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from Yoga Samachar FW2017
Yoga Samachar seeks submissions for our “Musings” column, which features a range of short thought pieces from members. These can be philosophical in nature or might focus on more practical topics— for example, a great idea for managing your studio or for creating community in your home town. Please send your own Musings to yogasamachar@iynaus.org by Feb. 1.
To join IYNAUS or renew your current membership, please visit our website and apply online: https://secure.iynaus.org/join. php. Membership fees begin at $60, with $30 of each membership going to support teacher certification and continuing education.
Yoga Samachar accepts short, text-only ads to announce workshops, offer props for sale, list teacher openings at your studio, or provide other yoga-related information. Ads cost $50 for up to 50 words and $1 per word over 50 words, including phone numbers, USPS addresses, and websites. Please contact Rachel Frazee at rachel@yogalacrosse.com or 608.269.1441 for more information or to submit an ad.
The IYNAUS Archives has received a wonderful new donation: the Dr. Marian
S. Garfinkel Collection. A senior teacher and devoted student of B.K.S. Iyengar,
Marian taught for many years in
Philadelphia. Among other notable achievements, Marian was the lead author of a study on the benefits of Iyengar Yoga for people with carpal tunnel syndrome, published in the Journal of the American
Medical Association in 1995.
Thanks to the generosity of Marian and her family, and to the hard work of our
Archives Chair, Scott Hobbs, we have recently added more than 25 boxes of materials to the IYNAUS Archives, including correspondence, audio and video recordings, and a wide range of printed materials related to B.K.S. Iyengar’s teachings, his visits to the United States and other countries.
One small, moving example of what the archive holds is the
2015 Iyengar Yoga Assessments
The following names were inadvertently missed when we published our list of 2015 passed assessments. Please accept our apologies— and congratulations on your hard work!
Introductory I and II Stephanie Fredericks Peter Gaughran Laifong Ng
Intermediate Junior I Jeaneen Bell Tehseen Chettri Becky Estes Carol Faulkner Rebecca Hooper Martha Krauss Leslie Lekos
Graham Williams program for the inauguration of the Ramamani Iyengar Memorial Yoga Institute in January 1975, shown at left. The entire program can be viewed online at https://iynaus.org/rimyi-1975.
We are working hard to make materials from the IYNAUS Archives available to members. People who renew their membership for 2017 will have access to some of these materials almost immediately.
If you are an IYNAUS member with personal archives related to Iyengar Yoga, please contact us to discuss ways we can help preserve those materials. Your archival contribution will help preserve the future of Iyengar Yoga. Please contact Scott Hobbs for more information: sh@scotthobbs.com.