Yoga Samachar FW_2011

Page 20

A PrACtiCAL MAN ShowS uS the wAY by Sharon Conroy asked me to read a particular article before our meeting.

In the fall 2009 issue of Yoga Samachar, I reviewed Edwin Bryant’s recently published book, The Yoga Sutras of

Here are three paragraphs from that article. It was authored by Faeq and Patxi Lizardi.

Patanjali: A New Edition, Translation, and

In the same way that reading the article set the stage for my meeting with Faeq, your

Commentary with Insights from the

reading of these paragraphs will set the stage for the article that follows.

Traditional Commentators. It is a wonderful resource with a rich and readable text

Guruji was preparing Light on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali for publication. We were

that I will continue to study for many

living in the Institute and had the privilege of being around Guruji when he was

years. However, as a student and teacher

finalizing the manuscript. We were noting, entering, and retyping his corrections,

in the Iyengar tradition, it was B.K.S.

trying to follow the unattainable flow of his new ideas and his very fast yet

Iyengar’s foreword to the book that

systematic way of reading, correcting, and clarifying his own explanations.

immediately caught my attention and

…this new and beautiful explanation was the fresh fruit of his own practice of Pranayama that very morning!

truly delighted me. In the foreword, Guruji very clearly and succinctly states two ways in which he differs from the classical commentators. Although I had sensed for a while that

Some moments were particularly vivid and they can give to the reader an idea of

there were differences, I had not been

how that book was written. For example, we will never forget the time when Guruji

able to put them into words, and I was

was reediting his manuscript about the sutra III.9 to III.13. His text was very

delighted to see Guruji do so. What he

beautiful, and it was ready to go to the final version when, very early one morning,

said piqued my interest to know more

he came to our room and took all his time to expose to us his new ideas on how to

and gave rise to new questions.

explain these sutra. And, the concept of the silent moments between the rising impressions and our attempt to restrain them came to be crystal clear forever. But

While the idea of being able to sit down

something else also was clear for both of us: this new and beautiful explanation was

with Guruji to explore this topic was

the fresh fruit of his own practice of Pranayama that very morning!

enticing, the next time I would be in Pune was for his 90th birthday, and I

And the same happened so many times. It was a marvel to witness that fountain of

didn’t feel that would be an appropriate

new explanations when Guruji was confronted by a sutra, and was not very happy

time to request such a meeting. Then, it

about the clarity or fluidity of his own ideas to explain it, and next morning, after

occurred to me that perhaps among the

his own practice, the sentences were flowing like a mountain stream, so powerful

many longtime practitioners gathering

and so clear. We began to understand why he was not using for reference any book

from all over the world to honor Guruji

except two dictionaries. A few times, when we presented him ideas from traditional

would be someone who might be willing

commentaries, he refused kindly to see them and told us, with a smile, that he

to discuss this topic with me.

would go through all of them once his own work was over. Indeed, as with all his other writings, deeply anchored in tradition, he was proceeding like a thorough

As fate would have it, Faeq Biria and I

scientist, completely independent, using only his own experiential knowledge to

happened to be staying at the same

present his invisible guru’s text. It is said that a sutra can be explained in a scholarly

hotel in Pune. Although I had met him

way or be used as a thread connecting the sutra writer to the commentator, inspiring

only once, I knew that he was one of

him to share his experiential knowledge, and we felt often that this was the case.1

Guruji’s oldest students and understood that he was knowledgeable about the

The following conversation took place on December 19, 2008, on a bus traveling

Yoga Sutras.

between Mysore and Bangalore at the end of the south India tour celebrating Guruji’s 90th birthday. Faeq reviewed the content for accuracy in the spring of 2010.

When I told Faeq what I was interested SC: I’m pleased that you asked me to read your and Patxi’s epilogue in the new

in discussing and asked if he might be willing to meet with me, he graciously

Astadala Yogamala. It was quite inspiring to hear how Light on the Yoga Sutras came

agreed to do so. And, once I had given

into being. I was especially moved by the idea of each sutra being a thread

him a copy of Guruji’s foreword, he

connecting Patanjali to the commentator, inspiring him to share what he knows as

Yoga Samachar

Fall 2010 / Winter 2011


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