots before 12noon on Friday 28 June. Participants will need to confirm when during the regatta week (613 July) they wish to redeem the sailing experience by 1 July 2013. The excursion will be available for groups of up to six people – four of whom must be adults, with any children aged over eight years. The Trust and UKSA will are providing the professional skipper and his mate as well as all wet weather and safety gear necessary for the excursion. Mrs Pat Goodhead, Principal of Christ the King’s College, said: “We are extremely grateful to the Gipsy Moth Trust and UKSA for this stunningly generous offer, which we hope will help us in raising money for much needed Sixth Form facilities and resources for our wonderful young people.

“Gipsy Moth IV is known around the world, and we hope this provides an opportunity for real sailing enthusiasts to enjoy a once in a lifetime experience.” Rob Thompson, Founder Trustee of the Gipsy Moth Trust, said: “One of our goals as a charitable trust is to make Gipsy Moth IV available for both charitable endeavours and the general public. We are delighted to be able to support such a worthy cause and hope this will provide an unrepeatable opportunity for sailors, whether from the Isle of Wight or further afield.” Cllr Chris Whitehouse, Conservative Newport West Ward, who sponsored Gipsy Moth IV in last week’s Round the Island Race and who arranged the prize says: “There are 5 schools in and around my ward of Newport West; I do all that I can to support them not only in raising funds, but also in driving up standards. I was over the moon to secure this once in a lifetime opportunity for Christ the King’s auction of promises. Let’s hope they raise enough money to get their sixth form building properly fitted out and that the publicity gives a boost to the excellent UKSA in Cowes where Gipsy Moth IV is berthed.” Firm bids for the sealed auction can be submitted to

Ecoisland Vision in line with Prime Ministers Speech On the day when the Prime Minister announced that “social investment can be a great force for social change” the Ecoisland Partnership Community Interest Company and its 100 Club supporters were gathered in the Terrace Room at the House of Commons demonstrating exactly how change can be brought about through investment in social enterprise. The Prime Minister has said, “Businesses need finance to grow and make profit. Governments need finance to fund big infrastructure projects. That’s why we have banks, bonds, investment markets and all the rest. The idea here is just as simple and just as powerful. Social enterprises, charities and voluntary bodies have the knowledge, human touch and personal commitment to succeed where governments often fail. But they need finance too. They can get it from socially minded investors. So we need social investment markets, social investment bonds and social investment banks. And here government needs to help. Government needs to be more creative and innovative – saying to social entrepreneurs: if you can solve the problem we’ll give you money.” The Ecoisland Energy Service Company announcement is just such a social enterprise. With more than 65 global / national / local partners and the members of the 100 Club they are changing the face of energy services in Britain backed by a number of private and institutional investors. It really does work and they have secured the support of local, national and central government ( DECC / BIS / DEFRA / TSB ). At the launch of Ecoisland Energy yesterday a letter from Keith Taylor, Green Party, MEP for the South East was read out placing Ecoisland as a prime example of this – he said:Ecoisland is delivering these key principles on the Isle of Wight – it is a trailblazing initiative, which highlights practical solutions to reduce our impact on the environment and achieve sustainability in terms of energy, water, food and fuel. It’s particularly uplifting to see Ecoisland pushing the boundaries of sustainability at a time when many of us are feeling the squeeze of austerity. Ecoisland shows us how to take sustainability forward

– an initiative backed by sound economics, replicable across the UK, and with the spirit of community at its heart, it shows us that it is possible to go green and save money at the same time. I welcome the work of Ecoisland to create a green economy that can lead the way for other communities. I have been a supporter of the vision since the offset and have witnessed the energy and passion that fuels this initiative that will create new green jobs in the South East and will hugely reduce the island’s carbon footprint and help meet our future energy needs. At the event Baard Eilertsen, CEO Maingate – the technology partner working with Ecoisland Energy to deliver a home energy management service – said: ‘The inherent strength of consumer and community led innovations within the energy space is what we at Maingate see as the future and we are excited about being one of the main technology partners in the Ecoisland initiative. Our track record shows that we can achieve massive consumer behavioral change with the right set of tools and incentives.’ Commenting after the event David Green (Founder Ecoisland & Chairman of Ecoisland Energy) had this to say: I am delighted that so many companies, investors and supporters gathered at the House of Commons to witness the birth of our instrument for social change. Our community movement, which is at the very heart of our social enterprise, epitomizes what the Prime Minister has been talking about by bringing entrepreneurs, investors and big business together. At a time when energy prices are rising and the country’s energy security is threatened, the nation needs to adopt our Ecoisland GREENprint and use it to change the old paradigm – seeding the GREEN economy.

Isle of Wight Sports

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