Issue 35 - The Isle of Wight Mail

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mail Isle of Wight


The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 2 May 2014 Isle of Wight Mail – Friday, 13th June 2014

The Island's Community Newspaper







“Seacat” vessel visits Yarmouth Page 02

The sun is shining, the stage is built and the people are arriving. The 13th Isle of Wight Festival is set to be the best yet, with over 20 stages and 200 bands. Seaclose Park in Newport is the destination for thousands of people gathering to enjoy the Isle of Wight Festival this weekend. Met Office meteorologists are forecasting dry and fine weather for many as the summer festival season gets into full swing this weekend. A dedicated policing plan is in place to help residents and visitors stay safe on the Isle of Wight during one of its busiest times of the year.

IW Film Festival gets rolling Page 03

Policing plan for a safe Festival Page 06


ISSUE NUMBER 35 Friday 13th June 2014




The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 2 May 2014 Isle of Wight Mail – Friday, 13th June 2014

mail Isle of Wight

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ISLE OF WIGHT FESTIVAL 2014 TRAFFIC ARRANGEMENTS The Isle of Wight Council, Island Roads and Hampshire Constabulary are working with the organisers of this year’s Isle of Wight Festival to help ensure traffic flows smoothly and disruption is kept to a minimum as tens of thousands of people head to the Island for the world-famous music event. Traffic management plans have been submitted by the event organisers and approved by the Isle of Wight Council, in consultation with partner agencies. With improvements made by festival organisers to event car parks, separation of Red Funnel and Wightlink traffic and close co-ordination between partners which worked well last year - disruption to local traffic should be kept to a minimum, although some delays are inevitable with the amount of extra traffic on the roads. The main route for festival traffic from the Red Funnel terminal at East Cowes will be up York Avenue and along Whippingham Road where it will turn right onto East Cowes Road and into the red festival car park. As a contingency, if there are any substantial hold ups on the Whippingham Road, plans have been developed and agreed to turn festival traffic left onto Alverstone Road, where it can be temporarily ‘stacked’ and released into the network when the roads to the festival site are less busy. Vehicles travelling from the Wightlink terminal at Fishbourne will be directed right on to Kite Hill, through Wootton, up Lushington Hill and right at the Racecourse roundabout and the left into the Wight festival car park. Should any of the entrances to the car parks be temporarily blocked, or an incident occur on any of the roads being used by festival traffic there are a number of alternative options that can be considered by the event organisers; additionally the council has arranged alternative parking facilities so that traffic can be diverted off the network if required. Island Roads will be keeping residents up to date with routine traffic information and details of road closures and diversions, while the Isle of Wight Council will provide updates about council services affected by the festival and Hampshire Constabulary will provide security and safety updates. Messages will be shared via social media and local media. The council would like to remind people that the one way system along Fairlee Road will be put in place from lunchtime on Wednesday 11 June, people are advised to plan their journeys accordingly. Full details can be found on the council’s website. Councillor Shirley Smart, Executive member for economy and tourism, said: “The council has been working closely with the event organisers and its partners to ensure another successful festival. We are all keeping a close eye on the weather and hoping for a sunny weekend for the thousands of Island visitors and residents who will be attending the event.” Residents are encouraged to look at the dedicated festival pages on which contain a wealth of important information about road closures and diversions, access to Seaclose Park and changes to council services. The council asks that residents plan their routes to avoid the designated festival traffic routes on the Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Monday of the event when traffic volumes are at their highest.


“Ranger”, the new Seacat offshore wind farm support vessel visited Yarmouth to trial harbour operations prior to the proposed Navitus Bay Wind Farm. Built by Seacat Services in Cowes, this technically advanced craft is specifically designed to support offshore wind farm operations. The lower deck has dampened seating for a number of technicians that would need to operate at the deep-water site. Special fendering allows the craft to push into the base of the wind turbine, for safe transfer of personnel. A hiab hydraulic crane and forward work deck offer flexible operations for all types of support activities. Yarmouth could be ideal as a strategic base for offshore operations, allowing these crafts to easily operate from a nearby,

sheltered deep-water port in all conditions. If Yarmouth is selected as the operations port, it would have a positive impact on the local area with local businesses benefitting from increased revenue. Employment opportunities would also be available to local people. The proposed wind farm would be constructed in Christchurch Bay, 8.6 miles South West from the Needles, with between 121 and 194 turbines planned. Navitus Bay is one of the smaller of the planned wind farms in round three, but larger than any existing offshore wind farms in round two. The project is predicted to produce enough energy to provide power for 710,000 homes.

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The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 2 May 2014 Isle of Wight Mail – Friday, 13th June 2014


Conservative Councillors’ views and proposals Conservative Councillors on the IW Council believe that current parking arrangements and fees should not be changed until a strategic review of all parking issues has been completed. A review has been promised but so far all we have is a parking order. This rightly sparked a storm of public concern. Consultation on this parking order isn't a review, let alone an effective and comprehensive strategic one. The Executive Member responsible for parking, Cllr John Gilbey, admitted as much at the last Council Meeting when, following intense questioning from both members of the public and scrutiny from Conservative members, he accepted that there needed to be a comprehensive review, and promised that this would take place before any changes were actioned. The previous Conservative administration regularly considered the imposition of increased charges but for six years in succession decided that the economic and social difficulties that increases would cause, were too great to justify them and charges were frozen for each of those six years. A review is now essential because the present draconian proposals introduce extensive new charges, both on-street and in Council car parks, where no charge has been levied before and without any assessment of impact. We believe these new charges will damage shops and businesses which rely on these free periods to support trade and maintain turnover in Town Centres around the Island. We have also listened to the concerns expressed by businesses and traders and believe the extension of charging until 8 p.m. will damage the evening economy and reduce business for the many town centre pubs, restaurants, and cafes. This charge is designed to make money and is unnecessary for parking management. In fact we believe in retail areas it will damage the economy without raising money because both locals and tourists will avoid visiting these venues until they can park without charge. Severe problems also arise for the host of community organisations that meet in the evening, such as swimming clubs, sports and social organisations, cubs and brownies, all of which rely upon free parking. In residential areas, residents who have been able to park in their own street will now have to pay every day, as soon as they arrive home from work. The cost of some of the parking permits are badly structured, leading to residents buying commuter permits, because it's cheaper to do so, and is likely to encourage them to shop on the mainland. Where is the ‘re-engineering’ that the Council Leader constantly tells us is happening- such as putting in place discounted measures to encourage tourists to buy parking permits when booking their holidays, thus improving the councils cash flow and ensuring additional purchases. There are options which can all raise revenue, improve parking management, and help rather than hinder businesses. Yet we see no evidence of fresh and innovative thinking. We need to be assured, that through a proper review, charges made to manage onstreet parking solely cover the costs of that management and do not subsidise other services. Since the decision of the High Court last year that parking costs must be reasonable and used to manage congestion, with surpluses paying for a few strictly controlled items, increasing on-street charges clearly cannot be used as a revenue raising tactic. So what should a strategic review cover? - We would expect any review to include not just the anticipated increase in revenue that might be generated, but the specific local economic impact upon communities, shops and other businesses that rely on free or cheap local parking availability to sustain the economic health of the local area. - We believe the review should aim to retain the much valued initial free parking periods and introduce a fairer system across the Island, whilst accepting that there are particular local circumstances which could justify differing times and lengths of free parking. - We believe the review should also aim to scrap the proposed evening parking charges. - We believe that the review should recognise that different areas on the Island have different needs and different circumstances to be taken into account. - We also believe the review should canvass opinion and accept ideas for improvement from a wide range of stakeholders and this should include residents and businesses affected by the proposed changes, the wider view from the Island Business Forum, The Chamber of Commerce and the Federation of Small Businesses, as well as residents, Community Groups and those who can give an informed view on the impact of changes on our tourist economy- such as Visit IOW only then can such a review be accepted a being thorough and comprehensive. - A strategic review should seek to put in place an effective and fair system which can be expected to endure for at least 5 years without further tinkering at the edges. - We expect the review to consider whether the relatively small amount of extra income expected to be gained from these ill-thought out proposals could actually be achieved by amendments elsewhere in the councils £360M budget. - It is accepted that this may take several months and as a result the proposed £100k target for additional income in the present financial year will not be met. To address this the budget will have to be recast – and dont forget the current administration of existing arrangements has failed to ensure proper enforcement contributing to expected income shortfall. If the Independent administration is prepared to take on board these concerns and views then we are more than prepared to work with them to help them deliver a fairer system and ‘Work together for the Island.’ What we will not do is to endorse the present proposals as they stand as we do not believe them to be in the best interests of the Island!

More national strike action has been announced by members of the Fire Brigades Union (FBU) after failing to reach an agreement with the government over pension reforms. Members will stage a 24-hour strike between 9am Thursday 12 June and 9am Friday 13 June and a seven-hour strike from 10am on Saturday 21 June. As with previous periods of strike action, contingency arrangements are being put in place by the Isle of Wight Fire and Rescue Service. Non-FBU members will attend lifecritical incidents such as house fires or road traffic incidents. Fire control will operate as normal so people should continue to dial 999 in an emergency. Householders and businesses are being asked to assist the fire service during this time by not taking any unnecessary risks and taking extra care when cooking or discarding of cigarettes. In addition people are being asked to check that their smoke alarms are working.

A range of fire safety information for homes and businesses can be found at and also on the fire service’s Facebook page at A number of fire safety videos can be found on the council’s YouTube channel at Steve Apter, chief fire officer, said: “The strike action comes at a busy time for us here on the Island with the start of the Isle of Wight Festival but I’d like to reassure people that we have contingency plans in place to maintain fire cover, albeit at a reduced level.” Councillor Phil Jordan, Executive member for public safety, added: "It is disappointing that national strike action has once again been announced but I know that our fire and rescue service is working hard to provide response and assistance to life critical emergency calls during periods of industrial action. I would ask people to be extra vigilant during the strikes as fire service responses will be limited."

Isle of Wight Film Festival gets rolling

The Isle of Wight Festival is currently scrutinising film entries, received from all over the world, for its 2014 episode, to be held in August alongside Ventnor Fringe. To whet our appetites for what’s to come, on Saturday 14th June the IOWFF team is holding a special event at which it will screen the best films of the 2013 festival and tell us what’s lined up for this year to inspire and entertain us. Bruce Webb the festival director said: " This screening shows the truly International scope of the festival, and in 2014 we’re adding another day to the festival so we can show more films, and therefore have more overseas guests. We’re also excited to announce a collaboration between Portsmouth Film Society with outdoor screenings, and the confirmation of the 1970's classic, shot on the Island starring David Essex and Ringo Starr - That'll Be The Day" The event kicks off at 8.00pm at Ventnor Arts Club, 13 High St Ventnor. All are

welcome and the bar is open throughout the screenings and afterwards until late. “It’ll be great to watch these films in comfort, on our big screen and an opportunity for film makers and enthusiasts to meet up, do a little networking and perhaps inspire some productive collaborations” says Stephen Izatt of Ventnor Arts Club. Films being screened are: Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution – 15mins – USA Documentary - Dir. Matthew Van Dyke. Alles Super - 23 mins - Ger - Comedy Ralf Beyerle A Dream I Had - 17mins UK - Drama - Brian Harley INTERVAL 30 minutes A Cake For Mabel - 15mins - UK - Comedy - Jane McGee Ma Foret - 7 mins - Fr - Environmental - Sebastian Pins Echo - 18mins - UK - Drama - Lewis Arnold The event is free and further information about the Club can be found on and more about the IOWFF at


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The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 2 May 2014 Isle of Wight Mail – Friday, 13th June 2014

tough sentences for people possessing ‘paedophile manuals’

People caught with documents that contain practical advice on how to commit sexual offences against children will face tough sentences. So-called ‘paedophile manuals’ will be outlawed by the creation of a new criminal offence with a maximum penalty of 3 years in prison, Justice Minister Damian Green has announced. It is currently against the law to possess indecent images of children but there is no existing offence of possessing manuals which give advice on how to groom or abuse children sexually. Justice Minister Damian Green said: “The contents of these socalled manuals are both disgusting and deeply disturbing. Their purpose is to facilitate sexual offending against children and we will do all we can to stop that. “All sexual offences are abhorrent and our laws to protect children in this area are already very robust but we are now making absolutely sure that people caught in possession of this material can be properly punished. They should be left in no doubt – they will face the full force of the law.” Under the current law, it is illegal to produce, circulate or possess with a view to distribute any indecent photograph of a child under 18. Possession of an indecent photograph of a child is also an offence. The Obscene Publications Act 1959 can currently be used to prosecute people publishing paedophile manuals but not simply possessing them. The government plans to create the new offence as part of the new Serious Crime Bill as soon as possible. It is expected to come into effect next year.



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FIRE SERVICE UPGRADES KEY VEHICLE The Isle of Wight Fire and Rescue Service has improved its resources by significantly upgrading its current command unit vehicle. The vehicle has been enhanced with new state of the art technology which will help fire crews better coordinate responses to major incidents. Amongst the new technology on board is a dedicated satellite link up which provides the fire service with its own Internet connection. This is particularly useful in remote areas where Internet availability is limited. CCTV cameras have been installed with the images streamed lived to the fire service's headquarters in Newport, allowing commanders access to live images which is something they have not been able to do in the past. The vehicle has also been installed with a thermal imaging camera which is attached to a 12 metre high extendable mast, providing an extra tool for detecting hidden fires or hot spots. Body worn cameras will also soon be delivered to the service, and these will be given to fire officers to wear when responding to incidents. These will give live feeds to the command unit, showing what fire crews on the ground are doing in real time. Upgraded TV monitors, an electronic white board which stores any information written on it, and an improved briefing area are also new features of the vehicle. Chief fire officer Steve Apter said: "The fire service was successful in securing a grant from the government to enable us to upgrade the command unit. "We now have a mobile facility which provides significant additional resources when dealing with major incidents which can only help improve the safety of Island residents. Councillor Phil Jordan, Executive member for the fire service, added: "Our fire service personnel are highly trained and can face significant challenges when dealing with major incidents. "Anything the service can do to enhance its resources is welcome and I am very pleased it has been able to upgrade the command unit which will provide a vital tool." The command unit is currently operational and is based at Newport fire station.

Makeover for flood prone West Wight Work to improve the drainage and surface of Main Road, Brighstone is set to begin delivering long-term benefits to a community historically hit by flooding problems. During the work, not only will powerful jets clear through the existing drainage system to ensure it is functioning adequately but it will also receive additional drainage improvements prior to the new road surface being laid. The drainage works will be completed under temporary traffic lights over the next couple of weeks starting from Wednesday 04/06/2014. Main Road will then be closed overnight between New Road and Moortown Lane from the Monday 23/06/2014 for a period of approximately five nights while the surfacing work is completed. Pedestrian access will be maintained throughout the works and businesses will be open as usual. The works have been scheduled to take place after half term and ahead of the main tourist season and will be completed between the hours of 18:00 and 06:30 each

day to minimise disruption for those wishing to travel through and around the area. Diversion signs will be in place directing traffic via New Road, Grange Road, A3055 Military Road, Brook Village Road, B3399 Brighstone Road, Hunny Hill and Main Road during the road closure. Island Roads Construction Manager Keith Gourlay said: “Due to the number of businesses and the local school within this area, we have programmed these works to take place overnight to minimise travel disruption. “Our teams on site work extremely hard to accommodate access to businesses within all our road closures and there will be dedicated pedestrian walkways and marshals available to assist.” Residents, schools and businesses in the local area have received letters explaining the road closures and detailing access for those living in the closed section of the road. This is part of a range of measures in place to keep everyone informed of these forthcoming works.



The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 2 May 2014 Isle of Wight Mail – Friday, 13th June 2014


Farm tax proposals could mean an end to farming as we know it, says CLA In response to media reports of a proposed £500M ‘farm tax’ by Labour – which would mean scrapping the exemption from business rates that has applied to agricultural land and buildings since 1929 – CLA Director South East Robin Edwards said: “If this report turns out to be true, it would mean the end of British agriculture as we know it, the abandonment of much of the countryside, and less money to spend on the environment. “It would especially hit small and tenanted farms who simply do not have the resources to meet this additional demand. “Most farms are barely viable as it is; requiring them to pay business rates will tip most of them over the edge. Farmers will have to give up their businesses and it is unlikely there will be anyone willing to take them over.” “This could result in a move to more industrial scale farming on a scale that would be completely unacceptable to the industry and to the British public.”

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Making light work of festival road closure

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Island Roads is planning to give Newport residents their own light show during this weekend’s IW Festival. The Highways PFI company is making use of the road closures in place for the festival period to replace streetlights in Fairlee Road between Halberry Lane and the Link Road. This work would have required a separate road closure but Island Roads has changed its schedules to make use of the festival closure and two teams will be working from early Monday morning to get the replacement columns in place before the road restriction is lifted later that day. Paul Herbert, Island Roads Service Director, said: “We do seek to keep disruption to an absolute minimum and using the festival closure to replace these streetlights on Monday means we will not have to close the road on a separate occasion which would cause additional inconvenience to the travelling public and residents. Under the Highways PFI, Island Roads is installing 12,000 LED lights that can be controlled centrally, are energy efficient and reduce light pollution. Councillor Jon Gilbey, IW Council executive member for finance and the highways PFI said: “I very much welcome this move. The council works hard with Island Roads to ensure that the needs of residents and road users are always at the heart of the contract. “This is a very good example of Island Roads working flexibly and practically and they should be applauded.”



The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 2 May 2014 Isle of Wight Mail – Friday, 13th June 2014

Help reduce your chances of Policing plan for a safe Festival becoming a victim of crime If you're going to the Isle of Wight festival follow these simple tips to help reduce your chances of becoming a victim of crime. Most people coming to a festival want to enjoy the music and soak up the atmosphere, but some, unfortunately, have more sinister motives. These people come to steal and target individuals with a view to relieving them of their hard earned personal property. Police do everything they can to prevent people from becoming victims, but it is inevitable that some crime will take place. There are, however a few easy steps you can take to make the festival safer for you. Follow @FestivalCop on twitter for the latest advice and information. Take care of your stuff: Before the festival, think about the items you are going to take, remember you can't secure a tent so you should check with your insurance company if any losses are covered. Make a list of all of the serial and model numbers of any electrical item that you intend to take with you and register these for free on If the police recover the item it can help them get it back to the rightful owner. Mobile phones?: Take five minutes to do the following and it could it see you reunited with a lost phone, or help police to locate a stolen one. If you have lost your phone or suspect it to be stolen, speak to a police officer, or visit our police station on site as soon as possible. Officers will have instructions for locating your type of phone, but they will need certain details which you can make sure you bring with you. A bit of prior planning can go a long way! Firstly – make a note of your IMEI number. Input *#06# into your keypad and a long number will appear – this is your IMEI number. Make a note of it, and bring it to the festival. They also have all the telephone numbers of the providers so you can phone them and get it blocked as quickly as possible should it go missing. If your phone is not insured, it really could be time to take out insurance. Measured against what the handset would cost to replace, a few pence a day could save you hundreds of pounds in the long run. Pack light!: When you decide what you are going to take with you, look at what you are going to need at the festival and try to pack light. The less you take means that it will be easier for you to keep an eye on it and will present less of a target for any opportunistic thief. Don't be a show-off: When you get to the festival site be aware of what items you have on show. If you walk around with all your worldly goods on display you will be more likely to be targeted. Take valuables to bed: Although we strongly advise you leave your valuables at home, we understand that you may have to bring some with you. If you do, keep them safe at night by sleeping with them in your sleeping bag. Car crime: If you travel to the festival by car, treat it the same as leaving your vehicle parked when you go to a shopping centre: ●

Don't leave high value items on show in side your car, & don't hide them after you've parked your car in the car park as it is a real possibility that someone will see If you open your glove compartments and show that there is nothing of value kept in the car then the chances are that an opportunistic thief will pass by. If you have a Sat Nav, move it and all of its components out of sight - this includes the cradle and suction cup.

Drinking?: Statistics suggest that if you're drunk you are at a much greater risk of becoming a victim of an assault or target of crime. Police are not telling you not to drink but to watch how much you drink and how it affects you. After all, you might need to remember where the loo without the massive queue is or maybe how to find your tent. If you drink a little too much you may lose track of your surroundings and become disorientated which can make you a greater target. Unfortunately police do receive reports of sexual assault when someone has consumed an excessive amount of alcohol. To reduce this risk: ● ●


Be aware of how much alcohol you drink; Try to stay with your friends and don't always trust the motives of strangers.

Drugs: Drugs operations are an important part of keeping festivals safe for everyone attending. Entering the festival site? Don't bring drugs! Caught carrying drugs? So what?: Depending on the amount of drugs found on you it may result in your arrest and a subsequent criminal record plus immediate ejection from the rest of the festival. If you find yourself with a drugs conviction as a result of a positive indication, don't bank on taking that dream holiday to Orlando or being able to hang out in a great club in New York - you stand a high chance of being denied entry to the USA if you have a drugs conviction. There will be other officers and resources used during the festival period - some may be more visible than others. There will also be completely independent highly-trained drugs counsellors available for you to speak to. Legal highs – “legal does not mean safe”: New psychoactive substances, also known as ‘legal highs’, remain prohibited at the festival. Their sales are banned under the conditions of the event licence. If reports of any sales arise, festival organisers will take action to stop them. These substances are often marketed as “legal” and misleadingly labelled as “not for human consumption” or “research chemicals”. It is increasingly clear that some of these substances are far from harmless and can sometimes be more harmful than illegal drugs. They are also sold as ‘branded’ products and often contain a range of compounds which are rarely consistent, and are different to those advertised on the packet or at the point of sale. Zero Tolerance: If you are under the impression that the police will turn a blind eye to low level use then you are mistaken. There will be a zero tolerance policy with regards to possession of controlled substances. You have been warned - if you get caught bringing drugs to the festival, you can get yourself: ● Arrested ● a criminal record ● ejected from the site. It isn't rocket science. Don't bring drugs onto the festival site, or be prepared for the consequences.

Don't spoil your own fun: The police are not there to hinder your entry into the site or to ruin your festival experience. We want you to have a fantastic time, and we are there to make sure that every festival-goer has an equal opportunity to enjoy the experience in a safe and drug free environment.

A dedicated policing plan is in place to help residents and visitors stay safe on the Isle of Wight during one of its busiest times of the year. Seaclose Park in Newport is the destination for large numbers of people gathering to enjoy the Isle of Wight Festival this week. Hampshire Constabulary is maintaining its close cooperation with festival organisers ‘Solo’ and partner agencies to keep crime as low as possible. Isle of Wight Festival police commander Chief Superintendent Dave Hardcastle said: “The Isle of Wight Festival has established a reputation for having low crime and a friendly atmosphere for more than a decade. “We want festival-goers to enjoy themselves safely again this year, and we want any criminals to be warned off by our regular rigorous approach to protecting the island.” “It’s always essential for police to patrol in partnership with security staff to ensure a safe festival. “More than 100 officers, PCSOs and police staff will be deployed on duties in and around the festival site during the event.” Hampshire Constabulary Crime Prevention Advisor Sarah Cohen said: “Our work to help protect people is well underway before the festival even begins. “Visitors travelling on Wightlink's St. Clare ferry from Portsmouth and via Red Funnel's Southampton terminals can meet police staff and volunteers who can provide crime prevention tips and technology. I’d like to thank all the ferry operators for their support with this initiative. “Upon arrival, festival-goers are invited to spend time at our festival police station in Seaclose Park near the foot entrance to the site where we’ll be offering further interactive ways to stay safe all throughout the festival. “You can follow our @FestivalCop Twitter channel and #FestivalSafe hashtag to pick up handy pieces of personal safety advice via social media.”

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The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 2 May 2014 Isle of Wight Mail – Friday, 13th June 2014



Missing Numbers


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The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 2 May 2014 Isle of Wight Mail – Friday, 13th June 2014


THE RETURN OF TEMPLE ISLAND One of the biggest hits of last year was the Temple Island arena, so we’re delighted to announce that it’s back once again for a Desert Island Disco rinse, settled in a brand new area and this time powered by SBTV. A Bacchanalian vision in a hedonists’ paradise, Temple Island is all about having the party. All weekend long! Temple Island curator, and director of The Physical Network, Liam NegusFancey says, “We’re really excited to be back at Bestival with Temple Island after its phenomenal debut last year. The acts reflect our audience, they go above and beyond what others expect, constantly evolving to produce the best environment possible. We’re teaming up with the Bestival creative crew to build a brand new venue to host this exciting pool of fresh, boundary pushing talent to ensure you’re partying late into the night!” Temple Island host and SBTV founder Jamal Edwards says, “I’m a massive fan of Bestival - it was one of the very first festivals I went to and the experience was unreal. So partnering up with them this year is an honour for me. I'm a big supporter of the electronic dance scene, so I'm really happy that Bestival has given me an opportunity to put on an area that has got such great names like Kidnap Kid, T Williams, Preditah & many more”. Out of the traps and ready to spank the dancefloor from the word go, Temple Island goes big from the off with a Thursday night line-up that includes Austrian chart-botherers Klangkarussell, epic house purveyor

Kidnap Kid, bass heavy Bristolian Woz, Bestival’s chief castaway Rob da Bank going up against Robin Hill regular Tayo for a touch of Purple Rave and the Monkeylove Stunt Team. Friday’s dancefloor indulgences include jacking action from T Williams, monstrous manoeuvres from Shadow Child, gigantic grimey garage finesse from Preditah, cut-up vocal comforts from Lxury, divine duo Maribou State going b2b with audiochiseller Pedestrian, triple trouble on the double from Spoils And Monkey Wrench and siblings on a mission Star One. Saturday’s look goes for chart-toppers Sigma dropping the big hitters, garage vibes from Shift K3Y, heavyweight attitude from Ed Solo, genre-mashing deeds from My Nu Leng, rave behaviour from Friend Within, London Grammar’s Dot Major, predestined vibrations from Karma and a live set from sultry soul chanteuse Purple Ferdinand. And, bringing Temple Island’s second Bestival outing to a triumphant close will be Sunday servings from the Eton Messy crew who are back for another takeover, with their top boys’ own Blonde, fast rising Lancashire duo Bondax, Leeds twosome Wayward, Electric Minds’ skipper Dolan Bergin and Southern Fried’s own Kashii. Remember there are still lots more announcements to make, so keep checking the Dancing Information Services & Communication Operations:-

WIN A PAIR OF TICKETS TO BESTIVAL 2014 The Isle of Wight mail has teamed up with Bestival to offer a pair of tickets to their Desert Island Disco on the Isle of Wight this September. With 10 fields of wonderment filled with amazing music, insane sideshows and magical happenings, Bestival 2014, taking place at Robin Hill Country Park from September 4th- 7th, is jam-packed with party flavours and escapist action. This year’s gargantuan line-up features headline sets from OutKast, Foals, Chic featuring Nile Rodgers and Beck, plus live sets from Busta Rhymes, Disclosure, Paloma Faith, Basement Jaxx, Major Lazer, London Grammar, Sam Smith and Candi Staton among many others. There will also be DJ sets from Sven Vath, Annie Mac, Chase & Status, a Ram Records takeover, Skream, Derrick Carter, Eats Everything, Green Velvet, Boyz Noise, Jaguar Skills, James Blake’s 1-800 Dinosaur and lots more. And the Bestival Big Top hosted by BBC Radio 6 Music will see the cream of their presenter team introducing the likes of Bonobo, SBTRKT, Temples, dan le sac Vs Scroobius Pip, Peter Hook & The Light and more. The music line-up might be massive but anyone who’s been to Bestival knows it’s not all about the music, there are incredible must-see attractions like The Port, the Wishing Tree, The Grand Palace of Entertainment, Come Dancing, Reggae Roots, Club Dada, The Ambient Forest, Caravanserai and the legendary Bollywood Cocktail Bar, offering out-of-this-world entertainment, all topped off with a truly mesmerising fireworks finale. All you need to do to be in with a chance of winning a pair of Bestival Tickets is share issue 34 of the Isle of Wight Mail and tell us who's headlining Friday night?


For more information and to book tickets go to or call 0844 888 4410

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Tickets on sale right across IOW now to personal callers – from; The Bugle Inn, YARMOUTH Harwoods, YARMOUTH The Bonchurch Inn, VENTNOR Lugley’s, COWES The White Lion, NITON Old Village Inn, BEMBRIDGE The Pointer Inn, SANDOWN Caulkheads, SANDOWN County Press Shop, NEWPORT Robin Hill Park, NEWPORT Valentine Gray Bar, NEWPORT




The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 2 May 2014 Isle of Wight Mail – Friday, 13th June 2014

Campers reminded of barbecue carbon monoxide risk With the Isle of Wight festival weekend approaching, campers are reminded never to take barbeques inside their tents because of the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning. The potentially deadly gas, which you can’t taste, smell or see, is produced when fossil fuels or wood burn without enough oxygen. Several campsite deaths have been linked to carbon monoxide poisoning from barbeques in recent years. The gas can build up quickly to potentially fatal levels in enclosed spaces such as tents or caravans. Campers are reminded never to light, use or leave smouldering barbeques inside tents, awnings or other enclosed spaces because of the risks. When you have finished with the barbecue, dispose of it carefully and ensure the ashes are fully extinguished to prevent a fire risk. Symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning include headaches, drowsiness, dizziness, chest pains, nausea and vomiting. At high levels, carbon monoxide poisoning can cause sudden collapse, loss of consciousness and death. Anyone who suspects they are suffering from carbon monoxide poisoning should go outside and seek medical help from a qualified healthcare professional or call NHS on 111.

With the Isle of Wight festival weekend approaching, campers are reminded never to take barbeques inside their tents

Heavier summer downpours Extreme summer rainfall may become more frequent in the UK due to climate change, according to new research led by the Met Office. The new study, from the joint Met Office and NERC funded CONVEX project, uses a stateof-the-art climate model providing the first evidence that hourly summer rainfall rates could increase. While summers are expected to become drier overall by 2100, intense rainfall indicative of serious flash flooding could become several times more frequent. The results from the study, published in Nature Climate Change, are the first step towards building a more complete picture of how UK rainfall may change as our climate warms. Dr Lizzie Kendon, lead author of the research at the Met Office, said: "Until now, climate models haven't been able to simulate how extreme hourly rainfall might change in future. The very high resolution model used in this study allows us to examine these changes for the first time. "It shows heavier summer downpours in the future, with almost five times more events exceeding 28mm in one hour in the future than in the current climate - changes we might expect theoretically as the world warms. However, we need to be careful as the result is only based on one model - so we need to wait for other centres to run similarly detailed simulations to see whether their results support these findings." As the atmosphere warms it can hold more moisture and this is expected to intensify rainfall. However, research is needed to understand what this might mean for extremes and how this might affect the UK. In winter it is the daily or multi-day rainfall totals that are important, because we tend to get steady, long-lasting periods of rain from large scale weather systems - similar to those seen during the winter floods of 2013/14. Climate models, which generally work at coarse resolutions, have been able to accurately simulate winter rainfall and have suggested generally wetter winters with the potential for higher daily rainfall rates in the future. In summer, however, it is the hourly rates that are more important as rain tends to fall in short but intense bursts - as seen during the Boscastle flooding of 2004 and 'Toon Flood' in Newcastle in 2012. Climate models have so far lacked the resolution to accurately simulate the smallerscale convective storms which cause this type of rain.

Club offers a model for tackling childhood obesity

In 2010, the Isle of Wight Council and Isle of Wight NHS jointly funded a youth-led project designed to tackle childhood obesity and improve child health through physical exercise. The UP2U project held a competition at the West Wight Sports Centre in which young people from the Freshwater area presented project proposals, with the most popular projects sharing £20,000 of funding. The Bike Club project proposed by William James, aged 9, envisaged weekly lessons from a professional BMX rider who would teach children how to perform stunts safely. It was intended that the Bike Club would reach young people who were not taking part in traditional cycling proficiency lessons or youth centre activities. Skills taught included safe riding on the road and off-road, bike maintenance, and knowing the rider's own limits before attempting potentially dangerous stunts. William's father Daniel James said: "We knew that the Bike Club would have to be exciting if it was going to impress young people. We also realised that without a club like this, some would be trying stunts for themselves without any adult supervision. Having a pro rider that the kids could look up to was a vital part of drawing the kids away from their computers and consoles on a Saturday afternoon." Wight Trash Films was commissioned to make a video of the Bike Club, which is now available to schools and youth organisations on YouTube. The Bike Club video can be viewed at:

The Great British Summer: Be prepared and enjoy whatever the weather With the start of meteorological summer the Met Office, working with key partners, has launched its 'Get Ready for the Great British Summer' web pages. Here everyone can discover useful tips and information to make the most of the summer months, whatever the weather. Developed with a range of partners such as the RNLI, Cancer Research, VisitEngland and VisitScotland, the pages allow people to use our weather forecasts and warnings to help them plan their day and make the most of all the UK has to offer this summer. Derrick Ryall, Head of Public Weather Service, said: "As Britain's National Weather Service we are committed to ensuring the public can make the most of the weather this summer. "These pages are designed to provide useful information that helps the UK public to be prepared and safe during the summer months, whatever the weather. We can't change the weather but we can help everyone make the most of it through our accurate forecasts and advice from our partners around the country." James Berresford, VisitEngland Chief Executive said: "England is an all-weather destination with a fantastic amount on offer across the country. Planning ahead will help ensure you get the most out of your break and there is already plenty lined up to enjoy over the summer months, both indoors and outdoors. From a host of festivals, events and exhibitions, to the arrival of the Tour de France for Yorkshire's Grand Départ 2014, England is the perfect destination for unforgettable holidays this summer." The pages allow you to select the weather that matches the day's forecast, from a sizzler to a drizzly day, and then choose the activity that suits your mood; whether you want to relax, be active, explore or entertain. You can choose from a wide range of unique information such as places to visit,

fun articles through to top beach safety tips. The site is also interactive so visitors can share their Great British Summer stories and photos via blogs, our Facebook, Twitter and other social media channels. We are an island nation with island weather and the Met Office forecasts as accurately as possible without bias. We can't change the weather but we can help the Great British public make the most of it by providing forecasts across a variety of apps and media.




The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 2 May 2014 Isle of Wight Mail – Friday, 13th June 2014

Island Arts

The Isle of Wight is home to some amazing artistic talent, and we want to highlight it on these pages. We want to hear about you and your activity, your successes, your events, your news … whether you are an artist, a musician, a dancer, a singer, a writer, a performance group … if in doubt, just tell us anyway! We will, of course, be happy to report the big events, but we want Island Arts to be for everyone of any age, at whatever level they are. And we are especially keen to

showcase new talent and new ideas. So please get in touch. Tell us about your event, your exhibition, your auditions, your new commission, yourneed for people to take part … whatever it is, we’ll do our best to help. You don’t have to pay for advertising on these pages to get your story covered, but we have kept the costs really low to make it a little easier for you to raise your profile. Obviously, we can’t promise to cover every single story that is sent to us, so there may be times when you want to be sure you have a presence on these pages, and advertising will give you that guarantee! Island Arts will be published every other week, as part of the Isle of Wight Mail newspaper Island Arts is edited by Kevin Wilson. Send him your news and questions

Mardi Gras record A record number of schools and community groups are lined up to take part in the Mardi Gras parade in Ryde on June 28. The event will also feature the London School of Samba, and the parade will end with music and fun at the Eastern Esplanade Gardens. The parade will start at 3pm at Ryde School, heading for the Esplanade via Queens Road, High Street and Union Street. This year's theme is National Geographic, and the event marks the start of the carnival season on the Island. Go to to get all the info.

Get in touch … If you want us to feature you and your group, just send us a message and a few words about what you are doing, and leave the rest to us. Island Arts is about encouraging … Island Arts. So don't be shy. Send an email to

What's going on? If you're not going to the IW Festival, and you are not into the World Cup, what on earth are you going to do in June?! Well, sitting at home watching the telly is not the answer, so let Island Arts give you a guiding hand, and show you some of the sights, sounds, and great experiences that are out there. Both the World Cup and the Festival kicked off on Thursday, June 12. but so did 'Music on a Distant Shore' – a new play that was runner up in an international playwriting competition. Presented by Original Theatre, it got its premiere at the Apollo, Newport, on the 12th before moving on to the Depozitory, in Ryde on the 19th, and a special performance at Chale Church on the 20th. Tickets are £7.50 online, with no booking fee – – or on the door. It is a funny and at times poignant look at how people connect with each other, and features a medium with a dodgy past, possibly the world's worst telesales person, a boss with a special reason for continuing to employ her, and a teenager who is desperate to reconnect with his fiddle-playing father, who died a while ago. Live music is performed by members of the Isle of Wight Scottish Fiddlers, too, so you can get your music fix too. Elsewhere over the period, there are free exhibitions at Quay Arts, including the opening on Friday the 13th of work by Turner Prize winning artist and musician Martin Creed; and on Sunday the 15th, a concert at Seely Hall, Brook, at 3pm aims to raise funds to promote country cycle routes in the West Wight. Then, of course, it is the big build up to one of the most spectacular sporting events in the country, if not the universe, the Round the Island Race, when the Isle of Wight gets surrounded by sail. But before that happens, Ventnor Arts Club has booked 'Jane for Tea' to deliver French, jazz tinged songs for three nights; June 19th to 21st. A Cannes journalist described their sound as “perfectly constructed new music, inspired by the songs of yesteryear; guaranteed to send tingles down the stiffest of spines”. To check them out, go to Tickets are £5 for members and £8 for non-members, and are available at There are any number of exhibitions and pub gigs happening in June, so why not make yourself the envy of all those people who you know are going to brag about how amazing it was at the Festival, and see if you can outdo them?!

Film retrospective The Isle of Wight Film Festival returns this August as part of Ventnor Fringe, and organisers are hosting highlights from last year at Ventnor Arts Club on June 14. The evening of the best bits includes work from American, French and UK film makers, and the bar will be open till late, apparently. Admission is free, and you will also get an update on what's in store at this year's festival. You can get all the info about the event at

Sunday 13th July Moon, Music and Moths - FREE All kicks off at dusk at Browns Cafe, Sandown Bay. Laika will be playing.

Friday 18th - Sunday 20th July Rhythm Tree Festival In conjunction with Tim Callaghan-Martin - VJing and films from dusk till late in the woodland.

Saturday 2nd August Film and Food at Seahorses An outdoor event from 7 - 9.30ish Food (barbecue and wood fired pizza) short films start around 8pm.

Weekend of 16th & 17th August Ventnor Fringe - FREE Music based film either up on the bandstand on the promenade with Quay Arts, or in the archway opposite the bandstand and near the cafe.

Saturday 13th & Sunday 14th September A Festival of Alternative Film @ The Piano Cafe

Sunday 5th October Fun Palace @ Quay Arts – FREE Together with Headfunk and Ngoma Sound - an evening of DJ’s, VJ’s and film projected on to a 9 foot cube in the middle of the Minghella Theatre.


Jane for tea

Rene and Moses




The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 2 May 2014 Isle of Wight Mail – Friday, 13th June 2014

Donated toys have “magical effect” on young patients at St Mary’s Hospital The generous donation of boxes full of toys and crafting supplies is already having a “magical effect” on young patients on the Children’s Ward at St Mary’s Hospital. The delivery was as a result of the Toy Trust’s annual charity fundraiser held on the Isle of Wight on Saturday (8 June 2014). Over 255 toy industry executives took part in the sponsored cycling and running event which raised £174,000 for the Toy Trust. The funds and toys are being distributed to organisations that help children with disabilities, including the Isle of Wight NHS Trust. Dionne Davies, Play Specialist on the Children’s Ward at St Mary’s Hospital, helped co-ordinate the donations which included portable DVD players, DVDs and craft supplies. Dionne said: “We were absolutely thrilled with the amazing selection that has been donated. It means that there will be much more for the children to do, to help make their stay more bearable and make the hospital environment less clinical and more fun.” The toys are already giving patients a welcome boost. Dionne said: “One little girl on the ward was given a portable DVD to watch the Disney film ‘Frozen’ from her bed. She described it as the ‘highlight’ of her stay and so the donations are really having a magical effect across the ward.” Toy Trust Big Challenge Organiser, Nick Austin, said: “Given the appalling weather conditions at the start, this year’s Big Challenge event was a real triumph of human spirit in the face of adversity. We raised an incredible amount of money for the Toy Trust and had great fun in the process!” The majority of services provided by Isle of Wight NHS Trust are commissioned and funded by Isle of Wight Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), NHS England and Isle of Wight Council.

Pictured (left to right), Nick Austin, Ed Nattrass, Peter Ridgewell, Matt Jones, Roland Earl and Pauline Martin, Ward Clerk, Children’s Ward, St Mary’s Hospital.

Army 2020


International charity, The ROTB Trust (1147062), are asking people to Walk For Water, to celebrate the fact that the charity are now officially registered with the Charity Commission, to use the Walk for Water and Walk 4 Water names for fundraising. The charity, based in Newport, Isle of Wight, are looking for intrepid people to walk the walk and follow in the footsteps of thousands of women and children across the world, who travel up to 10 miles each day barefoot, to collect water. Adrian Brewer, CEO of The ROTB Trust said: "Every single day, thousands of people across the world are forced to make journey after journey, in pursuit of water, before carrying up to 20 litres on their head or back. "We are looking for people of all ages who want to take on the challenge of walking up to 10 miles each day for (up to) a week, to raise money to help those in developing countries, who have to make this walk. "All money raised will go towards sending our Rotary Water Barrels to families in developing countries, to help prevent the health problems caused by being forced to carry such heavy amounts each day." The ROTB Trust are looking for people to arrange their own walks - and suggest using Just Giving ( as a way to donate any money made from events to the cause. Once registered with Just Giving, just look for the Roll Out The Barrel Trust 'Walk 4 Water' event.

HILL FARM STABLES Riding school and pony club centre 01983 752502 / 07748 253899

The decision by the MOD to implement Army 2020, its programme to reduce the size of the regular Army and increase the number of trained Army reserves, was taken without appropriate testing of feasibility, according to the National Audit Office. In its report to Parliament, the spending watchdog warns that transition to the new Army structure comes with significant risks which, if they materialized, could significantly affect the Army’s ability to achieve its objectives and value for money. Under Army 2020, by December 2018 the number of trained regular soldiers in the Army needs to be reduced by around 20,000 (down from 102,000); and, by the end of 2018-19, the number of trained reserve soldiers needs to be increased by at least 11,000 (up from around 19,000). The Department considers that this reduction in size of the Army will help the Army achieve savings of £10.6 billion over 10 years to 2021-22. The resulting Army would consist of 82,500 regulars and 30,000 trained reserves. However, the Department did not test whether it was feasible to recruit and train the required number of reserves by 2018-19. There has not been a significant growth in the overall trained strength of the Army reserve in the last two years. At April 2012, the trained strength was 19,410. In April 2014 it was 19,400. In 2013-14, a total of 3,020 soldiers entered the Army Reserve.Reserve recruitment targets increase substantially over the next five years. For example, in 2016-17, the Army will need to recruit 9,270 reserves, including 8,000 new recruits. A significant change in performance is therefore required, particularly for new reserves, if the Army 2020 structure is to be staffed in time. The Army has not publicly detailed what aspects of the transition to Army 2020 it needs to achieve by when for it to operate effectively. This makes it difficult to measure progress towards full implementation. The Army has also not set clear trigger points for enacting any contingency plans. For example, if the reserve recruitment shortfall persists, there is a risk of staffing gaps in some parts of the Army structure and increased pressure on regular units.



The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 2 May 2014 Isle of Wight Mail – Friday, 13th June 2014

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The Baylink Olympics On 24th and 25th June Sandown Bay Academy are holding ‘The Baylink Olympics,’ one of the largest student-led events in the Country. The Baylink Olympics is a 2 day event for 900 students in Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 from our local primary schools. It is run by students and staff from Sandown Bay Academy. The Baylink Olympics will begin with a fantastic opening ceremony on Tuesday 24th June at 9.30am down on the athletics track. One of the days will be competition day where students will compete in sports including Athletics, Cycling, Netball, Basketball, Tag Rugby and Kwik Cricket. ● Year 5/6 Competition day: Tuesday 24th June ● Year 3/4 Competition day: Wednesday 25th June The other day will include a crosscurricular learning where students will make pizzas, take part in African workshops, learn languages from around the world and listen to live entertainment. There will be a Sports Club Roadshow, a Sports Zone, and an International Café.

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ONLINE VEHICLE FRAUD COSTS UK VICTIMS £17.8 MILLION PER YEAR According to the latest figures from the National Fraud Intelligence Bureau (NFIB) and Get Safe Online today, online vehicle fraud costs the UK £17.8 million each year. Nearly half of frauds involved used car buyers losing part or full payment for a vehicle and then loss of contact with the “seller”. HPI, the provider of, reminds consumers to remain vigilant, especially when it comes to buying online, as fraudsters have a whole range of tricks they use to con people out of their money. “The latest figures show that too many used car buyers are being duped by crafty fraudsters out to make a quick profit,” says hpicheck Senior Consumer Services Manager, Shane Teskey. “Online car buying is fast and convenient, but it also gives scammers somewhere to hide.”

Consultation on the IOW NHS Trust’s ‘Clinical Strategy’ The Isle of Wight NHS Trust is asking for the public’s views on how the organisation plans to deliver healthcare in future. The ‘Clinical Strategy’ describes how the Trust aims to deliver patient care in a radically different way by working beyond our current boundaries. The strategy document explains how this can improve the quality and efficiency of services to meet the needs and expectations of current and future patients. It also describes how the Trust aims to work more closely with partner organisations, including the Isle of Wight Council and primary care providers to develop a highly integrated model of health and social care on the Island. Over the next five years, the way care is

provided will change drastically as we evolve to meet the needs of an increasingly elderly Island population with complex health issues. In the future, more patients who would currently be referred to St Mary’s Hospital will be cared for in the community. This will be supported by an NHS leading, highly integrated IT system, which will provide new opportunities and better ways of working. The Trust’s Executive Medical Director, Dr Mark Pugh, said: “Our clinical vision for the next five years and beyond envisages a Trust which continues to supply the fullest range of services possible, providing these services are of appropriate quality, and can be delivered

within a cost the local health economy can afford. However, how we deliver our services will change fundamentally as we rapidly develop highly integrated services with our Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) and Isle of Wight Council. Services will be characterised by high quality, and led by our frontline clinicians. Our staff will be developed and empowered to work in our unique environment in a sustainable way, in an environment that will be optimised for our services”. The ‘IOW NHS Trust ‘Clinical Strategy’ Strategy can be downloaded from the ‘Get Involved’ section of the Isle of Wight NHS Trust website

Comments on the strategy should be emailed to or sent to Business & Projects Coordinator to the Medical Director, South Block, St Mary’s Hospital, Newport, Isle of Wight, PO30 5TG by Tuesday 15th July 2014.



The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 2 May 2014 Isle of Wight Mail – Friday, 13th June 2014

Rescue of Motor Cruiser Proved an Easy Task Cowes RNLI lifeboat performed a rescue of convenience in the Solent on Thursday 12 June, when after paying an important visit to the Hampshire shore it made a minor diversion on its return trip to deal with a broken down motor-cruiser. The 23 foot Tallugh Holiday, with a couple aboard, had anchored near Gurnard Ledges because of mechanical problems. When it became clear the problem could not be sorted out by those on board Solent Coastguards asked the lifeboat to assist. This the lifeboat duly did, after completion of a pre-arranged task at Calshot – the fitting by a Division Base electrician of a replacement electrical component linked to the keel cord. The yacht, being used by the couple for a two day holiday trip out of Gosport, was eventually towed to Shepards Wharf Marina, Cowes.

Mostly dry and fine festival Weekend With the Isle of Wight Festival kicking off yesterday the weather is set to be mainly dry and fine, but with the risk of a few light showers over the weekend. Today (Friday) looks like being the best day for sunshine for most parts of England and Wales with temperatures reaching the mid 20s Celsius, although some cloud will develop in the afternoon. The highest temperatures are expected in the south where those attending the Isle of Wight Festival can expect to see highs of up to 23 °C. Heading through the weekend, we can expect to see plenty of fine and dry weather across the UK with some good sunny spells and temperatures in the high teens or low 20s Celsius. Saturday does bring the possibility of a few showers, especially in central areas. Andy Page, Chief Meteorologist at the Met Office said: "Although there will be some light showers in places, it looks as though much of the UK will enjoy some pleasant, warm and dry weather this weekend, which is great news for anyone heading to any outdoor events such as the Isle of Wight Festival." John Giddings, Isle of Wight Festival organiser said: "The sun is shining, the stage is built and the people are arriving. The 13th Isle of Wight Festival is set to be the best yet, with over 20 stages and 200 bands, bring it on!"

Olives may contain glass

Sainsbury's is recalling jars of their Pitted Black Olives because they may contain small pieces of glass. The Sainsbury's Pitted Black Olives affected by this recall are the 350g Pack size with Best before 03/04/2017 printed on the lid. If you have the Pitted Black Olives do not eat them. Return them to your nearest Sainsbury's store for a full refund. If you have any questions or concerns about this recall you can contact Sainsbury's on 0800 636 262.

The Tallugh Holiday being brought by the lifeboat into Cowes Harbour. Photos by Nick Edwards





The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 2 May 2014 Isle of Wight Mail – Friday, 13th June 2014


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The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 2 May 2014 Isle of Wight Mail – Friday, 13th June 2014

SIMON ROBERTS PIERDOM: A NATIONAL EXHIBITION Photographer Simon Roberts has spent the last three years photographing Britain’s last remaining Pleasure Piers, creating an architectural and ethnographical study of our coast and of British society. 64 piers have been documented, including the Isle of Wight. The pleasure pier follows the story of Britain’s relationship to the seaside, from the early links with the Romantics, to the engineering feats and technical advancement of the Industrial Revolution. Roberts documents the remaining piers using his signature landscape style, echoing the approach and tone of his acclaimed series, We English. To coincide with the 200th anniversary of the construction of Ryde Pier in the Isle of Wight (the first of the British piers), Roberts’ Pierdom project will be touring from July - September in 2014 creating a national exhibition. Currently confirmed venues include the Quay Arts, Isle of Wight. Along the British coastline these galleries will be each exhibiting between 15 pieces from the series, usually including their most local pier. The aim of this extended exhibition of the work is to generate a national conversation to highlight the historical significance of these architectural structures, enforcing the

idea of Britain’s piers as cultural landmarks, tracing history and national identity from the Victorian period until now. Simon Roberts (b.1974) is based in Brighton, UK. He studied a BA Hons Degree in Human Geography at the University of Sheffield (1996), a subject which has informed much of his photographic practice. He has exhibited widely with solo shows at the National Media Museum, Bradford, Museum of Contemporary Photography, Chicago, and Museum of Contemporary Art, Shanghai. His work has been included in numerous group exhibitions, including Landmark: Fields of Photography at Somerset House, London, and resides in major public and private collections, including the George Eastman House, Deutsche Börse Art Collection and Wilson Centre for Photography. In 2010 he was selected as the official Election Artist by the UK Parliament. He has published three critically acclaimed monographs, Motherland (Chris Boot, 2007), We English (Chris Boot, 2009) and Pierdom (Dewi Lewis Publishing, 2013).

Quay Arts, Newport

8th July 2014 - 28th July 2014

A bumper weekend expected for Red Funnel The Isle of Wight Festival has started and Red Funnel is preparing for a bumper weekend in which it expects to carry over 20,000 festivalgoers to and from the Island. For Islanders who fancy escaping the festival madness for a day trip or a short break to the mainland, there are still return crossings available with Red Funnel, starting at just £39.50 for day return vehicle crossings on Saturday 14

June and Sunday 15 June, and from just £49.50 for short break return vehicle crossings over the weekend, Friday 13 June – Sunday 14 June.

Share your news & pictures

email or leave us a short message on

01983 898838



The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 2 May 2014 Isle of Wight Mail – Friday, 13th June 2014


BullGuard's Alex Balan provides insight into Cryptolocker and GameOver Zeus Following the recent warning from law enforcement that people have a two week window to shore up their computer defences against Cryptolocker and GameOver Zeus, Alex Balan, Head of Product Management, BullGuard, offers some insight into the malware scourge. “It’s good to see national press coverage of two particularly nasty pieces of malware, Cryptolocker and GameOver Zeus. The PR machines of the FBI and the UK’s National Crime Agency have clearly been working smoothly. Law enforcement has apparently disabled the botnet behind the malware, albeit only for two weeks, when they say hackers will have it up and running again. They’ve warned that this gives people a grace period to get their computers protected. And it’s this that makes the headlines. “The reality is that these pieces of malware have actually been around for some time and they are insanely dangerous. These particular samples are very evolved and in many cases if they manage to get installed on a system, money will be surely lost and removal will be very difficult. “For Cryptolocker the hackers demand payment in Bitcoins which means that anyone who gets infected has to dive into the Bitcoin world and convert money to Bitcoins. The ransom sits at about $300. And then there’s no guarantee that files will be decrypted. “The really nasty thing about Cryptolocker is that it is actually a super tough encryption so much so that cracking it is next to impossible even for some of the world’s most powerful computers. “While the FBI and NSA didn’t go into detail about their disabling technique, they’ve probably taken down the command and control servers that Cryptolocker uses. When the malware gets onto a computer before it does anything it sends a message to a server. The server then sends a message back to begin encrypting files. “The two week period that the FBI and

NSA refer to is likely a reference to the time it takes for the virus to ‘cycle’ to new servers. If anybody is infected during this two week period they’re relatively safe because the servers are out of action. That said, if they’re not using antivirus software, which will pick up and remove the virus, when new command and control servers are in action the virus will start encrypting files. “GameOver Zeus is related to Cryptolocker in that as well as plundering banking details, it provides a back door which is one of the ways Cryptolocker infects computers. However, it typically propagates as an attachment in an email. Cryptolocker was first discovered in 2013 and as is usually the way in the world of malware, it has spawned a number of clones which closely mimicked its behaviour. “GameOver Zeus is a variant of the Zeus family of malware and is a common password-stealing Trojan. Zeus was first identified in 2007 and has been quite prolific. GameOver Zeus was the most active banking Trojan in 2013 and it’s estimated that it has infected up to 1 million computers. The FBI says it’s responsible for more than $100 million in losses. “It’s good to see these malware strains being tackled by cyber law enforcement. They’re certainly aware of the threats that malware causes because they often have to pick up the pieces. Hopefully, the headline coverage will raise people’s awareness about the need to protect their computers, for it’s an absolute certainty that new strains of equally virulent malware will appear in the near future. “Headline coverage by its very nature amplifies issues and given the potential damage that Cryptolocker and GameOver Zeus can visit on computers it would be easy to panic a bit. However, if you’ve got good Internet Security, you’ve got nothing to worry about. These malware strains will be picked up and stopped even when they’re back up and scouring the internet for vulnerable computers.”

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Extremely rare moth is found A moth thought to be extinct has been found on the Isle of Wight by two conservationists. Moth Surveyors Ian and Cath Fletcher spotted the species, identified as the Narrow-bordered Bee Hawk moth, on a stalk of grass at a wildlife reserve in Cranmore. The moth is nationally scarce and is a priority species under the UK Biodiversity Action Plan. Not seen for 60 years, it is believed that the last person to record one here was Dr KG Blair, an eminent entomologist, who lived in Freshwater for a number of years. He had several moths named after him including Blair’s Wainscot and Blair’s Mocha. The Narrow-bordered Bee Hawk moth requires a mix of open, flowerrich grassland and scrub. It’s this habitat mosaic which is important for a number of the special Lepidoptera recorded from the reserve. The moth is nationally scarce and is a priority species under the UK Ian Fletcher, Assistant Moth Recorder with the Isle of Wight Natural History & Archaeological Society said, “It was testament to the

careful management of the local nature reserve by the warden Jamie Marsh and his colleague Gareth Shelley of the Hampshire & Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust.” Jamie Marsh, Reserves officer for the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust said, “After much hard work on the site it is great to see that our management is working and we are seeing new species utilising restored habitats and improving populations of other key rare species found on the reserve.”




The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 2 May 2014 Isle of Wight Mail – Friday, 13th June 2014

MIDSUMMER WIGHT’S DREAM Midsummer on the Isle of Wight begins as the sun rises on June 21st at the ancient Neolithic Longstone nestled beneath the peak of Mottistone Downs. Bathed in natural beauty the Island is a beautiful sight at this time of the year and here are a few ways you might celebrate midsummer. Naturally: Wait for the sun to rise at the 4,000 year old Longstone at around 4.30am – and see a ceremony by the Island’s druid community that involves the breaking of bread and the drinking of mead at daybreak or at noon. Wander around Mottistone Manor Garden with its fabulous hardy tropical garden, flowering borders and secret sunken path in search of a murderer on Midsummer Eve (June 21st) Travel back in time to the golden age of steam travel at the IW Steam Midsummer Night’s Steam (June 21st). Go to see seven of the beautiful gardens of Brighstone village on June 29th as they are open under the National Gardens Scheme. Take a Twilight tree climb and be at one with nature in the bows of an ancient oak tree with views out over the Solent as the sun goes down. Culturally: Be transported to the Caribbean courtesy of the Hambrough Hotel group as you tuck into tasty Trinidadian barbecue washed down with rum-laced coconuts on the terrace overlooking the sea at the newly reopened Ventnor Winter Gardens. Fire Your Imagination @ Chessell Pottery by decorating a flower vase (June 17th – 22nd ) or flower pot (June 24th to 27th), at this picturesque pottery and tea gardens cradled within in the West Wight countryside. See the cream of the Isle of Wight’s young acting talent when Wight Stars CIC perform Andrew Lloyd Webber’s Cats at the Island’s best theatre space, Medina Theatre, from June27th to June 29th. Take the kids to Quay Arts’ free family art drop in on June 21st run by internationally renowned Island artist Tim Johnson and pop upstairs to see the exhibition of Turner Prize winner Martin Creed's work in the West Gallery. Settle yourself with a picnic on the lawns of Osborne House overlooking the Italianate Terraces and travel back in time to see Shakespeare’s Globe perform Much Ado About Nothing between June 18th and June 21st. Celebratorily: Immerse yourself in the Isle of Wight’s agricultural, equine and farming culture when you visit the IW County Show on June 28th Dance in the streets when the Mardi Gras sets the town of Ryde alive with the sounds of samba and calypso on June 28th. This is New Orleans meets Trinidad meets Rio on the Isle of Wight Take part in the finale of Visit Isle of Wight’s Festival of the Sea at Small Hope Beach at Shanklin in ‘All At Sea’, a beach festival with birdman competition, cardboard boat race, sand sculpture competitions, pirate lessons, live music and an undercover beach bar on June 28th and 29th. Sportingly: Follow the fabulous host of yachts and see some of the most stunning coastline in the country as you watch the Round the Island Race June 21st – or even take part! Applications close on June 18th. Experience the Island from the saddle of your bike on our Bicycle Island when you take a specially designed trail. Try ‘Taste Round the Island’, the ‘Red Squirrel Trail’ or the ‘Chalk Ridge Extreme’. Imaginatively: Design your own tailor-made time travel experience on the Isle of Wight (available from July) by downloading ‘The Isle of Wight Official Tourist Guide’ from the App Store (Apple) and Google Play. Select a period of history on the Island such as Dinosaurs, Ancient Britain and Romans, Medieval World, Tudors and Stuarts, Victorians and Modern Times, which includes World Wars and Dinobot Hunt and see which attractions, monuments and heritage sites are from these particular time periods. Developed by Visit Isle of Wight, The Isle of Wight Official Guide app contains all the essential information you need to make the most of a trip to the beautiful Isle of Wight – from Where to Stay, Things to See & Do, What’s On and Food & Drink. Now in its second great year, the Dinosaur Island app meanwhile, brings the incredible story of these creatures to life, giving visitors to the Isle of Wight the chance to see the dinosaurs roaming the sites where they were discovered and to take photographs of family and friends actually walking on the Isle of Wight with dinosaurs.

Government committed to tackling IP crime Clothing, followed by tobacco and alcohol, are the most common counterfeited items in the UK according to a new report published, detailing the extent of intellectual property (IP) crime, and the UK’s response. The report was launched on the first day of the International IP Enforcement Summit as the government underlined its commitment to tackling IP crime. Opening the summit, Business Secretary Vince Cable outlined the importance of IP rich industries to the UK economy and society. Better collaboration, with industry and across borders, is a key theme of the summit on how to strengthen the fight against IP crime, estimated to account for 10% of global trade. IP Minister Lord Younger said: The value of IP to the economy is unquestionable. The UK invests much more in knowledge and ideas than it does in assets such as buildings and machinery, and IP intensive industries account for a third of all jobs in the EU. “The government is committed to supporting these industries and making sure that intellectual property rights are understood and respected. Working together is the best way to tackle this issue.” A special report, published for the International IP Enforcement Summit showed: ● the top 5 counterfeit products investigated by Trading Standards are clothing, tobacco, alcohol, footwear and DVDs

72 million links to infringing digital material removed by the British Phonographic Industry (BPI), up from 10 million in 2012 to 2013 ● the specialist City of London IP Crime Unit is investigating nearly £30 million worth of IP crime in its first 9 months The Business Secretary also announced the strengthening of the enforcement relationship with China. Following his recent visit to Qingdao, where Dr Cable launched the Global Digital Media and Entertainment Alliance, he set out how the UK and China are working more closely to tackle intellectual property crime. ●

COSTA EXPANDS ITS GLUTEN-FREE OFFERING Costa, the 'nation’s favourite coffee shop brand', has launched its first ever gluten-free savoury product into stores nationwide – the British Chicken and Basil Salad Wrap. Costa’s gluten-free British Chicken and Basil Salad Wrap is Costa’s first ever gluten-free savoury product Designed for customers with gluten-intolerances and Coeliac disease, the new gluten-free British Chicken and Basil Salad wrap is a welcome addition to Costa’s existing gluten-free offering – and will sit alongside its gluten-free Brownie and gluten-free Cherry Bakewell The gluten-free British Chicken and Basil Salad Wrap is dairy-free and is licensed by Coeliac UK to carry the Crossed Grain symbol on its packaging RRP price of £3.75 (in line with Costa’s current Panini ranges in-store) Available at Costa stores nationwide



The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 2 May 2014 Isle of Wight Mail – Friday, 13th June 2014

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The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 2 May 2014 Isle of Wight Mail – Friday, 13th June 2014

Support for carers available as part of ‘Carers Week Quest’ The team at Sainsbury’s Newport Isle of Wight are set to raise awareness of the role of carers that look after an ill, frail or disabled family member or friend in the Isle of Wight area. Carers Week takes place between the 9th and 15th June and both Sainsbury’s colleagues and customers have the opportunity to find out more about the local support available as the Island stores hold activities during the national awareness week. It’s part of a Sainsbury’s partnership, which began in December 2010 with national UK charity Carers UK. For Carers Week this year, the charity are running ‘Carers Week Quest’ - with the aim of reaching out to the thousands of carers missing out on support and services in the UK. Between 13th and 15th June, over 1000 Sainsbury’s stores will be hosting carers awareness sessions to inform customers on the services available in their community. The groups involved are Family Support Stroke Association IW Branch which will be with us on Friday 13th between 11.00-1.00pm. Then in the afternoon we have Carers UK IW Branch from 2.00pm – 5.00pm Then all day Saturday we have Parkinson’s UK IW Branch from 9.00-5.00pm Sainsbury’s Store Manager Paul Dyer added: “Carers play such an important part in our community and we’re proud to be working with Carers UK to help highlight the support that’s available in Isle of Wight area. Heléna Herklots, Chief Executive of Carers UK, said: “Often families go for years caring for an older or disabled loved one without the advice and support they need. Because caring takes place behind closed doors often carers struggling to cope remain hidden. That’s why we are so grateful of the support of Sainsbury’s to help us reach out to carers and ensure they get the help they need.” For more details on Carers awareness events near you, visit

B.cereus in neonatal units Public Health England (PHE) and the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) have announced that they are investigating 15 cases of blood poisoning (septicaemia) in babies in neonatal intensive care units caused by a bacteria known as Bacillus cereus. Isle of Wight NHS Trust is seeking to reassure parents and Islanders that the Trust’s Maternity and Neonatal Intensive Care services are unaffected. Pharmacist Liz Harrison said: “I can assure patients that we do not use the baby feed identified by Public Health England (PHE) and the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) as being the possible cause of this infection. We do use another different product produced by ITH Pharma Limited and we have, as a precaution, quarantined the batch produced in May 2014. There is no evidence that babies at St. Mary’s have been affected by the problems found elsewhere.” The majority of services provided by Isle of Wight NHS Trust are commissioned and funded by Isle of Wight Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), NHS England and Isle of Wight Council.


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Selfies could win you cash prizes and festival tickets The Earl Mountbatten Hospice will be taking to the seas to sell their iconic sunflowers during the Festival period. The Hospice has teamed up with Wightlink and will be offering the fundraising flowers to festival goers on the Portsmouth to Fishbourne route. The Hospice and Wightlink are also inviting revellers to take selfie pictures with their sunflowers, with prizes available to win. The partnership combines the Hospice’s efforts to raise money for patient care through the sale of its now famous sunflowers and Wightlink’s #Wightlive initiative to promote the Isle of Wight’s many and varied festivals. Hospice CEO, Jo Blackburn said, “We are delighted to be teaming up with Wightlink to sell our sunflowers on the Solent and help visitors get in the festival spirit before they even arrive on the Island. “Our sunflowers have become a very successful way of raising funds as well as a colourful part of the IW Festival experience and we can’t wait to get out and about on board Wightlink vessels and help get people in the mood for a great weekend on the Island.” John Burrows (pictured), Wightlink’s chief operating officer, said, “Our #Wightlive initiative is all about recognising the fantastic array of festivals that the Island hosts. This year, for the first time, we are having live performances on some sailings over the festival period so it is fitting that the Hospice will also be selling their sunflowers. It will give our festival


customers a little taste of what is in store when they arrive on the Island. “We are delighted to be contributing to the festival spirit and at the same time helping the Hospice to raise funds.” Wightlink will create a special page on its #wightlive website to host sunflower selfies. All festival goers need to do is take a sunflower selfie, upload and share it on using #wightlive and

they will be in with a chance of winning one of two prizes. The first opportunity is after the festival, when a draw by the Hospice will select a lucky winner of a £200 prize donated by Wightlink. All entries will also stand a chance of winning a further competition being run by Wightlink throughout the festival season, the prize for which is a special ticket to ‘Access all Festivals’ in 2015.

For this year’s Festival of the Sea and Round the Island race weekend, Ventnor Arts Club sailed across La Manche and signed up JANE FOR TEA for concerts on three consecutive nights 19th -21st June. They first heard JANE FOR TEA’s French, jazz tinged pop songs on the Croisette in Cannes and were amazed that such an enormous sound came from such a compact trio. As they left the massive festival crowd that had gathered, along with their ukulele, drums and bass they took a booking for the Isle of Wight. JANE FOR tea is fronted by the soulful, gritty and powerful vocals of Séverine aka ‘Jane’. She describes their sound as “old for new songs – a mix of original composition and covers, revisited and rearranged in French and English”. A Cannes journalist described their sound as “perfectly constructed new music, inspired by the songs of yesteryear; guaranteed to send tingles down the stiffest of spines”. Behind Jane are J-P and ‘Fonzy’, who put the beats into the songs in ample measure on a reduced drum kit and an implausibly little bass. But when they need to, they ease up and complement the more emotional numbers with a gentle touch and consummate sensitivity. This is an opportunity to see a fantastically creative, slightly retro but new act who pack a punch and delight their audiences. They are highly recommended but visit their website at , listen, watch and judge for yourself. Tickets are on sale now online via at £5 for members and £8 for non-members. They play three nights 19th, 20th and 21st June. Early booking advised.



The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 2 May 2014 Isle of Wight Mail – Friday, 13th June 2014


Isle of Wight to welcome Princess Beatrice Her Royal Highness Princess Beatrice is to carry out a number of engagements on the Isle of Wight on Monday 16 June. She will visit Carisbrooke Castle, Whippingham Church and Priory School, Whippingham and Osborne House, East Cowes. The Princess will be welcomed to the Island by HM Lord-Lieutenant Major General Martin White CB CBE JP, who comments: "I am delighted that HRH is visiting the Island. Her forebear’s links with our community are numerous and we are very much looking forward to, not only sharing some of those important historical connections, but also introducing today's Isle of Wight and its people." At Carisbrooke Castle, HRH Princess Beatrice will see where her great great great aunt and namesake, Princess Beatrice lived as governor to the Isle of Wight until her death in 1944. She will visit the museum, the Princess Beatrice Garden and First World War memorial chapel. Princess Beatrice will then proceed to Priory School, Whippingham to help celebrate 150 years of continued education and unveil a

plaque to commemorate this. On the princess’s arrival a senior school pupil will ring the school’s Victoria Bell and the school’s choir will sing. Princess Beatrice will tour the school, in particular the junior school and reception. Following this she will go to Whippingham Church with its royal connections and the tomb of the late Princess Beatrice and her husband Prince Henry of Battenburg. This will be followed by a visit to Osborne House. The Princess will have a working lunch hosted by English Heritage which will be attended by young entrepreneurs and achievers from the Island. The chairman of the Isle of Wight Council, Councillor Ian Ward will attend the lunch and introduce some of the young people who have been invited to talk to the princess about their achievements. He said: “It will be a real honour to help showcase the Island to Princess Beatrice and highlight the achievements of some of our young people.” This lunch will be followed by a tour of the house, Swiss Cottage and the beach conducted by Osborne House’s curator, Michael Hunter.

RED FUNNEL TRAVEL ADVICE OVER WEEKEND Over the Isle of Wight Festival period Red Funnel will primarily be communicating to their customers through pre-trip email, FAQs, text messages, Social Media and our website service status. With the Festival taking place from 12 – 16 June, Red Funnel’s services will be extremely busy on the main arrival and departure days for the event. If you are planning on travelling to or from the Isle of Wight between these dates, please read the following advice. Foot Passenger services Thursday & Friday (12 th & 13th) On Thursday 12th June and Friday 13th June it is anticipated that there will be queues on the vehicle ferry service from Southampton to East Cowes and the Red Jet service from Southampton to West Cowes. As in previous years foot passenger travel will be on a first-come firstserved basis. Holders of Books of Tickets, 12 month, 6 month, 30 day and 7 day Season Tickets, pre-paid Travel Card customers, elderly and disabled customers and passengers with NHS/Hospital appointments for these dates will be prioritised but delays should still be expected. Vehicle Ferry Services Thursday & Friday (12th & 13th) Vehicle traffic from Southampton will be extremely busy. To help prevent traffic congestion, vehicle customers must pre-book and arrive no more than 1 hour and no less than 30 minutes before their booked sailing time. Foot Passenger Services Monday (16th) On 16th June queues are expected from 9am until the end of the day for foot passengers departing from East Cowes and West Cowes. Again, travel will be on a first-come first-served basis. Holders of Books of Tickets, 12 month, 6 month, 30 day and 7 day season tickets, Travel Card customers, elderly and disabled customers and passengers with NHS/Hospital appointments for these dates will be prioritised but delays should still be expected. Vehicle Ferry Service Monday (16th) To help prevent traffic congestion, vehicles must be pre-booked and are requested not to turn up more than 90 minutes before their booked sailing time. All ferry traffic will be diverted and will enter a traffic management system which will be in place to manage the flow of vehicles entering East Cowes. Additional Vehicle Ferry and Red Jet sailings will be operating between 12- 16 June. Red Funnel are encouraging customers to receive the latest service updates over this period. Follow Red Funnel’s official Travel News Twitter feed @RF_Travel_News or view the Service Status on the Red Funnel main website or mobile optimised website

The Isle of Wight Mail Follow us on Twitter: @iwmail




The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 2 May 2014 Isle of Wight Mail – Friday, 13th June 2014

Healthwatch seeks views Renewed appeal from residents with to find missing hearing difficulties Wootton woman

A new survey has been launched to explore how well residents who are deaf or hard of hearing are able to communicate with those providing health and care services on the Isle of Wight. The survey, which is understood to be the first of its kind on the Island, has been commissioned by Healthwatch Isle of Wight following feedback from residents who identified the issue of communications as one they would like to see reviewed by the local health and social care watchdog. The survey aims to help those with hearing difficulties to have their say in shaping and improving health and care services on the Island. Age UK Isle of Wight will be helping to administer the survey through its wide network of contacts and groups. Service Users of Action on Hearing Loss and Island Support Services will also be taking part, and Healthwatch IW will be using an interpreter to ensure those who use British Sign Language as their first language are able to share their views. Action on Hearing Loss statistics show that there are more than 10 million people in the UK with some form of hearing loss, or one in six of the population. From the total figure, around 6.4 million are of retirement age (65+) and about 3.7 million are of working age (16 – 64). Healthwatch Isle of Wight plays a key role in giving a voice to everyone within the Island community on health and social care issues. This survey aims to reach out to this key group to establish their experience of current practice, both good and bad and to help make recommendations to health and care providers about improvements that could be made to services. The survey explores the ease with which those with hearing difficulties can access services and communicate their needs for example: how easy it is to book an appointment with their GP or dentist; arrange prescriptions; check in at the hospital, understand treatments and after-care or

communicate with health and care professionals who visit them at home. The survey will run until 27 June 2014 and is also available online at with paper copies available on request from Age UK IW at 147 High Street, Newport or Healthwatch offices at The Riverside Centre, Newport. The findings of the survey and a full report and recommendations will then be made to the relevant agencies by the end of September. Sara Ellis, Healthwatch IW, Community Outreach and Engagement Officer said: “We have had clear feedback that the way those with hearing difficulties are able to access and communicate with healthcare professionals and influence how healthcare is improved is an issue that Healthwatch needs to investigate. “This survey is designed to find out the extent of any issues faced and hopefully provide the evidence on which we can work with health and care providers, to bring about any necessary improvements.” Nik Attfield, Health and Wellbeing Manager for Age UK IW said: “We recognise that communication can often be so much harder for someone with hearing loss or hearing difficulties and when that person needs care and support it becomes even more crucial that they feel able to discuss their concerns and seek the support they need. “This survey aims to find out about the challenges they face so that we can work with those providing services to help overcome these and improve their experience of accessing health and care on the Island and we would encourage people to come forward and share their views.” At a local level, Healthwatch Isle of Wight is helping Islanders to get the best out of their local health and care services. Whether it's improving them today or helping to shape them for tomorrow. Find out more at

PUBLIC NOTICE MARINE AND COASTAL ACCESS ACT 2009 APPLICATION FOR BEMBRIDGE COAST HOTEL GROYNE REFURBISHMENT, BEMBRIDGE, ISLE OF WIGHT. Notice is hereby given that BOURNE LEISURE LIMITED has applied to the Marine Management Organisation under the Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009, Part 4, for a marine licence to undertake the refurbishment of two groynes, Bembridge, Isle of Wight. Plans showing the position of the works may be inspected at Bembridge Community Library, Church Road, Bembridge, Isle of Wight, PO35 5NA. Library opening hours: Monday 9:30 - 12:30 & 13:30 - 16:30, Tuesday CLOSED, Wednesday 9:30 - 12:30, Thursday CLOSED, Friday 9:30 - 12:30 & 13:30 - 16:30, Saturday 9:30 - 12:30 and Sunday CLOSED. Copies of the Application and associated information may be viewed on line in the Public Register at

Representations or objections in respect of the application should be made in writing, giving an address to which correspondence relating to the representation or objection may be sent, to the Marine Management Organisation, Lancaster House, Hampshire Court, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE4 7YH, or alternatively emailed to, within 28 days of Friday 13th June, 2014, quoting reference: MLA/2014/00225. The Marine Management Organisation will pass to the applicant a copy of any objection or representation we receive.

Police are growing increasingly concerned for the welfare of a woman missing from Wootton. Victoria Bailey was reported missing from her home in Red Road, Wootton Bridge, Ryde at 12.30pm on Saturday, June 7 She’s believed to still be on the Island and was seen leaving Morrisions in Newport via the South Street exit at 1.28pm on Saturday, June 7. The last confirmed sighting of Victoria is at 2.18pm on Saturday, 7th June, in Freshwater as she was getting off a bus. Victoria is then believed to have walked towards Tennyson Trail. Land and sea searches are continuing to be carried out in the Freshwater area, the latter with assistance from our marine unit, the coastguard, and WightSAR. Anyone with any information is asked to contact DI Floyd Higginson or DS John Walton at Newport police station on 101 quoting 44140200577. You can also call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 where information can be left anonymously. Minicom users should call 01962 875000.

MEET NEW PEOPLE “A new social network for people aged 18+ on the Isle of Wight looking to meet new people” Perhaps you're new to the Island or about to move here, or maybe you have been here all your life but want to expand your social circle.

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The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 2 May 2014 Isle of Wight Mail – Friday, 13th June 2014


Highlight events revealed for Isle of Wight Festival of the Sea One of the largest yacht races in the world has been revealed as the headline event during this year’s annual Isle of Wight Festival of the Sea (16-23 June 2014), a seven-day celebration of the Isle of Wight’s vibrant maritime culture. The J.P. Morgan Asset Management Round the Island Race (21 June 2014) regularly attracts over 1,500 boats and is one of the largest participation sports in the UK. Organised by the Island Sailing Club, the spectacular yacht race is set to provide a breathtaking pinnacle for both spectators and sailors during the Festival of the Sea. It is, however, just one of around 70 sea-themed events on offer, including seafood tastings at Island restaurants, live music performances at waterside pubs, arts and crafts and lighthouse tours. The anchor event highlights for 2014 are: • Cooking up a storm Delicious fishy dishes will be served up at the Round the Island Race Village in Cowes Yacht Haven (Saturday 21 - Sunday 22 June), featuring the Cowes Food Festival and Cookery Theatre. Look out for a range of trade, food and craft stalls, and soak up the atmosphere with evening entertainment and live musicians. • Zoo by the sea Watch the tigers at the Zoo make a splash during special aquatic feeding demonstrations (22 - 23 June)! See the Marines compete against the big cats in a not-to-be-missed ‘Tug-O-War’. Check out the marine conservation themed activities for both adults and children. And explore the zoo’s historical connections during a celebration of the 70th anniversary of D-Day, highlighting PLUTO, the WW2 Pipeline Under the Ocean, vital arteries that pumped millions of gallons of fuel from Britain to Allied forces in France. • Sea safaris: Celebrities of the seabed Enjoy a coastal cruise past secluded bays and coves to the old harbour at Ventnor, pull lobster pots and seabed nets and then experience a fast cruise back to Ventnor (17 - 18 June 2014). And join OceanBlue crew from Ventnor Haven as they watch the leaders of the Round the Island Race fleet as they round the southern tip of the Island (21 June 2014) • Lighthouse family All children under 15 receive a free lighthouse-themed goody bag, during a celebration of the 500th anniversary of Trinity House at St Catherine’s Lighthouse, near Niton, Ventnor. Open from 1pm until 4:30pm every day during the Festival of the Sea, except Saturday 21 June, 2014. • Palace by the Sea Watch a special outdoor performance of Shakespeare’s Much Ado about Nothing in the opulent seaside setting of Osborne House, Queen Victoria’s Palace by the Sea (18 - 21 June, 2014). This Shakespeare’s Globe production will be performed on the lawns of this historic venue and has been brought to the Island for the first time by Quay Arts. • Time travelling tour “Literatours - Festival of the Sea” is a time-travelling tour around the Island features the voices of actors Celia Imrie, Hugh Bonneville and Richard E Grant. Enjoy anecdotes from the Island’s literary history with readings from celebrated authors who have lived on the Island, along with music from Island composers. Catch the tour from Cowes Parade at 10am on Sunday 22 June 2014. And the festival frivolities don’t end there! Following on from the Festival of the Sea, an All at Sea event is being held at Small Hope Beach, Shanklin, on Saturday 28 and Sunday 29 June 2014. Billed as an alternative beach experience, this is the Island’s first beach festival with a twist. Introducing the first ever Birdman contest, cardboard boat race, UK sand sculpture heat and, of course, pirate lessons. A full list of events can be found on Visit Isle of Wight’s website, and a new event guide has also been produced and is available at ferry ports, tourist information points on the Isle of Wight and some tourist attractions. David Thornton, Chief Executive of Visit Isle of Wight, the Island’s official tourist board, said: “This is the second year we have celebrated the Island’s deep connections with the deep blue all around us. We’ve had great support from attractions across the Island who’ve been coming forward to put on sea-themed events, and we’re sure that there will be something for everyone. It’s events like this that really highlight the Island’s all-year round appeal and its attraction for everyone - from the solo sailor to the fun-seeking family.” With its 57 miles of stunning coastline and bucketful of beach awards, the Isle of Wight is one of the UK’s best known seaside resorts and effortlessly delivers the traditional beach holiday experience.

WARNING FOR RESIDENTS WHO FALSELY CLAIM BENEFITS The Isle of Wight Council is warning residents who unlawfully claim benefits they are not entitled to that it will take legal action if necessary. It follows a recent court case where an Island resident unlawfully claimed housing benefit they were not entitled to and was ordered under the Proceeds of Crime Act to pay the Isle of Wight Council over £24k within six months or face 12 months imprisonment. The recent case came about as a result of several council departments working together to identify fraudulent activity and then involving multi-agency partners including Hampshire Police. Councillor Steve Stubbings is Executive member for housing and said: "Unlawfully claiming benefits you are not entitled to is a very serious crime and costs councils across the country millions every year. It is very

important the council works with partners to crackdown on fraudulent activity so that benefits are only given to those who genuinely need them. "This recent successful prosecution shows we will not tolerate fraudulent activity and demonstrates that if you do unlawfully claim benefits, you will be caught and you will pay back what you owe or you could go to prison." The council operates a dedicated phone number that people can call should they suspect someone is unlawfully claiming benefits. Anyone calling the number has the right to remain anonymous and all information provided will be treated in the strictest confidence. To contact the number, ring (01983) 823969. Alternatively, you can call the national benefit fraud hotline 0800 854 440.

Scheme to help businesses defend against cyber threats BAE Systems, Barclays and Hewlett-Packard are amongst the first businesses applying for the new Cyber Essentials award. The award will allow business to show consumers that they have measures in place to help defend against common cyber threats, such as the recent GOZeuS and CryptoLocker malware attacks. The scheme was introduced by the government in April 2014. Until now, there had been no single recognised cybersecurity assurance certification suitable for all businesses to adopt. The Cyber Essentials scheme also has the backing of insurers, which are offering incentives to businesses to become certified. Universities and Science Minister David Willetts said: “The recent GOZeuS and CryptoLocker attacks, as well as the Ebay hack, show how far cyber criminals will go to steal people’s financial details, and we absolutely cannot afford to be complacent. “We already spend more online than any other major country in the world, and this is in no small part because Britain is already a world leader in cybersecurity. Developing this new scheme will give consumers further confidence that business and government have defences in place to protect against the most common cyber threats.” Mike Cherry, FSB National Policy Chairman said: “FSB research found that cyber crime costs small businesses around £800 million every year and is a threat

that cannot be ignored. Many businesses take steps to protect themselves but the cost of crime can act as a barrier to growth. “In the face of an ever increasing threat of cyber attacks, the FSB supports BIS’s Cyber Essentials Scheme as an additional and important tool, designed to help reduce the risk to small firms and improve the resilience of the sector.” From 1st October, government will require all suppliers bidding for certain personal and sensitive information handling contracts to be Cyber Essentials certified. This will provide further protections for the information the government handles and will encourage adoption of the new scheme more widely.




The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 2 May 2014 Isle of Wight Mail – Friday, 13th June 2014


VectisWeather Research into Extreme Weather on the Isle of Wight


projectlightbox A Public Lightning Detector for the IOW Can you help us kick-start this project? “The Lightbox Project is a crowdsourced venture to raise funds for a long range lightning detector.”

Project Expenses: NEEDED: Lightning Detector £1,000 NEEDED: NexStorm Software £100 NEEDED: Local Background Maps £100 FUNDED: Website Design &Hosting £500 FUNDED: High Speed Broadband £800 FUNDED: Personal Lightning Detector £180 FUNDED: 2 HD Streaming Cameras £700 FUNDED: Computer Hardware £450 FUNDED: Android App Development £100 “We currently monitor lightning strikes within a 40 mile radius of the Island. With your help we can extend that to 300 miles and publish the real-time data online”

We’re hoping to raise enough money to purchase the Boltek 350 that will not only benefit the Island community and surrounding areas, but also provide the opportunity to expand on the current educational offerings and provide a look into atmospheric sciences using real, live weather data. For more information about our weather station and the equipment we currently use visit

Follow @iowpl on twitter for all the latest updates

For more details please email

VectisWeather and our affiliated websites are set up as non profit projects. We don't make any revenue from them and we don’t intend to. Make a donation today and help us get the project to the final stage.

Data provided from the lightning detector will be made publicly available in real-time for the Isle of Wight Community to use.

Over £1 – Feel good knowing you’ve helped us research extreme weather conditions on the Isle of Wight Over £5 – Get your name/company listed on the website supporters page (links to a website if required) Over £10 – Get your name/company, logo and website listed at the top of the supporters page Over £50 – Get your name/company, logo and website listed at the top of the supporters page. You’ll also receive a ‘rotating banner’ on the side of the website Over £100 – Get your name/company, logo and website listed at the top of the supporters page. You’ll also receive a ‘static banner’ on the side of the website Over £200 – Get your name/company, logo and website listed at the top of the supporters page. You’ll also receive a ‘fixed banner’ on the front page of the site, a ‘rotating banner’ on the side of the website and a half page advert in the Isle of Wight Mail for 12 Issues Over £300 – Get your name/company, logo and website listed at the top of the supporters page. You’ll also receive a ‘fixed banner’ on the front page of the site, a ‘rotating banner’ on the side of the website, a half page advert in the Isle of Wight Mail for 12 Issues., a link on our twitter description and a tab on our facebook page


ADVERTISE IN THE NEXT ISSUE OF THE ISLE OF WIGHT MAIL Visit to see the new summer 2014 rates, sizes and special offers. Call our sales team today on 01983 242095 / 07413 599 446 or email us via


LIBRARY SERVICE LAUNCHES WEB BASED FACILITY The Isle of Wight Council's library service has launched an online tool to help people preparing to take a citizenship test. Anyone who moves to the UK and wants to become a citizen must pass the 'Life in the UK' test or the British Citizenship test. The library service is using a tool called GoCitizen which provides a range of information and resources to help people study ahead of their test which can be used in the library, at home or on the move. It includes official materials licensed by the Home Office as well as hundreds of practice test questions in the same format as the official test and additional interactive learning materials and teaching aids. To access the tool, people need to have a valid Isle of Wight Council library card and log on to They will need their library card number when registering their details on the site. Library cards are free and are available at any library on the Island including the mobile library. Should the person successfully pass their citizenship test and have their application for British citizenship accepted, they are then invited to a citizenship ceremony, which is usually held at County Hall in Newport. Every applicant is required to swear or affirm an oath of allegiance to the Crown and make a promise to uphold the values and laws of the UK. Each citizen is welcomed by the chairman or deputy chairman of the council. The Isle of Wight Council library service website is available at

Serious Crime Bill published Legislation that will strengthen the ability of law enforcement agencies to disrupt serious and organised crime have been published by the Home Office. A new Serious Crime Bill will provide the National Crime Agency and others with greater powers to prosecute those responsible, deny them the proceeds of their illegal activity and effectively tackle cyber crime and the illegal drugs trade. The Bill will strengthen and update laws to protect vulnerable individuals at risk of child cruelty, sexual exploitation and female genital mutilation. It also includes new powers to reduce the threat posed by UK citizens and residents returning home after taking part in the conflict in Syria. The Bill builds on existing legislation and the Serious and Organised Crime Strategy, which was published in October 2013 and aims to cut substantially the level of serious and organised crime affecting the UK and its interests. Home Secretary Theresa May said: “Serious and organised crime blights lives and causes misery across the UK. It is a threat to our national security and costs hard-working taxpayers at least £24 billion a year. “Through the creation of the National Crime Agency and publication of the Serious and Organised Crime Strategy last year, we have strengthened our ability to tackle this pernicious threat. We have made life for its perpetrators tougher than ever before – but as the challenges evolve so too must our response.”


The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 2 May 2014 Isle of Wight Mail – Friday, 13th June 2014


Turner visits National Reminded to Coastwatch volunteers renew or lose

Andrew Turner, the Island’s MP recently visited the Needles lookout station which is manned seven days a week by volunteers of the National Coastwatch Institution (NCI). Mr Turner was told about the work undertaken to ensure the safety of people around the waters of the West Wight, when he met Jim Scott, Station Manager, Don Hughes, his deputy and Maurice Fairall, Secretary and Public Relations Officer of the group. Mr Turner said: “I was fascinated to hear about the important work this volunteer force undertakes at the Needles station; they act as the eyes and ears of the Coastguard along this stretch of the coastline. They have hi-tech equipment available - but there’s no substitute for a pair of human eyes keeping watch over the commercial shipping and fishing boats, yachtsmen, kayakers, jet-skiers and even those

hiking along this beautiful part of the Island. They are currently seeking a few more volunteers willing to commit to at least four hours a month to help cover the work that needs to be done. I’m sure there are Islanders who would like to spend a few hours in such beautiful surroundings, watching out over the Needles and the local wildlife whilst helping fellow Islanders and visitors. I urge them to contact Jim on 01983 853687 or Don on 01983 755649 to talk about the opportunities.”

Entente cordiale came by way of a tow rope in the Solent on Saturday 17th March, when Cowes lifeboat came to the rescue of a grounded French yacht. The 29 foot Gavot II, with a couple and their two children aboard, had come to an abrupt halt on shingle and mud just west of the entrance of Newtown Estuary yesterday evening. Responding to a Solent Coastguards

request, Cowes lifeboat was launched at 6.20 pm and on arrival on the scene found the yacht leaning at an acute angle. Lifeboat helm Neil Archer put Tony Harris aboard with a tow-rope, and through some judicious manoeuvring by the lifeboat the yacht was eventually refloated. It was then free to return to its port of Lymington.

On behalf of the Island’s NCI, Jim Scott added: “We are flexible with regard to the time persons can commit to and no previous experience is required as full training is given. We welcome enquiries from both men and women aged between 18 and 80 who are reasonably fit as access to the lookout involves a `close to vertical` ladder.”

The 10,500 tax credits customers on the Isle of Wight are being prompted to renew their claim now. HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) is sending out 5.8 million tax credits renewals packs which will arrive by 30 June. Over three million of these claims need to be renewed before the deadline for claimants to continue receiving tax credits. Last year some 650,000 claimants had their money stopped because they did not renew by the 31 July deadline. Claimants must tell HMRC about any changes to their circumstances that they haven’t already reported, including changes to working hours, childcare costs and income, or if a partner has moved in. This year, as well as being able to renew by post and by phone, claimants with no changes to report are also able to renew online, via GOV.UK. Nick Lodge, HMRC’s Director General, Benefits and Credits, said: "People in Hampshire and Isle of Wight should check their details and renew early to make sure they get the right money. Don't leave it – people who don't renew on time risk losing their payments." Before checking their form or calling HMRC’s Tax Credit Helpline, claimants are urged to have the right documents to hand, for example, payslips, end of year P60 forms and childcare payment details. The advertising campaign runs throughout June and July on radio, television, bus shelters, and via a mobile app, Spotify and video on demand.

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The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 2 May 2014 Isle of Wight Mail – Friday, 13th June 2014

Cherish Your Churchyard The second week in June is a lovely time of year to be celebrating the beauty and interest to be found in churchyards and burial sites. And Caring for God’s Acre, the charity dedicated to the conservation of burial sites of all kinds is promoting National Cherishing Churchyards Week (June 7th to 15th). Communities are being encouraged and supported to put on events and activities which help people to learn more about these interesting green spaces right on their doorsteps. Twelve counties across England and Wales, from Lancashire to London, Suffolk to Somerset and Worcestershire to Powys are getting involved with their events, which are promoted on the CfGA website. Bug hotels will be built; bug and wildflower hunts and local family history walks will all take place – usually with open churches serving lunches and teas. ‘Mysterious Monuments’ is the title of the event at Edington in Somerset, where people can discover the imagery and symbolism in their churchyard. BioBlitz’s are happening at churchyards in Sussex where surveys attempt to record all the living species in an area – against the clock! For something different Tunbridge Wells cemetery is launching its Friends of the cemetery during Cherishing Churchyards Week with an opening ceremony, exhibition and guided walks. ‘There’s no better way of involving people, young and old, than through events with a difference such as those being put on during this special week,’ said Andrea Gilpin, Cherishing Churchyards Week Coordinator. ‘This year the number of events taking place has tripled’, she added. Cherishing Churchyards Week is supported by CfGA’s Heritage Lottery (HLF) funded National Project, which is working its way across England and Wales putting on conferences and training events in fifteen different regions. g For further information on Cherishing Churchyards Week or the work of the charity, Caring for God’s Acre, take a look at

Child flu vaccine pilot

Win guest attendance to the Sahara Force India British Grand Prix Party Cowes Week Limited is delighted to announce that, in celebration of Chatham Marine’s support of Aberdeen Asset Management Cowes Week as official footwear sponsor, a very special competition prize is being offered for the second year running courtesy of Chatham Marine’s partnership with Sahara Force India Formula One Team. One lucky winner will win a prize for two to attend the Sahara Force India British Grand Prix Party at SFI Headquarters in Silverstone on 6 July 2014. The package also includes a full day of hospitality and entertainment will be provided as part of the competition prize. Throughout the day the winner will be welcome to use the facilities of the team’s marquee. Commenting on the announcement, Philip Marsh, Managing Director at Chatham Marine said: “Formula 1 and Cowes Week are two truly iconic sporting events and we are delighted to be associated with both of them. This money-can’t-buy prize will bring the thrill of the race track to those passionate about the sea. We are looking forward to another adrenalin fuelled summer!” Michelle Warner, Sales & Marketing Director at Cowes Week Limited added: “We ran this competition last year and were overwhelmed with the interest; clearly both sports share a very similar audience. We’re very excited to be able to partner with Chatham Marine and Sahara Force India Formula One Team to offer this amazing prize once again”

Details of how to enter the competition by answering one simple question are included on the event website at Cowes Week Limited - in conjunction with its official charter supplier, Britannia Corporate Events – will also be offering Sahara Force India Formula One Team fans the chance to win a racing experience at the world famous regatta in August.

Early results from the 2013 to 2014 child flu vaccine pilot programme suggest a positive impact on levels of flu. Initial results of the uptake and impact of the child flu vaccine pilot programme launched last year by Public Health England (PHE) are encouraging, according to an article published in Eurosurveillance. In 2012 the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation advised extending the national flu immunisation programme to all children from the age of 2 to less than 17 years. In addition to protecting healthy children from flu, the extension aimed to reduce the spread of flu and protect younger siblings, grandparents and those who are at increased risk of becoming seriously ill from flu.


The Isle of Wight Mail | Friday 2 May 2014 Isle of Wight Mail – Friday, 13th June 2014

Isle of Wight Sports

ADVERTISE IN THE NEXT ISSUE OF THE ISLE OF WIGHT MAIL Visit to see the new summer 2014 rates, sizes and special offers. Call our sales team today on 01983 242095 / 07413 599 446 or email us via

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