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edicine Wheel: EAST

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Medicine Wheel

Medicine Wheel




To develop the group principles and stimulate the cooperation between participants.

To enhance the group dynamics.

To facilitate introspection and self-reflection into the personal values of participants.


Firstly, let participants spent an individual time to think about what are important principles that they would like to propose to the group. Secondly, let them gather in pairs and share their principles with another person. After they exchanged their ideas they should found a common list of principles. Thirdly, they gather in groups of 3-5 people and continue the same process and in the end have a list with common principles. Then, they gather in groups of eight. They exchange the conclusions of the previous groups and create a list of common principles of all of them. Afterwards, each small group (3-5 p.) is invited to present their principles and afterwards invite to a collective discussion about them. Let the participants write the group principles on a flipchart paper and put it on the wall.

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