Classifieds FOR SALE Yoga Studio Business & Building Comfortable apartment living upstairs or rent it for further income. Tired of city life? Come to the north woods where the air and water are clean and the outdoor recreational opportunities are unlimited. Located in Ironwood, Michigan, on the Upper Peninsula of Michigan/Wisconsin border. Continue to offer this area the experience of Iyengar Yoga, which has been established here since 1990. Contact Felicia Santini 715.561.2880
IYNAUS ON VIMEO Are you following IYNAUS on Vimeo yet? Our Vimeo channel has a number of free videos for members to celebrate the centenary (password is “IYNAUS”). Plus, you can purchase videos from prior conventions, including freshly released 2019 videos, videos from Geeta Iyengar’s 2001 Certified Teacher Class, and much more.
BECOME A BOARD MEMBER Do you have organizational skills, financial skills, legal skills, experience with nonprofit or membership-based organizations, technical skills, skills with social media, public relations, or development skills? Are you a good writer or good at strategic planning? The IYNAUS Board needs volunteers with these kinds of skills. If you, a colleague, or one of your students are interested in serving on the IYNAUS Board, please write to us at We’d be very glad to hear from you. YOUR AD HERE Yoga Samachar accepts short, text-only ads to announce workshops, offer props for sale, list teacher openings at your studio, or provide other yoga-related information. Ads cost $50 for up to 50 words and $1 per word over 50 words, including phone numbers, USPS addresses, and websites. Please contact Sheryl Abrams at 512.57.2115 or for more information or to submit an ad.
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CALL FOR MUSINGS Yoga Samachar seeks submissions for our “Musings” column, which features a range of short thought pieces from members. These can be philosophical in nature or might focus on more practical topics—for example, a great idea for managing your studio or for creating community in your home town. Please send your own Musings to by Aug. 1. ASK THE YOGI Yoga Samachar seeks questions for our “Ask the Yogi” column. Rotating senior teachers provide answers to a range of questions submitted by IYNAUS members. We welcome your questions related to how or when to use props, how best to deal with specific health conditions, philosophical help with the sutras, tips on teaching or doing certain poses, and more. Please send questions to by Aug. 1. JOIN IYNAUS To join IYNAUS or renew your current membership, please visit our website and apply online: join. Membership fees begin at $70, with $40 of each membership going to support teacher certification, continuing education, and member services. 52
Yoga Samachar Spring | Summer 2019