A CrACK iN the MASK: the FeLt SeNSe MethoD, A huMANiStiC APProACh For MANAGiNG iNCoNtiNeNCe
iYNAuS Store NewS We are excited to have the Portland Convention Reflection DVD. You can find it at http://www.iynaus.org/store/item. php?id=206. We also have many new items including, Iyengar Yoga for
Motherhood, by Geeta Iyengar; the DVD Addiction, Recovery and Yoga, produced by Senior Teacher Lindsey Clennell; and The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali: A New Edition, by scholar and longtime Iyengar Yoga practitioner Edwin Bryant. We will also be stocking the newest book by B.K.S Iyengar, Yaugika Manas, due out very soon.
Written by Jaki Nett, M.A. St. Helena, CA: Neuter Bird Press, 2010. ISBN 978-0615352206. 212 pages. $46.95. Reviewed by Vicki Aldridge Don’t let the subject matter of this book turn you away from it. If it weren’t for the word incontinence mentioned on the front of this book, at first glance, one might think this is yet
Please keep an eye out for the launch of
another book of yoga asanas. However, for those of us who
our new store website. We are looking
teach yoga, whether male or female, and who have students
forward to the new options and increased
with bladder incontinence, vaginal flatulence, or vaginismus
usability the new site will have available.
(uncontrolled tightening of the vaginal muscles), this is a
As many of you may have noticed, the
book you will want to know about and refer students to for
current site has a tendency to inaccurately
help with this sensitive personal issue. Dr. Geeta S. Iyengar
quote shipping prices. Please rest assured
writes in the foreword that the mudras and bandhas happen
that we are handling shipping on an
naturally if the posture is correct and that the practice in this book, regardless of
individual basis. After placing an order
whether you are familiar with yoga, will help in making one sensitive to “feeling their
with us, we will adjust your credit card
inner body as well as their outer body.”
total to reflect the actual price of shipment. As Iyengar Yoga practitioners, we are taught the importance of balancing the pelvis Our entire line of products, including
and strengthening the pelvic floor, but for those suffering from an overactive bladder,
many books from senior Iyengar teachers,
more is needed. An estimated 19 million people in America suffer from this
can be viewed on our website: http://
unmentionable epidemic that can bring shame, fear, and embarrassment.
www.iynaus.org/store/. We offer wholesale pricing for teachers and
Read in this book Jaki Nett’s personal quest as she imparts her wisdom in three steps:
qualified yoga centers.
psychological awareness, anatomical understanding, and physical practice teaching herself to contract the muscles of the pelvic floor in the right place as she dispels the
Please inquire by e-mail, iynausstore@
myths about Kegel exercises. This is not just a story of incontinence, but an
gmail.com, or by phone, 206.623.3562,
empowering woman’s story, heartfelt and engaging, that has made Jaki Nett one of my
for further information.
heroes. The struggles and insights of her life are interwoven in the pages to help the reader’s mind relax from the technical information and connect at a personal level.
If there is an item you cannot locate or
Readers will find her life fascinating as she tells us of her African ancestors who were
would like to suggest for our store
slaves, her mother’s vision that education is the key to their future, and even her long
inventory, please let us know.
stint as a Playboy Bunny. Jaki leads the reader and practitioner on a journey of self-discovery that can bring one to an emotionally self-accepting place so healing can begin. She calls it a process of turning the darkness into light “as we practice deep and honest introspection.” She includes anatomy as a tangible way to bring understanding, which she states is essential to strengthening the pelvic floor muscles. She gives clear instructions and guidelines to bring awareness and strength to the pelvic floor for those who have never practiced yoga, stressing that the most important factor is correct postural alignment. The asanas she suggests are secondary to learning how to contract the pelvic floor muscles to control bladder incontinence using The Felt Sense Method. She uses these asanas as a practice for the pelvic floor, building from the foundation. It’s not the pose,
Yoga Samachar
Fall 2010 / Winter 2011