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Editor's Note
At Ishmael Yamson & Associates, we take immense pride in hosng the annual Business Roundtable ‒ it is our way of making a meaningful impact and driving posive changeinourcountryandtheAfricanconnent.
Building the content for this magazine was quite a seamless process as we had a clear understanding of the message we intended to convey to readers. The magazine is enriched by the contribuons of trailblazerswhohavesharedexceponalinsights.
In recent years, our economy has encountered numerous challenges that are obvious to everyone. As argued by many, Ghana possesses an abundance of natural resources that have been touted as sufficient to help the country meet its needs. Leaders have over the years also aempted strategic efforts to capitalize on the potenal of diverseindustriessuchasagribusiness,culture,arts and tourism, and the use of technology Although progress has been made, our ulmate objecve of meeng the needs of the cizens and providing themwithbasicneedsremainsawork-in-progress.
We have failed as a country to establish sustainable iniaves that are able to endure in the long run. Countless promising iniaves have fallen through the cracks over the years, oen due to changes in government and other unforeseen circumstances.
As the world finds itself in unprecedented mes, there is a crucial need to build a more sustainable economy
Agriculture has long been the backbone of Ghana's economy, accounng for a significant poron of employment and contribung to food security Its importancecanthereforenot beoverstated.Ghana can capture more value within the value chain by processing agricultural products and promong agro-industrial acvies. The promoon of sustainable farming pracces and the adopon of technology in agriculture can also contribute to environmental sustainability and resilience in the faceofclimatechange.
By adopng modern agricultural pracces, improving access to finance and markets, and supporng small-scale farmers, we are confident thatGhanacanboostitseconomicproducvity
Ghana is now able to aract a growing number of internaonal tourists. This not only generates revenue but also creates employment opportunies, parcularly in the hospitality and creavesectors‒anindicaonthatourrichcultural heritage presents a wealth of opportunies for economic growth, job creaonandenhancingthecountry'simageontheglobalstage.
Investments in infrastructure, coupled with effecve markeng strategies, can showcase the beauty and diversity of Ghana's cultural tapestry. Collaboraons between the public and private sectors, as well as engagement with local communies, are similarly key to harnessing the potenal of our African heritage and transforming it into sustainablewealthcreaon.
Technology has become an indispensable tool for driving economic growth and development, and our tech sector connues to show promising growth. From improving access to educaon and healthcare to enhancing efficiency in governance and business operaons, ICT plays a transformave role in shaping the economy. Access to affordable internet connecvity and the development of digital skills are therefore crical in ensuring that all segments of society can parcipateinthedigitalrevoluon.
Ghana can unlock immense potenal across various sectors by harnessing the power of Informaon and Communicaon Technology (ICT). We need to therefore create an enabling environment that encourages innovaon and entrepreneurship in the tech sector to fosterthegrowthoflocaltalentandaractmoreforeigninvestments.
In conclusion the adopon of ICT, leveraging Ghana's African heritage, and priorizing agribusiness are key strategies for building a sustainable economy By expanding internet access, fostering innovaon in the tech sector, promong tourism, and invesng in agribusiness, Ghana can achieve economic diversificaon, create employment opportunies, and improve the overall well-being of its cizens. These efforts will contribute to Ghana's development goals and posion the country as a leader in sustainable economic growth in Africa. Let us seize this opportunity to be the change we seek and drive posivetransformaonforgeneraonstocome.
by Winnifred Adjei-Mireku & Juliana Essel Ackom
ISHMAEL YAMSON AND ASSOCIATES is a management consulng pracce which applies two core specialisaons; in business and organizaonal transformaon, and leadership development, to help clientscreateandunleashvalueforsustainedgrowth. In the face of the current global and local challenges that confront businesses and organizaons, we believe our essenal focus as partners, is to help our clients thrive and unearth the unique capabilies that can propel them into outstanding organisaons, occupying market leadershipoverthelongterm.
The firm draws on the extensive management and business experience of a stable of competent and experienced consultants and associates in designing and execung all programmes, leading projects and strategy implementaon in the areas of Corporate Strategy, Organisaonal Restructuring, Process and Systems reviewsandBrandDevelopment.
We focus on implemenng three imperaves for public and private sector organisaons with a range of services asfollows:
• DevelopingStrategy
1. VisioningandStrategydefinion: Wehelpcompanies and organisaons define their vision and strategies, and translate Strategy into Acon to create great, prosperouscompaniesonasustainablebasis.
2. Developing Brands and Channels: We work with the operaons and sales teams to help businesses to discover, formulate, and implement powerful consumer, shopper, and trade insights to guide brand visionandstrategydevelopment.
• DevelopingEfficientandEffecveBusinesses
1. Organisaonal Reviews & Change Management: We help organisaons first to align their structures, people, values, and behaviours to their vision, strategies, and plans; second, we collaborate with them to design the right management systems and processes, which support the delivery of organisaonalgoals.
2. Governance Arrangements and Systems & Process review: We help organisaons to align their governance framework and operaonal processes and systems to drive producvity and innovaon and the delivery of strategy We work with leaders in organisaons to review and streamline their operaons to provide the right plaorm for efficiency andproducvitygains.
3. Corporate Services: We offer bouque consultancy services on capacity building including recruitment, training and development, retenon and pension planning.
• DevelopingPeople
1 Coaching and Mentoring: We provide interacve processes for managers and supervisors to solve performance problems or develop capabilies. The process relies on person-to-person collaboraon to support the individuals in three areas; technical help, personaldevelopmentandindividualchallenges.
2 Management Educaon: We bring leading-edge management thinking and a deep understanding of trendsshapingorganisaons.
3.Publicsectororganisaonsincluding ministries,departments,andagencies.
We offer exclusive business training and development programmes on client-specific basis to individual companies and organizaons, and also for the general corporate community – businesses in both the private and public sectors. These programmes can be accessed inthree(3)ways:
1 Companies and organizaons can register their execuves to parcipate in our adversed public programmesonspecificsubjectareas.
2. Companies can request to run any of our programmes in-house. Such arrangements require a minimum number of parcipants depending on the selected programme.
3. Special programmes can be designed and run for organizaons and companies on a need-specific basis. The design of such programmes will be based onabrieffromtheorganizaonorcompany.