2 minute read

Nothing is Holding Back Mather Fox

Mather Fox has been an Independent Consultant and Confidence Coach for thirteen years. Hers is a story of courage, determination and inspiration. Coming from a broken marriage, Mather lost her self-esteem. She was at the end of things until she met an Independent Beauty Consultant who introduced her to a skin care product. For Mather, experiencing the value of this product became a turning point in her life. She thought she could help other women love and feel more comfortable in their skin. Turning her new found passion into a business, she runs her beauty studio with helping women in mind. Women can simply walk into her studio to try on products with no pressure to buy. Because Mather values community, she hosts a free luncheon beauty party at her studio once every month.

Mather built her business from zero to hundreds of clients all over Canada using traditional and social media marketing strategies. She helps people, particularly women find the products that work best for their skin.

She enrolls and trains new consultants. Beyond her skin care business, Mather offers corporate and individual gift giving services, where she packages and delivers gifts for her clients. The business has taught her a number of things which includes having faith in God, believing strongly in herself, the products and the business opportunity.

Phone: 403-350-5052 Email: info@matherriseup.com Website: www.matheriseup.com

Ajibola Abitoye

Ajibola (Jibs) Abitoye is a Nigerian born City Councillor for Fort Saskachetwan. Jibs previously served as a Financial Services Representative at the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce (CIBC). She obtained a bachelor's degree in Economics from the University of Lagos and certified as a project management professional. As a natural community leader, Jibs has been at the forefront of community development services which included serving on the Family and Community Support Services Board, Navy League Cadet and as Chair of the Fort Saskachetwan Multicultural Association.

In 2017, Jibs ran against fourteen candidates in the city council election and emerged the third highest in votes. She is currently serving a four year term as City Councillor. Jibs enjoys blogging, engaging in adventure activities and is enthusiastic about fashion. She live in Fort Saskachetwan with her husband and their three children.

Tania Turner

Tania Turner is the brain behind Edmonton’s high rated plus size women’s boutique - Curvy2Curvy

Curvy2Curvy takes pride and pleasure in providing trendy and high quality clothing and accessories for curvy women.

As a plus size model, Tania believes that to be curvy, is beyond plus-size and a full-figure. Her aim is to spread the message of body positivity; help women embrace the beauty of their bodies, be confident and feel more comfortable.

Curvy2Curvy offers a personalized customer service, which includes, private fitting and fashion consultation.

To Learn More, please reach out to Curvy2Curvy on the following platforms:

Website: https://curvy2curvy.myshopify.com/ Instagram pages: Curvy2Curvy_plus_size taniaturner1313

“If you make a plan to pay off credit card debt you will do better financially in the long haul.”

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