Final brand zine

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Al lSa i n t sPr e s e n t s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


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Casey Legler, Johnny Depp, Urban Grass Roots Culture, London Markets, City Architecture, Rock n’ Roll, The Weeks (band,) The Master (film,) Androgny, victorian Boots, Leather Jackets, Studs, attitude, deconstructed, metalic

s t n e s e sPr t n i lSa Al s t n i hPo c u nTo o i t a c i n mmu Co

An Online Report published by Mintel in 2012 shows how consumers aged between 25-34 are most likely to use their phones or tablets to browse and buy goods online ; as this is All Saint’s target audience, it provides the brand sufficient reasoning to target consumers through social media.

All Saints have created a digitally dominant marketing formula through use of social media and a multifunctioning website rather than traditional methods like print and outdoor advertising. This has created an effective and communicative interaction between the brand and their targeted, digitally apt consumers. Development of their app and varied use of social media platforms allows

Development of their app and varied use of social media platforms allows brand penetration in prospective consumers, especially overseas whilst providing a point of contact for existing customer; as demonstrated through the customer experiences section on their website. They offer a range of services to contact support that is open 24/7 and offers a flexible delivery and returns services. These elements of ecommerce are incredibly important for their target markets that are put off by long waiting times and the prospect of returning ill fitted clothing

allsai ntsstudi ospresents _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

ONLI NE COLLABORATI ONS _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

To further demonstrate All Saints understanding of the importance of multimedia they have ventured into music collaborations in ‘The Basement Sessions’ and have released doacumentaries through an in-house film company in 2011. With diverse content material, from the making of denim to a film following the roots and culture surrounding rock band Kings of Leon, it not only reflects the urban and musical roots of the brand in London but allows All Saints to dictate its own cultural references. By developing the brand into a multi-media trademark, All Saints are able to appeal to a large audience who associate the brand with popular culture as well as a clothing retailer.

ALLSAI NTSI NTRODUCES _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ THEMARKET _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ To extend All Saints position in the market, the development of a home-ware section in their brand would open a new avenue for sales whilst remaining true to the brand essence. this will be done by encapsulating the themes and identity of Spitalfields market in their products. To provoke these traditional yet inventive brand elements, the new home store would be called ‘The Market.’

All Saints Introduces _________________________ The MArket _________________________

For this brand extension to work All Saints would have to incorporate a unique selling point that breathes the brands identity and creates an exciting new experience for customers. To do this the new home ware shop would opened in an old warehouse to resemble Spitalfields Market mixed with an old flea market, and follow the same visual merchandising of the shop (bare brick work and wooden floors.) This will retain the mood and theme of the brand, whilst creating a cohesive retial enviroment throughout the brand. As consumer experience is an incredibly important element of increased sales, the freedom for the customer to walk around the shop as if it were a market would individualise the store from other home ware shops like Zara Home and home ware concessions.

Al lSa i nt s ________________________________ “ We l c omet oTheMa r ke t ;br i ngi ngSpi t a l f i e l dshome . � ________________________________

. As many of All Saints clothing garments are perhaps viewed as investment pieces such as their leather jackets, it could be said that this is mirrored in the pricing range for the home ware goods; from cheap posters to quality wooden tables. The eclectic mix of goods would appeal to a new consumer that can enter the brand through this avenue.

The products that the home ware store would range from traditional items like tables, chairs, clocks and lamps to vintage items such as old fashioned globes, books, trunks and wall hangings. The mix of refurbished upholstered furniture to authentic vintage jewellery would create a unique range of products that are not always found in more traditional home ware stores and follow the growing trend of vintage and re-used clothing.

To blend with the authenticity and identity of the store, an area of promotion could include traditional posters tattooed around London, such as repeated placements on walls similar to move posters and inside All Saints windows, further developing All Saints’ current promotional methods.

Al lSa i n t sPr e s e n t s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Pr o mo t i o n&NYC _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

These posters could be shown on the website where visitors would have to click through to get to the home page ensuring consumer awareness of the promotion. As All Saints demonstrate quality digital communication, they could show a sneak peak preview of the home ware on their website through close up pictures i.e. the corner of a table or the foot of a chair. For visitors to the film section of the website they could further promote the shop by including a featurette on the warehouse space that has been transformed for the opening of the store.

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Bi b l i o g r a p h y -you-sitting-fashionably-fashion-brands-are-turning-to-t he-lucrative-homewares-market-2069096.html s-brand-history.html s/9891094/AllSaints-chief-on-a-mission-to-create-brand-i n-Asia-and-America.html Casey-Legler-bags-first-fashion-campaign-for-All-Saints. html ge?catalogId=80209906&langId=-1&useCookie=1&storeId=8400 9906&ddkey=http:WorldWidePage


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