GlobaliaMagazine 2nd Edition

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Quarterly | Issue 02 | April 2008

Image: dpa/

EUR 6, USD 9, GBP 4.50, AED 32, MYR 29, ZAR 60

A new focus on the world Cover story: Power to the people. Doing business with the sun. Security: Troubled times. Europe’s nations confronted by new crises. Culture: Creating a new image. Denmark: Picturing Islam.

Places without order. Megacities and failed states, page 37.


EDITORIAL By Abu Bakr Rieger.


COVER STORY Power to the people. Doing business with the sun.


BUSINESS Golden Landmark. A new choice for investors worldwide.


ASIA The “Strike Hard” campaign. Is Peking really the place for the Olympic spirit?


PEOPLE Jürgen Todenhöfer, author and activist.


SECURITY Troubled times. Europe’s nations confronted by new crises.


BOOKS Terror from within. Ganser’s book on NATO’s secret armies.


INTERVIEW “A war of resources”. Interview with Abdulhay Y. Zalloum.


Corrective vision: a photographic contribution to Islam, page 48.



CHIEF EDITOR Abu Bakr Rieger

Islam in Bosnia. Against isolationism and radicalism.


GLOBAL Places without order. Megacities and failed states: the security risks.

40 42 44

“With Ramush”. One of Europe’s most unusual politicians. Building possibilities. A look at Sunand Prasad’s Talking City.

HEALTH Journey to Health. The boom in medical tourism continues.

46 48

PUBLISHER IZ Medien GmbH Beilsteinerstr. 121 12681 Berlin Germany ASSOCIATE EDITOR Sulaiman Wilms DISTRIBUTION IZ Medien GmbH PRINTING msk marketingserviceköln

Beyond Borders. About the European Muslim Union.

GLOBALIA Magazine reserves the right to shorten letters. Readers’ letters, guest articles and quotations do not necessarily represent the opinions of the Editors, nor do articles by named authors.


PHONE +49 (0)30 240 48974


Creating a new image. Denmark: Picturing Islam.

MOBILE +49 (0)179 967 8018


Living with Goethe. Katharina Mommsen, builder of bridges.

FAX +49 (0)30 240 48975




Bursa - the green city. Travelling to the Cradle of the Osmanli.



GLOBALIA | Issue 02 | April 2008


state. Population growth has shattered the


old models of order. The problems of


megacities include not only a new, gargantuan thirst for energy and the impoverishment of new hordes of people, towards the radioactive clouds that came

Dear Readers,

there are also concerns for global security.

from the east. But, according to solar power To the European mind, technology is a -

pioneer and physicist Udo Möhrstedt in

Indeed, the recent financial crisis has put

double-edged sword. On the one hand

discussion with Globalia, for the solar

the whole world on alert. Many people

many Europeans are expecting new and

power industry Chernobyl was in many

rightly consider it a bigger threat than the

miraculous solutions to problems of health

ways a massive stroke of fortune. Without

nihilism of international terrorism.

and ecology, but on the other hand

a big advertising campaign, everyone began

technology has also come to seem

talking about solar power.

We looked at the timeless importance of gold as opposed to inflationary currencies

somehow sinister. Nowhere else in the world, for example, are new security

Germany assumed a pioneering role in this

in the previous edition of Globalia. A new,

technologies looked upon with such

field. While they were in coalition with the

large-scale gold fund is now being set up


SPD, the Greens, to whom the popular

in Dubai – a sign that finance is not only

former German Foreign Minister Joschka

confronted by new crises, but that it will

According to the philosopher Martin

Fischer belonged, saw to it that Germany’s

undergo fundamental changes in which

Heidegger, the world of technology has an

nuclear power stations would have a

gold and silver will once again play a major

inherent tendency to enslave people rather

limited term, and they had solar power


than liberate them. Heidegger was sceptical

state-subsidised, which was the only way

as to whether man could simply replace

to make it competitive. In this edition of

When I met Katharina Mommsen for the

“bad” technology with a “good”

Globalia we will be taking a look at the new

first time in Berlin, she made a strong

technology. According to Heidegger, what

global meaning of the growing solar

impression on me. Her talks on the

is required is to retain an attitude of


cosmopolitan figure of Goethe were full of




love and spirit. The poet, who “did not


technological achievements, rather than

In the final months prior to the Olympic

reject the idea that he himself was a


Games, China has triggered a worldwide

Muslim,” is certainly one of the great

debate because of its policies towards its

secrets of European erudition. Goethe’s

One very important defining historical event

minorities. With everyone arguing about

nearness to Islam and his vision of the

in Europe was the Chernobyl disaster, in

the Tibetans, the plight of the Uighurs is usu-

Weltbürger, or citizen of the world, was

which the idea of a clean, problem-free

ally eclipsed. But once again it is about

beyond nationalism and gives him

technology disappeared into a very large

resources. The raw materials in the East

enormous relevance as an author today.

puff of very dangerous smoke. The nuclear

Turkestan region, where most of China’s

power plant is not only a capital-intensive

Muslims live, make it one of the Chinese

Finally I would like to remind you that we

technology dependent on centralised struc-

state’s greatest treasure-houses.

have not conceived of Globalia as a closed system. Please write to us if you have

tures, it seems today almost antiquated. The emergence of megacities has become

contributions or suggestions.

Chernobyl became symbolic. The destruc-

yet another challenge to the global order,

tion of the power station evoked horror, and

and one which can no longer be considered

I hope you enjoy this Issue of Globalia

for months the world looked fearfully

within the context of the isolated nation-






There is no doubt that photovoltaics is already one of the key industries of the 21st century. The whole of Europe has long been hoping for an environmentally sound solution involving the sun, especially since the Chernobyl disaster. It is a highly attractive prospect, and not only

but if you can finance one you have basically

for industrialised countries: given the growing

done away with your electricity bills for

scarcity of energy resources, could solar power

decades – an attractive concept given the

be the efficient, eco-friendly energy source of

ever-increasing cost of power. Most research

the future? Companies and research scientists

institutions predict that solar power

are searching anxiously for solutions to the

generation will be cheaper than other sources

global energy crisis. It is said that by 2030 the

of energy almost everywhere in the world by

world’s population will have grown to 9.3

2020 at the latest.

billion. The need for energy, should this forecast hold true, will also continue to rise

The solar industry is currently experiencing


some remarkable growth.The past three years have seen a doubling of the combined

There is no doubt that photovoltaics is already

installed power of the world’s commercial

one of the key industries of the 21 century.

solar power stations with nominal power

The whole of Europe has long been hoping

ratings of at least 200 kilowatts.The European

for an environmentally sound solution

Photovoltaic Industry Association (EPIA)

involving the sun, especially since the

predicted at the end of 2007 that the global

Chernobyl disaster.

market for solar power systems of all varieties


(large-scale photovoltaic plants, private solar The benefits of solar power are obvious: no

power systems and mains-independent

emissions, no noise, no waste products – just

systems) would grow by around 40 per cent

solar cells quietly soaking up the sun’s


unlimited rays. Most of these miraculous lit-

amounting to around 2.3 gigawatts. In terms

tle cells are currently made from silicon. The

of power output, 80 per cent of all large-

modules are almost indestructible, barely

scale commercial solar power plants today are

need any maintenance, and have a life-span

to be found in Europe.




of more than 30 years. And yet hundreds of researchers all over the world are still

Its innovative solar power industry has

wondering how to make them even more

secured the German economy a top position

effective. Solar power systems are not cheap,

in the international solar rankings, and over

GLOBALIA | Issue 02 | April 2008





potential for solar technology right back in 1982.Today, espousing a philosophy of “think global, act global”, he heads the Bavarian company IBC Solar AG, which generated sales of almost 600 million euros in 2007. IBC has already installed tens of thousands of turnkey photovoltaics systems all over the world, including large-scale power stations as well as smaller systems for supplying local power to facilities ranging from hospitals to schools and ophanages – and a system for the Friedenshaus in Kabul, an orphanage in the Afghan capital. Asked about the potential for solar power in the





entrepreneur is at first dismissive: “Sadly there has been little movement in the Arab lands.” But Möhrstedt does of course see the enormous long-term potential. He describes, for instance, how solar modules on roofs in the Gulf could afford perfect shade while also generating electricity. “Building-integrated photovoltaics,” says Möhrstedt, “will have Udo Möhrstedt is one of the veterans of the photovoltaics industry.

to take root there sooner or later.”

recent years has created thousands of jobs.

prices for a period of twenty years for any solar

Möhrstedt has had contacts in the Islamic

Seventy five German companies with more

power producer who feeds electricity into the

world for many years, having travelled in par-

than 40,000 employees are now producing

German grid. The scheme led to numerous

ticular in Indonesia and Malaysia. He went

solar modules, and the industry’s turnover

investment programmes and funds investing

on an extended tour of Asia with Otto

of five billion euros exceeded that of the

in solar manufacturers. However, the subsidies

Wiesheu, then Bavaria’s economics minister,

nation’s bioenergy industry by more than

are to be cut back next year. The industry is

meeting Indonesia’s Minister of Technology

three billion euros. By 2010 the solar power

now planning new solar power stations,

along the way. Before the big Asian financial

industry hopes to be exporting much of its

especially in southern Europe, and possibly in

crash of the 1990s, Indonesia and its

output and turning over more than 10 billion

other sun-rich regions of the world. In the

responsible minister, Habibi, were willing to

euros. And of course, Germany is hoping to

German solar industry of the future,

develop photovoltaics on a large scale.Today

maintain its technological lead on a

increasingly fierce competition will lead to

Möhrstedt still speaks with enthusiasm about

permanent basis.

hostile takeovers and new joint ventures.

the idea of creating an effective symbiosis between corporate spirit, high technology

The German state has supported policies that

One obvious lead for German solar pioneers

have helped give this new technology a

is to consider the sun-rich Gulf region as a

decisive boost in recent years. One German

large future market. The physicist Udo

And the project was not entirely a failure. His

law guaranteed subsidised, secure purchase

Möhrstedt, for example, recognised the global

company, together with a number of

GLOBALIA | Issue 02 | April 2008

and development aid.


collaborators, did supply 100 PV systems to the Surabaya region in the 90s. The Indonesian government had a simple but


effective concept which they called “Yan San”.


For people with a monthly income of 60 dollars they built fish-ponds measuring 80 by 80 metres in size. A jetty was constructed, greenhouse gases, it is also economically attractive.

and a 6 x 12 metre chicken coop was then built on it. In spring the pond was irrigated and planted with rice. After harvesting, the pond was filled again with water containing fry. The chicken waste, which is very rich in protein, fell into the pond and served as a nutrient for the fish, which grew. The smallholders therefore produced chickens, eggs, fish and rice from the concept, and around the banks they planted perennial bananas.A family with four ponds could earn 1,000 dollars a month that way. A considerable number of these set-ups were established.The watchman’s huts and chicken coops were lit using the German company’s photovoltaics, and this encouraged the chickens to lay more eggs. In a similar project in Indonesia, German experts helped to equip fishing boats with flexible modules which allowed the fishermen to remain at sea for seven days and thus triple their catch. Personal contacts were built up during this pioneering period which led to the establishment of a successful subsidiary in Malaysia. It is perhaps precisely this kind of personal contact that is lacking in the Gulf states – especially for small and medium sized German companies. “But,” claims Möhrstedt confidently, “solar power systems are suited to Muslim investors anywhere on earth.” Solar funds, says Möhrstedt, are also open to investment by Muslims all over the world.

“We don’t actually have any choice in the matter.” Dr.Ahmet Lokurlu states the simplest argument in favour of solar power. Several years ago the multiple award-winning researcher left the rarified world of academia to found a company called Solitem. Now, together with his 40 employees, Lokurlu is working enthusiastically on the building of new energy systems. “As a businessman I am of course concerned about profits and earnings,” explains Lokurlu, “but what really interests me is making a viable contribution towards solving one of the most pressing problems of our time.” Before he entered big business, the scientist, who is of Turkish origin, worked at the Jülich Research Centre. His area of specialisation is solar power operated systems that generate heat or cold according to demand. The parabolic trough collectors developed and patented by Solitem collect and store solar power.They can be used to heat or cool whole building complexes, hotels, production halls and warehouses. The benefits are not hard to understand.The system not only makes an active contribution towards the preservation of natural resources and the reduction of

Now that Lokurlu has left the world of academic research he knows that these alternative systems will only assert themselves if they make economic sense. After some initial sleepless nights, business is now running well. Today many pioneers of solar technology are profiting from the global trend towards renewable energies. Lokurlu is all too aware of the inescapable facts: CO2 emissions have risen by a massive 15 billion tonnes over the past 15 years. Time is short. The Kyoto Protocol, which aims to limit greenhouse gas emissions, was not even signed by the USA, which is the world’s biggest CO2 emitter. The new superpower, China, does not want to limit its fast-growing CO2 emissions until it can keep economic pace with the West. “That might already be too late,” worries Lokurlu. New wars are looming over dwindling resources. Now that the summit of oil production has passed, conflict over resources can only increase, Lokurlu claims. But solar power and other renewable energies offer local approaches to the supply of power at last. Lokurlu hopes that a new generation in the Gulf states and Turkey will recognise the industry’s potential. “Masdar City, the new eco-city in Abu Dhabi, is a fascinating project,” says Lokurlu. Masdar City is intended as part of a wide-ranging renewable energies initiative, and Abu Dhabi will be investing at least 15 billion dollars in it. The idea behind Masdar City is to help renewable energy technologies towards a global breakthrough. All in all, according to Lokurlu, the cost-tobenefit equation adds up the same way all over the world. Doing business with the sun is worthwhile for everyone.

Self-contained solar power systems are




already assisting people everywhere to survive

up localised economic cycles. KAITO Energie

So it is that the solar industry is continuously

economically. Known as “island systems”,

AG functions as a kind of private power supply

developing new models that are adapted to

they are sought after in places without mains

company for African countries. It specialises

the needs of the market. The acute electricity

power – be it the desert, the tropics or the

in designing island systems adapted to the

shortage in South Africa has inspired IBC’s

open ocean – or simply where mobility is

particular conditions of rural environments.

engineers to develop systems that switch on

required.These small, mobile systems can be

All of its systems operate using renewable

whenever power is temporarily in short supply.

combined with hydroelectric, wind or diesel


When there is power from the mains, customers can use it – otherwise the solar

generators. In Africa, for example, IBC has developed small solar power systems for

As well as planning, delivering and operating

power generator kicks in. This technology is

houses in rural areas, and photovoltaic pump

the systems, the company also runs training

the latest project from the Bavarian high-

systems are also used to irrigate fields.

courses. KAITO Energie AG’s range includes

tech firm. “We have high hopes for this

solar charging stations for loan-lamps and

system,” says Möhrstedt, who is already

Another example of the solar industry creating

mobile phones, and mains-independent

planning his next trip to Africa’s sunny

global relationships is the Munich-based

village power supply systems. Senegal is home

southernmost nation.

company KAITO. Unlike other energy resources

to one of their pilot projects, and they are out

used on a world scale (such as nuclear power),

to raise interest among local people there

solar power naturally enables people to build

but also among investors.

GLOBALIA | Issue 02 | April 2008

Text Abu Bakr Rieger




exclusively-owned gold bullion, and provides


investors, for the first time, with the


opportunity to trade holdings in gold bullion on the DIFX in a Shariah-compliant manner.

Dubai is well known as a major hub and a strong

Dubai Gold Shares will form an integral part

local physical gold market. The total gold imports

of the Exchange Traded Gold (ETG) family of

for the year 2007 reached 559 tonnes.

products, established as a result of an initiative by the World Gold Council, the marketing organisation funded by the world’s leading

In a landmark move for the Islamic investment

up in March. DCAM was established with the

gold mining companies. Gold held by products

industry, the World Gold Council (WGC) and

objective to develop and seed commodity-

in the Exchange Traded Gold stable now

Dubai Multi Commodities Centre (DMCC)

linked investment products for distribution

exceeds $23 billion, or 805 tonnes, and

announced on 7 April 2008 their partnership

in the UAE and other markets. DCAM and the

represents a more than 90 per cent share of

to launch the fully Shariah-compliant Dubai

WGC will establish a joint venture company

the market for this category of security.

Gold Shares with the intent to list them on

(Dubai Gold Investments – DMCC) ahead of

Securities within the ETG family are currently

the Dubai International Financial Exchange

launching the Dubai Gold Shares.

listed on the London, New York, Johannesburg and Australian stock exchanges, with

(DIFX), subject to the Dubai Financial Services Authority’s (DFSA) approval, under the trading

Dubai Gold Shares will provide investors with

secondary listings in Singapore, Euronext

symbol “GOLD.”

secure, low-cost access to owning gold bullion

Paris, Deutsche Börse and on Borsa Italiana.

without the additional costs normally DMCC aims to operate and manage this

associated with insuring, storing and

James Burton, Chief Executive Officer of the

initiative through Dubai Commodities Asset

transacting in physical gold. Each security

World Gold Council, explains: “It is the long-

Management (DCAM), a 100 per cent DMCC-

will allow investors to gain exposure to precise

term mission of Exchange Traded Gold,

owned UAE-based investment company set

amounts of specifically identified and

supported by the World Gold Council, to remove the barriers to investing in gold across

Gold bazaar: Dubai is one of the main hubs for global trade in the precious metal.

the globe. Our partnership with DMCC brings together our collective strengths to allow institutions and individuals seeking Shariahcompliant financial products a simple, secure and efficient method of accessing physical gold without having to compromise on their Islamic principles.” Ahmed Bin Sulayem, Executive Chairman of DMCC comments: “Dubai Gold Shares will bring about increased transparency in Dubai’s gold markets, and will give a significant boost to Dubai’s position as a leading financial centre. More importantly it will ensure greater integration between the physical and financial markets and will meet the increased investor appetite for gold.”

GLOBALIA | Issue 02 | April 2008

Image: dpa/


The introduction of Dubai Gold Shares is a milestone for the product class, as it is the first dollar-priced security of its kind to be fully Shariah-compliant. The physical gold bars backing the product will be of Dubai and London Good Delivery Standard, and held in the vaults of the custodian, DMCC, and sub-custodian, HSBC. To ensure that Dubai Gold Shares are wholly Shariah-compliant, WGC and DMCC have retained the company Shariah Capital as their Shariah advisor. Shaykh Yusuf Talal DeLorenzo, Chief Shariah Officer of Shariah Capital, will enlist a dedicated board of Shariah scholars whose role will be to review contracts and agreements relating to the Dubai Gold Shares and ensure that these are consistent with the principles of Islamic jurisprudence. “Dubai is well known as a major hub and a strong local physical gold market. The total gold imports for the year 2007 reached 559 tonnes. We believe that this product will attract investors from all over the world and specifically from Islamic countries,” adds Moaz Barakat, WGC’s Managing Director for the Middle East, Turkey and Pakistan. Ian MacDonald, Executive Director for Gold and Precious Metals at DMCC, elaborates: “DMCC has always kept track of investor interest and worked closely with all stakeholders to grow and enhance the trade in all commodities, including gold. Having streamlined the physical and market infrastructure for the trade, we are now focusing on developing the financial infrastructure that will enable investors to buy, hold or sell physical gold conveniently through an exchange instrument, backed by allocated gold held in a vault.”

Text World Gold Council




Rebiya Kadeer: Activist and president of the World Uighur Congress.

“Peking is once again attempting to define


the Uighurs as terrorists in the run-up to the


Olympic Games,” says Asgar Can, Vice President of the Uighur World Congress. To do this, China refers to the staged-looking,

The fate of the Uighurs, whose terrible situation has for decades barely been mentioned in the European public arena, is another shameful blight on the Chinese multi-racial state. No other ethnic group is exposed to such massive and arbitrary violence by China’s security forces.

violent actions of a small minority. China’s rhetorical





pronouncements of the “War Against Terror” is because of the numerous possibilities which the declaration of a state of emergency nowadays offers. It is on this basis that the State and its Party – which is always in the right – justifies the operation of new camps, persecution and torture. Many of these camps

Just a few months before the opening of the

only subject to official defamation, it is

are occupied by Muslims. Now no-one can say

Olympic Games, the world is becoming aware

downright dangerous. Even the Dalai Lama,

they know nothing about this.

of the tragic situation of China’s minorities.

who enjoys an almost cult status in Europe,

The idea of a peaceful Games seems distant,

was promptly designated a “Terrorist” by the

Indeed, the fate of the Uighurs, whose terrible

especially in view of the situation in Tibet.

Chinese government – a tactic which has

situation has for decades barely been

been applied again and again to leading

mentioned in the European public arena, is

The message we are getting is simple: polit-

representatives of the minority living in East

another shameful blight on the Chinese multi-

ical resistance by minorities in China is not

Turkestan, the Uighurs.

racial state. No other ethnic group in the

GLOBALIA | Issue 02 | April 2008


People’s Republic is exposed to such massive

According to the Society for Threatened

surprise then that the World Uighur Congress

and arbitrary violence by its security forces.

Peoples’ report, mosques and Qur’an schools

and Rebiya Kadeer support “a boycott of the

According to a report by the Society for

are being closed arbitrarily, religiously and

Olympic Games, because the inhuman, anti-

Threatened Peoples, more than 700 politically

culturally important writings and books are

human-rights activities of the dictatorial

justified death sentences have been handed

burned in public, the celebration of Muslim

Chinese government are contrary to the

down and carried out against Uighurs since

festivals is forbidden, and Imams are forced

Olympic spirit of peace and peaceful

the middle of the 1990s as part of what is

to attend Communist Party re-education


known as the “Strike Hard” campaign. Only


one Tibetan was condemned to death in Tibet during the same period.

The Uighur human rights activists living in The authoress Rebiya Kadeer is one of the few

Germany are also denounced regularly as

Uighurs known to the world’s public. In her

“terrorists” by China. Fortunately, however,

As in Tibet, the Chinese government is striving

bestseller, Die Himmelstürmerin (The Great

despite considerable pressure from the

steadily to enlarge the influence of the Han

Idealist), “China’s No. 1 Enemy of the State”

government in Peking, the German security

Chinese by means of large-scale resettlement

tells of her life. Her relatives paid for her

authorities do not share this malicious view.

schemes. Muslim Uighurs can often only

courageous criticism of the central Chinese

If you meet these Uighur asylum-recipients

practise their beliefs on pain of death.

state’s methods with prison and torture. No

in Germany, then you will find the reports

Image: dpa/




about the situation in the China confirmed by


personal accounts that are hard to forget. Abduljelil Karakash of the East Turkestan Information Centre in Munich reports that


conditions in East Turkestan have worsened since the recent events in Tibet.The oppressive activities that are already known have in fact intensified. The latest measures include, for example, the imprisonment of 3,000 young The Uighurs (also Uygur, Uyghur or Uigur)

ed. Uighuristan was formally incorporated

are one of the Turkic ethnic groups living in

into the Manchu empire in 1884 as Xinjiang

the north-western region of the present China.

Province.The Uighur power, prestige and civ-

The official Chinese name of the region is

ilization, which had dominated Central Asia

Xinjiang (or Sinkyang) Uighur Autonomous

for over a thousand years, went into rapid

Region (XUAR), but the native Uighurs have

decline after the Manchu invasion of the

historically called their country or this region

homeland. But the Uighurs had left a lasting

either Uighuristan or East Turkestan, or both.

imprint on both the culture and the tradition of the people of Central Asia.

Located in Central Asia, 1500 miles from Peking, Uighuristan is bordered by Kazakhstan

The Uighurs in the southern part of

to the north, Mongolia to the north-east, and

Uighuristan established the “East Turkestan

Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan to the north-west

Islamic Republic” in 1933, and the inhabitants

and west. There are Uighur diasporic com-

of the whole of Uighuristan together estab-

munities in Pakistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan,

lished the second East Turkestan Republic in

Mongolia, Uzbekistan, Germany, the United

1944. The former lasted for three years, the

Kingdom and Turkey.

latter for five.

women solely for wearing headscarves. Karakash has been struggling for years with minimal means to break the consensus on East Turkestan. It is no easy task, since reporting is strictly monitored, even in the event of humanitarian catastrophe. An earthquake in part of East Turkestan which killed large numbers of people received no mention at all in either Chinese or foreign media. Independent journalists are deterred from visiting East Turkestan and are told that an “acute risk of terror” exists there, and that the government cannot guarantee their safety. Some Uighur organisations have even found refuge in the USA. As in Kosovo, the rules of an alleged geopolitical confrontation between

East Turkestan is a vast area of 640,000 square

East Turkestan was occupied by communist

kilometres – one sixth of the present Chinese

China in 1949 and its name was changed to

the West and the Muslims do not apply here.

territory. Geographically it is China’s largest

XUAR in 1955. Communist China has been

China’s attitude towards “radical Islam” is in


exercising colonial rule over Uighuristan ever

fact quite pragmatic and flexible when it

since. Uighur exile groups – as well as human

comes to their geopolitical interests. The

After embracing Islam in the 10th century

rights organisations – claim that the Chinese

extreme Hizb ut-Tahrir in Central Asia – which

the Uighurs adapted the Arabic alphabet,

government is suppressing Uighur culture

is viewed by Peking as a geopolitical opponent

and its use became common from the 11th

and religion, and responding to demands for

to the USA – is ignored by China and is even

century onwards. After Arab, Turkic and

independence with human rights violations.

said to be active in East Turkestan. China – behind the scenes at least – would also like

Tibetan forces repulsed the Chinese occu-

to see the Western Allies fail in Afghanistan.

piers in 751 AD, a good 1000 years passed

The name Xinjiang, or Sinkyang, which means

before the conquest of East Turkestan by the

“new territory” in Chinese, is considered

Manchu rulers of China.

offensive by many advocates of Uighur inde-

According to the Western line of argument,

pendence, who prefer to use historical or eth-

China should quietly continue to democratise

It was in 1876 that the Manchurians strove

nic names such as Chinese Turkestan, East

as part of strengthening trade relations – on

to occupy Uighuristan, and, after killing about

Turkestan (with Turkestan sometimes spelled

the side, so to speak. The obvious advantage

one million of its inhabitants, they succeed-

as Turkestan), or Uighurstan.

of this approach is firstly that it does not cost

GLOBALIA | Issue 02 | April 2008


anything. The drawback is that the persecuted minorities quite simply might not survive such a long-term strategy.The Middle Kingdom has until now been practising, unhindered, a new form of statism which could



as “authoritarian

capitalism”. Authoritarian capitalism trusts in the power of the market alone, and has, in the words of the German philosopher Peter Sloterdijk, long ceased to need democracy to pursue its course. Of course, the subject of a serious Olympic boycott is an awkward one, given the economic importance of China. The regions of Tibet and East Turkestan (Chinese: Xinjiang) are major sources of raw material to fuel the new superpower’s upturn. To the West, the territorial integrity of China, not the implosion of the state, continues to be the guarantee of the much-welcome upswing.The methods behind this upswing may be fascistic, but the prospects of profit have so far eclipsed any effective criticism.The Volkswagen Group, for instance, reported not only record sales in China in 2007, but also growing profits. Volkswagen is also one of the committed lead-sponsors of the Games, yet it shows no inclination to regret this morally dubious engagement. In its latest statement, the German Olympic Sports Confederation speaks about Tibet but ignores the situation of the Uighurs, and in the end supports Germany’s participation. Most politicians and sports functionaries do not mention the Uighurs or their representatives at all in their statements. That is no coincidence.To today’s Uighurs, Peking is the wrong place for the spirit of the Olympic Games. Text Abu Bakr Rieger





“The West won the world not by the superiority of its ideas or values or religion, but rather by its superiority in applying organised violence. Westerners often forget this fact; non-Westerners never do.” (Samuel Huntington) It is quite clear that opinions on the war in

been a well-known politician, consultant and

Iraq have split Europe deeply. Many Europeans

publicist, he has also been a successful media

consider it an obvious violation of inter-

mogul for the past 20 years, and is today one

national law and a serious blow to the idea

of Germany’s great influential figures. He is

that wars of aggression be condemned

currently the deputy chairman of the board

universally. To the opponents of the Iraq War

of the global media house, Burda.As a media

in Europe it was a war of aggression – a term

man, Todenhöfer is not one to criticise the

which naturally awakens dark memories in a

media – but then again he knows the

continent well versed in war, and actually

mechanisms at work behind the scenes.

war-weary. Furthermore, since the Nuremberg

“More than 200 journalists have been killed

War Crimes Tribunal, wars of aggression are

in the Iraq War because they were trying to

not only frowned upon in Europe, they are also

find out the truth there,” stated Todenhöfer

punishable criminal acts. But there has been

in an interview with Germany’s Islamische

no tribunal, no accused and no process


following the war in Iraq. Not even a vigorous debate.

What the mogul does criticise, however, is the fact that the Pentagon, like all the other

What is evident in European reporting is the

ministries of war in times of war, utilises its

stark difference between the death of a

information monopoly in such a way that

German, a European or an American and that

none of us can see the real war in Iraq.

of an Arab, whose name we do not even get

Todenhöfer sees these facts as important:

to hear. The fact that international terrorism

there are more than 100,000 resistance

hits Muslims hardest is also obscured from

fighters in Iraq, fighting exclusively against

the sight of normal people.And even Europe’s

occupation by America and its allies.There are

intellectuals have been very quiet.They rarely

just under 1,000 Al-Qaida terrorists in Iraq,

talk about the war’s innate contradictions.

80 to 90 per cent of whom are not even Iraqis.

There are, however, exceptions.

According to Todenhöfer, the media does not publish reports on the 100,000 resistance

GLOBALIA | Issue 02 | April 2008

Who is Jürgen Todenhöfer?

fighters, because it is not in the Pentagon’s

67-year-old Jürgen Todenhöfer has not only

interests to report on a legitimate Iraqi

Image: dpa/


Future unknown: Iraqi arrested by allied forces.

resistance. Instead, most reports are about the

Russian reconciliation in the days when the

sensation. He considers the consequences of

sprinkling of Al-Qaida terrorists.The Pentagon

communists still held power in Moscow.

the Iraq War intolerable, and to make his

needs them, claims Todenhöfer, in order to

convictions known he took out full-page

justify to the American public the continuation

Yet as a conservative he was never anti-

advertisements in three major daily papers,

of its war.

American, and not only his political friends

the New York Times, Al Quds Al Arabi and

would confirm that. At the time of the Soviet

the Frankfurter Allgemeine.To top all that he

His political views were already controversial

occupation of Afghanistan he travelled to

wrote an enigmatic bestseller entitled Why

back in his days as a member of the German

that country twice, appeared in traditional

do you kill, Zaid?

Bundestag.As SPD politician Peter Glotz wrote

Afghani dress, and in the Bundestag held up

in his memoirs, “Todenhöfer was one of a

the toy bombs which the Red Army were

The book consists of three parts. It tells the

tiny handful of politicians in Bonn who

using to undermine the moral of the

story of a journey Todenhöfer undertook to

believed in German reunification back in the

population.These activities angered the then

Iraq. Then the story of Zaid, a student who

1980s” – even after Kohl had received Erich

Chancellor Helmut Kohl, and Todenhöfer

became a fighter upon witnessing the death

Honecker on the red carpet and Bavarian

retired from politics.Yet he remains a political

of his brother. Finally Todenhöfer formulates

Minister-President Strauß had helped the

figure who continues to surprise us with his

ten theses on how Muslim-Christian

GDR’s economy back onto its feet with multi-

unusual convictions.

differences could be overcome. His far-from-

billion-deutschmark loans. He was considered

modern conclusion has provoked public

bordering on the insane in the Bundestag

His private views on the relationship between

opinion: we, the West, are not the Good Guys,

because he dared to dream of a German-

the West and Islam are currently causing a

and perhaps never have been.




Good against evil?

he says, referring to the falsity which still

the civilian victims of the war. He has talked

The illustrated section of his book contains

depicts the West as the victim and the

to refugees in Jordan and Syria, and last year

some current and some historical photographs

Muslims as the intrinsic aggressors, while in

he visited Ramadi for five days, disguised as

depicting the cruelty of Western rule in Muslim

reality it is the other way around.

a doctor, a life-threatening undertaking. “On all of my journeys,” states Todenhöfer,“I never

countries, another subject which people basically do not talk about in the West.

Todenhöfer’s figures continue: “Bin Laden

once found the Muslims fanatical. They were

“Millions of Arab civilians have been

has killed 5000 people, Bush several hundred

kind and friendly people.”

murdered since the beginning of colonialism,”


Angry young man

Todenhöfer reminds us soberly.

An unusual personality

In Iraq, Todenhöfer met the main character

Todenhöfer has given considerable publicity

Todenhöfer has not borrowed his views from

of his recent book: “You have to imagine him

to his project, that of a reconciliation with

the Internet or newspaper articles. Somewhat

as a young James Dean, an angry young man,

Islam on an honest basis. Because he is well-

of an adventurer, he has himself travelled to

but one who is not especially bent on telling

off he can do what many of his critics find

the scenes where history is in the making. His

others his story.” Of course the facts and

especially unsettling: spend a fortune on the

convictions stem from personal experience

circumstances have been modified a little,

project. Posters, newspaper ads, cinema spots

and his desire to encounter people directly.

since no-one who shoots at American soldiers

– even a tri-lingual website – all paid for out

He established contact with the Iraqi

in Iraq can be sure of their security. In the

of his own pocket. The project has cost him

resistance movement through the former

book, Zaid is not portrayed as a villain.

tens of thousands of euros, money other

leader of the Oil for Food programme, Hans

businessmen might prefer to spend on sports

Graf von Sponeck. He spoke to Red Crescent

His family and friends derive particular pride

cars. “I simply could not bear it any more,”

and with the authors of the Lancet Study on

from an incident in which he decided not to set off a bomb because an old man had sat down near the place of attack.“To me,” sums up Todenhöfer, “that is the decisive point: rejecting violence against civilians and being ready to negotiate.” Todenhöfer is quite certain: “In the Iraqi resistance movement, both of these exist.”

What does Todenhöfer want? Todenhöfer wants nothing other than a paradigm change in Western foreign policy. He is not seeking a posthumous romanticisation of the cruel reign of some Saddam Hussein, his is a political demand for genuine peace. That is something which, in his view, must include a debate about the difference between terrorism and resistance. The bestselling author only sees peace in the region based on a strengthening of negotiation.War itself will only lead to deeper chaos.

Jürgen Todenhöfer

GLOBALIA | Issue 02 | April 2008

Text Malik Özkan, Bremen


THE TEN THESES OF JÜRGEN TODENHÖFER EXCERPTS FROM WHY DO YOU KILL, ZAID? 1. The West is much more violent than the Muslim world. Millions of Arab civilians have been killed since colonialism began. The model for the treatment of the Arabs was the strategy adopted to wipe out the indigenous peoples of America.The mad ideas about racial and cultural superiority prevalent at the time knew no bounds. Gustave Le Bon, founder of mass psychology and opponent of the ”superstition of equality”, divided mankind into four classes: the native Australian and American peoples he termed “primitive races”, negroes as “inferior”, Arabs and Chinese as “intermediate” and the Indo-Europeans as a “superior race”. (...) For the past 200 years, no Muslim state has ever attacked the West. The European superpowers and the United States have always been the aggressors, not those under attack. Since the beginning of the colonial era, millions of Arab civilians have been killed. (...) The current debate about the Muslim world’s alleged propensity to violence is a mockery of historical facts. The West was and is much more violent than the Muslim world. 2. Faced with the warmongering of the West, it is really not surprising that support for Muslim extremists continues to grow. Western colonialism has reached almost every part of the world. But in the oil-rich countries of the Middle East it has never ceased. (...) Of the 48 organizations classified as terrorist by the European Union in 2006, 36 have nothing to do with Islam.These “anti-imperialist”, ”anticapitalist”,“anti-Indian”, or “anti-Singhalese” terrorist groups are responsible for the deaths of countless civilians (...). In the West, they do not feature in the public mind because they do not kill people from our cultural sphere. 3. Terrorists in Islamic disguise are murderers. The same holds true for the ringleaders disguised as Christians who wage wars of aggression in contravention of international law.

The high number of civilian victims of military operations is often excused with the argument that such “collateral damage” is not intentional. That is disingenuous – at least with respect to aerial attacks – because the death of civilians is almost always tacitly accepted in such cases. However, in advanced legal systems “tacit acceptance” means “intent”. Aerial bombardment is, moreover, rarely effective. (...) The Iraqis have (...) lost the media war. 4. Muslims were and are at least as tolerant as Jews and Christians.They have made a major contribution to Western civilization. It was not Muslims who invented “holy war”, (...) Islam never associates the word “holy” with war. (...) When Saladin won back Jerusalem after a hard-fought battle in 1187, he made a point of not exacting revenge. 5. Love of God and love of one’s neighbour are the central commandments not only in the Bible but also in the Qur’an. 6. Western policies towards the Muslim world suffer from a shocking ignorance of even the simplest facts. Whoever wants to see an end to hatred and intolerance should above all overcome his own ignorance. Everybody has the right to his own opinions, but definitely not to his own facts. 7. The West must treat the Muslim world just as fairly as it treats Israel. Muslims are worth as much as Jews and Christians. 8. The Muslims must champion a progressive and tolerant Islam, as did their Prophet Muhammad. They must strip terrorism of its religious mask. 9. Nothing fosters terrorism more than the West’s “War on Terror”. Muslim countries must resolve their radical Islamism problems themselves.

Wars of aggression are not only the most immoral but also the least intelligent way to combat terrorism.Terrorism in the guise of Islam is an ideology; ideologies cannot be shot down. One has to undermine their foundation, prove them wrong. (...) The West does not have the right to take military action all over the world against radical Islamist movements – or against left-wing radical or right-wing radical organisations. It does not have the right to turn the world into a bloody and chaotic battlefield in order to impose its vision of a world order. (...) Muslim countries must solve their problems with radical Islamism by themselves. 10. What is needed now is the art of statesmanship, not the art of war – in the Iran conflict, the Iraq conflict and the Palestine conflict. Statesmanship instead of warfare: vigilant, patient and tenacious negotiations – that is the appropriate strategy towards the Muslim world, as it was in the Cold War. For more information:




in 1977, Chancellor Helmut Schmidt of the


Social Democratic Party of Germany is said


to have been put under enormous pressure by German politicians to have Red Army Faction prisoners shot.

What are the limits of law in the face of current global security threats, and how are legal and political minds interpretating them? And is fanatical terrorism really the biggest threat to democracy?

In a conversation with the French President Valéry Giscard d’Estaing, Schmidt said that he was being asked from all sides, even by politicians, to have some of the imprisoned terrorists shot as hostages. He stated that he had been pressurised massively, mainly by opposition members but also by people within

September 11 has almost come to epitomise

terrorism. He proposes that terrorists – and

his own party and by a broad spread of

conflict this century. Asymmetric terror has

potential terrorists – should be permitted

citizens with no party allegiance. Schmidt is

triggered a heated debate in Europe about

nothing more than bare life, and that they be

quoted as saying, however, that he wanted

how far a state that purports to be under the

fought with the aid of a kind of enemy-com-

to bide strictly by the constitution and the

rule of law can and may go in extreme cases

batant criminal code that does not fall under

legal system. Schleyer was abducted by the

of terrorist threat. European jurists have been

normal laws. His critics say that he has made

Red Army Faction on 5 September 1977, and

especially busy mulling over the new situation.

conceivable the idea of detention camps in

murdered by the terrorists on 18 October.

Terrorism disrupts the calculable measures

states governed by the rule of law. According to the sociologist Niklas Luhmann,

of civil life, spreads fear and sows mistrust, because it can strike at any time and any

Wolfgang Schäuble, too, believes that the

conflict reveals the true underlying structure

place, and because every citizen could in

possibility of devastating terrorist attacks

of a society. The social systems, he says, tend

theory be a potential terrorist, writes Cologne

throws up some new and, unfortunately, some

in an emergency to envisage either victory or

law professor Otto Depenheuer in his Die

old security issues. The seriousness of the

defeat and therefore focus all their resources

Selbstbehauptung des Rechtsstaates (The

situation is hinted at by the very concept of

on the conflict. In other words, in the event

Self-Assertion of the State under the Rule of

preventative internment – something long

of conflict they do not so much differentiate

Law) on the peculiar normality of the

unthinkable in Germany, but which

as mobilise.

exceptional case.

Depenheuer considers a necessary measure. In the event of conflict, this idea could quickly

So the interior ministers in today’s relatively

It is in the nature of the affair that the interior

transmute into a call for an authoritarian

peaceful times are faced with a well-known

ministers of the big industrialised nations are

state, even in Germany. The fact is that the

dilemma. On the one hand they have to

particularly anxious.The German Minister for

modern state can, quite easily and without

mobilise the attention of the masses against

the Interior for example, Wolfgang Schäuble,

much warning, see itself confronted by age-

the ‘enemy’ using the simplest words possible,

has become increasingly keen on new rules

old issues that break the bounds of the usual

and on the other hand they must maintain a

to govern what is seen as a kind of state of

realm of law – especially when it feels

debate that keeps sight of the desired peace,

emergency. Schäuble openly recommends the

threatened in its very existence.

and attempt to differentiate in the interest of a social peace agreement.

controversial jurist Depenheuer’s writings. Depenheuer not only urges European nations

Germany’s experience with its own left-wing

to assert themselves more forcefully, but also

terrorism bears witness to this. For example,

Without this capacity to differentiate,

states that in his view, Germany’s Grundgesetz

during the abduction of the employers’

politicians risk public allegations such as that

[Basic Law] is not able to cope with serious

association president Hanns Martin Schleyer

formulated recently by the German

GLOBALIA | Issue 02 | April 2008


constitutional judge Di Fabio. Di Fabio accused the “security apologists” in Berlin of using language and terminology “not coincidentally reminiscent of that astute mind-meddler Carl Schmitt.” Schmitt is considered the founder of a constitutional theory that derives its convictions from the nature of the state of emergency. He is quoted widely in Depenheuer’s book. It is easy to see that Minister Schäuble suffers under this dilemma. He and his conservative party, the CDU, or Christian Democratic Union, are striving not only to give the conservatives a new meaning in the age of globalisation, but also to give the population the impression that politicians are not only reacting to the latest challenges but also acting in their own right.Again and again the subject that arises is Islam in Germany.

much fear about the integration of Muslims

conspiracies of Muslim extremists. Not that

in Germany. “Islam has long been part of our

the Minister of the Interior has made up the

Schäuble masters the various requisites of

country,” Schäuble told the Frankfurter

existence of dangerous extremists. But there

rhetoric like no other. From interviews to party

Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung.

are growing doubts as to whether it is really

conferences and fireside chats with close

Islam which will threaten the security of the

confidents, he always seems capable of a

His widely praised conference on Islam can

differentiated discourse. In a speech at a

be considered an attempt to make peace with

conference in Berlin entitled ‘The Image of

some of the representatives of political Islam,

A global survey by the American opinion poll

Islam in Germany: New Stereotypes, Old

and to include these organisations more

organisation Gallup, entitled ‘Who speaks for

Concepts of the Enemy?’ he distanced himself

closely in the regulatory framework of

Islam? – What a billion Muslims really think’,

– in the peaceful atmosphere of a seminar at

domestic politics. Despite all the adversities,

provides some food for thought on a global

least – from the obtuse logic of friends and

this is something that is slowly happening.

scale. Over the past six years the institute


And whatever the case, it is clearly easier,

asked 50,000 Muslims in 35 Muslim countries

under the government of the Große Koalition

about their views.According to Gallup, seven

“Fanatical Islamism and terrorism that

and the patronage of Schäuble, for a Turk to

per cent of the Muslims must be categorised

espouses the cause of Islam are a real threat,

become a recognised member of the Federal

as politically radicalised – which in worldwide

including in Germany. And yet all too often

Republic of Germany than it is for an

terms is a good 91 million people. Yet the

it is forgotten that this threat is against all of

indigenous German to become a member of

overwhelming majority of 93 per cent are, they

the people living here – including the Muslims


say, politically moderate.The absolute majority

themselves. And it is also true that the great

organisations Milli Görüs and DITIB.





majority of Muslims in our country – well

democracies in the long run.

of Muslims are absolutely clear about the nihilistic foundational structure of modern

over 90 per cent – go about their affairs

Of course, most of the debate on Islam in

peacefully and honestly.” Schäuble also

Europe which reaches the public’s ears retains

warned in the debate against stirring up too

an atmosphere of dangerous plans and the

terrorism. Terrorism fulfils and always has fulfilled the




purpose of providing the state with a template

of financial collapse. Such crises could cause

asks the latest edition of Germany’s

for the expansion of its networked security

social unrest in the medium term. According

mainstream Manager-Magazin. Until recently

structures.The ongoing reflection of a poten-

to a report by the German Institute of

such questions were considered the preserve

tial attack is allowing the possibility of a state

Economic Research, the middle class of

of obscure conspiracy theorists. The

of emergency in Europe’s democracies.

Germany, a country spoilt by economic success,

magazine’s analysis is as blunt as it is dubious.

has shrunk drastically during recent times.

Democracy’s reputation is dwindling fast, it

Schäuble’s aforementioned capacity for

The report states that the proportion of the

says in the article, and there are statistics to



population that enjoys an income near to the

show that only a minority in the

accompanied by a willingness to contemplate

statistical mean has fallen from 62.3 per cent

Bundesrepublik still trust the state’s most

a European Guantanamo, even if only as a

to 54.1 per cent over the past seven years.

important institutions.

about it all is not that Schäuble or his ilk

The natural upshot of this is that the

The fronts, conclude Manager’s authors, do

could be accused of authoritarian tendencies

proportion of Germans with extremely low

not divide capitalism and communism. Now

– which is as may be – but rather the unease

and extremely high incomes has risen. The

the battle is between two varieties of

we quite reasonably feel because he or his

number of low-earners has risen from just

capitalism – democratic freedom capitalism

successors within the structure he occupies

under 18.9 per cent in 2000 to 25.4 per cent

versus authoritarian state capitalism. This,

could easily lose their grip on the grotesque

in 2007, states the report. The proportion of

the actual conflict in the system of modern

new security state.

top-earners, it says, has risen over the same

states, is not yet resolved.



provocation and escalation.What is so sinister

period from 18.8 per cent to 20.5 per cent. The question of the future will be, therefore,

This means that almost five million Germans

how the modern state and the new, partially

have left the middle class and moved into one

privatised security industry will behave in the

of the two fringe areas of income distribution

actual event of new, unforeseeable conflicts.

during the past seven years.

Text Abu Bakr Rieger

There is more than just a slight possibility that the old equation of security provided by

This drifting-apart of society in Europe is

the state versus security from the state will

creating new zones of conflict. Democracy

become unbalanced.

and its security structures are confronted with new scenarios, including a growing, politically

It would be naïve to believe, by the way, that

unpredictable lower class, new legions of the

the modern state is equipping itself solely

unemployed and globalisation-losers who

against the evil deeds of a handful of terrorists

could, in future, express their displeasure in

or subversive Islamists. The question of

violent strikes, join extreme parties, or simply

security – as Schäuble and others are well

exploit the social welfare system.

aware – has long assumed a much more complex structure. The state fears not only

Yet it is also the new rich class which is

hordes of Islamists, even if it is that enemy-

threatening the social consensus. More and

image which best sells its new security laws.

more of the rich are escaping taxation, and

It fears also, and increasingly, a society which

the small group of the super-rich, in a variation

is evidently capable of giving shape to new,

on the modern coup d’état, could even take

extreme groupings.

over the public opinion industry which is so crucial to modern democracy.

The banking crisis of recent years awakens unpleasant memories of the destructive power

GLOBALIA | Issue 02 | April 2008

“Is super-capitalism destroying democracy?”

Police presence outside a mosque.




In the heat of the Cold War: John F. Kennedy in NATO’s headquarters.

European democracies, segments of the


American CIA, the British MI6 and NATO, in


collaboration with some unscrupulous political strategists, organised covert operations in different European countries

Under the name ‘Gladio’, the CIA and MI6 began after the end of the Second World War to build up a network of paramilitary units which existed throughout Europe up until 1990, and which were originally intended as an instrument of defence against a potential attack from the countries of the Warsaw Pact.

for a period of more than 40 years, and in doing so were prepared to accept the death of their own citizens, and even to bring about such deaths knowingly.

Radical power politics Under the name ‘Gladio’, the CIA and MI6 began after the end of the Second World War to build up a network of paramilitary units which existed throughout Europe up until

Political manipulation, covert warfare, murder

Nato’s Secret Armies – Operation Gladio and

1990, and which were originally intended as

and terrorism – critical historical research

Terrorism in Western Europe, which was

an instrument of defence against a potential

occasionally grants an insight into the dark

published in English in 2004 and has since

attack from the countries of the Warsaw Pact.

depths of calculative politics. The Swiss

appeared in numerous other languages. The

Fearing an invasion by the Soviet army and

scientist Daniele Ganser succeeded in

336-page book penetrates into the labyrinth

its allies, they formed small combat units

unveiling one of the dirtiest chapters of

of a perfidious political conspiracy. It

which were trained by the secret services and

transatlantic shadow-politics in his book

demonstrates how, under the cover of several

equipped with weapons, ammunitions and

GLOBALIA | Issue 02 | April 2008


had feared that leftists would gain popularity

an investigative report produced by Rome’s

there. Ganser documents how sections of the

parliament in 2000 on the Gladio affair, it

Gladio units destabilised the country by means

states: “These massacres, these bombs, these

of obscure attacks.

military actions were organised or promoted or supported by men inside Italian state

The terror reached a high-point in 1980 when

institutions, and, as revealed recently, by men

a bomb exploded in the waiting room of

from the USA’s secret services.”

Bologna station, killing 85 and seriously

Daniele Ganser

injuring 200. For a long time the Red Brigades,

Legal investigations in Italy forced the then

a left-wing terrorist organisation in Italy, were

Prime Minister Andreotti to admit to the

considered responsible for the attacks. The

existence of Gladio in 1990, spelling the end

plan worked. Leftist forces lost the sympathy

of the paramilitary units. In a postface, Ganser

of the Italian public. Now Ganser has shown

concludes that the findings gained from the

that the attacks in Italy, as well as other NATO

study of Gladio should not be neglected, par-

countries such as Belgium and France, were

ticularly in the context of September 11 and

not perpetrated by left-wingers, but were

the War on Terror. It is particularly possible that

state terrorism. The Swiss researcher

the instruments of covert warfare could still

ascertains that those truly responsible for the

be used to influence citizens.

terror “aimed to manipulate and control the explosives. In the event of an enemy attack

democracies of western Europe from within,”

by the socialist states, these units were to

and that the result was “the degradation and

initiate guerrilla warfare in the occupied

mistreatment of democratic institutions.” In

Ganser, Daniele: Nato’s Secret Armies. Routledge, London 2004, 336 pages, EURO 24.99

Text By Markus Klöckner, Berlin

territories. The groups were formed in all of the NATO countries, but also in countries that were officially neutral such as Switzerland

When does national security become terror from within?

and Sweden.The Gladio units were top-secret, meaning that only the top executive personnel knew of the military venture, but not the parliaments or public. As it transpired, however, the Gladio army was not to be reserved solely for the eventuality of an invasion. Instead, decision-makers exploited parts of the network to act against communist and socialist tendencies in certain countries. This led to bomb explosions, deaths and coups d’état.The terrorist attacks stemming from this radical transatlantic power-politics strategy were blamed on fanatical left-wing groups.

Bomb attacks One nation which suffered especially from this home-grown terrorism was Italy. For decades since 1945,Washington’s strategists




Globalia: Can you describe the book’s


main points for our readers?

INTERVIEW WITH DR. ABDULHAY Y. ZALLOUM Dr. Zalloum: The book’s main points:

With 87 million barrels of oil now consumed every day, at 100 dollars a barrel, the US Treasury can print $8,700,000,000 a day without gold backing or any guarantee. The demand for this paper money has been forced on nations by imposing the dollar as the compulsory currency for their purchases of oil.

The so-called War on Terror is really a war of resources. Oil tops the list. The supply and demand for oil is now at a critical point in history where the demand will shortly exceed available supply, thus it is the beginning of the end of the oil age. In practical terms, the USA is running out of oil. Bush said in June 2001, “What we need to say loud and clear is: America is running out of energy sources.”

Abdulhay Y. Zalloum was born in Palestine

Dr. Zalloum: Let us not forget that I lost my

in 1936 and completed his elementary

country, Palestine, because it was promised

and secondary education in Jerusalem. In

by a British Lord to another British Lord. I

This is why Iraq was invaded. Iraq’s current

1954, at the age of 18, he left for the USA

was always intrigued to find out about the

reserves are more than the total reserves of

to pursue a higher education, and he

insidious relationship between financiers and

the USA, Canada, Western Europe and all

completed his university education in


Asia, including China, but not including the Muslim

petroleum engineering, business adminis-





tration and advanced management at

The chasm between reality and fiction struck

undeveloped Iraqi fields have even more oil

various US institutions including Harvard.

me when I noticed that blacks were barred

than those current reserves. From military

He was involved in the oil business for

from registering at the “whites-only”

bases in Iraq the US can control 70 per cent

about 50 years in the United States,

American state university I attended, and NO

of the world’s oil reserves.

Europe, the Middle East and Africa, and

NEGROES signs were common in public places

he was a consultant for the China

like parks, restaurants and even public toilets

America’s desire to control international oil



and churches. The blacks were allowed the

is not only to ensure its supply at preferential

participated, both personally and through

back seat of buses only. That real America

conditions, but to use oil as leverage to project

his consulting company, in the founding

was not the textbook America we were taught

its imperial hegemony on the world, especially

organisational development of several


China and India.

national oil companies. He recently wrote

The actual reason for writing the book was

That American capitalism is growth driven.

Oil Crusades: America Through Arab Eyes.

to explain the real motives for America’s inva-

This growth is without ethics, as American MIT

sion of Iraq, its unilateralist policy, and its

professor Lester C. Thurow wrote: “In the

Globalia: One of the valuable things

“with me or against me” and pre-emptive

most rigorous expressions of capitalistic

about your eye-opening book Oil Crusades

Bush Doctrine. I also wanted to explain that

ethics, crime is simply another economic

is that it is written not by a mere activist

it is not a matter of this president or that

activity that happens to have a high price

or academic, but by someone who is an

one. It is the system itself that has led

(jail) if one is caught. There is nothing that

influential oil consultant. What where

Americans to fight more than 200 wars in its

one ought not to do.” This ethic-less system

your motives for writing the book?

short history.

evolved from local to regional to national



OPEC as well as some African non-OPEC

GLOBALIA | Issue 02 | April 2008


scale (by expanding from 13 states to all continental USA through wars and genocide against natives). Now, through globalization, the whole world is “fair game” to American multinationals and Wall Street. That Israel is an imperial legacy, not a religious prophecy. That the United States has over-extended its political, economical and military aims beyond its resources, even though it has enormous capabilities, and thus a Soviet-like collapse is highly probable. Globalia: Dr. Zalloum, on the back cover of your book it says, “Oil is the lifeblood of modern economics.” Can we assume that the history of the 20th century is to a large extent the history of oil? Dr. Zalloum:Yes. Modern oil production started in 1859 and oil’s main use was as lampkerosene for the first two decades. It became a strategic commodity in the 1880s when the British Admiralty realised the importance of fuel oil to replace coal in its fleets, and it thus became a pillar of empires. In the last quarter of the 19th century, oil fuelled the Industrial Revolution, enabling more growth with less people. Oil energy reduced dependence on human energy. It changed the social structure of America. At the start of the 20th century, farmers in the US constituted 50 per cent of the population. Now they make up less than two per cent. Oil became the backbone of the modern capitalist society.You need 10 calories of fossil fuel for the production of every one calorie of food in the US. Oil powers the American Military Industrial Complex and fuels modern capitalist growth. Globalia: How was the all-encompassing




importance of this resource translated

surplus dollars to finance America’s deficits,

the richest country on earth. Why should the

into political and military decisions?

their oil supplies will be shut off so their

peripheral states be any different?

industry will seize up. Dr. Zalloum: As I said, oil is a strategic pillar

Globalia: You have emphasised a very

of empires, as it drives industry, economy and

Globalia: What is the role of local and

key element, which has largely been

the military. Empires endeavour to control oil

national governments in the existing

ignored so far in the debate about the

resources not only to secure their needs, but

distribution and control of wealth and

past and present in the Middle East, and

to project their imperial power over others so


that is the separation of natural resources

as to control their growth and, in times of

from the main populations by the

scarcity, to decide who gets how much and

Dr. Zalloum: If you take OPEC countries, almost

creation of new nation states without

at what price. After World War II the USA

all of them were under direct foreign rule

historical precedent.Would you elaborate

decided to prevent Japan from rebuilding its

during the Pax Britannica imperial era prior

on this point?



to World War II. When global financiers, the

communists took control of China, the United

backbone of Western capitalism, switched

Dr. Zalloum: Until the end of World War I, all

States needed a nearby logistical supply base

horses to America after the UK lost the

the Muslim countries of the Middle East and

and Japan alone had the capability. George

prerequisites of empire, the era of Pax

North Africa were united under one banner,

Kenan of the US State Department argued that

Americana was carefully designed by a secret

the Muslim Ottoman Empire. Greater Syria

Japan could have all the industries and

study group on war and peace which designed

was what is today Syria, Lebanon, Jordan and

factories in the world as long as America

post-World War II financial (IMF and WB) and

Palestine (and Israel). There was no Iraq but

controlled the valves that could shut off oil

political (UN) institutions to enable a new

Mesopotamia, Kuwait was part of Basra

to those factories and turn them to rust – at

form of imperialism, in which countries were

Province, and so on. By secret agreements, the

any time it desired. This is one reason for the

to be given what appears to be independence,

British and French divided up these areas

American occupation of Iraq: to secure cheap

and proxy rulers were installed who were

after the defeat of the Ottoman Empire in

oil supplies in particular, and to exert its

raised, trained and maintained by them to rule

the First World War, and that division was

hegemony over the world, especially Japan,

those newly independent states. In every such

made on a geological (i.e. OIL) and a geo-

China and India. If they stop sending their

country a one-percent class of nationals was

political basis. You have several populous

created whose loyalty was not national and

Arab countries with meagre resources. One

who shared values and interests with the

part of these states rely on the West for their

imperial powers (expressed by transnational

protection as they have no power of their

corporations) more than with their own

own, and the big states, without resources,

people. Therefore most of the oil-producing

are kept under the perpetual burden of

countries have high rates of poverty and

financial debt, thus pledging not only their

unemployment, and low standards of living.

economies but their whole countries to the

Surplus oil money is wasted on enriching the

West, through loans, IMF conditionalities and

few, and the bulk of the petrodollars are




recycled back to the West by buying outdated

Dr. Abulhay Y. Zalloum

GLOBALIA | Issue 02 | April 2008

arms, or are sent to buy treasury bills to serve

Globalia: Dr. Zalloum, in the chapter ‘Black

the American economy. Even America, the

Gold and the Dollar’ you talk about

bastion of capitalism, suffers heavily from

another largely neglected topic: the

the mal-distribution of wealth; the richest

nature of currency in our time in relation

one per cent of Americans own more than the

to real wealth, namely gold. Do you think

poorest 80 per cent, and more than 40 million

this point receives sufficient attention

Americans are officially classified as poor in

these days?





Trading floor of the International Petroleum Exchange in London, the second biggest worldwide.

Dr. Zalloum: The Bretton Woods Agreement

demand for the dollar was created, and the

rescue of Western multi-national financial

signed after World War II was part of a

US started to print huge amounts of dollars

corporations such as Citi Group and UBS,

package reorganising the world’s financial

without gold backing and at only the cost of

as has happened in recent months?

infrastructure. A fixed exchange system was

paper and printing; thus a 100 dollar bill

created in which all currencies had a fixed rate

costing the American Treasury less than five

Dr. Zalloum:To answer that question we must

against the dollar, which in turn was fixed at

cents is a real hundred dollars to the rest of

first understand so-called globalisation. As I

35 dollars per ounce of gold. Thus the dollar

the world. With 87 million barrels of oil now

said before, capitalism is based on growth

was made the reserve currency of the world

consumed every day, at 100 dollars a barrel,

from local, to regional, to continental and

– as good as gold! Since the United States

the US Treasury can print $8,700,000,000 a

now to global level, often through internal

was printing more dollars than its gold

day without gold backing or any guarantee.

genocide and external wars, which have

reserves allowed, it cancelled this Agreement

The demand for this paper money has been


unilaterally in 1971 and a “floating non-

forced on nations by imposing the dollar as

Independence and the end of the 19th century.

system” resulted that opened the way to a

the compulsory currency for their purchases

America’s economic supremacy, which

strong burgeoning of finance-capitalism based

of oil.

accounted for 50 per cent of the world’s




industrial output after World War II, has been

on speculation against the real, productive economy. A new, parasitic, speculative

Globalia: Now that the global economic

eroded. US survival now depends on the

finance-economy emerged which over-

and financial system is clearly in a

inflow of $3 billion a day of foreign currency

burdened the real productive economy. By

constant state of a crisis, what does it

to finance its deficits and its wars. The 2005

forcing the world to purchase oil in dollars

mean that large state funds from the

balance of payments deficit approached a

only (through US proxies within OPEC),

Middle East and also China came to the

record $800 billion. To compensate for this

GLOBALIA | Issue 02 | April 2008


deficiency in economic might the American

economical influence of some of the oil-

USSR. While the USSR existed, capitalism

Empire is resorting increasingly to military

rich economies of the Gulf. Will this

tolerated social welfare states in Europe (and

muscle. According to Thomas P.M. Barnet,

supposed trend have any consequences,

Japan) as long as they followed the general

former senior strategic researcher and

seeing that it is situated within the global

capitalist theme. Once the USSR had

professor at the US Naval War College, in an

setting we have been talking about?

collapsed, capitalism assaulted all other forms of capitalism, most savagely Japan in the

article he co-authored in May 2003, the US “should expect to put in the lion’s share of

Dr. Zalloum: As you say, the oil producers of

1990s, which, according to the Wall Street

the security effort to support globalization’s

the Middle East are all within the financial

Journal, had “the only socialism that works.”

advance because we enjoy its benefits

and economical, and I would add the political

This is why all the social welfare regulations

disproportionately. … As our consistently

forces of the imperial global order.This order,

are being dismantled in France and Germany,

huge trade deficit indicates, we also tend to

as you mentioned, is moving from one crisis

both of which had favourable labour and

live beyond our economic means. Basically,

to another, and each illusory boom is followed

social security laws during the Cold War.

we count on the rest of the world to finance

by a deeper and longer recession, and soon

our sovereign debt. … We don’t have a whole

depression. As one of the world’s leading

We cannot say that there is no opposition to

lot to complain about. Basically we’re trading

historians, Eric Hobsbawn, was reported as

this global order from the Middle East. No

pieces of paper for actual goods.”

saying in the Harvard Crimson (October 20,

opposition coming from the rulers, yes, but it

2005): “The American empire may actually

is coming strongly from the people for a very

For globalization to work, the world must

cause disorder, barbarism, and chaos rather

simple reason. Islamic concepts, indeed those

operate on universal values. The problem is

than promote peace and order.” He added,

of all religions, are based on ethics and justice.

that these values are derived from the Gospel

“… this empire will almost certainly fail. …

Capitalism operates without ethics. The

of Wall Street not from the Gospel of God,

Will the US learn the lessons of the British

difference between these Islamic concepts

and the American empire is now imposing

Empire, or will it try to maintain an eroding

and other wholly materialist systems was

them on the world. In Barnett’s new 2004

global position by relying on a failing political

best expressed by an OECD report on the

book titled The Pentagon’s New Map he

force and a military force which is insufficient

subject which stated: “Islamic concepts differ

wrote: “The workshops we conducted joint-

for the present purposes for which the current

from capitalism in their opposition to the

ly brought together Wall Street heavyweights,

American government claims it is designed?”

excessive accumulation of wealth, and they contradict socialism by their protection of the

senior national security officials and leading experts from academia and think tanks. …

Globalia: To conclude our interview, why

right to property, including ownership of the

Our joint venture was called the New Rule Sets

is it that a critical assessment of present-

means of production. A true Islamic society


day economics is coming, ironically, from

must not be an arena where opposing

the West and also Latin America and

interests clash, but rather a place where

These meetings were held at Wall Street.

South-East Asia, but not from the Middle

harmonious relations can be achieved through

Muslims are mandated by Islam to respect the


a sense of shared responsibilities. The individual’s rights must be equitably balanced

teachings of Judaism and Christianity but not

against those of society at large.”

the Gospel of Wall Street. America is not

Dr. Zalloum: Latin America’s opposition to the

conducting its crusades for Muslims to

new world order, globalization and its

embrace Christianity but to force on them

institutions spread gradually from the people

Unbridled, savage capitalism is combating

the “New Rule Sets” so they can trade their

to a few governments, and the circle is

this alternative vision and its wars are

oil for paper and so that they continue to

increasing. These countries were nominally

packaged in a variety of ways.When it comes

finance America’s sovereign debt.

independent for some time, ruled by proxy

to packaging evil as good or otherwise,

governments serving the West. As for the

capitalism is second to none.

Globalia: There is more and more talk

West, especially Europe, it also was assaulted

about the growing financial and

by savage capitalism after the fall of the

Interview Sulaiman Wilms, Berlin




Graveyards like this one are a stark reminder of the Balkan War.

The politicisation of alleged Islamic


extremism, coupled with the heightened


apprehensions about the potential threat of a “white Al-Qaida”, has led to the impression that certain centres of political power are

The phenomenon of an ideological interpretation of religion, which is largely a consequence of the Middle Eastern environment from which it emerged, is not characteristic of Bosnia or traditional Bosnian Islam.

impatient to affirm the existence of extremist and terrorist phenomena in Bosnia. The context in which such claims are made implies that their protagonists hope that the proposed existence of Islamic extremism in Bosnia, as in other countries in the world, might shed new light on the recent war. There have even been claims – albeit from barely-relevant

Who and what intensifies Islamic

susceptible to the radicalisation of some of

circles – indicating a desire to reinterpret the

radicalism in Bosnia and Herzegovina,

its members. Indeed it would be naïve to

atrocious events of 1992–1995 in the spirit

and what can prevent it? The Bosnian-

claim that any group is immune to religious

of a “global anti-terrorist struggle”. According

Herzegovinian theologian Muhamed Jusic

or any other type of extremism. Any religion,

to that scenario, Bosnian and Yugoslav Serb

initiates a discussion about the best way

just like every other noble idea, can be

troops did not murder thousands of innocent

to challenge a phenomenon whose roots

misused, ideologised, and made to stray from

Bosniak boys and men in Srebrenica. No: they

should not be sought in religion, but in

its essence. It is therefore absurd that Bosnian

were defending Europe against terrorists.

socio-political circumstances.

Muslims are today taking on the burden of

Every society, nation or religious group is

GLOBALIA | Issue 02 | April 2008

guaranteeing that such a thing does not occur

This pernicious, opportunist attitude in turn

among their ranks.

puts pressure on the Muslim community – a


pressure which, in the event of real Islamic

This in turn further aggravates the position

same Bosniaks who retained their collective

extremism or signs of militarism, can become

of Bosnian Muslims in these unstable times.

sobriety and dignity while living through the

a serious obstacle to their counteraction. In

worst cataclysm in Europe since World War

the official Islamic community, as well as in

Brutal terrorist incidents have happened in

II. Not even under those circumstances was

the wider social environment, a climate is

Riyadh, New York, Washington, Istanbul,

the official policy of the Bosniaks that of

thereby created in which – uncharacteristically

London, Mecca and Madrid, and none of

genocide, revenge or fascism – and official

for Bosnian Muslims – a cover-up approach

those cities and nations can guarantee that

policy is what is at stake here.

is proposed as the only way to handle

similar horrific events will not recur. Yet

suggestions of the radicalisation of Islamic

strangely, this fact has not inspired any serious

More to the point, fearing that the increasingly

teaching and the turning of traditional Islam

international commentator to label those

Islamophobic world, especially the Western

into “Islamism”.Thus, every open analysis of

cities or nations as potential terrorist

public, might characterise them as potential

the rise of Islamism among Bosnian Muslims

strongholds. That accusation, however, is

terrorists and thus isolate them further still,

that implicates Bosnian Muslim theologians

precisely the one levelled more and more

Bosnian Muslims are finding it harder to pluck

or ‘ulama is seen to bolster those ill-wishers

frequently at Bosnia and Herzegovina and its

up the courage to defy the implications of

who, as I have said, politicise such indications.

most numerous citizens – the Bosniaks; those

extremism, radicalism and the ideologisation of Islam within their own ranks.

Against the ideologisation of religion When we talk about the rise of Islamism in Bosnia and Herzegovina, we take the definition of Islamism as it is more or less understood today in European scientific circles.1 One such definition is offered by the Mr. Martin Kramer, professor and researcher at Tel Aviv University, who claims that Islamism is “Islam rephrased as modern ideology.” In the same context he argues that “while traditionally Islam arose in the same class as Judaism and Christianity, Islamism is a response to modern western ideologies – such as communism, socialism and capitalism.” This phenomenon of the ideological interpretation of religion, which is largely a consequence of the environment from which it emerged – i.e. the repressive regimes rife in the Arab and Muslim countries of the Middle East – is not characteristic of Bosnia or traditional Bosnian Islam.And it will remain so as long as we are able to prevent that degrading poverty, lack of education,




isolationism and breaches of fundamental

That is why it is so important when dealing

human and civil rights on which Islamism

with Islamic extremism and Islamism in BiH

feeds and flourishes.

for the matter to be depoliticised, for Muslim theologians to be encouraged in their

Research on the origins of Islamism suggests

attempts to distinguish between Islam and

that if would-be domestic and world

Islamism, and for European institutions to do

guardians genuinely want to counter the

everything in their power to draw Bosnian

negative effects of radical individuals and

Muslims, especially the youth, out of isolation.

groups, then the best way to do so is to

Sound foundations must be ensured for a

depoliticise the issue and refrain from

democratic and open society with all the

propaganda and the malicious opportunism

mechanisms of civil involvement in public

of the media. In the context of our country,

life, so that young Muslims do not end up

those protagonists who claim to be

seeking the answers to their problems in

”concerned about the country’s security”

violent ideologies based on utopian solutions.

would have to do everything in their power to strengthen the state’s security structures; they would have to support the restructuring of the police force, rectify the porous state frontiers, and so on. Those that disseminate

1 Article on the subject published by the author in the Annual Collection of Papers of the BiH Islamic Community Riyasat – Takvim 2007, p. 133. 2 Preventing and Combating Terrorism in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Alfred C. Lugert, PfP Consortium Study Group “Crisis Management in South East Europe”.

unfounded, loaded information portraying Bosnia and Herzegovina as a terrorist stronghold are most certainly not working in the interests of a single citizen of this country, regardless of their ethnicity.

About the Author Muhamed Jusic, a theologian and journalist specialising in Islamic movements, was born in Kotor-Varos in 1978. He lives and works in Bugojno in Central Bosnia and

In addition, the international protagonists,

Herzegovina. He has a degree in Islamic

especially the institutions of the European

Theology from the Department of

Union, should be better attuned to the causes

Apologetics of the Islamic University in

and origins of extremism. The OSCE’s

Medina, Saudi Arabia. He is a columnist for

Bucharest Plan of Action for Combating

the Islamic newsletter Preporod, and a

Terrorism from December 2001 points out the following: “Areas where the OSCE can

the newsletters of the Riyasat Takvim Islamic Community and Novi Muallim, and

addressing root causes, such as economic

other magazines in Bosnia and the region

and social isolation, which can be fertile

such as Dnevni Avaz, Sarajevo, Danas,

ground for extremist ideologies….” With the

Belgrade, H-alter, Zagreb. He has

malicious incitement of apprehensions in

translated and published a series of short

Europe and the world about Bosnian Muslims, they, along with the entire state, are pushed further into isolation – which the OSCE admits

| April 2008

magazine Start. He publishes articles in

bring added value: Focusing attention on


GLOBALIA | Issue 02 02

correspondent for the Sarajevo-based

works originally in Arabic and English, and is the author of a monograph on the holy cities of Mecca and Medina and the multimedia CD The Way to Hajj. His most

is very dangerous – and prevented from

recent book, Islamic Movements, is a guide

surmounting such problems that actually do

to the Islamic ideologies of the Muslim




are currently 20 megacities. These include


Tokyo, the largest single urban conglo-


meration of all with around 35 million inhabitants, New York, Mexico City, Mumbai (formerly Bombay), Sao Paulo, Karachi, Dhaka,

In 1950 there were just 83 cities with more than

Jakarta, Delhi, Cairo, Peking, Shanghai and

a million inhabitants, but by 2007 there were no

Lagos. The southern Chinese region incorporating the cities of Hong Kong, Guangzhou

less than 468.

and Shenzhen, for example – an area known as the Pearl River Delta – has a population of around 48 million.

A growing number of people around the world

while scientists and the armed forces are

are living in what are known as megacities

beginning to contemplate precautionary

Anna Tibaijuka, Director of the UN’s Habitat

– fast-growing, very large cities and


programme, states that by 2030 the majority of the population of Africa and Asia will live

conurbations. This fact has long occupied politicians and scientists from a range of

Problems in megacities

in cities, while in overall global terms this is

disciplines, especially because of the

Definitions differ as to what constitutes a

already the case. The fastest urban growth



megacity. Some consider it to be a city or

today is almost exclusively in slum areas. In

infrastructure, ecology and social issues.

urban region with a population of more than

many big cities, especially in southern nations,

Recently, however, megacities are being

20 million, but definitions involving more

most of the people who have moved in from

viewed increasingly as a potential security

than 5 or more than 10 million are more

the country live in slum-like districts, known

risk. Intelligence services are warning against

widely accepted. According to the latter

variously across the world as Bidonvilles,

a “loss of control” in the big urban centres,

(probably the most common) description there

Favelas, Barrios,Townships and Shanty Towns.






In 1800 only around three per cent of the

Questions of security

that even this has brought with it new,

world’s population lived in cities, whereas by

Observers say that the big cities are taking


the end of the twentieth century it was already

on a “state-like character” and challenging

personnel, such as those working for the

47 per cent. In 1950 there were just 83 cities

the authority of their host nations. A lot of

American company Blackwater, have killed

with more than a million inhabitants, but by

disadvantaged areas are now dangerous for

civilians on several occasions.

2007 there were no less than 468. If this trend

outsiders because they have fallen into the

continues, says the UNO, the current city-

hands of criminal gangs. Many people no

When the state loses control, in a city or on

dwelling population of 3.2 billion will have

longer dare to go there at all. In areas like

a national level, that is when these

risen to almost 5 billion by 2030. Three out

that, the state’s monopoly on the use of force

phenomena arise. When state influence

of five people will then live in cities. In some

can no longer be asserted at all, or if so, only

retreats to its centres of power, other areas

countries, especially African ones, large

partially. At an internationally attended

are to a greater or lesser degree left to their

sections of the population already live in

conference held in November 2007 by the

own devices, be it certain city districts, regions,

slum-like areas; a total of 75 per cent of

German foreign intelligence service, the BND

or whole nations. In recent years, even the rich

African city-dwellers occupy slums. The

or Bundesnachrichtendienst, its President

northern countries have shown signs of a loss

number of homeless children worldwide is

Ernst Uhrlau warned that megacities could no

of state control in certain city areas and other

estimated at around 100 million. If this

longer be controlled. The BND conference

regions. For instance, in the run-up to the

continues, there could be approximately two

was entitled “Crisis of Governance”, and the

World Cup in Germany in 2006 there was a

billion people living in destitute city zones by

subtitle read: “The epicentre of tomorrow’s

debate about the “no-go areas”, especially

the year 2030.

crises is where state sovereignty is lost.”

in the east of the country, in which foreigners

Uhrlau warned:“More than two billion people

and people who do not look German can no

The megacity-related problems that have so

– one in three worldwide, that is – live in areas

longer move freely because attacks by right-

far been the focus of scientific and political

of limited state control. When the state’s

wing extremists have basically become the

interest have been environmental pollution;

monopoly on the use of force and the

norm. In some of Germany’s rural areas and

problems of infrastructure such as water

imposition of order collapses, violence

towns, extreme right-wing organisations and

supply, sewage systems and healthcare

spreads.” According to Uhrlau, the steadily

groups have been trying to set the tone on a

services; consumption of resources; and traffic

growing conurbations represent “a potential

local level, to take over mainstream public

difficulties – problems, that is, caused wholly

for regional instability, if not more.”

opinion, and to create places that are under




their de facto control by targeted settlement.

or partially by people, and which have a heavy impact on the quality of living of those

However, the loss of control by governments

The local representatives of the state, such as

affected – particularly the disadvantaged

and state institutions affects not only the big

mayors, are either unable to deal with the

population groups. Poverty, unemployment,

cities and the aforementioned urban problem-

situation, or are simply not sufficiently aware

drug addiction and criminality are also blights

areas, it also applies at the level of whole

of it.

that affect disadvantaged areas especially

nations. Ulrich Schneckener of Berlin’s Stiftung

badly. On the other hand, megacities are also

für Wissenschaft und Politik (Science and

Another example is in the suburbs of French

viewed as global nodes with considerable

Politics Foundation), a government-allied

cities, where we have recently seen rioting,

potential for sustainable development. New

interface between politics and science, spoke

sometimes for days, among young people,

technical developments are “more profitable

at the BND conference about “failed states”

mostly with an immigrant background. The

to put into place and can be integrated into

in which new forms of military conflict are

events were usually incidents involving the

existing structures more efficiently,” says the

emerging. No solutions to these new

police, who are especially hated by the youth

International Geographical Union, which also

phenomena have been found with politics so

there. For the police it is becoming increasingly

set up its own “MegaCity TaskForce” and

far. For example, in Iraq they have tried to

difficult to impose the state’s rule of law. One

hosted an international conference on

bolster the state-organised order using private

of the causes of discontent in the “Banlieus”,

megacities in Cologne in November 2007.

security services, but now they are realising

which are populated to a large degree by

GLOBALIA | Issue 02 | April 2008


immigrants from north-west Africa, is that the people have long been neglected by the state, and the feeling has emerged that it is not attending to them or their problems, such as high youth unemployment. In 2005 there were several days of unrest, during which thousands of young suburbdwellers set fire to cars and fought battles in the street with police. Special units moved in and used massive force against the rioters. Not until recently have there been signs of improvement in the Banlieus, offering an alternative to heavy police presence and escalating violence on both sides. And it is social initiatives on the side of the Muslims which are gaining relevance.

One of the many informal suburbs of the Egyptian capital, Cairo.

Faceless places

lacking order, by stating that nihilism is

disjunction between the middle classes and

Unlike the obvious difficulties in governing

nothing other than the separation of order and

the needs and demands of the poor. Hugo

states such as Afghanistan or certain regions


Chavez, for instance, has had to import

of the Balkans, the descent of the megacities

doctors from Cuba because very few

into violence and uncontrollability remains as

One of the highest-profile observers of global

Venezuelan medics can be persuaded to work

yet conjecture, even if no-go and high-violence

urban growth – most of whom are, ironically,

in the slums.

areas do exist in some of them. The US

to be found in western nations – is the author

National Intelligence Council (NIC) was

Mike Davis, whose book Planet of Slums

The picture is a completely different one in

already asking at the end of the 1990s

(2006) takes a critical look at the

the Muslim megacity of Cairo. There, says

whether the growing megacities in Africa and


Davis, Muslim groups have filled the gaps in

Asia would become the battlegrounds of the

the state’s basic care structure, and are

future. That was based on the assumption

Davis laments what he calls the urbanisation

offering infrastructural assistance such as

that the growing number of the poor who live

of poverty, criticises the “glorification of the

medical and technical services.While the Latin

very near to the rich would sooner or later

informal economy”, and calls the slums an

American middle classes are concerned only

revolt.Anna Tibaijuka of Habitat emphasises,

urban no-man’s land, an existential ground

for the continuation of their privileges, their

however, that the megacities threaten not

zero, and a form of urbanisation without

Muslim counterparts have undertaken to

the welfare of the western nations, but

urbanity. Planet of Slums concludes with the

provide services themselves, and created what

primarily that of the slum-dwellers

following comment:“If the empire can deploy

is in fact a parallel civil society for the poor.


Orwellian technologies of repression, its

This, says Davis, amounts to “a striking

outcasts have the gods of chaos on their

difference, with significant consequences for


urban life.”

Today’s slums are modern, faceless places. Hence one could claim that Fukuyama’s theory of the end of history has proven true there.

Davis also depicts some interesting contrasts.

Others have expressed the confusion and

In Latin America, what is shocking is the

potential chaos of the megacities, places

extent of political polarisation and the stark

Text Yasin Alder, Bonn




Kosovo’s Independence Day: Ethnic Albanian expatriates celebrate in New York’s Times Square.

war crimes against Kosovo Serbs, Haradinaj


immediately convened a national council of


his political party, the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo,AAK, and announced the beginning of a real opposition movement in Kosovo.

Ramush Haradinaj remains a controversial figure in the region. Seen by many Albanians as a hero of the war for independence, Serbs have been enraged by his acquittal. Political analysts predict that he will play an important role.

After his return from The Hague, Haradinaj began to savage Kosovo’s government, accusing it of improvisation and a lack of programme. “When the Prime Minister says we lack a programme because of [Kosovo’s vexed political] status, it is an insult to the people

He is one of Europe’s most unusual politicians:

and unresolved economic problems, and is

of Kosovo,” Haradinaj said in April.

Ramush Haradinaj lived in Switzerland as a

searching for its freedom in the global order.

Government officials insist that Haradinaj’s accusations do not bother them. “As a

bodyguard, fought against the Serbs, studied jurisprudence, and in the end became a Prime

Days after his triumphant return from the

government we enjoy full legitimacy and we

Minister. But as quickly as he had ascended

Hague Tribunal, Kosovo’s former Prime

will show that this government will not fall,”

to power he had to retire from his position

Minister, Ramush Haradinaj, is aggressively

the Deputy Prime Minister, Hajredin Kuci,

to face trial in The Hague. Now he has returned

restarting his stalled political career in the

responded. Haradinaj remains a deeply

to a Kosovo fraught with difficulties. The

newly independent Balkan state. Following his

controversial figure in the region. Seen by

former protectorate has limited sovereignty

acquittal on April 4 of charges of committing

many Albanians as a hero of the war for

GLOBALIA | Issue 02 | April 2008


independence, Serbs have been enraged by

over intimidation of witnesses. However, on

opposition that until now has been weak,”

his acquittal.

April 4 the Tribunal found him not guilty on

Qirezi noted. “Yet his charisma may sustain

all charges and he returned victorious to

the dynamism of Kosovo’s political scene,

Pristina the next day.

which very much depends on leaders and

But political analysts in Kosovo predict that

personalities,” he added. Hajredin Kuci agreed

Haradinaj will play an important role in political life now that he is free, and expect

While Haradinaj was out the country, the AAK

that Haradinaj would be a worthy rival, and

his charisma to spice up the country’s

remained in a government that was widely

that “competition makes things better.”

lacklustre opposition. Haradinaj’s AAK has

criticised by the public. Nevertheless,

been in opposition since the November 17

Haradinaj himself retained his personal

Commentators expect the former warrior to

elections, holding 13 seats in the 120-seat

popularity and after last November’s general

revive Kosovo’s lifeless opposition scene.

Parliament. The government currently

elections, when they campaigned under the

“What we have had in Kosovo for the last

comprises a coalition of the two largest

slogan “With Ramush”, the AAK increased its

three months is a government without

parties, the Kosovo Democratic Party, or PDK,

support from about 7 to 10 per cent.

opposition,” complained Mufail Limani.

the Democratic League of Kosovo, the LDK,

But in opposition the party has taken a low

“Now that the opposition has a key

led by Kosovo’s President, Fatmir Sejdiu.

profile in a parliament dominated by the

charismatic leader it will become a creative,

governing coalition. The other major

critical force,” this analyst added. “I expect

Haradinaj’s war crimes charges related to the

opposition party, the Alliance for New Kosovo,

Haradinaj […] to apply strong pressure

time in 1998 when he was a regional

led by businessman Behgjet Pacolli, has been

through creative criticism.” Ilir Dugolli,

commander of the Kosovo Liberation Army,

equally quiescent.

another political analyst from Pristina, echoed

led by the Prime Minister, Hashim Thaci, and

the same expectation. “Haradinaj will refresh

the KLA, in western Kosovo.After 1999, when NATO’s air campaign ended in a Serbian

Arben Qirezi of the AAK said that Haradinaj’s

withdrawal from Kosovo and a new UN

absence had been a great handicap for his

administration, Haradinaj put aside his

party. “He left Kosovo as Prime Minister and

uniform and entered politics.

has come back as a strong leader of an

He set up his own party, the Alliance for the

Kosovo’s political scene,” he said.

Text Krenar Gashi/BIRN Kosovo

Ramush Haradinaj

Future of Kosovo. Though it only came third in the October 2004 elections, his party formed an unexpected coalition with the Democratic League of Kosovo, the largest party, and Haradinaj managed to secure the post of Prime Minister. However, in March 2005 Haradinaj had to resign following his indictment for war crimes and crimes against humanity. His record in government was hard to judge as it was so brief. However, some civil groups accused him of having connections with organised crime. During the Hague trial, the court found that witnesses felt “unsafe”. The court’s former prosecutor, Carla del Ponte, voiced her concern




stopping points for trade and informal



A LOOK AT SUNAND PRASAD’S TALKING CITIES Lutyens, on the other hand, built further with the advent of British control. The then new

Is Sunand Prasad’s Talking Cities lecture series

city quarter stemmed from the ‘cantonment’

really food for thought? British designer Mahmud

– open land designated to house troops with

Manning reflects on Delhi, Birmingham, and the question of urban architectural heritage.

clear lines of fire, part of a new imperium of state governance.The new roman road of the railway, its station, offices of governance and Kim’s Wonder House were also discussed.

Sunand Prasad is a well-noted architect

(RIBA) and also runs his own practice, Penoyre

whose work can be found in countless

& Prasad LLP, a London-based architectural

journals and books on architecture and

office which has designed numerous award-

cultural diversity. He has played a key part

winning buildings. So when I heard he was

in the development of the Construction

giving a talk in the heart of one of UK’s most



culturally diverse cities, Birmingham, I decided

Indicator, which led to the compilation

to attend and see how he might challenge the

of a standard guide in the UK entitled

modernist legacy of the urban cityscape and

Accommodating Diversity: Housing

its highways, and offer instead a more liveable

Design in a Multi-Cultural Society.

city solution.

Most notably he is also the current chairman

Sunand Prasad’s talk began with high

dominates the countryside.‘The city’, Lefebvre

of the Royal Institute of British Architects

expectations and anticipation from the

argues, is then subsumed under ‘the urban’:

audience. An urbane speaker, he began by

an interlinked consumption sprawling as far

discussing the contrasts between northern

as the land itself can bear, something we can

Indian domestic architecture, the city quarter

see in the near-merger of Manchester and

of Delhi built by the Mughal ruler Shah Jahan,

Liverpool, and in Germany’s Ruhr- and Rhine-

the new city quarter as defined by Lutyens in

fed cities.



This was then contrasted with today’s ‘car and gate’: the now universal, standalone villa in enclosed grounds. This building style now spans the world, indistinguishable from one people or place to the next; an individualized, atomised outlook on life.Today a global shift has occurred, which reminds me of the French urban philosopher Henri Lefebvre reflecting on how ‘nature’ and farmed land becomes subverted by the dominant city, until industrialisation, fulfilled, takes over and

1911, and then the later private villas, built by the wealthy suburban elite.

Our appetite whetted, Sunand then jumped to Birmingham and its ‘heroic deeds’ and

GLOBALIA | Issue 02 | April 2008

Of Shah Jahan’s Delhi, the ‘haveli’, or

aspirations in a post-war-weary New World

courtyard house in particular was discussed,

Utopia. One aspect of the connection between

its closed façade and open interior was put

‘western’ and ‘eastern’ cities which Prasad

forward as a successful urban model which

mentioned was the return to risk within the

provided for a high-density population,

public realm – risk in the sense of allowing

retaining privacy, family intimacy and family

the public a common-sense approach to safety

extension; the streets and thoroughfares as

measures, a move towards self-control and

places of distinction, variety and activity.This,

self-policing: avoiding something too tidied

he said, is further enhanced by streets not just

or mannered, but retaining rough edges

as thoroughfares but as destinations and

containing active energy.


An example of contemporary architecture in Birmingham, UK.

An important subject brought up by Prasad

an important aspect of our democracy, which

the Asian Subcontinent be of benefit to our

was that of city design and who takes part

has become so undermined and under-valued.

high streets, enabling activity and vibrant

in this creative process. What are our

This is very pertinent in Britain’s second city.

participation, creativity and harmonious living

ambitions in this new century, faced with so

We must ask ourselves: “What do we want,

for all? Can we draw upon these rich and

many serious challenges and consequences?

and what are our common goals and values?”

varied heritages, full of practicality and

Are we moving again to city as city-state,

The Victorian industrial canal-linked cities

wisdom – full of life lived, extended families,

competing with other world cities for world

looked to the Italian merchant city of Venice

trade enhanced and wealth distributed?

markets? An unhealthy globalisation of city

for inspiration and affirmation. Will Birming-

competition which squashes local enterprise

ham also look at other cities as models of

As Prime Minister,Wellington, the ‘Iron Duke’,

through the abuse of economies of scale?

excellence? Shah Jahan’s Delhi for example.

once commented, “Those who govern least govern best; and those that govern best,

Does this follow Lefebvre’s thesis of the consumption of land, place and space which

Mr Prasad did not make this connection,

govern not at all,” sentiments with which

is so much more pertinent now with our own

however, and left us without any real guidance

Shah Jahan would concur. Perhaps this is one

global economic and ecological crises?

or indications. Our main question was left

of the keys needed for our own time: renewed

unanswered, the meal untasted. Simply put,

local governance, where we as citizens across

Mr Prasad did call for a recognition of and

can our British cities benefit from the

all professions and skills actively participate

trust in the local civic authorities, and

knowledge of previous city practice and

and regulate ourselves.

emphasised the importance of these

workings? How do we marry or mend the

institutions. Such an affirmation could mend

old and the new? Can an urban heritage from

Text Mahmud Manning, Birmingham



Image: Kosecki



Most of the Arab patients come from the Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Oman; but patients also come from non-Arab countries such as the booming oil-producing nations of Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan. Germany is the most important destination in Europe. It is an aspect of the economy which has a

But it is more than just a one-off initiative.

surprisingly long summer tradition in those

Aside from the now long-standing relation-

European countries that can boast high-

ship between German and other European

quality healthcare facilities – and especially

clinics on the one hand and Arab Muslim

Germany. Most people, however, remain

patients and their health agencies on the

oblivious to what has come to be called

other, the exchange of medical facilities,

”medical tourism” from the Arab lands.

equipment and expertise has been on the rise for many years. The Emirate of Sharjah,

It involves usually well-off people who come

for example, has been cooperating for some

from the Muslim world, often with their

time with the renowned Munich Elite

families, to spend some time, normally in

University and, represented by Shaykh Dr.

summer, to undergo medical treatment and

Sultan al-Qasimi, has just recently concluded

examinations. It is not only the health and

a raft of comprehensive new agreements with

hotel industries that benefit from these


affluent visitors, but also the retail trade. If you walk through the centre of Munich or

With his Arabic and his knowledge of the

Geneva in summer you will notice many

religion and customs of visiting Arab patients,

people wearing Arab-Muslim dress.

Khaled Guizani plays an important role at Bonn Medical Partners, where he works as a

Two years ago in the former German capital

project manager. “Our aim is to market Bonn

of Bonn, the local authorities and tourism

abroad as a health centre. We hope to

infrastructures charged ‘Bonn Medical

strengthen Bonn’s health sector, and to build

Partners’ with the international marketing of

up an internal infrastructure that can offer the

this area of the economy and the

best possible treatment for patients, especially

management of medical tourists in the city.

Arabs,” says Guizani.

The project is a joint venture between the

GLOBALIA | Issue 02 | April 2008

city of Bonn, the region’s tourism office and

Several well-known clinics and rehabilitation

a number of Bonn’s well-known clinics.

facilities are involved in the cooperation


Doctors at work in Bonn’s Universitätsklinik, one of the institutions that work with Medical Partners Bonn.

scheme, including the Rheinische Kliniken

ought not to be ignored, assuming the

Bonn Medical Partners asks its Arab patients

Bonn, Universitätsklinik Bonn,Waldkranken-

conditions of entry into the countries remain

to complete a questionnaire about how

haus, Kaiser-Karl-Klinik, the Neurologisches


satisfied they have been with the service.The

Rehabilitationszentrum Godeshöhe, and other

first ever Arabic tourist guide on the city of As well as the purely commercial medical

Bonn has also been published. Medical

aspects, it has been through precisely these

tourists from the Arab world are clearly not

“We like to offer a comprehensive service to

visits that ties of friendship have been

only interested in eating Arabian food and

guests as soon as they arrive: a tourist guide,

established between influential business-

going to the mosque, they are also very keen

halal food, information about places of prayer

people and decision-makers in the Middle

to find out about Germany’s culture, history

and so on – all the information they need,

East and those parts of Europe they visit

and sights.

that is. We are to a certain extent a

regularly, often annually.


coordinating centre for Arab visitors, we look

There has also been considerable progress in

after them and help them whenever

Most of the Arab patients come from the

the health sector in the countries of the

difficulties arise.”

Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Oman; but

Arabian Peninsula itself. In the Emirates they

patients also come from non-Arab countries

are building what will be known as Dubai

According to Guizani, almost 70,000 foreign

such as the booming oil-producing nations of

Health City. “We are also supporting that

patients come each year to Germany alone.

Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan. Germany is the

initiative by setting up links with Bonn’s

The most popular medical tourist destinations

most important destination in Europe. “The

hospitals, sending doctors to the Gulf, holding

are, he says, Munich, Hamburg, Berlin

patients are concerned above all that they

training courses, and providing the doctors

(because it is the capital, and especially

receive good medical treatment, and that the

with support.” The lucrative medical tourism

because the embassies are there) and in the

surrounding factors are agreeable, which

sector will continue to thrive if the medical

west of the country, the Rhineland region.

means they can practise their religion, that

standards remain high, but also if European

an embassy or a representative of the

states continue to grant visas without too

Since these are figures for Germany alone, it

consulate is nearby, and that the doctor

many bureaucratic obstacles.

can safely be said that medical tourism

treating them demonstrates a certain

represents a factor in Europe’s economy which

sensitivity,” explains Guizani.

Text Yasin Alder, Bonn




Over the past decade, with the theory of a ‘Clash of Civilisations’, Europe has deemed itself in opposition to Islam.There are currently 53 million Muslims living in Europe, and 14 million of them live in EU countries. Last year four thousand people became Muslim in Germany alone.The European Muslim Union, or EMU, is an umbrella organisation for Muslim groups working for the benefit of these Muslims all over Europe. Its aims include correcting Muslims’ ’terrorist’ image by integrating and promoting a dialogue that benefits both Muslims and nonMuslims. The EMU operates under European law. It has set itself tasks that will serve the Muslims such as in the establishment of Mosques and markets, and providing Halal slaughter-houses. It is dedicated to the improvement of education for all Muslims, be it traditional Islamic education and thought, or university scholarships to ensure a bright future for the Muslims, steering them away and freeing them from any tendencies or behaviour that may be negative. The EMU’s educational programme includes EMU Chairman Abu Bakr Rieger and Honorary President Professor Nevzat Yalcintas (centre).

trips to Istanbul and other places. In the course of this year the EMU will hold a gathering in Sarajevo, the capital of Islam in Europe, to help the Muslim youth there to understand their role in Europe today.


It aims to bridge differences of cultural and


ethnic affiliation by bringing the youth together from all over Europe. The EMU has

Over the past decade, with the theory of a ‘Clash of Civilisations’, Europe has deemed itself in opposition to Islam. There are currently 53 million Muslims living in Europe, and 14 million of them live in EU countries.

GLOBALIA | Issue 02 | April 2008

launched a youth exchange programme in the summer of 2007 in Istanbul, with the participation of young Turkish, Albanian and Spanish Muslims. The EMU aims to provide aid for those Muslims who may be in material, medical or


other social difficulties. It has set up a Muslim

place for the Muslim world. Over twenty

indigenous Muslims have created a niche in

lawyers’ guild which helps Muslims in Europe

million Muslims now live within the Russian

society and an ambience of Islamic revival

who are experiencing difficulties relating to

Federation. The Islamic Cultural Centre of

with their communal activities, events and

national or international law.

Russia (ICCR) and the EMU now stand

souks which contribute to the city’s economy

shoulder-to-shoulder in defining Islam in

and tourism. Every day many tourists,

In a time where media dominates and

Russia and are concerned with coming to a

individuals and groups, visit this mosque

technology is the means of this domination,

better understanding and with assessing the

and obtain an insight into Islam and Muslim

the EMU has sided with media houses such

various aspects and possibilities of Islam


as Islamische Zeitung in Germany. That

there. The EMU is now working to establish that the

newspaper voices many of the EMU’s concerns, and has played an important role

The new Mosque of Granada in Spain, which

Muslims do have an important role to play

for those people who are curious as to the

is one of the founding institutions of the

in modern life. The vitality of Islam is re-

relevance of Islam in this age. It helps to shed

EMU, is just one of the places where the

emerging from the depths of Europe, and it

light on the social, economic and political

EMU has been instrumental. Its social

is for this reason that the EMU has made it

situation of the Muslims in Europe and

contribution to Granada has been noted by

its task to create a vibrant and flourishing

throughout the world.

the national authorities. The people of

future for all European Muslims.

Granada are now under the shade of the The Russian Federation is also an important

Muslims. It is an exceptional place where

Text Mohammed Dockrat

Future factor: Muslims in Kosovo taking part in an event organised by the EMU in Pristina.




animal in an article on domestic security –


these are the norm in the mainstream


commercial media of western Europe today. Yet the matter is a complex one that defies

What is often lacking is a relevant photograph – apart from personalised, aesthetic material – of the everyday social reality of the Muslims in Europe, reflecting its dynamic, positive aspects. This naturally means more than mere aesthetics.

simplistic conclusions, because, of course, the Muslims in Europe – individuals and communities – do not always present themselves in a positive light. They emit ambivalent signals. As in many other things, the question of how Muslims are portrayed in Europe is in fact a question of how they portray themselves.

If you were to ask the man on Europe’s streets

Anything more than a cursory glance at the

what he thinks of his Muslim fellow citizens,

little country of Denmark reminds us that the

Improving the Muslim image

you would likely receive a mixture of half-

heated global debate about that Scandinavian

Ways of countering this tendency are of course

truths, everyday experiences and ideas, but

nation reflects only a small aspect of life

to be welcomed. What is often lacking are

above all you would hear views that originate

there. Were we now to ask the man on the


from the flood of imagery in the media.

Middle Eastern street what he knows or thinks

personalised, aesthetic material – of the

Reputable international researchers in recent

about Denmark, he would probably focus

everyday social reality of the Muslims in

years have concluded that a split discourse

wholly on the regrettable recent events.What

Europe, reflecting its dynamic, positive

has developed in the relationship between

is not seen is that there is another side to

aspects.This naturally means more than mere

Muslims and Europe’s majority population

Denmark.This other Denmark, with its active

aesthetics; photographs must contribute in

groups. On the one hand you have the every-

Muslim community, has considerably more

their own right towards the discussion about

day experiences and interactions between

to offer than current journalism would imply.

relevant aspects of Muslim life in Europe.

you have something sustained from the

Images are key

One man dedicated to this cause for many

interwoven arena of media and politics. It

In all of this, visual portraits are much more

years now is the Danish-German Ahmed

goes without saying that the two are quite

powerful than the written or spoken word –

Krausen. Born in the city of Aachen in the west


especially in the electronic media. Indepen-

of Germany, Krausen was active in the events

dent media researchers have agreed that the

of the 60s and 70s, which, he says, “-

mainstream news media suffers a serious

contributed positively to my personality.” In

affliction when it comes to visual material

1978 Krausen left Germany for Copenhagen,

on Islam and the Muslims. “Sensory induc-

which has since been his home. He travelled

tion” is not uncommon – the technique

through different continents between 1979

whereby images are combined with writing

and 1985, an experience which led him to



pose fundamental spiritual questions. “The

unintentionally, the meaning of the

teachings and inspiration I received, especially

information it contains.

from people in Egypt and Sudan, changed




Muslims and non-Muslims, but on the other





the course of my life forever.” He says that

GLOBALIA | Issue 02 | April 2008

The mosque against a burning background,

these were a key part of his subsequent

the headscarf-wearing woman for the theme

decision to become Muslim. Ahmad Krausen

of immigration, the Muslim slaughtering an

accepted Islam at the beginning of the 1990s.




He took his first steps as a photographer in

to be as professional as possible – a

strives to depict the process of encounter

1977 when he bought his first reflex camera,

professionalism which does justice to the

between Muslims and non-Muslims in Europe,

with which he performed his first photo-

subject matter.As well as just taking pictures,

a process he sees as “very creative”. Muslims

graphic experiments. Developing the films in

his role as a photographic chronicler of Islam

in Denmark and the rest of Europe are busy

the darkroom was what really got the budding

in Europe means documenting the mosques

discovering what it means to be Muslim in

photographer enthusiastic. The camera was

he photographs along with their architecture,

the European context, a process of negotiation

Soviet-built, “as heavy as a Russian tank”,

their history, and details of their construction.

which comes to life in Ahmad Krausen’s work.

and accompanied him on his first journeys to

The final collection, once complete, aims to

His photographs combine the buildings with

East Africa. Krause, who was self-taught, took

be a “solid foundation for a detailed and

the everyday and ceremonial activities of the

a one-year course at Copenhagen’s School of

illustrated book which could inspire the entire

people he depicts. Even his purely structural

Photography in 2005, where he benefited

European Muslim community.”

photographs of old and new mosques in different European countries fill what has

from his previous practical experience and built upon his abilities in photography and

Building bridges

been a gap in the rich mosaic of the world’s

film-work. “The camera,” concludes Krausen

Ahmad Krausen used to exhibit in his home

great Muslim architecture.

in his self-portrait, “has been the most

city of Copenhagen, but this spring the

important tool on my spiritual road to Islam.

photographer extended his radius of activity

Ahmad Krausen hopes that his exhibition –

The significance of Light is for me as a bridge

beyond Denmark’s borders by launching the

which he intends to be the first of many – will

between Islam and photography.”

“Being Muslim in Europe” exhibition in Cairo

motivate the whole Muslim community to

in conjunction with the Danish-Egyptian

find out more about each other. He hopes

A project of many years

Dialogue Institute. To him it is important “to

that bridges will be built, and that there will

Ahmad Krausen has taken it upon himself to

show that Denmark is not just the country of

be a relevant exchange between Europe and

document Muslim life in Europe – especially

the Cartoon Controversy, but that Denmark,

the broader Islamic world. It is a goal which,

the forgotten regions of eastern Europe – by

like the rest of Europe, is a new abode for a

in an age of global debate, many are sure to

photographing existing mosques, from

growing Muslim population.” This Muslim

agree with.

different perspectives and in different lighting.

population includes immigrants as well as

But his subjects are of course not just the

native Danes and other Europeans who have


buildings themselves, but also the activities

entered Islam, thus forming a new element


they play host to, such as the recitation of

in European Islam. In his work – especially

Qur’an, community celebrations, marriages

the exhibition in Cairo – Ahmad Krausen

and funerals. An authentic depiction of everyday Muslim life in Europe cannot suffice itself with a documentation of contemporary architecture. People, after all, fill the buildings with life and give them their meaning. Contemporary pictures of Muslims in different life-situations are particularly important in creating a positive and dynamic image, because they counter the narrowness of dayto-day reporting. Self-financed, Krausen has travelled through numerous European countries for the sake of his ongoing project, in which he has striven

GLOBALIA | Issue 02 | April 2008

Sweden: purpose-built mosque in the capital, Stockholm.

Text Sulaiman Wilms, Berlin

Image: dpa/


Back at home: restoration of the Goethe monument in Frankfurt.

Mommsen has been spending all her time


with the great German thinker for many years


now. Not only does she respect Goethe’s importance in world literature, but also his Weltoffenheit – his quality of being open to

Katharina Mommsen, author of the pioneering

the world. Goethe, who himself “did not reject

book Goethe und der Islam, has been lecturing on

the idea that he was a Muslim”, has

Goethe as a forerunner in dialogue with the Islamic world. According to her, Goethe drew close to the Islamic world and its Revelation.

Mommsen under his spell. For decades she has been studying the extraordinary influence Islam had on his life and work. Goethe’s admiration for Islam has been made widely known through the work of Professor Mommsen. To her, Goethe is a visionary

You have to love something to be able to

not let her rest. She is considered one of the

bridge-builder who recognised the global

convey it properly to others. This principle

most important experts on Goethe alive today.

importance of Islam at a historically early

was espoused by the famous poet Goethe, and

In spite of teaching for many years in the


few embody it more than Professor Katharina

USA, Mommsen regrets the fact that Goethe

Mommsen. Born in Berlin in 1925, she is now

has had an insufficient impact in America.

The author of the pioneering book Goethe und

Professor Emeritus of Literature at Stanford

“You cannot just spend your Sundays with a

der Islam has been lecturing for some decades

University in California.

poet whom you truly honour,” claims

now on Goethe as a forerunner in dialogue

Mommsen,“It has to be Monday,Tuesday, and

with the Islamic world, a subject which

all the rest of the days of the week.”

remains as topical as ever.And Goethe himself

Mommsen’s love of the German classics will




remains a relevant role-model. According to

warns Mommsen, “will young people

Islamic teachings of Unity, having brusquely

Mommsen, Goethe, thirsty for knowledge,

understand that Western civilisation has been

rejected the Trinitarian doctrines of

drew closer to the Islamic world and its

decisively shaped by Islam.” Mommsen


Revelation, thereby setting an example of

reminds us of the forgotten key-works on

how to approach a world religion without

understanding the Islamic world from a

inhibitions in these difficult times. During Goethe’s lifetime, speaking positively about Islam in Europe was not only a highly controversial thing to do, it was also courageous. In 1826 he wrote in a Faust manuscript: “Wer sich selbst und andere kennt wird auch hier erkennen: Orient und Okzident sind nicht mehr zu trennen.” – He who knows himself and others will also agree:

She shares her personal insights into Goethe’s unique work with captivated audiences on her

As well as various film and book projects, Mommsen has also set up a charitable foundation. She hopes to inspire others to reflect on Goethe’s work.

lecture tours, which include many Muslim countries. Mommsen is especially fond of recalling her journeys to the Arab lands, the first of which was to Egypt, a country which cast a spell on her. She also loved Syria, particularly Damascus and the Umayyad Mosque and Palace. But it was the hospitality that impressed her most in Syria and Jordan. She also noticed the people’s love of poetry

Orient and Occident divided no more can be. Western viewpoint, such as the piece on the

in all of these countries. Even Bedouins in

Mommsen has regularly criticised what she

Arabs in Alexander von Humboldt’s Cosmos.

the Arab lands, says Mommsen, know poets

calls the arrogant and superficial way the

She complains that Islam is not studied in any

like Hatim Tai, and stories like that of Layla

West deals with the Islamic world, and she

detail in today’s schools and universities.

and Majnun.

Goethe’s maxims and world-view are,

Today she is upset by prejudice against the

according to Mommsen, characterised by a

Muslims. In America, her adopted country of

respect for Islam, a recognition of Unity, and

residence, she quickly took a position against

a deep liberalism. His now famous East-

the Iraq War, for which she was criticised

Western Divan is a declaration of love of the

bitterly. Following the invasion of Iraq, which

Prophet. The poet came to love the Muslims

she did not consider legitimate, she was so

after meeting them several times. For instance,

desperate that she wanted to leave the

he admired the Caucasian peoples’

country. People called her a “traitor to the

determination to be free – a people who,

nation” for her criticism of American foreign

complains Mommsen, have been left in the

policy, an accusation which hurt the professor,

lurch by the West in their ongoing struggle

since she had always valued the American

for independence and freedom.

spirit of freedom. Now the mood has changed;

encourages young people to read Islamic works and traditions themselves.“Only then,”

many Americans feel themselves to have been To Mommsen, Goethe is to this day the


greatest builder of bridges between the East and West. She can understand that the thinker

As well as various film and book projects,

Goethe – in his Poetry and Truth, for instance,

Mommsen has also set up a charitable

long before the East-Western Divan – sought

foundation. And by working in collaboration

intellectual refuge in the East, and sometimes

with Weimar’s Stiftung der Klassik (Classics

felt more comfortable there than in his own

Foundation) she hopes to inspire others to

native surroundings. Like many other great

reflect on Goethe’s work.

Germans he sought a home for his heart in Professor Katharina Mommsen

GLOBALIA | Issue 02 | April 2008

the East. Spiritually, Goethe was close to the

Text Khalil Breuer, Berlin

Text Ismail H. Yavuzcan

Bursa: the Ulu Camii is one of the main monuments of this old Osmanli town.

still famous for its peaches and its fertile


plain. Bursa has more than a million


inhabitants and has always been an important centre of industry and commerce.Aside from the big textile manufacturers based there, it

If you are a fan of Turkish baths – or hamams –

is home to Tofas and Renault, the country’s

then you will not be disappointed by Bursa. The

largest car-makers.

Cekirge district which lies on the slopes of Uludag

Ulu Camii

and which boasts excellent views of the Cultural

The largest and most important building in

Park (a leisure park for the urban population)

Bursa is the Ulu Camii mosque, built on behalf

has been famous for its mineral-rich thermal

of Sultan Yildirim Bayezid I between 1395

springs since Roman times.

and 1399. One of the unusual features of this mosque is that it houses a Shadirvan, or mosque fountain, in its centre – in the prayer

Bursa, known to many as Yesil Bursa or Green

Devlet, or Ottoman Empire. The earliest

area itself, that is.The mimbar, a masterpiece,

Bursa, is one of the most historic towns in

Osmanli buildings are to be found in Bursa,

is a feast for every aesthetic eye, and is

Turkey. Situated on the lower slopes of Uludag,

which is located in the south-east of the

embellished with geometric forms, stars, and

the Mysian Olympus, it derives its name from

Marmara region.

rich carvings. The craftsman, Hajji Mehmed bin Abdulaziz El-Dukki of Antep, carved his

Prusias, the king of Bithynia. The city fell first under Roman rule, then Byzantine, until it

Despite its verdant epithet the city has lost

name in it – something uncommon in Osmanli

was captured by Orhan Bey in 1326 and

much of its earlier beauty as a result of

buildings since most craftsmen preferred to

declared the first capital of the Osmanli

urbanisation and industrialisation. Yet it is

remain anonymous, seeking favour and




architecture. If legend is to be believed,

Shemseddin Muhammed bin Ali El-Hüseyni El-

Hacivat and Karagöz, two important figures

Buhari, was an important Sufi of the 15th

from Turkish shadow-theatre, were involved

century. Once he had completed his

in its construction. There is a monument

apprenticeship, he entered, at an early age,

dedicated to them in the city centre.There are

the Kübreviye Order, and after travelling to

no precise historical records of the two figures,

Madinah and staying in Karaman, Isparta,

but every Turkish child knows of them, and

Kütahya and Inegöl he settled in Bursa. He

although their plays seem somewhat

became a student of Molla Fenari, who gave

antiquated they contain much mockery and

him permission to teach. When the Mongol

social criticism.

ruler Timur invaded Bursa he was captured, but soon released. He married the daughter

The Yesil district

of Yildirim Bayezid I and took part in the Siege

There is a lot to see for anyone coming to

of Constantinople together with his dervishes.

Bursa.After visiting the Bazaar you can stroll

He was known for his miracles, and the rulers

further until you reach the Yesil district, home

of his time sought his counsel. Even today the

of the Yesil Camii. It was commissioned by

mosque, which houses the mausoleums of

Mehmet Çelebi in 1413, but was not finished

Emir Sultan, Hundi Hatun and their two sons,

until 1424 during the reign of Sultan Murad

is an important place of pilgrimage, especially

II, and is considered one of the most important

for people who take their young sons there

buildings of the early Osmanli period. Never

prior to circumcision and supplicate for them.

quite completed, the building is decorated

Behind the mosque is an imposing graveyard,

with blue-green tiles, hence its name “The

which, together with the mosque complex,

Green Mosque”.

invites visitors to reverence of the Creator.

much to see and buy no matter what your

Next to the mosque is the Museum of

Uludag – The Olympus of Asia Minor

taste. The two-storey Bazaar building with

Ethnography, which was formerly a madrasa.

The 2543 metre-high mountain of Uludag,

its narrow, winding passageways houses

Opposite the mosque is the Yesil Türbe, a

which in the past was often referred to as the

many traders, but especially textile, jewellery

mausoleum, wherein lies, among others,

Olympus of Asia Minor, and on whose slopes

and shoe sellers. If you need a break from

Mehmet Çelebi (1389-1421), the grandfather

the city of Bursa sprawls, offers sun-baked

shopping or just to relax, then go to the Koza-

of Fatih Sultan Mehmet, the conqueror of

tourists some welcome peace and respite. In

Han, a building dating back to 1490 in which

Istanbul. After the midday prayer and a visit

the 1960s, with Swiss assistance, the Turks

silk used to be bartered. A beautiful fountain

to the museum you can relax over a glass of

built a cable car comprising two stations,

graces the inner courtyard, above which the

tea or an ayran and enjoy the view over the

Kadiyayla and Sarialan.The first of these offers

Koza-Han mosque was built in 1493. Tables

city from one of Yesil’s tea-rooms, which are

ample space for picnicking, and a ride on the

and chairs surround the fountain – a tea-

situated adjacent to the mosque and

cable car and a picnic should be on every

house. Go through the Koza-Han, past a

mausoleum. Well-rested, wander next east-

visitor’s agenda.There you can take a breather

somewhat hidden bakery (which, in the

wards up to the Emir Sultan Mosque. This

from the hustle-and-bustle of the city and

author’s view, makes the best cakes in Bursa),

mosque, from which the district acquired its

enjoy the natural surroundings. As well as

and you will come to the Orhan Gazi Camii.

name, can easily be reached by foot from

patronising the restaurants, which function

This mosque was built in 1339, but was

Yesil. Of monumental proportions, it was

mainly on the “Kendin pisir, kendin ye”

completely destroyed in 1411 and had to be

commissioned by Hundi Hatun in the name

principle (cook and eat it yourself), many local

rebuilt. Now it represents an outstanding

of her husband Emir Sultan (1368-1429). Emir

and foreign tourists use the cool mountain

example of Seljuk and early Osmanli

Sultan, whose full name was Seyyid

atmosphere to eat out with the family and

reward from their Creator. The Bazaar is situated in the shade of the mosque, and offers

GLOBALIA | Issue 02 | April 2008


relax. Alongside some souvenir shops, this

of Uludag and which boasts excellent views

unleavened bread, generously basted with

place also has something for the soul – a

of the Cultural Park (a leisure park for the

tomato sauce, melted butter and yoghurt. To

picturesque mosque. Further uphill there is

urban population) has been famous for its

eat the genuine item, visit Iskender

even snow, and many local tourists ski there.

mineral-rich thermal springs since Roman

Iskenderoglu. This old establishment first

times. Bursa’s most important hamams

opened its doors in 1867 and is to be found

Once back from Uludag it is worthwhile to

include the Eski Kaplica, which was built at

not far from the Ulu Camii. You won’t get

make an excursion to the Muradiye area of

the time of Murad I (1359-1389), the Cekirge

alcohol there, but, alongside the usual drinks,

town. The Muradiye complex (built between

Hamami, and the Kükürtlü Kaplica, which

they serve Sira, a special delicacy. However,

1425 and 1426) consists of a mosque,

was built under Murad I and extended to

if you have travelled from Europe or farther

madrasa, hamam, some fountains and several

include a women’s section during Bayezid II’s

afield and you have a refined palate, then be

türbes. The madrasa is now used as an


warned: this experience may put you off lesser

outpatients’ clinic. The attractive, peaceful

döner and iskender kebaps for ever. Never

park, where you can rest and enjoy the silence,

Gourmets will also enjoy Bursa, the birthplace

again will they taste like they do at Iskender

is quite delightful. Construction of the complex

of the iskender kebap. But beware: not every

Iskenderoglu in Bursa!

(mosque, madrasa and türbe) began under the

iskender is a real iskender! It is said to have

father of Fatih Sultan Mehmet, Sultan Murad

been invented by Iskender Baba, and consists

So, dear traveller, enjoy Bursa and all its

II; he and his children are buried there.Visitors

of döner meat and wedge-shaped pieces of

delights – the city of one of the 1001 Nights.

in the know who want to relax after sightseeing head for Tophane. High up, where

Family shopping in the bazaars of Bursa.

Osman Gazi and Orhan Gazi, the conquerors of Bursa and the founders of the Osmanli Devlet, are also buried, there are cafes set up along the defence walls. To the right there is a good view over the Ulu Camii and bordering Bazaar, and to the left you can see modern Bursa and its architectural atrocities. When the city was opened by Orhan Gazi (1281-1360), the body of Osman Gazi (12581326), the founder of the Osmanli Devlet, was moved from Sögüt to Bursa because – as tradition has it – he had expressed the desire to be buried in the town should it ever be taken by Muslim forces. Known for his religious scrupulousness and courage, the ruler Orhan Gazi was the first to mint the Osmanli coinage, and was also the first Osmanli sovereign to conquer European territory. If you are a fan of Turkish baths – or hamams – then you will not be disappointed by Bursa. The Cekirge district which lies on the slopes




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